POTTSVittE. SArt7/21)41 , AITIRSZYG, APRIL 14, 1844 E. 1 Far i 3 authorised to reeetre intracrlif t fona fur the Minete Journal, aid receipt for the aunt et his Drug store. hrThidmtuu •.! . - . CCM? Mass Meeting of the Citizens of Sdmplkill Gountitiiitba held at the ..Interiesin House, Pottsville; on Moniay ofiernoon the 16th inst., at 3 o'clack,'to take into consideration the present move ment of Colliers . Of thic County. S'fait Finance.—The Board of Canal Carronissioncre of this State, repoit.thaithe debts due tor repairs prior to the lst of December last. amount to $330,338 10, and , that the sum of $800,558 38, including 415.285 for bridges will be required to keep the impterements in repair tinting the Format fiscal year, making an aggre gate sum of $550.971 48, required to pay old aspitir debts, and to keep the I.eilircialls and panels is repai • the let of December 1849. rir'Lehigh Coal &-rip.—Tho President of the Lehigh Coal Navigation Company has given antics that, in conregoence of the recent passage, by the Legislature, of en 'act to restrain corpo rations from iarviniobligations redeemable other wise then in gold and silver," which set is alleged to have been especially designed to prevent the issue, in compliance with the expressed wishes of their creditori, of "coat certificates," the issue of said artifices.; is suspended. rrTaking it Cooly on a Bridal Night.— The greatest case of • bridal night that we ever read of, remarks a cotemporary, was that of a Prince Galusin, of Russia, in the last centi..r y .—: The Prince having turned Catholir, the Czarina Anne, among other ways of punishing him for whai,ahe considered his spostacy, condemned him to marry a woman from among the lowest class of tho PfoPla took the "happy couple" to the fa !orals Ice Palace near the Neva, and compelled them id piss the entire night in a bed composed wholly of ice! Thit was cool! er An Editor Cowhide,d by a Woman.—Mr. Judson, the editor of s weekly paper published in New York.: called Ned Buntlines Own, well cow. bided on Wednesday weak; in Bioadway, by a' dashingly dressed fesrudenanied Kate flastings,.a hoierliug' house keel)er, Who considered herself in sulted by some remarks in the paper of the pre vious week. It is said that abe applied the cow. hide vigorously to the bead and shoulders of Mr. Judson. and although be drew a pistol from his pocket and presented it while backing across the street, she followed him up and continued the as. smolt until the bystanders interfered. LtrCanada.—We have private advice. ,from Toronto of a late date, Says the N. Y. Tribune, which say that the political eteltement in that region, though nearly as high as it can be, I+ visibly on the increase. Only a spark is needed to set the whole Prov:nce in a blaze, and forcible collisions are rarelyk avoid-J. The Tnry patty is becoming eye'' , day sicker of the union of the two Provinces, and more alienated from the Crown. It to be noted that all the violence, ' &c., of lest month or sor has proceeded from the Conservative, Lsw end Order party. ,The Liberals are quiet or act on the defensive:' rr7the 31st Congress.—The recent elections have resulted in the choice of 85 Whine end• 61 DemoCratic .members of the House, of Represen tatives; and should the . present. 4vision of the remaining 85 be undisturbed by the; coming, elec tionsthe Whigs will have in the House, during the cot ng Congress. a majority of 17. ' @'Hon. John M. Botts, has been re•nomina• led "Pi pongresa. by the Whigs of the Sixth Con. greational District of Virginia. There are two Whig candidates in the field, one of yawn is an independent candidate, which may probably inter : ere somewhat with the, somas of Mr. D. ®',The Cholera picvsils at %tummy, car rying off from thirty to Sty victims per day. k has also broken out arrest) in the kicinitY of Frank lin, Ls. In fact, the approach of warm vristber Poem to have revived the epidemic in all. its former • , haunts. irr Some of:hose who have gone to Coffer— cis, expect to remain and Make a settlement there, upon which wag suggests that it would be well fin:some of those who talk of making a aedtlecnstut Mahe Gold Region, to begin by making a siltiement at home before they go. Cr A New Furnace.—A firm consisting of ,two railadelphia gentlemen, de.ign erecting et Welt furnace, in ,I.Tpper.filrerion township, Mont. 'vinery County, to be completed by -the tit of September. r The Lumber Trade.—The Susquehanna is now ih fine raftilig order, and immense quanti ties of lumber are accumulating at Middletown and Columbia. , j[J Gen. Cast, denies. that he drew any mile. age money during the late 'onion of the Sande. A certificate froth the Secretary of the Senate, states that be did not. a:1. A Bank Bealiera.—We 'sea that one Mr. Henry Broken, has just married; in Baltimore, a Miss Bank. Bo there is one more bank now bra. ken. arSafes of Pk. Metat—The Pittsburg Ame. ripen of the sth inst.. notices sales of 240 tons pig metal at $26, 6 month., and ieoo tons at $25,50 from various furnaces. CALIFORNIA. mums: A gentleman, Mr. Wetherell, who hes spent same time in California, arrived et Baltimore, on !Saturday last, direetfrom California. He kurught ebe following items of intelligence, which are taken from the Baltimore Patriot end Baltimore Sun: At the time he crossed, there were about 2800 persons on the isthmus, some of whom, were in a state of destitution ; many talked of returning to the Stites, and ,one had already "timed ot't their return, :Trade wee brisk at San Francisco. end pixie selling at fair prices; the merchant", how. "ter, were expecting a deciine.aa large stocks are looked for from the States, England, and South mrrica. The at:midrib, we have received as to the prices ;pt which.goixls were mold, and the immense yields .01' 'gold from the mines, are exaggerated. The calculation of the bast inhumed wee, th a t four hokilions ofgold bad been taken from the mines up pa ybeyirnenf his leaving, 'Tile Baltimore Run statee that Mr. Wetbered .con,Oruas the previous accounts as to the abun .driocecrf gold, baring Jag, with his own hands upwards of $lOO, out of a choice place. however, pe; d;y. It is unguestienahla the country for me,a pint to work, as they can bete certainly evrn, nu an ay.yage, an ounce aksy. He would not, holveyer, adyise persons getting a good living. to leave it and go to California; Young gentlemen unaccuatogied to labor will' Bad it very severe work, end themselves not equal to it. It was the opinion • *of the beat informed persons in flan _Frageisco, that theca . bad been not less than $4l 00 440 of gold deg to the time he left. (27th Nosey:Merl Many of the enoigradte on the isthmus. not , "ring soy Pteipeet of getting further, have talon up sand and vane to farming, at which they are doing well. There re not less then 2.090 persons now there, without any prospect ofgetting ell : 4, large number are ilso at Mazatlan. in tbo recur ptpstion. He advises all persona logo by the.vary pff.lape..lforn, as the swam, safest, and eltaaPast route. Many here returned from. (gm. Fes, with the pqqhr..l of going round the }form . • ..i, .. : . . Aftaival. . • " -- ..St"."-••••• OF TOL le " ..li i.' 4 14 4 STE Argo • '' ' °'; i! I I I,:h SHIP A G A R-A. TWO VTFTICC TER FROM Linton ! The. liiiegant. - solved et. Bootee eft :Saturday tect:: By Ole Arrival we• -bate intelligence -taro teeth's later Ole_ We give the fellow irhivstraVte Fnarrca.—The' trials at, Bulges are going on. Two of Pen. Tito's . ' murderers had been 'gelato-. tined, sad the others. pardoned. " The Red Re , publicans clamor loudly against the eaccution..— !Uri Prudhomme is especially complained of. The Clubs have been abolrsiied by the Asaerri bly. The Sociabstra are unusually active in UM:. ing di.affection 'aching the troops. In consequence of' the state of icily, troops an embarki4 at Toulon.: and the army of the Alps is to be reinforced. • . The King of Holland died on the 17th o Starch. Notice hss.been given of the cessation of' the Holstein arm:stice. • The Paris papers state that Metteinich is short ly expected st Paris. The elections have been held throughout Prue. sin, and so far give strung indications of a large Democratic majority. There hail been consider. able rioting and attempts at fraudulent voting in the Duchy of Posen, where the Democratic par ty are in a decided majority. • Some of the Legitimate and Red Republican papers of Paris mutually accuse each other in un measured terms of wishing to overthrow the form of Government. ' ft is reported that the Sicilians hate proclaim ee Loden Murat, King of Naples. Hi is the e of Murat, formerly the' King of that cot,lctry an der Napoleon. Aosvnte,—An Onfrr has been given by Win. dischgrats to titng all the inhabitants Who may be found with arum to their hands, and that any place of which even a few iahatnientirshalf at tempt to molest any imperial courier, shall be lev elled to the geound. A motion to upstate Austria from the German. Empire, was carried in the Diet. sitting et Frank fort, by a vote of 262 to 224. The motion cres ted considerable exci t ement. Austria has teken!the most ixtraordinary ad unlooked for step the Die: of Kressiier, which was convoked together by the late Emperor, end has occupied the fewlmonthe of its existence in theoretical discussion', has been dismissed. after having promulgateJ a constitution not only for the countries represented at Kremaier, but for the whole Austrian Empire. The great object which has been kept in view by the designers of this con stitution, is the making of ell Russia into a free. independent•, indivisible,indissolujileconttitutional monarchy. With regard to the social anti political regulations guaranteed under this conatitution,lthe liberality of their nature can hardly Gil to excite surprise. The press is novellowed to be put inn der censorship. The complete equality and toleration dell reli gions, independent of every church_ and sect hi the management of its own property and affairs:, the extension of education to oil languages end its prosecution as government work, are especial ly secured. A letter from Berlin states that in consequence of the negotiations with the German Imperial Minister, • Prussian . savoy will proceed to the United States shortly, for the purpose of buying both sailing vessels and stesmerr, to be comman ded by American officers, argil - the natives shall be qualified sufficiently for the purpose. ft was stated on good authority that the Ambas sador of Wallis, Baron Kiwis, hes demanded his passport from the French Government. It is . Said that the Emperor of Russia has de clared to the French Ambassatlei ',fib, at St. Peteraburgh. that he should have acknowledged the French Itepubhc,lf o,Taittnac had been elec ted President, but since theelectioo he had changed his tone. He considersAhis a elan of a still ex. isting spirit of coequest. G'ett. Lego has left St. Petersburg in con,tquence. ! - According to the last accouuts from Hungary, numerous desertions had taken place among tne troops of Radetzki. Cherie.. Albert has refused the supp.y of oats demanded by - Radezky. The latter has" consequently broken off thaceminuni cation between Piedmont and Lombardy, it the same time the Seidman troops were being cup plied with ammunition. Tus Cutmena.—The cholera is dirappearing. last.s.en.—The west and south of Ireland seems to be in a deplorable state. Several frightful- nun , dere are reported. l'ho cholera is committing ex tensive ravages. In,Limeitck, to ednipensate for this sal and distressing visitanot , the farmers have commenced talon their ground and the potato is again planted to a greater broil th. The attach ment of the Irish to this, their at:carious mode al sustenance, cannot be eradicated. It is hoped that the early sowing has been adopted generiilly throughout the country, but the chance of failure may be diminished. The Friend of Ireland, however, views with considetable alarm this re , currents to a system which has coat so much life and treasure. ENGLISH Masc ara —Trade bay been depressed in consevenca of the continental news, until within three days before the steamer sailed, when favourable news caused an improvement. ltorrox Minx ir.—t:otton had fallen }d. per lb., but rallied fd., and the market cloied with en improved demand. BreadstritTs bad not improved, but prices con, finite to recede.. FLocn—W astern Canal 23-.. Phdedelphia and Baltimore 23s , Ohio prime 245. GUAlN—Amerisen tidiest 6 to Is., Indian corn is in moderate demand at 275. per quarter, best yellow corn meal 129.6 d. to 131. 6d. In the manufacturing districts the demand for good* bad fallen off, and the price of manufactured iron bin; also receded. The navigation bill had pasied second reading in the British ParliMent by a majority of 56. Mr. Gladstone explained that it the Americans did not givethern reciprocity, the bill ariariled the maans of retaliation. FROM CIiAGRES. Tbe-Piscent CO rived in Nils York, on Saturday lit, direct from Chsgres. From the news i brought by her, we select the following items!: 1" There were at the time of her ceiling more then eight hundred pauengere at Panama. and 5311 more bad arrived in March, melting at least 1400 'waiting passage. The health of both Panama and Uhagres wee very good. There were only • few cues of intermittent fever, which was brought on by exposure. At Panama on the 231 there were but two yea eels, the chip Humboldt with coal on board and the other a small brig called the Eterfina. Both were bound up with passengers. The passengers which went to ettegres by the Crescent City were carried in canoes to Gorgona . seven dollars each. iThey went with all their bag. gage at this price, and for the distance of forty. Eva miles. • \ For twenty - ono miles the toad from Gorgon' to Panama is in very good condition, and pass engers made their way over it with their baggage without any trouble. The price asked for carry— ing luggage woe six dollars for 100 pounds. The passengers met with no accident on the route, .Provisions ware plenty et Panama,' end board could be had et $1,20 • $1,50 per day.. By marketing.and loo k ing for themselves, parties could lies at 50 cents a day. Te English &c rime: Equeter arrived at Pan ama, at 5 A. M., on the 23d, from 'Valparaiso, with one million dollars its gold dust, Mostly California gold. The whole amount was for England. It would be sent per steamer Medway; which vessel was in wiirmg foe the treasure at Mayes when the Crescent Cily left. The news by this Crucent City confirms the death of Hon B. A.llidlack. tri'"Dad, - who is this Sam Francisco that's gettio all the gold ant there in Californey —he must be the richest fallow in all them diggins." "Wby, Johnny, I l!V tiler think he's SOMOsorter relation to the Sum Jacinto who wail killed in the war in' Texas by Gen. Barn Houston." j.Charles Dicken r t announces in the London papers a new wank, in twenty monthly numbers, to be commenced on tse first_ol May. The title is nut yennown. - CV"During Ihe pa s t month petitions (ram 58 towns, signed by sosp persons, praying for the abolition of Capital Punishment, have been pitn , stinted to the Massachinsatts Legislature by J. M. Spear. , C 7 A Kenitseky /ira—A young ladY residing is Louisville, while' asleep a few nights siuce awakened by a feroci us rat Wog a piece out o one of her cheeks. . „ ,MAtfoimorts—AlitiOst evory-sillsge Omagh oat the . W,est contains more Of leis .pefsoll of this s,ingulty Es i th:' 1%4 ere nunanooa - tp.i3t. /Aura, and are generally good citizens: 1.1 TAE MINERS JOURNAL; AND : f .- p0trry§,y . ).t.f. ! t 7. .5,F,,g4 . 1,4, AimiqrsEit..:, [For the Miaera• 4ocuttl.] Mr, R. Risings Bancpreeentiatt Saturday et the meeting of Coal °pustule at the American House, I for the first time fully realized the strength and ananiml . ity of their present demonstration, enthusiasm, in the great movement, sod good humor ruled the hour, bring a "mere looker on in Venice,'' with my feelings and prejudice s 'untrammelled by in terested views, I could probably more clearly per mitre the motives operating,end the feelings prompt ing the actions of-the Fifties present. -.The grand aim and otieet of the. Colliers appear to be for thetresenito get the market inn sr, healthy cons dition . by ceasing' to send any. snore coat to tide Water than the public. requires. This view of the 'subject, appears the mat sensible, sorl.cemitron sense view which every intelligent business men would arrive at, and if fully carried out by the Collier. will have the effect Of elevating their 'tied- - -it es much above what it tow is, ea it ties hith erto been below its true standard. I also dis covered that a firiarite project, with the meeting wee the permanent organization of an assbeiation, by which the parties imagine that they can better regulate the supply,- thereby giring the trade a more steady, and consequently a more desirable character. This view of ibernstter, hat been reed on .hy the great body of English Colliers. many yeari since, with much advantage to their own interests, es well es to the interests of the consnmers, if we ere to believe the Reports which have emanated from the house of commons, who have three several timer appointed Committees to investigate the while subject, who hove reported favorably. They ergo that whilst on the one band it proves en effectual safe guard to the consumer against exorbitant high pricey, on the other it proves, a shield of protection to the Collier le . .?itai ruinous low prices. This is rltioiber common sense view of ttie melt'', and I think . is the one entertained I jr the large majority of consumers and I!":::,ucers in this cout.try, the producers evidently 'entertain but one opinion on the aubject,judging from the enthusiasm which prevailed among them when the subject was und. r discussion at their meeting, on Saturday last. A feeling of deep interest is manifest in this whole community, that ' this effort of the Colliers !should prove successful, and as we are all more or less interested in the I success of the coal trade, I hope it may come to s happyissue. God speed them, is the wish of A RETIRED CITIZEN of Schuylkill County. AS ' ' - ' AaF' =.7.lllFti: The Coal Trade for 1549,. The quantity sent by Railroad this weak, is 7.452 07 tons; by Canal, 3,995 10 ; total Cur the week. 11,447 17 tons; about 300 tousles than last week. paring the corresponding week last your the shipineLts from Schuylkill County were 34.187 06 tons; - The quantity seat to market frotti this region, this year, falls short of the supply to saine period last year 93,000 . tons, in round nuMbers. In eluding this deficiency, after allowing the other regions all they claim, it will require an increase in the sup& of this region at least 300,000 tons, to suteply the market. This increase, .we believe, it is impossible for the region to furnish with the present 11104113 of transportation, and if Coal should advance next winter, the purchaser will have to thank the "middle men" at Phila delphia, the. pets of the Railroad. who are endea voring to:control the Trade, and who are enga ged iu distributing circulais throughout New England, advising purchasers to hold back, on the ground that the Cual Men iu Schuylkill . County cannot hold back much longer. We can assure purchasers and consumers abroad, that if they had witnessed the enthusiasm displayed at the last meeting, and the irantens• applause which followed the unanimous vote to continuo the suspensi ~,, ~ by not only the meeting, but the large number engaged in other business. dependant on the Cual Trade, whri were present, they would entertainliitierent opinious. We firmly believe that Ithe Trude will, at the meeting to-day, con .tiouti the Suspension again—yes; and until the middle of the season, if necessary, to maintain their positiog . in obtaining fair and reasonable prices for our commodity this season—not only a living for themselves,' but also for the miners and luberers in their employ and those dependent upon the business. If prices should rule high, let thor:e be responsible who would endeavor to rob us of our labor and industry., The Railrieul Company has advanced 'their rates,—the Cuual Company has advanced their rates, and compel us to pay them, and is it not unjust, improper, yes. ipfesauus, fur those connected with them and •their pets, to oppose a fair and equitable advance of price to our Cual Operators to preserve them from ruin also. Let them beware iu time,—there is u deteraduation and spirit abroad in Schuylkill County, that will never submit to such injustice, nod they may be made to feel its effects Wheu least they expect it: 'The emu in the employ of those in this region who continue to ship, ought to demand advanced wages. if they do nut pursue this course, they msy reap the advantages which others brought about, but, to their shame be it spoken, they mina lay any claim to having aiJed in bringing about better times. Better live ou bread and water !a. few weeks, than to submit to, alai place yourselves hereafter in the power of those who are hostile to the interests of this region, and would rob you of the finds of your hard labor. The Committee appointed by the Coal Opera tors, to publish the shipments of Coal from Wools to week during the suspension, report as follows: stdrTents by non-subTeribsrs tg r i o ttu t , r ) , l,. 3,•;.4.: 0 1 per canal, 701.15 ' by autlcribers, 5,165.10 We have not been able to obtain the accurate a— mount sent from Tamaqua, but believe it does not da rer much horn su 16 d tons, ponelpall y sent along the line. We are happy to inform the trade that slnce our last report, several of the large shippers, who have nut hitherto been with us, have entirely ceased ship ping Dr. Stemberger, who pledsoll himself to cease ■hipping, is still at Work ; so are Henderson dr. Harlan. of Tamaqua. Mr. Heil, of Tremont, has ceased hie shipments. Gm). 11. Purrs, ' 8. titbmrstatt, McDotrat.n. We have received the following letter fmm Joha %%rude, Esq., President of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company : Office of du Delaware gad Hudson Canal Co.l * ' New York. April 10, 1839. Dear Sir:-1 noticed In pour last paper the TO mark, "that It is understood the Delaware and Hudson Ca nal. Co. will commence ice shipments of coal on the 20th inst." U by thi■ yon mean shipMents from the head of the canal, it Is a misapprehension We do not mend to let the water into the canal until the 25th inst, and navigation may be delayed a few days longer: We have ant named a-price for coal to arrive by ca. nat this season. Very truly yours. JUIIN VVVIZTS. tlannan, Potttville Amount of Coal sent over the Philadelphia andßend ing Railroad and debuylkill Nalligation for the week ending on Thursday evening last: RAILROAD.CANAL. WFCI( TOTAL. Were. TOTAL.' P. Carbon. 1.560 13 50,269 14 1,422 14 , 3.129 18 Pottsmilee 2.214 15 25.941 03 1,3(617 4,491 15 9. flaven, 2,255 17 49,435 15 1 1141 00 891 08 P.Clinton/ 1,091 02 27.393 03 772 19 1,289 01 7,432 07 133.039 13 3,99310 9,762 t. 2. 9762, 02 , • Total by RR& ,Cal. 162,621 17 To same period last year, by Railroad 211.553 IS ..Do by Canal 19,617 04 RAII. 116 T ITS .. Tealurporration. on Nis Railroads is Ras!,!kill County'. The following is the quantity of Coal transported over the diffeeent Railroads in Schuylkill County. for the week Indio; Thursday evening, April 12. 1949. {VERN. TOTAL Mine Hill and R. If. IL R. 2.710 10 51.995 16 Little Schuylkill IL It. 1,790 03 29,099 18 Mill Creek do - 1,355 OS 29.788 19 Mount Carbon do 2,812 IS 29,951 12, Schuylkill Valley do 2.198 16 25.510 04 Mt. Carbon and Pt. Carbon do 2.325 .17 50,116 13 LEHIGH COAL TRADE. The following fe the quantity of Cost eenl from the. Lehigh region for the week ending April ith, 1949. %Orme. TOTAL. eummft Mine, 3431 02 3,231 02 Rhume Run. . • 1,18 - 7 11 1.187 11 ()Paver Meadow. 1.075 01 1.075 01 Syrian Manmeln Co. 1,075 05 1,075 05 Ilsizlkon Coal Co. 07 03. 97 02 Cranberry Coal Co. 65 04 65 01 ' 0,733 07 0,733 07 . More than three fourths of' this Coal la for the supply or the line of Canal ebert of Metal. We also learn that the Lehigh Company have sold neer ly all th e ir Lump Coal on the line for theyear, and that very Tittle of it will reach tide cater. • - . 01/ TO LL MID 1111X1{POSTiTION On RAIL-194D ITO Jane 1, 1819. ' To 2,, From hteartron.fr.rlaven.P.ClintOn. Richmond. anti/ Jude 1,1819, - 1 10 155 r 35 Phil.delphia, do do 160 1•55 135 1h.T844 'TOLL ST CANAL. To .ICIIB 1.184% ' , From Eft,Carbon. Shaven. P.Clinton To Prilltuielphia '65 eta. ' .63 cte. 53 eta: . , ,11 . 1.1111`80r7AZIGIIT‘ TO Philadelpila 5.5 etr per ton. To Re re York 170 • Tor additional New Advertisements see Next Pate. They will there be found =ranged cinder Suitable Heads: • Wall Papers. TE subscriber' have ou baud. the Wiest contort merit of Watt. Persia, he the city of Philadel phia. Wholesale and Retell, conaLlunit of every va riety. eultatde for Parton, Entries, Dining Roomy .1 1 bambert.dr.c.. Which foristliallit end style cannot he serpsued. Dottie a - csatbasinesa, Wean enabled to sell& better article. at a MICH LOWER BITE. _ . than any store doing a trade Mainers. (in hand, a: large assortment or WWII PAVES, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borddrs, dm., which will be sold for 00111. Paper hanging dolae In the Conntry at City Prices. F. B.—Deafen are lavitcd to call - end examine their stock hernre purchasing elsearheie-- FINA oiravirrox, fie. gfli Ann Elegem South Side r Ap.1.4.-16-3w.] • • Philadelphia. For Artificial Flowers, DEEP CARMINE, Deep. Pink. Ultramarine, Mot tied and otber Tint* Paper'. for Artificial Flow ers, also Wing, Leaves. dcc,, rot Imlc D. BANNAN'a Agri/ 14, ' o.] Fancy and Variety Rioter. -• Zliew' Books, .. T he L Se vt i a . i L vir lo o nt ni i i i t th s lost Sealerm—CooFrr'a 50 blordannt Ball g 'or a September night, lig' the !Lo thar of Two Old Melt . * Tales.__ - 2 5 The kfaretdcmesinf Brlnvillierii iii tbe,Polsoners of Party. by Albert Smith: 25 Ellen Wertheimer Love and Duty, a thrilling nov el of real life, by Ellen Pickering, ' 23 Desperadoes of the idouth West, en areount of • Duelists and Dueling, 25 Together wilt all the latest and most popular read: log, for side at nANNAN , B April 14. 16.] Book and Variety Store. POOT DEVICE REGULATIONS POThitli.LE, PA. Halms OF ctorstNo Tile nutul i TPhiladelphia, Beading, New York, and Boston at V o'ciotk,P, M. and 12 bl.,(lntermediate places, I .! P. daily Sundays, and arrives daily atn;,,, g I o'clock, anal P. M. To Nnithuinberland,Su obory and , intermediate places. at II) o'clock, A. M. daily except Sndays. and ar rives daily from Danville about lo'clock, P.M., Nor thumberland about P. M. ' To Danville. Williamsport, dm., at 111 o'clock A, M. daily except Sundays, and arrives daily about 1 o'- clock, P. sc.. To Mlnersvilte, Llewellyn and Donaldson at' Il o'clock, A. daily except Sundays, and arrives daily about 7 o'uclock, A, w. To Port Carbon, Norwegian, Tamaqua, Wilkesbar iv. Mauch Chunk, Easton, Ac., at lle o'clock... daily,, except Sundays, and arrives daily about 7 o'- clock. •. w. To Pinegrove, Jonestown, do.. in Harrisburg. at 8 o'clock. P. a., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fr days, and noses the same days about 9 o'clock, P. N. OFFICE HOURS. From 7 o'clock A, Al. till 9 o'clock. except Sun ,days, when the °dice la open one boor, (mut 12 till I o'clock. DANIEL Ragas, P. Al. ' April IC. 1849. 16.-tf Lis DEM/LINING in I.IL foram quarter Berk Henry. the Post Men at Donaldson. Pili.• ,r ending 41atch 31st: PPR Mantling Wm • Pennington John Heil Henry Rein John Harp Abraham Surrendorf EJ, 4 Johnson Wesley Snyder, Ear & Kittamale!, Sires • Will, 3 lc Co Shrub Andrew Long Jacob Spane John Mckilddy Johu Shubert Emilie', ilMnriis Join, ITiley & Ashman Mooch Jacob, 2 Weber Henry McCormick Devil -1 . _ DAVID LOMISON P.M. Boli Frt des Ick Rowe R Jlottontby Josephl Eschtal Caroline Christ George Cunbatreh ii F Eckel Mary Ercrdell Joreph,2 Fnrd einosuel Fernly Recd April 11, 16- - - Extraordinary Removal of the AMERICAN PERIODICAL DEPOT. THE undcr.i g ned would Inform the public, tbat he lire removed the above `r establishment to the Cone est or CENTRE and - MARKET STREETS, -gsr dotr - and has Just received a new assortment o Books, Periodicals, Patent Medicines, Stationary, Perfumery, &c., S e. • Thistafut for past favors. be hopes, by sr etrkt at outlet] to business, to merit the further partronage of liberal public. U. 4. JENKINS. ne.ll-18-3t. ' Ciotti Store, NO. 8 NORTH SECOND STREET NATHAN T. CLAPP I 8 receiving his Spring and Summer stock of Cloths. Cnesionersa, Vesting& and Dana' Saar. French. Ilelgium,}CLOTMS. UP American and EVERT DESCRIPTION. WCSI of Englam' and a large assortment. SUMMER COATINGS.. Habit Cloti, . ansnmer Cloths, and Drmlidmine•; Mack and Colided Caslunarett and Codungions ; Croton Vlotha. T %reedit, Drap d'Err. ere., &c : . PANTALOON Roper Black French Cassi:neres and Doeskins; French fancy and wised Catslineres. every rarity ; Merino Cadsirneres': all colors and qualities.; %Vint,. and fancy linen Drillings, new designs; - Cordi and Ileaverteens of every style and quality; attinetis, all shades and qualities. VEsTINGS Suarrinr Dlack Satin and Cashmere Veslings Splendid Crecy silk Vcelingo, neer desives ; White end colored Marsedie•—large usortnirnt • Drab (Intls and atlwr Coach Trinnuines . . Together with a general assortment of Good. adapt. ad to Men, Ind Boys' wear. to which the subscriber Inv,iteS the alien:inn or his friends and mhos, visiting the city. For sale by the piece or retail. NAT/FAN T. CLAPP, No 8 North Second street, sten 01 the Golden Lamb, three doors above Market, Philatia. April 14, lb-19. Id-f!mo . [. The Mines . of CallEpenla Outdone: FINE WATCHES AND ./EIVEI.I2V. , 7 The Diamond City of Philadelphia Still Ahead:, JACOB LADOI.III./S, 240 .11ar:iet ..treet, heroin 'Eighth, South side, PHILADELPHIA. , ni4 constantly receiving from all the 501 _ j-•,e , manufhrttirers of Europe, every st) le of 1 ' ;- 4 . FINE GOLD AND SILVER INATtaiEs:, , 1 . •."' Read thisailyertusenient—cot it nut of the paper—put it in vour pocket, and call the first rime you visit the ci ? y. Ancetill the assortment will he found (told Levers, 19 k. casee. hill jewelled, 450 Silver Levers, full jewelled, IS Cold l'Epines, 18 k. cases, ewelled. 25 1`..; Silvet l'Ephies. jewelled, 10 ," Quart ler Watches, . • 410 Silver Tea Spoons, equal to Loin ' ' per met 4 51) o Desert " 1 ' 10 10 " Table I. se " 15 00 Together with a splendid aasortment of Chaste and Dell Jewelry, &c , Ac., &c. Gold Ehalus of every variety and pattern at a slight advance upon the original cost. Examine them by' all menna The Trade will be supplied upon the west advan tageous terms. .1. LAM/5111S. No. 240 Market Street, below Eighth, op 14.*49-16.3m) 'south side. Philadelphia. New Alwde: E Exile or the Chiming Village Bell, I The Fairy Bells. Tie Virginia Rua° Bud—a new and popular Ethic,• pia• wing and chorus. Friendship. or the comes of other days may fade, The Illue Juniata—a beautiful melody, The Maniere Bell—a song or Duct, Sleeping I dreamed love, Wedding Polka, Jenny Lind, do Agnes Waltz, Salute a Washington—viz favorite melodies, Flows Italiennes—l2 amusements fur the Piano, Prince Albert's Grand March,, Polka March. horn the favorite opera Martha, America-8 popular American Melodies arranged as Rond.noa, Beauties of the Opera,. collection of Potpourris, from celebrated Operas, Any pieces of Music In print to be had at 1 BANN Ali•S April Book and blue:c Stores. 5,015.10 150.00 Phoenix Clothing Depot, 8. W. CORNER OF DOCK AND SECOND STS, THE subscriber announces to the public gen erally, that be has a large and varied mismtment of Clothing, made of the very beet material, and in the make. style and finish unsurpassed by any iii the United State.; he has also a general nes sortrnent of young Gentlemen's or Soya' Clothing.— Front his experience in this line of husinew, he feels assured that they are unequalled in tho city. The at tention nr the citizen, of Pottsville end vicinity i re• apectfuify invited to his large stock of clothing. Give him a call, and examine for yourselves, before purcha sing elsewhere ; all his goods will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Cut this out and bring it In your hand. don't forget the atom. WM B. TAYLOR. -.. Phccnix Clothing Depot. rt. W, coy, of Dock and Recond sts.. l'hilada. April la, 184 S. ' 16.3m0 • • Howes Si, Cols • UNITED STATES 'CIRCUS. rrMS immense Establishment. the limiest and mort L complete ever organised, comprising the best Equestrian and Gymnastic Troupe ever collected. with a Sold of Horses and Ponies stipenor to any other in the cnuntry. will exhibit in Pottsville, on Wednesday, Aprll2s, 'X91,175 19 The U.S. Cirrus to its progress through the coun try trill be pterstlett by the great triumphant. GOLDEN CHARIOT! - . . Drawn by twenty Cream Colored florets, and ditto. ted to the conveyance of a celebrated New York Braes Bend. The magnitude and splendor of Ibis immense vehicle baMes description. It in the only one of mod ern times which approaches the colossal achleements of art described In ancient history Its w.eight ek needs live tons, and Its elaborate carving and gilding surpaeses anything of the kind ever %gummed. The famous JOIIIN MAY acknowledged universally as the best CLOWN In the World, is o member of ibis Company. Also Me. RICHARD RIVERS ' • The hest Principal Rider living; together, with Mr. B. R. Rtnratu.s, the Herculean land 4 Hone rider; (Inset° Won FANG. the Wonderful Chineas Bottle Performer ; Mr. O. W. n SEMISAMT, the great Dramatic Equestrian Mons: HoungLi., tho celebrated Cannon Bill herrornter ;* Mr. Cite, the unrivalled Cohtfullom lit; Miss Jonnsost. and Mesdames eats, and Jon sr son, . Female EqueStrians'or. celebrity: Mr R. W. Smorn.the Prince or comic singers; Meant. Nsoccs, Rue.. SenngoT, TitTN•LL, J 01111407 and bloCt.ca,, first class Gymnasts, and others of acknowledged tal ent In their .varions departatents. The gruffest wdn• der of any age. _ . MAJOR LITTLE FINOES, The smallest Duman lining In exittenoeSvlll be 4..1 balked tha ring, together with his Palsy gqotpege %%Maul Extra Charge. Adroksion, Dog 23 cu.; Pit Woe,' Children ildfier .9 halfwit's. Door. open ix and T j 'Performances committeeat nand 7f r.iM. , The lame will be exhibited at Stbuyiktil Raven t he :3d, Hinersville the 2lth. [April • I of Lette L. IL Ilraiimallls GREAT BARGAIN INTidit AND . ' I • JEWELRY STONE. WHERE Gold- and Sneer WEtttes Of every • 41 tg t " . description can bq bad at from teo to Metopes • ce nt.lasa them any other corolla New 'fork or , Philadelphia. I Penton' who wish to eel &toad watch, perfectly reeuLated,would do well to call at the store Orate sobacribeY, and compare the Oaths , and priceor his watthes with that of other store!. Geed /retakes at aisfenswin szcsatiegly tots prior,: Gold Levert, full Jewelled, lb carat cases,- ' I% 00 Silver. do . du - IS 00 'Gold Legion, jewelled, IS carat cue!, , 23 00 Silver do d 09.410 Silver Verge %Votary,. frOin $3 00 upwards. Gold Pencils' from rel: 00 to IS 00; Gold raw, viith silver lase!. and ;rebate attached, for 73 vents. Alma haudimate Boorman of new and fashionable Jewelr. at prices far below the calla More prices. Old go ld and ailvet bought or taken in exchange. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, No, 111 North Elnoild st., second door below, Rare, Philadelphia: 14. : .16•Iy Cut this advertisement our, and bring it airing, you will then be sure to get Into the right store: ' MERCHANTS TRANSPHILTATION LINE, Vii. PIIILADA, READING. AND POTTSVILLE RAIL ROAD. . wAREHooss IN PHILADELPHIA. "Willi East collElt rUIND AND WILLOW irrArrt. Mft_ilf.:s44lnt; J. C. CONRAD. Jr. & -CO., FOIiWABDINGI and Commission Merchants, take this method of informing their friends and the public In . general that they are prepared to forward Merchandiae, Packages and Parcels of all description!, to the following Mecca dully r—fichttylklit lbws, Minersrille. Tamaqua and Pottestile,—also to Limed int, Donaldson, Tremont, Pinegnive, Port Carbon. St. Clair, New Philadelphia, Middle-part. Patterson,. Tuscarora, New Castle, Ashland. Danville, Northun..; berland, Sunbury, Shamokin, Williamsport, Milton, Cattawissa. likamsbung. Orangeville. Espytown,Light Street, Mililinvllle, SoydetinWOr GrollelOWß Stud Washington, ;nods for Manch Chunk, Hazleton. Beaver Meadow, Summit Hill, Cunningham, Berwick and Wilkesbarre, will be shipped linemen to Tamaqua without the de tention heretofore caused by reloading at Port Clinton. Orders fur goods will he punctually attended to.— Particular attention paid to the selling of Country produce, - Merchants In the Country sending for their goods will please send an order with the Teamster, as good cannot otherwise be delivered. J. C. CONR•D. Jn. • B. Dit FOUEIT, Jr Sch. Haven. Gumpert'N - PURE AND CONCENTRATED WINE OP WILD CHERRY, Volt the cure of diSeases arising principally from a .I.` relaxed or debilitated state of the system, as Dya 'pepsin. wittcPal(litatione of the heaft, Loss of Appe tite, iteart-bsrn,•lteed-oche. Sour belching, Lou of Colour, Pain in the bream, Nervous Debility, Cholera Ildorbus, DUentery, Night Sweats, Cold's Cough, In• fluenu and the troublesome Cough of old age; and as a preventive (by bracing the system) to Fever and Ague:Uinta and nervous fever it has no equal. • This preparation of Wild Cherry possesses a mark ed superiority ever all other articles, sold as Syrups, Halasing or Extracts of Wild Cherry ; —being prepared by a process whir h ensures a concentrated and efficient article. possessing nil the well known good qeallties of the medicine and warranted free from all other drugs, especially Opium and its preparathus or ally other nar erotic.' The pleasant taste of the Wino of Wild Cher ry qualifies it for the most delicate Stomach. It will also be found much cheaper, than the mute conimon articles, sold undet the name of Wild Cherry, }lying far more concentrated and pure and put up In ' large quart potties, and Is warranted to keep in RAY climate. Persons who ore subject to Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever. Ike.. will find "Gumpert's Wine of Wild Cher ry" an excellent preventive by strengthening the Stomach and Nerves, and its decided tunic properties recommend it as a superior substitute for the u called '•fort Wine." Cr Observe the Genuine "Wine of Wild Cher -y" put up in %urge bottles holdings quart, With the words: "Gtmpert's %Vine of Wild Chary, Philada." blown in the CUE', and the outside, Wrapper has the writ ten Signature of the Proprietor. Prepared only by B. It. GUNIPERT, Chcmlmt. and Apothecary. No. 120 North Second Street, Philadelehin. Price 61 per bottle. or *5 for 6 bottles; Jour+ 0.-11guwx; Druggist, Pottsville, Sole Agent foikichuylkill County . tAp.l4-16.3m. General Torn Thumb. THIS DISTINGUISHED MAN IN MINIATURE WEIGHING ONLY 15 POUNDS, • 17 YEARS OF A CE,SSS IN CIIES 111 GM! IA 7 Ho bas the highest therks of VV, royal favor t•y Queen % imam. and oil the, prin cipal crowned heeds of Europe, and who has perform, ed beforeo.ooo.ooll persona during Hie past six years, w ill hold 'lwo Levers eseu no.Y. on • Fit' D.ll, SATURDAY .11.V11 ..VO.VD4 st.d 23rd. 1549. AT, TOWN lItLL. POTTSVILLE. PENN'• Positively for Theo Days Only. Mays of fi::Al6Moti.—Atiernuois, frum3iturro'clock. Evening, from to U.' -, Iniilloors open balran hour In advance. Thu little Geonral will appear in all his performan ce., Including...s°llgs. Dances, Grecian Statues, Le.— Ile will alit` appear in the Scotch costume, an elegant Court Denis. mforn before her majesty Queen Victoria, the Rill anti Queen of t h e French, Nicholas; Emperor of Itutisla, and until,. priacipal crowned heads and no bility of Europe. Ile is perfectly symetrical in till his proportions, intelligeneurid graceful beyond belief, and smaller than any infant that ever walked alone. His magnificent presents and jewels receiwyd from .27siparc Queen consisting of the Smallest hors cella the wutid. Char. Int attended by Elfin Coachman and Footman in Livery, will promenade the streets at the cline of the Levee. _ _ Ladies.Famllies and children are rewelively advised to attend the day Levee'. an they nre usually leas crowded than these of the evening. Admission, 25 Cenll ; Children 10 years of age half price. lurspepsla Cured lIY GRUIOPS OXYGEIVATBD • r eITTIAS, A LSO for Liam.' al Asthms, general and Nervous Debility, this medicine has no •operior It is an excellent tonic, and imparts health and vigor to the di. Festive organs, thereby strengthening the whole sys tem.. Those, who have occasion to take medicine. as many do. when warm weather approaches, will flint theinsePAlS abundantly paid by a trialof this medicine. From mon U. D. FrISTER. M. C.. from Pennsfivania. Warheneua.-D. C. June I%IW. Dear Sir t—l have been a dyspeptic sufferer fur about ten years, and have resorted to various medicines for relief without success, until I made use of your "Oxy genated Bitters:" I have used about two bottles, and find myself restored to perfect health. The forms in which the disease showed itself, in my case were, areal acidity of the stomach, loss of appetite. extreme flatu lence, severe constibation of the bowels, and violent headache. Feeling desirous that a knowledge of year valuable remedy may reach others similarly afflicted, I take great pietism° In recording my testimony to its curative power; and would 'alro remark, that while no a visit at home ,a short time since, I administered a pawn( a bottle to a number of my ' afflicted friends, with great success. They are desirous that you should establish an agency at Pittsburg, nr Inform them where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de. sirefur your prosperity and happiness. U*oE:ribs my self truly yank Stier ds. • • Dr. Geo. 11. Garen, Windsor, ye. LADY CURED OF NEURALGIA • . - • • - - Windsor, Vt., August,P, 1816. Dear Sir:—it gives'nle great pleasure to inform you that the "Oxygenated Bittern," with which you fur nished my wife, bus wrought a core In hercale. About two years since, my wife was violentlY attacked with the neuralgia m the face, through the chest, in the wrists and ankles. So violent was the disease, added to a general derangement of the female system, that he , strength was completely prostrated, her flush wast ed. and she rendered miserabli indeed. I feel grate ful for the restoration of her health, and in duty bound to give publicity . . to ilia above fact., that others similar ly afflicted may i cnow where,to reek for cure. Truly your friend, TlJOblAtil [CRIDER. 03-Prire. 31,00 per bottle ; sir bottles for 05.00. GREEN &FLETCHER, Generil Agents, No. 1, Led ger Building, Nri Street, Philadeptda. O. El. JENKINS. agent for Pottsville, Pa.•. E. J. PRY Tamaqua; F. B. MASSON, Sunbury; IIIcGUER, Dan; Tulle. irc l / 24 1814/-3nlo ITIDOOK.BINDERY IN POTTSVILLE. lIE subscriber has In his eiuployinent two Book factilinders, and is prepared to bind, re-bind and menu w, ore to order, books of every description. SC:isons Binding done, will plaice send In.reelr nooks nimediattly, to keep the hands emplo7te, • Ile roles and binds Blank antrrime - Books toalmost any pattern, at short notice. B. BANNAN May"-0 RI his Cheap Bonk & Stationery Store. number of books left to be .bound are still remaining at the Establishment—Some trirtwo andthrce year,. Unless called for Ann!) , they will be sold to pay Siarchl7 12.1 Cheap Book and Variety Stores. 'Adams, Brothers. BLANK BOOK 21418IIPAOTUR.E118. leo, 78 .Y, t# Thin; &nee:, Philadelphia, Aston or Tut ate uottal ell riT'Lle BLANK 800811 cheaper at the Manufac -1-9 tory than can he had at any Bookstore, and they are tack notelodged superior. Feb. 21. '49. 9-ly - • - Dreer 3 pf•Fiesh Garden Seeds, AIHRACING A- GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP Fiehr..rlowor, anJ DIN Reedit; also Ream Peas; and nolon - sets, in every yerieq. Vaeranted fresh, just reeelsed and for sale, wholesale end-sstall at- - • ' tit/STICKY . Eft'S YALE' • - • Centre Street, 3 thews above AlarkeL Pottsville. *Small assortments put up lentil spin.' ' March 17, 13, 3.‘ 1.) E o lik h l . ll l l s N i G o Any Daguerrean Attlel B. Bevan Thomas Bowes Michael- Berger Charles F Beyle Thomas Brannan Pat't eri Mums Brennan Thomas Bodener Inn Blandia Geo P Bird Henry Bradbery Wm Barry William Berger Andreas Brown Joseph Brown Samuel Rock George , Brosins Ben) . Bachelor John Boric --- Mrs Skip totters. Bryant Mrs Berndlek Joseph Dearman James Bracey James Coyle Edward, Clark John t' CrozierJohn II CoughlanThomas CroallandJohoW Clarkson e F Cook Rev D - Conner Frederick Connelly Thorny. Cute Wil Chiral Blmou Clarke Michael Con Charles • Corbrth Michael Charlton Edward Couw ill Matthew ,Cahill Andrew Coury Edmond Campbell John Christian Samuel Catches' Pa rtrick Castles Patrick. Cha nler Mrs Clark M. E Ship Letters. Caaaghtir Mehl I Capewell Bard Charlton Edward Connelly dward Donelan Bernardi Oeeanasna 3no Danbaugh U Downing Henry Downing George Daly Michael Donna& Richard Driscoll Dennis Dolan John Donovan Daniel Devine C E Doyle James Dreher Hiram Delieny Bridget Skip Letters. Duncan John . Davis Watkih Donohue Park Donahue James Daltbn Richard CF~L'~J IMM Eety Jahn Ecktar Latham Ship Lettors. Evans Benj. Edmunds Wm F Fritz Gotlob Ferry Thomas Farrel! Mu. Fort Michael UMCII7I • Bechtel Fitzimmon3 Pat'k Fuss Clemens Fisher G W Freund Mr Foley 'Richard Flixpauick Afield! Fitzpatrick rat'k Fletcher J C Flynn Hugh Fox Mrs Rebecca Foley Mrs Ship Letters. Ferry Thomas Yoult Geo John Ford John • • • Flair Christopher McNally James McCaffrey Mich'' Glllaspy Anthoay McCann Thas Gibbons Patrick McConnell Hugh Gleason Dr C W McKee Samuel S Gaynor John .McLoughlin Jos I Gannon John 131cDowell Alex Gillet L. C. 2 McMahon Cath'n 071*k111 John lalcMahon Bridget' GlDillon Thomas McHahne' laridg't Goff John ' McKinney Mrs S , Ship LetterA, Uous,hal M3rth: 2 Cents addition: Letter., l'eFsons a pleuic ass) , "Adverti , April 0 -IA D EMAINING in It on the first of A Andreas Joseph. Ii Aumon Jane Alinrst Isaac 1' I 1 Al!abaci - , BM Bishop Richard Bart Jonas Ors dy Edward Brew cc Mrs. Bucher Ile trich,7 Boughner Eliza heal, 2. Blunt Sarah Brenan Michael Burns Francis Brennan Ileran Bourke Element Bowen Samuel Draught W Geo Bast Jonathan Burns Thady Bush 53111 , 1 , 1 Slott Patrick Bradley Edmund Bret Thomas Blackwell Thos Manly Hugh Brennan Thos Berger Nelson, 2 Brown A Thos. Blackness Wm Bryson Edward J Breeze) Philip Brown Mfrs Ilaackman Chas Blackburn Mr Carr Thomas Cochran John Corwin Francis Caton John Clain Idle II r, , Cook FAIn aril, 3' Conifnj, ,tioonol Conly gdward,.2 Corte James Cavanagh Daniel Cannon Michnel,2 Cohen Thomas Camila, Writ Conlehen John Cheshire Then Cahill Martin Cox Edwin Ca uley Lackey Cl:Wender Chan,2 Coteleazgh Save' Carry Wm enlehen Elle ' Clarkson A A Cnuhey Patrick Cooke Harriet Campbell James Cromwell Job Cannon John, ' Cheleu il!enJamin Craa Joseph Doolan John • Davis Win, 2 Dolan Philip Defenback Wm I DottAherty Than Davis David, 21 Dun Alferd, 2' Dunn Win H. D. FOSTER Davis John, 2 Banter Michael, 2 Daniel Aran Mrs Davies Benjamin Daviddnn Mary - Dougherty Philip Davis W Samuel Dam Catharine Erance J Evan Edwaida Jalper Evane David Evans Davis Evans Francis 'Enitiesby James Esenhart F .1 Erma W G• Evans E Erskine Wm Evans B Evan Evans Wm Fidlerlsrael, Fawner T:0n23 5 teeny John . 1 :•tieny Michael Fields Nancy Foley Edward Farney Peter Forney Joseph Farrell Catharine' Fahrineer Heavy Seater Thomas Fidelai Council U! 0 A M G Genus 22 Mrs Gallagher Julia, 2 Gable Nathan Geible uenj Gray& Bast Cromer Christian George Gedinn Gosen Brion Gaffney Brian • Gatineylnwrenee Goyn Mary Miss GM James. ' 2 Gareghan James Mein Emeline Gitdes W P allaehes Owen Gill Isaac Gavel:nun Isaac li Efistina John finches Owen Ilsugtiney Dennis ?tames cape Id please sij "advert epttr7 DRINTS.I PRINTS 1 AND 500 New Prlata;atilong which of the California Gold Diggers, Alt 20C Fran:tee for Prima. • 411.,K at city . Waoteatie Prliert.h.l 'be bon Me, at toe glationera Flail and Nei ire Street, threei doors below Multi a}Pedla re !applied at city prier Feb.l-0,1 flakstore, New st ofLe tte a the Pad Otace • ant. 14•19. • Giitath Wm Rees Geraghty Jahn Golden Michael Glencoe James a2MII 'McDonnell's. McMinn Pater Naddtr John oteinel Dan OGanaan Darby 1 °Leal) , Andrew °Donnell Aliehq 011ara Palma. Mobs John Heyman Michael Heffner Joseph J Railings Mathias RieekWeek Thos 'Harris lames Hoban TLos Hoch Joseph Halfpenny M Hadley John Hashing John Hass Solomon Illareninn Pat . ! Hand Christopher llengstebeek _ Hartman John Healy Pat•k. 2 'gapers Henry Henry Emanuel Harris Edward • Hollister Amry Helg Mm Anna,3 Henninger Mrs H Skip Letters. Hopkins Edward liorroksJonatten Hanrahan John Holahan John •, alien .Ifichl,sialp OSttea Thos, do Pratt Giro W Primrose B I. 1, - . Co Pedrlckbib* Pladdermatm A Paul Edmund Peabody. Peter Proctor )Ds Nary Skis Lettons. Pascoe Thomas Penrettdons Pier. Pinkney George Reddington san' Rudnick Daniel Robson Stephen Roberts Semi F Rumien Daniel Roney John 1) Ship Infers. ißodda Jamey none:on M Richards John 2 Rinderknett lath Johnson Jas M Jetunot Jos M John floury Jones John Jones Mrs N II Ship Letters. Jones Morgan Jolly Thames Jones John- Johaton George K. c . Kirk JAISIeII co 1 Kirk Jeremiah Klllmartln Mehl iKistier Samuel Kennedy Barney I Klus Nicholas Kelly Thomas Knox Ifeseklah Kearny Dominick, Kimmel Joseph Kenny Dennis iKavanaothhlichl, 'Kenny John ! Klotz Mr Slip Letters. Kennedy Catb•rm Kennedy Pat'k Kennedy Mich'l Kennedy Thus • Kenny Patrick 1 Kelly John L. Larkin Miclael Shields Tor it. Scatty James Stn Rh James A ;Schramm John ;Strong Henry, K 113acksta TO ,Smith Patrick ;Shay Thomas ;Shay John ISpelman Thomas ;Spangler C E Snyder Anthnny ;Shannon PaPic ;Stanton Mongol iSorber Charlet !Short Ch - 211011 Arms Jamul ;Relabel. John 0 !Schulte Matadi' ;Skelly Peter Shoemaker John • IShotwell Henry Shellenburir Shell George Scanlan Pstrirk Sbecesras Dr .1 (3 Snyder John ;Stapleton Thos Snyder Mary Smith MtsMary A Swartz Louisa .Siple Mrs Mary ,* joniro.Lagti, ,Spenrer John. Smith Thomas 9 I SteserChristopher Taylor Rob't R, 6 Naylor Richard Ship,Lsefers. iTorley Peter ITrealse Win .Thompson Eder" ;Thomas Henry Limphres Robert V ,Vaugn Charlsir7 ,Vatighens George 'Pinson Charles Val:et:ices Jos, 3 Pa nmeterßachel Varcoe Thos, ship Loyd Pearce Lenience Mr Luke Elisabeth Leavenburg Miss Leah Loughby Miss L Lewis 'l% - naT,ship I.loyd Samuel, do[ ?d Dg onee Jasper 1 Murphy John Mitchel John NiJgly Jame■ MIIITIen nee J Miller Jacpb Montgomiry Mason John C i Moot Michael • Martyn Henry Moran Edward Muniliter Mr Murphy Laughlin' Moserettristoplir Miller G Multeell Pat' k =CC Miintgomery . Thoal MurphyMisnMaryl Myers Miss Eliza Gelb: Moran Mist Jullal Wililams John Wilder Rufus A :Watson Jonathan Wmids Michael Whel.n John ,Weiler hisrtin Wilson Debra !Warren William iWhitehead Win !Wells Henry !Wiley Dr .1 %V, 4 Walsh Aflame, Woolserton J Wright Mrs Mar- Myers Mn /1.11 - 1 unh, psinet Mrs 84;ah ... Ship Letters. NI is rri Barn et Miller Nicholas Miller Theodore Malloy John 31C Mel.aughlln las NlcKeone Pat'k /sect Walker Sirs Ahn Whelan duaan Ship Late, 1. Wrmmert Jacob WillimaaJoaiab Williams Wm Walklrshaw Jotm Zwink JacobAblp Ship Lefirl. llrEeone ixl will he charged applying for letter tined " DANIEL fur nil advertised on this list will KREBR, P. M st of Lettoi the Post Office al Aprit..lh-19. Slinersville, Ps ;Mcl.er Jnhn IMcclannlck F ;McLane Robert Mrflouad Mr Mcllale Thomas lloch Abram, 2 , Ufnly Patrick I 'Hughes Jamee, 2; Harrbtlohn, 2 Henick Henry !WI. Rebecca ' Ileck W John Hock Dania 2; llanagban Pat'k Hartman John Hentt Mr Merl Sarah Mrs 2 iNnaber B Jacob 'Nowlan Ann Mrs Nesbit James Howland Newell II - Howland Robert Neary Maths's Netelan P.ll. Newman Patrick 'llutchlAnnJnhn 'tenth Richard (loran Ilarh Wni iliilitnall PC , Cr Heiler George Dorris Eliza Miss Markin Mandy Harlin Jacob Itutchison Alex Hughes John liars George Jennings John 2! lones :tense i Johnson Thos Jenkins P Thos Jones John Copt Jones Edward Jones Josiah John Alta Jones W Thos Jarman William Jeans Joseph Jones Thomas 2, Jones David 2' Jane/ 3lsry Mrs Jones %V John Jones T'John Jones Morgan James Peter' K ,Kennedy I. Chas lKlennen Patrick Kline II Andrew Kinsman Richard Kevanatigh John Keeler Joseph Kers. Philip Knoell Henry Keenerce Elias 2 Kline Joseph Klblea•Priirick Kato Thomas . 2 Kapp II D Ogara Charles o.lonald U Mrs °Neill Charles Ohley F • °David Pste °Connell Mielel !Parry Ellen Mrs IPhilipsJ Jn hn 'Prichard John rotten Wm ac Co Perkins John Powell Henry • Padden Jn h n Pinellas Wm Igiika Patrick Reese lotus , . Rank II David lllllclitoil John Ratifier elir Reese Daniel Roily Edward Reld John Radler Wm 2 Rennie Edward Rasimeh Moses Haber's John 2 Rosa It John 2 Reepsun lien Rine Andrew Rees Henry Roberts Wm Roger C Theis Rol lieburte Honey Renn Marg's Mrs Reeber Joseph Rourke Anthony Reuben J A Rev Itine Thomas MO= [Remy John Kenshelew Wm Kline Poe! Setter Conrad 2 Smith Thonras 2 Storkes Sarah Shell Julian Miss Swath Jacob Shiseler Edti 2 Stevenson IWO Sends 21101 2 Simons James Smother Thomas Snyder Henry Scon John Smith Peter 'Loughlin Thos Leddan John LOelliirl Albert `. Laren Patrick Lewis W David Lewis hi David Lyons John Langton Patrick 2, Lathlean Wm I Loring Peter Loyd Wm. Lyons Patrick Lortes Michael 'Lens L'John Ledge Thomas LyuchJobn AL Shilling Sarah Sn}der FreAlt Seitzinker Frank Spear VVen mmxtmi Simils Joseph - Sucks Lewis Sagendorf Edw Small Wu; • Smith Michael Simosen Louisa Sleek GutTeth Sbilahoro Andrew *nyder Andrew Smyth Oryon Savage James Sholsbra Philip 'l4 IMurby Patrick Morgan Daniel Miller W J . 2 [Master George Mitchell John 2 Wallet Joseph Koninan Michael Montague Doctor Morgan Margaret Murphy John l 2 Jame Joseph Moyer A aenrge Murphy Catharin Malline Michael Mullin James 1M organ John ' Martin George, Mohan Paul Mulidom Peter Mitchell James i. Madden I.„a se2 Mr;ny James Morgan R Thos Mason Thos 2 Murphy Mary Mis Morgans R Thos Millir T John MacirinyTt os Mahar Patrick Murphy Peter Morgan Edward Magian Margret Molly Jacob Murphy Rutty Morgans Morgan {Miller John MC McHenry Chas Melia( Mary McDonald J homes Thom 2 Tonkin Preeilla Tod Anthony Tredrieb Thomas Terrel Joseph . Titus & t T^:utison Wm aylorJohn Thomas G Wm ontln John 2 Teerny Dennis Thomas Cran Indus Michael Tevey George . Urborn Christ's 2 Valiant Me Inane Vern Wm Wain Jacob Williams Walter Walsh Thomas Williams Ju2elo Wagner l ho Walborn John Warsh Wilhali Grams Watkins Shadek NVeighrmali Williams Meted Williams] WappenderGeo 2 Walker Thomas Wiiman Chalk' ' Wilding Edward Wenner' Jortattin Wogans Thcroas Watson Thomas Ward rattle* Weyand Michel Williams Win II Walker Thomas Warner Charles ' arid John Tarn laansr hi &marl lust will McDonald L McCormick Mich'l McHugo Jamet McMahon Mlchl INlcGuru TJ 1 [McDonald Mr 91 111cOilloy Owen 'MeAllircer Alex 2 McNeal Michael McAllisky Hugh orJulin McLaughlin John ' 'McOrby Ba'ruard' 51cMonegae . Bar- nard McCany Frank afeCahile „lobo McDonald l'at'k ne for Letters on tleeq.'• NICULtEL zkv en, P. M piptazzs.— I an am otpli Vint it It wl.ll be selci adred. dozen.. uritr wa Cen kat' Street.. ,es at _ HANNAN'S •b Emporium, &c List of Letters, .. REMAINING -In the , Post Office et Nanteslen, re.. IX on the first of April, 1819.. Bartholomew F.Stßanishty Daniel 'Sykes Samna jtennisonWm ' !Burn Howell . Wilson 8 W Baby John Isenhood Cath'n Wood Mn S Colnpson John' Jenkins Win D • Skip Letters. Currey Thorhas Kelly Daniel Barker WHIM. Dada Enoch Mitchel John • Dixon Kohut Flood Noun bicEnnity John Eberhard Peter Frog Samuel Richard Whit= Peidion Ell Ooddud Michael Sheehan John Gaheran Mich - ail GearciaJohn 'Savage AJ. ,Glase Wm I Gillingham John Stool John fllderton Mark' _' sprit 7, ' Lb.) JACOB METZ, P. S. ....._ . . i l liitaaelpata•Bedstead Factory, 89 Str Jake stmt. akelf Cahalan!. enis..altairtaa. DEALERS and Cabinet matessupplied on Ilb‘ral tmus. Patent Screw Bedatands on hard. Apia-la-Iy] ' B. REEVES & SON. Cairpets and 011 Cloths. at — ._ ELDRIDGE'S CHEAP WAREHOUSE. PERSONS who wish to jet good bargains it, CAR PETS or OIL CLOTHS, either Wholesale or Re tell, will do well to Call on the subscriber. At his expenses In his present situation are very light,--he Is 'enabled and determined to sell at the lowest prices.ln the city. lie offers for Oda seuon an excellancastott-, ment of ' Splendid Imperial, 3 ply, 1 Beautiful Super Ingrain, Fine and Medium, do. KAR.PETINGS. Entry and Stair of alekluda, I Listi Collun. eta Ng. And Oil Cloths from 0 feet to 24 feet wide for riaJtai, Halls; use., with a variety of low priced Ingrain Car pets!, Dom 20 to 50 eta., and Stab and Entry Carpets from 10 to 50 eta., per parsl. Also, Maniocs, Rugs, Floor Cloth, Stair Rods, 4 , e. H. H. ELDRIDGE. No 41 Strawberry street, one dour above • Chesnut, near Second street, Idarch3,lBlo 10-3 mo) ' . Philadelphia. Charles Elarlet_, FASIIIONABLII HAIR CU TTING , AND SHAVING HALOON. - liar drcarner Ctntre aad Market Struts FORTIVCILLE. `TIEEPS CONSTANTLY on hand and for. aide, the Ilthilowlng articles: Alarge and, splendid assortment Of colored LithOgraph le prints. slope or by the hundred. Turner and Fisher's Song and Toy Books in great vati ety.single or by the dozen. Dreare'Llooks. Letter Writers. Spelling Rooks, Primers Emerson's and Cobb', Readers, Copy and Pail Honks. Comic and other Almanaes`single or by the dozen. Steel Pena and Holden. Pocket Books. Playing Cards. Dominoes, Conversation. Fortune Telling, and Courting Cards, Shaving Cream and Soap,, Wash Sails, Sand Soap, and other Fancy Soaps, Cztrarts, &c.,• ' Jules Ilauel's Genuine Rear's 011, Oa Marrow, Curling Fluid. and Cologne Water, single or by the dozen, Tooth .Shaving, Ilair, and Clothes Brushes, Dressing, Pocket, and Fine Tooth Combs, • Mason's and Frank Miller's Water Prow 011 Blacking Stacks, Callers. and Suspenders, Razors and Razor Strom, Large assortment of Ladles' Curls, • ' treCurls done spin the best manner. lin has also on band [Wang's Terpsichore or Ball Room Made. Shaving. Hair Cutting, Ike:, performed is the most approved style, id.Razora done up at the -hottest notice. . [Dec23.4s2-Iys Not for a Day., but for atfTline. C. T. HESTON'S CHALLENGE. BLACKING.- rrilllS ARTICLE is estensively used In Penneylva ola and New York. and it may be said with truth. that It is superior to any other. It afford( a beautiful polish. due. out injure the Leather, but 'on the contra ry. when frequently applied, preserve. ;In fact It can be recommended as the very best that has ever been presented In this or any other country, baying used it for several years, we speak from experience. Prepared by C. T. HESTON & BROTHER, Rich borough, Bucks Co. Pa. For sale wholesale and re tail by C. C. HVGIIES,', Whaler:le and Retail Druggist And Cheitilins A Feb 10 7-omol Coal Shipping rand Commis.. Moo Die chant. DANIEL J. DIDOIVAY HAVING LEASED TILE CATION Cowpony's Landings. at Mount Carbon Schuylkill County. will attend to the Shippin g of Red White. and Gray Ash Coal, for any operatives on the Mt. Carbon Railroad. PURCHASE OF COAL. Having been engaged for a' number of years in the• Mining liusinesf. he hose thorough knowledge of the different qualitiesof Coal in the Schuylkill lieglon,and will attend to the purchase and shipping of Coal for dealers abroad, at a moderate compensation. O Satlfactory references given, when required. &arch ID. ISIS 11-tf .L STEAM IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND WAREIIOOIIS, Trap Ste 'restrattown - eed.—VWW•DcLeurl: i 1 ! THE undersiened manufacture IRON RAILINGS of every styli. VERANDAS. GATES. PEDES , TALS, ARBORS, BEDSTEADS and all description, ofornamental = and architectural Iron Work. in' • 1 45ti1e?..V...P.V. the beat manner, at rediked Alwayson . l sna .. • Fire Primf rinOr i a an ati a St7u u lt .P e ' r 3 a,l heavy stock ilf Reveal and Common Hinges,: Shutter Bolts, Store Roots ts, and all descriptions of builders' Iran work. This establlshinent, by far the most ettlensiYeof the ki n d in the ay,,mproy.aurp. but competent workmen, possesses the advantage, or steam-power and suitable machinery, and is under theperdonal supervision of the proprietors. who are practical men of long capefience, afford• to its patrons the goanantee that their Orders will be properly sod promptly executed Pillia,Gcll4-42,1Y] lIEINS & ADAMSONJ J.' E. Carver... ARCHITECT AND. ENGINEER, No. 51 North Sirth Street, Phriude. GIVES DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF Contract. to erect Dwelling.. dre. and layout the grounds for Country Seats or . Ceureleries; together with the arrangement of Trees to give tne proper ef fect. —Also, Churches, Hospital., Prisons, %Valor- Works, Gas-Works, &c., on the latest and most approv ed planar. Including boating ventilattng,•&c. Philada. Feb. 21 , 9-Iwo _ John C: Baker's _ . COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA.. rl l llls Arti,:le is employed with great success and by I the most Ohl/11111a PhySiciaus of this city, for the cure 0( the following diseases: SCROFULA or Kings Evil, Riteumatism,Cutoneous Diseases, SyphilitieAlrections, Tetter and Ulcers, White Swellings, Scuisky,Neuralgla or Tic Doloureuz, Cancer, Goitre, or Bronchocele, (Swelled neck.) Spine Dist age, Chronic Diseases of the Lungs, to counter act the destructive effects of Mercury. Jaundice, fly perthrophy, or enlargement of the heart, Palpitation ajl t r e r bl trembling in the regionheartstomach, agu.ntot;not, Joints nrtLigaments, al s o alt the various diseases of the skin such as.Tetter, Ringworm, Riles, Pimples, Carbuncles, &c., Dymperi, sla and Liver Complaints, Nervous Affections, Drop cleat Swellings.Coustitutional Disorders, and diseas es originating horn an impure state of the blind and other fluids of the body, in short all diseases where a vliange of the system is required. nits 50 eta. per bottle. Prepared Onls by the Proprietors, JOHN G. RAKED, rs. Do., Wholesale Druggists, No. 100 Nnnh 3d St. below Race, Palled,. Importers and wholesale dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, patent medicines, Perfumeries, Surgical Instruments. Diem:ism Glassware, Paiute, Oils, Dye Stuffs, and Window Glass, also a new and superior article of Imitation of Plate Clams at•abnutene-fifth the price of English or French Plater, any size to order • The Compound Mid Emmet" of Sarsaparilla. for sale by Clemens As Pastan. Pottsville, W. h. Heisler; Port Carbon ; Janies 11. Falls, Millersville. Peliruary:lo.lB4O. t-ly Imatortant to Tanners. NEW RIDE, OIL AND LEATHER STORE. O. 111 NORTH THIRD STREET, TAret doors Wow Race—Phi!adelphid. Lo•A I'S on hand at 101Velit market prices : . ADry La l'lnla Ilidpo, light and hea•v • first quality • •• Cancan!. " " .. " 1.1101 n) ril; " " r• to n r unr,Dry Cbiii, " " .. Sailed Laguairn, .". .. " Pernambuco, " Slaughter !Wes, " " •• • Kips, " Green Salted heavy. , " Dry Patna. • !' Deer Straits and Dank Ma. TOOLS of al/ kinda.• The Hides are of fresh Importation; and will be indd lower in price than con be bought at; old established Houses. LEATHER of all kinds bought, for which the AO. set reek price will be paid, or exchanged for Hides. Kips, Oils, dr.e., Sze. March 24, 13-amo) KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Map of the FIRST AND SECOND COAL FIELDS EMBRACING SCHUYLKILL COUNTY And patty-of the Counting of Carew, LiizailaE; COLUMBIA, NOTlttialiellt.lilD aaD - DienUN, By Samuel B. Flake,. Serregor to the Schuylkill County Beard, kc., and P. W. Sheeler. late of the State Surrey. ' ' rri RE Subscribers have nearly new and tom -1:og front the Lela Map " the Fir '":. tending Second Coal Fields , et. . vi .- hannah, come.' = Elver nearly to the Soigne kfeadote tent; the Schuylkill. 'Lehigh, Beaver ' tom. t azteton. Mahanoy. uhamokin. Lykens Val. Stony Circle. and other Basin. in Schuylkill Coun ty, nod parts of Carbon, Lucerne, Columbia, Northum berland and Dauphin Counties. It defines each Coal Basin, the Mountaln•flidges, Valleye, Streams. Public Roads and Township It locates all the Ltailroads and C a nals leading to each Coal operation; all the kilning towns and othe rs I n the region ; also the Post Offices, School hotline, Mann factorial, Mills. Country States, Taverna, Places for holding Elections. Places for worship, and the realdence of many of the inhabitants. Many of the-levels and distances will be Inserted. The whole Coal Region will be defined bye dtstinct shade. and math Geologi cal and other information, from original sources, with comprehensive statistical tables of the Coal produce, &c. will be intMdliced. The Subscribers are lobe furnished with plans, on a large scale, of the Towns of Pottsville, Minerav Orwiesbnrg. debnylk Ol Haven, Pine Gmve. Tamaqua end Manch Chunk. Some Vignettes of places of pub. lic interest will adorn the Map. The scale will be one ands quarter inches to the tulle. forming a map about 0 fent long by 3 feet 6 inches wide, to be handsomely engraved. coloured and mounted. Stir sts dodars per copy In subscribers. . The names of the Authors give warrant for the en. curare of the Map, they having the fullest °atrial and other origmal information, and in addition making Sold purveys especially for this publication. s+. Parties locating new Railroads or proposing to make new coal openings, should communicate at once with the Authors at Pottsville, as thin is likely (min bailee to be the Standard Map of Reference (or the Coal Region,. SMITH le WISTAR, Publisher. • . 13 Minor Street, Philadelphia. Marcia O. 1619 I Indrno 2000 1 Premlium12111109. - BY J. WILLIAIIts, • • NO. la Nita fH diXTWEIT., PHILADELPHIA. VENErtAN BLINL) and Window Shadeittanufac , tureraawarde4 the hest and highest lif.dais at the New yore; fialtlihord and Wine detente Exhibitions, for the eoperioritt oi his Rhoda; with continned contidenee in his manufacture.) asks the attention or purchasers to his anortment of .4.ifin Blinds of murow and wide slats, with fancy lied plain Trimmings, of Jlew styles and ccdots:' Also , a large lied 'general eleortireett of Transparent Window Shades. - all of which he will sell at the lowest cackprfees. Pldilllnds painted and trimmed to look equal to.new. 13.1)taleri nhpplied on liberal tenni:: - - The Citizens et Ftchnylkill County am cited to call before buying elsewhern—cantldent of pteasingalt. Open In the ereninzs Muth 11,.1p9. • 12,-.1.7t0 ■ POS ?rota NNWs Ti GEM Floor, $4,4 , $2,7114 Whet White; Corn A nii,rt brutal pander was ..) urg, on Tuesday fast.. A. ally News writing - from John' Knepleyoenipt,ani in of that place, rasa moat. 4 on returning trona. market. .1.1 C. Knepley. David is i laboring noder mantel do -1'1", having attempted, to, Arble-bprrellert sup, beavily a murk with one barrstjuse et etas hehlupota the body. fwop Um the deceased eagle , shot. by, the bands of Datil as immediately atrastetl c _ '_ BUCTAL NIVRDIIII.- perpetrated at Harriet' correspondent of the 4 listrlsbuig states thatl old and esteemed citm; dared in his own housei, by his own son, bali supposed to have bean range rent for several" Own. lafe twice. Ado loodesk etas found in k l discharged. An ino,ti the verdirt of :shich to bie death from o gui C. Knipley. Torrid and committed. IZPConneeficut.lhe Hertford Courant pub lishes the douse of Re resentativee juit chosen— Whigs 111, Locus 97, Fret toil 14. Lt .wlllbe fern that the Locos and ;Fred Boilers added to-_ gether just equal the nninler of Whigs, 7ris The Wkigs ssill4asais i tnsjptity in the Senate beyoid doubt, says thtrit;Durenc. - The. Whit ticket for State offi ems will be ttected by the. Legislature. RHODE ISLAND ELE6103 , -WO bays the Rhoda Island f: leetion l turns complete in the State. The solo fur Goriernur stands u follows : Anthony, 5043 ; Sackett, 1963 ; Harris, 466 ; wa terlog, 128. A . tujority t - i f the Whig candidate. 1488. In the Western .islriut there is no choice of representatives to Con 'tea. The vote staid,— Sherman,' Whig, 19591 Thurston, L. F., 2013 j; R a il, F: 9., 161; eeetteripg, 25. ' rir.A. Pure Slander no Dori is ItAka 1111 a reason why rho Carrir ts of 13,erks oouAty Sr. opposed to the erection o the new mutt, of Medi• son, that they hat al/esti:l ter enou g h to' go Ltia Philsdelphis market ithout going thmugh, another county! EV* The cry ia still they come P-441 dm your ending on the 1.: of Aff'fid L 849, there Leaded tut New York, two hundred and four thousandotie hundred end thiripsis iinmigrente., , , APPOINTMENTS MY POSTMASTER,' GENERAL IN PENNSYLVANIA SINCE 30TIt MARCH. \ M. Wilson, Beaver, Beaver county, \J. K. Shoemaker, Bellefonte, Centre, - S. Calderwood, Mill Hall, Clinton. J. \ M. Martin. Hogestown, Cumberlsliti s '' 'W.` , S. Powell, New Cumberland, do. J. Weed, Recdsville, Mifflin. ' . R. R. Guthrie, New Bloomfield, Pally,. . • J. J. Wspkins, Paris Washington. Micheal Hay. York, York county. ei. , . S. Monroe, Worthin ton, - .Armstronig, R. Craig, Poriersaill Butler. S. C.,rnett.l"bc6nizylle, Chester. Israel Cooper,Glenn Hope, Clearfield; J. .1: Montgomery, Ernshurgh; Crawford, Wm. Y.-Boyd, New inch, Cumberland, 8. 5. Hammond, IN rib. Mat, Erie. . . Are BAtlr.e. Ginn,* rie A. G. Allison, Warr r \ burg, Greene. G. W. Compton, Ch relitown, Lomita, .I..oilleslie, Eorbunil le', Lonnie. J C Shaw, Wolf Cre , Mercer. James Milligan, le snure \ Perry. .1 0 Armor, Laughli fawn, Westmorland, • .8 A I,9uff•r, Greenlurgh. \ Jr NY 1.1 Gardner, Ham ,k,. .\ , A A Rose. Ti chdal-. 1 - . . Henry Storer, Bighslire. . . • W Fleming. Greencalle. \ ~. . \ - W ft Rsa, 'Salisbury . . Hiram Esans, Beast. wn. . • Chstl:s R‘ , ....d, Green , H Rcrcban.t, Provid oce. • Aron L Curter, Pott town. A Isrge number of al pointments to Post oj6e eo in other Slates have I been made but as May ‘v‘,131,1 not imere.t our ituoielo we omit tberapaudi publish only those in o r SLAW. Paper. ilonglio s. Borders, &c. 2000 PIECES PA PF.R HANGINGS embracing all the -Patterni, or FOUR hi ANDFACTIi . HERS, which present.; a roarer variety than can bar found in any Estalilishin nt la Philadelphia or New York. also Fresco. Column Panel. Decoration and Gold • Pdpera, Just opened and In sale at city prices, at' HANNAN'S March •24-133 Cheap "nper and Variety Stores. N. H. Paper Danzere rurthbed when required. Nem Style C rtalu Paper. 50n PIF.CF,d CURTA.:sI PAPER, embracing all LP the eew styles, sat received and for sale wholdsale and retail, at SANNAIVS Cheap Piper Stores Much RCM) To Builders, arpenters, ace. Carolina Flooring Boards, Ames . White Pine " ind'n River " Fencing, Shelving. ke. 1 500,000 Fr, Dre.. 500 000 " 000.000 '' ' • .^_00 ,000" " 100,000 The finest and largest stock of dressed Lumber ever offered for sale atithla or any other market. It was dressed in the best manner last summer and DIL and way therefore be refired up. n not to shrink. t}Orders from the cou try accompanied' With On cash or City reference, if atisfactory, will he atten ded to with especial care. WIT r SON 4. LAVENDER. March 21. 13.3mq Drown at. WharrPhilada. Calcined and TO PLASTERER' COMMISSIONI Laud Plaster. PAWNERS AND MERCHANTS. IT should not be (mope that P. COGGINS & of Philadelphia, are niznufacturtng and have COD, smelly on band, a gaper or article' of CALCINED, PLASTER. which they se I at the low rate of 30 cis, per bushel. or *1.771 per ba rel ; and also the drat gosarle. ti'qof LOW PLASTER, 1. r Agricultural purl:awn. as the reduced rate of 17 centr i per bucket, or 90 cents pet barrel. Terms. Cash. - Call at ethcr establliboaent, ROA kill Eighth, above Willow street, or Brown at, Wharf onahe Delaware. Ca•Ordera promptly deli} ered In Corer. Steam-boas without a &hi ion al charge. I IfttarChAti, 13-41 John inionneus, 21f AIVUFACTUItERI OF DO.3I33ELLTr9 UPRIGHT SAFETY' LAZED CAPSULE° NAT 3EB, .111) . - f/ 11( UNITED STATES OIL nit= DUCKING. .M,. 83 Nora Thirfl Street,;PhaadcipAis. TFIESE Matches are juttly considered the best In snickthe United States ; they are free frorn unpleasant and can be introdueed with perfect safety Into all stores and divelltnus. s iWarranted tQ keep Wiens, The Blacking 'ls of su erior 1.7,,,iity, and Roe (roma any ingredients that hop., ti. t h e feather. Cnita " Dealers t . iitt Shippers will Audit to their in terest,„i,!"all ".11;1 zee for ihenisetves, , N . is'.—An assortlnent Int' 'Matches Of various New :oft Manufacturers. ilatchca In Inund wood bens also, packed in humor. a .all tin cues, to ship to Way Pan " 11,6 WO , Id. -vi [ JOHN DONNELLY, Late of go 13.-0 k at., now 93 North Third ie. Mares 91.1818. •- ' l3-1y . . RUOIIES , F.!FROTORANTs I CEL BEATED AT fat Care al Cow.; it, Colds. AstApts, Bronchia. • incipient Concionfitiva, Mae:mattes of the Lungs, a ad Di q osgs of tAt naves erg i Organs. %ling, valuable preparation is highly recommended by e. phy,riciane and by a Celebrated chemist of Philasie.. plus, (units medical etiects and chemical combination:as ~veil as by thousands of others who have made use of It —AS it nnver has heon to•eiLl without {updating beneficial sheets, sheets, aid ulliinatx cure tf the diseases for which It Is recommended. And Lein a replar graduate of Phannat cy, I can *sure the pub is orbs perfect safety. It Is rAmposeifror ouch preparation, as stand ill OM eery high.: est reputioannaeg the medical faculty for Om care of Ulu class or dise.es which are ton oftenonly the forerllTMera of that fathl diseaee. consumption. In most eases whew, there is much pain to the b reast , and which o ft en attends throuch toitheshoulder /Jade. I would intoney advise the applical nitro f one of the rompound Galbartunt Maus to the brer*-1, and use the Expectorant as directed. In fartt, ihe useor a , e Gamanum Plaster cannot be too suronly recommended, as I have seen so many instances of be ail riling thr greatest refirf in a very short apace Of time. even in conarmed consumption. The Espettorant will be rutin& In' relieve theetauf,h, and the Plaster the maw and, and, ;lithe Annie iime,dratv the in tlatuation to the sulfite, and thereby; act as a Couter- irritant , width every Olaf cla n w il lP I' Yae .without g n. the leat t l:a t ifta vb3teser•leFldlae.le"idtohiether:gmP ton.alien bi;cl ; u se pranm cD ibebesi xpee - torants, and a careful diet, they hare been complete ty cured, ito t hen their experience should an as a warerne ta t those who are said to have the Cohatimption not to de: spair, but try on. The E. tiecioralta will he teeed ,o eani great relief.leven when A cure is said to be impossible, Refute making use of hn Etpectoraat It would be u weft to crab:tine the Miura. Commonly termed PaiatlVtq see if it is Oat sivollenAr-eioogatetE In tacit rasa an expectorant] is useless. ' r.--- ' - . Hacking cough and a Continual dispositku to wallow b frequentlY caused by .4n elongation of the "palate. An excellentrcreedy In muchcases 1,10 use a small quantity ofTincturo Myrrh, ea, iabout a tea-spoontbl to a wipe glassful of Water, and use Cs a gargle, three or Witt Onto a day. If the above teedy, should fail, or ape of th same nature, it would b best to aPpli to a surgeon. an • Dave a small nonfat of take:" o 3 so as to obviate th Inflation Widths cootinual cough which It would he like ' ly to producein the thrit: The entities ts tritLinil.and attended with bet little. if say pain whatever. . . • In Bronchttls, and d eases of the throat, Reign should be used. -' ,I .' Prepared byl. Cllitrit . ,TICGRES. Wholutalatidi Retail Iltmictirt anal hi•tilsr ' Tenn.:ante. Toltsellia SOOKOII DIARIIRS FOR 1849..07 ,AL -1 MOST EVERY SHAH; AND KIND, lust reativeti apd foy sale ai I. ftANNAN•II Drt.t.,43:1 1 C ear r,th and Fumy Morel, FT. =l3 ONENT o'cloock, k'.)f. 73; Rie !tone *id $l,OO for