The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 20, 1848, Image 4

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I dreamed I dwelt to oaken halls,
Where *lane-bar' stained the white washed walls
And "tack-loes," felled by woodman's stroke,
Gave oat their mingled him and smo te
The faggots blazed with crakling mirth
The cricket chirup'd by the hearth
The eider-mug palmed freely round., • • •
a ' • • When Pus. 'crocksd cis old Ortykensi 1
The "gude-wife" seized a hickory broom,
. To make old Hunter leave the room.
. Then war began;, and such a clatter,
As Hunter made, when he flew at her
She Polt'd to get the door unlatched, • (ed.
While Tom cats mewed, and spbit. and scram h-
The war-dog growled at every blow
Ile got while lighting Aterice ; -
- And whined In tons so fierce and "cagey"—
' Ile lost hi* **soup," and gut -no Xeres,.
, .
We glee a homely illustration
Of men and things that rule the notion:—
They, dreaming of ..ri conquered Peace." •
Whose hopeful blessings shall not ceise t .
Were puffing Petioles a p with.fame,„, •
And giving Worth a nobler name :
Which raised their backs a foot or so,
Beyond which pruto no Pass can go ;
And lest the dog of .Chippewa," ,
Should limit their well-earned rant; ' , ..
They mobil, and clawed, and wisely purred,
Tiyprore cid Hunter often erred.
.----Wtse looks were cast, and muttering muted',
Of Court and Judge to doom the hound
Who dared to spurn a secret foe, . . .
While fighting treactVroos Morin, 7
And whined in tons so fierce and "nasty"—
Ile last:his 'soup," and got no Morey.
. ..._ ` j. AI. C:
Pettscutle, May 20.1048.
Oh would'at you like to take a parade 1
On minter yourselves with the Irish Brigade
You'll have the moat bloody and death-dealing work
Since its doings will all be confined to Near York:
Sound, tht loud pman. _
Hurrah for M'Keons -
There's Charley O'Couov; •
, The wymboi of hoax,; .
1124 !ashy • broth ore bo th• weds,
to ready to go with the Iris h Brigade.
If we humbug the natifes end blither each Pat, •
And for Ms hard dollare, what matter for shall
•No Irishman ever will dare make ohms, • • -
Since It's honor enough to be blarneyed by us. .
Sound the loud peon,
Hurrah for M'Keon;
• There's Edmund S. Derry,
Is making him merry;
And faith he's not new at the beautiful %ratio, •
Of doing the boys of the Irish !Silgado.
Contribute your dollars, you boys of the nod.
Hard nineties they are by the rammer or hod t
What care we for lightening the weight of each purse,
Co home and be thankful the matter's no worse.
Bountithe loud men,
' Throat' for Ill'Keon ; , •
There's Lathrop B. Eddy
Is brave, firm and steady: -
Bat wont.] rather not lower his standing or grade,
By a vulgar turn out with the Irish Brigade.
Oh, there's nothing like blarney—it's pleasant to hear
And enough of it now surely falls on the ear
We can talk. foam and blunter, white Ireland mean,'
Lies a poor bleeding terse on her beautlikt Isle. [while
Sound the loud pman,
Hurrah for 11112 con •
There', bold Charley Make,
All ready to save yeez,
As well as to sport his nice form on parade. "
At the head of the terrible Irish Brigade.
(From at Jolx Doskty. •
Wit nub quint.
Let um gather round t he
, grateful hearth,
And with reflection temper
Pummo.—HOrn,the celebrated punster
at• New York, it seems, hails from 'Cincinnati:—
The Saturday Evening 'News adds: We have
been furnished by a friend with the following, pos
itively " Horn's lest," which are worthy of Tom
Hood, Theodore Hook, or Horne Tooke in their
best days: lioin•one mentioning in Horn's pre,.
enee,that Louis Phillippe was obliged to cross the
Channel an English fishing vessel, the incor
vigible wag remarked that it was his only resource,
as there was no French-ship (friendship) left for
him in his kingdom.
r. Napoleon 'bras a great marl—he was a hoes !"
said a friend to the punster in a-conversation abgqt
the late revolution in France.
"He was that," replied the wit, " and he had
• mighty inartial neigh," (Marshal Ney.)
A HUNDRED OR TWO.—A wag went out
a fishing one day, and not meeting with the best
luck, determined to have some sport. He went
home'and 'deposited what be had caught, and a
neighbor passing by soon after, accosted him with:
0 What luck to-day 14
0 Oh," answered the wag, "no great; I•caught
*a hundred or two!" • !
. 0 A hundred or two!" replied the neighbor With
.great surprise, "I'll bet you a dollar on that !r. ;\
" Done," sizid the wag; whereupon he uncoir..
*red a pile near him, and a couple of fish lei chars
ectucely through with their death etruggle4, re.
marking: There they are, I have won the wager."
" How sal" returned the neighbor, 0 hero aro
.only two."
Well," replied the wog. "that's just as I told
you—a hundred or hoof"' .
dandy who courted the familiarity of Lord Ches
terfield, eloped to Gretna Green with en heiress,
and after haring the noptiarknot tied, wrote thus
to his lordship: , .
My dear Lord .1-1 am the happiest 'dog Oise.
. To which the wit responded :
"Faux lack Every dog es as his day.
Yours. tngsgragrea.D.
ItEsormabTtort.—Some wag took, a
drunken lellow, Placed him in a coffin with the
lid left so that he could rat.. it, placed him in a
graveyard, and Wtiited to see the effect. After a
short time the fumes of the liquor left him and bit
position being rather confined. he oat upright, and
after looking •around exclaimed: I'm the
first that's fix, or else I'm confoundedly belated!"
A Suvras REBUKE. — " 1-am glad," said
the Rev. Dr. Y. to the chief of the Ottawu, "thee
' you do not drink whiskey ; but it grieved me to
*And that your people use so much of it!!
• Ay, yea," replied the Chief, voi he fixed an
impreseive eye upon the Doctor, which eommu 7
yielded the reproof before he uttered it, "we buil.
ewe use agreat deal of whiskey, but we do not
• DtaLoons.—" Glooa mornini, neigh
bor Snooks; • ens rain we have hid." •
"Yes, neighbor, delightful." .!
"If it comes 'Mee after this, we 'bell bore
everything starting out of the ground directly."
Heaven forbid—l have two wives under it."
SQLITUDE I say," said a dandy to
an intelligent mechanic, "1 gay, I've got an, idea
in my head."
"Well," replied the other, "if you don't cherish
it with great care, it will dim for the want of com
Inisit PIIII,OSOPHY.—kn Irishman who
bid commenced building a wall around bie lot of
rather uncommon dimenaions, viz., four feet high
and liX feetzthick, was asked the object by a friend.
"To save repairs, my honey. Don't you see,
then, if it should ever fall down, it will be higher
than it is now?!
tending to be very wittrthoa accosted a lady in the
street: "Madam, can you inform me where I
can ace the elephant I"
"No, but if I bad a looking glasa,l'd Amy you
• very large monkey." The rowdy sloped. .
"Why do you set your cup of coffee
upon the 'chair, Mr. Jones !" said a, worthy
landlady at breakfast.
It is so very weak, ma'am." replied Mr. 1.,
demurely, "I thought I would let it rest !" •
COOL&ESS.•—" I meant to gave told yolk
of :hat hole," void a man to his fnend, who Cum
bled into a pit of water.
" No matteenow," brushing the mud and we=
ter, from his mouth, have found it."
VROM the state of Nev York.— •
- Menos..l. Kidd & Co.
' Gears:—Please send not by Expreas, 12 dozen boxes
NcLanes Pills ." They are veiling good here,
and snit generally: Your* &r. E. P. invztaan.,
Xayril/r, Chatanque Co., N. Y. '
Dm RD.
Prepared for the proprieter and sold nholerale and
retail by J. Kum & Co.
• No. GO Woo.) street. Pittsburg. Pa.
IC- N. B.—Purchasers will please be particular and
Inquire for "Dr. MeLane!s Liver Pills," and take no
The Increased demand' 'for 3I'LANKS LIVER'
PILL, since their introiltictinn by us as his agents, has
far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. It is now
about TEN YEARS since they were brought benne the
public. During this time hundreds of certificates have
been handed us, testifying to their efficacy, and stating
the very emit relief they had derived from the went
them. We have now in our possession many certifica
tes I "nei reancetable persons, who have used Da.
hPLANE'S LIVER PILL with the most happy results,
where every other known remedy had been used In •atn
Also, quite a number of regular:physic's np, of gnarl elan
ding, through thy country, are nein: and recommending
In their practice.
It has been our sincere wish, that these Pills should
be faidy aqd fully tested by experience, and stand or rail
by the effects produced. That they have been so tested,
and that the result bas been% every respect favorable.
we call thousands 'to Isitriess. who have experienced
theirbeneficial effects. . .
Dl. L•LANE'S PILLS are not held forth or recom
mended (like most albs popular medicines of the day)
as universal et:melts, but simply for. LIVER COM
PLAINTS, and those symptoms connected wrtb a de ,
anged state of that organ. J. KIDD is Co. '
Coy sale In Pottsville by John B. C. ilartin, and John
q r Elm w n Druggists.
Phila., Reading, and pottssilie
Rail Road: • ,
ft ITANGE of Boors, and two Trains Daily, each
la way. except Sundays. rains will
On and after Monday, Nay Ist; two t
ran end' waYi daily, beetween Philada. arid Pottsville.
Leaves Philadelphia lit 11 A, M. daily except Sen.
• Passes Reading at 10.45 A. M.
Leaves Pottsville at 'it A. R. daily, except Sundays.
Poses Reading at 9.10 A. M.
• The above Line stops at all way stations rat the road
as formerly.
Up ?Main. • Down Tiwiss.
Leaves Philadelphia at. 411 Leases Pottevill*.at Id P.
P. except Sun- H., daily eXitipt Sin
`days. • days.
Leaves Pheenixville, 3.4 s Leaves Sch. Oases. , t.IT
tbltstbwn, 4,15 " Port Clinton,— 11.00
Reading. 5110, Reading, 3.50
Port. Clinton, 5.451 Pottstown, - '-• '4.30
" Sch. Haven, 6.10, ",..Threnixvilla, 5.00
Arrives at Pottsville, 6.2oArrives at State Road. 5.50
The afternoon train will atop only at thee:Hos Ranted
stations: Passengers for other points oust therefor*
take the Morning Line.
Depot in Philadelphia, cprner of ,Broad 'and Vine
Streets.. No Passengers can enter thy Can uhless pro
vided with Tickets. •
NOTICE.—Fifty pentids of baggeto Willbe allowed
to, each passenger in these lines; and passengers are
expressly pmhibited from taking anything as baggage
bet their wearing apparell which will be at the risk of
Its owner.. No freight will 66 taken by these noes.
Bforder of Board of Managers.
aprinti, '44. 11 S. DILaDrORD,
Phila., Reading, and Pottsville
IATD9 00.01LEIGITIF OD 1111101 14 . 012 . -
x AND 41 , T1M Dssika4t US, DR%
Goode O . W
be Ibrwirded with despatch at the foUowle/1 DOSS
of freight, betweelf Potteville and. the palate aglow
stated, per ton of 2000 lbs. • 1.
• Barns PoUrvills [Barges Poilsoillo
and Pkart. I . sad Reading.
Plaster slate, tiles, kc., 02 , 30- ' 01 00
Pie Iron bloome,timber, mar- -- . t , ,
ble, rosin, tar, pitch, and 275 ' ' '''. 190
grindstones. .
Nails and apikes, bar iron,
castings, lead. turpentine,
- bark, raw tobacco, salt, 395 ' 115 '
provision's, potatoesx turn- .
ber, stoves, Are. . .
Flout per barrel, 30 If
%VbeaCcom,rie. Clover 1004,1 4
and salt per bushel. 91.
Groceries, ,hardware, steel,) •
copper, tin,bnuis, domestic
liquors, machinery, butter. I
and eggs, cheese, lard and ).4 75 - ' 2
infirm, nil, wool, cotton, I • '
leather,oll, hides; paints, I . - ,
oyster', raw and cordage)
Dry goods,.hemp, and inedi-1 .
sines, foreign liquors, I
wines, glass, paper, fresbl6 00 240
fish. meat, confectionary,
books and stationery.
No additional charges for commission, storage, or
i et elvips or delivering freights ninny of the Company's
depots on the line. (N0v.27 47-48 tf
fiChuVRIU Valley Railroad,. .
....4.e...2&?,* • &I
ON an after Monday, April 10, 1615, a Passenger
Traln'will run between Moon[ Carbon and Tusca
rora. three. tinies a day (except Sunday,) as follows :
Leave Mount Carbon at VA. M. 11 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Leave Tuscarora at 81 A. M. 12f P. M. and S 5 P. M.
iteThe trains will stop to take tip-and set NOWD pas
sengem at any point on the. 1100 5,7
21 miles and undo'', 5 cents.
4 " 10
6 13"
. ss 20
10 " " 25,.-
" " SO "
EL AL WALKER, Superintendent.
aprils.4B . tf IS
Express Line.
• -
Livingston, Howard & Co.'s
Between Pausallle, Philadelphia, New York. Boston,
• Balfisgare, Workington.. Bede, Corrado•, et Fares..
1 2011. the accommodation of the public, we now run
an canc.:sn car every other day between,Pottsvilte
and Philadelphia, in connection with our Trunk, which
runs daily for carrying boxes of merchundize has By
tidier rrogement orders for goods and packages left at
the office in Pottsville, will he executed, and the goods
delivered in Pottsville in about 30 or 32 hours. Thin is
a great convenience for our merchants and trailer.—
Gold, Silver, and Notes forwarded and bills collected.
ps- Orders received for the purchase of any single ar
ticle In Philadelphia. New York,nr Boston, which will
\be promptly attended tn. Goods forwarded, which can
beipaid for on delivery of the same.
Office in Pottsville, two doers below Dannan's Book
store, and immediately opposite the new Episcopal
E. W. Earl's Dnnkotore
Mile&ltihia, No. 93, South Third str e et.
New York; No. street,
Barton: No:6, Court street.
Table of Fielght and Volt on Coal
Prom March 13th tolune 150.948.
Te From Sit : Carbon. Sat, Haven'. P . Clinton.
Richmond, 1 25 ' i'2o 05
Philadelphia, 135 ' . 30 \ IS
Inclined Plane, 1 25 05
Nleetnivn, 123 10 \ 05
Germantown It 8., 193 . 20 03
Fes or Schuylkill, I -10 I i
05 \ 95
Manayunk; • 1 OS 00 54
Conet ehocken and
Plynmuth R. 8., 93 90 - 88
Turn Gut I mile be
NorristoWn. 90 , " r 00 55
Norristown or Bridge
port. 90 .00 95
Pert Kennedy, 90 9O 85
Valley Forge, SO 90 , • 4
Plicenixville, BS 85 - 75
Royer'• Ford, ea 60 79
Pottstown, • NI. 88 • 70
Douglassville, 60 , ' 80 ' 78
Baumstown, ' 76 • 75 70
Between Beading
and Mohreellle, 641 -, , 65 60
Maher/Ole, . 60 , 00 - 45
Hamburg, 40 40 30-
Orw 'rebut, ' SO • JO 30
The freight and toile on goal $6 Richmond during the
menthe ofJorie and July will be:
Prom Mt. Carbon. Bob. Haven. N. Clinton.
1 40 1 MI 110
On and after Aug: 1 100 ' IMI 1 40
• By order of the President and Alsoagers.
B. BRADFORD, Ileeretary.
Olica ern's Phil is Readieg 1
R. R. Co., March 11,11348. j' . . 11.
Iy;V i:tlllra'.Tl7ti'Rl
owwa e q y~ ¢
MITE Subscribers basilic associated themselves to
gether, trading under the firm Oftd.Slllymuld Os Co.,
for the purpose of carrying on the Foundry and Ma
chine business at the Franklin Works, Port 'Carbon,
lately owned by A. 0. Brooke, are now prepared to
Manufacture to order at the shortest notice Steam En
gines. Pumps, Coal Breakers, and Machinery of almost
any Mae nrd.,scription, for mining or other purposes.
Also Rail Rowland Drift cars, Iron or Drags Castings
crane, size or pattern.
• Port Carbon. Aug. )4..18147, 13—ly
arc now prepared to furnish the Colliers and deal.
ere of Schuylkill county, with Shosela of all kinds at
the lowest Philadelphia prices. Attentldn is mitten
la rly called to their Coal Shovels. Orders for Shovels
of any size or patter • promptly attended to.
S.. SILLYMAN gr. Co.
-Port Carbon . og. 14,1817. 33-1,
Tathaqua Iron Works
Sqiaa - ""1-24
Fr HE rubssribers having asimeated theuvretscs to
griller in the FOUNDRY AND MACHINE 11USI
NEFii at Tamaqua, under the firm of "Endres, Smith.
Tagtor,"•would respectfully inform their friends and
the public, that they are no* prepared to do an rxten
eine business In the manufactory of all kinds of Steam
Engines, Pumps, Coalll rea kers,si creena, and Rail Road
Cars, together with all kinds of castings in iron and
brass, as applied to machinery incident to the coal bu-
Repairing of every kind done by them with neatheal
and dispatch. They will warrant nil their work to per
form well, and would solicit the custom ofench persons
as may want work executed, either In this vicinity, or
at a distance, which will meet with prompt and imme
diate attention. SAMUEE
—3 2
Tremont-Iron Works?
Tamaqua, Aug. 7,1847
. •
HAVE associated themselves together for Me on
pose of carrying on the FOUNDRY AND MAC HIN E
BUSINESS, in the flourishing town of Trement„Schuy I
kill county, where they are prepared torternisli ill kinds
of castings for rail rand cam, and machinery of every
ileseciption, build steam engines for colliery and other
purposes, coal breakers, gearing foemills, &c., fo-
Rester with all kinds etc:lcings for forming purposes, to
which they will pay particular attention.
From the knowledge they possess of the business, they
littler themselves that all work entwined to their care
will he executed to the entire satisfactioirof customers,
and at very reasonable rates. They therefore tekPeet
snlich.the pat ronage of the public. [Oct.23 41-43-ly
Port Clltiton & Tamaqua It. IL
2/ M
TILE entire road from Pori Clinton to Tamaqua ha
ring been renewed with heavy iron rails and good
'ulnae nt lallridges, with all other improvements adapt
ed to the use of Locomotive engines, and the reenter
business of the road being now returned; • passenger
train will. on and after Tuesday,the 13th Inst., leave Ta
nlarma daily, (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock, Ald..and
arrive at Port Clinton. in time to connect with the down
ward train from Pottsville to Philadelphia. Returning,
will leave Port Clinton on the eftiVei of the Philidet
Phia Mrs, and reach Tamaqua Co, dinner. A freight
(min with merchandise will also leave daily.
WM. WALLACE. Treas. & Seetry
Little Schuylkill Navigation R. R. &Coal Cn.
Plkilads Jury 14,
YIIIIE subseribetv, at their old stand, corner of Rail
..l. Road and Callowhill streets, are ;prepared to man
to order, att he shortest notice. Steam Esgrin.
and Pumps, o any Dowel and eapacity for mining and
other purpnses, Batita's Coat Breakiliy Jillietina, with
mild and perforated rollets, as may he required.
Also Enoixes and Monier Cylixiders with all Ewes.
airy machinery fat. Blast Furnaces. Rot die Pip., of
•the most approved plans. Cup and Dalljoints and Wa-
tee 'Paws, of the very best construction. They par
invite the attention of Iran Masters and par
engaged in the Iron trade; to their Large stock of
Patterns for Rolling . Alills, having lately constructed ,
the machinery for two of the Idrgest Mills in the coun
try, viz .—The Wyoming Mill at Wilkeebarre, and the
Rolling Mill at the Montour Iron Works. Danville. ,
They are hilly prepared for this kind of work. together
with every variety ofperal machinery. Of the quat
jty of their worlcand terials, ft is enough to say,
a u,
that Uwe and erprnies ' the most infallible tests, base
amply demonstrated the genuine character of their en
gines and machinery. • '
Orders are respecfally solleftettand will be promptly
attended to. . HAYWOOD & SNYDER.
Pottsville. January, 17, 1846 , 3-Iy
. E. w.. Me OtivNis,
ESPECTFULLY announces to the public, the the
it bas taken the Establishment known as the Potts
ville Iron Works, on Norwegian street, where he Is
prepared to build all kinds of Steen, Engines, manu
facture Rail Road Can, and Machinery of almost every
description,at the shortest notice, and on the most mis
sal:able terms.
td-Prasisas from abroad, la waai•of Steam Engines
fladtrito tkais advantage so give Mak a sail Ufa
nolgJar eladowliare. Kay 'li
INTELDED Wrought Ir o n lue Fs, Suitable for Loco
,' motives,Marine and other Steam Engine Rollers,
from 2to 5 inches in diameter. ALP, Pipes for Gas,.
Steam and other purposes; extra strong Tube for Hy
•draullc Presses ; Pistons for Pumps of Steam
Engines .te. , Manufactured and for sale by
Wag_ehonee S. E. corner .74 and Walnut sta., Philadx.
Pffittnia• Nay. 2^d 181547
. .
SchuyikUl .Vavigation Co. n ,
. . _
THE Board of Managers have adorned
3 - ' 1 ;- tha following eaten of toll to Ito charged
on their worts &mil - lathe :ear IMP.
re be charged per ton of it'24o the.,
the weight to be as
.r.fitained by each 'means as may be adopted to secure
tceuracy, and eve per cent. allowance to be made
therefrom fur loss by wastage. The toll to be computed
from Mount Carbon for all coal coming from above that
poles, hod to ts charged proportionately frail distances
carried on She Canal ,
For the Months of March, April, and May,
For the months of June and July,
For the moutho of August, September, October, Nov ton
- - -
ber,and December.
To be charged per ton of 2240 pounds
Lime, Limestone,lror. °remarry spalls, ibush ■tone.
unerniught marble. sand, clay, gravel,rails, bark, and
manure, one and a half cents per ton per mile, but no
:barge will be made ,for any distance carried beyond
twenty-five miles.
Maximum toll on such articles for any distance, thirty
scven and a half cents per ton.
Gypsum; cordwood, timber, lumber, hoop, poles, bay
and straw in bales, bricks, and bituminous coal.
Between Philadelphia mill Mount Carbon,7s cta.per ton
" Ilavep, 71"
" l'ort Clinton, 65 "
Way trade tree-fourtba of a cent per ton per mile
.but no charge elmll be made exceeding seventy-five ate
per ton. THIRD CLASS. ,
Merchandise generally, such as dry male, earthen
ware/. salt, iron in pigs; bars, or any Mugs or mantirac
jure beyond the ore, nails, flour, grain, and all other
articles not specifiFally enumerated In classes first end
Two cents per ton per mile for the first twenty miles
carried. and three-fourths can cent per ton per mile for
any additional distance canted beyond twenty miles,
.Vote.—ln all cases where one or morelocks are passed,
and the distance carried shall be less than- two miles,
the charge for toll shall be for two mites according to
the class to which the articles canted may belting.
And in all cases where the foregoing rates shall exceed
cents' per ton on the ascertained Tonnage of the vessel
for any lock passed below Reading,-or A cents per ton,
above Heading, the ton shall be charged at these men
tioned rates on all articles.
• Boats intended to lie rue regularly in the trade on the
line of the Canal will fie licensed to pass the whole or
any part of the line empty by the payment of ten dollars.
The licenses will be billed by any reflector. and will
continue in forre during the year ISIS, provided the boat
so licensed shall pay a sum In tolls equal to ten dollar.
per month.
Main not sa licensed will be clred,five rents per
mile, unless they calTy cargo wine .has paid live dol
lars in tolls.
Any boat not licensed a, aforeruld; and running upon
single level of the works, shall pay for each lock they
may nt any tune pans, four cents per ton on the anent
gained tonnage thereof ahnve" Iteading, and six and a
quarter cents per ton below Rending.
. _
The Company will furnish cats, boats, and landings,
and afford every facility for transporting cnal to market
at the most reasonable rates, and they are prepared to
make rontracts with operators and others engaged in
the coal trade, and with those whit Will build and run
boats on the Canal. on liberal terms. Applications on
these snhjects arc to he made to the Piesident of the
Company, end they will receive prompt attention.
By order of the Board.
Decll-50] F. FRALEY', President.
Office of the Schuylkill Navigation Co., Dec. 7, IBM
Schuylkill and Union Canals.
J. Narrating,
At his old establiehed Warehouse, Pine Street Wharf,
RESPECTFULLY infolms Ids friends
and the public that he is now ready to
receive and torward merchandise of every description
by the Schuylkill and Union Canals.
Alt goods intrusted to his care well be shipped on good
.covered boats, with careful ,'and responsible Captains,
and will leave his wharf every day, so auto insure a
prompt and speedy deliveryat their respective destine-
Hong, As no 111313 will be detention or
rust ofAnwage,there will be greater dispatch and less
charge than boats loading on the Delaware front.
Freight \ from Philadelphia
( - Dons will be received at the ware
•.l-intise,Areb street.wliurf on Sclinylkill,
l'hilndelphis, and forwarded doily tiy•the Canal to
Schuylkill Haven, Pottsville, and other places on the
Canal, in the Coal Regliar„at the following rates per
ton of 2000 mind', ukase! icifihniseel viirw A rs for toile.
commicsios, 'Wrap, or forwarding:
Fluter, teen ore, lumber, bricks; hay in halm el 00
Merchandise generally, dry goods; hardware,
earthenware, drugs, groceries, salt, goer,
wheat, nails, Iron, &e., . 2 SO
Merchants and others may rely on liteing their goods
forwarded tosmediattly.
MarchlB-124m] JOHN 11. WILLITS,Agent.
Joseph McMurray's Passage
tt. THE subscriber respectfully bees
(47 leave to tender his sincere thanks to
A".V., his numerous friends and the public,
for the very liberal support lie has, re,
NADIV..IIM7 c ;iced for upwards of twenty years,
and solicits a continuation of their
confidence. The despatch with which hts passengers;
have bean brought out, and the promptness with which
his very numerous drafts have been paid at the different
banks, are, he natters himself, a sufficient guarantee to
the public fur the faithful performance of any future
contracts entered into with him.
The following are the RE
ETS, which rail punctually
which passengers will be to
disappointment, viz.:
Patrick Henry, Delano,
Waterloo, F.R.Allen,
Sheridan, Cornish,
Henry Clay, Nye,
New Ship,
Carrick, '
New World,
John R.Skiddy.
Went Point,
amps' NUM.
Patrick Henry
Henry Clay,
New Ship,
New World,
John R Skiddy,
West PoinC,
In addition I
splendid ships,
paha onnck, Li ,
Columbia, and
. -
erpool weekly In regular succession, thereby preventing
the least possibility of delay or detention in Liverpool ;
and for the accommodation of persons wishing In remit
money to their family or friends, 1 hare arranged the
payments of my drafts on the following banks:
Armagh, &Unmet, Enn isk Men. Oniagb,
Athlone, Crati, Ennis, Pargontown,,
Bandon, •Fermoy, Enniscorthy, Skibbereen,
Belfast, . Cootch ill, Galway, SI ig,n,
Banbridge, Drogheda, Kilkenny, Strabane,
Ballymena, Dundalk, Kilrush, . • Tralee,
lia I lys bantionDuOars n, Limerick, Wexford,
Ballina, Dungannon, Londonderry,Waterlbrd,
Cork, Downpatrick,Monagban, Yougbal.
Coleraine, Dublin, 3tallaw,
Englead.--Messrs. Spooner, Atwood & CO., bankers,
London; and Mr. E. S. Flynn, Liverpool.
Scotism:l.—The City .of Glasgow Bank, and all ha
brrmcbed agencies..
P es can also be engaged from Liverpool to
Philadelphia, Boston, and Baltimore, by the mauler
packet ships, on application being made personally or
by letter post paid addressed to B. BANNAN,Pottsville;
JOSEPH MadURBAY, corner or Pine and South sts..
New York; or Mr. EDMUND S. FLYNN, No. 117,
Waterloo Road, Liverpool. [JanI4B-1
Wall 'Papers.
THE subscribers have on hand the Lamest assortment
of WALL PAPERS in the ally xif Philadelphia,
wholesale nod retail, consisting of eveip variety suit
able for Panora, Entries; Dining Rooms, Chambers, acc,
which, for quality and style cannot be surpassed, Doing
a cash business, we are enabled to sell a better ankle
at annuli laser rate, than any stare doing a trade Susi
• •
On hand. large assortment of WIDE PAPER, for
Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &e, which will be sold
for cash.
N.ll —Dealers are invited to call and examine their
stock before marehasing elsewhere
IllarcblB-12.3m1 FINN & .lIIIRTON,
No. 1 4.1 Reartrret, went stge, PbUada. •
-1111 their appointed days, by
ought out without delay or
Jany. 6 Mny 6 Sept. 5
" 11 • '• H " 11
20, " 28 " 26
Feby. 6 JUee 6 Ono. 6
" 11. " II " H
26 " 26 '' 26
Mnrch 6 'July 6 liner. 6
" II " II " II
1 .26 " 26 " 26
Arlll 4 Aug. A I I De . i , :r. 3 . 1 1
26 " 26 '' 21
JAYS sanaiin FROM LW'ReL.
reby. 21 June 21 Oct. 21
26 " 26 " 26
Mar.' II July 11 Nov.ll
' " 21 " 21 " 26
26 " 26 " 21
April ;1 . Aug.. 41 ~D,! c .gi
" .
May 11 Se ' l : t. til j " . ;_ i l
26 " 26 ~ 26
!June 11 .. Oct. 11 Fcb. 11
Ile wland,
%VII Allen
Corn lab,
the above regular line, a number o,
uch as the Adirondack, Marminii, Rap
rip, Sea, St. Patrick, Samuel flicks,
'tagara, will continue to sail from Lir-
a, _
lon LIVES, on the A,
beyond the mount °Pike'
All the profits of the Cou
the insured.
ual s. pate m, nithout liability
hpany divided annually among
id quarterly, semi-annually,
the premium may be paid in
The premium may be p
at annually. or onc•ltalf
a note at 12 months.
Indtviduals insuredm th
of the commotion, and sod
- . •
Ii Company became members
I s,
e for truneen.
t ith a full participation In the
5 of any other Instito Nun in
lutSet than any of the EngliSh
lPion of the profits.
suranre, with full particulars
1 be rates. of premium.
profits, are as low as thoU
the state or country, and IF
Companies. with only and
Itlank applications for It
can be bad at the Mare.
Edward Hartoborne, M.
Mark M. Itecve.
lILLF.R. President.
CLARKE. Tice' Prcs
ILNOR, Stcrairy.
"1 Medical Eintninits,
to Wei , P.l[.
Ti attendanc daily train
OFFICE 163.1631.
I -
sant arrest, awa /If% "Moat
George A. Richards.
Mordecai D. Lewis.
Allolphe E. Bonin,
David S. Brown, .
Charles N. Haulms, .
Thomas llart,
Tobias Wagner,
Samuel Urant,
Jacob IL Smith,
Continue to make Insu 1
on every description of p;
Morris Patterson.
ancoi, permanentOr limited,
[openy, in town and country
, 'Went with security.
sekvcd a large Contingent
and Premiums, safely
sect lan to the assured.
laity On January Ist, PM, as
4 act of Assembly, were as
Steris, 51,563 9.5
I t
Cash, 45.157 b 7
at rates as low as are en
The Company hare r
Fund, which renhtheir
nvented, affqrd ample pr,
The assent' of the Conti
published akreeably. to a
Mortgages, *690,658 6
Real Estate, 104358
Since their ineorporatioln. a period of eiglkteen years.
they have paid upwardsi of one niiliea MD limier/1
thossaned defiers, losses Il y lire, thereby affording evi
dence of the advantages of insurance. as well as the
ability and disposition t meet with promptness, all
liabilities. , CHARLES N. RANCHER, President.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for the
above mentioned InatituDon. and la now prepared to
make insurance, on every description of property, at
the lowest ratca. ANDREW RUSSEL. Agent.
Pottsville,JuneW, 1841-25 it I (FcblU-8
SPitijdiiiiinMnfual - Insurance
TCompany having organized according to the
provisions talus charter, is now prepared to make
Insurances against loss by, Fire on the mutual principle,
combined with the security of a joint stock capital.—
The advantage alibis system is, that efficient security
s afforded at the lowest ea Ice that; the business can, be
done for, as the whole profits (less an inteicst not to
exceed 6 per cent. per annum on the capital; will be re
turned to the members of the institution, without their
becoming responsible for any ofthe engagements nr li
abilities of the Company, furtherthan the premiuute ac
tunny paid.
The great success which this system has met with
wherever it has been introduced, induces the Directors
to request the attention of the public In it, confident
thatit requires but to be understood td be appreCiated.
The Act of Incorporation, and any explanation in re
gard to th.inay be obtained' by applying at the Office
Northresi iornor of 6tA and Wood sto., or of 11. DAN
NAN, Pottsville.
L. ERUDIBIBAR, Secretary.
Charles Stokes, George W. Ash.
Joseph Wood, Abraham .R. Perkins,
, P. L. Lazuerenne, Walter R. Dick,
Samuel Townsend, - Joseph Parker.
The subscriber has beenbrppointed Agent for the
bone mentioned Institutind, and Is prepared to, etTec
nsurances on MI descriptions of plopertyat the low es
ales. U. lIANNAN.
-February 2d, 1849, - ' 9
National Loan Fund Life Assu
rance Society of Lonion.
6 4 A L ,RAVINGS BANK for the Benefit of the Widow
and the Orphan."—Empowered bv,Art of I'ar.
liament.—Capital £500,000 nr s2.soo,ooo—Besideia Re
serve Fund (from Surplus Premiums) nfatiaut s!ia,noo
- Lamle Murray. Dui:, George otter'. Hanover
square, Chninuan of the Coon of Ihrerntra in London
Phyrtrian..t—J. Elliot:um. M. D., F. R. S. Actuary.—
W. S. It. Woulltnitse, Ea. ,F. R. A., S. Saretury.—
F. F. Cammin. Esq.
The fit:lowing are among the advantage 2 offered by
this inetittitinn
The guarantee of a large capital, In addition to the
acrumnlation of premiums. The peculiar benefit secu
red to the assured by the, prinriplemf the our, depart
ment. The payment of premiums or quar
terly, by parties insured for whole term of life, at a t
addithinal charge. r The travelling leave extensive
and li beral.l Persons insured forllfo, eon at onceburrow
half amount of annual premium, and claim the same
privilege fur fire successive years, on their own note
and deposit of policy. Port of the Capital Is perma
nmitly invented hr the United States, in the names .1'
three of the Local Directors, as Trustees—available
always to the assured in dares of disputed claims
(should any such arish) or otherwise. Thirty days al
lowed after earl] paMnent! of premium becomes dire
without forfeiture °CI policy. No charge for medical
The rtoeiety being founded on the Ittuttial and Jul
Stock principle, parties may participate in the profds of
the Society; two-thirds of which are annuahr divided
among those assured for life on the Pattieipation scale.
' Persons who aretesirous to avail themselves of the
advantages offere 'by this Institution, by addressing
the General Agent, J. Leander Starr:No. 74, Wall St.,
New I'm*, can obtain the regal: he Information and the
necessary papers for effecting an insurance.
C. Any information with regard to this Company can
be obtained nt, the office of the Miners' Journal.
August 21, Off 34
TAKi: Insurance nn Lives,grant Annuities and En
dnwtnenta:and receive and execute trusts.
- . . .
kV. far linsairing $lOO on a,singlc life.
For 1 year. For 7 years. Forl.ife
0 05 177
• _• .
30 o'ol4
50 100 . ; 209 - , 460
60: 4 35 4 q 1 7 00
:—A persoh aged 30 years meat
y paying' the Company*l 31, would secure to his ra
imily or heirs *NO, should he die in one year ; or for
$l3 10 he secures to them *1000; or •lor 4113 110 annu
ally for 7 years ; he secures to them 411000 should be
die In 7 years; or forll236o.pald annually during
life he provides for them 411000 whenever be diem ,
for *6550 Shey would receive; OM should he die in
one year.
JAltliAlll.! 20, Ma.
THE Managers of this Company, at a meeting held
on the 271.11 December ult., agreeably In 'the design
referred in the original prmpectus or circular of the
Company, appropriatelLa Bonus or addition to all poli
cies for the whole of life, remaining in force, that
were issued prior to.the lit of January, 1442. Those
of them therefore which were issued in theyear 1930,
will be entitled tolo per cent upon the. sum insured,
making an addition Hof $lOO on every $lOOO. That is
1 \14„,
41110( 'will be paid When the policy becomes, a claim
instep of the 411000orizinally insured. , Those policies
that we . issued in .1837 will be entitled to Eii per dent.
or $9l 20 on every $lBBlO. And those issued in 1039,
will be entitled to 7/ per cent, or $75 on every 100,
and in ratable proportions on all said policies issued
prior to tern , ' January, 1842. . .
The Bonus will he credited to each pnlocy on the'
books endorsed on presentation at the Office:
It is the design of the Company, to continue to- make
addition or bonus to the policies for life at stated
B. W.RICHARDS, PrcAiderit.
JOHN F. JAMES; Actuary.
CsThesubscriber has been appointed Agent; fondle
above Institution, and is prepared effect Insurinces on
lives, at the published rates, and rive auY infOintat ion
desired on the subject, on application at ibis of r.
Pottsville I'eh. Bth,
VIM the Lure of Headache. Giddiness. Rheumatism, I' Piles, Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Smallpox. Jaiintlice.Palas
in the flack, Inward Weakness. Palpitation of the
Heart, Rising , in the Throat, Dropsy ; Asthma, Fevers of
all kinds, nitnale Complaints, Messina, Salt Rheum,
Heartburn, %Worms. Cholera Marius, Courhs.
Whooping Cough, Consunipt inn, Fits. Liver Complaint,
Erysipelas, Deafness, itching of the Skid, Colds, Gout,
Gravel, Nervous Complaints, anti a variety of other
diseases, arising from impurities of the blood, and ob
structions in the organs of d igestion.
Experience has 'proved that nearly every disease on.
glnates from impurities of the blood or d.-rangenient of
the digestive organs • and to secure health; we tnust re
move these obstruct ions or restore the blood to its na
tural state.
The aversion to taking medicine is most effectually re
moved by Clirkner'ssreitetable Part:retire Puts; being
cninpletely enveloped -lilt a coating ofpurc whirs sugar
(which in as distinct from the 'Menial ingredients as a
nut shell from the kernel) and have no taste of medicine,
but areas easily swallowed as bits acanily. Moreover
they neither nauseate or gripe its the slightest degree,t
but operate equally on all of the diseased parts of the
system, instead of confining 'themselves to and racking
any particular region. Thus, if the Liver be affected.
one ingredient w ill operate on that particular organ, and
by cleansing it of Any excess of bile, restore It to its na
tural state. Another, will operate on the blood, and re
move all impurities in Its circulation, while a third will
effectually expel whatever impurities may have been
discharged into the stomach, and hence they strike at
thereof of diseaos,renove all Impure humors from the
body open the pores externally and internally; separate
and obnoxious particles from the chyle, so
that the blood must he thoroughly pure—thus securing
a free and healthy action to the heart, lungs, and liver;
and thereby they [ restore health, even when all other
means have frilled
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by
the trial rif a single box; a ndiheir virtutA are Fn positive
and certain in restoring health, that the proprietor binds
himself to return the money paid for them In all CUSC3
where they do not give universal satisfaction.
. Retail prices, 25 cents per her.
Principal office, No. 66, Vesey Street, New York.
Thgfollowlng arc the arena in Schuylkill county for
Clickner's Vegetable Purgative Pills •
Garden and Field Implements.!
SMALI. Steel Hoes with Handles,
Toy Spades for children,
Brush Honks. Pruning Knives.
Wmught Iron Garden fMkes, large and small, !
Sheers for Dressing Bordeik,
Pole Pruning Shears, and Pinning Hooke,
Larlies*Scisaora for trimming Shrubbery,,
Syringes for cleaning - Plants.
Orthard Grass. Clover and Timothy Seed. &e. - &c.
Just received and for'sale,at , HANNAN'S •
aprilf. 15 - Cheap Variety Storm..
Where orders ate received for all kinds of Agrlcataira
LANCASTER COMBS.— The celebrated Lan
cuter COMIIbt the dozen or grope for note b
latestoo) Ml=4 41XVM
Sheriff's Sales of Real Estate
DV virtue of sundry writs of Yemaitioui •Erpouss,
IA issued outer the Connor Common Pleas of Schuyl
kill County, and to sae. directed, will be exposed to
public sole or vendee, on Saturday the 3d day of Jesse
D. 1818: at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. at the public
house of David Benno, in the Borough of Pennine,
Schuylkill Co., the following described premises. via.:
All that certain lot or piece of groand, situate In the
Mini of Ulewellyn , in Branch Township, Schuylkill
County, marked in the plan of said town, with the
No. C 4, and lying and being on the north side of
Bunting street, between Railroad street. and Shober
street. bounded on the east by ground of Richard Wil
ling. SamuelShober, and othera, on the south by Bunt
ing street, on }he north by a 20 feet wide alley, and on
the west bv lot No. 6, containing in front on Bunting
street 50 feet.l and In length or depth 150 feet, conveyed
by John G. Sherman and wife to Zaddoek Bacon, by
Deed dated Feb. 5,1815, and recorded at
4 Si? Orwigeburg, In Deed Book No. 25, 'page
•••• with the appurtenances consisting of
if s if • a three story frame dwelling house. (now'
' occupied as a tavern) a one story frame
dwelling house, and a frame shed. As the
property of ZADDOCK BACON.
At the same time cad plate, All that certain porta
a lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Pottsville,
'Schuylkill County, botinded eastwardly by Eighth St.
westwardly by lot of Andrew Russell, northwardly by
lot of Isaac Severn, and southwardly bye lot of Daniel
Eller, containing in length 60. feet, and in width 181
feet, more or less, and being part of lot No 17, in the
general plan of said Borough.
.9/so, all that 'certain piece or parcel of lands situate
on the westwardly side of the Centre Turnpike road,
in North slanheim Township, Schuylkill County, and
known as Eller's sand bank, containing wo zeros . and
84 perches. As the property of ADAM EILER6
.91 the some time cutplace, All the right, title and
intecest-of John Monet, deceased, of, in and to all that
certain tract of land, rrituste in Barry township, Schuyl
kill county, known as the. "Deborah .Grant 4.ands,"
containing 400 acres nod allowance, bounded on the
south by lands late of Benjamin Combs. on the coat by
a partition line of disputed land, on the north by land
now or late of Benjamin Combe and Wan=E lliott,
and on the west by land warranted to Dr. James
Also, all the tight. tills ■nd Interest of John Brobst,
deceased, of, in and to all that certain tract of land,
tussle In Barry township, County aforesaid. being that
port of 1788 acres sod 70 perches of land, divided in par.
tition between David F. Gordon, Marks J. Biddle,
Valentine Umbra, John Sroull and Mathew Selfridge,
bounded on the north by the Schuylkill County line, on
the west by land surveyed to-, on the enst by land
warranted to William Martin, and on the tooth by
lands of Benjamin Combo and others. As the proper
ty of JOEIN BROBST, defeated.
At Ide .omrPhxe and place.
All that certain lot or piece of ground, satiate In the
borough of Minersville, Schuylkill county, containing
In front on Sunbury • street 30 fret and being 150 feet
in depth, with the appurtenances consisting of • two
glory stone dwelling house and !tame stable. As the
property of JACOB F. TIIUMM r '
.11 the same,time and place, All thole certain two lots
of ground situated on theieststwardly side of Itall.Road
street, in the borough of hlinersyille, Schuylkill county,
bounded northwardly by lot NO. 3. now °Klatt of Jacob
F. Therein t southwardly by lot No. 6; westwardly by
said Rail Road etc iet ; and eastwardly by the west bank
of the West Branch of the Schuylkill river, containing
in front on Rail Road street. t 0 feet, and extending
that width alone the linen( lot' NO: 3. about 310 feet,
and Moms ' the line of lot No. G about 323 feet, being
hits N05..4 and 5 in a pianof rots laid I out by George
Patterson, each. of the said' hied containing in width 3 0
feet, the northwest come: of said lot No. 4 being 90feet
distant from the house now or late of Anthony Stein
liciger. on the line of said Rail Road street, and being
port of the same premises which Jacob Reed, Lewis
Myer, and Jacob Bright, trustees of Michael Loyd, by
deed dated May 31st, 1031. recorded in Orwigsburg in
deed book No. 14, page %%granted to George Patterson.
anti by George Patterson to John Sites by deed dated
the 13th dug of Febuary. A. 1.5. 1841.
.A Lao, all!that certain lot or piece aground situated
*1,2:).097 67
in the boroUgh of Minersville. - Schuylkill I county, nn
i .
the eastern side o a street called Rail Road street In a
lion of hoer laid out by George Patterson, bounded
southwardly by I t No. 3; westwardly by said Rail
Road street ; east aptly by the western bank of the
NVest Branch of t e Schuylkill river ;and northwardly
by . Int No. I, being lot No. 2 on the plan aforesaid, con
taming in width 60 feet, and in length or depth 315
feet,. wore or less, and being the lot of ground whirl
George Patterson and Maria his wife, conveyed to
John Sites by deed dated March Orb, 1b39. As the prop.
etty of JOHN SITES.
Seized and taken Into execution and will be sold by
.Sheriff 'a Office Ortvigs- 1 J. T. WEROiEIt, Sheriff.
burg,Nlay 13 1848. 1 - i ,
T. J. Ilughem, Broker.
Real Estate bought and sold, arency for cabction tf
. sluts. o.ffies oppositethe Aliases' Bank.-
F la r S r (i B ! :. tr ai :i i, : t i , earsbie 'three story residence In
ALSO: A large and convenient store room arid dwel
ling.liouse well located in Millersville. d .
ALSO: Eight 'building lots In Minersviile. as well !cr
eated as any in the boroligh. A number of mortgages
and judgment bonds of various amounts, well secure,
on property in Pottsville arid vicinity.
'A LSO: "A
valuable store in Centre street.
ALSO: For sate or rent, a store and dwelling in Mi
nersville, in the t business part of the town.
ALSO: The farce and convenient hotel, situated in
the town of Patterson known as the Schuylkill Valley
Hotel. Terms past'.
NVANTED: Coal lands or prodtictive property In
Schn)lkill county, in exchange for productive property
Philadelphia. •t [Novl.o 47-47
Farm for Sale.
-THE subscriber will sell a valuable
X: farm. consisting of E 0 acres, situated In
Pinegrove township, Schuylkill county,
1111 ...kt • about 4 mines beinw Pmecrove. About
a 6O acres attire land is cleared,and Ina state
orchitty:l lion, ten of which is in meadow. The bal
ance is woodland, well lumbered. The Union (Mnal
runs throneh the properly The buildings consist of a
two storydwelting house,a new Switzer barn, and nth
er mkt 'wilding*: There are two - orchards on the farm,
and an abundant supply of good water on the premises
close by the buildings. There are fifteen acres of win
teVgraln in the ground. For terms and other particu
lars, apply to the subscriber In Pinegrove.
October 10 1486
Valuable Coal Tracts to Rent
O let nn leases, to nun applicants, all that tract T land belonging to the "North American Coal ,Co.
known as the 'Mill Creek Tract, containing the follow.
tog list of Coal Veins, many of which,—among others.
tn., Peach Mountain, Veins—having a range of over a
mile In length, viz:—Lewis, riprihn, Barracleuch,
Pearson, Clarkson, Stevenson; Little Tracey,l'each
Mountain Veins, Green Park or Itavensdale VeiniPer
pentlicular, Diamond, and Ilig Diamond Veins, along
with many others not named.
Also, all that tract called the Junction Tract, belong
ing to the said Company,containing the Salem,Forrest,
Rabbit Dole, Mortimer, Tunnel, flack Mine, C. "raw
ton and Alfred Lawton Veins. Also, a Saw Mill a n d
Grist Mill,situated on the Mill Creek Trart,nll of which
willbe rented on moderate terms by applying to '
Poll:wale. Feb. V
. For Sale at Private Sale.
ALL that certain tractor parcel of land, situated on
the Broad Mountain, in !Amer Ma hantonge town
ship, in Schuylkill county, (formerly Clerks county,) in
the state of Pennsylvania,boundedand described as fol
lows, to wit:—Beginning at a marked white oak tree ;
thence by late vacant lands, now surveyed to Jacob
Miller, north sixty-five perches, to a white oak ; thence
by late •acant land, now surveyed to George Werner,
west 146 perches to a Stone ; thence by late vacant land
now eurieyed to Leonard 111 ick, south platy-five perch
es to a Swinish oak thence east 146 perches, to the
place of beginning, containing fifty-five acres and one
hundred and fifty-twoi perches of land and allowances
of six per cent. for roads, &c.
Executor of F. Beall? estate, 69, Market at. Phllade.
Philadelphia, September 19. 1846 38-
t ELDRIDGE'S Cheap Carpet Wirehohre.
TII E entiscri law is enabled to offer great inducements
to persons about to buy CARPETS or OILCLOTHS
bV holeeale or Retail. as his expenses are an light in his
present situation. he is enabled to sell goods at the very
lowest' prices in me city.
Ile offers for Spring sales an euellent assortment of
Splendid Imperial,
Superfine Ingrain,.
Fine and-Medium do. r LATENT STYLES.
Venetians of all html,,i
Cotton. Lint, and Rae,
And Oil Clothe, from2o 21 feet wide to cut forename,
halls, Sac., with a great variety of low priced Ingrain
carpeie,iroto 25 to 50 cent., and Entry and Stair Car
pets. from 12 in 50 rents. per yard.
Also, Matting. Floor Clothe, Mtge, Table Cover,. dce.
No. 41, Strawberry St., one door above. Chesnu
l'ilarchll-11-3ml near Second. Ithilatiel Phis
I '
THE subecribere announce to the
T---rs public, that they,are now thnning a Tri
'weekly line of new and elegant four
horse COACHES between Pottsville and Harris
burg, through, y daylight, leaving - Pottsville every
Tueeday. Thursday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. 51„,.
arid Harrisburg. the alternate days, at the same hour—
panning through Schuylkill Haven, Friedensburg, Pine
grove. Fredericksburg, Jonestown, and Lingelstown.
To Harrisburg. #3 25 To Pottsville, #3 25
" Schuylkill Haven," 25 " Lingelstown, 50
" Pinegrove, 112 "Jonestown, 150
" Fredericksburg, 175 " Frederlckeburg, - 175
" Jonestown; 200 I " Plnegrove,' 225
" Lingelstown, 300 " Schuylkill Haven 300
For seats in Pottsville apply at the Pennsylvania Hall
—ln Harrisburg, at Male's Hotel and at Colder's Stage
Posseucers called for when - requested.
The proprietors pledge themselves to the public that
_hey n-II be oquar to any in theMlate for comfortable
' - G. JENNINGS & Co.
Pottsville,April 24,1817 - 17-
A ".
AMEDICINE which Is perfectly safedind may tie glv.
en to children, from tender infancy to advanced
age, lays under no restraint as to cold water, or ady
kind of food. Purges mildly, subduing fever,—destroys
and ex kis worms with invariable success—and is easi•
ly administered to children. f:'
That it possesses these valmible properties, is fear
lessly asserted—still claiming the additional advantages
of being given In small bulk, and requiring none of the'
drenching which Worm Tea and other supposed Vern&
loges demand. During ifs brilliant career, it has been
introduced into many families ,where every other known
upd accessible Vermifuge has been tried without the
least success, where it has promptly expelled Worms
to an almost incredible amount.
As evidence of the surprising effects of Dr. 3PLAis's
WORM SPECIFIC, we give the following ;
On Saturday, February 7th, 1846, Mt. James Richard
son called at the Drag Store of .1. Kidd & Co. corner
of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburg, Pa. and made
the following statement:—"A child of ' mine had been
very sick for sonic ten days—we'had given her purga
tive medicines, but 11 had done her no good. One of
our neighbours come in and said it was Worms that
were destroying the child, and at the same time spoke
of the wonderful effects she had witnessed from using
Dr. -IP.Laste's Worm Spreific,in that neighborhood. We
procured a vial—gave one tca-spoonful, and the child
discharged forty two worsts. !then gave another tea
spoonful, which brought forty-six more,making in all
eight peighelVorms. As a duty I owe to you, and the
community at large. I freely make knOwn these facts.
My child is now well. What is most remarkable, the
Wens Specific expelled the W 077116 alive, la 'Writ four
hours after I gave it to the child."
For Sale in Pottville by John S.C. Martin, & John C.
Drown Druggists. . • PO 48-1-6 m
11ROUND EPIC • S—Lty the keg always on han
%Sand for gale by
Mama-RI LITTLE & MARTIN, ()entre meet
atet-tva ,
TIIST opening a faille and well-selected assortment
o of Garden seeds, all warranted - fresh from Land
reth•s, which wilt be sold wholesale and retail at nor.
eery prices. 0. Persons wishing to purchase to se
again, supplied at coy prices by the quantity: (Febl2
Ter safe, er imports/1u erde,, by lA. subscribir.
THESE Ropes ate now almost exclusively used in
the Coillaries and on the Railways In Great Brit
sof and are found to be greatly superior to Hempen
ones as regards safety, durability and economy.
The Patent Wire Roper, have proved to be still In
good condition after three year's service, in the same
situation where the Hempen ones, previously used, of
double the
.sise and weight would wear out in site or
ten months.• They have been.used for almost every
purpose to which Hempen Ropes and chains have been
applied. Mines, Railways, Heavy Cranes, Standing
Rigging, Window Cords, Lightning Conductors. Signet
Halyards, Tiller Ropes, &e. They are made either of
Iron or Copper Wire. and in cases of much exposure
to dampness. of Calvinixed Wire.
Testimonials from the most eminent Engineers In
England can be shown as to their efficiency, and any
additional informiticin required respecting. the differ
ent descriptions and application will be given by
ALFRED F. HEMP. 75 Broad st., New York. ;
Sole Agent in the United States.
New York, Hay 300,1846.
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datnander, Fire, and
• Front' Chests,
rof Doors for Banks and Stores, Seal
xr Presses, Patent State-Lined Weir,
tors, Water Filters,-Patent Portal , '
Water losers, in tended for the •
Sisk and /thew.
'l3, South Third St:, (opposite the Philada. Esetlang,e,)
jr ANUFACTIME and keep constantly on hand, a
large assortment of the above articles, toxether
with ihrtr•Patent Improved Salamander FIRE-PROOF
SAFES, which are so constructed as to set at rest alt
manner of doubt as to their being strictly fireproof, and
that they will resist the fire of any Wilding. The out
side cases of these Safes are made of boiler iron, the
inside case of soapstone,',and between the outer case
and Inner case Is a space of some three inches thick,
and is tilled in with Indestructible material, so as to
make it au impossibility to burn any orate contents in
side of this chest. These Soapstone Salamander's we
are prepared and do challenge the wcirld to produce any
article in the shape of Book Safe's that will stand as
mud; heat, and ire hold ourselves ready at all Gnus to
have theta fairly tested by public bonfire. We also con
tinue to manufacture a large and general assortment of
our Premium Arr-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which there
are over bOO now in use. snd In every Instance they have
given entire satisfactionio the purchasers—of which we
will refer the public t a few gentlemen who have them
in use
Haywood Is ft v y k i 2 l:r, Pottsville ; Joseph G. Lawton,
Pottsville ; Mr. Siam Cart , Doylestown, Pa.
N. &G. Taylor, 1 , North 3d at.; A. Wright & Neph•
ew, Vine st. Will. Alexander tamr. Conveyancer,
corner of Filbert ant . 9th ats.•;John M. Ford, North
3d st.; Myers Bash, 9 0 , Nort h 3d st ; James M. Paul,
101, iouth Ch at.; Dr. David Jayne. 13, South 3d at.;
Matthew T Miller, ^.A; South 3d at ; and we could name
Some hundreds of others if it were necessary. Now we
Invite the attention of the public,and particularly those
in want of Fire. Proof Safes, to call ; at our store before
purchasing elsewhere, and we can satisfy them that
they will get a !letter and cheaper article at our store
than at any other establishment in the city.
We also manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chests
al very low prices, cheaper than they can be bought at
any other 'Sere In PhiladelphAt : _ , •
lIL I I (I1!1I51 l
TFIE subscribers invite purchasers of all or any kinds
01 DRY GOODS required in housekeeping, to call
amferamine their stock, which to confined exclusively
to those articles, comprising in part all kinds of LI an
and Cotton Sheetings, Quills, Blankets, Damask Table
Cloths and Napkins, Toweling!, Tickings. Table and
Piano Covers, Furniture, Dimities and Chintzes, Em
broidered and law priced Curtain Muslin, Worsted
Damask and Moreens, Domestic Muslins , a rc, dm; to•
getter with a large stock of all kinds of Flannels,' and
the'brat styles of Irish Linen, which they import direct
from the moat celebrated bleachers. By excluding Dress
Goode from their business, they ;are relieved from the
necessity of asking high prices at the commencement of
the season to compensate for losses consequent upon
changes of fashion as the season advances, an will sell
at the lowest passible grade ofprofits as the su means
of extending their business.
JOHN V. COWELL k SON, corner Ches.
Pinsti 11357-43-fat) nut and I% sits., Frills do.
Coal Screens ! Coal Screens ! !
THE suseriber le extensively engaged in the mann
factory of WOVEN WIRE SCREENS upon an
Iniproved'and entirely new principle, for which he has
secured LETTERS PATENT. and which he confident
ly believes will he found upon trial, superior to every
other screen in use for durability and all the qualities
of a good screen. They are woven entirely of wire,
and can be made with meshes and threads of any re
gnired size and strength. "
will be executed at the shortest notice, and screens
made to every pattern, adapted to all the uses for
which screens are required,
'. I subscriber has recently removed his estab.
lishmentt ) Coal Steel, near the cornei of Norwegthn
4-Puttee a. April 4 1646 l-
Abdominal Supporters, &c.
min; subscriber has made an nrownsenient for a sup
also his HERNIAL APPARATIJ which he %VIII Mil,
ply to physicians, and those iiiquidne them, at Philada.
prices. These insirumenls are now generally used by
the (amity In Philadelphia, and are highlyreeemniend
ed by,all who have used them. F. tiANDE:ION•
Pottsvill, april22 • ti • l;
Paper Hangings, and Borders, .
120 fi n PIECES of Paper-Hangings, Elorders,Panel ,
%..//JHall. Gold. Freeco column; and new style
Entry Papers,makingthe most elegant assortment ever
:offered for vale m thin market, Just received and for
vale by the subscriber, at Philadelphia. and some less
than Pitilsdelphla prices, wholesale and retail,s, in
addition to which he has several hundred patternato
select from, in ease persons cannot be sal itedout of his
: present large stock. 11- Remember that his stock
embraces all the new patterns of three of the largest
Factories in the Country.
el'.aper Hangings as low as 12 stn. and as high as
51,50 per piece at LIAP;NAIVS
aprilB 13] Cheap Paper and Variety Stores.
ca-Persons wishing to sell again, supplied at whole
ale prices.
At Ne. SO North Third Smett.-2d Flaer, Peiladelphic
1111 E subscriber daily r lis variet y of Fancy
and sew York Auctions, embracing such articles only
as fan be bought at less tkan ordinary market rates,
thireby enabling him to supply purchasers at less prices
than can be furnished elsewhere.
Healers, who buy Inc Cash. are assured that they
Will find it to their Interest to examine the Goods,
which will will co/of those which are purchased
at forced Attrition Sa ' A. DER ADD,
Phi Pa. aprild 2 ' 80 North Third Street. ,
The Great - Reformation.
, i• HE Pictorial Edition of D'Auhignes great moth on
the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, In Ger
many, Switzerland, &c.
'Just published by Joerpk .9. Sped. No. 06, Cherry
Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia, his splendid 12nto
edition of the above-named work, with 18 engraved il
losirations from original designs. Four vole. in 9;
bound In extra cloth and librat y sheep.
The publisher respectfully calla the attention of the
trade and the public generally, to thin work, being the
only illustrated edition published la the United States.
He trusts that the beauty of its embellishments, the
strong and substantial manner In which It is bound, in
conjunction with the known popularity of the work It
self, will be a sure recommendation to publiefavor.
No. OS, Cherry street, above,Sixth. Philade.
3. A. 13: has alsolately published a new and beautiful
edition of Ssereast Bell's Parte Show, a suitable book
for children, neatly done nip In extra cloth
Pas, Karch ISMS Main
For tAs .Cons of Coughs, Colds. AsfAma, Branaitis
Iscipirat Coassoptiaa, Afgaturnation of tie
Lungs, and Diseases of the Putatas
ary Oryass.
4PIIIS valuable preparation is highly recommended by
physicians and by a celebrated chemist of Plidadel
phia,-for its Medical effects and chemical combination, as
well as by thousands of - others who have made use of it
- -as It never has been used without producing beneficial
effects, and ultimate cure of the diseases for which it is
recommended. And being a regular graduate of Pharma
cy, lam assure the public of its perfect safety. It is
composed of such preparations as stand ir. the very high
est repute among the medlcd faculty for the cure of that
class of discuses which are too often only the forerunners
of that fatal disease, consumption. in most cases tt here
there Is much pain in the breast, and which often extends
through to theshfiblder blade, I would strongly advise the
application of one of the Compound Galbanum Plasters
to the breast, and use the Expectorant as directed. in
fact, thejuseof the Galbanum Plaster cannot he too st sooty
recommended, as I hare seen - so many instances of its
atlftinlior, the greatest relief inn very. short space of lime.
even in confirmed consumption. The Expectorant' will
be found to relieve the cough, and the Plaster the polo,
and. at the same time, draw the intlarnation to the surface,
and thereby act 19 a corinter-initant, which every physi
cian will pronounce good, without the least hesitation
Whatever. Persons rue Often said to have the consump
tion, when by aJudicious use of some of the boa Expec
torants, and a careful diet, they have been completely
cured; so that tbrir experience should act as a warning to
those who are said to have the Consumption not to de'-
spair, but try on. The Exrectoraot will be found to atTord
great relief, even When a cure is said to be impossible.
Betore making use of an Expectordnt it would be as
well to examine the Viola, commonly termed fcialc;
see if it is not swollen or elongated: In Such cases f. 7.
expeCtorant is useless. •
Hacking cough and a continual disposition to swalloW
is frequently caused by an elongation of the palate. An
excellent remedy in such cases is to use a small quantity'
of Tincture Myrrh, sat „about a tea•spoonflui to a wine
glassfui of water, and use as a gargle, three or four times
a day. If the above remedy should fall, or one of the
• same nature, it would be beet to apply to a surgeon, and
have a solidi portion of it taken off so as to obviate the
irritation and the continual cough w hich it would be like
.ly to produce In the throat. The operation is trifling, and
attended with but little. if any pain whatever.
In Bronchitis, and diseases of the'throal, the gargle
should be used.
Prepared by CUILTDI Wholesaleand
Betail Druggist and Chemist, Centre Stn•et. Pottsville.
ORllie sale of Men and Boys' wear, No. .3 Vasa F Second Street, sign of the Golden Lamb, titres doors
abort Norkel St. MILLI/ILL/411A.
Belgium, CLOTIIS, Or cvery
Inscription—a largo
Anted(' in, and
West of England assurttneut.
&tam, Coatintrs.
- Habit cloths, Idumini , r Cloths and Bombazines.
Black and colored Caslnneretts and Ca.dringtons.
Croton Clotbs,'Ticerd, Drap d'Etr,
Pauli:lcon Stuffs.
Suptir black French Cassimeres and °beaklns.
Fancy, pltun and mixed Cassimerrs ih every variety.
.Marino Cassimeres of all colors and qualities.
Super fancy and Linen Urflhnzs, new slyles.
Wide and narrow Cord and Ileaverteens.
Sattinetts, all shades and qualities.
Vestinre._ .
Super black Satin and fincy Silk Westing..
Soper Cashmere and Valencia Ve.dinv.s.
Whiteand colored Marseilles; large assortment
Drab Cloths and other 'Coach Trimmings ; t4erges,
Paddings, *c., and n great s'arlety of
Men and boy a' wear. which we offer for stale by the
piece or at retail, and invite the attention of OUT frlendlt
sod others visiting the city.
No. North Second St Sign of, the Culdcn't.~•m 6
Philadelphia. _ 3inu IS
541416r5ga-Zi."-- '
and Leftll
NT EL—One , of MIT partners having learned the Tea
1‘ •business of the Chinese themselves. during a resi
dence ors,cen years among them, the pubic may there
fore expert of us the full benefit of the knowledge and
experience thus acquired.
To our Black leas, particularly, we wish to call at
tention as possessing a degree of strength and richness
of tfavor seldom equalled. Black teas are universally
used by the Chinese,,tvlm consider the Green tit only
for foreigners. Our physicians also recnnunerill the
Black us making n more healthful beverage than the
Green. gach package is so secured :nth - , retain the
virtues of the tea for a long time in any climate. rind
contains feat rOght of ten, independent of the metal and
paper with'svhich it is enveloped.
The alinv, warrante tea, put up in 1, and I lb.
elcatteA, jni receive —datitl will be comdantly kept for
the by the eubscrther,
filew27 47
. .
WE have tamp; been averse, nod have heretofore,,
avoided itpearing before the public in any but
strictly merchantile advertisements. Selfilefence eon,
pets us, in the present instance, to depart from our rule
to obviate in sonic measure, frequent misrepresentation
• and misunderstanding. The "Old P,)in
4:2M-7 Da comp., ' " No. 34, (late No. 30,)
1 A l
' ', South Second street, commenced business
,I in the spring of lals. The reputation they
'_, re: have obtained has within the past - year, giv
en rise to many imitators—some have even
resumed the same* name, causing nniclij doubt in the
public mind as to which is the original Ccanpany.
We have no wish or intention to takel to ourselves
any credit which Is due to others; neither are we -dis
posed by longer silence, to have the credit due to as
appropriated by others; or assume censure when not
deserved. .
Therefore we particularly -request our old friends—
merthanta in the interior, and the public generally—to
recollect that this Company has but one warehouse;
that all teas packed by them have No. 24, South Second
street on the labels; and that so other teas are theirs,
let them be sold: under what' name they may.
Weotcrn and country merchants and others, favoring
us with a call or their orders, will receive prompt atten
tion, and none Milne best teas, guaranteed to give sat:
tsfaetton, from the - '
No. R 4, South Second street,
Between Market and Chesnut, Philadelphia. •
•/3- The above teas can always be obtained of the
subscriber, sole agent for the proprietors in Schuylkill
county. JANE BERRYMAN. '
Pottsville, Jau2o' 1848-5-4rn
The East India Tea Company,
No. 122, North Third street, sent door to
Old Rotterdam Hotel,
r. 7" l , othe , . P"ILSDELP"IA
, * ll II ltsposal of their chot
• ,i 4 - XtIfILACK TEAS, of the latest importations, would
4 ?y•' -, *;.very respectfully invite a call horn country
merchants and others visiting our city. Our teas are or
the nnest quality, and very fragrant, ha ring been select
ed with the greatest care and at unusual low priers.
For the country trade they will be packed in quarter,
half, or pound packages, If preferred; thus furnishing
twoladvantares ; let no loss in draught. ;elan assort
meat ufteas fora very small amount of capital. The
latter particularly is ofadvantace to persons of moderate
means. and whose sales of the article are limited. Our
determination Is to ovoid all ininecessary expense that
will have a tendency to increase the cost of our teas,
hence the present course of circular letters to the trade
Instead.f travelling agents, a practice pursued by POMP
orciur critemporaries, at very great napenee. These
Agents most be paid whether they makes 'or not.
Allith this advslitages we Possessor pp - tearing Teas, and
a H., application to Imaineas, to say Itothiott. of Allen
ihntt to oar own bushes.. and net entrust:tee it to ethers
Ma Ultimately inure u- a share or your custom.
r~,„ ~,,
" 4 11,. A VII/ RA NK EN. 72, Cl,,,nut Sure,
L ,,,.
... 7. Philadelphia, lias for t•ale the following
W. P TC‘lb--
.Al.kl :too half CheldP VIIII II x 113 , 0 n Tea.
' lO4 do Gunpowder do
150 do liiiperial do '
10 do . Ilyson do
1000 do • Powcaong do
200 do ' Ningyong.ourhong.
100 do - Oolong do
' 75 - thesis Padre . - ....toncliong.
45 do . black leaf Pekoe. '
25 half chests do do
• 25, do Orange do
1000 Matis Curia.
These Teas comprise the hest chops imported in ships
Rea Witch, Rainbow, Tonquin, Inca and Mintiest.,
and are canal to any that hal e been offered in thin
mart. `29 19-Imo
Occupy lh - Y spacious FIVE STORY WAREHOUSE,
N0.56C.1ar Streer,—the whole or which is devoted to
the exhibiton and sale of the single article of
ED CALICOES. Their prrsentstora consists of near
ly ONE THOUSAND PACKAGES, embracing some
THOUSANDS of tiltrerent patterns and colorings, ned
compiisine everything desirable In the line, FOREIGN
All of which are nfR red for sole, for cash, nr satisfac
tory credit, at the lowest prices, by tht PIECE OR
New styles are rereived almost every day . , and mnny
of them are got up (or our Pwit salsa, and not to be
found elsewhere. ,
L.printed listi of prices, corrected from day In day,
~every variation in the market, are placed In the
hands of buyers.
Meithants will be able to (lam smug idea of the ex
tent and variety or our assortment. , when we state,
that the va lu e of our usual stm-lt of this oar. ARTICLE,
is at least tvvice the Value of the entire .stock of dry
goods usually kept by our largest wholesale. jobbers.
This fact, together with the-fact, that our means and
, our attention, instead of being divided among a vast
variety of articles, are devoted wholly to nue, will
render the advantages which we can offer to dealers
perfectly obvious; rind it shall be our care that none
who Visit our establishment shall meet with any (Hs
! appointment.
Our assortment is complete at nil seasons of the year.
P. 8.-11. F. LEE, formerly of the firm of Lord &
Laos, and late senior-partner in the original firm of Lee
& Brewster from wh ch connexion he withdrew some
time agn, has resu ed busmess in connection with
Messrs. Lee:a, Judso .under the firm of LEE. JUDSON
& LEE,and he ventures lo assure his flientis and the
publie,that the new firm will maintain the same pre
eminence, in this branch of the trade, which former
ly distinguished the other two houses to which he be
longed. •
,New Torr, July IN UM. , ,' : ...1 mi—ly
Clapp dr, Crowell,
6 . 5 c.
- . 4 -1..,,,Z. ------ k
o st 4 ,:".f...C-, =. 4--- 4 - 11
4; , IV. e.;. '.l' Yr!
71,,.i..;...,,-, ......t.
- ..riii: '
1 .N.
From .I.C. Jenkins & C 0.,.
S. W. corns of Ch nut dm! MON streets
• 481 f
Teas of the New Crop.
N,. 5G Cedar St., New York.
lay J. 4tkcarn Jos e.
Creation' Lord We place our Iraq
At spring-time Irkthy holy word, -
Which eahh, "who scattereth in the di; t.
The seed shall be in '
Shall ace the germ rise through We
The yotingllng torn tithe honitliv p L .: 4 "
The loaded harveat•wain behold;
The orchard Lend with inciiol
We'trus4bee, Father: nn ito
We cas: our coed with l'alth like a et.
We give our plonchlaieds
And fetwe OUT fields from lierland
We cull Our vines of thritlle“ mot .
Our oriliards prune to suit ipu
' Whilst Oil our lov'd one , . vi , i,cil art
Their gentle hearts in dower. to
And wiltithou bid thy rain:and
Refresh the/mil when sanheam,,,,„
And dressout meads In the hrighr
Which spring Woos fhlulthr. laird,
And Wide thou guard'st our fields fp.
And fepcest Nature's penis nut;
Keep from our households true; and
And make our limbs and cot rap,i,i„•
:€l.l ) c tan
Tic that by the Plourrh Irmj
illtdself,must either hold
by the farmer, is chiefly beneficial is ~:;•
• - sho amount of saline and drcompc tt
• - colution by the' wate•
contained Oa
But this is nut the exciuzi:: f . 4=e of
much of this arises from the in reatede:.
cent supply of moisturo to the roots sr 0
These can :only derive food horn the
geseoue'or liquid form; and the deco:4 A ,
ten in a roil decompose, andlconata nty t
versed into a gaimua and soluhlo matt
rapidity proportioned to the abundance s
supplied to them. ' Esperiened shows N
is in the kitchen garden sta'reely a e:ti
not by a much nio'ro shunk
of water than can' be obtained'usuallyz a,
bear testimony to the correctru i lss of Mr.i
conclusion, not limiting, howcver, ray,
of such abuhdant watering to a late crop
but to all, asi well beans, spinach, and it
cabbage tribe. Kidney beans and petatae
benefited by'any such abundances of web
The quantity of water," says Mr.
Which may be given with ads rune to;
almost every kind, during warand We
er,' is, I believe, very much ore to than a
ener who has not seen 'the to It will be
to suppose petsadde ; and itis gr - tater then
could have bidieved upon any ther crib
that of actual experience. II
"My garden in common-with many
supplied nAtf water by springte, which
more elrvnbirl Filtration ; and this cite
afforded rit'i - the meant/ of making a en
from whiLli'll tom I.:au, the water to flog
oven p tilt' ery other kind through en
the pummel': hod! coupon tareat i n to flow
r:lsys of celery, Mid along the tows of ht
other plants,W Melt are planted lut in ma
;cry great advantage. • Hut II e mo ,;
and ltencficia;.usti. which I ma e of the
irrigate my garden by the mea a above
ed, is in supplying my Into cto , s of pe t
'antly with water, by which aid ill effee
d ew are slmrist orholly preveided, and
is most Ohurnlantly supplied olith Teo
peas through! the month of Od.oher.'
ary of Gardening.'
. Q ' ,
DoN -, T KILL THE ie l lED.t. l .—.Ale, l
benevolent adjtintion of one 61 our rod
and such reader, is now and ever will be., , ,
Crows, "(hots black wk
ea" sio 'lend of
up the farmer's corn," are the most rata
sistanti wtt have, For a week or so in t:
spring the crow is's frequenter of, end er;
on our corefields ; but the rekulor ()Tim
nature soonirender.his efforts I do injurx
tual, so far ris the corn crop is concem,„ l
seldom moli.sts others. When the krro
tad, he leatles the'field, nut) spats fa i
I .
corns ornithologists reckoning t atid the ,
and bugs, he desirdys :one bun red. or c
deed and fifty per day. Now three IL
guyed to supply food for the cr w darn :
day, would de,slroy more ,ha four
amount of k-orn pulled up by th • most
ly industrious crow in a whole .15rn.
town Telciirapb.. - -
ticed that !many farmers were ' i terate;
sward last.week fur planting. Sent ban
that the ilward will rot Eouner when rt u
early, that when the work is id ee a: ;
time. l'hie ie a•great mistake, as any he
see who ixaminrs and, reasons dim
nothing gieen early lathe sprinel t end te't
and atubllle aro a long while in lotaria'z
is nothing td aid thCm.
But wait till theLtenth or lentil do
and you have a gicen crop to turn W.
this'soon !sets every thing innri ,n. T
you turn green sward for p!sni ng - the
will sucOed in rotting the furmte. We
times induced to turn earlier than we woe!
- le,t the ;work should tß'too path cr:
planting time.—.Mcsaacho.7ats lougic.
the committee on farms for the_ l.lartfarl
Agricultural Society, states that rtlr.Geo
stead, of ;East H/sKrd, has crest i:
pima of sandy land, which formerly
very scanty crops, by mixing oith it I
clayey nhture. Ho is.cupfident it has
hime for the expense. The same r port
Mr. 01Mrtead has'practiced cultivating
on the earns ground at the sarretime, wi
taga. 4 He plants, on early soil, ipotatxt
four feet; apart ; and after hoeing too
times, he plants an early variety of roe
the two rows. Ho believes that by this
ground yielda him a much greater prufitt
planted With but one crop.
SCALDING MILL.—In Dpvonshirt
land. whero dairying it extensively Intl;
milk intended for the chum, or for three
ed as soon as it comes from the cow.
cess obviates most effectually the laic
dency of the milk to sour in warm wen
when intended for . butter making. rec
advantage of sweet milk for family ate,
cream is: removed. -
To Dc.STROY SORREL —.liatit:
early ; plow deep. early ; ha r row will ;F:
3 or 4 feet each way; p 155 the cultivator .
every ter dayo, till the milli , of , or " E
sow 12 lin. of elver seed , rr acre, on 3
cultivator again. Clover will take tie
the vorrel,
Crrnr:i sots FOUNT/Ml.—Dr. Thor.
Virginia,la great breeder of horxee, earl
may be core 1, and the horses; fit for m
next day; by giving than O table
alum. This is certainly nn rasy and ch,.
of uotio4 rid - of th,d trouble:om,
, .
A oim itta.E.--Let every farms
it as a rule nevi, to at:Crimit to cliiiva:d o '
than ho can cgltivatg well.
. 111;oss on Fruit Trees, Inl
m-ved Ili: • , Oapso,ls, t 'tt wt,itelv.,o, 0
tore of erv-aoutr uttnes, 41 ,01p,,i
x ( . 3
WESTERN NEW 'YORK eml.r;m: I , t
2411, :thin sterol, Bufa voi
C. VAUGHN'S Vein. I till. nn 'ureaeelebiated 111 , 1d1Cillt• %Via
Cliitexi in in it intrdured ,,
mertion." The limit: of an adverti......rni WI
niit M eXttioleit notice of this remedy ; we b"
to say it hail for its azents in the ,4 t 3 te"
rdas a larrn number of rhirri Ti'
Bits In hlgh:profeseional siandin.., who make
Use of it in Their practice in thesfOlow inz
I) II 0 S fi ts,
And diseaeiis of the Urinary organs; lui' 3 "`
eases of the blond; derineententli of.lhr I.lp - r•
nil general diseares of the system , . I: I.
requested that all whereonteniplate the one'
tide, or who desire information
a rAnritii.t.i. of 32 pages. which ni:ent4 vvbw
are below wilt glailiv give away^ 11.10
.. • •
the method of 'milli expidinrithe id 0 1 9 . 0;
article, and the diseases it Ins Orel, u..• , ! I °f
Country and Europe for four yetrrr with .u.
effect. Over It/ pages of letaltitccv from IL,
quarters will be found, with NAMIPr. I'LSC
DATES. w htch can be written ttS by ally
and the parties will answer errtl paid rnmvir. ,
particular and ASK foe the PAIII I I O
tut other crich pamphlet has ever' been
dente of the power of this medie ice ever mL..7
is guarantged by persons of well know.: r!anu
cloy.. I
Put up in 30 en. and 12 oz.. b A.l
81,12 on. t' the larger being the cheaper. E ., " 1
has .0. C. VAUGHN " trriteen on lb, ct
See pamphlet ;rage 29. Prepared by PV. f..f,
and sold at Principal Office. 203, Male
N. V. Oihres devoted to the Sale of Ihl. stlk ll
sleety. ialir Nassau. New York, and col.'
and Washington, Salem. Mass., and by all L
throughout thts country and Canada no aren l l*
Alen for sale by J. S. C. 3IAIITIN. Eratrad
FRY. Tanstripta ; E. & E. lIA3INIER. Ora,,
LEVAN & KAUFMAN, Schuylkill Cates:
11EISLEK, Port Carbon; PRI CE ' 6'
'GEO. REIFt9NYDER, New Castle; JA?
Fib 12,148