iittintts 4 Nurnat. Saturday Morning. December I. Tam raorrort DEMANDvITS RESTORATI a POLIOY.-THE ON! PEOPLE . • AMERICAN ART UNION This fienrish log Institution for the Eneoarr Bement of pre 'Arts and American Artlrsts.tbe Income of which!. was eight, thousand dollars lasfVear ; has just - erl au addittnnarDellery for the Exhibition of Works of Art, WO feet long by 12 feat wide- The VO.PertY , they hold is very valuable. and eee. ,,,, nt i, In mane. and anbacribers to the Union. are all Joint' proprietor, In this property. whirl:. If the Attintiatroo ' should he dissolved, would be divided among the members of the same. The Distribution will take place on the 21st of De. comber next. The engraving for the present year. will Isr Tenth." copied from Dole's celebrated ..Voyage of Life." and I veining of Etchings. tcnbscriptiona *5. - for which eubscribers will receive an EnCTUVinf worthBs.=a vnleme of Etchings. P les. Int t og Pieepy Bellew, and-the ehance of drawing in or pottOting worth from *lO to 113000. The Awar.latlnn hove already pi/chased upwards..of 200 prizes for dletribotton. s e h.criprlons received."and arty Information given by calling no the subscriber. . ii. TIANNAIT,- . flomaratv Secretary for-Schuyiklll - CountY: . LIFE IIiSURANcE • . Flirt/TV limn who Inter his family. ought in get his fife insured. pnrenn ercarod in bnodnon , ,. ha•• r ntrm. Lim. . which wnnl.l require name time in nntlin np.nrcht to get his life Insured even If in rollitin-nnasinntes. . Every normnn enraged In the Coal fillAineslt 'melt to get him life inmiired, or Any nther hazardous buminems In the Corti Roginn. Every nerahn whndener.ds upon rt Salley nacht to get his lire inenred. The Prnfemslonal man with a family 'nicht to eel his life intMted. There "'few hot who emild mare a mall milm - annnally to Turner their hires: which. if mit invested lit this may, would he' spent perhaps In trifle,. and theAr (=Wes lert to the rolerehadties nf the world._Theis Is, pert:num. Coil,. inetint Create. mu m•yere n Oan2 an the death-bed. ari heittrenropellad In leans those whom ynu love, and .partlmilarly a wife and children. destitute. I.lre insurance la hermillugjo.l as common in jjilm Pnantry as Fire Imormnee.• Wives, ;wetted.. your hintbande—yon can rive elinnet in your hon.ehold• affairs In pay the anoint premium without (reline it. and one ore the mint Intereteed In the stihject. Von con immure the lives of ,nit• hnsharitim, for poor nwn benefit. and 'the amount cannot he if - itched by their ereditnrm. in Cone or thetroinOlh. AM Information on this subject ran he nhtalned`n . 11. 11ANN.01 JO the Office of the Miners' Journr.l.• • RTIOTTTCR .ffINATITAN FOR CITRISTMAS AND NhAV VFARR , .—This great holiday paper has been rer•lvtd. awl we must ...1et...1..4g, that we are de lighted with its appearance, Ii certainly mn:tele the grandest di.nhv ',flame, and Iteantirttl P.nerntrlg.. we ever saw rolle , ied together. •• The Pieasnres. rot ' lies f i nd Misettss of Chrstmas in New York.. is an engraving' of irnormotis cite, occupying and roiey neuron twn entire pages of the paper The spult...l troop or portraits of President Taylor and Ids c.hi net ; and the gond tableau of Nor Richard's Way to go to make up the remaining outer pages. These are the principal reaturre, while the Inn , r pa ges are foil of choler holiday reading. Illustrated In the most ample and costly manner W are i n f orme d that one hundred thousand copies of the Holiday lltntherionathan are usually s•Ild„; nod this enter...4l/e *Mcrae...mints for its nstnoishing cheapness, ell' 12 eents.per copy. or ten for one dollar. Wilson & Co, New York, are. .the publishers. Also for sale 'at Barman's Book Stores. JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE.— This valuable publication for November, has 'been placed upon our table', and from a cursory ezaminas turn of Its eontenis, we And It to contain matter of the moot Instructive character. Every mechante.who !eels the d.gnay of his station, should he in poca @ion of.Thi• periodical. Publish. d, Philadelphia-85 per ann,lTinia ;* payable half yearly. TEAOIIER'S MAGAZINE.—We have received the -Ngencher's Macazine—a new publication Just started . in Pittsburg, Pa. It Is devoted to the cause of H.. lion, and promises to be an efficient laborer in the ranks. Dis also drslened to be thtv.organ—thro' whirh the talent of the Teacher shalt reach the public." The number before us, contains wellwritten articks on Domestic Education, Pontilas Education, Schools In Flatlet!, &c., &c. Tins is the only educational Magazine pnbitstted in this State. whirrs, were there .110 OINK consideration to recommend it to the publc, 'would be suirmient do render its FIIC,SS certain. It S. edited with ability Publlsh'ed by J. D. Kennedy, Pittsburg-91 per year. NVIIO. I.4 . I3ESF:FITED Etir PRO ',rTECTION. - - Every improVement.that ie etr.tted, every fur.. nace that is not blown cut, end every dividend • that Is made by a manufacturing company, is ' trumpetted-forth free trade Papers, and mare especially by the Philidelphis Ledger, as evidence of the prosperityj'of rho country under • the Tariff of 1846. Now, we admit that business will go on under thiS Tariff to a certain exteat— but it goes on atthe expellee of the wages of la /.40, and the prostration of the laborer in this country to the condition of the este(' classes in European conntrics. To prove this, we addressed a note to the superintenden ! of the Crane Iron Wnrk's - ..one of the largest IrOn establishments in , She State. whi,h contintios.irk operation under the Teri"' of 1846, with a'view of ascertaining the vices paid for labor under the Bill of '46 sad 4hose paid by under the Tariff of '42, and the fol. dewing is the result: Crane Iron Warts , Aron. i1d,15411 Mr, D. 13:annan :r Dear Sir :—Your favor w bef,re me ..ami In answer to vinr inquirks. I will stale that rig Irnn was selling in 1413 of 27 In $3O per roe, and to 18.19, is selling from 18 to $2O per ton, the-same kind 'of Iron Price cf Wave in 18113. *l2 per ue,k 8 de, Fnrpice Keepers, Fillers.' Carpenters arta Blacksmiths, Al 12 to .1 .371 per day Laborers, 90 Cl 3. to 00 do • Price of, 11 - 4 , :t in 1519. Ftin l aer KeepersflOe'rs. Follert. CarpentPre arid Blacken:lithe. 00 rts- to 9 00 prr day Bata. rs. GO to 05 do In Li4lB there were scarcely enough men to he had to An the work at their prices, now three cir four men 'win( ernrrlnyrnelit where nee la needed. This is the ;."trste stflte of the case in this vicinity }'ours, Respectfully, P. R.—Wares vary sthne for the same class of men. itt nit times, as the value of some men of ever• class Is more then others. . It is true that the -mannfneturer suffers in the ,Ilepreciallon of property, In s certain extent, and . the Jurroonnig of the profits, but the great buqcn falls • up4l the laborer. who -lira from hantf - to mouth. aurt whom whole Ilepe,Jenre i, on the !a lba, of 1118 ha Je. Capital can rawer take care of rr . et ni cbe only time the laborer ralren,firted is when the Country i, in a flourishing condition -rend there is rompartirinn for labor. These rimple facts upset all the wild theories of unsettled and crazed intellects. • 'Tus Locoroeo papers MS exulting Over the feet that Gen. TATLnIi Sam menees hie o lmiaietra+ lion with a majhrily of Congress against him. how Was it with P,olk '1 He commrneed wish a majority of sixty in his favor, and so odious did ,hi. Administration beeome, that in the Congress 'Which expired .with his term,instead of a locofoco maiority of sixty, there V4+113 a cler Whig ma— : jority. weep that in rernainbranci. . IitILSTER COUNTY DANK—Those cf our realors who bold .notes of the Chester Count? Bank need apprehend no lose. The' it le rumors reisties to she alleged refusal on the part of the .Bank to rederm the old issue is false. The Ches ter County Record, says empha i tdly that the charge "is net true. The Barlt. ss altuage re- ' deemed them—has always been luscious to re deem them—is now constantly redeaining them.. at fast as the of fi cers can obtain some Bettersetnry account of them, or even the beet pr dcticabte at. taunt of them." Poartmcoca.—A Washington Cbsrespondect of the New York 'Expresr writing from the Capital, gives the following item. The Express rem it is' written by ono whose means of inlet 'motion ore'such as to warrant him in making it k¢owo .without the fear of contradiction : Jl:zriteceten. Nen 15tE. 1849. An Influential Whig genator from the Fnuth,lnform -I:tad me teat evening that beyond a doubt 7 State. would secede la ease of the passage of the pow' to. tThere is more reality in this Sonthern move. I tear, than le respected. Another Influential &pattern den Mot. whom I saw yesterday. in commit, and some of the most cautious and reasonable of the North Carolina delegation talk forebodingly and despondingly. 4 have conversed with many other Anotherners within the lad two or three days. *114410h to believe that there • ia trouble ahead of a portetornut character. • ALTLIIID NOTES.H% S 2 bill on the old Tren ton State Bank, altered do' as to represent the Chenspeske Bank, of Baltimore, had been deter. led. The alterations and signatures are roughly dime.' The name of Geo. Watson, the paye of the State - Bonk notes, has not been altered. 1. ..B..v.itztlfr.inow RAIL Roan.—AS rmebting of the 13aasil of 3fonsger r i of the' Deaver Me ow f. • Roil Raid Corripsny, held lait•Mondsy, in Phila. delphiti c Wm. W. ;iongstreth nracoleated (10 ni in place of Jac Rrwisnd, resigned. _ A Rico Bator--The daughter of' the Queen Qi Sweden, who Is about to marry Louis Napole. • irOes a`dowry'of .£4.000,000 sterliar. ' The Tariff of .18416. HOW IT EFFECTS COAL AND IRON, AND THE DAHMER. We invite partici:der attention to the reflecting article. Facts are:always better - thin 'the wild theories of unsettled and unbalanced intellects: • •EPSORTS Of GREAT BRITAIN. THE UNITED STATES'IIER BEST CUSTOMER The following is con:sined in a !eller written from London on the 18th of October, to the Na tional Inielligencer , •'A lately published Parliamentary•doeument pre senia the (elle - be/mg facts.. The fatal declared snlue 6fBtitish and Irish produce and manufaeturmiespnried from the Untied Kingdom to tOinus emintrien, was, in 1841, 558,812,07 ; in 1649.5,2,819.448. / 1317. 1348. The British coinnies took ' e t 4,558.297 212 051,183 The United States took 10,971,161 9394,909' The Hanseatic loons 8 007,22 . 4,609.250 11011..0 4017.423 2,3'23.258 France 2,554.283 . 1.021.321 Russia 1,844313 1.622,225 Turkey 2,578.989 2.. 9 38.178 rhica, Hong Kong . , ' 1,501369 1,4454159 Brazil 2,565,30; 2,1.70',302 l'ilezi , a, and Central and Smith ' - A 1114 t ica (except Brazil) 2.5(15.855 3.761.713 roreien we Indies 1:110.221 1,018.138 AB other Lountiles 9,290.560 9.0.1,759 One striking fact developed by 04 statement fis, itnit nett to tier own enlonie , t 'ME UNITED STATES IS TIIP: nRsT CiTsTollEß GREAT ISR.ITAIN IIAS; Irking More than One-siulli of her• o hole amount ore:term, and mom:ha. ant• one of her next hest cusiomerv!" rtoirt",the xgoic audironc document we have the folboSine tllletornt of the exports of PIG { - RON from Urea! Britain to foreign countries, during the year ISIS: / AT° the Bait,' States, 91.704 tons. To other countries. 63.946 " . The total Exports of BAR IRON, during the same period, weer eS•To the United States, 162.057 tons. To other countries, 159.077 " • From whirl. it appears. that Great Britain ships store Iron to the United States than she does to all the rest lithe world rot to: ether !--Tin one tired winder that tic iron. and carry interest 'connected with it, is crippled. after looking at the above statements. They nit •w that whatever may be our political relations wall Great Britain, we are,under the existing revenue I w, silt in a condition little belterthan one of cnt.n via,. upon her in tilkindustnal concerns. The Tariff of 1416 is the bond of this rassolare. T 1 1 ,00411 it we sacral, our own home interests 111 prOduCe ar d manufactures, to boy British wares ant fibres. Vie Run our Coal trade to bent fit hers--we stop our von works to kelp hers in oper a tion, We send hen Irto.l 01 thousands of diallars antinally out of BylnYylyari in to England to buy Iron-rails to lay in front situ.. Furnaces. Forges and Balling-mills; and this we do to carry nut the fermate Free Trade pokey of the parry which cuffs itself 11)zatocs.a rig, and I , ro,es toftole to the name by doing all it ran 10 tn. Crease Queen Victoria's revenue, and 01 . Course 10 stnro I In, pride. and sirenvhcii her power: Can the Puree it folly further en But we have not act dor.e wait atad.qie., We ' have still another Table, tve commend to the serious attention or the FAIIOICRS It will serve in show that the FORLIGN mARKET, (except when 'adore and famine in the old world cnnvels them 10 ne,k 501,111 , 011 hoer. the new) us not much ro brag of, I highly as it is lauded by the LocOlocits, We cut the tollnwing team the last IVo. of Bicknell's Reporter. EnronT or Bra:11 - 1STUFF3. 'the aggregate expor tation of breadsuitri from the United States to Great Britain and Ireland. up to the latest dates this year, compared with the rorrespendmg period last year his tieeq as annexed— , To hart4t-Dateir. 1978. ' 1319.'llecese.lotn. Flour. bids. 220,512 . 83.491 297.017 Corn me,al; hbl4. 19.774 950 11.518 %V heat. IntvhelF., 479.501 163.504 s 315,911 , Indian coin. bus. 2.019,434 422,977 '0,10,377 At this rutc.iwe snail find outlets for but a small per cent. of ihttanpplies of our agricultural products this year. We hope our readers of both parties will mee:st these , IS bleP, and then pelt themselves sec inusly hc.l her our present anti.protecove policy is , alto gtthcr the best and wisest that could be adopts d. We glee below a few to Ith . ,,ote 111.3 we ithiciit more produce from Great -Britain than expet , . The following is, the 'value of the L'grain,exp , ftelo Great Britain according, ,to the statefltint from Btrittiell's Reporter. to the latest period in 1649: E 3,4501 bl, Flour at $.l. 90 Corn Meal. $1 57 1615,3 bu,ll. Wheat. tl5, 422,1/17 Lucy. Coro, 60e. of 1 5 roducr I.;:cported to Fn'4,l:. te45.i,118 The New York 'Journal of Commerce gives the 11.11:iwing Fratemvot of Iron imported into the port of New York alone, for the 6 months ending rSey'ember.l. 1849„froin Great Grittily: Fran Dreamt. Tans. Common bur iron, 10 -t5 aver cost £5 16 /1 • Pic Iwo. • '19:172 tin 2fL R.ulrond iron. XI. t 778 do 516 0 Min! iron in bors.ls,rNO d r ) 72 6 [loop, band & Alert, 6,755 do 17 6 Co.: of Engii.,,lx IroiLin New York, $3,678..004 511 Tons. • ?Keels iron, 5,1 r,, aver eon?, $7l 75 Russia apt]. 155 do 135'00 armay Iron. 859 do .911'70 =! T4.X.21 Tedue in Nev. York. The; rturlitnen who mtnufactured this iron in Great Btitam, consumed for each ton of Bar lzwr made, writ less than $2O worth of English Produce, far every ton of Pre Metal, $8 worth; for itiotro4.l iron, $2O worth--vfor rrfiord Pun, $25 worth; for lioop, 17thett Iron, :&c. $3O wo,th nt produce. Mraltiply these by the number of tons of etch hind •of Iron imputed, and we have the followteerr salt $9 per week 5 SD da .ValutPrMitift Imported the sive of Eete , /ro'n of Me Port of em l'ork atone. in nu - 'tomtit,., ai.rdittst to tic Jawed of Commove - DKr iron. ID 641 620 produce per too, e.nr.Pda Pic metal, 33.971 " d do 311).776 ltn ilro'd ir0n.".13.87 " 5,0 do " 677.301 I: (lined iron, 15.1/30 " do 373 750 " 30 do , 191,700 ME Making no less than 151,177'666 worth of Eng- fish Produce imported in the shape of Foreign iron . at the single por!saf New Fork in 6 months, which to more than double the value of all American pro duce exported t i e. Great Britain, for this year, "up to the bora, peint, according to Bicknell's Repor ter. N.J.', what we trite into consi location that about two.thirds of the slim, of all our iinp ins from Great Britain, is English Produce, we wits find that we import twice as much English Pro duce, es we exp to that country, yet we are told that the Tariff of 76(6 ben, fits the Agricultural interests of the United States. Some will any tbat ihr consumption (des on, notwiihstanding these import.itions of Foreign Produce from atirO L ail,-:-Itiat is true to a certain extent—the people. moat liar—hut the p.ostration of all kinds of business, les,ens the console:piton of the products of the Farmer at home, nearly one. Ina. or to en extent of more than double all the eappitations of the country—for it is notorious that if this Iron had been made in this country, our operativeiengagsd in its manufacture, in pros perous times, \- -sanld have comumid one-third -,more produce than the-same number engaged in its manufacture consumed abroad—and we have always understood that the nearer a market could he brought home, the'toire profitable it was to the Farmer. ~We have bloc) made o calculation to istdoehortr . large a:quantity of Cool would have been con• fumed, if tho Pig and Bar Iron imported from England in V4B, bad been made in Oho United Slates, To Make a top of Pig Metil, requires 3 ton; of Cost, and for Bar Iron, 5 ton•, This 'would give: 91.1'01 tons 119 Iron, (3 tong coal.) . ir75.112 tons: 161,057 tow liar iron, (5 tone co-M i l „ 010:4 . 5 tuns. Total . 1000,- - ',, ' Tie .howyhat we imported 1,685,387 tons of li Bruitg e ledlist ' , bar; in the shape of Metal and sr Iron alonein . a single year: it the Anthra citeegions Pennsylvania could have supplied one-, alf the above quantity, the Sheriff would riot tioW be an busy among us, nor would our Re: won become depopulated, and ruin, misery an-d' trent prevail to ouch en extent among us. Let the peop l e reflect deeply upon this tubje et. Con. g\tys will meet ou Monday nest, and the time io prompt and determined action has arrivid. . RoutuT J. W sLEen, Anntartn:— The Wil mington (Del.) Journal states shot Rub:rt J.Wel• tier, t3ecretary of the Treasury during Mr. Polk'it administration, alas arrested vhilet pricing through that city in the can on Saturday laic, and detained by the tsherilT untillhe could Cnil ureority to o p pear arul answer lon i a claim of 55000..' Mr. Henry tett,. formerly Collector ander Mr. Wa i lger,-and .. Mr. -Alexander Poster, formerly Maxilla Alf the 4rate,, en en] bsil 'fur his appesnancs. and Rir Ftobett was discharged. Ho was detained itstowtn daring dip whole den end hft in the flight train. Tax Lets Law.—The beneficisl effect of the Lein Law which the Whig Legislature passed Net winter, securing lathe Miners and Laborers their wed's to, the• arrioat'of $5O out of in. solvents elates, is now being felt io this Region. "Tag Tannin of Gen. Taylor to set ea a Southern man" has been assigned by Southern papers as the ground of their oppolition to biro, and, undoubtedly has bad strong influence on the great Democratic, gains made in the Southern Stater. Such we. the case in Georgia, and sorb has bee'n . thresse in Lcui.dcas. Even the popu- larity of the General in his own State, and the pericnal friendship, entertained towards.. could not, in their estirnstion, balance the fact "he had failed la aFt as a Southern man." The appointment of rial Cabinet, the selectrox of his subordinate affywi4 the putting down - of the Cubs expedition, rte. - rtipposed mission , / of T. Sutler. King. to Californr, the willingness to allow the decisions oec,in g eis to dictate on the subj.ci of slavery, have all heeniproofs to the South . that he is determined to .:he the PresidCrit of the whole country, and not ! to "act merely as a Southern man." I l• 'Natant Entitle Z55.p2,r,' t 52.619,448 favoret,le to t.iin delphia, on Satnra A memorial tc'si t ad, to he presented to the.nrxt Congress, praying the granting of the power to the e l n different I.egidfai res to appoint a Board of 'Com mis-ioners, whoa duty it shall be to take' charge of , glf foreign em 'grants arriving at their mare : . I'l4 ports, prosi.lt i a hospital for the sick, and a place of lemma y a7eommodation for the indig ent an angst them, where they, may have the means of jut mnsi cleanliness, food, clotting, and Ipdging., anti) t I The c, ' Commiasi r a ce je obj•cl, a {AK Of is proposed. Ctasatrtrn ROWDISII.—Bnya, who eland upon the corner, of Stinday evenings, indulging in pro. fealty end obscenity; loafers,- who up-rt boles, change signe, end Iseult people generally; respect able looking voutag men, ,e ith slouched ceps, who ytend in deth alleys, end pounce upo'n unprotected fernelee , end retpectelde young men, whrt, for-the „name f urpote, p, ,ul ellaut the stroets at all,timote Correction. We published last week, an articwe showing the coat •rif hon: in Great Britain, and the enit of its importation to the United States. Since then we have observed, tiy a siatoro:int oralcorrieepondent in the BoltiMere Patriot, that the artirin contained seams] Waco]. reties; and mike ihe.steiutil coat, as followe, sec enl tl,lllrs'lese than given in the other table. The true ngureP; he Faye. are es follows CO , T or Inos— Th e enet of knish pig iron at Glasgow, free on hoard I 4 per last steamer. 21..25., CO 50 .Tloty 30 per rent. on $10,0.. .3 , 15 •insorancell'per rent. on 4110.40. : U 15, Freight as per barque Tanutin,arrived last . .1 1 s - p week at thiort. Os. 4 05 Chan, for sto , ragii tit any of our iron yards o nn wharf, 25 iente'per ton,_ —5, , ./1-: not root +lf tonnScotch pig 4011 import • tett to BMtimme, sis 05 _ — A wle hoctrutnfuny said, that if some Men • could come outof i their' graves and real the sriiption on 'their s tomtmtopei, they pould think tty Lad got intoe wrong grabe. 1:1Tlt is Mit4ll CtIUNK.-I . lpig pI3CP 130frlorig since, reSag stetted by . 4 'destructive fire, wns re.sitited'on' }Friday the 28th ult; by a ser ittwilite. tinn , titings of .1 tore Andrei., Johu "free., Benjamin Willititris, Conrad Kttchel, A. Andreas, John T iet•tr and Ira Cortright, were tiOre or less injored. The lora is estimated at ab nut $5OOO, GEM :I.it 1 171.:67 2.A 246 ' GE , DGE WASHINGTON was a man OF sense, and his opiniort. n any tutjPct, are &felting of t foolish're,tprct. ' lie sai :. "The and wicked ntac . .ic:, of lonaiii and swearing. is a vice an mean end low, that every perfon of tense and ehatacter dele4o ari \ d desprtes it.".. We hope if any prof,ne perso is read , this artic'e, they will consider how deridlilly 't,olgar it is to swear. how little it' hent tits the m, l lint' act accordi4y.7 Nothing would create arKuntaantable impresfien in repent to a strancer, so quick as to hear him trier an oath. It bumps him et once 'as a low bred person. . \ 477 F-f; t4.l',Z4tJ ;i8 A cosTEstrion.tur announcing the marriage of an editor, says ie wo r always of the opinion that editors hail just.cia 'good a right to starve some man's daughter on l y body doe. I I Ac ccomon EntTon.—Tha editor of t'le Bunkum Fldg,blif advertises that hit will re v-lye, in pvyment for Subscription to his paper, all sorts 'of dicker, such as ttpmatoes, corn, rye, oats, eggs, l'etns, pork, grits, hti, old rope, lamb's wool, shovels, honey, shoats, dried cod, camp oil, but'nut bark, paintr; glass, putty, hemp, snake.ront, cord wood, live gveve f.wthbrs. itaxwfax,'dried apple., bar, new rider, a se-handles, Mill-stones, hemlock :3 um, baton and hams, eiog.hang root, vinegar, Pumpkins, ellscompaine, harness, Theo, elippkry• churn botk, clams, manure, and ell other produce," 'The Bunkum FlngOdif id edited by %V agitaff, and pubihed every mink and then, in ono of the departments Gr "O'd Nie l k." • e1.777A44 Gee r~ PORTLAND.—The Puitlani Umpire 81)5 that ris !.5 furnie'leil to private cot sumer.; in that city at from $3 50 $5 per 1,000. Au. run Go rhe hiewtown Journal pub no lee• ito+n flee nistwge notices G edito.s oho have been getting narroJ. What is:the warlJ cEnning t.)! During a rternt trm .f some of the Philadel phia 'mare. which r.olt place ,in that cite, in sentencing them, Judge P0M , 13.1 took neon-ion t , acimrdvert very strong' t upon the pardoning pawer,iv, used by Gov. oinitlon. Now, ir at. - prais that the-Governor C has' pardoned les• con victs than ri , h.r Givernoi Shrink or Potter, , as the reader will perceive by foiluwirig etaremrpt, which we 5.4 in the firdrisluirg Td-graph :, G .v. Johnston has occupied the executive choir, a ported of visleeri Imorithe. During that time, he has granted ifs .3T00r15. or 01 average of S 7 annually, while theannual . average tinder Gay. Shrink, hit immmediale predrrersor, was 100. and under Gov. Porter 163,! The number el rioters pinioned by Gov. P rier will 50 !by Gov. Shook 37! while Gov, lohnsten that pawl... Ted three, under the eireumstanees that indueed .the Judge tcr.assail I.im. .The Statement is as fa:laws: Goren., Porter Pardoned during the lain three years of his administration.' 491 ;Average number annually. Convicts pardoned in tit o ddyland county of Phil odelphta daring these threeyeaqr.: Sumner for riot pardoned Kittle-Ste% 50 Number for riot portioned the city and county of Philadelphia, - ....- . - i Garornar'Sh sink Pardoud, .- . 350 . Averaze number annually. ! ' • 100 Pardoned in city end county of Philadelphia, - 153 Number for riot pardoned in tha.State 37 Number for riot pardoned in dwelt faltd. oo tio.:3 of . Pinta&W . hin. 2 Meera'ar Juktiston Pardoned, -, .. 1' - - ',s.verage. number annually. I . Convicts pardoned in The city and county of Phila. dei?Mm , Number for rlpt paidoned In !pie State, .. . - ~ the en. - Nonitiolfor riot iiordcreeil in th - e, city and county of . Phi 3 From the above title it discovered that GovernniJahnsion, I since l o camalara office, has gmiatell pardons Jo forty *even conirete' in the city end county - of ghlisdelphi , , These were granted oo the tollovristo apidicatiCuts; , . . BylhelUdgegy,nr mn of them, of the Court wbere tbeeonilsts e. tried,/ 14 By the thar3l , .; Inspectors. By the Wax: en of the Eastern P • eniteiliary, 4 By the Attorney General. • • . a !Br the Plison Dteelpline Society, • 1 By Jurors trytne them, and by oltiarns of respects ' MIRY, _. - • a , I By removal \qr insanity.. 1 , ..._ ' • • •r• 44 • 4 SiOCO GOO% Johnston C 41116 join office, there havi been three hundred and twenty applications for pardon, and hence two hundred and four r jeeteit. . • . . -, . THE MINERS' j'OURNAL,,AND POTTSVILLE GENERAL ADVERTISER. aNTs.—A aiming of cit zens emigrants was held In Rkila ay lasi. Judge Jones pre-ided. obialn permanent eiWstinn s ,neis Term shall be extended to ,raer to secure the funds (or thi Y 50 per head of every erni;rant, !G POW ER TIIE P.III,DON . focal 3tems.- i : - * • Ift_EAT IMPnSITTON AND FRAUD !— Cashes is pa . asters of Xerearst's Celebrated Gargling. Pit.— . , . . This valuable embrocation was before the emetic for car7he Public Schools.—Dare of the grestett f.':irtl thani aeri eight ;",*;,l7et'ufportesuenafittre w as na made e a t s o difficulties the Teacheri have to contend with in iti'lg.T.lanamend:vigndcrrol I ntl:Fess in the cure of ill hit atteeit ore o f . 1401,1 Its imitation Itra ' l l r c rot a ie . ::;.Te l ltr/ 'T.' :::el,! - - our Public Schools, is the irnign the Scholare; many play "truagt without-the ;Lee t r e p elgo of t h i p t. % i nlel d i . l;et r e ci n l' t e namt e s ve s n uc l h a m s i ltt li g e rit knowledge of their parents, and others are kept tctialia•..;traaTnfoil4;.'Et.n4sert3:4,- .it.c..., and with an and anise have hod the ' effrontery Inca u' l i llg i tTi t s in t:;; out of Schou] for mere tnficia The DirecOrs hare tiled Various plans to obviate this difficulty,. hitt ILlnticapristtin e name °araV;Tinilanifse°eCtintabri"ushbirciahreelitfea7l4rili. 13,- 1 1 7, 40.0... Or m if a ,, tti . , q „ u r ev i t t ic i i . nl j e ou a t te . oske n d 4 ..t they withontaffect. A portion of the Public ace in=id ..! ; .1-ilit ...,,, efime, the conduct of these inlet re:of:will in': underyalee the PubliTSZOotrot and canatquently they semi whenever they please, , there fore ---ablashg'''try The prop ~,, or ould Lailliall those who purchase. Xs cart act anti keep their children at home frequently for th e same of Ike proprietor, in hi „. or . ~ ~,,,t , .e . , , „ ever thus words are brows is tit plats of . canned, whictrthey would not deem sufficient, if ..flityerL.,hzanntjtheeriAsorg.:tcotrporrliol:. they were sending to- the - private School', The Y.,' who : ls the o Directors, in order - tis remedy the evil is far as o nla b y e r ncisaintrtiCeiteanw"ianye;helfrhir:loi n s e d i or r , a t that worthless a n d resolution at the .a cg i n m tertrit article. The above caution is parikutarlr practicable, passed the' following vel.;b s i e e l v ii . , mote wh t o b :7 l.,.. y , et o s l t , T e n s z t e , ts to :barer niae ~.l 172 . last meeting of the Board, which styli be enforced ihe first of Dec ember. We publish it for r t ' e l i a ‘ e v , i t th t,t),TeVi!rdUell nrill ' e - .- a !' rig'Wg Oa cannot he de aftervertisernent in this paper. and get a' pamphlet the information of parents and children : - ''''- - . • •,—.---- ftcrolved,.Thii the Secretary of. the Rivard give notice. so each and every :reacher, that if any pupil absents him oiherselfir,om School thread:ly, in sue cession; Withoul a reasonable excuse from the parent or guardian for said aoseoce. the pupil will be dis missed Irmo the School for the period of one month. The Directors bare also experienced great dif ficulty in classing the Schools. Children, if pun ished' for miscpuduct, or if they take a dielike to a Teacher, will resort to any 'artifice to procure a Ticket:for admission in some other School, with out any regard to the arrangement or classification of the Schools, and thus create can't sat confusion. 1., me it this d ffimUy, the following resolution was adopted by. the Board: Resolved, That the Distributing Committee, be hereafter appointed for a term of two months, and, that this Committee issue'a lithe Tickets for the ad. miseton of Scholars into the Schools dunng the time 'of their appointment. The Directors are anxious to make the Public Schools as deserving of popular .`aunt as lies in , their perxer, but in doing so they Old it necessary to adopt mles sottregulations,which must he forced to remedy many of the evils under which the Schools now labor, and all the friends of the Pubhc Schools . and Polka School Educatior; ought to unite with thrift . in elevating and proving three Schools.. The Dt-tributing Cbmitritfee for the ensuing two months, ronsia of .foligrasyton, Daniel _Lai -rer and B. Ersngan, to whoM all applitations GU_ Tickets of edini..bion to the-k , bools must be made: a:7 The following is one of ;no greatest agri cultn,Kll yields r v,r pro:luced in Coon: ty. we dou'it whether it can' - ,be surpassed by the giriat agricultural cOuritiee of Iranesater,Chere ter or Philitleiphisa • . i r ons CAIMI , I3. Nov. 27, ISO) Mr. Bann3n. : • • • • • 'Pile following is the product of Eight Acres 39 perrhes of Land, owned and farmed by Air. Patrick Mtn, of this place Bcat it, who can : 120 bus early Potatoes, ar.73 cts. per bas. 9112 50 6uo bus. !we do. '6O cm. per bus. 360 00 90 bus. Wheat, (3 acres) at En ; 1 15 00 00 S/ravv. valued at 24 00 One ton flay,_ i i.„. 15 MI 933 bus. Tursips, at . 37} cents. " . 1 .;, - 319 ill 100011estla Cabbage, at 5 cents. 44. 50 GU 1100 Stalks Celery. at 64 - cents. Or 613 73 81372 r_q The Turnip? were raised on Wheat hintl—ihe ,NVheat was of superfine qa Mr. Gii.tfrrinvi, also of this place.. ringed no Five and three-161.rib of so acre, the following, viz 700 bus. Turnips, (.2 acres) at 37,t - cents. 3 :Tons of Hay, acres) 01415 per ton =tm oata„.(2l acres) at 371 per hue . Straw, valued at The above are the pekes at whsth 1112.1 e produce_ 50111 in the, marker. 10" G :.;IVWies.- I GUT . , -- G; Works are progresrong finely.—The GAS Hol,Ve is comple!ely aantitit, roof, and mechanors aret engaged inside, plaketing end teeing the boiler. The Gasome ters, we are pleased to notice, are oleo getting along nicely. Everything in being dune by those who have the tn itter in . chSrge to facilitate the intro duction of J en. Service pipe's: whiet ea4vey`the Gls into the dwellings. have been attached Aft nu merous placeto the main. pipe. We are informed Icy the Supetintendant [had the Gis will be ready for introduction shout 'Cliastmcs. ar Railroad Aceiderz-We regrA to learn, that on Thur.lei week, dnpnl Whaler, while walking on the Rii lrotd, above the bridge, in' Schuylk 11 Heven, was tun. over by a mall 'en gine,:en4 mangling bis' ri)ght Ifs jest behieit the knee, irijuringhii back and head: He was taken to the poor touee er,d is.duing well. . Literary &rid y.—Thia Society is getting along finely. Thesudienec on Wednesday even ing Is et at the 'ecture, was . quite lsree. The Rev. Mr. Sanders still continues his lecturer, thry are posse red of much intere.t. 17?"! Seriou3 Accident.—W m. ;made, aged' Thom 9 year., ion of .tiamitel Samuels. met wilh quite a 31.flOUS ashen[, on Wednceday. kit, at Gel. A. Rat's ColiteryiL • near this Borough, It appears while the lad was rooming from school, in compmy with same others, when it the Nor. tiregian . X4lWay, he fell upon the trail as a coal car wai paooinc, ty which one of hie 'lry was FO much irjurcil, that it is thought amputation is necessary. • it:7" The French Reenhttion.—Mr. Scoot' n's lecture, nt the PoiisvilleAraJemy on Monday eve— fling kit, was very largely ettetaleil. His o?bjecr, "rue FRiNCIII RET , LUTION of 1739," WOO very intelligently &occurred upon, and Wai attentively listened to. We are plensed tio ab.ierve toot there will be other lecturer up o n this •uhject, by Mr. 8: CV' birlurbinga afileregatiort.—We hate' been informed that a Congregation vr.trallipping in Patterson, Schuylkill county. tiras disturbed in rather a sin : ulsr m gone% nn Slitday, last. It ap pears while the worthy Pastor ,was d;:coursing upon the Truth of Christianity to which the cur, gregat ion were liana:leg with the utmost sotetnni ty, a Deer quietly stepped up, and posted itself, in front of one of , he "iciri'doWs. Being 'obyreraed),y , omo of the congregation rho, we Shoal judge, thought men. , of vo I ..areni.ron"•than -preschine, they suddenly started up, and ruArd out, by which the congregation was so much di , turbed that before ' he wag aware of it, the .Paatot wds entirety de scried. We Moe not been aide to ? 'ascertain vitt, thee it wv p*"mn!or had to keep the peace, ID" The Court Hnite.,—The workmen ere e idi 'engaged upon the Court Hoorn. Th f foundation walls have been laid, which, with the exception or the base work, which will be soon 'finished, is all that will be done this winter, 4.`(- Th e Ledures et the.Acetiefrni;nn Nnn ley evening nett, On Galvanism, eleetro—M,ernetinn, in conzu.etion with Mesmerism end Pepe°logy, by Mr. Little, we tract will no: be ingenue° by our renders. This will , be so interesting discourse. • (Irriversdiy tort ( Div) watt properly observed in our Borough. Busineite was pretty generally ao.pendetl,ind. ,, gr euereUes, we believe, were ill open. v • The Oldest .Cady—Mrs. Elizabeth Barnett, s liida of Chester chuntv, Pa., receMly died at Guthrieville"i in this 'Oiate, at the advanced age of 1.11 'Parr 84 retained her- mental tiitiltiea to , • Pennsylvania Railroad.—There are men et work on ail the 'aernons of the raihnia , let from Johnstown toward Puttahure--46 miles—and pre: pardiont .ere beii.g made to ,increa■e the' force, ens mirth. it rapidly to eonailfction. Glad to bear . . One of the Lnws.—A riot lately took place st Trintdad: caused 4 the enactment of a Jaw re— quiring all freuduleiit dragnrs Ander $5O, to have their beads admired and to he otherwise treated 11: , criminals. The editor of the Reeding flerati hes oxen milk of earn grown in Reeding, which is sixteen feet two Inches, in height.; bore two fall secs, the lowest being , ten fest Ape inches and the highest ehreein fiest:hoits . the raged. TO TEACHERS AND SCHOOL DI. It EC l' OHS. THE subscriber invites tun•attentino 'Of Tethers and School Directors, particularly in SchuylkillDG.,e„ to the following, new atd improved School Boat pub lished by him, called :knora Columbian Calculator. Do Youths' Coluinhhin Calculator, Do Table Book, Do Columbian Spelling Book. 1 Do Practical Common School Mensuration, These Books are already extensively used In this County. mid lend changeable a population as we have, it is desirably that the Book.: used In oar Schools should he es untfornt as possible t we therefore call the particular attention of School Directors and Teach ets to this series, 'on the the commencement of the Schools this fall. These_ Books have Ylicrived the ap probation of about Slin professors and Teachers, is the beat works on the - stibleci a on which , they treat. Z.Theg art also the eheasext Books - in the market. Merchants, Teach_ to. School Directors, ke.., sup plied at the lowest r. tea, by the 111.1:1 nifty. B a.X. Printer, Publisher and Booked:tr. rdrrsvlLLE CORRECTED wEEKLI %Vbent Floor, MI, 35 00 Ry e de do 450 Wheat, bush. 110 Rye, do • CO Corn, .do Cate., do 40 Patatne4 ' do 50 TnnothySerd, .4 SO ' Clover do 3 50 MARRIED On th I.9th ult., by Rev. Mr Shultz, Mr. Giorins Lioctottinr,t 0 Milli BM.SINA LINDEMYTM, both of Un ion township. On the 11th ult., by Tiov . Mr. 11etrineler, Mr,Joita ROMA D Goon. 1., MiQO ANNA CHUIOTINA MTEGMEIER, both of :titbit) II:111112ft% On the 2:W ult.. at Aahland. Lanciniter county. by Roy. Levi Butt. 0. D., the lion. WM. STAMM, M . . C.. °Mending, to Mrs. RoCUEL If. ROLL, daugliterof Hon. Edward Davis, of Lancaster coontp. On the 45th ult., by Der, D. K. Drush.Mr. ICK iiINEY. to nu. HANNAH DIMMICK, all of Potts ville. On the ;:lth Wit , by Rev. P. M. Maize. Mr. inolTil KAMTNEII, (1) MI Riarcca ZIMMERMAN, all 01 Polle ville. • . . DEM On the 3,1 1.1., in South Nianhelm township, Mr, JACOB IlAsstsorn,n;e4 :3 years. On the 13th hist, In %Vest Bronowl;. Mr, JOU?. PAUL, In the :8111 year of his age. At Wittiro.pnrt, tycontlncennnty, nn the 15th inst. Miss MA COS 41.thgl.ter of Mr. Jacob Ilinunel, of Pottsville, aged IC: years. Tl . tr u ih ta l z r lo tp: 'S eon rse u n , roitsvinc Aead..toy. on Monday evontaa n*st. SOJeca—Gat vanism. Meru° in etrmit^C:iftn WWI Mrs metiam and Payco . ll - IV. The politic are Invited. THE POTTzWILLg LITER VIIV SOCICTV- 4 - !, W.ll hold WI 11C.%l reghl2r 10.1 II; 01 S:,h.hter's ii 111, on Ned ne...l.ty evening 11,1 a. let. 5111,at .I*- clock. Lertme 1$) the Rev. Mr. S•uhlers—: , uhihet, The riterly of J it,tory. • it 3 11 43 tie :4 75 20 00 J.11f1 . 11. , e I' . Affirrnativo J we R , Ol,liT Negative.—J. E. BALM J. C. C. !Iron By ord. or the i.'ociety. 1). KEMPTON, Seel . . ECM ORDER or• nr,r) MEN—J.:en:al • kill Train. Na. --r - qated meeting+ of the .ii mete are held every rrillay evening at fritter's Hall. Th, member, are requesaed to ho in attendance, as busi :toss of importance will lig - transacted. .• I= a✓} EMIL! I.III'IILRtN V.,' rewire evert , Sabbath morning and rn•n• ing at the (10111 . 6 Or 1.4.0,/lip. Olt the EISGOlitl Lu theran Church, 2.1 St., between Market nod Nora', D. STECK. Pallor. R-"•?, UNIVERSALIST ellUßCll.—elervlces are held In the lid story of Stiehter's Newliall,every inorttive and evening at the non3lkonsie Rev. R. K. 111111111, of f.nzertte Cooa!r, jr"? Tlll2. ASSOC RTC tux (UV CD PRRAIITTR k.r" RIAN Congregation.wo‘shippine in Thonip,ion's new building corner of.Markrt and Second sis ; have moved into the lame upppr Hall of said building, bere relleinuA worship will be conducted every San bath. by Rev. D. T. Carnal, in. Service. to cofamenee al IN o'clock. A. M.. an. 1.31 o'clock. P. M. Seats free. The public are mipectfully invited to attend. c.e} A STATED rneetlnG of Directors or the Mech an les Savw.: food Associa tton of Poner ille, w II he-held at OW house or Joseph Kline, Ccistrc Pirl•ej, 'Monday Dec.'', IhiJ, nt 4 o'clock to receive ditch front the Stockholders, and titirclock to Loan the funds of Die AmbOCFlllull. I'ItOTEST&NT 171 . 1SCOPAI:Pi11111C/1.. ' , S."' —The inlln;Ying Iteso!talon bas been passed by the Ve;try of Tiinity,Church,Pottsyille. Resolved, That lit ronsidaration of the sums contrlbu tent and to hr contributed as donations to the erection and furnishing or the church edlrre; the vestry do hetelty aet apart, and aporopriAle FIFTY Eluirr PEWS, which shall be. and reamitifess for all - persons who may desire to worsit ..1 ip in the Church. Tte, pews are located as followt_; IN TILE CrATRE Al$l.E, North side. No. 111, 119, 127, 135. 1.13. 151, 159. South side, No. 11'2, 1 . 20,_ 1:1 . 1. 130, 111. 152, leo. isszatmatotnma Noi•th side, No. 1,7, 13,19. 25, 31,37, 43, 51„53 51,55 sidp, No. 2, 14, 20. 204 . 112.,- , 39. 44, 50, 52. IN THE SOUTH ,Alzn.ll. nttt sldo, N 0.58, .57,56,80, 74, 60, 85. 92, 99,404,110 orth shit.; No 59, 87, 73, 79, - $5, DI. 97, In, 109. DIVINE SFRVICE is twit! In the Charet, P 4,1 4, S:110 day. • Morning Service enamellers a; 10k t2 ; CifIC I / 4 Afternoon Serrier,eoll.MPllC,l at 4 o'clock.' And even ngserviee. on the Rem Snnd•ty of every month. prflu TRIN ITT (MUM CEMETERY, AT MOUNT LAUREL.—The Ve.rtry of Trinity Church, Potts ville, are now ready to aril burial Into and graves In that large and beautiful pint of ground, near the junction of Market Street and the Minereville Road, whirls they litre lately encloand and luitl nut for aremetcry. Ap Micas ion for lots or tingle gravel rnitY he made In AN DREW RUSSET., Esq.. Treasver of the Church, at whosenffice onMahantonian Steen, a plat, of the G'me• tery C 3,1 be seen, or Edward Owl. [`my, Esc., Centre Street. LOST AND FOUND TRAY COW.—Strayed froin the suberrib, r at Kaska William, near Nliddlenert, a BLACK COW, with a while sp , a in her rrehea.it, and white Mpg, with a piece out of one of her eats, belts een b and 9 old ; n suitable reward will he given 111,1111 her return to the owns, nr mi. - to:W.ln' that will leacto her recur ery c I. 1519. o.4Tv—On the Turnpike road, by the subscriber, L./ on Thursday morning last. between Orwiesbure and Pottsville, or fn the latter place, a small blactrwnl let. containing a unnther of receipts, come due Bills, promkary notes, and Check on the Miners Bank of Pottsville, and nthe• freitruments of writing. together with a rmall sum rif money. An payment of the said papers has been eloped. they are of no uve to'any one. en' NIL the owner. A liberal reward will be paid for said wallet with the papers, he the subscriber, or by loaning it, at the °dice of the Miners' Journal. JOIIN WERNER•• Nov. RI. - 1,41/IVr.—ili Wel:IWO:1y. nif 13,t, i,etly 'en L..rGerkrse street anti ( entreville mines a Letter colt , pining thee... ofs3.ldirected to Mrs ienarala ' Heading. • q't:e tinder mill be snhahly • rewarded he lenvfne. it iat Stiehter & Esterly's Ha:ilnare Store, Centel: Street, Pottsville.- The per.nn - n ho lost the looney iiia s poor man, and cannot afflan in Innae it. Nan. t• . 17•31• Tr wm., TRAY co, c to the premise: of the Q Sobseriher in Branch Townchip i •On tlin It/th ttlt.,.a Red Cove with wimp Cie, Ahe Is abont 'yearn old, hag lone Illtlno and - a Rell on her tier Of. The owner Is relpieeted to come forwar.L. prove , proper , w. pay ch•rzes amt tone her awey, orb. rn tech. Aye yykll 1;e gold pccor4ing to taw . .10EL YAIM I T 47.:tt • MIIIII LTATCHES' CELF.IIRATED CtlF.Mtral. Pow rtler Ihi Raznr Stroor. - unrivalled and oilequalled in the annalo the Noteteenth Century Warranted icy produce n'fine smooth price in one minute, or the num.; oy refunded. Fair rale by the undersitued, at tli T twn-Rall Iron Store. ' July 29, • 31.] (MIGHT Ez POTT. Fo2l. S ALE.—A sirperisr C.%IERA , suitable for , it taktng likenesses, s fer sale el , cll. - 1 BAlfli & ELLIOTT'S seeond ,loor abs V ie 16 Miners' [lank Oct 20, lan . - - 43-tr •!, T, nritiotas, lIESPECTFITOS inarrms th citizens of Pottsville Wand vicinity, that he has remneee his Medical Of dee and Apothecary Store. to the bid stand. formerly 'occupied by Nicholas o Collins. corner of Market and Second sts.. where he will hr d to cive medico advice, and prescribe prescriptions. Ile flatters him self that from lone estieiliavp in the Mimeos and at tention to his pmression, he , will give general setts faction. At the request of (WIMP of the citizens of Minersvilie and surrounding country, he has established a medi cal offtee in that place. where he may be consulted op Tuesday and Friday afternoon of every week, Pei:A..15,1819. 33-tf Boys' and children's ClO Thing. • r E subscriber has on hand it complete Assortment of Clothing, adapted to the season, suited for Boys of three years of age: to young fientlemen of • ixteen An, 'person purchasing Clothing at Min establish ment can have the privilege of returning them If they do not soh. s. Feb .7,-49. - 74yi " • ' '; F, A. HOYT. N 0.201 beenui Bt, below Tenth, Fbliads: I.)ISSOILOTION*The .'n-partneership retnfore existing between Genre. Eleverie totti idatien Mat ter. trading under the Min at Beetle et Nat In the Elitckstnithing businewt. in the nornugh of ljattnejlte, was upOnnlly di . oolveni chi% dith tiny of Nneentbee. 1 4 49. The business will be continued by Geren Bey rile, at the old stand in Second •orrei. r !nat.!. GEORG , C .Ik3lEal MATTER. - 491:1t• I= M I! TIISSOLUTIONotice re hereby riven that the en-pArtnerihip ..xiAlitlz between UI • RV H. STERNER.. tied IIANTE.T. Jr.. Defile! ne.ter the firm of STERNER itr. MIA.. Illarkemlths woe 11,1s eolved by mntnai eminent, nn the , zrd h day of Nnvrm• ber Ist9. Th. tutaln•ae of the la•e firm to be eettted up by Henry/3. Sterner. s , • HENRY IT. STERNER. ItANIF.: HILL. Jr. 49-3 t @MEM TAISSOLIITIo ti—The Partnership berponfore ex between the.. snbscribete in the Traneporta bnainess on the P. ft. &P. IL Read; tinder the firm of J. C. CONRAD & Co.. has been vtissolvell by mutton! ennseni.tn utke eirect fro wthn first (fly of November instant. The bovinevs of thef ate firm will he Fettled by either of the partners, at their respective stations. JOIIN C. CONRAD. J. . BENJAMIN Dc FOREAT, BENJAMIN 'II. fIIII.DIN. 4541 Nor 21,1839 VOTICE—The Annual Myelin: of the Stockhold -1 • era In the Mount Carbon and Putt Carbon nahroid enmpanv. will be held. at the Office of the Company. No. 7 I.lbrury Street. Philedelphla. on Monday the 3d day of December. nt 11 o'clock. A.- M.,,:nt which flair an election for President, 6 Mana gers, Treasurer rand Secretary, to serve the ensuing year, will be herd. a hi. OASIIIPELT., Secretary. Nov 17,1616. W-t 47-3 t I DMINISTO.ATION NOTlCE.—Whereas .Letters of Admtnistratlon on l he estate. of WII.• tiA:ll MORGAN, tlerraxell,late of Nlinen.yitle. have been grunted Jo tile •tibArriber. by the . Register of Schuylkill f.4tnty i ; notice to hetehy.civen to all per. POTIS indehted Cis the raid estate to make payment, nod, those laavine chino. to present them for AOll,l-flews T110A1.13 J. mormix, Administrator. Nov 17, 18 47-31.4 t DMINISTRATION . NOTlCE.—Wtterea, I.ect,, of Adrinkinatinn .1n the estate ort.Gwis EDWARDS. &ceased. kin nt have been granted to the inhacriher.hythe reP,7l , tet Of SChllyikin County, nntice is hereby given in all perinea inilehted to thii sold estate to mote plvninni, and thnse having claims to ricrannt.thrin for sett'enient. TIIOMAS - J MORGAN, Adminintratnr. Nov 17, ISIS,, IMEEN33 FOR 711 E: JOURNAL. l't'd Priebe* pat'd. 300 do do unplr'.l. 173 DeJ Apples, ;med. • 7 5 doz. 12. Hotter, lb, 15 Rican,. OS Ham 10 Hay, ton, 15 00 Plaster. ' • 600 UDITOWS NOTICE.—The endersigned An nwpninled by the Court of Common Pleat of Schuylkill County. to distritmn• the assets amens the credttors of JOSEPH REDKEV, deceased, In the hands of the Tr. tecu tors, agreeably to the account filed by the said Executors, will attend for that purpose at' .the office of Jacob Reed, in t he Borough of rott,ville, on Tuesday, the I Ith day of December. 1549. at 7 o'- clock, P. M.: when and where all poisons interested, can attend if they think proper. • JACOB DEED, Auditor. EZIBEIZEI NTOTICE.—TIIO3IAS POsiTElt k Co., HAVE nnmopVYtheir sloe!: of Boots and Shines to the new store on the corner of Centre and Market Streets. where the burins:s will in fullire bee trroql no upon the rash principle. Thankful to their friends and the public in general (Sr part favors. they hope, by nizna ging their huStness in future gluon the Poly correct ha eis,(vin., cash payments; tn atilt rd to their customers goods neon ouch reasonable terms as will ensure to them n mineral patrnitage tt}P kV UP t—fill persons Indebted to the undersign ed are requested to come forward and Nettle t irk asset as Par new business arrangentsnts will re, ire us t discontinue and urge the prompt V”. 11,111 of inn -tour F,bl7-91 . TIIONIAS FO,l I'ER CO. , V, NA VIGATION C. 1 - 11=—The Schuylkill Navigation Company, ha • somettme ince, it,Airn•d all their Railroad Cars, co • manly known as the Falco. Cars to Henry C l'urlilt, Charles S. Woe!. and Edward T. Randolph. Esqrs.—in trust, Icy eerlain pnepo,n; and possession tinting now hers given, to tildr Al.reint 1:411,4,11 Harris, who will keen then, Cara in 'Repair, and run them. for account of the Truster.. NOTICE. is taataty liven, that MI Hail._ far I • tior, or not,' il:`'lna that fttrillskra to tilt•Le tri.., hr nra ,, ntad fae.itttlcaten to Polly and E. Ilura., ,'cent for the TristPes. ELWOOD II rlltltl O, ' IZIIERMMI VOVICE N.CARA.—Wh.r , w.lh. tl C non Op; +now 71 a ., Yell.. Cars"—hive. nn Been 0101',, lway ( * if - nil the N3vizn tinn I.au tin.., and used in haul Coal for privet' i• hereby &Nen Ih3l the terroinel use 311 the upnin, in hi. bower, to pot -lop In 4tirti t reAp.l.,e,.. And to punish . 11e tr , n, , ,cerp. El/W. MD 11 II M . ” her tie" Trnwee.:, OTICE—rho storrrn.er purrh et... 1 the rn'tUa . - . I lop ttrtlete at n C•ttirtattle's S:tee 'oho Hod::: ers' property, In I Irk+ hmord the same to the same John Ito•lier.t. durlntt !no 01 - nsttre I Satre' !rotor. 1 Gra!, I !tat horse. I Brown • 2 s r , :I ,Setts of Stople,llarnres. : lot or t II true.m. I 10. or ll22rn.ai, 1 102 of tad (;....InT, 2 SaGdte.. Lines nod OrLIIr, 4 Fly Net's, 2 :4,i cutler., t Clip lLts, 1 four II ort.e IV rPon. I one nurse Sorinz , Wrig.o. I I w T i IV Con I Can 11...1y, sell of 11.1. Sleds. 1 tor or L0th . ...r.1 I Sett of Illy Ladders. 3 Wherlhat 1 , 1%V.„: I lot . rCnt 01.01,C, lot or Stuns at the Quarry. all Lai,. • M=l All pt,ionit are liorelit motioned not to inoli.st t:111 property, as it lt,limgg•tii ICiaCt.l.:c E. :stortilAs. Nov 17. 3t. DAY YOUR. LICENSES —PrrsolO knowint! ineingelveg in lehtel fir t.iceniei An' the year nrr here!, tint ill., .0 the Irincl3 of a Janice fir cnnection, nn the I Ith dw or Dec:tuber next. 11F.N.1 1 .111N CHRIST, Trensitr.reuf Scuttyiktill County. Nov 17, ISIS. 17-It LINSEATF.D LANDS—Notice 1 , 4 hereby gire , n to nit (AVI/Yri or Unneaual Ba tier Town. ?leo, Schoylkill Cottony, which are' not in the A.sesvnent list. that 1 will n4,e....1 the sante, upon their informing me of the noother of not, uI enrh tract. and the onto, of the Wan tantee: theri:of. All. Letters poet pang. lAN %C F. I.I.ItFIS. 1, LOESER, titc'y OTICI47..—The annual elertion et the Lorlthrry Pt Creek Railroad Company. v/111 he 110(1 01 Shroud rleinhard's lintel, sa rinettrove, Selthyltfill County; nn Monday, It,. 3d. n^ - 1, to elect for the enAting year, 1 Prt.gident, 8 Manager,. 4 Secretary and 1 Treasurer. By order of the lloatd. .1011 N IiTII.I3II . I 2 LtR. Sec'y. .16-31 Office of the Mount Carbon Railroad • Catopany,73l Walnut et. Philada. j The annnal m-rtlnz• of the Stockholders of Inia C"ll'anY• will he held nt their Othee.in Thtladelphl4, nn Monday. the 3d d'ty- of December •neli. 41' o'- clock; when an el..c.ina for a Pre.tidetit;and S Mana gers, to serve the nn.utine Veit r. will like place. JAME;S C. 40NN!0.1., Set rotary. 46.41 ADA7^T. i N n trra„ Tl o t „ n AT „ the rain,? rif lIE ZP KIAII P, IlYlittS. di.reased, late of Treinont„lSchnlkill Coon - ty.,haelne, been Granted to the tothitt.rilier ret-idinl in sold pia , e—No:ice I, hereby civet. 'ln all !person, in debted to said eclair to make Immediate 1031 . 110,111. and thone • bovine tin tins wlii preeeht ,Inem properly au thenticated for settlement. 'THOMPSON A. Goiwnr.y. Atter. n.cicE is hereby that an app.troonn 11 wilt he made to the L'Aei.datore at ita,next ses.lon far t lie4.nrorpornt ion Of !lank to he ratted the ••Ilank of Prot with a capital of one Inindred and rift thence, d .collar.. for the transaction of the u.on tIOS -1 none of Banks. in lir located in the Beirut:tit of Potts title in the county of Satuyll.lll, In the state of Penn. sylvaniu. ' S,tAIIIT.I. HARTZ, .1, P. WHITNEV. 10115 C. LESSIO. WILLIAM EnAmt roil% . • .7.47. IS i 9 riIAKE NOTICE.--Tlr , Books and arconets .1 FOSTER & 1)1IX, t. log peen 4tssiarted to the sttloterihem nit person.; lrwintt nreounLs open with lien, are to call and Bettie, (hone in debted to nt , die payment only tons or our author rent agent. 13.—A1l nceonnts not settled beforeilin 6r,t of December not, will he lett With a .:itintre far genii. , men!, IrN nngstc.of_ To - ricE imam, - GIVEN, that appqration A tvill be made to the. Leaislatwe, at Its next Session for the incorporation of - a Alank. to be called "Miners' and Mechanic.' Bash of 51iner, , 1110," sc4ll a capiral of two htinlreil thoncand dollats,_to frt located iq the itoronch of Mlnertiville. WM. N. fitIII4IINS T. c ("TIAN, nco. s.JAmEs H. FALLS,. SAM i!EL 11EILNER ions V, 1 4 19, V.7.6n1n MlN==Mai A,Fsn, ,, or ror hotter Township rowanln Spring r. 0., Nov IT, 1818 a;-a CREED Ng,. in, Is:o CISME S. S. J. • 46-tf Nov 10. BO OT/CE,I9 11F.I11.:111' 13 I Y.EN, O i lt an appllea non will 4 ` o 1111 , 1• to the I...cirlstole at its!nett set , Ainst. Int ldw Ineorporation of a Sarin: lostito-.P. tion, to. he .:ri,to the , Poit•tvtlle satlittZ Imututlon." with a ealtifaV of Fifty Thoorttnt 0.11.1,, foi the transletton 1.1'413 , 5. usa,l htisin..ss of Saving 11. ft !to iI - lions. to he 1 , 4 , 4,te Lin the Boron:tit of Pottsvige, it; t he 'County of seiin) ww , nstur.: nAFTA • OF.. SIATER. TI/OS 'C. POLLOCK. .11u!.v. 27-n‘no VOTICE' I,rehy !hr., tlrtl ttp,lientintl will l.e 1, ch n L e ,osimi t ,e Penn”lt — tnirt. at Iltr•W ri t t.tri ra.amn. for .‘ 'ir.ttrtvtll of The Ch ..1 Mtrvtra . Ij3nlit of PnltAvale. in the rounty'of Sc.hq:A-[ {,lll, tvith ittr rartit , rl trio 'lwo hundred ltittutr.rttrl dnli tr 4 in Incu hundred ShA; tlnlllrs. Ely nplernt the • CUAS. 1.. , E..4:r4 Cashier. —Stifcm WANTED, , 0 SCHOOL TEACHERS.—The Dirvetorsi I.r Eant Ban•tint; rtrVll•hip nigr.l. ate. de.siroost • , 1* V1.0..:111Z Three `tale embers. en4olny. winter--Ill" lined will noel .1 the house nr, 101. itaisFh, In nil Ton nehip, mI s.laturday, the 1.1 j)e,,nab,r. - M. 1 WI Inck, P M.. f.r Iho lourpoie of miceriiinien , the gn ilificalinin or apolicantl. By order or am !loin!, CIiARLF,3 FOCIIT, Sze} , 47.3 t• ; Nnv 11, 1819 DP A RIMING —‘ll4l. a P.ROGRSON. t, nr , nar-1 1/ ad to al.:wt. - Idles or Genitenien as Boar_ Elvis; Residence In MananianP , Nov 17, ISM 47.3 t fro Tif.ITCtlEaS —WANTED— 2nr 3UO Itu{{Cher nides. which will be Laken in Int; et 25 nr upwarrlel Aildteree , a. It. PAXTON, enitawiene. Oct 261 la4a. ' • 43-71• VASTLY 13113LE5.-100 Family Mblex, raw- I price ciorrill,so to'd3o, received and for Bair, at ItANNAN'S Sept. I. 30-1' Cheap Mink and Variety Atoms. BIBLES AND PRAYER !BOOKS VERY LOW.-2100 Bibles and, Prayer Books in almol every Style of binding, cheiper by 23 or 30 per seta tbanlhey can be purchased irr Philadelphia. riplendil CiltEdged Family Bibles ta only 84, at BAN N AN' xi Cheep Book .Itores OR SALE & TO LET. F°R rwsr.—Ttle House in lilnrOx' Addition. lateljoeetipted by the sutrxeriber x the Horne it ."_..., i i ndr; a t r r a ixte order, w ith a stable nt the rear of / '''4,, , ::' Also. A Hoorn in the basement of the .I ' Fenttxyleania Halt, rentable (or a Barbee Shop. the Room is bitted up in go..d order, hod has the Goa intredoted. For teems apply to 1,51. G. JOHNSON. rene,xylvonia Ilall, Pottsv 49 4lille: Deal. 1,19 `OR REST—A Lark STORE HOUSE. on 1, Mauch Chun *Lteet. and COllVfnieDt tO the Rtail oad or CAttal, will Iw...rented mail the lst of April next; Or longer if Prtitlir , 4, Uppll (Pi Ennable irons. Tile buntline. is 400 by 30. two ottqlei and caloil.ard for ei. , rine, Hay, Grain, Flour. Fred, Application made to E. YARDLEY'k SON 4741 Nov 17.1b43 FOR SALE...VALUABLE PROPER TY: in Ninersviliu.—Th. store now occupied into by•ti. O. Ilaokin, Is offered fur sale.— - For terms app!) , to GEORGV J. BEIM Jr. SiMt 29 . 1819-40 4 11 , FOl4 SALE—AiI that tortain , two storied stone Tavern standAtiown as the VALLEY 11 1) TEIL. . situate on Vrilley.mreot,-in the town of Pat terson, In tho l'Ounty or :3chuytkui •,: eon : ;dining in front lid feet, and in depth:oQ ft.„ mac •mdistont from the Schuylkill Valley Railroad 200 yards,*at which point the Cars- stop 4 times daily. Also, 4 other lots of ground, each containing till feet In front, and 200 feet - iv depth, situate. also, in said town of Patterson. The property will be sold iheap ; terms easy. Apply to D. E: NICE. Eig . at his Office, Pottsville, or to MICHAEL. cocunxN, " , - Sept. I: 1519. " 39-tf UOR 5A.46 1 ..F1RE ENGISE.—The Good latent r Fire enniptily Engine for nate at a reasonable price, which ran he veen at their Home la sth ntreet, between Market and Norvregiin. Fot fur ther partleulare apply to F..McDONALD. 0. D. JENIINS, ' B. MILLER, Committee. • Aug, 11,1519. t 53-11. ._ - -- - U , Oll. S A LE.—TIIC SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR 2 Sale the precerty now occupied by him in West . )_t ji „ Branch Valley, four miles front Pottsville, ITiff, and one and it half miles from Schuylkill Un i,ti ; ' veil; comasting of five and a half acreSuf land well laid out as a garden nod fruit arch ord. A two story frame brace, 24 140 feet, with a eel• tar under the whole, kitchen in the cellar. Immediate peassession given. Partof the purchase money can re main on Bond end Mortgage if ,Islrrd. For terms ap. ply to the subscrther,at hisoffice IR West Brunch Valley. Match In. I 1-tf 1 . 8., Au FOREST. FOR RALF. OR .RENT:.- 7 p01,11 - CARBON BT6AM 'MILL—The sobscriboirftiffers his Steam Mill, located in Port Cor bon—foi taV or 'rent. taid Mill is located in one of the beat situdtiorni in. this Re gion fur bueineft, being the untY ont-it . n, the eastern section of the Coal Region. It Pi in - gropil condition, and pos4ession will be given immediately if reqiiired. Terms easy. Apply to L. F. ‘VIIITN EY, - Port Carnon, March 10111,1849. , 1 , 13 RENT— FARM of WO acres I. Owe:hog House, near Mot, itt C.,rbmt. Apply to . J. 11. CAMPBELL. Agent. 31-ti July '25, 3,:,-19 s - [AA c PROFER : IY FOR P SALE —THE SULISCIIIBER offers at private sale the following properly, tlt One 00 Mon, Engine. with 400 feet of nlittt Inch Nano, in first rate 14 ort,lng order. - • One 411tIlorso Engine, nlth 240 feet of nine Inch Pumps, with winding gem ring all routplele, In 'goad northilt nrtier- Oae 20 Mon, Engine for linitaing Coal (root Mines, in V/011 sent kind "rth•K • (Pr., In ll,)rse Itreakint Engine, with Roller, Stitat tog, Bermes, St-tittles, and ali the fi*tufes necessixry to do a Inisinens of IttnOtim.i a week. • . AIYII SU large Railroad Cars. with , beavy heels. and thine to It attels, these Curie:Tura well•outt ed cur any of our surrounding Rourk where . - liaise power in used. The above Engines were ell tnantit.ituKed by Hay -0.001.1 47. Rey r, and ore ConSideroll dinll4 the very . . . et ever wade by bald parties, . lati.l3, 3-tf] i GEri. 11;1' trTS OR SALE AND TO Lola in Mount rarlion, Lew:2414.1 W(111(i. and Lynn , . Ii \.tru'•'L'i.m 94.. Polio:1,111r, and Alidi a °are Ii 51iirrie „ t Apoly to .JAS, 11: CAII'I'ULLL, ni April '4,. fit SALE—Tt i - 631MoDlous DwELLING 1!::rl irow A: , 1 n. ,„ t t • ,, L , ;.. t. P. 1 1 , ?..:. t -L. , ,. 1;, 1 ? ,: :. Nl,Liket et. ,11 21. I t rt Ala k 41 , 1 Fe . tau • viz- I - Ste •t. • -I • Pt TIO„ 1 , 43 ET on lease•. To Mtn 'applicant/, all the ' j .-I.mging to the N."Atheriran Coal Co.• / sown, as, Fe 31111i:reek Tract, costa Inthg the l o w.fo A ~11,4 of Gal VeillS, many Of which,—amongMhers, ins Phitett )1i tau VeinP—havine a range °foyer a se .;'''," : milt -In length, viz- Levrts, spotlit. Ii.trrOCIPUCh, • " Pearson, Clarkson. Ste •enson, Little Tracey. Peach E N ar ,"• Mountain Veins. art4n I rkt,r Itavensdale Nein, Per- mr pendicular. Diamond, and Dig Dimnond Neina, along . with many others not 'tanned. 1 Ca limn Al3O, all I hat tenet called I•l3e.P.:nr . tinn Tule' , beln”g inn moths said Company•contaittine the Salem. Forrest, lt.tbbitllole. Mortimer. Tonne!. Mash Mine, Ip. Law ton and Alfred Lawton Wltts. 1:so, a Saw Mi and Grist Mill,ltuated on the Mill Creek Trart.all ofwhlch will be rented on moderate terms by 3144)1m: to DAVID CII:LLAS, Ag't. PottsvOle. Felt3l. • 29 ,AL LO.. ,ANGE: SIMIII L VINCI?, BAN I the Orphan.' C.:amt..' £100,(I d ((radii tiiitplh In, Murray, I.: IN:drama of the t—J. Ellintsnri , ilhouee, EFda . Egg. lIILADELPIIIA,I, t C Biddle; ~ ta Ft.lidr. ! Gurley, owing are anil wino:— out. :.„ . rm hire of a 111 ic/rituttl Ilion of prern,l .:ii ed to he,assnred pa •tmen The pay the gut alert , by parli., Ifit 3 I ridini additional elt.i ter sire in/ liberal. Jr Inn:: tIO mt.: • half a tor TEwv.:Litic.—.% Ilr i„ , ;, al.:0mo .A .re th.• latest _,..,_ ~, , 5 ,,,,„,„ priv, ,, ,, r •RI ..."'"" el .lylra of J-w.dry • Nile) al Fsirqq..l4.• ~:t 11Z, . their ow -or 1,, nod Ilrea•t Piir• Itra-eieri, Firmer Itutd,t, Watch Hunks. 1 ~,,I, „,,, ~ ~.,,:. ~... &c:, siii dd.. fur (Ili, ism as and New Year presents, I ,„4 ~,,',,,,,, , `,..,.,,';; ,I In be, had. lox, at t -dvaltal le al yi tu t !aims (. 1 oi arty St r x . , s alto 1?1 a fhical I , % Ar,h li forfnittlf r , tatlfts livll. ,lie Sr kll , help: f 1 , ,k Di nciple, partit MISCELLANEOUS. El 'BRADY' ¢ Ci,Liovirs 49- ptc 1,1,1 U ila ta.‘l,;;;ltlelli °Wit Engllsh do; L ev ,„, I 1 .1,1r.0 •t: C. For pale low at rai l I 1111.1 D V & ELLIOTTS, Dee I. IS 19. St( .. . i , lICUNT Elt FELT DETEC I OILS, contain. o , the stneiety ;.. two l_. , hie the tale-t hatch ;of ulteri , il and irandulent di uo dad m mong Hint. 3' Notes tscned. Just received sad for Nile it a_ ' t .i nCO . ortHed J.). .f HANNAN'S S•rao s who are des honk • Chimp mk and Stationary 4,inre3. d Bee . 1. 10.49. . 49- In Ayer 1, F. . K. Slat _ ea ' kthtn n the reptiii TIVNCERItArtiT HA N — B NOTE.; —The Noteig of ry mtp,,,. k, e ty,,,,i„ . , t.l the dabs bury (lunk, Mar) land, Walter Joy Bank, s.l„t u y i n t,,,,,,,,i 0n , Buffalo. Jan.,' Bank, and Merchants Hank, Cananda- be MIMI vita[ the °hit ea. New York, are redemneLeat the usual gates of Mt ; Pren lams eon be dwcount by inc 3 ), 1917. .1. P. stignwiN,Euthange 4roke7 , nee I, IC19: ' 49 -It• 41;031E:Tins° run Tat; LADlFlrisaelect as sort:new. of IloMous Flower Roots ; enropriAnt., W1111110:I of 11, is:MITI-NOG, Tulip, Crocas. ;tumulus. and Anenionie Roots, selected from the collection eVIT IIIII•orlea. hirl, embraced see d oral hundred varieties. The Hyacinths ore suitable • for forting into early Worm, In lints and klasses ; fur sale at Seed and Flower Stoma. ?icy In. if.'lo. i• _ DACIEGAMON BOARDS-,t line assortment j.) very t,he tp jeer received and foisAle ItANNAN'S Cheap Stationary Stores. Nov. 21. (SIC. -18- UNGLISII PAPER, CHEAP—A lot or sups tm - r. riot erenni Colored English laid Pos:—elan, Eng. all Bah laid Feol'e . raP• a sutler. , ,uncle for Lawyers aid die t 4 citEenere,j , e4 received and for VIII' eery cheap. at llf . B. IiANNAYS'S for Cheap Paper and Stationary Stores. 45- . , °Pi Nov 31.1 9 LIO7tdOPES.—Z.O.OO9 Env.'dopes of various ' i lIE Nranasers of re are' 1 in the mill Ili kinds and utialiiiesjust received and for idle, on the 27th Deeeirdi wholesale and retad, at , lIANNAN's3 ~.,, Sept 29 IBl9j Cheap Siaiinuary glom /co pa 3 . ,appropriat , lige , e ou r. rued prior to ~ --c Ilik : 131" JUIIP.E:r.S.-5- fresh sopply of 'Baby ell ' . -r"' the whole V Jonthers, also India Rubber Bands, far in., just received and for saleat HANNAN:3' l ; I :i 1 ulli . re iv I b entitled to II ;5, 1 419, 150, , _ ,_ Cheap Varier y Stored m air, on addition CARPETINGLA liandSonie assortment of In . ! , r 4 , 1 00, will be paid grain, Vr4sitiiiniiiiii Doinegrie ( * .mete, jar? renew- . in. tea orate Noon ad add for sale by J. M. BEvrry & c o , ' the t 0 - re issued in Or /6 50 on every ii IUNLOP'S DIGEST, Of the laws of irons I- vi I b snatledto IJ sania ; iiecond edillu, hillillior• the lows up t" riO I I atahe - pron or b the present tiine.,p`rke .37. Ju't pubhslied , and for ,„, , ~ 0 , ..„,,,,,, sale r 4 IIANNAN'zi he Bonn. 10111 1 - Cheap Law and Miscellaneous liaol,it,nres, bo ks eii•lcirse on ,i.. 5, ' 35-] - - yott.Lvitte. I `la lire. de:el s . . j)Tinn N PS. il L . :CI:ER*6' Farina f,.r Puddings, a / t d , l , li l'ri I new arligid magi] approved in New York and Pnila- 'i '''' a• delphia, for sale by J. M. BEATTY k Co: , Nov. 3, !SW. ' I i • 45- MSS r939E.ESIF.-4.000 lbs. Choice Dairy Chee9c.just re«ceived;yh J. M. BECITY & Cu. Nov 3. 15L9, 95- L , APSAGO CIIE r ESE.—Foy salobY $.3 riept J. 111 ; :vrry .4 Nos 1; and North 40{-8.., PhilhAta: IT, PA SAL-1.1—C04.1 dkeap fur,cas.S. 12 An, 25,. 3:1411 W. A.. ! • t . - pE s lIARDWARE.—A rompkte non of fluffdrrs,.:s.lddlerA, Make's, and 1100%,•-ketopttri. 11. rd ware at rednr,l pro rs. Jety 24. :11-1 1$1111;11T d POTT o u G $ lIAWL S.—A ,intud,iow c aKenrl 1 wont of Muck lung and s.oarc :511awle, fea Pale by I at 412. AT 11' A:. Co. El=3l Jip apd pi M Nt'Kraal .411‘1), \ I MON. 11C(1111:\ r,, .1. PA OMER :S:. , r Morkei Si ti:et hair. puny. 11.0 IS .IND :IDES. I ' PIIILADEL T "3114)1 1.1)1.:I1s; I-112U AV tI cirEgsr.. j sop!. '.lO. ‘,2II,I.E.SPEARE—No 1, or ziarnjOin .1. a int relit lon Shaiomicat'a Dramatic iiiirodounry ponlrka and now,: slikri dilly illUStr.lird, by bat, oe,letipavind,. for .ialr at IIANNAN'S sz e p, 1 1 )_] Cheap nook and Varicly &ores. IRON, &C. JII.NIII. BOILER 1.120.. N.. TONS acortrd holler iron, Nos. 3, 1 and S cr U.) widrnsof2s.l2, and 35inchee and random leinft“‘ A... G. RALSTON. 4. South Front at. Pktiada. II:1ANS FOIL MINEs.--Thectibactßaerclince (I jam received from the ship Elizabeth. # and !Inc t if Best Itrat English Cholas, made expressly for Mine, and for sale: Apply to T. GEOR.O6, apnlin 171 Market and I`2lliiqlects.i•hilada 11,1. tl4- & i n nO .idrou LC.ON TOTUNSFIot R .. It b f 50 do lixi do - F do do 15 dote:l 2 1 1 .11 d d o o d i n o wP"PRU I And Pla,l'pr ',ninny A. & O. RALSTON, Ph ilada ~ July 11, 12.48 LAcKsiurruiNO, wion.taNG AND B -Tbe ouhscilbee ecnpeetfully announces that he han commenced the above tinctures at the corner of Mauch Chunk and Coat Stleets, Pottsville. Pa. and trill be lianUy to receive hrders: JOHN WARNXII N. B.—Cone-cocky. oil cups, and Mb globes OD band nd (ornate , •[July U. • :DEALERS IN T PPO R ,170ItN 'T O Ifn Ci e r c ra. Nn,7 marertnlte St., and No. 7 Willow Street. Ptalladerphka WILLIAM DIMMER. liE/lIT flaamaa N. 13.—The highest price paid for Wool and Bheep Saint. .Nov 10. ISM. TOCTOR 1) PHYSIC most of Hie n• CenTre Aprll 2%, :61 LUESELER, 110MCEOPATUIC AN, 12,innved his Office to the upper- Nick bonding!, opposite the Post treet. Potimille•' - TAIL 11.11 C PAP IIOMX.PATIIIC MED- I/ !CAL OFFlCE.Cornerof :Wand Market Al. NIP.- sue Thnmpsnj's MIL Pottsville. Pa. Residence Cor ner of Pall° hill and 3,1 St., opposite the Prima l's Methodist Math., Jan. trj, ISI? EPUT, elm - Reim Dentist, Offir-e-r (\o.11) dtde,)-Fint door abovp fe Office, IAR: 1J Market • Scinirr Wilan Mu. 5,15191 AIIIVE L.) Pottsville, Areneses. Pu: Schuylkfil Co: site the Tow: Oct 181! If A LITZ...JUSTICE or Till Pk Will attend promptly in Collect Close and Sale of Real Estate. & Int,. Pa; Mice In Centre Street, Hall. SIIIPPE3.4 ATTORNEY LLOR at Law. Pbiladelpbta;witl land all other legal brumes/41a th ,Itt, adjoining Counties and eliew Prune sleet, Philadelphia. ft LIDWAIT. COONS • to collections or Philailelp Office hill. I Ang.l2, I JD. 111 . Ventre Agent for th !colon of R e Oct. IS, IS ;REDlTll,—General /teener 1 tteet, Pottsville, Schuylkill C,,ee sale and purchase of Real Rota ts,.dte. CABE, ATTORNEY AT LAW office in Pine G . magna Sept 22. I DUETS, co:01ISSION MERCI ) Walt Street. (Manhattan Rant Ir,rk. VrLiberal rash advances 1 red. ai l LOS/. 37-3 HII : T . No 4 logea NeW Coal, if requ Septa 8, IP CUL LAW. Long. Sloe Sept I, HI 9 W. lIEGINS, ATTOffN Has removed nix office next t • Store, Cent' e street. 9. D CL ARKSON, DESIONE R ON WOO , Nu. SOlWalnu FDWA CHAV I'l tnd,lphi) Atizit.t 4. JB. AP : . rciaqua Jane 9. I, I EZ OTECT lauaro 31titt North Row Ti r Da Olfic Phil MI hil othi, prop,. r dam tUNE ale le an r sp •0141 p '\ LAND Ilfttndl am I Boat heost n INCE. ty in Town ae by fire II IN RAN Frelela , as t. TRAN,PO I and :Ream • eral term, I t -.)- DI Seal. ad A. Saud C. Doris. ht Burma. It. Pe nrose Itel Edward G. helper, red Dollin g It. Davie, I.lain Folwctl Netelln. . Mon i lan. Eyre. J Morgan. Jo e I Edit, Joh, 114th Jnh Sam Gen .l ICFATID I esu a am #. CA: m rtt.ll 6 , A ,ri t my I Col 10 EMI ( tom Oen 1 null In h h 1 in • FI cinAn NU T 1 kNI T ' Q 1. NJ MIN 11NY 'M • ./ S. CARP& i:lnsurance do mente, ands X. tes foo• lies For 1 year 4fl O l 9 4 50 I 9d CO 935 • r••• •—A nem Say no. the t. clams: o heirs .100, • ilO 0 secur, t0. , 1 (or 7 years ; ; I,ln 7 3•ears• or !I rnehleS for 1165 50they smolt ye r. it owl P . P. )curs, l I-Tneettliseritter I ove InOttutien, r Jett, at the public eta, deo the stittj I P .anvillepeb.te IBC= rim: - INSURANCE COMPANY P 85J.4 8 g 5. Plll A. 01, Citernot atre,q, pear Fifth siren !• VIREPTORS, Ctn. rtes N.l3ap ker, penree W. Rlcharda, "rum.. Ilart• i iforderat D. Letma.: • Totias Wagn r, , I A delphe Eidlorie, -• ' • Sinitic! Grant, ' ' .11 avid S. Brown, ' inch R. Amt( ,1 , .MOITIS Patterson COT timio to ake tnattannee, permanent sir limited •1 PS cry 'dekr, Seri 'nf property, in town and country' 0,11, on lOW • a Ili cnitrirtent with eeeorlty. o •Icr. No .1 Th t: spanli Ind tr hn II u'( v re! e I. ttronll Th • a Os 0 I ihy beg -h. re II • ,s, viz.: eal E. In tr, rn .rary I ;ins; Sirre thelrt t have pal. raled dolled ,Inc-. of th . o hitily ndd Alc fabll'llcs. ti .1 Th cubserii abov mak insuranc 'tie I weal rat 1, Pot teal/4%11j erthili t i SA I roof Mount, Sc uylkill tat of Penn 4; we to witi-1 ten eby late lilt r.noxill et yl to vaeaut ee 14Sperelt, ow surveyed t Spaniel 115..0'400v 'nn• red nth f a v pen cent. autnr nt r. dadelphin outptrom via F , ARTS hook that hp. A'n sale, at 15. 18. • 7 - 1 1 a Leather, • 46.6mn MEI EMI Crl NALLY, Schuylkill IME2 • NCE. Turnaivi- !YOURSELVES al 'Safety Insurance It of the Exchange, Company bird St.. kids , and ti against Yes els. Ider open I Blinding*, Morehar land Country, recur. the lowest rate of B.—They 4141, insur' ,rOgn or ClMllWirle 1.1 e assured may desi ; uTATION.—They d ,ny Wagons, Rail oats, 011 rivers arr,, a Insure ad Cars. I.4en, on, ZCTORS I 1 James C. Hatit. er: Theophilus Pa H. Jones Woo Henry Sloan, , I Hugh Craig. , I George Serrill Spencer Melia on, Charles Kelly J. G. Johnson Witham Hay. 1 Dr. S. Thorns , I ~John Sellers, . I - J. T. Morgan, 1 Wm Bagale 1.1.1431 MARTIN, a , Secreiary. Y been appointed A v ptepared to mak I toperiy. on the L I ollAi . odic,. Mors . /:et Stree., Potn.vi , , 1 A. M. MAC [ -- r A' /ilding s, =MI Fty sot.. cutler Irayo tinny, 15 nn ription, of G. II ausr in Mar, lent for he Insurance ~nit liberil a' Addittan, loNAID 146.1 Y ttf FUND LIFE AS SU. lETV OF LONDON. .K For t he Benotil of the Widow --k.mpnwered Ay Art of Par- Ono nr 81,:tettinU-11,..ides a re- I JS Premiums) of Olen! 31n5,00. George *tree, Itanorer Collft of Director,. In London , M.,12 ,P.R. S. .dettlerr , .W F. It. A., S. Secritary—F ,110.110 OF REFERENCE. W.l fern . 11 BJlnnsu 1c George It Graham,. Wrliiam Jones. l ong the. advantages offer ed h lice capital, In ndditiri' to the loom The peculiar beniht se Y the principle of the loin de it of premiums half yearly, a isured for whole be.] in of life. at. dirge The travelling leave ex-, ermins insured for lA, ran a . , 1 rum of annual preinhim, and . or.. live successive years,. on ~ oil of pettier. Part of the Capt. red in the I:united Elates, in t ie Local Directors, an Trustees the assured In races of dilmted ch arise) or otherwise. Thiity lilpayinent of premium becomes of policy. No charge for medi- order , on the Mntual and Joint he] may pertieipate In .the profits ltblrd4 of which are annually !lured for life-on the punkin, broys to avail themselves of the plod Institutinn, by addressing No. 22. South at, Baltimore e; information and the neeessa an insurance. .Ith regard to this Cnmpany can n of the Miners' Jourttl,where, *aid and Insurances effected. 21-1 v LIFE ASSVRANCE UST COMPANY OF PIIILA Chesnut Street. As% Acent for Schuylkill Co. "rrElt, M.D. Medical Examiner. Lives,crant Annuities and En :seise and execute trusts. 1 H - off COO aka eingle life. , For 7 years. For Lire I / annually. annually 005 177, 136- 93 2 30 20 :1 .. 2 17. 0 460 111 3 4'01- 700 . . -- , n aged 30 years next birth-day. would secure to his fa, laid he dlt,in one yea i ; or fox • limn - 01000; or for $l3 60 annul, et - ures to them 611000 should he 0623 GO paid annually during hem 01000 whenever he dies, L Xeeeive .6000 should he di In: ;{ I, il . - i - AXt, ARV '20,1815. his Company, at a meeting hel4 i { ult., agreeably to tile dealgq 41 proxpectue or circular of the t d a llrinuxor addltiontn all polit Or life, I'4m:tilling in force, ihB the Ist.ofJanuary, 1812. Those rilih wete issued in the year 1836, er cent upon the sum Insured $lOO an every $lOOO. That It Vhim the policy becomes a claim t'leinally insured. Those policies 1837 wj.il be entitle; to diper cenV 41i0,X). And those issecti in 1659, 71 per curt,or ;el§ op• every 100, rtioNt on ail fri;d policies (sued en, ISM e. credited to each pnlory on the ridiebiation at the Office. _ the Company. to continue to make ol !lie policies for life at stated' B. W.RICIIAIIDS, President. 1 Aetna ry . r hes been appointed Agent forth: nil is prepared effect Insurances ed rates, and give an V•nformatlor .Ct, oil application at thls; 1,1 BENJAMIN BANNAN; N.?EIijNITY. haie reeferved d large Cnntineeni , - •itit their Capital and Pretntunmaafoli ample protection to the nattnrod. • the union:my nn January OM as ably l'te , an nal. of Alliktild..l7, 70.'he f?‘ I. , ;11,55P Marta, 51,563 RS 10.4,t15,1 90 • Cash, &C.. 1125,459 00 *1,220,092 69 - corpnration. n period of eighteen year., nmeards of oar million rtes ;med.,/ a, Intises by Are, thereby affording eel tivaninges of tosurnnee, en welt as 095 .rtisitit.ll to meet with promptness, tsll 11/11.1.E8 N. BA NCKER. Prealderi}. a 01 1 / 4 10,E8 0. EI4'..iO4ER, SicremY. 2i has heap :appointed agent for the ed institution..and is now prepared to ..,onevery descriptinn of property. at a 1 ANDREW .11119SEL. Agent. mill% 184145 -•-- • 1,P0b19- IE.w.IAT I'aIVATIC SALE, All that iact Or parcel of land. eitdaied on the In, .In Lower Mapantnoge cownsblp, ,ounty. (formerly Corks cpuoty,) in the {Ylania. bounded and destribed as fol.' 1 o • AEA eif,Onjo; at a marked white oak tree i 'scant lands; now ettryeied In Jacoll sty-Ojee perches:too whjteoak; thence ia;i,now antarysd to George Wrrnee. 'to a stone; tbcocchy isle Tacantland Leonard I, kouthslsty-Ave Fetch ! oak ; thencd east 140 perches, to the log,' containing flfty-flve acres and one y-txvo perches Orland and allowance tot r °Ad a ; Ik i • I F 7 °UN G. BRENNER, eat's* e state. 4.... Market st. Ptdlada. September JO. 1319 ' as. .4.Nr! yfOMES. by M:s. Ellie; a bind be read by every one in thiccom ler edition pat FAI ablisbed, received an/ DaNNAN' • t.-* Cana and Variety Store. STEat, Dealer; In Soots andrinoes and Shot - Findingo, Centre S. Collo .. ItieptlB MT. ; - - TIF: pl./6 Able P tb. resld blurs P3Yu' Thre @eve Fift. Fi% riptt .ACE CtlOud, !C, In •PPon ANI ttend Cay I °Mc. 7, Pa. a, col. IMO iE 11 Z i ) -1 ;.7 LIM