TEILIi, OF THE MINERS' JOURNAL.—SINGLE •Pri" lISCRIPTIONta.—Two Dollars per annum, pay able semiannually in advance, to those .who restde at the County—and annnaly in advance to those who I aside/tat of the County. The publisher reserves to himself the right to ehnige 0150 per annum, When payment is delayed longer than one year. TO CLUBS • . torte copies to one addreur. Defeo Do Do Fifteen . .Do Do - Five dollars in advance will pay for thtee year's nib scriprioti to the Journal. RATES OP ADVERTISING. bits • Sinare of 14 lines, -3 times. diary anbsequert lbsertlon. -Four lines:l time. Subsequent insertions, each.., Ant Equate, 3 Months, tik menthe. .One Tear. Saltness Cards of Five l ines, per annum. 4erctiants and others, advertising by the , Year, with the privilege of inserting dif. ferent advertisements weekly, , e 3. Larger Advertisements, es per agreement. VOLNEY D. PALMER., at . kis Red Etta& aid cast. done kr, Canner of Third dc. Chtannt Streets. PldiadatPhia. Na.lBo, NusartVBtreet, New Yark, ' • no. 10. State Streat,Bastaa, and , lfatith eut cornet of Baltimore & Calvert Stteeta, Balttrneen,is our Agent for receiving subscriptiorui and advertisements Toe the Miners• Joann]. TIM •CIIICULATION of the Mioen•Sournal is greater than any other paper published in Northern Eenntylan, nil. and has nearly donhle the circulation of any other published in Schuylkill county. Dello circulate. largely among Capitalists, manufacturers., iron and tad dealers • Siglinut the Atlantic and Eastern Staten. MGM COPIES or. THE MINERS' JorrtNAt. tan be obtained every Saturday of William Old. know, Mineraville ; Mr. Moore, Port Carbon; at the earner of Centre and Market streets, Pottsville and - at the counter of the pnblieation °dice. FIRE,IIEaLTIIdora LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. mthseriber is Agent for Fire, health and Life In stitutes. Any information on either of the different branches can be obtained at the office of the Miner.' Journal, 'Mora insurances are effected. 3ortrnal. Saturday Morning, Feb. 17. 'WM PROTECTIVE POLICY OF TILE COUNTRY! he People Denaand ita Restoration LUBRICATING COMPOUND OF OIL—We refer out. readers Mina advertisement in another column offer ing• new oil for sal& The consumption of on is very great In this County, and from the numerons testimonials in Ita favor, (s huge number of which have been shown us' and some from our own citizens.) we feel confident thAt a very great Baring will be effected by its use.' We learn that since the first of January, It has been used on the State Works. Mr, C. F. Norton. at Milne. 'Ac flay. - weed's Stare, Is the Agent for Schuylkill County. • OYSTERS AND FISH—Ivo are under obligations to ifiessra Day & Silrer, for a plentiful supply of Fresh nib and some of the finest and largest Oysters we ha. e erer seen in this quarter. These gentlemen are in the reiattlar •receipt of Oysters and Fish, direct fiton thisore. at their Establishment in Centre Street, two or three doors South of lifortimer's Hotel,—where our cit. Ax= GM always get • soppy of the good things of the ^(C111100, at reoccur/hie rates. - .211EET1NG OF COAL OPERATORS.—We are re• que.ted to calla meeting of Coal Operator., at the Amer. Icon Hotel. on Tuesday next. the 20th inst. at 10 o'clock. Al M. for the purpose of taking such measures as may be deemed nereesnry to prevent the issue of Scrip, for eireidatlon, by the Lehigh Coal Company. It is impel.- lain that there should be a general attendance. 111F.SSES. THOMAS FOSTER & Co. hare removed their Shoe and Trunk Store, from Market to the new and rbenOtlful building, corner of Centre and East Market Its., •Where they bane an elegant assortment of Boots, Shoes, . &v, cheap for cash. FOll. A CHARMING STORY, see First Page. We Aire Indebted to the American Union, for this capital "Tile. • A NUMBER OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS are tick 'oidably crowded out, with an editorial. CAPT. NAGLE'S SWORD. We have already informed our readers that the rhiss of Pottsville intend presenting • sword to Capt. Nagle, for gallant services performed in Adexico. The presentation will take place od' : •11 -22 d of this month, in front of Lessig's Exchange Hotel, at Y l o'clock in the morning. James H. 4rampbell, Erg, on the part of the Whigs, will sprnent the sword to the Captain, who will receive It is jerired that the military of the Borough tiaall be present on the occasion, and an invitation is here extended to them to join in the ceremonies I of the presentation. The presentation will doubt den be an attractive affair, and, we hope there will he a full attendance. HOMESTEADS.. A bill was introduced into the Senate of this •State; on the 9th inst., by Mr. Johnson, of Erie, •tad passed. exempting property worth $3OO from -sell:ore. This bill is exactly of the some chaise. -ter as the one to which we alluded in our list wrmber, and we have no hesitation, now, since -tire bill •has been modified, to say that it should sirecome I law. under so benign a law every person of industry could become possessed of a nice little home +bleb under a knowledge that it would not be tild in case of ill OUCCeA., would be improved. adorned with all the embellishments in the power • its owner, Ind be midi, the comfortable habitation of the workingman ! What a change this would Zr about! How greatly mink! the condition fall classes be aoselioristed, under. a law which ..would make all industrious men landhulders. It is •Wviact that.eannot be disputed, that the passage of Wu& a law would have a tendency to improie so. y. and instil into every one a spirit of industry —make every one feel and take an abiding in. 1. Wrest in the welfare of the community in which ite resides, because to do otherwise would be to ,his disa4antage. A town composed of persons,. each of whom owned a house, would present a 'scene of quiet and happiness that is seldom wit. awed. The came of this is contained in the . flet,that all having a little property, are desirous of retarningib value, and under smell conditions they will lake an interest in the community ; maintain the laws at all hazards; and, in a town so coned. Sated, we repeat, there would be witnessed such *Des , of happiness, prosperity, and general wel 'ans that would be gratifying to every man. CALIFORNIA in another column we give several items of Cel liforpia news. The gold fever has somewhat subsid ed, but from almost every portion of the Union vessels are still bailing with large cargoes. and in a short time we may expect to see upwards of 50,- 000 people in the land of promise. We observe )'the late Foreign news that in Europe comps elev are Suing oat for California. Indeed, the • excitement is said to be quite as great .011 the con tinent uit is here. Some will meet with 'oceans while others will be moat woefully disappointed. PROTECTION. .111 the House of Representatives. et Washing stem, a fins days ag,, the Hon. George N. Eckert presented four petitions, signed by Henry Myer and 84 other citizens of Schuylkill County, Ps., prayiog for the enactment of a tariff of specific duties, to save the specie of the country from being ezpored,sna to prevent the prostration of the farm. ioi manufacturing, laboring, and commercial ins• arrests. Also. one of like import, rignea by 7. W. iEben and 32 other citizens of Lebanon County, Another of like import, signed by T,hourse Vend, and 4.15 other citizen■ of Barks County: ROME DEPARTMENT. In the Rouse of Representatives, on Monday ~ Mr. Vinton of Ohio. reported a bill establish- Department of the Interior, which, after de .: +air, was ordered to be engrossed by the large rota ,pf al I to 7G. The necessity of such a Department bat long been felt, and the vote it received shows that:-our ' Representatives Ere favo•eble to inch oussure.: t hat the jtrerent serrion is toe Cu gone bah for,its sistabrlshmsia .I_4 this limo• - INN - GEN. TAYLOR MID BM CLAY Suggestions have been 'thrown out in some quarters that Gen. Taylor's Administration *ill be greatly influenced by Mt. Clay. Fleury eisy may possess some influence with Gert. Taylor, but we cannot believe that he will undeltete awn to try to induce the General to yield to tda, opinion, nor do we believe that Gen. Taylor will allow any one to inactente his Administration., Gen. Tay lor has determined to administer the affairs of Government for the good of the people, and will not be moved by moons! predelictione. He will call around him 'the ablest men of which' the country boasts, whose advice, when necessary, as is done in all cases, be will seek, and upon their combined, judgment we can safely depend—direct ed as they will bo by the most patriotic motives. We believe that anier,Gen. Taylor this country will be placed upon its pristine . basis, and that his adrninistrati - m will more closely • resemble that of Werbington than any of his predecessors. The citizens .of this Republic will yet have oc cation to rekiice et the election of General Tay for. SS 00 10 00 20 CO toe 121 83,00 500 8 00 300 ECI PRENCII ASSEMBLY• The, motion for the dial lotion of the Fret.eh Assembly, as will be seen by our Foreign .news, has been carritd by a small .majority.; The ma jority of the membets of the Assembly ere known to have been opposed to the election of Napoleon, end therefore desire the dissolution, that a new one may be elected. We consider this move en; but a favorable one for the welfare of the Repub lic, indicating strongly es it does, .the overthrow of the French Constitution. In the election of a new Assembly,there would be say ws rm arca between the adherents' the President and the Republicans, in which the former would in all probability succeed, and obtain en Asseinkly ao subservient to his views that with little difficulty, he might transform himself (tom President to Em peror, which he rnay.yet do. Time, however, will show. B. BANINAN ATTORNEY GENERAL. The press of this State are a lmost unanimous . in favor of the selection of Josiah Randall, Esq.. of Philadelphia, for the office of Attorney General of the United States. There are some 7 others, of course, who have thcr preferences; links* fir as we are able to team, jodgiug from the tone dour cotemporariee, we are led to infer that Mr. Ran. dell is the moat prominent candidate. His well known ability and steadfast adherence" to Whig principles, point to him as the man fur the station, Whilelbe press are discussing the merits of their respective friends, we are pleased to observe that no harsh expressions are indulged iii, but their claims cooly urged. The time for the selection of the Cabinet is almost here, when we shall see whose exprctations will be realized. Should none of those whom we expect to see in the Cab net,—notwithstanding we think the claims of Pennsylvania are imperative—be selected, we ehalrbe satisfied, believing as we do, that Gen• Taylor will select none but three whose qualifi cations and legislative experience "are such that we can rely with safety upon his judgment. DEMOCRACY AND SLAVERY At a caucus bf the Locoloco members of the Kentucky Legislature, held at Fran k fort on the 23d alt., the (allowing resolution was unanimously adopted : , Resolved, That While we do not deem it good po licy for the Democrats of the Legislature to unite in caucus in supportipg anv partidular individual of their party for the office of Senator of the U^ited States, on the let proximo. yet we are determined not to vote for Fleury Clay on account of bin Ffter. Sou. PRINCIPLES, and, as wo understand, his EMANCIPA TION TENDF.NCIES ; nor will we support any other man, whether ‘Vhig, or Democrat, who is known to entertain similar views on these questions of National and State policy. It appears, that Leeafecoism, and Slavery are becoming synonimous, term■. In the Arkansas Legislature, the Low:deco party hava shown one of their magnanimous and liberal traits of character, by changing the name of Van Duren County to that of Cass County. In the House of Rsresentatives, tin the 10th inst., a petition was pr. settled askimilfor a Bank at Minersville ; a petir n Was also presented from Schuylkill County, fo the abolition of Capital Punishment, on the same day. A petition, twen ty-one feet in length, for the protection of Miners and Laborers, has also been presented. The bill to erect Danville, Columbia County, into a Boro was taken up and passed. In the Senate, on the 14th inst., Mr. Overfield presented a petition from Schuylkill County, for a Bank at Tamnqua. On the same day, Mr. Oaterfisld reported a fur ther supplement to the act to incorporate the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad Company. GROWTH OP READING. Three hundred and forty-eight new buildings have been erected in- Reading the last year. The buildings erected in-that city during the last few years, are as folios's/I.—ln 1843; there were 98 erected; in 1844. 120; in 1845,184; in 1846. 248 ; and in 1847, 360. 'lt will thus be perceive ed that the increase during the past year has greatly exceeded that of any previous year, ex cept 1847 ; of which it falls short twelve build ings. A Legislative Temperance Society I. about be ing formed by the members'and 916-era of the . House of Representatives of thii: (Mate. Among those who have signed the call for a meeting to, form a society of this kind, we observe the names of some of the most prominent members. rir The Cabinet.— Washington correspon• den', speaking of Gen. - Taylor's Cabinet, says that it is now reduced almost to a certainty that Caleb B. Smith will be in the Cabinet, as Foot Master General. Much has been said about it here, and an effort has been made by the friends of a gen. tlernan in Ohio—not now in regular fellowship with the Whig party—to procure his appointment. Almost the entire delegation from Ohio, are in fa *sr of C. B. Smith, and from !hat is known of Gen. Taylor's views, he will receive that appoint. ment." We merely give these speculations of correspondents, to give our readers the prevailing news in regard to this matter, for what they are worth. rr The Union.—The Baltimore American well remarks, that ' , the idea that a dissolution of the Union should be regarded as a remedy for any political evil, when in fact it would be the consummation of the worst of's!l evils, is anal. ogous to that which prompts the morbid mind to contemplate suicide as • means of deliverance from the troubles of the world." rir Lancaster Prison.—The County Com missioners of Lancaster, have adopted a design by John Haviland, for a new County Prison, to be erected immediately on the ground, west of the reservoir, at the head of East King Street. The prison will be double the extent of the Bests county prison, and will cost $102,000. It will accommodate 80 persons, with an enclosure capable of accommodating 160, and will belie's• ed with gas. • . . lar The' War Department have ordered a military ESCOti to utompany and *fiord protection to emigrants sod gold banters for California, from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to San Francine. Titus an opportunity will be presented to those who reish to seek their fortnnes among the gold "pla. errs," to go then under a proper military...guide and protection; and with ell the nee:nary pro vislopes and nreguirds for health and tomfart, LEGISLATIVE. TEIPEPANCE THE v 1 focal Xitin `Rather. few , 11 yesterday. have been exceedingly -cold. Indeed. they reminded as of the winters of olden timer.— The thermortimer yesterday morning mood & deg. below zero. We have not bad such weather since 1835, a period of 11 yearn. During each ueather Mere must colately, be some suffering among those whose means. are ea limited as 454 to allow iheal to Via com the necessary articles of comfort. No oee should be left to suffer. and those who are possessed of an abandince of worldly 'goods should not hesi tate to deal out to algae who are so unfortunate as to be compelled to need theit, aid. . . The cold weather will five our Coal (mentors a elearmartet to begin with in the Spring. and as a large portion of the factories -which were stopped, are gradually going into operation again, in Conic quence of a rmiaction of wages, and the reduced rates or the raw material and provisions. which ena bles them to cope to a: certain extent with the foreign •ManufactUrer. a little prudence en the pan of - our dealers will enable them to get beget prices for oar commodity than were obtained last year. For the iron men there is but little hope the present year, even at the reported advanced rates in England, by the lan arrival. r Minere' HcapitattAn Institution with the above title is aleiut being established in this Cowl. ty. The design of the ''lnstitution is to procure to persons enraged In Mining operations proper medical treatment at a small compensation." A house, said to be suitable for such an institution, with some ground attached, has keen moaned, and is situated between this 13orottith and Minetsaille. The Irani tutinn lobo derive its support from the contributions of its members and friends. The terms of member ship will be three dollars. Such a Hospital, properly conducted, would, we . , hive „little doubt, tend to alleviate the condition of the class of people for whom it will be established. We • would like to *see it succeed. IRTSt. Valeniines Day.—Thin day, big with the fate of miny lovers I#llo properly observed in our Bgrough. During the whole day. our Post Office presented inch a busy scene as is seldom witnessed but on estraordinary occasion.;'and indeed the ilia 11114.1 still continue to be sent in large numbers, and the quantity of Valentines sent through the office must be exceedingly large ; and many are the lovely dam• sob who . have been kindly remembered by their youthful admirers. . Grand Scientific Alberti ,the celebrated wistrd of the East, will give an entertainment this evening at the Town Hall; con sisting 'of startling and aronderful experiments in Philosophy, and Magic. In Baltimore and other places where hehas performed. be obtained large and delight& houses. In the fanner place he per formed uawards of aeventrive iniecesirive nights. Ile promises wonderful feats to-night. Go and see him. Only 121 1 admittance. rir The Twenty Second.—;Tbe ever memora• ble Twenty-second of February trill be commemor ated in a proper style is our Borough. - We understand that a Grand Ball, to be conducted upon en extensive scale, will come off at thehlt, Carbon Hotel, a short distance from the Borough. Another Ball. to be given by the National Light Infantry. at the Town Hall, will also come off. The Sword presentation wilt alto take place. which, we have little doubt, will be an attractive affair. lar Another Saving Stuiely.—The ' success which, so far, has attended the society to which we alluded last week. and tie certainty of realizing a handsome ■um by depositing a mall ammo, Ivire induced some others of our citiaena to farm another upon the same principle. It is called the •Mechan ics Saving Society." and promises to be of much benefit to its members. It is indeed a capital way of laying by funds for a "rainy day.' (7" Court House Subscriptions.—The sever• al Ward Committees, at a meeting held on Tuesday evening last, reported the following stibscrlptions, to wit: North Wen Ward North East Ward Smith Ward..... =I Immersion.—The boly ordnance of Bap• Into was adtiiinistered to two persona. in the Scholl. kill. at the Furnace. in this place. on Sunday last, ny the Rei Mr. Levering. The day WAS clear. and quite a number of persona had assembled to witness the imposing ceremony. EV , &nand fur Canfortia.— The cry le •"still they go!" We understand that .a party of young men, (twelve in number,? whole names we have been usable to obtain. design Harting for the El Dorado.— They are (ruin Summit'. Hill, and vicinity. They in. tend siding around Cape Horn. Success to them. r4"-' "Wire American Meeting.—A meeting of the member. of the Native American Pany, Bill be held this evening at Btichteee flail, for the per. pose of appointing Delegates to the State C.onventinn. to be held at Philadelphia, on the 224 of February. ' nr Afflicting.— We learn from the Schuylkill Ibsen dfap. that a girl named Catharine Zimmerman, was badly burnt by her clothes catching fire from a stove, on the 3d insi at the Almshouse. She is very much injured, and it is thought will not survive. 3:7 John C. Lessig, of the Etchenge Hotel, in this Borough, has been appointed Aid-de-Camp, to the Governor of this State, with the rank of Lieu. tenant Colonel. A good appointment. il)iugs in eamacina. IV' We learn from Me Legion, that an+se cident of quite a. venous character occurred in !he above place. on the 6th ins?. The Leila* states that the hands in Mr. llopkin Thoma■' Moulding Shop were engaged in pouring the smelted metal for cast. ing car wheels, from some cause or other. a blow; as it is 'termed. took ptace, which strue.o a young man who was skimming. , full in the facer and it is feared will deprive him of his eye.aight for life. Mr, TaMaqua Market.]-Our friends in Ta maqua boast quite alma market. A short tune since there were farts sleds laden with carious oinds of produce at the market, and appeared to meet with a very reads - tall- The prodisce is brought principally from Lehigh County, and the townships adjoining Tamaqua. azl- Messrs. Wiggin 4. Booth, have commenc ed to mine Coal from their newly discovered vein, on Reinharfa RIM, and will coon be able to coma:mite rirThe Adjournment of the 30th Congress is near at band. Lees than three weeks yet remain.. Important measures remain to be acted upon, and . it is feared the labors of this body will close, lea*. ing a laige amount of public busbies. neglected, The Administration of James K. Polk is also rap. idly drawing to a close. Old Zack is coming to take possession of the White House. when a ge neral clearing of the kitchen may be expected. , [IP Strife Treasurer.—The County Officers and citizens of the State generally, says the Democratic Union, seem to hive forgotten that a hiss was passed last year, providing that the State Treasurer shall enter upon his duties on the first Monday of May, in each year. Gideon J. Ball, Seq., State Treasurer elect, is daily receiving official letters, which ehOold be directed to Arnold filo:truer, State Treasurer, until the first Monday of May next. 15" Important Measure.—Mr. Little bar intro. duced in the House of Representatives of Pe., 1 0 „ bill authorising a lino of two millions of dollars from the Banks, for the completion of the North Branch Canal, the avoidance of the Inclined Plane and the Redemption of the relief issue. ,It is pro posed in consideration of such loan, to give the banks the privilege of issuing small notes. . Gad Doffar,-highe Washington Whig speaks of haring been shown a gold dollar just from the mint. The dollar piece is . a little larger in circumference than the half dime, but not quits so thick. Oa one side there Is a wreath of lasses. and wand it the words... United States of Amen ca, .1848." On the other there cap, amble., send irith sunlight. tali on it '...Liboy«' • . 'S 0 ' AN I ' V .L GENERAL_ ADVERTISER. • TtiC EiTEADI SHIP NIAGARA. The Niagara arrived at Boston, on the 11th, bring. ins news to the 27th olt.— two week. latet. • Her news is to the follovVint efeet : ENGLAND. The Government of Eregland has. wisely resolved to meet the wishes of the people as demonstrated for a therough,financt..l reform in !the reduction of the espenditeres. of the their departments of State. Without impairing their efficiency . ; to which the Lon.. don Times. gawking of the 'active feeling, la regard to the rise of fends. attributes the cause. • • 3TRANC. The preliminary 'motion broil thedissolntina prate National As:muddy has, passed by a small majority. The reports of thevarious committees however. were adverse to the il:Caolut;on. Ifoulao. de la hleruthe boa inten.elected Vice President of the litepohlic. by the Assembly.. Th. Eloveineteht its still in an unsettled state. his sa.: that upwards of eleven steamers were preparing ' at Tendon with enters to sail without a moment's de. la . y. Frees Brest sod Cherbonrg equal active prep. ration, are repined. The rumor naturally ascribes this demons scion as indicative of an armed inter en. Oen in favor of the Pupa A !tendon paper says that the opinion' in regard to the Italian question has undergone a change, and that smarter the most influential men, who a abort time since were in favor 01 an intervention in Italian alralts have taken alarm at the embarrassed state of the mate of the Finances, and do not hesitate to say that they cannot see why France should lose aU chance of ameliorating her condition by rushing into war for the freedom of a people who have no courage to fight for themselves: A■ for the gnestiona of the Pope, the opinion here to that the French should ab stain from any actual intervention for or against him, but throw no obstacle in the way of either Spain or Naples, if one or the other should offer money or men io the Pope, The red republicans, perceiving She ground giving way under them, are making great einirts, and at Lyons are casting musket balls and providing gun. powder for a stand-up tight. Their pretence a it sistence to the reactionary party in the Assembly.— The clubs in Paris are again becoming active, and it is raid that some severe mcssuressre coo templated for their complete suppression. IRELAND. This country is again attracting no inconsiderable share of public attention. The Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench have overruled the error, assigned in the cases of Smith O'Brien and his fellow prisoners. The court was unanimous in its decision and it re• mains to be seen whether they will persevere in can .sying their hopeless appeal to the Neese of Lords. It is confidentially stated that as application hu been made far the requisite permission from the Lord Lieutenant in the case of O'Bnen. but that Me:Mea gher declines to proceed any fonher. fie has reset. red to submit to his fate. an any hope of °remaining the verdict must prove delusive. The Pope demands the intervention of Austria to re-seat him in temporal power, and both Sardinia and France hare strongly remonstrated against the deter. I ruination of the Roman people, whu seem to have lost all veverence forgive Pope' as an ecclesiastic no less than as a prince. The spiritual anathemas which , he has hurled against them have been received with complete contempt. Naples and Sicily are still far from an amicable settlement of their disputes whilst Prussia. which so long remained silently preparing for action, seems deeply plunged in intrigncs, with a view to the eaten mon al her poweoouth. An engagement has taken place between the Bri tish and Sikhs, on the Ghenet, in which - the British. after a formidable resistance by the enemy. came off victorious. A number of lives were lost. including Gen. Cureton. THE EAILEETS. There was a lively busines. dune in the Cotton market, at Liverpool, on the 20 h ult. The opera none of theday are estimated at 15000 bales, of which 7,000 are to speculators. at prices of 414,. , In the Liverpool Corn and Flour Market, at the some date, business wore a cheerful napeet. and full prices were paid for wheat fbur and Indian Corn.— Indeed, during the last few d tys.. flour in bond has cone off to some extent at 258.6 d. to 255. 9d.. and to. day 255. per Ili., has been obtained for the beat %Vest• ern. Indian Corn is to moderate demand at 28s. Gd., to 30s. W. fir inferior. whtle for the best yallow. and Indian Corn Meal . 14s. Gd. to 15t. per bhl. , American wheat to bond 6s. 3d. to 7s. id per 70 15s. A prime parcel bought at the latter to-day. In Wales, the.price of common bar iron has advan. ced to £ ss. per inn, and in Liverpool to iCS 1155. A large bummers is doing In Scotch pig. and the price of No. I, Gartschuric, is now 51s. per ton net cash, prompt pa . imet at Giaszow. The accounts fmm the manufacturing districts both of Yorkshire and Lamerchin arc satisfactory and encouraging.. S74M 20 .3135 55 .6 - 99 ID ALIVORSId ITEMS 917120 85 A gentlemen arrived in New Fork direct from California on Monday . last, having left Ban Fran• deco on the 10th of Pecemberlie came by way of Newland, Afezieo, and Vera Cruz. and per formed this long journey in GI days, the whole cost of which wee upward. of $7Ol. He brings intelligence from the gold Region, thirtyfour days later than the latest received before. The gold region is now understood to embrace • territory a thousand miles in length and three hundred in width. The gold is distributed over this vast extent, though - by no means equally, some parts being of surpassing richness, while others are comparatively barren of the precious metal. No limit can be fixed to the cumber of men wbo may find employment in extracting It. or to the length of time for which good dtgging may be profitable. The business of mining has nothing that is agreeable, except the gold. that it sometimes—not always—products. In short, it requires the hardest kind of labor, such as only strong toilful. tutiona and muscles indurated by toil can under. take with a prospect of success. A man of the right sort, to respect to health, strength and skill may, with fair luck and herd and steady work, obtain three ounces of gold on an mirage per day. It is not often found in lumpy. Still the gentleman Mr. Atherton, from whom this news has been obtained has seen one mass weighing 7 lbs., and .friend of his bad seen another weighing 21 lbs. One man a blacksmith, had got ten thousand dollars worth in three weeks. , There was nothingdning at the mines when Mr Atherton left, owing to the rains, it being the rainy season! Mire was not much sickness in the diggings, no robberies and no disturbances. GOoil Wading can be obtained in San Fran. eine at $lO per week. An extensive placer has been discovered in Oregon, end it was reported at Sin Francine that all the inhabitants of Oregon City had gone out to try their luck. The whole value of gold vyttich has been ga. therm! in California is estimated, by those ae... (painted with the matter, at three millions of dol lars, two of which left there in various ways. and the remainder is on its way to the [Toiled States. Real estate was selling at 840117101111 prices— lota 25 yards square trolling fo , $lO.OOO. Pro visions were abundant at San Ftancisco and the diggings. Great as the discoteries of gold are, they are equaled by those of quicksilver. That metal is found in various parts of California, and the quantity is as abundant es it is in the mines of t h , " l . About two, thousand emigrants bid arrived in California from Oregon, the Sandwich Wands, end different pets of Smith America and Mexico The Sacramento river ia navigable for vessels drawing eight feet from the ocean to Sutt. f ... f ort, a distance of one hundred and. fitly mil,. from San Francisco. end for a hundred mites farther by vessels drawing less. raLsstsstpri AND SLAVERY An immediate and extra eeuion of the Legials tore of Mississippi is demanded by the citizens of Hancock county. in that State, (or the purpose of enacting laws prohibiting the future ingress of slaves from the border States of the South. , In their petition to the Governor, they represent that the States of Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, where slavery has ceased to be progtable from the uncertain tenure by whielialaves am held, are now throwing an immense black population on the extreme Southern States, which is destined to increase with iamrhse rapidity. To avoid this result, they propose to compel the mare nor thern of the slaveholding States to retain their slaves within their own borders. A FEARED% EPIDEMIC The Uniontown, (Pa.) Demo crat, , gives so ac— count of an alarming malady which has recently made its appearanottatt that section. The disease is described as being somewhat similar in its syrup. tarns to the tamale's, but the physicians are unable to assign it a name. Young persons and children are moat liable to he attacks. There have been some fifty cases and twenty deaths within the two weeks since it made its appearance. When no. checked by medical remedies, the disease proves fetal in a few hours. Sometime* the first indica. tions of its approach are pains in the fingers and limbs.sccompsnied by violent fever and headache, which Is followed by vomiting and dierthoss.•••• 4 0 0:18 of the patient, break. out with , spots, like the measles, and after heath, the body and face are covered with bags black spats, the legs sad arms lemming s bled color. ITALY. CNIJNOTANIA AND FOREIGN,NEWS., The two ideis uppermost in men's minds at New York, on Monday, were the important commercial advices from Europe. brought by the .-Niagara,' and the no leas interesting. Intelligence from Cal. ifornia, brought by Robert Atherton, Esq. extracts of 7i bleh we give in another cylcioan. A N. York letter of Monday evening, sayer . tiOut of, end away limn, 'Wall street, the, Cali fornia•news is turning "everybody crazy' again.— New eapeditionisre . planing - and thole alrevar under way are making every prepiirsttin to sail. Panne mine . , has advanced—so have freigtits. o'rtitsClinton Hotel, wbere friv. Atherton is stay. ing, is inn statvolheleaeoermenr, in great is the crowd wanting to brio a talk with him:. "Rumor says the gentleman baa made a very comfortable speculation out of his "new!," in the way °fulling it to the newspaperroind 'operating .00 it' down in Well wrest." Another Nevi York letter, of the same date, say;: .The Dews from England is considered remarka bly favorable. Out merchants are iu the beet poisible humor, especially those of them who are holders of cotton. The effect of this pew., and that from California, had: a very sensible effect on the stock market. Alreort every description of security, Ststr, National and Corporate, advanced considerably." YIXEOBTION OP PERRY BARRY The execution of Perry Barry, the colored man who was convicted 'of violating the meson of a white woman, took place at New Castle at a quar ter past t o'clock, Friday week. He left the jail in a carriage, accompanied by the Sheriff and three clergymen belonging to the Presbyterian, Episco pal and Methodist churches of that plate. The carriage wee surrounded by a detachment of .mili toy. Barry was dressed in the customary suit of white. Ac soon as he reached the scaffold, he join. ed in the religious , exercises, which were parhcipa. ted in by the respective clergymen._ lie himielf prayed aloud with great fervor, and appeared to be deeply affected As coon as thaveligioukeierci. sea had'concluded, he briefly addres.ed the crowd, and exhorted all to take warning by the example presented in his fate, but did not make a slightest admission in regard to his alleged guilt. Neither in the jail or on the scaffold did he make a con tention. A very large crowd had assembled to ssitocirs the execution, the number being estimated as high to two thousand. POTTSVILLE PdAEEET'd. CORRECTED WEEKLY FOR THE JOURNAL. Whea't Floor, bbl. 05 50 Dr'd Peaches pat'd. 300 Rye do do 450 do do toward. 175 Wheat, bash. -1 10 Dr'd Apples, yard. 75 Rye, do '' 15 Eggs, doz. 16 Cara, .do 56 Butter, lb, '" Oats, do 1 40 Bacon,' ; Potatoes, do 45 Hams, Timothy Seed, 400 Hay, ton, Clove! do 450 Plaster. M=l On the 81st ult. by the Rea. Mr. Hassinger. Mr. AM DRISWJACXSON,RIIOADS, to 3liall CAROLINE BACII3I.Oe, both of Port Carbon. • On the 7th hist.; by C Bennett, Esq. Mr. DANIEL STODDARD, tO Mina SAldli MICHAELS, all of Blythe Township. Oo the 4th Jnst., by the tter. D. Fitzsinirruins. Mr. :4:allot-as J. Rona. to Miss Lours. D. B,l'watt:oat:ma, both of this Borough. DEATHS. On the lfth inst., at the residence of sfr. Abraham at. Mir. in this Borough,- Mr. WILLIAM iir.IAGLEX. Black smith, son of Mr. S. pAngler, of Shefforson, Lebo. Courtly. in the =9th year of his age. , In thi. Borough, on Friday of last week, Mama Fusels., daughter of Nteholas Seitzinger, aged three years and one illy. At the residence of Mr. Wm. li. Marshall, M this Bor. ouch. on Saturday evening lieu, of coniumptilt, Mr. JUSEPII Foos° of the State of Delaware,. avti about .20 years, Av"ip, MECHANICS• SAVING FUND ASSOCIA tr" TION:—An election for Officer'. of the above As sociation, wia held on Monday evening fast; the fol lowing persons were elected, sit.:— President,' SOLOMON I , O3TER Vice President. U. Shillaber ; Treasuref, Oliver Dobson ; Directors, F. Hammer. IL Gass, It. Woodside. J. Foster. J S. C. Martin. J. Elliott. P. Fogarty. J: 11. Campbell. nod James Focht. The Directorstlieu elected Ll'. Loeser, Secretary. k SPECIAL MEETING of the Directors of the Association will be held an Monday evening. Feb. 19. ISO, at the House of J Kline, Esq., Centre at., below the Anierican House. at 7 o'clock All; übscribers not having paid their first fees and dues are requestedto attend to the payment of the acme at the above meeting. ' .1. P. LOESER, ,Qre,tary. THE IMIRENOTARION LITERARY SUCI.EII:. Will be ent,tained on ‘Vedneaday evening,. the Plat Anat., at Stichter's Hall, by in lecture trout the Rev. Mr. Cooley, of the Episcopal Church. Subject: Mane legy, or a Treatise on Nafiens. All the friends of literature me cordially solicited to be present on that occasion. Re• member the time of meeting is precisely nt 7y o'clock. By order of Society. " W. P. K RAp WASIIINGTON'eI BIIITII mum' LY subscnbero to the Birth Night Ban will meet nt the Fennel.lrani!. linil.'this afternoon. (Suturdaji Feb 17th) at 3 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of choosing Managers RELIGIOUS NOTICES rep 'TILE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL —The following Resolution has been passed by the Vestry of Trinity Church, Pottsville. Resorerct,•Thst in consideration of the Burn• contribu ted and to be contributed as donations to the erection and furnishing of the church edifice: the vestry do hereby art ripen, and aporopriate FIFTY EIGHT PEWS, which shall be,and retnarefree for all persons who may desire to worship In the, Church: These pews are located as follovire: IN THE CENTRE AISLE, North side, No. 111, 119, 127, 135, 143, 151, 159. Sots!! side, No. 112, 129, 128, 1311, 144. 152, 1110. IN TIIE NORTH AISLE, North side, No. I, 7, 13, 10, 25, 31, 37, 43, 51, 53 51, 55 South side, No. 2,8, 14, 20.26, 31, n, 41,'50, 52. IN TIIE SOUTH AISLE. South side, No. 56, 57. 59, 60, 74, 60, SA 95, 98, 104, I/0. . North side No. 59, 67, 73, 79, 85. 91, 97, 103, 109:I DIVIN CB4ll. VICE is held in the Church every Sun day. • -Worming. Sersict commences at 104 o'clock. -.penman Semite commences nt 4 o'clock. And even- In; service, on the first Sunday of every month. . TRINITY CHURCH CEMETERY, AT MOUNT Kr" LAUREL—The Vestry of Trinity Church, Potts ville. are now ready to sell burial lots and gloves in that large and beautiful plot of ground, hear the junction of Market Street and the Minersville Road, which they have lately enclosed and laid out for aCernetery. Ap plication for Into or single graves may be made to AN DREW RUSSEL, Esq., Treasurer of the Church, at whose office onlilahantongo Street, n plan of the Ceme tery can be seen, or Edward Owen_ Petry, Esq., Centre Street. ep UNIVERSALIST CHURCH.—Services ate held In the 2d %Cory of Stiehter's Newnan, every Sab— bath morning end evening at the usual bourn Rev. R. R. BRUSH, of Luzerne County; Pastor. The nubile are respectfull invited to attend. • A CONSION COLD AND COIJOIL—A. should be remembered that a cough Is an evidence that some Im turity is lodged In the lungs, which, if not speedily re moved, wilt en Irritate these delicate organs as noon• er or later to bring on isflamation of Ms filays—a form of disease 'thigh we all know to the high road to con sumption, •Wright`s Vegetable Pills are a most delight- MI medicine for carrying off a told, because they es pel Cram, the system all morbid,and corrupt humors (the cause of every kind of disease) In an easy and natural manner. Four or live of Wright's Indian Vege. table Pills taken every night on going to bed, will In a short time remove the moat obstinate cold—at the same time the digestive organs will be restoredlo a healthy tone, and the biodd completely purified, TILE GREAT MEDICINE or rue DAY: Docguit TOWNSEND . , S AAAAAAA ILL•.—This MeisiClDO has the peculiar fortune of being recommended and prescribed by the most respectable physicians of the country, and uniy requires a trial to bringit Into general use: It is put up In quart bottles, and Is six times cheaper than onyother preparation. Doct. Townsend is a physician of great reputation In Albany, N. Y. and the Physicians generally 'that city prescribe it In their practice The following Is a certificate from some of them: OPINIONS OF FIIYERCIANd. Dr. Townsend o almost daily receiving orders from Physicians in difihrent partial* the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned Physicians o the city of Albany, have in numera"a cases prescri bed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and we belles eit to be one of the most valuable preparations of the Sawa darilla In the market. IL H. PULING, M. D. .1. WILSON. IN: D. R. P. RRIOOS, M. D., P. E. ELMENDORF, M. IL Albany, April 1,1848. Dr. Seymour, the writer of the following. Is one of he oldest end most respectable Physicians in tone. Hartford, Cl.. May 23, MA. Dr. Towsiscars.--Dear Sir: Townsend's Sarsa parilla" finds a ready sale in Hartford—is highly es teemed by all who have made use of it, and we hays teason to believe its good qualities will be daily appre ciated by a discerning public. I have daily calls for It, and hope you will be remunerated for your exertions to render service to the afflicted. I ant hie, your obedient servant, HARVEY SETMOUJI, M•. D. I . V The General Agency for the sale of the Bursa parilla Is at Bannan'sllookstore Pottsville, vtiere Drug gists and others tan be supplledwholesale at the Manu facturers prices. It Is ahnifoi sale in Pottsville at John O. Iliown's, ple'ment & Parvin's, and John S. C. Martin's Drug Stores; E.J.-Fry. Tamaqua; J. W. Gibbs. Druggist, and J. It. Falls, Millersville C. Frailty, 3rsvigsbnrg; Henry Shlsslcr, S. Al. Kempton. and W. L. Heisler, Port Carbons Paul Barr, Pinegrove; J. C. C. Hughes, Pottsville. See advertliement In anntbereolumn A circular containing a lave number of centfleates from Physl. clans end otberi can be etemlned at Darman•■ Book. tore. Price Si per bottle, or 6 Santee for LS. . UNARM OP,COUNTERFEITS.—TayIar's 001111. rerfsit Detector, and Mated Statea Newry Reporter, he best to th United States, containing ran simile ngiaTings of all the Gold, Sliver, and Copper coins in Ovulation with their value attached: corrected month ey. Na merctuint or dealer ought to be without It. • . at tenons enclosing out dollar to the eabireriber erilflutre the Detector malted marbly one year to t h el. NOTICES. IVOTIGE.—TIIE PARTNERSUIF heretofore Wing bettreen JAMES H. FITZIMMONS, and.' JAMES GLENN. ander A° firm name of Fitsimmons 1 1 / 4 . Glenn. has been diasnlved, by Jame* Glenn with- drawing from the firm; Feb 17, 84t9 'JAMES GLENN. OTICIr..—TIIO2dAS FOSTER & Co., GAVE REMOVEDU their stock of Boots and Shoes to the new store on the corner of Centre and Market Streets, where the business will in future be carried on upon the cub principle. Thankful to their hiends and the public in general toe past hears. they hope, by mama: ging their business in future upon the cot) , correct ba! sis, Lash payments) to afford to their customeri goads upon such reasynable terms as will ensure to them a lateral patronage - Cr+ itY UP t—All persons Indebted to the undersign ed are requested Income forward and settle their mete us our new business arrangements will require us to discontinue and urge the prompt payment of the some. Febl7 -13) THOMAS FOSTER & CO. 00PA13.TN — E — Ft9111P IVOTICE.—THE Sue SCRIIIERS have this dsy associated themselves (et the ,purpose of carrying on the Machine business under the firm of SPENCER & MASON. All persons indebted to Gporge Spencer for work done at his Witi• chine shop, are requested to pay the same to either of the members of the firm. No persons are authorized to recelve the monies of. or tont:set debts for the firm, except the partners mentioned. GEORGE SPENCER, I: Febl7-5-11f) GEORGE MASON. NOTICE.- • • Jno. Huber, Jr. }Sheriff'. Sale of Real Estate, on es. a Levari Facias, returnable to Jai. S. Shoemaker. March Ten ISIS, No. RS. TILE subscriber, appointed un Auditor by the Court of Common Pleas. of Schuylkill County, to distribute the Monies made out of the Sheriffs Sete aforesaid, to and among the Lien Creditors entitled thereto. Here by gives notice thatlie will be in attendance at his Of. flee lathe Borough of °twit:Aura. on Tuesday the rth day of Fsbruary. Inst., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to make such distribution ; where. the Lleo Creditors may attend. CHARLES WITNIA N. Orwigsburg, Feb. 10. , 7-3 t TIIE COURT OF COMM ON 1.11 PLEAS OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. _ . NOTICE la hereby given that the account of Geo. Itimmel, committee of ausann:h boy, a lunatic, his been Bled: and will be presented on the that day of the next March Term. for confirmation. Feb 10 7-3i7 TllO9. MILLS. Prothonotary., NOTICE.—THE SURSCRIBER HAYING PUR CHASED as Constables Sale, the following articles seized and taken in execution, as the property of JACOB ELLENBAIIII, of Tremont Schaylkill County, till.: 2 Black Horses, and 2 Setts of Ilarneca, I Wag. con and Waggon Body ; which the subscriber leans to t he sald J ACOB ELLEN BAUM, of Tremont, aforesaid, during his pleasure, HENRY ECKEL; Feb. 10; 7-3 t , REGISTICIDS NOTICE.—NOTICE IS TIERE BY GIVEN, That the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians herein after named, have filed th• !r• re spective accounts of Administration of the following estates in the Reglater's office of Schuylkill County, which accounts have been crowed by the Pegister,and will he presented to the Judges of thy Orphans' Court; on Monday, the 12th day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for confarMation and allowances, when and where all persons Interested may attend If they think proper. Ist. The account of Benjamin Delong and Jacob Eller, ex:minors of the last will and testament of Henry Wil dermnth, tate of Schuylkill Haven, deceased. Rd. The account of Sgmuel Pethemlf.' guardian of Catharine Petherolf, a minor, of Upper Mahontongo. Township. 341; The account of Andrew H. 'Wilson, Administra tor of the estate OfJohu Thompson, of the Borough of Potts Ale; deteatted. 4th. The await nt of Andrew Eirown.administrator of the estate of Andrew J. Brown, of the Borough of Poo: elite, deceased. -sth. The account of John Kemerling and Mary Kemerling, executors of the task will and testament of Henry Kemerling, of Wayne Township, deceased. 6th. The account of Auditors of Witham Zenner, ex ecutor of the last will lind testament of David Zehner, of West Penn Township. deceased. UAiIEG KAERCHER, Register. Register's Office, Orwitts-1 burg, Jan. 27. A. U.. 1849 I Pele 3-6 ASSIGNEE'SNOTICE.—NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, art Samuel T. Skeen, Tinsmith, of the Borough of Pottsville, has Made an assignment of all his real estate to the aublerlher, for the belief''t of his creditors; all persons having claims aCelust the said S. T. I.lkeen, will present them to the subscriber. • R. WOODSIDE, Feb 3-61 Assignee. Pottsville 15 00 6 DO DIIBLIC NOTICE.—MY lIUSRAND. CHAS. CRIMSTIAW. T. h me with a young chi II with/m[3l,y Just canoe I hereby cantlnn all•petann• not In harbor him. and Man to he nn their risatd, ash, vr i:1 probably pal.% iliMAPii Ati . as a single man. MARIA GRI3I 4 IIAIN, Feb3-6.tf " Haven,. ROPOS A LS PSI ll ARCING CARS. —sEALED PROPOSALS addressed tothe under signed at Pottsville, will be received until the f t's/ day of .Iforck, ISIS, at noon, for hauling. in the '•Yellow Cars" upon the Landing's at Port Carbon and Schuyl kill Skeen, tinting t.e year 1919. The Prnplaeill nest olatea filed prior for tont loaded Car hauled in: the empty Cars to be returned by the Contract"• lathe sidelings without charge. Theaccounts for hauling will be adjusted at the end of each month, and pnynie-t thereof be made in cash within ten days therso:tes. - At Port Eamon. separate Proposal" will be received for the hauling by Locomotives, and by HOTACB. At Schuylkill Haven horsekottly can-be•eutployed. E. C. HARRIS, Agent, B. L. T. Jan 27 530 • N .I. TH OTICE.-AIOSE PERSON:3 KNOWtm: .THEMSELVES indebted to the rsqaie of WIL• LIAM W ILLIA NIS, late of St. flair, deceawd, are re quested to come forward and make paymedt on or be foie the flue of April emoting. otherwise the accounts eellt be pi aced in the hands of a N.l,;iatra , e for collect ion. Jan Sr: S-flt] MARGARET WILLIAMS, Adm'rix. AIOTICE.—PAY lif ! PAY AP !—At.l. PER- Lk 140N8 indebted to the undergicssd, are hereby quested to crone forward sad settle their ACCOUNTS. 41. 4 -•• shout reasoning our store and looking new hualocifkarrangements. wtOe. 2 will requite as to dhaenntinue,Riwell as urcc the ;trompt pawn:rot of the came. Tllol.kB POSTER* dr. Co. . Jan. 27, 1810. 5-tf NOTICE—TO TEACHERS. —TIIE BOARD OF School Directors of the Iloreuzh of Pottsville. hemhy dye notice to Teacheirs, that they Witt receive applications until Wednesday, F.S. 29, 1819, or five Mole, and nine Female Teachety., By order of the Board. - Jan 97. 5-st) JUAN S. C. MARTIN. WeeY• MOTICE.—TO CARPENTERS.--PROPOSALA IN WILL be received by the subncriber, for building 40 Drift Can. Shop room and materials furnished by the subscriber. . WM. PAYNE, Jan 27. 5.4 fl Ileckscherville. °Tit:IE.—SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION CARS —The Schuylkill- Navigation CornOntry, having enure time since, assirmed all their Railroad Cars, don manly known as the "Yellow Cars" to llrrrry C. Corbit, Charles S. Wood. and Edward T. Randolph, Esqra.—im trust, (Cr certain purposes ; !and I.pnelmion having now been given. to their Avant Edward G. Harris. who will keen these Cars in Repair, and run them for account of the Trnsteem. NOTICE. D hereby given, that all claims, for labor, or materints, hereafter forniehed to these Cars, mint be presented for settlement to Edward C. Darkie, Agent for the Trostees. • ELWOOD MORRIS, Dee. 2-'4B-19-Lyl Resident F.nginee N. .IVOTICE.—SCIIIIYIKILL NAVIGATION CARS. LI Whereas, the Coal Cars, usually known as the " Pdfow Tars"—have on several occasions been sm• len away Darn the Navigation Landings, and used to haul Coal for private purposes. NOTICE, Is hereby given. that the subscriber is de termined to use all the means in his power, to put a stop to such trespasses, and to punish the trespassers. EDWARD G.LIARRIS, Dec. 2.19-3mo] Agent for the Trustees. MISCELLANEOUS UNCIIRRENT RANK NOTES, BOUGHT AT THE Philadelphia quoted rates, with no freight added, by Feb. IT 8-It.) WEED . & LESSIG, UfifCITIMENT BANK NOTES, Bought at the Philadelphia quoted rates, freight added Feb. 3,6--3 t) AT TILE EXPRESS OFFICE. NEEDLES.—A VERYSUPERIOR ARTICLE OF Needles, which are recommended by all who use them. We Invite the ladles to give them a trial. Al ways for sale wholesale au B retail. at DANNAN'S Feb 3-61 V- Cheap Variety Stow. DRIFTS I PRINTS I ND ra.s.rtncs.— 200 New Printsol wing which is an sauteing print of the California Goad Diggers. Also, 200 Frames for prints. All of which will be sold at city wholesale prices, by the hundred. dozen, ur sin gle, at toe Statinnees hall and News Emporium. Cen tre Street, three doom below Market Street. • abPedlars supplied at city prices at BANNAN'S Feb 3-61 -Oonkstore, News Emporium. &a. 20 0 REAMS WRAPPING. STRAW &N D BLAIITING PAPER. wholesale and retail, at city prices, just received and for sale at lIANNAN'S Jan 27 5.] Cheap Paper and Hook Store. ACCOMIODATION FOR LAWYERS.—THE LAWYERS can procure Blank Subpconas for wit nesses signed by the Prothonotary, by offline, at BARRAN'S .41127 51 • Cheap Bonk ar. Stationary Store. DRAWING PENCILS, DRAWING BpoKri, &c.—TIVE SIIDSCRIDER baa Just received a lot of Superior Drawing Pencil", among which are Fa ber', Ileevest.larksons, enhens. &c. Some of which are put up in Dreadful nose" assorted. Alen Draw ing Books Fir beginners. Drawing enrde. dr.c. All of which will be sold very low, rit lUNIVAN'S Cheap Hoak and Variety Stores JarlV) kTEWSPAPER SUITABLE it It II FILING NEWSPAPERS,just received and for sale at BANNAN'S Dec3o.l] . ,Cheap Variety Store.. (.;;CNDAY SCHOOLUNION BOORS -1 ust re reived a int of Slinday richoni 'Union Bonita, suitable for Preserils. Reward fittokti for Scholars. Libraries of 50 volume+ VI 50. also, Libraries for Sunday &h. q., 100 anionic. f rr 610. Hymn Cooks, Questaon [blotto, Class Cooks, German and English Testaments, flatlet aie, ace. ' Alia which will be sold at Union cash twice% at CANNA, N'S Dec2l-55) Cheap Bookstores. vg CKET DIARIES FOR 1840—OF HOST EVERY SHAPE AND KIND, jun received and for sale at BANNAN'S Dect3-52] Cheap Book and Fancy Stores. DAZORS &C.—SIgESIOR RAZORS hIANti- LI.PACTURED RO .ERS & HON of the very best materials; Chapman's celebrated Strop of foot Wee, with patent metallic honm an aiticle of acknowledged superiority for sharpennisßatnts and keeping th.m In perfect order ;• I Mag ic Adamantine Powder. C./- perform anythi a Mse Presetting a keen smooth cyl to Razors, Pen sea, Surgical Instruments. &c., f..: isle at HANNAN'S Decl6-51] Cheap Variety Stores, . _ Great Economy In Kindling Fires. TLIE ATTENTION of Country Merchants, Pedlars, and dealers generally, and families, is respettlUi ly Invited to a _composition called CIIEEVEER•B PATENT FIRE KINDLING, an article much needed and in demand from all quarter.. Fifty cents will sup ply one Ore every day for sit month! It is neatly done up to packages, each containing 24 cakes, each cake 10 Inchequare. one of Which instantauenusty taking tire from contact with a lighted Match will la. alto Charcoal, Wood and 'Bituminous Coal, and with one-fourth the °Minor" wiont.T of Wopa or Charcoal wilt kindle the Anthracite. -•- For Sale, Wholesale and Detail, et the Riad Sae by No. 149 South Seeoh4 Siteet, P 1 111361101 1 / 4 by Joe. 10, f-lesej Mc GRAY. CARDS. nn. HECKER...— NEW tIONREPATIDC MEDICAL OFFICE. Cornerof 3d 4nd Market I. Oppeeite Tborupson's 1101 POTTSVILLE. PA. Residence Cor. of Callowhill and 3.1 St. opposite the Primitive Methodist Church. [Jan 21. '49. S-17 EDWARD CLARK SON. ENGRAVER ON WOOD. • No. 801 Walnut Strert, Dectl3'4B-51-6m.1 Philadelpllia I D. BrEltEDlTH,—General Agency fitlice . Centre Street, Pot:ovine, Scholl/ill/ Cmollt Pa Agent for the tale and purchase of Real Estate, col lection of Rents. &c. [Oct2S-CI-97 WW. B. W ELLS, Attorney at Lan , . Mincrsvile , lichuytkiii County. Pa. • (0014- 4 /- G.III , GOW.AN, Attorney at I.3%V.—Office in Market Street, la the'room formerly occupied by J.H.Hamlin, Esq. Conveyancing and.Scrivening at • tended to. (Potiaville.l3epl9.49-37 • L'IDWARDSHIPPEN, Attorney and Counsellor 12. tat Law, Philadelphia, will attend to collections and all othee legal buainesa in the City of Philadelphia, ad joining COUTtlieS and elsewhere:. Office No. 13 Prune reet..Thitadelphin• • [Atm= 1849-2 y S& J. FOSTER, Dealer!. In Boots and Shoes . Leather. and Shoe Findings, Celrtre street, Potts Ole. dept 18 18R• - - Dit. R. DEPUY, Burgeon Dentist. O ffi ce in Market direct. (North Bide.) 'First does nh.sre E. entre Wilsna's beim issayte IRON. 1)AII. _ROAD IRON.--TEN TONS 11 Road Iron. on hand and for male In iota to suit pur chasers, at the lowest market price, by NATHAN fiIIDDLETON. S.E. corner of,and Callowhill Streets, Fcbl7-S-31) , Philadelphia. DOIL SALE. — RAILROAD IRON FOR BALE.— A` ABOUT 200 rocs of Flat Bar. 21 by inch. The above Iron has been a: ^d on a road, and will be told on reasonable terms. Apply to • GATZNER. Philada., or Jan2o 4-Into) WM. NIeICNIGIIT: flordenloorn. C)RAINS FOR MINES.—The subscribers have just received from the ship Elizabeth, and I Inch Rest Rest English Chains, made expressly for Mines. and for sale. Apply to ' T. & S. GEORGE. april22 tf 17] Pdartetnnd 12th Streets,Philada RAll.RbADiiiiiti.—Thesubscribers have now landing fromihip Alhambra. from Liverpool, 5 tons Rail Road Iron. 11 sl. 5 tons II a 4, 50 tons lit 11.5 tons 11 x 4. . Also, 80 tans bestrefined Iron, consist. :ng of ronod,square and flat bars. Apply tr T.& E. GEORGE, • North East corner of Markel and 12th street: RAIL ROAD IRON —BO TUNS 21 x 1 flat Dar Run Road Iron, 50 do 11 x 1 do do do 8 do II x 1 do do dol./10151,1km 15 do 141 do. do do And Plutem,fuy sale by A. & G. RALSTON, 4 southfront ut.,Phl ada. Phllada., July 11. 1846. . 48 JIINIATA.7 BOILER IRON. 5.5 TONS allotted boiler Iron. Nos. 3, 4 and 5 of widths of 25, 32, and3Blneheennd rindomlengihs, • A. 4. G. RALSTON. 11 , 4 f 3S— .4. South Front et. Minds. DLACKSMITIIING, TURNING AND FINISH INCI.--The subseriber respectfully announces that hi - has commenced the above business at the corner of .Munch Chunk and Coal Streets, Pottsville. Pa. and will be happy to receive orders: JOAN WARNER N. B.—Gunge-cocks. nll cnps,and oil globes on hand and (ornate. [July 27, - . -Iv FOR SALE 8C TO LET TOR RENT.—A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE in Market street, above Third, Possession given lot of Atoll. Apply 'to Pebl7-B.] CEO 11AL SEItSTA DT. PUBLIPUBLIC SALE.--WILL RESOLD, ATPUBLI C C SALE, nn Tuerviay, the 6111 day of March next,at the farm of Charles Gillingham, on the West Branch Rail Rnagi.onc mile below Atln•nvllle.all hi. STOCK, FAR. MING UTENSILS,IIOUSEIIOI.6 6009: 1 , &c.. con. misting of Cows, Ploughs. !farrows, Cultivator, Carting Boxes for straw and Corn (odder. Wind Mitt. Scythes and Cradles, Ctindstime, Sleigh. tinny, Siilkey,ke. Lllteurise, Household Cood?,convistlng of Uureatts, Ta bles, Bedvten.lp, Sara. Setter, Chair,. Carpels. Stove., Deck. Clock. Cradle, Wash Stands, and Kitchen utensils ton numerous& in name. ' • • Liken ise.at the .me time and place, THE FARM, consistinentsonteSt) acres, more or less, desirably loca ted, within one mile of Miner/trate and three macs of Pottsville, with good imprnvetnents, consisting of a Frame Ilotim and Ilarn, wch Apple and Peach Orchard. The fv art ac iv good, and the land in a fine state of culti sstinn•comPrising oneof the most deollahle properties in tho Connie ; together with the coal right of over 100 acres and m ihr heart nfilze Coal Region. Terms made knOwn at the time. Saletncommeace•atlflo'clotk.A Febl7.B-if) CHARLES GILLINGHAM. XTALUANLE E.— WOOD LAND FOP SAL 9:i3 a 'tot of Wood Land, within 34 miles of Tre moot. I mile of the Swatara Itai)rairl and 4 miles of West Gram I, P - ad, with Soil water (rower, Saw Mull. .te on the Isentwes. This property has a law nutn llty of Prop and iniber, and near the boot market In the County. avian! coat rigid under the Tremont tract of 79 acres. On this is a Coal reinopened, and .tstnall Slope caulk 39 yards deer, in the heat of Iles! A.. 11 Coal. Also, a double two story frame Ilimse. In the Town of Tremont, Tent for *MI per annum. Also n number of Town rots In the Town of Tremont Apply to bloltßlS & FISHER, Feblo • 74E3 or S. H. FISHER, Morrie' Addition FOR RENTS—A NEW WELL FINISHED three stint; Frame Dwelling. with a basement awry 32 hy,2o feet, all In good condition, and located in the cen tral 'rot of the Town of Port Carbon, on Cool Street, Possession will be given on the fleet of April. For fi other particulars apply to the subscriber on the vend sea. trebl.o 7-41) THOMAS DAGGETT. port ILENe.—TTIE LAMB TAV MlN.—Posses .l.4 Bien will be given on the limo( Ann!, ' Fontaine, February ID, 1819. 7-thy VOR SALE.—COLLIERY PROPERTY FO R P SAUL—THE SUBSCRIBER offers at private sale the forlowing property . , viz: One 60 Ilor..e.Eretne. with 430 feet of nine inch Pumps. in first rate working order. One 30 Horse Engine, with 310 feet of nine inch Pumas, with winding gearing all complete, In good winking order: O'ne 30 Hose Engine for hoisting Coal from Mines, In good working' order. - Otte 10 Horse Breaking Engine, with Rollers, Shaft: Ina, Rumens, Schutt% and all the fixtures necessary to do a business of 1000 Ora a week. Also 50 large Railroad Cars, With heavy chilled wheels, and three Inch a sets, these Cars are welt suit ed for any of Our surrounding Roads where •Ltorso Itowk is used. The above Engines were all Manufactured by flay. wood Or Snyder. and are considered among the very beat:ever numb by said parties. /att. 13, 3411 . CEO. H. POTTS. TOWN LOTS AND OTHER PROPERTY FOR 'SALE —2O town Into 50 0 120, at the Lykens Val ley Coat Mines. Dauphin county, Pa. . . f 2 Houses and Lots on Railroad St., Donald xs non, Schuylkill County ' y...., - E I House aid Lot in the Town or Tremont. 2 Sinai' -rattan( land, one well timbered, with houses upon each, in Porter Township, about 8 miles West of Tremont. For partiCutars apply at the Otitie of P. W. SHEAFER, Geological and Mining Engineer, Jan. 0.'42-2-3mo] 111orris1 Addition to Pottsville Ott SALE CHEAP.—TIIREE THOUSAND F SIX iIUNDRED feet of good second-hand j chain suitable for coal Alines. Apply at the office of HAYWOOD & SNYDER, Decl6 51-tf " Pottsville. toTORE FOR SALEIR DIINERSVILLE. o—The subscriber oß•rs for sale his entire merchan dize. cnnsisting of DRY GOODS, GRO t'6 R I ES, QUEENS WARE. HARDWARE, gr.c.,all of which is In good order. Ilia stand is one of the best in Miners: vale, with an excellent dwelling attached, vi !art Is also for sale. For particulars inquire at the store. NovlB-4740 ZIEGENFUS, Minersville. FOR RENT.—The celebrated SALEM VEIN MINES at Yoube• Landings for rent fora .term of years. Apply to A. RUSSEL, Agent, NovlB-47) Mabantonso Street, Pottsville. T O „a L ct E oL o d n be l l e o a n i g e ing t t o o tltienNa.Atie.cAncatn&lal itchaot. known as the Mill Creek Tract, containing the follow .iog list of Coal Veins, many of which,—among others, the Peach Mountain Veinar-having a range ofover a length, via:—Lewis, Spohn, Barracieuch, Pearson, Clarkson, Stevenson. Little Tracey, Pearl' Mountain Veins, Green Park or Ravensdale Vein, Per. peudirular. Diamond, and Big Diamond Veins, along with many others not named. Also, all that tract called the Junction Tract,belong ing tone said COmpany,containing the Salem,Forrest, 114641E11°1e, Mortimer. Tunnel, Black Mine, C. Law ton and Alfred Lawton Veins. Also, a Saw Mi and Criet Mill,situated on the Mill Creek Tiaet,all oferhich will be rented-on moderate term* by A pplyying to r • wilco ciliLLAS.Ag't. Pottrytlte. Feb. 51 f 2'2 L'OE SALE—TAT PRIVATE' SALE, All that U certain tract or parcel of land, situated' on the Broad 'Mountain, In Lower - hlahantonge township, in Schuylkill county, (formerly flecks county,) in the State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described asTol. lows, to wit:—Beginning at a marked white oak tree ; thence by late vacant, lands now surveyed to Jacob rdilleroorth sizty-tive perch!il.tl) It white oak; thence by late wricanfland, now SUI kyed to George Werner, west 146 perches to a stone; t ence by late.vacantland now surveyed to Leonard Illic ,southeixty-five perch es to a ,Spanish oak ; thence east 110" perches, to the place of heginning.containlng fifty-live acres and one hundred andlifty-twoperches ofland and allowance, of six per cent. for roads,dtc. JOHN C. ERENNER. Executor or P. Beath• extate.69, Market sr. Philada Ptula.lelphl3, September 19. 1816 : as . _ FSALE.—TOWN LOTS-In to town of U I.lew•tll”t—nroply In A. itUSSEL. June 10 4.4—tf Mitiantango Street, Pottoville. GRuCERIES, &c... .o}lEEsc.-5000 lbs. choice dairy cheese, just received from New York, and will be sold at prices Insult the trade, by wholesale or retail, by Nov. 75-48} .1. M BEATTY dr. Co. PLASTER FISH ANTI SALT.- 50 Tone Plaster; - 30 ;Ibis Mackerel; 20 If bbls. do. ; 20 on [srr bbls. do.; 100 Sacker Gro3nd Etalt. for sots by Nov. 25.48] - M. BE.CrTY & Co. Music Books for Singing Schools. StIBSCRIBER!hus aiways nn hand the follow -1 inn approved Music Rooks, for Churches, Singing Schunts, Se The Psaltery, n collection of Chitrth Music Catalina Sacra, Porton Colleciinn of Music. Poston Academy's Collection of Music. Hickok and Fleming's Evangelical '3lu tic. The Southern Church Melodist. The itannonist published by the Ntcihodist Society. Union Choral !browny. Carman and Etta fish. Wyethe's collection of Church Music, German and English. All of which will be sold by the dozen or single at publishora prices, at • BANNAN'S Dee 30 . 1 1 Cheap Bonk and StationarStores. notoir—iiirmEnv IN POTTSVILLE—. rgallE subscriber has. in his employment two Bonit a... Binders, and to prepared to bled, re.bind and mane. therms to order, books of every description. Persona wishing Binding done, will ple me send in their 'Books Immediately, to keep the hand. employed. Be Intel and btnda flank and Time Bonk,. toalmost any Pattern, at short notice.. B. BANNAN. klay2o 21-1 At his Cheap Book & Stationery Store. N. It—lC number of books left to be bound are still reMainin g at the Er abliehment—some thrtwOand three thilelecatted for ehortty they wines sold to par REALTII INSURANCE [of PAqadelphia.] Of resettles' against as capon II and hat Ottlii•tid Ey Sirknero sr drrittest, COMP AVIV Incorporated Idarch2, 1646, (MUTUAL) With a Capital of $lOOOO. Insures all parsons be. haven the ages of !Sand 69, an rairerifiafr allowance of 03.0 4 , 05.8,80 or $lO per weeks for one, two, three or fire years, by paying overlain/early onto. Thus a person twofer thirty-f1Ye, . 6 .1' one year, by paying $4 a yenr,;ll. sported wpm, wic k ; for $5 25,111 pet week t and to the same proportion. one of a like age by pa log $6 59 a year, gets $3 per work; for $7 00, $6,811 S9I and for 014 63, he sots $lO for every week of disability occasioned by sickness or accident, during the year fly paying a fractlott more yearly, a weekly allowance can be levered of from $1 to ale for-Iwo, three or five yeari. The rates are to he paid yearly in advance; and are in provost/on to the age and the weekly allowance. In ease of ;remanent disability, occurring a ft er an ineuronce for, say Oro years, at u weekly allowance of 4110. a person would be .n the yearly receipt of $520 a year, for the entire by. 1E! years. ... There are no week) thiT assessments to ly o. —.vaarnentS to pay, or attendance of meeting required; and by the charter the Insured receive a share of the net prnStr. without liability for losses. There is ample security for the in sured, as can be shored, and promptness and ty is exercised In the payment ofl benefits. or parti culars, inquire at the omen, bfb.,e9 South Seventh-M. above Walnut Cr Ail letters mutt be port paid. DIRECTORS. . _ . Samuel D. Orrick. Doe Merchant, No.loo North Wis. ter.erreet. .) i Calvin Blythe, Attorney and CoanseHor,Slithlietwer Market-street. ,1 ; • ch ar k , s B. Hall, Wh olesale Commission alsreheat, 34 Church :.licY• wan. F. Deone,,.Allrney end Coatisllo434 daunt Seventh-st: I Jacob Snyiliw, 1 Jr.. Wine John Thomson. Tinetoltb, 65141• Sixth-et - Daniel C. Lockwood, TPX Collector, clienrstrom near Schuylkill Seventh Ili set. r.., i James P. Brunet, Wholesta li .70 Dealer, N.. 6 Willow-street. , Edward Dolt Merchatit, No. 36 N. Wharves. ". Edward J. Crane. Clerk. No. 331 S. Finhotreet. Charles P. Hayes, Coat i Merchant, Willow.st.Whert Charles 0. P. Campb 11. iron Mercheat.Wster.ebate Race-sweet.Rsce-seet. SAM EL D. °DEICE President. i i W. F. Roues. Sect nary and Solicitor. Governor Emerson,. D., 161 Waleat.street, Con. culling Fhyalclan. . I 134Fhe subscriber ha been ennobled Agent fat Mile 111 Institinion in Schnylki I County, and is prepared to give any information or. chest:Ober. and etfecsloseraa ces on the terms of the comps ny, et the office. of the Miners' Journal. I D. DANNAN. June 24. 1949. 26-1, SPRING GAR EN Al 1 T AL INSV. RAINCE CO. triad Company having organised according to the J. provisions of Its charter, Is how prepared to make Insurances against loss by Fire rib the matualprinelple, combined with the security of b joint stock capital.— The advantage of this spawn is, that efficient security s afforded at the lowest re me that the business can be done for, as the whole prathe (lees an Interest not to exceed 8 per tent. per annum on the capital) will be re turned to the member) of the ingehatioaoeit atheist becoming responsible for any of the e aitl tnIH. abilities of the Company, furtberthain thepiasalpsiesati wally paid. The great soccess which tale system has met with wherever it ha. been introduced, Induces the Directors to request the attention of the 'nubile to it, conddent thrill, requires but to be understood to be appreciated. The ace of Incorporation. and any explanation in re. card to it, may be obtained by apply's' at the Offiql Noithrtse emerof Bth and Woad its.. erof R. DAN. NAN. Pottsville. LAWRENCE SHUSTER, Pratt. L. HRUMMIAAR,Seeretary.. DIRECTORS. - George W. Ash. Thos. H. rti D, Aibright ; H. D. I Thos. ficsrttent4o: John D nutted), r Jacob D.,Dnelpper, Benj. Davis. J. Tlanmanon The subscriber hat' been appointed Agedt Vet the a bove merdlotied Inttitution, and to prepared to effete nsurances on all description, Of pioperty at the lelVes ates. (Feb 2 b4 6 - 9 )j D. DANNAN. THE GIRARD LIFEASSVRALA CFW ANNUITY AND TRUAT CDAIPANY OF PIMA , ' Officc 159 poor:. Street. . AKE Insurance cn Lives,grant Annuities slid Et dawments, and receive and execute trusts. Rake fir /insuring COO on a simile lift. For 1 yrai. For? years. ForLlte 0 nu an 9s ally. ' annually 0 1 77 20 0 914 1 136 825 40, 169 - 193 " - 380 2 09 4 91 perion aged 30 years neat birth-day y paying the Companygl 31, would secure to his fa mily or heirs .100.'should he die In one year I_,l or far 313 10 he secures to them 81000; on tar 0 1 3 0 0 &ban ally for 7 years; he secures to them LOOO should he die in 7 years; or; fin= 60 paid annually during life he provides fog them 81000 whenever be dies , for 88550 they.would receive'; 85000 shoot:lbw die la one year. 1 I s; Jsmoraty 20,, 1842. THE Manacera of this Pompany, at a meeting hold on the 27th December ult., agreeably. to the desiga referred in the original prospectus or circular of Dow Company, appropriated a Bonus or addition to all pa& ties for the whole •of life, remaining in force, that were issued prior to the Ist ofJanuary, 1942. Thor* of them therefore which were issued In the year 1271,. will be entitled to 10 per cent; upon the sum Insured. making an addition of 8100. on every 81000. That is 01100, will be paid vrbsu the policy becomes a claim instead of the gl 00060r:311y insnred. Those policies that were issued an 1937 will be entitled milt per cent, or $9750 on every 411000. And those issued in 19311, will be sari:led to 71 per centor 41175 on everyloo, and in ratable proportions 00 all said policies issued prior to Ist or January, 1812.1. The Bonus will be credited ta each poloey on the books endorsed on presentation at the Office. It is the design of the Company, to continue to make addition or bonus to the policies •for life at stated periods: . .• B. W. .11C11ARDS ; i'resident. Jona F:'Jasits, Actuary :s•Tne subscriber has been appointed Agent for the aboie Institution and is prepared effect Insuninces oa lives, at the published rates, and give anyinformatien desired on the subject, on application at this office. Pottsville POLOBENJAMIN BANNAN. _ . EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE • ANNUITY AND TRUST , COMPANY. . Office 74 irobirut Strett.-L-Copitat 5250,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. J. Rco, cr., agent for Sehnyikill County, office corns, of Ntahantongo and Second Streets. ' GEORGE ITALRERBTADT, qxamining Physician for Schuylkilleetinry. 'PILE Company are now prtparei to Maniac; businers I upon them w.tt liberal a d advantageous terms.— They are authorized by thefideharter (sect. 3) "to make all and every insurance appertaining to life risks of whatever kind or nature,and receive and execute rrasts, make endowments, ant to grant and purchase annul ties." Tim Company sell annuities and endowments, and act as Trustee, for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums required For the imamate of coe for the whole terra of Life: .. Are. Pre•o; • Age. Prem. Ate. Pram. 16 50 I '3l 209 42 326 17 53 32 215 41' 344 18 56 33 920 48 369 :9 59 34 r.. , 27 49 3 771 20 60 35 /33 39 324 21 63TV 2 40 31 4 11 22 66 -37 247 52 4ls : 13 6 9 38 2 54 53 4 31 24 72 39 2 - 63 34 4 71 25 76 40 2 70 .- 55 4 9) 20 65 41 281 . 56 3 ill 27 59 42. 292 57 527 29 04 43 •3 Of 38 334 29 98 44 312 39 375 30 9 04, 45 323. 60 II 0 The premiums are less than say other conapany, awl the policies afford greater advantages. Tables of ball yearly and quarterly premiuMs, half credit rates of pre , mince, short terms, Joint lilies, survivorstarps, and ea , dowments ; also, form of ripplicatisa (for which them are blank sheers,) are to ha had on application at the office, of by letter to the agent. TRUSTEES. P,esidenr. .1013 N W. CLAGTIORN. Vice President, ;PETER CULLEN. • Robert F. Wateh, Clayton ILLamb, - Wm. G. Alexander,. Alve E. Laing, Edw. C. Afarkely, .: R. P. Loper, Peter Cu ll en, 1 William Craig. ' Peter Rambo , George N. Diehl, Wm. W. Rely, Robert North Joseph T. Thomas, William M. Lit Stephen Crawford, Harvey Conrad Corm:mac Pit 11110lana, Francis West, M. IT Biddle, M D. TREMIVIRER, Fralleis W. Ph11.1.8PP1.16 '4848-Iyt wle. 11. G. TIICKETt Secretary and Attnary INDEMNITY. TIM FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF} PHIL ADF.LPIIIA. OFFICE N 0.1631, Ciwenut street, near Fifth siren DIRECTORS. Charles N. Baneker, George W. Mattered, Thomas Dart, Mordecai D. Lewis, , Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Rorie, Samuel Grant, David S. Drown, 4 Jacob R. Smith, Morita Patterson. Continne to make Inanranre, permanent or lholtsi, on every description of property, in town and cootitrl at mites as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a tarp Contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Freininnts, +Aral invested. afford ample protection to the assured. The}tas sa ts of the Company on January Tir, 1848, an published agreestil! to an; act of Aesemblir, were as follows, vie. : Morteriges. 1091X1,558 65', eureka. 61,563 85 Real Estate; ' 104,359 90 Cash, ace, ' 45.157 (I Tt mporary loans. 1125,459 00 . ,1,2113,097 67 Since their incorporetionj r period of eighteen years. d "'' they have paid upwardsnf ;as wiihon two !sabot thousand dollars, losses bye fire, thereby affording evi dence of the advantages of tosurance.so Well as tlw ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES .N. RANCHER, Presldest. CHARLES G. RANCHER, Secretary. The subscriber has bean appointed agent for the above mentioned institution. and is now. prepared to make issues; nce, on every ;descriptinn of property, SI the lowest rates. ANDREW RUSSEL, Agent. .Pottsirtile.Junelh, wain • Vebl9. % CRIS L L GE. TO THE WHOLE WOHLDr— n HOIT'S IMPROVED CHEMICAL SOAP—Tot extracting grease, tar, pitch, nil, paint, or any nisei greasy sitinance,fmnr ladies' and gentlemen's clothin, including silks andvatinlearpets, table spreads . Her! nor:hands, lades' bonnet . &c. A reward of 8 2 5 wi be paid to any person Who will produce a Spot paint green on dry that this soap will not extract gl per gross. RI per dozen, of 12} cents per cake. Foust wholesale and retail BANNAN'S Varlet,. stores Pottsville. who is ante agent for the county. :I Dc4.4 - - - - - HARRISON'S .cOLU.2II3IA.N INKS.—In gallon, half gallon. quart and smaller bottler/1 11 ra Maynard &Noyes' Inka,Copylnglnks,llogan&ThomP son's Steel pen Ink,lltiougra Inks. Red and Blue Inks &r, wholrsale and retail.; Ink as low as au cents p dozen, wholesale, at BANNAN'S 0014-4) Cheap Book mid Variety Stores: .1_ . - TO 13131 •TIEnS AND CA.RPENT ELM ri 'HE sublcrl ber hem* leave to Inform his friends and I the pub lic in gen'erel.. that be has purchtsedtka Lumber Ya ti, formally owned by Zinn S Wilt. ol Schuylkill flatten, opposite the Farmer's Bank. Where he intends t keep constantly on band a hill assortment of sea , nned riusqueliabna Lumber, consisting of salts and yellow pine boards. Weather boards, Pal"' boards and lank, front I to 2 Inches thick, and door stiles II to I ; in thick. 6 in. wide. Hemlock Mot arm scant! ing,l, int and lap shingled, Plastering Lath, ke. with a few thousand feet or seasoned Ash Plank from 1I to lint bee thick, all of which be will sell OD the most tenon table terms.- Ile would most respectfully invite all pu ;chasers to pall and examine for tbenwel• e before buying eisessbeFs.. DAVID D: LEWIS. AuC1ip . 1.2,.'43. ' ; ; - 3.34 c c 1 UST R IDEIVED—A large assortment of 1A el dies l Cr tebet DARSand PURSES.' Also steel Ball and Purim lastly, tel Beads and Tassels, aid, Silt Twist for t nding bads at . b Sega 0-i i - BRADY & ELLIOTT' 1 17 STIrCEI ; 9 1 ,ED—An introica of ( tilt jewelled el Hunting liver LEyetf.§, suitable Or misters, Wbkti will be sold wry lots'aV . , Sept3l- ,1. - : ' ..ORADY di ELLIOTre , .