The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 17, 1849, Image 3

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SATURDAY AroVraX°• FED. 17. 1
CS. Mit. E. J. FAIT thOlisea to receive subserip
Ilona for the 'Miners' and receipt for the same
at his !Rug Mere. in Tamaqua
rftExtraordinary.—The Hurwrable Stange
N. Palmer," did net appear in last meet's Em
porium. Da "coming events east their shams
Cr A &no Fenture.—We observe in theisst
number of 'hi Bch. Hesen Map the publication of
the firth (II • chil , l This is • new feature for a
COUCI ry paper.
irrit Resolution has been introduced into the
ratio: Legislature requesting the §ensiors, and in•
atructing the Repterentstives in Congress to.,rote
lor the Wilmot proviso. The vote on this reso-,
rilltition stood '26 yess to 9 nsys.
_ _ _
o,* Ohio U. S. Senator.—The-YVhig members
~ of the Ohio Legislature, met in caucus on the
weaning of the I.3th - ult., and nominated Judge
Mc L ean fcr U. S. Senetot . The day of election
hes not yet been fixed upon. We hope the VI" hip
willimicceed in electing.their nominee.
rir New Counterfeit.—We caution oar feed
ers obi careful in taking notes on the Mechanics!
LIN% of Buffington, is countedvite upon that
Bank are again is circulation. By ecemining
them before you give out the ..cbange." you will
And sciinef to delyputioas.
111r4.01 C o ming."—Great prepare•
ltoas arerciatior in Pittsburg, for the reception of
Gest. Taylor§ who is expected to reach that place
civic and CIA Lary procession will
tarried. .Co}, Black is to command the militef
'The Inangaralion.—The most active pre•
parktions aft; in Ogress in Washington for .the
inanguration of Praitlent Taylor, who is exspee
to Scutt Washington in the course of a week.
ler2it ii possible 7 —A man was found at Tren
. ,
goo ! the retber day mounted on a •ladJer, with his
114+ vessel to the telegraph wires. He was
*awing his wife is:, Philadelphia "by telegraph: .
IC iwas (Mind afterward that he was a. newly IMIC,
fried men.
rigisTtie Judiciary Committee of the Senate of
Michigan has reported a bill 10 restore Capital
Pintishiseat ftX mu7der ic that State. Minty of
the 'journal' of the Suite oppose the restoration of
thi gallows. and few foot it
rr Another Gold .Speeniation.—We have
received a letter from Palmer, Massechusette.
which states. that a letter had been dircovered
written by the celebrated Capt. Kidd. ..sated up in
a bottle which confirms the impression that large
turns of money, chests of gold, sheer and jewelry
were buried by Capt. Kidd, which have not yet
teen disarmed. The letter wai written in 1701,
vend Kidd was etecuted in England in 1702. We
"raped there wilt now be a great rush for Palmer,
SI ans. •
ri"Jekess PhtOre Hand-Book."—This is the
title of lineal Ijttle hook, published by Geo. S. Ap
pleton, of US Chestnut $t Philadelphic- This
boot, as its title indicates, contain various rules for
Chess playing, and hints upon mowing. The best
authorities upon this intricate game lAva been
consulted, and a knowledge of tho oorllentO., of
this book, will entblo ono to • cope truceendtilly
with an experienced player.
.Hand-Book of Whist" is the title of another
tittle work. by the same publisher. This gives full
advice upon the mode of playing whist, with the
technical terms; and in fact all the advice necessary
to beeon.e an expert plsyer will be found contained
in this weak. The laws as laid down by the latest
!authorities are contained, and to persons who de
sire a 'knowledge of this rune, this book would
be ■ valuable susi'sry.
C7' The Railroad Journal has passed from
the editorialcharge of D. K. Minor, its late edito . r,
who is about to go. to California, via Panama, to
tb,e bands of H. V. Poor, late of Bangor, Maine,
who will be assisted by able contributors, known as
leading tailroad men in the country, Mr. Minor
is to furnish the readers with his views of the
Panama Ream&
rirease of Hyer.—Thi. man, who whipped
Sullivan, as we gated last week has been arrested
and taken to Maryland, to undergo • trial for
violating the lasts of the State, by indulging
prize fighting. This light, which has created
itach a great interest arose out of a dispute between
the combatants in .Rew York, during the late
political Campaign. A fight ensued in which
flyer whipped Sullivan. This induced Sullivan
to rend a challenge to Hyer, using insulting
language, which Hyer accepted,vntl hence arose
the fight. flyer being an Americin and • Whig,
and Sullivan • Locofoco and an Irishman, the
affair assumed a national and political aspect, in
which as usual. the American came off victorous.
'rirGallarif.—The old Allegheny Bridge Cn.,
(Pittsburg.) have resolved that alter the 2d Inst. ty ,
toll shall be collected from ladies Passing and tePaa"
jog the bridge.--[ Paper.
We find the above an .several of our eschagges.—
The Company is not mare gallant than cunning. far
the directors know fall well that if the lath., pass
Over, the men will pay toll to fallow them.—Vistews
e hirtrital.
Of emirse,fiiend tls;wer being an old bachelor
judges other' by himself.
W'Thanksgiving en Virginia—The Mon'
cif Delegates of Virginia have adopted Mr. Scott's
tayelcticms, providing that hereafter the Geoernor
Aid, front time to time, appoint day for thanks.
giving te*Dirrine Providence for 'his blessings on
the nation.
(Cr Judge Hydenteld a prominent and le • troy
Democrat of Alabama. hen addres■ed a letter to
Governor Chapman, urging the propriety and
necessity or a law to prevent the farther immutra.
Ilion delves into that State, either for trade or
pjPlank Roads are extending in ever, part
of the Northern and Western States. being
made at infinitely less cost than railroads they are
or great sdaantage. being an intermediate at/Pp
between the rough miry road sod the great high
as, irry erikil by steam.
Mr. Clifford in litexim.—Upon the afield of
our Mioiater. Mr. (MGM!. at Vera CrOZ. a guard
of Donor mos tenderei to escort him to the capital,
mhish he courteously declined. bie was to leas
on the 2Stti uJt. im biedlectinetion.
,- • 87Bacrilege.-.on Friday night week
hen's Church, at Nieetown, was entered by some
villains by breaking the window with a fence rail,
who, forcing open theiclaack,e,arried off the Chalice
and the Dada:
illoWillians 'Benner, who was injured
,by a collision of train. on the Utica and Schenec
tady Railroad, in April last. has recovered the sum
of $lO,OOO damages, at the Herkimer County
Circuit Court.
CarSadPale.—A so n. GUM.. Pork. Hays, of
Pittebtug, who had bent advertised as lost, was
found near Alighsny City by a hunter, having
wondered off and been frozen to death. He was
seven years of age.
Goa Dorr.—Tbe bill to restore Gov. Gorr'
tq the enjoyment of his civil rights, was icon in
the Rhode Wand Rowe of Representatives, left
Wednesday, by the casting sots of she Speaker.
rir The greatest sum coined in gold in any
One year in tho mints of the Unite() Stetes.was,,
in 1847, when the arnounrfts 613,288,880. bring
three limos as much as the gqhutge of apy former
CP.Togaric—Aceounta tram New Weeny re
present _ t einitar cane, in ti veer bad =WOOD
,dt Issit Is lost.
Leuryupopdeacq ,
, .
Iltriisreser Wiese..l •
Harrisburg, Feb. 134; tsp. s
The weather which looted so bright, and beau
tiful this morning. has changedtra suddenly as the
smile of a coquette. -Three hours since. and not
4 41040 we) visible in the sky, and nine !tis over
cut with-clouds. and rain and - tworwArerslar it al-
. ,
most impossible to remain out of the shelter ofltbe
house tea minutes The busineit of legislation
progresses slowly, although all the 'Members ap.
pear, to be more iodultrions than urns!. On
Tuesday last there was quite an animated discus
sion in the Senate, upon the Mornaatead Sill, for
about two hours. Messrs. Small, Mstthmv,,Joht
son (of Erie,) and tirabb,. had quite • war of
words,—Orabb coming off second best, and very
jusily too, for doctrines such as he advocated will
and but few advocates in any section of Penn-
Sylvania, out of the city in' which he-lives. Part
of his speech Was . as follows •••He felt, proud
that be voted against the law abolishing imprison
ment for debt, as that law did not protect the poor,
but the mines and swindlers: After that vote he
returned home and not one of his. constituents
censured him for that vote; but, all applauded
him for his firmness in opposing it, and would, he
did not doubt, sustain . him in bit vote neon this
same subject." All I have to say, 'tit well he is
not one of your member., or the hard-fisted yeo
manry of chtlylitill would grant him leave to re
main at home.
The Speaker of the House. Mr. Packer, is cer.
tainly ono of the ,est business men in the whole
Assembly, and, although he is a political opponent,
yet in justice to him, I must say that there are
few 'men in the State who could fill the situation
with the same honor,—kind and affable to all, be
has a smile and • kind word to ftiends and foes.
To-day is private bill day, sod in consequence
of a large number of bills hoeing to be read, there
is so afternoon session. I noticed this morning
:hat in reading the private Calendar, the clerk had
. I,;st ftnished the Act No. 32 1. when the House
adjourned. Five minutei more, and an Act for
,better regulation of lie Townships of New
Castle. East-Norwegian and Blythe, would have
been read, and pissed this afternoon. It was No
322, and will now he the Tinit en the private cal
endar of next week. • The .menbers from your
County stand A No. 1 on the list (lived fellows.
Mr. Roseberry has gone home, but will re:lurii to
morrow or next day. He is one of the few toung
men that prosperity cannot injure.—on fact I think
the atmosphere at this place agreisArrith him, and
aterm next winter will complete the cure. Mr.
Otto is always found at his seat, and Schuylkill
County may well be satisfied with her Repreeen
tivea, for both the gimbal' are gentlemen of a
high order of taleriC.•:. ! ' • ,
On WralnesdaY lad Mr. Roseberry•read a bill
in place;faithe Proseenact of Miners, Mechanic',
and Laborers of Schuylkill, -Carbon and Luzern°
Counties. It was referred to the Judiciary Com
mittee who will report to day; sod Item the
present disposition of the cnmmittee, I feel confi
dent that their report will be favoreNe. There
was quire a flare-up in the House this afternoon,
in com‘equence of a liability clause being attached
to the Act to continue and extend the_ charter of
the Good Spring Creek Coal Company. Mr
Klutz of Carbon uttered the following : , :Prov:ded
that the stockholders shall be held liable as iriti!
partners for the debts of raid Company;. and that
all debts due Miners and Laborers, not exceeding
one month's pay, ehall be a lien on the property
Of raid company, which leis shall have priority of
claim to all other liens of whatever kind." Oo
motion the Hotta , went into the Committee of the
Whole, to consider the proviso, and after come
eloquent remark , ' from Mr. Klotz. the amendment
was agreed to by a large majority. The Corn.
mitten then arose and on the final vote, owing to
the bid being drfective on the face of it, and also
not having An ortenaible owner, it was lost., The
vote, when in the Committee of the Whole, was
a teat vote upon the merits of the proviso, and not
upon the original bill, and tt proves conclusively,
that our legislators are determined to pass no laws
without proper coneidetatiou,and particularly those
which are defective. I noticed. several of your
citizens in this place fur some days past and find
them _general favoiitee,—in - fact to hail from
Schuylkill is a good passport to the aft , et on of
the Whigs of Dauphin, and a more warm-hearted
gentlemanly set of men are not to be found in the
- .
There is a call. far a Temperance meeting, to
be held in one of the Committee mow,- on to
morrow night. The intention of the call is to
form a State Temperance S ,ciety, to be formed of
the members and officers of both Holism ; I no
ticed "John of York's" name on the Ile, 'MI OLIO
Mr. SwariweMei or Allegheny, both young men
of supeiior talents. I fancy the movement ori4i
noted with Mr. Jacob Carter, who haslicen lectur
ing here, and if I am to judge from, the ' eff r ;ct
'produced, I think he is superior to Mi. Gangh.—
"The ladies, Geri bless them.," have taken this
matter in hand, and two interesting ladies from
Chester, (Mira' Pierce and Mica Price.) !unveil
here to-day with a large number of petitions, ask
ing the total abolishment - of selling spirits in
their county. They received a flittering recep
tion; and many membeis informed them that
when woman solicits, man cannot refuse.
II anything comes up interesting, I will keep
you apprised of it, till then, adieu. G.
'AIL Sorts of 3tems.
(7'On Friday week an elderly woman,
named Ann McKinley, who reside, in a house in
Cross street. Boston. ores awakened by o anise,
just i as a man was getting nut of the window of
her room. She jumped up from bed end seized
.him l !rid notwithAtanding he undo a desporae
renoetenee, she detained him until her husband and
the Watch came to her asstenee, when he Was ta
ken,into cwitody, and was committed for trill at
the fizoicipal Court.
•- • •
l&A young married . woman of Cincinnati,
whose husband was in New Orleans, became im-
pressed with the belief that be had fallen a !lentil
to cholera, and so strangely infictured did she
become with this idea that she went and consulted
a "Fortune Teller." Her worst fears were cow
firmed by th e bag : she returned to the house, and
that fight became a raving maniac! She woo
taking to the Hospital, where at last accounts she
remained in the same state.
[7'7he Wilmot Proviso in lown.-13eforo the
adjournment of the lows Legislature. the Senate
passed the Wilmot Proviso It to 5
Ita is needless to any the negative's were. all
The house did not act awn the resolutions how•
me, so that lowa is the nnly Northern State
which has not declared for freedom.
lit liarrard Univereity the receipts and in
come of the year have amounted to $126 381,98.
and, after deducting the diaburstnents of the year,
there is a balance in the bands of the steward of
[1;562 71. : s he amount of funds and property
belonging to the tiril:Treity—not including the
College vouod., buildings, stated at $789,
28( 64.
(b.. Death of Han. James McSherry.--The
Frederic (Nld.) Citizen announres the .death of
the/Hon. James McSherry, of PennsPisani+, at
hut i residence in Littlesourn, en the 3J init. For
twenty odd years he served m the Legislature of
his native State; he was aim one of the delegates
to reform her Constitution, end was once a member
of Congress.
ITGerman Emigration to Califoania.—We
learn from a private source, that at the last dates
from Bremen. in Germany. several veastets. loaded
With emigrants, were about ready to proceed to
California from that port. The gold fever . had
spread throughout Germany, and emigrants in
great numbes_ were preparing themselves for ex.
peditiona to the land of procnise.—[Boston Tray..
When they accused Mr. Greeley in Con.
greas of editing bit paper in his seat, he rather
bad 'em by replying that members of Climates.
, wbn are to toyer; could practice day after day in
the Supreme Court, drawing their pay from god•
eminent at the same dine, and not a word was
'ever heard against it!
rirdfr. John Soul, of Errol, Coon county, N.
11 .oraa killed a feardays ego by tvto Essamouriti, ,
while visiting his traps near Umlisting Like; his'
body was torn to pieces. He had not discharged
hie rifle at them but retreated backwards several
rods, when he fell over a log, and the beasts des
patched him.
aPPublic Econonly.—The coat of maintaining
the city paupers of New York ii represented by
the Knickerbocker to be $lO a head per 'meth. it
suggests, sa a measure at economy on the part of
the public, that these paupers should be boarded
at the Astor House or some other commodtous
hotel, at $7 per week.
(o. , Zachary Toyfor.".--Tnia name i. doubtless
of greater antiquity than moot people imagine.
the list of emigrants from- Giartiornd, who em•
barked for Virginia. 5.n. 8. L 835, on board the
"Thomas And John," Richard Lainberd, master;
occur/idle name_of “Xachary Taylor."
sirScrtpical.—Mrs. Mary Johnson. of New
Jersey, (baring lost her husband in the Melican,,
war, and hearing that Congress bed paid Mon.
erieur Peeler.° for a ;)ave that tie tort in the Intllan
war,,, Faye Convene to recompense lieclother
said bosbinilatinploit.c ;• - - • •• '• •
-A witaTErt DAT.
'By Nits.;mittr It. L. CAMPCELL
How dattlin., ,, and bow beautifu l,
Thou art. tai, Winter Day !
With thy heavenly beaming annahine,
And thy 'matron, array t .
Who calleth thee ao old (nap.
Oh Winter. fresh and fa
Thou 'rt a virgin, decked for bridal,
With r.chiewela in thy hair.
Lo, the angels to array thee,
Plucked the plumage from their dings;
Lo, the atorm•king to adorn thee,
Shed abroad his choicest things.
Diamond ice, and glittering - hoar fror.
Pr.isort" sunbeams in their play,
Thou 'rt magnificently carniahcd,
Oh, thou gorgeous Winter Day t
I have rend of wandering Sinhad,
In his Valley of Delight,
Where the jewel's round about him
Lly. like heaps of living light.
I Jhave found the fable's meaning
I hare seen the enchanted hand
Earth isdol.a vale of diamonds
Lavish spread by Winter's hind.
M. S. Mutts ¢ N. Americas
r;ci ; ia‘
The Coal Trade for 1819.
Quantity of Coil Transported over the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad, for the week ending on Thum
day last
2,013 10 12,838 17
1,774 04 9,35413
2,489 04 19,337 16
1,069 03 11,69507
Pon Carbon
B. Ilaven,
P. Clinton,
8,939 11 59,414 13
7ratuyortation on the Ra s itrueds in SekeigkilrCeeery.
The following is the quantity of Cal transported
over the different Railroads*, Schuylkill Coon:". for
the week ending Thursday . evetting, Feb. 15, lel9.
Minelf:nand S. II R, it. • 2.662 II 19.4 2 8 08
Little Schuylkill R. R. . 1,573 11 11.330 0 4
31111 Creek do 1 2,407 09 11,102 17 -
Mount Carbon , do 1,796 09 9,795 09
Schuylkill Valley 3do 1,499 02 5.933 I t
31P;Catbon and Pt. Carbon da 3.771 06 16,679 06
Frnm Jan. 1, 1649. .
To -From 111.1.1nrhots.+4.11aven.P.Clinton.
Rkhmond. until Jose 1,1649, ICO 155 135
Philadelphia. do do 160 155 135
For additional New Advertisements see •Next
Page. Tkey will there be found arranged
under Suitable Heads.
Merchants Transportation Line,
siaa rxia ^liga
Railroad.—having taken part of the large Freight
Depot.- northeast Corner of THIRD and WILLOW
Sts., we are prepared to Transport Goods, of all de
scriptions, daily, to Pottiv We. Also, to the following
named places: Port carbon, St. Clair. New Phila•
delphia. Patterson, Middleport, Brockville , Tus carora,
New Castle. Catawissa, Bloomsburg. Oiatigeville,
Situmokin, Danvil. Sunbury, Northumberland, Mil
ton, Money and Williamspon.
All goods sent to our care will be punctually a fiend
ed to and forwarded with despatch.
Feb. IT -8 lruoj J. C. CONARD & Co.
Great Saylna In OIL
P. S. DE VL.A.3I & CO.,
ARE ~,,:entees end sole manufacturers of a LUBRI-
E e :Tut,,:t COMPOUND, to be used in iubricating
the joints of mo :'ainery.. It is warranted to be equal
in the b ee: A peth ,e,:eti ; to eland the coldest weather!
and to be more duraOle than anything now in °tie.—
The price is 75 cenks per gallon, ;.!lid the following cer
tificate' show Its character :
Pules kinents,..Dee. 4, 1818.
Means, P.S. Devlin & Co.—Gentleint'o —The Pa
tent Composition you sent toe to have tried, quid which
you design as a substitute for the beet oil in the work
ingot Machinery, has, lam happy to say, more than re
alised my expectations. I had it fully tested on a Loco
motive Engine for twudays(in rainy weather, with mu 'i
flying over the machine atevery revolution) by a skilful
Engineer, who nssures me that it works equal to the
best spermaceti oil, with a saving in quantity of 50 per
cent This saving, together With the greatly reduced
price at which you inform me you can furnish toe article
will strongly recommend its use o 0 Rail goad" and in
large mills arid factories where large quiiiitities ofull arc
used. I have now no doubt of its entire success, and
under that impression tender you niy sincere congratu
lations. Truly yours, Wu. Exams:l.
This is to certify that I have been using P. S Devlin
& Co 's Patent Imbricating Oil for the last six weeks,
and can give as our_decided opinion, that. besides its
heingso much cheaper, its peculiar superiority over the
best Sperm Odin its darn/Mayon machmery.whichten
dery it a very desirable article frriliat purpose. %Yearn
extensively engaged in ruining and shipping coal, hue •
jog eleven Steam Ergines of variouscaPacities at work
hoisting coal, pumping Water. &e.
.T. S. Dayton .& Co:—Ccutlemen r—We has'e been
using your Patent Lubricating 011 on all the machinery
of the Reading Iron and Nail Works for the last nine
weeks,und we consider we have glee,, it a fair trtal,as
the works are calculated to manufacture four thousand
tons of Iron and Nails per annum. The machinery is
very heavy, the Engine one hundred and :dry, norse
power.and the speeds are (mom thirty to nine hundred
revolutions per minute.
- Afiei, the above trial, we can recommend the Oil as
equal in the best Sperm Oil_ and, in many cases,
or in any sperm on used in the country, viz : for heavy
bearings and fast speeds. each as shafting and fans.
1 remain yours, dr.c., •
3.4 516 S M'CASTV,
Manager of the Reading iron, Nall and Tube Works.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for the sale
of the Lubricating Compound. In Schuylkill County.
who will supply all orders at manufacturer's prlcei.
At MiMes,flaywooo & Co.'s Store
Febl7 47-8-tf) Pottsville.
Virll FitZ ' . the lion. LUTHER KIDDER. Esquire,
Preside t of the several cou rts of Common Pic:ls
of the countle of Schuylkill, Carbon, and Monroe, in
Pennsylvania, UgliCe of the several Courts of
Quarter Sessions oft Peace, Oyer and Terminer
and General Gaol Deli ry, in said counties, snit'
STICANCIE ri.Pabiaka,an&Q IL E A FRAILET. Esquires,
Judges of the Court °Moan!, ..tons of the Peace.
Oyer and Terminer and General Oa /elivery, for the
trial of all capital and other offend re, in the said
county of Schuylkill—by their precept to me Rirected,
have ordered a Court of Common Pleni
Oyer and Ter
miner, and General Gaol Delivery, to b • holden at I/7-
wigsburg, no Monday, the lUth day 9f March next to
continue two weeks, if neressary/
Notice is therefore hereby given o the Coroner, the
Justices of the Peace, and Consul es of the said county
ofSchuylkill, that they are by e said pricepto com
manded to he then and tl ere at ID o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
examinations, and all other remembrances, in do those
.things, which to their several offices appertain to be
done; and all those that are bound by recognican
ces, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then
shall be in the end of gaol county of Schuylkill, are to
be then and there to prosecute them as shall be Just.
God save the Cornmonivenftli.
Sheriff's Office,Orw igs
burg Feb. 17. P 919. f
N. 11.--The witnesse• - and jurors who are summoned
An attend said Court, are required in attend punctually.
In case of non-attendance, the law to such cases, made
and provided, will he rigidly enforced. This notice to
cublished by ort:cr of the Court; time concerned will
govern themselves accordingly.
OT IC E Is hereby given, that a Court of Common
Pleat, for the trial of cansee at issue In and for the
County oegichuylkill, will be held at Onvirshurg in the
County aforesaid, on Monday, the 12th day of March,
next, to coattails two weeks If necessary.
l'i,zrefute al persors having suits pending, and all
person. c.;:nsel ute It shall be to appear at said Court,
will take notits nil govern themselves accordingly.
Sheriff's °Mee, Orer:p - 1 J. T. W ERN ER, It', her ifr•
burg, Feb 17. 1919. j 8-tc
Sheriff's Sale- or
Dy VIRTUE of several 'write of Vitidatiser Expo
i) neu, l a psed out of the Court of Cotamoo Pleas of I
Schuylkill Calmly, to me directed, wilt be exposed to
public sale or vedtle, on Friday, March oth, IMO, at
10 o'clock in the forehOon, at , the public house of
Miens EL GRALIFF, in the borough or Orwigsburg, the i
(Minn ins described premises "
. ,
MI that certain Farm or tract of land. ult. in
West Bronswig Township, Schuylkill County, tlounded
by I,ndsnf Daniel Neyer, John D. Long and othors,
containing 25 acres, with the appurtenances, Con
sisting of a one-story log dwelling Douse, a log Barn,
and a Log Blacksmith shop. As the pi openy of HEN
:Gas MOM time wed place, All the right, tttte and in
terest of Daniel Fox, in and to all that certain tract or
piece ofland.sit time in Wayne Township,
.1 Schuylkill County, bounded by land of
• a•• • John liatdorif and Daniel Zerhe. contain
.'" . ing6 acres, more or less. with the appur
111 g.
tenances, consisting of a oneAtory loos
house, and log stable. As the property of
At the ease time and plate, All that certain tract of
land, situate in Pinegmve Township.Bclimylkill Couh.
ty, beginning at a Spanish Oak grub thence by late va
cant land. north 4 degrees, east as many perches as to
Include 52 acres of land by 1 or 2 :Ines running west or
thereabouts. to lands late of Henry W.'allonrad. de
ceased, south 2 degrees, east along said lands of Cop
ied al many perches as will Include said 52 acres to a
I :II csnur being the tine of 60 perches, on the west and
south 60 degrees, went 30 perches to a White Oak,
thenre hy late vacant landosouth 62 dzyrees east 112
perrhes to the pia *e of beginning, containing 52 acres,
more or less
Ate.. 411 that certain tract of land zdjolning the
aftwerial4 tract on the south, bounded as follows, viz
Hegining too flack nak, router of Paler Deal's land,
south 93 perches to a stone, south 63 degrees, east 100
perche• to a some. entail 93 perches tea moos, thence
.by meld Peter Deal's land (since Adam Boyer's) north
66 . degrees east 100 perehes,, to the place of beginning,
containing 54 arm. 39 percher, more or less, being
parts cif a tract nfland sorveyed on Warrant granted to
Adam Drown, dated 261 h of February 1721, with the ap
ports ems. Asthn niopeny of JOHN P.- TODD.
At t masterme and piers, All that certain int or piece
of arm. id. situate la the Unreal:hot SehltYlkill 116 .7" ,
Schuylkill Counlyotiounded southwardiy by Fried St..
; east waydly by lot of Henry Werner. north
' / wardip by alO feet wide alley, and west
' p•• wanlly by a2O feet wide alley, containing
•• • in front about 60 lent, and in &gib about
II 11 838 feet. with the apportenapeea. consist.
_ .
• lag of a tern-nary log dwelling aonse.end
kW stable. Ae the property of ELIJAH WERNER..
• Seized, takeztin Execntlen and will hepnld by
Sheriff's Offieo Orwlga. t J. T. WERNELLSheriff.
burg. Feb. 17, 1949: 8 ts
string assisted to cooper Lewis Can. end
rasing made hints() perfectly tight, that he and
s party are weirapted not to leak roe four, years,
bogs leave, to infirm his old Mends, that he will be
a_PP, to attend to Uorderr, to his tine of business:
yotterille, Jan. I) ,rj OWEN NAEIII:4I.,
- • sitie - m;iitsklailem of
BV VIRTUE ofvundry mots of Fieri Faaiaa. Lecitri
:Faris'and Vendirsomi Enos.. issued not of thv
Court of Omnmeo Plece_pL Schuylkill County, to me
directed, will be exposed to- public sale hi veufoe, ela
Saeurday. March 10th. 1840, at 10 o'clock In tbe.fnre-.
noon; et the public house of Imam. Theists. ar, in the
Borough of Pottaellle, the fa:towing described wop-
ertY. Mg.:—
. All that certain lot or piece of ground.: Situate In the
Town of Donaldson, in Frailey Toarnstilp, Schuylkill
County, bounded In front by Main Street, on the rear
by Philadelphia Street, on the east by,lot of David.
Michael and Nathaniel Bressler, and on the weal by
lot of Colt. Gasklns & Immison, Vein: lot No. 121 in
the general plan of said town, and containing 50 feet
in front nn said Main Street, and 150 feet in depth, with
r_.the npputtenances consisting of a two-story
.g. 7, frame dwelling house, with a twoutoryfratne
In t 1
Kitchen, on Mum Street, and .a two -alert
In A th ie e s To A w li o n rfo t re ee al a ir.
Frame Dwelling , lions e tni the rear of said lot. '
l et nde p d L i me n front byby nn _P d hl i ll u d a e l l!
plita Street. on the rear by Railroad Street, on the west
by lot of Solomon Otto, 'nn the east by lot of John
Domineer. containing in front '5O feet, and Its depth.
150 feet, being for No. 103 in the general plan of said
EPfl.towe; with the appurtenAncet consiMing of a
two-storytwo-storyFraMe Dwelling 'linage As the
a property of ROBERT t. BOWES. '
At de saws time sad Marc All the agaltatiile sod In'
Incest of James and Henry Martin. in and to all that
certain lot or piece of,ground, situate in the Borough
of Minereville, Schuylkill County, bounded In front
by Fourth Street. on the west by a 40 feet wide streatt.
on the south by lot of 0 . , Dast,..on -Me eau by lot of
Thorium J. Loyd. cohtatning in width 50 feet. anal in'
depth 150 feet, with the apputtenances, consisting of a
A double two-storystone dwelling house, a
one and a half story frame dwelling, house
17 3 and a frame stable. As the property OfJAS,
At the same tints and place, All that certain Farm or
tract of land. situate in North Mmillettn Township,
Schuylkill County, bounded by lands of Jacob Fres,
Amos Lewis and William Kremer, containing 53 acres t
and 40 peaches, more or less, with' the appenenances,::
ll consisting of a ono-story stone &willing -
Z..;`;', house, with a one-story frame kitchen at
pHlathed, a one and a half story spring house,
a frame bank barn. and a two-etory .frame
dwelling house. As the property of GEORGE JEN
At the same tints apd place, All that certain lot or
piece of ground, situate in the Borough of Pottsville,
Schuylkill County, bounded in front by Centre Street.
on the rear by Second Street. on the north by Int of
Al.7bam St Clair, and nn the south by "20 feet alley,
c u eta,;nng in front on said Centre Street 40 fliet, and
In the rely on said Second Street, 60 feet, and being
I 230 feet in depth, with the appurtenances, combat= of
. 1 a v e t
Li n e h d home, ,'tl
f rit m cb e en ta
'..t. -. : onewfory frame dwelling houses and a frame
. :2
it ,. ,
, n ,
two-storyand n half s r = e
'table. As the ptopeity of CHAS. KUNTZ.
At the same time and race. All the right, titie and in
,' tercet of Patrick Casey, in and to all that certain one
-1 story In hones, built on grnold rent. eifunte on the
1 west side of 3101 Creek, in East Norwegian Township,
scbutikill County. As the propeily uf PATRICK
CASEY. , 1
At the_ same time sad place, All that cert,tin lot or
i piece of ground, situate In the Town of I.lewe:iyn in
' Branch Township. Schuylkill County, hounded on 1 11 4
west by Front Street, - on the north by Clay Street.
on the cost by lot of AbrahaniStarr, and on the South
by'a 22 feet wide alley, containing in length ISO feet
and is width 50 feet, with the appurtenances, consist-;its with a It; story frame kitchen attached, and'
... Mg of a two-story frame duelling house.
ffte a frame stable. As the property of JACOB
HOFFMAN. a . 1 . a
At the same time and place, Al. the right. title an 1 in
terest of Blarney Duffy, in all that certain two-Story
stone house, with a I i story , frame house thereto at
tached, and Inc or piece of ground, Inmate on the
soethwestern side of the Philadelphia, Rending and
Named= Railroad, in North Manheitn T, ownahip. 1
Schuylkill County. La the .property of t BARNEY 1
At the same time and place., ;All that certain piece. or
parcel of mound , : situate in Branch Township, Schtyl. '
kill County, bounded by land of Groeff & Co.. and de
scribed at folUiwa. viz.: beginning at a stone opener.
west 100 feet to a stone, thence north 200 feet to a
stone, thence east 160 feet to alive, thence South
200 feet to the place of beginninetontaining one acre
more Or less, with the appurtenances, comiatine of a
two.atory Iraine tavern house, with a one-mtnry kittln
en attached, a one-story house. I stable and 3 elteds.
As the property of GEORGE SHEESLEII.
Al Me same time and place, All that I certain lot
of ground situate on the northwardly side of San- ,
derson or Minersville Street, in the Bowmen of
Pottsville, Schuylkill Voanty, being the lot marked NO.
21 on the imp or plan of lota laid oat in the on, called '
Norwegian Addition to the Borouglrof l'ottsmile. con
taining In front or breadth on Sanderson Street, 65 feet
and 6 inches, and extending of that width back in
length or depth 300 feet to Harrison Street, bounded
eaxtwardly by lot N 0.23. northwardly by said Ile ratan n
Street, weataVardly by West street, and acmthwurdis.
by Sandristin Street aforesaid. As the property of
JOHN Wlll.l.lAtila3. .
At the sale time and place. All that certain int of
- - ... _ . .....
situate In the Bor .- nosh of Pottsville, Schuylkill
Count e, it/mited in front by Third Street, on the north,
b y iti g b Street, on the south by lot now nr late nfi
Nicholas .Yoic, roulnining In length 74 feet 5 inches, and .
being part of a lot marked in Pott and
n.pierson's additional plan of said Bor.
•••• with the No. 4, with the apptirte
-11 ' consisting of a three-Ant) frame I
'dwelling house. As the'property of PE
At the game rime and place, All that certain lot or
piece or ground, situate on the lima hwestwnrilly •ide
at Market Street, in the hot pug], of Pottsville,
kill Connty,enntaining in front on raid Market' treet
20 feet. and extruding In depth (Pit feet, to a .10 feet
wide alliey,,being the one third part of numbered
in l'ott and Pattereon's additional plan
. of said Borough 29, with the appurtenant
slits ors, consisting of a two-60:y Brick dwel-
H ling house, anti a front'stable. A. the
property of GEORGE IfeBRANDTNER.
At tke saute time and prate, All that certain twn-story
frame dwelling house, twenty by twenty-five feet. and
a kitchen attached thereto one and a half story high.
twelve by fifteen feet,situate in Pinegrove Township.
Schuylkill ('ounly, nn a smell tract of land a,ljointng
property of Daniel Snyder, Jacob Bucher, Chu tilt land
and a nubile road, containing six acre.; more or leas.
As the property of CHARLES HENRY. •
-ift the same usic and place, All that certain tw TY
frame dwelling honor, siinaie in the Town al, s
. Schuylkill Courtly, ou lot Nit. 221. - he
west aide al Spring Street, between Main
'4i i r n e g et Street, sail
h a n nd ue ll3 lent h'l'gf deep. i6ft
frontl' Poplar
111 together With the Int or piece , of ground.
"-• appurtenant to said building. As the prop•
Attire same ante and place, all that retrain Int or piece
of, situate on the eastern Indent Coal street, in
ti m socongh of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, bounded
in front by said Coal street 1 nn the south by Int now or
late of Benjamin Haywood; on I he east by alOfeet wide
alley, called "Line Alley" ; and ore the
north by property of Wilson If. Tweed,
• containiag in Pont 22 feet 0 inches rind in
18,2 • • depth 140 feet: with the appurtenances.
Ig I
• consisting of a two story Lola house,with
--rae--- a two story brick kitchen attached, and a
frame stable
Alen, all that certain tract of land, situate-partly in
Norwegiail - Towneitip, and partly in the Borough of
Potts, ills, County a foresaed : Beginning at a post, a
corner of land now or late of Benjamin Pert ; thence:by.
the same and.uOW or late Of Thomas Haven, non h6B
degrees, root 295 perches to a post a cotnerof land now
or late of Wallace & Whitney, in a line of land of
Seitztnget and Wetherill ; thence by land of the said
Wallace & Whitney, month 6 degrees, west 051.10 per
chea to a poet; thence smith 36 drat ee.s. east 20 3 . -10 per
ch., to ilie north site of a public street or road; thence
by the same south 62 degrees, west 22 perches to a post ;
thence soil by the name, south 28 degrees, ...AV 14 6-10
'perchestle a poet; and thence by another street o r read
' 65 degrees, went 33.10 perellYS:lo a post, to the line of
land of Seitzlneer and Wetherell ; theme he the ranee
north 72de grers, west 70 perch. Insomas,:, corner of
land conveyed by Thorn. Haven to is 'mo o t Lo te t.:•
thence by the same south 68 dense;. west 203 leeches 1
toe poet Sod stunes,a corner of I:m.ll:trent Chas. L rte •
ton; thence by the Fame south 61 degrees. west IN
porches la a post in Coal -treet; ilreiice north 23 degrees .
west 24 perches; thence south It degrees. west II I-10
perches to the Mt. Carbon Railroad; thence along the I
same north22l degrees, west 31 4-10 perches, north 171
decrees, vist 0 perches, north 8 degrees. west 4 4-10-
perches, north 16 degrees, east 6 4-10 perches. and north
53 dem...east IPS 2•10 perches Ina point on the south
wardly side °Wee Eliot Branch of the Mt. Carbon Rail
road, in the division line of land now or late of Benja
min Pelt, and the land called "the Navigation Tutu .•"
thence along said Pott's land south 2 degrees. runt 50
perches to a post, and north el degrees. east 31 8-10-
perches to the place of beginning. containing 195 acre..
i • and 70 perches: with the apputtettances
. cansisting of a two story frame house, a
•••• one story from.. house and a frame stable,
IS a
II I • together with all the coal In the vein of
coal, called -the East Gate Vein."and In
the two seinen - est south of it that may run
under the surface orate said tract attend fehld by Thos.
Haven to t 4 aniuel Lewis) with thC right of removing the
same, but not to give the right of entering on the surface
ofthe said tract of land. or of making any opening there
on ; sold by Christopher Loeser and John Clayton to
Enoch W. McGinn., by dee& dated 23d day of Marsh,
A. D., 1546,and recorded in Deed Book N 0.25, page 583.
and 10th day of July, A D., 1817. recorded in Deed Book
No. 27, pa ge 750.
Alao. one undivided nine-tenth parts of all that
certain lot or piece of ground (part of the Green
wood estate) situate in the Borough of Pottsville.
County aforesaid. bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at anoint in the northeasterly line of Coal
Street. where it Intetsectsthe Southeasterly corner of
a into ground. now or late of Den). . Poinrot, thence
along the aforementioned line Of Coal Street, South
gg ,rezeee; east 100 feet, thenee north 56 degrees. east
2.88 feet ha a c, - Trler of lot of Ella, Derr, thence along
the liti of . .aid rases Dareei land, north 30 degree - a'
mworithettererle; thence along the
i t ; ' ,, N° o 7?7o l ,7e B gi t a re n et S . Heel. 55 degrees,
50 minutes.; West 66 R. S inches.sl9ro or less to the 'Meth
taste rty . corner of the teforementhlne4 lot now or late or
Benisinta F. Pommy, thence along 110.• Ilat 44 :. , b 2 f,T e e .
two following coarsen and distances, viz... .:
greed, east 125 feet to &corner. end south 55 degre:c
50 minates, west 176 feet II Inches, to the place of -
- he
gleaning, with the appUrtenances, consist
In:of a large two-story stone Foundry Or
•••• A . Machine Shop (unfinished) a two-story
111 I frame Office. and a two-story frame Store ,
house., conveyed by Thomas Middle and'
` others to Enoch W. McGinnis, by Deed
dated the Slit day of January, it. D.. 1816. and record
ed in Deed Ronk No, 25. page 621. As the property of
sold i
Anlzed; taken in ezeturton and - " Will be b•
Sheriff's Office. Orwitte• It ~ T. wERNER, Sheriff.
burg, Feb. 17, 1810. ti-
•1 1 11 E subember has just received a supply ofSafetv
Lamps, among which are a few of Upton & Rob
erts' improved Safety Lamp, which Is aeknowledeby
to be the hest and safest now In use In the mines of
Europa. For sale at less pi Ices than !hey can be 'm
aenad. al 1 BANNAN'S
•• rheitp Honk and Varier v 'Store
13 LOW.-110 A 0 BibIes PRAYE dud Pra y er 0. 4 0 K in
l i e m n ;d i
every style of binding, cheaper by or 9 0 per cola
than they can he purchaed In PhiiadelPPia•
aiitt4sedr4milyllibleiatoulyetra BANNAN'S
Cheep Book Stores.
ts•Vlsiters can purchase Books cheaper In take Tune .
-an be purchased in Philadelphia of New York.
Fruitr. WHITE — LEAD..
Wetherfil h. Brother,
N,rANUPACTURERS, No 65, Nonh Viont tweet.
'v./Philadelphia, have now a good supply of their war
ranted pure WHITE LEAD. and 'those customers who ,
barn been sparingly supplied In consequence of n ran
on the article. shell now haste their ofieta.
No known substancenossesnw these urese atiyg and
lienutifyine pmportlas. in desirable In a paint. to an
equal eaten; with unadulterated a/Wieland{ beaaa any
admixture of Other 014terial• only mars Its value. It
fo a r s m ,th a e n re fyo+
r u e,b
a t m o ) s
I m le p slteadyth aim o b f l thd. e T ma e nufa t c r turer r s e ;
wtitrdydoaedDieinceangdOnanidtarth a rt icle,
pmnfthat it has met with favon - lt 1k Ineartablybrand
ed on arterial e.wrrnEtuu. & iIIItOTHEIL in fall,
end en the other, re; rratitcdpre. alt in red lestrrr,
Not rot -a• Day. but Or all Time. _
- C. HESTON'S.' '
THIS ARTICLEfir extensively used In Pennsylva.
nia and 'New Yptk, and It. Max be Said with trdt h.
that it is superior to any other. It all'ordi a beautiful
polish. don. not Injure the Leather, but ou the eunira.i
ry. when •frequantra applied, preseries it; in Tact It
can 'he recommended as the very best that has ever
beets presented In ibis or any other trlliniti, sowing
used it Ili: several years.. we speak front experience-
Prepared by C. T. lIEBTON & BROTHER, Bleb
borough, Bucks ~ Co. Pa. • For pale whrdesale and re
tail by S. C. C. HUGHES.
Wholeaale and Retail Dru:gist and Chemist.
Feblo I.6utoj Pottsville. P..
TIIF. SUBSCRIBER. having. filed some orders for
CALIFORNIA. Is well acqualuted wath the Goods
Adapted to that Market;and is prepared to supply Idcr•
charm, and mhos destined roe that country with—
French.Braudy.. Rolland RM. Absinthe.
LaV,ender ' Madeira %Vine, Bitters.
Cherry Port • " Cordial*.
Rarptoniy/ Lichen " 'Lemon Byrnp,l
Illiatkbetry "`" . Champagne "r
B. LIEBER. Importer,
lAlrth Fourth St..between Vine and Calinwhill,
. /00 akiisof the celebrated OngtChhmtmene.jas l
lienehed.. (Feb:lo 7-Imo
. .
hildren's t Clothing
• .• _ - •
264 Ch crier Street. , PRiladriph is. . •
'THE SinbserfbtrhapinZbadmucbesoertence
• •
in the manufactory of Boys! and Children's
.Clothlng-; Announces to the citizens of Potts.
villa; and surnannding towns and Country, that
be has n 'huge and varied assortment 'of :made
clothin ri:r YOUNG OENTLCMEN, mode or, very
gond ma g
terial:. and In the best, latest, and .mose fash
ionable style alwayi: on hand: Pe would most moped--
fully invite them, the ellisensof Ponsidie, am, to give
him a call when they vls't the thy, rind examine hia
beautiful stock themselves, and by satisfied that the
Depot; lathe place to be well 'Cited ih Children's Clo
-Wog in mate, fit. style or finish.
P, 1101ir„
Feb.?, -49: 7-1 y)
No. 26 & Chesnut St. below l'eash. Phllado.
Lee ti,
4 IfAV removed their stark of Mack
inn Musical Instruments, lathe new and
,rpacinus store In Swaim's Building. No.
. 162 Chesnut lancet, kelnw Seventh,
Philadrinetia, where they Invite the attendance and
pairottare of the public. ,
LEE 4' WALKER having purchased the entire stock
of Gen. Willis, (who has declined husloess,) are now
prepared to execute ull orders in their line. Their as
sortment al Music and MU4iCal Instrtiments, is as ex
tensive . that of any other establishment In the coun
try. .
Piano Fortes, front various well known and approv
ed manufactories, new in stare, and will ho constant
ly offered for sale.
CO. Country dealers supplied no very re a sonable
1 terms.[Feb 10 : 7-6 nah.
Sheldrake's Alleghany house.
No. '4BO Market Street. above Eigkelt, (Solite eide,)
Fitt LA DES LeriLii.
Tiliff large and splendid Ilotel•itas been
furnished with entire new furniture. The
g.f. Ilar-Room Ls the largest in Philadelphia. The
Parlours And ffining•rooms are entirely Sep
arajr::.l from the noise and bustle, consequent to the
arrival acd departure of the mai. The Portico exten
ding the whi;ln front of the house, affords a cool re.'
Heat In warm weather. and n splendid, view of the
greatest Offiroughfuri! In the City.
-The Lodging Rooms are finbilled. - ,Tlie Table
as well provided for as any other Ho l el, with every at
tention of the managers to make It the bent Hotel for
Merchants and Elnsineis Men, during their stay in the
City. Toe term' will be one dollar per day. On the
arrival of the Cars from that Welt, n Porter will be in
'attendance to convey baggage, &e, to the Hotel, Width
Is adjoining the depot. ,(Feb 10 7-fluto
Office No. 43 1.2.-Sona. Front , ,Strect, Phileaelphis.
Pure Parlor White Lead ; Altinadroundandincrystal;
Extra Ground•" " CoPPerna
No. I , " Pyroligneon. Arid ;
Red Lead; ! Red Liquor;
Litharge: Iron Liquor.
Orange Mineral; Mastic Black;
Sugar of Lead ; Metallic Fire-Proof Paint.
/ found in a strata of rock,of a basin forum
lion. When taken from the nine, it re
aerobics In nripeartince the finest Indigo.
and is about the consistence of cold tallow;
u but on exposure, to the atmospheie: in a
'short time turas to Stone or Slate. Geolo
gists who have seen it, are of the impression that this
substance. when In a liquid, state, hasibeen efrused
through a fissure ana up this basin formation In
the rock.
It Past:leen found upon nnylyzation by Dr. Chilton,
of New.Vork, to consist of:— ,
Prutnitde of Iron, t
' Carbon,
For one it is ground to powder. mitred with Linseed
Oil, and applied with a brush. the same as wind' to
wood, iron tin, attic, ca nvass paper, &c. &c., whfch In
r a shtut lisle turns to 11100 e. which is fire-proof •
11 Is particularly adapted for roofs of buildings,Steam
host and Car Decks, ll.tilroadi Bridges, Fehces, &c..
&c. so roof coated with thin article is equal to the bent
of slate, at a 01101 inning of expense.
Every vatiety of,lron work expocerrto weather will
be prevented front rust or...radon, ma It forme a cont•
pieta Stone covering. School Slates are made front It,
by covering boards or paper. t As it is susceptible of a
high polish, it has been used ,to great advantage by
Carriage Painters and Cabisw G :Mak. Is.
April 22 17-If] Na, 49k South Front St Philada.
s Non. 832 to
(Between Fulton St
;',01% x
. Ire Licp an endl i c.,s Parlay. •
Also the most estensiv i n Manufacturers of
Of all kinflA
I.*ViS 4k: II FORD,
Nn... 24 and 2:41 Pearl Atm.!
• Jolla' C. lialier's
TMS Arthild in employed with great success:lnd by
the most iiminent Physicians of this city, for the
cure of the folliiwine diseases:
SCROFULA or King's Evil, Rheumatism,Cinanenits
Diseases, Syphilitic Affections—Tinter and Ulcers,.
White Swellings, Scurvy.Neuralcia inr Tic Dolouretic,
Cancer, Goitre, or Brom hociite. (Swelled neck.) SPllle
Door AISe. Chronic Diseases of the Leers, tn
art the lest rnetive eiferts of Mercut l y. Jaundice. ily
pertbrophy, or enlargemcniiiif the heart, Palpitation
a nil tr-millies ill, the region I f the heart and stomach.
Enlargement in the limes, Joints or Ligaments. also
all the various ,illneases of the skin spell as Teller,
Ron:worm Rites. Pimples. Carbuncles. &c., Dyspep
sia and Liver Complaints, ,tiervous:Alfectiohn, Drop
sical Swellinin.Conntitlitional Dinniders. and diseas
es orb:hotline from an implire.•tato of the blood and
other fluids of the body, in +than alt (Swinger, where a
char= of the system in ceriulred. 'Price 50 cis. per
Prepared only by the Props.:.
101 IN C. BAKER. & Co.. Wholesale Drncetsts,
No. 100 North :id t. below Race. Phitada.
Importers and wholesale dealers in I)rngs. Medicines,
Chemicals, patent medicines, Perfumeries, Surgical
Instruments. Di tiggists Gldssware, Paints, Oils, Dye
Stuffs, and Window Glass,lelso new and superior
article of linitanon'tif Plate Class at about one-fifth
the price of English or Fietich' Plates, any size to
The Compound Fluid Erma of Satsar!arilla, for
sale by Clemens at Parvin„,
Port Carbon ~ James O. Fat
February 10, 16119. ' -
New medi c al Office,
Car. of 2nd amt.:Mirka Oppte Thompson . , Hen,
If "RESPECTFULLY infUrms his numerous friends,
and the public in general, Lil ac he has again opened on
Office in this borough, whe re he may always be found
during the day ready tont rid on all applicants. end
where the afflicted whit eV ry form of disease.whether
recent or Chronic, may re ive advise, and such treat
ment, as he has in an extensive practice of nearly 30
years, found most safe anglieffectuat.
Residence Corner of Cal owhilland 3rd St. opposite
the Priniative Methodist Church. [Jan27, 5-3 mo
. overly Jacob Gse's, corner of Centre and
Nahantearto S t eers, Pottsville. WILLIAM
-__ MATZ, announces to the public and his nu
merousfriends that he hasltaken the above celebrated
Hotel, where he' will be happy to see all the former cus
tomers-of the establishment, his friends and the public
in genetal. The house hat recently been fitted up in
thebesttnamier,ancrhe flatters himself that by unre
mitting attention on his part, that . he can give entire
atistacthini to the travelling public.
His stabling is extensive, and he has a large yard
c,Mich will accommodate any quantity of vehicles,
and width tan bo closed up at night.
- lane 10, 1'49.
Carriages, Buggies,' Wagons % &c.
v i THE subscriber would beg leave to
I Inform his friendsand the public In gen-
Aral that biting bought out W.G. Moore,
t the Corner oppneite Clemens & Par
.etn's Steam Mill, in the rear of the lunerlean Hone,
„where he Is !Weigand to dolall kinds of work in the neat
est manner. Being bimseD a practical carriage maker,
he hopes to give entire smisfact ion to his elle:Omer/L.
N. 8:z...f0r the nceommedation of the coal trade, he
Intend* building Rail Road cars, Drift/meg, and wheel
banns/41,in of which will be butlt of the best material..
Persons In want of anything in his line will do well to
glee him a call, at his charges are reasonable.
'Ude 5.1847. 23 ly WISTAK A. KIRK.
. BLACK/WITH SIR/Pi—The subscriber announces
mills friends Mathis has commenced Um BLACKSMITH
burl/less in connection with his carriage establishment,
an d fa mei/tired to do all kinds of work in that line of Ina
in ;be beet style of, workmanship at short notice
and at low rates.
Wi.117 WILL' CO tl FPFNELt
TflOlld ANDS af bottleA of the American Compound
harre beer sold during the pa'at year. and was never
known to fad lit pgring in a few days, the worst eases
of a 4A;l4jpAcTicatg divense t blindest weakness. und'all
direareacithellniary orpny. Persons afflicted. using
this pleasant an a l porde rve medy, need feat no exposure
SILL icseei hp odor eir the breath, requires Zo zeitrie-
Ilona Indict or bus leen-I...contains no' ermarn of pox
tons drugs Injurious to the system, and Is adapted to
ever( us, sex or condition. It Is 'also the best remedy
known fot Plane Alba., or, Whites, (female complaints)
with outdid thousand* 'Afar, without the knowledge of
&remedy. 'This celebrated remedy has long been sued
in the privets practice ore physician with tmerring sun.
cuss, radically mating ninety-nine of the hundred cases
In a few days, • ' Around each IMM M
O are in and full
directions. • I ' • r •
Catmeix.--Ask for the American Conipound,and par
-Chase - only ofthe agent) , Pelee 411 pet bellie.
• .1:41. Drown MAJ. MartinAr,enta for Itettanillet
.Remptop, age et fut Pl. Carbon. Etlepl 16 '49-311-17
- New Music.. -
OVE ME. Nut With Fancy. a new Song. • •
Li Vise la Stepubliqle a French patriotic song.
Sunset an the Sea.n unlverral favorite.
Wake. Lady. Wake, a Scant hul serenede.
I Can't Mace up My Mind, words nom Mead's Siaga
sine. " ,
The Old Gray Tennyion,
I Thick of Tbee, a raVO.lte ballad.
Oh t Have I Not been-True to Thee.
When shall 1 sea the Object that ILove.'
The Moon to Beaming on the Wave, What's a Tear 1
When Other Friend.. have Lett Thee, ' -
July, a beautilld walla. - The Woodland Walrus,
Beauties of the Waltz, Bough and Ready Polka.
The Crazy Polka; TheCaratval do, The Sailor's do,.
Toe Giaceful do, , Margoerita.Walts,
Santa Anna's Mardi.
Helmut dela Palma Quick March. Peital Grand do.
American Chivalry Quick step. Dauphin do.
Le Ballade Vete. a Galopade, The Battle - of Waterloo,
flear.nte Nitrate, the celebrated duet,
The Carrier Dove.
Come. Play me that Simple Air, Again; Love Not,
Araby's ifaughter, Oft in the Stilly Night,
Home. Sweet [tome. Home, Quick Step.
The West Branch Palonaise. The Sleigh-bell Waltz,
Waltzes from the celebrated Opera, the Crusaders.
Together with a large assortment of the newest and
most popular Meat', arranged for the Plano. Flute. VI.
°lin Guitar, Organ. dr.c. Pieces not on hand obtained
to ordet. Teachers supplied witbihe usual discount
allayed by publlsbers, at " HANNAN'S ..
Feb3-5] Cheap Book and Variety Stores.
Statement of the Rece
1 EAR . . -
Besjastis CArftt, Esq.. Treasurer of tit - e
Crusty of
Azastylkill, is .a<Colint with the Coandenesers of said
County. freer the 101 k of January. 4. .D., 1849, ro
tAo 2Ad of January, 4. D., 1849.
To cash received from Henry Krebs.
Treasurer. at Settleniont, es per report of
Auditors, January 40, ISIS. ' 110.258 61
To cacti received for Taxes on unseated land., 3,545 32
To cash received for taxes on unseated lands
' cold et Treasurer's sale, -.. ' 390 52'
To cash received for taxes nn unseated lands
sold at Commissioners rale, 300 90
To rash received for taxes on unseated lands
redeemed, .2,067 42
To cash received from Francis Barth. prlnci•
oar rind Interest of a Bond, due by him to
'the County,
To raslt reed. John Benitiger, for a note
we. cnrumlssioners,.
To cash reed. P. Mohan 30,1. Kelly. &c.
costa in case Commonwealth vs. Mohan,
Kelly and others, 172 59
To cash reed. F. W. Hughes, Esq., casts
collected by him Incases of Commonwealth
vs. James Curley, et. al., and Dorothy
. I.utchey. • 43 14
To cash rec''d. B. It Moyer, witness fees over .
paid in casrof. Commonwealth vs. duo. M.
Miller, • '. 313
To Cn!.ll reed. Deo. Medlar, Esq. road hunts
tees refunded,
6 0,1
To do For the use of Court House for
Exhibition, 3 Od
To do Wm. D. Potts. Erg. rent for I 1
y'r. for rooms in Court House'"
used by Masonic Lodge, ' 25 00
ITo do Joseph Huntzinger fur .:rays, • ,5 30
To do Alex. Hunger, surplus on the
sale of artrey Cow, 107
To do Joseph Huntainger for lines, 467
To, do Thomas Miler, do do 6 (10
To do Jonathan Heisler, rent foi house
In Schuylkill Haven, 1 17 61
To do M. Kergesisger, down money •
On house and tot in S Haven. 50 00
To 'do - Philip. Weiser. for a judgment .'
against Mr, Kremer from K.
, Kline rent. 24 BB
To do L. F. Whitney. tax collector In
East Norwegian Township
after settlement, S 83
To do John T. Werner, Sherif, for
fines and verdicts, 312 21
To ' do • the efilleeturs Z.lftlitferent town
/• ships and norcl:litbs to wit •
South Mauheiht
Henry Drummer, 1840. In Nil,
Anahato [Mendel. 1847 do
Samuel Fidler, 1898 do
Charles Bran's; 1847
Schuy/ki/i - township,
Benjamin Y 441,1217 in full 291 34
Charles Bobner,lB42 195 00
-- 980 71
Pollsrilte Borough.
Elinsalerr, 1846." 525 00
Henry Gels, 1848 in full ' 3,030 27
---• $,561 9:
0 • Tamaqua Borough.
Ass Ila Met 1847 in full 259 25
Wllllllll Taggert,l64B 4 150 09
------ 9 95
Barry Township.
Francis Dingier, 1816 250 00 [
Jolla, A. 0410 11317 in full 220 Oti 1
-- 450 00
L. 211alontlogo 7'o:co:lap.
Peter Prot:man, 11616 f, 84 00
Peter Bressler, 1447
_L, 1 - 50 62
Frederick :1 5 .01461m, 1610 475 00
809 62
.llinersrille Borough.
' John Jones, 1647 in full
l'inegrove Borough.
George Iferobacb, 1915 ' ' 75 00
Adorn Spancake, 1816 137 00
1 F. G. Werntz, 1517 ' 35 00
i Jacob Itarr,l44B 136 00
54 00
24 20
12 05
12 31
2 31
0 42
1 50
0 II
5 00
0 41
100 00
Inlyne Township.
Anthony Rlelv.aarlien, 1846 160 00
John W. Ilrfrner, 1947 222 00
Juseph,lltrger, 1818 815 00
--- 1.127 00
Branch Township.
Henry Uretislcr, Po; 600 00
Ilettry Bressler, 1610 367 03
967 23
lat the
West Brunswig Township.
Alkfall3 , lll Albright, 18.10 1411 30 •
Henry nail, 1817 • 731 00
John D. Long, 1618 010 SO
-- 1,022 60
tl,l florltng
East lons,. winn Township.
Edward O'Connor. 1847 MO 00
1.. F. Wt itney. 1843 In (1111 9:12 71 '
-- 1,492 11
`North .41 rziacim Township. .
John 1.. Cohn, 1919 . 900 00
Onripbtire. Borough.
Charles A. Rahn. 1918 in full . 3SO 03
7'reznont Township. •
J. 11. Zleback, 1818 610 00
Schuylkill Haven Borough
Daniel Lovenberg, 1846 ' 60 CO
Wil:iam Koch, 1817 in full 78 26
William Koch, 1818 460 00
Mgtlst Totrushiii
Wiliam !felon., 1818
pin r v sort township.
John Petry, 1516 . * 330 00
Thnnins Berger, 1811 , . 550 25
John Buechler, 1815 jf 383 73
• East Braustrig ruirnship.
Daniel Won ‘ er, In-10 ' 101 00
Jonathan 1-nst,lii.l7 370 19
John %V: Koch, 1848 .‘: 181 00
.---: 05 'l9
Porter' Township.
John lloulz. 'lBl4 00
Abraham Knemler.lB4s - 14 37 1
BonjamiaBliney, 181 n . t 311 00
Horny Ileberling,lB47 - 37 00 i
. _ .
Ne IC Carib: Township,
. .
Jacob Metz, 1818
Frailty Township. „ 1
Samuel Gnsk In, 1848 -v. -.. 45 00
Upper - Muhaniango Township .
14ane Daum, 1646 in foil D 36 15
Peter R. Klerk, 1947 do 303 31
l'eter Snyder, 1818 498 00
Union Township.
Samuel Dresher. 1816 in full 38 26
John Breisch. 1547 do " 916 83
Samuel Rupeit,"l6lB 81 00
• 339 02
West Penn township.
Benjamin Zebner, 1815 80 00' ,
Samuel Zimmerman , 1616 In_full 114 08'
Benjamin Zimmerman, 1847 do 981 00
Jonathen Kistler, 1818 475 00
!Pottsville: W. L. Ifslsles,
Is, Minerevllle•
January 2 ISM balance remaining In the
hand* of Benjamin Chriat, Treasures, 3,075 47
By cash paid Charles Hunt zinger Treasurer
of the Schuylkill county Alms Home, *5500 00
By cash Auditors, settling accounts of 1017, 45 00
Ry do Justices f o r holding Inquests, 238 631
By do Jacob F. Treichler, Cosner fees. 155 77
By do Return judges &c. for spring, fall
~. and Presidential elections,
By do Assessors wage', .
fly do Witness fees and mileage in Coro,
monwealth cases, 1037 04
By do Justices fees in Cotnnewealth do 158 55
By do Constables fees and mileages in
C.immnnwealht Cases: 464 OC
By do Bridge viewers, 61 M.
By do Road Jurors. 1 337 07,
By do Road Damages, 143 00
By do Road & school tax on trnse'ted lalds, 1603 46
By do Redemption money do do 610 40
By do Justices for premiums on lox scalps. , 212 49
By do Grand
and Trave onstablrses,e and Petit Jurors
57 1
C - 3393
By do Inspectors of Eastern Penitentiary. 628 86
By do George Douglas, for money loaned
the County , 3000 01 1 ,t
By do Interest on Bonds doe the county, 420 00
By do Constables fur making quarterly re.
turns,l37 12
By do Benjamin Christ, Treasurer fees on
86 tracts of land, . 277 25
By - do Jurorsin Coroners Inquests, 18 00
By do Doet.• J. G. Kreider, Geo. Halber
stadt, Wm. Morsel, Thos. Stew.
art and Thos. Brady fur making '
Postilion= examinations, 36 00
By do for taxes overpaid, 42 07
By do Wm. Koch, collector of Schuylkill
Haven, tax on House and lot, 4
By do J. flunizinger for merchandize, 19
By do Shneuer& Garret do
Sly do Medlar & Bickel do 31 1
By do Repairing pump nt Jail, . 3 St
Dy do Simon Hamel forbearing far water
at Jail, 6S 00
Dy do Lewis Bower, for cleansing well at
Jail, I 00
By do . Israel Willie 61. work done at Jail, 4 25
By do John Wilderrunth, for. Carpenter
work done at Jail, 3112
By •do Jacob Snyder, • • do , do .54' 44
By do Frederick Reck,Stincs for Prisoners. 45 33
fly do Andrew Essig, do do 2 2.5
By do Hannah Hager, for making shirts, - i
&e. fur Jail, 10 17 ,
By do James Day for work at Jell.
. 7 06
By du John Clause for Mason work at Jail. 650
By. do Jacob Allehach for sand and stones
delivered at Jail, • 13 67
By do Philip Weiser for Bricks, 4 3 7
By do flamed Marta for Lime, 1 67
13y du Geo A. Fry for Clothing made fur I
Prisoner. 2 26
By do C. Berger for Blacksmith work, do 47
- By •doD. K. Urn'6: —do • do do 4
By do Benjamin Diehl for Lumber, do 9 1 6 11
By do; Andrea , Schawlm for chairs sod
. be,adsteads for Jail, - ;3 62
fly do' for work done at Jail, 17 81
By do_, Joseph Albright for straw (or 41111, 13 13
By 'do ' ' Samuel Genly for 1 Wide of - and; , 12 00
Br. do: Thomas !pulePow notiOltiginrtiry, • '
. 1 11 00
fly. do May Zimnseressu reputrin? bridge '
- , et Pinegmve,., 700
Ipts and
530 00
• 193 02
34 E 3
439 48 •
307 3
Rush Township
.35,467 77
John Hill do do • /tale iu '' l2 35
John Eii A• enliowet fat futhisUlug
monis frit. elections, 3 OZt
Constables attending Cann. . 9 001
Oround scot, 9 00 .
Connnissionersdividing townships. .. 89 00
' "---
B) do
By do
By do
Hy do
By do
By do
A .)IsAellvson fbr saajanS
ltin L. Morris High Constable of
By de, .1
['tendlog, r r eonv;:yint n prtsoner
to Selluyikitl County Jail, •
iba Breisb Co n.31,
By Jo .1
out State Road finM -Beiwiet 'to
By do Cleo. U. Stlehter for Box Septa to
Jurors In Reese•s ease,
By do Geo. H. Bitchier for Grate and Pad
lock for Jail,
j'ty do Isaac Orssig.Jr. for hauling Coat
Dy do Jno. Bolder for stone Coal for Court
House and Jail,
By do Jalnell Lord for repairing lost,'
By do Isaac D. Frebn for serving attach
ment to Hazleton.
By do Michael Seltzer boarding - witnesses,
By do Michael Oraeff forboardirg Jurors
in cos* of Cocnroonweatiti
Wm. Hettati and Martin Rupp.
By do for conveying Grand Jurors to Poor
By do Chas. A. , •l2ahn collactot for prompt
collection of :aim
By do Asa Barnet, do du do
By th.. Samuel Goss for Recording, Ike.
By do Jacob Allebach for attending Court
Douse Clock..
By do Christian Zollir for binding books.
By do Wan. B. Pour. Esq Lases overpaid
in redeeming two haw of laud
By do .Lewis Dreher travelling expenses.
By no Isaac Beta, do do
By do Samuel Goss for making surreys in
case of Commonwealth, vs. John
M. Miller.
By do Charles A. Rabn. Postage,
By do C. M. Straub,'repairing dockets.
By do C. M. Burma CMS. of neasiona fees.
By , do Edward nod Wm. Bickel for brand
ing bridge at Fable,
By do Edward and Wen. Bickel do do
at Ranch's Boning Mill.
By do Wm. Bickel for building bridge In
Lower Mahantungo,
By do Henry Faust do
Union township,
By do F. B. Dreher, for painting:l/bridge
By do Benj. Hannan printing for County
and Stationary,"
fly do -Charles Presley, do do
By do Strange N. Palmer. do do
fly do .E. 0. Jacksofi, do do
By do J. P. Benrato, do . du
By do Wunder & Bowman,do . do
By do Vliet & Armstrong, du do
By do Theophitits Bruckner for medical
By do S. 91 Zolkh, du do
By do H. R. Medlar. . du do.
By do Dj E. Nice, Prosecuting Attorney's
fees, 10 . 50
By do F. W. Hughes, do do 125 00
By do Benj. Bartholomew, do I do es 50
By du Henry Vont* for keepin Commis
' sioneri Criminal Docket,
By do Henry Voute for Mentz-lc Rowan
for Prothonotary and Registers
Offices, 127 12
By do' Samuel, B Fisher, on account of
• County Ma.
By do Jobn Hippie Fora Map of the ems
of Pviinglvania, 5 00
By do Jacob Eloffman for attending Court
House and extra stork - , 102 25
C. 11. Stichter,s3lary as Commieere; 128 00
Lewis Dreher, do do 296 50
!soot Betz, do do 145 - 50
O. B. Zulicti, CPk. in Commis'ent. 638 00
Ferdinand Kristin, Cann Cryer. 74 00
Wm. Ft alley, salary as Commte'er. 34 50
Wm. Frailey, for repairing Stove
and tin wore for use ofJoi!, .9 12 00
By do Levi N.Wagner bill of Merchaudize '
for Jail,6l 65
By do Willoughby Foul and others ser
vices as Commissiniern to lay nut "
a Sate Blind from, Tamesva to
Kutztown, . 1 123 75
By do J. T. Werner,. Blierit, jailor, keit
• and boarding prfoigners. from Jan.
7, /848, to Dec. 0, 1.910,.
By do Treasurer's salary for money paid -
and received, 431 83
January 2, 1812. by balance remaining in the
hands of Benj. Christ, Treasurer, 9075 47
By do
By do
By do
By dO
By do
By do
By do
dtatentent j the outstanding tate, due the County, by
the Collectors o[the different Boroughs and torax
ships, Til
_ • .
Frailty Township.
Nauru' Cashion, 1818 14232 89
• Blythe Township:
William Ileintz,lB4B 812 01
Pinegrore Township.
Christian Cramps, 1849
Jahn Felty, of henry,-1846
Therms Berger, Ina
John (Bechtel, 148
Schuylkill Tou•nrhip..
John Marts, 1511 729 Sri
Charles Bohner, ' 435 41'
Borough rf ,Tuutaqua. '
Thnmas El:rbeck. 1846 53 53
{VlliiamTagert. 1919 515 00
ilurou.zh r f dliner3rilte.
Peter Shoup, IMI4 200 00
Henry Christophel. talc . 2.91, 04
Mithael Mohan, IttlS ' 757 03
Burough of Pirugrove.
George Barr, Ibll U 3 90
Ileorge Ilelnbach, 1615
Adam Spancake, 1916
Frederick C. Wernin, 1917
Puller Thu.?,3hip.
John W. 111,1844 58 96.
Abraham Kessler, 1815 37 69,
Benjamin Shury, 1946 34:\
[leer) Heberling, 1817 55 69 '
David fleberlitig, 1848 95 58
Borough of Pußsrilk.
Daniel Clirietlan, 1633 rs 72 Derr, Mb 060 37
Rush Town.hip.
William }Coup, 1.46 113 75
Charles Beane, 1647 55 13
!Stephen Moore, 1t448 T. 33
"Barry Township.
Francis Deng' r, 1916 .191 77
Joseph Larish,lBlB 581 31
- , I
Erit Brunstrig Township.
Daniel IVeaver 161 n 226 53
Jonathan Y0at . 1; 4 17 . 167 2.7
John W. Koch, 1848 465 93
Nirwegian Township.
lward O'ronner. 1817 1162 68
North Mai! aim Tuwrship.
George Gelber!. 151 j 314 04
John L. Coho, 11546 • WO 33
Upper Mohantango 7'own'ship.
Peter Snyder, 1518
• Union Township.
Samuel Ruppert, ISIS •
New Castle Township.
Jacob Metz, 1818 '
97 09
Trenton! Township.
J. R. Ziebach, 1815
Borough of Schuylkill Hoven
Rowland KlinB, 1813 117 01
Daniel liaventierai 1318 . 967 17
William Hach, 1848 21/5 78
.00 09
West Penn
Benjamin Zelnter, 1815 161 117
Berjnmin Zimmerman, 1517 68 65
Jonathan Kistler, IS4S 14S ;Al
Brunch. rotehship.
Joel Yowl& 1839 .rl 1178 57
Philip A. Clanger, 1815 ' 354) 79
Henry Bressler, 1817 I 769 n
Henry Bressler, 1818 1 1171 Oa
Wen Birlinsung Tuwmhip.
Abraham Albright,lsls 203 08
Henry Fahl, 1847 115 12
John D. Long, 1948 ' 282 fig
930 08
Lower Mahaniango Township
Philip 011M110, 1839
Peter Stittzman, 19.16
Peter Breidder, 1947
Frederick Schwalm, Ida
Wayne Township,
Anthnny Riebeamen, 1546 369 - 99
Joh AV. Heffner, 1!47 - 21'9 05
1777 13,
317 09
JOscith Berger. ISO
Total Amount due hylCollectors, 42t762 69
7a the Honorable the Jokes of the Court of °(onen
Plea, of Echoylkill Colony.
We the subscribers, Auditors for the County of
Schuylkill, respectful!) , dn report, that we have audi
ted settled and adjusted the accounts of the Commis
sioners and Treasurer of the County of echo, Mill,
and submit the abcve - statement as the result of their
investigation. fnim which it appeurd, their ti dun the
County of Schuylkill, by Benjamin D. Christ, Esq.
Treasurer, the stun of Three Thousand and Seventy
' five Dollars, and forty-seven cents
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands
this founh day of January, A. D., one thousand eight
eight hundred and
DANIEL KOCll,Fuditors.
G.l). BOYER;
.Irn Lnke paid in full since the settletnebt.
Orwigsburg, Feb. 2, 1e , 19. 6-4 t
MISSIONERSS of Schuylkill Congo , , will meet
at their Office in Orwigsburg. on the 12th day of March
next, for the intrpOse of settling with all Collectors of
Suite and County Tax previous to 18th, at which time
end place , you con attend for the final settlement of
your duplicates. as after that date we will issue against.
all delinquents as aforesaid.
•ISAAC BETZ, Commissioners.
Orifigsbnrg, Peb. 3, 1819. Ult
4 90
19 40
31 12
3 50
Ls ARD lamps, some new and beautiful Patterns.
Fluid Lamps, all kinds.
Phosgene Gas Lamps, also Phosgene Gas. The light
given by those Lamps is soil, does not effect the eyes,
and is superior In brilliancy to Gas. It is not as ex
pensive as Oil—and is attended with about only 0n.,.
half the trouble:. Also Camphloe Bland and Hatig'.us
Lamps. All of Which will be sold at Manufactv,,,,,.
prt ee. at lANNA!Ir tj .
Nov 25-13.1 Cheap Book and Variety Sl.Ores.
For the Teeth.
ROUBELL'S ODONTINE, a very •pleauant articla
for the teeth, and improving the breath.
ROPE TOOTH PASTE. and Race Lip salve. -
WHEELER'S TEADERRY Tooth Wnsh, r a preserv
ing the Teeth and purifying the breath
CHARCOAL PASTE. for cleansing the •Neris, and
Gums, and purifying the breath *
This to a new and extenent r anicie t last received and
tor rgto at HANNAH'S -
Sour 5 1 Cben,p-P4nni**7 and Twisty @lore..
Trom . ciui . Teleg
1,5 Oe
Flour Is liela at $
$2,75. 'Rye Floor rj, 1
Rye, 69369 c. per bu 9,
Vt7e, regret :o !earn t st Will4rit*illisms, too
of WlNam %Vitamins, ig,•il about Iq ii.., wait
killed yesterday, (Frida )about'? o'i clock A. M.
at qt Clair. Colliery, in this coup y .. He was en.
mid in bringing his ars from he,,mines, when
by some accident he w s thrown on the track.
and while in that posit on, wan t / 'run over by the
ears, injuring him so evilly t, et be died.iiheen
minutes after the ore mince. The far passed
over Lis Waist. He i said to base been a Teri
deserving young men.
. ~ . ,
111 "3
131 25
2 f 0
11 00
0 00
35 00
10 00
3 00
10 00
18 US
31 21
12 12
5 50
-P We hear, stye 1
in iiecul*liaa, getting
101;1,61 to covey until nli
10 00
6 al
'7 00
423 00
posed of.
The London corresFuent of the Near ifeir4
Morning Star, says:.'[ wea, lately in a company
at fa•ttionable party, at the west end of the town,
ashen the subject of tic Anted= 'army in.cou
nection with filexicc2, was broached; and I can
assure you that ample - tut/dice wasAutie American
prowess. It was 'Aliened by a leading member of
Government, that !he puke of Willingion, dm%
Gen. Scottihe greatest military gehius of the day,
aid the Duke, it is wel i l kuoum, is anything MO
lOW 00
995 00
1:95 GO
129 56
97 32
22 '25
59 75
43 50
51 02
22 01)
25 00
66 75
Cr Salt lke,—Tl
sett hike, in 'estlifornil,
in use for pri
the strongest soh ever
relsol water made on.
crj'A man WU rob
Pawtucket. Mau., of
dollars. He drove
shoulder of onO of the
50 00
re .
Franciaco t tbot a per..
or ground of about an
tables on it cleared $
Erone of the Fr.
N. V., has a frog 2 y
pounds. It is kept
meal end -cabbage.
E irinuiletatear.—T!
La., had Iwo feet of w
account", arid mud
place to live ct.
how are the tittle tile pi
Mr. Colt ; how du goo
r# Michael Carp
re-elected Mayor of 1.
of about 200.
*33,457 77
The uld Jail p'
on Monday week, for
IF' ocat - E , s, FA
(Late 224 Chesiol
N 0.272 Chesnut Stre,
A ND has constantly
1 Letter, Note, and
to match.
!donning, Letter and N
Fine Lace Edge, and F
Envelopes in great earl
A great aavortment or %;
Extra Nonpareil thin do'
English, French, and A
Stecl and ready made tl
110 6
412 01
74 78
275 54
I Lead Pencils in geeat v.
p Itair, Nail, rod Tol•U, •
Teaberry, ChattuaL Ito
- ationt,
Bandaline, Ponlltu MP. ~
Wedding, at llonte, ICI;
_ .
67 I Vited . 4i4 Cake MlXe.nt
I Kid Gloves cleaned in th
Tissue Ptiper,,
Ail the new Publicutiol
soiin Os putlislied.
141 44
62 71
198 95
el's, Graham's, Nation.",
'I I Orders from tue Coun
Philaarlphia, Jan. EL
AND 011 A
Sear the corner of
following art tclmi.;
' 1 A large and splendid ds
to prints, sit.gte or I,
" Turner and Fishers . Sot
etyaingle or by the ,
Dream. Books. Letter W
Elllelddletl and Cob
, Books,
44 i Comte end other Alumm
Steel Pima and Holden. •
Pocket Books, Playing I_ Ards, Dominoes, Conversations,
Fortune Telling. anfl Courting Cards,
Shaving Creani and Soap, Wash Balls, Sand Soap, and
other Fancy Soaps, lEstrarts, &c..
Jules flatten, Genuine Bear's Oil, Or Harrow, Curling.
Fluid, and Cologne oter, ale or by the dose%
Tooth,r3haviorr, Hair, a a V m
Clothes Ihruthea,
Dressin g,Pock et, and toe Tooth, Comb,
Mason's and Frank MU or. Mara NOW 0 10 BIaCkIDEI
Stocks, Collars, and Su 'renders,
Razors and Razor Sire. 1/,
Large assortment of La Iles' Curls, -•
3 6 1 rpCtirls Anne nom tl best manner.
Ifir has also on. hats Ilbirang's Terpsichore or Bell
Room Goide. Shavin , Hair Cutting, Inc.. perforated
rt.t Ire most a ppros ed table, Elsltazors done up at the
honest notice. , I [Dee 2.3„'41442-ly
Great Nat onal Exhibition,
No. .40 , Nertk rot • Steed—PHILADELPHIA.
TOUSEY'zi Pan mina of Idelleo=the Greyest
p o i n g o : ro the ?World covering 10,000 feet °rearms.,
It shows Mille most effect manner the tower, dries.,
11 mountains, r&ers, ra tuber, plantations, domestic oink.
ma l e, g ,, o h"ft e lo r of Mexico, habits of the Melina/a.
character and acener of the country, together will:ills°
movements of the , army under Taylor, with their
~ marches, encarliputentabattles, fording of rivers.trains
of park mules, and all the Interesting scenery and in
-06 cidents of the canipaign,from Corpus Christi to Buena
Vista ; the whole Minting the toot• anrusing and in
structive exhibition ever In the city. The sketches
were taken front nhture by one of Gen. Taylor's °M
eets, and are as correct as life. It was visited by over
gi2 ICU 000 persons In New York, (having been exhibited
there for several months nt succession,) among whom
write the clergy. Judges, and the moat fashionable Imo
. pie of the city,
Tickets 25 cents'; Children under 10. bait
Doors titian every night, until further notice.; until fik
25 Welder. Panorama commences moving at 7l precise,
IC. An Explanatory Lecture Is given at each exhibl,
tin. Afternoon exhibitions at 3 o,clock.
- Cut this advertisement out and put it in your pocket s
Remember the place; Franklin Re/1.150 Nertl Sink
Street, sear-gra. Pars. 20, 4.1m0
. . Applet4n , s
1.64.. Chesnut Street. Swain's Bhildiage, Plitiede.
1 I AS-11151' PUITLISDED a series of popular Hand
-73 fl. thieks of Useful Knowledge, In twelve volumes,
" which FIIOUIII be le the hands of.evety Lady and Gen
tlemen throughout the country. Ears volumecontaini
in a condensed form es Much Information as one will
find in ;Latout guano. The price of these volumes
25 will place than within the reach of every one. being
, only 25 cents eayh. The sale of theme worts has al
ready reached 30,000 copies, and the publisher confi
dently believes that many hundred thousand may be
so!d during the. Present 'ear. The following are the
subjects of which cacti volume treats:
Etiquette fur Indite, by an American Lady. Con
taining valuable hints on Dress and Fashion. Visits,
Music, Dinner Table and Genetal Observations on the'
Rules of Life. I
Efiquette for fir' ,
A Ha arl•Book et'
taining Rules for
in Society,
Ladies' Crotehlt Masse. A hand-Book of Csoeshr
et, Useful and (1 nainental ; containing new receipt%
for Collars, Edgii gs, Cape, Polkas,. Curses, D'Oylsys..
Napkins. ace.
The Lqefies'• Irk-Bot Comyesims. A Rand• Book.
of Knitting, Pan nit. Tatting and Be 41 1
Berlin Work. en-,
mining entirely ti w receipts.
Ilatid-Book e l f ate Toilette. Coatainins eagle di-,
sections for add! g to and presents's the Beauty of
the Person. . .
Tie Fireside outpauivit. A tland-Boot of Games,
for Evening Am lenient. •
4 Hued-Bosh ter 80/241•06 and Ernest Partin:
Giving direction for Dancing alt the known paipell
including the Po ka, hiazourka. the Redeye. he.—
Illustrated with 4 ngraelhge.
Chess Th e P . sera' Hand - flesh. Contaluttija ftill
account of the t mode of playing the game lawn
The /And Bee of Wlist. Containing the lMt
laid down by the latest authorities. Ind concise rulep
for playing all k ads of Whist et every stage of ike
The Lova+ ' s C pantos. A lland-Rook of Dean
ship Marries , containing complete direCtialle CP!
Your.g Ladles an Young Gentlemen.
Tha Aforriers oils/ Glass. A fliad-Book for
newly blarnedi Couples. By the Rev. S. C. Boone.
Tae space of an ordinary adveilisement Is too Mal
led to give more than the titles of the above ekes"
manuals. They ill be foetid to contain Informatics%
useful to every ember of the human family. The
press throughout e Canntey have given warm come
mendations of th merits of each volume which the
publisher intends hlishing at the end of each work.
The books are bo ind io fancy muslin with gilt aides
and edges', many f them being elegantly illustrated.
ogePeronts at a (states can bare *pyritic Of these
rohrmes forward d by mail Sy Omitting IS cents.
Five will be thrni bed for a I-...r.54 the eoloPlete I st af,_
12 for VI The le rem enclosing rarpitnacell Mast lel
all cases be pre id. • 4-41
Phila. Jan. 20. 80. " -
- -- - - -
(O 52
115 IPI
279 39
129 23
-- 631
Wright'o tm
•ed on commit
.6These lamps arc'
cllttant light. and
pbk Coriepofident
ATEST Tdomr.rir.
, Pell. 9; r o'cloock, P.N.
per bx!rel. CUM Mtal
!, Wet, $1,1431,15.
~ Carel, 6:Z303c.
• n exctilitie, p( e itatitioa
hat nq W00%14100 be ak•
'no alpOs ladies ire 411...
0 gait bun 1 in tike pin%
is super.ior to any nova
butter, b ef, &e. It ie
et discoverer(. Titee,
of stilt.
a! fat days dints, mac
pockat-book containing five
Jaggier to the hilt in the
tobbeis, anti iketi to
frittlotl , macs from San
n t64to took ek stAall piece
scre,: and tu• taking Liege,
SGO in one seaskn,
. •
,rs,-J-A map in Chatham,
Ark 31d,•orhieh weighs 175
q cellar, and fed on torn
town of Lake . Prostdener,
ster in its streets by. the las;
ut three feet. A delightful,
l ogg--h 4 ippy to sea yolk—.
Ica i" -quite well. ttranterto.
o--.2nd how's the ordmare
'uter i , Esq.. Loco., has been
ncoatcr, Pa., by a majority
°reit) , in Re Wing wsll sold
t, tittreet.) 'remora. Gs .
mite door ober, Te. 44, Strut.
.1 ir sale a large assertntertt 0 (
edding Paper, with Enxelnprit
to I"ape to, Envelopes to =Lek
'ley', Letter and Note Papers.
ty to match.
'a Ors and Sealing War. r .
0 Polished Visltink Catdii.
nellean Playing Cards. -
ill Pens. Gold do,
• 114 laden* lots.
!en, and other Thoth Prepar,
'lll.g. Profenionat Cask en-
the uelrCkt Nahio9
Frendi stile. free from smell
'es, &c.. for Artithial Firniters.
I 6, Weekly Patna, for sale ark
thr.Littera Liring Axe. go*.
fand other Magazines ,
ry attended to.
ti Bailie'', •
`e.tre and Market Streets,
AC OH hand and for aale..thas
I,ltment otrolnant I.lthotraph
rthe hundreA
; :lad Toy tlookaizkgnuni
aers. Spelling Boas, Prisms*
's Readers, Copy,noil Pass,
re single or by the dozen.
whams. by an American Gentlemen.
Conceisation and Table TaLt. COl3,
be attainment of complete euttell
LAMPS.—A suppit &
oved CAMP lIIN 4mq rq
Wrtrst'S liru;'Stive; roitaiifie.—
the %Try tw st patUr ri treiadifr—glif
•ill tc so ld uncommba!?toy, finip