TERMS OP TAE MINERS' inuns'AL.—SCIGLE FURSCRIPTIONS.—Rwa Dollars per atrium. Pal A lin-semi-annually In advance, - 3o those who reside s the County—and annualy in advance to those who reside nut of the County. Thelma,fisher reserves to 'massif the-debt to ermine $ SO per annim, when o rtneut is delayed !ruter non one year. • ' TO CLUBS. rhti , copies to one address, . .$5 05 rteven Da • Do • . 10 00 ypteen Do ' - Dn,;.. 20 00 Fcce &Mars in advance will pay for three - yes e esub riva.toShe Jourrnal. - 3 32ATCS'OF ft DITEODIINC; One Seuaret;f 14 Dries 3 tteriii, 7 - • F,0,3 , ' eoheequent Inserilon, ". icor line, 1 time,, ~,,neerment insertiOne, eath . one ..4ronre„2 othtittis, '1 Six months, ! onn Year, ra ;mess Cards or Fire tines, per ynntamr Merchants and others, advertising hi the Year, with thepovilegp of inserting dif ferent advertlnement s weekly. ....7- Larger Advertisements, as per agreement. vottiElt B. PALMER; et hie Real EnSte sad Coat dzeseies, ' coiner 0 (Third Chcanxrt Streete,Pblladelphia, , Nn.160, Nassau Street, Nem York, Ne, Id, State Street,Boston, and South bast corner orldeltimore S Calvert Streeta. Baltimore, ill Our lief:all:or receiving subscriptions and Advertbements, for the Miner.. Joarnal. Tire CIRCULATION or-the Niners'lournal &greater clan ally,other 'paper published to Norther-la Pennaylva ant. and had ne a rly double the eirculntion of any other 'published in Schuy&ill county,. I also circulates largely 'anlonz capitallets, tnaufacturers, iron and coal dealers throuthont the Atlantic and Eastern Statea. POTTSVILLE. 9ATVIII)AVY . ._ DECEMBER. 1849 PROTECTION TO ANIERIfiIAN INDUSTRY.— A subscription paper has beeti'placed at tuis office.. for the purpose of recciyin. .übscriptions to defray the expenses of circulating ' Petitions to be presented to riingress fur a repeal of the present British Tariff. Aral tritbstitutine in its stead a Bill for the protection or American 1 , dostry. "A small contribution from the friends of ProtectiOn will answer this i;erpose, has been euneried that the most effectual way in procu ore signatures, would he in employ a person it...Ree f,' I F, to visa all the Collieries and Inwris.6lc 4:4 In this county. If the people' desire Protection Piny, 'moil pet tone for tt. Petitions to Congress have been printed, :and can I,e,obttine.l at this office.,• • • IGOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES z'li is said by soma of the Opposition Journals. Wet the present Adminii.fiaiion is tepidly plutTg• tris the nation into debt—that the deficit of Sto,- 60,000, which now exists in the National Tree. or fry. io owing to the extrava;ance of Gem. Tay toi. Never was a greater outrage upon Tru.hper. petraterl : —never were the I.noofocus driven to ouch deleration to bring odium upon 'en administra tion; but ihek eff ,rto will prove nugatory, and eventually Will teCoil upon themselves, and in. r aved of affecting the popularity of those whom it is intended to bring into dilrace, the seniors rnotivei and dishnneet impulses of those who are now Making the effort,' . will only be mode the more p:Alic and glaring. All liabilities that hove , (,eon discharge.] by the AditiiniArrtion, had been incurred 'by the previous Administration, and • therefe those now in power cannot be accuavl with extravagance. During Mr. Pollt's Admin. isro.tion. the country was pluridgod into ouch an fmmense debt, that from which it will be difriculr to extricate it. The Washington Reptalic truly remarks that. Mr. Pock's Administration oppreoo. ed the country with the weight of an summon.. debt, end that this debt must he paid , tt et Mi. Potx's administration entered into obligations to all r11041:10U; amotint, and that. those inti•t be met. And now the old game is to NI placed over again, The oil plunderers of the treasury, the very men who by their reckle , e end wicked extravagance have plundged 'he country Into itilf,brednesi, now talk of "taxes falling upon the shoulders of the people. and paralyzing their energies by the crushing weight of debt." This is a little too barefaced—hut the moat brazen impudence and the most bare hypt , tcrtry have cea-ed to astonish us. We are prepared for ell manner of fiction and fabrication. We are prepar'ed to see the defalcations of. CoLuiss. Desny,'and Oaeontas laid at the door of the i prt seei6. A l tnini.tration becau.e they can. not. cotajore beck the money that those men have takenlrom the treasury. We shall not be tett.- . .prised to hCar the Administration reviled and railed at, because they are compelled to rawe the money to pay IT the accumulated war debt which 'hes beep b , queathed-to them. This game, indeed has br;en . - already commenced, and the Locofoco t'park are already doud-Mouthed in their outcry .:sanal;,{ the Admini;tration, because they are pay Mg out money under laneof,ico appropriation bills w bleb jhey hive had no hand in framing. The following facto, which we compile front a ding article in the Washing:tat 4tpritlic, will hear u,t uutln all that has been mid above. 'they are from all officialtsource, and as figures "can't lie,' the dr:acufacoa are t i placed in such a humiliating petttion: as will make them regret they ever ac, tuned the prgen. Admmiatration with extravaga lgonce, But to l l the 112,ur,s : There expended by Mr. A n adminis: &Wink - 3,i in the.four years, the sum of $49,313.213. Ttlis'essoma four millions more thso were . s- r.end..Ll dorind. Mr. M0NU.16 . 8 s.mond term. Mr. ADAMS Was Teeeeded by Gen. JACKSON, whose experlditu4s for her first term. amounted L. 1:49,879., This was only some $7,000 000 o f additional buislen; but the hoeufooo preFa as• armed the pe4l‘;`that every thmg was mineged to the snuggest trr,irnost ec.rnornicat manner iros-We, and that tbeyi wet.: in the enj.iy merlin( a mui•h mote •'(rural'' go.ernment, thou,r,h it was spin 1• fl great deaf meta money. In the Eee.uld term of G.neral Jaes•. , i * s ad miniqntinn, the expenthtures m.tunt , d up •o' 87, t 30,42 S ; and this was so muck tnore econtiin stitiskettorily frugal, that the Di.rnocrott journals recornmentle I his appointee, Mr. FAN 'Punt's, as the fuitible person in the world to, continue thi. kind of relief to the oppressed ant. • to x-rldden people. Aecprdingly,Mr. VAN BUREN MT, into pinVi r I. in his lour years. ho and hni co-pstriots man Aged in talke an iyhti $112.188,691. or smtethina More than twice es runny rnilliorn‘ 33 MI. ADAMS. Thuo, Locotoco economy used up toles 11,• much , money Pr IYuw extroanance. f4lr.:TrtEn's administrating, the er- Venditnrea were some I . f.31),000,4:00 Ins than thr previous adminlslr4tion Xow comes the great administration of Ja.Strs K. PSLK —one of the most ellrearsgmt with which 'the country has ever been blilicted l as the f o tinw.. ,ing figures will testify. Instead of $49 ; 313 212 which was the'flltn expended dining Mr. AlytkL. , ' administration and fyt v„ich he woe - bitterly de nounced by Loeciroens, we have three times than aincount expended by Mr. POLK ' S adminietration— . - nom - toting to 4146 929 402 ! . It is a matter of astonishment to no, that, with I.hese facts of ',aortae° prodigality, staring them in 11,:e flee, the Opposition dare toy a word about extravegsnea. The deficit of from . $l5 00n,000 520,000,000, in the National Treasury, i. the result attic recklefenent of the Pots administra ,tion. To ,this asaertidn no one, who has any sera for truth, dare otTei a contradiction! "r3j-Tria Pnacpcn iirsending uncuivent Bank ;Notes to this place, hy ?acne of the Coati:ftwows ouOt to be th•tcounteganced ;tonne.. All such neteri of a doubtful character, -ought tp be promptly efusetl by all oar dealers; and this great Sind growing evil will soon be remedied. • +13.1.01RE1 :11*ELL Ia•LIIEL —The Nertp milker' Telegraph pr A ppy, have laid V 6711 on tbe Washing/on line, across the Hudson !liver st.l39li's Ferry, sinking them by means of lend weights. They eye encased in qutts - Per, Abe, end-the present is en experiment to test the practicability:oleo crowing rivers. 4 lad milled Charles Forster, WAS very sere ' bottelypinjured: in- Money, Po., on Tuesday lag, !:ty hinght by the ..s.trsp 4 a tbresbini MB hint. _TILE IRON CONVENTION. 1 ,..;t The Iron Consentimr of held et Pittsburg, on the 21st ultimo, was la•gely attended by Delegates from Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, New Jersey, NeW York and Piansylvanis. It was convened for the purpose of taking into con sideration the effrers of the Tariff of '46 upon the Uountry, and to suggest to Congress such modificationi of shut law as ere, required. Alter "nth Consultation and able discussion's of the ad r rein Pyllera , the following resolutions were adopt t Res lved, That however pure and patriotic were t'4l motives of the advocidei of the Tariff of '46 time has proven that the worst apprehen sions Lf its opponents have been retitled. and that it has/proven to be wholy Insufficient to sustain e great interests of the country, _ R e . of red, Thus Pa is 3 stem or ad saloretri duties •n 'roe/Ives protection only . orrien protection is not required, and atthsids awben it is. ','- • 1 li6 17.1 6300 5 00 6 00 3 60 111 00 lieriolved, That every principle of sound policy poinntito a directly contrary course - Res Plead, Thu nearly all the value attached to iron is derivable from labor, and that this country is abundantly able to produce the largest amount its consumption may demand, and.tnat though wirsi. do notdesire to prohibit importations by heavy duties, we conceive it to be but just; .to the peo ple. end iound policy on tbp part of the govern ment, to lay such restrictions on the intioductions of foreiao labor as will protect our own front all ruinous and sudien a uctu+tions, from whatever . cati-es arising, I n other CoUult.es, Reslved, That a Committee of Correoponci enc'e, contasting of three ptrrod,thali be appoint. ed, with power to add to their number', who're duty it shall be to make a written addrera to the people of the country, setting forth the necessities of a modification of - th-: Terra of I V 46; and who shall collect ouch facts arid etatistice, to be tub mated to the (....26ateke 01 the trlllted Z;l44'e, es may farther the objet of this Converatou, and whose duty it shall he to cause petitions to be as extenaivtly circulated sod signed espossitoe, with attar of presenting them to Concrete at ea early a period as pra*atrltr, after the opening of the Seialoll, Resolved, That the lehieney of the presetit ad eal,oeth lloty t. Injultout to the tetetests at tile toothy, by het p 1 g out , toe higher priced, and, cone , yoratiy the lost and O .odwg the country 'with the loweer price and, poorest goal, Rio-ulve.i, That ifilsUotiventifn highly approve of the follow:oh reaoluiton of the boo e Canyon :ion of Nate J. rsey, hold oil the 14.V.1 and odopf the rprnt of t.:e ..ftesoir. d, Turrtfore, ttiet it is thr eolenin and paramount duty 01 the inhere of eungrt.ss &mu this Stute to urge. as ILO Untltd Voice 4.11 C. , [l“ . tinon, Rl , Jnitientin. at the Twig', as stisp "lout put our ut .etahery trf motto, sod strittl fut. chid prhfite tulip.", meta tu the op erettven who are now i lie, slid 1 . 1.0/W, the surplus prince at 1.1,1“ r•" : 'CON 0 It '.SS 'rt. - body wul woirrilble, at ‘Vaiihington, on Monday nrxt The %\ ooh ngton cone-pi:Wein, of the Baltimore Sun, eluding to the a..vintiling of Goirre,s, trivark,. !trot It will tw snatkubia "mid ut legialinive tmvortance uperior to all its pirdocrsaors ,'tire the retabltsh— mrnt of the Werai govrrual. nt. It It toreahad ow the cour.e of tnea country for a century, brut lord rnaikr, by wureh ataiesineu and puhnaana ll be able hereafter to *hope their condor t. Ail to the Spelt Itersh!p of the liouse, it is atilt In doubt, neith rof the t grest pultree IU which the country is divided ltovii,g tho C1431,11,e pt.lll - 1U claim it, The pirly in ppwer, it to a greed, by - the ('tends of the Admint-tratioti, is stronger than many linaglite, and the (riehtle of en sdinittiroVitlon,eiree or federal, oven tail con siderable unead of It is As,. cup. po , ed Ilia the To) for I)..tnoetats Southet tvid not pr.o, avalisble for the purpose of forty organ write. and t: at the Calhoun Mer . tv.il kick eil the flames.. SIR JOHN PRANHLpi Li uttliani Ly uch, ttic coW in.nat r of the Dead Sett Expedition, tins vo.unietited to head an ti. liedllloll to slim: Its rally es pracl.cnble next year. reinve Sir .I,bn Franklin. fie proptses for the govetioneut to sanction the atttinpi, nod al ford Ifietes and men (all volunteers) and pro. Kitiant; nod in can: there should be a question ta4 to the legality ul paying tiro Ilpetm of such an expedition, he tl rte s he could raise sufficient Iron private ',once; iu charter, str . engitico nod t quip u sitinmer to Gen out the object. TIIE END OF A LILjEIiTEVE A libertine met with an awful late in Saline Coot,ty, Mo , iatety, from the hand+ ot a Mr , . puditg ide temporary atutelice ut !lei Ituahaidl. a man by the name ut Carrot made overtures ot an instilling character to her. She commun.c AO the Itlet to her busban 1, who ad vised her it Carrot persialed in his overtures to shout him-- and he bun...l loaded a pedal and gave it to het. !Son tang af.etward Corgi re newed bus overwres and art rnioad to detain her a. aie was a s cending the sierra. She goi tie pat& and.. Mot burn i i.e e{prred in fit'lt u otinulea thereofier. lit-mulct; and is a wife were ezammed l)eiure a justte, and nnm.diam y dtacharged. T4LIf • Oregon is the greatrst lumber country in the old Around cue mill, witnin a circle lit three mike, rtende Umbel. enough to laet a nundred years, inr ,, :noll ;IA the lima • cutting auou feet a day. trees re Iron, 6iv 10 loot lu drams ter, and some lit thu in 300 feet riort. I:hey are 101 l ed tu b a a l a ke, II ka k n Vle wi 1 three maps stave I by water power, and turned uni at tele ("Met ado of the flllO, WIVIICPII thin to C.hlornna. •IN neat, tii (Jr. g..n; averages 65 lb, a hu,lkel, mod Oregon binge $6 nitre a barrel at hue g.p uny othd.. I ion insulin of vista, Cant Ila Oregon, in June, 1A14.0 013. THE METHODI3.TB , • ittlr,ocatc and 'Journal gilher. 170111 ne trp, r n o! In en. nal to 1-teln et, t flo,ti,fg hi c Pe Church ;,--"l'Le tvt,ol7 number 0I mernb ,, t m in , .wtt (!iatt• ern) coon r< ticea, id 6§ :,315, SIIOVI, It, an IT.C , C el 23,24 a over tioinerr fr. porked in 1848. 1.11 this t nal 587.819 Ire , It tt.l inenthrretni., and 74,3118 1r huniber 01 4W3 et Ineib , ert It 2 8,5 8 1.. 1,3 that of I.whaps 953. l'nere are 3984 . 11eer1line -1 19n1,11 1311 .ft• .11pe7n1,11 - rapra rind - 361 "Ilitelni neat, 14. linFe It lee Le n 321. pleate ere. Ncelved .3.1 trial du.ing year ; 101) 1109, I , eared, 37 nave eirti, 5 nave t e , n t end ll I:xiie withdrawn Tr" humus of nr Ilih,re in the I,3,eria centerence it 11163, watch la 117anure (kith i ihe previou• year,, fl~~it tftingn, Cliance for Spcculalvrs.4l . De Oilerar of Bents to. otters' 31 Wu,' unil,lott for bait . , 10 toe psi) , of !leading, on ill, lYtit'ind days ur tuber. Scege at r a n gXecut flildretb was nuo~ In Piortn Cdrottoet on tile 3,1 inNt. rue nusinesy was en bunglingly done mut tne Mal/ bum:. dnl in I,ll.!hilrig the ,catfold suer being aunt; ttir 4111: celled yin i,bentr•tu come, finnan he • Bridge Burnt.—Tte budge over tr.e Nesbam ilucl!. co., w as 1.1311.11 01) evening ut thr 15to ult. Tee budge wee 175 lret .p in, and tlutlt by air, COUlity a lear yral6 011111. on the moat apprutred path. at 6 coat ui about $4009. Rights of Gold Toler from Cabs forma gays :—A Magmg for . p,old du.: has eighteen bet :showed On tug liver, and m•y lota o»ck as far as he Miooers. No one will o.fringe upon bun en long al hip taus aie lilt (.11 the spit. R4ugees from the late scone of rev. oltoson in fiermany are re.nnting,thin country in crowds. Tollit.mx arrived in New York on Tuesday week. Karl Heiuzen map ettlong the nuTher. We;eorne, noble feilavte. • • :West Phesler 80, in California.-4 West Cheater : emigrant, now i n th e go:d lend. writes pack to one of hie friends the following piece of juditiona advice -,—'..9oty at borne, lad thank God that you baye .I:twilling to eat." .restailn in itlqieo.,,Tbe• ;. f egielatuye of the Mexican Statc'of Queretaro recently enact., • low re r evtabliiihing the 4e.tiite'there. The Gov ernor tiny vetoed it. rots would Cf rep if you !mpg* that' your life wee tinned to one month, yet you laugh while you know not but it 'may be reatticted to a day. One of the diepeat thonahts , we ever had t , we when we were a child ' N e fell into • well one hundred itrid. fifty feet below the outface of the earth, and were wondering how we ehould get out.—Albany Knitkertnieker. THE MINERS' JOURNAL, AND Porrsvm-LE GENERAL - ADVE RTISER' illinersuitle 'Affairo. Just as we were preparing our paper for Press, Yes terday. we reemvsd be following item of news from OUT attentive Mmeraville, correspondent. Owing to the Lateness ottbe boitr„we are compelled to omit two or three paragraphs. • • lar aktfellaici Praccuioa at Minfrsvitic.... The Odd-fellows' procession at Miner:wino, on Thursday (Thanksgiving day), was very large and creditable in all respects, uh the Lodrs concerned in it. The display of gorgeous re•i galia,emblematical as well as deautive of tbe,l rank of the wearer. and the principles of the de-1 grees attained to; •in lodges and enciampaients t he splendid' banners, excellent brass band, and.} admirable arrangements, all contributed to the magnificence of the pageant, and the grafi ficatiou.' and I trust also, instruction of the public. The, day was clear and pleasant, and it seemed as if nothing could be added to make the oceasiou: one of thanksgiving. • The procession was-gotten ttp by Anthracite Lodge, Nu. 136, of Ivo° the occa. sion of tho presentatiOn of a Bible; by the ladies to that lodge. The line of procession was • formed at 10; o'clock, A. Al., marshalled by .Cuss. W. Tanya. Esq„ P. G. ; aided by 13: C. Christ, P. G., and .1. Straub. We tioticea the (oll,iw•iug lodgea le the pro EMCCEEI Anthracite Lodge, No. 13G, (Mine:Trine.) Ple ceded by a tine brass-band, a banner, abd theit charter, elegantly framed iu en elaboratel l worked anti heavily gilt frame, atlrrounded uy 'wreath or evergreen. S oriel Lodge, No. 36, Nliuersville, P. S. Ricl ardi, Miura Lodge, No. Su), Pottsville. Preceded by a very elegant banner, painted upon white satin, and beautifully trimmed with silver eet broitiery nod bullion fringe, &c. Giror%2 Lodge, No.s3,(Pottsrille,) Crtt fatal, Nltirshatt,—accoinpanied .by Laud ; uud their flue bauiter. The devieeutz this befit= it a view of Girard Coflop iu the distance; in tins foreground, the genius of charity .instructing the orphan. uud p tinting upward to faith, and hope, and, mercy; on the reverse, a stunt' ftt sea, 8 wrecked ship, and a rescue,--all fairly executed Thfadututter is test, trimmed with exquisite taste. .. „L itly of the rallty, No. 213, Pottsville. Ciremoni Ltd,re,—manilialled by S. nipple, I'. G. 4chnyfkill Haven .Lodge Eureka Lod „ ge St. Clai, Lodge fritadshii; Encampment, of Nlinersville. There was 0100 u largo attend:loco from other Camp Lodges, but they did uut parade as separ ate Cadges. Iho Procession, which was very lonfWas swelled by the attendauce of large numbers of visiting mena,ets, from other Lodges not enumeroted, and nut ittendiug asl i odges, members of the Gritud LOdge, &c. Thu rogtu of Procession•was us fellows : 2d St. to Carbon; down"Carliou to Front ; down Front to Suubury; down Sunbury to the Railroad; countermarch up Suubury to the upper end town; couutermurch down Sunbury to 4th St.; nit 4th St. to Carbqu; down Carbon to 2,1; down 2d to Lodge. tie-form at I o'clock, P. M march down 2d St. tit Sunbury ; up Sunbury to Welsh, Congregationalist Church. • The eNereises in the Church were opened by alirayer by Rev. IL C. Williams. An Anthem Was then song by the Choir. After which, a Bible, !nest exquisitely bound in red and gtild, ornamented with various appropriate devices, was presemed to Anthracite Lodge, by I'. S. JuI.KAI CLKNIENT, Eag., delilertal uniap prOpriate and elutpieut address. F. Q. Ilsanas received the book in behalf of the Lodge, return ing the thanks of the Lodge to the Ladies. if he Choir then sung a beautiful ode, after which J. C. i`•litim.r..s, l'. G., deliv4red -the uration,—giv lug no interesting bigot-y{of the rise and progress of Odd Vellowship. Alfer the Oration an ode by the Choir. Pr.iyer was then offered by the aitv. P. II allwell. .;'`After which the Choir sang another ode. Benediction by Rev. IL C. Williams ; and ta, bile the lodges were re-forming, an anthem was perlortned by the Choir. After leaving the Church, the procession pro ceeded tiP Sunbury street to the Catholic Church, counter-marched down Sunbury to Secondhlown Second to Lodge; where it wits dismissed. i4lStOtical. O'er the .111ht.rs' 44urnal ] THE TUDORS llElettY (Tvrion) VII. was crowned King of Eng, land in 14 , 15, Sc; On years before the discovery of A inenca. Bartliolowinew Columbus ' the brother o f Christopher, had been dent to Englaitil to solicit get). ry's alit in that adventuroas enterhrize. liarthola. Mew was detained by pirates, and Christopher Colura , anis having obtained ossistance from Queen Isabella, who offered to pledge tier jewels to raise the neCessa. my means, sailed without the hatemmite'nf tiogland. But Ilenry Oil. after the ;Merest of Columhus lent Cabot, a Verirtian. settled w Bristol, westward In search of new territories. Cabot was the first Eat.- peen who rated a flag on North Untried. Bence the tired darn of England to ibis ilontion of the Contineat r , til.r stns tagin.torirat facinmark this Period. It was. Caret. the commencement of Amerman Illhtory; second the.commeneernent of the five reigns of the Tudor 6overelgits 01 England; third, It was the cominebee pent of the important part of ' modern Wet., ; and fauna it was the pi:B.lo.lmm which the kagitsh Navy dates us commenCement in the ttnevr IlsnaY• 'I twee tare rein:Likable coincidences. Once reflected on, they will never be forgotters.—lleory VII. gave has daughter in marriage to James IV 01 :Scot- Idiot. Whilst this c.oinexiiin was in Lontent,daiion Cleary was aemci : Ile 1131 i reflected that lay such a marriage ,colt' acquire Crigtontl. I nave reliant. led,'' said Inn , fart sighted Monarch, - Brat by ouch .. mem tee England may acquire 5e.•11.4t01. Tine slooiger, Mdnt all lerate. al‘lays Avails:* This oli selvalitin was verified after tie „Iffitne of 'a centur.l; Allen. at the death vt . Elizabeth tire 11(.1i, and last Ta ilr, James VI. Bong of :Scotland. great grandson of tort ,Burt are[, Wad trotencd Jamee 1. of Ehgland• 1 he men, ay m ry he assisted by o.4atiac ..4t a polar kohte tau, ineuee iespectlng Margaret aria net nrilY .Mary Margaret hcrame gatren of zrciitland, auA drdi4a 6 tdar of the beautiful ollary Qat. f hFuts, heheadea is the reign Eluttbeta the fifth 1114. r. nasty Q,lleell fraor e, .ltd grandmother of the ads cuotyltshed Lady Jane Grey, belouded to rho ett/u of - 11 " Y roe feurlk 'Fader. Ilene) Vii. emond a quar ter old I maw) I tclimg Oct year, and 11,1111 succt!edeil by his only earl:fernt son. byery Crowned sover,igo of England fur the last three and a half cenfuries de. eeeudvd fawn Henry VII. ta l . 3 . 1 VIII. I.l:quit 101 eventful reign of thirty eight years in Fain Ilis reign was them:mil of the .q for.: Voltivrs WIOCI!.11.0111 he bonte an Mind Cook Ohice in the very neat a4e after the Lo;r : r.;VOVW , Atee , we• henry hill. dtvo . rced himself from two wivee—Catnd nor traugnier of Ferdinand an I 4hbella, and Anne of oeves, beheaded atititlier Anne and another Catha rine, triouipe4 stryt s rely ofer June depot - nu who had rite gr i d(lntone die whilst his love was warm, and was not mutirheil trier by toe sixth wife Catharine Parr who had the hetter fortune to survive him andant mcdraiely to find a husband to her nitre. Three of the, elves, who ale not named in the order . of their nmrriage, werepothers each of an wily child. These three children liferline tile three nett 60Verelgrol and with them expired the Tudor name. Ca:therine of floe motto, of Mary, Anne Boleyn .0e moth er of Elizabeth, and Jane Seymour the mother of EQ. -ward. 4Enw.san I I. waa crowned in 1517 in hi. IQt:j year. In he, short reign of six year. he gave iii iii his ife nolluicia great 550111155 of a V 151513119 life. 5011.311 W 1533 5011105 d cairaorthuary benevoiente. Educated with tile Laity Jule Grey, his cousin. it • desired haCshe should be his successor instead or his Milt Sister Mary. of WllO5O hts aud t•ruel diepositicto 115 Wes Well aware. He s ravored the plan which. llooll after Ms death. twoughl , this toy. ly and beloved cousin fo the block They were both esectimit Latin hlld Greek scholars and nearly of the -•• Inc age. It was designed by the etatesmeli •or pngt Ind-..that Edward should awry his Lenore! cousin Mary Queen of Scots- It may hs. remarked be was King of England just three ceoturiet•aio. _ 314.ag aerended the throne in 1353, and reigned five years. SA, marriel 50011 elm crowned 11 Krog of Snain;iNCl Of the priat Emperor Charles V'. Bigotry and cruelty hi:tilted her reign. More weans Ih.n there were wed:. In those five ineniorabliyeits were burned at the stake. AtYtnitinie shirt noortmoied her half-strati Ehzahctk, Whom _NIT bitterly Paied- EL , F•nent was ernwhell.th 15.51' and reigned,l year,. • t worthy of notice, that Mary anfl herself! the two last Tudors, reigned precisely 'half n'teriturY. Mary's reign constitnting one tenth of that-period. Elisabeth could not be induced to marry. - She prided herself on this determioation.and when asked td mane a new sentiment in • America the mailed it, in al.u lion to her reign, Virginia. Abe was the het niernber of a family tirklingnisheil: for form of character, air;- gala, sagacity. add' clititgplihg influence; and of tu nee Tudors sith holds rEihrst Owe, as a great and wise sovereign. Her talents for government were in deed singular, based on p p admirable temper ppm, blood with a remarkable' catiatity. flhe beheaded her cousin Mary Queen of Scots, and Faye a dying ems lent that /wait, rhe only eon or tbehniortunale Mary, should - be her successor. She wmi interred In the Chanel of Henry V. which constitutes the east end of Westminister Abbey. In the time chapel, as beau Wirt and munificent now-as It was throe telithricsago, rest the remains of bee grandratheirtlenry vit. of bee sister Mary, and of Mary Queen of Scots. To these wens added at a later period the remains of James I Charlef—William and Mary—•Qtieen Anne—George 11, and other distinguished persons. Bs . . Gold Win* is ,t 2rstronomical, [Par lba Ninerig lonMa} THE ROTATION OP TEE PLANETS. Some Amite, I have undertow./ , has beep eg pieraed.by a n u fritter of individuals to see as slop te an ex plaustioo as can be given of the recently dis covered analogy in the periodn.of rotation of the primary plartetri. To gratify this euriostlyt 1 have been. induced to aubnut the • following toner state. merit, winch is entirely free from Mgebrtic lan guage c • Ttte three celebrated laws of Kepler, it is wet knows, apply to the ammo/ revolutions of the. planets, without any reference, whatever. to, their refotiows. In the letter respect; no connection or analogy, .o far a, I can learn, bail ever been suspected, prior to the announcement of the folluivrograw, at the last meeting of the Amen. can Araocratron for the advance areut or detente. Suppose Mercury, Venus and the Earth to be in co: junction, and call thetli,iance from t he pencil of. equal err:Knott between Mercury sod Venus to that betweet:Vecns end the E orth, the diameter of Venus' sphere of attraction. .111131 is Mond, !nun the known 'masses:and distances of those bodies. to be 36661.1000 The disineter.ol tie Estih's !,pbere a attraction, found in sunder manner, is 49664000 miles: Tees/umber of Ve nue. dayo totter year . is 2309.; that of the Earth's. 30625! and tte taw regulatng their periods of rotation is as follows :• i230.9) 2 :(366.25)z c (36640040)3:(4086i000)N' or, in trestle, The square of the number of a pri mary planet's days year is as the Cube of the d'usateter of tti oliNere r f attruclion, The stove Trrmarbon may be verified by spy one who will tilt° the tionttle to perform the - miltima. tics! calculattons Intlicitird. Venus and the Elrth are merely Stoected ea an .esemple. l.tis is general, lo The chiles of Ito, di,covety to :he ratik.l with Ito fsllllllligltd I Ms OJ ~ience, 1 map be irrini;•o to quote ite remark. of an ernineht SetfollulliC l 4lobdl WIIPTII¢II IT IS 06 IS SOT Tll4 AXptasSION Or A: 'pltisiCAL L•W, IT 15 AT Ck.f sr TOOT OP • rilisICAL 14C P IY TO 31scUANi85c or 'tux csivz.n.c." Now a Nit testtot, 01 the theoß 01 pruoa Ddr ila will !now , 1!..41' (Otte IS not nue Chance In till million tits eo Inelq Ite:eptkrldetil littrattoieS abouhl Def 11.0312, ny as ri:;wuuty•l CanniUde, tUerelUte, that the 31,..10gy is toorolAL uI e law of nature. Ae to the ratioriale of this law, 1 hese se, yet prrooh..,lotroug. T•ue, one or 11. elenn•rus !tie tha.oeter 01 the.:phete 6.1 tattlienull, Waft ouggetil rd by Lsplwe'e twhulor by puthetle; but how touch sop, Oil the ItOlet deitv,s corn rte former, 1 Icor:, pretest, for others 10 decide. 44:aces - et lees' Isom this obelogy, stye Pra . ..l'sincs, 'rho the platieli Were.tirprildettl Upon each other, trot therefore etriloc eJ tog , ther ir. their origin, whatever may hove Weri the Lam u: the comae- Whether that of the nebular hypo , beste, or iohle other not yet . tutAdaPd DANIEL KIitKWOOD• uttssias .eczidemq, N0v.70, Ist9. , •Sidereal days. {dears C. IA alker.,Esq M The Coal Trade for Isl 9. The quantity sent by Rail Road, this week, is IS—by Canal, 17,27 d o.s—for the week, 37,9D3 UU tons, Thom 10 a considerable demand for Coal by Canal,' for the line principally. and if there• were a sufficient number of Boats, the Canal would do a larger butii ness than the Railroad. But the weather is growing cold, and this svelter, will SIAM be Cluied. Toe shipments of Coal from the Lackawanna Region up to the latest return, was °hunt : 43l,ooo 'tuns. The w•hr le shipments last year n•ore 437,500 tons. 'The Lenigh Region fins incretteed their shipments about 91,000 tons,.lule line quantity sent from %hi, region was diminished. so for about :7,010 tons—consequent •ly the sat ply of Coal thrown out the market this year, will nut vary much from the quantity pilaff last year. Arnnual of Coal rent over the Philadelphia and Read ing itadroad and sl.lau)lkill lavtdeuuu lur the week epuntg uu l'Oursday ev•nung last: CAN4I.;. TUFA,— ' 'tneak. P. Carbon, 5,9J3 ut 1.11.),:45 C 3 b,p3 142 _25914 Le.: Voll,rlite, 2,2.17 17 1211,293 02 2.01 14 7;1.7511 Iti 9vu7 12 .19.0ni 10 .5.044 1.15 125.282 19 (Thatua, 2 .9= 1 ; Ul. 123,668 UU 1,304 01 36,5e3 14 110741.15 1,022,521 00 17,270 05 472,517 11 472,547 H. Total by RR & 4312,1.11 y.Aute period est, by Railroad 1.1' , M , S 13. po by 11.41141 42 . 3.0bb IG 1,569151 09 Degexac yor, rt tom COAL TIIADI2; The following . ille guautay ofedal sent (Tom the Lehigh regtuti fur the Week ending Nov. V, 11819. Wore. Summit Mine, .6,739 19 2/.0721, 02 Ithoine hub, 2,339 12 98.162 02 il,lper MeiWOW. 1,898 Id 711.053 09 dining 1401Ultaill Co. . 2,809 13 9 . 4125 te/ Croolbotty Cual Co. 1.332 13 33 eIS9 08 LLUlellin Coal Co. 3,521 07 •60.41b9 10 Diamond Cool Co. 397 Id ! 10,4,7 07 Huck 31i/obtain Co. - 3,012 IS 02,079 I I Wilkosbarre Co. • 1,174 48 - 19,213 07 7C6,301 us To same perlo4 YCV. j 615,846 OU RAIL ROADS Tramportalion on tie lingruatts in Schuylkill Cooley: The ninon tug is the quantity of Coal tranepurnal over the different lin itroad• ill 5P1141.414111C0,11,44110r the week ending ThorAtlay eyernirg.' .. W ESN. 'TOTAL. Mine Itilland S. Lf. R. It. 13,404 00 59•.031 Of ' LolleSe.liti)lkill A. It. 4,1,2 OS 1:#7,351 13 ' 31111 Creek do 6,051 00 232,414 03 Mourn Carbon ' • do 4.394 12 512,0:13 10, Schuylkill Valley In 8.152 11' 304,0)3 p 3 31i, Carbon and h. Carbon 4a 0.100 17 330005 05 Ilitidlo Coal do " 2,190 12 74.050 00 Swatare ILL 1, , ...05 18 52,020 04' ~, iLiTh Of /MOOT. To I'lliladelphja • 75eIc pf•r• To New-Vork. • f S'= 00 RATIOS 0! TOLL ANTAJTUAWRPoRTATION of PAILIMAD lot larti.inee 'a $O.OO. - Frop M.4. l 4rtion.B.lfoifen.P.Cllnton; To Mclyfood. 1 0 1 75 1,55 1 70 I 0 I 45 DATES OV I '4.1. CV OANAt. You BALANCE OF •EAbIN, From Mt.Carhoh. P Clinton, To Philadelphia h.s . ctp. • lta ctR. ;3,4.. For additional New Adrartisement see , Next rage. They 'will there be found arranged under proper heads. • Illackiug,!, 141acklItgl . • \ I !WHIN'S celebrated MI pa-te MAO:mg, in bnze; for polishing cod preserving the leather, by any yet ofr , r,ll , i the pahl e.i preparsd by A. Mschts, Ills, pm, M tnufacittrer and Mark 1.er,,4 reGner, opposite t. mere Qrsit , ttl Llt'ertisf.t if you w.nt pour Boots s east to krp them froni cracking, He sure to nee none hitt . N.tcluns" oil qt acking„ Flll . tostr hi brought tit that wonderfut Tie f.tce Is seen better lifthe Hoot than the glass, 0... , t0res supplied on resiptnable term. Dee I, Pil9. 49 3t Asslgte'v's Sale. - lA7ILL he Sold 14,/./ 7.ll:lticrniscs. at Westwood. `V 9 , •huylioll C , lnnlyi on 'eaturday. the 6.11 day of /riiterrntreri 11I:), at IV ar'tdoeic, A. M., on the Verlt E4rnt and 14tie tracts. A' LE At 3 G, of the lia bolt Mole Gtr fJce p YTS if 1311 i Dee, t1:1 , 11, Mr, the taorf2. 14114;1E4'0rd by hued l'ittteriont. bunt. I,a, A. 't fart, M. Carey Lea, endA.idrow Russel, tray zees of the F.rn, +lead Lyre traci,s of Coe/ Land to Patrick Whitaker and Thomas Witaker, togitier with the'frairires and IniproeeirLott> thereto., doll all the property on the premises 41 the clue, at the as.ignolVtit., belonging to T1.10!).01.5 and Patrrck Whilayert GEO. IVIIITSKELI, Assigr!ge 4SLO DEEM PuFe Cod Liver 011. JUST received direct from Nova Scotia, where It is manufactured, limier - the superiniendiance of tbe proprietors of one of the principal Drug !louses in N ew y,,,kifin whom confidence call be placed, us they are men knowipgly qualified in their business. N. IL—Also, various Cod Liver Oils, ;tom different inatinfacturers, to he had in unifies or bulk. to suit purchasers,at JOHN G. BROWN'S ; Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, Centre cit4l Dec I, 1019. ' • 110-tf Patagonia Cuatio. 'rue subscribers incite the attention of Farmer I- awl dealers to their supply or this remarkable fer tiain Importatton, and selected by an es perienced supercargo. tieing dry llkr. the Peruvian, it laall packed In Whit Cotton bags—but nor like that, a Government monopoly, ewe be offorilstf at a (owerprics. 'Orders frit°, a di.itanee cin be esecutOd either from our stocks here or at Nets York. . . SC:RITTER & 3O Sept 1q49. hortlt IVbarymb Thlladelpra._ " ° • Doct. S. P. Townsend's CELEDRATED SARSAPA.43.fLLA 12 ‘,.. H. P. Townee Drld's tlarstsparilla. OrlOna! and I.;entilpp article: Jug} retelied aeror anti by , • D . UA,INAN. - Agent for Schuylkill COpoty. • N. B.—Noggin; rupplippl by the dozen, at regular hnlesalepricss. • ?joy 10, Ell Thompson. DEAL ESTATE AGENT, AND COLLECTOR OF RENTS, , OffiCo In nrf Carbon, &Aura*: County. P 4. oubscalber WO! 'may' charep of Cool Lando, 1 Dwelling _ Housee. , tilf other property, apd rotted Rents for tne same. in the County of Schuylkill, and all other business connected with his Agency, Will be promptly attended to. ELI THOMPSON, . , Port Caroon,sehoylc ill co.. Refers to Bard Patterson, and Horace Sullill ftq. Pottsville. ' 'Samuel Sill. Reading.. Wai. fl. Wilson, No. 9, North 3d st, . '' - Philadelrbts. (May l. ?t $2O VITAS Stolen from the door of Fos 4 Brother's V V State. ip Pottsville; on Wednesday evening last. about 17io•dock. P. SI, tt DAPPLE GREY HORSE. *pont le hands high, 4 years old, cornea his head rather low. peers under the saddle and trots in hor— ses.. Had on when stolen a saddle with odd stirrups. ■ [rattles bridle, bearty sew, atid.a halter. liVitioever wit; Wren the wet and returathe horse.shall receive the abase reward, or 810 will'he paid fnr ether. DOUTy, ROSSER dr. Co. Nei-St 049. trl-rf Auction Rater AT THE TOWN HALL, T ina Afiernin . in and Evening. AN EXCELLANI" SAUSAGE COTTErt, Stoves, Cie !reads. quota and ritioes.."&e. Ce.Oalea on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Curti iguinents Solicited. J. 111.* CROSLAND. Nov. 'II, Mir Sega New Powder llfl ~ AT TADIAQ,VA. T ilE aubscribers announce to theft lends anti .), 'Use public, that they have putchuved he Powder Milt, recently erected tty dolinada Jorns , a ti are pre pared to supply Powder of th e best qu.eit , Co. Itiulug and other p ult:am-at the mama rezwonebfe rates, Order calicited WhiCh will be plontp4y weeded too;at snort ontice . I 1 . J., JOIINS • :i & Co. Tamaqua, Nov. 111, 1119. • ly • Who sass Gas; HMS BEEN 4SICED—BOT MnO IMES xor .. s.sr o_l3 ; rilAr IS THE QUESTIOXI WRY' . ;OM, Wedver, Pennsylysnla I lall, says Gas, soßoes J. C. Lessag. Each/age Hotel, Wm' Matz, White linrse Hotel, ~ Samuel 51 WM, N. W. Ward Hotel,: Henry Geis. Lamb Taserb, Be Jaclib lammel. tij. Batman, . F. W. Hughes. - T. It W. Pallnck, T. Beatty It Co., Gentle Gen Teo, Dom. Carpenter, J. P. Sherwin. s llillirl Murphy, • Joseph B. Myer, F. D. Luther, Samuel Hort , Esq., T. C. Boyle, D. E: Nice, • ' J, G. Brown, Brady & Eillott, Henry Weber. - D. 0 VitrnMingi Freshytfirlan Churh, Wellington Kline. Oriel. hichplas, Mesha. Spenier gr Co. hap. W. ilegins, and a Whnle'host of /nhers. lo lacy no prisons of discernment or who have ..n eye. to entnfort an aeonntuy Will for one moment think of mine any nillpr Bat In their Offiegg.Stord, or dad t..i. home., (flan that most brilliant, sale rind econo 'apical lialit—G.Vi! • ' " All persona desiring It, ava;l therriaelve of on toil /lost an opportunity of nhraln;ns Lrekt. .aill dud It In tloor • advantagr to apply to the statriher• who priiudly assort.. .otter:, that i Is facilities are ouch as will enahir him to forhl>h them with the rixtoms e , sential, of the roost Prato Will, (Amite :old (Johinnable char.irtt-r, not to lie surpassed either la qua.ity or rheapners, in the Coiled States—. May! if, the whole Wiilid. . . . As it is the wish and determination of the Gan Com pany, tu have a saiendid illumination °knou t ,. Xii,r4r, 4;1 those Orovi clagetts of Pottsvlll , who whth 'teakd theta in so desirable an improvement to our ortrotigh, and who -have not already, in tile their ar rangements for tutu ret. had huller eit II wil i, itour delay Iniorder that they nut) he er.nhted In Join n the . (WAND ILLUMINATION! JACOII-M. LONG, Gas titter, ttic , &c., Centre St• Nova, 1810. 4d tf igne'ourage 4 the iris.' MERICAN A nr.timos. larnrpnrated by the Le. pilathre of New perk. in 15,0, fur the Promotion ofthe Fine Arts la the United Stales. ranaaesims Von ./619-- , Zvery subscrilsrr oif FIVE DOLLARS Is a ateinber for the year, and is entitled trial) its privileges. The rantie3 teas abt.itheil, (after pal ins necessary expenses.) Is anplled-x Ps:AL To the production eta large Or)gl.al sing (23 by If.l inches) Om the second of Cole's s. the voyage of life. Asset astir. outlines by Dar. If:, illustrating %Vashitigion Irving's Legend of Sleepy Hollow, with the letter.p,ress iti large beautiful type. hound in a handsome cover. • Every subscription of 95 entitles a member to a copy nf each,work. .Second. Toth , purchase of Palming* and Senll3-- lure ; the execution of twenty Statuetts it, bronze. representing ••a young Indian Hunter choosing the Arrow." The cutting of a die and striking of medals in honor of the late '1 risinlitill. Thee works of alt are exhibited as the Gaieties of the Institution in the city of New• York, free to an until the annual meeting in December, when they- ore publicly distributed among the inethbers, each member hawing one 'Aare for every 85 paid. Members also rent ion the yoltime of the Year's Transactions, and by mail, if they reqUest it, the BUB. salt efthe A. A. U.. a nionthly journal - , centaining in lecerting matter sealing to the I•' - en .I(te lu t his coon try and Europe, as well on a des( flume catalogue of the Paintings Ti. be ili.trilosted tie the members. These publications are Illudirated. Each member is flow certain of receivingllli:return for each 95 paid, lit re than Its voitivulcrt.apd`nmy ale° receive a paintrha nr Other work of A tt of (real value, as affording encouragement to promising anists of this constry. There are already purchased for distribution ialmat four hundred beautiful phitittoes. richly framed, and the number will be in teased as the subactipthin tint adverres. Among them are the works of Leutze Du rand, Ilmltineton. Giay, Bingham, Dough ty, Cliti•O, Morse, Ilmitiehl, Weher, lierniitoo,and other d i jidlngilizilled AFri•rican and musts. Sin oe these paintings cost .5,15114, COW, SOLC), and many 53aPeach. The drstribuuun of Prizes for iS4O will Pike piaci, en the alst of Pecemfier. mud ell subscriptions must be received before the 11th of Decebr t her. Those dealroys of becoming rip:Milers coo do so by applying to B. BANNANI, llonnr4rT Secretaiy for Schuylkill County Nor 17, IS9. 48- Cheaper than White IlVatilttingA. Pat , En lIANGIAGS ", AT ONI.I 10 CENTS A PIECE! oopp Pmce, of Pi,per Ilangingp, varying in prirl• Irma TEN CENTS to 7,laeon per piece. Als..! GlAsr.l Papers as ow as so colas. JoAt trc.l.rd nod for sale at . lIANNA •'S Sep! N. 37-] Cl lay I apsr Si, riuyder, Edgar & ISarfoti, nnAT NUILDERS. Esp)tdwn, Cu (70t1Illy i . a.. Who', %V.' !MVP 01. !WWI :1 las L, hil of ara.onr•d Idmber.:u•d are prepared L. Lurid and dt 111,r floats of the largest c1a.,5, h•r tn.. chin !kilt can Al or eliet,ll••re,thenp••r than• a oy nth Pis onneLtdin'tout trade. and built to the, tioiat Sunman • aloud, dur able ntanuer finnWr4d-4.3- itllng Saullel, gores% tux, r6 , 13 . A. - • a— TITS 99,1,,k,4”ed i eve•Cfrnlly llnrartfikek • In the pttrat.ps of `Actin 4.111 - Comity, and rayellers in general. that lie token that - , tatalilished stanq known as oars Hotel,' . 0101 _ kept by Jeremiah Undies, at the Conklin bk . EnOND an d mciiiri t ss lux ;ill, in the !Borough of I hilt•+ejilr., which he has fitted up watt special ref -4,olcetht 1110 gotilf•rt of those who May favor hint tc 10, lh,eit coition. large rim tioue,, is pleasantly locoed, with stabling and • Yard attached, t•tilcitlatml p, accommodate Farm ere, and pers.na travelling with horses and Carriages The proprietor has his buu.e well In rnisked, and will pare Ito galas or expense .to supply hi. T4bl,, and (Lu n a Inalliker telcch cannot fail to utrurd general satis faction. An attentive, faithful hostler will always be night etlid.ieee, no ttrit [nests may rely on haying 'lour hors es properly attended in. :111CIIAEL SELTZER., Liverpnol and NevrYork Passage Agency. E. W. KIMBALL• Si Iru: Strut—s Err-1 0: Co..—lavhßront. RESPECTFULLY inrlllrms then' niends and 11..0 he pubic that the; have elonmenml the - CtENER 61. :41111'11M; and CtINIIIIASION pust.,NEzis. w g ether with the GENERAL PAs• - •IAGE11 lii IN i', - ;;1-4. ooze front London, Liverpool, Dublin: Retinal or any part o r 14, old country it, to SLID- Yu rk, and liktb;deipt,ht, eta the norm 1 . ..711111112 iern. - Drop& 111114 of Krritan,,e,front ft to any amount n i t it, : itoyal Bank of Ireland and its braltelit.A.• The lie ye of sailing orthe ftr•ubse Line of. Liverpool /b,rk•tr,ai Art-I npon, are the let, 60, 110,16th,111st, and '21;11 of every mnoth. 'Theft , - nhips 1111. Ilii of the lament class, and err cont. 111110,1 by ,i.en Of Chilatiriapdexperfince. 'rherat, in accounnotiatton•rire ail Olt can he destred in point of .11100dt-ie. comfort and ennvetnente. They are for ilkhed with every deseript , on of store: of the bent kind. Ptmetnallty in the days of sailin„; will be etrictly ad• Item,' (0. Parka SO. ftaariaa. Sado:fa. Sheadan,and are vessels Of the largest class; anti Ilutselleelrnil.to bring nut their rib:nail, cannot select finer or safer :014.V I•asaage can be seritriiii at the !sweat rates. Neu, Orleans lino or packcis sail ty'reldy. For par sage or freight, apply as above. E W. XIMBALL ro! *The Filbscriher has been appointed Agrnl fni T.lOB Lpie in Schulkill Enmity. . lIENRY W. LEWIS, lljnetsville. Dec164c,..51-Iyl Lprr,pst Lamps! Lamps! , Jr the various kind.; Lir horninn Oil, Lard, Fluid Gas, &c. lleng ;It7 1,1111:. fir flails; Gtohee, plajo and nit; Flues, nhades,•&c.,juei received and for rain ;.,1 , Cheap Stationery & Variety Stoles. .lull 'is 1,,519. • 30- - - - Reglster's Notice. ()TICE In hereby given' that the Execntors nod .Adininistratoni hereinailer tiamed,have filed their respective accounts of the I,diowing ewatcs in the Register's Office of Schuylkill Connty, which accounts have heel, allowed by the lieristel, and will he pi., ceased to the Judges of the Orphans' Court, on day the 3d d.ry of o,cendaer nest at I 0 o'clock in the forenoon, for allowance and confirmation. when and where sit persons Interested may attend In bey think proper, to wit: 1, The account of Georg, Reed, Adinlnist atnr of the estate of Hach Ira Reed, dereawerl, as filed by int, Mantket k. Administrator of Georg.: Reed. deceased. 2. The account of George Reed, cue of the Adman istrators of John Reed, late of the ilorough of Or wigsburg. deceased, ns died by John sfanheck, Ad ministrator of George Reed. deevased. 3. The 4th account of Dan't Berger,Josegh Berger, aril William forget. Faceutora of the Last Wilt and Tektanient of Ludwig Berger, late of NoFth Beta, Torcnkhip. ceceared. 4. The account of Jacob Miller. Administrator of the estate of Jolla Raititteige'r, late of Portc:i Toinritig, deceased, S. The wyriflnt of Bolted Wo.lside, Administrator of the ciidaie of William T. Spline. late of the Born' of Pott.vjue aeceae"d• G. The accougt of Berlatoll, Delang, Admintalm4nr of the egtate of C,lthettan t Motto, late of the Borough of Schuylkill limn, decca,ed. ileg,Erri , s °incr. Orwist.. 1) : SN'I. burg, ISO. I 45-50 Reeintar. Pottsville House, tewrze lITIIEET. .IACOrt KIIASI. formerly of the &mitre eite„tiotel, klinersyille, has taken the stand t In this ilarouith, kanwn as the Pottsville House, and former y. or.cupied by Daniel where he is desirous to aecnininodatn .all who may Wm' him with their patronaia: Hotel Is large: the table will .always ha supplied with Ihr hest the market Olinda, while his Lb:ont s . w.II be interior none in the County. NU pains will be spared In make all feel at home. April 7.1849 15stf GEORGE BELVIS. - ; WHOLESALE CO!IVIGSSION AGENT, ?Gras major, PiAh., tin. 5* Noyth Warw..; beittir 5E4 415.ter; PM Isdetphla • fArrtt 71,'17. 1717 Proc.lamaUon. UP real ten; th of e tt l eto t urt !Irk 'E T( ' l it coital, of *chuyleil, m-Pennitylvabia. and Justice of the several C. 3110 of Quarter Sessions of the Pears. Oyer and Terminer, nod Deerral Gaol Delivery, In mad county,and OTRUTCPC M. PAtatsa, and Crtaatts nectar, Estottes, Judges of the Court of Quarter derision' of the reacr, Oyer and Terminer. and Gen eral Gaol Delvers., frr the trial of all capital and other offences. in the said county nfSchttyltill.by their PM. cents In me directed, have ordered a Court of Common lives, Over an.t.Termioer and General Gaol Delivery, to be holden at Orel:Amy. us Monday the bib day of December next, to continue two weeks. if neces sary. Notice is therefore hereby amen to the CorcluM.te Justices of tbr Peace, and Constables of the said comity of &buil kill, that they are by the said precePle, commanded to he then And time. at 10 o'clock in the tbrel33oll of said Jay, with their rolls, records, ingot aitioncesamiostion.,entl all other remerubranees. to da those things which to their wirers I baker • appertam to be dead; end ail these thatre bound by tecogni \ lances. to Prosecute against the blows, that err or then shall he j,,, the gaol of sail co nty of Schuylkill, Rey t. , be the, end there to prosecute them, es shall be just. 0 , 11:1 VATS Tlll6 034 , 10AWEALTU. SlwrllT's Offi:r. Unwire% 0. X. STRAUB, Rherlk. Imrt. Nnv. 10, 1030. 464 e N. B.—The witnesses sedjaroin nhn aft , summoned to attend said court...re reel' nlred . to attend punctually. Lr case or non-attendance 217. Inw In *nett rases made end provided avid be rlelely enforced. Thls not fee Is published by order nr the,Conn; those eon. corned will govern themselves tircordinVlV• . • • Priticlamatiam_ vonce in hereby glen, that a Court or Common idr the trial of canoes at issue In and for the County of Srbuylkill, will be held at Orwiesburg. in the county aforesaid, on Monday, the 34 day of Deccluber, to unntlnlie two weeks If neressary. Therefore, all persona havin: 31111 P pendia:. and all person, whose, duty it sholl be tb appear at said Court. wilt take unties, and :deur° tlinutocises nuordinel.l" ltherirs °Mee, Orsolgc- 1 C. M. STR4VE3, Shedd. Nov. lOil:f9. I 45 tc liughos Brothe r , mew:HA:sr T A ILfiRs., cow-a:trot fuer doors ghats tit Taira Mil, FATS...VILLA:. P. er , AKE this method of rettirning theirsineere thanks 1 to their numernua friends for their liberal Patron are extended to them. Thep now respectfully call their attention, and the public generally, to their new and extensive stptk of FALL & WlNl'Elt Q(IODS, selected with car* from tha heat lonses.l, th e Ci t i es of New York arid Philadelphia, comprising the latest and most lashlunable assortment Fret , ch and,Enr lish superfine Broad Clatha,Canlisierea, estinea, &C: •varrasited to be the choicest brought into the market. which they witl-cell as cheap as can be bought elan where. They' aye now prepared to eXeertte to ord. all kinds of Clothing. such atitTaletnt Overcoats, the improved 'style of Frock and - Drea• Coats, Pantalimna And Vnnit.acc Lou-.,which cannot fall. to please the . or all of which will be vamp under the immediate direction and atiperintendenca of the pro; prietore. so as to enrotre fall allrsfactlon to the pont t iter in it. workmanship and style. All they Rob Is, to rive tnnrn a trial. and they pledge themselves to gave fall and entire satisfaction. "Oat. 27. 44-3 mo . Attention ! ittenthin T IPPINCOTT tn.? , ',fly.' on Innd, at 1-Itha Corner of Centre and Matti'' , tn.:7n the la,,Test Atock of Fu9 hnd Win?, Ciotnin ft to the I rv. wh tch now f I,le, tybotealle an.t re: at prit •=i Imltt•d to the ti won. . . TA& iutoteTst assortment, always to br I,lthistl at this OLI Eva.Aio,,!a.lothiaa l d rs pct Larne. [aces to purchasers, and Ili otient ion or thrmt s lolle in dirTried to the fn.( that the whotP of their 'commons stock Is mann f tctured In Pottsville, thmTltv enrurtog In Ihrls cuntomera, n Talent? of from 20 to 23 'pet cent. o,er all city node Clothintl. 5,000 i.Vimer Over Coats; 2,000 Pantaloons, :sod 1,000 Vests, have F n ut been added to this already ..tfanastA Stork of CiutAi p. A groat na lety of English. Frenth and American Clothe. Cassimeres an 4 Veslinss. hays just been re. reined; also. Eleanor, Vene:lan and Elev....ire Cloths, of fashionable colours and style ror lh • WiMersea- Ono. Itentemher! LIPPISCOTT & TAYLOR,. "Old OA Hall" Clothing :store. corner of Centro - . and Nahentangd xis, Pottsville. Are determined In !tell Clothing chenper than nhy y b 4t ban ever hecore been altered in Pattsviite. Oct 99.049. 141.11 .Char PASIIIONIBLE 111111 OVTTING AND !SHAVING SALOON. Alar tle run... of Centre and Atnrket Streets. PorraviLLE. ITEEPS CONSTANTLY an hand and for sale, the 11101 lowing articles: • , graph is large and splendid assortment (trent/wen tachograph 511010. rioglt or by the bi/Aired.. Turner and Fisher'. Song and Toy Souks in great wart eiy.venglre or by the dozen, Dream. Rooks. Leiter Wrltery, Spelling Books,Pomers EnteriOn'il and Cobh Readers, Copy, and Paay Count and other Almanacs single or by the dogerr, Stec/ Pens and Holder•i Packet Books. Playing Cards.Homlnnes.Conyersatlott, Fortune Telling. and Courting Cards, Shaving (ream and Snap. Wash Calls, sand Snap, and raker Nee): Saay,.., hate arts. &c.. I jules Ilantl'a Genuine Lear's Oil, el/s. Narrow, Curling Fluid. and Ceeleene leVate.r, single or by the dozer,, Tooth Sitavila!, Hair, and Cinder. lit e • Litrading, Pocket, and 1 2 1, TOlll 0 Collubt, and Frank lidler'P Walerl.pati till rjal,king Stroke, Geellars, and Suspenders, Itagorit end italnr Straws, Large atesnrtneer. tnf Laelees' Cutts, 13•Cee On done LID 111 tilt best manner. . lie haa . also on hand Terip,iore or ball lionm Chide. &c., portemeeed to the most approved style, C}ltacters done op at the shortest notice. • si *infirm and Commission Store. JOHN M. CHO E. A ND; ths Perople of Polt , villo and th ,surroundipi 1 coungry. w ill re.p.strully sny That hr lit, taken ..... • of oh.: Town !fall Storee for an Auclioni itaom. wrln•r.. 41Iea will he 11.41 ~rely. Wednesday hn.J , aturd aqemoon nnd rvoning, and he invi:eq tlnn. wiu wi.ii In n•I Llnisr wl,n wish' give to m a .1, .n, c in dIS tribute 11 , irgnins :I.) Iris The folloWinv a I.L.ges of Property are allowable and will be receoPed L,r S.+le lit , Auction a the an, lion Itomn ; or rates wit: he held the at 11% ell Storee.'.ll..tel4. ..r ['Arne , . as 0.0) I.e preferred by the piffles . Intereeied: 'teal estate, the retonlor or the fano k of detelnerl Mei( Inis. or those who wish to rben. th e ir hu alnrse . or ativ brinch risen:of, Csecntor,.. Adinlni.orm o rs, A, She:rills and COMILIbIes Saes. llort.er. Cat lie, Cairl gee, P.tttning utom.fie, Mechanic's TOOlll, Dunk, and altde,Criptiona of Second hand House hold and Kitchen •Farhilure. All dtherdercriptiois of Grinds, Warm and Merban dize, will he on rived. and Sold 011 Commitsion. at Private Salo, any and every tiny or evenly; in the week. (Sunday PlruppleliflrLollror ) Clem. Books will be kept, go tit.' can at all tins show the goods to Oct, several ovrriels or ham) ovei the money for theta ; and a fair trial la all'that is to prove !hit statement true! . With plenty of Store HOOlll. and a [DTI Mork of en. ergy on hand, we ray to the publ'c send' on your wares, or le" Ira know where theY fan he hid, dud to those who want bargain, emne And'get them: Fait :Salo un Sa•urtlay. Nov. 17, JOHN M. CitoiiL,ND. Tpwe Hal% Centre. Street. Potuv Kn.. 1 7 . "/Z ly e Peter IP., 3ll ldrY, lATP'eretiriant of the Tanya an I now employ. lli ed as n `talesman, by Murphy. Cooper & Co.. Dry tiontilM2riltantg, at No TT, North Third St., gatettlp unpxpirea !..rmorhis lease, and the ny.turei nil furniture of the Town Mill, in this Ibitreieh. For tering. apply to John Claytmt, ut L a .1., II ‘lldry:orr the premiers. ifs re:rot-rattily roiirits Om, country merch_ ant with whom he is aegnionte.t, to aid hint iv. his ef fort., to support a intg r e family, ty giving him their patronage. :Ind a share of thc4r cuatim. Oct 6. !Nib' =l3 THE sUnsiltibErt. lIECA i.r,Avr. in call the atientinn of his frl..nd• and :. the public In hip .inck or CA RRtAGEP; and LIGHT WAGGONS nocv on hand and finishing. which he will diepo•e of Inw„ kinds nf, repairing promptly nitt.od.,l • Recollect Corner o f Onion and Ralitoad Streets nacho( CIAO American limise. June 5, 184. 53—iv WIRTIR A. KIRK. Gas la Pottsilile: TIIIC , t e.,,,in,n r incortn• the rinizong of Pottn,ville. that he wail he in -el :Iced to a rranco the necessary fioturos Cnnr Babinec I)nvollient Honors !tote's and Pub ic Ihtiidiur. a, with Gar, nits! to Cure I:oh burlier, rnrevery iCri-lo arid slyir, at the the enrol 1 , 111.1113h1e rate, varier. wtil ho thankfully reconvert at his .hop on the career of Nl.rurtn Chunk and Coal sto., and at the Watch and Jovotry Store rnl (Cohen Green, hest dl , nr to the Porn OM,. Centre: troot. Pottsville. • Aug. '24. 19t9. 35.1. JOHN WARNER. Who,tinys -.1.4as TAcou M. LOS(i, wouOl n oify kir friend.. and rnr.. mer patron+, that he!: , fully prepared to fltrnlok nil kinds of 013 FIXTItEs. such an CIIANDI4.IERS, PEEDENTS, lIItACE ETA, of a •npe'rior qualily and ; all work done by him, Will L. arra'orea. and nkr, st puss ,nalit.eti.in* Sop”.rin. indant. Cult at his:lmre, uud a{,) mine for liXthres. Sept 3. Ida 46. if New Ttiriling 13Y STE% NI POWER, AT TUE StIOP OF F. H. MAURER, in TUIRI St , nC tr MAREES, wiwrt alt kinds of limning In wood will be thankfully re eiyntl, and neatly exectited without tlelay. r'. ls . Toble Let;;, gip. kept Co haad and for sale at the Ithvest osiers. ISAAC TTIOMPSON, rorensaa. Nlnrchl 104fj. for I. MORGAN. • ' N. M. Newnam's ri.umnusrn SHOP, BEATTY'S ROW, NORWEGI:Vi STREET, Pottyrillt:Pa; 1 . - 1„; article,) e l : 1 )1;11 tt c 7u i lfs 'd ;Bl l l 3 n7v7r ' tc s e IfyamtnA, Ify.trAnt (lone, I),ntele atilt :Attain Acting Pumps. er.c.. kept ennstlntlfon hand and for salt. •Kitchen Sink. made , ' nrtar,'naat and der limit., and al kinds of Pluinbin tog done in the beet. manner. looftu ~late. Tttl 111:11:`OSTII.LE Co. TtESPECTF t7L- It'V inform the public that they are, fully prepared to 10' igl? a sayerihr'lll:etetgr Diann.; 1 and having the moat experl.meetkili!eir ? in their employ will at tend to any, corderi withdasuatch, and nit the most db. erakerms, A smople of their slate may he .Cell at the (mice irf 4nyeph George, Architect. who will give any inf riwitim required, and with whom orders may e left. 13'74rd. ROBERTS dr. ta • 611:.ch 3.10 41 Cm'Co IlVashingtotz Hotel, (FoeneuLT nErr BY Ss+wet BEantra Soltuy !kV! Fla rex. ti. ..... The subscriber announce. to his friends and l' the the travelling politic that he hal taken the L . 1.:17. alsn'klnentioned eilabilshutent undMied up thmtighotit, so That (t will equal any estab lishment it, toe t'ousti. It is located hear the Depot '.. - 4 the I T hiladlophia and Heeding Itatirpad and on the •‘. l .ili street t of the rbirorrgb, • ni, Fort, wilt always be l thumilinlly ilfliPlied with the cfp;frea't deneacir., or the sea•ok. his err:snifter...it: Idrge and airy, and his hed • disc of t hi. keq kimi• The 'tea/ding attached fn the hotel I. large and corn. nualions.'and niteie ice host s•rs will always be fiend In altendltnee. Ile has also I,o.ou...damns for WO- Vera, dre , O'r' kielet wilt always be kept to "carry visitors to any p,irs ..f" trial of Ma Unooe , rertin. ' lte A nt n t::l o :N c g i l t v " e :n7lre eatisraction to ell who' nod II consetiltettelioJoilTh at 1117 tiotig 6 . 3 , RN 3614,E9.' Good tios wortiraso Ngl ts VOll SALE to settlers. in crsto from s° "' ID° r acres. at (minet.7s to $2 per acre, for sash or part on credn,ri i Wyoming avid Bulliiao Gonoties. Pa'. 65 miles nonti of portesiilc, by war of Bloomsburg. 20 families have seitte.Laad cleared about 5 acres. A Saw Mill Is erected. and a Grist Mill in preparation. inquire Anther of James Gillingham. Pottsville., or of the piopnetors, Gorr. Anthony. 0. A. Friel. Ewa.. or H. SELLA'S Sunbury. NOV 3 m g. 45:4t Extra Family Flour." THE subscriber has Just received a lot of Ile riven fi flaies atm Parody Flour, a very superior hitt tie fhr Family use—manufactpred at it:radios; from the best vl bite vrbeet, which he Wilt sel at =lndic turer's prices. H e else , e el s an mode of flotlr and Feed at the Manufacturers wholesale pikes, he being : Agent Or several eateallVe Manufletureis- R. D. Selt Pottsville, Nov 3.1819. CARD.-LITTLE & M ...;&Sak WHOLESALE and Retail De _4:lei. OODS, GROCERIES, TEAS, itore on .7entre'Sfreet. neat th. ft:ton:mt.. to which the attenton of Med and country Is rev pculttlly sot Us it'd- JOHN - L. L Roust Me, Oct 28-44 j .1011 N -S. C ' - Beautiful Gilt ni • olct i x 40.cr.srttt THE suhscriber hes just received a s Rant ] , hnund and Silt rincket Bibles, and paper. whicttbe can sell at the UOUI of 30 cents per copy. Alsn, SCHOOL BIBLES., As low as 30 cts. each, at BLit:IAN'S • Cheap Who) 'tie and Retail Bookstores, Rcpt. 1, ISO. To Permons Goln~ West. TRAVELLER'S Guides through the , United Brutes. Also. Maps of the ASestern States—very desira ble articles for persons going West. fo sale cheap, a • RANNAN'S,i Cheap Rook and Stain :limey Biqa. Nov 3. 1619. _451 - • i...win Pale Female IMitiMte, REV. A PRIOR. A. M.. Principal. iARELLA MOOR: rice Petri Pat. THIS Iwt: union la nowopen for e reception of Pillide• hellion is On Second an riet,miu ?,,or shove Norwcaian, in thu rooms rocently occupied by the Rev. Elwin Ton no. In compliance with the wishes of al number fif the friends of Paiiiention, in Pdlinville. the Minimal has conimeneerl a 5..1.01 Int tin:education Of young Ladles in all the he inches of d 4Serni and finished eiltication• His design is to establish a pertnaueni institution. so. ranged in four depattments; wish competent teachers andprofe..ayrs at the head «richt —thus affording to parents facilities fir having their daughthers educated without the expense and inconveniance of sending them train linine. The Conran of in al pre:v ent. Includes a Primary'. Junior and itienint Depart ments; which are subdivided into classes accord:otitis the age and proficiency of pupils Applicants are ad mitted into the Primary Divan:net:l : at any aL'e- Sin or right rmardieg pupils Can be accommidated nl nind trate Gil Irgc.. The price Sir day scholars will vary from Three to Eight Dollars per term in three months. Any further infornidi ton ;toy be ulna mad of the Pr In• nt the Seminary. _ I _ R r „, References. —llleht Rg: Rev. Alon . otter. ev. t Confey; Judie Palmer, IL.n. Chas. V.'. 1.. U. Parry Esit and Andrew Rossel. , 41-If • Lutabec,i Yard, ai S „,.; TIC subscriber resj - 44.1.rd!ty Vee tulle to Intart,; hie costumers and the pohlic of : t chitylkill County In c , nerril.that h , Ins t tare and i Xie“elee stock of D SE ISONE SIiS(VIF:tiANNA I,l:Mi. liglE on ;hand. .elltittlilie fee building ',nooses. ALTO Jui.il, &doffing, Joint and Lop 5ti11,0,,, oh of in hid he will sell on the most el.,ealrible trill], a}llc would 1,141.5 t relo , vtfolly Inv to call and exAmirrn fur thonsvlke+ w hero. Sc pt 21151? UZ=M= SCIIOENTE HAVING p u rchased the exclit•tel factoring and vending the l'at,.l from P. zi Ur,lanl Co,. for Sch,ul tlf.ll.ollottibia,NortiatioLertand,ll Lycornin‘, Lehigh. Carlton and :limi, he onnnnly Pt 10 the politic that he inanutactote or it In the Borough ol he will he happy to supply all order thesanti rate tt ran he purchased f, of the patent tight. Thin oil was 113th, 160, anti in soperior excellent has already given it the prefetrece . ' In use, Culr all binds of stationary' motives and tars Ott WO' Railroads, USe. Atl ordera kft at toa store„ will be Centre st , oppO l'onaville, June 16, ISO. The following cc rt tfleetes *bow its GEM • Messrs. P. (. Deslah & o. r•e tent Composition ybu sent toe to-hr you deAso as a subs? Rote for tutu Ingo( Machinery, hp.. Y am hary'sl realised MY us pPII.I:I4MS. I had. Lore:noir. e Ei.citte for 'WI,' day., with land ilying over the 111111111111 I f by a Shlllist VOEitl....f. who anion' equal to the Ilea .p.?rinare;.l nil quantity Or 20 per rent. This sa the greatly reduced pike a whit sail furnish tint' arts As MARI - mg! " MI Ito roads and ru large stills a: large quzkanties of ail are used. of HI Miliffng succe.s. and under you toy sincere ci.niSrsLittalinns. That is to costtry that see Inset tit 4• Patent LUbriCatina CM 14 and can given•. our derided Opjai being on much eht•aper, it, pecali. the best spertn nil, Is tt. dn , ab which renders it 'a very desirable Wtt are exteattively eng.ta l shipping cost.havlna eleven sitar rapactlan/ at tv or), hnMlinj• trial„ AI ma ss! P S Doefan ,h Co — Gentlemen your Patent . Imbrkatior, oil nn. the Iten.litie iron Ind nail work weeks. and We consider we hr.. ex he Wororg are eal,..d.itedromaft,,h tons of irunand wilful., aunty:, very heaey. tine POgine 0110 tope. power. and I he spee.is are (COlll 44 " ra volutions per illatltitlf. After the above trial, we can r. eonity,nd the oil as equal to the hest ktretin nil tined In the — Country, s is.• for ironic; beatings and fast sitee, 4 if, ktich as • i t afifflC and fans. I remain yoqr....ke , . . AKES . f'f:sn'tv. tanager of the neadin; item,. all an Tube Works 'l% • .10..tt" Brockvillle -- FIRE' VI. AY WORKS. ril II F. PROPlZlrrilit ..f the Br}nckvill i ff -Works, re.. 1 specillilly °Mini e theremurty 0 line surround ing district, a naerity;lin;le irtic e of (4titsat COM/li no KiESIIED Fanwe tfaicits, lot .0.1,..1 to supersede in this re:inns, the Philadelphia ;tressed 114cks. The peculiar hohicements in,. pesents in this in title. are its superior beauty. durability more af #call i and 1 cheapness to the extent omore 1 an 30 per cent com pared with the Philadelphia 13114 i, when used In this locality. The size is larger tha the ordinary , artirle, and their pmpertions manic...alll ally ...len - et ; and to nbvir r e any inconvenience (Clint 14 parties ' apprehend it) in won - 10,1ln the u s sna.lsizod ,ricks, he will furnish clicilivr sinaltt;pa of the rp;ediul slis, for ;able and inside walling. A Veer of wall built of tile hope Bricks, may he seen .a flee Monday next, owl, t e peel). at the Penn sllyAin Valli is this P.nroullti. lie alao solOilts atten tion to Ili. Conn/4EO I'AVInG Hal Its. on superasr In ap• prarcnrr, durability and cheap', a, to the Philadelphia Pasine 'tricks . Werlze Ilrirk, for Arches,KeyWctlceg,RigleWeliCeP. Film:tan PIO Kiln huning4, Stole Mar., spot. Gut trr,.. Hineks . ror 42npint!, do fur I irixre4, Scrapers, &E., 11111111fIrthred to Order at 'hart l'inlice- For correct ibinrination ila Lorie intrinsic rptalities and adapt.ttion of the alsoVe FO Or :Old Paving tirieke„ It. in p,rhhted L., rifer to the rot no inaprnitn.a.l men . Messrs .10,EP/1 GEORGE.46febi rot and Itullthq. " low; McliananN,lLlist r Itrick-layer. " 1.4,1311, Hay, , do Inns 1.. NIA ri•ric, tin . . •• Tans P. Oat ti, dn , Orders 'riper:l(.lly 4,l:citerl l y the Proprietor. p l . tire ore, Iloiace firollll, EMI '. :rid.. 81 , rotly,ilie. F. 11111 :•. - ON.l'rnpr,iernr. - 1 %,, . 31-If Furhiture: rurniture CARPI - ..fet,. OtaIITIVC k ItLINDS, &e. CaI(IE3SSANG S sir.L.runx .-eligagaky IICS.PI:(1 [TULLY announce. to the citizens of . and the . neiahaorhond that they Wavy opened a - t•t!IINITURE All1;•ROOM, in AM- An etango Street, a fete dear, front Cram, where they havemn hand a loran and fastitomble Wick of 1 . 1111.)- tore, embracing the intent and most fashirienble styles. all of k bleu 1114 been manitfactured to their order by thq lips! makers in our cities: Their stock embraces a gene'ral a66oltinent of alltati On hies embraced in far -0.40n thvellines either plain or to the moat lus omits mant;tir. Bedstead, running In price from $3 to $59, —anti nli other articles of furniture In, proirettlen ; i In :heir slink is elan embraced a large assortment of'r_ 'infirm minds and Window shades of the mart ed yatte . iitS, ieterlett with great cart:. CARPET - 11Na, BEDDING AND UPIInt.STI 7 I2V. They have ales: Tiled to the iterk n tot of Ca'rpellng of the rations qualities. and Redding, o which . they call the pat:IC.IIW aitotion of those in Rant hf these artichi. It is - ner design to keep all the 7400,3' of Furniture requiredin County, and pre'vi:ot tit, neces sity-Of persnns going abroad in search of elegant arti cles of Furniture, all of which they ale determined to sell at less priers than they can be obtained rlse w here, whit packing and carriage added. Then then, fore earnestly invite those who are ahunt famishing houses and thnae also who require additional !immure, to give them a call, as they flatter theans,:lves they can give their any kind of a dut" they may' iequire at a great saving of funds. HENRY GRESSANG. April 7 15-tri ALEXANVER 511.1111 A'S. New Mimic. filv o,n Ch , ni , t A n rt Gone, do an admiredri rng, Bonnie:4i I,Ove, do A Dream that Lore can neer Forget, do I will not breathe thy name. ; do Gentle Deeds, do Jeannie and Donald, a beautiful Scotch ballad, Ethinpitin Quadrille., Glenn Mary Polka, Primrose Mita, , Mary Ann Watts. Plecsattot on Nand obtained to order, at " HANNAN'S Book and 3luSic Storm Nov 17, 1649. • 4t. Ileglstees Not!ce; "T °TICE k hereby given tint the Billowing Admin. I.‘ !orators hereltioner asme.d , have flied their re spective 'accounts oT the frillokonv Estates. in the o,izio,e•st)!Bee of Schitylkill COnoty,whichacenunts have been allowed by the netts ter, a inki.lll bopresen• trA to the Judges 011ie OiThene` court. nh eldnda), rob Any of Decembte. et 10 o'clock In the fore ocon; h r alloviance and confirmation. when and whereon octsona interested may attend If they th/nk prbiter. to : I. The final alconnt of Mom Berta , BOVvivlag Ad minim/at°, of the estate of John., need, late of tla Borough of Onvirburg; deer • h. Tne account or F. U. Nether, Adminlitrator of the mate of dime! Ketner, late 6r Wee. Brun/twig Tawas hip ileee3sed. • DANIEL ICAElLCREttategietar. lees:ter% Office, Orwiga-1 - berg, g u r IT, 1640. Faustos.N • a.—Tbe 'Steamship Caledcinii at iced et ifOrton , n Saturday tart, witb anew (Ls later news fro* UtOM, The most impala tit Item of nears in n paeans* in cotton . No im provement- in lb- produde market. Tranquility prevails in Frances Tuthoy . still continue& to make warlike slre aerations." MSS: grinds over the interfsrencel of E..gictaid, ift (elation to tor dots ing's with (they /.tittgarisine, and has cdtomd. thi: Hungarian reit? eos, to leaye the country if She choose. Mr. Rive's, our nor]; appointed iititiwitil to FranceJ has heea kindly received by that Goss ornment., 1 Tbeq Hritith G sernmerd manifest I disposition to &pi. the C nadiana' to settle the scinexatido prokctlansonghemardees. An Va'Artunate p-t 4 iF3.-- ow I-1 "P. eslllll ii i be bit himself grit a ratt peke, and sash ick, in big ped for si x eeka. ' to ut.trith of August. ITrA he c7kiiirt4 a ak till 'e ecnntlinnyd 4:4f being • little pUtter an Bab he couild sterol yn ou hia ek. bow and eat a iillto ten, I p a r i t ie t;f : t a b e l : A an ta k b e a f tl; rta :r e . t I f now i ! . c, ( 7 i n a t t i b u n cti g ; g lr4 e l Halting stw-intid to be propelled by swam soil" t0t ,,,, c 14, 3 any point 'on ,tbe riser. and deli • orders fae , lumber. \o k , libl. a proatat , 4l ilplott7 went. i ,? .. ThrecHuotinni Torts cli 1 of lijOtD,'111:0 eisid weekly] to help the cninnfacture of many tons of:Chalk are so I nut atit. 4 ot , ,Ea 45-tr FITIN tars h DRY iquoßSAcc. corner of Ma twos of ten. !TIT E. 61ARTIN =I r uppty or. ele aL 'ually low rate SILIP That driagfuf Cis:, Al' T ) The week Of do die! , The *ogle of con t • !‘„, it a sotodl. :I. R e E ntt ° e 4 ar a ttllil47 l ig no chamber by a dangerousco - shrunken 8 n;c,rs, hell iti tv R goineul 'span 'her tie fowl/ piercco,Ve . y . silp;l. 1 Yr - 4M.; manll yr en just 1 sends a hearvieru t ihingblrgh the futtife—cynur erne cotP. your lon* of htlipc but - vout a balm Whicla , pvillcheal the % SiIE.R clittlyB Alll, i ' Mrs. V,IT11116:lhe wife 6 given op by Dr. lievval of % McClellan of P ilndelphla.' ller frieflai.all !Ought ollej uppcaranco3(.lig In co nouncedfiy h hysiciong given add ll . s.!Hr . her. Rev. HENRY cured 0r...at0 uthudinz. The ht all the, other Heels, 19, Deland is ho naellubotin u• of!..rf were Irn , pr fartOlt trealth. DU, SIIF.R Cu,tl the ino.t Iteutg. They b.,' who have been el%i and twiny Iv!to to, grave by lapltzinz I, TAN'S. b. , Linate • cured len up by re been I iond, Vol had the' Lanable I AS'S I Havc• been proVCd in nti In fact 'the OCT I onedtcant. ever ancovered by their tire hare their haeaaril ehe.' primes of ti to in‘: nrs SHER. when thttF,Lannot Dud the *eneflt nied:ctho to themt - t thin tidy. Why Abe t.rca;tl ill:v. and there is tiukinC , sine.,:a.,raffitia diln.Z. , fe , sr :In fright and it•ire amine. is tin, 3 4; Gantt, yrfraC{nits stiimac:s. and btoyed stork. many "protritaent sirimpinra , tiered by theseisinapaa never been bums t to tall. DM. SIIERM,AN•S C. Relieve headache, Velvet i . ofjlt, heart and sickness Ttni cure low !le s rd: spiel tope, /11.7.12.,. r amps 1, bowel entnplainti—They k the di.tressing gmatonts enable a person to u itaern ,I DR :MERMA N'S l' ite all purchavera l e fare buying el tn, D L -7p-t( • 1,1; Oil. richt for mann , ft Tehrlcatlnoil, IHI. Dattphiu.l.eb izetne„Wyntninr, temptun ConntieA, I ay rommencenhe tr Poit,rille, where re promptly, and at . 4to the Proprietors pa{votril 44ndory lie and cheirirle. , s, liver all otheroila Machinery, Loco-. ram:also fur Lamp acknouleold by all the bent strengthening pla eroiga remedy lee pains lotrto shirt, brea3t, 'neck 'unit:age. ace. One millto deinand, Caution is ne unprincipletr person• who de upon the'conoounity. ririor Moo's Floater, ova% naive no the bark—note do morehurt than good. ' I A IT tloe y ytte of Ilenda opepsio,Scu in She Llaek. - Iloward Heart, Rising in the Thro allrlonote, Female -Comp Heartburn, Worms, ChM tlitooping Cruoah, Conan Erysipo.froo. Pea CAC +A. IN Nervoto. Compl Mohasco, arising front im o strioctoons in the organs o xperienre 11/15 proved I giontem from impurities !I the,direstlve organs: and tnrofre these obatturtious to nil state. The aversion'td taking utoVed Ciockner's V. completely enVehopeol wit ( vhicn is as oli , otinet frori shell from the kernel) Moreover then neither Is degree, but oporate ego. the system. Instead of no neatly partioilamegion[ ed,tlt,e oeredlent tech no, gate, and by *mooing it o ot to Its natural state. Itloood.and remove all lull a ihitol will trvive all inot third will efrectualte e,. hatte been dischnreeti latnnlaile attended tiello,.:S; Eli, Ile the l'oet Otpce. Icharac ter hitt. dlec:4, id 49 ttletnan:—The Pa- Vp trail ..ind v•aich eseoil In the wrali to say. mom than s (Idly tested, on a (in rainy wrath,. tt every rnvolotion) me that It works wish a sadng in (hi. 1 4, Z..111Ci tell 1 you 111i - 01'111 tor you - re...in:entitle us.: Id t .. .etprie4 where 'l:lve tiny no doubt t itnt,eorsion render Truly you;s, ' Wtt. Caoldult, , ,ille, Jan . / O .'4D. nosingT S Devlatt the tart 1 . g% weeka 11, that. beastles d:s r superfori4 over thy on machilwry. nick, (Jrf that pnr it in ruining' and enables nt varinua ,univirq water, &A:. 11•Twuun tr. Cu. We : have been nsinu II the, machinery. 1 ., for the last Vine ctorOlOarihausand The. machihee . : is ;re.: nn44 Airjy ' c ity Ito n e on hundred strike at tie rave./ dt nom the hod) 1 - pen the separate all fl , reieil chyle, in that Mehl,* aeccrino a free nod he ; and liver; and thereby' all other means have 1 The entire truth of t the trial of a Bine! bo live and certain in rem' binds himself to retort caseawhese they do Retail plices,2s.cta. "Prinelp4l office, co. The folfolvlpg Veit, Cliaorr's Ifeget.o.te man'o Ail•llealipg Co' T:6iaqua—E. J. F Patterson—M. Schwa Port Ca:bon —lll..Shi end J. O Brown S C.o. Itelfonykler,•:, Tr ville—.l.lmeo B. Poll Treniailiilgiloe Ac % Orwlvibtag--,ngeph Itt-hel ; Nev 11,1ladr kill flaven—Lcvaii& mAnriN, wholesale Vec2. HUGHES' I F.rthe' Curt of Co. huipiaut Cu nau4 Lungs, nod ,ihx, tutds, Asthma, 11.rottrAit4 1 e.),Fl,e, Omuta:then of the noiates 'f the i'lars en: ry Orzeins. TIIJS valuable prep retina ti: Itighrei reenntrue, ded by physicians and ht 'a telelirnted chemist orPhiladet plata, for its nteclic.il c ems and ctn.:ideal comi.inatinn i ,as well as by thoNan . dx a f tithe's •i. ho %aye made use of it —as it never Ilan been liiid tvittincit tiroducing heneftrild ettects, and +inmate c rat of the diseases for whiCh it is recommended. And I Citig a regular graduate o f Phamm cy, I can assure the able of its-perfect safety. It it composed of such pretialat ions alb stand in the very high est repute amna g the medical faculty for the cure of that class of diseases which Inc tato Oat a only the forerunners i t of that Pita! disease. r insumption. In most rases where there is much pain in ht. breast, and v. hull onen extends through to theshooldi r out, I -null, small ~,Ivi,,,:th,i applivationlof one of ,lie Compound Galbantint Platen to the hrenst; and in.. 4 the Espectorant as directed. In fact, th 4 oSiinfthe flailderitint P !aster cannnt h.• tOnStronly terninaleadell, an I hittie seen en ntiny InStan4s of 11l .ff,thkit,, z ,,,,,,...4 ; je11 c ri:, a Vete clash ,pa, 'of time, even id cinifittned ennii mption the Tlxpai:itorarit will he found tv relieve tbekough, and the fluster the palmand, at the'sainetitticUilittin the i ndantat ion to the narrate, and thereby act as a enOntrr-trritint. which every physi. that wilt ry,14.,,,, ri , 4l, Without the lea.; hesitation whaler et. Persons 'r Mica said 10 have the consump tion, when 14 a Ittch4:lo 11 use ul I.inneni the hest Expee loranti, and la tarefill a tat, they liav 3 ha en completely cured, so,that threat r p '!l•itiee should'aCt an a warning to thnie who ate said lace the coreurniptlon not to de. .'pair, but tri,our Tie • 1 aerate.: al will be found to afford , 'great relief. aiven wli a ia cure is said to he impossible. Before maiting as lli ii an Expea+aratit it would be as_ well to ex:tidier else C ale, corala , Thiy termed Palate, to - see if tt in clit sw °Pt ' j c ot thing,:ed. In such cases as C: to il n runt , usele 'Hacking ciiugh an ils frequently truttsed excellent t . :4ne...1.i, iii: ocTiurttliC ltyrrts, t...ts,(lowater, Al dday. the tam,/ saint inatsre 112Ve n Ftnall.pnrty , Irrimtiori mid the col IV to prod:IC(11H the .iitetitled with but 1 in nrnnlhitts, a 4 be W4(l. PrepaTed by J cull lir - 4441w ant BRAD' Is' A..rpicti A . 'AND Bl' 0110 .tore nett doot to %MES*R an extenei breong e to be rou thOY d lnaY tarilPui sliver 1...Ey Ells Robert Itoskott, ViL fizture they have and alive/ Anchor nvite attetstkon eneatoflJewelrY every article pro, Clockt In great vs: ev Artifies of eve j Watehes,Jewelr BlestFe. B. & S. meet to entiincra lice to nay thet It dtscret,lol;4 end is In the eoenirj. will &My warm' puTchat ets:ln th e to esl.lis a:spas "BLANK .1 Ni p 78 QUPI' y BI.A , Lle on. we s4Se se . see WC; j potatoes, and twat 'tail‘ to the Letitia, hskata eaten breed. Hai to make milk 'titbit.. I CIL' Lists ors to u A rriy i royur hot?, beg•uur Ouptmn/tarA In I , Dant I ' • aarlinetTild, your Idol' confined to her . ' ~r. u alechrOks,ther llsl4 little bas, already krgichrai coup; id or ti" •ut to filer life, disease ever to fair prospects of • and erble. limbs tell o • d not despair.. Then I undedlllngr. It Is taLINO DALDAH• H. AtltPft, Esq. rite rishingtitn, fide a ,,d fDr. Mott rtf Nrw.tiork. ist die. She had every option. and Was so ma i, Sherntan's U Zeam top P. Eighth avenue. waft affection of SO year. ef' liter mere relict thati .4 ever tabett. Dr. 1...t1. ;ce .It to a elster.an-laWf I w ll 4 l,lo h.atid to another htna . in both cwt.' 114 . re,tored them to coth7 -IWit:9l nd cltanr' tit dose Kinn ht.' Y nue 1 1 under Co' Ith the A ,1 MECO =I sen of ,C l / 1 1411 In a felt urge nowther of persous ar phys!t inneandfriendi s used to the verge of the mption and Ilectic fever, role of health ti•atoreJ to • live to tpeak fiirtfilhe lIMMI=I r than 400,000 cases tmb • ' ertarn worm destroying Children will tat thee, I t LAl:slily other tnediclug rOl the ridlninist rattan 1 r I. ft great beyond deserts. 'f ni child becomes Wren ' he nose, headache, draws 4. l,turlieddreams.aresklii t oublegome critigh, (eyes d petite. sickness of titp. , e (mat ,ertsed Ih—those are ciehoilgtpt r norms, an'd can be re Lozenges. They have J.O,ZENOEs headache sick palpitallOW lib rt very Cew minutes.— despondency, Wetness, the stomach, sunaines or op up the spirits, dispel all ^la night ordissipation, and [teat menial or bodily )0n bIAY 3 PLASTER rho have ever used it to Ite ter in the world, and a toe. and weakness in the back, limbs Joists, rheumatism, n year will not supply the essarY, ho there are many would force it emulous art! , Ile careful to get irlierman'a "foe si mite' of his written others are genuine. and trill Due T. PritGA'Firli o he. Glitilinees IliAsumatterrt vy,rsine:lpos, Joundice,Pain eaknesi, Palpitation of thi It; Drop,. Asthma. Fever, et, aims, genet,. snit Rheum r ra Jlorbus, Coughs, Quint'', maim. I. its, Liver Complaint ilneoFthe Colds. Gout, lints, and a vnriny or other no fries oral% blend, and ob trihgvet ion. that nearly every dkenps blood or deratricetnent of Id secure tiqtros we must te• r :restore thn Lluod to its un- nedicipo Fs mn,t eirectunty reg oosle Purgative ; bele. to 1:4,a ling of yore white ova, 11 the internal ingredient. as a and have no ratan of niediclnet mate orgt we in the sllghles 'lip on all the di.leased part/ of ifiniup tlienvielves to and rack Thus, If the Liver be afire- panne aft that particular or: llateexce*. of Wk. resturn Another kill overate on the itrul«a in ita circulation,whlto unties In ita circulation; while ;p l"u•trm;v.r illiptlf itiCs may the stomach. and hence thry amt, remove, all impute magma ores externally ttrol intertiallyt d ohnostrma rartitlea from tha may be thornlighly pure—thua Ilthy ;Latino to Ihfl heart. tunys, they rriter, afa‘ta,eteu Oben I! Shorn son be nicertnlned by ; and these virtues ate so pola rOog health, till the proprietot n money paid nn them fit 411 01 give universal set,sfactlOn, I per WI, itti:Vc..v etfce.t. rim York. ngent+t n rlebuylkill cnunty rot Purgative Dr. Stier ,An.. Lozenges npil'Plasters and Morgenroth ; IL iditttlie.port—Jno. Sinn< e.an.. Cair—flughes ; New Castle- , Iltirritle—.l. U. Otto; Miner... rt Llewellyn—Jonas Kauffman t, iingest Pinearnve—Paul Barr; IA Issues , , Port Clinton—Lyon IC Barlow • ilichuyl. KAU:n:lkt. ; and also S'y J. tt. C, • rid suppl)ing agent, Pottsville *XPECTORAIVr, ~ya.cart‘rtp . l 'enntinnal disposition to swallow 'an elottyat ion of thi; palate. An h rake tl to use a Oman quantity I, ;Intuit i lea-tpoonful to a wine, itte as k ahrale, three or four time euietly tt.all fail, or one of tM (he be.tt to apply to a autgmn, att f it vitth otr, en an to obvia;e tit total k.olah whirl. it would be like oat. The tintrat ion is trilitng,and , If any pin whatever. i 5013,1 6f the throat, the 'cane i is C.' M 7 6'11118, Whole Fare sal Hera,fl eclat. Sat.. rouspinc. al ELLtorr. rtts &ND JpWElrLpigitl e•kene IN Trig assE EPA LE 6.9..V0 0,144 E. Miners* Han 'Centre street, tprravo.t.e. • B. 4. p..“ Aft constabtly on hand fe assortment of WATCHES, eni ed price, and manticactaro id in thin country; arriong which. 6rly.refe rto the celebrated gold and. Mi I. Tobias 4- Co., Jos. Jcanannii m.ltnbinenn, kc., of wh.u "trarid-. ehlendid collection. ALSO. gold and Le' pines, to w::•..76: h they nrnaim ALSO, a large rio6.lershigiete cod Silver Warr, ember...rink nearly • erty coming ender thoie •heade.--• 3iulicaiirrmkomenib4arti6gan y desertplioni - Itcpaltlng ofCldete„. 1.6 t. ortitorrHy attended . • i• . Co. oe ' it ennetesmary In advertise ,e their stock more - specifically I , sug. ^a tern teleried with much care and Ono or the most e menelve to be found heir long experience in the tension* 't Meer in Writing the attention of full ennfidencethet they ere enabled ellY other establishment here nr else. • • [Dee 16 417.51-17 • • . . •_._ • - ii It 11. Tollbero. , Ola 31All coAei: pp n Rs; . vra Tiled Strtet , Pli.ge.a,ptii!,' t" OP DT . TM: /11.15t.1.) it 600615 cbetrwr at tee 3.lssiodia • • lad at ary: Boabtoro. arra a._ r rlper,:. .: (Fab. 94, '4D 9, IT