The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 23, 1849, Image 3

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sATURDA Y al RNIxo , .111 Nt n. 1849
thokea."-Tnere Were eik cases of cholera in
ledelplila on Tucedeq, two of which proved
On Wednee,iay, three crysecone death.
o The Greal• Barrington (Mess.) Courier
the principal / oteUpation of the male inhshi•
initial' that village, at present. is pitching pennies.
i r.5 ,- Respeet to Mr. Po/A: 7 -1U President has
isitied. through the proper dep'artrnent, a prods
matian announcing to the nation the death of
James K. Polk, en-President of the United States.
soil ordering suitable military and naval honors to
be paid to his memory.
t. -7 California is said there ye about
thirty thousand Mexicans on their way to the gold
region& They go in patties regulatly aimed end
organized'. General Pereifer F. Smith's prods.
mations *to utterly disregarded, and serious difil.
copies ate anticipated Übe attempts to put them
its_ 1 tee.
1":7 ,- American:at Rio. 7 A Letter to the Albany
gus suites that two Americans for some indig,
nines to the chief functionary of Rio, were recently
Aentencee to be hung, hut our Consul interfering
in theirttehlf, their sentence was commuted, rind
they were sentio the mines for len years. Thu
Americana were member. of d' party on their way
to California, but their names are riot mentioned.
Or A Gentleman. reatdin; in Albany, as the
story goes, seeing en Mailman removing an em•
bankment from a dwelling inquired:—"Patrick.
what at• you doing'!" Idm opening the cellar
window. to be aure.—"And what are 'you doing
that far 1" "May It please your honor," said
Patrick, , to let out
_the dark.",
Di T rac.fta niorF in illoyamensing
The district of Moyamensing was the scene of a
disgraceful and bloody riot during the whole of
Saturday night, and Sunday, growing out of a
feed existin . ghetween two rival gangs of rowdies
which resulted in- the death of one man, and se
rials@ injuries to several ethers.
Mr The Next Congress.—lt is confidently be
lieved that in the next 1i use of Representatives,
parties will be repreasnfed as follows: Domnerats
113—Whigs 109—Free Boilers 11.—[l0npor•
It is confidently believed . ' that the above is
azr Gold. —Gold iv coming in nbundarme. In
addition to the $170,000 brought by the Lexing.
ton, end already at the mint, ant! the $1,000,000
on board the Crescent City. at New Orleans, the
1'; barque Ueda arrived at Havana on the 30th ult.,
'!from Chagres, with ten passengers and about
$200.000 in gold duet from California. These
-arrivals leave no doubt ya to the immense qnantity
of the article in California, and that fortunes are
stare for many it they but pursue the proper
re .Idittments chiCstad.—Judge Par , on,
on Saturday last. at PhiTadelphia, delivered the
opinion of the court (leashing the indictments
against the officers of the Penn disirict election,
who were charged with election frauds. The ac
tion of the Court in this matter has been severely
censured by the press, and that tun with justice.
Frauds ate known to hove been perpetrated, end
yet, because of some informality in making out
the indictment', they 'have been gnashed.
[7• Election of Judges. , In another 'column
•sill he found the resolution propming an amend
ment to the Constitution, authorizing the People
ioelect their Judges. Upon mature d'oliberation,
we aredeeidedly in favor of electing all officers by
thepeeple; Judge., Notaries. Prosecuting Atter.
nice and Post Masters on the principlethat there is
more honesty in the people generally than there is
in the appointing power, sr abetter officers would
he:selected in the majority of crises.
i Writing 'on Netmpapers. —The Attorney
General of the United States, has decided that \the
State Courts have no jurisdiction in the case of
newspaper positives, and that the Postmeiter at
Syracuse, acted legally in charging letter postage
on a paper bearing the initials of a friend. The
trots in the suit will probably amount to at least
8400—the emnunt involved in the original dis
pute between the Postmaste'r and the person to
'whom the paper was addressed, was nine cents.
ler Fold Itenconlre.—A recontre tork place
between Ctsai s ue M. Clay and n Mr. Turner. at n
public meeting, in Kentucky, in which Mr. Clay.
was seriously injured, while his adversary was
fatally wounded. It appears that Mr.-Cliky having
accepted ep invitation to address a meeting of
Emancipationists in Madison Co., was addressing
the assemblage on the oulject of alarm, and
offence being taken et some of his remark., Mr.
Turner got up and called Mr. Clay a liar; hence
the altercation which remitted, es above stated.
Mr. Clay is recovering.. •
Ged.liparors Letler.relative to the 11 , 1-
ministration of Gen. Taylor; does-not excite much
attention, even among the Locofocott. They know
-That Lippert] is prompted by motives to obtain
notoriety—that that object prompted him in the
first place to write to the Genetal prior ro the
electionomd now to -tesPose7 him! The :Lan- .
-caster intelligencer, a leading Loeufoen paper, de
clines publishing such emanstions,and gives it the
.followingnotice :
-"Lierann-ta.sra.—We have. not allowed the
political diatribe of (hie , eccentricindividusl, ad President Taylor ; to- creee our columns
—nor is it likely that wo shall olter our mind here
-after. if the pronto have been bamboozled shy
frientaachary, we think it would , be difficult to
'discover any body. who contributed so •much to
Jibe bamboozlement as Mr. Lippert! himself. We
acquit him of intentional agency in the fraud, to
the sure—but he must be: soft as mush not to have
penetrated it. We strongly suspect, that a mor
bid thirst for notorietrhati dictated the whole of
these epistolary exercises—m which tiitt piers sae
injudiciously too freely ministered."
C7' Horrible Yet Doubtftil Suspicion.—Ttio
Cincinnati Commercial , of -the I3th, relates a
horrid circumstance, as follodu: "The body of a
rctim of thoirra was placed in the vault of one of
rapt surreyvvis, whore it :cooked about twenty-
Our hours, when, in the frescoes rof friends abd
•latives, it was taken• out Some of
Jilts relatives, desiring' to loctiOnee more upon the
..m of the deceased, the coffin was.opened by the
j. x. on—and, awful to behold the features of the
,c• were room: to he hideously distorted—bis
ltroud tarn, and his fingers, which Were between
him teeth; bitten and gnawed to the very bone !
The respectability of the source from which we
derive our information, is et least sufficient to give
;us fearful reason to entertain a horrible yet, doubt.
rif Singutar.—The following note was ap.
pended to the close of a letter from a gentleman
,smog in Meadville, Pa., under (bite of May 25
r.Tbe fish in Conneaut Lake, a body of water nor
!far from this place, are all:dying. They : come
ideating to the shore covered with a green scum,
and the shore hi lined with them. This singular
fatality is raid to be an omen of pestilence. The
around the lake is putrid,
UT Teinperanct — A correapondent of the Hos•
ton Recorder statee that dug the recent session
of the emancipation Convention at Frankfort,
(Ky.) Poly fifty cents worth of ettoholie drinbc
WO called for at the tvo priocipla hat, by the
XlBO delegates present.
riril =earful nprretion fof Ito:tato/Blinn or
the Upper Lip of a buy about JO years old, wee
made by Dr. Welung, in New Garden township,
Cheater manly. The wbole upper jaw bad been
',exposed, but rtoW airtime' an almost perfect sp
• •Itrallee•
The rerommerlationsto this Book continue to pour in
from nit quarters. Teacher, unanlmodsly pronounce
it the beet Book before ' the public, and rejoice that all
the old antiquated Books, which ought to 'bare been
removed from tile Schools, ten. fifteen and twenty years
ngo • are now likely to be vuperceded by one which con
forms to the modern usages and Implosements of the
age in orthography.
The following recommendation is from the School
Department at Harrisburg
Bemires UT 's Orrice.,
Department of Common Sell not..
irIERISBUItO, June IS, !Big.
B. Barman:—l hes - every recetttly been shown a cony
of "Tickner's Columbian Spelling Book." pnblished by
you. and requested to express my nplidon of its merits
us n School Book. Mr. Ticknor. the Author. has been
long identified with the educational system of our.:ltate
as n practical Teacher: not a theoretical pedagogue,
a nd by He experience is competent to read the .. young
Idea'' in a pleasant way, through the (to it) Intricate
mares of nidsmental learning.
While there ore many valuable works of orthography
and nrihoepy now before the public. etch claiming pre
eminence. (and possessing it too In some respects) I
am constrained to say of Mr. Ticknor's work. Iron the
slight examination I have been?qhle to give It. tharit
pessesses as many, if not more sscellenciett combined.
than any other work of the kind, which ha! Mien under
my notice. and 1 would cheerfully recommend it to
parents and Teachers, as a valuable Book for use to out
Common Schools. Very Respectfully. &c..
The folletvlnr Is from the Iles. Mr. Clneket.icntlit
man of fine anninments, Rector of Clirls44fch, W
llamspott,andalsoa Classical Teacher °rifle t Boron. It
Iniiiamsport, Pa.. Jon. 14, 1849.
I have examined with some care. Ticknor's Colum
bian Spelling Bonk. airt have nn hesitation In pronoun
ciag it rine of the hest works of its class that have
come beneath my nntico. It is simple In its arrange
tnent, and, what is not Its least qimlity—it is strictly
philosophical. I should think its Introdudilon Into our
Bchmils wield prove of decided advantage to the pu
pils, and greatly facilitate the efforts o M
f the teachers-
Classical. Teacher, Williamsport.
The eorre-pontlent of the Baltimore P.ttriot.
=peeking of the Nntion4l totenig. neer. fon%s that
he oulAnnt.ling 8. hot due to tha't eetakilishment.
ore estiials,cl at—[9lbrs.
This shows the'lolty of the credit ffEeM in the .
newspaper. buckles*. The National Intelligence,
is one of the oldest, as well as one of the best.
newspapers in the country ; and we believe that
its list of eubseribers is, in the score of respect.-
tidily. wealth and mind, tquil if not superior to
that of any other newspaper est.,ibitabnient in the
country. There is hardly a whfg planter in the
Southern states but is a subseriber to the Intelli
gencer. Tnere are hundreds of persow. men of
wealth too, who have for years been receiving and
reading . that piper without contributing a cent to
the support of its proprietors, two of the mat
generous hearted men in the printing business in
the United States.
We doUbt not that there are other subset iption
papers the proprietors of which can tell as sad a
story as that given above. The loss to eyrery paper
of the kind is not less. on an average, than twenty
per cent. per annum. We know cif an instance
which occurred in this city a few years ago where
an obi establishmenh o was compelled to fail ; and
at the same time its outstanding debts were not
leia than V 25.000, not one quarter part of which
wa s ever collected by the assignees, The late
Major 'Russell once attempted to draw up his sub.
scribers to a paying.point—some of them were
indebted tokim for twenty years subscription. One
of these, an old farmer, having received a liwyer's ,
letter, called upon the Major', and in a great rage
ordered hini - tri stop his paper...—. Di be d—d"
said he, "if I will taken paper of any man who
dune me to pay for it !" The old scoundrel had
read the paper far over twenty, years without pay
ing a cent to its proprietors.—Boalort Herald.
The Cincinnati Commercial rel..tes the follow
ing sad spletaele :—"Our reporter on returning
from St. Joseph's Cemetery, on Friday evening.
met nine funerals, the last one unattended by any
train, but consis'ed simply of a rude vragnn. in
which the rough coffin of an adult was placed at
length. An aged woman was leaning upon the
coffin on one side and weeping. and an aged man
eat upon the re her side,. the tears also coursing
down his cheeks. • lie was driving the hor r e.
Thin wan all of that mournful attendance upon the
grove—a father and rentlur. firced by poverty to
perform the funeral t il es of a beloved son. one,
perhaps. nn whom they had depended for support.
But in times like these, poverty ban hut ton m •ny
such illustrations of itself—and what a striking
contrast to i tthe long and glittering trains that fol
low in sombie mtentation upon the plumed ear
that bears the dry which wealth once held in
honor, as though that clay to its plumed cenotaph,
wan more in death than 'that which slept in the
rude and tear-bedewed coffin seen in Yntider wagon.
Wealth marks the grave of one nith marble., the
tear alone starts-the wild • flower which shall de
tignaro. the other. Wealth leaves cdruentiens for
the vain Moor which it leav'es hehirid. Poverty
nothing but sorrow.
The Steamer America arrived at Halifax, on
Tuesday csening,the 19th inst. Shehrings tieYarN.i
7 days Her from Europe. The news posset•se.
much,interest. The following is a eynopd s ;
Exataain —ln Parliament. Mr. Gladstone gay.)
notice that on the I!1th lost , he would bring
forward a motion respecting the lute events in
On the letrthe-Gverland f ern India had." l
arrived, with Calcutta dates 10 the 29 of Alai!,
an,ll.lomhay to May 1. All is quiet . - in the Pun
jaub arid ,tetia have been taker, to organize Britith
local 'autholity - there.
conduct of the' Americnn - Government in
, ederence to the expedition to he sent out in search
of the ship Sir John' Franklin, has been alluded
to 4.1 Parliament in the most faltering terms.
IRELAND Ireland. although there are yet
no ju.t grounds for poaitrre alarm, yet there ore
unmisiskahle evidences of the fatal di-ease in the
, arms nig potato, and especially to the 'vicinity of
D..bhrt. _ -
Lord Clarendon, has cflicially annoueceil that
the sentence of death pasard mb th• Store prison
ate in Ireland, his been commuted to trari!porta
non fir , ,
Tti,eW hole of he Western Province. in Ireland
are reprcsented as in the (Mist deplorable condition
Society is utterly disorganized. -
Ftts,;scx.—ln France the new cabinet has'l; - een
firmed by the coal bon of Milton Barint and Du.
fame. The new ministry to the same as the old:
except that Dufaure takes the department 'rd
minister of the interior. M. de Tore/needle of
fort igrt affairs, and M, Snquiniss of comtherce
Both Belleau and Rminsat have refused to ac
cept' the_department of foreign affairs, in conse
quence of .the diffichltiee of the Italian question.
Much surprised was excited by the diviaion or
Marshall Bugsauit - from the list.
The Paris papers generally. express their (Brill,.
proved of the compromise; and predicts its failure
The Red . republicans are es.pecially violent-•in de
nouncing the new Mildewy , •
R ome Lessep's idea of conquering the
Roman. into an affection far France, has not yet
been realized, and ho bus returned to-Paris for
further instructions.
Some account& _say that he was recalled, and
'that the came me-trenger'carried positive thetruc
tiona to General dadinot, to reduce the Holy city
in subjection, at all hazards, and that having
mu m: his army close !to, the'city. he would con
mence the attack with an army of 2:5,000 men,
on the aCith of , May'.
The Romans have annafnced firm resolutions
to defend to the death the expetted aseault of the
French, cad it is stated that they have an efficient
I force ofBo,ooo
The Pope still,persists in, \demanding the tin
-qualified renewal of his power ate Temporal ruler.
'lbis the Triumvirates, backed by,the people, de
clare they never accede hi.
There is it the hottoni of every heart, says
Mazzini:a determination the moat profound to ac
complish the destruction. of Its temnotal p o wer.of
the Pope. AU bear the same hatred to the Gay.
ernment of Prieatcraft, and under whatever form
it may be presented,, we shell fight to the last
spinet all project of a 'restoration. -
GECNiANT.—The Frankfort Parliament has
transferred its session to Stuttgard. Its influence
wilt be exercised to form . a Republic after iho
French model, to be composed of Baden, Wirt
untherg, Rhenitt, Bavaria, &c.
The pleniputentiariea at Prussia, Hanover, and
Sammy, have promulgated a new Constitution
for Germany, in which the principal of universal
auftrage is recognized:
lluvolaX , —The war is Hungary presents no
new feature, and since the fall of Buda- into the
bands of the Hungarians, no event has occurred
calculated to have a' permanent influence on the
result of the struggle, thou the Hungarians have
achietred farther, than in some respects, important
victories. There evidence that the contestants
are concentrating ;heir force, mot accounti of a
tremendous battle are every day looked for.
ihearatta. & Pnassra,—The reports so con.
staidly repeated that ,the war between the Danes
and Prussian& is speedily to end, 'is renewed. but
we can see no reliable evidence of the fact. Hos
tilities still continue, and the Danish blockade is
rigidly entered.
; f 1 f : • •
„ fp 1.14
The Coal Trade for 1349.
The quantity sent by Railroad .m 39,247
by Canal 16,506 07—for .the creek 55,754 06,'
showing it decrease of 5,206 ions thiritweek,
nearly all of which is on the Railroad.
This week may lin taken' as about the average
c (Trinity of the transportation on Canal and Rail
road. If the quantity should exceed it one week
.it will decrease the next week. This is the opin
ion of all familiar with limo trade.
Although we do not believe that any more Coal
than the =Acts will require can be'shipped
this year—yet we feet certain that there is too
in uch thrown into the market at the present time.
The Cholera has caused a panic in the cities,
and all trade has been checked to a certain de-
cree—the dealers therefore are not prepared to
receive the Coal, and prices mast recede, under
the circumstances.. This would be disastrous i n .
the:extreme—the present pricesburely ramuuer.
to the Operator. and we have no desire to see la ;
or reduced below the present point, which must
follow, as a mutter of course, if the price of
Coal should fall. And besides, if the price of
Coal should beuzin to fall, 7t will go down to the
point at which it sold last year. Operators, 'Ali , '
Tiers and laborers are all deeply interested in this
rn.tter. It is far better' to be idle a week or 00,
when occasion requires,thau to have the prices re
duced for a whulo season. It is also due to those
who liitve come forward end purchased Coal in
the early part of the season, to show to them,
that we are determined this year, to throw no
More Coal into the market than its wants require.
Fur these reasons we thefefute' du hope t hat at
the meeting of Operators, to lie held this day.
they will resolve to kNIMOUSLY !O. suspend one
week at least, not partially. but TOTALLY, which
is the least expensive. ;sod the only effectual
mode of showing the trade abroad, that we CAS
nod will suspend the moment Coal begins to ac
cumulate on the Wharves below. The desper
ate state of the business justifies extraordinary,
romp ,and effectual tneaus, 'hi save it front ruin',
this year lit least. We look forward for better
times hereafter.
We publleti the fon - awing leiter Irani an-tan,
vrh;eh was tcc.•ived ye,turday. ii.frun a re—
sponviVe source
Boston. Juno 2.oth, 1814
brut Sir
The Coal Dealers of Philadelphia, after signing
a circular to filo effect, that they would not sell
Coal less than $4.25 per ton, are offering it in our
CITY for $l.lO, and in fact are offering cargoes
afloat at even less Vim $4,00, pretending that
they are ordered by some person, but draw too
touch water, or are nut the right siz•ra of Coal.
or something of that sort, when t h ey ate actu
ally sent here for sale at whatever price they will
bring. There are at present some 5. •tr 6 car
goes afloat for sale.= We were in hopes the deal.
era iu Philadelplfia would arrange matters itt
sonic way that we - could get pay fir the capital
invested, if mot fur our labor. We are 'pressed
to takeout-Coal early by being offered every in
ducement such as "we have agreed not, to scud
an over market. We hive agreed to
rise at a certain lime. The Railroad Company
have agreed to rise at a certain time, and we
think they wilt rise'beihre." We have always
believed them, hula wo find ourselves getting ,
poorer every year. Something 'must be done or
j the old dealers will all be drove oat of market.
Shen we have a decent prospect of doing some
thing, oui- good friends at Philada. will land a few
thousand bMs of Coed on their own account; not
to retail ; oh no, no such thing as that, it is land.
rd fur the dealerpiusht,in they fall short of 'stock,
which rarely happens; but the trade is getting
wak'd up a little, and we have pledged ourselves
not to bay tit' any man or company who scud
Coal to Roston unless it is ordered.
Vint rs Respectfully,
Amount rif I:011volt over the Philadelphia and fiend
ing Railroad and AC11.11611 Navigation tar the week
ending on Thursday .r.nnnz last :
ItAiLit./A U. CANAL.
P Coition. 12 234 18 131,72.0 17 8,651 17 01.360 03
Pottsville., 4,6311 IS 61.562 17 2,140 13 20.165 IS
S. 11, ven, IS 031 OS 170,229 16 4 552 62 29.210 ill
P Clinton, 3,367 15 58 071 11 1.131 14 12.973 12
39,2.17 19 421.616 01 16,506 07, 126.671 13
' 126.678 13 •
Total by RR & Cal. 531,523 17
To 'amt., ppriod last year, by Railroad .510.455 10
Do by Canal 1:14.350 17
Decrease this yejir
133.250 O tons
The rollnwine is the quantity of Coal pent rznm the
Lthigh region fur the Week ending June 16,
. _ . .
Sontinlt Mine, 11.374 03 75,050 02,
Ithunie Run. 3,521 04 — 23607 17„ : :
8.-aver Me.idow. 'I 197 111 .13.210 15'
i 4 pring Nlnuninin Cn. 3.504 n 7 ' 27.50 i. 02
Rogar Loaf Co. 555 07 1,1317 it
Hazleton Coal Co. 3.279 OD 17.370 il • '—
Craiiheiry Coal Co. 1.501 11 ', 5990 02
lock Mountain Cn. ",.- 3.00 19, r 21,320 02
'ilkesbarre Coal Co 692 00, 2.013 02
. 1,-- 30,335 07 '188,052 07
nine period last year, 197.011 14
tit fur the week ending, June 9, 810. .
„ Wkir.K. Tacit..
16. M 65.208
To lime period last year. 05.929 ,one
Traps;iOrration on ble Ilailrunds in Schuylkill County.
The the -quantity or Coal 'transported
overilie different I:nitro:pis In Schuylkill County. Cm
the pecek ending '7l.nriiday evening.
IVorig. 'Neat,
Mine Hill and S. 11 IL R. 24.40 4 01 leriiit...o4
Little iiirliu)ll.lll R. It. 4,144 10 70.745 119
Mill'Creek "do 0,,013 OS . 00,220 17.
Mount Carbon do 7.2.51 ns t 3,571 oo
Schuy I k i I I Valley '-do 12.5.52. 02 105.091 04
MI. tiariipn and l'i. Carbon do 134712 07 124.740 14
Union ranal_.:' do 3.2/7 02 04.510 07
Swatara" do 2.253 00 21.000 10
RATER 01 , 1 - 1.11../.. AND TRAMOspoRTATION ull RAIL ROAD
To Dept I, !SD.
To From RI I .ischnn.i i ittrittio.
Ric-tanned. until Jens Mel% 170 6 - 5 1 45
Pliit.delpliis. do do 170 t 65 145
now MI Carbon. $M.' en I' Clinton.
To. Philadelphia, 75 cis". 72 cis. 63 cts.
RATES or sautortr. '
cta. per ton
1 70 ,
To Philadelphia
To New York
I •
For additional Now Advertisements see Next
rage. They' wjll there found artanged
• under -- Suitable Heads. '
A New and Cheap
1 'IIE eubsi fiber announces to his friends and the
I. public that he has Jost opened a saddle I.oh-w
-oes, store in Norwegian gitreet, closeby the Railroad,
- . a few doors from R. W Mcßimini?
rb' ...ku, rottodry, who're he intends to
ri man-
. , ... - .7e.,,,,.., ufacture and keep on hand a ea-
, Z.:,..:-4. , " ety of Saddlery, such .ns 'Saddles.
tiriilles,harness, whips, collars and
trunks. of all descriptions; travelling bags, satchels,
&e., whlclr he, will sell as lore, If not a little lower,
'than an be hought`any where ; else in this Region.
All work will he promptly attended to an.
eroding In order, 11.7 Invite's prsons in want of any
of throe articles, to give him a all and try hisii, feel
ing confident that it will be to their 'lnterest Indoor,
Ile also announces that he is toady and prepared to
do all kinds of Coach trimming. S c.. 4'C.; at the
shortest notice and on reasonable terins. Also. all
kinds of repairing. ILSAM% SNYDER.
.litue 23; '42. —26-3 m
A Novel Invention.
HATfTS' COLD PAINT for reritlng with acnmmnn
Pen, regilding Pietoro PrtirOs. Sign Writing, &c
i n !wo e , et 25 mars, SO centiClarid 1 Dollar may be had
of NICHOLAS & COLLINS, Driggistat & Apothecaries,
Market Street, Pottsville. Phis:Kane Preacriptions
:teen rarely compouudee t by careful hinds only. Families
and-country Store keepers may, rely en being supplied
anti} the best articles the Drug market afford., on the
most reasonable terms. Every va.riely of Fancy articles,
Perfumery, Brushes, Combo. Paints, Oils, Camphine,
Gins& Tobacco. Cigars, Wine.; &.‘.
June 23. lell9.
Sanatory Committees.
T a meetint of the Council of the Bocnugh of
it was oh motion Resolved. that suitable Committees
he appointed to see that the moat efficient sanatory
menstired are nbserved throughout the Borough, with a
vjew of avoiding as fur as possible the threatened v isl
titian. and to preierve the health of our citizens-00
motion, R.:solved:that mini:enters of Moe it: eaeli Ward
be appointed by the President to erica this object ;
that ft ettati be the dins: of such, committees, to re
:port to lb Ch On rgess of the Borough. the existence
of any nuisances which may require the aid of the .
publie nail:males for their removal. The fidicwlug
are the commute es nirpoiland. viz :
It. v. M•CD. n. e. WAND. sciven WARD
Jnlrn C Lessig Nickolas 0134riet Ldeser
Wen Lerch Frederick Ewing C F Jackedn•
Jll Dng•ning Abraham Mime rbalornon roster
Georrn Might Sain't flunizingerhimes
John Clayton Joseph Woolison Nathan Evans
Jolts Mcßarran Daniel Klapp Jobs S-C Martha
Andrea; Mortimeriliram Mug Ja mei M Beata'
fault 'Braes Simnel Morris E E Bland
Joseph Morgan. James Cleary Edward
It is hoped that the citizens generally evil said the
'above named committees, and as nu ne passible as
sist In carrying out thesiew's of the CounciL
Chief eurgess.l
ANII 13BANDY....luat received a an-
V V percar a Wale .of Old Ei nth Brandv,also -Port
sherry and Claret 'Wire, oftrest bra ndr. by
I u uc23,19. E. YARDLY & SON.
Ration, half gallon, quart and smaller battle*: also
Maynard & Noyes' Inks,Copyinglnke,Hogan &Muni)
eon's Steel Pen Ink, Hoover's Inks, Bed and Blue Inks
din,* bole/ale and retail. Ink as low as 313 rents pa
dozen, wholesale, at HANNAN'S
Oetl4.BS Cheap Book and Variety Stores.
Gold! Gold! Gold!
11 pees, tan wine a beitutlfulgold letter, which i 3
as Militant as gold itself • regilt picture and tanking
giass frames, making them took an well as new, which
will nut tarnish any quicker than the eta Iramesihem•
selves. With the paint they can paint gold letters on
signs, write signs with pencils, and gilt - any mater
ial, by the name process as painting. It Is cheaper
by hi) per cents than toe tonal modes; and mere
The attention of our -Painters is called to this nr
trete,: For Sale Wholesile and Retail. at
RANNAN'S Cheap Book aed Variety Stare,
Where the Article is supplied Wholesale at .Mann
facturers prices. Arent, wanted and will be furmabcd
in all the Towns in Schuylkill county, by arrangement
with the Peoprietors at their prices. '
June _3.-Bfi• ,
Public School District of
XTRACT from an Act of Cie General Assembly of
.Lgthis CArlitTlOnWeallh.etitllkd ••All Act fee the toga-
Winn and continuance of a system of Education by
Common Schools, passed 7111 of Aprll, 1819:
Svc. f 6. On the receipt of the said warrant and du
plicate, the district treasurer shalt cite at leant thirty
days' nntice, by not less than tee written or printi.d od
venlseinents, to he put up in the molt public places In
the disirict, that he will attend at the usual place of
holding, township, ward or borough elect ious. on a day
to be named in said advertisements, for the pnrpoae of
collecting and receiving the school tan for said diOrict,
and shall collect and receive in...alone. giving receipts
thereof in ell cases when tennired by the person pay
ing the same. and as A comne.atban therefor, the
treasurer shall receive two per cent. for all moneys so
Sec. 27. In case a.
Sec. 27. In case any ash,
fora et silty days froni and after the day on
which the district treasurer shall have attended far the!
purpose of receiving the same as aforesaid. tl shall be
the duty of th • district treasurer to trace his warrant,
with a schedule of all such unpaid schonitax, and the
names of the persons respectively to w hob the same
is charged in the proper duplicate. directed:in the con.
.table if the proper ward, township or bornitigh.whoses
duty It is hereby made, to receive , the same, antlinriging
and requiring him to 41,.mau1l and receive (coin the per
sons named In the said schedule. the slams with which
they are therein chargedrespettfolly, together with five
percent, en the amount therrnf. u hick per cent:tee
shall in all cases be coliceted and retained by each
constable for his compensation ; in case any person so
charged with school :as fail In pry the amount, to
gether with the per centage aforesaid, within twenty
days after the demand made therefor h said constable
the constable may levy the rattle by distress anti sale of
the goods and eitattles of said delinqucto, giving tea
days' notice ofsuch sole, by as , ' hien tic printed adver
tisement ; and in ouch cue, said cm - unable shall, in ad
dition to the per centege herelabefore allowed, be
entitled to retain nit of the proceeds of such sale,
oiler first deducting the school tan and the percentage.
aforesaid, the same fees as are n• oat alb", ed by law to
Gontlahlev for levy and sale upon a writ of ex..cution.
The i•lchoni Ins.pas ere of the Borough of Pottsville,
ate hereby notified, that lie is di:Mend at i 1 itz's lin
tel nu Monday the 25th of into nest—at Mill's lintel
nit Tuesday the 20tti, and ut Doergingera Mid, on
Wednesday. the 27th of said month, to receive the
School tax. in compliance with the law.
lie also gives notice that he will receive the tax at
hisriflice, at any time previous to the expiration attic
PO days:,
11011E12T WOOD FI DP,
Treasurer of the Pottsville School District.
June 23. 1840. • 7.6-4 t
_ .
. . -
Emprajom, Press and Democrat, copy 3 flees, end
chr.tvg, School Diremors. ,
1 . 2 r.soLvED by the Senate and Wiese of Represens
tativi•s of the cotuutootvettith of vetto” tvu sin In
General Assembly met. That the Cuttilittltinn or this
Common, ealth he amended In the second section or
the fifth- article, so that it shall read-us follows The
Judges of the Supreme Co in, of the several Courts of
Canimon Pleas. and or such other (70.1540 f licenntl as
are or shall be established by law, shall Ile elected by the
nualified electors of the Cournmonwealth in the man
er following, to wit 'tine Judges of the Supreme
Court, by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth
at large. The President Judges of the several Courts
of Common Pleas and of ninth other Courts of Record
as are or shall LC established by law. and all other
Jodges required to be learned in the law, by the quail
bed electors of the respective distrsets over which they
are to prerideor act. an Judge:. And the Assoclat Judg
es of the Courts hi Common revs by the qualified clef
tors of the.connties respectively. The Judges of the
Supreme Court shall hold their offices for the terni of
!meet, yearsor they !hall en lone behave Ihemeelvea
s (subject to the allotment hereinafter provided;
for. etttnryirent 10 the first election:) The Pros:dent
Judges of the several Courts of Common unit of
suet, other Colman( Record us are or shall he establish
hod by law, and unit other Judges required In he learned
in the law, shall hold then offices for the term of ten
)eers. If they shall so long behave themselves welt:
The Associate Judges of the twins of Common
Pleas shall hold their oilier fur the term of five)iears if
they shall so lone behave themselves well s all Of whom
shall be Contlnteelitited by the G , ivernar. hot feel any
reasonable cause whin b shall not be antlicient grounds
of 111110MehnseliC, the Governor teleitl /e.t.a . .: anus- of
them o n tine admen two-thildn or eat b branch of the
Legislature. the first election shall take place at the
general election Of this CointoonweVih neat After the.
Ittioption or thin amendment, and etootttis,tottl or
'all the juilgea who tiny he then sn offs shalt expire on
the hoot Mninil,ty r.t Dscisedn.r ii•llowtog.when the terms
or the new Judi S +hail continence. The persons wino
shall then be elected J adzes of the Supreme Court shall
hold tlirir nrfic. e as follows s one of them for three years,
one for slx years, One MC nine years, One for to else
p. 31.9,411,110 1, for fit teem years ; the term Of each to be
decided by Int by the said judges. as ;non alter the
elect ion as rovenient, and the result certified by them
in the Governor, that the coponsestons,niay Lo issued
in accord:sore therein,. Th.-judge w hose n tlintintinion
will first expire shall be Chief mustwe during his term,
and thereafter each judge whose commission shall first
expire shall it, loco be the ChteriteetiC,, atitl if lien or
More Cnlnntieei ins shall expire On the satinet day, the
Judges holding them shall decide by lint winch shall Lc
the Chief Ju-ace. Astv vacancieirhappeolne by d, ath .
Teel:to:Ilion or otherle is, In tiny of 1101 said court s ,
shall be filled by appointment by tine Gi.verrnor, to con
tinue tin the (teat Monday of December snrceeding the
next general elution. 'fie Judge. or the Supreme
'Court and the Presidents of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas shall, at elated (mei, receiVe for their ser
vices an adequate sompensmion. In be fixed by turn,
which shell not be diminished Miring/heir contioname
in office. but they anal receive mil. es Or perquisitesof
office, nor hold anyatilisr "nice or profit under this
Cotomonweidth, or Under the Cover Innoult or the Pot
ted, States, or any other State of this Coto.. The
Judges of tile Supreme Court Miring their Clottlintilltief!
In iitfire shall reside en Hon this Onto osinnwealt 11, and
tn ,,,t h er Judges during heir enntinuancein ntliershall
tootle within the donne , or - county for Muth they
were seepect [rely nicer, if.
' speaker if the Howse of Representatives.
Speaker or the Senate.
. .
• , ' Iv the Senate, ..11arelt 1, ISM
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—leas 21, Nayr 9
. -Elt/art rrn,o the Journal.
, .
- In the Ifouic of Repreentdrite,, -9 , 112,1519:,: , Thu this resotul tun pass —l. vas 58, N.1).25.
, ll' ' Extract frefil the,Journ il. • ~
1i731. JA.CR, Clerk.
, __.
Secretary's O.
1 7 14 d April 5. 18.0:
A.4.' RU3SELL, Dep. 'gee. of the Com'wealth
SeEestar.V. Office.
. ,
Idu err - lily that the alto!, andThregOlng Is a true nod,
'Correct copy of the Original ltesolution ot' the General
Asseinbly. entilleik'ltesolution relative to on %mend
menrof the CitlelltUtioll,. all the same.. remains un
file in thjs taco.' • .
In testlnion • whereof' I have hereunto
r'''''''‘'. - - net my hand, aid caused In he tailed'
the seal of the Secretarvall artier at m t .
: IL. '.burg, this eleventh day of Jnnt , Anti°
Li 5....,
...., ._ ~ Dottliiii,atie thousand eight hundred end'
--7-- fnity :ne. .
'TOWNSEND HAINES', Sec. or the Com'wealth.
, -.
) ',loll-113:AL OP SENATE.
' "Reimlotion. No. lei. ..muted •Ileynlut'on relative to
'in amendment of the Constitution." was read ii third
• time. On the quertion wilithe Senate agree to the re,
'solution I The Virile and- Nays were taken agreep.
'My to the Cimstliution. and were.ay follows, vie:
Peas—Messrs. Boas, Brawley,Cr.M. Cunningham,'
'Forsyth. Bogus, Johnyon, Lawrence. Levis, Mason,
• Matthias, M'Caylin, Rich. itch tide, Sadler, Sankey:
•Savery, Small..Smtric r. Ste 'reel! and Stine-21.
Nays-31 emirs. Best, Drionyriek, Ives King. Ko
• nlinutclier, Poiteiger and Donde, Sgeaker—S.,
• So thenue•tion one determine , ' In the affirmative.'
. TIVES. • -
• Shall the resolution passl The yeas and nays were
'takyn agreeably to the proyisian of the foth article of
'the Constitution. and or, as follows, vizi
• Vein—Me,Ar.. Chicon]. Ball, David J. Bent, Craig
' Biddle l'eter D Bloom, David 31 Bole. Trio, K Bull,
•'.I multi Cott, John It Diehl. Netter...LA Elliott. Joseph
'Emery. David G E•bletrow, Wm. EV'ans,Jolin Fausnld,
Sainuel Fegely, Joseph V/ Tither Henry 31 Fuller.
Thomas Grove, Robert 'tampon. Heine, I' Hennes.
Thomas .1 Herring. Joseph Biggins, Chnaes Bore,
Joseph H Ilower, Robert Klotz, Har?iren P Laird.
Abraham Lambertnn, Jo mes.l.Lewis,James W Ling,
Jacob 31'Cartnev, John F Cullerri.llfigli 31*Zee.John
M'lsaughlin. • Adam Martin, saltillei Mart. John C.
Myers, Edward Nickleson, Stewart 4'enree. James
t'nrer, Henry C Pratt. Alonzo Robb; George Ropley.
Theodore Ityrnan, Bernard S Schoonover. Samuel 1
Seibert. John Sharp, Christian Snively; Themes C.
Steel. Jeremiah B Stubby. Jnirt J Stirtzman, , Alarshall
Swarizwelder, Samuel Taggart, George' , T Thorn.
Nicholas Thorn, Arrenah Wattles. Samuel WeiVich.,
Alonzo I Wilcox, Daniel Zerby and Willitimy Packer,
Spealter.-54. - .
Nays— Mettrit. gthenstus K Cornyn , David M Court
ney: David Evans, Henry S Evans, Intro Fenton. John
W George, Thomas Gillespie. John B Garden Wm.
Henry, James 1 Kirk. Joseph Lau bath. Robert It Lit.
tie, John S SUCalinent,JAhn 31'Kee, Win. itl•Sherty,
Josiah Miller; Wm. T Morrison, John - A. Otto. Wm.
I' Roberta, Jnhn W, 'Lineberry. John B Rutherford; H
Rundle Smith. John Smyth, John Souddr, George
Walters and David IF Wllliains-20. • 4'.
, "So the queitiperWee determined in the affirmative."
, . SEClhlttliell Opithel
' ' ftarris3are, Juno to, 15 - 10.
PLNYIerLVAIVIA, on li. ,
~,,. • -,.. I do i cevtlfy that l d he above i and fore
ir*-'ar LSr
-, E"llet) :ntrd"..1 , ,%,::;',`.` kr."..",r1, 1 :
. :A.....: , i"Jeevolution, relativeto an amendment
- r-. of the Constittuing,• • ay the came op.
pears en thelnoinaly of the twe Houses
of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth,' for
the session of IBM .
Witness my hand and the seal of said office, the Gf.
teenth day of June, One Brentano' eight hundry4l and
forty-nine. ..! TOWSEND 11A1NES, .:
fiSec'ry of the Common wealth. ' ,
f.ll-3ine !
June 23. 1849
•• Char Manufactory.'
rIIIIANKING for the past confidence and floor be
t stowed on me hitherto, I ;acne.' fully, Inform the
dozens of posit' Sleeted its environs, that I krep Can.
'tautly on hand, Spanish and Half Spanish Cigars, of
the first and beat quality, and at the lowest prices,,l
therefore solicit theitkindtratronage, and the continu
ation of past ravine. All demands wholesale. will be
promptly, and to the satisfaction of the publie atten
ded tn. ,
N. B.—Store and Tavein keepers, %vita wish large
quantities orti:ta will be supplied with them at
their liqincs free o charge. Cigar boxes ilea In ex
change, or for C . Residence In Mahmita st.,
• Adams, Brothers,
No; 7$ North Third 4.Qtreet, Phi/ede
StrPPLY BLANK BOOKS cleaner at thOlantatic..
tory than can he had arsine Boatmen, -arid they
ate acknowledged saperior. 0'0.21, '49 9- I
Valuable Oral and. Timber Lands
B 4 virtue of an alias writ of nett Facia ,, issued nut
of the Court of Common! Pleas of the oounty of
Schuylkill, sod to me directed, will be exposed for sale
at Public Veadire, at the House of.Jonx , WEAVES.
Ornmgylvania Hall) lekeepet in the Borough of Patti.
vine, on .
Thuisday.'fhe 19th day of Ju y,
near, at 3 o'clock ,in the arlernonn of said day. the
undivided one third part of the following described
tracts of laud
No. 1. The undivided one-third part of a tract of
lind,surveyed in the name of Matthias tittle, altuate
th Cass township. in the County of Schuylkill, adjoin
ing land, surveyed for John Everhart nn the South
West. and land surveyed fur Philip Nlnyer on the North
Barbara Amnia and Francis Annus, on the Emit, the
whole tract containing 419 acres, strict ipeasura.
No. 2. Also the one undivided thirdipart of a tract.
of land; surveyed in the name of John Everhart. situ
ate in the township and county aforesaid. adjoining
lands surveyed for Menhir. Little, east; t•hillp raven--
burg on the west, George Mill, wattle not: h, and lien
ry Giffin on the south, the whole tract containing 449
acres strict 1.1NISII:C.
No. 3. Also the undivided one-third part of a tract
of land, suivoyed in the name of Philip Lavenburg,
situate in the ton whip and county'aforesaid. adjoin
ing lands surveyed fir John Everhart on the east,
Catharine Lavenhurg on the west. and Doratha Lav
enburg on the north, the whole tract containing 449
acres radii measure.
No. 4. Also the undivided one-third pert of a tract
of land, surveyed in the name of Catherine Lavenhurg,
situated in the township and county aforesaid:adjoin
ing lands surveyed fur Philip Lavenhurg On, the east,
Augustus Lavenhurg on the west, and Catharine Groh
On the north—the whole tract containing 439 acres strict
Nu. 5. Also the undivided one-third part of a tract
of land, surveyed to the name of Genrge•Groh, Jr., nit•
hate in the township and county aforeia)rii 'adjoining
lands surveyed for John Shorn on the north. Catha
rine Creh on the east, had Augustus Lavenherg on the
south-the whole tract containing 419 acres strict meas.
ore. •
No. el..alao the andivided nne-thlrd part ;if a tract of
land surveyed In the name"( Catha'rine Grnh.,aituate
in th.: township and county aforesaid, adjoinine land
surveyed for George Groh, Jr. on the west, Catharine
Laveaburg au the soon, Anna Maria Shown on the
north, and Voratha Larenhurg ou the east —tke whole
tract t.ont a int ng 449 acres strict pleasure.
Nu. 7. Also the otte-thild part of tract nf land sur
vey.4l. in the name - of Doratha Lavenhure. situated
partly in Casa and partly in Maier township. In the
countylaforesant, adjoining lands surveyed for George
51111.-r on Meaner. Catharine Ci•oh on the west. Jacob
Kelchner on the north, and Philip Lavenburg on the
eouth+tlin whole col - I[lllone 449 acresatrict measure.
NO_ 8 Al.° the undivided one-thild.p lit of a tract
of land. surveyed the name of George Mullet. situ.
ated partly ; ill Cass 11,1 d partly in Butler; townships In
Bard COUlity,adjiMll(l.ll nods surveyed-far Philip Moyer
on the east. Coral ha Lavenberg an the west, Maria
Rel.:liner on the tiorth, and John Everhard on the
south—the whole tract containing 419 acres strict
cueasu're. •
No 9. Also the undivided one thlrd•part of a tract
of land surveyed in the name of Philip Moyer, agit
ated portly In Cass and partly in Buller townsh.p. in I
the cuddly aroresild, nilindine lands survt.ved for Geo.
Miller on tln We'd, Matthias Little On the south, and
Henry Ilorteell on the can—the whole tract eon lain •
tenor, 419 ours strict rneasUre.
'No.IO Al,o the undivided line-third part of a tract
of land, surveyed in }he name of Maria Kr Ichner.
ated in the of Buller, county afareiaid, ad
joiningl tridesurveyed f.i,r George Miller on
,the sow h.
Jacob Relent:re:on the veal—the Whole tract containing
449 screq atilt
Ns. 11. At, , the undivided one third Corr of a tract
of land Surt,yed to the wane of Janet, fielchner. sun
clod In the i.i.vriship of Butler, county aforesaid. ad
joining lands •urveyed for M , lrla Ketch cur on the east,
Anna_Maria on the overt, and , l)nrotho La yen
here here n the ,- .011, the whole tract containing 449 acres
strict Illeitra.r. . •
N.. 12 Alan the undivided onedhlrd port of a tract
of land. curveyed In the mums of. Anna . 'Maria Shinn;
strua:ed partly in Ca, cud partly in Butler tow nehyin.
in the comity tilldeSaid, adjoining lands surveyed for
Jaro6 Reklii,r on the north, John Shorn.. on itiowst,
and Caili mile-Groh or. tile month—the whole tract Lon
taming 519 acres irrift rpertitre.
NO : 13. Ala , the undivided nue-third port or a tract
of !Anil. iliitr44 in Ilift_nanie of John Shown, situated
portly in Carr aril parity in. H a ll er township, county
a fore...ed. a Uhilling I.lipls purveyed for', Anna Maria
t , lionto on the north, nintl.entie Groh, Jt. , toi the annul.
the n hel r tract containing 440 acres strict measure.
Ail slixed and taken into execution. as the estate of
GEORGE II It.' KEE% and to he sold liv
sheritT',. Orb. e OrtVi2ll I J. T. %VERNER, Sheriff.
bur j . .l.ine 2 . 4 1,49. j 2643
Worsdell's Vegetable IRestti•a-
. live
I eitenrively r;;tattlishcrl and popular FA:4;-
LN . NlEDietNr of the ornsent dny. both In Enutand,and
In this Cnonlry. Thnv wer, invented in 1n32. by Dr.
V11:11. WORS DELL or Viirk. England, and have three
that time wrought mail; wonder nil cures in every
country where they have been intrudu•ed.
The - privenr.prourictorm fur the United dtates ore lu
pOIISCPSIIIIIOI ninny genuine cortficateA °roues wrought
h.)th to England and America.
Et.i7.%llC'tlf EIUTTF.RW"RTIT, 3 Richmond St.
I.leerpoo;v.;', tmoMmt to her tyPel 1 , 11 111 , i111i1R. trial
t h Dropsy. h':r ley, bocartte 5w..11.41 In an enorm,,,
Mit kn.,.. AO, umny tria.ia of mt . ', tnedicine,hc was
~...tomd Lu petieLl'heath by 41Vojbotoi al Worideirti
Pills.' 1 .
Me .lONTS.lonoticert it I.iverponl, WIIA Pl:n.cured
m'lnftimation of the Liver. hy Wnrsdell's Pills.
cpnyA.,•ll/nll.lL'Phornley near Preston, Eng
lund. war cured-of Typhus and Rheumatic Fever, by
Worsdeil s Pdl..
lit . mAlcime, Itondini Petinsylvania. testi
ties :het his child to as. severely utllicrtnl with Worms,
and menu perk:l;lly restored by the use ut Worndells
Pills. •
Agog. T.-pepanu,•llesisrhe, Ilubilual Costiveness.
severe Colnlx., have nil yielded to this powerrul hot
pertly rerrtethlt medicine. , Nn more, certain and mild
lnrc-.lnt a hna ever been disenvered.s 4
Manny'.Ph3slciaton,nnake use of these Pills Id their
.practice wills t'trest sneer ma
Thy are for sale in Schuylkill County.. ',Tie , : 25 CtA.
than. contatning MI Polls wait Lail direct men, by .4,0..
Protein, and Joseph Contsworth Pottsville ;" W.
1,. lien.der. Poi t Carbon ;E .1. Fry, Tannagtot ; Joseph
IL Alter. Tu.:carom ; Juritin Metz. St. Clair; George
Renfsee.ier, New ; William Paine. Ile, k
.citervnll• ; James ii. Fills. ; Levan
K 311011130. P¢iwyli ill Travel, E. &E. Hammer, Or.
wiestiorg. '•• &J. Dreher, Etat Brunswick; Boyer &
%Vernet t, Mr Kingusbu rg ; S. IL Inf. Kepher, West Penn;
Griefr Toney, Pine Grove.
C. P. An t e, Tv netting Agent for the Middle SDI lea:
A. WEEKS, & Co. Proprlintora.
Jun 27. •17. 5-111 No. 111 Chesnut fit.
"I":" EFTS CONWTANTLY on !mild and fur stile, the
mf,•ll..tvlog articles
A large nod splendid assortment of colored Lithograph
in pi int., so.gie or by the hundred.
Turn r and Fisher. Sung and Tny Books in great carl
rty sinelror by the dozen,
01 , 111 F . noolti,Lrltrr Writer, flpelling•lthoi.ii, Primer.
and Cubb'S - !leaden., Copy and d'as.
(stmt and other .thnan i acs single or by the dozen,
Steel Pen% and Bolder.,
Pock,' Ihurka,i'layiog c„,l, mminoe, Conversation.
Fortune Telling. and Courting Cards,
Shaving Cretins:mil Soap, Wash Balls, rintliloap, and
other Fancy Soaps, Exit:lets, •
Jules 11a4el's t:,•uuhne Bears Oil, Ox Marrux•, Curling
Final, and Cologne Water, stnvla or by the dozen,
Tooth Stsavh,i, Hair; and Clothe. Brushes,
11..-ssine:PoiNet, and Fole Tooth Combo,
M:nian'ir and Frank Miller'n Writer ProOi Oil Blacking
St.,cks, Conan, and guspendera. '
Rizrts and Razor Strops,
Large assort mew of Ladies' rot's,
reenrls done open the beat manner..
11-- Ina also on hand Dwane,. Terpsichore nr hail
Thnnn Guide. eShavine. flair Catlin F, performed
tithe inns, approved style, CI-Razors done np at the
!wriest notiae. [Dec.23,,1R2.1y51
TULES GLOSS. This new and
el admirable artiCiftll4llie Toilet.'unlike every other
prepara!ion for the hair. instead of improving Its op
pearsitemily for a while - and eventually destrnyingli.
to pi rteetly free if all destructive materials In oars
where the hair Is reduced and is falling Mr by disease
of the sr alp it is invaluable. - It la a eure• remedy for
•alratrertlinirnf that „iglu and by removing the cause
a norm ine evil. The natural enter, heatity.ahil !twirls
ante can no restored tu hair in the m. et enfeebled co,
dition, while that of the healthy ran be linmeastirably
improved by the almost dazzling brightness and deli
cate fragrance Imparted by this meimipart tile prepara
tion. It possesses, man etnineribdegree, the quality
nf eleansii.d the heed , 'anfpreservitig the hair from all.
Impurities. fur whh h it is deservedly recommended to
use arming children. Thai new article can he obtained
wholesale and retail, at; - lIANNAN'S
June Is, 25-1 'Bonk and Perfumery Stores. -
, Ens,
Charlrs Bartell;
P. 1411105 ABLE: II ilit CI: TTING
AN 'StllArlNfiLS.kla/ON.
Near the earnir el Centre—and .11arLet Struts,
Nest' (rilae of Perfumery..
Mc iiiister's Ointment.
Scrolidout -Humor's, Skin Diseases. Poisonous
Wotinds to Uischarge theft putrid 'matter+, and then
heals them. j
It is termed AM.-HEALING. for Were i•
scarcely a disease external or internal, that it will not
benefit. I have used it tot the lair sixteen years for
all diseases of the chest. into - dicing. lie utmost danger
and responsihillty, and 'declare he ore Heaven and
man, that not in one OM. has it failed VO hensfit when
the patient was within reach of mortal means.
I have had physicians learned-in she professinn.—
Uhave had gnitliglefurlhe gbspel,Judges of the bench,
aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen attire highest erudition.
and multitude+ of the-poor Iris It DI every variety of
way,And there has been Manse voice—one universal
voice—saying 4
RUED MATIS reinnesselmost immediately the
Intl:mason attd swelling when the paia ccases..:(Reed
the directions around the box.) •
IIEAD-AISIE—The satyr his cured persons of the
head ache of tivelvte yeers.ratanding, and whokbari it
regular every week so that vomiting' took ?lace.
DEAFNESS, Ear-Ache. Tooth-Ache, and .
Ague in
the face. are helped wlthlike success.. .
SCALIiLIEAD—We have cured cases that natually
defied every thtng known „000 man told us that he
had spent .11}20 on be'.children Without any benefit,
when a few boxes of ointment citia,d them.
BALDNESS —lt.will-restore hale sooner than any
other thine. .
TETTER—There is nothing better for the cure o
EIIIINS—It Is one - of the best tlrlnp In the world
for Curtis. .
Ptles—Theusands nreseati t cured by thisplnment.
It never faile in - giving 'teller for the I flev. •
Around the box ore,firestionra for using .11eAllistrea
Ointment for &relate. Lirer Comploint.lErysivelas.
Truer, -Chilblain. Scald Bead. Sore eyes.. titulary. Sore
"Irma. Bionehttis. Nervous Affections. Pates. Disease
of the Spins. Ilea-Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Eor•Arla,
Bares. Corns. All Dissaals of the Shin, Sore Lips, Pue...
plot, kt. Stiffness of the joints. Swelling of the Limbs,
Sore Limbs. Sores,' Rheuroatista. Piles, Croup. Swelled.
or Brekee'Breast. Took-Ache, Ague in the Fats, 4.c.
COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain to the Chest,
or Side, falling earl the bale, one nr the other accom
panies cold feet 'Frills (liniment is the one remedy) ,
It le a mute sign of disease to have cold feet.
CORNS4-Occasionnl use of this Ointment will al
ways keep Corns Otani crowing. People need nester
be troubled with them if they use Ir frenstently.
Thin Ointment is good for. any part of the body or
linitt,that ore inflamed. In tame cases it should bo
applied often.
CAIITIO,N.w-rionintmenc will he genuine unleei
the name of James Afelitlister Is written' with a pen
upon every label. JAMES McALLISTEB, •
Cole Proprietor or the above Medicine.
Price. 25 cm per box.
AGENTS—J. st. fleetly & Co., Pottsville D
Heisler, dn ; J. W Gibbs, 511ftersvIlle ; Charles Frei
ley. Orwitlaintre ; C. G. 'llnntsinger,- Schuylkill
Haven ; Wm. Taggart, 'Tamaqua; Washington Heti
ter, Port Carbon; Wei. Price, tit Clair ; John 8. Hicks.
Reading ;:and by Agents in an the. principal Towns
In the United States.
Prrnelpel Office; N 0.22 Korth Thltd Jt :Pbtladelpbre,
Patent Lubricating' 011.
HAVING purchased the -exclusive right for manu
facturing and vending the Patent Lubricating 011,
from P. S. Devlanar Co.,for Schuvik Dauphi
non, Columbia. Northumberland, Luse:ts. Wyoming.
Lycoilaing, Lehigh and Carbon Counties; they an
nounce to the public that they hare commenced the
mimulactory of It In the Bomugh of PoussUle, where .
they wall be happy to supply all orders prOmptry, and
at the same rate it can he purchased from the Proprie
tor* of the patent right. This Oil was patented Janu
ary lath. ISM and its superinr excellence and cheap
ness. has already given it the preference over all other
Oils In use, for all kinds of Stationary Machinery, Lo
comotives and Cars on our Railroads,—and also for
Lamp use.
All orders left at U. D. Schoenen; Store, In Centre
Street, will be promptly executed.
Pottssilte. lane Idth. 1h49.' '
The price is 7.5 cents per gallon, and the fatinwhlgear
tithates show Its character:
PIII{.•DELPIII... M.C. 4. 1615
Alarms. P. S. Dolan & c'o.—Gentlernen .—The Pa
tent Composition youaent the to have tried, and which
you demo as a subatitute for the. best oil in the work.
Ingot Machinery, has, I am happy to say. more th - i rue
al used expectation,. I had it fully tested on a Loco.
• motive Engine far two days{in rainy wear her.with mud
dying over the machine at every rr volution) by a alci:fu
Enativeer, who assures me that it works equal to 0.
beat spermueti oil, with a oaring In quantity of 110 pe
cent This saving • lukether with the greatly reduce
price at which you Inf o rm the you can furniali the /WIC
will strongly recommend its use op Mail !toads and
large milla non fictories whore large quantities °full ar
used. I have now nodonbtiof its entire success, an
under that imaressOn my aincerecongratu
atlons. Truly yours, , ENOLtoll•
roITSVILLt., Jan. 22.
This is to certify that I have been using P. Devlan
& Ca 't patent Lubricating OH for the last 61X, weeliss
and eau give as nor decided °pillion, that. besides it
beingsomi c aper, its peculiar superiority neer the
hest Speri , iLts itsdurability an nisehinery.whlch ren
ders it a yery di suable ankle fur that purpose_ Wettre
trictenslifely eneseed in unable and shipping coal. hay •
ins eleven siteaus ° Cretnes of various capacities at work
huistineroaldiutriping itater.&L ,
!tics r.u. Ha moor. & co
P.A. Derlnn & Co.—Gentlemen We have been
Wingyour Parent Lubricating 01tonal] the machinery
of the Reeding - iron and Nail Worts for the last nine
weeks,nnitwe -consider tee have given It a file
the works - are rik:elated to manufacture four thousand
tons of Iron and Nails per annum. The machinery is
very heavy,the Engine one hundred and ata•y horse
power,end the speeds are f. out thirty to nine hundred
revolutloniper nnnuir.
After the above trial, we run recommend the Oil as
equalin the best Sparta Oil rind, in runny cases, stineri
orb, any 'Sperm on used in the country, via r for heavy
bearings end fast speeds, such as shafting and fans.
I remain yours, &c.,
Jimor M'Canre.,
Manager of the Reading Iran, • Nall and Tithe NVorks
I jun , Id . 42- 25-1
Grand Jury Report
THE grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania; inquiring for the County of lichuytkill,
upon their oaths olost afilreintion, leSpeCtrUily do pru
dent tint, in montane., with the direction of the Court;
they vlaited the County offices and jail, the former
they tied in geed order.
- .
A fire proof room for the treastirer's Cite they
think neressarY If the present buildings art
l e be cc.
cupled for any length of time.
The j t,i arinears to be In :is goad order an it can be
kept from the ;teat number of persons, confined in so
small a spice. The preNent building is certainty ;On
ern ill to a nen tiliii.olate so Lillie a number or prisoners
an 14 Morally confined therein; and a larger building'
we think necessary. and st.oald be erected as early as
pos•shie under the„provisions of the art or asseMbly
providing.for the removal ..f the neat of J
Aldo visited the Poor !lonic and ea 'mined the
BMW.: Tile interim Of :ha bolding generalle innir
a coinfiamble, part of it white wash e d
and hands were busily at work cleaning and white
washing the remaining part. We would respeettatle
slit:gest that' certain things should bit done 'or the
health and comfort of the inmates and for the prey:rya
non of the budding.
Th- dining and *ening refine are entirely ton mall
f, the that usually reside in the house, and
shnuld lie enlarged. A kitchen Is wanted. and part of
_the yard around the main butt ling should he paved. so
as in carry mitt the Watnr, and preserve the cleanliness
of the haus°
%Ve oho simnel.: recommend that Ovalle trees shoal]
be planted arniii.d the hit 'ldiots. whims would greatly
' to the hertlihand comfort of .the Paupers and others
residing there; fruit trees would ,answer the purpose
as well as any Other blind als.rwuuM be useful as well
as ornamental.
The main battling, particalatly requires palming 011
the outside both brick and stone work
b. 1t1.73,5EL Foreman.
bins lA, '4
• , List of Letters,
11 EMAINING in the Pest Office a t Pottsyille, Pa,
un the Ist of June, 1849.
A llempding Mtiolti Prn,ser "Wei
Allison Timm, Ileath 111. hard Phi Philip "•„••••
Archer Lawrence Ilunely John Plytnson
Allen CO. ship Hinny Friederich Purcell James -
re Ilyons Edward POrier Min --
Rust Michael Diner Jacob - Sere Leiters.
Iloylen Pail ,r,•• Hartley Win Parr James
Rains .Vora ham Hardy Amber It Prinerron TM,
Marmite Francis :Manly John Paull John
Dull Sainneh Handy' llisle Phelan Margaret
Brooks Michael tinily Mrs Susan
Brodheni Jon, ph hushes Mrs NI Quinn Andrew
Marin Fredern k flack Catharine ship
Bland. imolai Ship Letters. IL
Drown J Hunt John Deppard .caron
Brown Patrick Hoesv Philip or Rooney Pair irk
111,11111,1 John Andrew Roth h ere.
Doughtier Melon Horan Peter Rovers Jame.
Brown Charles Hancock Marsh Rider It I.
J Cr - Hoskin Joseph Jinliardson Wet
tirowes Itenjr • Mealy Moran r Ryan Thonms -
Bradford A G „y • Briny James
Bast Emanuel Jones Ilettly flohnumn Francis
Barney Mathew Jnires Adam liattlrforri Mr
Magi! John Johnson Chas II Itrchart Wm
Dower Patrick J..iley Tiltllll.l9
ItOtlllit. John Jennings Mies Ruch John
illoonrCatharlue Ranh Amanda Iteichard Angus-
Pion Samuel Janet' Nils, Itrudyrl tux • •
Bulde't Chrisr..2 Jenkins Jno,p-Ircy Richards Chas
Bennet 1)IIIIPI (1.2 KPatrick
Dirminchan Bridaliendian Win • Reilly Thomas
en. • Flurry :11..triew Ray Joseph
Bitaxa ;John Kohler Wilhelm Rink Jacob
tiennedict Ilan- Kohler Rev It RolreitrrinJohn
natl. inlicyKline Fred...ark Reilly Wan
BrIIIIIOI Chu,. do K. ester h, Brothersflced Lawrence
Sarp Letters. Kennedy 1,31,11 CC Ryan Thom,
[Roche Patrick K nipple policy}tosensrein Dahl
ilowde Wm }idler Catharine Itelehart , Mis
Burns Patrick Kinney lieberca NI Marco rut
Btrtningliam john J, anipltehr Mrs Eliza-
Billington Chas Kelly Thor, do !nth ' 2
• Is Ship Latter,
Con James Lynch Patrick Ryan Martin
Craven Patrick :Leine Darnel - Herrington Park.
Cress II W 'LoughreaErlw'rd Rees Edward
travr•nanghTitn - 11.nnadmi S Bully Prier
Corby Jilin Limier John Ronne Herman
Clause John T Leddy John 1 James
Conran:in John Luis 1) •••..JS
Coated JOllll Lornard Thermal Souders — 14.0 K
car Santos Loyd Jeremiah StClair Retthen
Commies John Lynch Owen Stlitm Christo-
Can -John H Leader Alex R., 2 place
COM. 3.0111' Leans John G • •Svhrieldcr Jacob
Carroll Charinii• Lecheaver Mr Soul Dan'l
Carroll Dauicl Lee Miss Mart It
Clark 0 D ShipArtters. Scheiheihut Au.
Carpenter Aron ELI ldell Wnt • . gusto,
trorcieve nity, Lewis David • Shullentrerger II
Slip Letters. Sally Martin Shedder James
COOWIIV Margaret Lear John Smith Jncrib
Goan 'thorn. Smith ih - ni
Cann illettnin St rouser Peter
Capewell Beni Miller Augustus sliendar Thos
Cothrine John Mahan Patrick Sheets Franklin
Coughlin•ThomasNlauchan Petrick Shears Jnn Thais
I) • Moran• Peter Smith lames A 2
Dolphin Michael Martin Gen W simmer ,Alirrein
Dirdenn Elisha 3Matnews Joseph Sykes Sidney
Doyle Patrick Mathews Jacob Sines Gen
Donrihn Patrick Mare D F huller Charles
llogliertv Pritrnktialooney Thomas Dentla Joshua
Davies. Elizabeth Moran John Smith Samuel C
Davies Ann Morris Henry Sharp Michael ,
Dime! War Peteraleyers Edward policy
Ileterkk•Adarn Maderlarroh Snyder Catharine
Downing ThornasMorphy Laughlin trolley
Moscone James Mar iann Philip • wadi/TIE Sarah
Muslin Richard NI alba!' Pat' k, 2rrialler• Miss Miry
Dann Paid Morgan James Simmons Miss
Diehl Philip T. Moyer Franklin • Jane
Donelly James DNlalick Esther Ship Letters.
Devine D r Ship Letters. Schmitt Henry
Dunn John Meeson James Scott Francis
Doaknailer JacohMiurphy Laughlintsweenev Luke
Davies rVin D • Mullen John Stuart Mathew
Davis Jas F klantrion Mich'l Sheridan James
Docherty IlannohNlmi•len Patrick sullivan Dol'l
Detwiler WII Moloney Wm Silencer Thu. '
Davidson Gott shipalnnahan Stephen Sykes Sidney
Doaiwi Donnie doMallon Hitch , T •
E- Morris •Margarei InhinlEdward
EmlerJatub MC - Corkin John •
Ellwroid John McLean Andrew Templin John
Eirgen lativrencerMcCree John Tipping Gen
Edson V %V • Macitiney Joseph Tope r:ritharine
Eakrler Miss . McGrath Michael ship letters
Ellington John McDermott Chas Tailrace John
ship :McCarty TnnnthyTwriveei Thor
• F' Me/trodden Theis Thin, David
• Fielding John Nl3lennnell Jae Tonkin Nancy "
Fell Charles NleGorlick Martin Miss
Facer Henry • McGlaglitin Palk Tannyane Miss
Eisler George 'McDonnell Nlariin Ann
Elanicin Petrick McGhan Thomas 11
Fox Abner NlDGlnners Mrs A Unrnh Jnhn B 3
For Michael McDonald Dridgelllrn Anthony Writ,
Eon Joseph - Mir.C...rmick Mrs llissworin Lone •
Fulton Miss Sarah Martha, , 2' ship
Ship Letters. ' Ship fellers. Uhl Gen - shin.
Perim"' TM" 2McMinnes Robert V
Foyle 'John McErienny John Venison Thug ship
Fen.y John McCaffrey Rodger'
Fitch. Wlt • McCaffrey MrrheelWilann (I•ro 2
Froehlichlfeinrlch and Thomas Walsh 'inns
McKee J. 4111,9 Weaver J'W
Guthman JohnnanMcLoughlin John Wright Hiram
. Valentine:McGuire Edward Winters Mathias
Ging Jnlin N , Whelan Eanlci
Grllespie John Nitirtranmi. Welsh Wm
Grothari sitelnrich*Nnlen Michael, Werich John Fre
Genera/her Will Neilson John rick •
Glum: - Bernard • Neiss Win ' Welrlch Jan Jas
'Gibbons Wm •Neary Pritalrk Wilshelm John
Gibbons Palriek Neill Rev Geo S William John'
Gladden Gen W Naughten :Mehl Whitfield Wm
Gladden. Mrs 1 ship Waters Wm 2
• Hannah 2 0•, e Wright Miss Mar-
Gillen Sally O'Dond Thnmae garet
'Grim Latina • DEnnnor Trios „Weekly Mrs Dar-
Crnsle Elisabeth ODonnell Edward riot •
Ship Leiters. ONeal Charles chip Loners
Giharrii Mary Ship Letters.. Walsh Peter •
Gibbon James ()Conner Robert Welknindinw Miss
Croatian John .I)Gnnnell Michl Janet C -
Griffiths W Rees,2olloyle Hugh - - Welsh John
• 00nra Dominick White Robert
Illngher Anton and Patrick Westwond Joseph
Hell Ferdinand ()Neill Edward
Hoff Henry °Dane Michael Young Barnett
Hushes John • P Z•
Dickson Wm Pottmelrar Anton Zimmerman Wm
Haut George J Prosser Jas Zeh Jonnlacob
flubln Wm Price and Hughes
• 2 cols additional will be charged frir all advertised
letters. Persons applying for letters on this list will
' please say ..advertised."
June% 21.31] ANDREW MORTIMER. P. M.
VIE Coal Regions 'of Pennsylvania. being a gen.
.L eras ReaThttical. Historical. and Statistlea! Review
of the Anthracite Districts of Pennsylvania—eMbracing
Malty very valuable charts and stet istical [Wes. besides
anew and authentic colored matrof the C. , al Regions.
With the avenues to • the Eastern markets from the
interior counties of the State, correctly laid down, and
pointing nut the anions plaits of mineral deposit in
the several counties. By Eli Bowen. formerly Associate
Editor of the Miners' Journal. Price 50 cis_
A small portion of the edition remains unsold. They
can be obtained 14 tbia Mlles, or can be mailed to any
part MTh hi county. They are also for sale at
Stringer & Tor:mends, New Yorks
Ledger Buildings. Philadelphia; O. Bergner's, Har
%burg, And by-Booksellers. generally. •
April' 21,- • 17-
- •
- Dumber Vd, -1448.
A o r T2 i 4 i ; t . a
~ierreellty4e o n
given thatthe , following rates of
dCool transported on the
Canal and Worisof the ardstrylltill Navigation Com
pany for the year 1849 r
0.------From-------, .
To , ?daunt Schuylkill pod/
Carbon. Lovett. Clinton.
. els. per ton. cts. pey ton. cm. per too.
Orwlgsburg. , 15 12 --
Hamburg. 19
Motirsvllle, 25 32 23
Althouser, - 40 27 n
Reading, 45 42 :3 -
Unionville. 55 - 52 • 43
145101 Hill, 55 52 47
Pottstown Landing. 55 ' • - 51 43
Rovers' Kohl. 55 , - 59 43 •
Phcenizville, '6O 57 45
Pauldlng's Dam, .60 57 ' '4B
Luniberville. • Ed • 57 •I'i
Valley Forge, 60 57 . 48
Port Kennedy, 65 Et 53 .
Norristown, 65 02 - 53
Consoliwken, 70 65 59
Spring 2110. 70 ' 67 55
Manayunk. .75 72 63 •
The toll to Philadelphia will he a. 6dlows I
Mt. Carbon. Sch. Haven_ Pt. Clinton.
March, April and May 55 CL9. 6 :as . 53 no.
lunc,inly'and AIIIZII4I. 7., 7:1 .' 453
Sept. Oct. Nov. & Poc. 55 62 73
The coal shippyd from Port Carbon to the above points
mil bt; charged" orWeed a holf coati per lOU wore do 111
said rates. t
. . .
Theebulge will be made per ton of 2ii.40 lbs., and an
alloWanct art,. per rent. will be wade on . ,the weight
to cover - wastage.
Dee-3071.)A FREDERICK FlRLEV,President.
I•ataagonian Guano.
920 TON'S Dry Patagonian euano in tibia. and
D a m th e entir e mtgli of the BIM Mortar, Capt.
Addicksjust arrived at this Port from Watchman's
Cove, Patagonia, in lots to cult porrYtasers.
9 and 10 South NVhartea, I . llltadetphia.•
rsqi,. large ded tICI Oft will ha made lf, purchasers of
20 Tens and upward. In proportion. [May 12-20-luto
Builders, Carpenters, !&e.
1 500,000 Fr. Dresed Carolina Flooring Boards
500 000 '' :spruce "
200 000 " " White Pura
200,000 " " Intl'n River " "
100.000 " . -" Fenclng;tilialrinir. &o.
The finest and largest stock of dreised Ltscaber ever
offered tor sale in this or any other market. it was
diessed In the best manner last SiMiller and fall, and
may thereflae he relied upnn not to shrink.
- 10-orders from the country accompanied with the
rash or City leteroncr ' t If Satisfactory. Will be atten
ded to with especial care. '
Brown St: Wharf Phinida.
Clolli SI ore .--
NATHAN T. CL2l.imP •
i 8 now recelvinz hto Sormr and Summer stock of
/ Cilatha. Cauimerar, rtAilirl {lnd 8..' Ilea, •
French. BeIgium,)CLOTIIS. OF• •
American andE.VEnl DLsCRIPTION.
West of En elan.' ) and a lacy.. awsorttnroz.
Habit Cloths. num InreClot ha, and, 1 , 4.111b112i TIPS ;
Mack and C6l.,r.t.lCtitmarett nod codringtons ;
Croton Clotho. Twredo. Drop rl•,
v%NrAl.trus sTuFFs,
Super Slack Fiend; Cnw•tite.rew and Dneakin4;
French fancy and wised Ca asimercs, chary 'r alley
Merino Cagainieri2a. all cniu•a and qualities ;
White and furry• Linen lirililnCa. new dewigrns ;
Cnrda and ileaverieeira of every Ftylt and quality
Sattlisetta, all shadem And gnaliti,a.
. .
'Superior Sl•tek N lut 1.111,1C.1 , 111 - 11 0 1e. V1•1.1/1C1 I
. BDiandlll fancy elik ticfitleel, nriu desq:. ;
Whtt , 31,11 colored I.:tr..eille3-13rce ausottrueni I
Drab Clothe anti tither Couch Miniature.
Tocether with n general wisortntent oG Goodie/lain/t
-ee! to Hens Intl •went, to to Wets,the subiicriner
invite. the otteatiiiit hie friendssiii.Vothete, rtautng
the city. Fur sale by the piece or rei ltl
Nn 8 North Seenird iureet. nice of tile Guide:. latab,
three thane iletket, Philatla•
14,1819. It 3n,n
Nemr Article for the Toilet
The highly sanitary balsamic. and Innte propettiea or ,
this Vineiat render it for superior to Cologne , AVater for I
theendiun re pilthases of the toilet and the bath. ear
pawns, the latter in Ito perfume and cisespriess, and in
its greater efficacy fur the pr.:motion of eleatilineas and
This article has Leen known and extremely nand in
airope for Very inlany tears., Selene il Las, ton witsid•
entitle extent, .tfpersinied the use of Coking: ‘Vater•
The Fa hSbriber feels inured that it !feeds untAio be
made known in rhi country to itaitlre its equti y gen
eral adoption. It t.s obtained thtrapproval or several
eminent. phyfdriata et: this city, to whose notice It has
been sal/mated. '
It prevents and removes pimples tctter, and asperity
of the akin; it letrathes and whitens the shin render
ing it soft and smooth Itie,theis lire Jisiiiiity nail
hiller taste of the Pailith, intitarling a fresh and Pleas
1 ant breath. It at.d whitcnt the both, :Ind
hardens the gains. r . ,. i, ~ ~, Ali Ili,-, ri.,, git ::9-
loran prispiration aunt a...images thentiniiii pains. it
3 11 4 , r,,,,,t,, e t,,, by nptiitcation to the temples. It d
eff,.,toto ie remit hie ildlatoto Mutt of the etiell
in atiengthelling the eyes Applied ton barn It pre•
teats sweiie i te. It postrti•etitnally oilier v tluable gnat
I Ides, Whiiili are detailed al large in tile - priiitod wrap
: per! neCriathanying emit bottle. Just fi•ri 'soil aed fur
1 sale la holesatjand retail at - 11 ANN A N'S
Choice Perfuniory and %%Ice tx tit,,,,,
Alan rrehle Extract ivr the It dk •rit;rd
in greAt anttty, tozotirf with a vrry choice lot nt Ihh and na,.nt 001.1nved articles f.,r thr Tilt,—Fan•_y
Soap. &C., all of Wan:ll will be aull at oily (q•tcru . and
uotne lesm.
GREAT CEX TR 3 211 . 1: CHE.IP 3300 K
S I'Ol3E,
1161 CAesmrt Sf rrer, Carat, ScreatA, Sul
T , NowiNG the Wont the tommanity. the Pro•
A.11111!1.1. this Egt.ihiklummt has atted up a Store
hi them,,pl e'react m goner. harm; doe rez - attl to the
comfort of ht. cu•tnou•re. aathat eves y Strmlger rieil•
rig his Oink Story, m tv reel entirety .rt
of nowo, Is rl:l44lfird areatilleg to the ref De
plrtinents of that vtitiers can rind the
Llo• , ks On, aye In rearrhr f for themselves. Buying
stock for thnitoost !ma Auittun talcs. and Lein=
connected with one of the Lerarat l'ohlit tong Houses
in this enttnily. header publishing largely honself, en
ables him to sell all if,rota at
than any other boo.: of a 61(11118r clivracter no tilt+
continent. Ili, Inettniev for the Itottortation of Itnoht.
Cron Europe lure onvorpa.thed. haven: a Branch or hie
F.stvhltshment in I.ondtio. where °Mery of private gVn•
it-men are earzfutly Prl,lloll and fortratdett to Thu
Country by every Steamer and Packet. ,
- A e A.TA LUG Li r.
of Rooks with the price, a trashed a itiraled quarterly.
containing Lists of New A ddir lons made to his large
collection,which are In all eases for title at the
nr. from 25 to 75 per tent. Mow Publishers' Prices.
Thus In buylnz even a Few Books, quite a consider
abix amount Is
Asa still further
to strangers vl3ititle the city. every nue who purchn
yes One Dollar's tcortirof Hooke, will receive a copy
of the •
. .
Stranger in Philadelphia. an elegant 13ino. volt,
the prier, of which is rents.
t.•-The limits O f an advertNement are ton conaned
to enumerate the prices of any of the anoit, int to give
even a favor idea of the immense !Ova Pages to he
derived front purchasing at the Great Central Cheap
Itook-store, hilt let all who are in search of flocks send
for a Catalogne and buy the Boot, they are in Want
of. and when variting the city, iivo Appleton Otte call
and von will he sure to call cents.
in all its branch-s. furnished at the Lowest Pons The
huhu?, of I hose purchasing Letter and Note Paper,
neatly stamped in the Corner, we nt ree.
Orders f..r any article clay he sent .by mall. addres
sed to the rrnprielor,,ilitllh , dir,tinFol In Olt ,Cates
will he-folly c.trried oat, wall great no ortn.ility and
despatch. -
Orders for Catalngut s shotild he pre paid.
t:Di. 8. P. I'PLE rox,
Bookseller. l'oldikher. Importer, and Stationer.
Chesnut gt.,'cor. of Seventh, .Bwann's Buildings:
ty Id, 'l9. 23-tarn,
-1 et...111111.15;6 has to itr arranced h:s piano for the ev
tabli-ament of a MINERS nos ' , ITAL. that It will be
opened for he reception of patient; on the first of
A 1.11,1519. . . .
Trio object or the Institution is to secure to persons
engaged in mining, operations. proper medical aid and '
treatment, at .he smallest possible expenae. With
this view the proprietor lids' procured for the purposes
of the ilospiisha Farm, on which is a1.C1`1114.1
nient House. in an elevated: airy and healthy Position,
on the road leading nom Pottsville to Mincrhville,about
2 mile from the former place.
Persons paying Three Dollars per annum,in advance,
will be entitled to membership, and to admission in the
flospital, in casenf injury from accident, or sickness.
and to support and tnedicaJ treatment during said 111.
neon free of additional charge. .
I n stilnis,who may desire admission Into the Hospital.
will be received on liberal terms. The poor of the.
Borough of Pottsville. not in the llosprtal, will be
treated by the attendlnc Physician. crentis
All those who may he disposed to avail .themsel•ea
jof the advantages of membership; may apply to the
'undersigned, at his other in I'arket st Pottsvide. •
NlBrch 24.4849. 13•19 j G. W. KNODI.E. M. D
United States and Foreign,'
No. 75 now: .STREET, opposite tag - Es - ibaszct
VX7M. DULLOCK. Civil Engineer and Merhanitian—
V V offers his services for the transaction of all
business connected teith the Patetit Othce.
neatly and accurately made nod Patents obtained with
despatch. His thorough, theoretical and : practical
knowledge of the Mechanical arts. indices blur In say,
that in all cares where he advises an applicationfor a
Patent, in rase It ts not obtained,c the fees for 1114 per
vices will be returned, and be will also gitarratitee,
that all patents obtained ilirou4l his office, will he sus
tained by the courts. Many inventors are subjected to
grer dehtys and lots nt time and tanner by employing
inrnmpetent grants to make their speclft htinns, an 1
fiegoontly have , to surrendet their patents and get n
Inventors at a ' distance can send their models and a
statement of their claims directed to HULLorn,
S. Patent Agertcy, No. 7.5 Dock Site , w, Philadelphia,
.i'a., and the strictest Secrecy wilt be observed until :he
Patent is obtained.
Drawings and Specifications refractories. Mills. &C ,
and all kinds nflilachtnery purchased nn Ceitnnis•tor..
and cnnipeient mars furnish hymn the Santo in n p e i.,
lion in any part nt iho United States, South Antertea
and Ilia West Indies.
lion. Zannek t'ns,rr, President of the Mechanics hill-,
trite, New York. :
Messrs. STILLHAN, ALLEN & C. ,Nneety Works,New
Len Mounts & Co., Columbian Foundry
New York.
" Coos, Et.t.tcorr & Dsviss,.Pbiladilphia, Pa.
ADV.HI &JERVin. Pittaburg, Pa. •
bfr.TnLtsAsJ. LoVEGILUVE, Baltimore, Md. ,
ItonnaT A. :Parton.
" Daniel. Ones,r,:ittrinnati3Ohlo.
" Wsurra llngsmt Chicago. Illinois,
N. lilisz.ta. Savannah, Gs.
ttC. CRUDE!. Mobile. Alp.. -
R. T . T utN au L L Washington, Miss:
" TOO.. J. Keen, Charleston, S.C.
l'filiadelphla Xtedstead Wactory,
No 89 St. Jahn strut. sauna CalletektY,
DEALERS and Cabinet maters supplied a= libel's)
terme. Patent Berets Bedsteads on band. _
•Apr 745.17) B. BEEVES sr..;t3ori
l 4"
1,1.1 a 81,
3 a pc
nour-;- - $4,50
$2 Si. Grain-8
60 a 61. Oats--1
'[..V• TheEc are ovr
n 3 ".Y. great end arrnw i
the od?I' i•I21
%yolk,. 18
huts in
a th pri
I, INI reC. iVC ft ,I'
9,001. 0 00 ; IThic
.1 tat 2et lIIF pe
TAat dreadfal Cau l a I The Lures are!
7Ar rcrk of he destioper bark bs
Ds touch of nuns risption hat
- it a • :nod 1.1 Leath ,
-IRE you a mouton 1 Yor darling ell
and earthly joy', is nom, porhap,r, co
chamber by a d.ragerou. cola herpate ch
shrunken ringeft, tea sae b,,IJ disease,
gained noon
her-Ibe . er,.undj of nt.t sern
pierces your soul / ,
Young . man. alien juit al;..,mt to enter
sends a heart-cr r ishingbl 7.1 - 1' ever the fair
the future-you be , cow. h and feeble
your loss of hop ut you n •cd not deeps
a balm v. hick 1 ,, ,ii1l heal it., l'oundedlong.
SIIEII.I . VS A1,1.-11E.11.1:\f; BAC
Mrs. Al 11:L41.111e wife ut Win 11. Attre ,
given up by Pr. Sews! of •ashiugton,
McClellan of Pliiiadelphia, inl Di. Mutt a
tier fitotais all thought - she nun die Sli.
a;v..arance of being in son:::umption. and
neuered by her physic;aus—Shercohn'a II
giver. and It cured "her.
Rev. HENRY JONES. OS, Eighth avenee. wee
cured of cough and catarrial affection of 50 year.
standing. ,The hen dese.gcve line more relief thin
all the other medicine hea d ever calcea n Or. L.J.
8ea15,10. iDelauey strisq.Pgave it to a , ' ,
who teal Ihboring undtie Cectsumption.tand to another
vorely . arlh'eted with the Asthma. le' built rupee its
edict toer itemethcoe, anJ a jolt restored them TO com
fortable h alth. . 1
Cure'th most ohatinate •a-ma of Cough In a fdwa
houra.• 11 9
ey have cured
. 1 largo nteeber!or persoes
~ cu ph),lri ins and friends,
i duced the verge of the
• utopllois ;mkt Hectic 6,v6.6
ose of ht,ltti restgredta• •
is - lica to ~, 5 3.1( I . olllla.
H. - I
l)/1.)1 I.4..Zr.NGES
• :thAn lon.euki tJstS 1, 6.1
Lit-iin It ore destrOylrlC
eat ItidOl
wile hatte een given op by
and many 'IIn have bern it
grave by ni itting blitnit, Con
by I •
hiiir ,i nvi t have had i the
their haggard clic..k. gird iii
dram e. iir t ti. Invviliatile IP
Mt.. till:iiMAN'S Vi
i iiiive her proved lit mor
infalli.,le, II) 1 . ..1.:1 the. tin
Esir . ..llone t.‘ 4.41.....0v6)•41. •1
warn lily ~ nn , ll. In. 1.71...11,
;Ire at bey,Tlci
cI4IIEI becoples
•iit den‘r in'
em in thid•forl
thn brv.lth or
• is intAmg of
and tire
medicine to t
sive, dnd lilt(
11:tur!....:! dr c;;.;ii,...ttsv.;t:Cnr.
.6111)k:ionic cor.lch, fcv.l:r.
211 , 41m:4 sleep,
sineitii. start It
with fright an'.
i.ll—tbr, are iletong tho
'liworm3, am.lcatl be 1 , ,
Lozcbg, Tbey b4v9
, Ui. 5) .
l e i:uulurarabl
stoiltach, and
mom, promln
hevedl) the.
'flit. 9111c1:MaN'S C.a lyiloll I.OZ GNGY.S j
Relivre bell , lcb,,s:“: lt,lachc.'pa!pitatlnn
of tb- heatt m, sit knesq in 4, very few'ifinures!—
They sure,. or . 0 0rit.ri, krlrpondriicy fAintndso. , .- • t t
4 1 ,
colic., •pastni., crawl,. 4 Ost 0ay.,1), pu corner or
bowel romphiln,e—tfol I,th., up the slorltS, dispel;lN •
the distres•ill; ...rtipte,nts of iz night of 411.14p4n0n. rind
enable alls,rion 1., un,len4o real mental nr:hitly tnpe
DU ' 4,lliptll a N'S POOH MAN'S PLASTLR t '
Is neknow t•Llzed by all wilo has.. OVot wird It tti Lei
the belt sir , zl,benivg pla.4:, r in the world,! and a s4v
efei,za Topic ),, lot plop; a ),1 , eakn,..s in lice ba'ck,
Ion;, 3,de, roast, n..ek. lathe Joints, rheurnatiiou.
lumbago, he One million year will not I rupoly khe'
d,,o_tull Cant nn, to necie•mry, :no ilegiel are meiny
„„p r ,„ c , r ,1 e di0,,,,,,,, who ~..1 I Mtge a npureini artt.
Cln , lp. , ti the Cmm
oonity. - 111.
. careful to ceticil,crii6ni.
Toot ]hub S'laster, vioth
te ai fii ,
c •tintle'' of his imaxen
torrid nn the has k—sne 11l it are genoluc. and will
ijo v<re., hurt lb in dnod. s , Doc: : -09-1,7
V 4 ,01: tleV i sr a t il re " of it a lk e '' ‘d i •t i cht , T i.ii i i2.4Tu ' i t ee l i: , I l l tile jrna 1 lir an
1 .Piles. U'= mist. Store). Stna pox. JatitHice,rdln
in the 13:1111: Intend We :nes, Paliiirepon Of Itho
fleart, Itrsim !nth., Throat. Dropsy, Asthltlll. Felten' r e
all kinds,. Fr oale Comilla', hi. !01vai.1e.... aft Rheum
ertburn, V . 0 1 .1111, Choler; moon., Culla r.,, Ci`IIIIIS7.
Whoi,ping ('• tigh,Cohimiiii Mo. Fro, Loa e Comfit - OM , .
Er) eihelas. !learnt's, tichwgiiithe ciiiin." ;olds, Couc,
Grgvel.'Neri/huil C 01.111,111 Ss, ;mil a Tilt to of t< tier
deoini,es, a, from 14piai trier ~r tha Olin!, and ob.
stroriiiini, in ,lie iiiganshlice•tion. 1
lilherietiei has proved tl t newt) ever) rdllease Otte
ginitie• from' ininiritier of t 5 e Mood or de, ngetacht 0(
the dig. rats e orgiiii.; aniOill bemire, hii).liii .we mulit TO.
ntnvK theic 0 1511111:11idlIS is? reitlaill t ir e hi nd to ItE. nae
turat state. , •
. The a vuol in toiril.iii.4 In;
.301.1..1 Sty CI diner's r'e,
C fl
C. q.10:6, ) t clupu IN. 1 e
, ~,,,,,, 11.'411e:1..431 i
not .hell lrOli, The kernel) a
, m„,,,,,, i iolv neither hall
r e l'4 , LratiLe
I,:rro.t. 11144
41 hay.. n" 4:tit
ale . 2111111 . 11
04 41! d,0.•
1 . 11.,, 014 1.1
011 t , 141 11
41•411 "44
licain its c.ret
w•tiAtevtr in
• ...:outa..ll,
reou,l.• ail .1:
• s asternally
oanattau parts
4 :14• il 4la (44 I!,
re,ll-tre ;teat,
tiptoe, but ti iiir,tte 1• 1 1 11411 , 1
the , Vntern• it toe,iti tir_t:enti
rig an) pint et, - ',go - in 1
Int. our ingre line: tetil OW,
gall, and ity illietnsitig itll
, 111 it, te,itirti einte. A
1/11.111.011tHE. We 3111111; ll
it thud It'll! tr .vr ill ite , ,niti
a ilitril will et ' , viii illy lititi
in tee Inten tit chnrce.l ito tit
sterkr at the 'Dot ," L'l.s'.,:q .
flollt 111 f, Lod) Opt, lilolo , llf ,
leirlralll all Tot. i:II ailli it
chyle, so that tin- 111.04 In!
necering n rt. ant! he:Prier
and liver; •a d tnerettsiitin't,;
111 lillit'l 1111•11/ 6 114%41 etiletl
'rite entire LI u.I. ~r
I ,
the trialiti a t.lngle bit 4 , 1 {
Irv, anti cert
Onlrv , in root
11.1114 hint...Olt. r• tern inn
caw., tt. !tete il, di, nii ( to :i
Retail twit 5. 25 et.. eri
Primanal .ilice, NO. t,er, it
The r, ing att. tlitija,
• • ~, I t
ran be al
their iittltie l
health, Ih , t
paid 11
ithri 7 stryet.
4:1) 4' ' l lk
c , 1;,1
E. ,1. Fr3l. :1,4)
; Srt C
• .
Cpl 11,111, dc
T ll,l.ller.rt-1,
i ;
lickn .r •
man n All
Ima 911
I itter m
Porl ca,n
and J .
1 7 a0nr
R • 11. Valk (;, 14
I,—J. IL
tt 11‘11--J
n tf
Ole —4 am
Tr. in Int
-Joseph ilaiiitii:•;; Pori clit
tw rhihrd.l Ida ii- \Ver. 11. IhriS
—l.evariSt• I•CaulTua,ii ; and a! , ,
wholesale :Ind Sitt:plt ing age
••• . ; 1 .
.i)itt.tcrt Arco
Cure of Cvitheg Ca: de, .I.ttA
,litalt C:o.Looptivn, IS, rtlowit
Lungs, and ihst.i...rf of tbr I',.
cloy Organ,.
1 ,
1 111i3 v daahle prtittr imuation 14 hiehly r mendett by
physi inns and lit', a reklaiied Olen ist of PlitlAdel
phia, for I. medical tif:,ris And el,inical combination, as
tell as by onm:rands 'I" 0111410 who 1..6., oohlo o%o'of 11
--a% H never has been ti.ed without liWili.,lllg hene lirial
etlects. and 'drawn.: etire of the il,case• for w hitt,: it Is
recionniuncil. And ti•ina are:al:lr era, ante of l'harma
cy, I can .'sore the public of its 'petit at safety. Ilt is
composed iif such [separations An ritartil 11 the vary:high
est repute tllnOtir. the Medical intuits' for the cure of that
,lass of chi ruses which are ton often nelk' the forerunners
Cl that fatal diSe.e.tlOllsl3lll l ition. In r eal ease. It here
there I: much pain in are ~eras:, and wit ch often extends
throat:li to,lhe , itanl•iiir hide, I sr onl.l st ongly ads ise the
applieat mill of one of the' OA:mound f;thliannnt Masten*
to the brit:ist,.and it-o illni ENNA...rani a , diniet,,i, i n
fact, the asis.l the Ganyttutar rirt.ter cannot be ton stronly
rf-ronitnern ed. ast 1 fljlVll aeon no man) instances of tilt
atiordins the grentostirliei in a very al. It sp,e ottime,
even in engrained ctinsumpiion, The „: ; ;cperh•rant will
he lentil tri relieve the e wish, at•d the elast, 11 011.13111'
;ITV!, al 11111Tilloo lino., Into tll, inllllll,lllliii t o The , r .,,.
and therelq act as a coatitbr.irritaid, vetch i.v,tll physl•
can will prroance :OW ..! ‘l.ll', Mt !tit' I •a,:110111:111na
wham, ir. Per.on,'ate - .11 - ien eat,: t., INT . , the n'oilnlIn1:1 ,
lino, whe i lly a jllll,lllon 1,0 of 'nano , t the heshENpe:.
Infants, anil a careful, diet., they have 1., in i•m•S(detely
eared.. that their extn•rintre slintrid a I u-1 warningle
!hose who in. Raid to het- , f• the errant anion suit I. de.
~pair, Ant try on. The Etpeciorant will be "clod to afford
great relief' even when :I tar. is said til be iinta:vible.
Brine MOM:IZ II ', Of an Ex irectnrat 1 it would be as
well In ex:inflate the t7eu/s, commonly termed Palate, In
.0 if it is pint swollen nr elongated. lii.Sucli rases on
I' XfoottOrttlit is Oneiti-A. 1 i
I racking entigh anda i notional dispositiOn lo!ts . tillO ,
in frequently caused by an elonzatina or the paikte. An
eitc , ile.nt rented) in such Costs is to U., it sillatt'quantity
of Ttirclare tlyrrli. Oar about a tea-sp an um:l . ll l l'
f a nine
gli.sfill of Witter, and irsil no a gargle, three or our float
a day. If (he above remedy should thil, or one of th
same nature, it woubi be test to apply to a surfron. au
have a sniall portion of it]taken ~ as to i I.visile lb
irritation and the eontinu.. I cough which it ti.. •41 be tike
ly toprodore in'the throat. The tilicrition 14 g, flingfaud '
attended with but little. 9 - any hatew liah ,^r•
In Bronchitis, and (I IS_llitri of the, throat, lnc garg
' hoold he used. , I
Preuareihhy J ClTtais C. HUGHES', Witolesal and
Retail I.4l4gist and l'he nisi Centre Stn.:et, rottsvilo
John 4t. I;lllier's ,
..--..,.. COMPOUND r flip 1", a, Th,‘L , T OF
I '' 1 • .SAJI.SAPARILIs.i... 1
' r l._
Article to e,,,pi, yeti wit!, erolt anode..3llllkt'
' I a te 10051e.tee,,t it ,) ' ,jos hs or this, try, tor the
cure of 1111 , fillithVbie di , wit,: . I; ' '
ACIIO-Ifrt„i.or Kin 'n srir
ii. inelliti•En.r. ' Xitanentid '
Ifliieases. ,[syphilitic At ect inns, 'fetter -.and] lilenfili
White Stvelllugs, Score . .Neuralzia or I' is Doltaireui..
Canter, C nitre, or Rroerhneelo, (Sw•ll,d nick'-,) Slime
Dist - ass, Chronic Biles en of the Lone,. in Yonnfof•
-act the destriteli re rife,. sof Mere:try, Jaundice. fly-, , or r nlargotrooit of the licart, 1'14 , 1131m0
and trehling In the ret•lon 'f ii.' heart and stoinath.'
Enlargement 'it Ow tint, Joints or I.,sa,ent, e l it ,,
all lb, V a riant,. di.enss of the skin snail as Vetter.
1 Ringworm; Rile:, Punta ~ Colima, les, &v.', tiy.pep.,
sin and Liver Comphirli , nervous Affections. Drop
sicnt S well ings. Consatl t ions I I) isnrdorg. sad disrql3*
es otisinntin,.. , fritni an Input e stile of the blood a n d
oilier fluids of the body In Client nil filter ...A Whet., a
change of the system I required. Pt it, in ens. per
I bottle. ; . •
Pre paning:l a by the
.10:IN ll 0 t Ki:lt. dt
No 1 11041 101.11
II:111.11 ens 3,i svi r lui, , ci
Chriralli, pineal
~ ,,C
Intl r tinientS Di islet
Sluff:, antiWll.lloN
article of iintroiion or
the tir:Lc or ringlliti
Itt-11 .1 ,
kill fl ter
1/Pc 2. • I
I . ( rthe
ropri , qnrri,
:WS! 1,1,.m. Fail Alibi,
thr.ttrt in Drug., Uet:i4tttcui,
trtne., Pr.rtornerieit. stligtrAt
Warm:ire, Paints. Oiltr4Dvo
olno a row nod smiPrior
CILIFS nl oboutorm;fifift
r French Platen, any sliZe to
. • _
bstrket or Enrsgpatilln, for
rnt.silla'; W. L. fittlarx,
FallA. Mittertrille. ".
Thu Compontd nu
sa!mht• CL men•
Port CArbun • .11mts I
Fdhrunry I.
Nift;ll l .llp C h r ill E ar " ,l
ranted pure WHITE 1.,
have Men sparing . ' su!
on the article, shall nor
ii & Rio
No 65i -Nt
nom, a good so
:AD. and ilinF
in con,
• '.have their 0
tit erstral IS hit
erials only n
!steady aim of
; to the pvhl
easing ilema
th favor. ill I
ntriflitrre; alll
No known tubatance
beautifying propertiee
mina' extent with unad
admixture of other ma
has,therefore,been the
for marry Years. to sop;
white lead, and the un
proof that it hat met w
ed nu ono Mal: WE
and on the other. war
Pearl S
Starch. The
N. Yuri
fr HE Subscriber h
1 4 :erve -York Fear!
piled at Kew York
inky 15'42 —ll -tr
1 • nt.
T • I
i ,c P. Id
211111 M
nit?, GOT
a ;abater
1 Cl k
1 lc nrerl 1
Sour Ei I
red zo her
t Oct thin
3 nlready
31 cough
,a,recis of
bs tell 'o
Thous Is
Coq war
nos and
few York.
4d ears) ,
s to pro.
earn %%ts
':its; 41.1
rd I t.
seJ II tits of
In tYack•
ttctil ir Or
bile. reit rm
rule the
.It ln,l'hliy
ti 14, MI6
n may
I:ur r r b./ nerd
Interry ily.
ILd a int th.
e .11turs
Ilya t. I Inds,
,well hen
teeth hr
ure 411 ,
tr ltrnpr
I' 111 111 lit
. ew Vor
ill c nnmy for
'HI Dr. L;fteir
-1 PlastvrA :
111. %VIlildl.;
u.; re
—Paul fil-rr
4w ; Sch4)l.•
!,sr, by J. :4. C.
It, rem,. Ile.
447-1 v
la, BrewdiJla
n of the .. l •
p. 03-
.qtrt facet,
pply of their 11,..1r-
F, customers who
minenee of t,
Were Illtsd.
4.}}i,nrvativf.a en}
/n a paint, id an
y lead ; trencn any
}ars iis value. It
he moon farm rers.
In a perfectly pair•
Aft'? ibesrticle. is
invariably brand}
ROTH Milli fail,
In rod biters.
led agent fu the
rade Will be sup—
9RTON , Met: