TOG. MAW'S SOLILOQUY • ~ (.17r1t.tilen nlonc.—.llllfon in Ihrr hand. She eye's" c ! tle-Seheeaze, "Hail wedded lots! soystersass - "tre. 'bk. Vag solilogau“.) It mnst be so! Stilton thou reasoned wed: Else whence this Waning' hope. this fond desire, This longiii; after matrimony Or whence thin secret dread, this Inward horror erilying onc;,touseri 1 why shrinks the heart park on itself and startles at reilhary I 'Tii reason, faithful manna, stirs within us; • 'Tin nature's self that poison nut an alliance, - And intimates a husband to the rex. • Marriage: thou pleasing, and yet amine's thought Tlire'weat new and various clfgn ges mart wc'paas The marriage state in proapeet lies berate me. Borth:l.:ores, clouds and darkness feet npnn IL Mere will I nature prumpts the with— And thatthe does Is plain fri'm all her• works-- Our dutp, Interest, pleasuriehld Indulge It, rot the great end of nature's law is htits.• But yet—in wedlock—the iirlamatt must obey— I'm wary of these doubts, the priest shad end 'em . Nor rashly do I venture loss and galn„ • Pleasure and bondage meet my thoughti et once, wed—my liberty is gone forever, But happloeas ttself from this secured Love first shall reeompenee my loss, 1 And when my charms shall have faded, ,; -211oe eyes grown dim, and stature bentwith years, Thou, virtues friendship, alien succeed to love; Thus pleased, I'll scorn lotirmity and, death, 'Renewed successively In another's rice. 33it club ijumor. OLD JAKE DINIC.LBsI3 ourrtpxy. In the village of Washington, Fayette county, Ohio, there was a transient sort of * personage, a kind of floating farmer, named Hinkle—Jacob Hinkle, Old Joke Hinkle.. Jaki3 was originally a Dutchman, a Pennsylvania, Lancaster county Dutch, and that was about as Duch as Holland end &mu Knout could welt make a 'triter.' Well, _ Jake Hinkle hart owned or had squatted on a small patch - of land just beyond old Artin Rogers' 'bot tom,' that is about a mile east of Rattle Snake Fort on Point Creek, which even' blustering fool out West knows empties into Big Paint, which , ' finally rolls out into the Scioto and then into lb'. °hie. Very well; having settled the geographi cal position of Joke Hinkle; let me go on to state what kind of critter' Jake war, and how, it was that he was pronounced dead one cold morn irig, and how he came up town end denied the Jake Hinkle loved corn, lived on it, as most people do in the interior of Ohio and Kentucky be loved corn, but loved corn whiskey more, and this love many a time brought Joke up to the 'court bouso i of Washington, thro' rain, bail and . anew to get a nipper, fill his jug, and gn twine Now in the west, it is if custom more honored in the breach than in :he observance, perhaps for • grog shops of the Tillage, to play all sorts of tricks upon old codgers whd come to town, or down to town; hitch their horses to the fence, and then • let the critteirgitand from 10 A. M;to 1 P. M. snore of leer and :longer- The most popular dodge t is to shave the horse's toil, turn it loose aril let it - go home. Of course, that horse is not coon seen in the village again, as a horse with a- shorn tail is about the meanest thing to look at, except a singed possum, nr a dandy. y e n ever did see. One very cold night in January, 1815, Jake Hinkle came down to the 'court house,' hitched his horse lathe court squint 'ence, made a straight line for Sintleiti' 'grocery,' and began to •wood up. Old Jake's tongue wat a perfect bell clip per, and! when oiled- with corn juice, coutvl into the:high and low dutch Ike a nor' easter in a firild of-broom corn.' Jake talked, and drank and talked, and, about midnight, the cocks erne/- . ing, the stars winking and blinking, and the wind whistling and nipping around the grocery, San dere notified Jake and _the ethers that he was going to shut up the 'concern,'''und the croWd must be ..putting out.' Jake made a brake for . his nig; but she was gone. , , 'Darn her,' says Jske, 'she's broke her bridle and gond home, and by shore I shell valk,'—and off Jrkeput through the co'd and mud. • ' ' Nrat morning, when the Circleville stage tame along between old'Nfr. Rodgers.' bittern sod the Rattle Snake Fork of Paint, the ; driver din wavered poor old Jake laid out'stiff and cold as a wedge!—Aloe, poor old Jake! Gone! Qitilt. n gloom hung over the grocery ; Jake was an in erffensive, good old fellow, nobody denied that, and certain young fellows who had shaved the t.,11 Jake's mare on the night previous, and sat her loose, now felt-sorry for the deed. 'Fire editor of the 'Argus of Freedom' corns down to the ere: eery to pt hie morning nip, heard the nerd, went track to NH l;friCe. 'set ups Jake's'obitunly notice, pitched in a few . sorrowful phrases. and then put his paper to press; that afternoon the whole eth- lion of coins iwo hundred copies wan dimibuled around amnng the subscribers and 'dead heads,' and Jabs Hinkle was pronounced stone dead— ;mega aut. Two or three days afterwards, a man covered with Intel and sorest; OMB rushing into Wash ington. He paused not, turned not right or left, until he found the office of the Argus of Free . cloin, where he ,rushed in, and confronting the editor he epluttered forth— • • You det brinier of die paper—der coos ps. Fr' 1. • • Yes: 833 , M the . responsible' looking n little wild, 'I am the man' Veil. bine do great Jehosaphat, vat for you'n 'make me cleat .Me. Make you dead I' trays the no little as— tonished editor. r bawled out old Jake, for it was he, .yon'n deli de, people; I diet,—its a lie !=And do'you never do it again, and fools do peoples, 'wit out you gip a written order from. me • The editor;ever afterwards insisted upon see— ing the funeral before he recorded en obituary notice. A SCENE AT TOE GATE OF TiABA= ELM kpoor tailor being released from a trouble•ome world and a scolding wife, _appeared at the gate of petadiEe ; 'Peter akkcxl him if he hod our been to purgatory!' • No, said the tailor, •butt have bran mar• sled.' sayi.Peter, whet is all the The tailorhad scarcely got in, before a fat, tur tle eating alderman: came 'puffing and blowing. you fellow,' raid he, 'open the door.' Not en fitq' said NW; have - you ever ken 1 to pnigstory No,' said the alderman ; 'but what is that to the purpose? You let in that poor;•hell starved and. he had been no more in purgatory them!! but. betas been married; eqid Peter ••• Married !' exclaimed the alderman, 'why, !Aye been, married twice:' Then tl'esse go hark again,' said Peter, , psra disc is not rho 'place for fools!' TEMPEILANCE SCIMPLEA. • • . • There is a temperance lady in Barron who —won't speak to a shoemaker because be, uses a ,puneltin his business. We know another of the craft, says the Boston Post, whom a lady refu,rd to marry, having, as she alleged, cfonacientious - maples against' taking a 'cobbler.' That was 31:e sr* reason, and;the poor„fellow never heard lie /est of it. 177:''Docfor,"said a gentlemen who was noto rious for laziness in genera!, and vlovt:nliness of perbon in particular. “Doctor, [have tried every thing I ran think of for the rheumatism...and with. nut ths,leset avail." The doctor . after having surveyed Urn fora moment, inquired 'if lie had tree tried a dean shirt !" :t.An 1' dimes Wish.--A mettunliFt Mbuiion ary, tua^._qsn G how wrll ho hod in.trurtd some Indiarw in roi , gi - in, a.,ke,l one of thorn— lf tle had not foun,l greA comfort Sun- Aftfr feCtllring the t , scrament.' Ave. maser, repite,l the amp% 'but / wish td it hod btoi Grandy:. • er7•• A Got.ll Ton.q--. Here. to internal irn k rr.veinrnt,' ce DotA s eaid 'when' ho swallowed a . itnrc of saps. -Ai a n infant retool , zarnhattinn o few days se, the examiner asked, .I,V hat fish eat the Mae ~ nct 7' The Lig, 'uns' &heated a little Lr.7 ,-, t 15-efl A fick, how's Tom brother Mike get. Ong •trfig• three hard ;haw.; 4.)h, first rate— got a good *cart in lila world—married a widow who hat Wne rbiblrerr.' Tuscarora and Tam aqua Line. ON aril attn.. MoUday May ^Bth. the suharribor will rub a •coach - TIIREE 0 1 . 11Mjili3 Arf between Tnscarara and FF the arrival of the cars at Tuscarora. The cane !mire Pottsville at 71 and 11 a'. clock, A. 41-add 4P. M. The coach will leave Tatzw. ona et :land 11 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. IL— far. SO cents. Tickets* can be had at Jones' Motel, Sara. VO and o M f !ha eandsittor or the Can. 01411 - 8 • /77=01# 1. MEDICINAL. Dr. nootlandls • • . • • - -:CELEBRATED GERMAN FLUTERS, resmz ay DR. C.ll i . JACKSON. 'AT TIDE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. N.. 120 ARCH STREET. PHIL-10E1.PM' Hill effectually mars Liver Complaint: Jamaica Dyspepsia, CArnaic or Novae* Debility, Duque .f t4e Sidney., and el ' dioease a arising fries a dim.- : demi Liver or etsataci is . 1 , . • both /dale and Female: I - C.! till as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulines of ' f 1.3 Blood to the Bead, Acidity of the Stomach. . u rea, Heart-born, Diegnst for Food, Fullness or we gh ln; the Stomach, sour Eructations, Sinking or ut tering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. flurried and difficult Breathing, P. Fiutteri of 1 the heart; Clioling or antlicatingsensasinne vrbe inn lying postnte, Dimness ef visitn, dots or web be. 1 fore the siaht. Fever and doll pain In the head,defc.' Mercy of Perspiration. Yellowness 01 the akin and tires. Pale In the side, Back, Chest, Limbs,. &e., sad den dueller; of - beat, Burning in the Flesh. Codwant Imaginings of evil and great depression of Spiriier. The thhume are entirely Vegetable and tree from Alcohol Stimulant Syrup. Aloes, Rheubarb. Cloud. Acids. and all Mineral and injurious Ingrediente they are lame and smell, and mild In the r op. eratinn, never griping or giving any uneasiness, they give strength to the whole system whilst they drive from it disease They cap be administered to lb must delicate infant with perfect safety. READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE. It appeared in the leading German Journal ofrtila. delphia—the .Philadelphia Democrat ." The ditor was personally ataittainted with Dr. llooffand, and prizing the services of this great man he could not quietly look upon the assurance :of an impostor, With• oat apprising the public of approaching danger. 1:11111STOPII • WILIIELII lIEFELAND. is wisomiti CHRISTOPHER WlLLL'altt MOOFEAND;:I "One of the moat renowned physicians, one of the gfeatest benefactors of modern Omen. was horn at Langen Salga., Getmany, on the •Igth day of Mips% MM. After a careful scholastic iducation,he,lifte his father pod grandfather, (two celebrated Doctors.) vol. untarlly devoted himself to the study of Medicine, at the latter University. From 1793t0 Idol, he officiated asProfwor at the University of Jena. In MOL lit was atilpointed Private Physician to the King of Prato sia,lifemher of the AcadetnyofaSeienee, and upon the establishment of the near College at Berlin, Profes sor and Court Physician by the Ministry of the Inte rior. His characteristic profoundness and deep pene trationamabled'hina to combine the theoretical and practical; to untte old and new systems; produce in common the practical and useful, and thus draw there. from the results and the neerssary applicable means. "IcLwris Dr. 11. principally, whn 'exposed and tie , stroyeit the •Brown's System. which, notwitlistand i Ina the brilliant, exterior, could not congeal he many imperfections, *tight to light'hy lloodand's noble impartiality. and:truths. mid deep penetration. lode ,lpendent of his piactical usefulness as Physician and Professor of the healing art. he has earned nndying fame for his miplitior knnwledge in Ala:rein -Watch, an well no for his ionnifold works on Medical Jurispru dence. Amoneahese may be mentioned his world re nownedi.trolgrobeetit, or the art of prolonging life,' 'System df.pratiical healing art,' •Itleas of Pathoge nic.. 'Journal of practical Medicine,' tee. Ile has he. sides all this. gained 'external fame and praise. from suffering. humanity far the discovery and combination niseveral inrailible,,jnedicinale, among which Is the tar famed and justly celebrated compound. known as Du 1100FLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS. f 'I be application of a , cidutius earth •for - the cure of Sulphur.: dioeas.;,—The celebrated Diaphoretic rent.; edy—and nitnieroits Isvaluable recorded recipes. . ~..flet the celehreqon of his fßluetitiliofetr.ional Rs. i lic . it pin I ii:l3, 01 which nceasinnThe King of l'ints sea honored him with the instguta ofAbe'Crdet of the : coo, of the Red Eagle, arid many other royal (Wei, and marks 01 distinction, he died undie ttrdh day of August, P": 16, MN the King of Pen - -sin's private Medi cal Coonsellor,) trithaut any leguutatc mate heir or upping.. •' Dr. C. M., of Philadelphia, has had the rmeans of obtaining the genuine recipes of the great medical counsellor Thristoph Wilhelm Moreland,' and these Invalneble medicines are ptepared with the tit- most carts at the Lerman Medicine Store. Toe hitter Illlsture : Hotifland's German Bitters, is the result of ' marl . years study and experience'bv the meat inven tor, and known and prized in Europe as an infallitole remedy for the cure of Liver Complaine,Jaundlee, lay, pepsin, fac. Dr. C. M. Jackson'e ',reparation of this i medicine has obtained the same celebrity In this Wes- tem World. The testiosonlato and intionierable con- 11:mations of thousands of the most severe and dull- I coo cases cured, is ample proof of this. The litedi• eine' compounded by Dr. C. M. Jackson, have produ ced the very effects and the same happy results which 1 the immortal Inventor indirafed and intended, and consermetaly must be prepsred with scrumtions accu racy. In view of the above facto it seems smellier. that any body could have the hardihood and impudence to alumr the name of this distinguished Doctor.' who I died thirteen years ago. To lairs off a charlatan quack prep tar ion as the real sod - genuine medicine, and to ' give a oend.lance of originality by affixing afar simile of the deni:•cd, is indeed extraordinary t The pub ire will understand what to expect, and what to do under on en ciremnstanci.." A number of German papois copied tit above and are therefoie coin lent tress. thank, These loiters are worthy the attention of invalida.. Possessing great virtues in the rectification ofilesee,s ;of the liver and hisser-el mils, exerci•ing the most ' searching powers in viettlowes and etTortints of the organs, they are withal, safe r ertain and pleroilot - OPINIONS OF TILE PHILADELPHIA PRESS.' - The German "ILLUSTRATED NEWS" sacs: -our editor and nth, to of this otfve have used the Getman !Mill's, anrican imommend it with confidence -hr our readers. AS pripare.l by Dr. Jackson, it fully equals if not nurpasees in Its effects upon diseased I dyer and Stomach, the fullest expectation of tire dis tingolshed physician. The CR I" ITEM, October Ilith, says: - Jos ton rite INV•LID.-I(Mit many of mfr readers are ntiliTied with diseased liver, stomach or nerves! Manyoineloubt. They are to be pitied, yet to all there is a cure. ill no:4lmM a Getman Bitters has already mired hundteds, and that it will cure. no one extra Oore trees it will doubt. if they Ilse It as directed. It truli ,ta14,11,1 for toelf an undying fame, which few !Mee done out of the vast number that ha. , been thrown b r o., the te.blie. It L. one of the most perfl Cr me ontaimmi in use. and. •an a c,rnyth rol.'mPnrY has ~li.t, r but as replied by Dr. 3-toltst . m. It folly equals, tfnot ourpas,, in Its effete the follest riTrl - se•l/la. ty, , no t of the th.'ingue.l,l idiv,iman who first COM. 7k,illllfleil it. A 4 3 ,plirit,lll Millie is nary before the reltdtt , tee Meld.' caution oil against using any hilt • that sign.'d by C. N. Jatkoon, and sold by Irm at 120 Arch Wee I o The •GALIDEN-DEMOCRAT; the best paper in Wrist, • Jersey. saes, tidy lA. , - iIotiELAN irs GERMAN BITTERS." "We have seen many flattering notices of this me- 1 dieine, and the - source from which they came induced ultra make inquiry respecting itsmerits. From inqui ry we were persuaded louse it, and must say we found it specific in Its action akin diseases of the liver rind digestive organs, and the powerful influence it exerts upon ncrenue,prostration Is really surprising- !teetotal and strengthen. the nerves, bringing them Into a state , of reposentaking sleep refreshing. If this medicine was more generally used, we are . satisfed the re would 'le led sickness„ as from the stomach, liver arid nervous system the great fnajoritP' of teal and iummary dfreases emanate. • Olive them in a healthy condition...and )tits can bid defiance to epidemics genctally. 'This extraordinary medicine. we would advise our friends, who are at all indisposedin give a trial—lt will then recornmenditeelf It should, in fact. he In every' family." No nth• r medicine can produce such evidences of merit. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Thin medicine has attained (bat high character whidt le necessary; toren medicines to attain to induce coun terfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the liven Of those who are Innocently,deceiveiL - Lout well to the marls of ihe' flenetixe. They bare the written signature of C lit JACKSON I upon the wrapper, and his name blown le the bottle, without which they ore amnions. • For sale It Mahwah and retail at ibe GERMAN IsIE• DICINE STORE, No. 120 ARCII Street, one door below Sixth, late of rd Race street, Philadelphia. fly a 01143. EROWN, rott.c.istc ; and by respect able dealers generally throughout the State. Match 31, lOW. 14-ly Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable 1=1333 THE VERY BEST PREPARATION OF BAR- SAPARII.LA Iy the world, prepared by a new prneels, known nnly t, the Proprietort, by which all Its virtues are ex tracted—this not helm.; the case with any,other, ac counts for the (limber of positive and almost inirocu lons rllfra, Inltle In't his eity,while other preparation, of narsaparilly make al tneir cures at a distanee— Taark this I We invite attention; we call on all in sift, I to examine. to visit our patients, and lierri..e rOlivill- 1 0,1 ine l in o truth of what we say ; what other Altera tive thus rllallenCeS investlgationl NONE—Or. Cut. len'S IS niio the cheapest shrtoparilla in the Wmld.:-. 11 ii pore, concentrated. and unadulterated, Win liter '(ter. goes fonlier.lllall tllloo Or four or other prepara tom. It 1.1. i.: cute.l.and Will c.f., roOro cast, of "Irrofola or King's Evil, Conatintinion, Illochitis, Erystrielits Ole , tinate Gina tioims Eruption., hi itchria. Mies, Ping Worm?, and Tetter, Said Ilead,Chrtimic Ulcers, Myr cella' disease, Rheumatism. Netira,ria, Liver coin! plaint, Phitotation of the,lleall, lly..pep.4a, etc., etc. than any other medicine elver thic , iv red, and hence it s the heat purifier of the Blood r VP, offered friths pub ic. Call and get a patephlet. a large pamphlet, eon litinttrg foil accounts of the different dista-es which It'd, medicine ettres,take the caves described, annul viii the patients, and you will find W 11.31 we ea/ Is true posittreiy WIC. We will also give. the notate of patients cored of , Int ; wo n t ds.ipemle forms of disease. and the names el Doctots, who in nocrol prescribe one weilii - iiie. o.ire I I heilyiderus, and Rua nn of the credit of our tlisaiv ci y. Th.., wim lore truth and tiosOlto: humbuz, call 1 and examine the testimony, and evidence we :ire pre -1 pgruil to give in favour of Dr. C•llen•s Indian Vege table Panacea Por I.'l, by ROWAND f.t WALTON, Proprietors. No 21 North Sixth ot., Pi.tatlelphia. I/ Hannan. d. 8, C. Marttn, and J. G. Brown, Patti, vilte.J. C Falk, Minersville. Pa ___ Pore Fresh Cod Liver OIL eT lIIA new and valuable Med irtne, nnw used by the 1 medical profession with such astonrshing efficacy in thn tem° of Pulmonary Consumption. r"crofula. Chronic Rhentnatioin, Gout, (ter:if Debility, mom plaints of the Kidneys, the.. km.. is prepared from the liver of the Cod Fish tar medicinal ear, expressly for our sales. [Extract from the London Mcilit al Journal.] e C. J. R. Williams. M. 1) , I'. IL :a., Profeieinr of Medicine in II mi ..TOity College, London, C. 0414.1160; Phyiici m to the Hospital for Consumption, &r., says 1 base prescribed the aid in above four hundred cases of min:reit Wu, disease of the 1.1111Z4. in ditfirent attires. whim base hrlurch 111111,r toy care the lest two years and a hall. In the large number of cases, 206 nut of 231 , Its was followed by marked and un.• cuttit nerd improvement. varying In degree in different CAPVA.frOM a temporary retardation of the progress nf the disease. and a costezation diurcising eyrtiptoms. , up to a more or less complete ;restoration to apparent health. •• The effect of Cod Liver Oil in most of these eases was , very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough .was mitigated. the e pertorat ion diminished in mien/• smicipaclty, the night MCSiS gessed, the pulse be• time slower, andOf buttes volume, anti the7appetite, flesh and strengthwere gradually improved. • In conclusion, l 'repeat that the mire fresh nil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial .in the treat ment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, me dicinal, ilictic or regio:nal, that has yet been em.. As we have made arrangements to prncire the Cod Liver Oil. fresh from bead quarters, it Can now be hail chemically pure by the single bottle. or in boxes I of one dusen each. Its wonderful eltaaCY ban Waked numerous Ppuri- Oun imitations. As its success depends entirely he Purity, too much care.cannot be used in procuring it geoid,. Every bottlehaving on It:air written signature mai'. the depended nista as genuine . Pamphlets containing on analysis of the Gil. with notices of It front Medical "Journals, will be sent to those who address na free aposteta. JORN C. BAKER & CO.. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists. • JOO North Tbizil-steer, YbiladilpAl3. THE MIN MEDICINAZ. Caution Extra. Atnan by the name of etArr has engaged with a young man or the name of S. P. Townsend. and acre his name to put up a Sarsaparilla, which they tali Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, denominating it GENUINE Originaloste. This Townuend is no doctor. and never was; but was formerly a waster on railroads, canals, and the :Ike. Yet be assumes the title of Dr..' for the purpore of gaming credit far what be la no. This is to caution the public not to be deceived, and purchase none bat the Genuine Original Old Dr: Jacob Town send's inrsaparilla, having on it the Old Dc's. like ness, his !dm ily coat of arms, and his signature across the coat of arms. EMI Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla: OLD Dr. Townsend la now about 7 R years of age, V and has longb,en known as the author and din.", erer of the Genuine Original -Tow nsend:Rarnapa " Being poor, he war compelled to limit its manufacture. by which means it hap been kept out of market, and the gales circumscribed to these only who had proved ; Ws worth and known its ralne. It had reached the ears of many, neve rthelcsa, as those persons oho had been healed of .01, dincloes. and saved from death, proclaim.' its excellence and wonderful HEALING POWER. j Knowing. wasp gears ors. Nat he had, by hi. skill, science, and espe more, devised an article which would be of Incalcnable advantage to mankind, when once known and extensively used, be hoped and perseve :ed. expecting the time to arrive whentbe means would he furtibbed to bring it into universal notice, when its inestimable virtues would be known and apprecia ted. This time has come. the means are supplied: this GLAND AND 11NEOULI.ED PREPARATION. In manufactured on the largest stale, and Is called for throughout the length . and breadth of the land,es nerially as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration. - Let every man ring Ihnnighnut the land, that Old Dr. Jacob Townsend Is now manufacturing the real 'Townsend Sarsaparilla,' which nerersones.nteer ft, meal, anti never citailfes its character. From thin day h'cth the people shall have the Parr .oeasiae 7 ornsend Sarsaparilla, which shall never sour in the battle, or to the stomach„ and. It shall yet banish front the land al IFeraienting, Souring, Explo ding. Vinegary Sarsaparillas, now in use. A gond Sarsaparilla, pure and centime, ought to live ; a poor souring. slip-Clop Sarsaparilla nu:Onto droop soil The Old Dee_ Sarsaparilla will keep pure and per fect tun years. Unlike young S. P. 'Townsend's it improves with are, and never changes, but for the better; because it principles by a P,Cieniiiic nian. 'I he hight,t knowledge of Chemistry. and the latest discovelics of the Art have all been Armtek lido requi sition itt the manufacture of the OLD DIPS. SA ILIA PARII.I.A. The Sarsaithrilla root, it is well ktniwn to medical men, contains many medicinal properiies, end some properties which are inert or useless, and others, which; If retained in preparing It for use, pro duce ferstratatten anti arid, which in Injurlou■ to the nyelein. •enme • nf the properties of Sarsaparilla are so ea/arils, that they entirely evaporate and are lewt in the preparation, If they are not preserved by a •setentillc process, known only to those experienced in its manu• facture. Alorrover—these canals principles, which fly off in vapor, or an an exhaltatinn, under heat, are the very esccatial meci;cal properties of the root, which Five to it all Ito value. A n y person ran hail nr stew the root till they get a I dark colored Ilgnid, which is more trim the roloriteT matter in the root than from anything else ; they can then strain title In or viipiti liquid. sweeten with sour molnsien. and then rail it ”Sarsaparilla Extract nr Syrup." tint such in lint the article known av the GENUINE 01. D DR. JA.COII TOWNSEND'S SAIL- iMEIM Tlils Is so prepared, that ailtho linen properties of the Sp.:tap:allll root ate tit , it eetniwed, every thing heroining acid or alferrhentatinn; is extract ed and reject, d ; then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure and concentrated form': anti thus it is rendered incaceilde of losing any of Its valnahic and licelin7: propeme+. Prepare) in this way, it Is made the mast powerful agent in the 421 , 11 k: 01 , INNUMERABLE: DISEASES: • ... ..... . .......... tier lherreatsaan why ac hear commendations on every side ip its favor by men, women, - and children. ice fold it doing wonders In the rare a - af Consumption, I)) dinansta, and I,iv,,a• Complaint, and in Rheumatism. Sr rofala, Pile., Costiveness. all Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches. and all altections a riding from , • IMPIII:ITY OF 'nil" . EL.)01). s It posdesdes q loarvelion. a in +„ in all complaints i arising ft rain in I:argil - in, from Art, city of the Stomach, from macqu - ti itrolat arm, deteriatinatlam of blood. to the head, p.:llai atiani of the heart!, void feet. and cold hands, colatchalls alid hot tlashea over tho body. It has not its equal In Colds and Cdughs ; and, promotes easy ey.pectorationl and gentle Perspiration, relaxing Stricture of the lungs, throat, and every ntherpart. lint In nothing is Vs excellence more manifestly seen and acknowedund than in 111 kinds and stages nt Fe male Complains:..' it works wonders In camera( Floor Altana or Whiles, Falling ot the Woittla. Obstrtieted, Suppressed, or Painful Menses, Irregularity of lilac menstrual periods, and the Idle ; and id as eirea : tunt n curing all the fnrtris o f Kidn e y 11i.".a.a0. 'By removing obstructions, and regillatleg the gener . ll- , y-lcul:itg.ves Eire and strength 1 to tin, whole holy; and thus curl!, rill funny of N Env° E.; s DISEASES AND/DEBILITY, And thus prevent; or relieves a 'great variety of other maladies. as Spinal Irritation,i Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance. swoonniz. Epileptic Fit+. Canvnliions, Ar.c.' It en nom - meaide for Mis ens line to fail to do good; it has cubing en it which can ever harm, It can nee 21 sour or open', and thereteele, roe never loos.' its Cora lice pr0p5r1,..... It o , n,r , the blond, the liver to healthy aciion, tones tlee stomach. , and gives grind digestion, relieve; the bowels of torifor and constipa tion. allays Indaneation,tenriticsithe skin, equalizes the circulation of the blood, prodiscing gentle warmth equally all over the holy, and atthe insensible perspire- Don ; creases all obstructions, and invigorates theen tire nervous system Is not this. then, the medicine youlpre.-eminentle need! Outran any of these things he said of S P. Townsend's interior ankle I This Flung man'sliquiel is notto he COMPARED WITH VIE OLD DIPS. liocause of one grt MI fart. that the one Is Incapable of deterioration,and NE ER SPOILS, while the other does; it sours. ferments, and blows the bottles con taining it into fragments ; the sour„ acid liquid ex i pending, and daneaging. other goods! Must not this horrible comiseet led he poisonn es to the system! What! put .16e:info a 'paw alrin,ly d ttand c ith acid! What causes Dyeepcpsia hut aid 1 • Do we not all. know, that when Mod senersin nor st maths, what mischief It produces! Ilatulendie.•bearhurn, palpitation of the ,heart, liver cemelelaint, eli a .'Owes, elvs-mr.t.cry , colic. and corruption of the blood! .WI at I, .?rrnrola buten arid mono; in the hotly' • What imuluces all the humors wee', le leriela on Creentions of the Skm. Scald Head Salt lehment;Erysipelan, White Swellings., Fever Sores and all ulceration:, Internal : net external! It I, natl.. ing under heaven lint an acid substance. Which sours and them spoils all the fluids of the body, more nr less. What cam-es Rheumatism, lut a saner nr acid fluid, whirl; insinuates itself hetween the Joints sod else. at here, irritating and enamel ig the tender and delicate ti.omes upon which It acts! So of nee ors disesses, I of impurity of the Hood, of e ',ranged circulations, and orally all the ailments whirl afflict Samna nature. Now is it not horrible to n ake and sell, and ikfinits; ly.vorse In tier thin SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID "'COMPOUND" OF S. P. TOWNSEND! And vet he wmild fain have It tinderstomi that Old Dr. Jacob Tow nsend'i Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an IMITATION of his inferior preparation: Heaven forbid that we shnuld dell in an article which Irn.lid hear the most distant resemblance to S. P, Tnwraend's article: and which would bring down upon the Old Or. such a mountain load of complaint. and rriminations front A zerits"who have sold, and purr chasers who have used S. Townsend's Fermenting ornrinund. We wish it understood. beraine it is the Gralure truth, that S. I'. 'qiwitsemi's article sad Old Dr. Jacob Ti - iwn..irmirs Sarsaparilla are heaern•wide apart and infiniula dissimilar ; that they are rudil.e in every particular, having of one single thing in cam: rurin. . . As S. P. Townsend lam - Floctor,and never was. Is no chemist. no pharmaceutic —know. no more of medi cine or di="rse than anv r th,r common, unscientific i unprofussiOnal man, rill t miarantee can the 'nubile have that they arc rereiv Inc a grumble scientific'. medi cine, containing all the virtuXa used in preparing it, and which are Inennahle of change. which trileht ten di,them the at,'ents of dbiease instead of health I Rot what elce shost,l he expected frOm one who I knows not/rine comparatively of inV4 mine or dismise ! It requires a person of Vome experlmtce, trtencdc and serve tip even a eninnol m decent meal, him. lunch more Important Is lt that the p !ons who manufacture medi cine, deafened for weal, stotnacha and 'enfeebled sT a -I,..should know w,.lllh,nethullpropernes of plants, the hest manner of svriiring and concentrating their healing virtues, al+-oan /•stonsive knowledge nt the •a• 'inns diseases which allect the human system, and how to adapt remedies in, these diseases! • It i= horrible to think' and to know .how cruelly the afflicted are ialposedopho by presumptuous men for the sake of money'. • Parijines made nut of the 11.- sick: end no .01 ivalent rendered the despair tag utterer. It la to arrest frauds npon the unfortunate, to pout• balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hopehithe de impairing boson', to,restrire licalthandblonnt, and vigor Into the crushed and broken, and to banish infirmity, I that Old Or. Jannt, Townsend has sought and Intind ' Inc opportunity and means to hring his thattul Burner sal Concentrated Remedy within the reach, and to the knowledge of all.who need it, that they may.learn and know, he Joyful experience, its TRAIsrICENDENT POWER TO REAL, And thus to have the impntehasahle satisfaction of finning raised thousands nod mdtinns from the bed of siekin,'s and de.imndcnkY to hot.. Immlth, and a long lite of via'or and usefulness to themselilcs, their fami lies and friends Agent., r,,,..11;!. County. John G. Drown, Pnttsville ; Jam, 11. Falls, and .1. W. Giblia, Minersville • J Fry. Tamaqua; I:ecan le liautnnan, Schuylkill haven. [lien. 15, fail. 51. ttdtt imroaren alEes AND CLACK TELE Tom J, C. Jenking St Co., TEA DEALERS. 8. IT'. c eeeee of Creerist and : rweDDI Areas, • THILADELPIIII• 11.—One of our partners having learnedthe Tea tll •businexe of the Chinese themselgea.sluring a real demi of seven years nmong them, the pubis may there, fore expect of as the fall benefit of the knOwledge and experience thus acquired. To our Black teas. particularly, we wish to call at tention as possessing a degree of strength and richness of flavor seldom equalled. IMtet [tat arc universally used by the Chinese; who consider the Green tit ugly fat foreigners: Our physicians also recommend the Black at Making a more healthful beverage than the G ree n. Each package is so scented as to retain the virtues of the tea far a long time in any climate, and containsiall wag A tn.(' Ito, ineependent of the metal and paper with which it is enveloped. T. C. JENKINS & Co. The above marrante tea, put up 111'1, and Ilb Packngeol just reccive.dand wtil be constantly kept for sale by the eob•criber I. WIIITFIELD. Nov. TS, ISV. • •H 8 VVIIILTE. PILE E G IMA Dlf;--A you ittperioi Mick. lot " 10 " - Sept:4, 39.1 J., S. BipaTV Ii O RS' JOURNAL,: AND -P Ml'E~ ~~(.)5~fI~ Afflicted., dO not Despair. ANOTHER FELLOW. BEING BESCEED nom _ . Pieta by Schsack's Patriots Syrup. TRE following case is one of the greatert triumph cfa medicine over disease ever published in mcdita. history. - Read it .! Prompted by no otherthan the feelingof benevolence, 'and for the benefit of my.atllieted felloar belngs,l de. sire to make known a short description of my disease and the unexpected core I obtained fiorn stifforiCK'S PCLMONIC SVRUP. Munn three years ago I was afflicted with a violent cold, tahleh settled on my breast and side, and every few days I would false consider able bleat; my cough was.very tight and distressieg; E ver y day I had Violent fever, creeping .chills, and profuse meats at night, with difficulty of breathing and great loaner, appetite; my system was entirely) pmstrated, being confined m nisrbea most of the time. Two of the most cminentthhysicians in tiiis city at- tenacd me, and after exhausting ail theitski , pronouns ced my case incurable. Indeed. one sal my Wog. were almost gone, and I could not possibly recover At this stage of my diaerto. I was prevailed upon to try Dr. Scheret's Palma-11i Egrup, and before I had to' ken half a dozen bottles, was so far recovered as to be nide to go about the, house. It seemed to streneth en my whole system—lt loosened the cough and stop ped the htheeding—my bowel' became regular, and everything I ate, seemed to - digest easily and nourish my whole system. Indeed, such was the rapid pro yeti of my health. and so sodden the change; that I became too sanguine cif a speedy cure, and abandoned,. the asp of the medicine before the disease was-thor gbly eradicated, which resulted la another attack of. bleeding at the longs last call, accompanied by a distres ' sing cough. I again commenced taking the Pcilmonic Syrup, and spot for Dr. Schenck, who, upon a careful: examination, advised me to continue using Its Before I had taken flier bottles. an abscess formed in my side. which gathered and broke, discharging as near SS I can' judge.'a pint cfvery disagreeable yellow matter.. This seemed to cleanse and purify my whole system.- From , this time I began to get beater, and am now happy to say entirely recovered. I ant sure at this time .1 en- Joy better health than I have for the last ten years. Since I commenced taking the Pulnionicifyrup,lthave never failed to recommend it wherever t wenteftrat others, as wedl as myself, might he saved frocriTthat awful disease; fir I feel, it a duty that Lowe to the afflicted to publish nto the world. Permit me to mn• lion a few cases that have come under my immediate observation. Being on a visit to Camden, N. J., last summer, I saw a child, evidently in the last stage , bowel censwmptinn. The mother-informed me that the physicians had given the child up on Incurable. I told Sher what benefit I had derived from. the use of Scheners Moto= Syrup, and induced het,to procure a bottle. I heard nothing more from the little sufferer until about three months after ; being in the tmttlieti my attention was drawn to a lady who observed me very attentively. She finally approached me, and asked me 1(1 was nut the lady who,rccommended Sehenek's Pulmonle Sympto her . llying child last summer In Cam den. I replied that I was, She said that her child bad entirely recovered, and was uncommonly he !thy.— Her name is Mrs. Wilson; and now resides In Brides berg. Another lady I would mention in particular, who had a Sererelett3 affection. tier face and neck presented one continued Fore. and one of her eyes was seriously affected, with it. She had become greatly, emaciated, and to all appearances past recovery. I in; dared her to try Schenck's Pulnumic Syrup, which she' did. and is tines perfectly cored.-,Another lady, Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I will give on application wan eSideittlrle thin !SRI Stage of Consumption. I prevailed upon her to try the. Pulmonic Syrup. In is very shnt t time sire was entirely recovered, and 'now nt health. having. become exceedingly fleshy. These are three cn,es within my knowledge, which' know were 'cured by Sehenek's Pulizionic ' up. All who ilnebt this •tatement, suit will take the trouble to call on tee at thy residence, Parini, Street, five doors above Teeth, north stile, I think I will tie able to satisfactorily convince them lIV ley own and others that I knew have been ca red' by this SitllP. Since my core there have been Se many to sec me to know what I took, that I hove had a very good oppor tunity of knowing a great many that have taken It. and leave born greatly benefiltwl thereby, and I think it persons afflicted with Consumption or Liver Com plaint, would send for Or: Seim trek. and let him care fully examine their lungs. and if he says lit con cure them, follow-the dlnettiOni, and prevent taking cold, they until re platy recover. GPLIELMA 1.. LEIDEUT. Philadelphia, May IS, NM DR. i. Q. SCIIESPFC:-1 1, VT Str—l have known;llra, Leibett for several years."mintier of my church, and have all confidence In her statement, and anti' re- Joked to find her again testored to health. Any thin; more. in additinit to her statement, isneeillesit, Yours. truly. 7110:11A14 Pastor of the North Prcebyterlan Church, Phitoda., JURG 20.1640. Sixth st., above Omen. Prepared and sold by 3. 11. SCHENCK, nt his Lab ratnry, 8. C. Corner nf 'sates and Marshall swots, and at hie principal office, No. 32 Saint) Sisth street, and by the following agent, J. 5. C. Martin. Pottsville; Lynn & ilirLrt, Pnrt Clinton; Charles Franey. Orwiestoirg ; S. IF. Dickson schitylksl! Kasen; J. 11. Palls, Minersville ;" Price & Hitches. of flair; Henry Shipler, Port Carbon; Dr. .1. E. Steinhercer. Middleport ;E. Fry. Tamaqua; C. W. Cccl, Beading; 11. T: Skinnier, Norristown; John Beherman,lLonnurg. clr Price *1 per hnttle, or $5 per halt dozen. Atm. ISIS. • - ;• 0 :.; , -7 - : -- , 77 7 - 7 7 • 7. -"N., ' ~..... I.l:jt'" -- ' • 4 ;-: , ,:',';. 7 . • •,Y.j:i •"!'' ,, 4, -klS,':;: , .:• * ' - r.i ., -.79: .::- ' '''-:'• l ' '''''" . .. -- A ' "" ''' .., .0.-1, A* -n. .14' i i A , ;• ! 4 - ;': : ' , . : ..., . V,'; ' iri r i„.••' .P .:•4:‘,./.. - . ...I'-'2:,:;•: , .„4„....„ 0 , e c... 7,,, -..,, - :'f• -A411.53 •!%.•*:-- - , .,..,'")4 4 " ri '' A .j.:,, - •••=t4,t '''' :,vir, . , (•,* Aia ...- 4 !`; ).".'. '' , ' ,1•445 ..' 4, 4 1 1 4A4.70 1 1 . ' z f,p) l -1A.:•911 / :,-,--#;._ k- , .- - -v—tZ'',o - Z --..L.:-' ,, ,...'• ;.".- - 7 . ' - , --- , &;;;;;Idtit• TDE 0111MNAL AND GENUINE IiZIRKIMIDE'S TATTERSALFII Heave Powder. IT IIA cured, in the last year 1f4) , 1ra41:1 of ll,•aves, 2000 eases of chronic 01%101, • 200 cases of Broken Wind, 5000ca.tes or Horses out of Conditlt'm, and other diseases. More than 500 certificates, verbal and written, have been recelved,attesting to the virtues of this ineetinia- Me remedy but we base only spate to sulttran there!. lowings Rielll.l.l, asire7,nra., 14411. 1r,1848 Gentlemen:L.4 wish to inform you that the 'Patter sail's Ileaße Powders I bOught at your store last Octo ter, cured a valkable mare of mine of the heaves, that she had had two years. The first package did not effect a cu.e, but did she mate so mach gond I was induced to try another paeltage, and the result has been, that s he bus not had the Ileance, since :Hulot a week after commencing the second pachage,althonchshe has been need on my fans almost every day since, which has satisfied me that she to effectually cured. One of toy 1 neighbors In giving Tattersall's ttrnve Powders to a horse.,and the prospect it very flattering he will be cu red by it. Believing that the above named medicine is a very valued, A ne, and that Ho! ,fs.en be cured by it, I feel willing to lend my name in praise"( it. • Respectfully. Moses P. WARNER. Spridp Hill, Ala.. July 21, 1,345. J. F. Winter & Co.—Cleritletneb.-1 most cheerfully beartestimonytuthe.greatellicacy and rlrlll.o of the Tattersall'S Heave Powders, in the cure of her we. affected with Ileave ermghs and colds. I have saleable horse that was so severely affected with Ileavcrond rtAtlrnt el - malting, that I had wrU nigh lost him, 'Alien I purchaseda package of Tattersall's Heave Powders, which-entirely rnred him and restored Lis appetite. Nn ntr rer of horses t hould he without it. - Respectfully yours, CIIO. A. !',cannot'. CAIITION.--arollatlnok and worthless nomponiale have followed us o herever we have introduced ourre tnedy, and we understaftel that several new ones are being put up for circulation—beware ofthose and take no remedy but "the Tattersall's." None genuine withimt the signature of A. It. Gough & one dollar per package, sin for five dol lar. Prepared andsold wholesale and teta it by • DOUGH & NETCHAM. 140 Fulton Street, New York. oi±cA.ll D. lI:SKINS agent for Pottsville. Pottsville, Nov IS. 1915 47.4y 4- .L; . •E. -_-±1 , EE : ft . - ~,......., I li d c 1[ BINIM Greatest Discovery . ' of the Agg DR. TRASK'S NAG:YE:TIC ors rmENT, Iconstantly 1111,111 , g cores of the utmost impnr ttnce. The mole incredulous are convinced—the moat faithless are compelled to believe In the power and virtue of thin tirent remedy. It ift universally admitted to be the most wonderful combination known to the world for the immediate relief of disease and pain. . • It noverfalla while there•riina ins sufficient life to restore a nntural,and healthy action to the' capillary vessels of the body, and egllaille the circulation of the blood. By this means a controllinit power is gained over the most malignant forms of disease, which can not be obtained from any other remedy. Such to the power of this combination that it penetrates to esery portion of the human frame; every bone and muscle, vein and ligament is searched am and made sensible of Its purifying and healine influence. Hence It comes It copes as readily with internal as external diseases. Neelefeee leXtaefet axe ne record where this reme dy has restored health to patients at near the crave that the nowt powerful Internal Treledire failed to produce any ettset. Such has ft equently beck the ciao I in lojNormarion of the Vowels. No patient ever need rhe with this dioesao whore the Nacnefic Ointment can be obtained. That dealt :mu; Epidemic known as the Putrid Flerdpepts, tend always be cured by ibis remedy. For • itgamistatirry Rhennustisn. tbienintmext in the most complete remedy prepared. In 99 cases out of ;GO it wilt alrerd entire relief to the wont en/e'er Arerrolir IlendarAr, For nervous disease this remedy is in thirty mlnntea. of immense value. Affection. ofsbe ipine,rhenmattsm,lamenessiulce: rote sore thwart': bronchiti.: pleurisy, croup, chills. brutes, scald head. scrofula, salt Rheum, erysipelas, cholera !moron., ague in the face or breast. MUM in flamed' ay es, fever sores, ttc., will be immediately re lieved by the use of this remedy. For further particulars and testimonials, see pamph lets left with each agent. Price 25 and 40 cents per bottle. For sale by JOHN G. BROWN. Also, fur sale by an Agentln each town in the State. Sept 22. !W. FABIILY BIBLES.-100 Family tlibles,rang- Inc in price hops 8140 to 014 jou Teemed and Am sale. at BANNAWB Ito 361 0169 niPOL and TTSVILI o giGENERA. MEDICINAL: : AMc tilisteros Ointment,: , • . CONTAINING NO lITJICURY,, OR OTHER . -ytNE AL. - IT POWER TO CAUSE ALL External Sores. serofnions, Ilumora, Skin Diseases, Poisonous Wmintia to discharge, their putrid matters, and th en . heats them. !iris - rightly termed ALIATEALTNG, for there 11 ecarcely a disease external. or Internal, that It will not benefit. I base used it for theists sixteen years for .all diseases of the chest, involving the utmost danger and:responsibility. and Idealise before Heaven and man, that noldn one case hash failed to benefit when the Patient was within:reach of mortal means. i Ince had physicians learned in the_profeaston:— I base had ministers of the gospeljudges of the bench, I aldermen, la try ere, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and, multitudes of the poor use It In every variety of way, and there has been but one ,voice-one universal `voles--saying IIeALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD." Itil EU ATIS N —lt removes almost immediately the intimnatindand swelltnewheu the pain (Read the directions around the box.) HEAD-ACHE—The salvo has cured persona of the head ache phi twelve yeara standing, and who had It regular every creek so that vomiting took place. DEAFNESS, Ear-Ache, Tooth-Ache, and Ague In Hid face, archelped with like success SCALD HEAD—We have cured Cana that actually defied everithing known One man told ea that he bad spent 1/400.*1 ointment without any banal% when•• fe* boxes nf cured them. - BALDNESS-At wilt restore hair sooner than any otherthing. TETTER—Tbare nothing better for the Care o Netter. Buuss-It is one' of the best things in the World for Darns. • Piles—Thousands are yearn) cared by thin Oinment. ('never falls in giving relief for the Files. ..erolind. the hoe are ifireetions for istiorSicAllistrif Ointment for Scrofula,. Liver Complaint, Fa3sipelgo, Titter, Chilblain, Scold Brad, Sorg eyes. Ramer, Sere Throe. Bronchitis, Nor-roue clfectioms, Paw, Disease -of the Spine, Lrea,l-4rils„-Sortkine. Deafness, Bar-Ache, Burns, C0re:4.411 Disrases of the Skin, Sore Lips, Pia. pigs, (c.c. Sliff nogg oft kg joints. Seating' of the Limbs, Sore Ligibe. Sores, Rhoonotioes, Pau, Cron*, Strolled. or Bookes Boron, Tooth,lele..eps in the Foce,dic. - COLO FEET-I.lver Complaint. pain In the Chest, or Side', falling ow of the hair, one or the other accurst. pitnies cold feet (Ws Ointment is the true remedy.) It is a 'SUM sign of disease to.have mild feet. CORNS—Occasional use of this Ointment will al.. ways keel, Corns from growing. People need never be troubled with them If they use it frequently. - This Ointment Is good for any part of the body or limbs that are inflamed. In home eases it should be applied often. CAILITION.—No Ointment will be genuine unless the name of Jame .11sAllistsr is written with a pen upon every label, JAMES MeALLISTER, eokrProprietnr of the above Medicine.-% 'Price. '25 ets. per box. AGENTS—J. M. Beatty & Co.. Pottsville ; D N. fielster, do;' J. W Gibbs, ; .Charles Frei• ley, Or7lesbarg; C. & G. Ifuntginger. Schuylkill Haven ; Wm. Taggart, Tamaqua; Washingtnn tteta ler, POrt:Carbon; Wm. Price,-StCiair; Jnhn Beading:. and by Agetto Jn all the principal Towns in the Unitid States. Principal, Office, North Third K, Philadelphia. 1 , t sTOCK'S Wii,,, A ti, OW. IV P .ri.<4l' Z. ~;-. .. 1k,.. I 4 1..,,,,,rZ0..,t 4 ,,,, - *p 6 ,, et.„ ,'''-. r. ca" -,... , :-. 4,4 "4' 1 , t a.. , ., • li ' 4:'--7.7. 4 ' I • 4.:' e4a r l ,l • i 7 . ' AT •:..,"' .., k; ...;Y, - .Nr ~k . .. .,.. ...t . .__ VA% ra t? >:r . .Y: ~, 1 :. : '''' . i . f l '' :riTilittf . >: ' _: .r 4 '.4. 7Ktr: 6tV . lP ,2'*'- . 4 :t.; '. t .: :.4 .4 . ftWl' '. ":; ' ,4; * i"r• 4 . 4 :-' 7 '. • ' ~..,,„,..A, .ta,l;4?; -3- .'. ft `' l '•'' 4. V•- . l s - _,...:,, , r , .,'dy' , .. &1 1 .-,,,,:., 1 ....g,-.F , A , ,, , , ,, -13 5...:,' ; ..-,-*.i 1 t4".::v„..4K,q-4,-. --,..i,„.... ,,c. 1 s t i -- ay. . fir R r Wirt COIk • B. Ai FalinestocliN Vermifkige. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE increasinepopularity and sale 1 of 11. A. Fatinceinck•a Vermifuge has induced per- Isntin Ivan are envious of lite success, to palm off upon !the politic. preparations which all medical men know !ttio e inefficacious in expelling worms from the system. ThiS Vermifoge made its way into public favor upon _round of its own intrinsic nierits, more than any other mislirine of the kind now used; and while many iwairto remedies have, he dint of puffing, been forced into sale. and shortly nfter Anne into the obscurity which their worthiesness justly molted. 11. A. Fnhne stork's Verniffage continues to lie triumphantly sus peered. i It has noly to be used and Its effects will fully sustain nil that resallof it. wonderful expelling power CERTIFICATE. Warts, Erie Co., New York. Jan 7.1813. II We certify that we have used H. A. Fahnestock's Vermiform in'oor families, and in every case it has pro vided a decided and etTertual remedy for expelling worms from the slant. n. 'We cordially recommend it to parents is ha have children afflicted with that dan gerous malady. , ELON VIRGIL WM. B. PAINS, BriBERT MAY, JOS BURROUGHS. For sale, wholesale and retail:sr the drug warehouse of 'R. A. FAIINESTOCR & Co. • Cornerof Sixth and Wood ses. Pittsburg. Pa. For sale in Pottsville, by CLEMENS sik HEIILER. Dec. 9. 1813.;50- G. W..lllercliant's Celebrated BYZIEffEEESZEti • TIMF. and ..xp.rieare inns fully proved, that this uNivEns.u. REMEDY has not its eat on the list of popular medirines, having Mimi more than II years before the public. Testimony of the kanst disinterested character silts wonderfol effects on the animal economy is almost daily presented to the proprietor. A young man in the Town of Wilson, whore clothes were burnt [And' hint. was restored (without> stiffer me.) be the timely use of this OIL Numerous are the unsolicited etntements Of patients themselves, and others who base Used the Oil, of cure. which in themselves appear so remarkable, itat were they at all interested Ina peculiar Point, they could hardly hare been credited. The following diseases nee among many others In the cure of which this Oil has been completely llllCCe7e tul and in which others had entirely failed Spa.ln, Sweeny, Ringhnne, Windmill. Foil Ertl Cations, Cracked lfeels. Calls of nlikinds,•Lame ness, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises, Sand Cracks. Foundered Feet, Scratches; nr Ilrense,Mange, Rheumatism, Blind of Animas, External Poisons, PainfUl ' Nervous A ffeCt infs.,' Frost Bites, Rnils,(i•rns.Whitlno ■ BUBB And • - Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped blonds, Cramp,. Contractions of the Mnscles, Swellings, • Weaknexs of the Joints, Caked Breusis, &e.. • CAPTIbi TO PURCHASEiIS. Ileware of cOIINTIIIIKEITS, und he surethe name of the Sole Proprietor, GCOROE W. AIEIIt.IIIANT, Lockport, N. V.. i. blown In the side of thelmitle.and in hand writing over the Cork. Don't be 1/11111t13.• ded to take anything else with the promise it 'spirt as good & v., Inc. Thio k praeliced by those unprincipled dealer, whose con.cienre * will stretch like India Rob bpi., and who are of a kindred spirit of those in nor large cities. who, nefartoos practices have so recent ly loon ra po.eil to the action or Coneriks. nest, who a•trniprln Ornint oriel( Mi.. article are en• ferret! to the ia VI 1.1 New ''ork, of May 1915, ha• which it will b.e soon that .eyery person auditing in these ennnterf.•{ts is subject to 3lictment, imprlbonamnta.od tine, A person seltlng out of thin State, will be liable to arrest when in the State, midalsa to he held as a wit ness against those lie bought stir sold for. AU Orders nitilrersed to t he proprie tor will be prompt ly accoondeil to. Zet a Pamphlet or the Agent. and see what wan ders are accomplished by the" no - of this medicine. Said by respectable Ottller3 gene:zilliinAlie United Slates uml Canada. Also, by • J. c. C. il6rtj II I. Pottsville; E. J. Fry. Tamaqua ; C. Franey Grwigsurd Almon nail fteiblehent ; i'olllll & Kerizey, Easton ; Lewin Smith 4- Co., Allentown ; 11. Masser, Sunbury ; J. Sbeafor, Milton; M. A. McCoy, Northumberland; .Dr. es. Tolle, Wllkesbarae; AV• naitliony & Co., White Haven; C. W Shuffle. Lewisburg; S. Williams. Ilear Creeki U. MI Ehect. Mandl Chunk ; Bonet Sc Jones, Tunkbanonck ; Frederick Klett dz Co., Wholesale Agent, Philadelphla Nov;, ISO., ~~ ~.._ 50 cat . nsi4 of :almanacs, Ge rm an and English. in clud:nz the Uncle Sam. the Peoples, the Farm and tit,chdpia.,obio, the German and English Comic Almonai ; iinssath and Rena dlmannes. All of which will be'sold at Plaidelphia totem by the Grow or Dozen, at • II Cheap Bookstore. and Publißhing Houma 22.1840. Slates: Slates: Slates; IV ({ h b ou7,l E al ,olron hu f e v d a r f i a o r a I ,. ei l e m e 5 0 , 0 a, '7l;:riere icired snd r. r sal: cheap.. ' ;The subscriber la Co,:cot for the Penneylvanla Slate Factory, the bent States in the United States, and sup. plies Schools, Store-keepers, dte., by the wholesale at Manufacturers and Thlladelphiaprie,s,' at his Cheap Book and Stationary Stores, rottactile. - ' B. DAMMAM. 46- - Nov 10, 1840 Phlla'delphla Bedstead Facto y Jr. 89 St. Joka soteloottre PUILADELPHIA. '- DEALERP and Cabinet mal , cr !implied on .tiberid Lerma. Patent Screw Elednends on hand. April r49.45.1y) ' ME EV qicSONTS • -resrns IerREET. ifif.V.ll.Tornierly of the_ Antbea „„,„. - cite Lintel, filinewsille, has taken the stand r in this Heron:l2, knnwn rig ttbc -tottsellle Ilouse;r.nil formerly occupied by Daniel TIM, where ha Is desirous to accommodate all who may frier hilt[ with theft patronage. His HOW to large:. the table will always be 'supplied with the hest the market"affords, while AhlotLakiaors will be Inferior to none In the County. No pale, wilt be oparNi to mak lB49.e all fool at tom • April T. • • - - • USX OM Almanacs for ISIO Poitsvillie House, ;MW.ERTISER MEDICINAL. . - - • Dailey's • • lIIAGICAL • PAIN ;EXTRACTOR, von 0111011IAL anD UNIX cilteauCE. A certain and positive Cure for the worst Burns and Scalds, Piles, Erysipelas Rheumatism. Cuts, Wounds, Fever Sores, Broken Breast, Sof!! Nipples, Weak and inflamed Eyes, ;Sprains, Salt Rheum and all cans of External Intimation. BURNS AND SCALDS. T Caffeine the world to prove. that In any one at. ingAeCe, "Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor"— that is to say the genuine article—has, since its first in troduction by me tn 1839, up to this pet led, ever failed to care thit worst cases of floras and Scalds FROZEN TOE CURER_'s Ferry, Pel-ses. Pa., Jas. It '49. • Ma. Beatty //ALLEY—Sir: This is to certlfr that I have been afflicted fora number of years with a sore toe ; caused by bein: frozen. My toe has been very painful to me, especially florin: the last six months, when it had become so lunch affected that the flesh of the firstjoint had nearly all disappeared. Easing tried all the different remedies recommended to me. but without experienciti: any relief. I bad given up all hopes of saving my limb. ROT, to gratify the wish., es of my friends, Daniel W. Dinenrai, W.l.' Brodhead. ' ' and °theml was induced is try "Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor,'" and by' the use of one 25 cent box, was entirely card. DANIEL DECKER. We, the undersigned,subscribe Olaf names to theabove testimonial, not alone as an act of Justice to IT. Dailey bet that ethers, similarly afflicted may be induced to try end find relief from the virtues of this extraordi nary finally sales. W.F. BRODITEAD, Joacrn B. Larrtmea, ' lone Detain. * DANIEL. W. Dleceler. *For directions, and other testimonials of cures performed, see printed Pamphlets. • CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. PTO article of Pelt noviledged merit is mot e 'exten•ive. lr ly counterfelied than DALLEY'S GENUINE PAIN EXTRACTOR! The. difference betwi en the genuine end the counterfeit Extractnrs to eaPily :lean ed, viz: DMA, EY'S original and oaly rilmute Er tractor, In the severest burns 'and scalds. affords in sure:aunts relief. - It draws out the fire and pain In a few minutes. And in cuts and wounds, sore sod In flamed eyes. and all cases of external inftarnation, its soothing edecta are ever the same. The Counterfeit Exttactors, on the contrary irritate when applied.and increase the pain Being cognizant of the danger attending the ape o the Counterfeit Eziraetors. I distinctly declare that will not hold myself responsible for the effects of any Extractor. unless the same be procured at my own Depot, 414 BroadUay corner Lispenard Street, New York. or from my authorized Agents. Jons G Ilnown. Agent. Pottsville; FUEI) . IC KLETT & CO. ~ rhadelpbla; Joins B Mena. " Reading Coax A !reinvest!, " Lancaster; • C A Monuts, " York. DO *OD . AVANT • . Tp CURE YOUR HORSE! . IF afflicted With Ilinnors„ Sores, calked neck an d shnoWers.lnitittertione, crease spavin, or poll-evil, one boa of Dnlley's Animal Galvanic Cure-All, wlll convince youithat them is no mistake Init. e lk \ READ: The.followint is from the H Over stier of the Harlem Railroad Stables:— 1 )iOte Yerk, flan 11, 1! , lg. il have tried DAI.I.EY'S ANIII.II. GAt, VANIC CVUE-A LI., and I nmv certify that I have found it the Most ratraordinary and valuable remedy 'ever put upon a Horse, and would not be without it (many montiy. It cures hard and aris- Inc from the hallar, saddle, Le.. as hy'ata.gic !" Ruh e n a little of tleirtalve, and the collar can't mike a sore. Itean.neverdo harm. /MIN VAN' VOlllllB, . '. f Overseer Harlem Railroad Stables. DEAD:7IIF. FOLLOWING: This Is tit certify . that I have used Dalley's Animal Galvanic Cnre-All. and found it the safest .and speedy cure fursnres and bruises that 1 bare ever used, and I take pleasure In recornmendine It to all. S. M. ROLLINS, Livery Stable, lei Joy et., N. READ THIS MINERS! Burn from ail Explosion of Gunpowder—Blitst. • dug Rocks. llgnav LLEV, Em.,. New York— Dear Sit': I hereby certify. that in the early part of March last, while engaged - in blasting rocks, n charge of powder prematurely vxplmied, taking full effect upon my !lice, chest, and left arm, and burnt the In a dreadful manner. I wag carried home no a litter, inn fare swollen to twice its natural site tire flesh tarn off my, arm, below tire elbow : and my eyes filled with powder and dust. A Physician a:ailed in, pant-e5...11 strnng doulita as in the saving of my tell eye, which bad several cut...over the ball; and my face being burnt all neer, iand Navin a thieek block scab neer It he directed poultires to be applied, in draw nut the powder.. -This f resisted, being fearful of !mini my eyes ; and haring heard much of your Pain Extra., or, I concluded to try it. I did so. and In leis than a fortnight, nod wirlinut any ether application than your Extractor, I war completely cured, without a scar, and my eyesight fully restored. Pori ftichmonA, Staten Inland. June 24, 1648.\ Sworn before me, the 21th June, IF:Pi. PIMP. Cann not., Justice of the Penee. LI FE RAVED! AWFII. CASE OF SCALD! Neetztt on co. X. Y., Feb. 28, 1845. . Mr. Dalley-didar Sir While my son, 15 years old. was at work in the shingle manufactory off.. P. Rose, he hail the misfortune to stip and fall into a large vat, used for the purpnt.e of boiling bliicks preparatory to cutting. The hoicks had just heen removed from the vat, containing a large quantity of boiling water. He fell forward scalding both hands and arma.all one side. and One leg !lady and the other partially. rim stales were.. bad non W. arms and leg that most of the flit,4l came oti with his garments, and his life was despaired of by both his physicians and friends. Valley's Pain Extractor was procured as scion as pos sible (which was in about 911 hours) and applied which relieved him from all pain, prevented intlamatton and swelling, and in a few days commenced healing his Sores t Thorn appeared a genet., improvement. no mediae that In three weeks he Was removed to his father's house, ihstant shoot one mile and a half. We' continued the use of the above medicine about two tnonthk and we believe it was the means, under Providence, of saving his life, and we ,VOlll , l cheerful ticominend Ii in all similar canes an a safe and in valuable remedy. With sentiments of respect I re main, doer sir, your 'coke obedient and huMble serv ant, ADLAE CLARK, • t4esnN\Ail Cr.snx, C. E. CLAIM. We the underrigeed. brine personally acquainted with tin t cake of Mr. Clark's v - in, bait, the above' statement substantially correct M Dowry, 1,116-1 thwev. J S Knis-ey,it r tl Pearce, ,Win Evans. F. Clark, L Ruse, Ira Newart, m New - man, Mary .1 nose. *Tor directions, sec printed Pamphlet*. DII.LEY JOON 0. DROWN, Agent, Paltrylite. Sept. I, IRA. • 35-ly Dyspepsia and General DEBILITY CURED UV THE OXYGENATED BITTERN. IN r kl-f. CASES of indigestinn and deraner mint of the stomach, this medicine speedily restores the digestive organs to their imagism' healthy state, that strengthening the whole System. Hence it Is an excel lent preventive of epidemic diseases. for -persons in a weak and debilitated condition ; at 'the preaollim, time l ,ery elicit person ought to have 11., But no medicine Is more hightf,recoronmended for I)TerErsti, in all its forms, such as headache, heart burn, nomleenesa, arid stomach, Moll of appetite, pain in the storameh,debility, and also, asthma attended with clerancement of the sinmaeh The following is from a moat eminent Chemist. The medicinal articles used its the preparation ache Bitters, are those Erearribed by the Entail eminent phy• ziclans for the relief from, and cure of, the diseases for which these Myers have Ilium so successiviy aped. The combining of them is in accordance Wirlin chemical rules securing the efficacy of each; and time compound seems to have gesulased from extended obsers at Mona in medical practice. A. A. HAVES, M. D.. • itta.e Assayer, Lowell, Mass. From R. P. STOW, Esq., Asst. Clerk 11. S. House Representatives. ll'ashiszton. D. C. June 15, ISt& Pa. Gen. B. Banco :—Bear Sir—l feel It not only a pleasure, hut a duty, to make known to yoa.and to the public, (if you desire if) the surprising effects cf . the “Oxygenated Bitters," In relieving me Irma that most disrouraeine disorder. Dyspepsia. 1 have been allfirt• CA for aVout seventeen years with the usual attendant koriptome,viz. roustipatinn of the tbmela, h e .daae, pain in the chest, flatulence, aridly, of the soonach, rind revere nausea; and for months nt a time not the least particle of moisture would appUar on the surface of the chest or limbs. and most of the lime I was es. tremely I have used various remedies. have been strict In my dirt, have her, dosed with calomel and emetics day oiler thy by physici.ots, het all to no e sod purpose. Hearin^_ of the wonderful effects nettle .•Oxygenated Bilteis,7 in the cure of Dyspepsia. I procured some an a tact resort haste m ed foal . hollles of the medicine, and find the had symptoms all rearm,- ed, and myself once tome ih the enjoyment of health. None 'hut the Dyspeptic boXerer. who has felt all the horror:4er the CliArazr, can at all appreciate the satire of the medicine, I mop( Niarrtely lame that all n ill make trial of the medlcine.and with me be able to re nice in the return of health. 7 ; The following order wa'n'received by the Proprietor, from EnwA no U. l', M. U . - , Proi%naor of The ;wain. tateria Medira, D'art:not:tit College, who trace the inedirilie in li:n practice. F6tlell Citron :—Please send or two olnzerinf your "Oxygenated Bitters." ' E. E. rim.P..s. joy `29. IP IC. Don't fail to call (i;r our putoptele,t,it contains.rikr.eral certiftiates front members nf Conarera and, who testiry to the wonderful eflicitry of this medulne. every. D 3 speptie who desiresdiralth, will try it. The triGins ezpensels not In be thung,tat'of when health is at stake. lkl.ollprr bottle ; 0 bottles for 85,641 Sold whnlesale and truantry I:REES & FLETCHER, No. 11.edsrr lAtpdinsr, Chilada. 0. 0. JENKINS. Centre }I.. one dent. below Market. Pntlarille; CHIBA, Nborreville • JNO. ERMAN. Hamburg; C. & 0. IltiNTZI . Sfir.H., Sanyl kill Haven. July il. tew. '29-ly Law Honrim for Sale Cheap. T 111: following Law Books have just been received and are for sale cheap. Chitty's Pleadings,. 3 vote. Greenleaf on Evi•lence, 2 vols. Troubat Wally's Practice, 2 vols. • story on Contracts, t vol. Wlisiton's Criminal Law, . - flood on Executors. Roberts Digest of English Lowe, bow to forte in Pa. Drie.litly nu the law of Coors. Duane on the Land Law, of Penneilvanla. Wharton's Precedent on Indictments, , Mottle on the Law of Replevin, Graydon's rarnae.. Dunlap's Laws of Peroxayl,vania, last ed o . Pardon's Digest, lan edition, Dinrls' Magistrates Daily Companion, ' • hare's Report', comp te,9 vols. 11uston's Titles to Lauds In Pennsylvania; subscri ' hers supplied. s} All Law Books not nn hand, obtained at the pub lisher slowest cork prices, a,t HANNAN'S Chi.. 311 Law and '.'dibudtancnue Honkprnres. Non 7. 1940. 45- Doct. S. P. Townsend's CELEPIIATED SARSAPARILLA. la DOZEN Doct. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. 14, the Clilginal and Genuine article.just received nd for sale by B: BANNAN. Agent foe Srhuylkill County. IL—Druggists supplied by the dozen, at regular. wholesale prices. ,„, ' • Nov 10, , • SA- fIULES AND PRAYER- EOOK van' 'LOW.--200 Bibles and.Prayet Books in alma every style of binding, cheaper by .25' - or Xi per cent than thepcan be purchased in Philadelphia. stplendll Glittrigtal rainUy Bibles atesly#4,at • . BANNANII .41141, a.pbOolt MISCELLANEOUS. Sheriff's_Sales Or REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditiont Estimate and Leybri Ferias, issued out of the coon of Common Pleat of Schuylkill County, and to me direct ed, wilt be exposed to public sale or vendee, one i 1 Saturday, the Ist tiny of December:4B49, . at Decker In the forenoon, at the ti'uldle house of 1 WiLtax3ll Main, in the Borough of Pottsville, the for lowing described premises: All those certain 3 tracts or pieeeti of land situf atnin Barry Townsipp, Schutficill County, one o them called "Monet Hopi J" 'beginning at a post in the Inn of illannah Yarnall's land, thence_ by - the same, south 6 degrees, 4261 perches, crossing Big .51.thanoy Creek to a stone, thence snuth 8-1 degrees, Cast 118 perches to a Chesnut, thence' north 6 de grees, east,6s perches to a atone, thence south 81 k degrees. cast 18 perches, thence north sit:degrees. - naSt 74 perches to a white oak. thence n o rth dai de erees.west 31 perches into the said Crecl4 thence north 101 degiees , east 2951 perches to a stone,thence . north SI degrees. west 19s1 perches to the place of beginning; containing 4311 emelt, f land and allow ante for roads, with the ipptatenances,oonsisting of 'double Steam Saw Mill. with s 25 brae power steam engine, driving two uptight saws and one cit. altar saw, one-two story log l dwelling - ,- house with a one.stnry frame kitchen ;d- J!! ~ tached, 5 one and a half story ing dwelling ...-- houses. I frame office, I taro storyframe drying house. 4 frame stabler. I BlacksMith shop, and one unfinished log house. . One other of the said tracts called "Ct Garfield," be ginning at a Pine in a line of the above described tract. thence south 731 degrees. east 190 perches to a white nak,thenee north° 88 degrees. ens , 195 per ches, ;rattly by the above described track into the s oil Cue', and dyne° north 16; iJeCreCs, cast 4 5 perches to the plane of beginning; Containing 'A [ll6'ci.aild 3i5 - 1V;.:11Ce fer roads. And the otlisr of them called "Camden." begin ning at a stone, a corner of the land first above des- oiled, thence soul hsisteen and a half degrees wee!, i 2501 perches to a pine, 'hence by the last ,ahoh des. crined tract. wroth reirmay-three and a half degrees Cast. 190 perches to a white oak, thencermuth forty degrees east, 12 perches to a chinnaut oak. thence south siventy-teven degrees east 25 perches to a spruce. thence mith thirty degfees east, 43 perches to a pine, thence nori - rilfitly-rhree degrees east. 41 perches to a chortlet or k. thence north ten degrees east. 300 perches ion post, and thence south seventy nine degrees west. ;4 ,1 perches to Ore place of be ginning, comaniing 1 1 161 acres of land and alowanee for r0nd0.,,, 4..0. I. , • , Al ,. a ll that certain tarn] or tract of land situate in Roller township. Schuylkill comas, hounded by lands of rh 7 .21,4, Ewi'g. ,he Girard lands. and nth era, lands late. of Edward Myers and &theta, contain ing 531 ac,•e l s moreor less, with the appurtenances. consisilott of a double two-story frame r_ ---- a - _ dwelling lonise, a leg Earn. sit It. story le; '.. 1 -3:' d rvel:i °.; 11 tone, a 5,...r M.ll. and t 1 SlablV.a, - 1 • YY . S nor ',,ring Morse, I Mac:smolt! Shlp, and a rari.o.tce shop.. As the property of 11'11,- LI ANI sTEptiEN: , (3.3:.... Its , -It the eame tier and 7;iate, TiAt n - iii full equal undi vided motet, or tl,ir port or a ll that certain tract or parcel of land, rons,st.nd of several- sonliglinns pieces-or parse's of land. situate in the Township of, Branch, (formerly Norwegian),ln the . said county of Schnylkill.saidcontienous wawa together being boun ded op lands now nr lute of Joseph S. Silver, and !ardor' the New York and Schuylkill Coal Company and Others,coniaining 4Ssacres and allowance of o per, cent. o:e , and berng lie same premise described in a 111311ga:iv, dared the 27;h day of August, 1816. given by 1-fenli llotfinan to the said ..1 P9OO. CressOn• and Ilecorot d at Orwigsburg, in Mortgage Book G, page Ma. with the aopurtenanees. As the property of JACOII 1101 FM AN. fit the same tine and ;dace, All that certain tram of land, agnate in Lower Mahantarigo 'Pp.,' Schuylkill county adjoining lands of Jacob buttock. Jacob Rata. 111311,Ficticuck Swaim and others,centainteg 47 acres more or less, with die appurtenances. consisting of a two furry log dwel lila; home and log bun. As the ' property of SA:1.11 , 11.1. HENNINGER. , . N. 11.—The ahoy, dr scribed l'arin or tenet of land I has about .35 acres eleartd, under good fence. and in a erred state of cultivation ; also at gond spring of ' water with a lonise over it. a number of fruit trees of different descripiron Li, the main road front Nits ville to Siiibury runs on the line of the tract. At the ro t or rime and plan% All that certain tract , or piece ol!dand, sena, in Porter Township, Seltuyi, 1 kill enmity ; adjoining lands of Abraham Hand, I len t)°, Hebert:mt. Jacob hard, and, Christian 11aertcr,' containing :M acres more or lee?, with the ji ;. appurtenances convicting of all story log . ;:% 5 .. nwelliteg loupe and lug barn. As the prop Il' - err) , of JOHN lIA ND, Administrator of Jacob Ilaertcr, deceased. and Casper !leerier. At the same tune and' place, All that certain lot or piece or ground:senate in the Borough or :Miners ville, Schuylkill courtly , ,in the western moiety or half part or lot Nri..1,1, in the general plan of; 0141 Borough, and bounded hoithwarifly by Carbon street, eastward's by the other half of the said lot Ntl. 81, smithe, artily by North street., and westward Ir , by Sccond street, contatiring .20 fee: in widihand i 5 4 .) ft. in depth, with the appurtenances ccoisilt of a large two story brick dwgiling •ii i . e i h n oUse with a baemnent Elora of 'Jane and M , , a frame stable. As the property of COS. HEISLER. At the fame Mae and ',Mee, All the riltt.rtiile and interest of Joseph Mani, in, and is all that certain lot or piece of ground, atomic ri: Schuylkill it teen. Schuylkill county, hounded in front by a - public street, on the north by lot of Mrs Ileelm'er, sin the r era by ii 15 feet wale alley, on the west by Ict of Mrs. Rt cd, with the normionances, ronFis7inz of a 1 i story frame-(welling hoit.e. saiii lot containing in 'Width about 50 iCei, and in fl , toll e5ll c, or. inure or 4 lesv. Asthe prorvrty of 20 -Er!! 130 1 10. .1t the sans fin, and plate, All that certain' two 1 ~„,,it , l'irY omie.tio , -nage and ieneinent,,siM- ' t•i , gr evs air in Mauch Chard. street , in 'lie Born' 1.;,,,,_,0 of 'Pairrois, in Schuylkill manly, an tee 1, ..r sate of said street, containing in front tin said vireo, 50 (eel, more or testi, and in depth abut' Ida feet. known in the plan of said town ae lots Nos. I and 2 in square 8, and the lot or piece of ground and multiage appurtenant to said building. As the property of MARGARET NEV fII.I.E. ;Le the tams time and plane, All that certain ; two• ii.,, , , Tory tr.miediveding house, with a 4siory e"f„ _.• frame kitchen •p•taehetl, situate in the 1 1 ;;;;Ji' Borough of I....ehisy Mill Haven, 'Schuylkill Is s I county, raid the lot or piece of grOora ni1 ....11 ....1 1 purtcnant to said building, said lot of ground bounded in fron Ch. Front 'street, op the rear by Jot Of James It. Irian on the west by In: of widow Deibert, oil die e.od by lot of James It. comainin4 in scnbl, 1:5 feet,and in depth Motet 150 ft. As the propert?. of eft II i s 'I 3 N It FESER Se zed, taken in exerininn and will ha sold by .1011 V 'l'. M.:II/NI:01, Stiera Sheriff's OEce, Orwtg.burg, ? Nos. 10, 1819. = . $ Splendid !Gift nooks. S the season of gills is approaching. attention Is II invited to a large assortment of splendid works just published; suitable for presents, among which are the following: RF.Alrei FEMAIS:POF.TS OF A3IERJCA ,• elegara. Ty illustrated with illuminations and portraits, print. ea 'on beautiful white paper, and hound in a rich. and molar. style. Tit PI'ER'S )'ROVER 11l AI. PIIII OSOPITV ; small quarto. elegantly printed on pit, white paper, beau tifully illustrated and splendidly bound LEA FLETs or my:Atrial"; au ltioininated Annual fur 1.450; illti•traied with 12 engravings rind illuminations by the flmt artists,' and houißr In the most ,tiperh THE SNOW FLAKE:: a holiday gill f0r,16511; ele gantly printed.. richly embellished with 9 'Mezzotint', engravings. by Sartain, in the highest style of the art, after designs by the most distinguished Euro pean 'Artists, aid bound in Arabesque' morrow, gilt edges. CHRISTMAS EII.OSSOMA AND NEW YEAR's WurATil for ; fir biy embellished with f.',}l, zotint.i engravings. by Sartain, splendidly hound in trill and gilt eaves. Together with ad.tree number rif oilier beautiful pre ' otion hooks, and a general ..10,11111d•II t of juvenile !fictive and amusing games for Chi' and ri1193,10, al • pub ...l M dren, just recei‘e MIME Skives! glove` SIIEET-IRAN S TIN ~I;INUFACTORY JACOB M. LONG, Gratefol for the liberal patronage here tofore received, respertfolly announces In the citizens of Pottsville and the cotantry, that he conlinne3 shosilies at the old sand, oppa_sit. Males White I fors" Bate], oti ("entre Street, its the florongh Rottsvill2, iele•re he keens cengantly on band an e,tteitsliO an' Irefully selected as,irtnteitt of Pori., nod na.,” inrarine all the old .nil approved sty lea, ogoiher to tth a variety of neer adapted to the tvuot., 01 11„„c Coal re chin. • , fi t The lliar.proveti cornoleto. of ' , lig:" "Pin rea's Amer. lean Air Twiit, withitrick Top liverv• and "Stew itrro "richt," urn considered. by thin, who hare tented them, probably the very hoot Coolant! Striven that have eN Cr Lean invented., lie w i t h ~,,,rMet,c..,-,114 to hie great i•ariety of Fodor nud 7l•iivec, which in uniple.oinri d t t ly the largent, best and he found in theCOonty of lb. al,o ken:on none antly for r Ile a large at,il varied stork of Sheet Iron; Tin and Vi.pintled Ware, of the bent quality and at the lowent ranh pneen: TIN itritiFlN ft. nod all work connected with that brane.h.of rite bent neon, will ha promptly e Ter Well, in the bent wanner, and on the most reasonable terms. klayl9,lb. STOVES: STOVE'S I STOVES 1' WINTY:II In . • S 0 1.0 MON II 00 VC R, C 017.4, -Ye,-v<, c.,and Bal:ruaL rovvnitiLLE, ANNOUNCES to his' friends and ems • touters ad the generally that Inc • ctf, has on hand the most elegant assert *, teortnunity cinx all the newelt and mast appreved.patterns. lie par ticularly c-dis auention to aIcGIICOOSVS PATENT PARLOR ' HEATER. which is anomunced the best stride now in' tise.both for comfort,ecounmy,and health. I have the exclusive right of inaltinf, thefe sieves in Schuylkill County. Also Cast Iron Radiators, Empire Cooking Stores, a superior article , for hotels. Willis' Mr Tight Cooking: Sprees, Nl' wood or coal, acsuperior article for famillen.. Parlor and Chamber Stoves, It a largo assortment fey altpurpoies, ell of which will be sold at tin 1-iw rays.. • 'TIN AND JAPANNED WARE.—lli.nNrtntent or Tin and Japanned Ware in very large. abil braces all the articles in honl ieo, which he wI waraiut to be id' a superior quality,' 4 MI kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, nano facia red to order at the shortest notice_ I` RoopING & SPOUTING. As he is /repareil to ex ee,ite Tin Minting and S pouting, he nvitea those in want at such work, to glee hit* a ell , a• he pledges himself to do it a:lentil' and betters an it up Yet been done in this place berate, .TEI pciblie are reepertfally Invited tne.l4l tra, as tab flock end tudi• toe theinrdyer. ' 4041,1 . -41 ' Who makes this on A paradise awes' And filte each lambi With plenty, life' Oh t I would have They are the mem The men who reap The tillers of the SIGNS 'OP A POOR FARMER: He grazos his mowing land Ism in the win " ii p: , SOme of his cows are Much past their prlins.r-- - He neglects to rep the dung and ground'from" the sills of his building..l lis swore and plants his' land till it is exhaurted 'before he thinks of mss- - 'wring. Ho keeps too Much stock and many of_ them Me unruly. He has 'pp place for nothing and not ling in its place: Jibe wants a easel*: a hananter he cannot find it.! He seldom dace any thing in stormy Weather or in an evening. You will often bear of his being in the bar room talking of bard times. Altheugh be has been'on. a piece of land twenty year's, ark him for grafted' apples, and he Winton you that he could not raise them, for. he never bad any luck. His indolerice., and carelessuessanliect hini to many accidentr., lie loses cider for w3O of a beep. His plough breaks in hli hurry to get in Ws seed in season.. because it was not limited, zind in harvest wham ho is at work on a disitint ' part of his farm, the hogs break intohia gardenl i or went of a small re. pair in his fence. 'Held always in slurry, yet ire his ho Sr"ilf I sto l p and talk till he has wearied your patience.l . lH is seldom neat in his person, ant! Fenerally I i i s t public worship. ; His ' children are late at sciMol and Ott tr-r-ts torn , 1 and dirty: He has nO 'en 'erittize4 to nd is sure k base no money; or if he must hive it. makes . great sacrifice to get it • and he is'ilack in his payments and altogetbef ob. credit; he purchases ra eeerythlng st a high You will see lb* monks out of his chirnnei long after daylight in . .. . . horse eta nor his hope curried., clapboards are to beise ;! after month, withotit bei dows are full of ragl4 homes with whole grai wool comes MT his she for the' want of care Or rower, and seldom •et lie is a poor husband, citizen and a poor dui. The lime has gun race was asubj..ct elld neat farmers. Every) rapid advance 'cvhiAi States. Its greater in theold world, where it has made kg and enabled a meie la waters to support an I even in our own couh. tortes, for,our farmer* attention to rho prinei 1.1149411/ thorn withjl 1 lion of the soil. Thqt some of the mom (iitti which have been niad: though at one time 11 1 1 estate, yet it may 90 1 of the afflicted p.ttriii I better than, the begin thority of one of the w State for the epinioln vaztagei aorded by and the cnlightenod , of them,. is declined places, but maim the to the twain regia.s Richmond Whig. A farmer once vvi with good lu'ck, he b purse with sillier and time to ietu-n, in or fall; so he packed hi. back end set out on hi pad in village to re again, thei.lsstler, ht .Please you, sir, the nail; 'Let it go; or, will ho'd fist rneug C l have still to travel. ! he journeyed on. , In the afternoon{,' bait his horse, ara the stable-boy came has lost a nail is his him to the smithy the forner,..l r ye onlj the horse will trav d've no time ti Away ; rodr the li before the horse bela y far, ere it began to di: ere it begin to stem.' long before jt fell the farmer was obhg the !Old, to anstrnj) shoulder. end make as he could. whim night. .All my trom.thenealect of Here ig' the secret ] not are from the llrli , it in some !Impe l ' o and .o-deoroy yehr . require different tri'uilr but in every variety to mired to.—praini 11 that 1.11. from the t the soil, but runs ihr 1 up and till the land loose, powdery loim plat through. _ Le where a useful plant particle of manurtr t or solid. Let rorth Put in your crape 1 ce has shown to lea and to an enrichmr.' land. Give every' p in the snil act! its Iti -46-if .TOWN 11 1 BEL VitVfUo.47 rD N DU PON t'd CAN PratCUAsioN RVIVoLVING 111 siNCLE AND brl Th e above arr r in• man minufactnre. TABLE., POCKET talons 3 TIANNAVA Book and Varioty Store 95- ROPE., 11F.311', 6rllnwr, and r TUIil Mines, Safety Fuse; made expressly (nen Comlitmgnilmekoj of .. , :'-erlcan, German . _ Stoves 1110. Hammered and li4ll 110.1. Itlackimit Carprn 4 ADDI.CRY,IIA/7” With a variety of iro Smith's Flrt. St Shoe Store, FR ESNU SPPLY Fl STOCK, VERY CHEAP: 1 , I 'Tho Subs,'her announces to his numerous customeis , - and the piddle, Om he has Jost recelysti at his Boot and .... -- Shoe (tore, nest door helow the Oificr of the Illners' Jownal, afresh av,pply of 'toots and shoes of es ery variety for Ladles, Muses, ft,,,,1i0n0,‘; Children, Miners, &c., &C., all of whlelp are ovule up of the best, trtterials, ins neat and dm,. , lie manner, and will ire sold at rates to suit the times. Morays on hand a supply of Trunks, Valhoat. !latch. cis, &r.. which so ill be sold very. chesp. Call aid satisfy Yourselves. Boots and Shoes cpattedo order of the beat gattc,tals and alas repaired at short notice. Pottsville. June 0,211 f. 1.17: LLIM'd 83,1111 f • 130(rr AcD SIIOEM, At thel:lstand,CiptreStnimtdoorts tAePottsoitla YoVP ' • FGSTER-, Arai mea l receiving their • Spring supplies of I,IOOTS stlol.lrl,tomprhlin:s castrate asimcilsaent, whiciLthey unPe96lll , nirerat wttoll sale or retail at the very lowest The have also 0 hand Tut o kir, Vs, ises,Carpet Rap. end flatehels,Soleand Upper Leather, ikincrieco, Calf. !4klnsi, Lining and finding 81E113141%0s Makers' T‘wls, and it geae,ralaarortment of Showtolft ng,i• tr Riles ra annta ctnred t short onllce.—. The it I'r:ends itudthert;:blic who are In wan‘of pny Of. he abov earticles a ererpectfulis Jequested Walsers real. r May „ TIIE FAII:41/tit etaib' bearth I nd pea &I u know, f iott— ,d sow— IS= le ;k not daily cleansed, t aardt, shingles, and tr his buildings month rui replaced. and his win. ile'leeds his hogs and lr the lambs dio, or the i he does not think it is !oOd. lie is axed bar ;ma the things borrowed. [a poor neighbor, 'a poor thin. AGRICULT* AL SCIENCE. iy whon'Agricultural Sci• rision or neglect by prat.. no must rejoice to Ilse the i.l making in the United l urnpha have been hitherto Idcskiecuilly in England, rden 'spot of the whole isle, eck on the surface of the manse population.' But ry it has achieved its vie. re every day paying more Ilea which it deselope, and relit success in the unitive a titrticularly observil in lands of our own State, i tri renew their Youth, and . poor as Job in his lowest 1- be nil of ibern;rui it was h,,ihat their "ilier end is ,ing;" We have_ the so irea practical farmers of the that Virginia. by the ed. Indagricultural science Ind perAevering employment linty tt repair her waste equal in fertility and beau of idle .Western Statoe.-, TILE 110 E; E ,SHOE NAIL nt to marker, end, meeting ,k 1 all his corn and lined his ;6U. That he thought it r t r reach home before night nto:ltey bags upon the horse's journey. At noon he stops !ft; and when he was starting led out the hope, said, left shot behind has lost swered the farmer; 'the Ghee the twenty miles that +. O Y in hate' S., saying, • f ' rho farmer stopped again to rs he tsts sitting in the inn. and said. 'Sir, your horse eft sit le b•hind ; shall I take •Let him alone,' answered ; six ;irides (nether to go, end well enough that distance. but he had not gone far had not llinpad ti had not limped ear, : nd it had not stumbled. wn nil' broke a leg.—Theo Irmve the horse lying in is bags, throw tirm over bit a vtay home or root as well .• ho did not arrive till late at elt; avid the firmer, 'dome -4 i horre-ah le nail: lIIPI, . p uL , fie- piimoso+ • Ey g PP PiItIVIXO,, - - • i .of gond farm . mg. You can nd more than you' restore to o per, without running it caOtal. Different soils may ea of treatment and moping, 11' 4il there are goiden rules matit you find that the water . 'estitms does not Stagnate in ugh it and off it freely: Turn uttil your foot trots into s that the sun and air 'readily nis weeds occupy a place cupid grow. t3olleatiestriy ate you can, whether liquid itgvm the farm go to waste; thst course which experien• 1 toll success in their growth, t, not impoverishment, of that ,an li p OM 'to spread its roots wes in the Mr. I m ! Gims!! - IT Idn PO,T7, - L E IRON STORE. I! ,E and Single batty! SEO IS, POWDERFLASILS. SIM LS' EINCIMI POWDER, TULS, O O,E PISTOLs • assortiutnt or En gthsh and Gar. COTLERY,SCISSORA, AND / In of the mast celebtatedmakeu. ICOItItACE, ANVILS. frp,r . 0 , FOR. WET PLACES IN nngland Stnet handled Shoves twin sales. Oil, mum and D F:o s ci l i . s u h s rta . yufaciure. s“ Iron, Sheet, Flue, Band, 11..4 TOOLS, ters!.,Annemakrre.and Saddiete WARE,Tdr. COACH FRISISIINe notions !Aug. 29 47 15 Eli Thompson. rtE.A.r., (ESTATE AGENT, 4,-NO • ••• • • CiILI.IiCT(II2 nF RENTS, • Office IM Port ear Sen; Schuylkill Coxner. Pa.: ?PIM eubscilher «dl take charge of Coal Lando, nw01i,,;;11 , ,,,,,..q.andl other property, and collect Ikentu for the same, In the County of Schuylkill. ar4 all other brsihrich e.Mhected with his Agency, will be promptly atiet.,led Ih.l • - ELI THOMPSON, . j Port earhon,Seboyhtilleo., Refers to . Rohl Patterson,' and Horace' Bmlth. •jPolts " ' Sainucl 'oil. Resoling. • W. It. loon, No. 9, North • rfelphki. • ripe 1341