The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 14, 1849, Image 2

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erriswitetloNs.—Two Dollars per.annuaq pay
able seatVannuelly In advance, to those who reside
n the Count,--and annualy in advance to thosi who
reside out of•the County. *The publisher reserves to
himselfihe right to charge 111 50 per -Innum, when
payment Is delayed longer than one year. ,
threecoples to one address,
Seven. • ,Eio • , Do 10 00
Fifteen :Do Do • 2O 00
Flee dollars In advance will pay for three ye. e • soli
caption to the-Joon:al.
One &mare of 'alines, 3 times, $ 1 00
Every subsequent Winston,
Fen? lines, I time,
SubrequenfirisertiOna, each,
One Squarei.3 months,
•is months,
rine Year,
Business Cards of Five lines, per annitai.
'Merchants and others, advertising by the
Year, with the privilege of inserting dib
ferentadvertisements weekly,
'*Larger Advertisements. as per, agreement
YoLNEY .13. PALMED, de Md Rua Same died
Gat Arenties,
Corner ofThlrd & Chesnat Striet,Yhlladelpbia,
N 0.160, Nassau Street, New York,
No. Mate iiireet,Baston, and '
!lanai emit COM! of Baltimore & Calvert Biretta,
Baltimore, our Agent for receiving inbecriptions and
advertisements fnr the Miners' Journal.
TIN CIRCULATION of the Miners' Jottnal is greater
hut any other paper published in Northam Pennsylva
nia. and has nearly double the circulation of any other
pubtahed in Schuylkill county. !taboo circulates hurl;
among eapitatues, manufacturers, hum ..414 coal dealers
-throughout the gtlount ztol eactarn States. -
ILi "OW"
• -tan be-obtained. every Saturday of Wttttam Old
denow: Mineral-Me;' Mr. Moore, Port Carbon; at
the corner of Centre and'afarket erreetejPotteville'l
.and at the comma of the publication office.
Yhtattbsetiber is Agent for rite, Ilealth and Lire In
volute. .11. s y information on either of the different
tiranchea can be obtained at the office of the Miners'
trauma!, where inturaudes are effected.
Miners' lournal.
Saturday 31ornIng,, Aprl 14
The People Demalidlts Iteatorailon
ART UNION.—We have before ye a most spice-
- did engraving, to be presented to the members of
the Philada: Art Union, entitled “Ruth and Boaz."
from an original picture, by I. Sartain. The
pictore is a superb specimen of American skill.—
Trs engraving will be ready fur delivery to mem_
. bees about the Ist of MI. Persons desirous of
becoming members of this praiseworthy institution , .
• the object of which is to encourage American art
ists, cin do so, by applying soon at this office.—
The terms of me trihership are e 5. which will entitle
one to a splendid cut:curing yearly, beside which, the
members stand an equal chance of drawing a splen
did prize painting. itself worth several thousand dol
dark The object of the Ileum is such that it should
•enlin • sll who desire to see American art flourish in
its hs.half. The low terms of membership, and the
design of the Ir:slimier', are sufficient incentives to
induce ;di who ere possercee of the means to become
LADIES' IVORK TARLE.—Thie is the linear a
work of pares, published by 1. B. Peterson, 08
Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. It iv devoted entirely
In matters With which at 141-lice 'tmid be familiar,
giving. as it deco, roil ;ren,ctione upon plain and fan
cy needle work:embroidery. knitting, netting, and
crotchet work, with a large number of engravings, P.
lustrative of the manner in which such work should
be executed. The bock is neatly and handsomely
;printed, and should be in the possession of every lady.
dy & Elliott. Jewellers, we observe, rave opened a
branch store in Centre Street. a few doors above Mar
ket, presenting in the window quite a brilliant display
Of ' , etches. jewelry tic. The store is well stockedl
and, tastefully fitted op. Should they confine the prx
• •- 0 -e-a-nr their arias to,-,sr low rates at
which they have sold heretofore, the enterprize must
prove tmecessfui..
ELLEN WAREtIAM• is the title of s.tale of
and duty, written by nu Pickering, is her best style.
Ae a tale of thrilling and absnrbing interest it has few
coals: Published by.). B. Peterson, 93 Chesnut Et...
he next Senate will be Loeofoco ; the fiance,
Whig by a small majority. ' Questions of mornen-
Wu; concern to the country, will in pll robe
come up before that body; but unless Gee.
Taylor can unite tbe. Locofoco portion of •the
Senate it will be Mien! to attempt to enact any
crosiers?, which, though they may be required by
the country, will in all probability be opposed by
lame portion of the Locofoco party.' The Slavery
question. with regard to the new territories; the
Sub-Thsasury, perhaps ; the revision of the reve
nue law, with other important matters; questions
ail of which' are of the deepest concern to the 'peo
ple at large, will come before that body ; rind it is
Jo be hoped that unlike the late Congress, the
members, will show a disposition to labor for the
loud of the country instead of spending time mod
the people's money, in dicussing questions of no
importance and in 'which no one is interested
merely' or the sake of making speeches. All mea
sures which tend to promote the welfare of the
country, should ho enacted regardless of political
points. No partydistioction should be made,
when questions of ;great importance are brought
before our National Councild. • .
• ',Whig Judges, of late, hailteen a rare amide in
this State." The Goveriunen't of Pennsylvania, for
a number of years, having liebn in the hands of
thefDetnetrary, Whigs, howsoever competent to
discharge the dutiCa of the office of Judgewarsre
prohibited from sharing in its emoluments and
honor. Alluding to thiasuhject, the Harrisburg
rettgraph remarks, that when GOT. Johnston was
.elicted by the people to administer the government
according to their wishes, there wee bet a single
Whig dodge of any, kind, or of any Court in the
45tote. ?bat man was Judge Jesup of &Nue.
4.alirta,colutty. whese 4 ,term of office expired last
menthl„ 'and had not Gov. Johnston been elected
last fall, there would not now be a Whig Judge
upon the Bench. in .Peansylvacia. But his elec
lion hew already secured sit President Judges from
the .Whig party oat of twenty-four, !tad several
more Whig Aisociatedudgee. The ‘Vbigs, there.
. fore, who hove been proscribed from all these of, for lack of talentur merit, but because
they wevein a minority, turn already one-fourth
.Y of the President Judges, atul &respectable number
Of the Associates. The-Elora:ea Court as yet
ail belongs to the Loratocos,; an election would
give the Whigs a purlieu of - them are here no
NEW SUDICI4I. ulsratei. S.
-The hill meeting three additional Judicial Dis.
-trios 7 .,ortilct! makes Schuylkill an independent
Di s tri c t-1 1 u palled both Houses of the Legisla
tore. •It increases the entire number of Judicial
Districts from 21 1024 ;—nkkea Schuylkill Co.
separately th e 21st ; Wayne, Pike, Monroe, and
garbon, the 224; Berke, the 211 ; and Hittni4.
• don, Blair, and Cambria, the 24th.
Soon after these new districts badbeen created,
the Governor nitmiested Judges to preside over the
Judicial affairs' f tbe districts, which were imme
confirnuid by the Senate. By this new
regulation, Schuylkill as well as Berke, is made se
separate district. Judge Kidder will remain as
.;Judge of this district. Wayne, Pike, Monroe,
and Carbon, comprise theind district, which is st
new'onei and to which Judge Eldred, of the Lett
tenon. and Plopliin district, base been 'tautened,
Lehigh and Northampton compose one district.
of "Met J. P. tousle the President Jags. D.
Jr. Gordon lac leo . appointed_ Jodie orate 294
) I:tt?et,(Be.le)wticit coneritatelnitirstvadienits.
inizErron OP THE POESS.
One of the beauties of our government it the
freedom which the press enjoy. Tlf:s Nittioia Of
the press is truly a IlepUblican doctrine. lt is
proper, aye, highly neettaary, tbet In a land which
boasts its freedom, and Which it looked upon by
thousands !nibs model Republic 6f the age, the
press should be unitsmenelled. It is compatible
with our institutions. No liberty can staid where
the freedom of the press la not perMitted- Time'
was, when the press was chained, ao - to speak--
ashen,-if. it. 'poke its opinion upon public matter'',
and enlightened the people uponanbjects iu-whicb•
lliefiViiiinienisted—when,af it promulgated doc
trines contrary to therm: whosepower reassuprerne,
it 'Was made to feel the weight of full punishment
to which, in those days of ignorance and superrti 7
tion, It made itself liable, by learkszlY speaking
upon measures in which - ell classes felt more or
less interested. Ttiat day, thanks to the iptellit
gen - C - e of; age, has almost - passed away ; end,
like many other things connected with that pc.
riod,it will only be thoughtof with disgust. There ,
is a stopping point to this liberty of "hie's-we
write. The liberty of the press can be abused,
and made licentious,—and %whatever it promul
gamy, no matter upon what subject, it will have
some effect with a certain etzis of people.- Wheo
the libettj the prep is abused, It sinks into
cectlousness. Therefore, the licectiousness of the
press is as much to be dreaded,as the liberty of the
press is to be desired. So long es the pea is need
in behalf of Right against Wrong—so long as it is
wielded in the exposition of Corruption, no molter
where it exists, in Church or State, in places high
or low—if in the Presidential mansion, that man
who hesitates for a moment tofipesk fearlessly
upon such matters, will fall short of Ills duty, and
ought to be - considered unfit to have the control of
en American press! The press is looked to as a
defender of the people's rights, and, as sueh,should
ever keep an eye on those in power; see that they
depart not from the path of right; see that they
abuse not the power with which they have been
entrusted, and if the effsirs,to whose management
they have been called, aro cot properly conducted ;
and also, if the confidence of the people has been
sacrificed,—theri, speak in tones euch as will snake
them tremble, as did Ileishazzsr of old, when be
saw the hand•writing upon the wall. We say,the
men who hesit a te-to speak thus fearlessly and in.
dependently, fall short of their.duty. We admire
an independent political prees 7 a press which
does not hesitate to condemn the acts of its own
party, when its leaders depart from the path of
.Joetice,unpleasant as in some instances such con.
duet would be. But that is true independence,
and so long es it is cherished we need not entertain
fears of corruption emitting among those who are
entrusted with public affairs
es on
12 00
There is no doUbt but that the downfall of the
Locofoco party, at the last election, wee occasion. ,
ed by its entire disregard, as rn;de manifeet by
its severs) measurer, of the welfare of the people.
We have placed men in power upon whose patri
otism and fidelity we can now sufficiently de.
pend, to ensure measure, to the country which
shall change the state of affaire, and restore litippi
near where it was not—restore life to traile,where
it was checked, and, in a word, effect such a revo..'
lotion as will make the day which witnessed the
success 'of the Whig party, a happy era in the
history of the country. Already does there appear
a different aspect of things ; matter, are beginning
to revive, and the people, who have seen the
fruits of the election of Polk, unite in believing
that all the energies of which the Cabinet is pos
sessed, will be devoted to remove the evils which
have been entsiled upon us by the late Locofoco
administration ; promote the glory of the.notantry.
and the interests of all classes as pearly as it'pint
sib!). can. But, upon the subject of protection,
we believe, and we have a tight t, believe, a hap
py change will be mule. The renal Intellicl
gencer, though not the organ of the administra
tion, but which is, nevertheless, in the confidence
of the President and his Cabinet' ' says in regard
to the protective system i
„ 'The American System,' at4ocated lay the
Wbig party, iv, unquestionably the true policy of
the country, and it should lie thelpermanent law
of the land, with some modifications. The tariff
of 1842 was not a perfect one; hat of 1896 is
believed to be the moat imperfect one we ever had.
A tariff of duties between the twwonld operate
beneficildly, provided the duties specific, ,, and,
by consequence, prevent fruitfull nt invoices, or,
in other Words, prevent the foreign shippers from
establishing our dune!, instead! of ourselves.
Whilst duties continue ad vatoVem, the foreign
shippers do not ears much whether we have a
high or low tariff." - 1
Those ere our sentiments, and! we believe they
ere the sentiments of the people a Pennsylvania.
We never did believe the tariff of 1812, a perfect
one; but no tine will deny that it did nor do more
to revive the prostrated businas4 cf the country
than any measure ever enacted. Let us have a
tariff of specific duties, not tooihigh., but some
where betwmi the duties of the tariff of 1846 and
1842, and the effects will be snit, that those who
sincerely wish to see theit y
,ogn manufamcires
Sourish, will not desire any Ant:
The Legislature of this . Ble;te adjaurnitl on
Tuesday lest. The General<l,ppropriation 64:
was passed, with some bills of a local character.
In the Senate, on the last day gf,the session, the
Speaker laid before it the annual report of the
Mine Hill Railroad and Nysig4ion Company.
Also, the annual report of theiSeituylkill Valley
Railroad and Navigation Company,and,liheovise,
the annualjeport orthe
,Motinf.'Carbon and Port
Carbon Railroad Company. ; •
The bill to authorip the chool Directors of
Pottsville, to sell real estate, piOd to increase the
number of School Directors to" fifteen, has passed
both Houses, and is now a law.
Tho bill relating, to the issue of scrip by the
Lehigh Navigation ConapanY, has palsied both
A letter from Williamsport to the Dotty San,
glees an. account of a vary di sastrous fire which
occurred in that place, on Friday, the 6th
The fire broke out about bieakfaat limo, in the
store of Mr. Du Banque. [The letter says "it
spread ; soon the brick building-attached
to it fell; occasionally a keg of powder explod—
ing, and all soon lay in ruins. Dr. Follock's, Dr.
Wood's, YOungman's, sod all the stables and
frame buildings aro burned dows. Heisley's back
building, are all down, and the house injured, but
standing. Three families (Fink, Thomas and
Hamilton's,) living opposite Dr. Lyon are burned
out. ,
Tho old School Prosbyteriin Church and Ses
sion room are burned nearly down--(just some of
the brick work standing.) All of A. Hepburn's
Stabling is gone; the fences were pulled down
and his bogs° wired, though several times on Gro.
• • At one time it was feared that the whole
town would go, as the wind was high and the firs
ran in a perfect stream. • • The Court House
was on fire several times, &c., &c•
The correspondent , wu tumble to ucertein the
amount of damage, but it must be !cry consider
side, es nearly the whole square, from the Coon
HOl3lB to the corner opposite the U. B. Hotel, and
back to the nest street, is gone ; but four houses
are left in the aquae.
tar One half Million donors worth of Calden
no gold, tits waded Volvo:also, frost for gold
&811klits. .
Local Neuis.
case of elopement took place in this County last
Monday. The parties are married', and when we
take into consideration that both leave fatuities be
hind, we are led to call the elopement one of an ex
traordinary character. The woman who eloped is
Mary Edwards of St. Clair—the man i a name is Bf
French, also of that place. The parneuhrs of the
case, as so base obtained them from an' authentic
snores. are as follows: Jenkin Edwards, the hus
band of Mary Edwiuds. is an - industritini arid honest
Man. but,. brariag , met with-en accident some time
since. .o:pinch he ores di.y.'"od of - the - ese 'of an
arm, and tbesight of an eye, aika being unable to ob.
rain a bacilli; ood by labor. beams compelled toseek
relietby diking usistance from Kra - tigers; and while
upon each an expedition, French, who is a married
man, became upon intimate terms with We, Ed
wards. Mr. Edwards returned last week, and
brought-with him a conaiderable sum of money. Mr.
French loving Mrs. Edwards more than Mrs. French,
aa" - "/ fai,4dwalds_thinking more perhaps of Mr.
French than Edwards, they conceived a plot of clop.
lug. Thisplot. last Monday, was pat into execu
tion, and , both parilea came to POUSlfilie; al man and
wife, we•preseme, obtained passage in the inosell--
train of cars.aed - started for payz-irtertrieViti. Mr.
Ed waric, casein , LI.- wife, Was immediately upon the I
alert, anti auipecting something of the kind had cc
carted. as they had been seen wending their way to
the Depot. took the necessary' precaution by which
to arrest the party. A telegraphic dispatch was
sent to Reading and Philadelphia, putting the police
of those places upon the watch for the runaways.--
They escaped detection. A full description of the
laiy was sent to Reading, with • the kind of bonnet
she wore. The cars arrivieg'at Reading, the police
were on the ground, but no lady whose apparel cor
responded with the description to that given, it is
supposed that she changed her bonnet, before slatt
ing from the Depot at this place, and left the cars,
either at Reading or before arriving there. As het
nothing has been- heard of them. Mts. Edwards
leaves Mr. E. with a family of several children; and
Mr. French leaves a wife and several children also.
This is indeed a curious case, and one which shows
the degree of depravity Of which some persons can
be guilty: It may be proper to state that Mrs. Ed
wards took with her one child—a daughter—tor
whose welfare, Mr. E. feel's greatly concerned, and
any information in"reganl to said child. will be thank
fully received by him.
SERIOUS RIOT.—The (pieta Schuylkill Haien.
in this County, was disturbed on Sunday last, by the
rillainons act, of some Philadelphia rowdies, .who,
it seems, CT MO to that place especially for annoying
its citizens. They were 30 in cumber, and belong
to the company of "Killers," ,w !Mae acts of outrage
in Philadelphia, have more than once been alluded
to by the Press of that city, On Suoday night, they
commenced the work of depredation in Schuylkill
Haven, by assaulting some houses with stones, break
ing in the doors and otherwise doing seriatim injury,—
and they even went so far as to break into one house
and drag therefrom a woman who was reposing in
bed, These high-handed acts on the part of the
ruffians brought out the citizens, who did what they
could to preserve peace and allay' the riot. A aer
tout affair occurred just at thin time, in which one
of the citizens drew a pistol upon some of the row
dies,—then they retreated slightly;—and shot into
their midst, wounding several, and filling one's face
with shot, very much injuring him. Some of the
norms hose been arrested and sent to Jail, at Orwigs.
burg. where they will remain until nett Court.—'fbis
is one of the most b:gh.handed outrages tha t we have
lately been caned upon to record and if those
Philadelphia rowdies who are a disgrace to thn age,
come to Schuylkill en..nty with the intention of
; violating her laws with impunity. they will find
themselves in the wrong place. They - deserve to txt
dealt with lathe severest manner—they deserve no
mercy, and we hope will nut receive any,
nference (or the appointment of pastors for Churches
of that denomination, was in session tin Philadelphia
during a portion of last and the preceding week.—
The appointments having been made, it adjourned to
meet in Philadelphia. in. April 1850. The following
appointments were made for Pottsville, and vicinity ;
First Church. Pottsville, R. Gerry; Second do, POMP
Tulle; S. Johnson; Port Carbon, 11 E : Gilroy;
% Schuylkill Valley. William Watson; Tamaqua, G. D.
Brawn; Schuylkill Haven, J IL Turner; Minersville.
P. Hallowell; Tremont. E. G. Asay. Rev. J. B.
Ilagany, formerly of this Borough, has been appoint.
ed pastor of Trinity Church, Philadelphia; 'P. A
Fernley. late Pastor of the Second Methodist Chitral,
in this Borough, has been appointed to the Church,
t o Chester. Delaware County. Rev. %Vm. Barns,
whom many of our readers will remember, takes
charge of a Church in Easton.
GEN• TOM THUMI3--This distinguished indi
vidual will pay Pottsville a visit nn Friday nest, and
remain several days. Ail.oor readers are doubtless
familiar with the name of the General, as he has
figured pretty extensively, though small he be, upon
the public stage. The General will hold his levees
at the Town flail, where those who desire to pee
one or the greatest curiosities in the shape of human
being, in the world. may hare an opportunity of
&Mg so. Tom sings very prettily, den ces. and
amuses his audiences in rations ways. lie will re
present some great men, such as Nam:dean and Fred
erick the Great in their various costumes. The success
which has attended the General's exhibitions where
ever he has been, has been very great, and though
he has travelled through a greater portion of the
country there appears to be still a great curiosity on
the pan or almost every one to take a glunpae at
him. The ladies will find him once the most 30.
ciable little gentlemen they have ever met with, and
of course they will go to see him. Tam. taking him
altogether, is one of the greatest curiosities of the
age, and no one should fail to see him while hc•tolds
forth'• in this place.
BOLD ROBBERY.—Mr. Thomas Soilsll, of Or
wigsburg, while crossing the Second Mountain on
horsebich, on his return from Middleport, was attack.
ed by some merciless maser. one day lam week, and
severely, though we are pleased to state not seriously
stabbed, with the design or robbing biro. Mr. S. was
,`ding quietly along, when he wan met by two men,
, v b c , h o . rmed him upon some plea, draggv.i him from
his borne, sta . eted him three times in the vicinity
of the breast, and ro i tbcd him of three dollars. Mr.
S. had been to Middlepori, where he expected to
obtatu upwards of $lOO, and this: 4 Xiflainaboing per
haps aware of this, conceived the plot of obtaining
this money from Mr. S.; but fortunately for him he
did not obtain the. funds after which he had gone,
and the efforts of the robbers to procure money
proved abortive. It becomes everyone to be en their
guard in travelling along these byplaces, as no one
is safe. where such off-schurings of creation have an
opportunity, of displaying their brutish propensities.
CIRCU f:0.111NG..-.llolvesed Co.'s Ilniteditates
Circus. said to be the largest in the United States,
will visit Pottsville, on Wednesday. the 25th inst.-
" 'he company comprises some of the best performers
in the land, which, with their splendid horses and
equipments. make it a place worth visiting by those
who are fond of amusements of this character.—
John Mayi one of the most jovial fellows in the
land, is ttr. clown, whose jokes are of such a char
acter that ;they invariably produce great laughter.
in this vicinity. during the early portion of this week,
were burning to a great ezient. 'Pbey continued to
burn bntil Monday night or Tucrday morning, when
the fire was checked by the rain which then fell.—
The fire nixie come of the distant hills, as it blazed
up, and brilliantly illuminated the sky. presented e
sublime appearance. We have not heard of the love
occasioned by the burning of the wood. but presume
it must be something large.
TWO IMMLS.—It will, no doubt, be gratifying to
our business men t 0,,, learn that we have two daily
mails fria,m Philadelphia. This will, of coarse, prove
a great accomniodation to the business community
in general. Fu r the hours of closing the mail, and
the proper time by which letters abotdd be banded
in, we rifer the reader to the advertisement of "Post
Office Regulations," in this morning's Journal.
ANOTHER ROBBERY, —A Welshman, while
anotrzinion a door step, in NOrwegian Street, in
this 800tt., - oo kiondaY morning last, about 2 o'clock
was robbed ot a gold watch, by some one who
was passing aloof/.
TEARING IT DOWN.—The hotel, rite. ted is
the orchard, in this Borough, an end of which ae
stated had fallen, is being torn down. Several
hands are engaged et the wink.
THE WEATHER. —The weather Cot the Jul few
day. ha• been and pleautat and mild• Vex watteo i
L.ginn ay to "shoot cr." - •
.. .
The following are the Judicia l District of Penn.
........ ,
sylvsnis, with the napes of their president Judges
affixed. The several new districts recently crea
ted, and the newly appointed Judges wills . be
found in the list : •
- 1. Philadelphia. Edward Dig.*
- 2. Lancaster. Ellia.Lewis.o.. l , ', ••
3. Nonhampton and Lehigh. J. Pringle Jones"
4. Centre. Clinton and Clearfield. Geo. W. Wood
5. Allegheny. Benjamin Patton
- .6. Erie and Crawford. Gaylord Chorc.h.•
7. Bucks and Montgomery. David Branael •
8: Northumberland, :lemming and Colonabiajtut.
8: - Anitiony.4
9. Cumberland, Pcrc and Janlata, Frederick
Watts: . . . .
10. Westmoreland; Indiana and Armstrong, John
C. Knox.• . . .
11. Lucerne , Susquehanna . and Wyoming, Willie s
Jessup.!- • • ..
12. Dauphin and Lebanon, John J. Pearson.:
13. -Bradford. 'flop. Fatter and McKean. Horace
14. Washington. Fayette and Greene, Samuel A.
Gilmore •
15. Cheater and Delaware, Henry Cll:itinan..' .
16. Franklin, Bedford a 22 :eiemerset. Jeremiah A•
Black 9 • , ._ • .
17.. :,:tsver, Bader sod diercer. Jae. firelin •
— lB. Venango, Jefferson. Warren and Elk, Joseph
19. 'York and Adams, Daniel Durkee:
- 20. 51ifilin and Union, Abm. S. Wilson.*
. 21. Schuylkill. Luther Kidder 9
22. Monroe, Pike. Wayne and Carbon, Nathaniel
B. Eldred.*
23. Berke, David F. Gordon.:
24. Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria. Geo. Taylor.:
• Appointed by Gov. Shirdt : 4 by Gov. Porte!'
by Gov. Jobneton
- ,
The immensity of the British empire in India,
will recur with peculiar forte at the preterit mo
ment, when the disasters in the o°ooub teach us
—not, indeed, to expect the probability but to neon •
eider the possibility of its decline end fall. As
far back as 1832, it was estimated in official doe
=lent* that the ?residencies of Bengal, Madras,
and Bombay, forming British India proper, (so far
at least, as the conduct:it is concerned,) contained
a population of 90,000,600 of souls. *hilt , initbe
subject or runt—more delicately entitled, allied
or protected—states, there were 40,000,000 more
—and in the independent States (Bantle, Neptits''
and the territories of tiindis and Runjeet Singh)
11,000,000, making • grand total of 141,000,000
-a whole race or men, an ancient one, the people
.of the rich, fertile, and famous Ind, reduced tomb.
mission by a company of British merchants 'who
aspire to the rule of monarchs, as well as the pro.
Su of traders.
At the charter election in New York city, on
Monday lastihe Whigs gained • complete and
triumphant victory. Caleb 8. Woodhull is elect
ed Mayor by a majority of 4,232. Tbe Wbiga
have also elected three judges of the Superior and
two of the Marine Court, and 26 out of 3G mem
bers of the Cowmen Council. The 'whole city
government is' therefore in their hands. The
amended charter has been adopted by a large vote.
In Brooklyn, the Whigs have also achieved a
victory, by electing Edward Copeland Mayor, by
a majority 01 600 over both his opponents. Of
the Aldermen elect, twelve are Whig, and six of
other sorts.
In Albany, the Whigs have elected their
The charter elections in New Jersey. alsooreern
to haul gone for the Whigs. Newark, Jersey
City, and Trenton, have elected Mayors by hand
some majorities. ,
The Harrisburg Union, in referring to tbe•ep-,
pointmant of the Hun. Alexander Ramsey se.
Governor of Minesota,saya he , 'has risen from the
ranks 'of the people to the position be now occu
pies, and we are always gratified at the promotion
of such men. Although a strong Whig he has;
so conducted himself in all the conflicts otpsrty,:
as to retain the confidence and esteem of out eiti
zens, and he will bear with him to his new tionao
in the wilderness, the best wishes of our people
for his health, happiness, . and prosperity." We.
aro pleased to add that Mr. Ramsey has ac
accepted the appointment, and will leave for his
far off borne shout the first of May. I
3,L1 Zotts of 3tans.
a:7A Singular Case.—A man i nemed Teas
dale, who held a claim for money against Mr.
Pittsfield,of Allegheny eity,!went to his house, on
Friday night, and took lodgings:, Oa Saturday
morning, between 4 and o'clock be was found
dead in his bed. Suspicious were et once fixed
upori Mr. Pittsfield, of hating acted foully In
wards the deceased.—(Piflabueg Journal.
rir The Shad Fitheries.—The fishermen along
the Delawete have nearly given up alt hopes of
e suecesaful season. Thus far. mays the Delaware
Republican, they have labored unsuccessfully,'
frequently toiling the whole day and night for
belf• dozen fish. Many whorlsited the Dly, in
order to have a wide scope and-pursue theircalliog
uninterrupted, have returned to their hrimes—the
ehud are not there.
o , 'Great Longeoity.—Boelati Coot, an rit•
itilirried 'semen., died on the 16tb et the
Pai: - rthonse in this town, aged aboi)t 103 yeas..
She was the oldest person in the lawn, and had
been en inmate or the Poorhouse ms or 30 years,
and retained her intellectual fsculties, which were
never bright, till the lset.—(Concord (Alars.j
lar Cough aftyrup.--Taike Thoronghwort .
Hosrboond and Pennyroyal, of each a gmxi
handful, and boil them in just water enough to
estract the strength ; then strain off the liquor,
and add an equal quantity of malaise+. and boil
until it form a candy. Eat freely of this eiery
time an 'inclination to cough is felt, and your
cough will soon leave you.
10'Poputufion of Canada The official esti.
rodeo make the present population of the two
Venetia' very near a million er.d a half of people
—i n equal figures, 1,891,421; of whom 708,334
resides in j,:wer. and 723,087 in Upper Cantrda.
Each of these corties sends forty-two members
to the provincial perliant:".ol,
17'iln Extensive Triat.--Ths Corti.
inertial •ay e that George Wgabington was on
trial on Wednesday, before Judge Bill of that city,
on a ehargeof,ausult and battery, with an attempt
to kill William Henry Harrison. it is almost
unnecessary to say that they were both ~c elezed
rrA Pre4s of, Californians—lt is a:ated in
a St. Louis paper, that such .crowds of persona,
bound for California, have lately arrived there,
that every hotel is filled to overflowing. and it is
contemplated to fit up the theatre for the accomo
dation of tbe Noiseless wanderers.
ll3d Rich Old n , imer, near Easton, Pa., his
been held to answer for cutting off the ear of a
young men wbo was courting his daughter. The
old fellow entered the room and proposed to him
either to he shot or lose his ear, and the yank
man chose the. latter.
11781eamboal Burnt —The steamboat Tenn,:
from Red Riser for New Orleans, with a full
cargo of cotton, drc., was totally consumed by
fire an the morning of the 27th ult., about twelve
miles above Plar 7 luemine. No lives bit.
o:7lfore Gold Consing.—A . latter received in
New Bedford from Valparaiso, states, says the
Mercury, that the whaling ship Oriels, Gellette,
was at that part January 27, lastlrom Ran Fran
cisco, with about $60,000 in gold dust, bound
• rifEscope of Sizoes.--Severt or eight , slasm,
belonging to citizens of Wheeling, escaped on
Sunday • week into Ohio. The cireumstsnco
caused much excitement, end seseisi 'ferrymen
Were arrested, charged with iiding the stores to
crileawding to a statement in the St. Louis
Union, since the Ist oflentetry.lB49, there here
been snegged, sunk, burnt, and damaged on the
Western enders 38 steamboats. A sough estimate
brings the total lose not fee from 8800,000.
Pr The Ex-Prendent.—Mr. Polk, on bleep
rival at Memphis. on the 3d inst., was sirelcoined
bg Ifon. Spencer , /amen, on behalf of the cid*
nue. Re declined a dinner and ball, and pro.
eeetied the someday to Narbeille.
ggr Prof.:rm.—The wife of Mr. Richard Mat-
thews; in Texas township, Ltmerne county, was
safely delivered one day week before last cithree
children—two girls and one boy. The mother
sal children'ara doing well.
117:sIn Earthquake About. —On Friday
evening, the Spth Mt. the .shock Of an earthquake
was felt et Newport, 11. I. It threw down nearly
rod of atone knee. It lasted fifteen seconds,
and seemed to come from tbs„sooth-east.
c o- A correspondent tells Gs of a man who
died lately, ' , because be was so rich," and asked,
us What the doctiire should opt down" as the
occasion of his death. It 'is herd to tell. We
should say he died 'of -the elollnessr of - the chest'
- Mexicaqa pod Cie Popt.—The Legislature
el Jalisco has appropriated $4,000 for the .relief
of Pi uari,whicti is rather surprising in a country
:limeys straightened in its finances.
- Xarier Piard, a resr.irtalge, citizen of
Pittsburg, died very st - dilenly in that city on
Monday orning last. Be rose in the morning
in good "'health. and died while in the act of
Ifdi.t;rig hie face.
Pillow is piessed for the Girvernship
iri Tennorice, by the Nashville Union, one number
of which is freighted with nearly five compact
columns devoted to a' narration of his military
fj"Morals is Texas—A Galveston paper, de
precating the number of divorces granted at the
recent session of the Legislatuie of Teta*, says,
in that State the marriage contract is novas
binding ass horse trade.
Urliit by a Rabid Cal. — We learn from the
'Hagerstown News, that the wife of Mr. Joshua
Newcomer, living on the MlSTCPrabtjtg coed, neat
Prince's old Fording, wan on Saturday a week ,
bitten in the hand bye mad cat.
J 3 Libelous Valentine.—A female was on Fri
day week told to bail in Pbiladelphia in s4oo,en a
charge of libel, in sending a scurrilous ralentine
to another woman.
Wheat:Flour, bbl., 44.5 50 Ded Peaches poed. 300
Dec.( do do '. 450 do -do vistaed. 1 7.5
Wh€*t, NIA. .: 110 Dr'd Apples, paid. 75
Rye. ^' do . i 75 Fans, doz.
Cormi do ' '' 75 Butter, 15..
Oatit.' do I 50 Plaeon,
Potateies, do , ; 45 Hams,.
Timothy seed, '2 50 Hay. ten,
Closer do . 360 I Plaster.
On the sth hutt..._by N. M. Wilson, Esq., Mr. Jolts
BEIRAAN,Ao Mika WIIEFORD BILS11•10, all of &buy!.
kill County.
• On the 6th inn:, by the same, Mr. Wltusx Boum",
to Mrs II san su LAVE, all of old England.
Op Saturday the 7th lust., by the Rev. John Maddls
Riess, both of St. Clair, @ebb ylkill County. •
On Easter Day, (April Bth,) 1849, at Mt. Laffee, by
the Res. T. A. Starkey, Ws. WALLACE BLAKILEE.
'of Nesquehoning, to Ts MAI Essuus, of Mt. Larne.
On the.l7th of Match. Mr. Amos Kassmss, of Wayne,
to Miss CaTUARISC BERGER, of Manheim.
Wenacu, both of Port Carbon.
On the lit Inst., Mr. John C. Cocoon, of Philadel
phia, to Miss CATUAIisa S.GELDiy, orMount Carbon.
At the torberry Mines. Schuylkill Connty,-en the
29th ult., Mrm Maui. WARM!, wife of Mr. Samuel
Warren, in the 27th year of her age.
"In the midst of life, we are In death."
4. 0. > THE PIIRENODTft. lON SOVIETV will meet
lOs-• se usual. at Stiehter's Ball. on next Wednesday
evenint at 7i o'clock. on which occasion the follow
ing subject will be discawed , Ought the Judges to
be appointed during good behaviour by the Governor,
or elected for a term of years by the people—Affirma
tive. Messrs. Ellis, Depuy and Fisher. Negative,
Ifiesers.,Neville, Knurl and Walker.
As this Is a subject of peculiar intermit, at the pres
ent time, the nublic are particularly invited to attend.
JNO. HUGHES. Secretary.
—The following Resolution has been passed by
the Vestry of Trinity Church, Pottsville.
Resolred, That in consideration of the sums contribu
ted and to be contributed as donations to the erection
and lb:mist:lnt of the church edifice; the vestry do
hereby act apart, and aporopriate FIFTY EIOIIT
PEWS, which shall be, and remain fess Wall parsons
who may desire to worship; in the Church. These
pews.are located as follows : 1
North side, NO. ill, 119, 127, 135, 343. 151, IN.
South side, No. 1/2,
../29,..12fi,.13t1, tit. In PIO
North rich!, No.' 1,7, 13, 19, 25, 91, 37, 43, 51, 53 51, 55.
South stdr, No. 2, R. I. 20. 26, 31, 30, 41, 50, 53.
South side, No. 56, 57;55, 60, 71, 90, 05. 22. 95, 101, 110
North 'Qr., No. 59, 07, 73, 79, 85, 91, 97, 103, 109.
DIVINE SERVICE is held in theCtinrch,eyery Sun
day. lifeenin‘e Servers commences at lin o'clock.
Afternoon Service colmences at 1 o'clock. And even-
Ingservise, nn the first 'Sunday of every month.
Ksf. .LAUREL.—The Vestry of Trinity Church, Potts
ville, are now ready barren burial lots and graves In that
large and beautiful plot aground. near the Junction of
Market street and the Mincruville Road, which they
have lately enclosed and tale out for acernetery. Ap
plication. for lota or single graves may be made to AN
DREW 111199 EL Esq., Treasurer of the Church, at
whose office onMahantongo Street, a plan of the Cynic•
rery ca n be see., or Edward Owen Parry, Esq.,
R- 4 p IINIVERSALIAT CllUßClL—dervices are held
In the 2d story of Stlchter's Newnan. every Sab
bath morning and evening at the meal hours Rev. R.
R. 81111811, of Lucerne County, Pastor.
The public are respectfully Invited to ahead.
. _
A COMMON COLD AND COllOll.—D almnid be
remembered the aeough faun evidence that some int
tu rlty Is lodged In the lungs, which, if 604 speedily re
moved, will so init'ate these delicat• organs as aeon
sr or later to bring on iajtassatioa of the INIAV —a. form
of disease which we all know tv the high road to cots
sum rolon.
Wright's fediee rezreabto 4114 are a most delight ,
fat medicine for catrylng off a,eold. betaken they es-
Pei cram the system all morbid and corrupt isomers
(the cause of ever,' kind of disease) in an eery anJ
natural manner. Four or five of Wright's Indian Vege
table Pills taken every nista on going to bed, will in a
altars time settinvo the momobstleatertatd—at the slave
time the. digestive organs b restored to a healthy
sou, and the blend 'completely perntied,
TOWeesso'■ a.—TNi. tnemeine bas tha
pejtoliar (Online of being recommended and prescribed
bye the most respectable pisyriciani of the country, and
only Felloife3 a trial to bringit lain renerai use. it is
put op In gnarl bottles, and is six times cheaper thin
any otherpreparation. Dort. Townsend Is a physician
of great reputation In Albany. N. Y and the Physician.
generally in Altai sky prescribe it in their practice
The following ilia certificate from same of them:
Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from
Physicians in different parts of the Union. .
This Is to certify that we, the undersigned Physicians
o the city of Albany have In numera"s cases prescril
bed Dr. Towrmend's Sarsaparilla, and we believe it to
be one of the most valuable preparations of the Santa
darilla in the mathet. • r.
Albany, Adrill LIM&
Dr. Seymour, the Writer of the following. Is one of
he oldest and most respectable Physicians In Conn.
Hartford, Ct.. May 21 , IN&
Dr. Towson:cr.—Dm sir: ••Townsend'a Same
partite" Ands a ready sale in Hartford—is highly es.
teemed by all who have made nee of it, and we !lava
teason to believe Its good qualities will be dolly appre
ciated by a discerning public. I have daily calls for it,
and hope you will be remunerated for your exertions to
render service to the afflicted. I am sir. your obedient
servant, HARVEY SEYMOUR, 1 1 1. D.
far The General Agency for the sale of the Manta
parilla,is at flannan'a fkmlotore Pottsville, where Drag
gists and affirms can be supplit dwholesale at the Manu.
lecturers prices.
It Is also for sale lit 'Polistille lit John G. Brown's,
Clement & Parvires, and Jahn S. C. Martin's Drag
Stores; E. J. Fry, Tamaqua ; J. W. Gibbs, Druggist,
and J. B. Falls, Illnersvillo C. Frailty, rteliptherg ;
Henry nutier, 8. 61. Remitter,. and W. L. Heisler,
Port Carbon ; Paul Barr, Plnegrove; J. C. C. Hughes,
Pott rills.
tts. See ades.'sement in Inelheredumio &circular
containing rge number of certificates from Physi..
clans and other "can be examined at Barman's Beak.
tore.Prlce St per bottle, or 6 Bottles for *5.
to:fait Demeter, astt Chita Stotts Maxey Reporter,
be best in th Vatted States, - containing fac simile
ngravlngs of all the Gold, Silver, and Copper coins In
irtulation With their value attached: corrected month
ay: No merchant or dealer ought to be without It.
. Persons enclosing one dollar to the subscriber
will have the Detector mailed menthl one • ear to their
Miners , Hospital.
cell that be has to far matured hie plans for the es
tabltehment of a MINERS' HOSPITAL, that It will be
opened for the reception of patients on the * first of
April. ISIS., • •
• .
The object or th e Institution to to secure to pentane
engaged in mining operations, proper medical aid and
treatment, at the smallest possible expense. With
this view the proprietor has procured for the purposes
of the Hospital. a Farm, on which le a large and conve
nient House, in an elevated, airy and healthy position,
on the road leading from Pottsville to blinersville,gpout
2 mile from the former place.
Persons payingThme Dollars per annum,in advance,
will be entitled to membership, and to admission in the
Hospital, in case of injury from accident. or sickness.
andto support and medical treatment daring said
negative of additional charge.
Invalids who May desire admissiontoto the Hospital.
will be received onl teritte. The poor of the
Borough of Pottsville, not in the Hospital, will be
treated by the attending Physician, gratis
All those who may be disposed to avail themselves
of the advantages . of member-do, _ may apply to the
undersigned,' at bts'orlice Mattel at .Pottgellle.
Unica 24.1842. 11-Iyj .G. W. ENOBLE. le. D.
FOR 8 18.—TO LOTS-1D?owl% of
Llewellyn—appiy to - 1111115 ILL
300010 / in . Maoamano.l%.rget,Pottqwlll4.
N° CE.--COA Sill PPlNG.—.lames Ferman
having leased the Schuylkill Navigation Comp -
DOI Landings. No $ and 4, on the Firth Dock, Port
Carbon, will attend to the shipping of all kind. of coal
on the most reasonable terms. _W 11l also receive teal
on consignment, and Sell It at market prices. -
*White and Red Ash Coal of superior quality for
sale. jApr7-1.5-3t•
NOTICE.—TIIE DOCKETS and other papers ap
pertaleina to the once of the late CEO. HEISLER,
Estl, hate been banded : over to the undersigned, suc
cessor Wilmot:nee. All persona having nutinisbod ho
miness on said Doikets will pease leave such directions
in reference, to the same as thee may think proper, at
my ague In Centro Street, opposite the Town Hall,.
"] • ',twice of the Peace, Pottsville.
vertiser baying one of the best Wn3f ire! on *41141.
kill newly planked. is desitous or making an arrange
ment to tterive and ship Coal—or to receive a first-rate
article to be eo;!, on commission. .Rerei enees furnish •
ea and refired.. J. C. NUM:
Apt7-i3-.ito) Cor.l2th & Willow els.. Phila.
LIPENDENT Voter/ of Schuylkill County!
Having been ra
- et tz
conged by numerous friends thro'-
out the County. I oat respectfully offer myself as a
candidate for the o ce of SHERIFF , at the ensuing
General Election. Should. I rave on fortunate as to
receive a majority f your ve S. It shall be my ron
otant aim to ditcher e the du ' s of the office with fi
delity and impartial] 'V r fellow citizen,
Apr?-15] - .M. WILSON. Pottsville.
OTICE.—CHANGE OF 110L/R.—L 11'1'11G:3-
LN TON'S Express Line—On and slier April the
Es:Dress will close at 7 A. M.,
March 31, 4) V ; to.V tI .it
iykice.-ON THE first day of January, 1049,
the firm known as STERNER & 13110TH ER,hete
tufore doing. Mildness In the Borough of Mlneraville,
was changed to William Sterner & 'CO. The subscri
bers being engines to settle op the accounts of the tate
firm; do hereby request all persons ndebted to said firm
to make payment. between this e first day of Map
nest. at the Old Slam!, where th ere firm la doing
business upon terms highly advantageous to purcha
sers.. - WM. STERNER & Co.
• Marsh 31. 18th. • • 11-3 t•
-1.71 visor/, of Branch Towtothip. being desirous of as
certaining the amount of claims and debts against and
due Branch Township. in order that some provision may
bo made according to law, for the payment of all claims
fully due end owing by the township; hereby request
that all penmos baling claims against the Township.
will glee notice thereof in witting, with the name ot
the holder apd the amount claimed, to Johanan Coch
in, Treasurer of Branch Township, Llewellyn. before
the 14th day of April nest.
oLF . F. 5 -Supervisors.
biarch3l 3t-1 DANIEL W
.1,11 interested in the estate late of WILLIAM SILVIS.
of the elty of Reading, Berke County,decessed.that the
undersigned are the Esecutorsufsald Estate—and those
her ins claims upon said estate are to present them for
adjudication—and those persons Indebted for . Lime,
Book account, Notes. Bonds, or othenvise, will please
make payment without further delay, to enable the af.
fairs of the said estate to be brought to a close.
M. P. RICIIATtpid,
:March 31 11-6 t) Esecutors of said Estate.
15 00
-1,11 ISTRATION have been grunted by the Resister
of Achuy !kill County, to the subecriber, on the estate
of Pottsville, deceased. Noflee therefor*, is hereby
given, to all those indebted to estate, to come for.
ward and settle their respective accounts, and all those
who have legal claims agelnst said estate, to present
them for adjustment. An mtnediate attention to this
notice is demanded,.as the 'Malts of the emote must
be settled with all possible dispatch.
JAMEt4 BILLIMAN, Administrator.
March 17. 1849. 12-6 t
AS Letters of Adminnitatlon on the estate or
JOHN CHRISTIAN, late of Schuylkill Haven, Schuyl
kill County. deceased, have been granted by the
guterof Schuylkill County to the subscriber—Notl,e
is hereby given to all those indebted to said estate to
make payment, and all those havingctsims will present
them for settlement. as early as poss'hle.
1.. F. 'WHITNEY, Port Carbon, Adm'r.
March 17, 281 D. 12-6 V
NOTICH.—The subscribers base been appointed
agenur for the sale of Harrison's Copying Press
and Metallic Dainpning Tablet, a time saving, labor sa v.
rig and wormy same machine, a samplis of which may
be seen at the York. Store • al{ orders for the above.
presses w bleb ate warrant ed to give entire satisfact ion
will be promptly attended tn.
March 17 14..1 E. YARDLEY & SON.
I. all persons Indebted to the estate of SOLOMON
MUTH, deceased, to make paymenLand those that have
claims. are requested to present them for settlement.
on or before the first day of May next, to the subscri
bers Administrators of the estate arkaid deceased, at
the office of Jarob Reed, Esq.
March 10. , , 11 -et
IN SELVES indebted to the late dim of LONG tk.
JACKSON. are mess respectfully requested to C4llupda
the subscriber between this and the first of April nest.
and make payment, and all' persons having claims
against the late firm will please present them, tia• act.-
tternent• AtiOE Idalva.
March)°, 1819. • 11-tc
IJ TOFORE ringing betweeirtheundetaletned In the
Tin and Stove business, n Pottsville, and trading in
the nIIIIIP of LONG & JACKSON, has kelt this day
dissolved by the withdrawal of C. F. Jackson The
burbles, will be enntintied Ly litenh M. terra, and the
debts dually the late firm n 111 b& settled up. by him hi
accordance with the t 'erased dta.atution.
March 10, 11.1f] C. F. JACKSON. ,
OTICE.--Tllolin FOSTIMnAve
LI REMOVED their mock of floors end Shoes in the
new stare on the !Wirer (?Mrs and Market Streets,
where the business will in future be - carried on noon
the each vrinelpk,
,Thankful to their friends and the
public in central for put Lycra, they hope, by nwau
ging their business an future mann the only coerce: ha
lls, (viz.. caste payments; to affiard to them awl atnr.i
goods cone each reasorANe tettns as Will amore-to
them a liberal patronage A
ea. Y 17Pr—Art initeber the undersign
ed.are retreated [arcane forwaid aubstille their assets
as nor new bosiness arrangetnents will require on to
diserantintre and urge the prompt PoYaasnw nr th.'
Febr-ff) ' 7110 MAS VO,STESt SS CO.
s, NAVIGATION eititt3
—TUe Schuylkill Navigating> Company, buciag
Sometime since, sourish:tall their rtaiirnad Cam, ergo-.
rnouly ksoorn as the " Yining Cars" In Henry
Corbit,Clialirs F. ‘Vood. and &heard T. nun&Aßk.
Esqrs.—is trzat, fer certain purposes; aro/ possession
having now been given, 10 tbeir cl/I.enl Edward G.
Harris. whn wit kern, these Cam in Itepair, awl tun
them for Recount of tlic Trustees.
NOTICE, la hereby give*, that an claims, for bor,
or material's, hare trier furnished to these Ears, moat be
presented for settlertrer* to Edward G. Muria. Actor
Cur the Trainees. ELWOOD MORRIS,
rip ri Elll.nter WORLD andcenes frays the
1 Life of Christ, a beautiful litlie volume of sacred
roemi. bßtlre Rev. Jos. H. WytWes, lute Pastor of the
M. E. Church , of blinersville ; enntniiilng BM pages,
elegantly bound in pressed cloth, and gilt edged, for
sale at BARRAN'S
April I, 16-1 Cheap Bookstores.
__ _
A COPYING PRESS, AT ONLY 8 5 ; I -0111 .1 1 g
.11. of the subscriber's Cheap Book Store.
April 11, 16-1 . B. ItANNAN
JUST RECEIVED—At Me Vora( sore a rlsoiTe
lota very supenorllADANA and PRINCIPE Ne
ver. - E. YARDLEY 4- SON.
14 DRUG STORE of the subscribers. a large nom•
ber of the best Swedish Leeches. to winch the atten
tion of the citizens of Pottsville and vicinity, is invited.
March 2f, 1.1 . -] Corner of Market and Second sis
LOW.-200 Bibles and Prayer Book. In almost
every Ityle nritindlng, cheaper by 25 or 30 per echo
than they ran he parr hared In Philadelphia. Splendid
Clit Edged Family Elibleaatonly 114, at HANNAN'S
Cheap Book Stores. .
MENT, of Horticulture Implements. embracing
every arlicic theful in the cultivation of the verde'',
for sale at • BANNAN'S
March 17, 124 Need and Variety Stores.
D. ff. PULING. M. D.
DON'd DICEST, last edition.
Dunion's Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania,
Biomes Magistrate's Daily Companion.
Graydonts Form., Gete's Forms, Dockets, &e..
Just received and for sale cheap at
Marat3:lo) IMIVNAN'S,
," Cheap Law and Miscellaneous Bookstore.
X ACK tit:EL F
al SHAD,
/11.110 N.
LAWYERS can procure Blank Subpcznae for wit
nesses signed by the Prothonotary, by calling at
Jan 27 5.] Cheap Book k Stationary Store.
acc.—THE SUBSCRIBER has Just received a lot
of Superior' Drawing Pencils, .among which are Fa
bers, Reeves. Jacksons, Cohens, etc. Some of which
are put up In Beautiful Buses assorted, Alen Draw
ing Book. for beginners, Drawing Cards, *c, All of
which will be sold very low, at
' FILING NEWSP -• MRS, Just received and for
sale at HANNAN'S
Dec.3o-1] Cheap Variety Stores.
Macaulay's History of England,
xjOLIINIE I, of a beautiful cheap edition of this
V valuable work, published by E. ft. Butler & Co..
Philadelphia. containing all the matter verboinm et
litertitum, of vol. I. of the Landon edition, published
in London at nearlyll4 : oo I volume, received and for
sale at 2 emits.
• ALSO, the Annullrian% Key. an extraordinary di!
course on the rise and fall of Papacy. publiahed orlyi
wally In the year 1701. Prier 1* ets. at
March 17 14-] Cheap Book and Variety Storer
-Philadelphia Importations,
wholesale rated,
1 Case French Fans, Silver plain and maraboo,
" Teeth Brushes, over 50 patterns.
4 " :Percussion Caps GD SD, split ribbed and plain.
15 " Slates, Pencils, Marbles, etc.
2 " Snuffboxes, Cigar Cases.
1 " Confectioner's 'Papers. Crackers, Moulds.
1 " Watches, Watch Tonle sod Musical Boxes,
IS " Fancy Goods, as Bag Clasps. Silk Parses, Parse
• Silk. Cologne Bottles, Labels. Druggists' Ar
- ticles.Petlithlere. Carmine, Bronzes, Comla,
Accordeons, Fancy,Gilt, and Marble Papers,
Forming one of the most complete and cheapeit
stocks of fancy goods to be fond In this City. •
W. TILLER, Importer. •
No.l Commerce Street, Phdada.
Resident Engineer. B. N
Dee. !_•4S-4D-1 5rT
Constantly on band and
ramie by
J. PALMER it Co.
Market Street Wharf,
122 E!
Cheap Book and Variety Stores
TRITII.AVELLS# Atlanta, at LAW.lillatterlle
Fir tlqbuy:/klti rktitly, Fa.- , -,-;
2rOOLIOXUSIftWARD . —Stf I rd OD Fatiar die
eth Inst., a small Drown and D. bile fipan7et Dog.
abotrnine months old; and sweets to the name of
Ranger. had on his etch a chain collar, with no rtate ,
engraven upon it. The above reward will he grren'Acr
any peison who shall return him to the subscriber, at
the American House. Pottav ille.
Atoll 14. 15-liel TilOS. S. RICHARDS_
STRAY COW.—.Strayad from the Sabacnber at
Phceniz Colliery, a bright red cow, with a white
belly, a stain an her forehead, about 5 years old, and
very bea ry with calf. Any person returning her to the
Owner, will be suitably rewarded.
ap.l4-46-31.• , PETER EDDY.
.L who it is said, watt employed on the Schuylkill
Canal. in Schuylkill County, in 1848—will call on
James Gillingham. in Pottsville, he will confer a
favor on the family or :Wm. Prosser, now residing
near Potissille. who are very anxious 10 ace him.
Ap 7,19-15.3 t
DR. .1. T. NICIIOLLS, respectfully tenders
his professional services. to the Inhabitants of
ruttsville reed Vicinity, and solicits the honor of Ashore
of their patrol:ease. Cake, Thompson's Ilan, Market
at. Resulenee, Second street, one door below Mattel.
March 3, 'l9. 10-ly
Cornet of 2d itod Market Pt. Opposite Thompson's Mall
Restdence Cor, of Callow hill and 3d - dt. opposite the
Primative Methodist Church.- Pao 27 'SO. s—ly
Na. 80} Walnut Snort.
D. lIIEREDITII t —GeneraI Agency : !:,oface
. Centre Street. Pottsville, Schuylkill County, l'a.
Agent Cur the sale and inuchase of Real Rotate, col
lection of Rents. ace. [Octal-44-9 y
LintAßO SIIIPPEN, Attorney and Counsellor
Lint Law. Philadelphia, will attend 10 collections and
all other legal business in the City of Philadelphia, ad
joining Couctiesand elsewhere. Office NO. 13 Prune
Street:Philadelphia.,22 1/148.27
CI & J. FOSTER, Dealers In Boots and Shoes
Leather, aid Shoe Findings, Centre street, Potts
We. ISeptl.B 1817.
DIL.DI. DEPUY, Surgeon Dentist, Offire in
ittarket Street, (North side,) First door above Es
unite Wilsoo's Office, . (mall()
G.III,6OWAN, Attorney at Larr.—olllcein
kJ • Ate rket Street, in the room formerly ocenpied by
.1. E. Hamlin, Esq. Conanyanelng and Seriveniog at•
tended to. [Pottsville.Sept9,4ll.37
1 VST RECEIVED at - the York Store. 2 ton of
11 3 and 4 itch wrought spikes I 3.18 suitable for
slat bar Riiroad Iron: also, constantly on hand hook
head spikes for T rails; a supply of Bat bar Railroad
Iron, and T Rails always, to be had on application at
the above named well knoWn store.
March 17 12-1 ' E. YARDLEY 3e- SON.
CRAINS FOR RlNEs.—Thesubscribers !nye'
just received from the ship Ellzatteth, *sod 1 Inch
Best nest English Chains, made expressly for Mines,
and for sate. Apply to T. 6r. E. dEOII.OE,
april22 tf.,171 Market and 12th Streets,Phllada
A Z; /111OrtdAlprount9N —130T0518.21 a 4 Flaiiias
50 do 1111 do do do •
8 do 21a "do do do tylthspass.
13 -do 1 a 1 do do do
And Plates,fur sale by
A. & 0. nu.sroN, 1 sotithfront al.,Phi ada.
Thilsda., July 11. 1848.,, 29
Z. TONE , atoned boiler Iron. Nos. 3.4 ate 3 of
iJ withlteof 23, 33, and 331ntbestant3 rtrtrunteners,
A. it a, mas-rairo.
—1 1 14 t South float at, Plaada.
ING.—The rut:scriber tcaprettlitly adinsuncea that
he hoc commenced the Oxen* busineks at the corner of
Mauch Chunk and Coal Snrimtn, Port...erne, Pa. a
m rl
will be happy to recelrederw- JOHN WAY II4 / 1 : 2
N. B.—Gtenge.corka. MI pi,andtellt titahtsoit hand,
and forealu Claly -17
DJOIIR:ITED aE1401.11 , AT
IL Public Sate, at the Machine Sinop nf. Meters.
HAWKS, STE.G - .3 & KIRK. in the town of dt.
On Theratto 14- Flak of April inst; ai I u'elock.,P.
M.. the llNO..chig artickc, Or-
One G Mice Power Eaginearet Battens ; one Bride
lathe one Rand dn.:. one doting do ;„. One Drill
Picea: one Punching Machine; one naditne fon ben
dice Soder Tina Oarpentera tools, Pctterne,
SaNt Nclare,, conditions made known on the day.
anaigneeof - ISAWKS.ZYKpS do KIRK-
April Lt, lh-It
1_, , 0H. RENTS—HT . CARBON HOTEL—The une
X' , Lersigoeil ivill receive proposals vista the first tiny
1(l o.—.
..... or May Dell', for a letsofor a teersouf years
ac of the MI. Corson. Hotel. She Hotel is well
1Z 1 stocricri with furniture, which. is oft.ired,for
.co , e no receenabte terms
. .
Ain:4s-31.1 3NO. WEAVER, Eottssiflo.
I` toes, a inns Stone Younary, *Frame Machias Situp.
a al.c"mkhalltiPi With a Ten llottor-posver Steam En
gine, slittutry fixtures, tools napatterns,suilable to the
liustness—fns particulars, apyly to
Btarctt3l 14-Gino .111 y t he Post Office, So huy I k Eck
P Howes. Apply to E. P. Richards, Market st. or
to .1110. C. Drown. Centre it., Pottsville.
March 21. f 3—
Safe the property new occupieil by hint in West
Branch Valley, four from Pntlaville.
and ore and a half axles frau Schuylkill
Ten coastatun; of five and n half acres of
tand well I out ana !wile', and Bildt orch
ard. h. two story frame houae, z 40feet, web a cel
lar under the whole, kitchen in the,eellaz Immediate
poniaeraion gives. Parlor Ilia purchase money can re
main on Bond and Mortgage if desired. For tame nri.
ply to the sabseriher,at hia office in Went Branch Valley_
Match 10. 11-tfl 8.. Be FOREST.
1' +STEAM MILL.—The sabseribee °Om bit dream
Milt, formed in Port Carbon—for sass sir rent. Said
Milt is located in one of the best situations In this Re
gion for business. being the only one in the eastern
sectienof the Coat !legion. Is is to gond condition,
snrpoiniesslon will be given immediate] y If required.
Terms easy. Apply L. F. WHITNEY,
Port Carbon, March Nth, 1844 tHf
Heading Ifirgte, and Lebanow Courier, inSert 3 Omen,
and charge l>tb office. - •
RACE--THESIIII:ICR11101 °Sets at private sale
the 61Rostring property, via:
One GO Homo Engine, rekh 450 feet of nine mob
ProliPli, in first kite working order.
One 30 Horse Engine, with 24P feel of erne 'inch
Pumpo, with winding gearing all complete, In good
working order.
One 'lO Horse Engine foe hoisting Coal. how Hines,
in good working rude'.
One 10 florae Breaking Engine, with Rollers, Shaft
ing, Screens, &chutes, and all the fiatures necessary to
do a hissinesi of 1000 tow a week.
Alto 511 large Railroad Can, with heavy chilled
wheels, and thrte}pcbaxely, these Cara are well suit
ed for soy of our surrounding Roads where Howe
power is used.
The above Engines were all manufaetared by Hay
wood & Snyder. and arc considered among the very
best ever toads by said parties. . •
Jan. 13, 3-tf7 CEO. ff. POTTS.
o—The subscriber offers for n.Me, entire mereban-
dist.. consisting of DRY GOODS, G KO(' Glt I E
QUEENS WAR E, HARDWARE. &e., MI of which is
In good order. His stood is one of the best in Miners- ,
rifle. with an excellent dwelling attached, which Is
also forliale. For Funiculars inquire at the store.
NoslB-47-tf) ZIEGGNSUS,
BENT..—Tene - celebrated SALEM VEIN
MINES al Young', Landing's for rent fur a term of
years. Apply to
Mobantongo Street, Pottsville
cllO LET on leases, 10 suit applicants, all that
tract ofjand belonging tothelCAmencan Coal Co.
known as the Milt Creek Tract, containing the follow
ing list of Coal Veins, many of whrch,—among of hers,
the Peach Mountain Veins—having a range of over a
mile in length, visa—Lewis, Sprain, Barracleuch,
Pearson Clarkson, Stevenson, Little Tracey, reach
Mountain Veins, Green Parka,. Ravensdale Vein, Per
pendicular. Diamond, and Big Diamond Veins, along
with many others not named.
Also, all thattraet called PheJunetlon Tract. belong
ing to the said Company,contalning the Salem,Porrest,
Rabbit Dole. Mortimer, Tunnel, Blank Mine, C. Law
ton and Alfred Lawton Veins. Aleo, a daw Mi 'and
Grist Mill aituated on the Mill Creek Trart,allofwbleb
will be rented on moderate terms by applying to
ratify:lli. Feb. 31
certain tract or parcel of land, situated on the
Broad Mountain, in. Lower Mahantonge township,
in Schuylkill county, (fortnerty Berke county,) in the
Statenf Pennsylvania, bounded.and described as (of
lows,to wit :Beginning at marked white oak tree ;
thence by late varant lands, now surveyed to Jacob
Miller, north sixty-live perehes,to a whiteoak; thence
by late vacentland, now suiveyed io George Werner,
west 146 perches to a stone; thenceby late vscantland
now surveyed to Leonard 111 ich,southsizty-five perch
es to a Spanish oak; thence: east 146 perches, to the
place of beginning,containing lifty-five acres and one
hundred and dfty-two perches of a nd and allowances
of sit per cent. for roads, Ace„
9 2mn
.11311 N G. BRENNER,
Executor of F.Peolls' estate,69. Market at. Philads.
Philadelphia. fir,pternber 19, 1846 38-
extracting grease, tar, pitch, oil. paint, or auy other
greasy Stibstance,gmm ladies' and gent lumen's clothinr
tnctuding silks sod saline, carpet■, tfLbte spreads. 51"1
no shawls. ladles' bonnets. &c. reward of SIDD
be paid to any worn) who will produce a spot
paint green or dry that this soap will not extract /I
per gram!!! per dozen, or 121 cents per cake. Forsal
wholesale_ and retail at RANI N'S Variety mores
Pottsville, who is 'sole Gent for the eon nty. (Dc4-11
11A.WE.S.-LOINO SHAWLS of 'mucus style
nd quality. or sale by
1V05.23-491 J.M. BEATTY 4. Co.
tlluslc Books for Staging Schools.
T i ln ° - s a v op u r s ov cr e t tM r sic h l a iDo a il wi s, gr o a l u 4 rc n te t s h , e B i rn i g i I w o 6
Schools, Am.
The rsailerT, a collection of Churth'Musle.
Carmine Sacra, Mutton Collection of Music.
Boston Academy's Collection of Musk.
Hickok and Fleming's Evangelical
The Southern Church Melodist.
The Harmoniet published by the a ' *dist Society.
Union Choral Harmony, German English.
Wyethe's collection or Church Mule, German and
English. -
All or which Wilt be cold by the' dozen or single at
' , publisher's prices„at HANNAN'S
Dec 30-11 Cheap Book and Stationer Stores.
melean and other dress Silks, nett a rear new stile
Moos de taineat I Plaid Woollen long Shawls, Co
ale eery low to./.
Pottaylll N0v.23-0: Jostrn Molicarc
SIX HUNDRED feet of good aerand-tuna I dm%
sottable for Coal Mines. Apply at the office of
BAT WOOD &lisrvira.
. .
. (of .
.Palltidel - Ais.l
Or Presides vaned Os esysese and forseccuirewl
r •
by Sickneas or 4ceiderit.
CMPANI' incorporatedMarche,l s4s . 4,111/TUAL)
with a Capiral of sloo.oooi Unarms all persona he
:M W
:were tne ages of and 6,5; a n fernarliats alluirance of
,33, et, $5. 49,42 or $lO per at , k, for one, two, throw
or five years, by paying Scene yeasty smn. • !
Thus, a • person under thief -five: learning Ihr ode
year, by paying s4a year; re al owed #3 per Walk; for
115 us. *I per week; and in' lb Same pmportibn, one
nta like age by paying 416 55 a year, gets *5 per Week , '
for 3 7 •92 . 3 6 , # ll 21 0. Irsr'abd for; $l4 115.1 re PM Ole
for every week Of ritaability!... camoued by amours or
accident, daring the year. By ! paying a fraction More
yearl, M
a weekly allowance be (neared of Rain #3
to $l O for e, three or five ears. The rates are to
be paid yearly in advance, sedan in proportion to die
age and the weekly allowance. In case of permanent
disability. octurmichfter an insurance for, gay Mrs
i.. a . a . at a weekly allowance f $lO4 Pefson would ha
n the yea rly receipt of asso , year, for the entire live
Y ears.
There ern no weekly or monthly auessmente to pay,
or attendance of meeting req wed; and by the damn "
the insured receive a share olf the net NMI% whboot
liability for losses. There Is ample security far the la
, wed. as can be shown, and promptneas and aeon,.
ty is exercised In the pnYmeni- of benefits. For parti
cular,. inquire at the office, cr:!,6o South blevehthrst.
above Walnut Crillt letters ea t be post paid.
Samuel I). Orrick, Iron Me baw l . No. 109 North Wa.
1 ter-street. I
Calvin Blythe, Attorney and Counsellor, Sixth below
Charles B. Hall, Wholesal Commtaaiott Matelosat,
r 34 Church Alley.
William F. Boone, Attorney and Coassflior. 34 Stalk ' I 1
Jacob Snyder, Jr., Wine Me haat. N 0.76 Walesa et - . 4
John Thomason, Tinsmith 65 N. , k
Daniel C. Lockwood. Ta Collector, Cherry-street,
near Schuylkill Seventh aft et. !
James P. Droner, Wholesale Wool Dealer. No. II
Edward Duff; Merchant. No. 39 N. Wharves: • '
Edward J. Crane. Clerk. No, 322 S. Fiftb.street-
Charles P. Hayes, Coal Merchant, Willow-st.Whilrf.
Charles 0. P, Campbell. Iran Iderchant.Wster.alrove-
Race-street. SAMUEL D. ORRICK Preardent..
'W. F:Boosilt. Secretary ! and Solicitor.
Governor Emerson, M. D., 167 Walnotacceet, Goa
suiting Thyslclan.
t 5. The subscriber has been appointed Agent for thia
institution in Schuylkill County. and Is prepared to
give any information on Mesabi ect. and effect (Canna..
ces on Me terms of the compaay, at the °Nee of the,
Miners' Journal. ' D. DAMIAN.
June 21. 1843. . U 4-17.
— THE. - GIICA - .11. - EO - 1. - IPE. ' ASII rll.l - 5113 10;.
Offcc 138 Claimer Street.
AIAKE Insurance on Li ves,grant Annuities &MLitt.
dowments, and receive and execute trusts.
Rates for finewring $lOO en • shies life.
For 1 year. Furl 'years. ForLlfe...
annually. - annuallei.
0 . o 33,.k , l 71
-30 ! 0 914 ' 139! ' ! * t3s -
10 169 I. 1 83 ; 3 to
50 I 96 !z 2 09 ! 4 fa
60 435 . ~! 4VI ' 700
Reverse :—A person age d la years next birth-day
I, y PaYlillilile comPanYo I 33, a•taxl4 atm* to fib fa
cmily or heirs #lOO, should he die Mose yearn a ea Our
1113 le he secures to them *1000: or \ tor $l3 dallaam
ally for 7 year" 4 he secures to them ilikki Waage ay
die In 7 years; ea thill=6o paid anatiaLt7 Amin
life he provides for Diem telOteti whenever be dies.
foe #6550 they would mreitre $5600 thouLd.he dig iaa
one year: I!rr
.14 ars 731. fefS,
Tim blenacera of this firapany,ot a meeting Itaill
on the Val December nit., street/Ay! to the des=
referred in the original prcopestus os fiscat's al
Company. appropriated a Bonus or whiliSiontonD roof&
cite for the whole of life , remainion ha rite. ilia
were isturdialel to the IstrofJanuary, 1342. Titissa
of them ;hem-fare whisk were insur.A in thillsearlimo,
will he entitled to 20 peeress upon the ass inewort,.
=kin , an edditiou of .123 ea every 13333e3 7131311 11
4111.00,witt he paid whew the policy Leman , " la alkira
instead of Sae 411009osiclaarty isseuedl. ! ThosePaUskra
that were nosed in )537wrIbelessikberderablpitireest,
or #5759 orr every $lO6O. :And thrice MawedlialllS„
wirt he 4 latitta4TlO 73 per tent. or $73 on tares, If*.
and its risabtapropectioas a all said polities loser*
n i 4
pc in r to roof /salary, IS - -1'
The Hondawince e ts. verb paSsey sower
books endorsed on preseettaion al Cor Otrise-
It if the desire of Diets pauyontraraialre to oaks
rubiltiOn or homes te. the reeks Di life at stale*
B. I .RI CHARDS, Presictrac..
Jews F.IAMEI,ACItIar . • i
ti-Tnesubscriber has be a appointed Agent WM*
above !Demotion. and kr p porediediestlasusalcaters
lives, at the grahlishedrat s, and gisithaty ir..ssarnatiou
direae4.oa rho. sirVec t. os,applicarfori - at thdo ofbee.
PortavilleF - leb,Bl VIGNJAMAT 3LANNIAN.
05“ 14 Iratratt, 6eret3.--Ceiitsts2soo7ll2oe.
A. Itlisast.agert Coo lt}ch ' : kilt ttoi.Sy. elks 41111611*
of Itlahantoaga. ad. Elleond: streets. -
FS..on.h.3_ Ilat.azassairs EiamainlogPhysliiistasfee-
Schuyi DI Cattaly:i
rr IZEComaarey nee now 'spared igt3oasatib buskins
i 4.,
1 ettto3 the mou Meta Dad aditatitageeesteree.—
They are hatboti*-tt bye !ethane, !e th ane, Lora3.3)ols. sale
alt awl' erecy Dotal:mace laaatakiine as hire rims et(
vehat tune Itin&g.s%atare, 3re3ebtir sad esitaatessests,
make eminvitnants, =4!tt t raw aio.3 plaishase asitelt
ties." The Crimp-ay se: atu:shies sad endeersteata.,
and act as Thous, fat mimeo az2 heists. ' '
ThOle of r remiams requited. for the Aowtontatli al $146
for the who term of Life:. • '
Ale. P.a.“1.. . Prent.. .643. Treas..
la t 56 ' 31 209 1 46 334
17 233 - 33 2IS '47 346
Pi 1 56, 33 2 .9.5 1 43 392
3A 1 69 34 2 en. 49 3 77
23 .1 60 •362 33 \ 50 394
51 . 763 •35 248 ' 53 412
TS 566 3l 241 1 .M' 431
. 53 1 (13. 36 5' 54 i ' 53 4 - 51 5
24 779 31 263 I St 412
23. ?1 45 '2 7f} 33 491 , i
5$ L. OS 4.2 242 5.0 . 3lt
2.7 562 43 299 \ 57, •22
33 }e4 43 362 , 58 '3 54
29 3 , 14 44 3 12- , 58 . 9 78 '
20 2Mt 43 353 : 10 603
The pronrisme are he. than say ether company. as&
the I.olir Wit afford area: r ogram - sees: Tables of balt"
yearly and quarterly pi rotas, hatreredit ratasofpre
miors, shins terms, Join flees, eareisoraltspe, and trat
dostmenta ;., alas, fame if appliiatiSs trot which three.,
are Wank elute:Ay ant a )e had of iipptioration at tha
oface, on by letter to the agent. f ,' ! .
1.e...61'em. 4071 N .W. CLACnORS.
Tito President, PETER CULLEN.
Rotten le. liiitsb, IClayton 17...16911..
Wm. Q. dttexander, I Atte E. Lila&
Edw. V. Marltety, f 13; P. Loper. -
Peter Caner). ' 1 Wiltiela Cal&
Prier Rune* George N. Dlebl,
Wm. W. Haw, ' i Relent ?Routs,
Joseph 7. 'Thinner, '
'William M. Dal
Stephen Crawford, Harvey Conrad
Biddle, :11
needs NiVest,M. ; AL.
' Biddie, 51 D. 1 I
- Terasenna Pasch W. }tawle.
P113.1.34p416 '48.331 J , Secretary and Attnarg •
mutt octet', Rear Fifth arsrea.
Deere* W.Rlchartht,
Mori/era/ D. Leven.
Adolph. E. Earls,.
• Dark/ S. Mama.
?don-I Patterson.
r a anre, perstalhasl or Dahl&
) property, halms whit temiatry
r4strat with atesrity. .
reserved a /urge Cantinas*
Capital an* Premiums. safa 17
protection to the ammed.
arrany on Jaarary In. neg , as
an act of Assembly, wet, as
85 Stocks,' 51.5131111
`r 9,0 Cash, ace. , • 45.157 SI
OFFICE N 0.1631,
Charles re Matter,
Thomas Harr,
Tobias Wagner,
Samewl Grant.
Jacob R. Smith,
emulator ro melte In
on every desertnifon o`
at ratevas low as are{
The Company ha'
Fund, which wit* th
invested, afford oat
The assets ortbe C
poMished agreeably l
follows, vii :
It!mirages, $990,5 I
Real Eatate, 106,1.
loans. 1Z.4 9 00 ,01.110,11NR Si
Since their income futon, a period of eighteen )tat s, they have paid rum rds of sae esiltiva Iwo Arai's&
thentand delters, to7es by fire, thereby alittraing eel.
denee of the advent gee of 'retina On
ability and diipositn4 n to meet with prompsants, an
liabilities. CHAR EN N. BANCKER, President.
The sobseriber s been appointed agent for the
above mentioned tmetlintion. and is now prepare/ as
make insurance, onemery destflptinti of praperly , at
the lowest rates I ANDREW 1111e0E1„, Agent.,
Postasnleannelo,llB4l'n 'Cl7eblitd-
I) AIL It.olln3TiON.—Tke s 'inscribers have n o w
R landing from s hip's lba rotas, Dom Use/T*4s tom
Rail Road Iron, it 5 tons 1,4,10 tons ns
tali/ iX f. Akio, PA row bestrefined hen, etonsbt
:nir of rouodaquare ind est bars. Apply
rr -
Nr.rth Fast ecriT"ter or Market and 12 15 meet:,
Cheap,' China, Gia.sequid ,
NESSI.9 with the:citizens pr Pottsville, and its vi
cinity, we are Winced to lay 'before Iberia the claims.
of our house to their patronage.
Having the lareeet and most complete stock he Ole
country, we can offer great inducements both la se
perior quality and r ice , ice, In Preach, Enzlisi. 647114 M
and Canton Mae tie sear Jroa Steno, fibs
strongest ware ma IQ - Slone, Liverpool sad Granite
Ware. Plain, lilenUeel and Cat Glass.
We will sell for Cash to any persona DINNER SET.
fortes' money than any Wholesale or Retail House
can, because tlo, Wholesale Bosses matt neceamtril,
sell on credit, which we do not, end Retail flounced& '
but a snout businesa in comparison with sure. To alt
which attention Isrespeettbny requested.'
No. 2191 Chesnut Street, above Seventh. '
Philadelphia,Pcb r ; . 24, '49. 94,
THE Letters sail Ink, just received and for sal., at
Jan 27 5-3 . Cheap look and Fancy„Storia.
MBE subscriber as Just received iksepply Oreiferr
Lamps,among Pleb are a few of Upton &
ens' Improved Safety .Lamp, which Is aettnowledeby
to be the best and !infest now In use In the Mine. at
'Europe, For sale' t lean prices than they can b. lat.
ported, st
April 3 1 Mean Beak and Variety Stare
New Sprin Goods. ICI Pittlada.
33AILIOY at nnoTnEn,
N,LW. Corse. of Twill! 4- Jdarkst Struts
A LARGE and well assorted stock of new tad deal,.
11 sable goodic—unring them may he found— .
Cloths, CaufMeres, dattinette.
Sinn adapted o boys' wear.
Silk and Kars tiles , (
Vestloga, , .
Black and Col red Silks, of new tiyha._ : 1
Mouse de Lan sortres,Glnghm
aa, ---,
Lawns, Barad a ; Ralzorines, ¢ e.. Black Alpacas Bombazines and CsabsaerTs.,
SHAWLS in very variety o(the season - l •
Calicoes at alliprices, from 3to 23 Dente. 1
111.ISLINS,—"'othbx branch of trade we *lva vary
Patrice's.* attention, and one stock embrates every Is.
sizable make email widths and qualities. - , ,
Linens for Sb nine and doe for Bosoms, '
FtIRNISIIINQ GOODS—Damask Tab* Llaurt,
Counterpineal blankets and girths.. . -
Blaney. Tewelilng.Pillow Case Lintay &c..
FRIENDLY STYLE GOODS.--Our stock of than
goods us unusually( large, and oar "FRIENDS" froth
the country will aPways be sore. to fled suet, styles as
are adapted in tkik!lr wants, in ItreseCt sods. Doris
BSaw/s, llareetsloi Ild'kell.,BOOklikalkia and 04 . 11/11..
Cap Crape, Cloven. :Blue. dce., &e.
Cal Wall 'NAMING/I -
Draft widths, or %yell., Red Ctieelted.and Busty styles
on hand and. for:mile. wholesale ed_mall. to all et
which we respectfully anllclelheallentloaatoar'spoo•
try blends, cur prtres will Wet:mad to be Wag asi say.
' IA tho c ,1 12' , - -- • rdgebNlN 7 zer - •->