The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 21, 1849, Image 3

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"al. A writer in the last Locoroca Paper oft his
Borough, is antiousto drop politics In this county,
this Fall, and elect :denied members to the Leia
latrirr, or in °that WAN, the writer desires to he
elected himself; Now When we state that the
person who concocted that article, Is a rank Free
Trade Loc:ofocci- of the deepest dye, and of the
tnost unscrupulous character, Utterly opposed to
the Protective rasp, th e o bt
,itct of his advice is
easily fathomed.
We had Islintel Members in the last Legisla
ture from Sctuylkill county, end who did more
for our t4unty and Itato than the whole brood of
toenfocos that have represented the 'county for
the Imsi twenty years—and_ their talents were
diree'ed effectually too against. all unnecepary
Corporations in Schuylkill county. They sue—
e,•,..lvd in killing severs!, among which was
Improremcni Company, located in the
Kchuylkill Valley, near the Volley Furnace prop.
',iv.- in which, if we are not misinformed, the
~t..r of that article , i 9113 deeply interested.
t-a essurtion that oar Region canrrof compete
witu the other-Coal Regions, is all humbug--4t . is
• slander upon the county,--an outrage upon the
intends and investments in this Region— and the
water and publisher had better emigrate at once
to those snore favored and happy spats ho speaks of.
The nail-Road to New-York will be made as
seen es the Protective Policy is restored, but not
before,—that'e certain,—became no Capitalist is
fool enough to invest in any new improvement of
that character in the present (late of business in
this country. .
.The Iron basinsas, which is rad .located in
Schuylkill county—the Manufacturing business,
which to not located in Schuylkill county—and all
'oilier interests are effected- similarly to the Coal
.Tradd t—it is the destruction of those intricate
abroad, that is destroying ye here, and to attribute
all 'our difficulties to -the price! charged by the
Transportation Companies; (svlsich we adthit are
too high under existing circlsmstanaes) is only a
subterfuge of the addlepatril writer, to advance
his fayorite doctrine of Free Trade, and to divert
attention from the real cause of our suffering..
rt. Rev. Theobold Mathew has commenced
his work in Brooklyn. On Sunday he celebrat4
high mass in Ray. Mr..Schueller's Church, before
a crowded couregation, and afterwards adminis
tered the pledge to a large number. Ho paid
visits to Bishop Hughes, and after spending two
or three days with him, proceeded to Albany, am.
ton, &c.
co- Growth of MinOrair.—The Minesota pa
pers report the rapid progniss of population in that
territory. Lots at St. Paul, the capital, which
were the other, day conside'red quite remote are
now right in town.. More than seventy build.
ings, it is said, were 'erected there during the
three weeks previous to the let inst.
[From an Owl...lanai Correspondent.]
wink.: E
(PmGraeber the Sands, Pebbles, and Liaritnr taattcr
'cached. duraa in Political, Literary, and other &rear.)
Washington City, I). C., July IS., 1819
Before settingout, under full sail, in this epis
tle, I ought to have an "understanding"--a sort
of handsshaking—with the reader: inasmuch as
A considerable period bag elapsed. EILICO I last had
the pleasure of his or her audience through the
columns 'of this paper. Although now stand
ing to the Journal in the relation of a 'mere our.
sider, I still hope to be recognized as an old friend,
'who, alb it having little claim to the affectionate
reprint once' of the public, nevertheless cherishes
the war. i est sentiments of regard for that portion
with whim it has„ hitherto been his fortune to
'Cotemuilicate. "Absence cannot conquer love."
No! My heart is among the mountains, the
bold precipices, the sharp
,peaks and crags of
Schuylkill; and the grateful .remembrance of
many friends associated with its wild and pictur
csque scenery, is' excelled, perhaps, only by the
flame of its :native anthracite ! j My sympathies,
too, always were With her honest Toilers, and
from the peculiar circumstances which, for a year
or more past, hare surrounded the eaterprizing
eitizeni of the Coal Regions, I have felt nothing
but the sincerest grief at their accumulated mis
fortunes. It is,an old saying; and a true one,
that "troubles never eomesingle• handed"— but in
battallions and regiments, arced for tho most po_
tent resistance. It is clear, as has been exhibited
time after time, that the present Tariff is exceed
ingly' hostile to the prosperity of-the Coal Inter.
eats of Pennsylvania; and, by referring back to
the time it went into operation, the whole aeries
.of evils that have. fastened upon the trade, end
other branches of business associated with it, can
be clearly identified as flowing out spontaneously
from the practical workings of that law. And as
the people of the Coal districts confided in Gen.
Taylor, and appealed, with much marked unani
mity, to his election, foe redress ; I am happy to
state my conviction that they.aro not going to be
disappointed. General Taylor (let me whisper
in the the ears of the Coal-beepsttered workers of
' Schuilkill,) is a decided Tariff man; arid being
one of the plainest, most unpretending and hon
est citizens of the Republic, he loves, with his
whole soul, to eco the laborer get a proper reward
for his toil.' ,
lie takes a groat interest in Agricultural affairs,
as they aro pursued in the North, and it 16 his in
tention, the coming Autumtycs travel through the
great Forming end Manufacturing districts of
the frco States, that ha may thoroughly understand
the people,' and their respective wants, and tio
enabled thereby to recommend to Congress, when
it assembles in Decein'ser next. „, the adoption of
such wholesome measures as will give pro speak) ,
• and permanency to all the great djterests of the
;g Country. His object is to Collect information—
, practical data ; and be will avoid all formality
and parade, in . his intercourse with. the people,
whenever it can be done with propriety, and with
out giving offence. Ho will act out from here,
;L: 1 1 0tituorc to York thence to Harrisburg via
• 11,,anc,aster; thence to Pittsburg via Chamberskag,
;Milford Sprikia,Au. He will leave Pittsburg
,for. Cleveland, Ohio, and thence embark via Suf
i' ,falo for Syracuse, where the great Annual Pair and
,Cattle Show of the New Yoth State Agricultural
.riety, will be held, on the 10th of September
After visiting Albany, he will go over to
New Hampshire and Maine, and pay hie respects
to the Factory 'girls of Massachusetts. He will
then returnAo New York via Providence, Rhode
Island, and paw through Philadelphia, en route,
for Washington. Thus, it will he seen, that the
General cookies his projected visit to the people
of those States interested in a sound Tariff sys
tem, and, had he never expressed any sentiment
of the subject, the fact that ho is desirous of pay
ing hie respects to them, personally, shows that,
unlike some other Presidents we have recently
had, his attention is trot taken op.! entirely, with
the "peculiar iostitutioni of the Soutfi."
The General eonaidorathe great Coal Regions
tispecislly the Anthracite beds,) as being decid
edly the most interesting and valuable portion 'of
Pennsylvania ; anti ha will go to Pottsville if he arrange 'the not to loose.
too much time. This, it is to bo feared, ho will
not be able to Jo, a; rotuilito is approachable by
!Zailurs7 only hem But if Lo could
be persuaded to bear the bumßiation of passing
through Berko County, from Lancaster to Read
in, be could go up to Pottsville and.threak bread
with you, end yriu.could send him on his way,
rejoicing, the neztday. It is probable. however,
that he will not bo able m visit any place which
is not directly on his proposed route, and which is
not acCemible by Railway or Steamboat Na viga.
don. He is ice the daily receipt of bushels of
tellers, from the everlasting Browns, Smiths and
Thompsons of this great land, inviting him to
visit their respective -localities. Half a dozen
"Private Secretaries" could not answer these po.
lite epistles,—(for which Uncle Sam pajs post—
age) and if ho mold accept a moiety of them; be
would be dionered, and .drank, and toasted, and
bored to death, in less than "no limp."
But Zachary Taylor, Esquire, is not to be
•headed eft" in any manner whatever. Tho
Locofodos are lieginini to Sod ti out, and the
mustacheid and grim-visaged Mexicans learned
the utter imi.ossibility of accomphshing it, to their
lasting sorrow. Now thatoki Whitey has actual
ly arrived hare, Father Ritchie may continuo the
damn/mud, if be pleases, may cry out "havoc.
and let lois° the dogs of war!" • •
I will say a few words concerning old Whitey.
He is a most remarkable animal. His eyes, his
clean limbs, sinews and.metselcs—hii gentleness,
'are unequalled. He is now over seventeen years
old, and has borne his kind and considerate mak
lei: through many a bloody struggle and fatiguing
journey-rcoming out little the worse for sundry
wounds„ which he carries with him as very hon—
orable mementos of his past bravery and fidelity.
He is the greatest "hose,” without doubt, that ever
"stood up to the rack- (fodder or no fodder)" in
the Presidential Stables. When Whitey had
approached within about eighty miles of this city,
consigned to the care of Col. Capron, a farmer
residing romewherealong the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, Gen. Taylor set out, cautiously, one
afteraoon, by the cart, to sea him, and to make
arrangements for his safe Jiival hither. This
little business was performed in a few hours, and
the General returned early i the next morning!—
The President of the United States of America
bestowed this courtesy on a faithful old dumb
brute, who had served himlaithfully in •the ird
minent deadly breach," and I am of opinion that
the person who could do it must have a heart as
big as a haystack!
Whitey knows tho Geniis!' "liko a breeze."—
Last Sabbath, (I heard it stated) as he was going
to Church, Whitey espied him, and cocicd up his
ears, and pawed, and made such other evidences
of recognition, that the General walked op to him,
and told him to keep quiet, and behave himself
like a Christian. 'this injunction was .religious.
ly" observed.
TheM is, indeed, something beautiful in the
spirit which dispenses kindness to the domestic
animals. There is no selfishness mingled in such
attachments—there is no deception—no vanity.—
Those pereoris who have owned faithful horses or
L iogs, and have been acetisteled to . view them as
Constituting .a portion of the homestead ittelf,
need not bo assured of the strength of . the attach
ment lam dwelling upon. Even
"The poor Indian, whose untiatoi'd mind
Sees God in clodda, or hears him in the wind,—
Whose soul proud Science never taught to stray
Far as the Solar walk or Milky way,—
♦ • • •
Yet thiriks,adtuitted to thqt equal ekt,
Ills faithful dug will'bear !din mow:ley."
Not a century ago, I was accustomed to horses,
and 'live stock" generally—good, bad, and indif..
forest,—sod I experienced on many occasions-the
full force of the affection which endears a faithful
brute to the human heart. You may talk of the
love of brothers end sisters—of sweethearts and
wires—but, dang it!—there is no mistake about
a dog! When other friends desert you, he is
true and steadfast!
. When other friends desert
you, he is Mar ! 110 will rrjoica with yoa—
fight for you—die for you!
I can thcreforo appreciato—perhaps, better ap•
preciata than many others,—the extraordinary at,.
tachment of Gen. Taylor for his faithful chMger.
Yet, it was transcendently noble in him, when ap
prised of the near approach of the herse,—SUl
rounded, hoe he wee, by ell the • splendors and
glaring magnificence of the Presidental mansion,
and the dignities of his high office,—it was noble
in him' to quietly step over to the ears, to go off
after, Whitey !—lo lay his hand familiarly on -his
mane !—to pat him kindly on the neck !—and
silently indulge his great love for the war-horse
of Buena Vista. I say it was noble—don't you!
General News
A letter from Mercer, ?s., says :—Our neigh
borhood .and the surrounding country is now
swarming with locusts. The woods,virchards and
groves are daily resounding with their harsh rat
tling sound. It is only about a week since they
made their appearance in this vicinity ; they seem
to come from a Southern direction. They slight
on the - trees, shrubs and bushes, and soon com
mence boring and depositing their eggs in the
branches. Great injury is done to the fruit trees
in this way. I planted a new orchard last spring;
the trees flourished finely till within two or three
thing now the leaves begin ta wilt and the branches
die where injured by the !milks. From present
appearances, I shall net have a live tree left'. My
neighbors are complaining of the same mischief.
There are so many certain cures for cholera, that
some wit has been provoked to say, that the
wonder is, that any body dies of it. In a Paris
paper is an account of a cure, unlike any we have
seen. A man's wife was attacked in the morning,
while he was absent. The neighbors called iu a
Doiter, who furnished the usual prescriptions.
She nevertheless, continued to sink till toward
night, when the husband returned very much in
toxicated. He forthwith threw all the phials out
doors, kicked his neighbors out after them, and
began to beat his wife Unmercifully... The
beating effected what the medicine could not—it
produced a re-aciion—and the woman got' well
immediately. This is the only good effect at
drunkenners we recollect to have seen chronicled.
The London Quarterly Review, for January, in
an article on "Austria and Germany," has the fol
lowing allusion to the activity and energy of the
countrymen of Kosciusko, in . the late revolution..
err movement in Europe:—"The Poles have
played a leading part in all the insurrections in
the cspiiala of Europe. They have, in fact, be-
C3MO the Free Corps of Democracy, the Kr.ightar:.
Errant off Revolution, and like the companies of
adventurers in the 14th century, they proffer their
assistance in everyluarter where there is a pros
pect of successful insurrectiou irgairret monarch
ical authority.,•
The Horticulturist fur June elates that this
beautiful fish, originally from Chins, and hitherto
chiefly known its ornamental ponds ur glass
globes in this country, has become quite natural
ized in the Hudson near Newburgh. The fisher
men there have caught rainy fine, plump end
deep golden specimens, from 'eight to ten inches
in length, both in the Hudson itself and in the
mouth'of Matteawan creek, which empties into
the Hudson opposite
.Newburgh. A quintitrof
this species liras put into the creek about 10 years
ego, and have so multiplied es to fairly stock the
creek and river in that vicinity.
Mr. Lawrence Hill, a merchant in New Yoth.
who died last Monday of cholera, (says the Times)
was insured in, the Connecticut Mental Life In.
surance Company, for $4,000. His annual pay
ment was duo four days previous to his death,
when the agent called upon him for it. lie put
it off "for a few days," but died without effectio,g,
the renewal. That slight delay of a "few days"
bas depriankl bin children of $4,000.
far The handsomest specimen of the "art of
printing" is a thousand dollar bank note. .
riTA gentlegurn, who was at breakfait the
other morning, Make en egg, and disturbed the
repose of 'a sentimental looking biddy, called the
waiter and insinuated that he did not Like to hue
a bill presented before ha had done eating. . •
[7'Entitted to Ft-ado:IL—A man named Joel
Taylor succeeded in escaping from the Jail at
Ballston, jsi. lately, by sawing Off vino iron
Great's Pis fors.—Ono hundred men are
employed in making these instruments at Hart
ford. They turn out one hundred and twenty.a
week, and the demand is almost as many for each
day. . .
Govirncrra in
from Florida inform us test GOTCIIIOt Mosely„ the
old Democratic executive, still. holds on to his of
fice, and intends doing so till lktober next. Gov
ernor Thomsti Drown, Whig, who was elected
last fall, has been installed, so that Florida is
blessed withttno Gov,rnora.
The Liquor Dealers had quite an indigna
tion meeting in the upper port of New York city
on Saturday night. It woe resolved. to resist, at
all hazards, the determination of the mayor to
close their shops on Sunday- So there is likely
to bo come trouble about it.
tarßtat at Boston.—The thermometer in
Boston on Friday rose higher; (to 963) with only
one exception, than on any day within the last
24 year; or since "the hot" July of 1825, when
for several day, it ranged from 97 to 99g. •
nrFatality on Railroads.—Mora than 17,-
000,000 passengers passed over the railroads in
Massachusetts during the past three years. Only
66 persons were killed and 65 were injured.
ETA negro driver of a coach m Texas, stop.
ping to get some water for the young ladies in the
carriage; being asked what he stopped for, replied
am watering my ['omens." A more delicate
compliment could not been paid.
rir Bad Water and Cholera.—A principal
cause of the cholera, 60 fatal in Camden, N. J., is
said to bo the impurity of the water, the Opts
through which it passes containing dead arid de
composing animalcu:m. .
rar — New Power in Building.—At the mill
yard of the Lowell Manufacturing Company,
Mass., the bricks and mortar of the new woolen
mill are all raised by the power of a s team engine.
The engine is about aix horse power.
rirKcntucky in 1776. the year of the De
claration, was a mere wilderness. New She
number's near a million of inhabitants, and has
near fifty newspapers printed within her bounds.
Ur A letter-writer, giving an occount of the
outrages in the Austrians, says,—"At Kovil, on
the left Danube bank, which is latched to the
ground, three priests were thrown into a well, end
a young man was found hanging by the feet.
The vaults were ransacked, and fragments of
human bodies lay scattered about,"
Ire Married al SlteeptovFn, in Bear county
Feb. last, by the Rey. Mr. Wolf, Mr. Silas L:on
to Miss Edith Luoib. ;."
ga,-The Market committee of Pittsburg, have
a:wiled the ice cream sellers from the market
houses doting the prevalence of the cholera.
10 - Great Inducement.—A California adventu
rer, writing to hen friends, eaye that when be first
went to the diggings he hadn't a rag en his back,
but now he is covered with them.
0. - The amount necessary for the ereekon of
a Cotton Factory in Harrisburg (200,000) has
• boon subscribed, and the work will be commenced
forthwith and completed as soon as practicable.
Fact.--It is announced as a
singular fact, in a dispatch from St. ',els. that
tb, mortality among middle aged married ladles
is greater than in any other portion of the 'corn
[Wanking in Pennsylvania.—Applications
will be made to the next Legislature for charters
for eight new banks, an aggregate capital of
$2,550,000, and fur:the re-churter, eleven ex
isting banks ooh se e united capital amount to
lUPefer Pence.—lt is. aupposad that' the col
lection of "Peter Pence" in the drlleront
Catholic churches in the United States, on the 811.1
inst., for the ten , fit of Pop; Pius, wi.l reach about
07.111onster Company.--Tho stock in trado of
the Hu lson's Bay Company is $2,000,000. The
profits aro often half a million a year. '('hey sell
a gun which cost $6, for skins worth SIG. A pint
of rum Worth 8 cants, is sold for 75.
re-Remarkable Coincidence.—Mrs. Sarah
Pallett died in PtiIICI.S. Anne county, Md., on
Wednesday, 4th. She was horn on the 4th of
July, 1746, owl died on the 4th of July, 1849
having numbered preci.ely 103 years..
la'Prolific held.—On Capt. Brook's farm,
Maryland, three single grains of wheat produced as
follows:' - one grain of New Yoik Bald Wheat
IG7O grains; two grains Pennsylvania Blue Stem
respectively 1326 and 1132 grains.
Eruffcre it goes agairf," said Mrs.. Parting—
ton, as she beCame conscious of }he'sublimily of
a fountain one warm day iu July. "Bete it goes
again, I declare frizzling away like a blessed old
loco loco on a railrold."
-Thc' pastor of ono of the N. Y. churches.
in his sermon on Sunday, mentioned that three
members of the Sunday School, who were in their
places on the Sunday previous, were now in their
graves.' Two of them went sisters, aged 14 and
Syeare, l who died after in illness of about twelvo
hoursand were buried in a common grave. -
cr Death of Mrs. Mqdi.son.—Mrs. D. P.
Madison,. widow of James Madison, our fourth
Proaident,'.expired at 10 1-4 o'clock, P. M.. on
Wednesday evening, week at her residence in
IG.lVinety thousand land warrants have been
issued to soldiers who served in the Mexican war,
giving away to them as a bounty 13,800,000 acres.
Estimating the valuer:ll this land at $1 25 an acre,
we have in aggregate 0r517,930,000.
rr,112 =Onion occurred in a colliery at
Great Bridge, near Dudley, Eng., which tilled 25
or 80 persons, andrseriously injured a number of
others. It was occasioned by unscrewing the
safely lamp.
Drunk, Cerlainly.—Tbo liquor dealers of tho
4th ward, New Yotk. are holding meetings to do.
vise moans for keeping their stores open on Sunday
contrary to municipal ordinances. Ono of their
resolutions declared that the proclainntion of the
Mayor "was adverse to personal and religious
Californians on the'Plains—The St. Louis
Republican bas a letter - third May 15th, '260
mike out from old Fort Kearney, which reports
the emigrants to 'bo progressing finely, that th-ir
cattle were in good condition, and tho genre ex
cellent—whilst that ahead Was repotted to be still
Chinese. Girls•—Two Chinese girls aro in the
blind esylum in New Turk. At a recent exhi.
Linen' they discovered great aptness to learn, and
excited couch interest in the nudiencc.
Track.—At the recent fiftieth enniversity of
the London Tract Society. it was elated that it had
issued five hundred million, of publications its
one hundred and ten differect languages.
The Sulphur Remedy.—The newspapers arc
terming with accounts of the success of 'sulphur
in cholera at Chicago. In real Cholera the
sulphur has been utterly futile in this city, and
will bo so every where else.—Louircille Cour.
Light at Last--The Washington Union says
—"We think every intelligent observer of the
events of the last three months must note be con
vinced that the present administration is thoroughly
and ultra Whig." We think so too.
"Mr. Showman," said a greenhorn at the
menagerie, "can the leopard change his spots !"
"Yes, sir," replied the individual who stirs up the
wild beasts, "When ho gets tired of one spot ho
can easily go to another." '
47.icting,—The'Louiaville Courier tells of
a man who jest his second wife of cholera on the
04th alt., his first wife basing died of the same
disease only'a month previous. •
The Russian fortress of • Jolepha, being ti
Grp military depot on the Black Sea, has been
stormed by a cortesof /2,000 Circassian', and 4-
'2OO Russians were-put to the sword. -
Sad, if True. The Atienal, a Parisian news•
peper, contains the following laconic and awful
obituary notice: "Now Orleans, in the United
State, has been submerged and abandoned."
Filth's-its in Georgia. The Georgia papers
give give a list of thirty , six cotton factories in that
e t, 2 to, situated in eighteen counties, and add that
the stock has been subscribed for six others.
Lieut. Lynch, in his notice of the Jews of
Tiberias, on the sea of Galilee, lays :—"The
females merry very early. There was ono in the
house; then eleven and • half. Years of age, wlie
we aro assured. had been married fightemi months.
hfr. Wiseman poiuted, out smother, a mere child
in appearance, ten yenta of age, who had been two
yams mashed It accrued inctorliblo."
F 2 G ii FM.4 -t:i7l
The Coal Trade- for 1819.
The quantity, sent by Ball Mad. this week, hi :3,7D%
01—by t..Yzia1,.11,710 09—for the week. 45,47814. tens.
The shipments 'contmenced On, Monday again, but
there Is no use of di sguLsing the fact that the business
Is still doll and bast not improved any but on the con
trary the prkes are not maintained. The only alter.
native Ls to curtail coming operations, and tedece the.
Colliery Establishments until the demand is increased,
otherwise prices will recede to - list year's rates. It
is a sad and unpleasant alternative, bat absolute
cesslty requires It. Our poi:relation, which was scarce-
Iy:sufficient to transact the business of the region two
yeantagp, (although less at the present tram than
thee) has heroine redundant, and those whe frit! vote
frir free trade and lonnwagee, ottani to be Midis fres
Ilist to enjoy the principles they indnlmte—for tve hold
that every man Is boned to stand by the ptinetplen he
advocates both In theory and practice.
/rAnuut °Moat sent <worths IndisilelphLisi
ingltahroad and NOvtgatisna tot
eudingon Thursday evening last -
P Q 1606.11, 1 64 01 .161.674 OS 6,360 OSI
Pottsville, 3.400 00 7,2.178 IS . 1,330 16
8. Haven, 16.372 04 e 01,216 03 3,007 00
P. Clinton; 2,710 10 61,614 19 04 05'
43;100 04 500,056
/00 05 11,111 09,
Total by RR & Ca'l. 673,581 11
To samobtriod last - y.6lr, 1g Rare
' Do by , • • C,anAll
10,178 00 tons
The Arnow ine is the quantity °fecal sent from the
Lehigh region for the week endingiJnly 14. 1640.
Summit Mine, 0,300 05 1 • 1137,6 i 4 15 •
Rhume Run, 4,035,15 ' 38.648 00 '
Beaver Meadow. 1,960 IV '23.466 10
tipring Mountain Co. 3,71' . 5 01 41,052 15
~... ~. , ..—.
aeCton Coal Co. 99104 - , 10,354 02
,:ranberry Coal Co. 2,501 tO , 29,069 ON
Diamond Coal Co. - 47217 . 2 . 6 15 13
Buck Mountain Co. .2,412 08 3 4t2 14
Wilkesborrn Coal Co. .550 01
.23,-1 , 2 9.z1
1 2 8 91,163 00
Sent for the week ending. July 7. 1819.
Weetc. TOTAL.
13,450 199,183
159,729 Inns
To same period last pear
Transportation on IA c Railroads in Sckulkill County.
The following Is the' quantity of Con trannported
over the ditTerent Itnilloodu In Schuylkill County, for
titu week ending Thuriday itven
18,670 07 251,..75 . 1 08
Mine 11111 and S. If. U. Ii
Little Srlnsylkill It.. It: . .
. 2,349 19 70,217 13
Milt Creek do , ' 2,560 ; 110 93. 0 53 15
Moon , Carbon do 5,655 19 09,191 18
Schuylkill Volley do . 10.310 14 135.513 14
MI. Car'•on nlBl4. Carbon do 8,241 01 155,279 tfl
Colon C 'mai do t .2,959 13 39,269 09
Swntarn. ' do , 2,003 13 20.172 01
To Sept'l, 161 U.
To F Nl.eartion.B.llaven.P.Cilidoo.
Richmond. on Ilium:1,1819, 170 165 145
Philadelphia. do do 170 165 145
PATES ON 1 ' , LL PT COOOL, TO 01.11.1. 1811).
Fr ' m Mt.Corhou. S.llaven. P.Clinton.
To Philadelphia 75 etc 72 t 43. 63 CU.
To Philadelphia
To New York
For additional New Advertiseinenis* see Next
Page. They will t here be fotaid arranged
under Suitable lira ds.
Edwin ,( inlon,
No. 30 spuek Strut,
FIVE jlOOll/1 CHESNUT, 111:3"1 . SIRE.
a ' s B so a r i l d me n n , i r a ' ll w a ' r li tic fi l n e d s . i a n t i a n l y l
liiie of loviites.i. wade up in all no it various styles of
fashion and finish.
My prices ate such that they will Ir. lound to the in
terest of those Merchants who will favor IBC with a
call before puirhasing, elsewhere.
July - '2l,lttitt. 30-3 n
Irins' Cracker Bake& y.
1 - 1 , 71 E subscribers continue to makeof the bent ma•
J. serials: and keep constantly on hand a full assort
ment of Crackers, Sager. Soda, and Bran BiSCIII e, Jam.
bles, Apeee, Scutell Cake.. a nil Gingernuts, &e.. Ado,
n "urge supply or Navy, Pilot, and other Obit ping
Breads; all of which they guarantee to be made of
the bent materials and engage to sell at the !isect
cash prices, at their cstabliabed eland, N NOI llt
Fronk, above Vine oh: J. S. IVINS &
July RI, 1810. • •
Lamps: LanipS! Lamps!
OF the various kinds fir burning Oil, Lard, Fluid,
Gas, Camphine, ece. Also, Night Lamps and Hang
ing Lamps for !Inns; Moho., plain and cut; Skies,
Shades, received and fur sale at
Cheap Stationery de Variety' Stoics.
July TI
Female, Seminary.'
MRS. DEIIIIER AN DAM uirrgits will re-npen
their Seminary for Young Ladles, In the city or
Hooding. on the II of September next.. Their COWe
of kindle)* study in thorough, embracing all the branch
es taught in the best Female Seminaries in Min reen
try: thus furnishing young ladies with abundant Op
portunities for enquiring- a good English Education.
Lectures are delivered weekly upon enrh scientific
subjects as engage the attention of classes during the
The. Boarding department is under the Immediate
supervision of Mrs. Decliert, who gives every Atten
tion to the health. comfort, and depnrtment of the
Scholars roriunitted to her care The School year crow
menciur the lst Monday in •Septemher, and closes the
15thof July. • A short vacation at Christmas. '
Terms Hoarding .11111 Tuition per year, .150
Tering for instruction In Music, French snl Ancient
Languages, together with their retain of study, will
tie ninth, known by application at their residence, East
Penn st.. between Silt toad bth at., Reading, Va.
• - - - •
Rev. Jacob Miller, I). D . Dr. Isaac Mester, Samuel
Bell, E•q., Den. (tvorge M. Kelm. Rev. E. J. Rich
ards. Paul Sahbaton, Esq., lion. Win, Strong, lion.
.1. Pringle Jones, John 11. /Cebu, Esq., Reading;
Wor B. Potts. Esq., Orwigaburg.
July 21. 1849. 21tn3t•
New :Partnerihip
MILE undersigned catered Into a partnership onthc
1 first Inst., under the firm of GUN RAD, CARTER
& Co., for ,tbe transaction of a Transportation and
Commission Business on the Reading Railroad, and the
Roads connected therewith, and respectfully solicit a
continuance of the plitronagu'widch hay been hetet..
fore an liberally bestowed uu the firms to which they
respectively belonged. I
We are prepared to transport Comb of all dercrip
lion., da lip, to Pottsville; also. to the following monied
places : Port Carbon, St. Clair, New Philadelphia, PM
tetenn,Middleport. Brock ville, Tuscarora, New Cultic,
illatinivi.a.., l 2loomolairg. Ora ngeville,Shamokln. Dan
ville, Sunbury, Noithumberiaml, Milton, Money, WU
liainsport. PI inersv Me, 'remnant, &e , ece. All Goods
sent to our care will be punctually attended to land
forwarded with limpet's.
I'hiladrlpkia. Pr:Weil/4n • Sck.
July 21, 11540, • • 30-it '
IL/ Tim Partnership hereintbre existing between]. E.
Carter, Morgan, Jas. Trornbull and" Thomas Brennan,
under the name and style of J. E. charm &
was dissolved on the first (natant-the said Brennan
having withdrawn, and the said Morgan and Trombul I
having sold their Interests ; to J. C. Conrad, Jr., of
Philadelphia—the said Tianilnill Whiling himself not
to engage hr the Mishim.a Nr tire period of five years.
July 21.11,19. 30.3r1 .1. E. CARTER.
SupeKior Calcin'd Maga • sla
_MET, .M.
Drairgia and Chrtnisce, North-mat tor. of Third and,
Poplar st.—PIMAE
13" v • A . VAI,CIN .15IAGNESIA is respectfully
submitted * to'ailed ieal Karat loners. in the hope that
if will be found 10 pro4ers all the properties al a arid
ly officinal nriletc, which it claims to be, and, awe
fore not undese t Inc their confidence.
Mn. no. Myr, Jr.—Dear Sir have Used the
sample of Magni.sla yen so kindly sent me, mfth ninth
satiolartion. I consider it fully equal to that prepared
by-Henry of Manchester and Husband of this City.
Very respectfully, .101111 WILTIIIIIIIK.IBI u.,
Professor of Obsierics and. Diseases of Women and
Children, in Hie Pennsylvania Medical College of
N 0.191 Arch direct, 1an.30,1810.
MR. 0 CORO E nLEv, 3r.—llear Sir:—The sampled
Magnesia you were PO kind In send me, I have used.
and Anil it an excellent article. It possesses all the
cbarncterof Henry's hlagndia, and could not readily
be distinguished from it. Truly your
Unsex t 3. PsTrEasoa, M. D.,
Prdessior of Materia Medical and Therapeutics tri the
Pennsylvania Medical College of Philadelphlai.
No. 112 Arch Street, Feb. 23, MD. •
' slfarek 2. 1849.
Me. Geeing Bier, Jr.-Llear Sir.-1 have given a
fair trial to Ike Calcined Magnesia you were kind
enough to (tallish sue. ! find it one of the most agree
able and certain preparation!' I ever employed. I hope
you will bo well rewarded for your rare and Industry
in its preparation. .Yours truly.
James McCburocir, M. n.
Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery in the
colic:fe of Medicine.
No. I North Eleventh Street.
I cent ider "IlbaY'a CALCINED MAGNESIA" equal to
Ilushand'r or livery'''. en admirable article for level
ly ure,.and worthy of the confidence of the Medical
Prectitißner. ' 11. J,lttiows .1.1.
l'hilada.. Jan: Id, ISIS, No. 570 N. Third at. •
151 n. Cs.iiene RASP Jr,..-dirt-1 lava frequently
prescribed the Magnesia prepared by you, and consider
it fully equal to any now hi use.
Front st., above Poplar. Jsci. K KNoka,Bl. D.
I have used, both in my practice and In my family.
Inept Calcined Magnesia, and feel warranted In lay
ing from ray etperience it le superior to any other pre
paration of IlagneiJa I have ever met with.
For role by the principal Druggists throughout the
United States, by John G. Brown, General Agent/or
Pottsville ;' else, for sale at Clemens & ileirsler , a and
John G. C. Martin's Drug Stoma. •
Ju1y21.109 , • 20-3rno
BRITANNIA NIPAILE.--Persons In want of
Britannia Tea and Table 13pOons, Knives and Forks
an find an excellent aaaortment at the Jewelry store
tine 20 271 erntre at.. North of !diners' Bank.
IL.—WEii 7 ITE the attention of families to try
P. S. De salan's Patent Oil. for burning—we gnat.
a ntec it to la dt Ilonger than the Los opera). and give as
Food alight : and le prize. Manufarterrd and
ter sale by
June 30, VA tienue at., Pottsville.
Dr. Collen'ft liza6ol Vegetable
TN the World, prepare drietors by a now prticegs, knows only
I in the Prop, by alt lu virtues are ex-
tracted—Ods not being the which
case with any other, ac-.
counts (ovate dumber of positive and almost mimeo
less,eurea. made In this city,whlle other proarations
of sersaparilty make al their cures at a distance—
mark this /. We lavlte attention; we call on unto slit,
to examine. to visit one patients, and beco...e convin
ced of the truth of what we say ;.what other Altera
tive thus challenges Investlgatlmit Nose—Dr.' Culk
I en's is also the cheapest sarsaparilla in the World.—
It is pare, coocentrated, and unadulterated, ONE BOT
TLE goes further than three or fonr of other prepara
tion. !thee cured,and will cure more Glees of Pcmfula,
or Ewes Evil, Coniumption, Brochitis. Erysipelas,
Obstinate Cutaneous Eruption.. Blotches. Rites, Meg
Worms, and Tatter, Scald Bead, Chronic Ulcers, Mar
cutlet disease Rheumatism, Neer:aisle, Liver corn:
plaint..PalPation of the lleart„Dyspern la, etc., etc..'
than any other medici ne ever discovered„and hence it
is the best prattler of the Blood ever offered to the pub. -
lle. Call and get a pamphlet, a large pamphlet, cmiL
Winn' fall accounts or the difeerent diseases which
this me ac cues, take the CIISCII described,and visit
the . rents, and you will Anil what we w ! is true ;
:asitteely tree . -
We will al so give the nametiltf patients cored Of.
the Most desperate forms of disease, and the names of
Doctors, who In secret prescribe our medicine:taro
their patients, and lion us of the credit of our dhscov
eiy: Those Who love truth and despise . kenbirg, call
and examine the teithanny, and evidence we are pre
pared to give in favourer Dr. Cullen 's Indian Ver:-
table Panacea.
for sato by lIDWAND & WALTON, Proprietors,
N 0.21 North Sixth st., Philadelphia. -
11. Batman, J. EL C. Martin. and .1. O, Brown, Potts
vale rl.l. If. Palls, Macneill°, Paa .
July 21, 1240.
le week
AL 1
81,608 15
25,170 II
41.672 09
11,092 Oti
166,608 05
Treasurer's Account.
B. F. Sage. pecasurcr, in =smut wick ike Borough
ejScluyllill irevia,frues July 31st, 1848, to Jens
1484 1.16119. .
1848. 1 ' ,CM
July 31 IBY cub acchccke of WasHoch mi. los 00
Aug .17 ' do, - Wes Koch col • 116 00
Wm KOch col ' 4OO 00
' " •28 do ' WM Koch col )/114 00
Oct -• 18 .do Wm Koch col 7 . , ,160 00
Nov 3 dd ' -Wm Koch col / lis 00
22 .do "Wm Koch co_l_ . )lo6 . 00
• '
18113. _ '
Jan ,5 . , do
&larch '3 do
April 01 du
May 14 do
June 7 do
675,4% CO
101,422 02
1848. " , Dar
July 31 To order In favor ofJosepli [lifter
du - li, c Kauffman
do J Collins
do . i,Talsgrove -'
do .. Ii lloshca •
do James Cahill'
do George need
do Franklin Collins
do - •C Kant net:
do George Heed
do ' J Reinheiner
do - J Palsgrove
du • Id Saylor
do John Evety
du John Snyder
du • ThosT Keriedy
do k'redurick Beck
do ' Daniel Frits
do Frederick Beck
do '., ' 0 W blatchio
do .:' Moses Reed
do Henry Winter
do • E Werner
do John Saylor
do ' Geo Freeluffer
do,C It Zalich
-do i (les Heed
do do •
do Samuel Bowen
'do . E 1 , Weston
do . Buoy Doyle -
do ' -• D Basehore i
do ! J Hamer
do : Daniel Yost
do John SayKor
do Samuel Bowen !
do • A East
do Elijah Werner
'do Chas Moyer
du ,. Ceo Reed
•do ' M Kerkeslager
do '' Jacob Kacrcher
do ' 13 Doyle
du henry Winter
du Thee Jones •
do Moses Reed
do • William Fisher
do John Hill
do M Freehafer
do . Joseph Bird
do JIM.) Sterner
do : Elijah Werner
do Jacob l'alsgrovo
do U W Matchin
do Cline Moyer,
du John Sharman
do • John Saylor
do . David Geiger
do Wm Brun
du . Robert Uses
do John Deward
do John Evely •
do John Saylor
do Benj Kantner
do U W bleat:lllu
.do John Saylor
- do
Ang 17
Sept. 12
115 els. per ton
170 ,
Nov 3
11 do
' do
Jan 5 • do ,II Saylor SGS
du Jacob Buck . 1
do Jacob Binh: 1 00
• du F. F Wnbten • • 13 II
' -du John Wisner 2 70
do Johan Guestler ti 78
du Lewis Moyer 150
I _ do Jacob Kat:rater 867
du Jobo Snyder 0-56
. do . Harney Doylo SOU
du 'May id Geiger 135
du John Saylor 10 00
do Lewis Moyer 10 00
' do , Musa, Reed . 4 05
'do John Saylor 5 00
do• ~John Snyder 45
do Kenedy &Go 1 so
March 9 do Alich.fel Brehany 70
• do 0 %V Matchln 17 20
as Mt Eyler , 6 30
• 1 To Sur 13 00
To order
tn favor of J Saylor . 203
du • Geo Maberry : 150
du Philip Moyer 1 06
, .
To judgment to I.ivor 07.1 Heebner 34 34
Arlin 24 Tn Order jo favor of 1.4 lillatuan 150
May 9 du
• ' M need 7 05
do 1 - John Sayler 140
du Edward Kramer 1 50
do Jeremiah Sterner 55
do John Sayler 5 00
do Wm Banters 00
' 'do John limbic .3 00
do John Sayler 3 37
10 do Reuben Wunder 10 75
do Geo %V Matchin 10 00
do . Chan W Sayler 90
do Muses !leakier' 3 37
• do Philip Boyer . 55
do ; Lewis Moyer 47 50.
Juno 7 do Joe 518.141°r 00'
do George Freed 3 40
do 0 %V Martchin, , 20 00
do do • 20 00
14 do .Mosee Reed 5 IS
81,112 00
B. F. KETNER, Treaeurer.
July 14,1849. 2871
Dyspepsia andGenaral
TN ALL CASES of Indigestion 'and derangement
of the stomach. thismedicine set edilyiestores the
digestive organs to their natural healthy state, thus
strengthening the whole system. Honed it is an excel
lent preventive of epidemic diens es,,for persons in a
weak and debilitated condition; at the present time
every such person ought to have it. '
But no medicine is more highly recommended for
Dillni.lAy in ail Its forms, ouch as headache. heart
burn, costiveness, acid stomach, lose of 'appetite, pain
in the stonmeffidebility, and also, asthma attended with
derangement of the stomach.
The following is from a most eminent Chemist. '
The medicinal articles used in the preparation of the
Bitters, are those prescribed by the nioseeminent
eiefans for the titter from. and cure of, the diseases
for whietttese Bitters have been so success fuly used.
The cum mg of them Ls lnaccordance with chemical
rules. securing the efficacy of earls t and the compound
seems to have resulted front extended observations In
medical practice. Itespectfully,
A. A. DAY ES, M. D..
State Assayer, Lowell, Mass.
nem E. P. STOW, Esq., Asst. Mork 17. 8. llowto
' Da. Geo. B. GECEN ,-Dear Sir—l feel It. not only a
pleasure. but a duty, to make kaolin to you and to the
public, (If you desire it) the surprhing effects of the
"Oxygenated Diners," in relieving me from that most
.dieroureging disorder, Dyspepsia.' I have been afflict.
ed for abeut seventeen years with the usual :ittendaut
symptoms, viz. constipation of the bowel., headache,
pain in the chest, flatulence, acidity of the womach.
and severe nausea; and for menthe at a time not the
least particle of moisture would appear on the surface
of the chest or limbs. and most of the tuna I was ex
tremelybilicuis. I have used various 'remedies, have
bee, strict In my diet, have been dosed with calomel
andel:miles day after day by physicians. but all Id no
if /pod paves.. Hearing of the wonderful efface of the
"Oxygenated' fluters," in the cure of Dyspepsia. I
procured some az a last resort; have need four bottles
of the medicine, and find the bad symptoms all remov
ed. 111, (IluYSelf once more In the enjoyment of health.
None outtheDyspeptie snlferer, who has felt all the
honors of the disease, can at all appreciate the value
of the medicine., 1 most sincerely hope that ell will
make trial of thu medicine, and with me he able to re
joice to the return of health.
The following order.wis received by the Proprietor,
from EDWARD E. rt 161.1.4. Professor - of The
repairs nod hlateria. ritedica, Dartmouth College, who
usee the wedicnie in his practice. '
Dugan Gaging :—Please send 430 two dozen of your'
“Oxygenated Lillian." • ED. E. raELps,
Wiarruir. isty 29, ktilG.
Don't fad total! farrow pamphlet, it confalmi several
certificates from members of Congress and others, who
testify to the wonderful efficacy of thls isardichie.
Every Dyspeptic who desires health, will try It. The
Will hag cinematic not to be thought of when health is
at make.
rePrice $lOO per battle ; 6 bottles for 10. 00 .
Sold wholesale and retail by GREEN & FLETCH ED,
No. I Ledger Bolding.. Philada.
0. D. JENKINS. Centro at., one door below Market,
Pottsville; J. W. GIBBS. blinersTille I JNO: SKIT-
EICSIAN, Unatburg; D. & G. IJUNTEINPER, lightly!.
kill 'Le. .
I ,
July 14, ven
180. , . 211-1)
TIIE subscriber basjast received a i sapply of safety
It ,
La Roan:ona which are a few of UPtondr. Rob
erts' Int Roved B**ety Lamp, whiellts acknowledgbi
to be 41 best .no safest now 11l use intim mines al
Europe. For sale st "ass Niece than tticy can Lc liu-
Pork. l , a • - . BANPiAN't3
April 3 I' Omar finnk and VarOty Mot ,
, .
Wm Koch col 1000
Wur Koch col, 0`! 00
Chu Kammer •10 00
Wm Koch col 73 00
Wm Koch col 44 CIS
$l,lO 75
Daniel Itaber
1111 hid/en:ot
t; NV Blatchin
Frederick Beck
A Willower
Ii Housman
It Byer)) ,
Jorcith Burchfield
Sauleel Buiveu.
IS %V filatchin
J ralsgrovo
A Willuwer
6 17
5 00
1 60
3 36
3 32
10 00
25 00
0 30
Washinetini. D. C. Just 15,1816.
• Orphan's' Court Sale.
nursearir-- to an order of the Orphans' - Court of
ScheyikillCounty..the subscriber, 811,
LVNIAI, Guard to nolf the person and estate of ELIZA - -
BETH SNYDER, of the Borough of Pottsville, ht the
Gooney of likbuylkil. will expose td Sale by Public
Vendee, on Monday the td day of August nest. at 1
o'clock lie the biternoon; at the Public Donee of Wm.
the Borough of Pottsville. aforesaid :
AU that certain lot or piecii - of ground situate in the
Borough of Pottsville. In the County of &ha ylkili
beginning on the westwardly side el Third st, In Pott
de. Patterson's addition to Pottsville, thence along the
line of Ict No 7 In said plan. north 85 degrees, west
11l feet, to s 20 feet wide alley, thence north 30 degrees.
west along said alley 35 feet 8 Inches and 540. to lot
now or late John A. Dean, thence along said 10%410 feet
to said Thint-St., thence along the same 30 feet 6 inches
to the begligning, being part of lot No. 5&c., of the
said estate. Attendanne will be given and the condi
tions of sake - made known at the time and place of
sale by • i SAMUEL BILLTDIAN, Guardian.
By order of the Conn, -
O nvigsburg, July 14. ISIS. 2531
The Farmer's Encyclopedia.
IN ONE voLUME. R. 1 ,0 ottato.ll62 pager. heantl.
filly bound. containing 17 fine plates. besides nu
menses I.,k'nod Cuts. Sold at about one-fourth the cost
of the Errant h work. without one Plates.
1. The Farmer ' s Encyclopedia - is. a real treasury of
prActical information, wherein the experience of all
ases and countries brcarefially TUSTIID or tattle present
day, and admirably arranged for convenient refer.
" We ate fully convinced that such an amount of
valuable k - nowledae for•farmers ran be found in no
other work in on chcapand convenient a form. In fact.
no Farmer who pretends to he well Inrormcd In his
profession, without this work."—tNew Gen-
Rosie& •Famet„
An excellent work, fit to be distributed In ptemiuma
by Aericultural Societies.—E.l. S. Skinner. • ••
' Per sale at this (Mane, price el.
Also, by R. W. CARR, Third street. oppnidie the ex.
change. Philadelphia; and N. lIICILMAN; Lattimore,
CeAll Orders mast toe oceompani;d by the Cam.
Subscriptions received at LIANNAN'S iloOkstores,
Pottsville, where the work tan he obtained 'at publish.
er's prima. . Play 14.'49. 29-4 mo
N. N. Lawrence,
11 arepeur. Nu. 3 Aliso. street, PAM&
Cases or the chose superior Papers now
IkJ Voters, end for salts to the trade at the lowest
market prices, consistine in part of—
Fine thick Flat Cale; l'2, 11, 15 and 10 lint., blue and
white. •
Superfine Medium and •Ocull Writings. blue and
Extra leper and nuperfi4 Polio Posts,' blue and
white. plain and ruled. ,
superfine Pints, blue , and white, plain
and ru!ipl.
Extra Super Linen Mite Papers, plain and gilt.
Superfine. and flue Hill Papers. Inns and broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-Ilene Cape and Posts,
bias and white. -
Extra super Congress qips and letters, plain and
ruled, blue and while. '
Extra super Congress Cans and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and 'Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain rind
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers. -
Superfine and fine Caps and Posts. ruled and plain,
blue and white. various qualities and prier. •
Also. PM reams white and sunned Shoe P 41114,111,
Bennet Boards, white and snorted Tissue. Ten-Wrap.
ping, Envelope, assorted and blue Mcdlunta, Cap Wra
pers, llardwarxx Papers, &e.
July L,
.?.... ~ , "IP:= NAVIGATION COSIPANY. j•
...- .. _ December TM. 1818.
Nowt: is hereby given that the following rates of
Toll wilt be charged on Coal transported on the
Cannl and Works of the Schuylkill Navigation Col I
pani for the year 1810 i . •
To, . Mount Schuylkill ' Port -
Carbon. Haven. Clinton.
ets. per ton. els. per ton. eta. per ton.
OM I pig' rg,• 15 12
Hamburg, • 25 22 13
Ifolusville, 35 92 23
Althouses, 40 97 28
Reading. 45 33
Unionville, 55 52' ' • 43
Laurel 11111, 55 52 43
Pottstown handing. 55 52 43
Hitters' Ford, 55 , ' 52 43
Plonnitville, GO • 57 44
Paulding's Dam, 60 57 48
Lutuberville, 60' 57 .48
Valley Forge, GU ' 57 48
l'ort Kennedy, 65 82 53
Norristown, 65 - MI 53
c om othoek en, 711 115 . 58
Spring Mill, 70 ti 7 58
Manayun lc. 75 72 63
The toll tf, Philadelphia will tin no &Howe :
Wit. Carbon. Sch. Haven. Pt. Clinton.
March, April and May. Greta. • 62ets. 53 els.
June,July and August. 75 72 69
Sept. Oct.Ni.v.& Dec. 85 82 73
The Coal shipped (eon Port Carbon to the ahnve points
will-he charged one and a .hal f cents per ton more than
Said tales.
The charge will be made per Inn of 2210 lbs., and an
allowa nee of tiro per rent. will he made on thu weight
shipped to cover wastage.
Dec-30-I.lyl FREDERICK ERA LEV,Plesident.
patentLubricaliim Oil.
HAVING porn based tine excliisive right.f. mann
tincturing and vending the PatentLnbricating
frour-P. S. Devlan & Co..forrichuylk tn. I)talphiu,Leles
nori, Colombia, North'lti.l.tizerne,Wyouting,Lyentning,
Lehigh, Carbon and Northampton Counties: tinny an
nounce to the public that they have commenced the
manufactory of it in the Borough of Pottsville, where
they will Im happy to supply all orders promptly. and
at the same rate Bran be purchased from the Proprie
tors of the potent right. This Oil was patented Janu
ary Mb, 1819, nod its superior -excellecce and cheap
ness. Inns already given it-,the preference over all other
Oils In use, for all kinds of Stationary 51.binery, Lo
comotiveki and Cars on oar Railruads,—and also Rut
Lamp use.
All orders left at R.l). Schooner's Store, In Centre
Street, will be promptly executed.
It. D. ciCHOENF.R.
Centre st., opposite the-Post Office.
Pottsville, June 11th, 1849.
The price is 75 cents per gallon, and the following cer
tificates show its character :
, citszt.plt la, Dec. 4.1819,
Messrs, P. S. Denten & Co.—Gentlemen.—The Pa-
Lent Compokition you sent me to have tried, and which
you design as a substitute for the best rill In the work
,rigof 51achinecy, has. lam happy to say,mttre than re
alised my expectations. 1 had it fully tested on a Loco
illative Engine far two days (in rainy Weather, with mud
dying oyes t he reaching at every revolution) by a skilfti
Engineer, wino assures me that it snorts equal to tin
beat spermaceti oil, with a saving in quantity of 20 pe
cent This saving, together with the greatly reduce
price at which you Inform mdytitt ran furnish the articl
will strongly recommend its use on Bail Roads and I
large mills and factories where laige quantities nfofl ar
used. I have now no doubt of its chi ire auccess, an
'under that impression tender you my sincere congratu
atimu. Truly yours, Wat. Ennusit.
' Porravtut.c, Jan. - 41811k
This Is To realty that-nave been using P. S Devlan
& Co 's Patent Lubricating Oil fur the last six weekss
and can glee as our decided opinion, that, besides It
beings/french cheaper, Its peculiar superiority over the
Lest Sperm 011,is iloda ratilny on machluery,which ren
ders it a very desirablearticle linthat purpose. We are
extensively engaged in milting and shipping coal. hay
ins eleven Sloan, Regines of various capacities at work
hoisting coaLputoping water, &c.
Nos es. list - wenn &Co.
P. S. Donlan & Co.—Centlemen f —We have been
using your Patent Imbricating (Venall the maehinel V
of the Reading Irsn and Nail Works for the last nine
weeks,and we consider we have given It a fair trial,as
the works are calculated to manufecto re four thousand
tons of Iron and - Nails Pe, annum. The machinery
very heavy, the Engine one hundred and sixty horse
powcr,and the speeds arc ikons thirty to nine hundred
revolutionsper minute.
After the above trial, we can recommend the Oil as
equal to the best Sperm Oil and, in matifcases, superi
or to any sperm nil used iu tho country, viz : for heavy
bearings and fast speeds, such. shafting and fans.
I remain yours, &e.,'
JAM E 3 ,`,MP CA DT'',
Manager of tile Reading 40B.Nail and Tube Works.
!June !VD.
An Ordinance.
election I. Be it ordained by the' TOWII Council of
the Bornucb of Pottsville, and it Is hereby enacted by
the authority of the sane, That it shall and may be
lawful for Samuel tittlyinin. Joseph S. Silver and
James C. Oliver,and their associates, successors, and
..19Sigtia, to proceed-without unnecessary delay, to erect
and construct a snitable building or buildings, within
'the thrills of the Borough of Pottsville, for the purpose
manufaclaring burning gas,tas well as to enter
upon all nr any of the public streets, alleys lanes or '
highways of saint Borough and therein to lay down and
construct satiable ructalic pipes, for the purpose of
tom eying andlutrodnicing said gas into any part of
said llomugh.
Sec. 2. The said company, the h as.ociates, succes
sors or assigns shall have toll power-and authority, by
themselves, or those in their employ, to enter Into, and
ripen said streets, alleys, lanes and highways at any
time after the laying down of said pipes, for the pur
pose of altering, repairing, adding to, examining the
same, as well -as for the purpose of exercising auch
priv lieges as may be necesem y.and proper In promote
the objector which said company nr association shall
be organized s Provident always that the said company
orassnriallon, their associates, successors or assigns,
shill do as little injury wield streets, alleys, lanes or
highways, as possible, and, when any opening shall be
made ns aforesaid for the purposes aforesaid, the same
shall be refilled a ndthoroughly repaired, without delay
and provided also that said building or buildings for
the manufacture of gas, shall btvito constructed and
located an not to prove noisome, or injurious to the
public health.
Sec. 3. All gas, which. he Town Councilor the
Borough of Pottsville may esquire for the purpose of
lighting up_ the atreets, alleys, lanes or highways of
said Borough,. as well as to afford light to the Council
Room, Engine Houses, - and polite stations, Market
HOUSE, and ail oilier public buildings which the said
Borough may hereafter creel, shall be-forubvbed to the
Borough aforesaid at' it deduction of flee par maim
from the rates charged property holders and others, by
said company or association. . •
Sec. 4. The said Samuel Sillymandoseph - 13. Raver
and James C. Oliver, their associates. successors and
assigns emir proceed to erect the{ said buildings forth°
manufacture of gas or shall cause them to be erected
wit bin six mouths, and shall be, ready to furnish gas
to the inhabitants of the Borough aforesaid, according
tune true intent and weaning of this ordinance with
in the tern, of one year; from the date hereof, other
wise this ordinance as well as ail privileges conferred
thereby may be declared void by.the TOWO Lou ncil of
the Borne of Pottsville.
See. 5. And provided further.tlett if the saki Samel.
Sillyntan,Joseith_S. Silver, and James C. Oliver, Watt
associates, successors and assigns shall comply with
the provisions of this ordinance. and shall proceed a'
is bereinbeforecontained to furnish the inhabitants of
the Borough aforesaid, 'with a stithcient supply of gas
at a prier not exceeding the average rates ebarcial for
gas mottles Boroughs and chicon( this Commonwealth.
Bien the privileges hereby granted shall be eXclusife
in favor of bail association. •
.lEl:tatted and ordained by tho Town tkoincil of tho
Datong!' or Pottsville. July a, kW.
,Wbi. WOLFF.
.; Attest—
.Prealtlent of the Town Council.
.1. IL Main urn, Clerk. I.lnly 7'4U.-21.31
WLIALIf.; OILL:SUAY.—. O . most etceltertt aril
cle for delltlnylul invert/00u tiloutthery Pintas
juat teGeiViA and for oditt./11. lIANI•AN'S
Juot ' 117-) elle. 1. Vat ractySture3.
CIIIItiIiSE SLY E...lPrat, For ',Min
also,Cockao.Lch and 13.1 bug PJinnn, Inn rn
and fortale,at VANNAN'I
Orrien Or Tire SOLICITOR Or The.
Tasast/RT. JUTE 30. 15 49 .!
EYEALED PIitOPOS&I.S will be rreeived at this Of
fice;untit the first day of September next, at Itto'Clock,
noon, for the purchase of the intones' . of the United taw and in equity, inthe propetty:lylng • in
the State of Peimaylvania,heretrrailer described, upon
the ten= and condition. mentioned helOw. to
N.. I. Lot number 32 (Fdtterson's plate) in
OD . 42 . 54 •• • Pt
3. , •• 1 " Set ••
1• i vs
These lands were acquired by the United States;
tram Benin:min F. Johnson, April 4th, IS3 -
1. Each bid matt be fora separate nambet on the
schedule. kc., for cash: to be deposited lathe credit of
the Solicitor of the Treasury, specifying on account of
what particolar number in the schertnie of prapsn y
lideposited.fn the Malted States Treasury at Wash
beton, District of Colombia; or with arty assistant
Trearewer qr Depesitnry of the United States.
2. Each bid must hcacenmpsniod with a plaranty,
In the form given helot, ; which team be certified by a
collector, naval officer, marshal, United Slate* distriei
attorney, or post-master, that the guarantor h good,
and the party making it is resivinsilite for the amount.
3.. On receiving a certificate of deposit, signed by
one of the depositaries above mentmued, a quit claim
deed. couveyin g all the right, title, interest, and claim
of the United States to the psnperty /lent died in the
bid, and paid tor, will he executed and hcknoiviedgell
by the Solicitor of the of all charge to
the parchaser. Snctt MtlVeraliCe Will be •Prit, net of
expense, to any peat office in the United Stairs, as may
be rola ettbd•
•4. No bid will be accepted sinless It shall tiff vatisfsc
-tory to the Solicitor, whether:then:shall be nee or more
bids for the property.
5. Before bidding all persons are -requested to make
themselves acquainted with the situation, value, and
title of the property they intend to bid for, so as to re
ly upon their own judgment in bidding.
6. Afterthe last day for receiving ilieni,the bids will
be opened in the presence of such officers of the De
partment as shall be able to attend, and so ill be exam
ined and passed mien. Notice will be given promptly
to each person whose bid is accepoed, but to no others.
S. The name of the bidder should, In all cases • be
written at length, and in a legible hand. The bidder
should glee the name of the post office to which tem
=nitrations for him are to be vent.
S. Bids must be sealed, and marked on the outside In
these words: "SEALED 11111 A lON U. S. PROPERtirt "
and addressed to the "Solicitor of the Treasury, Wash
ington, D. C.' . .
, ur Form of bid. guaranty, and 'certificate
1, -,'residing at -, county -,
In the Stale of -, hereby offer the United States
the aunt of -- dollars in cash, for their rigid': tItIO, fit
west, and claim In the prop e . rty &st ibed m the print
ed to the Soliettor of the Treaterry. dated
June 17th. 15.19, upon the terms and conditions therein
mentioned; amt I hereby. in consperatton elate pretni.
sea, agree, In C 340 my bid therefor ehail be accepted by
said Solicitor, to deposite that sum, in lawfol money,
inane: of the depositories mentioned in void advertise
ment, within sixty days oiler my bid email be aa•apted
and notice themofernt to me by mail; and IP cave of
defelture he may re-nell - army expen re, or accept the
bid of any lower bidder wino will pay for tine 041
Laeree to pay nil loss in coon:titmice of my future to
perform my bid.
Dated 1849.
For value received I guaranty to the iTnlted States
the petformaneeof the:Move undertaking by the eigner
thereof, in Caro hie bid be accepted.
, .
Dated --, ..-.,
I certify that the above guarantor in respo n si ble for
the Born mentioned In the above bid.
10. (lids nia perflutned on the parr of the bidder. ac
cording to the terms specified in the voice conditions.
may, at the opt ion of the Solicitor, be declared null and
soot; or he may ' . If ho shall climise'le do so,.re.sell the
property, :snot require such bidder to pay the dial:retie!,
between- the stint actually realized therefor and aid
price offered in his
11. In nil cases where frond nhall have heon'pr..rtivrl
against the United Statei the dolicitor may, before ex
ecuting the conveyance, declare the bid Invalid, and
of no effect. , ri
TIANAOM it. cnldd T,
Washington, hilyl, l 3B Ittj rlnlicitnr cube Treanury.
Scud',does Iln ttttt rs, Skin Diseases, Palsom - ins
Wounds to discharge their putrid tnatterr, and then
heals Cum.
It is rightly termed ALI,IIEALING, for there is
scarcely a disease external or internal, that it will not
benefit. I have used it lot the last sixteen years for
alt diseases of the chest, involving the inmost danger
and resnatisibility. and I declare before IfeaVen and
man, that not in une cane has it failed to benefit when
the patient was within reath of mortal means.
I have had physicians leareed in the . prof slam
I have lmd tuinhilers or the go;pel,juilp:s of the beech
wyero, gentlemen of the lift:Leat
• nil multitsdes of the poor,use it In every variety o
way, and there has been but one voice—one universa
rpnnvenalntnnt immediately the
itannattnn and 81VCiiing' when the pain ceases. (Read
the directions around the hoz.)
lIF:AD-ACIIE—T,Iie salve has Cured pe . rson, of the
bead ache of twelVe years vtanding, and whin had it
regular every week eo that vomiting took place.
DEAFNESS, Car-Ache, Tenth-Ache, and Ague In
the face, are helped with like succeen.
SCALD IIEAD—W‘t have cured canoe that ncitually
defied every thing known One man told 119 that he
had spent 8300 on litia children withinit any benefit,
when n few br4e,t of ointment cured Client.,
'DMA/NESS—it will restore hair sooner than any
other lhinti•
TETTElt—There fa nothing better for the cure o
13URN8—It is one of the best thins, In the war
(or Banns.
Pils—Thousands are year', cured by this Oimnen
never WI. In giving relief for the 1.'009.
Around fie box ore qircetious for usin,f:lfeAllisttr's
Ointment for &nista, Moor Complaint, Erysipelas,
Totter, Chilblain, Scald Head. Sore ryes. Quincy. Sore
Throat. Bronchitis, Stresse.,7ffections, Paine; Direase
of the Spine, Ifrail-Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Enr-Aebe,
Burns, Corns, All Diseases of tlo Skin, - Sore Lips, Pim
ples, kr. Stiffness of the joints, Swelling of the Limbo,
Sacs Limbs, Sers.r, like nusatires, Piles, Crtrop,Steelleet.
or Broken Breast, Tooth-Aar, Atfue to the Pose, kr.
C 01.1) FEET—Liver Complaint. rain in tile Cllcut.
or Side, falling ofr of the hair, one or the ratter acconi.
iwnies cold feet (This Ointment is the true remedy.)
It in a sure sign of disease to have cold feet.
conris—occa.immi 'lie of this Ointment wilfni
ways keep Corns from growing. People need never
be tumbled with them if Oink use It frequently.
This Ointment is good for any port of the body n
limbs that are Inflamed( In some cases it should Gel
applied often.
CAUTION.—No Ointment will be genuine tiniest
the name of Jaiss.i Xe.llllister is written with a pen
upon every 'abet. JAMES McALLISTIFiIt,
Bole Proprietor of the above Medicine.
. Price, 25 cis. per box.
AGENTS—J. M. Beatty & Co„ Pottsville ; D N.
Ilei4ler, do ;.1. W Gibbs, Minorsville ; Chariettif '-
toy. Orwlgsburg; C. &G. llontsinger, tiCIIU ill
Haven ; Wm. Taggart, Tamaqua; Washington Is
ler; Port Carbon; Win. Price, rkelair ; John ii Ilicks,
Reading; and by Agents in all the principal Towne
in ilia linked States.
Forlbc Cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchia
incipient Consumption, Ifiammittion of am
Lungit, and Irurarro of the Pulmon
ary Oe'uas.
T i t ` rre V i a e l i. ' a ' n 'i ! l a e n li :l n l ' iTa ra c t e k l ' e l li ra in' te h f i l gh r I ll y to r i e js n t 'u l ' lnVa d d 1 1.7_
phis, for its medical effects:ma chemical combination,as
well as by thousands of others who have fll3llic use of it
—as it never has been u..c.1 without producing beneficial
ellects, and iillimatc cure of the diseases Eir which it is
recommended. And being a regular graduate n f Pliarma
cy, I cau assure the public of its perfect safety. It is
minimised of such preparations as stand In the very high
est repute aiming tho medical faculty the the cure of that
class of d which ore too often only the finery liners
of that fatal disease, consumption. In most cases where
there is much pain iH the breast, and which Mien extends
through to theshoulder blade, I would strongly advise the
application of one or the Compound (lath:mom Plasters
to the' breast, and use the Expectorant as directed. In
'fact, the usenf the (tilbanunt Plwiter cannot be toostronly
recommended, as l have Seen no flan} , instances of its
affording the greaten relief in,a very short space of time,
even in ennhrmed consumption. The Expectorant will
be found to relieve the cough, and the Plaster the pain'
nod, attliesametinte,draw the ludantation to thesurface,
and thereby act as It counter-irritant. which every phyai•
can will pronounce good, without the least liesiettion
whatever. Venoms are often said to have the enitionnip
lion, when by ajudiciinis use of simmer the best Expel,
termite, and a careful diet, they .have been completely
curei4so that their experience ihotdd alit On a trot - Milani
those ache are said to hue the consumption not to de
spair, bitt try on. The Expectorant will he found to anal
great relief, even when a cure to said to be impossible.
llolote making use of sit Expectorant. it would be as
well to examine the Urals. commonly termed Pilate, to
see if It is not swollen or elongated. In such cases an
etfiectomnt is neelks - . ,
Harking cough and a continual disposition to swallow
is frecitielitly Canned by an elnnpat inn of the palate. An
excellent reined) . in WWII resen in tin Ilse, a small quantity
ereineture Myrrh, sat about a lea-spoonfol to a wine
glassful of water.and itaeie a gamte, titres or four time
a day. If the above remedy should fail. or nor of th
same nature, it would lie best to apply Pia surgeon, au
have ainnall portion Al' It taken MT. so as to obviate th
Irritation and the continual rough which it Will would be like
ly to produce in the thrdat. The operation is trifling and
attetideilnith but little • if any pain whatever.
In llrienchitis, and iliiniarea of the throat, the gang
haohl be osed. . . • _
l'rnfiaribl by J. CIIItTIS C. If CI:11ES, Whninni an
Coal! I)rugbq aud'Chnmivt Crntn, St wet, Pottriyile
Wort delVs Vegetable Itetitora
.L HOST extensively established and popular Few-
Ly Ntemcing of the present day, both in Eucland,und
in this Count ryi They were Invented In PA ,by Dr.
'WM. WORISUELL, of York. England, and have Sliner
that thhe wrought tnany wonder Ail cores in every
country where they . have icon
The present proprietors for the Iltihml States are in
possessinn of many.sresinaortticates ofcnies wrought
both an England and America.
Liverpool, was confined to her bed six months, with
the Dropsy, her legs became swan, to an enormous
thickness. After many trials of ot her medicine she was
gestured to perfect health by two hoxe; of Worstlell's
Mr. JONES, loconeeri. Rt. Liverpool, was eleocured
of Inds malign of the Livia. by Wor.doll'u
TIIOB. CILOttriDALE, Thornley near Preeton, Coe
laud, Was cured of Typtins and Rheumatic row, by
Woredell s Pilie.
TAUS. BLUCIMIL of 'leading Pennsylvania, testi
lieithat his child was sayorely alnieted with Worms.
and was perfectly restored by the can of Worsdells
Ague, Dyspepsia, ITendache.Thhitnal Costivenesv,
severalkilds, have DU yielded tn - this powertol but
purely vrAretable medicine: No more certain a nil mild
us pnrgat it a has ever been discove red.
Many Physicians make use of these Pills In their
practice with great auceees. '
Theyarri for solo in Schuylkill County, prict. cts
a box, containing 50 Pills with Hill direction, by Jun.
G. ilrowu, end Joseph Coataworth Pottyvilie ; W.
1,. Heisler, Port Carbon ;E J. Fry. Tamaqua; Joseph
11. Alter, Tuscarora • Jarqb Metz. St. flair; rlenrite
listratorder, New 'Castle; William Paine. Ilea
richerville; James lt. Fags, Millersville; Levan &
Kauffman, Schuylkill Haven ; E. & E. Hammer, Or
wigsburg ; M. t.l. Weber. East ltriinewieki &
Wernert, hlcKcansburg ; S. It. al. Kepner, caulWenn ;
Hotel!' At Toney, Pine Grove. •
C. P. Amet, Travelling Agent for thif.Middle suit ca.
A. WKEKS, & (.10. , Pcoprierms.
Jan 27, '47. 2-Iy] No. 141 Chestint sr. Phiitd as
Jileallon. hal rgallon, quart nud smaller bottles; also
Maynard & Noyes' Inks,Copyltig Inks,llogan & Thump
son's Steel Pen Ink, Hoover's Inks, Red and Bite Inks
&c., wholesale and retail.. Ink as tow as 211 cent. pe
dozenovholesale, at ' e HANNAN'S
Octl4-42) Cherip lloctk anti Variety Elmer, •
AitPETIN(a & BIATTINKLn - usZlin (all wool
Ingrain Carper. .
Do Checked mid Odin Matting, Vor rata by
May '4B M. 11EATTY:1, Co '
211, On'efutt PM..
$4.62 144,75. Rye Float—
Graitc—sl,o3 a SI,OS. j Cora—
Oats-28 a 26. -14
Flour ]
59 a 60
July 14.
!. _ 15,
" 16,
" 17,
's(lay," 18.
lay, 19,
\Veda :
In St !Antis, on the 18th, 01 deatha
from Cholera; in N. York, sat* date, *3l
deaths; in Brooklyn, on the 17th, 5 deaths;
in Albany, 5 deaths; Btifrato, B.deaths:'it
Boston, there were no cases on that day:
in Montreal, on the 18th, there were 3t
deaths.. It prevails to a certain extent in
other plaoes., A number of cases have
(incurred in Baithnoro. )
On the 19th inst.,lhefe were 50 deaths
from cholera; in Cincinnati the same date.
99 deaths; in Baltimore 4 deaths; in Al
bany 1 death; Buffalo N.- Y. 13 deaths z
in Montreal, on the 18th, 21 deaths.
' New York. Friday, 2 giciotir, P. NY
83 eases, 26 deaths.
. ,
News has been received froM the God
Region. Gold appears to he as abnntlani
as ever. At Valor -also on the 30th of
May, considerable excitement toms occas
ioned by the report that the abundance-of
gold in California still continued.
A disease, similarly to the Cholera, ties
made its appearance in Panama. An im
mence quantity of gold dust bad heed
taken to Valparaiso, from San Francisco.
Not less than one million five hundred
ihonsand dollars Must hl; there run inter
3ayed, marked, and then forwarded
land, 'via Panama and Chagres.
Great 1 7 `re at Much Cllunk.—Loss;
'.—Mauch Chunk, in Carbon County,
visited by a very destruCtive fire on Sun
by which property to dm - amount of
.$1.10,000 was deStroyed. At least thirty-ono
houses have been reduced to ashes. The follow
ing is a list of the sufferers: , Dodson & Belies'
store, and 4 dwelling.; Duson & Williams, dry
goods merchants; Polk's Dreg Store; Leggett's ,
wheelright shop; John Joseph'e shop and dWelling;
r,b!rt's new building; John Myers, two dwellings;
Jobn Leisanring, sr,. storehouse, dwelling, &c.;
Mr Fisher"ir harness and saddlery shop; Packer.
Olwine's shOe store, 'owned by Judge Packs';
Jo, go Packer's storehouse; the Court House
buildingsl and Jail; the office of the Carbon' Coun.
ty IGazelfe, and materials; together with several
dw dling heinws, including the'Engle Hotal.::-Tho
0 d•Fellows' Hall was saved . . The fire origina
te in Dodson &.'Dchm's warehouse, which was
co municated by means of- het ashes, careless
ly brown ander the building: When discoveredr
th fire had gained such h'eadway that resistance'
wa vain. A heavy wind prevailing at the limo ,
th building was soon wrapped in flames. • '
1. Fruit of 2 . :
Ignorance.—lt is stated that of 12
a now in the Massachusetts Suite Reform
. 00l at Westboro', only five ever ottendell d
testant Sabbath School. A largo majority of
i solo number aro of children of foreign pronto,
1 many never attended any Scheel whatever.
Olt SALE-.4T PRIVATE rifiLE„'All 91in
certain tract or petrel of land, sititated on the
Ilr ad Mountain, In Lower Mnllantonge - .lownship,
•in. chaylkill county, (formerly Perks county,) to the
to of Pennsylvania. ?shinnied and described fol.
lows,to wit:—Beginning at a marked white elk tree ;
thence by late vacant lands, now surveyed fe Jacob;
Miller, north sixty-five perches,to a whiteoak; thence
by tate vacantland, now gut veyed to George Werner,
we it 146 perches to a stone; thenceby late vacantland
no* surveyod to Leonard Illick,southelsty-five perch
es tlo a Spanish oak; thence east 196 perches, to the
pinee of beginnlng.cuntaining fifty-flue acres and orot'
hundred andtifly-two perchers ufland and allowances•
Of tin per cent. for roads,&c.
Exoentor of F. Peatis' estate; 60, Market et. PhPada.
Philadelphia, ncptember IU. 1848 38-
CLELcn leases, to etas
wn as the Mill Creek Traet,eontaining the follows
i t ,gim of Coal Veins, itiatny of wbich,--atitatrnt hers;
thelpeach Mountain Veins—having a range of ottlin
mug In length, via : —Lewis, Spoltn, , Uarratlenetr,
Pearson, Clarkson, Stevenson, Little Trarey, Veitli
Mo r tintain Wins, Green Park or Ravensdale Veln.Pers .
pe il kill ar. 1) iamontl, nod 11”4 Diamond Veins, along
wigs many others not named. .
Ciao, all tnattraet called Ate Junction Tragt,belong
, to the said Company,roittalitint the Salem,Forrest;
Ithlt Dole, Mortimer. Tunnel, Black !dine, C. Law.
1. and Alfred Lawton Veins. Also, a Saw MI and
lot Mill,situated on the Mill Creek Trart,allasshleh .
!be rented on toodkrate,tviins,by applying, to
onsville. Fe 1.1.9 1 -.:. ; • .2
. _.,
wi I
N. JJ. NeyrinanN •
. .
neb.rale. Pd;
LL Linda of Lead ripe. Sheiat Lead. Prins Coat;
la superior article.) Bath Vila, Shiniver Baths.,
raw, Hydrantlfore . Double and Plnale Acting
pa:Jike.. kept koustantly on hand aid for artlo.- 7
„ben liintoi ninth; tn nnler. neat and durable, and at
L of Phi mblnlng thine in the beat manner.
liontgomery's Patent sotter..
IE attention of, the public. generally. to respect
' fully melted to this valuable improvement. Eg
li:Hits whin have been . iii.tile during the past year;
ter.mboarts, both to salt, ,and fresh water, es, als,o,
t• boil era for power purpOses,• on 141111. have Cllll/t,
d Its superior gm:titles as *Mena generator f *V4
rent saving of fuel, weight. cad space, hecupluil
any boiler now In use. • .
'tiers nn this Man, may now ho seen 111 operation,
o establishment of ; . '
eker & Brothers, Chloe ,mitit, .201 Cherry M., New
oper & Brothers, 333 rend st . New York. ,
t & Ayres, Foundry foot of Mnt., North River.
antic Dock. Brooklyn, New VW
W. Metcalf. 63 and l 5 Centre et .
D. Badger & Co... Hand 46 Diy
It. Rtarbuck . s Foundry, Troy,
iith & Corlett, Baltimore.
amblials "Jonas C. Hearth" *rut "Edward tiny-,
' foot of Liberty street, New York. and no board
lean:tow:Mat "John I'. Wilitney,'New ottodus
r 1 . 11(1111,r inform:Woo. :wily In
15 Smith William oh. New York
Dto 3.IIEN:IY BELL, 35 r‘iiiiill Third M.
oir K 4% "5-IYI 0100 0 Chesnut rhilado.
on a
---- --
Telegraphic News.
c E n, C k o d m t u o i t it h t ,, ee d
u h i c . ti e
4 1 i• j az o t . i ,, ,
, r i e Li p i e . r i n t
t h h a e t
n t
-111m:triton, and insist upon standing out for their
at all Itanarilc. Should they Ili the theati
havb buslneva In the eityii which will requiro
attention, it certainly will 'be net - canary. to op- -,
genteel. and ruipeclablii by eallinii oh Maim:
:aTay: :ed i l :h:4 s ' . :i : aci
ha:tlen:v;ry cheap 3i4 twlt°'ahl which ro
p2d'Y l: ul T g ; ::n i nge':di
r iiti hr iil corbl e:bheattr
lure tlini,epay than for lurk r .
• i i
-24c., &C.../sr..
Are t files intspared iii.tho excitement that Lippincedi
&Ta •lor's New Goods have proiticed. Sadie PAM;
Mir! ICES 'Os they have managed to sell at is attest.
alas ing to the principals thernseWps. Their °Nett nt
this ti no, id lOaliShil 11w coal operators in eatrying out
their resent saspeminn snerestflilly. . . .
Corner Centre and Uabantongo streets,
11%•99) • ' Pod:villa .
New Firm..
1 .
THE subscribersbavieg this day entaiCa tali;
U4 l • eilianuershlpfur the purpose of trills:lo4l4a
eneral w bolesalo and retail Lashiess in IjWN,
c hoc lOU ES,PitOYIitION BFILIAY,FLO il It, and r66D,
at the NiNll.knovVo York Store in the 67funeh of.Fotis
vide, iold meat respectfully begjeatve hi, say iliac they
hate n won band a large and well stitemeil stock of
liar Ire i of all descriptions, also Fiat iisr iduil T flail
Road it in amide= sises,su Rabic for drifts nail Intend
roads, bich they ruler for sate at as toiv a ram as ce
be had a the County.. Also, a fresh stock of Groceries
and Pn visions constantly on baud at very lOW prices
for cast .! Also, Cant. Inviter, and Shear awl. Nails
and St pima, Oils Flour, Feed, &e., all of which they
wouldspectfully solicit sin irispectlidfof liy,itte public,
Mid rel Mg /LA they do upon a StliCialtaltioll to business
to be u le .
at all times to accu E mm y e A ti v iZ t. th E e l f . re lk us e to o ma N. rit
P: S.' The subscriber would tak e Ott; °pm - infinity to
returniiiii sincere thanks for tho ltMial patinuage be
has hen tame received from his friends and the public.
general!' i %and respectfully solicits a coutinuauce of tee.
me fill the new firm.
Putts ille.hlarrlitlel B -1 0 1 COW YARDLEY
A .
CC RDEON 9. =J tist o an assortment or
sup 7 iur Accorduuks, w hie h wsll ha s••I•1 on across:
Loodatin • tame. 6Y IMAM: A: ELLIOTT.
•Crulro•gt.. Ponr.SPIU.
• _►
p xior 3rtirle yid Pret.eii Bran alvodro ['vitt
=ilicrry nil t lent Wit c,m t car liraialaXii
June L3' VAULLV di. SON.
Cases healti
84 32
54 16
59 4 , 23
73 3t
76 22
53 • 22
49 , 29
/,New To'
• et.. New
e. York.