The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 07, 1848, Image 4

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Teas—l'D. BOittIZAII'S Danes."
rrons hfadawaska's gloomk , shades,
To'Aitegheny's fairest glades,
And from Nebraska's' nvens wide,
Unto the Ocean's rnatlng tick.
Web, freemen, march! march, freeman march I
march up, both yoaag and old,
To the polls of nest November:
Me, hot for tack we stand, the nett orate Tho Grand.
Come, all ye people, rood and strong,
And let on have a secret song
We'll wake the Loom from the', troftto,
And slog to the tone er"bontmez dente
Char freemen 1 &c.
O'st Northern hilt and Western Vein,
Vita Leggett lights shall blabs again;
And freedom's foes shall startle hack.
When they see Mai cominrsold conquering Zack.,
Citsrtim—llarch, freemen l &c.
Then rite op, Whigs. en good and true,
Who fought of old .for Tippecanoe, •
And bravely stood by Harry Clay,
When fraud and slander raled the day.
Chorta—MarCh, freemen: &c.
tip, Yankee boy*, and South rons come
Vrom gilded hail and humble home,
And gather more while on your way,
Who praise Old Zack of Monterey.
Olorui—March, freemen! act
The ladles fair, with graceful art,
Will lead their beaux to take a part, : 3
They'll pledge them lime in whippets tender,
"Vote for Zack and I'll surrender !"
Ckants—March, freemen! &c.
Then ladles, Whigs, and ail advises,
With step u light as the greenwood dance,
Andlet's resolve, whip on the track.
Like good old friends we'll vote for Zack.
Cliaras:—March, freemen! dre
Wit anb . tumor.
1,7* A Frenchman Studying English.—
rFrenctnan—lis, my good frien4.l hove met with
one difficulty—one very strange word. How you
csll H•o-u-g-h 1
Frenchman—Tree Bien, Ruff ; end Snuff you
-spell S-n-o-u-g-ts, ha?
Tutor—Oh no, no; Snuff is S-n•u.double.f.
'The fact is words in ough are a little irregular.
Frenchman—Ab, 'very good.' beau'ful
language. H-o-u-g-h is Huff. I will remember;
and C-o.u.g.h is Cuff. I have one bad Cuff,
Tutor—No, that is wrung. We say Kauf, no
Frenchman—Kauf, eh bien. fluff and Kauf r •
end. pardonnes moi, how you call D-o-u-g-11-- ,
Duff, ha '
Tutor—Nti, not Duff.
Frenchmen—Not Duff.' ! oui; I Under
stand, it is pouf,' hey
Tutor—No, D-o-u-g-h spells doe:
Frenchman—Doe ! It is very Gnm wonderful
language, it is Doe; and T-o-u-g-h is toe, certain,
meat. My beef stake was yore toe.
'rotor—oh no, no ; you should say Tuff.
Frenchman—Tuff? Le Diable! and the thing
the farmer uses, how you call him, P.l-o-u-g-h
Pluf, ha ! :you smile ; I see I am, wrong, it is
Pl'auil No! ah, then it is Ploe, lilts Due; it is
,beauful language, cur' fine—Ploe.
Tutor—You era Kill wrong, my friend. It is
Plow. •
Frenchman—Plow.' Wonderful language.
shall understand ver' soon. Plow, Due, Kauf
and onsmore—R-o-u-g-h, what you call Gen. Ta
ylor ; Ra uf and Ready? certairanent, it is
eßow and Ready
% Tutor—No! spells Ruff
'Orenehmen'—Ruff, his! Let me not forget
iR-o-u-g-h is Ru jj, and li-O-u-z-h ii Buff, ha!
Tutor—No, Bum.
'Frenchman—Ah ! 'lig vor' simple, wonderful
language, but I have had what you call
What you call him ?—[Hume
aPillafrimbny.—There will be a great deal of
.marryinpand giving in marriage this fall. Indeed
the happy pastime_has already become a
. serious
•one—in extent only. We advise both sexes to
be on the aleit—fur just as certain as a snuffa to
a candle, all girls or all the men, we don't
'know which, will be married and out of the way
before the year is out. A war of extermination
in a match•making sense—is going on, and lone
liness be unto those who do not feel and acknow
ledge its influence. That heads of families are
wide awoke no one 'can doubt who reads the foil.
Alf. Smithson (an improvement On the celebra=. •
name of Smith) wished to take Miss BrownlY
(another improvement) to the opera. He had
been on terms of intimacy wish the family for
'about five years, but "never spoke of love; "
the contrary he bad frequently declared-his
tion of leading' a bachelor's life.. One• morning
he put his hand to the bell-handle and was admit
~ O h James," exclaimed ItfiPe Jane, "where have
:you kept yoursel so long l."'
This took Smithson a little aback, for he had
-spent therecedlng evening with the family.—
Before he could answer, however, Janes broth-
Ora and sisters (eight or ten in number) had goal
.ared about him. Summoning all his courage, he
"l have come to ask you--" •
i• "Not here, Jacnes—net now—oh !" •
"That is, stammered Smithson, "if you're not
, engageil
•—•=" ' •
"Ohl ohl water—quick."
"What's that." inquired her father, "who says
rahe's engaged?"
"1 did'nt mean--" said SMithson in confusion.
. .
•'Of course not," continued Mr, Brownly, '•you
•toul'n't suppose such a thing, when youee always
'been our favorite!"
Then advancing and taking poor Smithson's
•hand; he . j
"Take her, my boy, she is a good girl and loves
you to distraction. May you both be as happy as
'the days are long."
Thereupon mother and children crowded upon
Smithson and wished him joy, end Company com
ing in at the moment, the affair wee told to them
as a profound secret.; So -Smithson , got a wife
without popping the question, and almost before
he knewit himself. But we cannot help think
mg he was hurried into matrimony.—Phi/a. City
, decal.
rv•it more Scientific barber than. Mr. Alike
Niger, who is located on .Christian Hill, cannot
be found anywhere. Mr. Niger has occupied his
kpresent shop upward of thirty years, and at a mc.
.derati calculation, has taken more than two hun•
dred men by the nose with impunity !—[Proci•
.donee Advertiser.
In • Albany, the blacksmiths carpet their
*hops, and have arm chairs for the horses to sir in
chile lasing their shoes fitted. This is a great
age, and gracious only knows where it will bring
tyrzlax.—'.What is the meaning of Syn
th:, mother!" inquired a little girl.
"It is a tax on sin, and this is tho only thing
'that is not taxed in Pennsylvania," was the re•
Wfrew toe look 'broad over the great potato
petal of the world, we see innumerable bills.fillad
to overflowing with the very anialleat kind of "4a
ter.," and a feeling of sadness comes over tis et
the thought that they'll never be any larger. I
am . Punning is the very lowest kind of wit,"
said • person pie day to Erskine. '.lt is so," an
swered Henry, 'and therefore the foundation of
all wit."
•rr r!E Chesapeak and Delaware Canal Company', de
e. sign to have built, at Chesapeake City the western
debauch of their Canal, a Steam Pump or , other Mach
'leery, capable °Online into the camp,
an elevation
of ellteen feet from Broad C r eek, • th the best manner as
Jenard' efficiency and economy, two hundred thousand
cubic feet of water per hcur:
The Company invite 'F.rigineers, Machinists, and
Other/ to offer plans for the, eboVe. work, to be accom
pawed with drawings and descriptions, and estimates
ofthe daily cost of fuel and attendance; they will also
receive: from such persons Proposals for building and
fitting up the Machinery, if &Affable to the party fur
nishing tlad plans respectively offered.
The plans to • be delivered at the office of the Com
pany. ender real, before the second day ofOctober nest,
at which time they win be opened and judged of by the
Board of Directors, as follotrs,
For the plan which maybe adjudgeA afar best a pre
rdium of three hundreddooflarn will be paid.
For the next best plan a premium of two hundred dol
lars, and fur any others which the Company may choose
to retain, one hundred dollars each. The Company will
return, under seal, to the parties respectlvely,nll tike
-other plans.
Any in lormation required will be furnished on appl
tion at the Office of the Company, No. 601 WALNUT
street. Patladelphia.
Aug.l2, 33-Bcl • C.NEW BOLD. Sr., President
Xe:l7 8 CArraut Street, caori Serera.l,—Pkitadelplia.
K EEPS constantly on hand the-largest and hest as
sortment of Zephyr and Tapestry Worsted, Can
vas, Steel Beads. Bag Clasps, Tasse's, Purse Rings,
plain and shaded Purse'Tivist, Crotchets Bap, Purses,
Sewing Silk. Spool Cotton, Patent Thread, Needles,
Pins, Tidy Canon. Knitting Pins, Silk and Fancy But
tong, Cords. Tapes, Silk, Cotton. Worsted and Linen
Braids, Embroideries, Perfumeries, and a general as
sortment of English, French, and American Fancy
Alse,aole agent fel DIIINGIMEET' 8 CELEBRATED
41A111 , tdIXTUII6, for removing dandretTand dressing
4:tibe hair, giving it a dee glossy appearance, being deci
dedly the best article new in use—cheap for cash—
, wholesale and retail at - the THREAD AND NEEDLE
BT_QR&No. 178 Chesnut street, EtilladelPWA.
phisEept.2,47 , 30-eMo
0.13r.s shrh. 19 South &Wirt Street, PktiodrlPAL.
Pure Parlor White Lead; Alurn,grOund and in aystal;
Extra Giound " Cdpperaa ; " •
No. I I " White Sugar of Lead ;
Red Lead; Pyrollgneous Acid ;
Llthatge.Red Liquor;
Orange I Min e ral ; liron Liquor.
TIrE subscribers offer to the Public, their
„their Bina hi an Invaluable paint for
imher and Iron, particularly when exposed
BE to the weather, or lasi , et or damp situations.
• .' Timber, costedtwith this preparation, be
-111: comes impervious to water, and is thus
rendered much more endurable.
Its pawers of resisting moisture; makes it espeeiall
useful as a coating for Posts,' Sills, and all wood wor
plated In or near water, lot in connection with th .
As a TA:meting of Roofs Bridges; Railroad Sleepers,
Cats of, Wood or Iron, Roofs,
scales., it
is higtly valuable, and may be used to the greatest
A. a paint for Vessels, Buoys, &c. it Is nseful not
Only for its preservative qualities, but it presents on
the timber, when well coated, a bright and polished
surface, and resists, to a remarkable degree, the attacks
of wqrms and other insetts. For Iron, In exposed
situations, It makes an effectual covering, with a high
polish'. and prevents rust and corrosion.
This article will be furnished at a low price. by the
Manufacturer', at their Laboratory, Kensington, or at
their Otli ce, Xo. 19 Suath Front W. Philadelphia.
april22 tf IT
The Cheapest and Largest assormenui of Gold and
ISilver Watches, to Philadelphia.
Gold Levers, full iewelled,lS carat case,
$3O and over
, f t Silver Levers, full je.relled,
Silver Quartiere, 5, to 810
Gold Pencils, 1 50
Silver Tea Spoons, equal to coin, 4 50
Cold Leos, silver holder and pencil, 100
Withh splendid assortment of all kinds of Watches.
both gold and silver; rich jewelry.* c.,&e. Gold Chain
. of the best manufactures, and ID fact everything ID the
Watch and Jewelry line at much less prices than can be
bought in this city or elsewhere.
Please save this advertisement. and call at either
No. 413 Market Street, above 11th. North side,
246 Market St., find store below Sth, South side,
9- We have Gold and Silver Levers mill cheaper than
the above prices—a liberal - discount made to the trade.
Philadelphia, Sept. 23, 1018 39 thno
(Alm doors below Xarket street,)
. .
21 1 HOSIAS ALSOP in t/needle attention of the
public to the handsome stock of WATCHES,
WAI2E, Ike. &e. which he has just opened at the above
stand. The stock comprises a lull assortment of almost
every article In his line, and, is offered at very low
Pi-ices—he lo not to be undersold by any one in the city.
Cold Lever Watches, foil jeweled, 19 karat cases,
warranted to keep good tline, l B23 and upwards..
Gold Lopines, : , : : : /125. and upWards.
Silver Lever, full jeweled : : 17 ." T'
. Lopines, : : : I . : :. 12 " -
Gnartiers, : -sto 10 "
Gold Pencils; : : : : - :•1 25
Gold rens, Sklyer holders, with Pencil, I (x) ~
. With a tar: assortment of other articles, equally low.
1 . Ct. Particular attention will bo paid to repairing
Watches. [July 1,'4 9 . 27-1 y
Watchmakers., and Jewellers,.
BY 11'110LES.ILE AND RE7.1111,
Store next door f; tfte Miner? hank,' Centre ntree
MESSRS. B. 6r. E. keep constantly on hand
an extensive assortment of WATCHES, mil;
bracing every style, price, and manufacture
to- be found in.this country; among which
they may particularly refer to the celebrated gold and
silver LEVERS of M I. Tobias it Co., Jos. Johnson,
Robert Roskell, Wm. Robinson, &c., of whose manu
facture they have a splendid collection. ALSO, gold
and silver Anchors and Le'pines,to which they would
invite attention ALSO, a large and complete assort
ment of -Jewelry and Silver Ware, embracing nearly
every article properly coming ender thnse heads.—
Clocks in great variety; Musical Instruments and Fa
cy Articles of every description • Repairing of Clocks,
Watches, Jewelry. tic., promptly attended to.
Messrs. B. dr. E. deem it uuncoessary in advertise
'men t to enemernle their stock more specifically; suf
fice to say that it has been selected with much care and
diaceetion, and is one of the most extensive to he found
in the country. Their long experience in the business
will fully warrant them in inviting the attention ol
purrhz,ers. ;n the full rontliktire that they are enabled
to sell as cheap as any oilier establishment here or else
where Declg .47 .51..1y
C. G.tititET & Co.
impoRTERs OF WATCHES. Plated and
4,;:,Lt'' (1o:snot Street. near Fourth. Philadelplua, tare
TI,OIVOfi, by lore arrivals, a large'ittiol handsome stock of
Enclish trash liee„ Marble Porcelain and Emi
r). Clocks.
Plated 17:11, Cast or,, Cakc High and Cliatuber
Candles:it - I,s, Sony (sours. Spoons and Forks. Also, a
good a,ortmooll of Britannia W.lre and Fine (cutlery.
Their stork of Jewelry is lark and Of themost fash
ionable Lind, and they arc well supplied with ell, er'
SpoolOi Forks Mugs, Napkin Hinge, Butter Knives, &c.
and'wit ' hout snaking, any display of prices in the public
prints, they are prepared to gel( 51.4 101 V as those that do,
and knits pers - ms wt.:long to purchase, to cull.
aped 2l bait/ IS
S. W. corner of entrant and Trejfil streets,
13:—One of our partners having learned the Tea'
•buslness of the Chinese themselves, during a resi
dence of seven years among them, the pubic may there
fore expect of us the full benefit of the knowledge and
experience thus acquired.
Td our Black leas, particularly, we wish to call at
tention as possessing a degree of strength and richness
of flavor seldom equalled. Black teas are universally
used by the Chinese, who consider the Green fit ocly
for foreigners. Our physicians also recommend the
Black as making a more healthful beverage than the
Green. Each package is so secured as to retain the
Virtues of the tea for a long time in any climate, and
containsfsiii resirkt of tea, Independent of the metal and
paper with which it Is enveloped.
The above , varrante tea. pet up In 1, - 1, and I lb.
cka.le.i. jee receive d arid will be constantly kept for
drteby thu subsviber
Nlov 37 47
The 'East India Tea Company,
. No. 122, Nora Third street, next door to
Old Rotterdam Hotel,
rut La DELP MA.
t, the disposal of their choice GREEN AND
, .3. TEAS, ofthe latest importations, would
•. ,i 22 , :._.l.very respectfully invite a call from country
merchants and others visiting our city.• Our teas are ot
the finest quality, and very rragrant,lia slag been select
ed with the greatest care and at unusual low prices.
For inn country trade they will be packed in quarter.
1b 11, pr pound packages, if
,preferred ; thus furnishing
thy° advantages; lit no loss in draught lkian assort
meat of teas fora very small amount of capital, The
latter particularly is °fad v ntage to persons motierwe
means, and whose sales of the article are limited. Our
determination Is to avoid all unnecessary expense that
will have a tendency to increase the cost of our teas,
hence the present eoursl of circular letters to the trade
instead of trave thug agents, a practice pursued by some
of our cotempararies, at very great expense. These
Agents' must be paid whether they make gall, or not-
Wit h the ndVant:lee, we possessor procuring Tens, and
a close iippliciitlnn to buvitiess, to say nothing of Mien
ding to our own Leslie -3s, and nut entrusting it to °there
mu ft ultimately' Insure us a share of your custom.
£2. $l,OOO A YEAR.—Agents wanted in evety Town
anti County In the Union, to sell ^Bears• new and Papa..
ai Periodical Works," universally acknowledge to
be the Leib and cheapest ever published, as thercem
'airily are the most saleable. Any active agent may
clear $5OO or 81,000 a year. A cash capital of *35 or
*OO will he necessary. Full particulars' of the panel.
plea and profits of the agency will be given on applica
tion, either persunally or by letter. The postage must
In all cases be paid. Please to address •
1 , No. 120 Nassau et., New York.
• .
• 4Newspapeis copying the above. (Including this
notice,) and giving it eight insertions. shall receive
any one of the bound Women. which reUill at $2 50
$3 per vol Send only one paper directed as above.
August 213, 1£146.. 3.5-8 t
- -
Xs. 234 ,Mertli Second Street,X. IV. constr. of
Catlett-481 Street,
T`ww;il . 2;„".. - „7:,,,TanTrit
b P :ol i ru la t d 'f e a i r ri i/ li c a :7 l /:;,ea(7et a n I c •
vereally conceded to be equal in every . respect to any
in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and
deer weather. A large assortment -of Medallions
sad Lockets on hand, at from di to' 45; including the
The Subscribers re.pertfußy invite he'Cihens of
Sebuyikdi County. to call and eximine sPerimerul of
the latest improverneots in the art of Dagnerrem}ping,
width will be. exhibited rheerfully.and wjtitotif charge.
T. A- C. TENN - ENT.
Pbiladeincla. June 28.'48. 27-Cmo.
' 7 Polis:TllleSteafn Planing and
T IIE untleiNigned have made complete and perma-
I neat arrangements for the n.anufaduring of Floor
! Boards, Window Sashes: Sawed Lath., fled Posts, Ta
ble, Crib, and Washstand Lees, Awning And Bitching
Posts, Bannister., Stump Feet. Rolling Pine. Potato
Smashers, Bench and Hand Screwe, Porch and 'Newel
Posta, Bed Pin., and a general variety °rimming of all
Mode. They will keep constantly on hand Yellow an d White Pfne Floor Boards, Sullins: and Laths, and other
finished work worthy the attention of builders. They
have circular saxe for slitting muff to any dimension
required for building or other purposes.
Febs 48-6] H. 6 VMM:irk Co.
BADE of pure Cream,.and hig.hly flavored, always
/NI on hand and for gain at the Drug and Confection
try riore of the suLparther. which will be served to cus
tomers 'during every day and crepliag„ ninnies
parties, and pleasure excursions 'Banished at short
rtotice. Glee as a esti. We are always ready and
much pleased to watt on our friends and customers
generally.. ' IGIIN B C. MARTIN.
Juhs'l7 ' ' 2-
VEATIIEIf.9.-300 superior Feathera- of
1 rale by . rang.l2-33) J. M. BEATTY ix Co.
• itt - -
Or Perreisioft against the expeure and lossoriltioned
14 SiCkFICAII Or ..laidrxt.
CDMPANTlncorporated March% the, (311JTUAL,)
with a Capital of 8100,000. Insures all parsons be
tween the agesof 192nd 65, an immediate allowance of
$3.81, 85,80,85 or 810 per week, for one, two, three,
or five years, by paying acenain yearly sum.
Thus a person under thirty-6ve; Insuring for one
'year, by paying 114 a year, is allowed 83 per week ; for
'B5 25, 84 per week; and in the same proportion, one
of a like ago by paying, 86 55 a year. gets 85 per week;
for 87 00, 86, $ll 29. 'B9; and for $l4 95, he gots $lO
for every week of disability occasioned by sickness or
accident, during the year. By paying a fraction more
yearly, a weekly allowance can be insa red of from 413
to 810 for two, three or five years. The rates areto
be paid Smarty in advance, and are in proportion to the
lige and the weekly allowance. In case of permanent
disability, occurring after an Insurance for, say five
years, at a weekly allowance of /10,a person would be
to the yearly receipt of 8520 a year, for the entire five
There are no weekly or monthly assessments to pay,
or attendance of meeting required; and by the charter
the insured receive a share of the net profits, without
liability for losses. There Is ample security for the in
sured, as can be shown, and pmmptness and liberali
ty la exercised in the payment of benefits. For pant
culars,Bnqulre attire oface, No. 60 South Seventh-st.,
above Walnut 1:3.All letters must be post paid.
Samuel DL Orrick, Iron Merchant, N 0.109 North Wa
Calvin Blythe, Attorney and Counsellor, SIM-66619w
Charles B. flail, Wholesale. Commission Merchant,
34 Church Alley.
William F. Boone, Attorney and Counsellor,s4 South
Jacob Snyder, jr., Wine Merchant, N 0.76 Walnut-st.
John Thomason, Tinsmith, 65 N. Sixth-et
Daniel C. Lockwood, Tax Collector, Cherry-street,
'near Schuylkill Seventh street.
James I'. Bruner, Wholesale Wool Dealer, No. 6
%V Mow-street:.
Edward Dull:Merchant, No. 39 N. Wharves. .
Edward J. Crane, Clerk, No. 332 S. Fifth-street. •
Charles P. Hares, Coal Merchant, Willow-st.Whart
Charles 0. P; 'Campbell, Iron Merchant,Water,above
Race-street. SAMUEL. D. ORRICK, President.
• W. F. Boone, Secretary and Solicitor.
Governor Emerson, M. D., 167 Walnet-street, Con
sulting Physician.
ca. The has been appointed Agent for this
Institutiumin Schuylkill County, and. is prepared to
give any Inforinatlon on the subject, and effect Insuran
ces on the terms of the com n the otfice of the
Miners' Journal.,'ll. BANNAN. •
June 21. 1945. 26..1y
o.;;Lks 74 tra/asst Street.—Canitet 825 0,0, 0 o.
A. llessez, agent fur Schuylkill County, office corner
.of Itlahantongo and Second Streets.
GEORGE lIALBERSTaDT, Examining Physician for
Schuylkill County.
f phy. Company are now prepared to transact business
1 upon the moat liberal and advantageous terms.—
They are authorized by e their charter (sect. 3) "to make
all and every insurance appertaining to life risks of
whatever kind or nature,and receive and execute ousts,
snake endowments, and to grant and purchase annui
ties." The Company sell annuities and endowments,
and act as Trustees for minors and heirs.
Table V. Pm:feu:us requited for the Assurance of $lOO
- ' for the wlSole term 'of Life:
Age. l Preto. Age. Prem. Age. Prem.
to / 50 , , 31 207 ' 46 336
17 53 ', 32 215 • 47 346
19 56 , 33 220 48 3 62
19 59' 34 • 227 49 377
20 60 35 2 33 50 394
21 63 26 2 40 51 • 1 13
22 66 ,37' 2 47 52 432
23. t 9 _39 '2 54 - 53 451
:I' 75 ' 37 263 -54 171
40 • 270 55 . 491
20'• - 85 41 281 58 512
27 .67 42 292 57 5 33
24 74 43 3 01 58 5 54
29 .75 44_ 312 .. 59 579
30 2111 45 3 23 CO 6 03
The premiums arc less than any other company, and
the t.ollelLs atFord greater advintagei. Tables of half
yearly and quarterly premiums,half credit rates of pre
mium, short terms, joint lives. survivorships, and en
dowments% also, lam of application (for which there
are blank sheets.) ate to be had on application at the
office, of by letter to the agent. ---
Ptesident. JOIE , : \V CLAGIIORM.
Vice President, PETER CULLEN.
Robert F. Walsh, Clayton B. Lamb,
Win. G. AO:gamier, Alve E. Laing,
Ede, C. 51arkely, R. F. Loper, '
Peter Cullen, .
.William Craig,
Peter Rambo, , . George N. Diehl,
Win. W. Italy, 11.,liert Morris,
Joseph T. Thomas, William 51. Baird,
Stephen Crawford, Harvey Conrail.
pi t a , SL:LTISO PnYISICIANS, Francis IVSSra. D., I.D.
M. D. .
Fralld.s W. Rawle.
Recretaiy and ,t,tuary
61211 i
"A S a
A n
t i ll(4 1 1 1 1 A a nN. for
i‘ the B •e n r e e
r i1 3 1:; 1. ' L e t N o V f Pa ' r v .
liament.—Ca tal .C 500,000 or *2.5U0,0110-13esides a Re
serve Fund (rus Surplus Premiums) of about 3:85,000-
T. Lamle' Murray, Esq., George street,.llariover
square, Cita rman of the Court of IDrecotre in London
Physicion.4J. Elliotsion. M. D.. F. IL S. Actuary.—
W. S. B. Wooltiouse, Esq ,F. R. A., S. Secretnril.—
F. F. Camrko, Esq.
The fllow* are among the advantages offered by
this institution f
- The committee of a large capitol, in addition to the
accumulation of premiums., The peculiar lienefiLsecu
red to the assured by the prinmple of the loan depart
ment. The payment of premiums half-yearly, or qua r
terly, by portico insured Mr whole term of life, at ri tri
dins additionol charge. The travelliug leaye esteneive
and liberal. Persons Insured for life, can at once borrow
half amount of annual premium, and claim the same
privilege for five successive years, on their own note
and deposit of policy. Part of the Capital is perma
nently Invested in the United States, in the names of
three of the Local Directors, as Trustees—available
alwaya to the assured In eases of disputed claims
(should any such arise.) or otherwise. Thirty days al
lowed after each payment of premises becomes due
without forfeiture of policy. No charge for Medical
The Society being founded on the Mutual and Joint
Stock principle, parties may participate in the profits of
the Society two-thirds of which are annually divided
among those as:sired for life on the pat ticipation scale.
Persons wha are avail themselves of the
advantages offered by this histamine, by addressing
the General Agent, J. Leander Starr, No. ;4, Wall St.,
New York,can obtain the requisite Information and the
necessary papers for effecting an insurance.
sa. Any information with regard to this Company can
be obtained at the office of the Miners' journal.
Antrum 21. 1817 •
OFFICE No. 1 133I,Chesnut street, near Fifth street.
Charles N. Rancher, George W. Richards,
Thomas Dart, . Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Rorie,
Samuel Grant, David S. Drown,
'lacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson
Continue to make Insurance, permanent or limited,
on every description of property, in town and country
at rates a• low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent
Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely
invested, afibril ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the Company nn January Ist; 1848, as
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, ivere as
follows, •
Mortgages. *590.558 65 Stocks, 51,563 25
Real Comte, 108,356 90 Cash; Zee., 45,157 87
loans, • 125,459 00 ' *1,220,097 67
Since their incorporation, n period of eighteen yearn,
they have paid upwards of one million two handfed
thousand dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evi
dence of the advantages, of insurance. no well as the
ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all
liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for the
above mentioned institution. and is now prepared to
make insnronce, on every description'of property, at
the lowest ratea. ANDREW RUSSEL, Agent.
TIM Company having organized according to the
provisions of its chart s now prepared to make
Insurances against loss by Fire the mutual principle,
combined with the security of a Mot stock capital.—
The advantage of this system is, that efficient security
s afforded at the lowest rs Les that the business can be
done for, an the whole profits (less an interest not to
exceed 6 per cent. per annum on the capital) Will be re
turned to the members of the institution. without their
becoming responsible for any ofihe engagements or li
abilities of the Company, furtherthan the premiums sc.-
Wally paid.
The great success which this system has met with
wherever It has been introduced, induces the Directors
to request the attention of the public to it, confident
thatit requires but to be understood to be appreciated.
The Act of Incorporation, and any explanation in re
gard to it, may. be obtained by applying at the Office
Xorthrest tomer of 6a aid IVeod sts., er of B. BAN
NAN, Pottsville.
. .
L. KluilunuALE. secretary.
Charles Stokes, George W. Ash,
- . Joseph' Wood, Abraham IL. 'Perkins,
Elijah Dallctt, David Rankin,
P. L. Laguerenne, Walter B. pick,
Samuel Townsend.. • Joseph Parker,
The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the a
bove mem toned Institution, and is prepared to effect
nsuranees on all descriptions of property at the lowest
ates. - 111. SANNAN.
February 38.18111. 0--
•' Offirs ..11ro. 91, iirabott street.
MITTS Company iS now ready to make INSURANCES
on LIVES, on the mutual system, without liability
beyond thesmonot oltbo premium.
All the profits of the Company divided ammully among
the insured.
The premiummay be paid annually. seml.annually,
Or annually. or one•balf t f tbepreMmai may be paid In
a note at 12 months. -
Individuals insured in this Company become members
of the corporation, and vote. for trustees..
Ihe rates of premium. with a full pal Demotion in the
profits, are as low as those of any other Institution In
the state oecountry. and lower than any-of the English
Companies, with only a portion of the profits.
Blank applications for Insurance, with BSI particulars
can he hs4 at the office. .
DANIEL L. MILLER, President.
WILLIAM :q.t.:LARNE, Vice President.
JOHN W. HOBNOB., Secretary.
Edward Bartshorne,ll.D
Medical Examiners, •
.Mark M. Reeve,' 1
In attendance daily from I too o'clock, P. 151,
Jr,22 484-1 v .
. •
ANTE. The subscriber bee on hand al OZ , of rent.
natal of ,beautiful Paper Hangings, suitable for email
rooms, and Curtains, which will be sold at loss than
cost, to clear out the stock, at BANNAN'S
Aleie 10-If , . ' Cheep Paper Motel.
Office 159 Clicrast Street.
V, f SEE insurance on ,Lives,grant Annuities and ED-
I-Vi dowmerits, and receive and execute trusts. .'.
Bans far liestirierr OHO ea a single life.
.For 1 year. For 7 years. Forllre.
annually. annually.
. 0 095 . 177
'3O t...: 0 914 -. 136 230
.. 40 169 183 3UI -.
50 190 ^ 09 . .
- 460
. .60 .435 . " 4
01 1 oo . —A. penon aged 30 years next both-day.
by paying the Companysl 31, would secure to Ids fa
mily or heirs 41100, should he die in one yea 1 1 or for
613 10 be secures to them 21000; or for 4113 60 annu
ally (or 7 years ; he secures to them 131900 should be
die In 7 years; or tord33 60 paid annually _during
lifehe-provides for them moo whenever he dies.
for $6550 they would receive. $5OOO should be die in
one year:
Juneau '2O. ISIS.
TIIE Managers of this Company, at a meeting held
on the "nth December ult., agreeably to the Mien
referred In the original prospectus or circnlar of the
Company, appropriated a Bonet or addition to all poli
cies for the whole of life, remaining in force, that
were hotted prior to. the Ist of January, 1842. Those
of them therefore which were issued in the year 1836,
will be entitled to I 0 per cent upon the sum insured,
making au addition of $lOO on every $lOOO. - That is
$1 100, will be paid when the policy becomes a claim
instead of the lilooooriginally insured. Those policies
that were tossed in Ur will be entitled to 81 per cent,
or an 50 on every $lOOO. And those issued in 183.9,
will be stabled to 71 per Cent, or $75 on every 100.
and inratable proportions on all said policies issued
prior to Ist of January, 1811.
The Bonus will be credited to each polocy on the
books endorsed on presentation at the Office.
It is the design of the Company, to continua to mate
addition or bonus to the policies for life at stated
B. W.PACIIAJIDS, President
Jons-F. JAME!, Actuary.
sJeThesubscriber has been appointed Agent for tbe
above Institutiomand is prepared effect Insurnaceson
lives, at the published rates, and give any informatiols
desired on the subject, on application at this office.
Pottsville Feb. Elth. . ' 5--
Abdominal Supporters, &c.
THB 11116Zaliber hai made an arrrangement fora sup
also his HERNIAL APPARATUS, Which he wilt sup
ply to physicians, asid those requiring them, at Philada.
pricer: These instruments are now genenlly used by
the faculty In Philadelphia, and areblahlyrecom nie nd
ed by all who have used them. P. SANDERSON.
Pottsville, april22 tl . 17
Fine-proof Doors for Dank. and Stores, Seal and Le
ter Copying Presaes, Patent Statc•Lined Refrigera
tors, WaterFiltete, Patent Portable Water Ctn.
seta, intended for the sick and infirm.
76 South Third Se., (opposite the Plilad4. Fxchange,)
~..,..... --,..
•71174.,7.9c0n5tent1y on hand, 'a large as •
,:l• !rltkr4Ft7:l•": l sortment of the abovearticles,
4 1 : -1..X . 4,, :,;...-,.,: together with their patent ins.
t. . - .•' , 71 4-. - s ip( proved Salamander Fire•proof
L r , g.. 4 k ‘44 „7,..,' •Safes, which are so constructed
I s c c_.4 to Set at rest all manner of
-,-,, doubt as to their being strictly
fire proof,aad that they will resist
- _ -- . the fire of any budding. The
outride cases of these safes are made of boiler iron, the
inside case of soapstone,and between the outer case and
inner case is a space of some three inches thick, and is
filled in with indestructible material, at ns to make it
an impossibility to burn any of the contents inside of
the chest. These Soapstone Salamanders we are pre
pared and do clanilenge the world to produce any article
in the shape of Cook Safes that will stand as much heat,
and we hold ourselves ready at all times to have them
fairly tested by public bonfire. We also continue to
manufacture a large and general assortment of our Pre
mium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which there are
over SOO now in use, and in every Instance they have
given entire satisfaction to the purchasers—of which
we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have
them In use.
Haywood do Snyder. Pottsville; Joseph C. LaS.Sterit
Pottsville ; Mr. William Carr. Doylestown,-Fa.
N. &G. Taylor, 120 North 311 st•; A.Wright A. Neph
Vine st. Wharf; Alexander Caror.•Conveyincer,
corner of Filbert and 9th MS.; John M. Ford, 32 North
3d et. ; Myers, Buse. tzu North id et.; James M.Parrl,
10t South 4th et.; Dr David Jayne, S South 3d st. ;
Matthew T. Miller, 9.0 South 3d et. ; and we could name
some hundreds of others if it were necessary. .Now we
invite the attention of the public,and particularly those
in want of Fire Proof safes, to call at our store before
purchasing elsewhere, and we can satisfy them that
they will get a better and cheaper article at our store
than at any other establishment in the city. -
We also tnanti factrire the ordinary Fire Proof Cheats
at very low prices, cheaper than they can be bought at
any other store in Philadelphia.
Phila.,Septil. , P3-27-Iyl JOAANNES WATSON.
For sate, or imported to u rde r, by theewbscritier.
TIIESE Ropes are now almost exclusively' used in
the Collieries and on the Railways in Great,llnt-
an, and are found to be greatly superior to Hempen
ones as regards safety, durability and economy.
The Patent Wire liopee, have proved to be still in
good coudition after three year's service, in the same
situation where the Hempen ones, previously used, of
double the nice and weight would wear out in nine or
ten mouths. They have been used for almost every
purpose to which Hempen Ropes and chainshave been
applied. Mines, Railways, Heavy Cranes, Standing
Rigging, Window Cords, Lightning Cond uctore.Si g nal
Ilalyards, Tiller Ropes, &e. They are made either 1)
Iron or Copper Wire, and iti cases of niuzli. exposure
to dampness, of Calvanized Wire.
Testimonials from the most eminent Engineers in
England can ho shown as to their ethciency, and. any
additional information required respecting the ditTer
e at descriptions and application will he given by
ALFRED F HEMP, 75 Broad st.,l 4 iew York,
Sole Agent in the United States.
New. York, May 30th,1616. 43
a g
. 0 t`
ce Tq
Mb ; •m 5 1
Of 42 . , er ...
. =• G F . .,
, , •I R
1 ,•3
' tl r Y •
V •
s s z; 1 " =
51.= Si= 7:161g
a ..,
AM. )
- 5 4( (xfAxPflr
Ij . 17'i to az,o
207, Mara strut, Bkijals,+a kw 702 K.
DR. G. C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lithontriptic Mix
toren celebrated medicine which has made GRE AT
CURES in ALL DISEASES. In now Introduced into this
section. The limits of an advertisement will net per
mit an extended notice of this remedy; we have only
to say it has for its agents in the United States and Can
adas alamTe numberofeducuted MEDICAL rot ACTITION•
MI in high on,fessionai standing, who make a general
use of it in their practice in the following diseases:
And diseases of the Urinary 4 organs; piles and all dist
eaves oft he blood; derangethente of the Liver, ke., and
Da general diseases of the syitem. It is es wricvzsumr
requested that sit who contemplate the use of this ar
ticle, or who desire infitrmation respecting it, will obtain
a rasronzwr of 32 pages, which agents whose names
are below will gladly give away; rots book treats upon
the method of cure explain the properties of the
article, and the diseases it has been 'teed for oder this
country and Europe for four years. with such perfect
effect. -Over Id pates of testimony from the ;limiest.
quarters will be found, with NAMES, PLACES, and
DATES, which can be written to by any one Interested
and the parties will answer post paid communications.
O Be particular and ASK. far the PAMPHLET, as
no other such pamphlet bas ever beenseen. The evi- ,
dense of the power of thts medicine over ALL diseases
le guaranteed by persons of well known standing in so
Put up In 30 oz. and 12 oz., b fides.. Price $2, 30 oz.;
81,12 oz.; the larger being the chum. Every bottle
has "G. C. VAUGHN " terilera on the directions, &c.
See parophlt taste 78. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn,
and sold at Principal Gilles, 207, Main street, Buffalo,
N. Y. Offices devoted to the sated' this article exclu
slvel 132, Nassau, Nei, York, and 'corner of Essex
and" Washington, Salem, Mass., and by all -Druggists
throughout tins country and Canada as agents.
' Also for sale by J. 8. C. MARTIN. Pottsville; E. J.-
FRY, Tamaqua; E. & E. !Dona. Orwigshurg
LEVAN & KAUFMAN, Schuylkill Haven; WA!. 8,
HEISLER, Port Carbon; Whl;'; PRICE, St. Clair;
Feb 14;1848 4 ' 7-ly
A.24110.11L13 Constantly' on hand and
for sate at Tuscarora.
Tuscarora, Sept9-37-IEOI 6. /1981. ti SON, Agent.
WEREAS, in and by an Actor the General Assent
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. en
titled, "Ah Act regulating the General Elections within
this Commonwealth, passed the 2d day of July;A: D.,
1532,” it la made the duty of His S bend' ofevery erten
ty, to give public notice of such election to be holden,
and to make known In such notice what officers are to
'be elected therefoee, I. .10LIN T. WERNER, High
Sheriff of the County of Schuylkill, do leaks knew,' by
this,' advertisement to the electors of said County of
scheylkill, that a GENERAL. ELECTION will be held
In the said County. on Tuesday, the 12th day of Gao
-1 tier next, at the several districts thereof, as follows, to
E. The electors. of the Borough of Ortrigsburg, will
hold their election at the Court 'louse, in the Borough
of Orwigaborg.
The electors of ail that part - of West Brunswick
Township, lying and being east of the following line:
Commencing at the sand hole on the Berke County line
thence' by a straight line to the house of Samuel B. Med
lar, including the same; thence to the farm of William
Matz, excluding the same ; thence to the farm of George
Mengel, now occupied by Peter Miller, including the
same ; thence to the house of Jacob Petre,includ tog the
same; thence by a straight line, passing near Abraham
Foust's, on the Manheim Township line, shall hereafter
form a separate election district, and the qualified vo
terere residing therein, shall hold their general elections
at the public tense of Simnel Boyer, in the town of,
Port Clinton, in said Township.
3. The electors of West litunswiek Township, not in
cluded in the above boundaries, will hold their general
&esteem as heretotote, at the Court Hoye° in the Bo-
rough of Otsvigsburg. '
4. The electors of East42tunswick Township. will
hold their election nate bonne of Joshua Boyer, in the
town of hltHeanebortt.
• 5. The electors of Pine Grove Township, will hold
their election at the house of Milo Zoom, In the Ito.
rough of Pine Grove. The Borough if Pine Orrice.
hereafter forms a separate erection district, and the
qualified electors thereof, shall hereafter vote at their
general elections in separate boxes from the Township,
at the house of Philip Koons. The qualified electors
thereof, shall elect their officers annually at the time
and place for electing judges and Inspectors, for con
ducting said elections agreeably to the provisions of the
Act entitled, "An Act relating to electors of this Com
monwealth, passed the 2,1 of Jn1y,1839," and Its sup-'
6. The electors of Wayne Township. will hold their'
election at the house of Leonard SEMI, innkeeper, in
the town of Frledneshurg.
, 7. The electors of Upper Mahantongo Township, will
hold their elections at the house of John W. Ilepler, in
'said Township. •
8. The electors of Barry Township, inchiding the
house occupied by J. G. Woollsoti, will hold their elec
tion at the house of Francis Denalm, In said Township.
9. The electors of Porter Township, will hold their
election at the. house of Jacob Ileberllng. Jr., in raid
10. The electors of Lower MahontonguTuivnship will
'hold their general election, at the house of Joseph Os
man, in said township.
And the electors of Fre Bey Township will hold their
elections 113 heretofore, at the house of Joseph Osman,
11. The eleclors of Wett Penn Township, will hold
their election at the house now occupied by Jacob
Schwartz, in said Township.
' 12. The electors of Union ToWnship. will hold their
election at the house of John Eisenhower, In said town.
13. The electors of Rush Townthip, will bold their
election at the house now occupied by William Kaup,
Innkeeper, in said Township.
it. The electors of the Borough of Minersville. will
hold theirelemion at the house now occupied by Michael
Wearer, in said Borough.
15. The electors of Blythe Township will hold their
election at house of Joseph BaMet, in the town of
16. The qualified electors of Schuylkill Township will
'held their election ht the house of widow Bensinger, in
said Township.
17. The Township of Norwegian will hereafter form
a separate election district, and the electors thereof tio , d
their election at the public house of Ira Lake, et Deer
Park, in said Township.
18. The qualified electors of Branch Township, will
hold their general electiok as heretofore, at the house
now occupied by Philip Kaiak, in the town of Llew-
It. The elector" of gust Norwegian Townsbiii will
hold their elections at-the Port Carbon house, in the
sown of Port Carbon.
20. All the qualified electors of the South Ward in
the Borough of Pottsville, shall hold their elections at
the public house of Wm. Matz, in said ward.
21. The North Ward in the Borough of Pottsville, ly-
Ingeastwardly of Centre streetalaall be called the "North-
East Ward." and the qualified electors thereof shall
hold their general elect tons at the house of Maxam titian
Dmrfiinger, in said Borough '
22. The North Wan; in the Borough of Pottsville, ly
ing westwardly !of Centre street, shall be called the
"North West Ward," and the qualified electors thereat,
shall hold their general elections at the-house now oc
cupied by Nathaniel J. Mink.
23. That part of the Township of NOrth Manheim,lying
north of the summit °fate Second mountain, shall form
another and a separate election,distriet. and the quo is
fled voters residing within the bound. thereof shall
hereafter hold filar general elections at the "Mount'
Carbon lintel," in said TOwnship.
el. 'flu- electors of that part of North M anhemi Town
ship, eastwardly of a line commencing at the house .of
Philip Drumheller whence to the home of George De
l, bert ; thence to the house 01 John-Ritz ; thence to the
house of Robert Jones; thence to the Schuylkill Town
ship Hews hi hold their election at the Court noun, in
the Borough of Onvigsburg.
25. The Township of South Manheim,shall hereafter
form a separatefelection district, and the qualified vo
ters thereof, shall hereafter hold their general elections
at the public house now occupied by Gorge Reber.
26. The electors of the remaining part of North Man
heim Township,- will hold their election at the house of
Samuel Beard. (M'aehington hotel,) innkeeper, in tile
Borough-of Schuyiklll Haven. The Borough of Schuyl
kill Haven, hereafter forms a separate election district,
and the qualified voters thereof shall hereafter vole at
the general elections in separate beats from the town-•
ship at the lidded of Samuel Beard. The qualified elm
tors thereof shill elect their officers annually at Medina
and place for electingjmiges and inspectors, for conduct
ing said elections agreeably to the provisions of the Act,
entitled, "An Act relating to the electors of this Com
monwealth, passed the second' of July, one thousand,
eight Mindred and thirty-ifine," and its supplements.
27. The electors of the borough of Tamaqua, will
hold their election at the school house in said borough.
28. The electors of Tremont Township will held their
election at the house of Samuel hippie, in the town of
Sit. The electors of New'Castle Township will hold
their election at the public house of Washington Reif the town of New Castle.
At which time and places are to be elected by the
freemen of the county of Schuylkill:
OsE PERSON for Governor of Cummonwealth of
One PEABON 106 . Canal Cillri:ltlSSlOner.
Osc Peasoe to represent the' Congressional Di . ..Este'
cotnposed of the Cou lilies of Schuylkill. Dauphin, and
Lebanon, in the Congress of the United States.'
Twos PERSONS foe Members of the How of Repre
sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Oise PERSON for Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts
of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, for the
Connty of Schuylkill.
ON e PERIScor for Register, Recorder, and Clerk of the
Orphans' Court for Schuylkill County.
ONE Pentium for County Commissioner
ONE Prague for Director of the Poor.
Oar P6lOlOll for County Apditor.
The general election to be opened between the hours
of 8 and 10 o'clock in. the forenoon, and shall continue
without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in
the evening, when the polls shall he closed.
In pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of
the CornapOnwealth of Pennsylvania entitles! "An Act
relating lathe elections of Ms Commonwealth," pas
sed the second day of July, A. D., 1839, notice is here
by given:
"That the inspectors and jedgee,thosen as aforesaid,
shall meet at the respectiveplaces Appointed for hold
ing the election in the districts to which they respec
tively belong, before nine o'clock in the morning ofthe
second Tuesday October, In each and every year,
and each of said ! inspectors shall appoint one clerk,
who shall be a qualified voter of ouch district.
"In case the person who shall hove received the sec:
end highest number of votes for inspector, shall not
attend on the day of election.' then the person who
shall have received the second highest number of 'mks
for judge at the next preceding election, shall act to
inspector in his place. And in case the person who '
shall have received the highest number of votes for in
spector shah not attend, the person elected judge shall
appoint an Inspector in his place; and in cue the per-
son elected judge shall not attend, then tee inspector
who received the hig'iest number of votes shall appoint
ejudge In Ins place; and hefty vacancy shall continue
in the board for. the s space of one hoar after the time
fixed by law for the opening of the election, the quail-,
fled voters of the township, ward. or district, for which
such officer shall have been elected, present at the place
of election, shall elect one of their number. to fill such
"It shall be the duty of said assessors respectively,
to attend at 'the place of holding every general, Special,
or township election, during the whole time said elec.
tins is kept open, for the purpose of giving information
to the inspectors add judges, whencalled on in relation
to tile right of any person assessed by them to vote at
such election, and'auch 'other matters in relation'to the
assessments of voters as the said inspectors or fudge,
or either of them, shall, from time to time, recnitre.
"That no person shall be permitted to vote at any
election as uthrese id, other than a white freeman of the
age of twenty-one years or more, who slut!l have rest-•
ded within the state at least one year, and in thi elec
tion district where he oflifre to vote at least ten days im
ediately preceding such election, and muth in two years
aid a state or county tax, which shall have been asses
sed at leaat Ten days before the election. But a citizen
of the United States, whq had previously been a quail
fled voter of this state, add removed therefrom and re
turned, and who shall have resided in the election dis
trict, and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a
vote after residing In this state 6 months ; provided that
the white freeman, citizen of the United States, who
had previously been a qualified voter of this stele, and
removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have
resided in.tho election district, anepaidtaxes as
said, shallbe entitled to vote after et-sliding in this state
six months; provided, that the white freeman citizens'
of the United States, between the ages of twenty-one
and twenty-two years, and having resided In this state
one year, and in the election district ten days afore
said, than be entitled to vote, although they shall not
have paid taxes.
"No perion shall be permitted to vote whose name
is not contained in the list of taxable Inhabitants (br
eathed bythe Commissioners as aforesaid, unless first
he producesa teceipt for the payMent within two yeah.,
of a state or county tax asseseed agreeably to the con
stitution, and give satisfactory ev Ideuee, either on his
own oath, or affirmation of another, that he has paid
ouch a tax, or,-on failure to produce a receipt. OMB
make oath to the payment thereof; o? second, if he
claims a tight to vote by being an elector between the
ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shalt &-
We, en oath or affirmation-, that he has resided in the
state at least one year next before his application, and
make such proof of residence in the district as it is re
gutted by this act, and that he does verily believe front
the accouter, giving him that be is of the nge aforelaid.-
and give such other evidence as Is required by this act,
whereupon the name of the person so admitted to vote
shall he inserted in the alphabetical list by the 'wee
tors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the
word "tax" if he shall be admitted to vote by remote
of having paid a tax, or the words'age," If he shall he
admitted to vote on account of his age. and In either
casethe reason of suck vote shall he called out to 'the
clerks, who shall mark it in the list of voters kept by
"In all eases where the name of the person claiming
to vote is not found on the list furnished by the Com
missioners and assessor; or his Tight to vote, whether -
found thereon or not, is objected to by ang qualified
-citizen, It shall be the duty of their inspectors to exam
the such person on oath as to his qualifications, and If
be claims to have resided within that state for one year
or more, his oath shall he *sufficient proof thereof, hiss
he shall make prOOrby at least one competent Waimea,
who shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided with.
in the district for more than ten days next immediately
preceding said election, and shall also himself swear
'that bis bona fide residence, in pursuance of his Lawful
calling, is within the district and that he did not remove
in the said district for the purpose of voting therein.
"Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shill
, make due proof If required. of residence aid payment
of taxes, as aforesaid. shall be permitted to vote in the
township, ward, or district in which he shall reside.
"If any person shall prevent or attempt to _prevent
any officer clan election under 'hie act from holding
such election, ()ruse or threaten any violence to any
Stich ettleer, of shall latempt or improperly interfere
01 7::,
c 5
~1 'm
co c.
r - a
with him in tht ekeiation ofhls duty. Or Shall block up
or attempt to block the window or avenue to any win
dow w here the same taiy belholden, or shall riotously
disturb the peace at such elettiorrot shall use or prac
tice any intimidation, threats, force, or violence, with
design to Influence unduly overawe any elector, or to
prevent him from voting, or, to restrain the freedom of
choice, such person on conviction shall be :lord in any
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and be im
prisoned for any time not less than one nor more than
twelve months. And if it shall be shown to the court
where the trial of such offence .hall be had that the
person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward.
district, or township, whare!the said offence woo com
mitted, and not entitled to ajvote therein, then on con
viction, he shall he sentencod to pay a One of nut less
than one hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not less
than six months nor more than two years. •
. 4 1f any person orpersona shall make any bet or wager
upon the mutt of any election within this Common
wealth, or shall offer to make any such bet wager, either
by verbal proclamation theicof. or by any written or •
j printed advertisement. challenge or Invite any person
or persons to make each lief Or wager, upon coon iction
thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three times the
amount so het, or offered to be bet.
"The judges are to make h eir returns for the county
of Schuylkill. at the Cour Haute in Orwigsburg, on
Friday,the 13th day of October. A. D., 1848.”
Given Under iny hand :mill teal at lie alwriffn Write t
Orwigshurg, and dated Setitember 11th, in the year of
our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred, and forty six
and seventieth year of the ludepelliiiinee of the United
States of America. God aciee the Commonwealth
Sheriff's Office, Orwles.
• burg, Sept. 2nd. 1849. 37
For hits Care of Construiptiols. Con
TN PRESENTING this valuable medicine to the pub
llic as a remedy for Consumption, and Pnlmonary
Diseases in general, I have , been actuated solely by Ihe
great success attending les use in my own immediate
neighbothood,and a dear to benefit the afflicted, 1
shall simply endeavor to give a brief statement of its
-mildness. and flutter myself that its surprising effica
cy will enable me to furnish such proofs of its virtues
as will satlary the most incredulous, that CONSUMP
TION may and "CAN BE CURED," nine medicine is
resorted to in time. As Consumption, however is a
disease which differs much in the severity ()fits symp
-3Mll,and the rapidity of its progress. and has long baf
fled the skill of physicians It cannot be supposed that
this or any other remedy Is capable of effecting a
cure in every case and -7.7 stage of the disease ;
the contrary, wc......55a expect it to fall sometimes, a
tircumstance which occur daily,w Rh all the most val
uable remedies we possess, for the most simple discos- '
es. The proprietor submits the following testimonials
favor from citizens of this County, well known
to to public.
- ,52. W.I. ILA/A.—Having been afflicted for thu last
ellt.v years with Consumption, and having had the ad
v'est ornament the most etnittentPhysicians.a nit was gi
ven op as incurable. I wasinduced to make Wain( your
invaluable Expectorant,and ant happy to say that I am
sitti-cly cured, and am attending to my - daily occupation
astitongh Thad never been afflicted. Previous to ta
kingyour EXPECTORANT, I could not; ff I had been
sod'sposed, do anything at my trade. I have since Tee
n amended it to several am) . friends, and particularly
one case of CONFI , OSED Cossenrrios, and am hapvy
to state that in every instance it had th \ll:sired effect
Yours respectfully JOSHUA IAWKIN
Schuylkill Ibsen, Octobei 1.1844.
Scut,v t.t. Ilsves. January 41845,
Mr. W. 3, Mass,—Deng Sir:—}laving been afflicted
with a severe pain in the breast, I was induced to try
your Expectorant,and after usingotie bottloof !Ground
at to relieve me, and 1 do'not hesitate in recommending
it to the public as a valuable medicine for Colds, Coughs
and Afflictions of th e Breast."
I am respectfully your; St.c., •
Scuivut ILL 11 ‘ tvgs , October 18. 1844, f
I was taken till . a bad col some time ago, anti us 411
one or two bottleB of.3f. Roue Kipectorant, which re
lieved me much, rod should I have occa,mn for Ole
above again, I wo u ld freely call on Mr, Haas ftfr his in.-
•vnluable Expectorant. DAN ICI. H. sTAGER. ,
SCHUYLKILL HAVEN. July, 29,1b15.
Ma. WILLIAM - J. Maas,—Dear ant happy to
testify to the etlicacffp.your expectorant, for answer
ing the purpose for which it was intended, that of re
tiering Coughs. Colds, &c.,
Yours respectfully, CHAS. HUNTZINGER.
For safe by the Proprietor at Schuylkill Haven, and
I by the following Agents in richuyllull county. •
S. C. Martin.,
Llewellyn—Johannan Eockhill, Esq.
Minersville--J. & J. Falls,
New Castle—George Reifsnyder, Esq.
Port Carbon—Henry 8111331er; P. M.
Landingville—Color &' Drumheller,
Pinegrove—Graeff&Forreri ,
Tamaqua—Meitner & Morganroth,
111111ffleport-11. Koch & Son.
Tuscarora—George Ri Dry.
tge Frederick Klett & Co.. have bees appointed gene
ar agents in Philadelphia, for Haas' Expectorant.
THE. ollklC inter,
having just arriv
ed fronk Sweden,
carers his services
SO the citizens of
Philadelphia and
its vicinity. That":
there ar e 111014'
1 II 111 gs between'
heaven and earth
than ever was
dreamed of, in daily mi-de 'manifest by the Astrologer,
C. W. ROBACK, whose miracles approach more near
those spoken of in the Seriptures.than any of latterdays,
by his daily performance of wonders unites:et of in, this
country; yet quite Dunil inr are thousands ill Europe Who
• have enjoyed his confidence.among which tray be men
tioned:Dem, the present King of Sweden. Louis Phil
lips, and many of the English.nobility and gentlemen of
high rank, who have consulted him respecting losSes.'
by design or accident, and who have been ijrat hied In
invoking the powers of the wonde•rfol sere of is illl . ll
1101125 inherited front his ancestors. For inflaniation
of Id. powers to Kirses she result of law-suits, and all
undertakings of hazard, and advice for the restoration
of stolen property, a milfo r the speedy cure of diseases
of various kinds, heretofore considered incurable by
our best physicians. i ,'
Ile is also prepared re
Astrologer's Swedish ..
fluting such wonderful
the Lungs from Consult
have been satistacmrily
detful remedy. EKli hi
dirsetlons,andfor sale
Ile would respectfu l
tube t son. I
Mrs Moss, Brown st
No. 115.
Mrs. Mary Miller. N .3 A sbaned's court. between fiTh
and Mb, and Locust any \Valour sts
Mr. Joldt Blair. S Adins sweet. below Fitzwater. •
Mr. B. Allan, 317 No It •.tel at.
Mrs, E. M. Davis. I North ^_d at.
i i
. •
. :
Mr. R. Johns,l6 Llt le Pine st.
Mr. 'M. Johns. 16 Dan street, between Spruce and
Locust and Eth and 9th etc -
Mr. J. Davies, 13So ith 7th st.
-Mr. B. Sanarrin, 73 Vood at.. Kensington.
Mr. Minten, N 0.6 lli rst st.,betweenLombard,Soceth,
51h and 6th.
He has,been consulted with by all the crowned heads
of Europe,and enjoye ligher reputation as an Astrologer
than any one living.
The period of our birth is generally marked with some
peculiar eircumstancelk that has a visible effect on the
conduct at nor lives,Which Professor Roback will read
and explain to the astonishment nod sat's:action of VlS
hors. Ile will answet all questions concerning Law-
Suits, Marriages, Journeys, Voyages, and all the con
cerns of life. . .
Terms. Ladles 50 cents. Gentlemen 81. Nativilies
calculated and read itt full ; according to the oracles of
masculine signet Terms,Larlies,el; Gentleman.tll Ml
Naliyities calculated hccording to Geometric!, ; for La
dies, 45; in MI. 43; sentlemen.*3 ;in Dill, $5. PBr
snniat a distance can '
,have their Nativitiesthy sending
their day oGtiirth. II- i
_ .
All letters - containing the above fee will meet with
immediate attention, and sent to ony part of the United
States on durable paper.
Office. KR. 71 LeTst street. between Eighth and
Ninth, npnohnie the 3 uslcal Fat n
al Ilall nom"! from 9
`A.M. to 10 Pb'.. ,C. W.: ROBACK. Astrologist.
Philadelplita. Sept. P. Isla • . at-flin
itli h quantity of his cekbrsted
tonsumi inn syrup, which is pro-
I L cures in healing tilceration of
pinion. More than 10,000 . patents
y cured In Sweden by this won-
Ode accompanied with minute.
ht his office.
ect,betwoen3d and Ith,back of
AlttriPPllL'Fi BULLETIN, NO. 7.
During the months of
"4- July,
elo u fa ur c l it a • n i:l l . 4 7o i" w " ::l
_ v, complaints
_ravage many
• Critp!..L.4 • poroons of The country.
Grie•thlrd of all the deaths
during th • cried will be
p•res tof these diflicul
tci:vr:ri • '
,/41.:7 o ies. For Children. the
Gime Micro CuiLonvels
; PANS A. %vitt reeve MIA
! . 4 :!'aa• ! lible pr entire and cure.
• •. For ado is suffering. tin
e . der the worst forms, of
TT Diarrhrea and Dysentery,
'1 Bloody Flits, and the libel
the Goteffenburg Dtteetcrenv Svace is equally infal.
The tables of mortality In the city of New York,
daring the week ending the 15th of July instant,sbnw
that out of 231 deaths 105 were caused by the above
disorders! The same ratio wilt elsewhere appear. '
In Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the like. the cele
brated Graefenberg !VEGETABLE PILLS and IIcALTzt
Birrcas are the anst reliable medicines. and they
should he procured without a moment's delay. The
Grzefenbere Sur. pirina Compound is taking the lend
of all others, and contains double the number of doses
of any other:
st. The General Agents for Pennsylvania, Maryland
and District of Columbia. arellowell & Read, No. 40
South Second St. Philadelphia. to whom application
may be addreesed.' , EDWARD BARTON, See•v.
Aud for sale by J. S. C. Martin. Pottsville; J. W.
Gibbs, Minersville t!E. J. Fry, Tamaqua; J. Alter,
Tivicamra ; Jolin ; Tamaqua;. But
ler, Spring Vale. I • Aug'. 19,'48. 34-ly
THE soblarlber would respectfully in
form hisTriend s and customer's that he has
.,;: TORY in Third street, No. a few doors
below Race, where he would ' be pleased
Ito see his old customers and as many new
,pnes as ire disposedto favor him with their
coolant. 1, Ile still continues to [annular tare
• ' Military and Sportmen's articles of every
descriptiOn, such as Leather, Cloth, Felt,
. Silk and •Beaver Dress Caps, of all patterns;
Forage Ceps, Holsters for Troop, Body do.•
Cartouch Boxes, Bayonet Scabbards. Sword
hells of all kinds. Canteens, Knapsacks, different ant.
terns ; Fire Barkers; Passing Bares, Tube do. Brushes
and Pickers, Plumes, rompoons, Firemen's Caps, Lea
ther Stocks, Can Cases, superior quality Shot Bars,
Game Bags. 'Brants; &c. Orders thankfully received
and pminptly'attended to. WM, CRESSMAN,
No. 00, North 3d strt., afar, doors below Rare?
Phda , 3an.13, 1814
H ARE"°%l. 3 rn 7 lo2 E ake a tae.
their nVßlielidanllotOSLt atlhmTntt
No 189 Market Street, between Filth and Sixth,
Philadelphia. The iiroprietors feel areluctanee in pro
mulgating what in any way might appear like tire
usual Bombastic eiaggeration - of suns in the trade,
but will beg leave io quote the following notice from
one f our city pampa
" ne of the greatest curiosities that our city afforda
tot e stranger, is Bennett A. Co's. great clothing store.
Noi 189 Market.litreet. between Fifth and Sixth,
which has been styled '.Tower Hall," from the pecu
liar finish of the front. The building is an immense,
one, containing seven capacious rooms, allef,which
are stocked with every variety of seasonable garments,
arranged In the most perfect order and regularity. The
proprietors take great pleasure in showing their build
ing and contents tokbe citizens, particularly strangers,
and to those coming from the country—we know of no
place more worthy of a visit • . (May 27 ' 22-3 mo
German and English Taylor Almanacs for 1849, by
the Gross or Dozen. •• • • -
German Life of Gen. Taylor.
Rough anAdteadri Teat Book and Almanac.
•- !Taylor Illinstralt
• - -- • • -•
By the hundred,. or Cagle copy. Just resale
ed and for sale by ;the subscriber. Globs supplied at
low rates by the quantity. D. BANNA 4 .
le, IBE.
Frce .from 2-. ali StIbtaTCCS.
A Sovereign, speedy andiertain cure for the Fever end
ru tiE succ ess of Wrizlit's Indian Vegetable Fills iri
the cure of Fever and Agile, has been most re.
minable. Before the proprietor was fully satisfied to
recommend them in this complaint, he had ease after
ease en ure under his notice in which limos proved that
If there Was one complaint over which the Pills had
more complete control than another, it was fever. and
A The following I‘. from a well known citizen
o Indiana:
Itussellrills, Putnam Cleanly,. fridiaria, July 1?, '47.
Dr. Wright:—Sometime since, your ngent left me a
supply of your Indian Vegetable Pills. I have found
said Pills to be to crest demacd lately in the cure of
Fever and Ague. Mr. James Boyd has a son who had
I been kid up with Fever; and Ague, and had tried va
rious otherremedies. all of which proved of no avail.
Ile determined to try your Indian Vegetable Pills, and
by min , * one box Is now sound and well. Mr. T. Spen
ce' had ' a
daughter, Mr. Iluth Groves a soli, and Mr.
Gliarles Nichols and three of his t•mily, were all down
at the same time with Fever and Agile, and had also
tried the various other remedies without effect. Yedr
Indian Vegetable Pills soon restored them to perfect
health. I can assure you, from what I have seen, your
Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on for a certain
cure of Fever and Ague. Yours, respectfully. I
Also acting Justice of the 'Peace.
This Is to Certify, that I wan entirely cured' of tilt
'Chills and Fevers, of several months standing, by the
use of four doses. of four Pulls each, of Wright's In
dian Vegetable Pills, and after taking medicine howl a
regular physician for smite time, and have had no split.
toms of it since, which has been about one year ago.
.J. \V- SPENCER:' , ,,,
Texas, ChampaXgne roust., Ohio. ' i"
This is to certify. that I was cured of the Chtilg,,ti d
Fevers by the on.' of Wrighis Indian Vegetable Pills,
after having had three,attacks of it.
Sugar Grove, Fairfield Cottaty, Ohio.
Fevers, like every other Mem of disease, are only an
effort of nature to expel from the body something that
is oppose) to health; it is nierely'a_stroggle betwegn
the good and bad Minims for -supremacy, and the com
motion whiElfzensues. is, called Fever. The ustri
symptoms of a Fever are heaviness, languor. anxie )'
sighing and yawning, with alternate fits of heat and
cold. After whalt, the _patient complains of paint in
the head and back, thirst, difficulty of breathing, pair
in the limbs. a sense of fidnees about the region or to
stomach, nausea and sirketets, with sometimes a v zu
- iling of bilious matter.
Wnelits Intlbln Vegetable Pills will be found pocll
arty adapted to the cure of all kinds of Fever, beret sr
they not only thoroughly cleanse the stomach nu
bowels from an bilions lion:tots. but they open th 8 .
lexcretory vessels which emp.y into the bowels, a d
consequently, the impurity contained in the cirrulat nt
(which Is the cause of all disordered motions of re
blood, called Fevers.) Is thrown into the bowels, fr m
whence it is carried o ff by the regular alvine dischur es.
In using Wticht's Indian Vegetable. Pills for For I'S,
lime only cure neeessty is to here th e modicine oper
ate copi o usly by the Inreido.. If the symptoms afellS -
gent, from f o r to eieh t pills -WIWI! lie taken, nrolt ltd
morning, until the fever has stabeid , il ; after wlllzh,
entailer doses, once ill twenty-fourbouts, will he stir
ficient to restore thelthtly to c erate of sound health.
Persons going West its South. ivoultl do well to tak
with them an ample supply of ibis medicine, as a PSI
ventise and cure of Southern and Western Fevers.
Let at be remembered that WRIGIIT'aI INDUS V OE
-1...131.E. PILLS are prepared with special reference tr the
laws governing the human body. Vonsequently he 3
arc artert3s good, always useful, always etrectter r it
routing out disease Every 'family should keep Weill or
Mrs. E. M. BEATPY, Pottsville:
Mcdiar & Bickel, Orwigsburgr
A. Heebner, Port Carintn•
Denli,' 11. roil, MrKeansburg.
' Geo. R. Drry, Tuscarora.
Henry Koch & Son, Middleport. -
Wm. Taggart, Tamaqua. .
E. & Ilammmt, Orwig3hurg.
Wheeler S. Maur, Pine gfove.
.11111314 Kauffman, Llewellyn. -• • ,
Jacob Kauffman, Nlabantangd.
John Weist, Klingerston.
Gabriel Herb. ZimmernintosTn.
- C. B. Dr Forest, Minersville.,
Jonathan Cockhill, Llewellyn.
George Dreibeibis, Enst Brunswick. •
S. hart & Co.. New Philadelphia.
Levan & Kauffman, Schuylkill Haven.
& .1. hirer-her, East Brunswick.
Jonas Robinholds, Port Clinton.
Ititifsalytter & Brother, New Castle:
B. E. Reedy, Lmver.Malisntongo.
Eckel & Battled. Tremont,
%VI.. Price. St. Clair.
Boyer & Women, McKeanshnrg.
W. If. Barlow, New Philadelphia.
r..t-Others devoted exclusively to the, rule of Wr Ott
Indian Vegetable Pills, MIDI,: .North America C
loge of Health No. toh,Greenwich Street. New 'or
No. 199.Treniont street, Boston—and principal offc
No. 16h Race street.-Phila.. [A it k. 21,47 34 Aug. 1 -31
the .rirlues of
UDE the speedy cure of Darrhceti, Dysentery. C le
.112 Infantum. Cholera • Morhus, Summer-con' flair
Flatu4•ucy. and all derangements of the St match
and bowels from Teettang. ete. Thanttantho dte alllll.l
- with dbease of the stomach and hop.cfs from❑ .rt.
Ambnz Ha. tonnerons lehletli, bath patine and p state.
to the Cordial—we invite a trial, and rttalienue
parison—years of experience and trials anode., .ith
in hundreds of caste. etikradded to the voluntary n
mac of physleiaas aa r tfathers, gtvrs ii a chli.r-a.
not If; be unheeded by those ch 'rich nig the we tar.
theinselves and their children, speedily subdum!
pain and inflatnatory tendency allaying untab lity
the stomach, and constraioing the ttnlientthy, enc.
inns. Its crpriralion is Prompt and effectual. 'Read the
following testimony from practicing physicians
Danrille, Rucks Cu. Anglin: '47.
7Dear Sir:-1 am now prepared to recommend your
Cordial from having used It with success In seri In•
stances; and am now trying your Panacea In case of
protracted debility, attended wlth.a cough. ap rently
produced in the young lady by her "outgrow ng her
strength" to use a - common phrase. tout., &c.
• PlitladelpAia. Peptember I I, '47.
• Dr. Keefer:—Al your request 1 have tried yr or Cor-
dial in my family, as well as in several ihstanc ot upon
those. I have had occasion. to prescribe for, nit am
highly pleased with its operation, rind have. no doubt
that it will ere long become one of the moLt pulse
remedies for affections of the stomach end b& ell, of
the present day. With the best wishes for its . access,
believe me ?ours truly, SANFORD 13 IL.
Late :Surgeon 11. S. 'avy.
Lancaster Co. Jlressrille, Dec. 1,'47.
Dr. Xeclar.—tidmeiiroe last summer your a ens left
Me some of your Cordial urging me to try i . ,It so
happened that I had a case; a child about sir months
old.whnse stronach,and howel•were in 'very isorder
ed condition caused by a dr ticiency ofits motile 'snollk.
The child was a mere skeleton, there was stitch ter,
mills tenesmus. and constant evacuations. I dininis
treed every medicine !could think of with brit a slight
alleviation of the eompla int:" I :hen thought of giving
your meilieine a trial, commencing with sniallirloses, I
soon perceived the child could hear a full dos as re
commended in directions ; before Iliad takep half a
a bottle the stomach aid boWels had recovered their
natural tone, every other bad symptom yielded', and the
child recovered rapidly. I have no hesioncy lc saying
the: your medicine is the very best for the ati ve com
plaint I have administered in 21 years practic .
Very Ilitiperifully your friend.
tt. It. BOWMAN M. D.
r_rPri.tiared and sold N. W. roe., of third aid Smith,
and Third and Green streets Philada. For sale by
.1. C.:Blow n, and J. S. C. Martin, Pottsville; El. Klein
ert and Samuel KeMpton, Port Carbon rJ. R. Falls,
Minerseille; W. Haas, S.clotylk ill Haven ; li.. J. Fry.
Tamaqua ; and by Druggists throughout the Count?
Price 25 ets. per bottle.
Also Dr. Heeler's I 011 atelt, a speedy and power
remedy in all Scrofulous Sytiluitilit and Coon item
diseases. It is infinitely superior to any knr wn re
fly In atonic affections!of the Client, Stool eli, I.
and Skin. It cores railleally chronic Rheum tIiPM.
diseases arising Iron iiiipitruks of the blood. Fein
suffering with Insi of appetite, constipatim , nen
debility, "irtegulerity." sallow romplmiini . punt
blotches. etc. will find the Panacea to give emir.]
and lasting relief. For part is alias see tumuli ets.
81 per bottle, b bunks / 1 5. pone 10th)
opril 15
_ • 1../tv
t vyt
le' g":.
~ • '., A7 ' , 1 0
cs-c-----0 v:..t.',.
-‘7 - ' - .... -1. ;'.".^ ,- - - 71 -,
, . tidij,, ..•,- -,-;,/,-.,n, ',:.t.\-7,
c7,-—,. tk..
.....,,,..;:---01.1.:,,,, ,t-.:-.,
4 ..,, i
- -- • cz.z..... - -----,4...--.--•
. `MC RE M el
EDy roik`N °
,Paets for the People.
ITIUE constantly increasing popularity and sale of B.
A. Fahnestocles Vermiform has induced persons
who are cm ions ofits success, to palm off upon the pub
lic preparations which all Medical manknow to be inef
ficacious in expelling, worms from the system.
This Vermifuge mach its way into public favor upon
the ground of Be own intrinsic merits, more than any
other medicine of the kind now aced ; and, while many
worm remedies have, by dint of putting, been forced into
sale, and shortly after gone into the obscurity which
their worthlessness justly merited, IL A. Fahnestock's
Termifiteecontinues to he triumphantly supalned. It
has only to be used - 4nd its etfects'will fully' sustain all ,
that so said of he wonderful expelling powe
Wales, Erie Co , New York, Ja . 7,1613.
We certify that we have used B. A.FahneVtock'a Are r
!tillage in our families, and in every- case It has provi
ded a decided and etTePual remedy for expelling worms
front the system. We cordially recommend it to pa
rents who have children afflicted with that dangerous
malady.' F.LON
W3l. 11. PAINE,
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the dna:Warehouse
of - B. A. PAHNESTOCKck CO: •
• Corner of Sixth and Wood sta.' Pitts rare, Pa.
For sale its Pottsville, by JOHN 0.1 BROWN,
Druggist. December U i ,--30
101 t R
, _LI ING.-The subscriber respectfully annOunces that
ho has cornmentedthe above business at the earner of
Mauch Chunk and Coal Streets, Pottsville. Pa. and
will be happy to receive orders: JOHN lA'ARSER
N. o.—Guage-eocita. oil cups, and oil glob son hand,
and for sale. • [July 22,
lam Autumn. and come
With a son:. of tin ,rve.t home;
Rich and splendid te my state;
Many pleasures on me wait.
Come, my little child, and see
What the Autumn brings to thee
Wheat yonSdatly bread to make,
Indian corn for Johnny cake,
Buckwheat for your nicest dish:
Rice and barley when you wish
With every wholesothe vegetabl.
For your Fall and winter table.
With the pear and with the pia ~
Peaches for your chpiCest treat,
Grapes in Clusters, ripe and Ea -
Apples, russet. red and white,
For many a merry wlater night.
I am Autumn, and I hr i,i ng
C rate (n 1 breezes on in)` wiug ;
I shako the brimn nuts from the
The wood, the orchard, and the 1
Ad to me their riches yield
-7 send the ships to nthek climes,
For lemons, oranges add limes;
I bring the rich West t;Alan pin,
The produce of the Sp nish vine;
Raisins, almonds, figs I bring-- i
Dates.pomegranates-revery !hint
From far Suniatra'a tragrant Ito
I waft delietinw Inlet" o'er—
Nutmegs, earnain on.and mare,.
Cassia, clove; and gt6ter•ince ;-
Coffee I bring from Araby,
And, from the farther Indira, to
I am Autumn, and al l y bowers
Are planted round With gorge° ,
Dahlias of the richeiat dye,
. .
Amaranth with its gpldrn eye,
Coxcomb' with their crimson f.
Chrysanthemums awl roarigolii
I am Autumn, and my crown
Is made of leaves, red, yellow,
,Purple, crimson, russet, green.
And every varied bite between
Nought in splendor ban comps,
With the garments that I wear!
I am Autumn. and I bring
Pleasant days for visiting ;
Aunts and cousins come to se I
'Rue dice on with mirth and g
Every ye ice unites Ita praise
The cheerful, bright October d
et i r farm
r4"lllight—khe Robe Bug. 1
—The Cultivator reaches me h
me much ples‘ant reeding. P
y. t prepared to go ill length w
pondent W. Leydo urines i
blight, but in, your etlt o ' re
you observe thst suimslculs
healthy plants in their greatest ;
opened a field of observation, wl
permission. [' ' ,feel iltaireua of culli
I am a tobacco grower, and wo
brother cultivators in cam aectio
0 to verify the fact, that, just befo •
I - of that scourge, the worm, the
1_ the plants are most remarkably
.e bright and deep verdure;' at th
` l ,, is known to Ins . - a' . sigri Of jot
it, cure to be lellowed.h3r.thig we
n Leyden 4641 , 1'140v the hectic .
flow of aninial,spirlts, ko often
cipient consumption, as a mark
ease: .while•in many olher pia
your rernarks,;do I observe the
And although it be true that t
in swarms, we often soe that th
removed by the return]of - a he
ce atmosphere, going as I.ftwrenc
knows wither," and why do co
'line weather this for the „cub
ness is done for this season ho
i n ject ils of incalculable import,
, a little understdod ; and Would ft
instructing artielesior 'your ct
digested, admitting'itlei of a
titration, if submitted : M. the
repeatedly 'and carefully con
consider that we are ind.bted
pondent far a topic, the Sails
afford us much valuable readi
ter, and to which I hOpe you •
will add another guts ton, wh
as prolific in . articles or public
theory and practice o , deep ar
properly - so termed.
In conclusion I would add,
the washing of plantS with 5 . ,..1
operate by neutral.ziog n super
ry, which is always' anemia
and then the result would be
the sap,—instead of, is exit I
faces of the leaves in the fora
very generally mi.taken for
animalculm, but often observa
appearance—and consequenil
Iraskivton, O.C.'
L re Cheshire Cheese.—F n quantity and quit.'
ity, Cheshire in said to go ah ad of any County a
England, in the production f cheese.. Tee how
of it gue4 bock at least to the (reign of Henry I.ia
1100. when the Countess Chnstanee, though th
wife'of the king's cousin. het t a herd of ruilth cit•
de, and war celebrated for h r cheese.
In our early numbers,• e shall give anus)
with all the details of thesh re cheese outlays
full and sati.factirv, that th (loyal Agricola:id
Society awarded their prize to the author, }ban
White, land aget end eyor. 1 In the OM
time, we- take from it the following recipe: Ti
Cure the Ware king. or loniaehs of Socha?
Cakes. fir .41&iing Renn I.—Procurithe stet
fresh from the butcher the year Previous loth:.
being wanted ; clean out a chyle matter,at4
every other apparent impu lip; the is t h en
turned outward on a tablet and belted: the dim
are then laid one upon a other, with a lapel
salt between each, in a de p earthenware veneL
similar to a cream mug; hey era then curvet
over with salt, and bare a id of slate et eat vli.
cad on the top. They are taken ,out as lanai.
about a month previous t .being used, , anlth
brine drained from them. They are then sped
on a table• and fine salt ic mattered on esicheh.
In this state they are roll d with • a paste role,
distended with a splint of rood, end hurl ,
Cheese making is anothrr branch of 1112160
which will ihevitably male its wiy into theta
grazing melons in the mountain portions of Slit 7.
land, Virginia, the Carolinart, Tenneuee and Has
tucky, to be again. in rygr at measure , suPero 6 ei
by butter, when these m anteing shall hear bet
penetrated by railroads.
:' The only Cerloin 4
—Mans rich sweet doe
pnt4to, sugar, and fresh
this into pills as large as
them in a closet or roam
domes tic animals, pooh
nights in sueeendon. unt
get into the habit of esti,
potato and substitute fine)
we will answer for every
tiog hi+ quit tue. The rl
•rflfl 1 cues, that any ef the us
one? 31.0 very inefficient. To
' 1 " - confidence end then betrai
„ an d poison is to make them ri
naleit beet to choose a dry time
pies' all water from the premil
event make for the nearest st
Price can return to their harm
r ,. tr their great sagacity in
lln. G. B. S., or Baltim
It seems that being ver y
that infested his - house,
erable difficulty'', in dent
but this was the very
and the doctor had a trH
but the doctor was ton n
discovered that t his 1
weakness, and hire s
vantage of it. His rats!
eat nothing left in the k
candles left in ale sand
kied some arsenic aloe
and triumphed.
(?'Good Fa . rming. / 1 --Jacfge Burl, in b"
address, written' a few days before his dgent•
made the following stakement :—..ln a pot l i
Dutchess county, whichi I visited, the best fop
have ken sold within my recollection, with 4.
provemeuta and buildings, at from Seven toot&
teen dollars an sere.. They cannot now baboto'
for one hundred dollars' an acre ; ane.ward la
loft year at au'etion , ithout: buildings, for ay
hundred and thirty d Ilars,a4.-. acre. Filt
years ago, a farm in Weste-ti New York, of 4
acres, exhawted by baltauhandry, was bool"
a Scotch farmer for $4 00. This firm has 1 05 '
so improved by good hdabandry, that the avoo,
was last year offered foil it $40,000.' He Irk"!
the offer, upon itho ground that it actually oem
him the intere st o f $6,000 or $lO5O the lic ri
A forams pointed o t to me in New-J.tie!,
which has recently sot for raven dollars to ad i
and that*was all it we said to have been 01
in its then condition, tly a liberal outlay '
draining. it b!ing ley and wet ground, ol
liming, manuring, & c . it is now considered ta d
twenty-five dollars an acre,"
At No. SO North Third Srrea, chllealq
ll ilniirehanto and will dad
mid other , DRY liGUDS, others
Om the ittlsdeP:
and Nets York auctions, snibiseleg sorb
s nicks °s 7
na can be bought at le, ban ordinary Martel tuil;
thereby ettaidAng Min to au ply those who but fur CA.'
less than can furnished atewbere.
- Sept 10-3SAinol A. DEVIAI:D.
• • 0 N,erth Third Street, flultdelptis•
Ia flaureza—
no I
e Ed,
, hteirra Editors,
,end attar
.theps I am ea
ich your come
her theory of
S ouks, in which
.4, '.the man
Igor," you hut
'hide ,with yen
Id appeal tong
n of the country
e the appearance
igor and health of
eoeloped in the
same time this
mai disease and
rn—just la Mt
low of Iteelth and
attendant on in.
of that dire Ili&
its since restful
same prognoeten.
is Rose bugs con
y are as suddenly
ithful state of Oa
ea) I, .the Lai
n grow n remit,
tie ms,. * their bon
ever." The sot.
nee, , all hoogh so
rnish a great may
lumps, if properly
species of demo.
rat of eternal"
toad. In feet 1
to your (sir corm.
anion of which Intl
ig the, coming co.
tt.her connitsiton
ch will prove quit
stion.=-I mean, ne
d shallow plowing,
it is probable drat
hp and water milt
yr re ou n. 3 nc e o ( . huu -rat.
i nt on putrefletrati;
a reCireulition al
lotion : through Iha
of Honeydew, to
the excrements d
le lung before the,
y a return to brain.
Jude of Poisoning Rdt•
_h, with flour, mini
unsalted butter; Et
a manrowfat pee,os
inaeceeeitile to cbildar ,
dce. ' for four or Eu
I you find that the to
le thern ; then orbit 01
, pulverised arsenic,o
at on the premise-Ir'
at. is naturally to sot*
al modes of puisociel
l must 'first acquire they
'• •
As the effect of ttr
,oceedingly thirsty, its
for laying it, arid reeve
lies; the rate .will this
,eam, and die before they
l• Apropos of fel sr
voiding_ baits ad trap,
re, relates the followinp
uch annoyed by the
e succeeded, afire cotoia•
', eying them all senors
lima of the tribe, sed Fe
I of wits for a long In%
uch for him at twit ,
i i ng tailed enemy bad '
ilful general, he too 01
i c, P fearing e c ,h u
the t the
do P°l e:n t l;
c k
h t n
.d the wick 010