The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 26, 1848, Image 4

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I can't make up my mind, matoma.
In such unseemly haste;
Nor pick from all my dying •walns
A husband to my taste. -
There's gay Sir Charier, a charming man.
Bloat affable and kind.
Viriolo yea me ao devoutly, bui—
-1 Can't make op my crilint- •
And, next, there!. frank Sit Ilan y Weet,
So fond, so true, so airier,
Who, though I scold him all the day,
Adores me mote than ever.
There's Roger Snipe, the pink or beaux,
Or else yourdaucbter'e Wind.
And yet when Snipe grows serious, I-7
I can't make up my mind.
Theie's lawyer Keen, and poet Good.
Exemplars of their sort!
Still, 11111,1 can't make up my mind—
There's no accodn Aug for't
"Yee, yes. there ti," stern Troth replied
"Your vanity imparts
That false delight in flattering tongues,
Which turrets loving hearts."
"On purpose to make up tier mind,
So long this fair one tarried.
-tier lorers,lnatli to Inn: themselves,
Sought other maids—and married!
And, though mamma is growing old, .
•ller dai4bier looks much older, ..
E'er since her coquetry and pride
In the Old-Maids' Corps enrell'il her.
U—lbed's her .
Ilia cnt Liumor.
True Skefek.—Nlii, can I go to hear .
'the Negro serenaders, to-might t" • - 4
° No, my dear, I cannot think of letting you go
-to rush performances."
Why,,Ms, everybody goes to hear them; they
sing such comic songs, and tell all sorts . uf funny
stories; you can't help laughing all the f timr. I
'430 wish you would let me go."
You must not urge me, Charily. for I cannot
_'throw away money on fellows who go about Ins-
Rustled as Negroes, singing ailly songs that have
-no good tendency, and telling still more silly sto
ries, that are not calculated to Improve the mind,
but rather to dri hurt. And more than that, I do
not believe that any of the batter -class of society
visit their concerts.'•
" Indeed, Me, then you are grandly "mistaken:
for I heard-Judge Brown's boys say that theytWere
there with their father and sinters, and I saw. Mr.
Jones, my Sabbath school teacher, go in IssLeve,
'nirtg ; and .1 was in the store today whore they'
sell the tickets and the Moister of the Brook
street Church came in and purchased three or four
to take his family."
" Aro you sure abotit all you toll me, Clierly !"
"Oh, yes, Ma; and Mr. Smith remarked, when
he sold the ticket 4, that the concrs.were attended
by eery fashionable audiences.",
Well, thit alters the case some ; you may go.,
and tell your tkiater Angelica to dress for the con
cert, and we will accompany you—l believe there
is nothing but a prayer-meeting at rem Church
tonight. Wo must, at any rite, keep up with
the fashion!"
"Curiosity Salisfied.—Latly Jett:di asked
William Whiaton, of eccentric mcmory, one day
at her husband's tattle, to reaolve a dillicuPy
whicli occurred to her in the Nl,psaic account of
the creation. "Since it pleased God, sir," said
she, "to create the woman out of the men, why
did he form her out of the rib rather than any
other part?", Winston scratched his head end
'answered, Indeed, madam, Ido not know, unless
it he that the rib is the moat crooked part of the
body "There!" said her husband, you
'have it; now I hope you are astisfied."—LSouth
ey's Doctor.
'About Hanging.=l Scotch parson in his
prayer said,-e. r Laird bIeSA the great council, tlfe
parliament, 'and grani,l,.oyey may long h a ng
J. county/ fellow standing by, replied, Yes,
yea, with all my' heart, and the sooner the better,
and I'm sure it is the prayer of allaond peoplv."
But, friends," said the parson, don't mean
.as that fellow does; but pray they may all hang
-together in accord and concord."
' , No matt. I what cord," replied the other, FO
't is but a strong one !"
Shrewd Lessee.—Calling on a landlord for
a house, hie first inquiry was, How many chit•
.dren have your The good widow,replied, My
•children are all in the grave-yard." 'fhe house
leas instantly rented to her : hut it turned nut that
she had nine children ! She had sant them to a
neighboring burial ground, while she negotiated
'with the landlord. Though a shrewd one, he
admitted that he was,regularly done for" this
reA Stranger, one'Sunday, toak a seat in an
cropp , paw in grace Church, supposing that he
might be eceornmcalatetl. At iength the owner
•carne—e aingla men with one lady , . Now, the
pcw would contain five or six • with groat coinfOri,
but a stranger in the pew could not be . thought
of, ea our polite New-Yorker - hews the gontlenian
out Of -the pew, With an intiinatien that be bed
mistaken the pew !" • 0 I ace I have," Bays the
stranger, 0 I took it for a Chrislitn . .!—[Spirit of
Me Times.
C-s'" Patrick" acid a Yankee to an Irishman,
sis,..they passed a tree near Ilsrleoi with a rope
thangina, froin obit of its branches: " where ,lo you
suppose you would be now if that rope had its
deserts!' 4. Faith, and I'd be a walking here .oil
alone to New• York
Cleaned from lat.E English Journals
tti" Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the greatest
orator and essayist of the day, leave England
for his 'native shores Eamon immediately after the
three leCtures on Napoleon, D ,m - c...tic Life. and
Shakespeare, which he has undertaken to deliver
at Exeter Hall, the 23d, 27th and '3o:h instant.
on behalf 'of the Metropolitan Errly Closing As
sociatiom am lectures at the Mary lebone Liter
ary Institution Were attended by a mob Of literary,
scientific end' frishbliathle distioguets, including
Thomis Carlyle, lord Morpr ti. the Du hers of
Sutherland, Countess Lovelace, etc., etc. lle i•
regarded ex the finest lecturer since the days of
Coleridge. • P
E e ,- The rata Whiskey Cure.—An Australian
journal says, that an Irishman succeeded in ciiiiog
his wife, whose leg had lieen bitten by a venomous
serpent, through the application of a whiskey
bottle, mouth downward, to the wound. The
whiskey gradually became darker, and the discol
°nation round the hits diminished, until at last
the whole Of the posion appeared t have been
-absorbed by The'spiriiii.
Kranvil de .Neuillg visited Twiekerhain 'n
.few days since, and as soon as ii was noised abrilad
that be was there, a crowd soon began to gailio
emong4-Which was a petitioner of the exsking
'whom he recognized. and asked_ what he was
-doing. On being told , that he kept the Crown,
et 'Perickersham, and got on `pretty well, Louie
.Philippe till him be had tried to keepethe crown
at Parts, himself, but had failed most miserably.
fr~.To ship builders mid ship otencrs.-11 is
welLestablished and most important fact, that
timber, the produce of southern latitudes, is ne
cessary to the Construction al vessels ilestiried for
southern stations; as those huilk of timber front
northern regions split beneath 'the action of the
111111 . 5 rays, to .the intensity a which it is not
Democratic-Pacifique calls attention
to the following erudite epistle, addressed to the
Prefect of Vosges: "Sir s.-ILlKeet to inform
you that we had an eclipse of the muon in our
eillege yesterday evening. The rest, of tiro sky
was perfectly tranquil.—X , Mayor of Y."
, 7701%. , inq to the number of diamonds brought
over by, foreigners of distinction seeking refuge in
England, and the want a purchaser., the value of
bpilliants in the London market has been reduced
one•half. . •
['A subterranean fire.—At Lower Haugh,
near Rotherham, on the estate of Esrl Filzwilliam,
.en extensive bed.oCcoal beneath the +Maga is on
fire, awl hes been ia - that condition, burning with
greater or less intensity, (or at least twenty yea's.
Robert Own, in a rector. addreis to her
majesty, Geis that her royal father, the Duke of
Kent, was one of his earliest and firmest itiseiples.
France, its King, Court and Government, by Gen.
Cass, 25 ,
The Baronet's Daughter and Harry Monk, by kfre.
Grey, 25
'The T rapper's Bride or the Spirit. of Adventure, by
the author of the Pratte Bird,_ .
- The Ice King, or the fare of the lost Steamer, 25
Diving Nell,or the Doom of the Friendless, a ro
mance of New York, 35
'The Renegade. • romance of Border Life, 55
'Vie Hen Picked Husband, by the author of the His
tory of a Flirt, 25
The Conquestof Santa Fe, and New Mexico, In
The Deaf Spy, a tale upon Incidents in the [history
of Texas', - • 35
L. , The two Corpses or the Chamber of Death, by ~ F.
Soule, - 55
Together with a variety of other Books, Just received
and for sale at BANNAN'S
July IS. 29-) Cheap Book and Stationary Stores.
Wide Curtain Paper—
-3ln 00,,r4"`"r'" rns Cwl7,7iriwirbre..c :l n a t a a t in t i .Tig al r l i t c he
wholesale rad retell: The e highcat price paid L I ; rap es
etch:wig for paper, at ['ANNAN',
Aptila InlWhalesaleandßetailPeperStott.
Al the Old Stand, Centre Street, nesti door to
the Pollinate House.
.S. • & J. FOSTE R,
thm.•. ' ARE now receiving their
. Spring supplies of BOOTS &
8 HOES,comprising a first rate
assortment, which they now
°Beret wholesale or retail at the very lowest
• Prices. They have also on band Trunks, Va
lises, Carpet Bags, and Satehels,Soleand Upper Leather,
Morocco, Calf:Skim Lining and Binding Skins Shoe
klakers' Tools, and a general assortment of Sho e Sind
N. El:--Boote4 Shoes manufactured at short notice.—
Their friends and the public who are In want of any of.
the above articles are rerpectfally requested to givethena
a call:. • May 8,1 , 47, 19-
Pierian! Heealth:
The most to erne of all knots re-mates!
Dr. D. ake's Panacea,
Scrofula or Ring's Eiil,Rheurnattsm, Obstinate e g .
taneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pestules nn the
r ace .ftiotehes,Bilvi,Chronle Sore Eyes. Ring
Worm or Teller, Scald Head, Enlarge
' meta and Fain of the Bones and • •
Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Sypii-
Hide Symptoms, Sciatica
or Lumbago, diseases ,
arising from an in
judicious use •
or Mercury, Dropay, Eiposure or imprudence in iifs
also Chronic Constitutional disorders.
r.: this medicine several Innocent but very potent artl-
Adess of the regetablekingdom are united,formingacom•
pound entirely diffetent - in its character and mope:riles
from any other preparation,aMl unrivalled in its opera
tion on the system when laboring under disease. It
should be In the hands of every person, who by business
or general course of life; le predisposed to the very many
ailments that render life a curse Instead of a blessing,
and so often result in death.
Dr. Drake'sPanacca is recommended as a certain re
medy. Not one instance of its failure has ever occur
red when fr ely need' It cures the disease and at the
some time imparts vigor t. the Whole system. Scr° l- •
ulnus persons can never pay too much attention to the
state of their blond. Its purification should be their !Irv!
aim • for perseverence will accomplish a cure of even
here:it:ors disease.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, White Swelling
Erysipelas, Ulcers, Lancets, Running Sores, Scabs and
Biles,Dr. Drake's Panacea.cannot be ion highly eztniled;
it searches °untie very root of tne disease, and by re
moving It from the sputum, makes a mire certain and
No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which
*ayes en much tone to the stomach and causes the se
cretion of a he.ttby gastric inks to decompose the food
,as Dr Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Drake's Panacea is used with the greatest snecess
to Rheumatic Corriclaints,especial'y such as are chronic.
It cures by driving all impurities 'and foul humors
which lilae accumulated in the system. which are the
cause of Rheumatism, Gnut,and swellings of the joints.
Oilier remedies sometimes give temporary relief; this
entirely eradicates the disease from the system, even
when the Ilintia and hones are dreadfully swollen.
Commption can be eured..—Couchs. Catarrh, Bran
chitis,'Spilling of final, Asthma, Difficult or Profuse
Expectoration, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Pain in the
Side, &c., have been cured, and can lie with as much
certainty as any other simple disease.• A specific ha.
long been sought for but in vain, until the discovery of
Dr, Drake's Pangaea. It in mild and safe but certain
and efficaci In its npermtion, and cannot possibly in
jure the most delicate constitution. We wouldearnest
ly recommend those afflicted to it a trial—and we
believe they will not have occasion to regret it. The
system Is cleansed and strengthened, the ulcers on the
lungs are healed, and the patients madually regain
their usual health and strength. Read the following
' '
. .
Philadelphia. Dec. 14th, 1847,
Dear Sire—ln reply to your question respecting the
nen of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will say. that although a
perfect disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea, or
cure for all diseases, however valuable it may he In
certain conditions of the system, still I have believed
that a core for consumption vrnuld be discovered soon
er or later, and curiosity lcd me to try your medicine in
two very inveterate cases. They were pronounced by
the attending physicians to br pulmonary Consumption,
and abandoned by them as incurable. One of these
persons had been under the treatment of several very
able practitioners for a number of years, and they said
she had " ohLfashioned Consumption combined with
Scrofula," and that she might linger for some time, but
could not be permanently. rtlieved. In bnth cases the
effect of the l'anacea has been most gratifylns. Only
our or five bottles were used by one of the persons be
fore she began to improve rapidly. The other took about
ten. I will only add that familiar as lam with Con
sumption by inheritance and by extensive observation
as a study, and tone ing also the injurious effects in
nine eases not of ten of tar, boneset, and oilier vegeta
ble tonics, as well as of many eipectorants and seda
tives, I should never have recommended the use of
Drake's Panacea WI had not been acquainted with the
Ingredients. Suffice it to ssy that these are recommen
ded by our most popular rind scientific physicians. and
in their present combined state, form probably the best
alternattve that has. ever been. made. The mire is in
acconlance with a theory of Consumption broached in
France a few yearn .40" by one of her most 'eminent
writers - no medicine, and now established by facts which
admit of no dispkite.
Very respectfully yours. • ' . 1. C. GUNN.
Tonne the language nianother' "Dr. Drake's Pana
cea is always salutary in its of imurinus.
It is not an opiate--It is not an expectorant It is .not
intendlid to lull the invalid into a fatal security. It;is a.
great remedy--a grand.healing i.nd curative compouhd,
the great and only remedy which medical scienreand
skill has yet produced for the treatment of hitherto
unconquered malady; and no person adlioed withibis
dread disease, will be joist to himself and Ids friends, it
he gn down to the grave withont testing its virtues.
A single bottle, in most cases, will produce a favorable
chang, In the condition of any patient ho.wevei low."
Ladies of pale complexion and consumptive batons,
and such as are debilitated by those obstrisettons which
females are liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle
.nr two to bloom and vigor. It is by far the best remedy
ever discovered for weakly children, and such as have
bad humors; Befog pleasant-they take it. It immedi
ately interns the appetite, strenrh and color.
Nothing can be more surprising than its ins ignra ing
effects on the human fin me. Persons all weakness and
lassitude before takink it, at once become robust and
fall of energy under its influence. It immediately coun
teracts the nervelessness of the female frame.
(311T10N.--lie careful and see that you get the gen
nine Dr.'P. l'anacea—it has the Pienutnre of Gen
F.Storrs on the wrapper, and mbn the name "Dr. Drake's
Panama. Phila.," blown in th, glass.
Prepared only by STORRS s. Co., Druggists, No. 1.2
Nnrth Sixth street. Phila. .
Also for sale at JOHN G. RITOWN'S Drnestore. and
E. BANN N's !look stores, PratFv(lte; C. Frailvy,Or
rvizsburz ; E. J. Fry. Tamaqua; J. U. FM I, , Miners
rill° ; 11. Shissler, fort Carbon,
4 11,
114 ! REMEDY foYe l4°7
Facts for -tne People.
r 'tle constantly inrlea<in~ popularity and sate of If.
who oretovalins of itir suttees, to polio our °trim the pub
lic preparation,' which all medical trkan know to he inet.
fictitious in exptilint worms from the system.
This Verintruge made its way into public farm upon
the ground of its non intrinsic Merits, mote than any
other medtenie of the kind now used; and, while many
worm by dint of punitte, been !erred into
sale, and shortly after gone into the obsctirity which
their worthl.,..nes.,:ipuly merited, It. A. ralinestork's
Vermifore rutin:mes to 6r triumphantly sustained. It
has only to he used and its effects will fully sustain all
that it naid of its linotlerfillexpelling pots er.
Wales. Erie CO , New ti ork, Jan.:,1943,
We certify that we have aced B. A.Fahnehteck'a
in our families, and in every, case it has [gui
ded a decided and etrertual reinedy for expelling wiffins
from the system. We cordially recommend it to pa
rents who have ilfldreti afflicted with that dangerous
malady.. ELON
wm. n. PAIN
For sale, wholesale and rein it, at thedrits warehouse
Corner of Sixth and Wood sta., Putchnre,
For sale in I'•+ttsville, by CLEMENS &
DrumNsts. December 9 ,--50
ETIN, NO. 7.
During the months of
Anaust. and /lepton,-
tvr, stomach and bowel
xonplaints ravage mvny
portirms of the country.
One•third of an the deaths
luring thnt period wilt he
he result of these dui-mitt
les. For Children, the
iraefenberg CHILDREN'.
'AXACEL. Will move Info).
ible preventive end cure.
For adults suffering en
d., the worst forms of
Diarrhoea and Dysentery,
Bloody Flux, and the like.
the VraelTenburg DTSENTERY 9vatre Is equally infal
lible, . _
The tables of mortality In the city of New York,
during the week ending the lath of July instant. show
Mal out c.f !d4 death, 105 were caused by the above
disorderst Tate same ratio will elsewhere appear.
In Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the like. the cele
brated .Graefenberz Irma-rains Paco and Ylescirt
Iln-rans are The most reliable medicines. and they
should be procured wirticnat a moment's delay. The
Grasfenberjr . Sarsaparilla , Campousel istaking the lead
of all others, and contains double rho number of doses
of any other. '
ta.The General Agents for Pennsylvania, Maryland
and District of Cohonbia. are Howell & Read, No. 40
South Fecund , St. Ploladriphla, rn Whom application
nay be addressed. EDWARD BARTON, Sete V.
And A' T imic he T. S. C. Martin, Pottsville; J. W.
Gibbs, Minersville; E. J. Fry, Tamaqua; J. If. Alter,
'coven'," Middleport • Robert But
ler, Spring Vale, (Aug. 19, 'aa
-... CREAM
li„/ ADE of pure Clrarli,vid highly , flavored, always
IV.I on and and ferrate at the Drag and Coofectinn
ary store of the suliscriher, which will be served to cue.
corners &aids every day and cveninz. Funnies'
parties and pleasure excursions furnished iuort
notice. Give us a call. We are always-read nd
much . - pleased to wait on our friends and en ewers
generallv• JOHN S. C. NAIttIN.
Jiine i 7 '
THE subscriber has in his employment two Book-
Binders, and is prepared to bind, re-bind and num.
facture to order, books of every description. Peraons
w hini ng Binding done, will pie Ise send in their Books
Immediately, to keep the bands employed.
lie rules - end binds !Bank and Time Books to almost
any pattern, at short notice. B.:BANNAN.
blay2o 21-7 At his Cheap Book &Stationery Store.
N. B.—A number of books left to be , bound. are .1111
remaining et tyse Establishment—some for two and th ree
Unieskesilied for shortly they wink,' soldto pay
[of Philadelphia.]
Or Prorieion against the expense and loss occasioned
by Sickness or Accident.
COMPA NI - incorporated March% 1616, (MUTUAL.)
with a Capital of $106,000. Insures all persons be
tween the ages of 18 and 65. an immediate ellowance of
1/3.51.415;116,40 or $lO per week, for one, two, three,
or fire yea., by paying a certain yearly VIM.
Thus a person under thirty-five,-insuring for one
year, by praying a year, is atiosred 3 per week ; for
* 3 25, 614 per week; and in the same proportion. nee
of a like age by paying $5 55 a year. gets $5 per week:
for 01.90. $5, 011 2l SS; and for 111 83, he gets $lO
for every week of disability occasioned by sickness or
areident, during the year. By paying a fraction more
yearly, a weekly allowance can he insured of from $3
to $lO for two, three or five years. The. rates are to
be paid yearly In advance, and are In proportion to the
age and the weekly allutygnce. In case of permanent
disability, occurring after tin insurance for. say fie•
years, at a weekly allowance of 010,a person would be
in the yearly receipt of $520 a year, for the entire five
There are no weekly . or monthly assessments to pay,
or attendance of meeting required; and by the charter
the Insured receive e share of the net profit,. without
liability for losses. There is ample security for the in
: lured. es can be shown, and promptness and liberali
' ty le exercised in the payment of benefits. For parti
culars, Inquire at the office, No. 69 South Seventh -at.,
above Walnut ,}Alt letters mast be post paid.
Samuel D. Orrick, Iron Merchant, No. 109 North Wa
Calvin Blythe, Attorney and Counsellor, fillth below
• Charles B. Iltll, Wholeiala Commission Merchant,
31 Church Alley.
William F. Boone, Attorney and Counsellor, 51 South
Jacob Snyder, Jr. Wine Merchant, No 76 Walnutst.
Inhn Thomason , 05 N. Sixth-at
Daniel C. Lockwood. Tax Collector, Cherrtstreet,
near Schuylkill Seventh street.
James P. Bruner, Wholesale Wool Dealer, No. 6
4% Plow-street.
Edward Duff. Merchant. tin. 39 N. Wharves.
Edward J Crane. Clerk. No, 332 S. Fiflli.strest.
Charles P.Rayes, Coal , Merchant, Willow-st. Wharf.
Charles 0. P. Campbell, Iron Nlerchont,Waierthbove
Race-street. SAMUEL D. ORRICK, President.
W. F. BOON E. See - retary and Solicitor.
Governor Emerson, M. D., 167 Walnut-street, Con-
Bolting Physician.
The etibecriber has been appointed Agent for this
Institution in Schuylkill County. and is prepared to
give any information on the subject, and effect Insuran
ces on the terms of the company. at the office of the
Miners' Journal: B. BANNAN.
June 21. 181 S..
Office No. 91, IValnut cleat.
TCompany is now ready to make INSURANCES
on LIVES, on them anal system, without liability
beyond the amount attic premium.
• All the profits 011ie Company divided annually among
the insured.
The premium may be paid quarterly, semi-annually,
or annually. or one-half of thepremium may be paid in
a note at 12 month, •
Individuals insured in this Company become members
of the corporation, and vote for trustees.
I he rates of premium, with a full participation in the
profits, are as low as thom of any other Institution In
the state or country, and lower than any of the English
Companies with only a portion of the profits.
Blank applications for Insurance, with particulars
tan he had at the office.
DANIEL 1.. MILLER, President.
WILLIAM M. CLARKE, Vice President.
JOHN W. lIORNOft, Si•cretary.
Edward Hartshorne, M.D.; Medical Examiners,
Mark M. Reeve,
In attendance daily from Ito 2 o'clock; P. M.
Jii22.48.4-I:y •
OFFICE Z6.lo3l,Cheenut street, near Fifth street
Charles N. Baneker, George W. Richards,
Thomas . Aforde , mi D. Lewis.
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Boyle,
Samuel Grant. David S. Brown,
Jacob R. Smith, . Morris Patterson
• •
Continue to make Insurance, permanent or limited,
on every description of property, in town and country
at rates as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contin.ent
Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely
Invested, afford ample protection to the assured. -
The assets of,the Company on January Ist. 1 8 1 q, as
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as
follows, viz.:
51mi:tares, i500,55d 65 Stocks,.
Real Eetate, 1105,354 00 Cash, fce.,
Tymporary I
loans, 125,459 00
Since their incorporation. a period of eighteen years.
they have paid[ upwards of one million Ira hundverl
thousand 'dollars, lasers by fire. thereby affording evi
dence n( the advantages of insurance. os well as the
ability and dispositioo to meet rich promptness. all
liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKEIL President.
. ' • CHARLES G. RANCHER, Secretory.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for the
above mentioned institution. and is now prepared to
make insurance, on every description of property, at
the Imams! rates. ANDREW RUSSEL. Agent.
Dottavtile.Junelh, 184125 (FeblU-S
mins Company baying organized according to the
provisions of its charter, Is now prepared to make
Insurances accainst loss by Flee on the mutual principle,
combined with She owearity of a jeint stock capital.—
The advantage of this system is, that effictent security
s afforded at the lowest es xi, that the business can be
done for, as the whole profits (less an Interest not to
exceed 6 per cent. per annum on ibe capital) will be re
awned to the members of the institution. without their
becoming responsible for any of the enaagements nr li
abilities of the Company,further than the premiums ac
rosily paid.
The great success which this system has met with
wherever it has been introduced, induces the Directors
to request the attention of the public to it, confident
thatii requires but to be and - intim(' to be appreciated.
The act of Incorporation,and any explanation in re
cord to it, may be obtained by applying at the Office
Xorthrest corner of 6th and ;rood alt., lor of B. BAN:.
NAN, Pottsville.
L. KRUAIIIIIAAR, Secretary. .
Charles Stokes, • George W. Ash.
Joseph Wond, -Abraham' R, Perkins,
Elijah Daßeit, . David Rankin, ,
P. L. Laguerenne, . Walter B. Dick,
Samuel Townsend, Joseph Parkes,
The stinscriber has been appointed Agent for the 'a
bove mentioned Institution, and is prepared to effect
nsnrances on-all descriptions of ploperty at the lowest
ates. _ _ _ , r R. BANNAN.
National Loan
ranee Society of Lotidott.
A SAVINGS BANK for the Benefit of the Widow
nnd'ahe tlrphan.• —Empowered by Art of Par. 1
liament.—Capital £500,000 nr 112.500,1100—Beeldes a Re
serve Fund (from Surplus Premiums) of about .9:ISNO-
T. Lamle (Murray, Esq., George street Hanover
sq”are. Chairman of the Court of Dlrecutrs in London
Physician.—J. lillintson, M. [l., F. it: S. Actuary.—
W. S. Wonlhoose, Esq , F. R. A., S. ' 'Secretary.—
F. F. Commas, Esq.
The Iniinwing are among the advantages offered by,
this institution :
The guarantee of a large capital, hi addition to the
accumulation rof pre mi nts. The peculiar be nefi Caeca
red to the assured, by the principle of.the loan depart
ment. The paymet of premium half-yearly, or quar
terly, by part fee insured fir whole term of life, et a tri
fling additionil charge- The travelling leave estonalve
:Illiberal. Per:sans insured for life, ran tanner: horrors
hal amount Of annual premium, and,clalm the same
pri liege for Ore SUCCeSPiVe years, nn their own note
and deposit of policy. Part of the Capital is perma
nently invested in the Gaited States, in the names of
'three of the l Local Directors, as Trustees--avallable
alway a to the assured In eases of disputed claims
(should any s eh arise) or otherwise. Thirty days al
lowed after 'ach payment of premium Mums, due
without Imre'
The Snciet
stork ptincip
the S.letety ;
among those'
the General
New lar, .c
neer par pa
c. - Any infil
he obtained etA
oto ust
M° K s
o t rn
y paylnel •
inlay or her
*l3 10 he se ,
ally for 7 ye
die 1n - yea;
lifebe prov •
for 15 6 5 50 1
one year.
on the 27t10
referred In II
Comp ny,l
ties for th
were issue
°Mem the
will be entif
making en Ut
111100, will I I
instead of th
that were we
or SS7 50 o 0
will be tntit
and in retail!
prior to Ist rt ,
•The llonolt
books endo
It is the d
addition or I
Jowl r
13-Tne sub
above taint
Ito-i, at the
desired op t
wash as mo L
CallerAor's 7
Warrants 1.
Blank Orde
Always an
51,563 .25
45,157 87
mid Life Assn-
',cure of policy. No charge for mcdfcal
ty bailie iliuniird on the Mutual and Joint
te, par irs may participate in the pro fi ts of
1 wo-thirds of which are annuahr divided
asm3red for Itfe on the participation scale.
$o are desirntis to avail themselves of the
ffermi by thin Institution, by addressing
rent. J. Leander Starr, N 0.74, Wall St.,
n obtain the,requialte information and the
ere for erecting an insurance.
rmation with regard to this Company can
the office or the Miners' Journal.
1181) 34
Offiec 159 Chrsnut Street.,
mance rn Livea,grant Annuities and En
u, and receive and exernte trusts.
. • • ,
or husuring 9100 on a single life.
r I year. Ford years. For Life.
- annually. annually.
6' 95 1 77
0 914 1 36 2 36
.169 193 320
1 96 2 09 . 4 CO
4 35 4 91 7 00
—A permin aced 30 years next birth-day
e Companyill 31, would secure to his fa
-34100, should he die in one yea 1 ; or for
cures to them WOW; or for 913 60 anon
are ; he secures to themlllooo should he
're; .or f0r95360 paid annually during
des for them 91000 wheneier he dies,
ley would receive 93000 should be die In
JlllOlll4 ".0.1815.
ten of this Company, at a meeting held
December ult., agreeably to the design
e original prospectus or circular of the
rroPrialed a Bonus or addition to all poll
whole, of life, remaining in force, that
prior to the Ist of January, 1845. Those
refore which were issued in the year 1836,
Bed to 10 per cent upon the sum insured,
Iddition of 1100 on every 11000. That Is
A be paid when the policy becomes a claim
‘e /1000 originally insured. Those policies
sued in 1837 will he entitled to 83 per cent.
every 11000. And those Warted In 1838,
itled to 7} per cent, or 175 on every 100,
lie proportions on all said policies issued
1 , January, 1845.
s will be credited to each polocy on the
'red on presentation at the Office.
'sign of the Cfittipatty. to continue to make
bonus to Tie policies for life at stated
11. W. lIICIIARDS, President
'Scriber bag been appointed Agent for the
iition, and Is prepared effoct Insurances on
.tj published rates, and give any information
be subject, on application at this office:
Feb. Ath,
Oily return. for teachers,
nd Treasurer's fonds,
r Collecting School Tag,
F' Books and Permit looks.
band and for sale at lIANNAN'S
.<lll4ling Office and Banana/4e.
I,Ang. • - •
See safe or imparted re order, by alant/griber.
rrHESE R opesl are now almost exclusively used in.
J. the Collieries and on the Railways in Great Bril
-1 en, and are found to be greatly superior to Hempen
I ones as regards safety. durability and economy.
The Patent Wire Ropee, Dave proved to be 'still In
good condition after three year's service, In the same
situation where the Hempen ones, previously used. of
doable the sine and weight would weer out Maine or
ten =nabs. They_ hare been used for almost every
purpose to. which Hempen Ropes and chainsharobeen
applied. Mines, Railways, Heavy Cranes, Standing
Rigging. Window Coeds, Lightning Conductors.Sigual
Halyards, Tiller Ropes, &e. They are made either of
Iron or Copper Wire, and In cues of midi exposure
to dampness, of Calvanixed Wire.
Testimonials from the most eminent Engineers in
England can be shown as ro their etrigieney, and any
additional Information required respecting the differ
ent deactlptions and application will be given by
ALFRED F HEMP, 75 Broad at.. New York,
Bole Agent in the United States.
New York, May 300,1846. • 44
i "
k a. la
.. ,y
• 01;
.6 to fo. - ;b 3
• 11
41. e, 0
co .2 •-• ./.
. .. co co -0 „ so
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•.- •/ •5
ce I I
:Z ii'
•,;:t z-
s . , J ; la tvr,.. fl r 3
• =;,-;
- fLi I
THE subssriber would respectfUlly in.
form his friendcand customers, that he has
TORY In Third street, No. 06, a few doors
3below Race, where he would be pleased
elils to see Isis old customers and as many new
ones as are disposed to favor hint with their
. custom. lie still continue. to manulscture
s Military and Sportmen's articles of every
description, such as Leather, Cloth, Felt,
Silk and Beaver Dress Caps, of all patterns;
Forage Ceps. Holsters for Troop, [lady do.
Cartmsch Boxes, Bayonet Scabbards. Sword
belts of all kinds. Canteens, Knapsacks, different pat
terns; Fire Buckets. Passing Boxes. Tube do. Brusher;
andPickera, Plumes, Ponipoons,Flremen's Caps. Lea
ther Stocks, Curt Cages, sirperfor quality Shot Bags,
Game Bags, Drums, &c. Orders thankfully received
and promptly attended to. Wlll. CRESSMAN,
N0.13d, North :LI strt., it few doors below Race.
Phlia .Jan. 13.1811.
HAVE REMOVED from 192 Market Street. to
their new splendid and Immense estahltsliment to
No 182 Market Street. between Fifth and Sixth,
Philadelphia The proprieturi feel a reluctance in
mulgating what in any way might appear like the
usual Bombastic exaggeration of some in the trade,
but will beg tease to quote the following notice from
one of our city papers
..One of the greatest curiosities that our city Affords
to the st ran ter, is Bennett & Co's. great clothing store.
No. 182 Market street, between Fifth and Sixth;
which has been styled "Tower 11111."Ifrom the pecu
liar finish of the front. The building is an ionnense
one, containing seven capacious rooms. all of which
are stockiil with every variety of seasonable garments,
arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. Tho
proprietors take great pleasure in showing their build
ing and contents to the citizens, particularly strangers.
and to those coming from the country—we know of nu
place more worthy of a visit [May27 22-3 mo
That dread/0..1'h I 7 7 / a Lungs ars in danger/
The work of the destroner hints begun!
The cough of consumption hutA in
it a sound of Dcatill
ARE you a mother 1 Your darling child, yrfur
and earthly joy, is now, perhaps, confined to hrr
chamber by a dangerous cold— her pale cheeks, her thin
shrunken ringers, tell the hold disease has atready gam
ed upon her—the sound of her sepulchral ough pierced
your soot.
.''Yeurig man, when just about to enter life, diseal,
sends a heart-crushing blight over the lair prospects ot
the future—your hectic cough and feeble limbs tell el
your loss of hope, but you need not despair. There is
a balm which will heal the wounded lungs{ it is
Mrs. ATTREE, the wife of Win. H. Attrie, Fact, was
even up by Dr, Sewall of Washington, Drs. itm and
McClellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr. Mott or
New York. tier friends all thought she must die
She had every appearancenf being in Consumption-an
was ertoronnuitced by her physicians—Sherman's Bal
sam was gi•en and it aired her.
Mrs.G A RRA BRANTZ of ltull's Ferry. was also ta
red of tnitsumption by this Balsam when all ether re
medies failed to give relief—she was reduced to a• ske
leton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist, 'Slit, Broadway, Lan
witnessed its effects in several capes where no- nther
medicine afforded relief—.but the Balsam operated like
a charm. Dr. C. also witnessed its wonderful effecti is
coring asthma, which it never fails of dark. Spitting
blood, alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by this
Balsam. It bells the ruptured or wounded blood ves
sels, and makes the lungs sound again.
Rev. HENRY JONES. 102, Eighth avenue, was co.
red of sough and catarrhal affection ofSOyears standing.
The first dose gave him more relief that: all the oilier
medicine he bad ever taken. Dr. L.. 1. Beats, 19, De
laney street, gave is to a who was labor
ing under Con omption, and to another sorely adlieted
with the Asthma. I._ In both ca./milts effects were im •
mediate, noon restored them to comfortable health
Mrs. LUCRETIA, WELLS, 95, Christie street, suf
fered from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam re
lieved her at once, and she is comparatively vrell,nong
enabled to subdue every Minch by a lithely use of this
medicine. This indeed is the great remedy for Cmichit
Cclde. Spitting Blood, Live, Complaints, and all the
affections of the throat, and even Asthma and Con
, sump - don.
Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle.
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges, and Poor
Man's Plasters sold as above. •
Dr. Sherinun's Office is it 106, Nassau street, N. Y.
Also for sale by the following' agents in Schuylkill
J. G. BROWN, Pottsville.
11. Shissler, Port Carbon. I
Wm. 11. Barlow, New Philadelphia•-
T. Williams, Middleport. • ,
11. Schwartz, Patterson
.1. It Alter, Tuscarora.
!Winer & Morgenroch, Tamaqua
Wm. Price, tit Clair.
Geo. Reitsnyder, New Castle.
Jas. B. Falls. Mlnrrsville
Jonas Kauffman. Llewellyn
J. Christ,
Jaen!) Kauffman, I.nwer Mnhen'ongo.
Shnener & Garrett, Ornrienhurg.
Lyon & Bushel, Port Clinton.
Levan &. Kautfinan, Schuylkill Haven.
Paul Barr, Phlegmy, [Ora 4:-10-enw
'TR = A S
, _, _ - -
AMEDICINE which le perfectly vare,and may he giv,
en to children, from tender Infancy to advanced
age, lays under no restraint as In told seater, or any
kind of food. Pufges mildly, subduing fcter,—ileslroYs
and expels worms with invariable auccess—and tseasi•
Iv administered to children.
That it possesses these valuable properties, is fear
lessly asserted—still claiming the additional advantages
of being given in small butt, and requiring none of the
drenching which Worm,Tea and other supposed Ve
fuges demand. Durini its brilliant career, it has been
Introduced into many families ovitere every other known
and accessible Vermifuge has been tried without the
•least success, where it has promptly melted Worms
to an almost incredible amount.
As evidence of the surprising effects of Dr. M'Essee
WORM SPECIFIC. we give the following ;
On Saturday, febroa ry7th,1940, Mr. James Richard- -
son called at the Drug Store of .1. Kidd & Co. corner
of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburg. Pa. and made
the following statement:—"A child of mine had been
very sick for some ten days—we had given her Pure*.
live medicines, but it bad done her no good. One of
our neighbOure came in and said it was Worms that
were destroyint the child, and at the same time spoke
of the wonderful effects she had witnessed from using
Dr. N' Lame o Worm Specide,in that neighborhood. We
procured a vial—gave one tea-spoonful, and the child
discharged/arty two worms. I then gave another tea
spoontbl, which brought forty-air more,making in all
et:Dry-eight Worms. As a dutyl owe' to you, and the
coalmanl7ot large. I freely make known these facts.
My child is now well. What Is! most remarkable, the
Worm SpeOdc expelled the ,Worins alive, In about four
house ller I gave it to the child." ,
For rale io Pottville by John .9 C. Martin, & „Tolle G.
Brown Druggists. • [JO 41-1-em
rrillE Geographical and Geological Diets Motinn o
J. mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, including also,
notices and localities of the various mineral Bitumin
ous substances, employed in arts and manufactures,
illustrated by maps and dio'gramet embra•lng from
official reports of the meat Countries, the respective
amounts of their production, consumption and cont.
martial distribution, in ail parts of tba world; toptb,
er with their prices, tariffs. duties and interoatbnal'
regulations.tecompapled by nearly four hundred sta.
tistical tables, and eleven hundred analyses of mineral
combustibles, with Incidental statements of the statis
tics of iron manufsr_tures, derived from authentic so
Prepared by Richard Cele/leg Tey/nr, FeMaw of the
Geolnsical Society of London, member of the Ameri
can rbllOSOphiCai Society, the Historical Society of
Pennsylvania, of the Academy of Natural, Sciences of
Philadelphia, of the Albany Institute New York, and
of various other Societire in Europe and America. .
A supply of Mesa workciert received and threat,' at
Jane SI 9
Shit, Bookstores. •
Joseph AlcAturrare Passage
02nD? MID 1132 Ewer torrsamsnms TAMIASE
01310 E In THE our= erases.
- 9 - THE subscriber I. respectfully begs
i ~,, -.. leave to tender his sincere thanks to
• 0 , ... his numerous friend. and the public,
- ..
h II __Ws , for the Teri liberal suppon he bus re
';.c..a-sJ,-'-'' _ Weed for upwards of twenty years,
. an eolkits a continuation of their
cOaddence. The , atch-with which his panengew
have been brought t. and the promptness with which
his nay au tuerops efts hive been elide: lb e dirk rent
banks, are, be Miners kimielf, a stifdtlent guarantee In
the public for the faithful performance - ef any future
contmcfs epteted Into with him.
The following are the REGULAR LINE OP PACK
! ETS, which nail punmnally on their appointed days, by
which paisenters will be brought - out without delay or
disappotntmcnt, viz.:
sutra' tisanes canons. DATA Or 'AMINO raost N.Y.
Patrick Henry, Delano. Jany. 6 May 6 Sept.- 4
Waterloo,. - F.R.Allen, " II ' '• II " 111
Sheridan, Cornish, " WI "26 "24
Henry Clay, Nye, Feby. - 6 Jur.e 6 Octr. 6
New Ship, "• II " -II "' 11
Garrick. Runt, " 26 " 26. •" 23
New World. Knight, March 6 July 6 Noir. 0
John R.Bkiddy.lLuce, ' " 11 " 11 " 11
Roscius, Moore; " 26 , .- 26 " 26
Ashburton, Roseland, April 6 Aug. 6 Deer. 6
West Point, %Titmice • " ii ". It " 16
81,Idons. Cobb,. " 25 " 25 " .31
sums' NAMES. CA-T'iee. DOTS IMMO 72.01 F crestel...
Patrick henry De.lno, Feby 21 June 21 Oct 21
Waterloo, F.R.Allen, " 26 .. 26 .. 26
Sh e ridan, Cornish, Mar. 11 July II N0v.16
Remy Clay. Nye.
G N l e ry w ic S k. hiP.
Hunt, ' April 1 1 1 2
Au :: g. 25 1 1 11 D : : 2
ec. 2 1 1 1 6
New World, Knight, " 211 " Si " 21
John R Sklddy, Luce, • .. 25 .. 28 " 2,
Ikeda,.. Moore, May 11 Sept. II Jau. 11
Ashburton, Howland. " 21 " 21 " 21
West Point, W.ll.Allen " 26 " 20 "28
Skidoos, I Cobb, lJunts II Oct II Feb.ll
le addition to the above recolar line. a number of
Splendid ships, such as the Adirondack, Marmion. Rap
pahaonnek, Liberty, Sea, St. Patrick; Samuel Ilkks,
Columbia, and.N totem, will co ntinue to sail from Lie-
-711 .
i : r,....
C g
a ...
tt" 7 a.:
3 );
erponl weekly In regular raiitession, thereby preventing
the leant posaibility of delay or detention in Liverpool :
and for the accommodationnf persons wishing in remit
money to their family or friendk. I have arranged the
payments of my drafts on the following banks:
Armagh, Cionmel, Enniskillen. Omagh,
.Athlone, Cavan, Ennis, Saisontown,
Bandon, Falm o Y. En niaeorthy, Skibbereen,
Beast, Cootehill, Galway, Sligo,
Banbridge, Drogheda, Kilkenny, Strabane,
Ballyniena, Dundalk, Kilruah. Trolee;
liallyshannonDungarvan, Limerick, Wexford,
Bullies, Dungannon, Londonderry,Waterford,
Cork, Downpattick,:tionaghan, Tunghai.
Coleraine, Dublin,
a 1. 1
4 .1'
Ear/amt.—Messrs. Spooner, Atwood & Co., bankers,
London; and Mr. E. S. Flynn, Liverpool.
&atlaad.—The City of Glasgow Bank, and all Its
branches and agencies.
Passages can a 1.4 be engaged front Liverpool to
Philadelphia, Boston, gad Baltimore, by the regular
packet ships, on application being made personally or
by letter post paid addressed In B. BANNAN,Potteville;
JOSEPH MeNIUBRAIr. Corner of Pine ar,d South Its..
New Fork;; •cr Mr. GEO. McMURRAV, No. 117,
.Waterloo Road, Liverpool. r E.Tanle-1.4
s• a
. 0
CD ,*
• ,-0 1107 .itz- z,
---- '14 4 -1 at .
v_t, _
r A
From J, C. Jenkins & Co.,
S. IV. corner of Chuang and TwetßA:streels,
M 11.—One of our partners having learned the Tea
'business of the Chinese them/Alves, during a resi
dence of seven years among them, the pubic may there
fore expect of us the full benefit of the knowledge and
experience thus acquired.
To our Black teas, particularly, we wish to roll at
tention as possessing a degree of strength and richness
of flavor seldom equalled. Black teas are universally
used by the Chinese, who consider the Green lit only
for foreigners. Our physicians also recommend the
Black as making a mare healthful beverage than the
Green. Each package is so secured as to retain the
virtues of the tea for a long time in any climate, and
contains fur/ rreig•hlef tea, independent of the metal and
paper with which it is enveloped.
.1. C.'JENEINS Ia Co.
The above warrants tea, pit up in 1. 4. and I lh.
c't reneive dand will he constantly kept for
die by the subscriber. J. WHITFIELD.
N10v37 /7 48-tf
4.)11Q:W .
VTR' 'Lsi:
.- J -61 .4;
r, no m the state of Neel York.—
r Messrs. J. Kidd &I,Co.
Gests:—Please send me by Express, 11 dozen boxes
4 . McLane's Lieer P4tts." They ore selling good here e
and suit generally. Tours - E. E. Seenmsts.
.11regrille, Chatanque Co., N. T.. Dee. 29, 1810.
Prepared for thmnroprieter and sold IV 1101eP1110 and
retail hy J. KIDD & Co.
.No. 60 Wood street, PittehurS. Pa.
re N. IL.-r•Purcluisers will please be particular and
Inquire for "Dr. hlcLane'll LiV2l. Pills," and take no
The Increased demand for Dn. APLAigEB LIVER
PILL, since their introduction by an an his agents; has
far exceeded ourmest slngeine expectations. It is now
about TEN TEARS since they were brought before the
public. During this time hundreds of certificate. hare
been handed us; testifying to their effteacy, and mating
the very great relief they had derived from the use of
them. We have now in our possession many certifica
tes front respectable persons, who have used Dn.
M'LANE'S LIVER PILL with the most happy revalue,
where every other known remedy had been used in vain
Also, quite a number of regultirphystelatis,of good stan
ding, through the country, are using and recommending
in their practice.
It has,bein our aincere wish, that these Pills should
he fairly and fully tested by esperloice, and stand or fall
by the effects produced. That they have been so tested,
and that the result hos been in every respect favorable,
we call thousands to witness, who have experienced
their beneficial effects.
Da. L'I.ANE'S PILLS are not held fort or recom
mended (like most of the popular med kin es of the day)
as universal cure-alls, but simply fur LIVER COM
PLAINTS. and those symptoms connected wrth a de
ranged mate of that organ. J. KIDD at Co.
For sale In Pottsville by John S. C, Martin, and John
C. Brown Druggists.
1 . XGO
• 449?
r , tr I.'ftt
9107 s Alain street, Brffalo,-11113,i YORK.
DR. G. C. VAUGHN'S VegetableLithontriptic Mix
turmartelebiated medic ine w hit la has made GRE AT
CURES in ALL mein 's. Is now Introduced into this
section. The Ilmirb °fan advertisement will net per.
mit in Amended notice of this remedy we have' only
to any it has for its agents in the United Slates and Can.
adas a large number of educated ',tensest enactment
tea in high professional standing, who make a general
use of it in their practice in the following diseases:
And diseases of Ike Urinary organs; piles and all din.
vises of the Mood ; derangements of the Liver, 4-c., and
alt general diseases of the system. I: Is estrrictms sty
requested that Ni who contemplate the use of this ar
ticle, or who desire In fornmtion respecting it, will obtain
a PAMPHLET of 32 pages, which agents whose names
are below will gladly give away; this hook treats upon
the method of cure explain i the properties of the
article, and the diseases it has been lased for over this
country end Europe for four years with such perfect
Creel. Over la pages of testimony from the 111011 EAT
quartets will be found, with NAMES, PLACES, and
DATES, which can be written to by any one interested
nod the parties will answer :Ansa paid communications.
00-. Re particular and ASK for the PAAIPHLET, ss
no other such pamphlet has ever been seen. The evi.
„Once of the power of thus medicine over ALL diseases
as guaranteed by person. of well known standing in so
Put op In 30 oz. and 12 oz., b tftles. nice 82, 30 nz.;
51,12 oz.: the larger being the cheapet. Every bottle
has O. C. VA:IGIIN " written on the directions, &c.
See pamphl. 1 p ge 9.8. Prepared by Dr. G.,C. Vaughn,
and sold at Proicipal Office, 20.7, Main Street, Buffalo,
N. Y. Offices devoted to the talent thin article stein
sliely, 1132 s Nassau, New York, and corner of Essex
and Washington, Salem, Mass., and by all Druggists
throughout this country and Canada as agents.
Also for tale by J. 8. C. MARTIN, Pottsville; E. J.
FRY, Tamaqua E. &E. HAMMER. Orwigsborg ;
LEVAN & RAVFMAN, Schuylkill Haven; WM. 8,
UEISLER, Port Carbon; wm: PRICE, 81. Clair;
Feb 14,1848 7,17
Pottsville Steam Planing and
T .
5 undersigned have made completennd perma
nent arrangement* for the manufacturing of Floor
Boards, Window Saatica, Sawed baths, Bed Posts, Ta-
Me, Crib, and Washstand Legs. Awning and Hitching
Posts, Bannisters. Stump Feet, Rolling P . *, Potato
Smashers. Bench and Hand Screws, Porch and Newel
Posts; Bed Pans, and a general variety of turning of all
kinds. They will keep constantly on hand Yellow and
White Pine Floor Boards, dashing and Laths, and other
gnashed work worthy the attention of builders. They
have circular sesta for slitting - stuff to any dimension
required for building or other purposes.
Feb.s 48-6 j IL STD &um' & Co.
Abdominal Supporters, B.C.
11110 his MENIAL APPADA.TIIS, which he will sup.
ply to physicists. had those requiring theni, at ?Ueda.
prka. These lostromenta pre now generally ..owd by
the Gunny In Philadelphia, end asehlyhlymeommen&
ed by all who hive used them. P. !IMMERSION.
rourrille, aptll2ltl 17
. .
VOU the Cure Of Headache, Gidillneits. ,Ilheamatism,
SinetaniSPri.ecr.v7. StnallpoS,Jantidice.Palas
in 8 c , ward weatroMM. Palpitation of the
Heart.lltstrut lame Throat, Dropsy, A.Mlinta„ Ferran of
all hinds, Female CompLatnts, Measles, Salt nem.
Heartburn, Worms. Cholera Mortals, Coughs. Qttitisey,
Whooping Cough. Consumption, Fits.. Liver Complaint,
Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching of the Skin, Colds. Gout,
Gravel, Nervous Complaints. and it
of other
diseases. arising from Impurities of the blood, and ob.
at in the organs of digestion.
Experience has proved that neatly every disease ori'
&mei flora Impanties of the blood or derangement of
the digestive organs ; and to secure health, we mast re
, move these obstructions or restore the blood to I to itt
.turalstati.• ~.
1 The aversion to taking medicine Is most effectually re-
I moved by Ctiet.te• Veretable Purgative Atli; being
conardetely envelop with a coating ermine orbits save
(which La es distinct from the internal togredients as a
not shell from the kernel) and have no taste of medicine
but are aigailly swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover
they neither nauseate or gripe In the slightest degree. , "
but operate equally on all of the diseased parts of the
system. instead of confining themselves to and racking
any particular region. Thus. if the Liver be affected.
one ingredient will operate on that particular orpn,and
by cleansing it of any excess of bile, restore it to ria na
tural state. Another will operate on the blood, and re
move all impurities In Its circulation. while a third will
effectually expel whatever Impurities may have been
discharged into the atomach, and hence they +wits at
the root of disease, remove all impure humors from the
body open the pores externally and internally ; separate
all foreign and ohne:ions particles from the chyle, so
that the blood.must be thoroughly - pure—thus securing
a free and healthy action to the heart, lung+. and liver;
and thereby they restore Atailk, even when all °diet
means have failed
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by
the trial of a single box; and their vutnesare so positive
and certain to restoring health, that the proprietor binds
himself to return the money paid for them in all essos
where they . do not give universal satisfaction.
Retail p rices, '25 - cents perbox. '.. .
Principal office, No 66, Yesey street. New York.
. The following are the agents in Schuylkill count or
Cllckner's Vegetable Purgative Pills • r. r'
1 .
J. S. C. MARTIN, J. C. BROWN, and P. SAN 'ER
SON. Pottsville; If. Shissler, Port Carbon; Vent. H.
Barlow. Now•Philadelpnia ; T. Williams, Middleport 4
If. Schwartz, Patterson ; 1. 11. Alter, Tuscarora; Hail.
err & Morgenroth, Tamaqua ; Wm. Price, St. Clair;
George Reifsnydar, New Cas:le ; 3. IL Falls. Myers
vine; Jonas Kauffman, Llewellyn; Jacob Kauffman.
_Lower klaliontongo ; Paul Darr, Pinegrove ; Shnener
& Garret, Orwigsberg; Lyon & Riahet lPort Clinton ;
.I. Christ,liwan & Kauffman, Schuylkill Haven.
Oct. 30. '47. 45-Cow.
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, &o.
YN PRESENTING this valuable medicine to the pub-
I lie as a remedy for Consumption,, and Pulmonary
Diseases In general, I have been actuated solely by the
great sueces4 ag its use my own Immediate
neighboijmod,anttdendin a desire to Benefit the afflicted, I
shall simply endeavor to give a brief statement of its
13cl - tithes.. and fluter myself that its surprising effica
cy wilt enable me to furnish such pkoofs of its virtues
as willUathify the most incredulous, that CONSUMP
TION may and "CAN BE CURED," if this medicint is
resorted to in time. As Consumption, however Is a
disease which differs much in the 'sere rim of its symp, and the rapidity of its progress, and has long baf
fled the skill of physicians it cannot be supposed that
this or any other remedy is capable' of effecting a
cure in every case and • stage of the disease;
on the contrarse.......s expect it to fail sometimes, a
oircumstance ieh occurs dally,with all the most val
uable remedies e possess, for the most simple diseas
es. The proprietor submits the following. testimonials
in its favor from citizens of this County', well known
to the Public.
Ma. W.. 1. Illika,—having been-afflicted for the last
thirty years with Consumption, and having bad the ad
vie. of some. o fthe most eminentPhysicians,and WaVai•
yen up as incurable. I was induced to make trial of your
invaluable Expectorant, and am happy to say that I am
entirety cured, and am attending to my daily occupation
as though I had never been afflicted. Previous to ta
king your EXPECTORANT, I chuld not, if I had been
so diaposed, do anything at my trade. I have since rec
ommended it to several of my friends, and particularly
one case of CONFICMED CONVIIMPTIaN, and am happy
to state that in every instance it had the desired effect
Tours respectfully JOSHUA HAWKINS.
S chuylkill Ha Yen, October 1.1844.
Scuuvtaixt. Havels. January I, 1845,
Mr. W. J Ilass,—Dear Sir:—Having been afflicted
with a severe pain in the breast, I was Induced to try
you Expectorant, and after uslngone bottle of it, ionnd
st to relieve me, and I do not hesitate In recommending
it lo the publican a valuable medicine for Colds, Coughs
and Afflictions of th a Breast.
1a in reaped fully yenta &c.,
SCHUYLKILL HAYEK, October 19.1844.
I was taken with a bad cold some time ago, and used
one or two bottles °Mir Hess' Frpectorant, which re
lieved me much, and ashould I have °melon for the
above again,l would freely call on Mr. Haas for his in
entuable Expectorant DANIEL 11. STAGER.
Mn. WILLII•N J. 11l AS,—Dear Sir. —J am happy to
testify to the efficacy of your expectorant, for answer
ing the purpose for which, it was intended, that of re
lieving Coughs, Colds, &c.;
Yours respectfully, CHAS. HUNTEINGER.
For sale by the Proprietor at Schuylkill Haven, and
by the following Agents In Schuylkill county.
Pottsville—J. S. C.• Martin.
Llesvelly n—Jnhannan Cockhill, Esq.
& J. Falls,
New Castle—George Reifany der, Esq.
Port Carbon—Henry Shissler, P. M.
Landineville—Color & Drumheller.
pin,grove—Graeff & Furter,
Tamaqua—lleilner & Morganroth,
Middleport—ll. Koch & Son,
Tuscarnra—George R. Dry.
0. Frederick Klett &Co have been appointed gene
ar agents in Philadelphia, for Haas' Expectorant
2 . ,._
IS now universally acknowledged to be the infallible
remedy for Rheumatism, 1 4 pinal AlThrttonr, Con.
traction of the kluicles, Sore Throat. and Quinsy, Is
sues,Old Ulcers Pains in the flack and Chest, As le
in th Breast an d Face, Tooth Ache, Sprains. Bruises,
Salt Rheum, Boma, Croup, Frosted Feet, and all Ner
vous Diseases:
The triumphant mitten which has attended the ap
allusion this most WONDERFUL. MEDICINE in
curing the most severe eases of the different diseases
above named, and the 111 Ell ENCOMIUMS that have
been bestowed upon It wherever it has been introdu
mil, gives sue the right to rail on the afflicted to resort
at once to the only remedy that can be relied on.
A year has scarcely elapsed since I first uttroducedin
the notice of the public, this WONDER/1r 1: - Itt3I - F.DA,
and in that short space of time, it-has acquired a-repu
tation that ranks ithmongst me
. t hies as areal Exter
nal Remedy theft rat and best. t has 'crewed the ap
probation of the Medical Faculty and many citizens ot
influence and wealth have united and recommetuling it
to the Public's Ilse. as a medicine that ran be safely re
sorted to for speedy relief. The high characteratready
attained by this popular Medicine. hos induced some
bate and evil minded persons to palm off a counterfeit
as the genuine; and no doubt the country will be flood.
ell with a spnrinus Hones Liniment. Be careful and
examine well before you buy, and see you get
iiI4IiIK I tI
- _
See that each bottle. has my none blown tiponit, and.
that IL is accompanied with directions, and with a .fns
simile of my signature on the second page otherwise
you will be cheated with an article that .will injure in
stead of be nefittlng you.
The low price at which it is told enables every one,
even the poorest to bebbneflited by this excellent reme
dy. It is unfortunately the case that the working cla
aes, front exposure. iv., more subj ectthan the idle and
rich, to those very infirmities which It in intentivd ,to
cure, yet the exorbitant price usually wilted for reme
dies of the like nature (one dollar per bottle,) robs the,
needy of their use. .; t
, Thousands are now suffering the most intense agony. ,
arising from maimed limbs, distortions of the frame,
inveterate rheumatism ; many of them. perhaps, have
already given up In despair all attempts toobtair relief;
atter repeated and unsuccessful trials—but let no such
feelings of despair be entertained—try BUNT'S LINI
MENT. it has done wonder., a. may be peen by reading
the several caret repented in the pamphlets which are
to be had of every Agent. Try it and despair noi. But
should you in carelessness, or Ineretulity neglect to
seek for relief In Its proper application,
,Either for your
self or your friends, then let the blame he upon your
be (only. for Providence has now placed within your
reach a safe and certain remedy. which has already
tam ded relief to thousands, and whose healing proper.
ties are incontestible. GEO. E. STANTON.
Sing Sing, July 1, ISG.
John G. Brown. Pottsville.
Jonas Roblnhold, Port Clinton.
Bickel do Mettler. Orivigsburr.
• Lewis G. Wunder, Schuylkill Haven.
Oen.Reifenycler, New Castle
Walter Lawton, St. Clair.
S. R. Kempton, Port Catkin.
Oliver & Mara, Belmont.
W. H. Harlow, New Philadelphia
George 11. Mug, Brockville,
Ins. H. After, Tuscarora.
❑either & Morganw•orth. Tamaqua
Pousville. May 15i11.164722--ly
Tousey's Universal Ointment,
A COMPLETE remedy for bu roe, scolds, cuta,bru ices
/1 spr,lns, asselllors, salt rheum. piles, fever sores
chapped hands, sore lips. c hill hlainis, scald head, and a
kinds - of INFLAMED KOICEB. .
- .
Persons In all conditions of life are at all times liable
to be afflicted with the above complaints. It is therefore
the duty of heads of families to provide and keep on
hand. ready for any emergency, A REMEDY that Is
capable of removing the sin:feriae attendant on these
very troublesome companions Those who hove used
Toasty's Universal Oinhoint need fibt he told that it is a
most complets remedy, a . perfect waster of pain, and the
most speedy remover or smnarnmatiorever discovered.
The experience of such persons Is stiffraent to prompt
them to keep it always on hand. knowing that many
valuable lives and limbs have been saved by this MA-.
GICAL CONQUEROR of Inflamed and other cores,
burns, scalds, .Ic. It instantly stops all pain of the se
verest kind and prevents all scar. No family should be
without it, as an imthediate application of lc In case of
.burns or scalds would do more good while' walling for
the doctor titan be could do when arrived. besides pre
venting long hours of the utmost suffering which might
pass before a physicinn could be obtained.
It possesses cunt lover the severest injuries by fire,
over mortification, over inflammation, and by its com
bined virtues it acts as Anti-septic, Nereine, dinti-eylos
worNe,Snodyne, F.snollient, and Healing, and is the most
' Thousands have tried and thousands praise It. It is
working its way into public favorwith a rapidity here•
lofore unknown in the'llistory of medicines.
All echo use.reemetelid it: _Alain we say, nofa mily
should be without It. The agents will flamish the tub
lie GEATIS with books deveribing this
Os Each bnz of the renctino Tommy'. Universal Oint
ment. has the lisnaturi,or S. Touveywrittent cor ths out
ride label in black Ink. Never purchase a box unless
this signature can be seen. Pride 25 cents per box, or
bye bozos for Ii 00 • Prepared by Elliott rk Tonsey,
Druggists, Syracuse. N. Y., and sold by agentsthrough•
nut the United diatec -
Vnld in New York fir 100, Nassau street.
Tbo fallow Ina are the agents In Schuylkill county for
Tousey's Universal Ointment: •
• J. G. BROWN, } Pottsville.
If. Shissier, Port Carbon,
Wm. 11. Marlow, New Philadelphia,
T. Williams, Middleport,
If. Schwartz, Patterson,
. J. U. Alter, Tuscarora.
Milner & Morgenroth, Tamaqua,
William Price, St: Clair,
George Reifsnydert New Castle,'
James B. Falls, Minersvllle,
Jonas Kauttlnan,Liewellyn,
J. Christ,' . .
Jacob liatiftman, Lower Mohontonge;
e. • tillmener & Garrett, Orwigsbarg,
. Lyon & lWhel, Port,Clinton„
Lavin & Hauffmku Schuylkill Sayan.
Dsn, rocs
tka.oirtatir of , • '
DIL k itn. ORDIAL AND C.erearixarrkt,
'port the speedy cure of Darrbma,llyiientery; Cholera
InDentuos, Cholera Mottos. Summer complaint,
Colic, Flatulency. and ailderangeMehte Of the Stomach
and bowels from Teething, etc. Thonaan de die smitt
en] with disease of the stoma and bowels Hain neglect.
Among the numerous remedies both public and private,
recommended for the above diseases none arc equal
to the Cordial—we invites trial, and challenge a coin- -
parison—yeats of experience and trials made with it
in hundreds of eases. superadded to the voluntary tes
timony of physicians and others, give, it a character
not to be unheeded by those chi:jibing the welfare of
themselves and their children, speedily subduing the
pain and inflasnatory tendency allaying irritability of
the stomach, and constraining the unhealthy eracua-
Douche operation is prompt-and effectual: Read the
following testimony from practising physicians:
Danville, Bucks Co. August 25.'47.
Dear Sir:—l am now prepared to recommend your
Cordial frorn having used it with success in several in
stances; and am•now trying your panacea In a case of,
protracted debility, attended with a cough, apparently
produced in the young lady by her "outgrowing her
strength" to use a commonphrase. Yours,c.
AliihulelpAiri.Sec,:".:Mber 13,'77.
Dr. .Teelsr:—At your request I have tried you: Cor
in my family, as wall as It several instances upon
those I have had oceibion to prescribe foe, and am
highly pleased with its operation; end have no doubt
that it will ere long become one of the most popular
remedies for affections of the stomach and bowels; of
the present day. With the best wishes for its success;
believe use yours truly; . SANFORD BELL
Late ;urge°. T..!. a. Nary.
Lancaster Co. Acesseille, Dec. 11,4 . 7.
Dr. Keeler :—ltfometime last summer your agent left
me same of your Cordial urging me to try H. It so
'happened that I had a rase a child about six months
old, whose stomach and bowels were in a very disorder
ed condition caused by a deficiency of its mnther's milk.
The child was a meretkcleton, there Was much ter
mini' tenesmus, and constant evacuations. I adminis
tered every medicine !could thinleof with but a slight
alleviation of the complaint. I then thought of giving
your medicine a trial. commencing with small dose., I
soon perceived the child could bear a full dose ad re.
commeuided in'threctiom before it had taken half a
a bottle the stomach and 'bowels had recovered their
natural tone, every other bad symptom yielded, and the
child recovered rapidly. I have no hesitancy in saying
that your medicine is the very best for the above com
plaint 1 have administered in It years practice.
Very Respectfully your friend,
IL xi. BOWMAN, M. D. -
I:lePrtunared and sold N. W. cor.. n( Third and Soutli.
and Third and Green streets Philada. For sale by.
J. G.:Brown, and J. S. C. Martin; Pottsville; E. Klein
ert and Samuel Kempton. Port Carbon ; J. B. Falls,
blinersville; W. Haas,. Schuylkilt Haven ; E. J. Fry,,
Tamaqua ; and by Druggists throughout the Counti.;
Price 25 etc. per bottle.
Also Dr. A - ttler's Panacea ' a speedy and powerful
remedy in all Scrofulous Synhitilic and Constitutional
dweaces. It is infinitely superior to any known reme
dy in chronic affections of the Chest, Stomach, Liver
and Skin. It cures radically chiorie Rheumatism, and
diseased arising from impurities of the blond. Females
suffering with Ines of appetite, constipaticti nervous
debility, "irregularity," sallow complexion. pimples.
blotches. etc. will find the Panacea to give permanent
and lasting relief. For particxlar • see pamphlets. l'rice
$1 per bottle, 6 bottles $5. • IJune 10th]
april 15 16.1 f
Coal Screens ! Coal Screens ! !
AE suscriber is ettenalvely enraged in the mono
-1 factory of WOVEN WIRE ECREENS upon an
improvgd and entirely new principle, for which he has
secured LETTERS PATENT. and which he confident
ly believe. will be found upon trial. superior to every
other screen in use for durability and all the (paha,
of a good screen. They are woven entirely of wire,
and can be made with meshes and threads of any re
qnired size and strength.
will be executed at the shortest notice, and screens
made to every pattern. adapted to all the uses for
which screens are required,
• subscriber bat recently removed his .stab.
lishmentt r Coal Steel, near the, corner of Norwegian
street. DE:NM' JENKINS.
Pottsvf e. April 4 1816
Let all trhu are affected seith Consumption, Co.qhs
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting! Blood, Pain in
the Side and Breast, Sore Throat, II
ralpitation of the - Heart, Whodping Cough,
Croup, Hires, Nervous Tremors, Liver
Corsplatst,ond diseased kidneys.try
I F there is power in medicine to remove and cure dis
ease, this one will rapidly and effectually secure a
restoration m health.
From all parts Orthe country testimony ronlinura to
pour in of its unequalled and salutary power over Pul
monary, Throat, and Pectoral disensese
A recent letter from liendershott & Co., an o and
highly respectable firm in Nashville, Tenn.. stars
"That the Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood •
tha gives liiiire'riat satisfattion,"—more so than any
medicine they have ever sold.
Read thefollowingfromDr. Young,theeminent nudist:
Pills s orient s, Jan. IFth, 1547.
Nooses. !legacy 4- Dickson :—Gentlemrn :—llaving
recommended in my practice. and used in my neon fa
mily, Thbmpson's Compound Syrup ht Tar and blond
Naptlia,l have no hesitation in saying that it is tlit", best
preparation of the kind In use, and persnns suffering
from colds, coughs. affections of the throat, breast. &c.,
so prevalent at this season of the year, cannot see any
medicine that will allay a cough or consumption sooner
than Thompton's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood
Naptha. • Wm. Youtto. M. D., 152, Spruce street.
Read also the following from a man who will, at any
time, corenherote its statements.
Penetrated with a deep senseciff gratitude for the be
nefit experienced by the urea Thninpoon•ti Compound
Syrup of Tar, and 'hat others, who, like me, have lan
guished through years of affliction and suffering, with
out being able to find a remedy, may know AV here it can
be obtained, I voluntarily make the following statement:
About 4 years Ante, after tieing affected with a violent
cold it left me a troublesome and severe cough. Whilst
the rough continued which a - as, with scarcely any in- !
termission. during this long period, language failsto tell
what I have suffered from debility. pains in the breast
and side.nlght swealsolifficult expectoration,oppressed
breathing, and, in fact, all those symptoms which mark
a severe pulmonary affection. The relief occasionally
obtained by the discharge girth., matter which obstruct
ed the heaßby action et my system. but increased my
fears. as thiNpurulent matter discharged was frequently
streaked witikblond.
During this lime I was under the treatment of several
physicians. ails took many of those preparations re
commended as servirnble in the eases of. others. but
without relief; and I, at length, concluded that a care,
in my case, was hopeless. But how agreeably changed
Is now my opinion! I have used. for about three weeks;
Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar. By the use of
one bottle my rough has been relieved and my system
einvigorated, and by continuing its use up to this time.
I am satisfied tint mveomptaint Is entirely removed a nd
eradicated. It. Kesnnn. 24e, S. Seventh i.ircet.
• Prepared only by Anpmey t Dickson. (aticressiire of
S. P. Thompson,) at the N. E. corner of Fifth and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
Sold In Pottsville by J. G. BROWN, and .1. 11.
FALLS, Minentville.
Price 50 cents, or II per bottle ; or 412 50. and j 5 for
six bottles. Beware of imitations
July 17. 1847
For the Cure of Con,yhs, Colds, Lqsthma, Bronchitis
Incipient Consumption, Mammals's of tie.
Lungs, and Themess of the Pubnon. '
ary Organs.
THIS valuable preparation re highly recommended by
physicians and by a celebrated chemist of Philadel
phia, for its medical effects and chemical combination, as
well as hy thousands of others. who have made UPC of it
—snit never has been used without producing beneficial
sheds, and ultimate cure of the diseases for which it is
recommended. And being a regular graduate of Pharma
cy, I can assure the public of its perfect safety. It is
composed of such preparations aildand in the very high
est repute among the mediial faculty for the cure of that
class of diseases which are too often only We forerunners
.. . ... -. . . . ..
of that fatal disease, consumption. In most cases tt. here
there is much pain in the breast, and - which often extends
through to theshuulder blade, I would strongly advise the
application of one of the Compound Galbanum Plasters
to the breast, and one the Expectorant as directed. In
fart, the useof the Calban um Pl:oder cannot be too strunly
recommended, ws I have seen so many instances of inr
affording the greatest relief in a very ehort spare of time,
even in confirmed consumption. The Expectorant will
be found to relieve the couch, and the Plaster the pain.
and, althea:line time, draw the intiamat ion to the surface,
and thereby act as a counter-irritant, which every physi
cian will pronounce good. withnut the least hesitation
whatever. Persons are often said to have the consump
tion, when by a Judicious use of mime of the best Exile,*
torants, and a careful 'diet, they have been completely
cured, in that their experience should act as a warning to
these who are said to have the consumption not to de
spair, bitt try on. The Expectorant will be found to afford
great relief, even when a cure is said to be impossible.
Before making use of an Expectorant it would he as
well to examine the Uvula. enntninnly termed Palate, to
see If it is not swollen or elongated. In such uses an
expectorant is useless.
Harking cough and a tontinual disposition to swallow
is frequently caused by an elongation of the palate. An
excellent remedy in such cases is to use a small quantity
ofTincture Myrrh, sat about a tea-spoonful to a ivine
glassful of winter, and UPC as a gargle, three or four times
a day. If the above remedy should fail, or one of the
same nature, it would be best to apply to a surgeon, mid
have a small portion of it taken ntr,sn as to 'obviate the
irritation and the continual conch which it would be like
ly to produce in the throat. The npemtien is trifling and
attended with but little, if any pain n hate ver. '
In Bronchitis, and clis,nbcs of the throat, the gargle
should he used.
Prepared by J. CURTIS C. HUGHES, Whaterde and
Retail Druggist and Chemist, Centre Street. Pottsville
Mysteries and Nliseries of New I'm*, Part 5 25
The DenrSpy.
The Little Wafe.Lby Mrs. Grey. fresh supply, -2.•.
First Step to Crime, cr the bottle illustrated, .
Sell' Control, by Mary Brunton. - 25
Together with a variety of other works, just received
and fur sale at BANNAN'S
Junel7 Cheap Bookstores.
rrliE subsersber has just received a supply of:lnt - ate
Lamp, among whlthare a few tif Upton & Rob
erta' Improved Safety Lamp. which is -acknowledahy
to be the beat and safest now In 11S.: tithe ninny of
Europe. For Pale at less pt ices than they ran be irn
ported, at DANNAN'a
April 3 1 ('leap Bonk and Variety littrre.
Avery Interesting llwrik for -Sunday +retinal', Just
published and for sale at the subscriber's' Book.
stores, Pottsville. Subscribers will please call and pro
cure their copies. , B. HANNAN,
Bookseller and Stationer.
P. s.—Subscribers in. Minersville and vicinity, can
procure the books from Mr. Wm. Oldknow.
July 8, 1845.
THE subsetiber begs leave to inform his friends and
the public in general, that he has opened a Hoard
and Lumber Yard, at the corner of High street and
Mount Carbon Railroad, In Pottsville, above Haywood
& Snyder's Foundry ; where he will keep a constant
assortment cif Oak,licmlock,Pme,and Poplar Lumber.
Having three Saw-mills running. he flatters Meisel
that he will be enabled to supply his friends with any
description of lumber for mining or building purposes,
on the most reasonable terms, and by the prompt 'at.
tendon to their onions ensure a continuance of their
favors. [blay2o 21-Iy] WM. STEPHENSON. -
. AN save from : ls to 2.5 per cent', by purchasing
their Oil Multi direct from the Manufacturers.
POTTER la CAEMiCHAELhave opened a Warehouse,
No. 135 North Third Street above Rare, 'second door
south of the Eagle Hotel, Philadelphia..w here they
will always keep on hand a complete assortment of
Patent Elastic Carriage Oil Cloths, 29, 36. 40. 46,19 and
64 Inches wide. Figured, Painted, and plain, on th e
inside, on Muslin Drilling and Linen. Table Oil Cloths
of the most desirable patterns. 36, 40, 46 and .54 inches
wide. Floor Oil Olathe, from 28 Inches to 21 feet wide,
well seasoned, and the newest Mlle of patterns. all of
took own manufacture. Transparent Window Shades
Carpets, Sm. All goods warranted. Vilay27 22-3 mo,
An—T'ke'Jstre Mann's.
The August sun is netting
Like • tire behind the hiller
'Twill rise again to see us fres
Of lire or or its ilia; ,
Pot what is Ilib but deadly ititite,
Which knows no Ittlte or pause
And what ia death but want of breath
To curse their alien laws '1
(010=)—Then a...hes/log let VS 'te—
nth •-sheiting we ',lngo;
On our 50111 will be =toll
To cut the 'corn low.
The harvest that Is groVving l
Was given us by Cod{ •
Praise Se to film t The and shower
Worked for us at Ills nod i
The lords of earth, In gold and mirth, •
Mire on their ancient way i.
But could their smile have spread the Isle
With such deliabt to-day
(Cu oau3)—Then a-shearing let us go, Igc. •
"Dow will you go a shearing,
° Dear friends and neighbors all 1"
' "Oh, we will pike and gnn,t,
To keit our own or fall;
We'll stack our Armand stack our COM
Upon the sante wide plain;
We'll mount a guard on barn and yard,
A n d iive them grape for grain.'
(Citoars)-80 a-sheattmg we wilt go, k.
"Grhl speed you, gallant 'beaten—
May your courage vet er fail—
May youthrash your foes and scud the chart"
Careering on the gale—
goy y ou tare aiglorioua 'harvest
Whether I'm `lice of not
The corn glows ben,
your An c o mes them;
Either It or he must
Cuoace)-80 a "hearted ws .7.'1l g o "
Oh. a .haaring let us "7.
On our own 101 l 't will be no toil
. To cut the coup low.
Inc ,fartiter.
[?'Estates of Gen. IVashinglon.—it tb•
subject of the purchase of Mount Vernon by ihe
general' government is attracting attention. it may
interest some of our readers to read a brief des.
tenof the estates of Gen; Washington, writ.
ten by his own bend. These estates somprisgli
over...eight thousand acres of. Until. lying in Ilia
Stile of Virginia, of which the Mountrenoh.
premises constituted more than oneheY. Tho
remsinder was divided into four farms,Of from on
hundred and .kfty to twelve .hundied 'acres each.
In the year 1793, Gen- W., in a letter to Arthur
Young, proposed to lease the last mentioned fermi
to English or Scotch farmers, who might be dm
posed to emigrate to thie country ; the leases to
run from seven to ten rears, and the rent to be,
(in the of the proposition,) s a Spanish
milled dollar, or other money current, at the time
in this country, equivalsnt thereto, for eeer! a c re
Of plowable or moveable ground, within the enclo:
sures of the respective ( sloe ,"
The first part of the
relates to the whole frac
tnclutl.ngMount Verne ,
letter (writ which we rue
ts printed in' the •olum
'Agricultural Correspon
• ..N6 eStaie in United
VV., is morn plessan
Ices in a high, dry an
hundred miles by water
of the finest rivers (the
Its margin is washed by
tidewater; from the be
nteratfs coves, inlets. .'
which it abounds, on in
mud may be drawn, as .
separately, or in a comp.
meet of the farmer. It
between the extreme. o
same distance by land al
and the best navigation
City. Alexandria end
the first, fifteen, from t
x:iir 1800, will become
taoverninent of the Uni
!art in buildings end co
no doubt, finin the ado
tare, and its proximil .
and the western totrilot
of the United States.
“The soil of the tra
is ■ good loam, more
than sand. From use,
a become more and
course heavier to vvor
greyi.h clay, some pat
little is inclined to •and I
A husbandman would
more level than they
fields, (hut in no pea
gullies, from villa nil
been reeuvered. .
i.This river, which ncoinpasseca (the land :ha
distance above menii ned le well supplied with
various kinds of tieb,t all seasons' of the year;
and in the spring wit h
the greatest profusion of
shad, heating, bass, carp, perch, sturgeon, &et
several valuable fishmiee epperiairito Ma meet
the whole chore, in shmt, is one entire fishery.
'There are, as you will We by Thei,plan acnom
prinying, four farms tiside that at the mansion
house. These four contain three !lowand two
hundred and sixty aMes lof cultivable land, to
which some hundreds more adjoining. as may be
seen, might be eieded;l
if •Igreater number should
he required; but, as tbey never were diviened for,
FO neither can it he said they are lcalculated II
suit tenants of eitheilthel lint orl of the lower
clues, because those w ~ have the strength and re
sources proportioned lifirriis of froth five hundred
to twelve hundred ac 1 1, (which these contain.)
would hardl3 be can't sted to live ire such bogies
as are thereon. • • • • •
.1 would let these
m ur frame to Iron! substan
tial farmer., of wealth ull etrengtb auffixtent to
cultivate them, and w 0 would insure to me the
regul,r payments oft• Twits; and II would give
them leases for' even r ten years, at the, rate of
a Spanish milled dolls ~or 'other money ?current
at the time in this co ts try, 'equivalent thereto, for
every acre of plowab! or Moveable ground, with
in the enclosures of he i l ispeciiire farms, and
would allow the tenants, during that period, to
take fuel and use bale teem the woodland, to
rgpair buildings, acidt keep the letters in order
until live fences could be substituted in place of
dead ones; but in this case no sub-tenants would
be allowed. • • i lej . •
, “lieving said thus much,ll aril disposed toadd
farther, that it would lie in my power,and certain
ly it would be my. inclination, (upon the principle
above,) to accommodate the'wealthY or the weak
handed farmer, (end uPon reasonable terms,) with
draught horee , , andorking mules and oxen;
with cattle, sheep an hogs; and with ouch lin
'dements of bugbantir ; if they should not incline
to bring them thernseves, as , are in use on ;the
forme. Onthetin Grins there , are fity-four
draught horse's, heel. working mules, end a suf=
(iciency of oxen brok n to the yoke; the precise
i ,
number I em unable this moment to ascertain, as
they are einnprehend d in the aggregate of the
neat cattle; of the le t er there Ire three hundred
, and sever,teen;' of sh rip. six hundred and thirty.
four, of hogs, many i but as these run pretty
much et large in the woodland, (which is all under
fence.) the number ids uncertain. ,Many of the
necroes, mule and lenient, might be' hired by the
year 115 tubbier', if thisiehould be preferred to the
impartation of th'at class of people, but it deserves
consideration—how fa r r the mixing or whites and
blocks together btadvisabler ; especially where the
tsruser aria entirely unacquainted jwith the If-
PIONEER EIRE muck mnicu
NaltnV J.3tnr.itztctfula I
nfnrmatha;A oareenoeenßu ~tL i .prep
to fill orders for-any quaptily of a very !superior &nate
manufactured under Itialtotnediate supervision. of the
very' , hest material and which are warranted to give
satisfaction, Ito Mix on hand
Blart and Puddling Furnace Fire-Bricke r of an attars
and times.
Grate Fixtures,
Fire Cement and Fire Mortar.
Fire Sand and Fire Clay • all of Superior qualities
A n inks of every description made to order at moder
ate prices. ,Those who 'entrust their orders to the sub
scriber, may depend on having them executed at the
shortest notice and on the most favorable terms. Be
ing a practical Manufacturer. he knows that be can
furnish a rtitlem in his line which will fairorably compete
with any thing in the Market.
Reference is made to the following patties, who have
tested the Fire Drick Manufactured at the Pioneer Fire
Brick Manufactory.
E. W. McGinnis. Pottsville • Bard [Patterson. do.:
Wm. Dellaven, Mineraville; Edward Z. Bland, Potts
stile; James D. Patterson, do.
Pottsville, July 22, , 30-If
IXT E have received this week a boat load of Saville*
. hanna lumber, which we shall mink into Floor
Boards Immediately. Our assortment' is now (amend
we Intend keeping it no, that the public may rely upon
being neeommodated by a, home market. Oar Frio'
are as follows. viz.: ,
Carolina. Floor Boards. ' I gift'
Susquehanna Yellow Eine do 28
do White do do i R 6
The public not having generally appreciated our dlo
po',ltion to rive II reasonable credit, we noiv respect
fully give notice that all orders for the above articles
law" e accompanied by the zashor we shall prefer is
keep o stock on hand. 11 STRAUCII & Co.
N. B. evi o 4ll,l t zne,ioturile and move boards at 8 5
per 101)0 fer , fha led !to nod taken frow the mill.
July 150,1848.
Gold Pens at 81.311-2.
TILE subscriber has just received a lot of issi Gold
1 Pens, which he will sell as low as 81,r1, with
Silver Pencil case. '1
411/0, Benedict & Being's
Congress Pens, ¢c .— a ll of wAtch will be sold at Man
ufacturers' prices.
A superior lot of Cold Pesci' cases and Pens, Gold
Pencils, &c., which will Witold at less than city_ Pil , c 4
at • • fIANNAN
april 15,'4g.) Cheap Peary and :Variety Stews
!CHOOn, it w ill be roan,
t h h i e l ie e ; d d o hlbl f e
ollowing b le :g fit
b : e d : i n s t
a t . to a lr e n b t '
voce," published_ by ' F.
America;' .are.tea Gen.:
y situated than this. It
healthy country, three
Irom_the sea, end on one
Puthmac) in the world.
more than ten mites of
of which, and the meta
I nd small marshes with
1 xhaustible fund of rich
‘ manure, eithe! tube mad
'et, according 'to the judg.
is situated in a latitude
heat and'cold, and is thil
t d Water, with good raids
to and from the Fedora!
I eortetown; distant from
second, nine, end from
Tbe Federal City, i~he
the Seat of the General
ed States. It is increasing
miequence, and:will, I hiss
intages given to it by (vi
ta lynch interior country.
Ivy, ,
become the emporium rst
t oliich I am speaking.
i clired, howeVer, to clay
,t aind I might add abuse, it
' oro! consolidated, and of
1 is a dark' mould ; a vary
1 and scarcely any to stony.
of wish 10 ley the farms
re, and yet 4101110 of the
are degree,) washed ion
_ ,
luf them have not as ytt
• 1.