The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 17, 1849, Image 4

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    nzoetrse rkt TWEIITY•FIVE
'Tis wondernus strang• haw great the change,
dines I was in my teens,
Then! had beaux d
Aiij.,ined the gravest scenes,
.Ent Ins era now have ceased to yow
No way they 11041,0321triQ0
To poison. hang nr drpwo thewelves—
Because I'm twenty6re.
Once, dale night was e'er en hnght,
I ne'r abroad could roam.
Without—'•The bliss. the honor Masi
Draining yon rare home."
it now I go through rain and snow
Titraneil and ream•alive— •• •
.Thr.mel all the dark wittmat a spark,
• Deettlle Fm twenty-tlre.
They Used to call, and ask me all'
Ahout:my health so frail,
And thought a tile would help my side,
And torn my cheeks less pale, .
Bat now, alai,' If I am
Nose Care that trevis'e,
And my-pale cheek, In rata nrefavek,
• Because Pm twenty-iles. '
Bow if Erlde improves toy side.
I'm forced to take the stage,
if'or ifrat Is deemed quite proper for
A person of my deo,
"And then no hand ',offered me
So help the out ailts—
They think% wont hurt me now to : rall,
Because I'm twenty-dve.
Uit nub L)umor.
Evening Leclures nf y Junes. Concerning
Newspapers.—. Well..l.Aes, you're a pretty telluar
-here you're come home sgaic as drunk-as a hiled
oat, and ynu know yours,lf from four dol
-lars end a half. The children are crying for bread,
'their clothes ere worn out, end here I hare to slave
1113Se:slave the ishole Meas./1113y tUI I hare not a
tarhall al to my back: and. whst. there is. ,tirks
as tisht to me es the skim does to the model critic
.uh ' , ire. Smith te.l, o hnur.
• We mutt Retrenci .2" • Retrench, indeed.
Td like to see what you'd retrench .bout tbir boo.°
except ♦ittles and , ctathea; and I'm sure we've
none to spire in Them rrsperts. You woulrnt
'eant your flesh en' blood to go naked and hongry,
would you! You're ton much of a min. if you
'be an old brute. Jones fir that. If you'd keep to
your business, be steady, awl atop your &lotting,
•all day and spreeing all .nicht, times would be *
'heap better for us. Y. ain't the men. line., you-
-was when I g , lre you my vergin •11" , crions :
don't come into the honse mo t herly, and Idt o il
your hat and say good evening, Mira Hefty, and
draw your chair close up to mine, and then take
hold of my hand and kind o' blush, and then hi'ch
-up alittle closer and
-Don't make a frol of myself I"' f ain't a
suing to Jones ; but .it sort a aides m's old heart
goad to call -tip therm rernissne.wes, and wish it
had always hero an. 13u( you are 6s tender'.
hearted as d turtle -dove, and just as seneible, ohen
you hive CO' .7noeP, as any bady.. Set down,
Jones. and eat your supper, and tell me all the
news a flyineH7
rou'ce stoppcd the paper !"- Vnu lie, Imre ;
pm know you lie. Y. olopprd your ieind
gou'd'a stopped the children': bread, you'd
You milli( ofr,rd I" Ain't you got no
-conscience, Jones. to let on en The tinier costs
.you four cents a week, and the' printer takes all
kinds of truck. for pay.—And here it's Semilay
night, and I to know much money you've
thrown away this week. I'll count it up.. I'll
give you a blessing beforel get through. It air's
often I catch you at home.. and When I tlO you'd
take it for better or worse, as the saying 1.. There
is a gallon of whiskey on Monday morning, costa
3711 cents ; there's a hallo go lon of beer on Tues
day, costs 18 pence; here's a shilling to twat that
old flummix that come along and •nil he knoned
you when you woe a boy. The Lord only knows
'how much you've epent to-day ; it must have took
a heap of change, for you ain't an old sponge,
inner; ors don't get drunk on any body's mon e y
but your own; and I reckon it must a took Sit
least a quarter to make a man drunk enough to
stop hie paper. Well, now, go on and count
it all up ; three shillings and eighteen pence, and
one shilling and a quarter makes just Mtn ly-four
cents. In my opinion just as good as. that very
burn thrown into the fire, and better ton; and that
would a mow paid for the. "Telescope' a iyhole
year; and I expect the printer needs the money
si had u most folks.—There's a power n( econ
omy in such doing•. Why, what would a body
WM , if was for the paper ; and now, too; when
there' d an many parties, and a body wants to know
how to vote!
Wininiin don't rote Nell, I know it, and
it's a great pity they don't. They'd revolutionize
'the world and have a prtvkiontry government
• every where, as they cail it : awl they'd—they—
.' would'nt kill off all men iquitr,cause they're useful
in their places ;.mind I tell you, Jones. But, as
If was laying about the prin'er, we must have the
'newat - viets versey, we must have printers, and
• if they can live without nothing to eat, th'm they're
the.eritters that's in advance of the age, for tie
people of this gincratiou make a god of their bellies
•according to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Another thing; I should'nt wonder if you stopped
;our paper and never paid for it; and then you'd
irget published - in the black list, and your poor
‘wife's reputation be ruined. nod your children go
te•the plenipotentiary. ft won't do, Jones; it
won't do ; and here she broke off, (or Jones was
" 1 WO 7har "—A witness .poke sesorel
times d a ring his tesrimuny of occurrences. during his
lorih. when a Surly judge Interrupting; him
-Dii)ou meats to say that sem can rela,e nccurren•
ens at the time of sour birth. from )our soya remdler.
lion '
The laugh which began against the witners i turned
upon the Jude, as the former replied
'tp6y, ■ir, 1 cannot Fay that I remember every
particular, hut I can assure you tear •1 V 133
t37.•Nalhan," acrid 3!,-. She to his ynnner•l
rlerk...hsve you ehargcrl Lufe woh that quart of
rum Vt.!, sur." A Nutt 'out hour aftemardi,
&somewhat (orgettitt;!. Le a,1,;1.11,••.1e:rty,d111 )00 chlr2e
old Ling than quart of ruin " 'Yes Er." waslhe n s.
pony.. ••Confotiud the [flout:rel . . he, • there's
no t•usin 09 'ent —no'depetiding on ' CM ; make
o sure. NI go and rha rge tt my,telf • and ttinn I ihall
know it's all right."
Li7 . "l (Annul conceive. my love, what's , the .
smiler with my watch; I Ihiuk it mn•t want dein
wit the exclamation of an it.clulgent huatiane,
to his better half, the other day.
"N., pa. , said his petad ride dauzlarr.••l know
it don't want cleanin, , bet:Anse bP•y and I washed
in the I assn , escr so long. this toortung •'
,r4r- •• A cal:v . li conducted t.vo Ikn olt
ierratory 10 se? tho echpi.e of illy ninon -They w'cre
too later the eclipse wasyser, anti the Ind:CA ~err
slisaftrs.nted. 'Oll "• tic horned our tom, .idon't
fret. I know the asir i onotner stir) well; he is a polite
outs, and I tar sure he will begin a;tain.,
E . T . A Fag (four acqurintanre sawing with
aaW that wa■ not the sof,arprid sew m the world,
after raw y ming, to■aw with it. I,rke cut at laid as
all the saws tli t CM' I raw• law, I
TlClret raw a £3%V 63W Jlbe that saw saws,••
WoS,ina them pigs out of the 'radon," snid
'a mother to her eon t'ommy•
..Whni'm the 315 e 0' shoeing them. twither 1 hint
rtbey got hmirbl '
For Mr Care of Cauels. evide,..lethzen, Brorehitis
Luti*nat ensurimp!ion, ljrnmoention of the
Last , *, and Meares of the Pulmon
ary prge.*:
frlllB valuable preparation ft. highly recommended by
1 physicians and by a celebrated cliemiit of Philadel
phia. for its medical effects and chemical combmat ion, as
well as by thousands of ethers who have oriole use of it
it never has been used without producing beneficial
• elects. and oil:finale cure of tile diseases for which It is
recoininenied. And being a regular graduate"! PhatinA
Y. I can assure the 'public of its Perfect PartlY• ft to
composed of such preparations as omod in the very high
est repute ammo the medical faculty for the cure of that
class of dissects tvhi, It ate on, often only the fotvru Micro
of that fatal disease. consumption. In most cases where
there is moth pain in the lylfeaat. and which often extends
through to theahnil ler b6lr , lln 'odd strongly advise the
c 'Ojai: anon of One or the r•Loopoona Galbanum Plasters
to the breast, and use the 12c,ectorant as directed. In
-tact, the uscor the (Mthanuin Plaster cannot be too siren!,
aerometer:l4rd, as I have 001211 sn. many Instances of lii
Greatest ;chef in a very short space of time.
. aims it, mintitusd consumption. 'the p.sp r o nran t hill
:he Numd to ret;cre the cough. arid tho Plaster the pain`
-.old, at the . {3n.!tlize. d raw the inflamailon to the surface.
and thereby act as a connter irritant. whlchevery physb
plan will pronounce good. without the least lif•nitali.,ll
whatever. Persons are nitro said to have the common,.
. pan, when by aJudicious use of some of the hurt Caper.
strimnta, and a careful diet. they have boon completely I
cured, so that their experience should net no a wanting to
• those who are said to •hare the consumption not to de
a pair. but try on. The Expectorant Will he found to afford
great relief, even when a cure Is said to be impossible,
• - Before making use of en Expectorant It would be as
well to examine gut Uowla, commonly termed Potato, in.
Are If it is not swollen or elongated. In such cases an
,• ;expectorant is useless.
7 Hacking cough and a continual disposition to swallow
es frequently caused by an idolization of the palate. Au
t.eecellenttentedy la such canes la td usu a small quantity
.oefrincture Itorrh, eat about. a tea•spoonntl to a wine
' ihteehtl 171' writer, and irpt as a gargle, three or four times
. Ardapt • f ttte itiLdxh remedy' should fail. or ono of the
tame-nature, It would be best to ripply to a surgeon, ,„4
have Wain POrthaßert m it'Salteetiff.'sn as to obviate the
irritation andehe continual cough whirlilt would be like
ly to produce in the throat. The operation le trifling:awl
ettendedwith hut little, If any pain whatever.
' In Bronchitis, and 'diseases of the thrust, the pre!
• should be used. •
Prepargd Lp 7.currns C. HVGlFlES,Virholoala sad
"Aer24Jitaikt **aunt Pc tlittilk •
Removal of
, I moved two doors! abort Market Street. In Centre,
wkern subscribers will melee their Papers as usual.
autircriptions retelt to all nada of Newspapers
and rerlodikals.
Books and Stations , wholesale and retail at City
Books rehoond at sh rt notice.
All kindsof School Books 'retailed tery
ti-Cash or Goods paid for Rags.
January :10. 4-
Newt Pruportum
Certre Street. thee. doors ass, .Darket,
CONK - eI:WENT' increased' emand for Newer,.
pets throughout the Coal Region, have Induced tho
sulwrriber to establish a permanent Agency for all the
popular .Innrnals and Periodicals minted to tho coun
try, Which he will furnish
1 AT THE rum.tericßa• PRICES.
Permits at a distance, b• remitting us the price or the
paper; Will receive, regnfarly. any of the folluwing he
may ablect.nn the day of PUbi 10111011. and delivered in
town im •übteriber• when required.
The Miners'lnurnal. 0 0 INX.Weekly Tribune, 2CO
N. Y. Weekly Herald. 300 poll e e Gazette. ' 2PO
Home Jdurnal, 2 00 Unole Sam, 2 00
N. Y. Spirit of the Ned Buntlines Own. 2 00
Times, 510 Nnah's Sunday Times,2 00
Weekly N. American, 2 MI Dollar Weekly News, 1 00
lappariPs Quaker City,2 0 0 ,eicott's Weekly. 1 00
Flag of nut Polon, 2 001 Dollar Newspaper. 100
Flag ofithe Free. 2 001Yahkee, 100
SaitirdayGiraner, 100 Union Magazine, • 200
Graham', Magazine, 3nn National Magazine, 200
nodey's Ladies' Book, 3.nn Merry'aßlusso m. I'oo
Knickerbocker, 500 Democratic Review. 5 05
E,d, c th e mnr....sine, 0 0 0 Van Courts.Detectiir, 120
Little's Living Age. 600 The Cultivator, 100
Taylor's Reporter and florven'a North
Detector. 100 can Farmer, 2:00
Neal'. Gazette, 200 Retro Life In London,
Saturday Courier, MI London Punch,
Evening Post. 2 DO London Mintng Jour
(lid Countri man, 3no nal. together With
Boston Pd.?. 250 other accessibletug
lan kee Blade. 200 lish Journals
Single numbers of these Papers and Alseseinss al•
ways for sale at the Counter. and Fnbscriherr will he
taken for short periodr, pitiable by the number, when
AL tho same III:men-ill always be found a supple of
Monk Rooks of every de.srrlpllon, '
Pchnnl Books, a full assortment, •
Low Books. Reports. Forms. fir.e.
A choice roller:ton of standard Works,
An the Cheap Publications as they are is•ned
Primo and Picture Frame., Fngraringo. &c.,
Letter. F'noliaro..Nme .... 11 % . T.PPIng
firii.tot Board, Drawing and Drafting Paper,
Slastin P.trn.r. Willie end Slue Pacebnard,
Lawyer., and Juniire's Slants and Forms,
Quills, Steel Pens. Sealing %Vas. Pencils, Razors, rte.
zer Strops, Brushes. Snaps. Sr,
Plain and Ceara e•d Visiting Cards,
Wafers, tlta mils. India Rubber, Envelopes.
Ntriuge, nackgammon boarla. Dice, Playing
IC Infs. Pen Knives, Motto Seals,
Itln-k, pine and red lake, Pand, Sr.., . .
Wall and Screen paper, by the piece nr yard,
moored• Gamy,. Toy honks and primers,
Perfmnnry, Soaps, flair hrushe.,Cnnths, tr.c.
r.1 . 1.1111ve and others onplitted with stork at low Wei
O(d•rs for any nr the above, with the humpy ',rmm
pinying, ponmpay attended in D. HANNAN.
lantl7 5-) l'rigitnr t llonkvrllpr and
Worsdell'a Vegetable Ilestora
'NIOS"C ester:l.l,ly e.dahledterl and psipular FAN:i
cy 51enicine of the prevent day. lath to England, and
in thip Country. They were invented in 11‘32..1iy Dr.
WM' WORS DELI.. or York. England, and have sliscv
that r, time wrought unity wonderful acres in every
taunt ry inhere they Ware been introduced.
The prevent proprietors fur the Ctiaed Slat , . are in
pnv•CPs hnn nrma ny,.e nrafcerttiratee°fearea wrought
130111 fn England and A wertra.
Lartopool. nn. ronnned to her bed tux months with
the Dropsy. her lees peCRUIC Ptlieil,ll to an enormous
thirknes, ,liner Many trials or other medicine she was
te-tored to Nrfcct health by two boxes or IVuridell'e
Mr 'JONES, thentirrrt. St I•iverpool, waa.•len cured
ot Inft uu or, of the Liver. I,y %Vorsitell's Pills.
CIfOAS 1111. E. Thorntry near Prroorto, Cng•
land, was cm rod of Typhus and Rheumatic Fever, 'by
Worstlcil r P.lll.
lII.IICIIER. of Reading Pennsylvania. trail
fics that his child was severtly afflicted with Worms,
and was perfectly restored by the use of Worsdells
Agne'. Dyspepsia. Dead idle. Ilahitnal Costiveness,
severe (odds. have ell yielded to I his powerful hot
purely , reiretable medicine. Nn more certain and mild.
ei puream e has ev.:l been discovered. I
. •
'Mao yPtivsucJaioi make use of these - Pllla In their
practice, Mill great success. .
They are fur sale m Schuylkill County. price . 25 els.
a box, cnntatning M./ Pills with full directions, by Jnn.
G. lirnwn. PnttaViik ; W. L. Heisler, Port Carbon;
E J. Fry!, Tationtua ; J. 11. Alter, Tusrarnra : J. Metz,
St. Clan ; G. Ileifsnyder, New Castle; Win. Paine,
Ileckocherville ; Jas. It. Falls. iMlnersvllle; Levan &
Kautfinan, Sr totylloll 114ven ; E. & E. Hammer, Or
w M & J. Dreher. Elm Brunswick; Bayer &
Wernert.Mrlientoatrg ; S. R. M. EoPoor. West Penn.
L. • . I s m ' , venue: Anent for the Middle e 4 tates.
A. WEEKS. & Co. Proprietors.
5.13] No. 141 Chesnut St. Pbhatla.
f Just , see-iced and for sale at the vu ',scriber!,
Store, a n Ist end portitsle Box arrtangeu with a Lamp,
whirls ran lie [Allied to Ohorrh as easily as a Prayer
Book. an, will keep the fret of the occupants of a
whole Pew warns during the service—at It can be used
in •leighon'st or siding out lis cold weather.
Nov '2.5.115] • B. HANNAN.
17 TIIE Letters and Ink, just received and Cu. Rale. at
Cheap Bunk and Fancy Storm
Jan 27 5-1
I;VERY day ht this relehrated me7lieine extending
a Ihesphere,..f its osertilitess.and every y . adding
to the I..n¢ rstalozur of its triumphs.
A M11.1.10N OF BOXES are distributed annually
tat bout fully ineetine the demand l For some time
past, the sales'have heenlontted solely for want of fa.
rdtt les of supply, 'Polly thin is a universal remedy.
Fnli;taldett,thrne ('ills have found their way into the
rentoNt.t comers 0i the Unto., every where provia2
their tills n 4 'the POOR MAN'S FRIEND.LSIIiIi
fora uiam, slim every inJividts'al and everyl.fAmtly
Islts hose 1,1,10; insured to than Orr on indrtinite PP
nd ; and what is 111. i without health but a wiser:Ale
11 b too pier inns a boon to he tanipored with. by try
ing all !WWII of Ulperimems ipoit it. The sick sirnuhd
those medicines only which ext erlence has shown
to he the best. ;
(Front f74takill. Greene County. Near York.)
MI '.V. WltiarlTDrAr Sir :—I have found ',Mir in.
Alan VogetiOte !•ills a valuable remedy in Cases of
General I L •hiotr of the Syotent. and in all Billions din.
orders. lam .1611 in the habit ut recomaieldaig diem
to ;e1:1.11, in peculiar Cant,. I observe them 1:. oper
w the en saw witliont producing debility or pain,
having it in a bralilly condition.
June 20, IhIS. JOHN DOANE, M. D.
(From Marble Halt, Pa.)
flu. W. %Ville:kyr —Dear Sir: For the last Inn
yeaie 1 have hki the Rain., for the wale of your In
dion Vegetable - I'llk auhin plan.. and have kohl annu
ally largo in:anion, or natal. Tr., l hoer In every hi
st:titre, given claire neairfaction. piney fanod ivel in
this sect tin 6cgp them. an I Lonsider !hem tovalitubh.
ZI :1 family Medicine. Them Is en medicine sold here
that can he SO nutvrn.dly reconirtivinlod as Wright'sl
111111:111 Vegr.tal.le full.. Very truly yours,
February 1, IBIS. • %Vll.l.lkM M. I.l.llit:NS.
- . .
I The following is aaonswer In reply to a pole: frnrn
nurugent assl,lng Or, Bowmen opinl4ol of this aludirtne:
Mr. A. uorallo—Dear Sir:—ln reply to your note or
yesterday, I ot ) otild state, that I have occasionally f omit
it renve ti ient In use the vErious "Patent Pills" vt•nded
in the shops, and while Lain unwilling to say anything
to depreciate the value of othero am free in rtaifes
that I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable
superior fa nil others with which I ant acquainted. I
have used them for many yearn, both is my own fatal
ty tul In toy practice generally, and they have uniform
if Proved mild, certain and safe in their operations.
The care and skill with which these l'ills have been
tuthenmmanufactured, are in Inv opinion, a sufficient
guarantee for like gond results in future.
Very respectfully. 11, A. MOUTON, M. -D.
/Dr. it. tea praelitioner nflongesperience.wellknown
In and even beyond tie lines of IVynniing anupt ,
Ile Is n ct actuate of tlte_liniversity of Pennsylvania.
and highly popular Iraq the people arming nitnni he
Let it he rntneuthered that Wright • a Indian Vegeta
ble Nibs are 'prepared with 'Techl reference to the
laws gnverrinethe bateau body. Con.equetitly, they
are alwa)s good, always useful., always effective in
rooting out disease. Every tastily should beep them
at hard. .7.
Sonic are coated will, wear: others are made TO re..
ocnible the original In outward appearance. Purchase
from none excedd the regular agent.. one of whom will
.he found in eiery villnce aryl town iu Merit:rte.
Mrs. E. M. IJEATtiI', Pottsville.
Medlar & Bickel, Orivimbing.
A. Heebner, Port Carbon. ,
Deivald 11.Poff, • litcKeartaburg.
Geo. li. Drey,Ttrocanire. •
• Henry Koch & Son, MirliEeport. •
Wm. Ta mfr. Tamaqua.
OL & E Hammer, Orwigaburg.
Wheeler & Miler, Pine grove.
' Jima. Kauffman, Llewellyn.
Jacob Kaufrinen, Matiantant o .
John Wrier. Klingcrston.
Gabriel Herb. Zimmerli - I/Mown.
C. U . De Caren, Mineraville. •
Jonathan Cockhill, Llewellyn. •
George Dreiheibls, Eaot Brunswica.
H. Hart & Co.. New Philadelphia. • •
Levan & Kauffman, Schuylkill Haien.
M. & J. Drccher, East Brunswick. !
Jonas Hobinholds, Part Clinton. •
Malin yder & Brother. New Capita.'
B. E. tteedy. Lower Idahantongo..
• Eckel & Bruned, Tremont,
Wm. Price. Bt. Clair'. ! .
' Boyer & Wernert,
W. 11. Barlow. New Philadelphia.
t3.olsces devoted exclueliely to the es le of Wright's
Indian Vegetable PIM, of the North American Cal.
logeof Health No. 988, Greenwich street, New York;
No. Ike Tremont Mast, Boamo—antl principal a Ns 1W lien
Thec ether. PhAA, lives : 9, '44•.1,9.
a. s - E l 7k. 0 '''..- '
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BEWARE OF IMPOSlTlOlVe—Swayne's Vermifuge
is In square bottles (being recently changed to prevent
counterfeits, also to pack to a better advantage) with
the following wordsblown lathe glass; Dr.ll.nw sloe*
Vermifuge, Phßada., also envelnped in a beautiful
wrapper, bearing the signature of Dr. Su sync, with his
portrait on each side of the bottle without which none
itgenetne. This article Is so pleasant to the taste that
both children and adults are universally fond of
Worms are capable of priklucing great disturbance In
the system ; not only do they aggravate all it/dinar, di
rases, but they also glee rise to a great variety deer,
alunaing and anomalous affections. Indeed the whole
train of spasmodic and convulsive diseases may proceed
from the irritation of Worms in the alimentary canal.
Cholera, Epilepsy, Catelietry, Tetanus, Paralvols, Ma
nia. and Convulairins, as well ass variety of Nervous
Affections, ■re not unfrequently the effect of Ills cause.
Dvartesia na lartmesersoa —There are few tom
plaints renjecotomon among all classes than the•alime
disease, the stomach and the intestinal canal- Arts of a
most delicate structure and possessed of a most exqui
site seesihility are daily subject to thh complamt,frotn
indulgence or improper fond, a few of the symptoms
are dullness or distension in the region of the stomach,
belching of wind, sometimes impaired appetite, flatu
lence, coated tongue in the morning, depression of
spirits, tenderness at the pit of the stoma, often cold
feet, Palpitation of the Heart, sallow complexion, or
distorlieJ bowels. &c.—all these diseases yield to thin
valuable Vertnifnue, or great ant id yspeptie medicine.
AN D.EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS —Thegreat American
Purifier—for the removal and permanent core of all dls•
ease. arising from an impure state of the blood or hale
h of the system.
It in an important fart, and one that hundreds are un
dnObtedly ignorant of. that many of the pills in common
nee, are co:lipase...l of such powerful and irritating pur
caller substances that a tnntirillal bin of their use for a
short time. as is often necessary in derangements of the
liver and digestive organs. will many times he produc
tive of serinba conseqiienres, and not stn frequently pro
duce the diseases which they pretend to cure. These
circumstance' will plainly point nut the many advanta
ge. of Di. Swayne's Compound Sarsaparilla and Ex
tract of Tat Pills which, though equally certain in their
purgative effects.a re incapable nf protfacing any of the
had effects mentioned above. They produce a natural
pleasant evacuatioh of the bowel,—crenctlien and in.
virorste the system—restore the tone and activity of the
liver and digestive organs—thusetierting all that is re
qa heti for the tile Of he 'diseases under cnosideration.
BEWARE OF MlRTAKES.—Reintimber that each
bottle of the genuine medicine bears the signature of
Dr; 11. trwayne without which none ran be genuine.
See that the name is spelled correctly ti-vr-a-v.n-e.
Thn above valuable medicines are prepared only by
Dr. D. swa)tie. corner of Sib and Race streets, Phila.,
to whom all orders should he addressed.
.-. • . .
For tale by J. G. BROWN. ijimgist. and DANIEL
KREOPI, P. M., Pottsville ; also. by Jas. B. Pall. and
Jnn. W. Gibbs, linersville ; If. Shissler PocrCarbon ;
C. & G. Ibinizitteer, Schtl. Haven; T. Williams. Mid
Airport; Daniel•Bertscb !Ashland ; Charles Frani,. Or
wicsbotc ; inn. Bietenman.llamburg ; E.J.Fry, Tama
qua:; Jno. Dickson, Easton; Matthew Krause, Bethle
hem; Ch.ts. Ebert, Mauch Chunk; Eckel' & Barndt,
Tremont ; Coati!! & eon, Llrwvlly n , and by storekeep
ers J. CURTIS C. HUGHES, Pottcvalle.
Octobetrid - -
Teo Original and Genuine Preparation.
rlorrnis, Colds, Asthma, pronchitim, Liver Com•
pkaint, Sniffing Mond. diflloulty of [lrritating. rain
in the Side and Brest, Palpitation of the Mart, Influ
enza, Crony, broken Constitution, sore Throat, Ner
vow, it lity, and all diseases of the Throat, Breast and
the 11031 effectual and speedy cure ever known
for any of cie abo've drsca es is, Dr. dwayfie's Com
pound ~ y rup of Wild Cherry.
SWA) NE'S VEIIMIFITGE is an agreeable tottic,and
very r if e:Anal in destroying %Vow., curtng Dyspepsia,
Siek Ileadm lilOlll3Cll, &C. It IN extremely
nalatab!e and perfectly harmless, if administered In the
tendcre St infant. Remember 1 I have changed my bot
tles to a squats., havirg inv portrait on tacit.
Wt. SWAVN :SA RSA I l A.•& EXT. T,IE ('(1.1.8
area mild and purgative. ansurpassed by no;
inc fir int! tire -bile, cleansing the stomach.
and effectually petit) rile the blood.
Theee med.-Mf i. are nobillgeramongthoie of doubt,
fill utility They have 1,10•41.11 :Wray from the thousands
daily hone hid upon the experiment, and now, staiid
higher in reputationAndure becoming more ettensivrily
u,ed th in nny other preparation of medicine ever pee
duced for the relief of euffering man.
They have been introduced very generally through
the United States and Europe, and there are few lower
of importance but what contain some remarkable eel.
dente of their good effects. For pronto(' the foregoing
statements and of he value and efficacy of these med
icines, the proprietor will insert . fete of t h e nlany I h u r t .
mind testimonials, width have him by
men of the first respertab.lity—men who have higher
views of moral responsibility and justice, than to certi
fy to facts, bemuse it will do another a favor, and them
selves no injustice. Such testimony prove conclusive
ly, that their surpassing excellence is. established by
their intrinsic merits. and the unquestionable authority
of pubtic opinion. The instantaneousrelief they afford,
and Abe soothing influence diffused through the whole,
(Mine by their render them most agreeable reme
dies for the afflicted.
Consumption of the Longs. Dr. SWaype's COMpOUlld
Syrup of Wild Cherry: The Greaten medicine in the
World: Still another wonderful cure:
Sarrislesen, Pa., Oct. 19, 1847.
Dr.'Swayne i—Dcar Sir:—This is to certify that my
' wife tons attacked with a violent rough. which settled
. on her lengs ; violent pains in the side and breast, spit
ting of blond, lyys of apitotit,, great debility and Al the
•yenannis of crintirmed Conseretninn. She was attest
'ded by three pits:ON:lns. all of whem pronounced her
beyond recovery. I was at this time recommended to
try your Compmend Sy rep of Wild cherry. With little
or no hopes. I procured two bottles of Dr. Stemmer of
thin Owe, and by its ace 1 am obliged to confess that
eta effects were really aurprteing. She had been unahle
to de anything for the last eight months; at times the
mould spit blood by The tumbler full. hot by the use of
your valuable Compound Synip of Wild Cherry *a•
elnirely cured, and is now attending to her housework
as usual. Ply intention in railing at your office was to
tee you personally, and offer thanks and gratitude to
you as n public benefart or.for compounding such a val
uable medicine as yours ham proven to be in the above
case. WiLtt eat ALEXeNDEa.
Asthma of eleven years' standing permaneutly cured
by Dr. Swayne's Cempound Syrup of Wild Cherry,
mi s er *otter remedies had failed.
Cincinnati, Feb. 19, 1817.
Dr. Swayer is toren icy that eleven peers ago
last fait,' wan troubled with the Asthma, which increa
sed mine me in defiance of all the remedies I could
hear of, until the year 1539-40, when I was obliged to
leave my native New England Air a milder climate,
which had the effect to mitigate my sufferings for three
or f.ionsettia, after which the disease increased until
last winter, and my se Cretins were intense, almost
and endurance, being obliged Manua night after night
froth inability to sleep in tied.
Last tall 1 felt the symptonta earlier than metal to the
season. het hearing that Dr. S. wayne's Compoend Syrup
t of tf old chr t ry was a sovereign remedy for Dscsnesuf
the Longs, I immediately, commenred Ito ace. and the
Iresolt tons almost immediate relief. For the last nit
weeks I have not tea thetel.l symptoms of the Arnhem,
and feet confident that !um well of it. Mid that 1 have
been c tired by the a Imre named medicine.
Yours, teNaeCt fo try. J. W. KNIGHT.
walnut street between 3d and 4th.
DR. SWA,VNE IN Tun BOCTII —The most Vs on.
derful cure en record! React it
ll'ainieerva, N. C., Jan. Ilth, 1847.
Or. Swayne :—Dear Sir.-11avi e g been almost
raCtiloutily cured by your valuable toedlcine,l think it
not more than common gratitude in me to make one
addition 1.1 the long list of certificates which you have
received of remarkable cures by your medicine. Du
ring the Iwo years preceding last August, 1 was very
much distressed Ay a very bad entil'and racking cough,
and during the latter pan of the time It continued to
]grow worse. and indeed In July my friend4igave me
over, having tried all kinds of medicine, saidess be good
for eneb diseases, sentinel the least good effect. I was
reduced almost ton perfect corpse, and liad2acarcely
any flesh upon ley body, and for a long thee never
I thought to rise from my bed again. A friend one day
asked me if I had melt Seayne's Cornpound„Syrup of
Wild Cherry. and advised me to do no at once, as he
heard that it bad workeda great many wonderfulcurea.
1 took his nitrite and afternslng up several bottles of
11, 1 grew on much better, that I was emitted ys leave
my lied, and afterwards to walk about the hoeie, and
go rust into the street. I was encoterhged by this, and
continued the use of your metticine,and now, by means
of its wonderful curative powers. I am perfectly well,
and enjoy the one of all my faculties, just as much as
ill halt never been afflicted in the tray I have desert!.
ed In 5110. 1 have winter, this not thinking that it will
at all intereW you, but humbly hoping that it wilt have
its mite of infleence in crooner your valuable medicine
to he spread unplug mankind, and in resisting to ratan
you to that station which you richly deserve, for your
persevering effiwto for the public good,
Respectfally your friend and admirer,
Janes ft. MaIiLIND.
Comment an such evidence as the above is unneces
sary. A mingle trial will Mare Dr. Swaynea Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry. !Island the reach of competition
in the estimation Of every patient. But its healing vir
tues will he its hest recommendation.
. .
IMPORTANT CAUTION.—Rend! Read!—There is
but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherty, and that
Is Dr. swaynee, the first .ever offered to the public,
which ban imen sold largily thrnugbout the U. States
and seine parts of Europe and all preparations called
Ly the name o( Wild Cherry have been put out.since
this, ender cover of some deceptive circumstances,; In
order In give currency Id their sales. Ely a Rale Obser
vation, nn person neen mistake the genuine from the
false. Earn bottle of the genuine la enveloped with a
beautiful Inert engraving with the likeness of AV/Inuit
Penn thereon ; also, Dr. Nwayne'sdgnalure; and as a
further security. the portrait n( Dr. Swoyne will be ad
ded hereafter. en ni to distinguish hii preparatimi from
■lt others. Nov, if it was not for the great curative
properties and known Virtues of Dr. Swayne's Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persona would not be en.
deavnting ingivecurrency to the.f•fictitlous nostrums."
by stealing the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, al
ways. bear in mind the name of Dr. Rwb one, and be
not deceived.
Principal race, corner of Eighth and Ea I street.,
. DR. SW4VhIR'S VERIIDFCC n effectual reme
dy (or Worms. Dyspepsia, Chnlen Molter. Delicate.
Sickly or Dyspeptic children. Conruielohs, and the most
usella family medicine which has ever been offered to
the public.
4,2141VVL5...L0N0 SIIAWLIf of various style
nd quality. P , 17 •
`,dap ' 23 ! 4 a, Bt.STit ¢ flo,
Caution eitra.
A mashy the name of CLAPP ham engaged .with a
young man of the name of d. P. Townsend. trod UM
his name to put up a Sarsapari la. which they call Dt
Townsend's Sarsaparilla. denominating it GE'S VINE
Original. etc. This Townsend is no and never
was; but was formerly a worker on railroads; canals.
and the like. Yet he assumes the Otte of Dr, for the
purpose of gaining credit for what be is not. This Ii
to caution the public not to be deceived, and purchase
none bat the Gamine Original Old Dr." Jacob Town.
send's Sarsaparilia, having on It the Old Dr's. like.
nest; his family coat of sum,, and his signature : across
the coat of arms.
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla!
0 I.Dinr. Townsend i 1 • now about TO years of ige,
and has lone been known as the an thor and discov
erer of f 4 Genuine Offish:at ••Towesend Sarsaparilla
thing poor, be was compelled to limit its manufacture.
by.. bleb means it has bern kept out of market, and
the salestircumseribed to those Only who had proved
its worth and known its value. It bad reached the
ears of many, nevertheless, as those persona who had
been healed of snre diseases. and saved from death,
proclaimed its excellence and wonderful
Ennwing. waxy gears se,, that he 7 hnd, by his skill.
science, and experience, devised an aside which would
be of incalcuable advantage to mankind, when once
known and extensively need, he hoped and pereeve.
led, expecting, the time to arrive when the meant would
be furbished to bring it into universal notice, when
its inestienxbie virtues would be known and apprecia
ted. This time haste - erne. the means are supplied; this
ls manufactured nn the largest • tale, and is called
for throughout the length and breadth of the land, es
pecially as it la found incapable of degeneration or'
Let every man ring thrnughnut the land, that Old
Dr. Jacob 'Forenamed Is now manufacturing the real
'Townsend Sarsaparilla,' which ere ,sever fer
ments, and never slaws if/ ellaraetsr.
From this day forth the people shall have the Peer
Genuine latensend Sarsaparilla, whith shall never
sour in the bottle, or in the stomach, and' It shall yet ,
banish from the land all Fee emoting, floating, Explo'
ding, Vinegary Sarsaparillas, now in use. A good
Sarsaparilla, pure and genuine, ought to live ; a poor
slipme.op Sarsaparilla ought In droop and die.
The Old Dec Sarsaparilla will keep pure and per
fect 100 years.
Unlike young ft P. Tnwnsenel's It Improves with
age, and never changes, but for the better; _l:teatime it
is prepared on scientific princlnle• by a' scientific man.'
The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and Oa latest
discnveriee of the Art have all been brought Into requi
sition lathe manufacture of the OLD DR'S. *SARSA
PARILLA. The Sareapariila root, it is well known
to medical men, contains many medicinal pmpertles,
Ind some properties which are inert or node., and
others, which. If retained in preparing it for use, pen
ducejerracntatiosi and acid, which is injurious to the
system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so
volatile, that they entirely evaporate endue lost in the.
preparation. if they ore not preserved hr a scientific
process, known only to those experienced In its mono
factor.. Moreover. these relatifs principles, which
fly off in vapor. or as an exhaltatine, under heat, are
the very essential neeil`enl properties of the root, which
give to it all its value.
Any pellets° can boil nr stew the root till they get a
dirk colored liquid, which is more from the coloring
matter in the root than from anyihing else; they can
then strain this insipid or vapid liquitUmweeten with
sour molasses, and then call it ''Sersarealilla Extract
or Symp.. Rut sorb is not the article known as the
This is so:prepared, that all the inert properties of
the Sarsaparilla root are first removed. every thing
capable of becoming acid or of fernientatlon, is eztmcf•
ed and rejected ; then every particle of medial virtue
Is secured in a pure and concentrated form ; and thaw
it is rendered incapable of losing any of.its valuable
and healing properties. Prepared in this way,, it Is
made the most powerful agent in the
Hence the manna why we hear rommendatirms nn
every side in its favor by men, women, :lid children.
We tindo dome wonders in the cure of Cnnsumptlon,
Dyspepsia. and Liver Complaint, apd in lihruntaiism.
Scrofula, Pules, Costiveness. all Culanciftis Erupt ions,
Pimples, Blotches. and all affections arising from
IMPURITY iiF TIIF. 111.900.
possesseica marvellous elll'acv, In all complaints
arising from indigestion, from Aridity of the Rolm. h,
from unequal circtilation, determination of Wood to
the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold
• hands, cold rhillq and but flashes over the bqdy. It
hos not In. equal in Cold, and Coughs, and promoters
easy expect. r.tiiitti, and gentic perspiratinn relaxing
stricture or the lunge, thr"nt, and every other part.
lint in not ting is Its excellence more maul:esti/ seen
and acknowedged than in all kinds and stages of Fe
male Complaints.
II works wonder. in case of Fluor Allots or Whites,
of the Wanda. Obstructed, Suppressed. or
Painful Menses. Irregularity of the menstrual periods
and the like; nod is as effectual In miring all the firms
of Kidney Disecne. By removing obstructions, and
regulating the general system. It tone and strength
to the whole body, and this cures all forms of
And thus prevents or relieves a great variety ofother
maladies. as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus
Datice, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convoilsions.
It as tint possible for this medicine to fail to do gond ;
It has nothing in it which can ever harm, it can never
emir or spoil, and therefine, can never loose its mita-
Ili e pro:teaks. It cleanses the blond, excites the liver
to healthy actinu, tones the stomach, and gives good
digestion, relieves the bowel. of torpor and constipa•
lion, allays Intlantation, purities the skin, equalizes the
circulation of the producing gentle warmth'
equally all over the body, nod at the insensible persdirm
lion; rt taxes all obstructions, and invigorates the en
tire nervous system. Is not this then, the medicine
von pre-eminently need? But ran any of nn things
•nine thin
he said of S P. Townsend's inferior article I This
young mites liquid is not to he
Because of one grscrl fart, that the one is inapable of
deterioratinn,and NEVER SPOILS, while the other
does; it inert. ferments, and .blows the bottles con
tainine it Into fragments; The sour. acid liquid et
p,odmg, and damaging other goods! blust not this
hornlale compound beepoisonnus In the system? What/
pet rieid into a sorest already diseased with acid , What
causes Dyspepsia but acid 1 Do we not all knnw,
thnt„when fond sours In our stomachs, what mischief
it produces 1 flatulence. heanburn, palpitation of the •
heart, liver complaint; diarrhea, dysentery, colic, and
corruption of the blood I What Is Scrofula Innen arid
hum., In the body What produces all the hamors
which bring on Eruptions of the Skin. Scald Head,
Fat! 71hrnm, Erysipelas. While Swellings. Fever Sores,
anal all tilerratlonv internal and external! It is nnth
nag under heaven but an acid aubdtance, which enure
awl has spoils all the flolds of the body, more or leas.
What causes Rheumatism, but a sour or acid fluid,
which insinuates itself between the Joints anal else-
where, Irritating and inflaming the tender and delicate
tisanes upon which it nets? 'So of nervous iliscsres.
of impurity of thelilood, of deranged circulation, and
nearly al , the ailments which afflict human nature.
Now is it not horrible to make and sell, and irficits•
Iv worse in use this
And yet he would fain have it understood that Old Dr.
Jacob Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, Is
a', IMITATION of, hialiiferior preparation:
Heaven forbid that we should deal In an article which
.would bc.r the most divans resemblance to S. P.
Townsend'. artirlet and which would bring down
upon the Old Dr ouch a mountain load of complaint,
and criininat MDR from Agents who have sold, and put
clingers who leave tired S. P. Townsend's Fermenting
Compound. We wish it understood. becalm It In the
absolute truth, thaVel. P. Townvend's article and Old'
Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-rids
apart and infinitely dissimilar; that they ore unlike in
every particular, having not one single thing In com
As S. P. Townsend is no doctor,and never was, is no
chemist, no pharmieeutist—knows nn mnre of mcdi•
tine of disease than any miter ,simmon, unscientific,
enprof•ssional man, what guarantee can the public
have that they are receiving a genuine scientific medi
cine, cnitta`ning all .the virtues used in preparing
and whirh are incapable of changes whit - hi -alight un-!
der !lim the agents of disease Instead of health I '
But what else should he expected from one who
knows nothing cnniparatively of medicine or disease!
It requires a person of some experience, to conk and
serve up - even a common decent meal, how much more
Important is fl that the persons who manufacture mr•dl
eine, designed for weak stomachs and enfeebled sys
tems.should know wellthe medical properties of pistils.
the best manner of securing and comeentrafing their
healing victims, also an extensive knowledge or the vs•
rinus diseases which affect the human system, and
how to adapt remedies to these diseases ! •
It to horrible to think. and to know how cruelty the
afflicted nre iiripoeed upon by preriiinfflonti. men fttr the
rake of money Porton, made nut of the nennicsof
the Mel:: and no equivalcnwrendercd the despair.
toe offerers!
It is to arrest frauds upon the onfertunate. to P. 11?
balm Into wounded humanity. in kindle hope in the de
spairing bosom, in restore health and bloom, and vigor
into the crushed and broken, and to banish infirmity.
that Old Dr. Jacob Townsend has sought and found
the opportunity and means to bring his Crand Univer
sal Concentrated Remedy within the reach, and to the
knowledge of all who need it, that they may learn and
know. by Joyful experience. its
And thus to have the unpurehasable satisfaction of
halving raised thousand* *ad millions from the bed of
Maness and despondency to hope, health, and a long
lile of vigor and usefulness to themselves, their fami
lies and friends
Agentr for this County. John C. Brown, Pottsville;
James B. Palls,and J. W. - Gibbs, Afinersville; E. J.
Fry. Tamaqua. [Des. 15. 1848. 51-
Abdominal Supporters, Ale.
rrHA.u su bscr iber
17 1;P Ius r
also his HERNIAL APPARATUS, which he will aup.
ply to physicians. sad those t equiringthem, at Philada.
prices. These Instruments are now lenerolly used by
the faculty fn Philadelphia. and arehlahlyreentantend
eo by all who have used them. F. SANLIERSON.
Pottsville, april22 ti It
MIRE snbscriber begs leave to inform his friend* and
L the public in general, that be has opened r Board
and Lumber Yard. at the corner of High Street and
Mount Carbon Railroad. in Pottsville, above Haywood
.& Snider's Foundry ; where be will keep a constant
assortment of Oak, Ilemlock.Plne,and Poplar Lumber.
Having three Saw-mills running. hit flatters blame'
that be will be enabled to *unpin his friends with ■n
description of lumber for mining or building purposey
on the mast reasonable terms, and by.. the prompt at'
ention to their orders lung» a coutinitanes of Ito
phy21?1.)7) . Wll. STAPDRNSOM
1 VIC subscriber
having just orris
ed from Sweden.
offers his services
to the citizens of
Philadelphia and
Its vicinity. That
there ar a more
things between
heaven and earth
than,e•er was
dreamed et, is daily made manifest by the Astrologer.
.c. W. ROBACK, whose miracles approach more near
those tipsters °fin the Scriptureszhan afloat latterdaya,
by his daily performance of wonders unheard of in thus
country; yet quite familiar are thousands In Europe who
have enjoyed his ennildence.among which may be men
tionedN.,.mr„ the present King of Sweden. Louis Phil
lip/4nd many of the English nobility and gentlemen or
high raet.who have consultel him, respecting Inters,
by destra or accident, and who have been gratified in
invoking the powers of the worderfol Science which
helms inherited from his ancestors. Pot Information
or his powers to forsee the result Of lawsuits, and all
undertakings of hazard, and advice for the restoration
of stolen property, and for the speedy cure of diseases •
of various kinds, heretofore considered incurable by
oar best physician", , j ,
Re is also prepared w pb a quantity of hie ielebtated
Astrologer's Swedish enumeration syrup. which Is pro-1
gracing such wonderful cores in beating ulceration of
the Lungs from Consonsption. More than 10,000 patents
haie breelatishmtorily eared to Sweden by this won
derhil recuedy.Each bottle!. acentispaeled with WPM&
direction", and for eldest his office.
Sins. Wm, Brown street, between Sd and ith, back of
Nom. 10.
Ms. Mary Miller, N 0.3 Asbaneee comet, between Bib
and 9th. and Locust. and Wainer etc
Mr. Jobb Blair. a Adams street, below Fitzwater.
.Mr. D. A14n.317 North Rd st.
Mrs. E. M. Davis. IR North id st. •
Mr. IL Johns, 16 Little Pine et. •
Mr. M. Johns. IS Dean street, between Spruce and
Locust and Bth and 9th ata
Mr. J. Davies, R 7 South 7th at:
Mr. D. Elanamn, 73 Wood st.:Eensingten.
Mr. Minten, N 0.6 Hurst st.,between Lombard,Soulb,
6th and 6th.
Ile has been consulted with by all the cmwnert heads
'of Europe.and enjoys higher reputation as an Astrologer
than any one living.
The period of our birth Is generally marked with some
peculiar circumstances. that has a visible effect on the
conduct of our lives. which Professor llobact will read
and explain to the astonishment and satisfaction of vis
itors. Ile will answer all questions concerning Law
nulls, Marriages, Journeys, Voyages, and all the con
cerns of life.
Terms. Ladies 30 cents. Gentlemen 01. Nati?ldes
calculated and read in fall; according to the oracles of
masculine signs; Terms. Lad lea.;11.; Gentleman,•l 50
Natlyities calculated according to Germane, ; for La
dies. $2 in Atli, •3 ; Gentlemen. ;In NIL Per
sons et &distance can have their Natividea by mending
their day of birth.
All letters containing the above fee will meet with
immediate attention. and lent to any part of the Gaited
State. on durable paper.
°Mee, No. 71 Locust street. between Eighth and
Ninth, orinngite the Musical Fund Hall Hours from 9
A.M.. to 10 PAL C. Ws ,RODACIL Astrologist.
From J, C. Jenkins & Co.,
S. W. comer of Cl canoe and Tiegftk
R.—One of our partners having learned the Tea
L*business of the. Chinese themselves, daring a resi
dence of seven years a mon; them, the pubic may there
fore expect of us the full benefit of the knowledge and
experience thole acquired.
To our Black teas. particularly, we wish to eatl at
tentino as imsaessing:a degree of strength and elehnvvs
of flavor seldom equalled. Mack teat are tin iversally
aged by the Chinese, who ennsider the Green fit arty
for foreigners. Our physicians also recommend the
lildck as making • more healthful beverage than the
Green. Each package is so secured as to retain the
virtue, of the tea for a Inn; time in any dim it.. and
contains/sir weight efra, independent of the metal and
paper with which it is enveloped..
, The above who:lute tea, pin up In 1. /. and I lb.
manses, pis. receive d and - will be constantly kept for
rile by the subscriber. ;- J.:WHITFIELD.
Nov?; 11 -tlB
Par tale, or imported to order, by the übseriber.
rimst; Rupee are now almost exclustveiy used In
1 the Collinriee and on the Railways In Great 111-H
-an, and ace found to be greatly superior to Hempen
ones as regards safety, durability and economy.
The Patent Wire Rupee; bane proved to be still - ttf
goad manikin after three; year'. service, In the same
situation where the Hempen nnes, previously used, of
double the size and weight would wear out In nine or
ten months. They have been used for almost every
purpose to which Hempen Ropes and chainshave been
applied. Mines, Railways; Heavy Cranes, Standing
Rigging. Window Cords, Lightning CondueloreSignal
Halyard., Tiller Ropes. &e. They ate made either of
Iron nr Copper Wire. and In cases of mush exposure
to dantoness,nf Calvanized Wire. '
Testimonials from thz most eminent
England can he shown!, as to their eibrier
additional informatimq-reptlred rospectin
eat descriptions and application will be
ALFRED F REM P,:sllrnad Ne
Cole Agent in thelinii
a to. • 4.1? Saa
c 1
'r r ss
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84. AtMEDY footle
B. A. - Fah ne at oc lit s Vermlfisge.
TITE CONSTANTLY increseingpopularity and sale
of B. A. Fahnestock's Vermlfuge has induced per
tool who are envious of Its success; to palm off upon
the public. preparations which all medical men - know,
ici he Inefficacious to expelling worm frnm the system.
Th la Verrnlnige made It. way into public favor upon
the ground of Its own intrinsic merits, more than, any
other Medicine of the kid nnw used; and while mom
worm remedies have. n dint of puffing. been forted
into sale, and shortly after gone into the obscurity
whiCh lion: wnriblesness Justly milted. B. S. Fohne
stock's Verminige continues to be trlttinphantly nun
talned. It.has only to lie used and list ffect• will fully
sustain ,all that Geld of Its Wonderful expelling power.
Irelcs,'Erie - Co., New York. Jan 7, 1813.
We certify that we have used S. A. Fahnestock's
Vermifitge in our families. and in every ease It has pro
vided a decided and effeetnal remedy the expelling
Worms from the orate in. We cordially' recommend It
to parents who have children afflieted with that dan
gerous malady. &LON VIRGIL.
For ale, wholesale and retinal the drug warehouse
Corner of Sixth and Wood es. PlttstinGrePa. '
For sale 112 Pottsville, by JOHN 0...8R0WN, Drag
gle. [Dee. 0.1813. 30-
YOST ILEOEIVED—Au Invoke of full jewelled
'0 Ilystlartillver I.s VQse , Wald. far Wpm, wtacb
still by sold very low ea
pialellei • spiny a- 112.140111"8,
That &NAN Con % t Thu Lungs sirs in danger 1
771smork of tlo &erne,. UM Ursa/
Thu cough of cossawytiens Ada in
its 'mud of Dtsdk
A 11. E you a motherl Your darling child, your idol
1l and earthly joy. Is nosy, perhaps, confined to het
chamber by s dangemas cold--herpale cheeks,ber thin
shrunken fingers, tell the hold disease. bas already
gained upon her—the sound of tier sepulchral cough
pierces your soul.
Young man, when just about to.enier life, disease
sends a heart-crushing blight ever the fair prospects of
the future—your hectic cough and feeble limbs tell of
your loss of hope. but you aced not despair. There is
a balm which will heal the wounded lungs, It is
. .
Mrs. ATTREE, the wife of Wn s Ames, Rao. was
given Lusby Dr. Scwal of Washmgton. Mt Roe and
McClellan of Philadelphia. and Dr. Nos of New York.
Her friends all thought aim must die. She had every
appearance of being in consumption; cud waaso pro
nounced by her .phyllicians—Sberman's Balsam
given cured her.
Rev: HENEY JONES, M. Eighth &Tepee. was
tined, or :cough and catalrchAl affection of 50 years
standing. The grit dose. giVi bins more relief than
all the other medicine he had ever takes. Dr. L. J.
Beals, 19, Delaney street. gave it to a sister-In-law
who was laboring ender Consumption. and to another
sorely afflicted with the Asthma. In both cases its
effect went immediate, and soon restored them to com
fortable bealtb..
Core the most obstinate cases of Cough in .• few
hours. They have cured a large number of persons
who hare been given up by their physicians and friends,
and many who have been reduced to the verge, of the
grave by spitting 61..1, Consumption and Hectic fever,
by their use have had the rose of health restored ta
their haggard cheek. and now live to speak forth the
praiser of this Invaluable medicine.
have been proved in more than 900,000 cases to ti 4
infallible, in fact the only certain worm destroying
medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them
when they cannot he forced to take any other medicine.
and the benefit derived from the administration of
medicine to them in this form. is great beyond deacrlp•
lion. When the breath of tire child becomes teen.
Ave, and there is picking of the nose, headache. drew.,
sloes., starting during sleepAisturbed d reems.awaking
with fright and screaming. troublesome cough, fever
ishness. ttirst. voracious appetite. sickness of the
sumach, and bloated stomach—these are among the'
many prominent symptoms of vronns, and can be re
lieved by these incomparable Lozenges. They have
never been known to fail.
Relieve headache, nervous sick headache, palpitation
of the heart and sickness in a very few minutes.
They cure lowness of spirhs, despondency, faintness.
colic, spasms. cramps of the stomach, summer or
bowel complaints—they keep up the spirits, dispel all
the distressing symptoms of a night of dissipation, and
enable a person to undergo great mental or bodily toil.
. .
is acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be
the best strengthening plaster in the world, and a sov
ereign remedy tar pains and weakness in the back,
loins. aide, breast, neck, limbs joints, rheumatism
lumbago, &c. One million a year will not supply the
demand. Caution is "necessary, as there are many
unprincipled persons who would force a spurious arti
cle upon the contionnity. Be careful to get elberman's
Poor Man's Plaster, with 3'.J v ied" of his written
name on the barg—nohe others are genuine, and will
do more hurt than good. Dec. R 49-17
FOR the cure of Headache, Giddiness_ Rorumallem,
Piles, Dyspepsia. Feurvy,Stuillpos.Jaunilice,Phins
In the Wei.. Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the
Heart, Rising In the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma. Fevers of
all kends, Female Complaints, Measles. ,alt Rheum,
Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Mottos, Coughs, Quinsy,
Whooping Cough, Gotisomption..Fits. Liver Complaint
Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching of the Ohm Colds, Gout,
Gravel, Nervous Complaints, and a variety of other
diseases, arising from impurities of the blood, and ob
structions in the organs of digestion.
Experience has proved that hearty every disease ori
ginates from Impurities otthe blood or derangement of
the digestive organs; and 14secu re health, we mmt re
move these obstructions or restore the blood to its RA
turn? state.
The aversfon to taking medicine Is most effectual) , re•
moved by Clickner's Verstobie Pargatire Pills ; .being
completely enveloped with a codling ofpare white save
(when is as distinct from the internal ingredients ai a
nut Mien from the kernel) and Inane no taste ol'obediciar.
Moreover they neither nauseate or gripe in theslichrest
degree, but operate equally on all the diseased parts rif
the system. insiead of confining themselves In am' lark
ing any particular region. Thus, if the Liver he tree.
led, one ingredient wall operate on that particular or
gan, and by cleansing it of any race.. of bile. restore
it to Its natural state. •nother will operate nu the
blornd,and remove all impurities lit its circulation, kiddie
a third will move all impurities in its circulation. while
a third svilleffectualty expel wh deers Impurities may
Aloe b: en discharged in the stomach, and hence they
grits at the root of disease. remove all impure humors
from the body open the pores externally amffinternally;
separate all foreign and obnoxious particles Tram the
chyle, so that he blood may be thoroughly pure—thus
secerma a free and healthy action. to [lie heart, Wars,
and Inver; and thereby thi real". AeaIIA,CVCO when
all other means have fail .
The entire truth of the Move can he ascertained by
tine trial of a single boa ; laid their viruses are so posi
tive and certain in restoring health, that the proprietor
binds himself to return the money paid for them in all
cases where they do not give universal satisfaction.
Retail pukes. 25 cis. per bog.
Principal office, No. 66, Vesey street, New York.
The following are the agent.. in Schuylkill enunry for
(Mailer's Vegetable - Purgative Pills, and Dr. Sher
man's Balsam, Lozenges and Planters':
Tarrianart= .1. Fry. and Milner & hloreenmth ;
Patterson-5.,_ chwariz; Middleprin—Jno.
Pon Cailrn-11. Shirsler; Pnttrville—F. Sanger-on,
and J. G. Rrn,,wn ; St. Clair—linehes ; New Castle—
Geo. Hell'aiiyiler,l: Taylorville—J. Otto; Minces_
oalle—James H. Falls; Llewellyn—Jonas Kauffman ;
Tremont—Hansa & Wingert; l'inegrove—Paul Harr;
Orwlgaburg—Joseph Hammer ; Purr Clinton—Lyon &
Itt•hel ; New Philadelphia—Wm. H. Harlow;
Haven—Levan& Kauffman ; and also by J. S. C.
MARTIN, wholesale and supplying agent,
Dec?. '49. 49-ly
- - - .
. ,
1, , 01Z the removal and permanent cure of ■ll diseases
P arising fh an Impure state of the blood and habit
of the body, viz.: it
• - •
Chronic Bronchitis. Catarrh, Pleurisy nog axle,.
Scrofula In all its forms. Tel ter,Scald If ed,Salt Rheum,
Cutaneous eruptions of the head, ce; body, and ex
:remit ies,•Chronic diseases of t Ayer, Stomach, and
Bowels, Chronic Rhenin s olis , Chronic Enlargement of
the Joints And I.lganieWhite Swellings, flip Joint
affections. Abcesies. Ulcers. Syphilitic disoiders, Ma
curial and hereditary piedisprasitlona. etc., etc.
From the known pail 'villa the Blood performs in
the ordinary processes of imitation, who doubts that i
does not undergo important alterations when the pro
, ceases take place in an unlipailthy manner? These al
terations are sometimes the cause and sometimes the
effect of the morbid phenomena, which constitute ay hat
we term disease. That there is a throng analogy be
tween many constitutional diseases and the effects
of poisonous agents introduced into the blood. no one
I will deity, and that these diseases are due to the action
1 of tome mothific matter, which has affected tooth its
' physical and vital properties. What that effect may
lead to is forcibly sketched by Dr Williams: "The ap
pearance of pet Itim(lisrolora lion) on the external sur
face, the occurrence of more extensive hemorrhage in
internal nails, the general fluidity of the awn° and
frequently its unusually dark or otherwise altered as.
pect,its poisonous properties,as exhibited In its delete.
dolts operations on other animals, and its spronenees tit
paseinin decomposition, point oat the Blood as the first
part of disorder • and by the 'failure of its natural proper
ties and offices as the vivitier of all structure and
function, it is plainly the medium by which death he
ms in the body." All of those affections in which the
Panacea Is applicable an alteration of this fluid has ta
ken place—it must be changed before health can foliow.
That It has this power the most amnia testimony can be
given. Do not hesitate i Remenibega responsible me
dical person tells you so. ,
Read the following evidence: .
Bloch tooodtottne, N J.. Feh. 6, 1848.
• Dr. Keeler:—Dear Sir :—I am entirely out of your
Panacea: I was called on day before yesterday for hair
a dozen. Your medicine is becoming seep popular
where I have introduced h. and I think the more it is
used the more popular it will get. • • •
Respectfillly yours, . Wm. PARR I.M. ' Ili.D
Prepared and sold N. W. corner 1,1 and Nfillth SIMI.
Philadelphia. For sale by J. C. Drown and J.S.C.NIar
tin, Pottsville ; J. KemptoW, Port Carbon ; J. B. Falls,
hlinerssnlle, and by - druggists and merchants through- I
nut the County. Price 61 per bottle- or six bottles for
Iffi. *For particulars see pamphlets, I
TIVE, the meet 'needs and permanent ',remedy know
nr - Diarrhrea, Dysentsfry; Cholera Ditto tutn, Colt
latulency, &c., and for the m.tny demotion, ents of th i
tomach and Bowels Nom Teething. NO fa 'mils , shout '
without it. Price only 23 cis. [AarIT ti•ht 6 Dell-t I
nenerrs In
ry,and any
the dace
yen by
o- ,
I a
o ;.‘
pErifi lt is the settled opinion ~r
. ~.,, ••• . the most distinguishedphy
-- alcians, both of this coun
't+ i' '. try and Eurni,e, that CY 'l
a c
- .,4 , ... .4 ...psi.. i. Carat*. In any
:.?, r -iz,... f r..- .;'.;:./ tad every' stage,excepting
:. , 'l: l ` ..- ~,. that which Is attended by
41 . ....ii,4•1.,'...:.' Naming diarrtnert. The
lie! a
.r. :=..., , -utter symptom frequently
marks a breaking up of the
powers of life, and then a
1 cure - is not lobe ancertain
; ly minted on. Tubercles
tt / ti on the lungs are not neces
sary obstacles to a perma
nent cure. nut' the means to be. employed must be
widely different from those ordinarily used. Consume- '
live patients generally seek fir a soothing- medicine
merely. snmething which will allay a casurk. Nothing
in easter than to furnish such a compound.. tic is thls.
and this alone. which the numerous Putnionic Syrups.
Wild Cherry Balsams. Cold Candies, and the like, aim 1
at ; and it is all,they achieve. .... 1
Is usually the hauls of them all; which, for a time, de
ceives the poor sufferer. but dinappninta at lan.
To erre Consumption, something for beyond all this
is Imperitively necessary. Something must be used
above specific action la upon the Pillmonary vessel.,
and upon the delicate membrane whh h lines the air
passage.; and which shall arrest and eradicate that
morbid principle which chows itself in the form—
berries. This the El raefenbarit
Will effectually do; while at the lame lime it will al
lay the cough and remove the WASO nit hectic.
This medicine in the only one extant. In thin or in
foreign counts len,that can be relied no in the rrimplaints
tinder to - nice; and an the mnst trying" 'mason Is Juat at
hand, the attention of cutout mptive ?rowan:M*oe Med
kat faculty, and of the public at large. Is earnestly in
vited to it. This Balm Is of incalculable value in Asth
ma. Ornnehhic Catarrh. Cold, .pitting n( Mond. DIM
catty ..f Breathing. and ail other affections of the throat,
the lungs, the bronchial tuber.. acc.
Teitimonials of It. wonderful eflicace and of the nu
'Memos corns It has errocl ed, may be had on application
at the Company's Agencies.
E. BARTON, Secretary.
Ana :for male by J. S. C. Martin, Pottsville ;1. W.
Gibbo.:Mlnersvilic; E. J. Fry, Tantnqua; .1. 11. Alter,
Tancamra ;• John Williams. lifiddleport ; Robert But.
er, Spring Vale. iial9 • 4B-.TI-Iyl. 'Nnyt I.
Nif ANUFACTURERS, Nn 03, North Finer stover.
111 Philadelphia. have now a good supply of their war
ranted pure WHITE LEAD, and those et:darner' who
have been sparingly supplied in consequence of a run
on the article , shaltnow have their orders toted
No karma rebalance nuclease. those preservative and
beautifying properties, so desirable in a paint; to an
equal extent with unadulterated white lead hence any
admixture °tether material. only man its value. It
bas,tberefore, been the steady alai of the manufacture'',
for many veers. to supply to the public a perfectly pure
White les& and the unceasing demand for the article, le
proof that it has met with favor. It Is Invariably brand
ed on one heal WETHERILL* BROTHER la lull.
and on the Mimi., werreated part. all In radiant:ow.'
f.alutuaariXpLVlD—Velno's celebrated and in.,
valuable preparation for earling.rolleging and p ro .
=Hag the growth of the hair,'Por SW at
Hoe. 59-11) , MOP eade r sqi YgM4 WV,
RO7, Main street. Bolo,—B NW •olk.
R. G. C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lithnntoptic Mla
ture,a celebsated medicine which has made GRE aT
CURES in au. DISt4BIII. is now Introduced Into this
action. The limits of an adiertlsement will net per
mit so extended notice of thi. remedy t we have only
Or lay fittest far its sweeten, the United Stites and Can
'dace large number ofeilucated sieloceL raacqrrtott
can whip professional standing, wan make a general
use of it in their Practice In the following diseases:
And &sines of the Urinary organs; piles aid all dim
eases of the Wadi, derangetnents of the Liver, F.c., and
all general diseases' °fare system.• I: la mattes es
requested' that all who contemplate the use of this af
tide, or who desire information respecting it, will obtain
a Parental. of M pages,Vbieb agents whose names
are below will kindly give away; this book treats upon
the method of core—explain. the properties, of the
article, and the din it has been teed for over this
country and Europe tar four years with such perfect
effect. Over 16pages of testimony front the mohair
quarters will be' found, with NAMES, PLACES, and
DATES, which can be written to by any one interested
and the parties will answer's ost paid communicatkins.
Gr Be particular and ASK for the PAMPHLET, as
no other such pamphlet has ever been seen. The evi
dence of the power of this medicine over ack diseases
is guaranteed by persons of well known standing in so
Put op In 30 rm. and 12 oz., 0 Hiles. Price Ft. 30 or ;
FI, 12 oz. ; the larger being the cheaper. Every bottle
has "G. C. VAUGHN " swiftest on the direction*, &c.
See pamphlet pre IS. Prepared by Dr. O. C. Vaughn,
and sold at Principal Office, 207-. Main street, Buffalo,
N. Y. Office. devoted to the sale of this article exclu
sively. 132, Nassau, New York, and corner of Essex
and Washington, Salem. Mass.:and by all Druggists
throughout this country and Canada as agents.
Also (or sale by J. S. C. MARTIN, Pottsville; E. J.
FAY, Tamaqua; E. & E. HAMMER, Orwlgshure;
LEvAN & RAUFMAN, Schuylkill Haven; WM. S.
HEISLER. Port Carbon; WM. PRICE, St. Clair;
Minersville. ,
Feb 14.181,2 T-ly
Heave Powders.
HAS cored, In the last rest
1.500 cafes of Heaves.
2000 cases of Chronic Cough.
2 , 0 eae,•r of Or. ken Wo,d.
5000 cases of Ildrsea out of Conditroa, and other
Mnre than 500 eertilicatelr, verbal arid written, have
been fe f e!i f ett, attesting to the virtue. inestiins"-
hie remedy ; but' we have only space to subjoin the fol
Rieklne./, Oswego Co., Sept. 17, 1818.
!tentlernen i—l 'wish to inform you that the Tatter
sall's Heave Powders I bought at yunr store WI Oslo
her, cored a Valuable mare of mine ante Heave., that
she had had tiro piars. The first package did not effect
a cu. e. hut did the mite an much good I was Induced
to try another pai-kage, and the result has been, that
she ha+ not had the Heaves. since about a week after
coin rormin g the second package, all hough P he has been
um of -on my fano alingst i eyery dav,since, which has
satisfied me that she *effectually cured. One of my
neighbors Is giving Tattersall — iv Heave Powders to a
horse, and the prospect it very fJAtering be will be mi
ntia!, it.
Believing that the above na ed medicine Is a very
vat:table . ne, and that Heaves ell, he cured by it, I feel
willing to lend my name in pralsenf it.
Respectfully, - Mugs P. W . .
Spriagll. Ala., July 24,1218.
kfesar.. J. F. Winter & Co.—Genileine• most
cheerfully hear testimony to the Rivet efficacy and virtue
of the Tattersall's Heave Powders, in the cur of hoc ,
sea affected with heave coughs and cold.: I have a
valuable horse that was en severely affected with
Heaves and violent coughing, that I had well nigh lost
him, when I purchased a package of Tattersall's Heave
Powder., which entirely cared him and restored his
appetite. No owner of horses }multi be without it.
Respectfully yours, Gnus. A. rt•2loDr.
CAllTlON.—attitatlims and worThleas •umpnunds
have l'ullnwed us wherever we-have introduced ourre
medy, and we understand That Fermi new ones are
being put up rot r Irculailnn—heware of those and take
nn remedy but "the Tattersall's...
None genuine without the signature of A. H. Gough
& Co.—prier nne dollar per package% tc.x 11,r five
rrepared:and sold whniesule and 'mail tor
140 Fulton Steel, New York.
OSCAR O. JENKINS agent for Pottsville.
Pottsville. Nov IS, ISIS 47-fy,
___ ~}
-~ ~
lllcilll Ointment.
ikeinftilnus ilietiors. Skin Mmes., Poisonous
Wounds to dieeharge Omit putrid matters, end then
heals then,.
It is rightly termed ALL-HEALING, for there Is
scarcely a disease external or internal, that it will not
benefit. I have used it for the last sixteen years for
all diseases of the chest, involving the utmost danger
and responsibility. and I declare before !leaven and
man. that not in one ease' has it failed to benefit when
the patient was within_reach If mftrtalineans.
I have had physicians learned in the profession.—
I base had minister/of:lie gospel. Judges of the bench,
aldermen. la wyers, gentteme f the highest erudition,
and multitndes of the pox list It in every variety of
way, and there has been t one volce—one universal
RIIEUMATISN—It r manes almost Immediately the
inllamation and swelli g When the Pain ceases. (Read
'the dire - Won.. nrottnd the bog.)
. salve has cured peril - ins at the
head ache ottwelv years standing, and who had it
regular every wee so that vomiting took place.
DEAFNE .ar-Ache. Tooth-Ache, and Ague In
the face. are it led with like 211C,1 , 11.
SIIALD ILEA —We have cured capes that actually
defied every thi g known One man told us that he
had spent S3UO sin Is s children withnut any benefit,
wizen a few . boseir of ointment cored them.
BALDNESS—It will restore hair sooner than any
other thine.
TETTER—There is nothing -better for the core of
BURNS—It Is one of the best things in tho world
for Ru• ns.
Piles—Thousands are yearl) cured by ibis Oinment.
It never fails in giving relief for the l-tlen.
:ground the boo arediretioas for itsinsFAlcAllister's
Ointment Jr Scrofula. Liver Complaint. Erysipelas,
Teller, Ckiibfnits, Scald Head. Sore eyes, Qninen. Sore
Throat. Bronchitis, Nervous Affections, Pants. bisegse
of the Spine. !lead-Ache, Asthma, Deajnees, Ear-diele,
Borns., Corns. All Diseases of the Skin, Sore Lips. Pim
ples, Stiffness of the joints. Swelling of the Limes.
Sore Limbs, Son,, ftleatmatima, Piles. Cramp. Swelled.
or Broken Breast. Tontli.Ache, Ague is the Face, 4-e.
COLD FCCT—l.iver Complaint, pain in the Chest,
ne Aide. Gdling °trot the hair. one or Meunier accost.
panien cold feet (This Ointment Is the true remedy.)
It is n mire eign of disease to have told feet.
CORNA—Occasional use of this Ointment will al
ways keep COrllr from growing.. People need never
tie mottled with them if they use it frequently.
This Ointment fa good for any part of the body or
limbs that are inflamed. In some cases it should be
applied often.
Ointment will he genuine nnles•
the name of James McAllister Is written with a pen
upon every label. JAMES McALLISTER,
sole Proprietor or the above Medicine.
;Price. 25 cts. per box.
AGENTS-3 M. Beatty & Co., Pottsville ; D N.
Ifehrier, do ; J. W Gibbs, ; Charles Fria
ley, Orwirsburr & G. Duntainger. Schuylkill
Maven ; Wm.,Tageart, Tamaqua • Washington nets
ter, P.irt Cat bon; Wm. Price, SlClsir lotto B. Hicks.
Reading; and by Agents in all the pciutipal Towns
hi the United States.
Principel Office:No.2S Nosh Sd st., Phitadelem.
February 10, ISM • , .• ly
Ilead Quarters:
QUARTERS at the Cheap Variety States of the
subscriber, where he Is prepared to deal cult missives
in young nod old of both Brace; never willingly of
ten:dee and being determitted that none who may call
this season shall en away dimipprtinted, he has procur
ed the larreat and most varied- assortment of Senti
mental and Comic Valentines. that Love. Wit. %index.
rrience ender the immedtateaupervision and direction
of St Valentine himself. entail get tip All the Trades.
Prnfessinn• aneninst ridiculous caracitUres ate am'
brayed in the Comic arum tment, ' while the Sentimen
tal have been got up in lbe most superb Wyk., the ex
ceedingly neat arrangement, end rarrsinnate sentiment
of some sumot rail to Mare Ike'cruelone anddlswilve
that Icy quality, whose chilling Influence has so l ong
repelled the advances of the timid Inver, and in thrill
the inexperienced whit strange sensations of delight.
Valentine Writers. being new coßectinns of choice
aentiments.-e;ptex a lre of friendship, happiness and
Imre• prepared for the Beaux and the Belles, also Oa
ea ricotta° writer. gp enthaly new collection of Witco -
lone witty and. severe epistolary aketches. for IMO
shoiresie nail at BANNAN'S
,lap S- 1 • Beak and Variety Stores.
Trip a libufiller rph just received a simply o faecal!
_ &amps, &num, wintb ore'• few of Uptonle Rob
ertre Improved Safety Lamp, which M ack now i e d g b y
to the best and safest now In use lathe mines of
Europe. For sale at less prices than they can be Im-
Petted, at • - BANN/M.B
#CII. I ; ( 'Map Ropy .Vartes y
ler A Valtutbie int., for Parmers.—Th e
celebrated hotter*. Bake ell, of. Dishley. Likes.
lershire, and the faun er of the aew Leitorwar
sheep. used to tell an .ecrlote with ecceedisig
high glee of a former no only of the olden reboot.
but of the olden times. This farmer, who owned
and occupied 1000 acre of land, had three daugh
ters. .When his eldest ;stighter married, he loss
het one quarter of his and for her poition, but
no money ; and he timid by a little =nil ape./
and a little better mingenient. the produce of
hie (aim did not decr tare. When him ascend
daughter married, he gave her one-third of the
remaining land for her portico, but no noonei.-..
He then set to work, and began to grub up hie
furze and fern, and, plot shed up what he called
hie poor dry furze land,',oven when the fermi
coverer) in some closest nearly hull the 1and.....:
After giving half his land away to two of hi.
dougkrers o to his great minis° be found that the
produce increased; be de more money because
his new broken up In find brought ezemssive
crops, and at the same lithe he farmed the show
of his lend better, for elentritoyed three times
more laborer. upon it 1 e tote two hour. mown
in the morning. bad DO mare deed fallerunroner
in three years; instead f which hoot two grower
imps in one year, and ate them upon the land:
A. garden never requir a' !Ind./snow. But the
great advantage was, hat' be bad got the elms
money to manage 500 acres as be had to manage
1000 acres; therefore a fold out double the mese ,
ry upon the land. When his third and last .
daughter married, he cave-,Tier 250 seer,, Or half
what remained for her portion and no' money:
He then found that ha had \ the same money to
farm one quarter of the landlesthe bed at first to
farm the whole. He ttega to ask himself a few
question's, and set hi st wit to work bow be was•
to make as much outf 25 as be had done our
of 1000 acres. He t en paid o ff his baififn who.
weighed twenty stone rose 'with the larksin , thy
long days, and went• I to bed with the lamb; he
got as mo th more wor t dont for his mom ;hr
made his servants, laborers, orser, move fader ;
broke them from theq snail's `pace '
• and found
that the eye of the master / quickened the pace of
the servant. He saw the be innipg-end ending
of eierything ; and io hie amen'', and laborers,
instead of saying, "Co and do it," - bis staid to,
them, "Let us go, my boys, end doh.' Ersnowort
come and go he soon found out a great difference.
He grubbed up the whole of his furze and farm,
and then ploughed the whole of his, poor paw
land up. and converted a great deal of corn iota
meat for the sake ofl manure, and his premiered
his blank' water, (the essence of manure 4 eat
his hedges down. which had not been plashed
fur forty or filly years ; straightened his zig-rag:
fences ; cut his waterl course' straight, and gain
ed a deal of land by oing ea ; made
. dasta eat
sluices, and irrigated all the land he could; tor
grubbed up , many of is hedges and borders cov
ered with bushes, id ome places from 10 to 14
yards in width, mint more in his; small closes,
some riot wider ttia streets; and threw three,
four, five, and six close, into one. Refound out
that, instead of grOwing white thorn hedges teal
hewn to 'feed foreign bird, in the winter, he could
grow food for mini instead of migratory birds.—
After all this imProitment he grew more,. end
made more of 251 ) jacr s than he did from 1000; at
the mune time he fouOd out that.balf of England
at that time was not c'oltivated from the want of
means to cultivated with.l I let him non end
sold him long hon.ed bult i, (said R. I:tokamak.).
and told him the real 7 slue of labor, both imeluore
and out, and what!ought to be done with • certain.
number of men. oien, l end biases, within a nine'
time. I taught hint tu;sow Ice. and plough better!
tbatthere were limits and measures in all thing. :-
and that the huthandinen ought to be stronger
than the farm. I told him how to make hot land
colder, aid cold labd hater; light land stiffer, acid
still land lighter. II 'Jon caused him to shake off .
all his old deeterhoted prejudices; and I grafted
new ones in their places. I told him not to breed
inferior cattle, sheep, or hones, but the bed of each.
kind, foe the bed co mated no more than the
wont. My friend be ame a new man in his old'
age, and died rich; [Gardener's Chronicle..
fai. Huai in raise rood Potatoes.—My object
in writing at this thoristo give tbyou my method'
of growing potteries free horn the rot. , I base
practiced it two "ream's" with entire Nucor'', anti!
have now 680 buShels of fine- Mercer potatoes in.
my cellar, and alt free from the disease. I
' My method is; in plough the ground late in the
foil or early in thei spring. harrow it anioonly be
l'fore planting time' the haul out say 15 tons rot
ted manure, spree(' it broadcast; then take two
horses and a plough, and hack. up two/nil furrows.
the furrows just 'netting in the backing; leave a.
strip one foot wide, and back up two cnore-'-and'
SO continue till yeti tiv4e completed the lot. Than.
tur4 about and spliithelni double furrows open with ,
a single furrow, tb6n commence dropping your po
tatoes, (pieces of cit potatoirryzoNtsinat•least.four
eves,) in the tureew sia , inches apart. After the ,
lot is dropped, take your horses and plough. and'
throw two goad frierows—(one round of the team•
to a row,l just on the top ; dress off the
top, clearing the 'Ow 'of' sinces,..clods, dm.; theta
sow broadcast five.buShels common salt over the
ground immediately
,afierplainting; cultivate well
till the plants ere in blessom• and you will hate e
good crop; never milli ate potatoes when in bless:
00M. I
When the crop is oily. together, Clear the
ground, take your two horsos-andtplough, turn a
furrow from each Side li z : e if tar rcrer;:ltit.esboy risk
up the stettering [total toherhturn , uti the row,.
.pick _up the pot3toi•s; - I theniliordewn the-rid -
lastly, harrow over the :tounil; pick up the remain
ing potatoes, and the "hgh; is finished. rh...gii—
cuaurist-must at oboe 'obeerve that brthisprocere.
.he gets ii broad lose bed- for the potatoes to grow.
in, also double depjh if soil ;:then you are certain.
of good illy potato e. I would , here observe that
potatoe ground is the very best' for producing a.
good crop of wheat; and I veould'adn'e farmers
to grow a greater employ of this most valuable•
root. If there is nta market, store them, and feed•
them to your horse,, cattle, athY hogs ;: feed thew
in your stable throdgh the winterrgive your stneln
good bedding; cicala at t your otehks onoe• weeks. a. farce a manure heap as possible; and
you will not be troubled with the Wainer di ~
nor that worse malady, arising frame/way* taking:
out of the meal tub annever returning. any ;lots.
will thus come to iNe tottom.
Respectfully., . A. DENORII.4IWIE.
Columbia county, 0
I tio. (Ohio err/Um/or
E 1
Ty Fattening Cuff,
ably a great difference
erent kinds of fond tr i
mate which we met :wi I
the Commiuioner oflPrst
contain moat of the 116
corn nearly the least.
that the inner article is I
stock that we possess.
•While, therefore, we ft
in rearing stock, the mt
to prepare it fur the km
nino per cent. of oilL, nil
other nutricious
fatten fruiter than on in
as all know, their fat I
ed hoge.
The Sun-Flower s l eed
entirely free from thri lay
better than the ceresi n gr
cent. of oil.
The judicious far mer
kinds of food, intended I I
produce very much.a'tichi
Moe' judicious semen
ommend cooking and fer
i ng it. It is generilly
quarter is saved. I
Animals undergoing the fattening process,
should be ',Pp , tearnikn quiet, and sudden trio.;
sitions of temperature avoided.
W ILI you corns twiny
The Smiles we met,
The maiden's, dream,
When pneternal World's
The Ivy Crites,
Isiah Evenings,
The Grave of Dorrapade,
Let us Lnve One Another.
Atop Dar Knocking at tent t
Oh aluslanna, the deserver
Roush and Ready Polka,
Geri. Taylor,
Union Polka, '.
Favorite 'Waltz, Dorn Loci,
la :Veranda,
A nrora Waltz,
The Cassandra Walla;
Rosamond do
Linda Di Chaumonix Calm
Polka Dos Clotchettes;
The tat Rose of Summer,iraristtpre.
81x Octave Exercises for th . ...r.l,ana Forte.
Duette arranged for alrnd second violins , its thcAA
parts. mach contslaing q Ducks; Duets arrapges,.
Mr the Flute and VloLih, r'ri. Fkue and Plano, &e.
Together with a largo assortment of single pjycesSif
Flute, VioliniGuitar arid leVano mask. always on hand
or obtained to order at HANNAN%
Jan. IS. 34_ Bonk and . Variety stneet
ANA. 4021. -
lir yow.-200 Bibles al
every style of binding, ail
than they can be purchased
Gilt Family tables MI
aYYieilcra can Purchase 1
than tato Isei purchase& is PI
le.—There is trequeutiort
iii the capacity of the dif- ,
rrn flesh or fat. An esti
based on the Report of
tente, represents dist beams
4 sh-forming. principle, and
lt is well known, however,
the best fattening food for
feed beans, peas, oatc,dce
est tatty grains are chosen
tire. Cortitontains about
;bicb is•grester than any
Hogs which feed on nuts
ottiar substance, though,
tea qrm than that of corn,
is Ii cnsgbt by soma to bi N
ter obj-etion,.whith it is,
ins, furnish ins (arty per.
by mixing the different,
for stock, taill be able to,
iresuite as he may desire.,
- on fattening stock yea%
meriting food, before glen
'conceded that thtta one •
'isle. •
ountala home, 44 • droved,
la fa intlte
• r.a popular nearer medady,
ly celebrated negro melerdr.
Ith a splendid portrait occ
Or Lammermoor.,
ATE.At, act . o4B v:a —AI
likal Polar Dolts in almost
aper by 43 et 30 per matt
• in Pblimltelphia. Bpleadid
•n1y.14, at lIANNANIS
.Cheap Hook Mk Stores.
. ooka cheaper to take lost
- Ho