The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 12, 1850, Image 2

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    btti, as the
:lignp,wvited trunmmg, there was not . light
.encsalt to distinctly ascertain that fact.,--
:TYomas . Atigusuai gently drew : the , sweet
u 1 towards hint; and ohl extremitY ofbawl
. laiiditCnot The coldness of worldly
4titit was 'broken klositt t. they exchanged
_or everlasting, Oddity, and • Thomas
alksit to seat the .cove ant on her lovely'
r , when. that , goes about to . gatik.
- tr the uncertmomous
'enipti - glaises
- Popped hit head into the box, and observ ed,
'''that he did not allow of them sort of pro.
_ -- tiedin in garden !" : Thomas Angtts- -
liauld - han resented this injurious insmua-.
titiit on thelnstant; only he was . by no means
litiletie, • and did not possess a puticle - of
• Courage: He, therefore, -contented himself
taiining foriome time in a s tyle . of
lofty inirectire, and :Would tip bv. indtgrinnt
• 1y payinethe map whit he owed' him, .tuek
: nag..Tulia aturer his aim,. and walking:aut&
his shru4eM.9s
:::‘ooi - O'`,773*.ttat:
Satttrday MOrntag, JaiiilarY 12.
The Senate of the United Stites has oxu-
Iried considerable time in discussing the Reso
?talons, introduced by Gen. Cass, suspending
"diplcnnaticinteiconrse with Austria, in holm
tequencecif_ its barbaions treatment of the
Hungarians : . -The old General, ambitious
and desirous' of making a speech for effect'',
smite than anything else, no doubt thought,
that, after reflecting upon: the noble stand
taken by, CLAY on'the South American Re
publics, ias well as Greece, years ago, he
thought; the_ same amount of glory would
- - reslotuidio his efforts: But this is not quite
• the case., The suspension of Diplomatic in.
tem:ruse, is.a matter of great consequence,
and while it would have little effect upon
Austria, it might prove a matter of great
detriment to our country.- , If it has hereto
fine been necessary tdhave it Representative
there, it is necessary now. Our Commerce .
• would suffer serious injnry, while our pith
zens, traveling orscjouming in that country,
in case of difficulty, would have none to
flee for protection :-and what would
Austria care? Thinkyou theccamtrY, whose
acts of barbarity, -equal those of Carthage—
whose mode of warfare is a' &grace to the
- 39th Century 7 -whose Ragnins is the embodi-
Ment of all that constitutes a monster—a man
-.whose acts would place him by the side of
Caligula—think 'you that that country would
"titre for the - uspension of Diplomatic inter
- course? -
That the speech of Sr. Cass was made for
• Bunt:omb, will appear evident from the fact
that he endeavored to enlist CLAY in behalf of
his resolutions ; and when he, found CLAY
Could not be made b 4 advocate a measure the
effects of which might, and in all probability
-would, have a deleterious tendency, he
- charged him with conservatism. But this
'charge was repulsed_ by CLAY in a manner
that Cass will do well to recollect. -The
Washiniton correspondent of the Baltimore
American, alluding to the subject, says that
in this episode Cass is pronounced as too far
behind the march of civilization to feel for
oppressed and down trodden Hungary as
keenly as the Locc.foco party, while he hada
witness no doubt hi his own breast that, the
greater portion of the . sympathy of that party
is mere humbug, gotten up for the occasion
to tell npon'our Germancitizens.—Were the
points of their syrh . pathycultivated exclusive
ly for Hungarianl, consumptionp and not in=
tended for home tise in Buncomb, Gen... Cass
and all others who are true
,patriots would
readily. ackrurivlecte that all_ had been , done
which this Government could properly do in
favor of the „indegendence of this brave but
ill-fated people.:, Why, if philanthropyalone
be thi! motive actuating Mr. Casi in his mime.
ment,' should he haio endeavored to makt , a
, politid platform of a subject which should
• be placed - Upon the broad' grOund of Christian
- sympathy and htiinaltity ? And what is this
codsei;ratistii tichich is so offensive its the eyes
,of Mr. Custard his party - 1 Sofitt- as , it con
- atitutess,principle in the -creed of the lie
publican 'tarty it is simply an ardent desire
" to adhere to the glorious. institutions of our
Union valid have been handed down to us
by our ancestors instead of a disposition to
_ .itdopt every wild and fanatical scheme which
may be startedin order to propitate those who
" are, stadionsof change and fond of novelty."
• Whatever good is Exuad in pro b lessiveism
will always be advocated by that party. It
is truly “progressire, not aggressive nor re
trogressive." This we claim as our guiding
principle, and it is this principle alone which
," can healthfully- develope and safely maintain
the genius and pe.rfecticin of out institutions
and guide our growing Republic to its true
and ultimate destiny—the entire emancipa•
:ion of the nations of the earth from the
• 'duchies of deipotisms.
FOREIGN COAL.— . -- . .The Coal imported into
this country, &rile year ending JanifirY 30„
1649; was, derived from the foaming places i
ism vim , :
- 63,079 $156,154
1,469 . 2,721
600 1,437
British Am Colonies,' 131,565 245,693
Other plaew ; -•- 3,277
Total, '198;213 . $409,228
' This is the heavimt importation of Foreign
Coal made in any year since the fonsidation
of our Government. The average price of
• 'the Foal as invoiced on board at the shipping
Part, was $2 07 per ton—and the average
duty at 30 per• cent ad valorem, in the British
Tariff Bill of 1646, was 61 cents per . ton.
The duty on Coal in the Tariff of 184 2, was
$1 75 per ton. Under that Bill our Region
Was prosperous -- under the Bill of 1646 7
every branch of business is prostrated.
FIXIMON COAL Ai 714.1Ew Yoax.—The im
portatinn.4.,Foreigutoal at New York, in
1848 and 1849, - was as follows :
• • 1n 1848, - • -
In 1849, -
Increase in 1849, 14,855 tons.
IMPORT/VOX or Farwroas.—We And by
the report of the Secretary of the Tratstuy,
that 71,553 bushes OfPotatoes were imported
into this country during dtelast year, rabied
at $20,602; heitig about 29i cents a bushel,
- Att the foreign pYri.. What will our Farmers
sav to - this ? -
Tom. on Coat, Icon, Ftot-a,)&6:—Accor
diag to the report of the Canal Commission
'els, the toll received on the following' articles
trapstioreed on the State Works, were as fol
loWs : k ', - , •
Toll on joalr ' ' ; ' $257,996 54
41' ' " Ike, . • • • • • r •
- • 93,211 38
" " = Flour and Grain,. - : 90,972 17
Tor. Hualcanteas.--The Hungarian Ea
Gov.,Ub*Y., lady, daughter and
others, arrived inThilailelphia a few days ago.
They - were *arialy-ireeted, and every Atte&
tam' paid iherritheXo'spitable dozens' of
the citY of "bro th erly love." They , are ori
; : th eir route to Washington,- D. C. ,
CoUNTY:—Senator Fasusir has baud' welts
re-charterßill for the of the Inters' taint,
with an increase ofc l Piukt We Pr.esixinP th is
Bank w il l be re:chattered without any..stiffi
culty, as, it is universally conceded to be one
of the safest and best instititioni - of the kind
in this State. This arises finis the lfitctiliat
it has confined itself to the legitinittebuidness .
of banking, suet bas consequently swivel clear
of many of the difficulties - encountered by suns-
hi institutions which have, pttraued a con
trary course. Its notes are soight after And
-held in preference to even the notes of any of
e Phihdetptiia Rinks, which are frequently
changed at its counter, for their own issue, by
the -hoidens. ' The only objeetkat we lutire
h*d - made'sgaii* 40 3 Te•chgtet,•of this In
wasily of considemtion, was, that
it had not ettauled its accoMmodations ftir-
This Ore presuzii, the BankAvas un
able to' dO, ityclmsequence of its small capital,
and the huge' amount of business constantly
pressing upon it :,and even this objection the
Proprietors feel anxious to remove, by asking
for an increased 'capital, with a view of ac
-cominodatini those worthy of, credit, wtu:sn,
they have been heretiAre compelled to refuse. •
The citizens_of Tamaqua have also applied
for a Bank, and we learn a similar
tion Will be inadtby die citizens of Miners
ville. If there are,.riew Banks ,incorporated
,this county, ,we - think these places are
justly_entitledto them. They both dos large
business, are rapidly increasing, and are
now -Compelled to seek amonattiodations
abroad. Their claims' are of the strongest
characher, and cannot be overlooked with any
degree of propriety, should any new Banks
be incorporated in iScliiiylkill county.
The Schdylkill 'Haven Bank, we under- ,
stands has applied, or intends applying, for
Permission to remove to Pottsville,---and an
application has been published for a. new
Bank, 'cleated in this Borough. • We do
pot know what die prospects of wet= are,
with regard to this, Institution,—but we in
cline to the opinion that no new Bank will be
incorporated 'the Borough of Pottsville,
until theclaims of Millersville and Tamaqua
are firs. satisfied. •
Application for , a Sating's Institution, has
also been published. ; Such an InStitution, if
properly conducted, would be of incalculable
advantage in this Region hitt it ought Lobe
totally unconnected with Banking PrivilVs
to anx.mmul the ccMfldence of the community.
The mecessity of such an Institution in this
Region, is tifiparcnt to all, who have 'given
the subject any reflection; and therefore, •
presume there will be no objection to its in
• •
.PLaqsvrvattrA.---Oni State, laboring as it
has been fciryears, under an immense debt, is
beginning, tolook up. We may say, indeed
that "a ray of hope is breaking thrif the thick
mist, raisedhy Locofoco. profligacy and reck
lessness. Gov. Johnston's sh - ort ca
reer $521;46.5,86 of the Public Debt has been
liquidated; fest, this much of the principal
of an enormous debt, has been paid 'by the
present . Whig administration of the State.—
lieretofeire, Oder the mu-rule of locofocoism,
it was as much as we could do to pay the in_
wrest of the debt ; but the day has come,
thank Heaven, when the principal is being
paid, the State credit revived, and when no
Peansylranian need fear having "Repudia
tion " cast into his teeth. Beside this, there
have been applied over a half a million of
dollars to the completion of the North Branch
[Canal mato the avoidance of the Inclined
Plane. Such are the results of the workings
of the present Slate administration. They,
will speak for themselves, and BirtheV com
ment is unnecessary. .
THE. UNION.—As we have all the While
contended,.the "noise and confusionlereated
by the Disunionists, is rapidly dying away.
In the'. end it • will' have been gOod for the
country that the question has been agitated.
It has had-a -good effect—it has strengthened
the Union,—it has aroused the Cool and nn
thinkinz frpm repose; made then. the firm
friends of the 'Confederacy, and, drawn forth
atich sentiments •frain era:teat 'man of the
South as would otherwise hive laid dormant,
showingtat the People, (if the Demagogues
are 'not) are ready tti stand by the Union in .
every emergency.
His Postrox.—Pmident Taylor has placed
himself in a proper position before the coun
try, by the teamunendation of such measures
as he believes to be conducive to the true in
terests of our people. It is evident, however,
that the Opposition are bent upon a factious
and unpatriotic course, and it becomes the
duty of the Whig party to •
,show that
upon the Loeofoco Committees and Members
of Congress alone will rest the responsibility
for all obstructions and obstacles that may
hereafter be interpmetl against the adoption
of the whOlesome and politic Measures recom
mended by thelFresident.
ANOTHER NEW LIGIIT.—We observe that
another new light has been disecrirered in
New York,which, if it prove true, we, Wt.
withstanding "we have Gas iniL. Pottsville,"
must "knock under" and admit ourselves out
done. The city of New York can be lighted
by it at a five thousandth part of the 'expense
now incurred. The principal ingredient( is
nitrate of soda,- whiCh can toe , had, in inex
haustible quantities, in South America. The
residugt of the soda, after being' used, would
be more valuable than the article in its crude
state.. A newspaper can be read, by this light,
With ease, at night, the distance of a square.
This is a great country, after -
A GOOD CiNt.=The Harrisburg Telegraph.
is responsible for the following with regard,
to the new candidates in the State Senate for
the . Speakership : The Whigs 2 thought it
would b e BESS if they had' not a'BitAmt.Ey
Speaker ; and though the Loeos.rnight think
this a poor psi, .yet the 'Whigs would con
sider it a Curios. joke.'
- 47,259 toffs.
• 52,113 do.
from Libetiato the 30thNovernber, welearn
that the acquisition of territory to the Remit) ,
lic has been going 012 'pretty extensively, after
thematiner ofour own republic—though with
a view of suppressing rather than of extend
ing Slavery.
TAE.PESNSTLVANIAN thinks the election of
the Speaker of our State Senate was making
the•bert out of a bad bargain.
Tlnt COMItT rzr of ArroarioNran and Dis•
iricting this State, consists of the following
- gentlemen:. ..
Senate.—Messrs. Packer, Brooke, Mathias,
Brawley, Darsie, Forsyth, and Walker-4
Whigs, 3 Lecoz. . i •
How* of Representrdires.--Messrs..Hoge ,
Beaumont. .13ent,-Cassna; Conayn, Hastings,
Leonard, Miller, O'Niele, Packer, Smyser,
Slander, Meek, Milner , • Porter, Laird and
Powell-8 Whigs, 9 Loens.- •
This is the most important Committee in
mar Stue i.t'sittre, and judging fronfits
complexion, will undoubtedly secure a ,fair
apportionment of the State into Reprocita•
Live Mid Senatorial districts. •
. _ - , ,
. .
. .
• • • •• • , .
o to iDq)artment
saucattia let Toils* •••=4ll. lasi)heee 11f.
peed, darletthe last WI day* la Veering theritistite
sod irdbresiajoa retailed to the &beats of Mitn.tiU.
hiejgdin fin nr,thtpg as aimeatloaal tharaeuvr.—
Alter going to stscir : troalde; we are enabled to lay
before parses/lin a *greet calmest dm coda
'lila of tbe ~Pylvat*JTatdiedind flabbatlif •ftfool‘4:,,
)4:tamale.' TfiliWt mini*" w htf.tbe
Pettivilii :teeirafT—la that Isettunloo, a molar
academk coarse lfparred.. lartesiptdd,
• Likepartameate. for
each of :hick It Wended to Mee a teacher. The
Allferent departments are =Weed undertbe)
at;b • • • • • r,
Angles' Inallinkes ?Ward eelesees4 Ihike
snantea; IttodarniaagnaraF; Masai? and Oentraptrf;
Rhetoric. and Belles Lettres ;,Stental aid floral Pail
osophy. •
There ate.task= lo an Aka Dapanamostaoriiikao
escepik!a of the laet, bat comiderabliattaatlaa
Is Wei tont:amnion awl 64601' Ceo
A valuable Philosophical l ong Cbeialeal 4mi:it"' la
coaootted *bath* Afistatile Vopartmear. 'l,
The Teachers' ata is ;renews t • ' ' " ' ' .*
Was Acinnuats. A.,„ll4fltitaiaata of gimbal! Oa' 1.
laPeJ.Ptlaelpataad 'cachet of AnelankLaareallmit,
VanUn;KisawooDi A.'S., matter .11 , 111benzate t •
C. patui, A. IL. (Graduate or Prtatetee COMP.)
' ember of Natural Atientei s
Lama Streets, (Ctaditeteer the Maven lir of
Zabingea, Cerasany,) teacher of Iltiarees Lan-
Som. Sm.. 11.. fliiradaste of Keityou cirteni
*WO Teacher of Alma" and Cletdrpplty. • 1
The averagi'atteudance of puplis Is 11Si the:nears
tea claases,—tbe Whole course occupying tau yeah.^
The Studies embrace a thorough course In each of be
several departments. The session 14 tie year, em
bracing fltur_ quarters. etch* 'coallitini of twelve
weeks, cointnencen•tbe last Kotula' le September,
and closeatbridnn of July. :Tsintse OS.'
sets Butatitsta—lt Inas be protier to say a word
whb regard to the bailing. Zr Is Large end - esanna=
Mous. 50 by 50 feat.. • (hie awls sebool.reem AG feet
square, and six tel inests—wrk 10 by. 50 feet.
It will aixonwhidatil6o pupils.: ,
. Pottsritlilastbstr.i-1 thorough Muss orstudi la
aensad In
_O lll l 8 0104..1i 4 divided isto SD/pan t
meats. u ration: . • , • • ,- •
. .
Ancient and hlndent Lineages ; .Natoral Deltarces;
Mathematics, Moral Selenceao kr., and Engthib. la
the dm; Depounent are eatlght the Latin, Oterk,
French sad German Languages f at present. tiC”reVers
there Is no teacher of the Modem .Languages g the
&testi& Department lacfudeaPhilosogiby.Ctremlitry.
Botany, &a., &c. A thereon"; lboltentatteit coarse
m panned g the Department of Moral • - fkOtticea. Ike.,
!seaside. Moral and Mental Philommlily. Logic. Met
ork, Bndeneta ot. OhrisUanlty, dte,, Deosultstlon or
the 'U. 8., aid Economy. Orthography.
Readier, Walla,. English Oraonari. Aselent and
Modem Mein. and E.riunalltkva. are also taught.
Ike average number or pupae la 30. The, teachers
Twos. D. ILLSPros, Priselpsl, and teacher Of Mattis
. Wass and English brasebes.
BEltialtill VA! KUL". A.D., metes of Amite Lan
The School ;is teOt Ja iltkhict's . tt,il, Corner of
lintel fr. Ccsitie Studs,
ta rle Raseator of the Rev. Mr. FitzlnaitooieCharr.h.
Catholic, there ia a School taught by Mr. Jo,na SCAS
cat: lt numbers oat 13 Berlde the neeee.
tux branches of an English Education, the Musicst
are tangtst-1 or 3 are reeding Latin aid greet.
, ..,
.. Bethr. &boot —This School, situated, 10 'lie
reel! of St. John's (Catholic) Church,ls conducted by
Mr.os. BILCIIICIL The EriMbiti toranches'are taught :
also the German Languate: 'Pupils—lMO 00 to 100.
The chei employed by the Congreption.' ' :, -
, I.ea
~ _ .
*# & ..'
\ • --4- 1• • . . •
ikk-114 School has may been ii
rlon a short tbue.At Is a trimly School: Iti-.•
struictlons are given In all'irramtles requisite for4e
m dimity English education ' '''' . l.4 comalniatO pnolli.'.—
Th . " Sawed is located 00 ILSentin4t., near the Miners.
villp Road. Team, $3 ituddl. per qintrer.
; - ills above embrace - oms . flc hoots for boykr•the fol. ,
losing Is a statement of trin various female *boo!"
and Seminaries In nar.'neiongb, —with all inch infor
mation as will prove of itulerest to the readers Of. the
Pottsville Feted@ fattitnto:•-Thls h a Seminary for
yount ladles, under the siapeivislon of Miss M. M.
ALUM. The studies necessary fora tbnmitih English
educition, eonaatilker Reading,.Writing, Mathemat
ics, Iristory, Composition, Phtlusenny, Mental and
Morel, ,
Vheinletry, dce., itc., etc permed. , Latin and
French aght occ a sionally. h thorough. English and
gashed creation can be obtained la this4natitution.
There are pupils- \ Tenue-0 and Rd, Pei iillarief• —
The school le kept is the Second Siorfar hlr.' s Lust's
Tie-ware Stork Centre 1314-ct fine and comfortable
. . ~
- .
?susses Primes ir.TtilAf School was Opeued'
bet a short time lance; the Rev. Kr. Pavoi, who is
the Principal. The &boo .is located on Second St.,
one door above Norwegian it. The vie tie of-instruc
tion; at , present. includes a Pt 'nary', Junior and Se ti.-
ior Departments ; which are into elevate
according to' he age' and proficieney of pupils. 1.11
the branches - of an' English and. finished education,
embracing Orthography, Reading, Writing, irithiee-
lie, , Ceatiositions. Geography. Gratatuar, fihttety,
Philosophy. Chemistry, botany, &e., be., are taught
Music, Drawing, are she aanyht. - Instructkirte are
also given -le the Wench ind Spanish lAngerages. It
raintaies.43 Pupila. The Teachers ate es Dillow,: -
Rev. A..Pason, A. 11., Principal ; - -
Mci. Timms • Parma. Vice-Pribe ;
Mira Pares, Asestint.
Tnnts—varying front' 04, * l to'olo, fora term()
three months. 7 • '
&rmituiel far noir Zadfut.—The branches taught
In this Institution. are those comprised Ina good and
'borough English Education, consisting or Orthogis.
Reading,-Writing, Arlibructic,, Geography, Gram
mar, Ilirtory. 'Ccimposition, Botany, "Drairing, Mat
oral and Mental Philosophy, Chemistry. Algebra,
ke. - The School numbers 40 pupils. Miss Mawr S.
MCCont, Priocipai—assisted by 811lAU AP! McCort&
The Pcbool is located In the Lecture Boom or the
Presbyterian Church. lsbantingo Et.
Xrs. Atodonotit's Schoot:pi, located lo the 1P1.4111a
story of the Good Intent Engine House, Fifth street.
It is under the charge or Mn. blocnottatib, and its
pupils consist principally of the younger portion of
the dichool-going folks: The course of ,Instruction
connotive Spelling, Beading, Writing, Anthasetic,
History and, Gleography. It contains - poptlL
Tsarta4l. 3 and Or - per quarter.
Arus Strut) e &Alta.—This ahtwtt,loeated la aas
ofthe MOMS 01 the ere story of the !Weed Ketbatet
Chtneb, Market Street, contains 10 papps. Mite
artavcii leather. The tonne. Of mak!' embraces
Spell's:. Remlin. Writing, Arithrietle, &e., Ike.—
Texas, 111, OIL CI. ' ' :
Schaal 4 St. Astyk—Ste Sand citSt.Josepb, kept
bitabe Bbiets of Charity, ta Incite& ba lealmutange
Street, in the line stone building knows more Siatf
arty' its the "Orphans' Asayfum." Muttaer MAODALIIII
is the lisperier of the InstUutton, assisted by 31ady,
teachers. Boarding pups, B ; day pantie; 60.
The above emt race. the whole number of priests
.sehools, male pod female. In Pottrellle.• navies
pored of tbow, we shall, proceed
,to notice,: in Weir
prOper order. the Public Schools. The schools for
boss sire as follows:
School No, I. *verities 34 popile, T. T. HUTCH'S.
Teacher; No.! has been suspended for a short thee,
but instructions have been resonsed t and it nowsem.
bars 34 pupils; 'ltems L Arrt.T.Tmeber j No. T. 31
pupils. Joins G. Muerte. Teacher: No 4, 74 peons.
L.G.Tioratt. Teacher .540 pupils. Jm3.l. :cob.
Teitbei No. (lads,) Übe E. llcsnitancrer.
Teacher; No. 7.53 (lads,) Ulu Suss C. Cites
urn, 'Teacher. •
Thetfollowing are the Public Schools for Ibe in
struction' of girls , • •'
No: ',contains 72 pupils, Mie 'Usti litcCsonsswr.
Principal, assisted by Miss Lis C. WT111,00? ; No.
5, bas 91 penile Situ ELM Liana, Principal. assisted
hyllisa Eine ; Ii peptic, , lass E. E.
,Dowsmo.' Tesibei; Na 4, 05 pipits, Km K. A.
Nosily' Eta, Principal. Nun TallllicCA Imam' A* 7
amain ; No. 5, 4.15 pupils, Miss T. hi._ Sea arci,lanth
-Thin einiasees the 'Public Schools pf Pet e Z e lle,
Teachers, smiths notaberof Pap*. Th e 81".1
tendence Is • nhant ISO ; whole somber of Wa r t '4° l
the roll. IOU: •
•—, _ . •
. Therratille School:nut riaded, and SS: Winches'
tagget fu Importion to Oar proven the poll has
sonde. The Coarse or study In one "Public 'Schools
emirates all the branchen. Of a good English 'MU
tkra. coitsisting of Orthography, Reading. Wright,
crimp r ( Geography , . flbtory. Mathematics, Philos
ihr..s.kc.. The goard of School Directors con-
Ws of 15,--one of whom is appointed to skit all ibe
Schools montblymod make such report to_tbe Botrd as
to him may semi bat for the suttees of the System,
We ebett arm proved to neeleetheßablealt &bode -
in our Borough, and t i'v r, the nember of Tseebers and
Pupils, the mangier of Pollutes to tbeLihrarlee. sad ehe
names of the esperintendeute t , . ' . -
Esiuley &LW .f Trieitititand.,—Thbr iscloof
meets In Trtnity.Church, Eplreopsl„ Cetitre Buell 1 -
ham 300 pupils, 110 outlets, 1000 *knows leas library.
and 100 magashsee are takes movably by the eltildres.
Iluperlatendast, ■ev Nu coolt—iislated by nee U.
, First s sdma.—Tl4, Slabbia eribrel PilMectelf
with the Bev Kr Otry's Sec Ont Meet. ela- ,
Tenn In tkte bailment bf the Chorea.. I; contiloirn,
pops; has 4121, 4aeber2 and aelleept ; but
1011 v4inspi. • •
Arnelids Reerett Prortottkoc—Tteo 44401 b..
toogin io tint Moab. , IN Vat irt lei' bittneyi 'Trois
organized in. May Inst.. with Owns.'
been la opaaitcia alibi months, and acts , costaiss 111
' - I t • .
Pupa. 43 Wan; andft* iretemeslithi: _
Thittesurr of Clierrii; D T h a t-: 11111-
PetiAttleittt. The 'ldlest richatxted •
11414 corner e s t Mud Wakes ';t
the r Ightsles Cheteit, Theieere .--. •
fs tesiben ad 300 vamps Willi 11111014 k
sod German are taught to t3tatiilsoL UMW Fitss o6 ',
peso toPoppitooesoit or thellasibiatillatleaU —
Atop iltti eit_threensa. =sae* me*, ill *
tbitmh. " • - ;
aminiectell lOW Opel.
Pfeditesfit . o Alimiris. Nabs sumiqu.O.
paps. i 1.5 teachers sad 616 iotsissei In We 1113017.--,
flew Jos lfcCool Of ibe icilootr-scan to
ttis buisociaat ate Oink 'I
Ruh_—The Rasta Basday Etc it 6%
papito i lif tebibers.iiiiik SOS Idaho is Om librarp- 1
Rev Ur 4ml:rig esperlateadiat..
Gabliaretaniradmi Fitual4o#4 Iko-11 4131 I elnioi
faisitieliodi, %stilts sboyP
desamtratioti. It contain 40 10110046 1 1 ' WNW , and
400 'tams, la the libituy: '-delis 11000044, Omer
lateadtat• 0411001 `wag k the bitheseit Of the
Mirth: . . '
rishosslist.--This Uslsersai littobstir School
insobeis ed pipits. LI masa t. ks awl Itss
arotames. Rig It X aria, loperistesdsat.
Statist coavesei hi o.e room st whtelk the CeeceiPk"
this worship. &laser's Balk comet of Coats. and
Nukes Su. „ •
Casholic.:—The titibatb &Wel belonging to this
bberets, Is &Wed Into, two dtpaiisslnite--eoe end
finite. The School for boys bas shoat 100 popes.—
reit.? !foyers. Superintendent. We believe tliers:ll
so IlbraVy. rie girls schOol lir 111181'40. at-7,prei
sot. by Moot 80 ; during t.N% soutteer i , boweter, ft
Li attended by 130.
• • . - . ,
Eigiist Lethet:ai.—Tbe .
aufeier of trepits te tbe
School connected want this Church. Is 83 r teachers.
sin r , olesees the litearr. tie. WT. Heisler; ea
pertatendant. School meets la the Church.
dermas Ref•nseL—Thete 4 -so IlailkiUt Miami
tespected a* Ws Chum* - - '
X4lutilist.i—Tho • &Amid macho; ' to , this
Church haul% pupils, 20 tescherac Telenet to the
library ZOO. Bev J S Jobarou, Itaierlutesdant, The
School la tight le the basement of kr Jolirson's
Church. •
. , .. • ,
Pruivarisa.—Tba School eonaerue3 whb able ,
platreli has wily Wei started a few week. ablest le-.
deed. It mow* be said to have got ender way yet— .
There are 30 papas; 6 teaebere. wed 30 volume, la the
gt Ales Chunk (German Catholic.) bas ao datt-k
loth School bat religious lastracthsau are Imparted:
by the ?Sato', Slav hte Carbon. -
MU Sele•29.l l re abro /IVO below the eabbaiti
-Schools connected with Welsh Conches :
CsorresstbsaList , -Ths coo attached to ttthl.
dmb. Cantata, 76 pupils. 14 teachers. lolut Ahra
ham, to Buprema:l:4lbl.. •
ti alai Beptist.4lbis iticbool bal 43 pupils; 7 teach
en. John Thomas, SupeOntendant.
Fields Celviniitie - Nel4 - 41,4.==1ta - itile School there
are 48 pupils, 8 Wieder!, Wai Davis, Bopeiinteadaati
• - These ere•the Welsh Schools of oar notoartt•,
Thews are so libraries canner/ell with them. The In;
'mellow are Shea In the Welch Language,
Ittcartrot.setos.—The whole number of bort and
girls in Private llamas; sea risacrieer,' 18; whel
number of boys and girls In Palate &hoots. aboar!
830; times on the roll, about 10301 teachora
whole number In Pnblio and Pluto Schoola, 1353 t
whole number of children la Sabbath &hugs, 2837
teachent, 1171,-..t ha Aeanbers of idle Catholic School;
yre not loetedied..whokr ectelber ot trotenses is eabl
bath Schools' Libraries. 4781. • •
Here; .
the reader has presented the condition of 1
the Schools. la Pottsville. The Picture It- presents
s Indeed gratirVing In the extreme. thom are aia or
ditittry Schools ; but such as will command the cool;
mendatintsof the most scratiatriim, upon this point.i:
This being the case, there can he no apology for igno•
lance In thh.' town; the opportunity of receiving an
education Is presented torm—every one has an ,equXl
chance; and If It la, not accepted the cease will reit
_upon thetoselverr,There. is every reason why the ad.
vantage held outhy our flklattile should be made uie
of. This Is a itepablkun Co untry—a Country In
which we are 111 placed upon an equality—a Countrp
where nosiosiurr but that of the'rated Is know's.-
and if the Tenth of the present day delimio become
citizens worthy of Ibis noble land, let diens take heed
In fl ' and prepare fottheillasharge of those.daties
wb r la the coarse of events, may devolve waist
'amen.- , ho knows but that le , some one of ot, ,
Schools Is a youth receiving ea elicictulon who may, it
atidistant day occupy the Guirematorial chair of the
'State, or perchance occupy the White ;louse, et
Washington. as the President of this RePublie... This
is no extraiagant assertion. for. more unlikely things
than ihii hive,occurred, - If we examine the history
of the most enilacnt men of the land, we shall Pad
that a large nthabecof them bare arisen nom humble
Mt gin ;and by a detirmlnation to become - literal cid.
seas, they have atattethemselves„ by the mat _Klee.
vexing effort. what they sop' ore. 'This is a subject
up a which wit love to write- 1 4;mM which math tin
be-said; but we have already; „ exteaded 'oar irematits
to an untignal length.' and most tbet efore close, whit.
eta referring to the Sabbath Schools, the benefieial
Influence they wteld, the good they accomplish, and
the useful lemons which are Imparted la them. 7 ,
• i
Assocismr. ITMG E.—Gov. Johnston, his ap
pointed JACOB RODIELESq. „Associate Judge
of Schuylkill county,. to supply the vacancy '
occasioned by, the resignation of Senator Frai
ley. This is a most excellent and,popular ap
pointment. 'Mr. H. will make in upright,
honest. Judge, whose character as a citizen,
has raised bun above suspicion; and in whom
all parties can repose enure confidence. His
nomination *as confirmed unanimously by
the Senate.
21031.—At a meeung.of the Board of Scho ol
Dhisetnra, held on ,Thursday Evening last,. ft
their Boom► hum C. CLarroar, B. Barnsis
and PHILIP HaifA, were appointed delegate
to the Educational State Convention, be
held at Harrisburg on Wednesday next.
'iter. JAMES COOPER, of this &rough, was
re Mon* admitted an attorney and coun
sellor m the &trireme court a - the United
Stater. • ' • • • -
Lrrzaaay.—The citizen of Schuylkill .
County, . we gettinx to be a Literarypeople.
Several weeks Since. we alluded ; to• different
Societies of mental, improvement in sour
county. Since then We have beim informed
that A society of this kind has beep organized
by our neighbors at Tuscarora.
Monett OF AMlARY.—Tuesday.last, the
anniversary of the battde of .New Orleans,
fought by Gen. Jackson. was celebrated in
this Borough by_st portion • of our citizens:
The riatto4l LaOt Infantry, Capt. Pott,
paraded, and • made a fine appearance, not
withstanding the inclement state of the wea
ther. In the evening the Schuylkill County
Troop gave a Bell at the Town Hall, which
was pretty largely attended.
Gas.--This ankle was intralite
ed into tau Borough on Wednesday arming
last. The gas, at lint Aid not ap p ea r to
make a sery_ brilliant fight during the worse
of - the • el'enmg, totreser, there was some
impromnent, and on Tharsolaj eve ning _ the
imprcrtement was more ,so that
in the ecarrsie of a kw days we shall have the
Pule; craidultented - rfP l / • '• 2'
Cm:4min nt:Portintst.—Thi•toltowliti
is a list of tbechniches, , With theirreipective
Pastors in' I?ottsville: -
Trinity Church; Centre Bt.,Reir.W.C. Cady;
Presbyterians, MahanuingOSt., Rev. , Jas..Mc
COol; Baptist, Centre Mr. Loner
lag ; Universalist: Centre St.; Rey. RAC.
Brush:-Ekiond Presbyterian; Ciwre
Rev% Mr. Sanders; • First M. E. Chnith,
Bo:odd St.,ller. B. - Gam • Secood - Metho.
dist, corner of Market andith St:ijleto.
Johnson; Associate Reforthed 'Presbyterian,'
corner of 2d and: Market St., Rev
Cannihan ; Bromeliad Luthaiin,
24 Bt.',Revi Mr. Surk ;PennatvE . van
Ltithensul,ld Retr t ° Mftnigi:Per
'mat Evangelield:Ameiation; Callow 'St.,
Ref. 51r.. - Mslir - ; ,:St;Patricit'is Church, Ma:
litinunv Fitzimnicitts ti St.
' Carina ; Pejo/on:Reformed,
Ea. D. His Singer Aftieittlehureh.' , 15.
The follourtiw are .thei,Welsk - coligW
donsi -
• V4ingmitionsibt,Ser; Wm: •L' Jaies;
Bairtitt, :Rev; ,3ArMainf Motgair wr Csltia tie
Itedtbdist,l4l.ntts /*imps. x•Licital
- r 4 ••-
• •
40cal lcuts.
Ihn whole Irstbre, of the goods imported into
thithmuntryi thi ring last year, free of du
4.4.thewhole amount of goodi pa
104 duty,i b - 0104479,774 ; the value of the
*iwsle a timuntitf iron and pteel, including
A a r 00qrigliiPillocikaDA. Sheet 19m, itm.;
towtedoviiie r 415,1150,987
pitibletnistying duties? , '195,479,774
productsfree of duty,. 22,877,685
I !told Imiorbifikr the year' — '
ew;18 - June r $147,857,439
- Them steel, =ling,
&pt.*, ctitlerYi hardware, and all
other Manufactures of iron andiron and steel,
tat t0nb0ut,344900 tons. The weight
of thebMiwitre and some bf the cutlery not,
being - salted, jhe *newt number of tons cannot
be asnininitiedwith anignstireitainty than
given.. ' ' •
If ~ ths BB! na, Pig getau. embraced
in the bad - been inazqt*ired in this
recluiro &eine of ONE rdnportrariulp
Mr...Kot4ini'clier, of, Lancaster, has intro
diked in the State Senate a bill providing
the l l election of Deputy AttorneyyTenerals:
We presume there is little doubt of thebill
oassinfrouiwi the locofc# int*ritt i , the :
House: should contrive to - strangle
be remembered that the, whigs passed a
similar bill a -few 'sessions N, , 0, was
vetoed by Gov. Slunk. Since then the PO.
lietiment has rbectiarr:ifititily expressed
in . itsfavor 'that the locofocos have,-,as mud,
uiath breeze,
and are nowaiding'protesSions of friendship
for the , elective principle; in all'ofkeS commie
ted with - the administration of justice, We
are rety much' inclined, hawever,:to doubt
theii, sincerity. We believe that if they haye
Reliance they Will quietly straagrle the bitt.
All the Viryigs have to_ do is to press the
measure, and compel the locofebos 'to race
the yeas and nays. , ' '
correspondent .of the (Methodist) Christian
Advocate and JOurnal, has an. article upon
this subject, faun which we gather the follow
ing facts :
Mrinotourr.—"The average contributions
of the Methodist fore erecting new ,churches
in Philadelphia, during the last five years,
is three and one-eighth cents per member,
annually. ' -
,•Paasarrr,urstes.—Averne per member
for the .same purpose, during the,same time,
is eighty-seven cents per'tnember,' annually.
EAPTISTEL—Average, one dollcir per mem
ber, annually.
PROT. EPIBCOPALIANS.—Averate, six. dol
ldrs and nine 'cents per member, annually.
The, above facts speak well for the pros
perity of the Protestant ...Episcopal Church,
and the liberality of churchmen in •
phia. •
TUE PUBLIC, LAM:I.—From the Report of
the Commiisioner of the General Land Office,
it appears that during the past year upwards
of six millions nfacres of land were advertised
for sale, and more than six and a half millions
are prepared for market, a great part of which
will be proclaimed during the ensuing year.
The report shows that the quantity of land
posed of in 1847, by warrants equivalent 'to
cash, amounts to 83;596,254,08, and in 1848
to $5,482,815,26. , In the first three months
of 1848 it amounted to $3,937,160,30, and in
the first three months of 1849 it amounted to
$4,287,737,28 shoWing that the increase in'
the amount of land disposed of keeps pace
-with the increase of population, and the con
sequent wants of the community.
ticin of editors, held 0• Harrisburg, the Ist
in 4 t., was attended by some twenty four of
th fraternity from various par • , the State
Hn. Nimrod Strickland , of tre We s , • .
er % Republican; presided. '-The convention
ado' pted a series of resolutions recommending
that papers should, be allowed to circulate.
free of postage within the - congressional dis
tricts in which they may be, published,ingl,
urging upon the ',Legislature the benefits'_
which would accrue to the people were the
lads annually passed: i
pu b lished n all the
papers of the state.
The resolution adopted at the editorial. con
verition of VenoOnt discountenancing person
alitties in editorial intercourse was adopted
,sinimeasures taken to carry out the', morn
in dations in re and to postage, . and the
pu.lkation of the laws. '
Moissors..—The People's party in Mine
sota seem,to have gained so complete a vic
tory that tha Pioneer has turned its' coat, and
no admits that its ":opponents were , right.
In larashiagtori' county, as in Benton-and
Itturtsey; the inajorities were all on the side
'of the PeOple'S party':. The papers of the,lst
December chronicle tl4 arriyal of tr mail as
an event of considerable impart:nice. None
hadjarrived before on account of the stoppage
of c steamboats.
' Tux Poter,, ass Uurnts says otpcsident
Taylor's message sailoaon the topmast,
a farmer under his apple tree, the . schciol boy
on the' wayside-woman, who never \ need
pollute her mind with politics, may each read
'and understand every sentiment in it, :with=
'out s asking , a question.
Such is the advantag,e of having a plain,
sttalght forward, honest 01831 for President.
All the criticism yet expended on the Pres
ident's Message' is confined to a verbal error
which originated In one of the offices where.
the document was printed ! If this isn't
doing a Large bnsiness on a tanallcapital,iWe
dcm't know what is. I .
, I MIL , CLAY AT TUE WRITE Hottsz.--A ,
Washington 'correspondent• of the N.l Y. ,
Commercial describing, the fast annual re.
ceiltit)ii:at'the President's residetwi says:-, 7
1:701 'twelve until two o'clock the rooms
i the White '- House were . filled. - During
nearly the whOle time Mr.. Clay was present,
add Was °forum , the ' object of geheril at.
wtion. The venenpile statesman 'appeared
ini , higher health 'itritimitifiWtion eat any o th er
oceasion silt& his bit arrival in Washing.
t•' , : :Wherever he Tutored there followed a
, • , of the eduairing and curious, eager to
see and coiverse with the only man in the
na dolt in regard to whom people itiute ie ..
`wondering Why he has not been ,Prerideat.
Mr. Clay was accomparded ,by a very tall,
ay lady from Kentucky, whose name was
gi as McKee, 'perhaps the mother Of:Col.,
cry lady
who was slain nt Buena Vista, While
commending -the regiment of Which Mr.
1 y's son was lieutenant colonel:, ; One of
pleasantries with which kr. clip 'cater.
ed thole about birEi
C created some amuse
;r Of t., ...Mr. Giddings' joined the group iifthe
. tre which Mr.: Clay stood , acid while
spwldng to him offered his arm to .a..lady
,with whop oth ieo*lnenwsr.c.funtainted.
044. to . this
.tiitre, , ciltilikitAnce, Mr.
Clay said— , A Mr..Gidllinge,'t!ter IrlY' a great
many hard things of Ott ;bit let theta bring
want4 - eltaiita P - 1 72 14 1 ; ' i ' k/ .
e i_iii '',
41)*, Oil
.fix , i , the Vnicta.! iii.- ' . .! - ' " "
31:16,3faXICAli WAIL,--No adequate •i• ea eau
bralound Oahe anount of, solfrang and lam of life
irelln 'amok the, wounded barsesjo thisi.Wattahr•
try war. Ifjs.braleved, howw, that had- there
twat ht thorbanwek pod suppl " 1 Merchant!. Gas
-011. Which bars celebrated for its!health' pro-
Waco watlew velettlite animal might Witte been saved
&fill/Uwe, aProtlebtron. ti
And atoong the wad:idea in - a peths - ps negfested sol•
dies, many casco Immediate - seller ('m Paid
and catty recovery woutd resulted rem the an of this
almost fitter failing 'surety. , -
Sire advertillentetryo this papet.'A eariplitet of
toperlption etaxee said pads or the agent.
THE satiscrib;r Invites the suasion 'or : ''Teahers
irauli &knot Direcronc, banicularly in SchuilklitCo..c
to the following new mud improved School !looks pub
lished by him, called -
4 4; rictinehi Dolikublan Caiculatir. •
- , Dtt - Youths' Columbian Calculator;
' Do. Table Book,
Do. Columbian Spelling Book.
Do' Pramkal Common School Mensuration,
These Books are already ezmusively" used In this
Corals; esd fowl changeable m Pollallation as we have.
has deslable that the Booka used In nrir Schools
abOttld be' astairosio ae watihte t we thrTerare call
the reateetar atteattne of School Viral ors sad Trach
ea te- thts sates, on. the the commencement of the
Sammie Sal Call, These Bosh base received the ap
protetkre as alintit'soo professor/ awl Teachers, ask
the best works on the 'emblem on which they treat.
CrTka ars she the chapati Mat to rkswearivU
Iletebentsi Teachers; lichee,. Director., ft., cep.
Al slate towiett rates, ty the cluarttity. —..-•
• ' Prater . Palialterisd .13rokiciler.•
.. • - lorrirtax. mAxacurs.
co#llger.ED wszxt.k ron - 7//C-VOURNdL.
Wbeeilloor,6l)l.l .54'9 I pea Peaches pard. 300
Rye . do do • 4 50. • do. • • donopar'd. 173
Whet - 1,50h: "110 I Ded Apples, peed; 75
Ryo,L : do • 60 Cis*, doz. , .
- IT
Corn, ,; do ' 65 - Butter, lb. is
Oats, do 40 Bacon,
Potatoes, do • ft•O name,- -
Timothy Seed, • , 130 flay, ton;
Clever. • do
.. 3.30 I,Ptaster,
; • -
In Tamaqua. on I Wednesday evening the' 9th Inst. '
by 'the Rev A Beatty, Rector of Calvary Church.
JlCol.Pirratue Esq. of Philadelphia;Vo Mn. Igaatt.t.a
KS OWLS* Of Wilts.l4 Para . , - . -.,
, • -
Li this norough, on the 7th last, VVsi trim., ages
47. years•
, Attie residence, in Lower Alahantaitgo.Oti Saturday
last, very suddeniy,lir. Damn. Wiest, aged about
44 yearv.• ' •
In this Borough on Saturday moining:last, Mu.
ILtaaan„ wife of William Hinkle, and daughter of
Jacob Lindenmuth, aged II yews:
The reception of the news of the death of an old
acquaintance and friend', who, unanticipated , by is:
kisowledgetof preflous Div is calculated to tufting .
the heart ness„ a all eirennalltances„ bet
peculiarly so a tdee qt,a friendiannexpect
edlytnnou with whom we have had fraternal
and Cariatlan latereourse—at , riend whose/ Whole fat
caltietbeve bean consecrated to the promalkin of the
cause'of the Redeemer, and Dims whose society and
efforteare feelthat our affeetnano have been elevated
above the perishing things of time arid Sense. The
-announcement In'.your paper of the deathilf the Elev.
W. W. Sueset..lbas no doubt been pciductive - of
these retells okr.the feelings of many in this county,
where he socialo' Indy and perseveringly labored In
that - cause of his Divine Master, . ,
The chtuntstanees under which Mr. D. labored In
1 this region,cand.his prolonged effarta, are - sufficient
evidence ot his devotion to the cause In which be was
engaged; and it is only tube; regretted that his labors
were mit, appreciated as they deserved--yet I trust
there• Ans many who -will bear 'him witness Jo the
great day, of greht and Important results nlready at
tained, and much that is yeti ti the womb "lithe future.
•A letter from a particular friend of• Mr. 8. , . Informs us
that he died In the Triumph of "a living faith, sejcnc
intfle Christ: ' „
Mt-while we rejoice in sadness at 11141 happy exit,
It is proper to, sympathise •In the • anguish of the be
reaved:', His !Jleand four helpless orphans are; led
to morn, not only
. the turfs l l of a kind husband and
father, but also a support arid guardian. They-are
left destitute—now It is an easy matter to expreprour
condolence with the bereaved inwards, and they no
doubt have a anothing•etTecti but my opinion is that
somethings little substantial I with the words vs all be
prodactive of more real benefit, and be a better proof
of our , sympathy, as well as ehristian regard for the
deceased, My object In writing this communication
is to suggest to the friends of Mrs. Bootie, that any
contribution enclosed In a letter to Rev. William
Ramsey , . Philadelphia, would be property *milled, or
to Mrs.!E. D. Runnel, at Rankford, Pa:
T. A. G.
•• Schuylkill County.
. . .
‘..Y Will hold in next regular meeting at Stlehter's
Hallos Wednesday oveninuttext, Jan. 17th letture,
by C. I). Bowman,—SubJett, "Moral Power."
Debate—Bave brutes snots t Atiirinative—John
fluehyru,'ll. P. Hobart Negative---C :i. - Uttle, Chas.
Reader—Thos: Yardley.
. By order of the Soeletv,
- CEO: C. STOBOB, Seey.
Kr"' hill Tritte No. 2.—Stated meeting% ()fine Society
ire held evhfy Friday evening at Slichtera Hall-. The
member, artS requested to attendance, as hest:
ins Or impatience wilt be transacted.
• • • J. F.-LIEHTRAM. Sec'y.
py Rat. R. R. RRITSH. - acilt deliver his ath Lee
ite Ante akciust the doctrine of Erigiscs Psuiskutiat.
in the Universalist Ball; nest 13auday evening, (Jan.
13,) at T o'clock..—F:adtess Panitlekent
scriptural; The public are respectfully Invited to at
:servive is heldevery Sabbsth morning sad even•
tug at the usual hours of worship, its the Lu-,
theran;Church, 21 St., between Market, and Nome
„ D. STECK. Pastor...
` ms s ~filE
RIAN Congregation, wershiOnln; in TbninPann's
new building, corner of Market and Second As. t , hive
moved Into the large upper Hall of said belldtng,
where religious worshlp'.will be conducted every Sab
batlu by Rev. D. T. Carnahan. Services to commence
at 1011Velock. A. M.. and 3 o'clock, P.M. Seats free.
The public are respectfully Invited to attend.
—rthe following 'Resolution has been paced by
the Vestry of Ttinity Church,, ' •
itesshred, , That in consideration ofthe slims contribu.-
te2l and to be contrlbutedLas donation* to the erection
and 'foruisblog: of the chtireh edifice; the vestry do
herebraet apart, and. aporopriate FIFTY EIGHT
PEWS, ;eh shall be, and remain fess forallpetsons
who may deadre to worship in the Church'. These
pews are located as follows :
North side, Noi 164,119, 127, 135.143. 151, 159.
South aide, No. 112, ISO. 128, 136, 141; 159, 160:
North eide; N 0.2,7.13,19,25, 31, 37, 43, 51, 53 54,55.
South side, No. 2, 8,'14, 20.16„ 32, 38, 44,:50, 52.
South side," No. 56, 57, 58, 60; 74. 80,136. 91, 98; 104, 110.
North aide ' No. 59, 67, 73, 79, 85, 94,97, 193, 109.
DIVINESFRYIOE is held in the Chi:l'th every Sun
day, .4bn-shirr:Service commence* a:" 101, o'clock.
.fiftarstoon Service enirmOacoa at 4 o'Clock. : /hid even
us Seri:ice, on the drat Sunday of every month.
LAUREL.—The Vestry of Trinity Church, Potts
ville. are nova ready to sell burial lots and graves In that
large and keauttful.plotof ground; near Mu:junction of
Market 'Street and she Minersville 'Road, which they
havp lately e.nclosed and lall out.lbr aCemetery.. A p
pileadeproe lota es single araves may be made to -AN
DUE‘T. RUSSEL, Esq.. Treasnrer - of the Church,,,at
whMteolliie unMahantongo Street; a plan of the Ceme
tery, can be sees. or ' Edwerd Owen Peery, Esq.,
CsotreS!reet. • •
IXTAIIiTICO--flltnatlon . wanted by a Book-Keep
er, who is at present employed at one of the tar,
hi'• the County. The object of chancing
loon account of location. flatialbraory referencea
view. Address II: Pottavllle Post Office. '
,-Dee 211.1810. - • • • 62 tf ' •
UtTANTED—At Cumberland Tunnei.Flan !ilia •
V V Tennessee; sixty miles south of Nashville, and,
twenty' iles north of Tennessee River. Twenty Cor
nish Miners. and three be employed on
theabeseTunhel, which Is flack. 2100_feet long.
The loestkuris very•healthy. etimste bet very
in Om western conntry.and proeislonreXtremely low,
which Makes It a desirable location for• Own of niftil
y We, will, pay one dollar and fifty centi per day.
fe nod experienced workmen. None hut Temper
atemen ned4 apply. • - - •
i"" - :Tomboy/and Tunnel Post Office,
• ' \ Franklin co., Tennessee.
3!.BSteam floats . leave Pittsburg to Nashville
almnst.dallt ,
— Der.,15,1 19:
jArA /STE D.—A • Boy- of a goat moral character
VIF about IS years of egO,who heir recelveda good
rthicattoooss anApprentice to the Printing Business.
Nitta other riled apply. Ite roast also' Wing gorai re
commendations., Apply at tblaTtafeed, - , ,f
Dee 'B, 1819.
• tii ' • •
_HoFlies & ro er
Co rtes 'striation,. doors ober. les reir• kat, 1
port \ - '
TAKE this Inettent ofraturnint their Sincere Waits
to their'numerous friends. for their mere wren_
age extended to them. They.noss respectfullf,reli
their attention, aid the public general),, to their new
and extensive stock of FALL & WIPITEtt GOOLI4,
selected with care from the best houses in the Chien.
of New York and Fhiladelphia„ comprising the latest
and most fashionable assortment of French and Eng
111k r fine Broad Cloths,Csaaloseres, Vesting.; rect
warranted to be the choicest brought into the ma r k e t.
whieh they will sell as cheap as an be bought else
where. They .see now prepared to execute toOrder
all kinds of Clothing. such as Paletot titiercoats. the
improved style of Frock sad Dress Coate, Pantaloon.
end Vests. &c. wbieh esslnntlaato plea* stio
ististlastidlous • all of which will be got up andel the
immediate direction and superintendence of the pro
prietors. so es measure Mt sitisfaction to the northe
ast' In lit, workmanship end style: All they °ski to
Sive them a trial. and they pledge themselves. to ire
fail and entire 'satisfaction. .t
Oct. 27,1849. . • j , 44-3 mo
AL ifevir lElitamishment,
Y 'IFTE all POW F,U. , A11 - 7116 &now OF F..n.
LI MA1111E1445 TIIIIRD!at:. near KARNES, where
att nada of wrens I. wood will be thankfully re-
Shred. sod tautly executed Without deley.
;fled Posts. Table Lem &e: kept cockatoo on band
and for sale at the lowest orlees.
Mara , 3 >' for .1. MORGAN.. • '• -"
Slatem 1 Slates „ •
Slates! , '
/in 119Z6K SLATES of vatiotut mar, also, Wire
ljlJboued arid pen bourid 1 1 4 schwas: 1 1 !at•ft" ,
! teed and tot safeeheap.
IThe tabsettber la Agent fbi' the Penisyliaala aisle
*nosy. the best Slates in the United elates, sod snp.
tea actiools, StoreArearra. fac,, ht.tbe *Weenie et
;anti:tuts and 'PhiWtielphis pmts. at his Cheap,
ook sad *tamper, Stares, Tectivlite:
' ' • ' ff;BAltellfflff
NO4IO, 1842. . it, •
EH ThaalinCi44:•. ': • .--
• ' COLLECTOR OF RENT S, ----- -
olio in Part :Carbon, Sekolkil/ :Cauligg. fa, • ...
TE enbactlber will ' take elan* of Coal = Land*.
,DweWng Unuses,and other property, aril collect
Rents for the satne,,lo the County of Rebuglkil4llll4
allother bast neanconnected Withkla 'Agency, erlllke
.promptly attended
to.. :1,....,..
-- : ELI 71.
1 •
03$P . SO .
Port Carbon. Schuylaill eo,
\, geOsrt
Dora Pattereorkekol notate ..elrultlx,;kag.,
, , - - . •,..„-,...-,,, , r ~_ . ,- ,
• -I , Samuel Belk Rellanc• '
. - : v. - Wm. IL WIIVIb., WriaitiCitb-s ll *-•• ' .
. .
:\, ‘ , 1 ,- . ..,. ! ' ~,, fi I- • " ';' i :. • -, - e,: , ..yr .., 4, !-J. la it ,.. ,
~,,,,,, ,i_
• . .
, • /
NOT2CE—Tbe AnditOr nerd te4 by the Conn of
Colninon Pleall of sctroylklll Claaty - ; to distribute
the proceeds of tka sale - of the real estate of Jacob
Madart,isrill amtsd to the duties of his' appointment
at bra office ie Centre street. Pousvillb, on MoPdnY
the 21st day of January, A. D., MO. at 10 o'clock,
A. M. EDW. OWES PARRY, Auditor.
Jati 12, 1850. " 2.2 t
ATOTICE—The subscriber hereby gives notize.
.1.11 that be has been appointed by the Orphans' Cruet
- of Schuylkill County, Auditor to distribute the 'effects
to the hands of the Adminlonstor. - to and among the
erctillOrt*f Utensil 'IOUS 14.110621GEIL,deeetteed.
and that be will attend at his tech iii the Borough of
Orwigsburg. on Monday, the 4th at 'February oext.t at
10'Llork P. N.„ for that purpose, when and where din .
creditors of said John Raerherger. oar anew!.
7 CHARLES WITMAN, A - uditor.
Jai 12. 1820. • •• • 4-31'
11 The partnersbin - beeetefore eiistiogbetvicab the
undersigned in the Metia utile nod Coal Business, un
der the firm and names °ff.& D. McCORMICIE, and
McCORMICE.B & CLARK...Mere this - fiaj dissolved
'by altiavd•conseat, , Jarrina 'llleCorosic wititdravring
hos. tht.saldgines... The business sr iterniftes be
conducted by the remaining partnere,; under the firm
name of McCormick & Clark._. •
••Tber bembess of' the late .firms will be - closed bY
David llcCormick,*llo berebf witholized'fo re
Wirt Pm an snowy due then% and to ,settle all ehlms
against Dives. ' ' • • -
- • . - JAMES McCORMICE; •
J, M. CL ARE._
Danaldiott, Die 26, 11119: — 1-91*
riIISSOLYPYION.—The Partnershtp heretofore
IL/existing between the subscribers. Coat Operators,
order the demo( CAPEWELLY & COMPANY, PAIL
YEN &..MOYET,was,dissolred on the second day of
January, Instant, by anneal consent. -Francis Per
sia, will continue the business, on Ms own account,
at the dt, Clair Colliery, and the other Partnere will
continue the litavensdale Colliery, updec the Brun of
Capewells & Dovey
Jan IS, 1950. .
lb 00
Notice, that WILLIAM MILANI), has filed his pe
aim', &attys.& application to the Court of Common
Pleas of County, for the benefice( the lo•
solvent- Leiria of this Commonwealth j• and Abe said
Court has appointed the not Monday is February,neal.
at the Court - House in the Borough of °milt/burg. at
10 o'clock. A. af.. for the beailat of b 1.13 and his credi
tors. I By the Court.
TUOB.BU---, 1 - 1 - 01 ; Prothonotary...
Jan 3, 'IMO
lI ISSOLIITION.Ttie Co-eartneriblp'of Lewis
Li Deaner, blarcos Strome and . Henry Guitiqman,
In the Store Business. trading . under the firm of
fIE‘I.NER, STRAUSS 'Se Co.. Wea dissolved by me
.teal consent, on the tell of December last. All. per
sons knowing themselves indebted tolhe above firm;
are requested to call and make immediate settlement,
as the Woks Will be left for t ollection, with a Justice
of thofeace, after the 19th of this month The boa
nesaotill be carried on at the old stand, by twiner
• • , -STROUSE„'
POrtlarbon, fan b. 18.50 . ," • t-3t •
11}EROLUTIONN.-:The -parteerehlp heretofore
IA • trading ender the Orm of MILLER & DALY, - le
this day dissolved by mutual consent,' All persona
titre lag claims against the Ann, are rpleested to:pre
sent them Cot ietttemeur. -
Jan. 11,11349.
ACIOTICF.....The.firm of L, C. IVES & Co., hr_tbis
1. 1 1 day dismayed by winos! consent: - Any outwand
ing busroess will be settled by the subscriber.
/- wM. Y. SEAM
Jan 1, 1850.
T A PUBLIC SALE; on the 24th el Deeem
-1-k ber 1849. under a Landlord's warrant, of the goods
and chattels of G EOM.; E TIIOIII P SON, at the Landing
'and,tmal Mines, below Port Carbon, I .parehared the
folidwing articles : drift waggons, Llot of breaking!
plateso lot of Rail Road Iron, 8 shinier skreeno. II
small office,: wheelbarrows, and tools, and I platform'
scale; and at a public sale on the 26th of December
1849, at the ikwelllag house of George ThompsonAn
Blythe Township. :1 bought the fullowihg arti e leo
carriage. 3 circular skreensol cutting box, I grind
stang•lr. lal Groat*. 1101 .0e.4 sielo.llwheelbarrowir, I
sled, a lot of carpet.: bureaus, 1 Woking glass, 6 chairs
I desk, I book ease and lot or books: ?The ,pubele are
hereby notified that I have loaned the above property
to the said George Thompson during my pleasure: -
Jan 1,1850.'
AIMITOWS N TICE— ho undersigned Mt
ditor, appointed y the °Orions' Court of Schuyl
kill County; to dlstri. to the money 'iriaing from the
sale of the real estate or JACOB utEnnING, late 'or
she - tiorough of POttsville,deceased,.will attend to the
ditties of his, appointment, at the office. of James H.
-Campbell, Esq., in Pottsville, on Monday the 2lat-day
of January next. at ip o'eloah in the forenoon, when
aad where all interested may attend.
%VIC L. WHITNEY, Auditor.
Dte 9,..1.019
S, N. LANCIIINGS—AII persons desiring the Use
: of Landings. for the shipment of Coal by the
Nshuylkill Navigation, during, thit Boating season' of
1850. are requested to address their applications ha
oudiaray, in writing, to the subscriber at Scboiptilk
All applicants stating specificilly their wants; and
the probable extent of their bnelneboby Canal.
Those who are - not actually engaged In the working
of mines, will be expected to furnish satisfactory evi
dence of the amount of Coal they will . probably- be
able tosh.p during the bushman mason of id. 50..
tuviroot) MORRIS',
Resident Engineer, ev: N.
; 51-2aso -
et 13, 1E49
NT.ovicr.. - -scnuvuraLL NAVIGATION CARS
.I. l f --The Schuylkill Navigation Cempany v having
sot time since, assigned all their Railroad Cars, com
ma Iv known. as the Yellow Cara" to Henry C.
Corbit,Cbartes 13. Wood; and Edward T. - Randolph.
Esqrs.—is trust. for certain purpose,: and. possession
having now been given. to theirj Agent Edward G.
Hung. who will keep three Can tu Repair,and Gan
them, for account of the Trustee,. .
- NOTICE. is herebygiven. that. all einima, for labor,
or nzaterials; hem after furnished to these Cacs,iMUSl be
presented for settlemen to Eilwerd G. Harris, Agent
for the Trustees. • ELWOOD MORRIS,
Dee. S-',48-49-Iy] Resident Engineer, B. N.
OTICE —Z. N .CARS.—Whe rem. the Coal Oars
ly....itanally- known as the "name Cari" 7 —havo on
several occasions beim stolen away' from the
tlon Landings, and used to haul Coal fm Rfly t - per=
poses. -
NOTICE, Is hereby given. thwthe imbsatibes
termined to inie nit the means In his power, to pot a
stop to such 'impasses, and to punish the trespassers.
May IS, Alen; for the Trustees.
AKE NOTlCE.—The'Books and account* of
I. FOSTER ar: DALY, baring been assigaud to the
shbacribers, all persons having accoudts open with
them. arc requested to call and settle, and those in
debted to make payment only to cis or our anther aedl
ceounts not settled betbre'ibe first4it
December u' will be left with a Squire for settle-
Nov 10, nig
hOOTICE IS HEREEIT- GIVEN, Oak an Applica non will be made to ,the hogislatnreatt its next
session, for the Incorporation of a Saving Institu
tion, to be ealledahe."Pottsville Baying lastitation."
with . a capital of Fifly Thousand Dollars, for the
transaction of the usual business of Saving Instill - y=
Sons'. to be located In the Borough of Pottsville;in the
County of Schuylkill, Pa. ' '
DOCTOR A . HEGER, formerly of Phtladel.
phia. Office. Centre Street. above the-Town Hall;
'Physician and Oculist. ..
N. B.—Fresh Vacine Virus on band.
Dee 22, 1842.52" tnelt
.. a
D. DIEREDITIT— ReaI Estate Agency.; Of
see, Centre St., Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa.
Agent fur the sale and ,purchase of Real. Bente.—
Agent for Lands, and collection of Coal Rents; /kn.. ,
::Oct. !KT • ,
D.' DAL , . ATT 0 E
.bon. Schuylkill Count ,
Exchange Hotel,
Dec IS, 1540.• • ;
Vl' AND .PARCHMENT - Manufacturers, No.
Hermetic St., and No: 7. Willow Street, Philadelphia'
Wit.asis Bannest.- • Berme Batmen
N. B.—The highest price paid for Wool aid Sheep
. ,
Nov 10, 1812. 4041n0
octint C. iIIEatELER, nomcgovvralc
paisICIAN,• Removed his Office to the oPPee-
Mel of the new brick
. .baildinp, opposite the Post
Office. Centre Street, Pottsville-
April 98,1849
ICAL OFFICE, Camera 2d sod iderite4 B l. o POo- . .
ritelrborapson'iLMlL Pottsville, Pe..•ltesidooto 'cos.
net of Coilowhill'and 3d Bt., opposite the Priotatieo
Methodist Church. ;
. latt„.27, 1849.
DR. 31. DEPIIY, Bnrgeon Dentist, Oltire-:
II Market 'Wert, (North atdra Firs; door'. above
Sootre Whion's Office. '
M0r,5 4 .11849. • 181 ) 1'
Ia Pottsville. • Will attend promptly - to Collections.
Agencies. Purchase sad Sale of Real Estate. 'ace.. in
Schuylkill County. Pa. Mee in Cause Street, appo
site the ?town Ilalt..— • . , ,
Oct :0,.1849. 49.1 y
£4 COUNSELLOR at Law, Philadelphia. will attend
to collections and all other legal business is the City
or - Philadelphia, adjoining Counties and elsewhere.—
°dice N&l3 Prune stoat, Philadelphia.
,104 S. „ • 31-2 y
Aug. 21;
LAW. Ila:nlrentitved till office mit to,,L
Longs Stove 25 tom, Centre street. !
Septl,lB49.'SS.Zut ' ' .
GRAVER ON WOOD, No. 80} Waloutglireet
Philadelphia. -
lapse 4.
j soorma,.Schaylkill Co., Pa s . .
Jane 9, j 919
• _ .
.:EY 'AT - LAW, Port Car
. Pa. Ulnae adjoining the
• Vsvitzt* renalucari Frets the'
• - Hem,
comer et ikettett ands72relet. He
ly the best - ellattket Ver le beside* is
Port Corbel:4)llmin Wee estald is that Uwe Per
fifteen Jean , ' The. staralek *Wm NM
lot. stable. yet% gawks.. dahlia& its hoWet: catch
bones. also. two entall texascbeeste, eateCeftenter
pr Coettneaker shop seat theeptirw. Per'Oarr
apply on the premises to
* • 'Alen m.ntrAtir
• LawtenloWN.
• Jai5.12.1830. " • . ;
siThe aberaValnahle property- riYIU be bid very
thellP, nee on the wen *commutates terms
T ilminisa VOlt limar.— Th isabsctibenilbeer
•„1;:o: floosie about- imooa or MAKO (stator Plod one
incli dried board, Rod 11000 hot of jaw. , which they ,
will dipole of oho:wit' milird far noon. to - •
,_ - • .. -. •- -k - / sawing' ateraproLza,
, .
ACO .111031• TO Rgsr. AT tAaaacrA—
. ITbe aperlor,velti 'or vest italow, waterier's!, at
!fa Ise. called the wvitio. Din , bell poi bad 'Mr,
wateriet fry Maori: .1. & it. Cifte2ao rear, Apply
to , - -• ~...,, '.-...-.=. - ' WILLUiII.I.EVAN.
-',/a0 11149 ,
' Wooll Monti itisu,l,l4Bllada,
-he 114 1' '• - '" -
- • : TO. LET-=The dlrellion now lit the
- .tanager of Dr. J•:•lff.Wite7iat tht ear M
'of Coal and Pilteatreeln. bei let, and pm..
eiakin even on the that oraprit neat-4
Sod location for' a Physician oft caber Oro tgsionall
••' • •
Pen". AP r l'G P C.irbo
lam J2.-I Sig. = • • • Vitt*
Vszartt roans - 4 Tee se L
‘..1 bet is prepared 1.0 rem; Coal Vela, Ilte'"Tuee i
cora" Tract, the "Pon Catbon'-'• T or the **Ws g
ner" Tract. above ,Ilinerveille. I .
• A. nuasrx. Agent for t h e Nett acki Bank.
• Office blntontaapill tousvlne. 1
Dee lb, 1519 -.-
tiro:o44 tone Dwelling 'z
• Houses with convenient back imaildusgs, situated
In the twin of Port Carbon Real Moderate. Apply
to Jerem i ah Doane, Port Carbon;- or: to Dan'aubsertber,
at Mit:take la Cannot.; Ptataville r . - •
3. lilltoorp wrrneatu
-60 O. 3
Dee 8, 1849.
VOll.-11LIONT=A lArge SlVialr ROWE. off
A.!' Monett Met street. eateinaveulenitolbb Rail
road or Mud, will be: rented dui 'tato% April
neat. or . ionget Irmo lied.. Upon' relish alibi ,- Wow-
The building La 4011', bp.3o, two' itorieshigb. =wheel;
calcutatedfor atorintillay, Crain. noun Feed. As-
Applle.vloe made to, ;
47.4 f •
Nov 17, 2849
•' FOR
• TY iniffinerriUlt.—The ante molt Sctipla
; 1 1'."1 toy N. G. li3trtmckin t is offered fog ode r , —
Fat terms ipp!y to r -- • -
GEORGE .1.• ntan,sii •
29 1849=-404f] - Mistritithr.
.L OR .111.1 A—Alt th at 'ensulle eteow' •
Tavern etarulantowtr as the: VALLEY HOTEL.
aluilitoon Valley. Street, le-thotottla of Pat. '•
• -=-=`••• tenon; is OW County of Bcheylklll rena..
' tabling lo fronted feet, And tit doable°
dlsunt fronasheßchoyledl Valley Railroad
100 yardkat which eltreitle CsresV. o 4.14 es
Ala% 4 other lots of snored, • each wets:albs 60 leer
In front, and 200_lott is' &Mb. skonte. 'also. in said '.•
town of Patterson.. Theproperty lathe sold cheap;
• lei= easy.: Apply . • D. E.NICE, Res ,
. - _ at h is. Odiety Poureille, or to •
Bept. 1, 1849. •• . . • ^••
USE SALE...Fin .n•Clood Intent
.1. Fire Company ofer Melt East • • for sale at $
reasonable price, whieh tan hasten "id their Home In
sth street. between Market. and
,rttoireglarr. - For for.
tharputitulais amity to . •
• ' ' MILLER, committee.
'Mfg:ll,lBdg. - • •
1.5 . 1 STEAM MILL—Th. subscriber oferiblit /Meant
SIM, rotated in , Port Varbon=forlisle or tent. Said
Mitt islocitted In eneof the bestaltsittorts'itetbbile
gion for s basineon, being the ant, one: hi • th e falnern
section at she Coal Meshing: It is in geed licitallitka.
and possession will be given immediately iltivired.
Terms easy. Apply to -•, - - L. P; AVM ET.'
Port Cuban; Minch 10th,181 . 9.: • •
1 1 0 RENT-4 FARM orfoo Acres cleared:4M
1 VIVO/HMI UOILSei oear Mount esrboo. apply to
' • J.A. CAMPBELL, Agent: ".
July 28,1849
'fiALE.-60LLIEttY • iltO
r garel
r - 8 A LE.:—TIIE S.VBSCUIDEIt offers at private sale
the - following property, gig •
One 60 florae Engine.' wittS'4so feet of.ninti loch
Pumps, in Grit rsti working order. . .
One 30 Horse Engine, with' 640 feet .of - nfite !nib'
Pumps, with winding gearing ail complete, In good
working order.
One - 60 florae Engine for hoisting" Caal finm
In gond working Oder. •
One tO noise Breaking' Engine wiiti Rollers; Shift
ing, Screens, Sr:butes; a ad o al t tkethridielifeeesaary to
do a business of 1000 tans a week. '
• Alfa 50 large Railroad Cam with betivirlibilled
*heels, and three inch ixele, these Cara are well itch.
ed for any of our -surrounding- Roads - where /Rita.
power is used.
The above Engineswereall marouthatered by hay.
wood er.:Snyder, and'are considered among the very
best ever made by said parties. -
Jan.l3, ' 3-tr] CEO. Tf.
"VOR SALE AND , TO LET.—Bailding Lou!
in Mount Carbon, Lew!pport , Wood. rand Lyon' d',l
additionto Poturville f on;Norareglanie..Prdiavine, and ' -
in Mineriville. Alio a convenient (Men •in Alocle
Addition. Apply' to JAS. If: CAM!Sta,
April4B, 48. ' • ' 18.1 f
!Muses. Apply to E. P. Richardo, Market s.
to /no. Erup.u, e:st...Ptstiovine. , •
BlAre • ' ..13- . • '
F OR SAL sups riot it,dcabte fir
taking likenesses, (tlglarz.A . : 4l - orr
second 'dm above th 7
Ciit 210849
.0 V Z
HOLIDAY !PRESENTS—shit reieliiii‘laas ,
asanatEneni;pf Nadallos, Lockets, Gold .Paitaill.
tiaa Itings,.aie. at
' ' . ' Jewelry Store, nix! dam= to the ,Pow 0fi1c5..,,-,,
DT0,11,.1810..., . . • 524. t
. • . .
TEWElstilfi—A large assonnteoc or the limas'i
sty lea of Jewelry! such as Tarquolsu Ear Mom?
Breast Piss. Otacelets, Finger Blum Watch MOW
&c:. suitable for chrintanni and'New Year preaentrZ
To be had low, at ‘,„.
Dec 1848..
ABE AIITAPITEr atisaroilent . of (fold, Lug tab
French' Leven, LeffB RADY ines: &c. ELLIOT ,or saki low la
pre, I, 1919.
A. able article. - Jut reeetve.d and forlaate'at
Dec'B, 1849,.
ENVEL t ' nyelopos o Ira •'.•
kinds and qualities.. just `and for sale,
hoteiale and retail. at • - I BANNAN'd
28rpr 29 1849 j '-- , riaddrt nrtiotiary Store.
BABY 4IIIIIPICEB.—a. flesh 'supply orlxibr
Jtunbers. Mao laths Satiber,.l.4anth4 far -; Jut
retailed sad rot' ash, at ,t • 11ANNANS'
Sept 29, 1849. • ' • ' Cheap Vale store*
ARPATINfit—A tupubonut essorlmon of
ki grain. Waldman& Dotmestle Camels. Just retells:
edaiid Ot sale by h 111. BEAWY & eft. ,
new article mods approved in New Yorkaordllas4
delphta,lor sale . by • _
Nov. 3, 1849. -
FIEESTV•4OOO lbs.:, Choke Deity Cbeese.lisav
reteiwtd b- - pc
'& :
• Noe 3; 1319, ' . - 45 , - • -
/?OR, SALE-Coat Barrewa i etieirildr err2:-
Ana 23, 49: 32.tfj - W. A.12.11tir.•
1.1 ITILLIDE,RB 11,32DWARS.—.2•coirplete auger
13 merit of Tiolitters,'Saddiers. Carriage Makers, and
IfOuse.keepera. Madeira at reduced prtces.,. ,
;taloa, • 311 - .. c.' ..• .DRIGITT POW;
1(01:TUNING Sit A.WLIB.—A badsoni Queen •
IVA nienrof Slut, lon and square Shawls,
iIEOUGiE , I3I346-Miti• ' • • .
ForaliAinds of Pisb,'No. 64 • North' Warves, briber
Rae* amen PhlUdelphla.: 'tAkil SI, 40. .417,
dnr for Razor Strops, narlielled and unequalled la
the annals of Ike Nthateenth Crater". Warrant* tb.
produce a dee smolt:Madge those nth enfees stoß Mak -
ey retlinded: b*' sale bp the •undamidieed.. - an she
TAwallall hoc dims. -
July 23, `U.) • ' &Ml= & PVT!
`Time 110406! . korlIS50. -
rubeerther, has prepared, altrge lot orylme
Ilnolut. Pay gas and Time Soots tomblaedilidthe
end, viltboot mimed -heady., Potketlllam.
Quince do.- ensembles , tbe Imam - imeartmeat lee
found In the United Malec , -Meth, fraram*Mtair
Boots. and Keepetli- Books. 'All ot wIItCh wlter
sold atthe meet reasonable Merge as' • -
.1 .1 '
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C i l i a l ge li e ll eivid frn i n il tbe i fdPEl Villei tt. o.Aret
Beat Hen English Cilitirk ;mix- enpotet ter Miles.
and filmic. - Amity tc,. , . T. & it. sli EMIL ---
spnra a rir.fai4tkiiiivisum..nikiii
AIItiIeADIROX TONN 2 011 4'44 1
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very e?strappat received bal.= etwitra i iti k ir
Cheap Stitiosari Monts.
Vail;Mt1111 - PAPER, 1 1301340.4. litiloppgps.,
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