4 11itter5' 3ottrual. Saturday Morulti. Octobrr THE PROTECTIVE POLTCY.-TITF. FEOPL£ DEMAND rrs F. z AMERICAti ATT UNION This dm:103111ns institution:for the Encouragement of the Arts and Anieriesn Artiste, the Income of which ,was eighty.thoturand &Sari last year; has Just erect ed no additional Gallery for the Exhibition of Works of Art, 100 . feet long by 45 feet wide. The property they hold is very valhable, and constantly Increasing In value, and suhshlbers to the Malan, are all joint proprietors In this property, which, If the Association should be diSsolud r , would be divided among the membersof the same. The Distribution will take place on the 21st of De. eember next. The engraving 'for this 'resent year, will be " copied from Cole's celebrated "Voyage of Life," and a volume of Etchings. Subscriptions $5, for which anbscribers will receive " As—a volume of Meting,. illus trating Sleepy hollow, and the chance of drawing an Engraving or Painting worth from $lO to 31000. The kssociation have already purchased upwards of 300 Ages - for distribution. ' Subscriptions received, nod any Information given by calling an the subscriber. B. HANNAN, Honorary Secretary for Schuylkill County: rat iNSURANCE. Every man who loves his family', Pugin to get his life insured. Every person engaged in business, Rav ing others depending upon him, which would require some time to settle up,naght to get his life Insured even f in good circumkt antes. Every person engagedln the Coal Business ought to get his life Insured, or any Other hazardous business in the Coal Region. Every persnn who depends upon a Salary ought to get his life Insured. The Professional man with a family ought to gra his life insured. There are few but who could save a small sum annually to Insure their time; which, if not mrested in this way, would be spent perhaps in trifles, and their families lei''. the cold charities of the world. There is, perbaps„noth lag that Creates so severe a pang on the death-bed, 33 being compelled to leave those whnm you lore, and penlcularly a wife and children, destitute. Life Insurance is becoming Jun as common In this eointry as Fire insurance. Wives, persuade your husbands—you can save enough in your household affairs to pay the annual premium without feeling it. and youare the most Interested In the subject. You can InSure the lives of your husbands. for your own benefit, and the . amount cannot be touched by their creditors. in case of their de oth. Any . informatlon on due subject can be obtained of B. BANNAN, At the Office of the: Miners' Journal. Tax Ltyrca Fop-gang of Locofocoiarn and Low Wages," both German and English, have been•credking away at Its fir the last two week!. Lei them crick away; we Ca'Cl stand all their shots -tindamila at their impotence. - Loeoroco Pninerscse.—Two weeks ago, in speaking of the result of the election, we stated that the Locofoccs -Pfdirock all for the prin. oiplcs of the party." This their papers consider 'rather complimentary. It may be so; but we .meglected to explain in what their rinciples con. mist—and we know of no better definition than the one given by the Hon. Mse. Calhoun, a' mem ber of their party, who knows them well, ar 11 who declared on the floor of Congress that "the party had abandoned every principle of democracy, and were 'only held together by the coheeire power of plunder." This is their great and leading prin. ciplt, and in order to enjoy it, the experience of the pople know that they would barter away our industry, end spread ruiw and desolation over the country PROTECTION. —Are our friends in Schuylkill county at work circultving and signing petitmns, irking for the restoration of the Protective The time, when Congress shsil . almost here i s and it is c.Lir desires should be made kne, t.: !• t Repgeeentalives knOw thy; *food. A number of poll: have been received at lii3 ,111,e.; .but before we send thefts on to Washington, we should like a number more, that we may be able to make a lasting impression. We have yet on hand, blank, petitiona which can be had by those favors. bly to the measure, by calling for them at this office. Let:Mach be accomplished in the space that intervenes, and we may yet be instrurnentat In aiding to erase from the Statute Books of the country the odi,icts British free trade locofoco tariff of 1846. , IsILTIONIL proriety of National Thanksgivings, is strongly urged by 4:ranyofinar cotemporaries, and we trusi their el forts in r e behalf will be properly appreciated by The President. As a nation, we have been high ly favorij—v e haro received much foi which we should bo thankful; it is true we have had our difficultiee during the past year; but comparative ly speaking, they girl!, es nothing,,and while tte people of some portions of the world have been compelled .to raise their voices • to Heaven for bread • been excited by nal die- , pa. Jiving to causes known to every one, we have nothing to complain OE—Thie being the rase, is it not pro. per that we should render thanks to Him who is the author doll that is good .! StNATORIAL VOTH.—The following is the offi. Mal vote for Senator in, the District composed of the 'Counties of Schuylkill„ Carbon, /Conroe and Pike: , • Prelim a.,.) Wheeler, (W.) 3.7E8 _ 8.537 701 554 1,188 225 621 08 Schuylkill, Carbon, 14onroP, Pike, 6,276 4,411 Freiley's mej. 1,862 votes. Mr.lrish, the Independent Democratic Candi date receivrd 212 votes in the district. Tar. Foxe!' rici:c . rx..--Thia matter 'J3as been peaceably concluded, notwithstanding - the warlike predictio. of certain blustering Wash ington correspondents. The governthent of France bee appointed M. Bois Le edmpt to succeed M• Poussin, as Minister Plenipotentiary 'at Washing. lon. Poussin'S conduct towards oar government 'is entirely disavowed by France. The.deciare actimt of our gov'ernment in this matter, cannot f3e too highlytommmended. ft stands nobly vin dicates' from the impertinence of a foreign minis /AT, ac well no the assaults of the Locoloco press. Cl/VHCII Sratersitics.—Among some church wtatisties contained in the Washington correspon— denccof Iktimore Sim, with regard to some of the principal denomications in the U, States, we find the following:—Boson Catholic, 1,000 ministers, - 1,153,300 members; Methodist Epie• "pat 3,872 ministers, 645,657 members; Nebo• dist Booth, 1,581 . minister., 491 780 Protestant and others, 83,000 memh'•rse 13 - t;:; ,, t, (licer), 4,05 . 0 ministers, 667 7L, Ls: - VTR' ; Cembellttes,.l,ooo ministers, Free W4ll, 1,976 Presbyterian, 0.F., 1,86.. members; New School, 1.453 min:awes, 139,- 047 members; Cumberland, 350 ministers, 50,• odo members; other., 619 ministers,' 99,140 • members; Protestant Epiteopal, 1,373 ministers, - 7 0 ,099 members ; Lutheran,, 1,497 ministers, 163,000 members_ DEILAWAIIt Cirr 14.Tx.--Rumore hiving been circulated to the prejudice of this institution, some gentleman publish a card announcing them e:ores es the •'owners of nine•tto the of the stock,' and guarantying that the °notes in circulation will be paid in gold and silver," .on prfaentatiop al the benleiog.boase. COUNTRY AND CITY PRESS. - - A few weeks since, the Philadelphia Sun made navery oogentlemacly and'uncalled for attack open Ersa , , of the W estebesterßecord, who II ?Ted by bis friends for one of the European r:l,z p 6 ; and admitting that (miss "first rate cv.r.irr t•ditor," the Sum says he is imfit for the Ev;on ;o which he expires. Our Surprise at this singular course, had hardly subsi ded, when we observed another attack, by the paper, upon one of the leading mere is the State —the Harrisburg Telegraph, for its alleged MOB ciency in the late campaign. Now, It is a fact well known to every Whig in the State, that the Tele graph is one of the best—if not the best—political paper in Pennsylvania; and such charges, coming as they do, from one who has just emerged from the counitY, but is none the worse for that, 'and who, notwithstanding beholds an came onder.the Presi dent, worth 01000 per annum, without performing any service whatever, opposed the regular nominations of the Whig party, in the city, and through his instrumentality, the defeat of a portion of the Wbig Ticket was caused, T a lk about efficiency when such facts arise to expose your inconsistency! "Country editors" know how to take care of themselves, and conduct their own buriness, without theiuterference and dictation of the city Press. ' We shell never' submit to the dictatorial, narrow.minded, and Contracted course. pursued by some of thiscity towards the country Press ;`and if our country totemporaries have any spirit about them, the/Will assist to rebuke, in the 'strongest and 'most conclusive manner, this eon : duct, and let their city friends know and feel the power and influence of which the country Press are possessed ! It is a fact well kpown, that soma of the city Pr as. care nothing for the interest of the country 5 ..,.. ;,y.Caul their own I , limits; and there they seated in the editorial,chair, denouncing Certain editors, because forsOOth, their immediate friend., who know them well{ feel disposed to reward them for their labor in the!cause, knowing. at the came time, their ability to he auch, to warrant a faithful discharge of the duties of the °Mee for which they are recommended. We do not deem it necessary to make a lengthy defence of Mr..Evazi. He is known pretty generallY to the Press of the State, es the editor of the lading paper in Chester county — l a county whose citizens rank among the most intelligent in the Union, and for whom to cater is •no 'easy lack. Aka representative in the Slate Legislature, for the last three year*, he was known as one of the most industrious, persevering and talented meniken. He, enjoys the confidence of the Chester county peop:e—indeed of all with whom he has ever had connection ; yet, notwith. standing all this, end that he is admitted by the Sari to be a , •first rate country editor," he doe. not come to the Sun'. standard of qualifications. It matters little, however, as its advice is not need ed, nor will it be consulted. If the San desires a specimen of a country editor. we refer it to the editor of the Daily News. It, the best W l ,ig paper iniblisfmil in the city, is ted by one who hails from the interior. Th. News, has become an special object of tistred/o the Sun, end judging from the numerous and an. derhanded attacks, it feels and knows that the course of the News is such as to command the support of the friends of the administration Tax Locos-ace Pfterm, of this Boron h, has wokesup " to such an extent at the priospect of enjoying s portion of their leading principle, (that I is, the plunder) that some of its sead/rs are in re.il,eios in the belief that they will seen find en iC s or an argument in its eolumns,/beyond tbp •ff ••f .-ome "puppet show,' , o which his ii•lwr.hai been edmitted/gratur. / !,.• IN London corres pondent of the North Arrstriecn i ,gives skied pic ture of affairs in Ireland. In die south, west, end centre, the.landlortis and poor law collectors con tinue to race for the possession of the trope, to satisfy the .arrears of rents and rates; and as when they are satisfied, the amount left the farmer to meet current demands wouli be nathing.—end the political economists have n ot l solved the pro. blem how he is to make end's to meet on the re mainder, he tries to be beforehand, and get, the whole carried off end secreted. Conflicts, peril ling the .loss of life, occur; end secret societies are formed that create eternal for the peace and safety of society during the miming winter. To add to the distress, tbelailure of the potato crop is likely. to exceed what, a fortnight ago, it was expected it would be. LAwrzus 611.1/01INTA.Or nearly ten thuggland parsingeribetween Ohara and Pena. ma, bound to California, abotit siz hundred were laisyers, says the coriespondeat of the New Or. leans Delta. FoUr hundred, it is supposed, gn oat with the expectations of being returned to Congress, or to the . Legiplature, at least; seven teen are electioneering for the gubernatorial chairs end twenty-one embryo senators are already cal culating the - saving to be made on the millage allowed by Uncle Sam froni San Franciseo• to Washington and back. "Blessed are those who expect nothing; for they shall not be disappoin ted. ced the e led a has also , andmen 11 or the THE THIRTY FIRST CONRRESS.—The result in Maryland, enables us to slim up the ounsher of members elect to the nest! Congress from the segeral Stilts, as (slows: • Whigs ' 7 113 Democrats 108 • • Whig majority, so far, 3 Leaving Mississippi and Louisiana, entitled to 4 members each, to elect. The Whigs last year had one member in each of these States. There is also a vacancy in Massachusetts, end another in Virginia; the latter will very probably be fillet: by a democrat. The free .oilers are includ ed in the above account; Messrs. Tuck, Allen and Giddings with the Whigs; and Messrs. Ju lian of Indiana, King, of NY.. and Wilmot of Penn. with the democrats.. MD LLWINTAIILI STATI or Ii .—The condition of things in Hungary is lamentable. The currency has almost entirely disappeared. Men who were rich find themselves without, the means of impporting their fami lies. Debtri!are not paid. The eons of many of the nobility have been forced to enlist as private soldiers in the Austrian army.' The aged and venerable Bishop of Nensohl has been deprived of his office, and sentenced to five years solitary confinement. Women are punished for having aided their hoe.. bands; and daughters for having conversed with their fathers who are rebels. its Transyl v ania the tiaxons and Illinans, hereditary enemies of , the Magyars, have hunted them down like wild ,ts—.`,noting them at sight. Enormities of Ir;n-.1 were so frequent, that the Austrian // :.ar been f9reeJ ; :to declare the state of : -„rt of Hungary. Radetaky, the Aestriai ..'neat, ha, become disgusted with though tt'it had considerable ex• pertence in the same 1,111011 )0 Italy. H ayot , appears sowing. to keep we infamous reputation he has acquired. Eleven y o ung girls have been imprisoned for strewing flowers over the groves of those executed by order of the Courts Martial. _,. -,,.~5~-F J.JU A Goon Soetwrv.--The Rosin° Anonlotion in Philadelphia, for ,the deform of women who have led immoral lives, base five hundred and thirtyy s females employed' -making garments, &c. They have an intelligence Office elan, al which, in the last six months, 250 persona, have applied Om situations, and 201 have l bewer :fmniekuad with places. THE, MINERS?, JOURNAL, AND - POT TSVILLE - GENERAL ADVERTISER. SUEZUFF'S . Those who' read the Lociallifm paper of. this Borough would'Aupposo, from the rejoicing in its columns, that it had secured an iridependent attune in the prospect dike Sherill's printing— and many people are led to believe that the print ing really is very valuable. 'Prom our experi ence, at fair prices, which we are in the habit of charging all who entrust their business with us, it has never exceeded two hundred dollars a year, and has for the last nine years nveragod about one hundred and fifty dollars—just about the amount the honorable aNnge N. Palmer will' lose, when he will be bereft of all his dignity as-a Judge. a few months hence. It is certainly fortuna t e foihimself, his friends, and the community, that he 'should secure a small sh'are from some source to anstain his dignity in retirement. We are aware that the Editor of the Emporium, from his boasting, expects to fleece Cul. Straub, in their charges , --as they did a former Sheriff, bri' they will God themselves mistaken—and if be pays according to the bemitt ho will derive froMadvertising, he ought to pay the Emporium loan than one-half what we would charge for the same publicationh. on the ground, that its circula tion is not among the business community of the minty, and it has been falling off very rapidly within two years past, since it has been under the control of the present editor and proprieto. Several years ago, when that paper did enjoy the! . printing, the Sheriff, a; a matter of self-interest, advertised all the important sales in the Miners' Journal, and when it was notdnuo by him volun tarGy; the i parties interested relocated the Sheriff td G ave itllione at their own expense. This shows the; estimate our community places upon that paper as an advertising medium,—rind what was done before, maybe done again. • If the :editor of the Emporium poss4sedefie particle of judgment, and was not this ; greatest ninky creif . 3s , ..he would have kept; quiet on thii subject. • f' , ‘ • NATIONAL SCHOOL CONVENTION. The National School Convention, which . was assembled in Philadelphia, and of whose pro• • ceedings we gave a synopsis last week, has al, loomed. During Its erasion, much was doom pliShed that will go far towards elevating the standard of= public schools. Resolutions were adOpted for the appointment of Committees to or ganise a National School Association, to prepare a Memorial to Congress for the establishment of a National Bureau of Education, to elicit facts on the subject of School Attendance, to consider the subject of School Architecture, and also a Com mittee appointed to,memorialize Congress to ap propriate ■ portion of the public fends among the States for durations! puritans. It was also resolved to hold another National Cimven tion in Philadelphia, on the fourth Wednesday . ofiAngust, 1850. /The statement of Delegates with regard to the tl&eas of the 'Mem in their respective States, threw out [ranch information upon the molter, and from it we 'ale enabled to conclude that the system of-public eduoition in Pennsylvania ii the most pirlect of any: in the United Suites, only that it is not so active` in its operations. The system itself is perfect, but it remains to be more generally applied to become the leading system of the country. In order to hasten the consuni motion of this object. the Pennsylvania Delegs tion, condoled upon'calling a Convention in this State on the* third Wedneedey 'of January neat, at Harrisburg. The following committee of 'Bea wee appointed to make the preliminary ar =gement/ for the meeting of the Convention : ALIRLD E Wntoar of PflilatlClphia, EDWARD C. Bronse of Philadelphia, BaSJAMIN Barran, of Schuylkill.inuar S. Rsurauns, of Berke, and C. It. Kesacen, of Lehigh. It was resolved that the Convention should be composed of delegates elected from the several portions of the States, in the ratio of the repretentatiori in the State Leer. !atu•e. The propriety of separating the of f ice of So• perintendent of Public Soho°le from the office of the SeCretary of State, to appoint County Super intendents to lake charge of the Schools of each . County, and lc; establish reboots for thla education of teacher*, will be acted upon by this body, and it is to be hoped that, as the question is such in which every parent and child in the State' is concerned, the interest manifested, will be cones pondingly great. While upon this subject, we may mention the none is more deserving of thanks of the friends of,education, than Amman E. Weimar, editor of the Casket, Philadelphia, whose efforts to make the Convention one that would do honer to the cause during the short space of nine months were untiring. WASHINGTON 00981 P. There is much apeculation rife at present, with regard to the next Congress, its organization, and the course it will pu•sue.—The Free Soil Whigs and Free Soil Democrats, it is wetted by the Washington National Era, will refuse 'to co operate with their respective political friends in caucus. Five whig free toilers are named who certainly will not vote for Mr. Winthrop, and the Vacancy in Massachusetts will not be filled at all. This will put Mr. Winthrop's election out of the question. A combination between the democratic Tembers and the whig free 'toilers hae•been sug seated u probable. • Tbe whig free 'oilers will vote, it is said, (Sr Mr. WHILIOI, of Pa, or Me: Cleveland, of Ct. But so many of the southern democrats would resist this coalition, that its failure may be deemed certain, It is therefore conjectured that the three South Carolina democratic members may control the organization of the Howe. The Whigs will greatly prefer an independent to a democratic or. gabization, and Mr. HoLmee, of S. C., is !pi , popular among theta. At the termination orthe twenty-ninth Congress, and while the result of the election of the representatives to the thirtieth was in doUbt, the- whigs proposed to adopt Mr. Iftrnes, as their candidate, There can be no doubt, in fact, that if a small number of Southern States lights' democratic members should ail here to Mr. Holmes, - instead of voting for Mr. David Wilmot, Mr. Holmes, must be sleeted. •Theas n • Bank in tialifetait, called the ..Miners' Bank." i.itvernt.—The Clearapring (Md.) Mentinel, of Saturday. says:--A young man named Cox. ,who was working in • lock, on the seven.mile bottom, during the cold days of fast week, became somewhatpruvoted by the cold, and presumptii ourly proclaimed, -he wished he was within the gates of hell, so that he would be out of thia'cold world." In five minutes afterward a portion of the 'unwinding rocks and earth fell in upon him, killing him instantly. What ah awful warning to blasphemers. Tea Husosurins, P des, and those most con versant with Russian politics, believe that Nich olu will not recede from :his demands on the Porte, and that a European War is inevitable, as it is now certain that Prance and England will sustain the &dun' with their arms. Notwith• 'tan dingthe opinion of these geiatleman, a writer thinks g five to one that Nieholu will crawfish, and halm he will fight, for if he does, it will not b e eisbiees issonths before we have him in the 11. States. ' CITY MORTAISTT.....The deaths in 13.1timote last week were only 70— by consumption 16 dysentery 4. Deaths in Philsdelpbia last week 141—by consumption 15, bowel disuses 19. iDeathe in N. York last week 280-by eonsump on 40,iyeente7 I L Ambrosio oral 3tems Waskin ton Artillery. -4n effort is to be made to re-otgapize; this military company. Tho meeting called, in another column. on Tuesday evening, should bo well attended by those who are desirous of having this old company once more established. rir.Aratiemieal Lech:res.—The first of a course of Lectures, to be delivered befartril pupils of the Pottsville Academy, and the citizens of onr Borough, Will 'take 'place, on Monday evening, November s:h. Mr. Little, who' has charge of the scientific Department, in - that kiwi-, tution, ' will o pea-the zCznir i re. 7La : - . - Lectuce,o , • •'Light and !Heat." The'Lecturer is abundantly qualified by education and experience, to 'do justice to the subject, anti we trust. under dime circumstances, our citizens will manifest a proper desire to appreciate the etTortsof those who feel . -disposed to administer to our intellectual wants. The Court Howe.—The erection of this Building, in this Borough, is no longer a doubt. fel matter. On Tuesday morning last, tha work commenced in earnest, atdcuanlishing the Horne, on the Court House lot ? and making excavations. Yesterday, as many as thirty men were engaged at the work. The edifice will be two stories ,high, 56 feet front, by 115 deep; the county offices will be in the basement, the Court Room will be 75 by 56 feet in extent, with an altitude of 2 feet ;in the roar of the Court ,Room, there will be 4 Jury Rooms, divided into 2 stories; also a Library room and consultation Room. It will be seen that the building,will be a sufficiently large one, and fully convenient. The work has been placed under 'the super. vision of Isaac Severn, of this Borough, who, we are requested to state, will be ready to give all. who can best contribute their labor and material, no opportunity of doing so. Of course, those NZ !!' l can most conveniently pay their subscription in money will do so, as it will ho wanted. We are rejoiced that the erection of this edifice is placed beyond doubt, and that such a fair beginning has beau made. Let the citizens, be prompt in pay. ing their instalments. and we shall have no further difficulty with regard to it. ;Misunderstand that the estimate cost of the building will be from $13,000 to $:10,000. • IIV" New Arrangement -ron the first of Nov. there will only he two trains of passenger Cars instead of (bur, on the Philadelphia and Potts. villa Railroad as is now the case. The Care will leave b6th points (Philadelphia and Pottiville) at 8 12 or 9 o'cl .cit, A. M. ( Tremont Torn 11 , 111.•••••013 Tuesday last, the Corner Stone of a Town Hall, was laid it the flourishing town of Tre moot. with Masonic nem monies. John K. Sanders, Esq., W. M., of Ta keshi Lodge, No. 216, of Pottsville, officiated on the occasion. An impressive atilt highly interest invuldress was delivered by the Rev. Edo: ird G. Asay, pastor of the Methodist Church of Tre mont. Mililary Parade.—The first Battalion of Schuylkill county Volunteers, under the corn mond of Maj. Fox, mot at IMinersville, on Wed nesday last, for parade and drill. Altogether there were five companies among which were the National Light Infantry, German Yeager', of this Borough, St. Clair Infantry, am! Schuylkill County Troop. After spending a short time in that Borough, our companies returned early the . same evening. C . . Tux PRIAIDENT.—T4O New York Mirror soya that President Taylor, in eery tying he has done, has met with the decided approbation of the people. The Kople were determined to elect him—they did so; and forsooth because they are somewhat indifferent about other- elections, poli ti:ians make great outcry, and say the country is ngqinst General TAYLOR. They forget that the people do not at so or as they. fireake ' an old General, grey with honors in figh , i.,g - the htttles of his country. Moantooes, &c. ix E:COLl3l).—ft is stated that one of the 135,845 martinges solemnized in in England during 1848, no less them 104,308 of the parties, viz:. 42,429 men and 61,877 wo men, signed the marriage register with a mark, or, in other word., nearly one-third of the men and one hail of the women could not *write. The returns from the Register's office for 1848 show, that 576,077 births occurred in. England during that year. The number of deaths in England n 1848, was 428.301. The birdie during tbe year exceeding the deaths 153 773. The following is she vote for Canal Commi•eioner far 1819-49. OFFICIAL VOTE FOR CANAL COM MISSIONER. • • Gavelling. Painter, Adams .1785 Armstrong 1013 Allegheny 6130 Beaver 2329 Bedford 2736 Ilerks . 6320 Itlair 1421 Bradford 3700 Ducks 5201 Boiler 2310 Carbon 1000 Cambria 1410 Centre 2540 Cbester 5101 Clarion 2209 Clearfield 1105 Crawford 2778 Columbia 3131 Clinton -• • 997 Cumberland 3085 Dauphin 2267 Delaware 1480' Elk. 277 Erie 2096 Fayette 3273 Franklin 3004 • Greene 2.350 Huntingdon 1691 Indinna . 1569 Jefferson 929 Juniata ll9n Lancaster • 5519 Lebanon ,1617 Lehigh • 2966 Lucerne • 3663 Lycnming 2267 McKean ' 406 Mercer 3103 Mifflin ' ;1535 Montgomery ' 5337 Monroe '1635 Northumbland 12038 Northampton .!3407 Perry t 2056 Phila. city, 3 . county, "" ' Pike . 599 Potter Schuylkill Stoner/let Sullivan Susquehanna 2375 Tinge 1950 Union 1580 Venango . 1523 Warren .t, 'll2B Washington 3052 , Wayne I, 1402 Westmoreland] 1062 Wyoming ' 930 York 4318 600 - 3531 1077 Toal. . 168,930 164,991 Mere mailer of Taste.—A nic woman called at the 'New York r day week, to see her pinball. } very homely colored man!' . Snow in Maine.—Snow fell several inches, lest Sonday two cer, Me., sufficient to make goof the ground been frozen. The wife of a Policemen in j. suddenly, on Sunday week, in seeing her husband brought hem! ease moetal enemy to anytbi ful countenance and a marry bei moo tells us does good like a me Thee Nobleaes&—When Fenel on fire:c. , l3od be praised," 'said he the dwelling of some poor matt."l 4 very curious and interestingl broached in tlincionsti, viz: whe for men and women to sit Liget! not, dewing divine service. • WI result known when received. "Don'! dear." said Mu. Partington to a child pll7ln with a Powder born. "don't touch the peaky Min& for it may go Mr. and then you'll , gat bona as tho poor Link boy did that got Marla op by s losucat of qaol," TO TEACHERS AND SCHOOL DI. REC TORS. MID subscriber invites the attention of Tea hers and School Directors. particularly In SchttyliitCo..e to the following new sad improved School Books pub,. lisbed by him. called • • Ticknor's Colombian Calculator. Do Youths' Columbian Calculator,' Do Table Bonk, Do - Columbian Spelling Book . , Do Practical Common School Mensuration. which will be ready in a few day.. These Books are already extensively used In this County, mad in sn changeable a population as we bane. ills desirable that the Booka used in oar Schools should be as conform as possible; we therefore cell the particular attention of School Directors and Teach ' si-I.—tais.,sextes, on the the commencement of. the School, this fall. These Books have received the ap probation of about 50U professors and Teacher., as the hest works on The subjects on which they treat. *They are also she eisopost Books is the inseket. Merchants, Teacher.. School Director., fcc.. sup plied at the lowest rated, by the quantity. B. BANNAN„ Printer, Pablisher and Bookseller. CORRECTED WERKLF FOR 7HO JOURNAL. Wheat -Roar, 661. $5 00 [DOA -Teaches peed. 900 Rye 'do do 450 do . do unpar'd., 173 Wheat, bush. I 10 Red Apples, par'd. 75 Rye, do i j 65 Rees, dos. 10 Caro, do . h 5 Butter, lb, ' 121 Oats, do • - 40 flacon, . OS Potatoes, do , 60 Hams, . • 10 Timothy Bard, . . 250 Hay, ton, 15 tdi Clover do 3 50 I Plaster. - 0.00 On the Ist inst.. at Schuylkill Haven. by Rev. F But, Mr. DANIEL RUPERT, to Hiss Mutoutarrit Mix mu, all of that Ilornuch. On the 4th init.. at Mineraville. by Rey. rotor Hallo well. Mr. Wu. M. THOMAS, to 31bia Jana Paacoca, all of Mineraville. 4. On the ISO, inst.. near 1.-hannn, nr Paralyrk, Mr Annus - rine fluanlna, of , l'lnegrrove, In this County aged 16 years. xorinE.—The emirs.: of public lecture.. in'the ..".:. Academy; will commence on Mund.tv evening. Nneemb.r Mt' at 7} o'clock. `lnltuducto:y lettuce by Mr. Little. SubJ eet-I.mtit and Heat. ' . ATTENTION—.III tboce favorable to Ir. 0f44.11 1 ice the old Wnchincton Artillery. Will in eel it Mortitucr•t Hotel on Tuccday Oct. VIII 1519 at 7j or clock. voLtiNTEEs. / PULVIIKI LODGE. Nn.2:l6.—A stated meethir , Ze' of Pulaski Lndre, will be held nn Monday even ing nest. Oct. 2.1), MB, at cf.:dock. By order n fthe W. M !NIPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN—Srhuyl• Kit - MR Tram No. :.—Stated meetines of the Society are held every Friday evening at St iritter'A Halt. The members are requegied to' be in attendance, as biral- . nese of importance will be trinearted. P. Scc'y. o•-•sp, ENOLISII LUTHERAN CHURCII.—'--Dlvine r.s - • service Is held every Sabbath tn. - Ind:id and even turn the usual hours or worship. In the English Lii therin Church, 24 St., betiveCiu Mr nket nod Norwe gian. • : D. STECK. nr.ccir. is..} THE Assts.:l.lTE REFORMED PROsIIYTE ti.r, DIAN Congregation. worshipping In Thumps/nes new bollklag corner of Markel. and Second eta ; have moved intk the large upper Hall of said building, where rellktons worship will be conducted every Sub .bath. by Rev. D. T. Carnation. Services to commence at 101 o'clock. A. M.. and 311eclock, P. M. Seats free. Thu public are respectfully invited to attend. VTHE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. —The CollowinOirsointion has been passed by the Vestry of l!oltsvil Resolved, That in consid.iral bin iilthe sums contribu telt and to be contributed Rs dollltions to the crectlab and furnishing of the church edifice; the vestry di, hereby act 'mw, nod apnrnpriaie FIFTY EIGHT PEWS, which shall be, and reulainfrer for all persons who may desire to worship in the Church. Three pews are localed 111 : 'IN THE CENTRE AISLE, North side, Nn. 111, 119, 127, 135, ICI, 151, 159. South side, No. 112, 120, 156, 141, 152, 160. IN TILE AISLE. North al idn, No. 1.7,12,19,25, 31, 27, 43, 51, 53 51,55 South side, No. 2, El, 11. 20. 26, 32, 58. 41, 50, 52. IN THE SOII7II AISLE. Aoulk side, N 0.56, 57, SS, 60,71, SO, tit', 92, 99; 101,110. North No 59, 67, 73, 79, 93, 91, 97, 102, lOU. DIVINNSFRVICRis held In the Chorch even• Sw4- day. .111019.:n..! . Sreeirc commences a: 1O I) ; Ci4V. Serrice cowmen., at 4 o'clock. And even n4 service, on the Urn Sunday or every month. AT r: . " LAUREL—The Ve=try of Trimly Church. Potts ville. are now ready to sell harlot Into and graven in that large and heantlftil pint of gents nd. near the junction of Market Street and the Minersville toad. which they have lately enclosed mad hie 'ma for acemetery. Ap plication for into or single graves may he' made to AN 'MEW RINSET., Esq.. Treeenrei of the Chorrt, at whoseoffice onMahantongo Street, a Pian or the U .. ' tery eon be seen, or [ Edward Owen Petry, Esq., CentreStreet. THS GUI KTSI F.DICINEiir TUN DAY DoCTOrt TOWNSEND'S SARSAPSSILIA.—This Ineriethe ha's the peculiar fortune of being recommended end prescribed by the most respectable physiciani of the country, and IllOy requires a trial to bringit into general use. It Is put np in gnarl bottles, and Is six tinkcs cheaper' than anyother pleparation. Duct. Townsend is a physician great reputation in Albany, N. V.atid the Physiciann generally in that city prescribe it In their practice The tullowing in a cerruirate ("rob', sonic of then]: OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr.Toninsend is almost daily servicing orders from Physicians in different parts of the Union. Thin is to certify that we, the ninlersiened Physicians o the city of Albany have in numera'•e cas. preccri, tied Ur. Towncend's Sarsaparilla, and witibe.ieve it in be and of the mast valuable preparation. of the rsa darllia the market. H. 11. PULING. M. D. 1. WILSON, M. D. R. P.' BRIGGS; M. D. , P. C. ELMENDORP, )1. D. /Mani, Apr 111,1846 Dr. Seymour, the writer of the following. is one of he oldest and most respectable Physicians In Conn. Hartford. CI.. May 21, 1816. Dr. Towssesn.--Dear Sir • " Townsend's Sarsa parilla" finis a ready sale In Hartford—ls highly teemed by all who have made nee of it, and we hava teason to believe its gond qualities will be daily appre ciated by a discerning public. I have daily rails for it, \ and hope you will be remunerated forymir exertions to render service to he afflicted. I not sir, your obedient servant, HARVEY SEYMOUR, M. D. rV . The Gener I Agency for the sale of the Sarsa parilla is asßannan stliloastore Pottsvillt , ,where Drug aistsand others can be suppliedwholesaleat the Alauu facturers prices. • It la also fo sale In Nutty?lle at Clemens & (leis • lees and John S. C. Martin's Drus Stores; E. J. Fry, Tamaqua; J. W. Gibbs. Drossist, Minerewille; C. FrallnY. Ortvie,sbnrg; !Leary Shissirr, and W. 1,. Ifelsier,Port Carbon; Paul Barr, Pinegruse; J. C. C flushes, Poitsville. si} See ndsiewitirement in anntbercnlumn A circular znntaining a laritie number of certificates from Physi cians and other can be examined at Barknan'a Book tor, Pried SI It Olotllo. or R Rollloc for *5. B. A. Fahnestock , s Vernl!fuge. PACTS FOR 'VIM FEOV.I.E CONATANTIN inereasinevint.itity rind rate 1 of R. A. Fatioraiock's Verinifuge has induced pvl . - 1011114 who are enylou• of Ito Sticeenti, to palm oif upon the pntilie, preparation. which nil medical men booty thin a lotqfWat . loo• inexpelling w. (ton, the system. This Vermifece made its way into public favor upon the ground of its own intrinsic merits, more than any other medicine of the kind now used; and while ninny worm remedies have. by dint of puffin:, been forced into sale, and shortly after gone into the obscurity which their wnrthlesness justly trier Ord, R. A. Fohne stock's Vermillioe continue. to be triumphantly sus fiscted. It has only to be asap and its effects will fully sustain all that issaidoritvwonderful expelling power CERTIFICATE. We certify that we have used It. A: Falinestock's Vernfifuge in our farnlllea, and in every race it Inc pro. vided a decided awl effectual remedy for expelling warms (mm the 1.3 . 61e11. We,conlially recnchinend it to parents who have children affllcted with that dan gerous malady. EI.ON Vlßfat., WM. B. PAINE, ROBERT SNIA .1 . 08 ZXRI1014:1IA. For sale, wiiiilcaale and mind at tiP7lrite warehouse of 11. A. FAIINESTOCK & Co. Corner of Sixth and %Yowl sic Pittslinrc. Pa. Fnr talc in Putuwille, at CI.E‘l ENS & BEISLEIC • Drug Store (Dec: 9. 1613. John C. Baker's COMCCiUND FLUID F,XTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. TATS Article IA einpl“yeal with "are •ecenr and by the moot emir, nt Phyelcians of this city, for the cure (lithe followier SCROFULA or King's Eiji. RheeMailllrll, Cut:leering Disease•, Syphilitic Affections. TPTIPT and Ulcers, White Swellings. Scurvy, NPllt , lgianr Tie Doll - livens, Cane, r, Goitre, or nrotichocele, (Swelling neck.) Spine Disease. Chronic Diseases of me Lungs, to counter• act the destructive affects of Mercury, Jaundice. Fly. perthrophy, or. enlargetnent of the heart, Palpitation and trembling in the - region of the heart ,and stotnaeh, Enlargement of the flones, Joints nr Ligainents.atio all the various diseaset of the akin such as Tetter, Ringworm, Riles. Pimples. Carbuncles, &c.: Dyspep sia and Liver somplaints. Nervous Affections, Drop Inca! Swelling. Constitutional Disorders. and diseas. es originating fronton impure state of the blood and other fluids of the body, in slimt all diseases where, a change of the system is required. Price 30 ms. pet bottle. ' I - 44,840 1-33/11 prison. looking white prison. last Bun— nwee • tall and Prepared only by the Proprietors, JOHN C. BAKED, & Co.. Wholesale DrUril.lll. - No. 100 North :Id Rt. below Race, Philndia, Importers and wholesaledealeritin Drags. Medicines, Chemicals, patent medicines, rPf 11,111 Pries. suruest Instruments, Druggists Glassware, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, and Window Glass, also a new and superior article of Imitation of Plate Glassrst about one-fifth the price or English or French Plates, any size to order. So the depthof ! weeks, in bier• id sleighing had INew York died leonsequeneo of e wounded. The Cumponnd Fluid Estrart Sarsapatilla, fur sate by Clemens & Varitin;Pntisyille ; W. L. Heisler, Port Minion ; Jamei B. Fulls, Minersyille. February in. 1819. •_ly.. king hut • cheer. ii It, which Solo. idicine." NOTICE.—TFIMIAti FOSTER & Co., lIAYe REMOVED their Flock of Boots and mhoes to th new store on the corner of Centre and Market Streets where the holiness will in future he carried on upon the cull principle. ' Thankful to their friends and the public in general for past favors. they hope, by mana ging their business to future upon the only correct be- Ms, (viz., cash payments) to afford to their cast ainers ponds upon moth reasonable terms as wilt ensure to them a liberal patronage elon'a library was e, "that it is not .%sobject bas been ether it is proper ef in church or e will make the id,P4Y OP!-.-Alt persons indebted to the undersign ed are raquemse income funvard and .elite their asset as mu new business arrangements will require us t disbantlnue and urge the prnmpt payment: of th• tame Petal-91 MORA.% FOSTER & CO. • 11. BECKER. D NEW lIOMX.PATIIIC MEDICAL OFFICE. Corneruf dd and Market PLOpposlteThompson'allall PCYTTOTILLE. PA. aerldenes Coy, of Callowhill and 3d 8,1. apixohogi a Prlitedve ilithodht Chards. fun 27 49 . sty. POTTSVILLE MARKETS MARRIED DEAT ES RELIGIOUS NOTEIES. ITZIEO=I2=EMM CARD . TAR. 31. DEPVY. chanson Dentist, OtEtre— J./Market Street. (Newt side.) First dno ' ahoy gnirp • Wilgtm's may% k 2 A E HARTZ, - • 0 • - JIIS ot , VIE PEACE. PO rr.4I7ILLIS. " • Willtt,•nd zruptly t Cullectinne. Affeneles. Put , „ tt• • t I Ez*,i sze , in Schuylkill eoun• IV, I' t. INF . ., to Ceozrs oppu.sin the Town 1 . 0.1 . J0 1919. 93-1 y L , AR :V, Attorney and Counsello Ciat L tw, Philadelphia, will nitend to collections and all other legal ho.ines4 In the City of Pniladelphia, ad joining Counties and elsewhere. Office No. 13 Prone steel, PhiLtilelphts• (Aug.ti Iti4B-2y • GEORGE BEL LIS, WITOLES ALF: CONIMISSION AGENT, Focal) 'dude of Fish. No. 54 North Warves, below Race street, Philadelphia. [April 21, '49. 17.1 y J D. Mr..REDlTlL—General Agency Mince J . -Centre Sweet, Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa Agent for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, col ection of Routs, it.c. [OOlB-41-9y ATTOILNEY AT LAW. G. 11. bicCABE. ~, Tamaqua—O ffi ce to tine 'Street Sept O. 1319. 30-tf 1.1 B. TEIBETS, .. • 4.4.• C031508010N MERCHANT. . -, Na 40 WWI &net. t (kfahhation Bank Buildings.) New Yark.' Otabrral cash advances nude OR Coal. Ii required . Sept• 8.1819. T.-Zinn G LIMMER W. HE:GINS, -.." ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rae removed his office next to J. M • Long's Stove store. re wee At rect. [Sept 1.'49. _ 36-3 m ___ ,EDIVARD CLARKSON. DE2IGNER St ENGRAVER ON WOOD, No. SO} Walnut St., Philada. August 4. 1219. 32.1 y ITTOILVEY AT LAW. • J. H. McENALLT • -. Tamaqua; Schuylkill Co., Pa June 0, 1919. 21-1 y TIOCTOR C. 1111ESELER, 1103REOP'ATHIC LI PtIVSICIAV, th•moved his Office to the hpper nt,••t of the new brick hoildings, opposite the Post nthet•. Vont, sneer. Pottpv,lfo tapV49-18tf. WANTED. rpo BUTCHERS — WANTED - 2or 390 !lumber 1 Moles which will be taken in tots of 2.5 or upwards. 'Address B. R. PAX roN. Cattawipaa. Oc. ?A 1:49. • 43-70 'llE4lCHeat WANTED —ln consequence of I a caennry to nn, 0 ( it t e schools of the Borough of Hine rsville—Notiee' is he,rehy given he the Board of Directors, that a Male Teacher. Is required. end to have immediate employment. A ralary of ins per month will he given, should he meet the approval of. the Board. Wm. W. 110111 VS, see p. Orr YO, 1F.19, • 9 ikjACHEIL AV A lITED...Tir Trost,s of the 1 Orwigsburg Academy, in fhb. County, are desimus of employing a competent person toi, take charge of that institution. They think that thi;' - plac,:t presents a g,,,,,: opiii:. for Vic establishment of a good fthilat . a••• 1 that a person whose business it is Ito teach. and who Is Other..LW qualified, would receive adequate encouragement. Letters addressed to caber or the .undersigned Trustee 4. will be attended to: Chalks %liftman,. Win IV Potts, Jaime If Graen: ' John ➢aunan, Joseph Hammer, Frederick fleck, John Ege, . Eli Hammer. Oct G. 19-19 , —4l—lt , TANI' ED-0! E THOUSAND TONS COAL— For which tlinlirellas)of the beet Manufacture will lie furnhhed, nt the lowest market prices. En chance will be made Mr any I a on or the whole quantity; address, or apply to WM. 11. RICHARDSON. No. ICI Market st., Philadelphia. Sept 8. 1519. i t:-Rtno NOTICES AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.—The . lnlerpirned ap pointed by the Orphans' Court Of Schuylkill coun ty, an Auditor. to settle the account of Daniel 11. Stager and Abraham Heebner, odminudrator of the Estate. of henry Sta,ker, deceased, and distribute the assets in the hands ,d the said Administrators, hereby given notice that he will attend to the ,Inties of'his appoint ment. at his office in the Barone!, of Orwiesbitke. on Month/ the 12th day of November. A. D 1849,41 10 o'clock in the fosenonn., when and where all person. ltdereated are requested to attend.. ... IllilEMl Oct 27. 1949. ki , .; - S - OTTOTION NOTICE —The partnership heretikfore exi,ting between JOIIN 1101.14 ES and SCOTT' STEEI.I.. 'radon: undert he firm of Holmes .4 Sleell, in the Coal Minion totsint,t. on Mill Creek, wan nottnally dissolved on thie f 15th day of October. 1019. The accntehts of rho late firm, will be 4ettlerl.by WOOD STEELL, In whose name the business will be con. Salted.,' , . • JOON HOLMES. SCOTT "ITE ELL. Oct 20 43-3 t• TOTLCI?..—%N ELECTION for Thirteen [Arne- L• tot, of Ow linters' Dank or roll3Vllle, in the noon. .ty ~1 Srinki Ikill , m nerve the ensuine . year. will he held at the Ihnli•fitz Ilotire, hetween the hours of 10 o'clock, A M. end 3 o'clock P. 31., on Monday the 10th ot No vember nett. A +riled nic•itinc, of the Stockholders will he held at Ilstiking lions:. on Titesillv the fitk of 'November, next. CHAS LOESER. Cashier 031111 ED \ OTICK. --E.TATE cp.:octal.: ADAM, de • bm'ehr given. that Letters of Admini•tration, on the ear:vent' Georae Adam, late ni T.wn.odp. dt.r , Saed, have been zranted try ilia lt, , m4rea. of Sehitylbill Chanty, to the tinharribera , remailia o, •rti I riv.vn..hip i ail persons indebted to said:ad:lie, are refine-Ird to matte imlllerielte TM, ment, and three [my mg rialine , to oremmt them for rettlement, on nr before the 15i1, dav of Novemher next. ELIZ,AIIETIT ADAM, AdminiAtratris. TIDO! PSON A. GODFREY, Adin'tnr. ' Tretnnnt, Oct. 2n, ISM. . OTI C E.—At a meeting or the Court House Int; Committer. h.I fCM The sth day of Oct. 1819. the rollowine resolutions WTI, Iteeolved, That Benjamin I'. Taylor he the collector of The Plibarrriplinll}, and that' the President Samoet rtillytoan. w hereby authorized to place the Ittbscrip tion nt h;.•.t liandA, for irnm,diate rotten , ion. Resolved, That :41110,111m Fruiter be hereby appoint ed Treasurer nr Paid Fund. . Resolved, That the Cometlitre appointed by the citizen; of Pottsville. to collect voliscriptiont for the Court !louse he continued, with a request that they .proceed to obtain additional subscriptiunit. I Extract from the inittotP3. I SOLOMON FOSTER, Seep. Oct 13, 1849.12-tf FOll. SALFI—The Timberon 520 acres of Wood land. situate on the south side •rof the Sccand Mountain in Wayne and Manhelm towitships, as now divided into 11 lota, rnotalninz about 50 acres each. Beallllllllr . abollt 120 perches west of the head of Pan ther Creek, and continuinz eastward. Further 1011-ir ritation nriy be had, on application at the once of the stitiscriber in 51inersvillr. where proposals for the same will he received in writing, until the 27th inst. • D. R. BENNETT. Minersville. Oct. 13, 1.110. 42-31.• • f ISSOLVTION.—Nntice Is hereby 4iven. 7 thlt P the partnership heretofore existine between 3011 N DUTII and gN DREW nARSTIINEII. Cabinet Ma kers, of the t,OOO, of min.voi,. 8.-hoyik Cnvin. ty. trading tinder the firm oft Outh k Carsthtter, was diQ.mlsed on th.• 10th inst., by nintnal consent All perpoos ta said firm are rerpiestml to make payment. and those chi:t, will present them to Jahn both, who is nuthntiz..ttr.•ettle the same. JOHN! ANDREW GARSTIINER. N tinsines, wig be liontinned at the old stand hi. the subscriber. JOHN DIITII. Oct 13.10111 • 42 gt• FEHINISTII ATION NOTICE.--Witereas A Letier.of Adtmnisliation. on the e-tate of DAN • lEL late of the !Sarno:Pt of Pottsville, i 1.1%, been emoted t t the under.tgned, by the Reploter of Ache ttkilt roomy, entire i. hereby riven, to all per.ons indehtell to the said notate, to snake payment, and those having clanna, to PreOMltt 11101,1 foroettlement, to TIMOTHY SULLIVAN, Oht 13, 1539. 41 I Admihiotrat or. UDITOIVS mlersigned, an /1 auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of tirboylk ill (Monty. "to distribute the assets among the creditors of John Campbell, in the hands of his as signee, N hi Willson, Coq . agreeably to the account tiled by said a.signee, • will attend for that purpose at his office. in the Borough of Pottsville, on Monday-the 29th day of October, 1919, at 10 o'clock. A. M.. When and where all persons toterested, ran :mend if they see proper. JOAN P 11011 ART, , . . Oct 6. IS 19-41-4 t) Auditor. A: D.IIINIStRATION .NOTloE.....Wheresa, letters of Administration:on the estate of Conrad Babb. late of Blythe township, Schuylkill County, de ceased. have neon granted to the subscrther. by the R,et.ter ofSchuylkill Connty,-notice Is hereby given, requiring all persons indebted Ito said estate, to make payment, and all those haying chin:emit , present them for %ettletnent. W I LLIAM 801111, Adtn'r. Sept. 29. '49. , -1 —4O-41t• O'CICE 1:4 hereby elves that - an appltration I. will be made intim kezisliture at ite next session rot the incorporation of a Bank to he railed the ••11ank of Pott.ale." with n capital hf one hundred and fir.y . thousat d for the trens'action of the usual bus iness nt flanks, tiahr located i n n the flornath of Pntts vine in the county of Schnyikill, in the state of Penn sylvania. _ . SAMUEL HARTZ, JOHN 0.1.08141 G, J. F. WHITNEY. FRANK I'OFT, :My 0. ISAR IVOTICE I. hereby'reven that appltcation will he mide to tholesislatute of Pennsylvania, at their next session. for a renewal of the Charter ef the Miners: (lank of Pottsville. in,the County of Schuyl kill, with the pririlere of inercaAn2 Its capital from two hundred thousand dollars In roar hundred thou sand dollars . By orderof the Board. CHAS. LrESEII, Cashier. Immitir lb. —2O fm krOTICE IS lIERERI• GIVEN. that application IN will he made In the Lechilatti:e, at It, next eelsion for the incorporation of a Bank, to he rafted "Miners' •it Mechanirb . flank of Won't . ..tattle," with a capital of Iwo hundred 014111W106.1 doll ar,, to hn located in the Borough of Minerarille. WM. N. ROHM N.'s% 111..k111 McCI.ENACTIAN, GEO. S. RCPPI.I ER. J kW:4 It. F4.LLS, SAMUEL HEIINEIt. June 30, 1819, 27.11m0 MOTICF: I 8 11E11E13V GIVEN, that an applicas I non wilt •••• .111 ip In OM I...vial:atom at Its next ...sine. for the liwornomtion or a S:11Villg Inatltu tion, to he c tiled iv'le 4 mina Institution," with n eaoirat of Piny 'VI rim, I Doll for the i ,Cotility of Schuylkill, Pa, R, woonsine. (m.o. W. SLATER, THOS.: C. POLLOCK • • June 30, IS.. 27-6mn NOTICE= -3. N.CARS.—Whereas.the Coal Cars 01 usually 'known as the “Yeller Cars'—have on several (mansions been Millen away from the Navin tinn Landings, and used to hen! Coal for private pur poses. NOTICE, la hereby given. that the autisariber Is de trimined to use all 'the means In hi. power, to put a stop to such trespasses, and to;pli Mob the trespassers. EDW AEI C. rinntas, • iliay 12, iumr Agent 11%, he Trustees. N°7 l ClPls—The saliscrlh;rsi have bran appointed , teems for the sale of Harrison's Copying Preas and Metallic Da monies Tablet, a Hems Pe, labor rms. Jai- l and mossy sa es.e , Masi ins; a sample of which may helmet% at the York Store; all opd r for the above pesta ea %bleb ale war‘intediogivo Ilmisatiefaallota wall be promptly atftodedto.i pitman ig-) E. YARELVY fr. IfON • LOST AND FOUND. oTtimeuu IV...Strayed from the sabred/se r at k.,Patterson, on Thursday the 4th Inst.. a Mae k Cow. wsth white spots on her sides, about 7 year. old; she ands strap and bell on her neck. A sit It•hle reward will be given upon her - return to Nelson Aliens' Schuylkill Valley Hot el. Patterson. Oct. 27, .49. 44-lte EDWARD FOOARTY. S TRAY COW . .-Came In the premesht the kntrictiber in llerkscherville. on Tuesday the Sth inst.. a stray cow ; the owner in requested in come forward. prove property. pay charges and take her, away, otherwise she, will be soil according to law. Oct 27.'49, 41-3 t• T II /11'/PIIV. OST—A Due 1301. dated July 21. Ih4o. for Three IA Hundred Dollar., payable in blerchandite. to John Hoboes, slimed Prier & Rusher. All pertons aft . 11,4e by cannoned artinst nevotiatine for amid bill as it :n -or value to no nue but the subseriber, • JOHN /10L31E4. St Clair. 'Oct 30 1019. 3-3 t• OTRA.Y COW.—Came to the premites of the aubscriber, about 3 hverks aloes. a SMALL RED COW. about ten yearn old, with chart turned horns— haa a strap and bell on her neck, and the tip of the right horn is broken off. The owner is requeated to come forward, prove property, pay chart:ea and take her away; otherwise she will be sold .cenrdin3 to law. JONATIIAN ALOOF, Oct 13. '49. , 42-31.1 bloat[ Larne. QTILAY Plo.—Came to the premises or James I:3 Lightfoot, near St. Clair. about three weeks ago. a WHITE. SOW, with large ears. The owner is request ed to come forward, prove property pay charges, Bed take her away; otherwise she will be sold according to law. . - JAMES LIGIITFOOT. Oct 13, 1513. 43-3tp FOR SALE & TO LET. FOR SALE--VALUABLE PROPER •v,v, TY. In Mineroville.—The store now occupied ffe d by N. G. Hammekin, in offered for vale.— _ - '_ For terms apply to GEORGE J. HEIM. Jr. t4.ept 20 1649-404f] ,• litinersville. •. FOB SALE—AII that certain two storied stone Tavern stand,known as the VALLEY, - HOTEL. rtenosituate on Valley street, in the town of iiPat n,teon, in the County of Schuylkill :- con. iv mining in front 60 feet, and in depth 200 ft, ..-- - .distant from the Schuylkill Valley Railrotd 200 yards, at which point the Can stop 4 times daily. Ala., 4 other Into or ground, oath containing 60 feet in front, and 200 feet in depth, situate. 2111 M, in said town of Patterson. The propeity will be sold cheap ; tercet easy. Apply to D. E. NICE, Eau, at his °dice Pottsville„ or to' :%IICHAEL COCHRAN, . Sept. 1, ILIO. 36:tf ' FOR SALE—Coat. Barrows; cheap for each. Aug '25, '49. 35-4 f) W. A. KM. SALEFIRE ENGINE.—The Good Intent 12 Fire Company offer their Engine for sale at a reasonable price, which can be seen at their House in bib street, between Market and Norwegian. For fur Mier particulars apply to E. McDONALD, B. MILLER, 0. D. JENKINS, Aug 11, '4O-33-illj Committee. FURuALX: — .---ritirAllffiß 4 AiliEtt — oFteßtf i roil dale the property now occupied by him in WC4I M .. Branch Valley, four miles from Poiteville, . and une and a half miles from Schuylkill Ha ven; coneirtilig of hare and a half acres of land well laid out as a garden and fruit orch ard. A two story frame home, hi alO feet, with a cei. lar under the whole, kitchen in the cellar. Immediate posereebion given. Vaunt the purchase money can re main on Bond and Mortgage if desired. For terms rip• ply to the•ubeeriber,at hisolllce in West Branch Valley. Match In. 11-ill B. De FOREST, VOR. SALE: Olt RENT.— PORT CARBON STEAM MILL.—The subscriber coffers his Steam Mill, located in Port Carbon—for sale or rent. Said Mill is located in one of the best •Ituntwas in this Re gion for business, being the only one In the eastern section of the Coal Region. It is-In good condition, and possesslon will be given Immediately if required. Teri. easy. i Applylo L. F. WHITNEY, Port Carbon, March 10th, 1040. 11-tf rPO RENT—A FARM of 100 acres cleared. and Dwelling House, near Mount C,rhoo. Apply to - J. 11. CAMPBELL, Agent. July 2,18 E. 21- 11 . VOR . NALE.—COLI.IERT PROPERTN FOR SALE —TILE SUBSCRIBER offers at private sale the following properly, viz: One 60 Home Engine. with 4M.1 feet of nine inch Pumps, In first rate working order. 'One 30 Horse Engine, with 240 feet of nine inch Pumps, with winding gearing all complete, in good working order. . . . One 20 Horse Engine for holatiog Coal from Mines, in good working order. One 10 Horse Breaking Engine, with Rollers, Shaft ing, ticreens, Schutes, and all the fixtures necessary to do a huslne.s or 1000 tons a week. • . Also 50 large 'Railroad Cars, with heicy chilled wheels, nod three Inch arels, these Cars are well suit ed for any of our surrounding Roads where horse power is used. The above Engines were all manufaeired by Hay wood & Snyder, and. are considered among the very best ever made by said parties. Jan.l3, 3-if] ; GEO. 11. POTTS. AND TO LET.—litilleling Lots I.` in Mount Carrion; Lewisport Wood, and Lynn's addition to Pottsville, on Norwegian si., Pottsvilre, and in Minersville. Also a convenient Office -in Morris' Addition. Apply -to JAS. If. CAMPBELL. April 2S, '4d. 18.tf I; OR SALE—TWO COMNIODIOUS' DWELLING Houses. Apply to E. P. Richards, Market st. Jno. G. Brown. Centre st., Pottsville. March 21. 13- 110 LET on leases, to suit anplirants, that tract olland belonging to the N.American CoarCo. known an the Mill Creek Tract, containing the follow ti,glist of Coal Veins, many of which,—among others, the Peach Mountain Veins—having a range of over a in tenon, viz Spohn, Ilarracleurb, Clarkson, Stevensoir. Little Tracey, Peach Mountain Veins, Green Park oiltavensdale Vein, Per.. peniligular,Dia mond, and Rig Diamond Veins, along with many nthers not noticed. MCI Alan. all that tract called vlielvnetion Tiart, helone- Me tont', said Cnntpany.cnntaintn.^th.• Salem.Foirest, Rabbit Mile. Mortlther, Tunnel, Mack Mine, C. Law ton and Alfred Lawton Veins. A:sn, a s aw Mi and Grist Mill,sitnateu on the Mill Creek Tract, all orwhich witlbe rented on moderate terms by applying to DAVID (31111.1.A5. Aet. Pottsville. Feb3l• 29 VOll, SAL E-vAT PRIM ATE SALE, Ail tin certain tract or parcel of land, situated on the' Broad Mountain, In Lower Mahantringe township, in Schuylkill county. (formerly Decks county,) in the State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described as fol lows,to wlti—Beginnlng at a marked white oak tree thence by late vacant lands, now surveyed to Jacob Miller, north sixty-flveperehes,toa whitenak; thence by late vacantland,now sat veyed to George Werner. west 145 perchesto a stone; thencehy late vacantland now surveyed to Leonard Illick,soutbsixty-five perch es to a Spanish oak; thence east 145 perches, to the place of beginnlng,contalnlng fifty-five acres and one hundred andtifty-two perches ofland and allowance of six per cent for roads,kc. JOHN G. BREAKER, Executor of F. Peat's' estate.A9. Market st. Phiiada. PhilaJelnhin. scotemher In. ISIS . :IS. MISCELLAN;EOUS. F• 01 ITE —A superior CAfifEßATsat7tble for 1! taking likenesses, for sale ehrop, at BRADY S. ELLIOTT'S. Second door above the :diners' Bank. • Ort 00, 1919 43-If NVELOPES.-50,000 Envelopes of various 1!.. kinds and qualities, just 'received and for sale, wholesale and retail, at HANNAN'S Sept 29 ISO] - • Cheap Stationary St ore, BABY JUMPEE.S.—A fresh supply of Baby. Jumbers, also India Rubber Bands. for dn., just received and for sale, at BANNANS' Sept 29. Ir 4 lo. Cheap Variety Stores I "HITE PRESERVINGV.-4 BRAND very superior article, forsAle he Sept 29, 29.] • J. M. BEATTY k Co. PARPETING—A hanileonie assortment n( h : grain. Venition and Domestic Carpet, jest remits cd and for Bale by I J. M. BEATTY & Co HEARTS AND HOMES, by 31:s. Ellis; a book that should be read by every one in thin corn mutiny. A new edition Just publi,hed, received and for sale, at 6..O:NAN'S Ang. IS. 31-1 . - Book and Variety Store. I'ILLNLCIPLS DIGEST, of Penney!. vania ; Second edition, bringing the laws up to the present time, price 07. Just published and lot sale at BANNAN'S • Cheap Law and Miscellaneous Bookstores. Aug. 25, 35-1 Pott•ville. MULES AND PRAYER. HOOKS VERY LOW.-200 Bibles and Prayer Hooks in alma. every style or binding, cheaper by 25 or 30 per cent than they can he purchased In Philadelphia. Splendit Wit Edged Family Bibles atonly34.at HANNAN'S Cheap Honk Stores. I)EAUTIFUL FLOWER VASEs, for the Centre 1) Table or Mantel, just 'received and for and,. at 11A 31N113:'S .Lily 21, 1949. 30-J Cheap Varlets Stores • i MACKEREL, SHAD, I Constantly nn hand and SALMON, • lit • Elle by HERRINGS,. J. PALNIER & Co. .PORK, I ' Market Street Wharf. HAMS AND SIDES, I PHILADELPHIA. SHOULDERS. • LARD AND CHEESE. J Sept. S. '49. 57.3m0 Lamps! Lamps! Lamps! OF the various kinds for bur nine' Oil,-Lard, Fluid, Gag. Caropliine. &e. Ala., Night tamp; end Hang ing Tames for Halls; Globes, plain and cut; Flues, Shades, &e., Just received and for tale at BANN AN. S Cheap Stationery & Variety Storer July 151019. 30• 13111LES.-1.00 Family Bibles, rang- I' inn in prime from $1,50 in 020, just received and for sale, at BANNAN'S Sept I, 12 : 1 Cheap Dunk and Variety Stores S. &J7FOSTER, Dealers in Boots a . nriSho Leath er, and Shoe Find int', Cent rertreet,Po' De Diem 18 ISt:. lIILDERS HARDWARE.— A complete nevus 1) ment of Obilders,. Saddlers. Carriage Makers, and Renee-keepers. F 1 -rd ware at relltir.l prices. July 28, 31-) DRIGIIT & POTT. QII4IIE.SI 3 EA E —No I, or Philip, Samp.on & CO's, elegant edition of Shakepear's Dramatic milks, with introductory remarks and notes; splen didly illustrated, by hue steel engiavirip.'for sale at BANNAN'S Sapt 22, 39-) Cheap Book and Variety Stores Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE, No. 235 MARKET Sr. ABOVE SEVENTH, side — PHILAIDELPIIII.• AI:MORRO we can scarcely estlinate the value of TIME tf commercially, by canine at ,e the above Estahlishment, JAMES BARKER will furnish his friend., ammo: +thorn he In cludes nil who dilly 11 pp - heel:lle its fleeineae, with rentitiful and perfect Ender for ntaekin;lOpril,lruss, of wheat valor they en jltdre. Ills extensive stock on nsten4y ehmoing in entiformity to thit s lmprover.ienta In I and style of rietlern and workinanshim monist* of eispat-disa and. riliety-atine IIrassre,OLINTING lIOUSE. PARLOR, lIALL, CHURCH mat ALARM CI.CORS. FraScli, natkic and other fancy atylea as well mi Maio. which - from his extensive connection and CorrePpniadeixe, with the manufacturers hennas he can put nt the bar. eat cashksre, In c.ny quantity horn siate.to-a.abousead. of which he it ill warran. the ItectittlOY. ir}einets repaired and warranted. Clock trimmings on hand. caltand aee we arrinat them. • Wttn DAUBER, 93/1311'01es St. Philada. Aug. O. I SIS. CHARLES LEIB, /11• Ow • Office In Market t POTTSVILLE. PENN'A. ime!, eppeslte Kline's entitnet Wirt Rome. gams It'49--134 • • EDUCATIONAL. Pcittsvllle rentale Institute: -, : . Rev, A. PRIOR, A. Ilf., Prisuipal. 4 , ' . ISABELLA PRIOR. rue Prfaripst. - TBIS Inatitutlon Is now open.for the reception of pupiliil Its location Is on tilectiqd fitreet, one do or above Norwegian, In the rooms recently occupied b y the Rey. Edwm Towne. In compl iance wsth the Wishevi of a number of tie. ; friends of Education, in Pottsville. the Principal en; 1 comment rl a school tnt the education of young ladies 1 In all the branches of a useful and finished edocatin, I Iris desilic to establish a permanent Instil whin • Sr ranged in our dela - fitments, with competent t ruin r. and prof.. ~ors et the bead of each; —thus tairirdtnr c. K fab dales for haying their diughthers ed , ...at e d N. ithollt the expense and Inconvenience Of •Fuldin, I .them ft ottb hoot.. The 'cotirse of In unction, at p,,, 1 sot, incluite• a Primary, Junior and Senior Depart. of tnipils' Appt Ira iris err ad. i merits t Alhiell are tothdevided r. Au clans..s seconding In the aff.• and i.rotit ieto.y Milted intl.. tit.. Pi mire 13..partment at any age. tilt , or right t4ardir.g Pupil. can he accommodated at want. / erare charges. The price fillf day scholars will wary frond Three to Eight Dollars per tens of three month.. Any further Inforunvion may be °bullied of the Plitt. opal, nt the Seminary. 1 Rokreakes.—rOzht Rte. Alonzo Potter, Rev. Wm c. Cooley. Jildge PAlmer, Hon. Chas.,W, Pittman, Z, 0, Parry Esui, and Andrew Russel. Oct. 0, 1919. i i. • Pottsville Academy. session of this well established Institution! will commence on Monday, the 3d of September The eneoutagun; Proslhaiv or th e Academy , hare In l diced the Principal to undergo considerable expenw., to make the ensuing session of more than ordma t Interest: A considerable addition has been made t theappleatuthandsitch improvement. bevels-en mut In the - recitation rooms, as will afraid great facilttiet, to the teachers in theledifferent departments. A n, q l. ber of publii Lectures, will alp. be delivered durfng the Ocarina; one course-on Chemistry and Natural -Philosophy, by the teacher of Natural SCielleltll; anoth re course on the French Revolution of libe.its caubt, clisracier,and influence on Europe, by the tearhetinf History; aad perhaps a courea on Astronomy, by tit. teacher Mathematics. The departments arirkl,ed as follows: 'ELIAS SCHNEIDER. M, Principal, and Teacher of Ancient Languages. DAN'I. KIRK W 001), A. M. Teacher of Ntathemarks. C. LITTLE. A. 51.. Teacher of Natural Sciences.: . . . MIA RLEB E. SCMIDT, Teacher of thstory aad Gill why. J . REV. LEW'''. ANGF.I.E.Teache ';'Modern Langa*lger TIMM/ORE IROIII, Teacher q; Petamenehip. . 1 August IS, 1919. 34-12 t IRON, &C. RAIL 11 - OAD IRON 7 do TONS 2.1 a Fiat Bar Rail Road Iron, • 50 do 11 a I • do do do. 8 do 2lz I : do do do wttb spikes. 15 do 1 do do do • And Plates,for saleby A. & RALSTON, 4 soutbfront st.,Pbi /ids • Fbilada.; July 11, 1848. 28 JUNIATA. BOILEILIRON. 5.5 TONS asorted boiler iron, Nos. 3, 4 and 3 sit widthsof2o.32, and 30inchevand randomlengihs, A. if• C. RALSTOS, 4. South Front at. Plillads, all= • (CHAINS FOIL lIIINNS.^T.s v h., re V Just received front the ship Elizabeth. 4 end , ' Inch Best Hest English Ch.iins, made expressly for Mines, and for sole. Apply to , T. & E. GEORGE, aptil22 tf 17] Market and 12th Stteets,Pbqada. tILACKS.ItITIIING, TURNING AND FlNfi r lii INC.—The subscriber respectfully announces that help. entetnenced the above business at theettreer of Mauch Chunk and Coal Ettteets, Pottsville. pa. ant will be happy to receive etders: JOAN WARNER N. 11.--Coage-cocks, oil cups,aodoll. globes tin band, andforsale [July 22. 'i -in ,______ INSURANCE CO'S ! ' - NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE ASSU. ' RANCE SOCIETY or rLONDON. 1 " A and N: I IN . S. S r p 1 1 1 ,,.. N . 1..i: MI n t , h p e n. Re , ti r e e j fi t b o y f t A h r er 0 1 1/ f i i d 3 0 .7 liament.—Capital .C 500.0000; $2.:00,0 Resides are serve Fond (front Surplus Preniinms) of aboulii6s,co. T. Ltimie Murray, Esq.. George street, ilianover square,: Chairman of the Conn. of Direclati. in London Physician—J. Elhotson, M. D-:, F. Y. S. Actiegwy—Vl S. It Woolhouce, Esq., F. TWA:, S. Secret/Ty—F. F Camrouo. Esq. PRILADELPIIIA BOARD OR BEFERENCF:' Clement C Riddle, • IWm Frier. II IF Maisel Coleman Fietbrr, George It Graham, Louis A Gmley, William Janrs.4 , • The following are among (64 advantages offer ad bg this ifortlitlion:—, ___.4 I. The snarantee of a large capital., in addition to the accumulation of premiums. The peculiar ireneftt or. . care to rho assured by the principle' of at loan de parimept ' '!The payment o f premiums Italf,yearly. a quarterly, by parties insured for whole trout of life, at a tii(tin'c additional charge: The travelling' leave sa tenslvsjand liberal. Persons firsured for life, can at once Orme: half amount of .annual prentium, and claim tl)e same privilege for ti've successive years, on their ossn.itoteand deposit of policy. Part, (the Capi tal is plinlanently Invented in, the Vunited States, to the names of three irf the Local Directors, ne Tracers '—aVaillible always In the assured in cases of disputed 'claims Nmb' any such arise) or otherwise. 'I billy days arwed after each payment of premiqm heron., due WI hoot forfeiture of policy. No charge fur meal cal exatninatton. , The .oniety being (minded on the Muth I 3 ndJoinA , t . Stack rinetple, parties may participate it the profile of the ' Sociely l two-thirds ot which a a annually . diside !among those assured for life on thie participaS Don ere*. pemi ng who are desirous to avail theme Ives °Me . ndvantitres offered by this Institution, hlai2lressing the A 7, nt„ F. K. Starr, No. '22, South st,. Baltimore can oqain the requisite information and the nerem ry papers for effecting en msnrance. I tr, Aily information with regard to Ws Cimpanyean be obtalned at the allies of the Miners' Jou roal.where the Premiums c rit he paid and I.llr:tares effected.; Juno Si, 1049. "7- 1v • 1 THE GIRARD LIFE .1 , 3511,1.ATCF,:. ANNI I ITV AND 1112+,1' ci)3IPANV 2' Ptill:A. ,loior Iti I)Chti , nut Strut. .. BEN r.1511,..11.0 \`l IV. Aar. or Schitylkill Co. 'JAM Ils 8. CAR - LINTER, 21.1) %I •d:,.. oil:: tau., x 7 eta: le.rance r.. 11 Lives,grant Annuities and Ea lit ,lolimente, and cornier and,esecute trusts. Rat. jar uncaring *lOO on a sirti2e Ws. , i For I year For: years. I Tor Life. I .ardivally: I annually. 0 0 Ll 5 I 177 40 1 69 , • 30 0 924 136 I 2 36' . .0 1 93 3 22 ; . 50 196 209 I 160 60 .4 35 ' 491 - I 7 012 Esau ne I . —A person aged 30 years nest'Waft-day by payingthe Corona:44ll 31, would ',cane to his fa amity or heirs $lOO, should he die in one yea s ; or for *l3 10 he sec...to then; 81000; nr for *l3 60 apou oily for i 7 years; he secures to then, 111J60 should he die in 7years ; or 1.823 60. paid ann.tally during life he provides for them *lOOO whenemer he dies, for 86550 they would receive 85600 should he di tin one year: 1 - - -- JAYIL•IIY 20, 1843. TlDE.3lanagers of this Company, at a gueethig held 0.1, the 27th December ult., agreeably tb the design referred in the original prmpectus or citmilar of the Company.appropriated a Bonus or addition to.all poli— cies for the whole of life, remaining lit force, that were ihrued prior to the let ofJanuary, '1842. Those of them therefore which wereissued in 4heyear 1836, will be entitled to 10 per cent upon• the gum insured, makiagen addition of *lOO on every SOO. 'Thetis 411100. will be paid when - the policy beciimes.a claim Instead nfthe 0100norlginally insured. Thole policies that were issued in 1837 willbe entitled to 81 per cent 115750nr on every *lOOO. And those iisumi 101838, will be entitled to 75 per cent.or *75 on every,loo, and in ratableproportions on all said pelielex issued prior to tel o 4 January, ISIS. • The Ilonue will be credited go each pnlocy on the/ books endorsed on presentation Utile °time. It is the design of the Companyon cnniinue In make addition nr •boniis to the policies for I fe at stsgedif er B. W.RI CHARDS Prtaldeo. Jona F. Limn!, Actuary. 15 •Thesubscrilier has been appointed Agent forth above Institution.and Is prepared effect Insurances° at the published rates, and give a y mformarin desired on the subject, on application t this off:re. PottsvllleFeb.Sl " lIIENJAMI: HANNAN INDE3INITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE 4 INSURANCE COMPANY OF 'PHILA DELPHI . OFFICE No.l 1331,ChesOut street, n ar Fifth surer DIRECTORS, Charles N. Rancker, George W. 'chards, Thomas Ilart, Mordecai D Lewis, Tobias Wagner, i Adolphe E. lorie, ' • Samuel Grant, 'livid S. Driiwn, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patt erson Continue to makelnauranre, permanent or limited on every description of property, in town and country at rates as low as are consistent with security.• The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fond, which with their Capital and Premiums. safely invested, afford ample protection to thejassured. The assets of the Company on January lat, 1848, as published aoreeablt to an act of Assembly, were as follows, viz.: Mortgages, • 8990,559 65 Stocks, • 51,563 25 Real Eatate, 108.359 90 Cash, ege:, 45.157 87 Temporary • loans. 125,459 00• 51,259,097-67 Since their incorporation, peri od of eighteen years,. they,have paid upwards of one million rwo bandied thousand dollars, losses by tire, thereby affording evl. dente of the advantages of insurance.ss well its the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, alp liabilities. CHARLES N. DANCKER: President. CHARLES G. DANCKER, Seeretsry. The subscriber has been appninted•agent for the above mentioned Institution, andis'now prepared to make insucance,on every description'of property, ar the lowest rate. ANDREW RUSSEL. Agent. -• Pottsville,Junel9, 184125 [Feblo __. . _ Furs and 'Bones. T llESubscriber wnuL( respectfully! invite Country" morchsnis and -itlutis to his supetior stnelt of FANCY FURS. MUFFS, 11015, TIPPETS. itte, and a large quantity n( BUFFALO ROUES, at X. 93 . cora Third Street. opposifii Cherry Street'. 11.11 1L•DELPIIIA- Sep 29' 9-10.7t] JAMES RTASKY. V. !noble Tavern Stand. IN ,T• ' ARBON. AT PRIVATE SALE. _ " n4l tha T t " „ C "e I'l"lliin"or ,,,n iiter r ~e o , fre r ts , at Mosta sa!n- Property, in the ton, of Pt. Carbon, Schtsylkill C 0.." known Aar the Port Cashois /Yuma recently woad try Jacnh riladdrd. The simation is it of NMI° In tho town of Port il.rtiun, an the ems no the promises, ample. rusty will he sold cheap, and on a roar, able 'or terms, apply to __ : _ • • h 45 IWO el I the moll Improve The pr Credit. SEE !1...' 43,TtcEw—SCIICYLICILL NA ICIATiON '1 RS 1' —Tfte Schuylkill Navigation Company, ' ng Some tim 6 sinee,vssireedialt their Railroad Car ,com m.,nle Iljnown as the `Yellow Cars" tn Ile. ry.' C: Corblt, ( hatlee S. Wood, arid Edward T. Rl' dedith,, Emits.— n eras!, kr certain porpnees; and onseestiela having now hero given, to their Agent Efiwnr C. Harris. Who will keen these Cars in Repair. and loin, th ro nernunt of the Trustees. I , NOTIPE. YkAterehy given. that nil child's, Ihr la T s or M notter O I,:niller ritrui.hed to three Care, must e prevent. , I fp7i,tettlement to Edward O. mats, Agee ji for the meters. . EI.W (*PhD MORRIS, Ilwe. ' -'4B-49.1y1 ; Resident Engineer, S. 'Oil „,., dim rion i higher c, men .1.1•; 1 •II t%k.t !.tatt Stationary . aheetlber invite,. the attention of ell Inan CIIOO4 BOOKS AND STATIONARY,fa with a call. !Ileitis had oonslderahte aPe— geizlne up various kinds Of Books, fur iko asset of Flohoots: such as Ceimposltlna. Speti. thespian Books. Record of Itceitotku, and ...al c Piece Books , Cony endscypherlng nook ln s. Paper, dr.o. Ate. Also, superior quality of INg !Ulan or In bottles, of nations slut ' ' T. B. -CHAPMAN. Stationer, tin. It South 316 Ss.. l'Allsde.- I : 1849, • • I . 2 :' Sao . i (Wider. Charter by the t ME F. IV. RUCHE -11-6 t