The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 26, 1848, Image 3

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Saturday Slondug,-Feb. 28, IS4S.
ELE BOWEN, Assistant Editor
TAMAQUA'r.. J. FrtY is authorlsedto receive subscrip
tion■ for the Miners' Journal. and receipt for the same,
at Ws Drug store. in Tnmoqua.
At kis Beal Emu/rad Coal Arcades;
Corner of-Third & Chesnut Streets. Philadelphia,
No.loO, Nassau Street, New York, •
'No. 16, State Street. Boston, and
South east corner of Baltimore, Er, Calvert Streeta
Baltimore, is our Agent for receiving subscription en.
advettinemeotn for the Miners' Jonnial,
The circulation of the Miners' Journal is greater
than any other paper published in Northern Pennsylva
nia, and has nearly 41ouble the circulation of any other
published in Pebuvikill county. It also circulates largely
among capitalist& manufacturers, iron and coal dealers,
throu^hnut the Atlantic and Eastern State..
The People Demand , Its-Renonictou
Far Pruident,
Pubjeet to the Deciaion of the Whig National Convention
Democratic IVhig County. Plating
,ToThe County Comniittee invite the Democratic Whigs
Of Schuylkill county to assemble In County Meeting, at
the Court House in the borough of Ortvigsburg,bn
_ JVoaday, the 6th of March next, (Court - week.) at 1
o'clock, P. M., fot the purpose of appointing delegates
• to`the State Convention to be held at Harrisburg, on the
15th of March, and also to appoint conferees to meet
'those from Dauphin and Lebanon, counties, to select a
• .delegate to the National Convention, and transact such
other bounces as may be deemed necessary in the
. cot alarTing state of the country.
It is earnestly requested that the Democratic Whigs
should turn out that theremmy be a full and free biter
change of sentiments on the public measure' of the-day
from all sections of the county. British Free Trade,
the offspring of Lndifaco aseendencY, Is unfortunately
saddled upon, tie country; and its desolatiny, effects are
wjtnessed in . our idle collieries, deserted work shops ,
and the lowness of wagea which threateh the laboring
classes of the country.
Jolts RUED. • James 11. CHAEFF.
County Standine Committee
'ET'The Rt. Rer. Alonzo rotfrr, Bishop of the
Diocese of Pennsylvania, will lectore in the new
Episcopal Church of this Borough, on Thursday
evening next, for the benefit of said Church. The
great and splendid acquirements of the Bishop
are well known and appreciated everywhere ; and
it is in tte capacity of a Lecturer, especially. tbrit
his talents are di.played. He recently delivered
a lecture in Bohlen, before one of the oldest Lit.
erary Institutions there,.. and 'we perceive by the
papers, that the most unbounded pleasure was
derived from his discourse, which was both learned
and eloquent. And we cannot doubt, considering
"the eminence of the Lecturer and the noble object
to be facilitated through each individual contribu
tion. that every seat in the Church will be occupied
on the above occasion.
t'"*The Conceited Johnny who indite', the .
stuff iti the Emporium on the subject of the'Cur
- rency," counts without his host" when he expects
'us to reply to him. "Answer a fool according to
his folly" is an adage that may do for people w i lio
have nothing else to amuse them ;—but. we can
say all . we desire to sayto him in very few words,
•and in the way of parable, too:. A certain dbg,
Who valued himself greatly on account of his
vast strength, " arc'omplishments," aind . .general
superiority, once set up a growling at the moon.
The moon, however, kept perfectly cool; yet the
dog still barked on,—much to the amusement of
his master, and the " family"—until at length his
beard became like unto silver. • .
There was no farther hann.dooe!
M*John Quincy Adanss.—Ttie Literary As•
. iodation of this Borough, at the meeting on
Thursday night, adopted a preamble and resolu,
_tions eeprces ye of their regret at the decease of
this distinguished Statesman; and appointed J.
L: Neiille, EHt. a mr miter of that lxly, to deliver
a eulogy upon his life, character, and services—
for which purpose a d.•y will be specially act apart.
This duty, re may, observe, could not have been
confided to more ar:c.rinplished hands, nor to one
more capable of appreciating character, such as
marlod the venerable Statesman. •
The resolutions offered by Dr. Whitney, we re
gret to'say, have not - reached this office in time
lergublieetion in the prv.ent number.
re• Eseirped.fali.— Patrick Moran, who .was
a few 'months since convicted of the crime of
murder i and sentenced t..) be executed,broks jail on
Thuredy night kit:since which time nothing hos
. heen he.,rd of - him. It is believed teat his escape*
was aided by some of his friends outside. An
incision was madam the wall of the prison from
the outoide,iinmedi:iti•ly reaching a board ptrtition
in the insidt, by which the prisoners in two rooms
(six in all,) were rescued from iheis eonanernent.
Moran was securely monocled, but staving received
Instruments . for the puipuse, he succeeded in die
engaginghimself. The building, it is Well known,
is so dilapittated and insecure, tbia it would seem
to be tin - difficult matter, especially with confeder
ates without, for those in it to find „egress from
their imprisonment. The' Sheriff arrived here
this morning to forward intelligence of the es
cape to several of the nearest telegraphic stations,
and at once oft red a• renard of MO for the ap
.prebension of Moran.
rir The Ball at MC Mount Carbon House,ol2
the evening of the 22nd, passed off gloriously.—
. The highest Prsiie is given the managemcilt for
the ttbroWn"nanner in which they "did up" the
whole citric. We heard a gentleman remark,
(and 'he is capable or, judging- 7 -a bachelor, toci,-
rare fellows !)'that the ladies 'far surpassed the
gentlemen in all respects—in appearance, manners
and dress! This remark having been made on
the next morning, over hot roles and coffee, when
men are disposed to be civil and deliberative, may
be taken at par ralue—the more especially as the
indi , idual is a Comparative stringer; and perhapi
has'nt entirely thrown off first impressions of
he Yankee girls!
- The Scutt and Wurtlif D y
New Orleans Deita,.:alluding to the fronhlp be
tween these two officers, Bays: '4 'We may remark
that the officers late'from the capital illAgreo that
There ere no parties in the Army, as have be'en
represented, in regard, to the difference between
the Commander•in•Chief and hissubordinites--. :
that Gen. Scott is sustained by the whole Army,
and that bie suspension will be received with
much concern and chagrin try officers and men."
tErState Convention.—A convention of Iron
Manufacturers and Colliers will assemble at Her
;risburg, on the 2gnd of March, next, to take into
.consineration the dep r ession existing in those great
.interests of our Commonwealth. The adveriise
xnent calling the meeting, which is numerously
signed by the most respectable persons interested,
,in different sections,of the State has been Un
41Xl4ably crowded out of oar columns, but will
Appear next week: •
Loeclocoism York.—The 1 Barn 7
dxirners" in liew.York, heeded by John Van' Pill
ten, held a State Convention at Utica, sustaining
the 'Wilmot Prociio, and appointing a set of del
agates to the National Convention in opposition
to those already appointed by the old Hunkers.
theformar delegates are not received, it is the
declarelintention of the Barnburners to oppose
Abe locofoco candidate for the Presidency.
Rabbam . Scht!o/ /.:x.iibitrortr—We reret
ihat our space will not admit of a notice this
week of the Sabbath School Exhibition which
mite 'off at the 211.1 Methodist Church, on the
pod, mid which was furnished by a gentleman
present, h will be seen by an advertisement, that
it is to be repeated nextl'hursday evening.
far The highest honor whiCh can be bestowed
in France upon a foreigner, has been conferred on
bti Bancroft. He has been chosen a Correspond
ing Member of the Institute. The U. 8. his two
Out of seven, in a clue of history selected from the
whale world,
UrShall cos have ,Peace 7—A treaty; or the
prelect of a treaty of Peace, between the Unites'
State; and Mexico, reached Washington on Man
gey afternoon last. The substance of it is given
',follows in the National Intelligence,:
Pint. Feace between • the United Stittet end
Mexico, aid an Armistice between the Military
Commanders of the two countries • doting inch
time u the Treaty shall be in suspense.
Secondly. -Mexico agrees, in consideration,
de. that the boundary between the United States
arid Mexico shill hereafter be from - therßea up to
the middle of the Rio Grande to the boundary of
New Mexico, and thence in i e line which [with
some digression] is to ran welt' [or nearly west]
to theyFacific Ocean, and strike a point south of
the port of Bon Diego. , -
Thirdly. In consideration of this large cession
of Terlitory, the United Stites are to pay to Mex
ico the sum of Fifteen Millions of Dollars, ,and to
satisfy all the just claims of citizens of the United
,Stales against the Government- of Mexico.
The Treaty is understood to contrin many pro.:
visioned. detail; hut does not; as we hear, include.
any provision, as has been reported, for the main
tenance of a mili•ary farce by the United States
for a certain time in Mexico.
The Treaty makes its appearance in a question.
able form; beiog Concluded by Mr. Trist, as vital
full powers, after' those powers had been with
drawn, or intended to be withdrawn, by the Ex
. It was sent in the - Senate on Wednesday morn
ing, but in einisetinenee of the death of Air.
Adams, nothing has been done with it, u ye.. It
will probably be ratified—but whit then 1 It is
still more doubtful, we think, Whether tho
government will agree to it. •
• Larne correct answer Io the Egg puzzle. is
295: Yale College come wrong.
We have received about thirty answers to the
puzzle published in last week's Journal ; several
of which were furnished by the ladies, all of which
era correct. The following wo Publish, 50 it is to
the point: , • ,
Enclosed is a solution to your puzzle In this day
paper. Boston people must thi9k we are green here
Feb. 19th ISM • ' AtSCIIOOI,BOy.
In the oblong's length, • •
Cut four by three breadth,
And again do the same by geometry,
' Apply the angle that's right,
To the right angle sn tight,
• That the oblong will square by trigonometry,
For the breadth is increased,
As the length is diminished,
And the plank fits the breach,
Now the work' is all finish'd
PARE D. BARRETT, Port Carbon.,
IT The Ingersoll Lefler.—The letter of Gen.
Taylor io_the Hon: Joseph R. Ingersoll of Phila.
delphia, in which he deliberately and unqualifiedly
declares himself a Whig, was read at the Buena
Vista Festival in Philadelphia on the 22nd inst.,
and appears at length in the newspapers of that
city. •
LT" Native Aominapon.— fho Native Amer.
ican State Convention which met at !Harrisburg
on tho 22d inst., nominated Col. Thomis Humph
/4a of - Montgomery County, as the candidate of
that party for Canal Commissioner, at, the nest
SPRING ELEcTios.—The - elOtion in
this Borough took place on Friday last. The
Whigs elected their Judges by, lame majorities in
all the Wards, end in the Noilb - East Watd elect
mi'both Inspectors. The; majority for Fats Derr,
as Assessor in the Borough. was - 408.. The con
test foi Constables, resulted as follows :
Jacob A. Lelh,
Jacob Runkle,,
Nortk !Feat Ward.
- John McCormick,
Henry Saylor,
John Dager,
Daniel Done,
The candidates were all Whige except Baylor
and Rose.
A Telegraphic Despatch `from Washington, on
Thursday morning last, conveyed the melancholy
intelligence that this venerable and distinguished
man had expired. The particulars and incidenti
connected with the attack of paralysis, which bore
him off thus suddenly, are recounted by the Na
tional Inielligeneer. On Monday last, imme
diately after the ayes and nays were called in the
'House of Representatives, and while the Spe4ker
was about to put another question to the House, •
sudden cry was heard on the left •of the chair
Mr..ddama is dying 1" .411 as es were instant.
ly turned toward the venershle man, who was in
'the act of falling over the,• left arm of his chair ;
while his right arm was extended, grasping ilia
"chair for support. He wou:d have fallen over
on the floor,had.he not have been caught in the
arms of the member sitting next him.' s great.
sensation was created in the House—members
horn all quarters rushing from their' seats and
gathering round the fallen statesman,, who was
immediately lifted into the area in front of the
Cl.rk's table.
The Speaker instantly suggested that so-ne gen
tl. man move an adjournrrientairlii h beiog prompt:
ly done, the House adjourned. A: sofa was
brought, and Mr. Adams, in a state 'of perfect
helplessness, though not of entire ingeneitilty,
was gently laid upon it.
.The sofa was then taken
up and borne out of the Hall intothe Rotunda;
where It was set down, and the members of both
Houses and strangers who wee fast crowding
around were vrith some difficulty repressed, and an
open space clearedja i:e immediate vicinity; bet
a medical gentletkixn,..• meinber of the House,
(who Avis prompt, active, and self-possetsed
-throughout the whole painful scene,) advised that
he be removed to the door of the Rotunda opening
.on the east portico, where a fresh - wind was blo*•-
ing. This was done; but .the Isar being chilly and
loaded with vapor, the sets was at the suggestion
of Mr. Wtnlhrop, once more taken up and re.
moved to the .Speaker's apartment, the doors of
which were forthwith closed to ell but profession- ,
al gentlemen, several of whom arrived in +nem-,
*ion as the news spread into the city. While ly
ing in this apartment Mr: Adams partially re
covered the use' of his speech and observed, in
ititerici . accents, "Thil is the end of earth ;"
but'quickly added, "I am composed.' Members
had by this tfirie reached Mr. A,'s anode with ;tar,'
melancholy intelligence, and, soon after; - Mrs. I
Adams and his nephew and niece arrived and
made their wily to the appaillog scene. Mrs. A.
was deeply affected, and for some moments quiM
prostrated by the sight of her husband, now in.
sensible, the pallor of death upon his counten
ance, and those sad premonitories fast making
their appearance which full with such a
on the heart.
Its the Hall, meanwhile, a gloomy [mu • oc
curred in the usual hum of voices that fills it.—
Some members sat in mute suspense; others
stood -in groups, and made or - answered inquiries
as to the cause and probable issue of the attack :
others hastened toward the Speaker's room to
get the latest intelligence of the infferer's condi
tion; while many were busily engaged in wri
ting to their'friends at home the alarming news.
A, remark very frequently heard was, "IS ell, this
is just what Mr. Adams could have wished; it is
an appropriate ending of his public career : he
-falls, like a second Chatham, in the Senate
• Mr. Adams, though for soma months very fee
ble, was, when he entered the ball in the mor
ning,, in his usual health, and had but a fekv min
utes before delivered his vote, on a motion before
the House, in an unusual distinct and emphatic
mariner. The attack was believed, at first, to
have been a fainting fit; but this idea soon gave
place to the appalling conviction that it was a re
currence of paralysis, which has twice before af
fected Mr. Adams, though fire milder degree.
As soon as the news f the painful occurrence
reached the Senate, that body likewise adjourn
The correspondent of the • Baltimore Sun fur
nishes the following additional . particulars :
The capitol is surrounded by crowds of anxious
fiNuirers, and the absorbing topic throughout the
city is the health of Mr. Adams. At -li-alf.proasl
o'clock he commenced to revive from the deep.
stupor in which he bad been lying since half.m s t
1 o'clock. At one period he was supposed fe,:,
be dying, anti Mn. ' , Adams 'fainted from excess.
ire grief.
Mr Clay visited him this afternoon, and the
scene was an impressive one, as he stood with
the old patriarch's hand clasped in his and gazing
intently into his calm, but vacant countenance,
the tears coursing down his manly cheeks.
At 6 o'clock, the time of closing this despatch,
ho wnsthou.'bt to be more comfortable, but was
still speechless. But slender, hopes, hoWever,
are entertained of his recovery. His family and
friends will remain at the Capitol all night, as it
is impossible to remove hirOn his home.
After lingering this until Wednesday evening
last, 6 O'clock, during Which time be was speech.
lea and insensible; be expired, aged about 81
ynn—upwards of VS otartdeb have been divot.
ed to the atria of his country!
SoutA Hard
f In noticing the cilantro= accident on the Read
ing Rama last week. :wedid fidtzstice to the engineer.
(who fortualtely escaped =lnjured) by attributing to
hint Orations acOdento of a similar character. It appears
that this was tbo first aceldent Which ever occurred to a
Wain in his charge, end that he never had been dismissed
Enos the service of the Ounpanyeas stated. bra; for
tendwitess of duty. The person thus &charged. and al ,
tetwards zwengaged, wee' condsctsz‘—not an engineer.
IV" The di
Ice:mods upon onr 'columns tbis week has
heein anusoal. and extraordinary. The week, bas been
fertdc ufnewscand we bare endeavored to give - so much
N passible: But we were compelled to forgo many im
portant ankles. adrertisements, make Morn for
etnimitmications—some of. which we should like to have
commented opon.lf our space Could have Justified it.. We
May, &mem', do so In our next.
Drab of
Edrard Irsastrr.-Major Edward Webster, of
the Massuelmsetta Realm:Wit, (son'of Hon. Daniel Web•
ster,) died in Mexico, et the Head Quarters of Gen. Cub•
ing, on the 25th of January. last —inteillgenee of which
wag conveyed to his father, at Washington City. through
Mr. Freaser, bearer bf the Treaty and Despatches from
Gen. Scott, on Monday lase. His remains arc to be sent
rir Our able 'and efficient Representative, A. W.
Leyburn. our.borough a visit on Tuesday last.
Hq has been untiring In his atrendons to his constituents.
and has omitted no exertions to promote the interests of
persons of idinartiesi
rV"t3everal new advertisements. omitted In the pre
sent number on account of the lack of room;will be at
tended to next week. Sererid commonic,tiont, editorial
and other matter. have also been necessarily left orer.
Sasitirst at. Bridger. the loco candidate for Con
imam. has succeeded In the Burka and Lehigh disniet. by
about 150 majority. Shank's Majorityla the district last
year was 658—gotze a falling' off.
M P Ur. Clay arrived In Philadelphia on Thursday
Ittet. Ile will !bit the manufacturing establishments in
the vicinity of the city, and may, perhaps, extend bis
researches to the. Coal Region. •
• t 7" Mr. Palmer's Lecture before the Senate last
evening was well attended. It was a fine composition,
and the clews taken of the subject (Macedon) struck us
as being forcible, and in the main correct.
rirbleurs. Boyer, Leyburn, and others, of the Penn
sylvanis Legislature, have our thanks for Public Doe.,
meats. Also, several friends in Congress.
tV• We would call summon to the Advertisement in
another column of the East Deleware Mines, which holds
out Inducements to working men:
Stewart's Spreds—lt speaks for itself! Read It—read it
by all Mesas!
1117- Forty-furo--firiyeigh!;- - an the recent
reception of Germ Quitman, Shields and other
officers returned from Mexico, by the Legislature
of Virginia, Mr. Speaker Cux, of the Senate, in
troduced them seperately. Amonethe number
was Copt: Blending, of the S. C. Palmetto Vol. unteers. When it came to his turn to be present.
ed, the Speaker performed that duty thus, address.
'ing the sysembly me to proclaim to this
large audience, that this youthful soldier led into
action forty-two men, and that they came out of
it with fifty-eight of the enemy's balls in them.
[FA Useful Thing...—We met -friend rather
late the other night, and, on asking him how he
expected to escape a curtain lecture when begot
home, he very quietly chucked ui in the ;lb.?, and
held up br fore our :eyes a --very minute sped( of
sponge! "Oh;" said we, ..chloroform!" ..Yes,
I become insensible' in fuse minutes after lying
down!' '
la- Model Arli4l.l.—The Mayor of Rhading,
,haa refused to grant • lieenae to the model artists
to exhibit in that city. Right.
The Coal Trade for WIS.
Amount of =Coal sent ovgr the Philadelphia and
Reading Rail Road, for the svelr, ending un Thursday
evening last
Port Carbon, 4,550
Pottsville, .1,16317
SchuylkPl Haven,' 0.311 Its
Port Clinton,. ZOOS AO
14,097 17 . , 97,501 13 ..
From Mt. Carhop. rich. Haven, Pt. Clinton.
To Philadelphia, ,01 70 It 60 el 40
To Richmond, 1 70 1-60 1 90
The following is the amount of coal' transported over
this Road, during the week end on Wednesday evening
last: 5,000 02 tons.
31,543 05 "
Per last report,
Total, 37,443 U 7
Amount of coal palmed over the Schuylkill Valley Rail
Road, for the week ending Saturday evening last:
2.391 IS tons.
7,675 •'
Per tut report,
Total, 10,16812 "
JESSE TURNER, Collector.
Amount of coal passed over the IllounL.Curhon and
Port Carbon Rail !toad, for the week ending Saturday
evening last. . 4.760 01 tons.
Per last report, - 27,771.03 "
2,331 4 "
JESSE TtIENER, Cpllector,
- Amount of coal passed over the 31111 Creek Rail Road
rot Ibti last ate days: 3,114-13 tons,
Per last report, 20,778 19 "
Total 23,068 12
Amount of Coal transported over the Mount Carbon
Rail Road, to Thnreday evening lan:
Per lait.repor;,
17.265 06
.0 has. Ifitnt:inger, Treasurer, in account with the Di
rectors of the Poor and of the Howe of Emp/omasnt
for the Comity of Seknylkill, from are -Ist day of Jan
; nary. A. D., 1847, to the lit day of January, 1848,
• ineZneled.
• • ,
. .
Balance remaining In the hands of the Treasurer from
last year's settlement •850 67
To cash received from the Commissioners of
Schuylkill county for the use of the Direct- '
ors of the Poor of said county !auto Ms day, 5500 00
*6250 ea
. .
Balance due in the hands of the Treasurer, . rms 81
• -
Cash paid Steward fur the use of Alms House 75 00
Lamb paid for dry goods . 380 00
• " .agar, coffee, oil, spices, dac. 391 27
," " hardware ' 18 00
" queen's ware - . ..,
17 76
" blacksmith 5313
" books and stationery 8 32
" drugs and medicines.. 50 91
''. Tobaccos 4 58
" Coal 369 62
" Dried apples, peaches, and cherries 23 75
Hired men on. farm 306 90
" Plaster of Paris 1495
Road tax for the year 1817 72 38
, " County, State, School,and Perebnal tax 161 34
321 bushels rye 26 00
" 16 barrels hour - .. 101 75
" Out door relief • - ' 308 00
Wheel wright 6 50
' •' Feathers . 8 Off,
" Paid Berko county for - supporting pay.
Pets in Alms House . i r...., 82 19
" Woollen stockings and von 36 37
" Hops 5OO
" 5 bushels clover seed' 27 50
" Justices' fees for signing orders ' ' 66 60
" Policy of insurance .. 50 00
Beef and pork . 77 21
Coffins 90 50
" Making shoes Sir two years 90 64
" 21 yards carpet 600
" Repairing tavern and Alms House 40 38
• " 70 rail,' 3 15
Farming, 8 IS
" 3 barrels mackerel 33 00
" Cedar, ware •
• 9 62
" Salt -, 21 50
• " 21 bushel; bran ', 825
" 520 bushels wheat and freight • 769 33
" Shoe findings 345
15 bushels potatoes IL 70
'Brooms; brushes, combs and bucket. 29 86
" Professional services in case of B. Midler 15 50
". Printing 30 75
Se rving notice s to tenant. 3 II
" Building pig pen, including ben roost .
and grain mow 301 20'
" Bedsteads, cords, &c. 46 83
" Glass and patty 2 43
" Tailoring 20 49
" 1300 bushels lime • 113 50
" Sadlely 778
Bowery on Alive House farm 51 97
" • 15 heads of steers 315 00
Hit. and caps 5 03
", Table and chaffs 8 00
" Bolling knife .
12 00
Dr. Ge ollalberstadt, 1 year's salary as surgeon, .
for 1847 100 00
Counsel, John Hannan, 2years 50 00
Dr. Jno.O.Koebler,l yi's salary as doctor (or 1847 50 00
Samuel Boyer late director 1 year's salary and
' extra service • 23 00
Puler Bressler, I year's salary and extra services 35 00
Henry Ilov as director and extra services 24 50
Wm. J. Dobbins, 1 year'. salary as clerk 175 OS
Sarah SOME Iyear service as maid 39 00
Susanna Grieff, 1 year service as maid ' . 39 00
Louisa Cried, 1 year service as maid - 21 00
Balance due the House 725 84
WE the subscribers . Auditors of Schuylkill coun o
ty, 67
having examined the account of the. reasurer of the
Directors of the Poor and House of Employment for the
county of Schuylkill, respectfully do report the forego
jog statement as the result of our Investigations, and
that there Is a balance In fin or of the Director. of the
Poor of seven hundred and twenty-five dollars and
eighty-four cents. Witness out bands tbia Bth day. of
January. A. D., 1/448.
o J. W. ROSESERRY , Auditory.
We. Grief, Steward, in account lola do Directors of
' tL Poor and do Hausa of Emptoymost for.tio County
o Schuldkili, from La 111 day of January. A. D.,
614.7, to tho Ist day of January, A. D., 1848. •
—_, Dr.
To a balance (nom last year's settlement 81170
To cub rec'd orCbao. Rant:lager s Trues/4 •
for the assettbe anns4l 75 00
do tuft from 7.rendab Rushee 70 00
. do renk from Robert Mellon, on aotrinnt 760
do; rent noun Peter limbehacker : 17 80
do, rent from Anthony Dress. . 15 00
do. rear from Susannah Mayer 70 00
do Eti Mather for boarding JObn Riwhel • 400
• do Danleilloyder for boarding his wife 24 00
do Bch. Nay. Co. for Chas. Fetters. deed 342
.., do •Overseeis oftha Poor ofDeny Tp..Col-,
' . umbia.Co, for boarding Elisabeth
do Overseers ofthe Poor,olltusanne Tp 403
Carbon ON for boarding Thomas and
JohnCotTee . 39 . 19
• - do founder
deceased paupers • - 171
.. do Jonathan Neltlinger fat Swab reams ,
pauper • *.- 22 18
. do Christian Match For 1 calla : ... 200
do Geo. Mound for boarding 02120 Hoy 4 6 57
'do Mary H int lkison for board. Sco. 7 49
do Rich' for Chas. Temple, deed 17 25
:• do Philip' Berger for boort:Rusin°. Berger 345
do Peter Hand for cair & 1 pr. pantaloons 700
do Thosflanagan (or boardolcosn =a i l- 3 00
do Martha Hickey do ' 300 '
do F. McGreehan i for boarding his wife'
' . on account 1 - 430
- do Mehl-McElroy gar bea34.&c, on sleet 175
do Win. Johns for boarding hie wife . , .101 00 r
do cancelling and Writing indentures ' .31 00 '
do for 1 pair second hand boots 145
do candles sold • • l3 27 ,
do hay sold . i '93 12.
do pp . HI 25
do pasture , 19 00
do 1 bushel seed wheat 238
do 11 bushels oats 550
do 13 bundles straw 1 021.
do 1 dozen ears corn and 1 fowl - . 25
' - ---
To balance against Wm Cried', Stewed, Jan. 631
11;1,1818 • $l3 501
By Cash paid Constables for brine:ll Pauper , ,
to House 0156 63
do hired men on the farm ' 21 23
do Labor in haymaking and harvest 80 611
do travelling expenses and toll 6 , 28;
' do Saml. Prost 3 years' interest on a note
--. in fad to April 3d, 1817 18 00
do Ilenry.Krebt, Treas. for Laws of 1817 20
do Justices' fees for issuing orders I 60
do manure, 19 loads 19 00
doi attending hospital 10 50
do Henry Etahmer tutor .10 10
do Solomon Liusserdahnemaker 5OO
do B. Cummings mason work •• 200
do butchers It 40
do postage - 3 311
do fish 19 171
do repairing Wagons, ploughs, &cr. 6 00
do repairing locks 150
do blacksmith work ' 9 35
do shoeing horses 621
do mending spout 23
do' IE6 pounds beef at 5 cents ..,-.' . 830
do 2 wheelbarrows ,r
4 50
do lirrte 13-25
do Car fare for paupers - ,I, - 1 55,
do weighing hay 1 00
do Paupers when they left 2 871
do D.Knittle for coffin for A Ilarris,d - er.'d 250
do 8 pounds Mo math tea, • • ' 2 00
do grinding lap it scissor* . , 0i
do gelding hogs , 60
do 6 bushels bran' ‘. ' 2 25
do 3 bushels rye. ?
7 ;. ( 9 '
do Thermometer
do Turnip seeds B7l
do Sweet potatoes, 181
do Peaches ' , 1 ' • ' - I
do Apples
do 11. Kerper for work done 50
By 1 year's salary, as Steward, from January
Ist, 1817, to January Ist, ISIS ." 300 00
Balance against Wm. Grieff, Steward, Jan'y.
Ist, 1818 r 13 501
Who remained Mille House on the let day OM nuary,
1017, males, 75—females, 55. tutu l3O
Admitted during the year• I 357
Making in all 467
-Or these 31' died, 15 were Insfeatured, and 314 1 366
discharged and absconded
Remaining In the House on the Ist day oil 1 , 1
January, 1818; ;
Of which° are &elated persons, and 1.9
Males, 481 do under 10,years, 8
, . ..,
do under 12 years, 12 Out door paupets„
Females, - . 43
' 1 121
Mary Ann .Pitner to Peter WWI, Pottsville, Schuylkill
county, (ranccileg.)•
Mory Ann Kane, to Henry Gels, . do ,
John Daniels to Robert Jackson, Port Caeion, do
Catharine Hayti to Daniel Sweeny 'do s do
James Dunagon to Thomas QuM do do
Henry Long to N. J. aline, Pottsville, fkboylkill Co.
Lewis 8. Long to J. Mills, do do
John Grifreth to David Thomas, Minenville, do
'Edward Griffeth to John W. Realm, do . do
John Daniels to John B. Paul, L. Ma hnntungo T'p do
David Britten to Henry Raeder, Or wlgsloug, du
Wm. Jacob to John W. Weber, Pottsville, do
Patrick Dunly to Jamey, Murray, Blythe T'p do
James Sweeny to Marcusitraeroot, New Caine. do
Wm. Chittendon to Ina Contsworth, Pow/Mlle do
81 Pair pantaloona33 roundabouts,2 vest/. 113 shin.,
59 pair shoes and hirogans, 59 frock.. 4t,sbemise, Si
aprons. 19 petticoats, 12 sun bonnets. 33 pair stockings,
89 pillow cases, 40 bed sbeeta, It Oar 630,12 bolsters,
3 towels. -
34 855 19
15,047 I I
37,348 01
10,550 08
1430 pbunds butter. 726 pounds candles, 4 bbD. pick
led cabbage- Fattened on farm and slaughtered 15 steers
and 1 bull, weight 9645 lbs.. hides 1482 lbs., tallow '873
lb,: 14 hogs, weight 4330 lbs., lard 566 lbs.; 15 calses.
weight 1005 lbs., hides 164 lbs.
Wheat 219 bus., rye 491 bus., oats 807 Pus., timothy
seed 2f bus., potato. 910 bus., corn in the cobs 1 195
turnip. 116 bus., onions 9 bus., red beets 8 but., cab
bage 940 beads, cucumbers 279 dnz., pumpkins 3 blade,
corn tops 7 four horse 'loads hay 58 four born loads.
5 horses, 17 cows, 1 bull. 2 oxen, 3 steers, Lhelfer, 1
calf, 8 hogs, IS shoats, and 8 pigs.
WE the subscribers, Auditors of the county of/Schuyl
kill. having examined Vie account of William GraellE
of the Schuylkill county Alm House, respectfully re
port the foregoing statetnent as the result of our loves.
amnion, and find there is a balance agauLA the said
William Cited*, Steward, of thirteen dollars and fifty
and throe-fourths cents, (RI3 501 ) Wltnets our hands
this Bth day of January, A: D., 1818.
J. W. ECSEBREEF, • Auditors.
February 28. 1818
New Drug Store.
THE undersigned would respectfully inform
the citizens of Schuylkill county that he has es
t tablished himself in Pottsville, nearly opposite
the Episcopal Clmrch, in the store recently occu
pied by Messrs. Long & Jackson, and will do a general
business in the DRUG, APOTHECARY. and CHEMI
CAL line. -' Having devoted a number of years to the
acquisition of such knowledge as pertains to his busi
ness, and having received a- diploma. from the Phila
delphia College of Pharmacy expressive of biz qualities
tiring, and having personally examined snd purchased
his stork of medicines, drugs, and chemicals, he fees
contident of giving sag, faction to his patrons. Pre
scriptions wilt be put Op with great care and accuracy.
Included le his stock will he found an Elegant assort
ment of 'Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Brushes, Combs,
ate. • Likewise White Lead, Window Glass, Spirits
Turpentine, Linseed Oil. Dye Stuffs, Plato: Glass,
Chlnriform for surgeons, etc., etc., which will be said
wholesale and retail on the most advantageous terms.
N. D.—Prompt personal attention to culls dining all'
hours of the night, [Pnttsvife, Febti IS4S-g
us" 06 tons
15.778 00, "
. . . ..
T HE Victim's Revenge, being the conclusion of the
Matricide's Daughter, and the Star of the
• Fallen, iS
Macau*, by Topper, .. . 25
Launcelot Wldge. by the author of Colin Clink, 25
The Belle o - f
the Family, by Mrs. Grey, 25
Geraldine, or the Lipsey of Germantown, 25
Songs for the People, No. 3, ' 25
Ladies' Bonk for Starch, , • 25
Graham's Magazine for Starch, ' , 2,5
Just received and fur sale at BANNAN'S
Feb 23-0 1 , Cheap Book Mores.
pERSONS desiring to contract for the mining of Coal
et said colliery, under the provisions of the printed
sheet issued by the Delaware Coal Company,on the 9th
inst., may pay the requisite cash security (say (03000)
at follows, viz.: $3OO at the time of malting the contract
and the like sum on each pay-day (tint Is every two
weeks) thereafter. until the full amount required is de
posited.with the Company.
The contractor for outside work may pay the rash se_
curity required from him, as fllows.viz.: s`2oo at no,
time of oinking the contract. and $lOO on each pay-day
(that Is, every two weeks) thereafter. omit the full
amount of $.50 required by the terms of the contract Is
deposited with the Company.
The Coni}ntny has on hand a stock of horses for out
side and inside work, which, if needed by the several
contractors, will be disposed of to them at a fair valua
tion and on accornmedatlng terms. The stock may be
seen at the works.
Sealed proposals, riot to be opened until Monday. the
13th day of March, will he received by the Company for
the Iwo following tCV(7II and s •potato contracts:
1. A contract for the MINING of all the Coal thatomn
be got from both the slopes at East Peach Mountain
Colliery, until December 1, 1348. -
2. A !separate contract for PREPARING and DELIV
ERING said East Peach-Mountain Coal at Mount Car.
bon, until the above-named 'dile.
The Cidinpany's mines pre open for inspection by
hose who desire to know their condition.
Anyone applying at the Company's office at Mount
Carbon or Philadelphia, will receive a statement of the
general \ conditions to which the Company propose to
make the above-mentlnned contracts subject.
All proposals to be made in writing, with the nptin
on the Company's part to accept any vrhichit may see
flt. They should be endorsed •• Proposal for Contract."
and directed to the Company's office at Mount Carbon.
Those desiring further in formatinn are requested . to,
apply to John C.Curran, Mount Carbon,or to J.ll.Whlte„
N0.‘781. Walnut threat, Philadelphia.
J. R. WHITE, President
ofthe Delaware Coal - Company:
el. Mauch Chunk Gazette and Wilkesbarre Advocate
will meets twice, mark price at bottom, and send bills
to this office for payment. (Feb2BlBo-941
6 THE attention of gentlemen desirous of pur
or STATUARY Is requested. , .
The subwrihers hating been emraged in the
Marble business' fort be last thirty years In Philadelphia,
and having manufactured work for almost every pall of
the Union. can refer mall who have favored themmrith
their custom, and to tkelr work, (considerable of which
has been put up in thieplace.) • They have always on
band a fall supply of Marble Mantels, and new and ori
ginal designs for Monuments and other work, copies of
which with pricey will be lbrwarded.
*All work chipped Is insured from breakage.
They can refer to any mercanule hence in Pntta¢ei
phla for standing and character as workmen. v!. '
No. 360, High street, PhHale. '
N. B.—There Is nothing In their line which they do
not tarnish, either domestic or Imported.
Phila., Feb2o INS
• N. & J. PI: Rowe,
X*. 03f Nona Jd &net nut dela' abate Arch, rut airs.
' rnmennenta,
Menulheturers' and wholesale neaten In ap kinds of.
Willow and French Baskets, Ehoe and Wall Brushes.
Scrubs, Dusters, Mate, Slacking:Eastern made '
at the lowest market pricer.
PhUsda.. Feb2ll 1648 94ra
TVST RECEIVED atine assortment of Italian
Ls Cameo and Bane Pros, nod Thr We"
PC1441) I RRApir r stuorrts.
0799 03
L 0-3 m
THE undersigned respectfully Invitee the
attention ofdeaLtisto his assortment of BRAID,
, .., from the facilities be possettes of inanufactur.
Also, bIEN S. BHYS',
Inc cannot betorpused.. iI.
BONNETS of every Mod, of the snout and ona
Athlone/Re tapes ache lowest Prices-
and CAPS. i THOS .. WRITE. '
and INFANTS reskw HATS
Bonnet Manufaenirer, 41, South' Second meet,"
above Chesnut, east side, Philadelphia.:
PiiilaYeli2B teis . . . 9.3t0
. ,
Shooting - at Illidd'report.
STEER weighing: 1000 ponds. will lake
• ' ' pinata the house of the subscnber io Mid-
I I glepoel, on Widatedag sad 77taradag..tks
lii and Yd •of March. which all sportsmen and good
mattsmen are loehed to-attend
owa Indians.
TnE party of ELEVEN lOWA. INDI N that have
for the last few months eihibited through the !did
dle and Eastern states with great success, and now on
their way home, will give their wild and exciting en
tertainments at the Tower Nall. Pottsville. on Wedgies
day,daY. Friday. and Barnette/ cre a k y., k Feb. 23d. 15th, and
. for three days nniy. party consists of one
CIIIEF. three BRAVES.' roue WARRIORS, and three
SQUA%VS; all' In full Indian contuse and war paint.—
A gentleman accompanying this party will .give a brief
'LECTURE on the mannem.onstoms, super/titian/Jac.
of tbexe leaflike people, an well as fully describe the
different dance'', games, Ste., which they will give at
each exhibition, among which will be the War-brave,
Scalp. Green Gina, Bear, and otberdances, songs, yells,
dec. The entertainment is both instructive and amusing.
Donn open at tig o'clock; Lecture commence at 7.
Strict order anal decorum *lll be enforced. Admission
23 cents—no half price for children unless accompa
nied by their parents or guarellans
The Indians will be at OrwlgiTurg on the =I; at
.IttineriVille on Thursday tillerntmo !and evening, the
Stth ; and will given day exhibition at Pottsville, on
Saturday. at S o'clock. t [Tebl9.B-It
OFFICE N0.163t, Chesnut street, near Fifth atr et.-
Charles N. Elancker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Dart, Mordecai D. Leapt.
Tobias Wagner, , Adolphe E. Doyle,
Samuel-Grant. David S. Drowni
Jacob IL Smith, Norris Patterson.
Continue to make Insuranre, permanent or limited,
on every description of property, in town and country
at rates as low as are consistent. with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent
Fund, which with their Cdpital. and Premiums, safely
Invested, afford ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the Cory nn January Ist, 11 49. as
published agreeabls to act of Assembly, were as
follows, . •
blortmes, 0590,558 65 Stock's, •
Real Estate, . 108.358 00 Cash, ad.;
Tt MPOrary . • I
loans, 12.5459 00 01,220,07 67
Since their incorporation. a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of ono mill ion two bandied
thousand dollars, losses by fire, thereby atrbrding evi
dence of the advantaies of insurance. as well as the
ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all
liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President.
The raubscriber -has been appointed agent for the
above mentioned Institution. and is now, prepared to
ke insurance, on' every description of property, at
the lowest rates. ANDREW. RUSSEL. Agent.
Pottiyille,Junel9,.lBll4.s " [Febl9-13
TAMES the SeenndOr the Revolution of 11189. 23
e Brian O'Llnn. or Lick a everything, complete, 50
The Fortunes of Torlogli O'Brien.
•Twecity Ware After, a Sequel to The Three •
Guardsmen, 73
Flirtations In America, or HO Weill:I New
York and Bargees, 25
Jane Eyre, the best Novel of the Day, 23
Last nt the Fortes, byJames. fresh supply 121
The Nazarene, or the,Last of the Washington!,
a revelation of Philadelphia, New York sada
Washington, by Gen. Lippard. vial. I, 50
Washington nod his Generals, by Lipman!. $1 00
Washington and his Generals, by Headley, 2 vols. 2 50
Together with a vantity of other wniks : Just receiv
ed and for sale at' [Fehs] HANNAN'S Bookstores.
Cripples Aliteild
Y OU .have groaned and suffired long enough with
your Rheumatic pains, lost your time and traveller
on crutches, besides spending polar cash for worthless
nostrums and liniantents• Newf."- a care!
ville ;J. B. Falls, Dlinersville I. Shlssler, Ear- -
hon ; and ask for
Price 50cts, a boa, and nee them as directed, and your
case taus, be worse than any other persons' who have
taken Meth, if gnat be not in a short time as sound as a
dollar, and as for front pain and suffering as ever yon
was in your life. Don't be afraid of being disappointed,
these pills •• never surrendet.“
Prepared lay Dr. Real* No. 32, North Sizth street,.
Philadelphia. Jn29-16-5-3na
No. 56 etilar St., New lurk.
Occupy tin spacious FIVE STORY WAREHOUSE,
N 0.56 Cedar Siren,--the whole of which is devoted to
the exhihitnn and ssie of the single article of PRINT
ED CALICOES. The:r Present isteca consists of near
ly T)NE THOUSAND PACKAGES, embracing some
THOUSANDsI- of different pattorn, and colorings, and
comprising everything d?sirable in the line, FOREIGN
All of which ere oß•rcd for sale, for cash. or satisfac
tory credit, at the lowest prices, by the PIECE OR
New styles are received almost every day, and man
of Mein me got up fur our own 'sale., and not to be
found elsewhere..
Printed lists oT prices, corrected from day to day,
with every variation in the market, are placed in the
hands of buyeri.
Merchants will be able to form some idea ofthe ex
tent and variety of our assortment, when we -state,
that the valve of our usual sto.:k of this our: Ag-ricke,
Os at least twice the value of the entire stock of dry
termite usually kept by our largest wlmlesale Jobbers.
atm fact; togethef with the fact, that our means and
our attention, instead of being divided among avast
variety of articles, are devoted wholly to one, will
render the advantagea which we cian oiler to dealers
perfectly obvious ; and it shall be Our care that none
who visit our establishment shall 'Meet with any dis
Our assortment Iscompicte at all seasons of the year.
I P. 8.-11. F. LEE, formerly of the firm of Lord &
Lees, and late senior partner in the origin il firm of Lee
& Brewster from which connexion he withdretv some
time agn, has resumed burtness In connection with
Messrs. & Judrno.under the firm of! EE, JBUSON
& LEE. and he ventures to assure his Blends and the
public, that the new firm will maintain the mine pre-.
eminence. In this branch of the trade, which former.
ly diatingutshed the other two bailees to which he be
New York, Jul
10, 1&17
Den fitess Cured.
Sec:Tees Compound !Creosote ..4cotiotie
F OR the cure of Deafness, pain and the discharge
of matter, from the ears also all those disagreea
ble noises like the buzzing of insects, falling of water,
/Tv Izzing of steam, &c., which are symptoms of
deafness and also generally attendant with
"-- TTE I R sp R is atc. something worth attending to coming as It
does from n man so extensively known as Mr. Graeir
both in city and country.
"I hereby certify thaTfrom the effects Of a severe
cold Mat winter, I became partially deaf, attended with
very disagreeable noiseslike ringing ofbellti4c, whixh
gradually increased, until I completely lost Hie bearing
of one ear,—when I was induced toffy Scarpa's Aeons
tic Oil, and am now happy to say, that with the use of
one bottle of the aboVe medicine I can hear as well as
ever, and all disagreeable noises have entirely disap
peared. Any further information respecluig my case,
will be gl a dlygisren, by calling on me at No. 451 North
Fifth street near Race. DANIEL GRAEFF.
Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1813.
For sale r. D. Gumrt No. 120 North FL
street,Philada by .
;M in Pottsville b pe J
in Harrisburg by O. CROSS, and in Reading by Mr
EARL, where those intereqed can obtain many inter_
eating certificates of cures. .
` , December 12, 1818 , •
Willie up Werervi S
D HANNAN, J. S. C. MARTIN, Pottsville; Henry
Shiss. Port Carbon. has got f sale an article
called DR I . er EVAN'P' VEGETABLE or
which-if intenty directions will clear the thick or all
the horri.l tribe. and your little ones 11 hick you hare so
dearly, will live to make you blessed.- People call it the
child's friend and the worm's death. li is rmyl.3 its. a
b.rt:e. Made by Dr. Evans, No. 32, No.tlll Sixth st..
Philadelphia. ' - [14948-5.3m
Attention is Invited
r - r 0 the fact that persons afflicted with Dyspepsia,
I. liver Complaint, Stirk Headache. Nervous Atfec
lions, Giddiness, loss of Appetite, Wcakness.lieanbUrn.
Cow ivenes s. Palpitations of the Ikon, limness or Spi
rit.. arid oil Irregularities of the stomach and bowels.—
Children afflicted with Cholera Morbo■ or Bowel Com
plaint, and all delicate fernalei subject to irregularities
will find in the use of •
A safe, pleasant, and certain cure, 23 as. a box, with
directions for using them, and a pamphlet containing
numerous testimonials of the natonishing cures perform
ed by these pills.
For sale in Schuylkill county.. Pa., by B. HANNAN
and JOAN S. C. MARTIN, Pottsville ,;_ll. Shissler,
Port Carbon; .1. B. Falls, Minersvilie.
Prepared by Dr. T. G. Evans,' at his medical depot,
No. 32, North 6th street, Philada. [Jn29493-3m
• _
-- I Oliver Evans?
- • -
Vll ARRANTED equal to any other make, and have
never been injured by firs or burg/ars. In a single
instance. lie also keeps on hand a full supply of CORN.
moo Chests, made of lighter iron. at lower prices.
01 Sou k ' SeCond Bt.. below Chesnut, Phila.
For cooling and preserving Neat, Butter, MO. and all
'inkiest Intended for cu W l
ATER inar FILTERS. y' purposes.
Oliver Leese celebrated Water Fillers for purifying
water that Is brackish or muddy, whether by
aerate, or othencise,,can be bad of all sizes and prices
at the mareisxtros, No.ol, South Second Street, two
doors below Chesnut street Philadelphia.
Philada., Oct. 047
Wetherill & , 11*other,
lIITANIIPiETUREIIB; No. 68, North Front street.
Philadelphia, have ncrwn good supply of their war
ranted pure WRITE LEAD; and those customers who
have been pure,
supplied in consequence of a tun
on the article, shall now have their orders filled.
No known ea bstance possesses those preservative and
beautifying properties, so desirable in a paint, to an.
equal extent othernalteaed white lead:, hence any
admixture of materials only mats its *slue. It
has, therefore, been the steady aim of the manufacturers,
for canny years. to supply to the public a perfectly pure
white lead. and the tinceasingdemand for theartkie, to
proofthat it has met with favor. It Is Invariably brand
ed on one head WETREIULL do BROTHER in hill.,
and en the other learreated pare. all in red letters.,
55 TONE &sorted boiler iron, Nos. 3, 4 mad S of
widths oft°, 32, and 30 Ingle, and nodal& lengths.
P 311042., July 11,1143 4, eouthlroit me, PbUida•
tbe Mon. LUTHER RI
DEB. &Minn.
7 7 President of the several courts of Common Pleas
of the counties of Sclurylklif, Cubes, and Monroe, In
Pannsylvanla, mod justice of the several Coons of
Quartet Scubas of the Paste, Oyer and Tennlner,
and General Gaol Delivery , le said Musks: an d
SnaaaeTi.PALMS:Aland JACO) lartglig%enii.
Judge. of the Colin of Quarter flashrtie of Peace.
oyer and Terniluer and General Gaol Delivery for fig the
trial of all capital and o th er cdruders, In t he geld
county of Schuylkill—by their precepts to me directed,
have ordered a Court of Common Pleas. Oyet and Ter.
miner, and General Gaol Delivery, to be bolden at Or.
wigsburg. on Monday, the 6th day of march neat, to
continue two weeks, if necessary
Notice is therefore hereby giGea to the Coroner, the
Justices of the Peue. and Constable. of the said comity
ofnchuylkill, that they are by the saki precepts com
manded to be then and there, at 10 o'clock In the fore
noon ofuhi day, with their roll", records, Inquisitions,
examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those
things,-which to their several Wilsey appertain to be
done ; and an those that are bound by recognizan
ces. to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then
shall be in the gaol otutd county of Schuylkill, are to
be then and there to prosecute them as shall be just.
God. save the Cormonwealth.
Sheriff s Office. Orwige.
burg. Feb. 11, 1848 $ = 7-
N. 11.--The witnesses cod jurors' whoare summoned
to attend saulCoun, are required to attend punctually.
'7n cue of non-attendance. th e law in inch cues, made
and pruTided, will be rigidly enfbrced. This notice is
published by order of the Court; I thoseemmerned will
toren/themselves accordingly.
Salamander, Fire,. and Thief
. Proof CheSts,
Fire-Psis." Doors for Basks gad sums. sea and Lem
orryiely Prusts. Rust Slate-Liked Refrigera
tors, Water Alters, Palest Portable •
Wain:leafs, is tended /Or tbs.
Sisk gad heltria. .
S. Seed Taint St.. forgrosite as PAitada..Excbsegs.)
IuANOPACTIME and keep constantly on hand, a
AIM target uaortment of the above wtlckeh toOf
With their Patent Improved Salamander FIRE 4 F
SAFES, which are so constructed as to set at rest all
manner of doubt its to their being strictly are-proof and
that they will resist the are of any bulldbas: The out.
aide cases of these Safes are made of boiler iron, the
insidecase of snapatone,,and between the outer case
and loner ease Is a space of roes three Inches thick,
and Is tilled In with Indestructible material, so as to
make it an Impossibility to burn any of the contents in
-I,side of this chest. , _These eloepstone Sa la manders we
' ate prepared and dokhallenge the world to produce a
article in the asap/ of Book Safes that win wand a,
much heat, and weflold ourselves ready at all times to
have them fairly
by public bonfire.
toWe also con
tinue manufat re a large and general assortmentof
our Premium Air, fight Fire Proof Safes, of which there
are overeat nowbh use, and In every Instance they have
given entire sagiffectlon to the purchasers—of which we
will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them
in nee:
Haywood & Snyder, Pottsville; Joseph G. Lawton,
Pottsville; Mr. Will iam,Carr, Doylestown, Pa.
N. & G. Taylor, 130, North 3d st.t A. Wright & Nepth
em, Vine at. Wharf; Alexander Carer. Conveyancer,
corner of Filbert and 9th ELP.; John AL Ford, 32, North
3d et.; Myers Bush, 29, North 3d st ; James M. Paul,
101, South 4th at.; Dr.- David Jayne,. 8,. South 3d st.;
Matthew T Miller, 30, South 3d at ; and we Could name
some hundreds of others if it were necessary. Non we
invite the attention of the public, a nd particularly those
in want of Fire Proof Safes, to call at our store before
purchasing elserihere, nod we. can satisfy them that
they will get.a better and cheaper article at our store
than at any other establishment In the city. t '
We alio manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chests
at very low prices. cheaper than they can be bought at
any other store in Philadelphia.
5103 15
45.157 87
The President's Message. •
T HE President's message is before the public. His
views of public. policy are now manifest I they are
applauded by some amen censured by other,. His ideas
on national affairs o 'doubt given with the view
that such principles if carried into effect would result
to the benefit of this country. 7t is on the same princi
ple that we ebdeavor to conduct our businees attain.—
We proclaim to the people our notions of the proper
plan of buying and selling goodie, with the expectation
that such information if heeded would result to the be.
nen of the pUblic generally. Like Polk, we find our
supporters, and too mane who prefer supporting some
body else. Polk id in favor of a low tariff on foreign
merchandize, sufficient to pay expenses of government,
with incidental protection to our manufacturers. We,
are in, favor of a told!' stmnS enough on the goods we
sell to pay expenses ofa familygovernment and leave a
sufficiency of cash to protect as through long sieges of
hard times, occasioned by overtinding ; bank restric
tions; bank and individual suspensions, and tariff ex
periments. Polk is In favor of disposing of the Heal-
cans, in order to conquer a peace. We are in favor of
disposing of our DRY GOODS., GROCERIES, &c., In
order that we may have peace with those having claims
against us. Polk le in favor of taxing the Mexicans to
interim the war. We are in favor of exchanging or
bartering I talking and negotiating, in order thati,tor
establishment too should be and remain solvent. Polk
Is in fairer of extension of territnry and a new govern
' went loan. We would prefer an extension of time to
sash up old arrearages and adopt a different method to
raise money, without recourse to constant borrowing
from Peter to pay Paul. Polk is in favor and has offer.
ed the Mexicans greed bargains in settlement of the
difficulties between that country and our'. We are to
favor and will offer our STORE GOODS 'lathe citizens
of this, county at bargainveysmily as greed, which will
enable us to settle our difficulties with the New Yorkers
and Pbi adelphiamt; The Mexicans are a stubborn
people, they would not sell a large portion of their
country for three million of dollars. The people of
this country are a vtlse people , and will accept of cheap
nods ; provided this are In want of them. Alt those
that are in want of bargains are respectfully Invited to
call at Cie cheap each stays of -
Ltecya'47 52 ems) GEORGE W. SLATER.
. .
p p-- schuylkUl .ravigalion Co.
1 rate ß M a lrMd
I o f o Maen cahargae d h a o S n e
tandonwedo r t k h s e d f u o r ll i o n w g t i h ng
To be charred per ton of 2210 lbs. ' the weight to be as
:ertained by such mean, as may be adopted to secure
tccnracy, and five per cent. allowance to be made
herefrom for loss by wastage. The toll to be computed
rom Mount Carbon for all coal coming from shove that
mint, and to be charged proportionately for all distances
turfed on the Canal:
For the months of March. April, andlJay,
For the months of June and July,
river Cr,,, Pen Tote
or the mouths of August, September, October, Novem
ber, and December,
stxTv-rirE CENTS ?ER TOE.
To be- charged. per ton of 2240 pounds.
Limestnirie, Iron ore, quarry spans, rough stone. un
wrought marble, sand, clay, gravel, rani, bark, lime and
manure, one and a half cense per ton per mile, but no
charge will be made for any distance carried beyond
twenty-five miles..
Maximum toll nn such articles for any distance, thirty.
seven and a half tent■ per on. '
sEcolsto CLASS.
Cypaum, cordwood,d timber, lumber, hoop poles, hat
and straw In bales. bricks: and bituminous coal.
Between Philadelphia and Mount Carbon,7sets.per top
•• Seh'll Haven, 79
ort ,
Way trade three-fnurths P of aClinto cent n per 6s
tontper mile,
but no charge shall be made exceeding seventy-five Mr
per ton. ' THIRD CLASS.
Merehandize generati.v, inch as dry goods, earthen
ware, melt, iron In pigs, ban, or any stage of manufac
ture beyond the ore, nails, dour, grain. and all other
articles not specifically. enumerated in classes first and
second. •
Two cents per ton per mile for the first twenty miles
carried .and three-Martha of a cent per ton per mile for
any additional dietanee earned beyond twenty, miles,
.iirete.-1 all case. where one or more locks are passed,
and the distance carried shall be less than two Miles,
the charge for toll shall be for two miles according to '
the class to which the articles carried may belong.
And in encases where the foregoing rater shall exceed
6} cents per ton on the ascertained tonnage of the vessel
for any lock passed below Reading, nr 4 cents per ton,
above [leading,ihe toll shall be charged at these men
tioned rates on tart ides.
Boats Intended tone run regularly in the trade On the
line of the Canal will ho licensed to pave the whole or
any part of the line empty by the payment of ten dollar..
The licenses will be issued by any collector, and will
continue in forcralurina the year 1818, provided the boat
so licensed shall pay a sum in tolls equal viten dollars
per month.
Boats not so licensed will be charged five cents pet
mile, Unless they carry cargo which has paid five
tan in tolls.
Any boat not licensed as aforesaid, and running upon
a single level of the works, shall pay far each lock they
may at any tme'pass, four cents per ton on the ascer
tained tonnage thereof above Reading, and six and a
quarter cents per ton below Reading.
The Company will turnigh earn, beats, and landings,
and afford every facility for transporting coal to market
at the most reasonable rates, and they are prepared to
make contracts with operators and others engaged-in
the coal trade, and with those who will build and ran
boats on the Canal, on liberal term,. Applications on
these subjects are, to he made to the President of the
Company, and they will receive prompt attention.
By order of the Board.
Deel I-501 F. FRALEY. President.
Office of the Schuylkill Navigation Co.. Dee. 7, 1847
Is hereby given that a I
Court .
of- Common
Fleas. for the trial of causes at issue in and fur the
county of Schuyiktll.will be held at Orwigaburg in the
county aforeaald,on Monday, the 13th day of. March
next, to continue two weeks, If necessary.
Therefore all persons having snits pending, and all
pecan is whose duty It shall be to appear at said Court,
will take notice and govern themselves accordingly..
Sheriff's Office, Orwigs- J, T. WERNER, SherifL
bum Feb. 12, 1918. J.
LandrelWe Rural Register
VOLUME of 108 A
closely printed pager B4 , containing a
almanac; a farmer's and gardener's calender for
mien month of the year ; description, of chemical com
pOsition and analysis of tbe different kinds of Manures
and the application of It: a hill description of the best
fruits for cultivation, with drawings of the same; &s
-cams of cows, horses,. sheep, fce., and their remedies;
a list of agricultural implements, and their prices ; the
mode of cultivating the different kinds of vegetables,
and all kinds of Rowena eonstruction of hot houses,
hot beds, &c.; together with a vast amount of other in
formation for the farmer and kitchen gardener, antral!
for l 2 cents single copy, or SI per dozen, wholesale.—
Every farmer and gardener m the Mate ought to haat a
copy, Just published and for sale wholesale and retail
Cheap Bookstore, Pottsville.
13- Merchants in the country would benefit the canes
of agriculture by purchasing this book and distributing
it among the formals.. The low rate at which it is sold
ought to secure fbr it a general circulation. [petit 41
New Music.
BE Linden Waltz. arranged for the Plano.
The Old Arm Chair, 234 edition.
Thou ameba Fount of all my Joy.
Ot Love Dwells no In Royal Hafts,
Linda dgChannounix Galop,
The Weston Gailopade, • • - •
The Cyrnblane Waltz, •
Tba Celebrated Waren:Ow Waltzes,
The Lindeb
A Little Moro Grape, Capt. Bed,
Bleep. Gentle Mary,
The Flower of America, en orighatiTalte.
On the Banks of Gas pelgalvem es sung by hgad.llislum.
, Thr Umbra Bose eightsome', by Henry flats,
Widow Machine, es sung by .
Grande Veto Brllliante. '
Tryst to Lurk, es sung by COUIOI.
Bargmallersurtg rector for the Plenei,
Together whh s vanety clo th e/ tonele a ts=e4
and Mr sale at 1302941 BANNANNII
?rag subscrlbers hata abw landing hoar Alp *lbws
b", from Linanonor, IS teas Rail Roadlroa, It L
Sum 10 tau s torul Als° 4o tems
list rafted Ircreiseasiotlag of scsaa4sqw.. and
bars. *pram T. eirmaag, .
Weal paat aerav at Marker sad Utb ann.
-NW rids, ire tispertad niindeu kg tarroinua to . "
magas Hopes. are cow lmost exthisurely -need ln
the Coll/arks and on h e Railways in Great &D
-an. and are found to be greatly supenor to Hempen
*Pei as reaards safety. durability and economy.
The Patent Who Ronne, hale proved to be sun
good CoUdition after three year's service. in the same
siteitten Whets the &moon ones, pm loony used, of
doable the she and weight would wear out ha nine of
telintonthe. They_ have been used for almost every
:Lege to Wkietr Hempen Ropes and chains tome been
a la. lifines..naisprays, Heavy Cranes, Standing
_ Window Cods, I.lgbudng Conductors, Signal
Halyards, Tiller gapes. *e. They are made ehher of
Iran or Copper Wire, and la eases of much enquire
to damess, of Caltanised Wire.
Testimonials from the most eminent Engineers In
England can be shown as to their einem, and any
additional Information required respecting, the direr.
ant desnipuons and application will be' given by
ALFRED F. KEMP, 7 5 Broad et.. New York.
Bole Agent in the United States.
New York, Way Sigh, ISW. 111—
kt. The subscriber has bees appointed Agent for the
sale of the Patent Wue Rope in this Region. All or
ders left stela cairn stating size, weight end length,
wilHbe promptly attended to. ' B. HANNAN..
Z a .i.
la F '
• ~. ...
5 a &"
I -
SI n
M .
EC • •
= E • n n •
3: =
. . .
' WWl' Tae CURE Or.
Consumption. Coughs; Colds, &o.
IN PRESENTING this valuable medicine to the pub
.( lie as a remedy for Consumptibn, and Pulmonary
Diseases In general, have been 'heated solely by the
grist surreal. attending its use In 'my own immediate
neighbothood, and a desire to benefit the afflicted, I
shall simply endeavor to give a brie (statement of Its
-mildness, and Muter myself thatits surprising effica
cy will enable me to furnish such nrocifs of Its virtue,
as will satisfy the most incredulous. that CONSUMP
TION may and "CAN DE CURED„" if this medicine is
resorted to in time. As Consumption, however Is a
disease which differs much in the severity of its itymp.
ams, and the rapidity ofits progress, and has l o ng ba._
led the atilt of physicians it cannot be supposed that
this or any other remedy. is capable of effecting a
cure In every case and in every stage of the disease ;
an the contrary, we must expect it to fail sometimes, a
circumstance which occurs dally,With all the most vat
uable remedies we possess, fur the most simple disclai
m The proprietor submits the following testimonials
in Its favor from citizens of Mir.
County 'well kuowo
, ,
to the public:
Ma. W. J.-11sas,—Ilaving been afflicted for the last
thirtyyears with Consumption, and Waving had the ad
vice of some ofthe most eminent Physicians,a nd was gl.
yen up as incurable. I wan induced to make trial of your
invaluable Expectorant, and am happy to say that I am
entirely cured, and tun al tending to my daily occupation
as Omagh I had never been afflicted. Previous to ta
king your EXPECTORANT, I could not, if I had been
so disposed, do anything at my tradi. I have Mom ree..
ommended it to several of my friends, and particularly
-one case of Goer'', nen Comeourriois, and am ham
to state that in every instance It had the desirealeffect.
Yours respectfully JOSHUA HAWKINS.
Schoylkilltlaven, October 1,
Settee teitt Haven. January 1,1849,
Mr. W. I Hats.—Dear Sir —Having been afflicted
with a severe pain in the breast, I was Induc to try f
yoir Expectorant, and alter usingone bottle o t, found
it to relieve me, and Ido not hesitate in reeom ending
It to the publicasa valuable medicine for Colds, Coughs
and Afflictions of th e Breast.
lam respectfully yours &c.. • '
SCHUTLEILL Haven, October 19, 1844.
I was taken with a had cold aome time ago, and used
one or two bottles of Mr Haas' Eryseterciat, which re
lieved me much, and stiould I have occasion for the
above again, I would freely call on Mr. Haas for his in
vnivable Expectorant. DANIEL H. STAGER.
ilcuurcioct H•veti, Jiily, 29,1845:
Ms. WILLIAM J. HA Al,—Dear Sir.-1 am happy to
testify to the efficacy of your expectorant, for answer
ing the purpose for which it wail Intended that of re
-lievlngSoughs, Colds, &c.: ,
Foi sale by the Proprietor at Schuylkill Haven, and
by the following Agents in Schuylkill county.
• Pottsvill S. C. Martin,
f Llewellyh— John nnan Ilkackhill, Esq.
Minen(ville—J. & J. Falls,
New Castle—George Itelfanyder, Esq.
Port Carbon—Henry Shinier. P. M.
Landingiille—Color & Drumheller. i
Pinegrove—Graeffir. Forcer,
Tamaqua—Hellner & Morganroth,
Middleport—H. Koch & Son, . .
Tuscarora—George R. -Dry.
G' Frederick Klett & Co.. have bees appointed gene.
*al agents in Philadelphia, for fleas' Expectorant
C (0 awil "ve
XlO7, Main street. Ihrffal9,—NEM YORE.
DR. G. C. VAUGIIN'S Vegetable I ithontriptie Mix
ture,a celebisted medicine which bas made CIRE
CURES in nit. DISEASCs, Is now introduced Into Lb
section. The . limits of an advertisement will not pr
mit an extended notice of this remedy . • we have
to say it has for its agents in th e United States and Ca
adas a large number of educatrd mentcat. rascverion
cgs In high professional standing, who make a general
use of a to their practice in the following dimities
And diseases of the Urinary organs ; Piles and all dis
eases of the blood; derangements of the Liver, eVe., and
all general diseases of the system. I: it PARTICULARLY
requested that all who contemplate the ail of this ar
ticle,or who desire Information respecting it., will obtain
a pANIPTILET of 32 pages, which agents .whose name,
are below will gladly give away ; this book treats upon
the method of cure —explain the properties of the
article, and the diseases it hos been 'used for over this
country and Europe for !bur years with such perfect.
effect. • Over 15 pages of testimony from the atones?
'quarters will be found, with NAMES, PLACES, and
DATES, which can be written to by any one Interested
and the parties will answer "nst paid comatunications.
lee Ile particular and ASK far the PAMPHLET, as
no other such pamphlet has ever been seen. The evi
dence of the power glib:, medicine over ALL diseases,
is guaranteed by persons Orwell known standing In so:
Put pp In 30oz. and 12 or., h rules. Price 412,30 or.;
$1,12 oz. t the larger being the cheaper. Every bottle
has "G. C. VAUGHN " written on the directions, &c.
Pee pamphlet page 28. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn,
and sold at Pr Office, 207, Main street, Buffalo,
N. Y. Oftices devoted to the sale of this article exclu
sively. 1351, Nassau. New York, and coiner of Esser
and Washington, Salem, Mum., and by all Druggists
throughout this country and Canada as agents.
Also for sale by J. S. C. MARTIN, Pottsville ; E. J.
FRY, Tamamm r E. Ar E. HAMMER. Orwissbarg ;
LEVAN & NAUMAN. Schuylkill Haven; WM. 8:
LIEISLEk, tort t.etttosi ; WM, PRICE, St. Clair;
' Feb 12,1848
Dr. Heeler's Vegetable Panacea
FOIL the removal and permanent core of all diseases
arising from an impure state of the blood or habit of
the body. : Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy,
Bronchitis; Catarrh, etc.; Scrabla in alt its forms, Tet.
ter, Scald Head, Cutaneous Affections of the face and
eltremities, Chronic Itheumatisth, Chronic Hepatic db.
eases, Chronic enlargements of the Joints, White Steel
liege, Syphilitic Affections '
Constitutional Mordent
arising from debility and all Mercurial and Hereditary
predbpositkins, &c.
re At every swing of the pendulum, a spirit goes into
into eternity. The measure of our life is a hand's.
breadth; it Is a tale that is told; its rapidity is like the
swift shuttle or the flying arrow ; it is es brief as the
fading flower or the transitory rainbow, or the daullng
meteor; it is a bubble, it is a breath. Between the ri
sing and getting sun fartp-ros thessand souls are MUM.
atoned befare their Creator. Death is ever busy night
and day, atoll seasons, la all climes. Death is a fun
damental law of organized matter. Tleasands dle pm
maturely:slat= of dhiease.the Inevitable consequences
of violated laws of moult les. Disease la the effect of
a derangement of physical laws, and can only be clued
by remedial meanstUt counteract their influence. If
Naas becomes the source of diseue, we would not
Vempt on neutralise the atmosphere, but oar drat cu
rative art eaut would bet* destroy or remove the cause
upon which it depends.. If Mars corer the body and
the constitution becomes enervated from Imperfect nu
trition and inhalation. our attention man be drat dF,
Meted to this object. For all dilemma that take their
rise fhno this some: no remedy yet discovered has
proven so valuable &tithe Panacea.. The following tee
timony Is most respeuflilly offered to an intelligent
public and the Meted.
pkagasiplis, June 9th, 1947.
Havhntbee:prised of the nature of the Panacea, it
affords me much aware to be able to recommead it es
a valuable re y for those Chronic:Constitutional,
and Glandutardbreases to which It Is especially adapted.
To those who are emitted and melte medicine as an
eitersaries, cannot obtain it in • more agrerfabletawave
and until= state Maw to to be fband la the Pasurceito—
I itosssed it is several feeteases with Otani sacrum
Tours, itc. D. ALLISON. d. D.
Prepared and sold N. W. corner Third and South sta.
Poe sale by druggists and others throughout th e Watt,
end by_ John O. .M artin , and John O. Brown. Drug
gists. Pottrettle, ant by &Kleine:S.ll=ns Carbon.
rites et, tarp twines. a For pacticulani see
From our Tetegrapixte Correepondon.
srars To Tao LATTsT stomorn
• ' IMADELPHIA:— Feb. 2 , 5, UM
.0 o'clock. P. M.. The Floor market has recovered hog some
what. Good brands have been sold to day at
$5,78 for export, arid $0 a11.211.f0r prim' arid es'
tr.. CCM Metal Is quiet at $2,37i. Wheat is
watth 120 a-130 eta.' per baahel, for good rads.-;.
Corn 52cts. Whiskey in bbls. is steady at •25
eta; per gallon. '
. Mr. Clat.ireithed Philadelphia cis Thursday
afternoon last.i His arrival there.was hailed with
enthusiasm by thousands of people. It knew no
Wands—sweeping, as It seemed, thrOugh the en.
tire el l whirlwind ! Thouianda of strang
ers, from every section of the State, had arrived and
everything seemed shaped expressly for • demon-
strati on nom-ailed in this country, as thereto non•
other to whom it wan so justly distr. The Leger
aril We have seen many reception of Public ,
man.and have a recollection of elm denscesstra.
tion' of the kind which hut occurred in this oar
'since Lte visit of Lafayette, and we have never
seen uoti a wild outpouring of the heart's feelings.
such a wanii; ardent, almost extravagant display
of enthusium—such en intense and strong burst
of popular welcome as that which yesterday greet
ed the entrance to the city, of the great statesman,
Henry Clay. • •
•; 2 z
:Z. t
t o
t i
.•:, =
Mt incident oecnrrred in the evening, which le
thus hironieled by The Sun: " When he arrived
at Mn Hughes' residence, on .Bt. - Paul'. street,
the crowd, which had followed on, congregated
in front' of the dwelling, and amid /constant and
Icitaleimers, coital for Mr. Clay to, make his ap• •
pearatice.. After a short delay an—tipper window
was . 6rolivn open, and Mr. Marinade his appear.
aoee, greeted by tremendous cheering. When 116
kneel fflas with difficulty restored, he said :
Gentlemen, I want to know what you are ma.
king ail this noise about I"
"We wanted to see you,'!„ was the response, for.
lowediby loud cheers
A voice in the crowd—
You am that tame old
wain yet."
v u•
.0. bt
::: C
'a " s
v 2
..:4 ...
LI es
Clay—.•Exactly_l am that tame old
Loud area again. and laughter..
\ Clay—.Gentlemeg, now • f will make it
eomptemise with you—if you will let me alone, I
will let you alone."
He here withdrew amid the Most. vociferoue
cheering, and the window was closed. The
Moved, satisfied . at seeing anti bearing •that name
old coon," retired.
Mr. Clay loot, exceedingly well, and his voice
wax elear and film, it we ever recollect to have
bear& • :
ronuo METING
Inritationl to the lion. - Henry Clay to vial
_the Coal Region.
In parshance of a uotico which had been given
twobours, previously, a large meeting of the citi
zens of Pottsville (without ,distinction of. p)
assembled at the Exchange Hotel, on Friby ,
evening, the 25 th inst. when on motion, the fol
lowing officers were appointed:
Vice Pntsidenta—JeueVotter, .. . ~. _
A. Resell. .
James M. Beatty, - ;
. Geo, C. Wynkoopi '
Daniel Hill, sr.
1 •
Solomon Foster,.
' I Morose C. Williams.
Secretaries—Myer Strom,
. E. N. Camino.
At the motion of Mr. Campbell, Edward Owen
Parry, E.l l . arose and stated the object of the
Meeting, and upon the conclusion of his remark..
a Committee consisting of nine persons, was ar
Pointed, to draft resolutions, &c. The Committee
consisted of, E. Owen Parry, B. T. Taylor, C.
GillinghaT, A. Russel, 0. Dater, J. C. Neville
J. H. Campbell, R. Morris, and J. C. Leasig.-:.
Durigg theisbaence of the s Committee, B. Bar
tholomew, Fsq.,,cras called out to address the
mewing, which he did at some length—reviewing,
in a general way. the whole political career of Mr.
The committee hereupon reported the fellow..
lug preamble nod resolutions, which were unani
mously adoPted :
Whereas,' We have beard with great gratifica
tion that the Hon. Henry Clay is now on a visit
to our State', ii.V . tvtr deem it a duty that we owe
to one who has founded and advocated a system
which has converted a wilderness into emulous
gauntry, to invite hini!to visit our Region, that
he may see one of the many instances of the
good effects of that policy which ho has so long
and scrably ;supported.' Therefore,
Resolved, Tliat S. Gillingham, CL H. Potts, Ourd Pat
tenon,: Daniel IL'Bennett, I. P. Whitney. T. C. Wil
liams. B. Ifayarood, J. G. Hughes. L. Dougherty, Jesse
Foster, 0, C. Wynkoop, George W. Snyder, B. T. Tay
lor, Charles Gillingham, and Richard R. Morris be the
Committee of, Invitation • and that theiare hereby In
eructed to use every honorable means within their
power to Induce our Illustrious countryman to visit the
Coal Region, and that a copy of this resolution be hand
ed to the Hon: Henry Clay by the Committee,- '-
Resolved, That Henry Clay belongs to this country,-
and to the world, and that !hie - Invitation be, and la
hereby tendered him in the name of the whole comuni.
1111 8 ' ;, Motion;
Resolved. That these Rosolutiona be published.
Whereupon' the meeting adjourned.' .
• Corve l eied Weekly . ' fur MC - Journal. •
Wheat Plour, bbl. 97 50 I;Dr'd Peaches par'd. 3 00
Dye . do' 'do 525 do do 'unpur'd 250
Wheat, bush.l . • I 20 ,Dr'd Apples, par'd. 100
Rye, , do 60 :Engs, do;. l3
Corn, •do 56 .Iluiter. lb. 16
Cats, -do . • 50 'Bacon, 00
Potatoes, do, 7
CO 5 llama, , ' 121
Tlmothy seed, - 4 Ray,ton, 16 00
Clover do i 450 Plaster,
Tottsey?s Universal Ointment,A , COMPLETE. remedy forliu rns, scalds, cuts, brolce,
sprains Swellings, malt rheum , piles. fess, BON/
chapped hands, sore lips, chill Mains; scald head, and al
Persons In all conditions of life are at all time' liable
to be afflicted with the above complaints. It is therefore ,
the duty of beads of families to proVide and keep on
hand, ready for any emergency, A REMEDY that le .
capable of removing the suffering attendant oat these
very troubleseme companion. Those who have used '
Tawny's Universe/ Oiatatrat need not be told that It lea -
most complet. remedna poled master of pais, and the
most speedy remover of Imtlocomotion ever discovered.
The experience( of such persons Is sufficient to prompt
them to keep it always on hand .Iknowing that many
valuable lives and limbs have heen saved by this MA
GICAL CONQUEROR nf inflamed and other sores ,
burnt, scalds, 4.t. It instantly stops all pain of tbe se
verest kind and, prevents all star— No family 'bold be
without it, as au immediate application of it, In case of
burns or scald. would do more good while waiting for
the doctorthan.he could do when arrived, besides pre
venting long Miura of the utmost tallithim which might
pass befort a physician could be 'obtained.'
It Possesses control over. the severest Injuries by hr.,
over mortification, over Inflammation, and by Ica com
bined virtues it , acts as Nazi-arptir, Xereine, .dnti.pat. -
asdis,Atodres: Elstolliemt. and Heels', and is the most
Thousands have tried and thousands prairie it. It is
working its way Into public favor with a rapidity hers
tokire unknown In the history of medicines.
dill eta ass. rreostagrad it. Again we say, no family
should be without It. The agents will furnish the pub
lic GRATIS with books describing this Ointment.—
Each box oil the genuine Tousey's Universal °lntl. ,
meat, hai the signature of S. Toasty written on ePa out
side label in black ink. Never purchase a box unless
this signature can be seen. Price 25 cents per box, or
five boxes for SI 00 Prepared by Elliott & 'nosey,
Druggists, Syracuse, N. Y., and sold by agents through•
out the United +States.
Bold In New York et 10s, Nassau street.
The fallowing are the agents in Schuylkill County 0.1
Tenney's Unirenal Ointment t
J. e. C MARTIN, l
.1. 0. BROWN. Pottsville. •
enisster. Port Calton..'
Wm. 11. Marlow. New Philitelptitc, • -
' T. Williams 1 tiltddteport,
111. Schwan; Patterson,
J. 11. Alter. Tuscarora, • •
Kellner & liforporoth, Tamaqua,
° Wfinsta Price, St.
Georg* Relfunyder, New Castile,
James B. Falls. Mnemonic, • ,
Jonas Mittniman,UnwellYn.
J. Christ. ,
Jacob Nanniman, Lower Nobontongo, •
Bboettett'Carrems, Orwigaburg.
Lyon & Mated, Port -
Levan &.lEauolnan. Eicboyllin Haven.
Padl Barr, Pluegrove,
tOet URI Is ow
WEEKLY 01 Y PAPE7llB.—Persoas fs want
the weekly city japers to s*U. taus bave them ,
Vied every week by lievles their adore at
EtIANN4IIIrB Cheep •Petiselleal Pert:
ELEPHANT 011.-A apnea artichflea
ehtney,sugtoes. los ,Wamuitedzioir.l4 JIMA,
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