Ml==== Wlt ita einntir• -4 , 4 say'. 'minx sos4-where does the rielt hand. road go'?" "Do n 't know Sir, 'taint gone nowhere sineelve'v lived here." 8011£ O'S£ SAYS rri suurrrY cold business this going to law, for at list Tau only get st-ice. Ftactaatestalsr.---Catid and his torch— ' -the only .initetiifiary that cart kindle a flame which the engines cannot quench. •• AN lei sintarr, , wao urenin an stile, being asked what part of , the hon.le be occupied, nriiwered; "If the house mete turned tom ' thrvy.i'd be livice on 1123 Sure !!' A , , , . . . ' ‘, NrszEirt.sturr ns A, grett plien.for, _dancing, Simon !" "Wyr .sot"qtesonnan it is.' .. , fldon'tstiti - haw." "Aii4nnon*y areglidartni,nan77 ~_ _ A Borman Etr4vtos saj‘ibat the per who borrowed the editor's tunbrella, will please return the same, or file the owner's • name off the *idle! A win os MOOG that a "chimney sweep -, had given up business, trpretard hisastortisir meat, for he thtaight the busmen sooterthim completely.; - - SAID 1 Dovertiusr,, 4 'von mac sav what you pleate. boat bad neighbor*: I hail to vorseseighhors as never was. Mine pigs and mine hens come home mit dere ears split and udder day two of them cong haracanitiag.* • Tire 14EW Yam Mercurr pp re9onsble for the following neat pan : - "How is it that the trees can pat on a new dress, without opening their trunks " It is because they lease out their summer clothing." _ ' - Porryng HurrEtts.—Fortune limners at the Spnngs marries the West" India heiress. Regular, take-in. Heiress say* eanhqualte has swallowed every rupee of her estate, leaving her nothing but a livety trust in her husband's affections. ' - Tnssirgro _To BE - 11stioEn.—A• chali England, when sentenced to be hal:101.111W his - best bow to the jnd and said. 4.Thien your worship kindly. had intended tollang myielf[bnt yonr Wiiiship his . saved ,iae the exllene of. lo3 Ying - a ToPe e : - GOiDTISTYKS IS BIGHT.--"D .. MrGoldthirtnb, it seem, you have Triiiry thing." "Wbv, ma'am, after isorki*thirty years as a truni maket,'-'tampuld be .ttir4 , shame ifldid'ut lutocisorikettiVng 611):Li tore of my cotugry !" Ir K.E.N."I"GCNI" A Pt OrGYINAN becami rham ored of a milk-maid on a neighboring tn. - -His addressim were rejected: - and the disap - pointed swain, full of inelapettoly lanirfre , venge, procured a rope, Went to the bam arid —tied all the cote!slails together ' • KEEN KETOWG---1:111 the late nuitiuss in brichigan, a surgeon dentist was . making an excellent speech in one of the interior towns. Mow fellow: belonging to' thi other party interrupted' him with die question: "what do vou ask to pull a ; tooth: Doctor ?" "I will pull all_ your teeth for a shilling :and your nose'grit*" replied the speaker. • , Nor so Bin,—One of our toivruniteu, meet ing with one it the stroll' organ-plaieis, 'wus inclined to enfinke in conversation with him;' and asked him : • What.part in, the great drama of life do you perform?" " I mind Inv- own business r was the brief en pointed reply.. • . ' BosiE "Qt y ti nsi," at St.,Louis,-in allu sion' to the "bill forthe'benefit of iliarried women," whAt before the Missouri Legisla ture; asked if would not be better for the members to do': soniething for 'the benefit of the single ladies, and not trouble themselves winch about other mixes wires. Sams SABarrs.—The following anecdote irtoti-itt -illustration of theScotchxeneration for the Sabbath,: A geologist:iivhile in the Country,- having his pocket hammer with him, took it out and was chipping the rock by the way side for motaninatton. His proceeding did not mope . the quick eye and the, ready tongue oleo old Scotch .woman. What are you doing there mon I s ' " Don't yon see I : breaking, a stone." om'lriarea doing mair than that, y'are break --ing the Sabbath." , A W&; -To (Er Orr.--" Pray, niadam," - said Jonathan. low toneof yoke, ,at the close of a quilting party, "shalli t l ee you home? " g• No," answered the lady sharPly„ " Perhaps you didn ' t- derstand me," said Jonathan aloud. - understood yOu to fah for my company home." • te Not at, yott_how's yottr mann said Jonathan luttglitak, ORIGTS OF TEE surnco "MORE TRVIII TRAX sociartilirmer, Sylvester dad , *wed Ben - Johnson to see who would the most reasonable form a rhyming "couplet. Sylvester formed one that ran as..follows .1 John Sylvester. . • • limed your Sister." To which Johnson immediately setoitedi littololearma. liatte-d7ciar wife :;' " But," said Sylvester, rather chagrined at the tarn, I .that's not thyme." "No," replied Johnson, "but it „is true." SgE/IVG xxs SrN RISE.—"I is beautiful, said Sue. • - " !should like to get`uprearly to-morrow morning, and - see it," said Liz. Bob was packed in thetop of an apple tree; and heard the conversation. To be sure he had no business to be in such a place, but it wasmo fault of mine, you know. , • Well," said Sue, ••LI will call for you if you will gc_ , ;" - "Oh no," said the other, "I never could wake up early enough to see the sun, in the world ; and we must start by daylight to get upon the hill in time." " Never mind, I can' lineage that,!' said Sue. "If you will tie a string to your foot and drop the end fitun the window into the garden I ;rill come at day-light and pull! it." Bob tried not to laugh, and the girls all un suspicious walked on. - , Bob was a jolly brick. His mother some ' times asked why he came down in the morn ing for water to wash With, when she, had filled his pitcher With her own hands the evening previous. Somebody once,told the old lady that her son spent his evenings in ca rousing. She; kind old soul, did not believe ' a. word of it. She-said Bob always drank four or five cups of coffee and a glass of wa ter for breakfast ; if he had been carousing the might before he would not be so thirsty. Such an, argument settled the matter forever! • Bat what in name of —,--, (I suppose you don't swear, so I can't fill the blank up) naa to do with a country sunrise / I hear taY • I say to you as Brutus said to the • to ns--x stroitße Patient till the last." . A little after midnight, Bob left his merry companions and turned towards his home.— Themoon shone out brightly. Hehadgained - the door -and W 23 pulling off his boots so as not to meat ett the old lady. when he thought of the string from the wi l ido w . He retraced his steps , and entered - a - garden ; --ASing • aro, he found the strinz,e pulled. , 14 Yes, Sue, I am aiming," stud a silvery • voice from theinside. Apisacyolled. , , • "In a mmute,. Sue ; in a min te " u was the He pulled a third time 'harder than before. "Stop, See, you hurt me. I will betas quick as I ,Isaus ay." - gaze the string a rill the faurth time. --It slipped out tithe window, for she had taken it off her wile. In 4 tew minutes the 11°° of red. 44 1 r ere a re top 'Where's the run?" said-Liz, as she' step ed into the , open air - " Here he hi, stumng," shouted Bob from 'the thriry. " Liz fledinto the horse, 'lamming the door behind her. Bob kept the string as a ..h • , 'and made eat-wulk for bed, Mei] MOM NEW WHOLSS - ALE ASD ftBT/1.1.V 1 . BOOT ;AND BTION STORE. 'CORNER or,cgrrav Airrixtutrar STS. rafrrevtus. • . . . . . THE atarieribits Invite the attention of thit pitilk to the very extensive assortment of Goods, eon , eighty of ' 1 • -' • •'' ' - . • , GENTLEVIGN•S Calf dtiteh'ed, V' alga& and Patten Boots, oat sad Kip, doable soled dewed andl'ev red Roots. Water Proof Boots dewed and Pegged, from *2 to $1; Neveginatand and Philadelphia etati-, • ofactured Coated Itoookto great variety,. coastant-.. II on hand; Cosh and Wittig Gaiter Plot*, a s coarresa Gaiters, Calf Nalitiers, OrernaTied, Mt Reared and Waged - Monroe*. 311NE83 • Bevis 'and Monroe", di-diat gattittfar*k, tow pikes. j - ,1 ' i , .j . BOYS' and litnethe ftkits and-alintroes'eOura :define, "LADY'S'. French and - garfish tutittint Gaiter Gaits; Mermen, e.alfakiiiind Goat patted'. Entneb'lltiva ' motto, Calfakin'anil Goat Mi es, fretieb.,Xtortia Kid welt end Pomp spring B (skins and deltiranaLl ' French Matineeo slid itid T rarbitads, froneSCltts.„, to lilt blew gnytand t pontee and Shot:4 , ol'AG kinds cheap. - , ) • *ldagfl7,i; and lltittdrens: Goof s and ilti:e - - v. a arra. .asortgitaat 'unable for, this . Act; ..rolititintly on; band. .. , i i . ',;,•,, . . ' I'-:i , • . GM El , tie nem --.- „, ..... •, . . , "-- CYR a it ofOom glartSh s are . o.ft ) iejliest inair , lifactur .airpetes the tenni.* n alroad4 LadiCg and Gcntleinen-arocild - do vveW.tti If, and. proildelthent aideettlyrukdrood Gana Antats." the. Vest PeexaetttlYi 'etliskov -end 01.Coidatoridtra and Cnastraipt!Oni , . -,:— . 8 . X114 - I*J.i.a , ease'add an Ma.: *, ' - ,'' : ' • -- = grta . eei_ tint - entnittelilty ill , dn'd irc Wert angi r i pile , Wild rile aboce ,•:afrieles WO irefintli melytt moderate prieesi .. t 01 ", : ;! Boots and 'f_rboes:roade:'dr - re repaired to order. ' ' • Ili-TERafi'-,ed 31 1. -I''' ..--, i • ;.:' Dee 43:itfit9.. ,: - i L-i=.. , - . , ' • C--', •-;:1-'11 , ...-, .q: L I . if nEntaticu. TE.ltlitAbl; • , ~,,,. ~ ''.. •:' .• ktINAVO ENGI 'KER. ' ', . ; " A Piritf,tiirmfitc.tiire.nrltnri nity iti varied's bran-- - a', elm*, itificiitiiir a -desatipt nit of Wood- Ceti*, ciwiptdor, awl !be burning. p ' and Coke t .Ifteritii onit'Aoiliting or Ito ore; the ha:Wing/tad LittiannOnent .ralat fornieca. orking hy • CliatchaL Coke, 'Wk • Anita:Attie ; the-red ne -of iron., and the eOnversa.. - n of the fide. into rootht iron by char- OClal , Nrei:, a'pd),tideping illnlarpN. .Also. a deserip. lien sir Forre Ganotiers. gsiliibe Mills, Mani St netinet, tilt 8i3510.. &f . ., (r., to irbirh is add;- , 1 an .Essay on the Manufat tole kr Steed, %ilk!, .I:dt engravings* JUst teCciirstl and fdr•sale at-•I - - t. ~o '1 „ O...riNAN - s ' . . • • . ‘ l 'esp, .4.adt , andyrri«ty Stores. • - Dee '22, tE-12. . 52- & d. M. flown BROW!. ;ANT? WOO CORN WUt STORE. \lo3h.rtltTlirdrt. 'ref drch , antLattat • irANI rACTUPTEIIii iikt lti h ariale Dealais In all IYI L4 1 ,4E - a Iltnonia, 6tn.41105, Butter. It Ware, :1301 Fren.b OaskrtE, ?„‘llon and Wall Ilillahea. kraha..llnal.n.s. Maio. Ma 'ant. Es.' ern made Wood en Waren( eaety description, kr.. , at the lowest mark, - re priers. 1 af-Vash,.pst-1 for Cron Corn st...thrt Far-so Fancy rum, 111Mim s Boa.s and • Tippets. • DAVID H. (.CCCCaaOIL TO iota*, averitaii.) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FURS. • HAVING pi* t returned from :Europe. *hti a select stock of Fars; is-now manah i• tnrins them' in a very superior stylc.and trimming thetti in the most et..' gain manner, and would I:trite tile attention of Mer chants and others:ln his superior "and ostensive as sortment; which, as be Minufactitteti an Weil as Im ports, be is enabled to offer af ancn raters allow bousel,in the United States can compete with. • - DAVID H. SOUS. • S6' Areli (Mulberry) street, 6 doors betnw .3d st. Next to Louden Sr. Co.'s Farnilt Medicine Imre. Ans. Id, 1549. li-6mo ; ad,.Store always closed - no lee The highest Cash ;nice Mid for Shinning Pars. 5 . . New Music. , . riillo' Thon Art Gone. an admired song, 1 Woman'a Lbws, ' .. - do, florteless Love. do A bre i amtbst-Loye can neetVorget, do' i vsili nOt - breathe thy name. . do ' • Gentle ' Peed,. do ; Jea nnlo and Donald. *beautiful Scutcla ballad, Ethiopian Qusdritlee, GleturMa - re Polka, Primrose P o tis; - Mary Ana watt,s. Pieces &clot band obtained to orfler, at 11ANN'AN'S Boa and Mnsle Stores. Nov 1:, 1549 Astrology, Agtronouty, - Threnofo- $ 4 15,000 Hitting been Wort.. BY my numerous friends an the tate Prealdentins Election, should convince Those skeptical Persona who talk of reneges, that no, such thing as Pelt. is or his been known by the eminent and distinguished Astronomer and Astrologer. C.' W. gaIIACK, durlag his experience of over a quarterof a century, Do you doubt predesituatkm I Then why not every man gain the celebrity of General Tayl - r, a Didlet Webster, or a Henry Clay 1 And yet there are some who are tied ' lab eirough to doubt that a man may be born with the power to see late futUre events. How can it be pos sible that the destiny of man should be destined by the me re shutting of a pack of cards t and yet there are thousands, who allow themselves, - with • open 'Mouths, to e i r eti o n the; greasy words of some old *moan. whose. true *kill cannons, In Stilitg them with wooden that are most difficult for the digestion of I ethers who are more crednauus, yet more scient.fic It Is such gnat brier discredit en a profession. that had .been acknowledged to be a science of the 'hlghestar• tier, from time immemorial, and Is the only profession that has holy authority to sustain It. The high re spect which General Te y tor, and Charles Johu Uerna• dour. late Sine of Sweden. had far Astmleay, Is 'Move by their letter, for theirlNativities to the sub scribes, which It will else him great pleasure In show ing tato Mete who far' him with a call. • In addition to his power to foresee futore'evenq, he has the miner to give such information a.. will effectu ally redeem such as are given to the too free use of the bottle. Ile in also eskpabk of curing Menges hereto.. fore considered incurable In this country by the or dinary medicines, and wishes all to levet:dm a call who - pave been given up by their physicians and wish to be fared. Ile will warrant a cure In all curl, and will `make to charge incept for the conjurations lie Abell make use olio his office. He Is (limit asked *hat a Nativity Ist lie answers, according to Geomancy, hoe Ofthe seven prams la the science of Astrology,' that it ha Horoscope of the (inure event' oft person's life,carefullycaketated and transcribed on paper,cow: taking an account of all the lucky and unlucky' days In the months mid years of the person's life (or whom It' lateen ; by which means thousands in this country and•elsewhere have been prevented front misfertunes ' that had beta hidden in-the womb of fottaitr. by refer ring to their Nativity before:entering on any specula. tioa of business°, pleasure. It shoutd be in the hind, rod every one as their alumnac for life. 'A Nativity Of an Individual tan only forwarn the possessor of trou bles that a re in future rot hint; 'those who are Involv ed In resent difficulties of say kind mast wait on the subscriber In person or by letter, who la prepared to exert his*cret Influent* for their homed - sate benefit-1 lie is ready to use his influence to - fortell the Result of 1 lawsuits. anti all undertakings In which there fin Halt involved; ha also makes use of his ppwer for the res Iteration of stolen Or most property, which lie has Used I for the advantage of thousands to this city and else where. Who etc doubt a gentleman's abilities, who h as bad the miner to be called On and rent:Med with by all crownedlemil of Europe, and etijoys a higher reputation as an Asttoteger than tiny One hying 1 1 trite ran be ronsolied with at his Office, ar byy , letter. f pie-paid, and lie is prepared to make use of his p ow _ ler on any of the following Midst s-tinsiiets cf sit I de:Citations ; trevettipg by :land or sea; eourtshlps ; advice given for their enceesifol accomplishment; speratating in stocks; merchandise, or rest estate; the reentering of legacies In dispute ; the Purchasing of tickets, end the safeiyof ships at sea. He also Offers pia services respretint health, wetllh' and marriage, love affairs, Journeys, lawsulte; difficulty is business, fraud, sickness and death. pest. present and future enentatand in all the concerns of life. and Invites auto call who are afflicted. cFnmoreaEßNS lly or Mentally. I - • • : • / Ladlei, 50 cents ; Gentli:nien,4ll. Nattsitles eaten lated.and read in full. *cording to the graeles of get. colitis Sires-Ladter. II; to NI Millet tiesGeomaney, calealsted according tOGenninney, for Ladles, 32, In fait, g 1; _Geritteuran. *J, In lull, ss.' • - Persons eta ditstanee ciente their naticilleadraWa by sending the date of the defend their birth. , - ' All Moen containing the 'shove fee wilt receive ist aiedhite attention, end natlvitlee will be /eat to .any Put of the rattel States., written on durable' paper. Office. No. 71' Locust street, between Eighth and : Nmtb, and Walnut and Spruce streets. oPPitelW the Musical Pied Hall.. Office homes from* A. B. On 10 P. lit • , • C. W. nonnetr, Astrooger, 4,1840: ' 50.1 • ES Tlle-MINgita v *HFURN AI: AN Dr PesTr4. GENRALJ%IIV-tittr4SErn:, • 09110.11.111sterta . ConTsmuip. I‘6 ut scueY. Os 011111* . • MINEVAI4 .1. sr , d POWER TO (WISE 'A LL Wetted Beret. al'movisess Wounae'to disitarge their pittrid' matterr, and then. It is othitr termed' ALI.4IEAUNO. OlVtlic‘rb is scarcely* *Busse event! or Interoat, that"( will sot benefit. • 1 Vase used it fat Alleluia 'Armee Teats for alt diseafFe of the shelf, leverliing thn utmost decor 4nd resporsibilityaied 'blistery before Heaven add inse;.ther loot In one Case hal it failed hi bentelit when the yachted was triads react of mortal weane.', AMY:O had physicist's 'learned in'the profeetonn..:-. I bare bad utinisteritiftbegespeLjudges of tbebeneb. aldenterida wyera.renriernen of the highest en:Milian. and otelthrides or the hoar use It In weer)" villetY of wat;SedAnereitas bets butere voice—One universe.' wine—trayloz " ' ' -4. MeALt.h4TES. VOllMOlwrie tXDIB 60010 'illlETlALlSTlON—Nrersisvovideirotierwedlately the I inernattrtti and sweilhigirtrie thetpale tassel.- Anted the directions *round theitoW" 4 ne& Heir—ven Pr, TAO wavelets eared pintoes tithe, bead ache of twelve years ittaidied.l sad Who loath regular every week sotbatvotbitiee took plate. DE&PNEPS, Ear.Aelle. Tooth.Aehe, - and Ape in the fsce, , str helped with lite attecels! ' BEAU.; HEAD—We have eured e.tses anti adult, defied beery thing known One ints told au that`be bid spent it',oe his children. without may iwurillt. when a fes bores of olernteur tiered thew. BALDItESI 4 —It wilfrestore lutir:•oolter thas other thins. , - ' • " ?ETTER—There is 'wilder better ibe the sure • Truer. 'a" • • ' • BURNIf—li is has of the best thins In the world for Borers: Pites—Thouvends are rise) eared by this Olarest. t never faits in giving relief tor the Files. I Or hes audirstriess us*: MArtister Dion or &Teas.' Gtote Cereplelat. Erysipelas, Taw, Mattis. Scud Bel: Sara epee: Qniacl. 6m talc A.. flooselltis;XerreralAfeetiess. Pass. ef ar Split Roo 1 -.Mks. Asti ma. Dostfaets. Ese.dcle. Ritris„ Cents: APT/issues itf Ike sArti. Sin MP*. Pi. - phut, fre. Stiffiresi of theist's:. Swelliair of Us Limas,' .Soreßhotaistioo, 'Paw. Verso, goeura. Mrstea Breast; rostll44*, Arai! trit 411 . 1. COLD 'FKET--Livet Complaint.*lin la the Chest. .r tite hair. one or the other sawn. pea lei cold feet -(Thls tristrinent IS the trustee:ital . .) It tell - Sift 2117114 disease to'have road feet. • 1 . eoßNO—Occasiorsal ace of this Oho MAI will aL 'Wirt taqi Corns front armoring. People seed never be tmebled witly•theni if they frequentll - Olatuteet Is pond' far any part of the body or limbs that areindsined. In some curs it should be applied often, CittITION.=-No Ointment wilt be evatilse Mario the name. or Atte/ AleAllirter !rewritten with a pen upon etertlabei. JAMES plc ALLIdTER, hole Proprietor of the above Medicine. I . Tries:ls its. per boy ' • Ys , „ Beany-4. - CO4 Pottsville ; D N. tletstei. do ;J. : W Gibbs. Millersville ;Eberle' Frei orwinnuit Iluntalinrer. Haven Tagtotrt,Tanokaa ; Washington Heis ler, 1 , -xri Carbon; Wm. Price, BM*: Jail!' filets. Beading ; Aid by Agents in all the principal. Towns in the United State.. - - 'Principal Bilice...North Triirdat Philadelphia 111. Ittereaantla. rated (CAMINO i L • A EMI lieti is ass d thtieusel Fsiallar Eastirocatisa'fal. • Diseases of as florousid Flesh. TIME nail experience. has tUliy proved that this UNIVEMAL. REMEDY has not Its equal oo the list of porintut medicines, having bees more than II years before the public. Testimony of the most disnis,.etested character Oita wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost,. daily presented to the proprietor. A young man in the Town of Wilson, whose clothes were burnt off of him. was restated (without sear- Jana by the timely use of this Oil. Numerous are the unsolicited =dements of patients themselves, and others wise; have used the Oil. of cures which in themselves appear so remarkable, that were they at sit interested In a peculiar point, they could hordly have been credited. The following diseases era among many others in Mature of which this Oil has bees completely success. MI and in which others had entirely failed ; Stavin, ,Sweeny, 3Anghone Windgalls, Pull Evil; Cations. Cracked 'Heels. Galls of all kinds, Lazne sees. Fresh• Wounds, Sprains, Brisfsesq4and Cracks, Foundered Feet, Scratches. or . , Oresse.lnasge; Rheumatism. Bites' of - Animas. External Poisons. Painful Nervous Affeetiona, Frost Riles, Boils.Corns.Whitlovesilurnaltud , • Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped - . Hands, Cramp; Contraction* of the MescleedSwellings, • Weakness of the Joints. Caked breasts. • CAUTION PURCHASEan. Beware of COE NTEIWEITS,.and be suretbe name of the Sets Proprietor, GEHRGE W. MERCHANT. 'Lockport; N. Y.. is blown inthe side of the bottle-and in his hand, writinS ores the ',Cork. Don't 'be puny's ded to take anything else with the promise it is /arias gond lee., &c. 'This is practiced by those unprincipled dealers whose conscience will stretch like India Rub ber, and who are of a kindred spirit of those to out tarns cities, whose nefalbere practices ha so recent-• ly been rip:idled to the action of Congress. „ Those who attempt to Counterfeit thiS art loare ro t toned to the law of New York, of May ISIS by which it will be soon that every person meddli in these counterfeits is subject to inifintutent„ kept went and fine. A person vetting Ant of oils State, wi be liable to arrest when in the Stat , '.... mid also to be bald AS a wh ites, against those he bought of or sold for. • . Ail Orders addressed to the proprfetor will be prompt ly responded to. • • Get a Pamphlet of the Agent, and see 'what woo den are accomplished by the , use of this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers-genially hl the United States and-C-anada. Also, by J. C. C....011011E; Pottsville E. 3. Fry. Tamaqua ; C. Franey Orwinsbur: ; ElMon nail Bethlehem ; Pomp A. • Kenzey: Esefun r Lewis Smith* Co.. Allentown ; Masser, Sunbury; EL .1. Shearer. Milton ; U. A. McCoy, Northumberlandy Dr •n. le„W it kesbarre; W. Anthony' & Co.,Whlte• ' haven; C. W. Shattle; Lewisburg; d. Williams. Bear Creek; C. lit...Ebect, Alauch_Chunk ; Flatlet k Jones Tenkhannock ; Frederick Klett & -Co., Wisolesal Agent, Philadelphia - Nov. 3, ISO. • - - acid Dyspepsia ad GeaeraC ,DEBILITY CURED BY TILE OXYGENATED SITTF I AR. N ALL' CASES of Indigestion and derangement I of the stomach. this medicine speedily restores the digeotilre orgens to their natural healthy state, 'thus strengthening the whole system. 'Renee h Is an escel2: lent preventive of epidemic diseases, for rtersons in a wean and debilitated cenditiOn ;,• at the present (line crerreoch person might to basalt.. , But no medicine is more recOMmended for DfittErPta, in ail its forms, 'sorb as hesdache. heart horn, eostivenessocid stomach', lose of sppitite,•pain in the stomacholebility, and alsoopithma attended with derangement of the stomach The following is from a most eminent Chemilst. • ' The medicinal articles used in the preparation orate Bitters, are those prescribed by the most eminent Pby-, stelae, fee the relief from, .and cure of, the diseases for which these Sitters have been so successfely used. The con3bintul 9f them is lo accordance with chemical piles secede: the erhcacyof each ; and the compound seems eft have resulted front extended übtiervations to medical practiCa, . Respectfully, • A. A. HAY ES, R. 8.. • Sin.e Ainlim4l. o well, Mass. r"Wit. P. STOW, DR,. tisst. Clerk 11. 8. Rode Represintatliel. • ttiNuaetaw 7). C. Jaas 15,18tri. Da. Ceo: H. Casts e—Dear Sir-FI feel It not only a pleasure,but a duly, to Make known to you and to the public. (If you desire hl the vtithrilltid effects of lhe' ..Oxygenated Riturs.” in relieving me from that most discouraging disorddr. Dyspepsia. I have been Millet • ed for about seventeen years with the motel atiendasit symptoms, viz.. constipation of the' bow els. headache, pain In the chest, datulenee, acidity of the stomach. and severe nausea ;.and for months at a 'tints not the least particle of moirture would appear on the serthce of the chest or limb,. and most of the time I war ex tremely bilious, I hare used various remedies.; bairn been strict in my diet, have been dosed wills .calotnel and emetics day aftee day by physicians. bat ail to no zest( purpose. Hearing of itiewonderful effects of the "Oxygenated Dittos," in the , care ofDyspepsia, I procured some as a last resort; have used four bottles of the medicine, and find the bad symptoms all rem's ed, and inyaelfancemorein the enjoyment of health. .None but the Dyspeptic soarer. who has felt ell the moron or the disease, canal. all appreciate the lathe of title medic - Me. I most; sincerely hope that all will make trial of the uteditine.and with Me be able to re ' oic4 to the return of health. ,•• _ . • The following order was received by the Proprietor. from EDWAID Posts* , M. D.: Professor of The .. repeats and Miter's Medics.. Dartmouth College. who uses the medicine in his ;quake.. FIIIICID Ga gs:—Please lend ere t wo s domino( your "Oxygenated Bitters!! , SD. li. PHELPS. • Irradme. Vt.; Jell T9;1810. •• " Don't fail to cantor our pamphlet,it ClattlMl Nevem% certificates from members of Oongreas and others who testify to the wenderfat efileney of this medic . Every Dyspeptic Who desires health, will try I e trilling expense's not to so thought of w as Is at stake. • • • . *Trice $l.OO perbottle ; 6 bottle% r-415,00.. _ • Bold iholcsatentrd retail by ORDEN O. FLETCTIIER. No. 1 Ledger Buildings, Mazda. _ _ 0. D. JENKINS. Centre sc. one door below litertet; Pottsville; W. GIBBS, Minenrille.•, BEM. ERMAN, Hamburg E, ail NTZING ER, idchuyl Mil Dawes. - July 11.1819. Lamps!lLantpet camp's. • OP th e various Mode for bathing. On o L td. Mat fiat. Canaphine,ke. Is% Xi tbt lAtapeand Haus las lArans fur lie's: Glebes. elate and t at; Flees Abaft% dr.c.,iast received-sad far rale It -.. • • BANNAN• 8' , Chtap Stationery-di Variety Mote: Jul? ts, 1819.„ • • . • , 25w ill epptelt a t: I d e s. w rg i ty l r4 w 26 ro b lic it ti jrP hr iekY ases line Connecilcet Seed wrappers; .go meet : pail Gap. killer oectleat ; cheap Claus. Metnifeeturera will find it to thel adasseage to call at the large Map Store of - - • Wig. a- glOlllllllO9, 269 Northt d t.,, opposite the Goideolseab nate. . ' • • - ' vowsei.bbi. N 'll.--g . *keepers copies la for , &it sappier** llt Please esti,' Jaime aline lot of *lt kind* of.fasow. legend Seat hoc Taber:on; 591,4100 lariis4;o***o. Ci gars. 500,009 Isoakii4 flail lilirkeillir Gigue; 1100, - 001 floe Cipre of imbue*. breed*. togethet with a large qll.l,otity of Noel, /c.c..' Which / will iiiill at tail lowest pries*. • All hills over /21r, per cent. off for Cah. 0.3 IT , 1511." • ' 44-Sato • ===Z czza 29-Iv 'Lear TipstLiccO) lasmaniam l'Ofty44oll* V44olAbid:abajoilki;. 'VD She ruin -lIAV •NOW -.DiCOIIII .41113 I liOSTeitrvisivelyestailibilted sad windily Fart. tt-idestets* of the tosseattleyobstili is.Ertalientoisd Wilds Cristary -- They war invented held* by Dr. • WIC- WORSIALL, of Tort. Emilia*, add have sleet that Onto leroseht- array ,woodertht earee to evitty annoy where shay tsars been latrodeost. ,,, • - , • The preveatproprieters for the United Stateiare in posie tri ssionotesanyysairm eentleavientcrosserronght, both S ed sotoridd America; .. •., , ELM ABUT(' - BUTTERWORTIL, Il Waisted. Pt. Liverpool, *se coafitied ber.bed tor , steslAs. whit the Dropsy. , bar Is became swelll4 to as enmities thieknoss. Atter snasytrialsofothirvisediaine the wits rettared to pertecaleetith by two hazes.ot Wood/All; Itr•ltiNeti,loConeiert St:Liverpool,trai idsocared Orindainstins of the Liver. by. Wendell's ~11103. CdOLefrALIL Mande, sear Treece. Gad I Undoes, eared of Typhus and idlieriatticzKevsr„ by Worse'''. • - • • -, ' • V , TDOiI. BLUCHER, of Iliad' log Pernanyi•:tiniii:tisti.. des tbat hischUd eras seventy adtictedairtth,wanns, aid vrait ptefectly_ Teetered by: the inevo.yrorradrs Agne.Dyspepria; Ileadsche. liabilnai Conti mei', e rare Colds. him* 'ail yielded to ibis; powerlid but Wel, civil:llw medicine. No more certain end said ' et ins wait e Nab ever bees discovered.: ' • 'Nato rhysielans elate See of these pills Itt their practice with grentsoeress. , • ' - • They are for sate Is Pelt sylkid ninety. prise 'bets. a box, entosiaing 50 Tilts with fall directions, by Jan. C Aroma, JosephContsworth and D. N. fletalcr, Pottsville t N. J. F ry. Tamaqua :earn& It. Alter, Tswana: Wert.lllontelins, Mitt William Paine, Tiedurthervdie I James D. revs. idinererlita ; Lo vas -A Kriudlnaa. Schuylkill -Neves ; li. A. IL flaw itter.Orwigsbnifi P. R. Cannier, West Fenn; Giant & Tone,. Piss Grove. • , . C. P. Amet; Travedins'Arres for the Kiddie States:, Access, e co. Previews. Dec TT. '47. 540 N 0.1141 cherainer.PhilOs Greatest, Discovery of the Age 'OR. TRASK% mActsvatc , ote; rstasyr," TS constantly effeeting cures of Ate, „ utmost impOt- S. lance- The most incredulous are eontinced—the Most faithless are compelled to, believe Si th e Sewer and virtn• of this great remedy. . It it universally admitted to be the most wrmderfal, combination known to the world for the Immediate relief of disease and pain. . - it never falls while there remains sn A tlsn llife to restore a natural 504 bantam action to the capillary vessels of the body. and equalize the circulation of the blend. Sy this means a controlling ivisrer is gained_ over the Most malignant forms of disease, which can not be obtained from any other remedy. Stith is the power or this , combination that it penetrates to every portion ot the Manion frame; every bone and muscle, vein And ligament le searched out and made sensible of its purifying and heating ittaucines- Hence It caws It amen as readily with internal as external diseases. Namertms instances are on record where this reme dy has restored health to patients so bear the grave that the most posverrat internal teatedics failed to produce any &set, Sueh bar•rtequentlybeeit thetas° in • Tisfiewasstios of as Reacts. No patient ever-treed die with this disease when the Magnetic Olellltt.llt can be obtained. That dangerous Epidemic known , airthe Putrid Erysipolai, clod always be cured by Ms remedy. For loknomatary Rheumatism. lids ointment lithe most complete remedy PrePlitea• In 99 cases out of 900 it will Ilford entire reilefto the worst elicitor Naroono ileadoelle, th thirty minute/. For nervous disease this retedy Is of Inimeme value. ',Adbetions of the spine.rheumatism. lamettess.lllCo- rate lore throath. bronchitis, pleurisy. croup, chills. braves, told head. veranda, salt Rheum, erysipelas, cholera matins, ague in the face or brecast.Duriall. in flamed eyes, fever snres, ¢c., will be immediately re lieved by the use of this remedy. • For further particulars and testlmonials,see Amph lets left with each agent. - 7- • Price 23 and 40 tents per bottle J . For C. sale by ORN BROWN. Also, for sale by an Agent la each town in the State. Sept 29.1219. • - DOOleyht • MAIGIICAL PAIN • EXTRA.CTOOi -•-• gnu 01111/71A1. MID WILY °VIM& ; • • certain end positive Cure the the wont Sures and • Beards, Piles, Erysipelas Rheumatism, Cuts, Wounds, Fever Sores, Broken Breast, Bore . Nipples,. Weak and inflamed Eyes, • Sprains, Salt Rheurnj and encases of External Indomation. - • BURNS AND SCALDS. I T Challenge the world to prove, that in any one Pin / gin instance, "Dallers Magical Paln Extractor"— that is to say the genuine article—has. since its first in troduction by me in 039, op to this Pei iod.; ever ailed to cure the wont .edeell of Barns and Scalds t FROZEN TDE CURED. • Digyfees's Ferry, Pas es. Po., Jan. 15, t4y. Ma- Buser Da LLET —Sir : This is to certify that I have been afflicted for a number of years with a sort toe ; tattled by ben: frozen.. My toe bag bent very painful to me, especially during the lastsix month*. .when it bad become so much affected that the flesh of the first ' oint • had nearly all disappeared.. flawing flied all the- different remedies recommended tb tae, but without experiencing any relief, I had given up all hopes of saving my limb. But, to gratify newish es or my friend*, Daniel W. Dingman, W. 19 Brodhead. and otbent.l was induced to try "Dells y's Magical Pain Extractor," and by the use of one 25 cent box, was ultinly rand., DANIEL DECKER. We, the undersigned,MASCrlbe our names In the above testimonial, not alone es an act of justice to ft. Dailey but that othets, similarly atAirled may be Imbued to try and find relief from the virtues rif this extraordi nary family salyi. W. P. gnomical), ' losern B. Las-mien, Jong Deocts, ' Deem. W. Diermas. directions, and' other testimonials of cures performed, see ?rioted Pamphlets. CAUTION,TO TILE PUBLIC No article of acknowledged Uteri!. is more extensive ly counterfeited than DAILEY'S GENUINE rAAN EXTRACTORV The difference between the genuine arid the counterfeit Extractors Is enmity defin ed, via: PALLEY'S original sad, *say greitiae Ex tractor, is lbe severest burns and scalds, affordn is -0404.e." re li e f. It , draws out the tire and pain in akw minutes. And In euts and wooed', soreand in flamed eyes. and all cases of external tadaination, its soothing effects are ever the same. The Catinterfen Extractors. on the contrary irritate when applied. and IneresOie the pain Being cognisant of the danger' attending the u s e 0 the Counterfeit, Extractors. I disiinctly dee late 'that will not hold myself responsible - (or the effects of any Extractor. 'unlessithi same be procured atleny own Depnt, 416 Broadway corne s tslaspenard Street, New York- or from my ,authorixed Agents. SOHN a SinWIN, Agrn Potteiriller, • Fan's, R & Co. ' Philadelphia; • lona Plfices, " \Reading t CM. A Ilete rein, I" . Lancaster i . C A Molars, " York. DO TOP. WANT ._ TO CURE YOUR RORSE! • 'I IF afflicted with Rumors: Sores. piled ~neck and Shoulders. noitterboue, grease epavin, or poll-evil, one box of Dailey', Animal Galvano Cere-Alt; „win convince ynti that there is no mistake Iola• READ : The following is from the Crei 145kervee• °Cthei fru ' Zw il Vo i r r r . . t fl a rt eg l - 19. I have tried DAILEY'S ANIMAL. GAL VANIC CURE-ALL, and I now certify that naive , found it the molt extraordinary, and valuable remedy eve, put upon a Horse, and would not be :Without It Runny money. It cures bard and spavin-Mmpe aris le from the collar, middle, Sce..4s by meet I- inc a littlest( the Salve, and the collar ain't mks a sorb. Item, bestir do berm. JOHN VAN Overseer Harlem Hadroad Stabler..? AEAD THE FOLLOWING: This bite certify that I have used Diners AnimAl Galvanic Cure-Ali, and found It the safest and most speedy care fursores avid brat:el:that 1 have ever used, and ,I take pleasure in recommending it t‘S all. ''. 8. M. ROLLINA. Livery.Biable, Itll layPt.,l4• - READ Tins MINERS!. Burn front an Explosion of Otinpowier—Mast; Inc Rocks. Hamar DALLEY, Esq., New York— Dear Sir: I hereby certify.that in the early part of March bud, while - engaged in blasting roCks, a cholla of powder prematurely exploded, taking. foil etreet upon my Mee, chest, and lett arm, and burnt me In dreadful manner. I was carried borne on a fitter, inn (are swollen to twice its natural, else ;' the flesh tom off my ann. below the elbow ; and my eyes filled 4lth powder and dust. A Physician called in, exprensed strong doubts as to 'the savior of try lelt eye, which bad several cute over the ball ; and, my Pita' being burnt all over, mid bovine thleg'k, black scab Ovar tt be directed poojtiees fn be applied, to draw oat ;the powder. Ills resisted, being fearful` of losing. my eyes; and barring beard mach of your Pain- Eltrit. Of. I tonetuded to try N. f dirt re, and lo bra than a &weight, and whlnot eag steer applleathm than your. Extractor, I was completely cum.,Wlthatil a seariatid eyesight thlly.restored. • Peri Rialtelli Arils 11)48. smote before m e. the tab Jose; MEL •. • ; rim). .020111101. Justice of the Pestle. tire •Aveto AWFUL CABS ‘OF SCALD! Wlteetteld..lfingare es. Jr, Y. Pe). l /11. MB. . Ur Entley—Dear dir Whtle my see:l3 •yeariold. was tt work in the shingle traantutrtry of IL P. 101111. ha bad the Misfortune to slip and frill Imo a largOvst, used for the purpose of holtiteettlocks preparatory to totting. The boleti hart put beta removed fro* the, vat, containing a tante quantity ot,bolUsivitter4 Ue fell forward scalding both hands and arm.. all oneaide. and MS bed badly and the other partially. the mates . were sooa Ms arms and leg that Mott of the' flesh time off *lib his garments. and his life was despaired of by both his physicist* aid friends.' Dalley's Pala Extractor wasprocu red ass** se me. *lbw (whult watt aboutsix bow) and epplied which rettennedlries from ett pain, prevented ladantatum and swelling, sad la a fete days commencertbealleg hbt sores. .There appeared e. entente ithmoveme#l4 eti mach SO that la three weeks be was,remived to bli father's bobs*. distant shoat one Mlle and`. half, We et:tattooed the use ofille above medicleatlboat two Ynonthe aid we believe' II was- the means, wilder Providence, of savms his life, and Ise ,wonle cheerful. ne " e i similar eases s a a 1 fc aod la. velnable remedy; With seetheente , or roped I re . titan, deer sir. you most obedient and'hundde eery pals. Ants* PASEi , ' • tiesszirSis fisAits. E. CLASS, I • Withi IlidetArktat. hetes. penmarif i stqltslitea bath the ease of 14r. etarles Wm, tmottee thkaboire etstemeest reloseigansfly eta fret 'Deleey..inoteal Deeemr..llBlCelitei'M e _ Wm Emma. it (Muir. L P &ail; ira l4ewab, ,' hone*. insi4l4q,„./ Rowe. Prikt4. !PAPiliitii • = JOIN Q. alums, ~1 1 sot..t, tat Z=.lollq. AM. L ., .:1k atedi rilitolliotl;• 'Pair. . *Karam; rittio SSISG 10- AIVICI3 ?wI.OII • , '_.."-=' .--beighldp:llkdooich*Ashrwaiiiit drag , : MHZ Adol'Orlallellse_igesm, Ot thoraces; triumph cfs A , A*DALAAAXIII. ; MINIM atilt pulakilmilla mcdion likiory.". _llitailtxtz -al , . ,- t --- - • • . ` ' PrnewPieShytmothi4thesithilfeeling of tieWevolence, sad fer that's/et it greet ailicled Tallow Wars, I de. sire In lathe blotWo# tthertithecrigition of my disease sad the ainexpteted enrol etaisdned from SCHENCK'S PDLIIONIC STallit. • *Aboart three Tenni apt I wile athieted with a viehhatteldeerhicff settled on my breast arid alts add 'seri' . kW days I would raise consider able hieloilt topcough was very tight sad diairdesing. Eve ni tC ;I had , violent Aver.- creepier aid". sad Pro . sweets at night. -with dlillealty Of breathing and ' lees of Beneath; my Spree Was entirely • Prostrated, being confined to my bad most of the time. Totter the most eminent phyakiatta In this; cbty at , tended me.`eidelter exhuming slithenikili, Pronoun. 1 eel in, -wag . Incurable. - Indeed. one said tertune. 'were almost gone, .and 1 could but poialaly recover At this nage of mydisease; I win prevailed wpm to try VP. vv,VelesteVit Fahaerac Spur, sad before Iliad ta . ken half-I dozen beetleei was ma Air remwered as to be able tote tamest the house. • It seemed to strength s" my what, system—lt loosened the mush aid stop ped Abe lideeeding—nay_ bowels hemline reviler,: and everything I ate, seemed to. digest easily and sourish my wbole station. , I odeed, -each was the rapid pre lims's of nir vhsalatt.satss saddest. th e eltance. that I became too 'epicene of a opeady COM and abandoned the nee of th e medicine before the - disease was thor- Oughly eradicated, Which resulted in another attack of bleeding at the begs lass Gillotteorapanied by a divins ~ slug month. I *gale commenced taking the Palmeri is Syrup, and seat for Dr. Schenck. who, upon:a cetera' eSarsinallon. advised me continue using it. Delors 1 had taken (bur bottles. haunts formed in my side. which gathered and brat*, 'charging Daiwa/ as lean , judge, a Pint otter, disagreeable yellow matter. This • :seemed to cleanse anapest(' my IS MIS alwatill. Trout this time. I began to get betted. and am now happrea say entirely recovered. I am sure at this time I en. Joy better health than I bevel Yor the last ten years. Mutt 1 comdienced taktng the Pulmonic Syrup, I have never failed to recommecd it whatever I went. that others, *swell as myself. might' be saved from that awful disease I, for I feel it a; duty that I ciwe.o the afflicted. o pabliah,tt to the world... Permit me to man na* a feW cases that have coma under my immediate observation. Bathe on a visit to Camden. N. J:, lam mummer, I saw a child, evidently in the last stage of bowel cousemption. Tbs mother informed MC that V the phyilelans had given the , chid up as Incurable. I told her what !amen* I had derived from the use of &helices Pulmontc Sythp. and induced her to procure a battle:. I heard gothic more from the little 'Offerer ,until about three mordafter It being in the market, ay attention was draw to a lady who observed me - very-ettentively; Shed Ily approached niCand naked ba me if Loasnot the lady who recommended Schenck's Pub:ionic Syrup to herd Ins child last summer In Lam a.' k replied that I was. She said that her child bad entirely recovered. and was uncommonly he 'thy.— Her name is Mrs. WitsVit, and now resides in Brides burg. :Another lady I i would menthe's in particular. who laid a scrofttleue affection. Her face and neck : pe presented one continue Sett. and anent bet eYes wits verlouilyaffected wi th It. She had become / greatly emaciated, tied to all a Insects pau /move ry., -1 is dined ter to lot Ostmark', Falmouth Syrup, which /the did: and is now perfectly eared: • Another lady, Mtg. McMullen-, whose mtdcace I will give on application was evidently Is the last ' singe of Consumptio n.. g I prevailed upon her to try the Palming* Syrup. In a very show time she arty mainly recoveted, and now enjoys excellent - health, having become exceedingly , deshg;' Three - are three ease. wi th in my knew:edge. which I know were cured by Schenck's Pnluronie Syr up. ,1111 whet doubt tido statement, mid will take the trouble to call on inc at my restdence, Parish street, flee doors talrove Tenth; north side. I think I will be able to satisfaetnrity convince them by my own ease. ' and others that I know have been cured by this Syrup. Mucci my rare there have been ,so many to see me to " know what I took, that I have had 4 very good ripper ' isn't, of knowing si groat many that have taken It, and, have been meetly beget:hied thereby, and I think ,It mimeos adhered with Consumption or Liver COM. I plaint, would gout fop Dr. Schenck, and , let him', Care- - , thilfexaminelbeir ton-s. and if he says be eau cure • tbenu follow the directions. and prevent taking cold, they, wilt rapidly recover. nimigLiak L. LEISER?, ' Pietuls/phis,.Vey 19,1549. •,,, , DR. J. U. 9CREWCII:-Deer Slr-I,hwve known Dire. Le Wert for several years, as a tuember_of my 'church, and have all confidence to her statement, and am re. jolted to find her again restored to hearth. Any thing morn. in'addition to tier statement, Is needless. Yours, truly, THOMAS L. JANEWAY. . ' - Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church, Pagoda, Jane 2,1840. Filth at., above Green. Peepared and sold by J:11. SEDE.NCK. at tab rakcity, S. E: ,Corner of Coates and Marshall strccia, arid at his principal :Ace, No. 32 BoUth 81ath, street, sad by the following agents: J. 8. 0. Martin. Pottsville; Lynn Port "Clialo0; Charles Frailey, Orwlploarg; d. R. Dickson. Schuylkill Havel:: J. D. Falls, Mtneraville : Price & llughes,.Bt Clair, Henry Bhlssier, Port Carbon ; Dr. J. E.liteinbereer. iddrepurt ;E. J. Fry. Tamaqqa ; E. W: Earl, Beading; H. T. 81e:timer, Norrtstosia ; John Helterman, Ilaniburg, *Price it per bouts, or $3 per ball dozen. Aug. 23, 181 g. I 34-17 • • ..131.1B.GRESI IErT.PEC TOMO IT. • • estasitisrego /Per Ike Cars of Conskt, Cada, Astkari;ftreathiti faciptirat 0711211.11 pf km, /041117X116.11 4. BIS Litiogo,siod Thstaser of tau Puition7 . • fry. 01:41114. • rrIIIIS valuable preparation is highly recommended by. 1 physicians and by a celebrated - chemist of Philadel phia, for its medical effects and cheinical combinat lon, ai Wellas by thousa dint others' who Wive Tiede use of it - •;—tis it never has been used without , tirmineing beneflctal eflects, and oh hunts co re of the '4iettaSea for vidrich it is recommended. !sAnd being a regulargradumeofPharma cyi I can :assure the nubile of, his perfect safety. It is eampoired of such preparations as stand In the very high est repute among the medical faCtilty for the cure of that class of diseases which are too often only the torerunnent of; that fatal disease, consumption. In most cases where there is roues pain In the breast, and which often extends thlntsgh to theshoulder bTifite, I vrould strongly advise the stiplication of one of the Compound 'Calhoun in Plasters tothe breast, end use the Expectorant as directed. In fact, the agent the Galbanum Mame/cannot be too stratify recommended, as I have seen so many instances of its affording the greatest relief in a very short apace of time. crier+ in confirnied consumption. The Expectorant will be found to relieve the cough, and the Plaster the pain' and. at the same time, draw the indamat ion tope surface, and thereby act as a counter-Irritant. Which every physt.' can will.pronounce glad, without the least hesitation whatever. Persona are often said to have the consump tion, when by aladlcions use of foment the,best Expee tatants, and a careful diet; they have been completely cared, so fsat their experience should act as a warning to those who are said to have the consumption not to (le i:pair, but try on. The Expectorant will he found to aeon d great relief, even when a care is said to be impassible. • , Before snaking use of an Expectorant. it would be as feel, to examine the Uvula, commonlyrertned Pallas, to see if It is not straiten or elongated., In such cases en expectorant is witless: • Backing cough unit a continual disposition to swallow is Beal:Tully nosed by an elongation of the dpalate,, excellent remedy in Bitch caset is to rise a small nuantity 'glassful Myrrh, - sal4 'about a tea-spoonful to awine glassful at water. and non as a gargle, three or four time ,a day. If the above remedy should fail, or. one t pf th 'satire nature, it would be hest to apply toe sdrgeon, an - have a small portion of it liken otf, fa as tfilobviste th irritation andthe continual cough which it would be like ly to producein the' throat. The operation ill trifling and attended with lint little, if any lain whatever. In tirtinchilis, and diseases of the throat, the garge shouldbe used, - . • " Prepared by .1 .EfiliTtft C;IILTOIM9. Virtinletiale and etalt D nudist and Chemist Centre fltrt; PO it/Ville Dr. Callen's Indian Vegetable PANACEA ' 'PILE VERY BEST PREPARATION, OF SAR• =MEI TN the world, pieparedhy a now proCe3s,known.only 'lca the Proprietors, by w b lett' all Its virtues are ex tracted—this not' tieing •the case with any other, ae• counts for the-dumber of positive and utmost mimeo" Vies cures. made in lids tity,wbite ether prenrations of sarsaparilly make' at tnelr ter' at a tlistarne— mark this 1 We Invite latent:On, we cat) on auto sift, to examine. to uric oar patients, and beco..e convin. zed of aim froth of whatarrifisali t What other Altera. ahreattail - eltalltingie investigation'.Noss—Re. Cul. len'. la also the cheapest Sarsaparilla in the World.— it la pure. concentrated. and unadulterated'. Oat Boy vLe. goes further than three or four of other prepara Bon. Athateared,andse ill cure' moreia Sea of Scrofula or sine's Sett, Consumption, lirochttis. Obstinate, Cataneous Eruptions. Blotches, Biles:fling Waremoind Tette'', Scald [lead. Chronic Ulcer., Met. eurialdisease., Rheumatism,•Nenra a gla.' Liver corn. plaint,' Palpitation of the Heart, Dy,,per, is, etc., etc, titan any other medicine eirer distov7red, end hence it s the best purifier of tbe Blood ever offered to the pub. lie, iaii sin; Al a pamphlet, a large pamphlet, con. mining It accounts OOPS dlffiirent diaattao which tbls medicine en rea, take the oases described, and vi z ,' the patients, and you flint what we /al Is teas positierfy true. . We. will also give the names of patients . cured of the Most desperate Mitts of disease, and the names of 'nekton, who in secret prescribe our medirine. cure abeirpattents; and Roe Ut of the credit of our discoir . 'my. Those who love truth and: despise ►sabsg, call and examine the testimony. and evidence we are pre pared to give in favours( Dr. Cullen's Indian. Vege table Panacea. . For sate by ROWAND & WALTON, ProYrietots, No it North Sixth at., Phllagslphia: Baunan..F. S C. btariin.ood J. G. Brown, Plitte die./ A Faits, Minenville, Pa lil9, _ John C. Halters , .COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF A.USAPARIL.IL ' • fP DIS Article Is employed with great 'Parcel's-Oa by the most eminent Physicians of this city; for the curvet the following diseases: SCROFULA or Ring's Evil. Rbecmatism, Countries Diseases, Syphilitic Affections, Tetter and Ulcers, White Swellings, Scurvy. Neuralgia or Tic Dolonreur. Cancer, Goitre, or Pronchncele, (dw,elliogneck) Spine Misesole."Chronic Diseases of sue. Longs. to counter. bet the destructive effects-of Mercury, daundlee..llly. perthiroPhy; or enetrgemetit of the heart, Palpitation staff trembling lathe region of the heart and stomach, Enlargement of the Donee, Joints or . Ligaments, also all the - various dlseeset' of the such u Tatter Itlngwma, Riles, Pimples. Carbuncles, Re., Dyspep• sin and Liver somplalnts, Nervous Affection*, DroP- Liget Swelliag,Constitutional Disorders. and dlseas .es certitinating from en impure stele of the blood and other fluids of the body, In short all diseases whereto change of system la required. -Ptice 00 ca. per . . PrePaled oak lithe Proprietors, . • , .101121 C. BA R fa 04.. Wholesale Druallists. • • No. 10 ad Bt. below itate.Philada. Troportets and wholesledealitra in Drop. Medicines, Chemicals, patent medicines, Perfumeries. satllelti instruments, Chevalier Glassware, Paints, Oils, Dye Stalk mad Window Glass, shoe new and superior aside of imitation of Plate Glass et about one.ffith / I :pike . 4( English or frenth.Plates, sop size to 'ittititenetiMund Plaid Cat:rait- Barisparills. for siaeller:Cleaseue dr.:Pars In. Pottsville ; W. L. Heisler, .p o siCabool, James 8-Falls. -Patagonia: .Gttaus' 0., liirittbserlbenrinvitetliir attention . of Farmer antdeatars ter thrir supply 'Wilds remarkable fer totter-rabely trwa importation, awl. selected by an ex perisricedsupercarita• , • : , :Belagdryllk.cohc rerutlan. It ui all patted in Whit 'Cotton not bring like Moot Government Monopoly, ma I* spilass a froureprtra. • Orders from a dtatince;calt be executed elates from Oar stocks here or at New York. • • - • • SOUTTER fr;BROIJOOTON. - - .j 13 - North Wharves; l'olladel;dibt, Sept It ilt», • • ,•: 4 s. • Iffeel Penes • AT ONLY it- CTS. A CMOS& • . 4 • GllOBB STEEL-PENS, soma as too as $ , • Adiuns, Brothers. at.ructstssaross.jastreceired.- BLANIC.,7IIOOIE , WAISvgAcI r esunts t, - The irobactther sapPlirdni,ehtlitair sehOlesale, Nee,l B Next! Tabs/ Streit, thaaav ache ttnieiliar Fes Peakits. thriftier*. Us • Oleo Or TOIL SIG 5 , 401 0 • , boil hia stock at the Tode Sales. the same as to QMPPLY:OI.4I4ii. SOOltlit cheaper at 'wholesale sterebahts la Plakaellphkcand New York 1, lorythan too be .had cop ,okstota, the, call at DANNAN'iII 2 ackinectedsed superior. Into. If , '499.11 1 , Chap sad Rota Stook - ,--...-:: META,2013:.,,_. "!::iiii:iiiiii iiid _l*.fliititOi. These, bletleltftis have untrAmin..brthra the Pt& fora Pelied erMeal! YAM, daring that time have insfillainen ntlrn einnne". ter in abruist'every putt ago globe tot thekeil traoidnimy saidimmerhato power of restoring per• feet With to Persona saffena: ender net $y every kind of tfisentero Which the human frame is liable. 1 IN TRouswims *kn., oreitrune.ted inmenceth they have even enema sufferers from tile very vereo„ of an untimely grape, after ail the deceptive nostrums of. the day hied utterly failed ; and to many thousands they ' have permanently secured that uniform enjoy meat of health, Mitimur which life Weir ht bat a partial bit:stint So great. indeed. him their. efficacy invlariahlt und WA* Pawed, that it - ban appeared ornately less than udractdons to ache mho were.: acquainted with the brzutifttlly plidoroplaml Find** upon width they are corn. poijided, and viOnt which they contrequently act. It;wris to theirranifest and• sensible action in patifyiwg _the springs and clan:Wise( fife. and en. &nag thorn with renewed tone and vigor, that they were Indebted for their mime. • Thar) the WA of pert idous quackeries wide!, boast of vegetaNts ingrerftents, the LIFE MEDD CIIMI are purely and solely .vegetable; and contain wither Meggagy, nor Antimony, nor Agannigy nortiny other mineral, in any foss. mhatever. They are entirely composedet ex-i tinets front nun and powerful plants, the virtues of which, though long known to several Indian tribes, and recently to some eminent pharmaeen. deal -chemistry , are altogether unknown to the „ignorant pretenders to medical science ; end were never before administeredin sohappfty ef£ca ciojts a combination:. The first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels the various inmmi. ties and crudities conmanftysettling round them ; and too remove the hardened faces which collect inthaeonvolutions of the email intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such: collected muses behind to produce habitual Costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sadden Diarrhcea wick its imminent dangers. This foot is well.knowit to all regular anatomists who ex. :Mine the hurnan bowels after death ; and hence the prejuifice!of these well-informed men against the quack ntetficines of the age. The second efect of the: VEGETABLE I= me I. coo is tti cleansethe kidneyis and the bled. der ; and, by this means, the liver and lungs, - the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the -regularity of the urinary organs : -The blood, which. takes its red color_ from,the agency of the fiver deal lungs, before it muses into the heart, being thee purified by - thern, and nourished by food corning from a clean - stomahh, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumplimitly mounts the ban. nee of health fit the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing va riety of huinan diseartes in which the. VW& TABLE LIFE EMI/IMES ere well, uiewn to be infallible. DregfogiA, by thoroughly cleansing the , fine and second stontache, and creating a flow of pure health bile,'instead of the stale and acrid kind ;Loss or .'eras, Hamm slrim lticsaAcas, ' A Raartesomirs, Itz..Taisren; Attzl i nui Lawmen, and Illtiancitotr, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as it natural =segue:die of its cure, Castirmeng, by cleansing the whole length of the mtawines with a solvent procese, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels ,cristive 'within two days. , Iflarrhilia and abehm, by 'removing the sharp acrid fluids by wbich.these complaints are =mooned, and'by promoting the lubricative se cretion of oie mucous membrane rovers of an kinds, by restoring the Mood tin regular . circulation, through the process of perspi. ration m such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. • The Lire alemcians have been known to acre Rheumatism permanently in three weeks, and Goat in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. !Brooked all kinds, by, freeing and strentth eking tree kidneys and bladder : they operate most delightftifty on_these important organs, and hence have ester been' found a certain remedy for the worst cities of Gravel , , Also 'grams, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these Creatures Where. . • As and Consumption, by re'lieving Life sir-vessels of the - lungs the mucous which even slight colds will oceasion, and which, if not rem e nd, becomes hardened, and produces these dreadful diseases. Scurg9, Incurs, •nnd Inveterate - Sores, by 'the perfect purity. which these LIFE NE D'. CMPS'givelo the hlood; anti all the humus. Scorbutic * Eruptions and - Bad Coraidex ions, by their alterative effect upon the adds that feed thaskini. and the morbid state of which occa . smut All eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy,. and other .I.l:ciaTeeable complexions. of these' rills • for a very short time will ell;r:t an entire cure of gait Rheum, and a strilting r inilmnethentin the clearness of the skin. Common c o idokto D a mie n = will alWays be cured by one dose, or by two even in the wont cased. pn,ps. As a remNly for this most distressing and °bah e,ate mid ady,4lte VEGrbTABLELIET. MEDICINES ! deserve . a . distinct and emphatic recomMendation. It is well-known to hundreds iti thii xity, that the • former" proprietor of these valuable Medicines was himself afflicted with this ctimpeint for upwards of TIIIIVTINFIVIK Yeses ; and that he tried in vain! every remedy prescribed within" the whole ceonpass of the 3f L treria ,Ile,however at length tried the. Medicine witiCh is now offered to the public, and he was cured - in a very,short time, after his recovery had been pro no:wird not Mtly ithprobable, but absolutely int wesil4e, by any human Mena* • • FEVER 'AND AGUE. -- For-this scourge of the western country these Medieines will be found a safe, speedy, - and cer tain' remedy. Other medicines leave the system I subjeOt to a return of the - disease—a cure by these medicines. ie pentiartent—lllY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND IIE CURED. Biiiims Fevers and Liver Complaints. Oineral LOSS UV :kll% 11"1.:9 AND DIBEAAES or Fe.):.‘ ora.—these rnedicinos hare been - used with the most beneficial - results in cases of this ileeeriplioc:—K*No . ll Eva. nod Senile-amin its tOunst firms, yields to the, mild yet pmeekul actioii. of these remarksiVe 'Medicines. Sintry SwEsys, liitacoett Ller.lttry, Neavors Con ',balers of all kinds, PALitTATION or me I I ItAAT, AnlTEa's Coye, are ep4edily cured. • NERMTUAL DigRASES. keritorrs whose coils:int:hum - have become hn pairred by the injudicious use Of. Mumma, will fintlthere Medicines a they never fail to eradicate from Mc:system' all the erects of sciOincf the most powerful preparaMms Of, Sarsaparilla A single trial will plum' these beyond the patient. , of eontpetilion, - thi,estination of every patient. BB CAREFUL OF COUSTERPErra ,everal have lately been discovered, and their nefarious authors arrested, the city of New Ycitk and abroad. :Puy of no one Who .fis not, en AI3TIIOIiISZEI . . re pared end sold by Dr: W. 11. MOFFAT I au Bread y, New York.' • • FOR SALE BY .10tIN. G. TIROWN,4gent far Schuylkill eounlye Elec.EL 18$9. : - 42-6 mo • • - Who Sara Gas im:g* - iismeo-=oor ;coo hors Nor ..tdlr GAS 7 . . THAT IS rar:Qms•rzoxl Ivor John Weaver, Pennsylvania all; sap Gaa, so does J. C. Lessig. P.sehange Hotel. , WM. Mitt, White florae Hotel. Jiahariel 31 Mils, N. W." Ward !Tote, PlenrYGels.Lamb Tavern, geol. Batman. • Jacob - le. W. Hashes ' Sc W. Pollock, • I% Beatty fa- do., George Genslee, Dolt. Carpenter,-. . Shemin, Iderphy, Joseph S. Silver. 'P. D. Luther, • - Samuel Harts, 'Esq., Boyle, D. E. Nice. ' J. 131." Brawn. ',Brady dr. Elliott. -Henry Weber: — -, • D. H. Vomiting. • ,Preabyterian Chulth. Wellington lithe, - • ' Does. Nicholas. - •.. • ' Mason, Spencer dr. Co. Icbas. W. (teens, and a whole best of °gotta, In fact no persona: of discernment or who have an eye te comfort an economy will for one moment.hbink of twins any other light In their Offices. Surris or dmd.. ant leasso, than that moat brilliant, safe and none latest light—CAS' .r Ail persons deslrii:g to avail themselves' of so bra. Haat an oppcirmaity of ob'alnthg Light. will, gad it to their advantage to apply to the subscriber, who proudly mires them that his facilities are such as will enable him to furhbb them witls the -Fixtures ea. 'mate, of the most beantlfal.cbaste and fastatemble character. .be surpassed either in "quatity.or Cheapness, la the United States—Afay,t in the whole world. • As It Is the wish and deteretination'of the Cas Com. have a splendid illumination. on Christmas -Xlght, all those Good citizens of Pottsville, who wish to aid. them In so desirable en Improvement to , our Borough, ina who have not already ; made their ar. tantamount to: allures, bad better call without delay ^ln order that they may be enabled tomato to the GRAND.. ILLUMINATION ! • JACOB it. LONG. Gas Fluor, tc., eta" Centre !HI 1819. II! IMM==== ~~Vi~i7 iii~ii 013 .9 C. VD: B -TAFRI ; t Alffffliff diYetrlU reeira of - d ear, the depostare.ot the old year - gad the advent:4 l the. Peer,.iteaseeof trelie, li r and rejoicing eel:eat felicitous In th e comsat rotted., brisigingjoy youth and comfort to oldige.estual hierri_4ll l ____uribePper and the rich, auffrallies fee the heamPoess irtweartsearneed fin libriai offerings of goodwill, fdeadlibilaluid.efrer , det. ~ .Titers la no ankle aid:able toile penmen of the eireriestihat cahoot. be `obis - toed at Use loarree' 4. • :he valweriber, whore is "deployed the laritettaft rarest collection east (acted in Misplace: at Oust° salt the puma of ally little snit great. ars Ulundi:MY Indulgele the pleasing' custom of earls:losg wive- airs upon that oral:slow -The ionsiatioa of every.bodl tareepectntily invited to this rare relic:ok Mating mhieb are the following : . Fatally Bibles, superbly Mood.' - Small Bibles, various styles of blaidluir, Bibles and Prayer Books, 18auk. velset..tiebly.orgua., mated, - .. Prayer Hooks, all sizes, Turkey.. extra ink; ' • ' Citthighs Prayer Soo , plahll *ad onlazt7llodhteelnd. Psalms and Hymns, Presbyterian) , 0 • ... . •', -. ". . Evangelical) .. fro. Hymns, Latherian) es , .i. (Reformed) is . ft -..- ' (Methodist) ' ":. .., .0 WOMEN OF THE LD AND NEW TESTANENT i a series of portral with charaeteristic descriptions. ' and IS original de lens, engraved eSpressly for this work.• READ'S FEMALE POETS OF AMERICA ; elegant ly illustrated with illuminations and porttaintjtint ed on beautiful white paper, and Voted In a rich •ndittiktne style. ECErESON TIER LIFE OF THE ,SAYIOUR,, spies •-' didlf illustrated by the finest steel engravings, handsomely boded in Turkey and ctoth.ltill- SCENES IN THE LIVES OF THE APOSTLES iillitalratiTa Meet engravings, turkey and etrith,gilt. THE MIRROR OP LIFE, bentainilly illnstrated and elegantly bound. I . . . ,THE I ORILIANT. FOR !Wt. Illustrated by fine en-; . engraving and splendidly bound. , •• a nails OF REALTY Olt 'LITERARY GIFT FOR 1850, WO fine meet enslaving', ct.Ati, gilt. THE MOBS ROSE FOR 1880, elegantly bound. THE dACUEI, POETS OF ENGLAND Ann AMER- IVA, from thcealliest to the present time, beam'. fully illustrated and bound.l 'GREENWOOD 'LEAVES, a entlectkor of Sketches -and Letters, scarlet cloth, gilt. , POEMS OF AMELIA. with a partraik Of thly 41Ior, and a number of snserb engravings,icloibe:st. gilt. ORICLES FROM TIIE POETS, a Anciful diversion ' fee the drawing room. scarlet jchithl darn et., , - LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF SILAILSFEARE, cornpri sing carefui selections treat each pla, illustrated and I handsomely bound. • . . ' -'" - ' . ' 1 TUE MEREST.% a gift of friendshi ekttil. gilt...'. • YOUNG LADIES OFFERING, Gems of prose and poetry. illustrated with steel engravings, cloth, gilt. iIowETT, Cook and Landon, handiontely boort& - TUPPER'S PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY ; *Mali - ' quarto. elegantly printedon purewhita paper,,lmalf - trfulli illustrated and splendidly bound LEAFLETS OF MEMORY; an Illuminated ' Annual for 1930;-splendidly illustrated with 12 engravings and illualipationa by., the first artists l and bound In the most saner!) ie. - , :THE SNOW PLAICE ; * hotiday. gilt for 1830; 06. 1 . -- gently printed, richly embellished with 11.Meizothito engravings, .by Sartain, in the' highest style of.the art, after dtsigniby the most 'distinguished Euro - . peartimistst, and bound in Aratoesqua morrow, gilt edges.. . . _-.. CHRISTMAS BLOSSOMS AND : - N Pr. YEAR'S WREATH for 1d.14; richly enibellistira with 6,101e5. . ultimo engraving*, ray oartain, splendidly bound In muslin;-gilt. and gilt edges. NATURES GEMS, with St plates of plants. careftsl ly colored after nature, and landscape Mew* of their localtnes, scarlet cloth, gilt. •' AMERICAN FLORA, 'a history of planti and wil d 'Uwe ra ; containing a systematic and, general de scription of over Sic thousand plants, ilidstreed with GO beathiful colored engraving*, stolid.' crotti. • gilt. , 1 - ' , 1 - _; . • Tad FLORAL YEAR, Illuininated - and . embell ished 'with Winne of Bowers, drawers, drawn and color ed from onture, each dower .illuatrared by a poem cloth, gilt. . . LUND-ROOK of Needlework, with numerous engirt. rings, Herb. gilt. . ' •- .• .' • ~ sIIAKSPEARE, ilF.ustrated, Svo , larkey, gut. '•Sem sheep, r• ' BVECONB , Poetical works, illustrated, Oro: Sheep. MGOREPP " - ~" • tivik.,„ " CHAEUE, Miter and Path* ," ,:- Bro. ", • COLERIDGE, Shelly and Beira " 81 , 0. " • • COWPER &.,Tatnerisria, • , " bliro. .." - lIEMANS, , '';',3vo. "-' BURNS, e.tripbell. Cowper, Tager,' Bedlam. Cook, Lynch, Amelia. lkino. illustrated, , and batiltilMeiy bound is cloth; Sliakspeare, Byron, Moore;- , Scot'. Rogers, Sonthley, Celt:ridge, Cowper, Montgotnery, Burns. Ow,, Wood, Illoonalield, Whim; BUTtet);HOW, , I ett, Cook, LaPs Riinkti„ Lady ,of the Lake, Mannino; , Tonnes' Night Thought ii.Puetry of Paistons, of Love,' lof Affection, of Flowers, 31mo:turkey, extra gilt, /. r A large number .of interesting Books, comprising I eeleuiltic Works, Dinturies. Travelt, Tales (rout Mis r tory, Moral Tales, Fairy Tales, ice,, ilkr..,ln Mittfplain and ornamental binding. Juvenile publication, of every description ;. an aP. I sortment of elegantly illuminated _Mho roe ;- Diaries fiir ,' HB it O- Together wh a general assortment of fancy 1 Stationary; Portfolios • Patent Writing Pads. Roan% I wood Writing Desks, liesk Implements,lice.; Alen,- ter paper Weights, rout - and tro.a paper Knives, Ivory.P,enholders, Gold Fens and Pe mile„ the finest 1 American and EngthibCuttery„Alothe Ratter' t lustre...l merits, &c., Ace. •. , .. - A collection of fancy articter, comprising Paper Bost, •es, ornamented with apirndld paluthsykand elaborate gilding, forGtoires, Handkerchiefs, Ac.; Perfume Rus es elegantly finished; • ertillstibing• Um tlnest Extracts, soap. - ke. 4 Paperteris, containing superfine Letter and Note paper, Envelopes, Wax,"Wafersi:dte- ' Just received unit for *ale at - i - ' BANN AN'S Book aid Variety Storea.' 52 , - Dec 22, 1919: Rlsing San Hotel, _ POTTSVILLE, PEION . A. TUB andendvied respecrintly anrounces and P hetl t ensof l cikl ICoun aratAters u eenera, that be has taken that established stand known as'Yost's lad hang kept by Jeremiah ilutthes,..2l tue COEKEE or gFeonn and MINERIVILLE Sti r In the Borough of r o l l aville, which he has fitted up with special as' to set tender trees4 )- atiell.'is, aprieota, nectarines; and- so fortlwin-wanir, satiny - Places, on the South side Of Walla; fences and gardens. Such are, depead .they very. spots , to kill ,thais- - - . between_ the. extra heat of niidshmmer, and the, anistant 'freezing and thawhigs oftha minks Waiter.. Yon had better choose a west, or, irnot too ettnorthward, e'en rx dttenorthern,exposure. The latter, is. Much; ,the best inj the 31iddle States- ' • . Never plant i tree — with stnallreats`ana l i large top—try/16 the roots have been Mide thrall by. the" spade- in digging—without inaking tlii,Latter -smallilso. _There mast, be smile ballast in the hold to carry so much sail on-the mast, as an old tudt-would say: and you will gain in' the 'health .andr the tree,. three-Yeat s hence) , 'bjlthwt back the ends of the: longest lanba.rilllauk have stnielr balance betwee': .tlattpare that collects; food ILO &cilia , . 4 4 1 e l 2latalt*. it—Dotraing's. ifortietihurist. • ' • • :es weir> r reeelved dlreetifroitt. Saya"Seolla. *NM U to .martaCieraved. tutees the eltherlillaulalicer of the proorlerors one or the principal Drag Houses tq New York; towboat eaatidester esR beylated. as tbey ore meta barmiest,' qtrallfistt to their hairiness. N. 11. .—Also, various Odd Liver One, from difTlrent manlotheturSto, bass/ " bottles or balk, tool& ; porellasetetio L. - 4011 X tr t riltoWirs'• . - Wholesale anti Refill 1 / 1 191 more. Cent" at. bee 2. mix - ea. • 1 . New Powder , . 31111. ,-• •- -," " A.. . . . OttbscribernWntleonoo to thole triendi wad i *. ' tetbUc, that, they have putchowed the Powder, Mtfy rettestlforectedhy Job* - Jane,. and - 411W - Pae; i Pared in - m.9ply Powder (tithe beriquitlty -pr 11014 g. and otbee t parponestwe the; wort rearelattlq,ra‘es:' — .Ordere-eolletied which wifiihepeelerPill 10410 4 1 1 4 . lota,aa short notice. . , lommik 040- Ist , 'ter leatil TVIL HATIGUIPI, Abe setosodial tair:iestiver, • matterptris. hisistees ' title, end adpitylgslp it sisnitn. toliftvelikbart tonst tindLur fo led tenth inoteihr lidiuturt lOW on .118 now vitlo tony Aber . ldanula ntat.!' Atunditintr ft* whowalis l 9l ol slasu. atncelobratorTheldnifo • ins‘s factotum to gotoont telt 66 4 ttontfttlisttdr. nolsotate and e v e . ft tHmlithl *On— " Dvn. 39,1814. 114 - tiliMillitt _q '/,01. _ 0 a -4f c 1 git rt . '' .1 . -. esl e . 4 ' .., is Fri r ~, AN '-,;--- Zabel ': a Se et, Le , -....-, A to im II? k..... 1 eel „........„ . Prows 1 ~ mac" -;..,...,: d fri ,t-t-t ~ 5 .:, Me V y: es / i - ,-- rot SI - , :x i -:-. 1i; : --• as -'-,.-:_, . ; dB . .n -.-- s 4ieS, MEM ' - •' . ...p i . ~-...... 1 - Ilfi'lbaatos ~.„.r ~...„.„ v,.. Je efts mm ft I ; 1 ' e l i .:_ '41 .1 :'' ..00311 Bath Duro DOrai Dark Devitt IM:a gni N ~! "bootie Wry Dob Dreibi Pen* 51:=1 Pow Dow IMO raw "Eau! MIN Elel Eva' A . Eck .7ra VI H Fkl For Vol Pal Poi IV I Vs 114 C