tliOpings. c a • tietkiCSS' . -•' Waite', tibia way .• you doubtlava 41C8rd Me ring your plaguy bell : • lio'rre,opcned here. upon my.tcor, • • An out-and - out hotel. • _ No doubt; you've got a larder finq Of itanda ready drat, A cellarrif most famous wine, Andliquora of the best." Yes, sir, we've all that yJU c old wish Be pleaspd to tape a chair— • Poultry andjr,ints,and soups and fish— (etch tie bill of fare. onfoiour wines pan Cer complaint' FO, gear is their renwn. .kil'hisksr's claret and chatrd:aigna Vinu . canard_ nmtdh ih towtt.' `Wail:ill:of all extravaganrr•' I ever Had aulrea.l; To-day I'll give your liouse a llriag we a 1) . e t :fling red;" ; : Tile WAY FilEt P6-Lt.r.i) inc't i r, AND LET..I , HU% ..VALL.—The followinj, intiti: , ing adventure. given by a correvpendent, writing fntm friftlo; .actually took place in the town .R—, , to /I) two veers ago. ,It would have made the late I. Isaac Hicks, laugh at a soleinu “Seeetith day ~t mge:Fihg.. •• - Farrner—, had two daughters very intere.siing young' ladies, ytt in their'teena, who 'were quite romantic in their options..,• Their' fath: er wee an aristeb'ratiemonlier of the-Dalai-I church. and of course Was very particular es to the 'votive- I I ny' hie girls should Now it happened that Ihesc two girls bocanie acquaiiitcll with a couple , ' Ofyoung,ltucki. cleilis in an adj3ining to Use a coati - nunp- h rame, 'look quite a'%-hyin . to I 'eat: To iltis 11 . 1:11 • ii WaS opposed, as he iritimdeti to Match. his dau.ilitersi himself. thitl • nu talking .tit them while. week alit r tverk wore away, mid fiund 146'1 yoUng mea-eoh.,turit At 1,41011, in order uff enforce eltedi,ence. tor rtid min` fiuml 'driven ho t!1 nrcr-.ily Ut 10 - King up I,l%," T fiolii•li • children, who hail ire-urned without.his cotu.eal to fall in love with a couple of. poor trade,thili. The sweet gills tv, rt . ! - nectirilintl Ty conlined art S"unday afternoons in Om back bed.n,om in the second story, which Irontell the bernyaid ; it very - 40tnantic •lonk. :he Avindow was a pile of stony, which haiilnyti left after repaving 'the eeller-wah . in that corn, r. Yur t wo-ur three 1 successive, venings,. On uival 'period of - visiting their inumoratas, lov, r- 11:1,1 climbed, by means 'uf. the sh , ,tts of the la al,. were let down from th e tatia!ote by:ttie heroic i:le, up to•the apartmer.t et their in pri,otted :1 and from nightfall u l tini,ro-y ;limning dad levet ta the •ambrosial delight , is 0:111g qra'q fat , : But I this eladestine couitship could not2t.e continued a being at last di-coveted: i One Sabbath jnsi. at twilight. the, t.ithyr ''rotioug lrooe the barn di% he saw some railiermitieuus,hang ing, out of the back.window; no be ' walked noise lessly around to a•certatk - the AilaturC o 1 it,'-- There hung the fatal 'flag of surrender;: and the I old man giving it' eligut jerk. einniii.t . c;id altl• accent. 1:10 rues lariat gently fiats oil lus.tea t, and felt hiininilf gradually 'rising in the w0r1,1.! • e very heavy wctght the dati4liteis ; and to tell the truth, it was a,xUrpulent ale' at which they' wtrie lin, ly tatz 6 l,l4 away. - But • lo! his hcad reached -the-window r o il ; and I now, jpt ob i :As:lute hat appeared alum , the. window uireetiotiaira il,uguter 'dropped hint like a hot potato ;' and, w suinethiti,; like the emphasis of a siplash,•ii Npple dumpling,' tile old man came ,nt weal the anther' earth. while. the two tape and.scissor.i,; . 'made hasty tracks* froNthe leaving' ziothing behind them bh , li , .ii•ty misrry, timrorH stricken dantsch , , and th coar-tailstrcaiti-: fog - the coal night air TOT IT uN.—The, ICllielterlt.relter tell. 'nn ez eeltent story ; of lithe - had, the. ta tiv.:ll.l; nut ot, 11tin tzactlyA either, hot of WLat 113ppetteLl at the' close of 01 his 'w•ts to (Lc' habit 'of atithesCutg . .congrewition to this wise: .1 am 11011, , goin,r to pray ;-and w a nt it It o ~.thrsito to Ito ho - , or 'to lily ,It litt'lc friends %NIA, ;toalien 111 pra t•ti ror is ../o, names on a piece of Taper:" th'e occasion fu fhete ‘ 1.11: at .once Scut up 10 the pile- ut• li, tit; allps. of paper,• with - the` of pet:otts on whose behalf he was to •wrestie . as he said, t.,vitlt 1.13e - Alunglity! A pauttc sson ensued, when tie said, •Send 'etn up! send 'cot up ! 1 can . pray . for five thousand just an easy an 1 can pray for_ a . 'dorttn.. Send 'em up! It you, havn't any paper, get up and name the friend ynu want prayed - tor.' At tins stage of the,procec . ding n Into whom we shall call Oziel Bigg., a tt,ilwarter.son-of :•I:( feet and a half in his sto - ekingri, n noturioui uhbelieyer, and a eonfinne4 nag to b . ., rt, rose the undst 01 the congrogition, wart; fur tt;t, and amidst rho winks, and bults a:O. ',miles of the auditory; said: - • •\lr..l3urctiarJ, I wan: to pros. for Jim Thompion The teverettl petitioner saw, from the excite iornt in the audience, that Oz.tei was a • ligd MS What is your twine, Sir %%Ito is •Mr, Thompson?' qt.'s Jim Thprhpsqn ;" be keep a tAverul down in l'tiutupionville,'sad I ktep a little below him. 4IC i 3 ah• internal scountlh'..l ; and I want you to givtilhiu) a lilt: *But,' sa id Mr. lurehrtrd have you faith in the .efriettey of prayer DJ you - I ..i.ette4'e to toe pinstr of petition I'. it: liter h ere ter thire, , -11-tironderl Oziel; 'I want !pm to it on hint . A PA Ll'A {ILK, 111 'ilia Charki , r3'- 'tbar, a,ke,3 ail At. bd. , ' • known by his (lc:II.- .. tory an! N.rrelb , than by ht- wit afg,u iftitit, if he re.l,ll' to ettr:le 1111.0 Yaritauu ni at nor.t. ses:;mll. rephed V4e Ilulllrd, I 'do it.)t know havo cull/we:enough for the itou,e of Com . mons.' (..Islttre;'. said 111...1 know • nothrtg.of your .nalibr, but you lttiv . j bort ettotegtl for anything.' - • liole mote an:m.ttion, my dear,' tylnipered I idy 13. to the gentle Su san, whu V;4 tyJiki . ugiatiguidly through a quad rille. . . • Do leave me, to 'inariagie my own business; mantilla; replied Die prov ident' . nymph •• I 611311 not biro thy tingle's out of cull tied man.' o , • .01 • -se -7,•• but I •••• 11183 myl WhO.YOUClVlrill'er we would adnisedfib rend tire following vfitplums [JA('KING at the, nose:offensive breath. pain 'in the. I joints or limbs, grinding of the during sleep, wino:inns appetite, leafless. bloated stomach or limbs, Griping,:, pains in various parts of the body, a tieing: of something rising in the throat, itchi n g of the anus Inwards 11i2.11t. blieedilllf of the nose, gnawing sensation'at the stomacht tiashgs of heat. ovil the sot /Arent' the body alight or shteerings, head-ache, drowsiness. Idrper. V. rtiari, disturbed dreams, sudden ling ;4,9J fritlit and screamivig, cow:lnt-ever editie'sa, tine, thirst; bad take in the mouth, 'iltdicult breathing • fatigue. squeamish:less.. nausea, frequent drnire pass no:nettling from the Iniwels. and - • s'lnef lawn digeliarges of siime and nutty's. And should . ..Pa, isn't thatofimmediately obtain a bottle of tnan in what is ,called the slatin g ; !ley wit any e . time of. life • . . Inner:sack's VerilttibleWorm Sy nip, %bid, p l eag _ • - • lint, that every , thild will cry for tt arit.r ft has once had • Why' s toy son F a,' este. arid remember It Is warranted to cure, or the money is produce t.5.51)0 k••• offered tr. asy I ' Cause he tonics an very green. • that will produce a cane of Worms. which it will not cure. We. have in nor possession SYVVIrIi Wornis of various kinds-and a ntonest them one 3311 Welles in length which if brought from Jacob Schscifetilliser n Lancaster connw, tt . ho had suffered from early infancy, and he and his friends, as well as many of the nio-t ern - 111. - 11l physicians pronounced his case, a gradual decline. being an they thought that atininir t abl e l complaint Ityspepsia,a nil before taking tier, bottles lie!1 (noised-the above worm, and has. enjoyed the best ofg health ever since, which has been about nine months, al,d 'au for 50 - c - ents, and had paid physicians upwards of S, 500, w it hunt re,:eiving any-benefit whatever. 'do yeriitv that we have used Itobensacles Ve getable Worm Silup, and being :teen:tinted with then,. reconuntmd it as being the best article its Will as the most pleasant to take we ever used, and further:tore, subscribe our moues believingit to be a benefit to the family, 4 llty doingsn. Poet. Appleton. -south-street, near 2d-Duet, ttli and George stretlnaric Beans, , Ntadquang, Bucks county—Dort, Keels'. Nina da..—Doet. Thomas, Sweet,. U: )aware—G. Henry Plainer, Minister 4 the Gospel, Marshall street, I door belUw P;a - trick Duffy. Melon et., above Nillith•-jaeot, side.-11, Gifford, Mine Alley: Ist door below. Coates—Susan Thompson, Oxford st., between k'ront rand Second, Kensington. Prepared by .1. N-. &G. S. llobensark, E. corner of.9ca,nd and Coates streets. Mimi, lithia.• and fir sale by every storekeeper in the typ:lrd states—Price 9.5 cents. Also, Hobettmack's letter Ointment, war ranted to cure till eruptions of the skin—price 2,1 cents.. N.B.—Should any doubt the above, and believing their children have worms, they will be furnislied'gra tuitousty by calling on us. • J. O. BROWN, Druggist, wholesale agent,Pottsvithr n'tt fur sale at all the principal stores In the county October 3d, IRO. 50 , -1 y , Po'sr Orki cc. til;FNI:.— .. iliVe tltig', - ..u. a letter for my boss ?"l ; - . . , Who's your boss r -... ~ ~- - *The one that I works 'for: ' What's his nanwo'ou idiot ?' - *gohert Brown. sure.' ' • , There's none here for hini. , ' . ' •It 'ern% for him I wants it. it.s a hlter for My i . ssll ; but I axes fur him lirka.3 his name is bet* !Or knoivn than mine:. •Ithy don't your lather tab- a ne , atapper said a gechtleurati' to a ritt:e urehin.o hoot he litd caught pilfering one Gem hi4 . (loor.stct). Fle Fend; sue to take it; died the boy. . . .. PI E.TT.—D.)clot lo4tisi - ,4i,it i... 4 :I M 4.1) Of genuine piety. but tou ch opp,(11. st , o the noky zgil thst seeketh .to ite'kow,i, of „i,,,,., '‘ young di,itte, wilt) was given to etilloki,:stie (so, one day ssi.k . • .• 1.),) you Kuppoe you hav e an y real reriaioi), 7" " None to .peak was the exii•licntrei.f.y. dtaii Road Iron. A :fa trutntity tni hy Haiti -1:1, r, !are ty•l huhst.r.ther. lot,; 61 suit pun:b.tscr~, at the rott-vale Itun Wcrtzi. February rab,lBi7 coLORED 'Print, by the lio okircd,-tlo•4n, ot.single., at pabli,lo•r m price!, ~ ~ Phelps! Map of Mezfro„ .. . . do Tree of Lille/Iy, do • or the Vresilimts, . • do or the Woild, _ Always for sale whole,,ala ail.l retail at 13 - ANNA:VS Bookstore, Pottsville. 111 be really Ina few days . . . •Pbelp's Map of the Great West, • ' do of Ireland, with pa/traits of O'donitell and Emmett. March 6 10 14PALLILSTEWS` ALL -HEALING -OINTMENT - - - - .-.... ,- _:- - _ , .:•, -,- _,_-•a , .1. 7 : -- t ,..,4 - ::•-',._ ••-.-.-. -__ _ • 7:gi_ 7 ..- 7 : - ... 4 - 7?• ' 6 4 . 7 . c - : 57: --- 7 - '__ - , 7 . '' ,. - :_. - . - 1 ' . .- n; Y . " 4 - -----=----_ ' • -,-.17--7A-E--,c--.-. __ . .47 I ;: ,- -77 .7-,-- . ----- :. -__----:.-_- , ! ii-5------1---f-gl4. P4l..'' _ , . - ,-: - . - _ , -- - , 7- .,..t .. . - 3, , • , --- -, • , 4 ,_ _-,_ , 7: _ ,,, ~__.,_ 0 - .:•.:Ztfl ---7 __ - =_ --- -1 - - , - ____ .- _ , _, , ,: . .::,y. 1 •,- - - _ - -- - -L -- 7.. ,- _- - ., - ~.-------_-, • „ f.. :-..‘,..------- , 1 -- 1111 itermling figure lo elven to represent the lt , i.. i st ti , IIILI:TFIISetiIATION. It is lite great EVACU ATION for thii impurities of the body. It twill lie no. tired that a ittiek elonily mist i,sues trout all points of the suffice, which,' indicateS that the perspiration flows nvinterroptiall) when we . are in health, but cea,es When we are ,irk. I4fe cannot he sustained without it. It is thrown Mr from the blood and other juices of. tlittbitolY•ottd ili-poses by this means of nearly all the hi, purities within us. Tim language of the rhripture is, ..!1:t the Mine( is Ine Lite.' If tt ever becomes impure it may lie tempi! •litertly to the sterimige of Insensible Perspiration. 'thus we i+Ce all that is necessary 'when the blood is smell:lnt or infected, is to open the Innen, and it relieves itself front all impurity instantly. .Its 1 own heal and vitality are sulhrient, wit hint ene parti- ite. of. meilitine. except. to open the pores upon IMO.Iir.-: Luce. Ilion we. See. Clue folly . of takings() many internal 'remedii.s„‘ll tract it Miters. however, direct their oh torts to restore thel insensible . perspirittintl- 2 , The Thomp ; :onniii. ltir instaneft, steanni ; the Ifyllroptithist shroud; us in Wel blankets; the Ilotmepathist de:1180ln llaillelciiiiials: the Ailimathist !deeds a nil 110,Fel , I/5 viith ' Mr nal-1) ) ) , : and the blustering Quack porges.Us With :I'3ll.skiiillii II pills! l)! . i TO give some idea of the amount of the .Insensible . tPenipiration. tee wilt state that the learned .11r. Lew- - , s 1 hock ascertained Mitt fire-eighths or 4)/ V! receive Into the t,titionce gashedotf by this ineahs...i In other -words, It' we eat and drhiii eight pounds p,Vr day; the Ir . :V:11.11:11e rive pIIIIIII4 Of if, 11% , 1101e11,1jbli, Pecspiral inn. ) , ; :rhis is Ilene otliur than the used tip partrcles ,if th e I yetd. nod tither juices, giving place to the new and ft,:-it one-. 9i,1 check this, therefore, is to retain' , in the :. , j stein live .07.rits of all lime virulent matter that na_ lute ileota mitt. - ,lioillil leave OW both% . ' 'lt-i: by stimpito , the:pores that overwhelmmankind.. only ronghs, colds and consinmaions. Niue-tenths ix th e worm die fiiiin disease induced by astoppage of the '! Insensible Perspirat inn. • . , f . tiitt — as!l, notv,leVery it:10111d mind, what;tcourse , . . :•CelllS the most reason:Mile to pursue to infAiiip ;Ile hieree, after they arelcloSed 1 Would you give thysie to unstop the !Tres? Or would you apply something that would do this upon the surfat r, whei.e the clog -I.,tritig actually is 1 Anil yetl know of no physician who makes any external application to effect it. Under thet.rt circumstances I present tit physicians. and all .. , .. others. , 111:•ALLISTER'R ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, CM, VIII WORLDS' SALVE... - " Ti liaa the ,power to'restoee per:pfration on the feet, on the itead, around old sorer:, upon the chest. in short, ovon every Orr of the body, n - liether disedsed slightly or sevetely. It Irts power to canoe all external srnf/t/ous hnraurs. >L igdt,ra,rN, ,rl.llll - 11S, to discharge lottrid twitters. and then heals them. It is a rmitedy I Wit forbids Ilia necessity of so many, and delrtrriom iltitg.9 taken into the stomach. preeerves and ilelMols 11w:41)H:ice-from all ileraieze, Mem of tie fit netiontc - Itia sal ficeis thr. ont let - of tire orthe :nil used immatter within. It is - V: it II tuiiliona of o,penithta to-relieve 11w' into-Itnes- Stop mi those tors' and Dmille-Vmoi he at your door. I! is relaly terawil All healitie..‘; Thi litre I. ecarrely it thee; external or internal—that it will not lietietit. 1 hate need it fofr.the last it for all diseases - of iiie liver. revcilviii!. ILe liimest arid I declare lir fore Heaven and man, that mot iu ime single rase has it filled to hen, imi„ when the iettint,was within the reach iir mortal mean, , 1 Ivive 11:0 t , 115 , 1ci71i. lon/114.11 in tilt! proct2. l inn.-I Itavi!, had usiniA.•rs of .111117.1'S 01 - 1.110 troncli, .11 , 1,4111, , n gllttlein,ll of theitidiost vi - till loti„ !tiltliit4td, ()film goer IISC CVesy vericty of way. nod - 410TO 11.1; 111,11 lto utte voice—,zaying ~;1111" intmrut is in-id.' It can hardly he credited that co i n hay.• any eir•t: 111,011 :IS They are tvilhiu the .y+_ 11111, if ;dd.:4 ult.tii the clicA, it pent:talc, di n•c!lg in the Sflicratrg lilt. thapaire ctiltrllllllll7, them, and eNpets thdru . frnin thei cpsient.• I, need not say that it is curinz Pe r,.011: , Id' consinp thin Lout inually, althosizh %ye are cold it isifnoiniiiimss. I care not that is said, so Mug as I inii_ictire •leveral thousand pctsous yetlrly. . The :aive_h . ar . carcd persons ,if trie hezdarhe of 12 years' rtatlinez. and who hod it regularly.everii wet k so that caliph log often took place. . . . . Deafne.F. and Ear-ache are helped %with li:ie inc.- CeSP. . . . It removes almost Itnmedintely Ihc , inllnmation anti swtAiitig, when the Pain cose3. COLD FEET. Vonsmi liAer complaint, Pains, in the Hoist or side. Militia ofr of the hair, one Or t other. aiways amompanies eDlll feet.- It is a stltt sign df disoase in ilti!siaitein to have cold fret. The salve will core ev • ory Wise. • • in 'Scrofula. old :MTH.. erysipelas, salt rheum liver complaint, sore ipiiney, sore-lliroat, bronchitis, `•roken or sore breast. piVs, all client diseases. such as asthma, oppres.s ion, pain—also, sore lips, tlialiped Innorrs.costanemik:ertiptiOns, nervous diseases. and or tio.: - .gione I bore iti[ probably no medicine non• known,. - so go . SC.4 LD READ. - V. have. cured etißeS tint nctmtlly ,101r;(1 every-1111n! known• :IA Well mt the ability or 15 or 20 drum:rt.% One, man to'd us ho litt spent IdMOfirt Ilk children without atty benefit, when a few boxes of tha qintment cured I hem. .• It is tit 'best thinz in the world for Barns. (Rend the directions a routid . the 1,4.) . If parmilc,fat it most medicines were, to' chit:ll - en taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort t o them rmerially Mtermit at Ihz.r.maes,'"and mmili • rated rveruillti2ii',pills,eZt. 'rite treith ts; u 6 'me Call tell, invariably, when IA iris are Tiresimr.— t me say to parehts that this. calve will.always .tell Ifw child has wormc. It wia thive.every victi;re of tit^m array: - (hood oot rourtil the box:). is prOatily,jlll meth, Me on the tare of the omit ai once so suf., and so.saCi - : iu ill,: exple.siou or worms. nee7l,llThil I I:Fe of the Ointment , will alw iv keep Corn,: from eroirioit. People heed hewer be troubled with them zl they will a+•• it • ,4CS AI,LISTER Bole ProvriOore of the aberi.e, . , CA UTION. the All-hedinz Ointment has 'been greatly (*elm teileueit, we ti - ve it Won't to the public that 'nu ointment will be genuine unless Ili,. tent.,,,. of J:une3 Mckliniter, or .lane,. McAllwter C. Cu., are writte4. with pen•upon every label.' . rills per tiny. CLEMENi"; & PNRVIN, Agents. Pottsville. Pa Sept. Intti. • :19— v Desiroy Thomanthi of Children, WITHOUT PARENTS EVER,KNOWING ‘435 not ti*a-e E. ; ‘c. hicGINNES. . G EMM • Es:SESSNLE P C.RSPIRATION CO Nsri.lll.llolV. fffigalM 1t 1/1:e B 1 71; _NW COMIS. WORMS ! WORMS! ! UR fiCNI.ECTING Tru: cAusu, - - Nit W - AND EXTIENIVE - -•• ' . Clothing and Gehapt:moil's Furnishing store, .._ „,... - . , - , HE subscriber has just returned from the elties'-of New York and Philadelphia with a splendid and cheap assortment of Cloths, tessimeres and Vestings ' of the -latest importations, comprising;the beat black French and English wool dyed Cloths, superfine black French Doe Skins and English wool dyed ( • assimeres, French and English Fancy Cloths,suchas Olive, Brown, Invisible Green, &c.. French Fancy CassimereS of the latest Spring - styles, plain and .fancy - vestings, black satin, cashmere. cashmeretts, white and hill cassi.. Metes, light fancy velvets, 'Marseilles, vac.; all of. which he is prepared to Manufacture to order' in the very best style, and a - iricits at which heisiletermined no customer shall conc plain. Being himself a practical tailor, and employing titters and workmen superior to ati.v,others. in the place,-he is ablejo warrant every as ',tide manufactured by. him to ,give satisfaction to the most particular in fashion, fit and finish. The subscriber has also just opened at his new store the largest, best, and most fashionable stock Of - ready made clothing ever inTered to the Pottsville public.; all • of which he will dispose Of at prices whieh cannot fail to satiifr purchasers, viz: Fine ftlack Frock Coats from $lO 00 to dli 00 ..- do Press ' do ' ... 6 00 16 00 do -,--..Sack do • . :5 50 ~,. 10 50 Fancy Frock and Dress Coats . -'S 00 16 00 Stmuner,Tweed Coats 250 • 450 Linen;s 2 00 .. , Fine Cassintere Pantaloons, black .. and fancy enlOrs . 3 50 7 50 French Cassimere Pantaloons, (summer goods) -, - • 2 . 5 05 ' 550 .Linen Pantaloons 64 .. 121 Superinieldack Satin Vests 350 , 500 • " ' Mo ... do do • 1 50 300 Fancy vests Cashmere ,c• Cashmerettel .75 2 50 Marseilles Vests 62; 1 50 The subscriber's estiitilislimenjmay very properly be railed the Pottsville Emporium of Fashion, where gen tlemen may always obtain every article of gentlemen's wear, such as .spirts, collars,.handkerchiefs, scarfs, sieves, hose suspenders, &c. &c ..suited_to.the fa:lid ious taste of the exquisite. the plain habits of-the sub stantial eitizen, or.- the wants of the. industrious labo rer. He can elrithe a man frimr, head to foot with a snit ofelothes for'ls2 . 56, which is cheap enough for the poorest. G-The subscriber has just received the latest London, Paris, New York,and Philadelphia Spring rind Summer Fashions. Any taste can be stilted at hisaMw store in I-Centre street; next door above Cleinens's Drug more, I Pottsville. B. T. TAYLOR. - Don't f..rzet the place. _ Pottsville,,April 16, 1616, . l- _:_. •••-, COLLIERY WORKS, FO3: ximetv S itiLACHLNE • SHOP. T"F' subscribers, at their old stand. corner of Rail Road and Callowhilt streets. are prepared to man order. at the shortest notice,Strunt Engines slid Pumps, Of any mwei and capacity' or miniue and 1 other purposes, &laver, Coat Breaking Mackiner,.with solid and perforated :Mims,' as , may he required. Also EnyineS. and Blaming tylinders with all neces sary machinery fot Mart I.'urnacra. hot JJir Papa, of the !nom apprdved plane, Cup and Rall.joints and Wa ter I:iiyere, - of the, very hest construction. They par ticularly mytt n the attention of Iron Masters and par ties engaged in the iron trade, to their large stock of Patterns (or Rsiiin,g. '..lllilli having lately constructed the machinery for two orate largest Mills in the coun try, viz .—,The Wyoming Mill at Wilkesbarre, and the hollinz Mill at the Mouton'. Iron; Works. Danville. They are fully prepared forthis kind of work.ieogether with every variety of zeneral machinery. Of the untid ily of their work. , :and materials.. it is efiringh to say, that time and erperienre, the most infallible tests, have ampl 4 y.detroustrated the genuine character of their-en-' git e:. and machinery. . • Orders are respecfully solicited and will be promptly attended to. HAYWOOD &SNYDER. Pottsville, January, 17, 18.16, 3-ly 812.. 4 11DY & ELLIOTT, WATCHNIARS &-JEWELLE!RS FrooLthe City of Philadtz., BEG teaVe to announce to the citizens n ~ p ottsville.and neighboring districts. that they have on hand at th,ir Store, next door to Q. , ..1*-*....Zi.;eis . sr'S new Hotel.. in the borough of Potts vOlu. a large aszoonir of of C• 11111 and Silver Patent Le ver. I.;:ePine, and plain Watches of every.description. Also. a general aQs'ortuAt of Ladies and Clentlemens' (:old Pi.", chains. ttra,elrts. Signet Wild Plain Rings; Gold : and .ler Thimbles, Pencils and . Pens of various makers ; - F;peciacies, hoxes,'and every other 'article in iffeir line of'husiness; E.:have neon appomted by Messrs. Brevosier & Ingraham of prikird, Conn.( tient, their agents for the sale of Iheir patent spring Clocks. comprising those suitable for Cluirches• and public offices. Also. eight &iv and thirty hoar beaus patent sPring reDeating Gothic Cloefi. Through them purchasers may,rely upon get ting a Tenitine , at hie. • • tlire us a call, we.tzunrantee to as Imt• as ant• article in our lino nf business can be' purchased either 'in Pottsville.or Philadelphia. . • Clacks and Watches of Avery description carefully reinSietid and wartanterton the :nest reasbnable terms. NV I 1.11 A m Biz(I)y. JOsl-T • il S;ELLIOTT. • • gar43l 21, 1S P 12—tf._ MOUNT- PLEASANT • - Skarn Plu,niqg Mill and Factory, rrllffstili . scriber r . espertfully announces to his rosto•_ turrS 'and the 'public, that his Steam Planing. Ma chine on Norwegian street, in this Borough, is now in successful operation, anti prepared to &mill of Platting in order at the shortest notice. Ile win keep on hand flooring hoards of every description, which will 'he old at the lowest . raft... lie also Prepaled . to eammte every desiription of TI , It ‘ NING IN WOOD, Stich an Aivning Posts, Iled'Posts, Chairs, Bannisters. &r. kr. As he has employed Mr. Win. Gleiaras his foreniab in this hasiness,he flatters himself that all work entrusted to his care;willf4e executed to their entire !satisfaction lie theietne solicius the pal ruiliice of Ilia pu b lic. • has also a Circular Saw for slittinz all kin/13 Lumber, for the varions narposei for which it is used. HENRY STRAUCH. rp Orders for turning &c., can be loft at the Store of Messrs. Siltytnank. Sons. - .Pottsville. Aug. - `29. . Pattcnt Gtease, FOR the axi,,, of Carriagiui, Wagons, Rail, Road Cars and Machinery of alt kinds, te rive oirand prevent frielinn. • . . This'artiele is Prepared and for sa iy CIA - DIENS & PA Kr itt , the only inanufar . of this ;Mule, in' e Unite , States, all heir wholesale and retail Hardware anti Mtn: Store. in Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa. RE - NIEMISER that none i, genuine without the wtit• ten siematiire ofthe iiiV enter and proprietor, Chas. W. Clemens. upon each package • . 'Pottsville, N0v.1.1, ISM . - 46- . riarm fo *Sae. subscriber "will sell a. vallinble . farm; consistingmf ITO aereti, situated in Fitiegiove , township, Sclinylkill Ist al, `r a i r -yr about 4 beiniv i Pineurove. About 80 acres of the latitrisfieareelmnil n-a state of cult isMtiom ten of- which fain meadow.. The !sal :litre to woodland-, well timbered Union Canal runs t hying!) the primeity. The buntlines consist oat a wrietn}y dwelling house, a new Awnzer barn, and oth er nail litOlilinus. -There are t oral:ails on the farm. and :to ahuntiant simply of good water on the premis-s slash the imiltlilias. 'I here aro cirt, acres of win ter gram, iii the "proton'. For terms anal other particti tarsi, dimly to thesubscriber in l'ineziove, PETER FILBERT, ortobrr 10, 1-15 r. •, AJ :k.' subscriber respectfully invites the public to call , ittMr. Wittield's Store, Centre street, and exam ine bi, Ossortthent of C. Meyer's GRAM) ACTION FIANth , of rtlitadoptirm.t The instruments areltiehlrapproved of by the most eminent Professors atuf Composers of inusic• For goal hies' of rune, touch, andireepinu in tune up to Concert pit eli; they cannot be.surpassed by either American or European Pia too,, They are Chosen by-all musical stars (sir their c wort., such as Madame Castellan, I.eapoldfi... Meyer, Vieux Temps, Burk, Wallace, Tom- Pleton arid many others ; they am used for ' or 300 concerts trie:ry year... They have also received the first premiums of the three last exhibitions, and - Cie last sil ver medal by the Franklin Institute was awarded to, tLem. • The subscriber warrants the.,e hunt rutnents for the rear. Ile kei'ps them constantly on hand and sells °them at the lowest manufacturer's prices on reason 'able 11.rms. All milers from abroad will be promptly attended to. T. E. ItICIIAIIDS.• Pottsville, Aug. I, ISlii. 31--tr; REMOVAL. xcw Fashionable Clothing Store, AT TILE 01.13 STAND OF THE NfINEIIS' cc opposite. file Episcopal Cliurcli • J. '01•01P131MI: & Co., TAILORS, R ES P ECTFULLY Wolin their ro, nd3 and the pub t, lie, that They have taken the above etore, where they have made, and latent] tat keep conetantly on hand, adarge and general arsltrtutent of READY MADE CLOTHING, ' • *Melt fir cut and work_.minsltih, caiknot lie surpassed hy'any establishinent in — t - he region—theirs/ock is nll fresh, having been selected with great care, within a.: last few weeks fronethe latest importations. . z/Persiins who.prefet having their measure taken can depend upon having their 'garments made la the mos tashionah.e manner and warranted to give p.rfeet sat iitaction., Pottsville, Sept.. I:2, Idle. 037 . " LANK Order Books, ' 1.) Check Hooks, l'irafle and Notes, a beautiful assortment, shippine Ticket Books tor the Mines, Tillie honks • large and small, for the pocket, for the month, 2 xecks, and 1 week, Altay.i for sale at • HANNAN'S . Cheap Bookstore and Printing Office. An kinds of books printed and ruled to order at Short aatice. March 6 to- Wrapping Paper. 900 REAMS Crown, Medium and Tea Wrapping Papers, from 50 cents per Ream up to $1,25, Just received and for sale nt BANNAIS•ri Cheap l'aper titore."ntlso, 5D Reams Blastine Paper, all or which will be sold wholesale and retail, at city prices, car riarm added, February 20th Uri.. .- . • '.., TIE . MINI 11,T. - .:..1 - 9 URN ‘ ,\c • yrSTOCK'S ' l ;qs • ~.9,.3 •i . e . ,. , ! • ; r ;< t, lt ? v ,..e.: ; f - .' : t ' z4'>..l . f;.,i,' .: '. -,:'.....,..,,_.., , f ....,,..,.,--. 1 . 1 .:14'::...:rt„7 _ .;; - - : 0 . :„. ;- , R -• , : " • . v 4 - f' ..' :4 p E , ,„ , e , :e : n -.- .r - .jam: , ~'..4„,'-. 6. )'e- --- • .?..2..t.;41-".-'," -,:-.:-.:'.' • .., ,t."', 22V .. x. , _‘... , 5,..,„' , :::-.._ - -, i ';,,,. :- ----• ~ ~,----- --4-.7 , . 37 , - _.,.,:.. :-. 4;. z -' ‘ !;.,....: 2, , 5'..:4*,!:7';;.:;•;:---1' 7 .;" I - 1- , . -'''‘ • Vial7-.1,07-':-.-', -- *.:'".. 4 . ‘,..\`:., :•„..•.....-,. / ~, . r ' , ".ir - f r •Vkl,P k ;:r V, ir• = -. --"..t1 i ' , 1- ..F."4:-1 i...,4::.-1,,,-• 'it'. r.:: . t 4 „ -..'&,..44';'-.46 t'..:"., , .." , , j :: ": ''..l-t '.' :.``_- ' ."I,' . --. -f..---.. ..,..-,'?0•,-.c.‘:.., ...,` • , s'Re', -I ' 54 11 . • -! ' -i 11 EMErIY - I' 0:1..'"o• •• frill: constantly increasing pi-pillar:l and rale of R. A. Fahnestock's.,Vermifuge ;has induced per. sons who are envious elite success to patio off upon the public preparations which all medical men knoo to he inefficacious in espciling worms from the system•; This Wermifiige haJ made its way into public laVout pon the firound - orits own intrinsic .merits, more ; han any other medicine of the kind now used; and. :dole many worm remedies have by dint of puffing been loreed into sale. and "shortly after gone lute the obscurity which their worthlesvriciss justly per ited. B. A. ,Flianestoelt's Veimithgri eontmucs to be triumphantly sustained. It has only to be used and its effects will folly sustain l that is said of its, wonderful exseUing power. " . , Wales, Erie Co,. INe4, Y./Jan, 7, 1.843:, We certify dial we -have used B. A Fahnestock's Vermilbge iu st r um and in everycase'it has provided a decided, and effectual remedy for ex2el• worms from the system. ; W cordially recom— metidit to parents who have children' afflicted with Ail! dangerous mulacv ; • a • • • , FLON • OM. B. AIM:, • ROB'T MAY, For safe, wholesalcian&retail, at, the Drug tVare. 7 i house of Er j B. A'. FA I ESTOCK • & Co. ;,,rnzari - aSivb.iiirl' Wood sts . l'itsburg: For Bale in Pottsville, be • CLENIENS'& ['ARVIN, Driarg,ists. r,, p k! , er 9 , - r , .. . r ----; ... • ::-., - - 7,04 4 .,, , . •e 5.... ~ • . . - ' . ''' . k..06.1cAr.,. . ; % . •-• '''gJ 0 £4: .E .• 7 . '4 f t I. ' '' '' ' ' 1 ; SARA;VA RILLA VEGETABLE BLOOD emitsermens, of the intreasieg denten(' for Dr. Leidy's Blond Pills, anll the imcouragement the piddle in employing thenmin preference tie altothers, the proprietor was obliged to Lave constructed a mil. j Which;wtild Make them more rapidly and with ii- 'labor, consf.quently less expense-.than heretofore(' Having. effected so desirable an objem,anol that the public may share the benefits of such greatiMprove , merit in Pill making. Ws boxes will henceforth contain FORTY PILLS IN A BOX. • and the price the same as heretofore.namely :---Twen e ems a Box—fire. Bnxcc for One Dollar "YDr, L Leidy's' Sarsaparilla and Vegetable Blond Pills have, du ring the past few year4been more successfully I employed throughout the United States. ;Nlealco and the West Indies, than any othnes, and the rapidly in, creasing demand for them is unparalleled: They are the holy Pills in e4.,kirencii, known to eon tacit .Sar,aplrilla thle t'(itairiotor only Ithniv ute how Ineotubineihe Sa reap:ll : ilia with other SithStatlCUS inform of pills. t . ;.• • IF PILLS 'ARE NECESSARY , for nr cleatisinr. tits stomach at tl jonvel,l, for Partfying blood or dolt's. of hotly, as an .aller native for rentoc int:, the canses of di:tit:lse and n rrO , l- title proclosA, acid ns a Spring. puriciet !base will lie fntnd more t•111,clnal-t hall any YOUNG AND CM), .MALE OR FEMALE.; , may at all.t,inws take them withpit chance - of livitp!.. restraint from o.;-upatiop, or fear tdkipz cold from I"esposure to all kinds of weather, for they contain no' mercury or minerals, which nre contained.. in other, pills, and which matte other pills so unsafe or danger ; ons to take. and uncertain in their effects: j • • PERPONS OF Al.!; VOASTITUTIONS • • whether feeble or dehilirated. hr of rnhust and 'strong', constitution, can take the th Without 'Prostrating or'de.! the systeli: : they operate no easy and gentle; effi i Tutal, that little inconvenience is caused n viz king then,. , • . THEY ARE GOOD AT ALL TIMES, : fOr all diseases of whatever nature or kind. - leant inn is necessary t Be sore at all ttmei to ask Tor and take no others than Dr. Leitly's Blood Dills. All ,others by names nearly similar, are spurious, and call Milated to dereive ; the proprietors of thein think inti tit sell them on the remit:4ton of the gennine t liona4de and onlY true Sat sapar illo and Vegetabl'eßloodfillsof Dr. Leidy. I K- Beware of slirh impositinn, fraud anti tr!ckery.-4- Trittrlt them tint, Allleit less take them, for being prartured to deceive the public of their money, the} , besides deceive the body and your system by their etti.ets. - f Remember ill I's In'a Box for 25 cepts--.Five es for.Oue [No Others contain'yorty tit u To he hafiAli. Pottsville at JOHN S: C. nAli- TIN Drite.StiiVe.. Alan,,, at JOHN G. fißOVld'ltil..; Drit.l Store:, Mai* 2i, 18-ti, • • . Z '•(" , Mil 'V .... 4P -- AfrAliA f 'A' er.. s iX tt,Vp ACOUSTIC OIL! Ir ;THE ONLY CURE FOR • Ilk .' 4 41 .. DEAFNESS Ilst, ' _ __--I._ - --7 - - - 7---___-_-,_-: --------- - - -,.: f 1 DEAFNESS CURED. /I 1 - 1 ! S'corpds compottfid Kreetole Acoustic' / / 01 i 1 . 76 R the cure of De' aftiess, pains .' and the dischatige ll _l,' of matt cc, front the ears ; also all those disagree:l- il file artises - like the buzzing of insects, falling of-Avatiir, i! whizzing of steam, &c., which are svmptouts, , :of ap- ; preaching deafness, and also generally att e ndant with ripe disease• .• , F ' HEIM is s.nmeCting worth attending to coining as it .o I 1,. does from a man so extensively known as is Mr. Gratin' i' both in city and country. , • i .: y ; ? j -1 lierelfrcertify that from the effects Of a severe (! Icold list wlider,[lleimme partially deaf, attended with I. very disagreealt.e noise, like rineiTlL! of belts, 4-c. which I" I gradually increased, until ['completely lost the hearing ` i.of one ear; =when I was itult,teed to try Scarpa's Aeons-1 tic Oil, add not iiinir happy to say, that with the use of ~,,, bottle of the eiNteii medicine I can 'Mar m , well an ever, and all disagreeable noises nave entir.ty disap- I neared. Any film liar information respecting niv 'case, I will be gladly given, by calling on tint at .Nr. .la} 'Snub ! i - 11611 strdet near Itace. . ' , DANIEL GRAEFF., Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1.9.11.-,f; ' • 1 For sale by B. ft. GutorMrq No. 19.0 North fer'sld..) street, ; in Pottsville' by .1011 N G. BROWN' :11 by Mt': EARL,inihr"vbhueife by (is l e ' r itp " e i !e ( ) ' l's l eli cannnd' ino b t it nln at n ii i i n u ny inter-: 1 'estiint certificates of cures. Mem - fiber 12. IS ffi ' A NATURAL REMEDY, s soiled liuglan Constitution, and equal to! 'the cure of crerircurable disease, will be found in . INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, Oft lie -Vora ,dinierican College of Health, i —'.— . . i rprf ESE extranrdinary Pith are composed of .plants, 1 which gtotv spontaneously on our own soil, and; are. therefore; better-adapted to nor constitutions than , Medicines concocted from foreign drugs, however well' they may he cotimpontidell ; and as WilIGIll"S IN DLAN VEGETABLE PILLS are. founded upon Me', principlethat the human body is in truth %SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, . t 4 namely/corrupt !minors, and that said Medic lila eureg this disease sin natural principles, by cleansing and titt,!. drying the holy . it will he manifest that, if the cutlet twin', be um entirely exhausted,a perseterance in their, use, according. to directions, is absolutely certain tO drive disease of every name from the body. When we wish to restore a swamp o l r morass to - fer;' dlity, l ne drain it of the superabundant water. lit like manner, if see wish to rest. re the body to health, we roust cleanse it of impurity. . I 3,V111G11T7,S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will, be found one of the best. If not the very best the & ciiM , ir, the world for carrying out this GRANti rilftlry; ING'PRINCII•LE, because they expel thum the'body all' morbid and corrupt humor; the cause of the disease, in an easy and natural manner; and while they' every day give ease and pleasure, disease of eery name Iti : tepidly driven from the holly. The following highly respectable storekeepers. hav'e been appoinied Agents ror the sale of IVRIGIIT'S INl.; DIAN VEGETABLE. PILLS, in Schuylkill County :4 THOMAS D. BEAT Ili, Pottsville. .+' I I Bickel & Medlar. Orwigsburg, A. Heebner .1.• Son. Port Carbon. • Dewalil, Port' do Co., IMlcKeansbarg. , Geo. II Dry, Tuscarora, !frit ry Koch fts Son, Middleport. ' • ;1 'rm. 1 tegart, Tomanua. ' . a . E. &., Hammer, Ortvigshurg. . JoltsNV he e s i . r y & d : r l , d i le ,i r e , ,l lte h g u r r oje. . • , ' ~ •11 ,• Aaron Mattis. Lower Mahantango. •- I 1 Jonas Kauffman, itn . i Mr Jacob Kauffman, ahantango. John Weist, Klin:Mston. • ... . ', I f . Galtr:el Herb, Zimmertuintown. - ! . . t 1.. C• II De Forest, Weseßranch. • • l f . flenj.Lleffner,Minersville. Johannan Cockhill, Llewellyn. 1 (;enrge Dreittelhis, Eait Brunswick. • • ' i 1 Geo. 11. Potts,. Brockville. i I 8. Dart & En., New Philadelphia. '. Levan & Kauffman, Schuylkill !raven. I. ' I • Li . Charles Drecher, East Brunswick. - i ii' Jonas Boblnholds, Port Clinton.! • I i.., Beffsnyder & Brother. New Curdle. 4' . 1 -Daniel Welst, Lower Mahantango. • ... .1 -, I :.• Daniel Buyer, Port Clinton, • ' - • . .' , t (Wired devoted exclusively to the sale of Writt Indian Vegetable Pills, of the North American ti lege of Health, No, 9ds, Bromwich street, New Vor No. 193 Tremont street, Boston—and principal Oil No 109 Mee •street. Philadelphia. September 19,1840. 11ciciuc. Pae k ‘3 for the People -I • v • PATENT METALLIC MOVIES, I • FOR THESE OF MINESi• RAILWAYS. &c., For' salt, Oilenportedlo order . , by the subscriber. .11 ,T , ! • THESE Ropes are note almost eitluswely used in the Collieries and on the Railways in co-eat. Brit an. and are found to be greatly: superior to Hempen ones as ree.t rdslea fel y, Salability and economy. The Patent Wire Ihmee, have proved tohe still in good condition after three year's service, in the same situation whercithe IleMpen ones, previously used, of double the size and weight would, wear out in nine or ten months. They have' beeittnied for almostevery 'italicise to w hit h Hempen Ropei and chaina have been Applied. Ititnei. Railways, Ile4vy. Cranes. Standing Rigging, WindilwCunductorg. Signal (lalyards, topes, &e. rytiei -ire made either of Don or comer I Wire. and, in onset of lutiO exposure to dampness, ofjealvanig.ed Wire: Testimonials th 3 most eminent Engineers in England can be shown their efficiently, and any additional inhirmation reunited respecting, the differ !eilt descriptione, and applicat inn will be given by - -ALFRED F. KEMP, 75,11 road st., New York. •-• Sole Agent-in the United States. New York; )(ay 3inti,lB/6:7 . t.Tie Xubsetiberbas heeri appointed Agent for the ,sale! of the Patent Wire Rope in tins Reginn. All or ders leR at thla !office; stating size, weight land length, will be . sromptly attended to. ' B. BANNAN. • . MO ® w -~ w l ;:•••• `;":7 , 4".4. BE • , r , • I or- •-• ':-": $4 -- :§: 1 • %"' EMI :ScreettsJ, Coal ISCreens! ! ' , qiseriber is extensively eneaged in (helm:lm:-. :ey of WOVEN oihm nn ilhnd entirerrnew whiLla JO( has LETT BIN PATENT, :W ich he confident- _`Co. ftet Impro%. nrrit ly liclirves 'will be Pellet lirein trial, Superior tn every other sciaien in lig for durati , tliiy and all the cpialnieP 'of a 2114n1 1 .4cr l e ' en::,T1wY are , wiwen entirely' of , wire, and can be ft: it It Inie,ellosa n threads et any re gnired siic , and stroneth. j Wilt t'.-I.VEAVINC: 11 -- 13 - 13:3(lIZIPTION Will be r . +airlitell at ithn siviruist notice, and icreens nettle to every pattern, ;i do - Wed to all the =uses for . . which i‘cre'ens are required.l • - Thirsubseriber has recently renmveil lisiiinentito 'Coal Sleet, neat 14te corner of Norweztari street! • - 1 lIESItV JENKINS. PoitsOle, April 4 (816 r 1: INS'rT§VIL ~, IRON Vf;"ORIIiS EIMI E.W.; • I .G EPP.T1 , 1;1.1.1" annonnTes,tr; the Public, that he. has!taken , thellstahlisintient - known as the Potts, ville Iron Works, im Norivothian street, where he is Plepareil to lygild Steam Engines', nrinni firtnre Rail Road Cars, and, Machinery of :Onto's( every 4h;srrini,l,fh;at the shortest notice , and on the tanst rea snnablei ferias,. Vr , Persons from broad, in want of Stea in Engines Will tittil it to their advanta're to 'give him a call heroic t agit4;eist!where. Mayl 11 Coal' Agency.' !TM , subscriber ofterslns .nervices to, Coal dealer's `'l'of 'l - iitallelphizi, New York land other places, to *chase and forward coal nt;a ahlall commiss ion , wil It ha Ontivelrl, as In the kind: price, and (puqity ; as if ibliy iiiairpersonally present. ,' . .., ItEFERENCES : ' ] ... 11• : , t I , ' Samuel Sitlytunn, Esq , Pottsville ; ,1 0 1 - , .Ifeald, flitektior,lk- Co—Philadelphia ; If ' I • -Frederick lit of Letters Postrpaitt promptly attended to.,(' ' t i l' , , , Pottnville, Jan. 9, 1817 ' JOS. NIORGAN. /I ~___...--_____ ly . 1 f.. I NEW GOODS. I:T.1711E stiliserilier i s having purchased of Charles Mit -1,1. ler. his entire stock of:Goias, will .continue the, iliusiness at his old established sfand, on Centre street, 11next door to Pox :: 'Allis inters.,llotel, and will -enilea ,Vor to deserve the patronage ort heir old citstinners 1 1 ,nad the public generally. A idprilv of new find well I? l 'lisiarted Dry Goods, Cror,eries aiud Queensware, hive Oust been added to the stock: ... I I , , i JAMES M. BEATTY! & Co. : ; :March SS. 1946. , , I 1 I 17-- Tl -- i -- '— 1 I , ) 1.: TOOTIMACEIE CIi3ONQUER'±W.. i H I THE' ODONTALOIC DROPS, I! . ii i : ~_ 1; 1 ; freirreinteit 1, ! o ettee the ni nth-A • 4 r t In hen miiHttee. c : rp Ails preparation is the result of nail) Patient ex 1, i 1 periment-ts compounded - 1;y a scientifa Dentist. r anti is guaranteed to be perfectly iiinocuelis in its ef fects•upon the other Teeth. The gentithe'a_rtt :le can, be had at Barman's,l Portsvillef wholesale aild retail, generhl Agent for the Cohtiy. Alio of the ,'• • . ! I z ' L 'IT M . ?. L' ' S. following. Agents : .. i .1011 N S. C. MARTIN, Pottsville. • IlTicail . ionial leatralerrean G alt6ry` n ' : LAssroN, jr. d Co. Si. gain 1, " ,- - ,1 ' ri-rricef2.s centi, per bottle. , . l/ . L . • - ' , Tad P hotn : Traphere Fl I i:7,1 is b iNr Depot; e -1 :!.. - Agens . 'w - anteci to all the. Towns in the Lounty at i .. A W.A,RDED 1 1 1 , 7,,,1,1 a mt.gil vi.r medals, four first pre tliti thinal ili;gotant: ! .. t 1 1 rt. iniam-i, and two highest honors, at the national, the ''. ; , May 2, 1816. - - ; - 18 ' 1 Massailinsetta, the. New York, and the Pennsylvania • _ • exhibit irni: , , respectively,-for the most splendid colored , Daguerreotypee.and best apa trains ever ex ladled.. . Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to Weather., . .. . Inotritaions, given in the art.. . - "A larte . , assortment of initial at us and stock ;11% 4 :aye , fin hand- "t the lowest cash prires. , New. York, 251 Broadway ;! Philadelphia. Ea .Ches nut ,st. ; 11.thimore, 2O Iffittimnia st. ; i.N•'nishitittiin, Pennsylvania Avenue; Peter:ding, ri.., Mechanics' (Tall; Cincinnati. Fourth- and Walnut, and 176 Main st.; Saratoga Sprints. Broadway; Paris, 127 Yielle Rue du Temple ; Liverpool. 22 Church at. '.• Philailelatia, September 19, IS.lfiz, ' . -I velS ' -,.--- .PASCAL IRON WORKS, - PHILADELPHIA. ~~ , I XVI IL S. IV* ®:AG A .74 , MARKET fiTKEI3T, nearly oppbsite :Messrs. ...erlgwick & Co's. store,'has Pin received a f . full supply of the Sluing fashion of-Bonnets, consisting in parCrof Florence braid, Inserted lace. China Pearl, a , new aud splendid article . , with a variety of Other. styles. 1 , " - :1 • I I RIBBS • • ' Mrs., hasjust received thelargest and mos splendid assortment of Ribbons hi Potts% ilk, which toil be sold at the very lowest price?. Bonnets altered and done up in the best manner, as she has just received one of the best improved Pressing Machineifor finish- Mg Bonnets. • Pottsville, April 2-sth, 1816. 17- , ' ' ' NEW AND CHEAP STORE, EXT door to Oliver Dobson's !fat rind 43;rri il;reeritre street, fourth:door below Market... The subscriber has just opened a new and splendid assnrt ment of 'seasonable Dry Goods, Groceries and Queen ware of the latest styles and inportations, very cheap, 1 to Which he invites the attention of bis frirhirls and the ) public in general. . ' WM. 11. HILL.' Pottsville, October 3d. 1810, , ' , 40—tf; MRS. lIAIGIII, PROPOSES to give instructions on the Piano Forte, land repseetfully sOlitits tile patronage. of her friends and the public in' general. Also, in Drawing and Painting—,shelikewite teaches , the art of wax flowers and fruit. Also;l.the coral and basket making. Residence in Nartveztan street, second dour abrive.Third street. pottsvillu, January 30th.1847 a APS! SOAPS !II • - ruiEs 11&11F.L'S Nymph Snap, fnr softening and d whitening the skim ; Glenn's Siterinareti soap, for •whitelig,and curing Chapped hands. Jones' Italian Chemical Soap;• for imrroving. the J Skin acid removing trorves, 4c. Rousell's Celebrated E f mollient, Stiponaceinta -Com- fcr ru ''' 'm u enlj; r ning,: the kin Citerilan's Celebrated Ambrosial Sbavini Soap. - Cl. nn's Saponaceous Compound for etiavtitc. Rouselfs Celebrated Shaving, Cream. ,: ~ RottnelPs Almond Soap. • i do ~ Otto of Rcr , e. ; . • . , do Shell soap. . • ' ' • Almond Soap at RI cents per cake. • ' . • Together wiith'a general varier ; of choice , perfumery N alivays for . sate at CANA PCS Cheap Fancy. Store ; Pottsville.' ' Feb:l3 . - 1 . • A CARD. . B. ST EH IVI HAS the pleasure of announcing- to the citizens of 'Pottsville' and vicinity. that he has procured, and has at the Ainerican Tjfouse, Centre street:a splendid Nano Forte, on which be tenderribis services to teach those whomay wishri kno.wledgepf the instrument -- Ilisienns are moderato': and Ire Wen; satisfactory re ference, to those who may desire them. 'Persons waited upon et theft' retidenee if required. Pottsville, Feb.:97tlit 1847. j 9 2mo ME -- , 1I 2, I g ;• yt,• m . 71 • I. 1 = c. , . i I i ; I I 1 1 lIIMMII I .to, 1 . .1 ; : t J. Eli `t:: rr ' -` Mil BONNETS TO CAPITALISTS 4- OTiItRS. Pennsylvania coal* & Iron Lands, apTi ACRE'S 10 Perches anti Allowance.of 6 p e r kJ I T Icent. of first rate fuming Lands, located in Jents Township, .fetTer.On county. finely, Timbered and Watered, and ttavtnit severalltill sites upon them. Two Main roads run through the :Ind improved harms adioin,4lv!itie Saw and 'Grist ;1211s arc in the Immediate.neight.orltood.' Tilk lid .wro seFeeted by a gentleman or experienredjudgment: and is consid ered by jutices to be one:of th e best tracts in I'lo. coun ty. Its proxitnity tlovelarion and Allegheny rivets. and numerous navigabie stteron , , and the proposed RUitroatl to Pittsburu and Erie, render? tiebighly, desi rable as an iftvettfle.,T!t at present prh:es. • Abound inc is Iron Ord and Ilitutuinons Co"al of fore quatity, it fAievedto preFent . one of the trio , t rid vantagen'us locatteas for Trim Works in We.i PcMn pylvania. The present 'owner pitrelr.isrd with a view. of erectinz .i..uch Works. b u t enamciments in : another planer obliges him with creat ieluretaliee to forced his. intention. Map:: Will Ile s=hown. andevery information Igiven by the untierAir.nrd. The lands are patented. and tire title,. and quality, will Ire warranted. antlsold free and clear of all iti6urnbrance. it...IiFAFF SMITH, 1 15 North Thirteenth street• Philadelphia . January 3,1616. 1 ...LA..P ' • - _6,l ‘'4 '.L., J:.‘;.: _. d ti ~~~ c • LATE.CI;ENIENS & BAKER, `;',G,,tenstTi-ormtaii"p"TruTklri„`l.,Z -works. Ravine been long eneageititi the manittae , tore of Copal Vnrnisli , (as well another kinds,) is now prepared to. otter to! purchasers an article. which in quality; cannot he •siirpassed by any in the Union. Al an, receiving, weekly4rrinithe above celebrated Work's, Window Glass of-every size. Constantly on hand a fall assortment of ‘Vbite Lead. of the 1.1111,4 approved -brands, Red Lead. Litharage, Mmrnesia, . which will' be scot Jai Manufacritrei'l . prices. together witlra 'large and w4II Selected stock of Drugs, Medi cines, Dyes, 'Acids-, Fine Colors, Perfumery. short every article-in the. Drug, line. Merchants, Phy sicians and Orates in general, arc requested to call and eaamine and prices, feeling satisfied they will be induced to purchrise. Miliaria.. February 11, 18111. '7-1Y ~= J n ~ 5 ~ `." i. A.:H.l7ll.olWAi'.] MITCHELL E. A. HATHAWAY (St Co. COM39SSTON AN I):F.ASTETIN . ritODUCE.MEIICIIINTS N0.'23, norm WlynTes. foot of Arc/i 1.;111LADELPIIIA:, HAVE on han:andiftre con,.tantly reeeir Ina large 611pplieS of all kinils of Fish, • Oils Alid',EaAerti Produce, whith they!will sell on the most reasonable terms, to Country DcAlefS, Vie: - • . . 10,000 Galls. Illeadied Winter Whale Oil: ; 3,000 - " ,SpannOil. 2,000- " f.„Solar'shil. : ~_ 5,000 " ' Conunon Whale OIL • 100 - 11131 s. ganOr'il Oil, various qualities. 5110 . " iNO. 1.24.1 Mackerel, in ..1 .i. whole Ws .100 ' ." 'No:. rSalmon, in whole and half [Ails. 50 " 1114,i,,:shad. 100' " Pickfed Labrador Merrill;. - • . • 500 Loses Scaled do . •do . • - 30,000 Lbs. Drk i erodlish. ' , . . - 500 Dozen Painted l'aila. ` , • . 300 -I.hg. Ql4filed Plaster. 150 . : " Groiind Platter.. • I Alan, soaps, Sperm Ca n dles,. Teas. Coalmen and Pennsylvania Butter} Mishit' Hops and hest Ilerklinet (multi,: N. Y.,Cliemse. All of •Itio a:bore sold in tots to suit pnrehase CR. . . l'111:0 , 111 ~Mar/ , h 2S, 1810. . , ..13— 1y {MI I R. , . i- • Ci3EAP JEW.6I.IRY AT Tun PUMA 6r.6.111.( NSATeII h JEWELIII. : xTOIIE, ' No. 96 North , Second ..Srect, corner (11 Qua) ry. 0. 01,1 1 J-ever wati.illes, full jewel'il, IS Car. • ' kJ' c ageg. •',' ! . • '-. 415 no Si'vt!r• Levi!riWatelies,:rill jewelled; 23 oi Silver Lever Watclies, 1 • jpwe7s, • 1 18 00 Silverl,epint. Watches jewel'll, let quality, 1.1 00 Supericsr Qulirtier IVatclies:, " ,10 Oil I 'mit:aqi (-biartier Wate4es, riot warranted,' 5 00 i Gold irlPeria4 l, s, , . , 800 Fine Silver SpitarlA ' s. , i 175 Geld llravelet s.'w it lt 'togas stones,,, • 3 CO Ladies:Gad Pencils, 10 earats, 2 OD Gold Finger Rlogzi, ::71 et=, to 39 ; Watt It Glasses, plain Pal m Inert cts., renll92, [let l. 1.). Oilier ankles in proportion. Al _miss warranted to he what rneyt are sold for. : . - ; 0. CON RAD. ""-' s"nle Onfd Wail gne... r . - - On hand., none gotil WO Silver LeverA, 2 I.oj)ie and Qnnrtit•rn, linver than the prices. • Dec .5, PiVi 40-ly FRANKLIN HOUSE, No; 65, C'hrs.itrrt Strert, - T}lo4.establisliment, simit pas , erl into the hands of ilicsubseriber. in Julie ist, has heoptlioroughly rehired, and .isHnniv in complete order fur Olt) action_ moilation; of the travelling public. ! • Since the eliangg of proprietors, numerous additions and Routs have been made, and it is now lieved to 'pos s -s all .the requisite ,p, ointments and cniiveilicnces it list lielong lo , a VIIIST:CLASs isirw ROOMS ; new-Ladies' ,and C'antle mtin's lES a splendid ,hets r •Rooni ; new Parlors ,e new Furniture, have been add i id to it within the lasf six months. and the ifnilersigned. grate ful for the veep liberal patronage which. has thus far been eXtendot to him in his vocation, respectfully solicits its continuance. which lie pledges himself it . . shall he his ail ] ) toileserie•l co. A I'OST (oAell,lielonring. to the "FRANKLIN," .r will tie in atithilanre at the several' Depots and Stenin boat LarOinZs; to ronve,y passengers to the House, for 25 cents eariinnclitiling 'baggage. D. K. 1)1:011, of NvIV York. Proprietor. JAS. )1. ANDERSON. of ) (EO. P. BITIINHA 11, of Ihiston, f'‘" , s.lants' Phila.. Jan: 1, 1817 • vv; El.DElVWrotight Iron Flues, Stiit!tiq for Loco- V V mot Ives, Marine - and other Steam Logine trotters, from-2. to 5 inches in 'diameter. Ali,d, Pipes tor' Gas Steam and other purposes; extra strong. 'nth • for Hy, &antic Presses; floltn Vistons for Pottipi of Steam Engines 4-c. rtlanitfored and fbr sate by 3101iRIS, TASEER A; MORRIS',' Warehouse S. E. corner .11. and Walnut 43, rhilrida. Miliaria. Nov. 22d itits 47 . To .11Taohini.s . ts and others.' To.iars universal all sties, from 6 - 10 20 . inchea4 s3alter's spring Ilalances,inaffe expressly for Steam Folaines, SD, 50 and 21 pounds: Platform and Cannter Scales, morelltan .56 different sizes and patterns. For sale wholesale and retail at the 'manufacturer's price', at Nro,'3l:Walnut street-, hp URNY & 111t0T1111R. • Philadelphia: Feb. 7;1846: NEW LAWf.BOOICS HOOD ON EXECUTORS. IMI A PRACTICAL treatise on the Law 'relating to Re gisters, Registers' Courts. Orphans! Courts, Aud i. tors, Executors, Administrators. Guardians, and Tres• tees in Pennsylvania, with an Appendix of Alts of. sembly. Fines..-c. Price $5. Also,' ROBERTS' DIGEST OF: BRITISH sTATvr,s. • Comprising those which; according to the report of the Judges actin! Supreme Court, Made to the Legislature, appear to be in three in Pennsylvania. with !tires and illustrations. Price $l. - • MILLER ON PARTITION. A treatise on the law pf Partition by Writ in pennsyl -vania, with a Diet of Statutes, and an Appendix of Forms, by E. Spencer Miller. Price $3 50. ' Just published and for sale at lI.ANNAN:S Law Book Store, 'Pottsville. -• . . . • . All Law Honks not on hand, obtaiovil to order at oublislWrs' prices. Feb 13 7_ New' Store at Brookville Subscriber has just - received fiontrhiladelphia, 11 and has now opened at Brockville, a large and - gen•- eral assortment ofseasonable goods, such as Dry (hinds, Groceries, Hardware, and Quesnsware. In addition to 'which found constantly on hand, Fish, smoked and fresh Meat, as - well as a good supply of country produce. Call and ecamine our stock, and you will find us prepared to sell goods at as low a rate as they have ever been sold any where; in ehtlylkill 'county-. N. Xl.-- , Country p;oduce oral) kinds. wanted, for which the highest price will be paid. DEO. POTtS, Fetteville,Feb'T:lBl6, .ffaxincrs' Mepartment. • CIit:FLTRE OF GREEN. CROPS FOR: • • SOILING—CA The September .number of the Albany Cultt•\ vator ,contained a - letter from our friend W. H. Soth r am, in which he notices the rotation of crops, ' as cultivate(' on toy farm, for Soiling hlilyh Cotes. His ftvorahle notice of my experiment, has indu ced 'sEvcral of the readers of your valuable jour nal; to ask of Inc a statement °film amount of rcru food raised by •me on the twenty acres, on: ivtich I soiled Sixty cows for eii months. To saeo time. peimit me to trouble you with.the foP loWin4• statement for publication in your The whole product averaged more than 12 tons of green food per acre, as you will see by the follow ing tablet : • • 5 acres OfcloVer, cut three times, _ 57 tans. 5 acres of oats, cut twice, 7 5 acres of corn, cut twice, 5 acres of corn and pumilkins,cut once 73 _ . 20 acres in all, t 255 _l, Che corn on one acre, (black muck, milnired with cow dung...leached ashes and lime.) 'yielded . gtalks.over ten fret long. planted in drilla onefuot: apart, and fo'ur' inches apart in the drills, .and : welched over twenty lens of green fodder, to' the acre. t The Carrots noticed by Mr. Sotham.yiettled ott; the. a vvrago six hundred iru.lieJs to the acre,,anai , ' on SUM.' portions of the muck,reil. (manuredwitit cow Manure arid leached ashes) they were in. ma% n: in , trulees fourte,M and fifieetii inches in tircunt• Terence, ail . tcrentY•sevemand thirty inches long, antl'iomluterl at the rite ofit wdvci hundred bush eta to stir! acre, in beds of. rine:quatter acre each. They Were drilled in by machine (as "waaatio the corn.) in' drills one foot apart, and the Carrara thinnid to one every four or six inches in .this drills. They were weeded by hand at a cost of Ave dollars ah acre, for three times weeding, and pulled and topped, for two cents a bushel ready for Cellar. Being in they pulled casy 7 .- thirty burdiels was about a day's work for each of the laborers. Who were mostly German women.—: My Carrot crop net me.this year, five dolleirs per', :Ira! Jor ploughing .arid preparing, the land, five dollars for , weeding. four dollars for seeding, (in cluding seed I twelve dollars for pulling and rmering, and four dollars for interest on land, ma: king thirty dollars an arm or on an average five cents a .bushel for the Carrots, they heing'{worth le the Rochester market, twenty cents a bushel by the quantity, clad - retail,2s - cents, at which latter gliee I Could eitiar one hundred and twenty dollars per-acre, on my whole crop of eight acres. Is not this a vultiablercrop. Aly last year's crop of four acres.yielded rue six hundred arid forty bush 'as .per acre I intend- next year "to sow at least' ten acres Of (_.7arriits, and two acres of. Sugar Beets j for my Cpt‘ 4. . ' Yours, 1 Roches fr, Decr 4.1846: Front the qeehiantotun Telegraph 1 "tiln.stiN7AoWEß. '," .. . . . . It is not_ perhaps so generally known as it de l ' serves to be, that the oil of - the sumfloW,eir: seed is pn,:sessed of highly valuable properties. \ It is sta ted that C. A 13arnitz-near Baltimore, instituted Haofse/lea of scientilic experiments fur the\ 'purpose of aceurately ascertaining the quantitobtainable frorn a hushel,of seed) and found that a gallon of line oil was the restilti 114 seed, it I. s aid, was previously pulled, and none was lost by Rho satu ration of the dry covering t He thinks that, when well managed, a gallon may be counted upon with gafety. There are probably few productions more easily' cultivated than the Sun-fltiwer. The seed is an - excellent article for poultry ; its highly, oleaginous ebaracter.rendering it - a most valuable substitute. for meat—an article which it is ncees sary..te.prnvido. in no stinted quantity, when the faXyls - are confined and debarred the range and freedom of the ileitis. . .. . • Since P" 110 0; itt , llta've. " I- have perused an ar . 7 title in: the . ... , ;ew England Farmer, written by ,a Mr. Irian, us he, seems to have trcen Unacquainted with the process, and who obtained no more than -half a gallon of oil from a :bushel of seed. The . failure of this'person is easily, accounted for,chow- . ever: He did riot hull the seed. For hunting, the nil of 'Me sun flower is justly preferred to '.all other articles of the kind, ae • it burns with a brit- i bent and clear frame. and-is totally destitute of any otteir..ive srne:l. For Painting, it is preferred to ...tii,jee.l—sprearling smoothly and with ease, !I II& drying wittt a rapidity approachabld by no other oil iII .common use. For. culinary purposes, iris preferred by rosily to'the purest olive oil, pea a@-sing an advantage in cpeapneas, an& having a more agreeable fluor.' ;.I I. I- have mule some kW experiments I with the sun-flowei;:and have fauna it.eXeeedincry prolific.' In the spring of . 1837. I planted two hundred and ~ ,i Nt v. : I vo (yrs on old, well-winked soil, rind ob tained seven Lushes'of seed , —two plants only to the hil . A Many of the•flou erg measured ten inch vs in diameter. 'Fire leavys of, this plant are art' evraent food .for cattle, and are believed to pro duce no extra tlow of milk. It is supposed that' cul l -soil: of the right constitutional conformation,' and with prdper management, the irun-flewer' will produce from one hundred to one hundred - and fifty bushels per statute acre.' My experibnent in 1839, corroborates the correctness of this suppo- Sition. although tlic., soil was carefully prepared and, greatpttention accorded . during the entire season. fl!mention theOe facie as many migto, re gird My suceessfuLexperiment as the common re sult, and 'expect the same quantity of produce from the same number of , plants, nn soils of infe rior quality. and withoutax- moiety - of the care in culture or the erotrOmy of the crop. An agricultural 'friend of mine, assures me that. he has eulti.ated the sun fluwer4or years, pritici.: 'jrtly as a feed for his poultry. The last year his. crop amounted to one liutrilred and fifty . bushels, from ab tut two acres of land, costing according to Iris estimate, forty-tide coals peritshel, and •wurth fir the ordinary purpose's ,uffeeding, one dollar. He regards it as :the:an - on profitable production .or his farm A PRACTICAL F•II.3IEU. . Bald Ettgle Paha; Feb. 10, 1897. ' ' • We copy troin ;:he - Antericah Farmer the fol lowing SEASQN ABLE ADVICE. : SUVVIN. CLOTFn SEv.u.—As we are among those who believe, that no land can 'be preserved in 'a condition of fertility, without theisystem of eufturo ob=4;•vid embraces clover Within its econ cinv, as Well for turning in, as for food for stock, we advise all %vita may have wheat fields, [if they iinve„n o t done so already) to sow thereon, upon every - acre, from 12 to. 16 tbs. of good.clean pleb ver Seed. • • . .owzrwri Gaass Sredits,—So.souri as the frost I is oit.of the earth. an 'l the ground Sufficiently dry to,be ploughed without injury, all kinds of grass deeds may be sown--as Timc4hy, rd'ti-grass, - -- I _ Orchard grass, Rye grass. and Lucerne. A pr4c, tide prevatis in some It its of our country of tiort4 , - Mg . / Timothy and Meer Seed together. The peiclice we think a hnl One.- Clover,flowere: and rs fit to cut, several\ weeks before Timothy, end is therefore ill suited to IL grown with on the same field. We would always sow Timothy seed alone. Wah regard to tii, , „qtrantity - of seed we would re mark, that less thin a:peck. per acre should never be sown, 11,1 that a -peck and- n liciff pe r acre,- 7 could very advantageously . be used on'that space of ground. CiHvEf esn Guctwin Onass, though thy not flower at the'same time, iniy he sown togeth er, tvqh a decided improvelli,at 'bath far pasture andlhay. When they - are .. ,sown together, the clo- - ver Imust,direc't the judgment as ~to the proper . time of _cnning forbitic".. So soon es the clover is in bloom, .vith.uf looking to the alate of the or chard grass. (thetime to cut: When thus sown togetheyilbe. Of Clover reed and I bushel of Oreinrrd grass should be sown oh each eteo...'Pas tkes thus sown - aro much better than when clover is alone sown thereon, , as the cattle are. measurably exempt from contracting the disease .Called the . The quantity of.hay which . may he grown on an a cre is greater, while the quality is better. CLOY tit chive!. fields Which may not have been sci treated already, should beve,"efr aeon as misaible, a butihel of plaster sown on caoh acre. Such work is best performed in a moist, cloudy day. I . • - JUN I ATA:B011;ER IRON, ,5 TONS asor . ted boiler !Ton', Nos. 3, 4 'and 5 of tvOitlis 0f:76, 32, and 36 inch sand nndnm lengths, A. 44 q, RALSTON, • • 4, Strati From at, Philada. Ph OA, 11,1818, .1 41 " 84 ," • C. -D.STI.oATIT