The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 27, 1847, Image 1

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    •1" •
Terms O the AlinCrs' Journal"
Two Dollars per annum, payabie semiannually , ~,
advance to those who reside in the County--and aorta
- ally in adiance ti those who reside nut of the County
the publitilier reserves to himself the right to chatg
/$2 50 per !annum, where payment is delaya 7 conger
/ i hatAine year. -
. '.. •., '
Three cOpl l es to one address. $3 00. .
seven 1 i Do Do • 10 00 .
'Fifteen : I 'Do • Jjo I . , „20 00
Five dollars in advance will pay Or three year's sub.
scription o the Journal.
---- •
• ,
' 'one Square of 16 lines. 3 times, ' _ *1 00
Every siibliequent 'nsertion, .
Half 'Square of 8 Dees, 3 times, 50 - -•-r
-I.4ulisequent •nsertions, each, - • 12i I
Four liiies '
- '2.5 3 times, i•
. . .
Subsequent insertions, each, 61 . - _____] --
One Square,-3 moittlis,
. Six months, 5 00
OneYear,l .• 00 i KLY BY' BENJ AM
Ilit ;Mess Cards of Five linci, per annum, 3 00 .
'AI !rchatits and others, advertising by the
_,,,„........- _
. -- '
Year, with the Privilege of insertingolif- • ,• .
erent advertisements weekly. 10.00 V OL I XXIII. . .
~ I 4
e.. 8 Larger Advlrtisements, as per agreement. •
. •
, i) 1 1)11(1 C1131)i(1.
- . . i I, UNITED STATES. .- • .
.110SIEPII plIc.11117111fe.11"'S Steanni ,ikon Balling Factory, I
srLENDID,LINE OF LONDON AND Livr.nroor.rActirzt . ,l.
• , ,
i.,. ....... %. . . RDIGE ROA
. I),
. . .. . [.
. •I i • ,
,41,..... - ,
. ,
A-: s, 4 ! , ' ' • _____ a
....- •
- _ ,%. r ' k s- I • Lt.. • AT r i 1 t it..,1
o ei t s . ta r l : li i s . litrl a e n a d t T e a n y u l: i e n f i o i u r n a d t t t h , e m g , re ro a r te i sh o va N - ' 1
....5...... .. - -....4 17 44! .
RAILINGS i • the United States, to which the atten- i
113. llannain, Ag; nt, , Pollsvllle. - 1 1„„ at - th „,,, lit
wata of any description, und especially I
:ARRANGEMEN S FOR 1817. ' for Cemetries, isrpartieularly invited.
OLD , ESTABLISH ED • ASSAGE OFFICE,, The prinaipal partair all the hanilsolne Railings at"
I•aurel Hill, 31,anument, and other 7•;, - tritiyaied Cerris
• .../00 I'inC Street, Con% South, IN. 1. tPrief: in the city and county of Philadelphia, which
have been sn highly•extolled by the public press, were
lin flt l scriber respectfully -- be , leave to. tender executed at this manufactory. -
.V large lVare.lloont to connected with the Estab- I.
2 sincete thanks to his numerous Dien. sant the
public, for the very liberal support lie has received fur lisitment, where is kept constattly on.liand. a large .
• r stork of ready-made Iron Railings. Ornamental Imo
upwards of twenty yearS, and sadicits a confirmation or
Setter , . iron Chairs. new style plain and ornamental
, their confidence. The despatch by whiLlt hi.,na , .sen-
Iron Ga tes , with an extensive assortment of Iron
gets have been brought out , and the promptness wirh ",i'sts Peifest•ils, Iron Arbors, ,'c. Afsii, in great va
which his very Munerous drafts have been paid at the . i '
Wrought and Cast Iron Ornaments, suitable:for
Mac:rent; banks, are, he flatters himself, a sufficient • -
13..1 e i1i . n• , s and oilier purposes - •
. ' guarantee to the politic for the faithful performance of , Ile subscriber would also state that in his Pattern
ttny future contracts h e Into with him.
The following is the Hr.cui.A.H L 1 NEE OF PACK- and Designing' Department lie has employed smut. of
the best talent in Ge . country. whose tvliole attention
rrs. which ~ a il -ponctically on their appointed days,
is devoted to the business-forming: altoge . ther one of
by - which passengers will be brought out without delaY
the most - complete and systematic establishments of
•., - or dirisappolnument, viz t
. the kind in - lie Uniiin. . 1 Z
.fievitar Packet Sligis to and, from Liverpool ROBF•RT WOOD. Prnprietrir,
Ships' NallleS Captains Days of Sailing front . , 11idge Road, above Buttonwood street.
r'• , ' New York-. Philiala., January :oth. 1817. 5-Puts
Henry Clay, . Nye:. Jan. 6 May It Sept 6 .
. . •
, B.teplien, Whitney , Popham, - ',., V„ I' ,S' 1 2 1 0 :,, 1 . 2 1 i..ei T E.. 1-21/ ill W,oll.llis
!.roieridail • (-o,,h:h.
Pit rick Henry, • : Delano -'Feb- 6 June 6.Ort. 6_! RIDGE l? 0.9 D, ,
• Virginfiin, Alien,- " 11 ", II "II
Garlick:, • TraSk, " 7 26 26 l• 26 Above Spring 1
7,: Garden tdreet •
ew World, -Skiddy, -"" Mar. 6 July 6 Nov. ti PIIILADELiIIII.
Waterloo, • Allen, . " 11 " 11 " II
. •
/10 . SCiO$, ' • Eldridge, "26"- 26 " 211 rphii: es . tabii:=limeat is erected on an improved plan,
Ashburton. Howland, April 6 Aug 6 Dec 6 1 and by the aid of Steam P.m . s.r , multi lAt•tiii•es all
-dolls 11.. Skiddy„ 1 Luce, . 'll ' II 11 I kill& of litartil•• Work in a superior style.., and at the '
. ' Siddons, - . F...Cribb, ' "26 " 00 "26 lowest prita•s for Cash.
.-Ship's'Name, i.'aptains, Days of Sailing from 1 The largest and In•..t assortment of-Marble Mantles
Liverpool. . ever otTcred to the pliblic may be seen at. the Ware
',Henn' Clay Nye, Fell - '2l June el 'Ort. 2v , Roan. to which the attention of purchasers IS res-
Stephen Whitne y , Popham, • ." 20 '•' 26. " '26 pea:trolly invited. • I -
Sheridan, - Cornish, , Mai. II July 11 Nov II - Imported Garden Statisaiy and Vases of the most
• . Patrick Henry, Delano,. " 21 :"21 " 21 tasteful .I,:sigm' and patterns, made or.the rim , st and
Virginian, - , Allen. - %" 26 " '26 " 26 I handsomest description of Italian Marble; Tiles for
:Garrick, , Traslc, April 11 Any. !I Dec. II Flooring imported, and -always on band, and for Bale:,
' Nets' World; . Skiddy. "- 21 " 21 " 21 - ~at the sins: reason:dile p ices. .
Wtiterloo, 7 ' " Mier,. " 26 1 " '26 •r 26' , 11 c•2/- 3i: t rill...Cutters can" lie suPplied at all tittles with
Roach's, • 'Eldridge, May ,-11 Sept. I I Jan. II any number of finished Mantles or Table ToMk, Si re
• A sliliurtoit. . Howland. ,": 21 I"21 " 21 Mired wholesale prices. and the Tuttle wilLI e ft__*.igillsja
' Sohn IL, Skiddy, Luce, - "" 20 " 26 "26 I ed at the shortest notice with. all kinds of 31aChle.iii
ritilticins, , .E. Cobb. June II Ort. 11 Fell II the block, or cut to sizes for Mtnattments, 4-y.
•' In addition to' the, al*" Regular I.ines, a nut:Mei-of i: , JOIIN
Ridge Rola, above. Spring Gar IED,
di 7 n st •
-, sidenithr Ships, final as Ilie 'Adirondack.' •Marmion.',l Philalla., Jan.,3Utli, 18•1,. 5-Clino .
, dlappahluntiock,''Llberty."Sea,"Greetiock,' 'Broome' . I
and •Or,ear. Queers,' will continue to, sail from Lever
, • .
pool, weekly in regular. ' successiOn. thereby !,
dly prevent- - PU RE WHITE LEAD •
.inc the least possibility of delay ordelention in Liver- , , 7i .
' - pool; and for the accommOdation nf persons wishing 1
In remit iimney to [heir famili,,i or friend-,.1' have 1 • Wltelliterill .5... , • ' lni•orxer , -. .
2 .
'arranged the payment u r f tity Drafts on the follow n.., ,, I A 1 - 1 NljrAtr ' ll:lZEIZS. No 1.5 nnith. I:reit; gl rcet
flanks : .
. ! Ili P hiladelphia, have now a good supply of their
Cork ; i Limerick' Ciotti:net - •
; will - tam nil pure white lead. and times customers whc '
- I:nude:Worry, 51120, : WI , NIOI - 11
' MI fast, 71 ,1'. , Waterford Gafw :id '. have hero , parin:zlv suppl!ed !it consequence of a rii 0
• 'Armagh, - Athlone, • Colman' on theartiele, i-711:111 now have their orders tilled.
i Kilk - entiv, Balina. Tralee. • No kft.7,Wn subetanee possesses those perservaliye
• Enniskillen, Monaghan, You:deal., ' andbeinitifving properties so desirable in a paint, to
Banbridge, Ballymena Paresonstoivn - I nu eq•Lit PNlerit vii 11. tii,tilulterated 'white lead; lichee
- Doivnpafrirk, Cavan, - ' lirgait, ; any admixture of ether it iteriak only mars its
Deng:inn:in: Bandon. Ennis, 1 • h i ‘ , ~. 1
, y 1 ,,, e , •,t pas'taece,oce •tt en the steady aim of the
Ballyslianiton, Strabane.' . : ' Skihhroon
Omagh. Mallow,.,:' . Dublin , twinnlaentres. lor many 1 ear.i. to snook' to the pubic
Cindelitll, ' fillrush, • - Carlow, ' a perfewly pure white bra,', and t 1,,, oneettsingibi
li 'illroilieda, Dinigarvan, - , Enniscorthy, I m tuil.for the aril, le, is proof that tt II:1.4 met with fa:
I . .
' ernow. • 1 vor It is Inv' iritt!ilv branded on one lir ad-NV Kril
-1 . •1•"2:1•'"11-31'''''''"• Spooner, Atwood 6c. Co. l'!"'k e rs• -•il ,'1• • .1:11 L A:• 11:10'''fil.:11 in hill. anti on the ~ I t her
.5, Imiidait ; Messrs. Jas. Beckett k Son, and Mr.ltich- i • " • I
‘‘ %ee k N T I:1 0 , 'ltn; -- aA ta red letters • -
ant Morphs . Liverpool,
I \ i ~. 1 .in . .; , - 1.
Si iitliind-The City of Glasgow Bank, ' arid al! its '"" ••'•'"' '• •• , .
' Brans lies and Agencies, „. -- -
:-.a,:lt.s ram
Thihdololna,;Hos toll and Baltimore. •I. the Ite•mlarl
)Packet ships ,in applit•atiim being intilis personalt y, POT'TSV/- - 9.D.
or by letter. [post !midi addressed to. , ; •
111:2c.1. 11 'tNNAN. Pottsville, . • WINTER' ARR.INGEMENT:',I
Sole Agent fO•rthe State of ['enlist tyania. • . ..
,• ' ,
Or, i AMES nr,ciu:Tr & SON. and4ilr. RICHARD /3
- '":! BSC / I. cr, e). l'a-ai.lts.
mlitiliv.N.. I, NVa:erlool Rimil; Liverpool ; ,
Jan.-. 0 '47 • Bailers g. rs of startin on and I after Monday' Oct.
"6, IS-15
• .
, 9 • k • l'Dailv eari•nt Sunday
'• .ASTON • RIDGE SEMINARY I - - Philada., "9 A. 31:, f • , • -
- .
, I -Fee' 1 . 0•4111 IX ,ILlzilieN. -
' ~ For Phil:lola., at In A. :%1., I • . . .
-.• INattsville "12 A. ,li., f t
1 CrTIT. roars.; of study includes lit the liranch••4 of a -
J. thorotigh Englt,lteduration. together with OM tai ' - . ; HATES oil FARE. 7'-
.in trail Frimch language , . M11,1e., abut 111 - ;ilViir: i iIcIWI'I.II POll , Viiie Milt V 111 1 .1.11. Nil NYfrllid 3no .
I-• I IN s•ritucToits.- Mrs. Ilux•riiiortiN and 31Is • • Pl ' i ' il„ • da.; Oct. 11 ' '.` n e """'-'• t'd ' l6 ;! I '2°. 15-
4 • . -'• I
i 3iLl'i.ess. '
1 . t . 5.. - H. lias h thorMittli knowl - fifige of the:French . • --
I --:- . • -
1 ,a It gfip ge, having resided-many years in Paris . . :ti id i; ii..niiadelpltia.,, Readi:tg. S.; PoVs
; acquainted with the best Euro
; ileaci Si.llllll,lflt,. '' ~ ' - - . ' vine Etaill. Road: .. •
.f . i31, , ,mcci... is an expel ie - need and .7.lteces , sful teach- -,, • 1,` e l,; e 1; ; ;;,1 ,-,f FlTlght 00 ilere)andize. -
or of the English branches.' It • .• __ 1'
i Tbe Ancient Clas-it•s, English Literature. and the I.- -- . . • '
ND AFTER Mondav ne.t, June 26th, ISlt,
,! Natural Sciences . with the aid of Philosophical alma- '-
1 O N A.
Goods will be forward , ilfw ith' despatch at the fol
ij molls.„ - w ill he made the subjects of fatmliar lectines;by '
-1 the itev. B. S. Huntington. A. 31. . , I lowing rates or Eri•ight, between Reading and the
1 Points below staled, per too( f 2000 Ills.
The French litmus:me will be of
in the faittily.
, i I sITUATION.-Aston Ridge i- in Delaware 4. , ,,',,inty.. - , het w re n Bet 1.1..e61
I' PaL, about two hours' ride from Plifladelphia. vi.i. Cites- rr - -.7 ---- ' - ' --- ---.__
ter ;it is remarkable fin its healthine.s, and beauty of* i .i, Read . ". Rcaffing
scenery The number of puifils being limited, they will ,I' `
-1, ' • ' (tad , and - .c
-. I
• •
,Lyre enjoy the retirement and advantages of a quiet I'. ••..• : Pltilq.• I. 101 I xvi lig."'
Christi:l'llloWe. . i •, • -
IT Plaster, slate, til9si ,Ir. - ITO '75 cos,
. 1 TE1131.4.-Per session of fi ve monilts.*lll. ~
I - PM Iron blooms timber, I -
.' ri'llo ilicludps every. charge for tioarding. washing, , -. hi • i . • • , . • K
si tar pitch ,- 120 - • . 20 Crs
. ,rool tights., hedding,use of iondi, ... and ma; inneryaogeth, I --- -11
tia r t4' -- 1 . ;n:., ' f• - tri n t ' te •' ' ''_) -
er,witl; all tho tuition. The ONLY - extra eharges are I. Nails S- spikes,li '' ar iron 1 •
fist' Music and.drawing. Payment alway,..itt ally:knee. : . Nails 5- , ~, . • • . ,
rastitiLs.leamturpentme I
' ` The sessions muninetice °tithe Ist of 131;13 and the Ist r barls,.raw tidiactm, salt, }' • 40 1 00'
0 ' 1".. t. N . ' ... - Lar ember. `
RECOMMENDATIONS. provisions.p , itatoes, lutiLl . '
"- s
,_ ; , her, stoves. A'r., - J
(FRO TE RT. new, lIIAIIOP !OTTER.) Finllt per barrel. • • 16 cts. 11.cts•
• ' "'The subscriber takes. pleashre in recommending Wheat corn a'' , ch - ' re r I" *, • 4 a s , 3 er s .
' the proposed Female St 1100 i al Aston Ridge, to the fa- I • se•id. k salt per bushel, .5 .
' cordite consideratron of parent especially of those
• G en t eries.harilware,stf•el,l
I• . •
wits are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. coppur, Int, brass, du- 1 .. I .
11 j -Ile-ill's 'faithful . literary arm religion: , imarit,•tion ine,tieliquorsminchine- I
1 from 'well qualified pri•ceptors,4ll•• pupils will enjoy the ry, hinter and eggs,} ' 10 • -I 33
in,•stimatile advantages or a retired, relined, and alrec- - ---•Sil"es'" , la" and tallow, I
' 4 , I tionaie home, in one of the most beautiful positions in - ---rail.,-r___cottott--1,-toter , .
the , "1:1I,.. ' -
- . ..
taw hides, paints,-oys- -'-
. •
. „,.. .
‘ -
L i, ...:
,f 9.. n i . i iir . n sts , c n r , il i • s er ,
n i a he gr s a ,, ti r ti e e s. , t l ri t c o t,. l , e L a t r h ri ,t tl i
Dry t e rcs,;,ol:::im.p dent's,`-atl ccar n d ie a , tf i e - . 1 ) ,• . .
, , ..
s • partake - essentially of the character of:, Private family. cities, foreign tumors, I .
I ' A tmszo Po•rrcn.•• I,paper.fresla} i 2 60 174
-,.. • - • - • -•• , ,fish, meat. corifertiona-1 ..
i• 0 - nom Tun ,yersCOPAI. TIECOIMEII.)
. yy, honks 4. , StationarviJ
- i ' -'-We have no doubt . that the institution wiil more i No addi t io n al r liarge; - m
Tor com tun, iss stnraze, -Ar
thin fultil all Illst.l4,pruniiAeil in its prositec•tus." ' ' I receiving or delivering, fremlit at any of the Comma
;^ ' Address Rev. B. S. HUNTINGTON, Village Green I ".'s IN ntl the l i ng' - oo _
Juts' 15 1,843 • -
•:.".." i el. Co , Pa. .tan. , -'3, __ 3, ISt7. - : ' 4-3 m -,:1-_:_ - • •
• - " Sale of Lots in Donalklson,
t.-117113.). ,nl.l at INl.lic sale, at , i.omison's Hotel, in
tV the 11durishing town of Don:tld•vu• Schuylkill
County, a Mittiber of convenient lintldine lots, laid out
le t the 'Swam ra Coal.l.and Company. ai an a dditi on to
the ton aof Donaldson. The town of .Dtinaldmais lo
cated at,the head olaup 5W:1131 . 3 Unit Road, whit:ft will
in Mar ileNt, he connected with the- Mine Ifill
Schuylkill haven Ralf Road, thus eiv lm2 that section
of the ('oat Region two avenues to market. 'Ffoin its
'oral ion. it in At•stined, anquest lonahly. to Ilerome one
of the largest towns in the Coal fie . gion. and,-therefore,
peitoms in want of lote had better secure them eatly.
The sale will take p'ach. on Saturday. the 10th day of
April -net t, at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms made known on
t lieday or sale. , C. wIIEELER.
.Agent for SAvatara Coal Land (10.
122 E
I- •
NNOUNCES to his frieinl4,and the public, that he
Ilha‘just received direct from New York per steam
boats hlurnix.and Pilot; the following articles of mo
retries and produce, which tie will sell who!esale at
Nesv York prices tretelit added. -
Per Steam Mitt Pilot: - •
03 Casks Cheese, 51 TutoLlßuiter;:,7qtbt. Cod fish, 21
idds, Scale fish, 10 do Herring, 30 do Blue fi-t, 00 do Na.
.2 Mackerel. In doiNo`.,l, Mackeri.l 16 half do No. I (1,,,
10 do Mess.No,l do, 10 do No. 2 do. 10 got:trier do No.
1 do, 18 übls. Apples, 1000 heads Cal:hat:ll, sackg fine
salt. 1
l'er stimmboat Itiortniz -
23 tubs hotter, no ow,. F0023 . r, 10 qtly Co'd fish, 20 hfils.
Blue do, 100 ceants Straw pope., 00 liftlst Oil, 13 bhls.
el , ale fish, Ott do No• 2 Mackerel, 10 do No. 1 do. 2000
heads Cableige,2o chast4 Black Tea, .10 boxes. Raisins,'
tst bushuls,Onions,2 s •
Also. 10 barrels Not ti, Ricer Oat Meal, 100 tons Plas
ter by the quantity or - , ton.
Dec 12 DM
Valuable Coal Tracts to Rent.
let on teases; to suit applicants, till that tract of
1 tarnd belonging to the North American Coal - Co.,
known as the Mill (:reefs Tract, cony:lining the follow
of Coal Veins, niatiy of which,—among others,
the WaciNntintain—Vkins—liaving a ranee ornver, a,
'l,lle in length,. viz :—{.stets, Spohn, itarrnilebth,
1531,,,ii, Clarkson, SteTenson, Little 7'rarey, Peat it
Mountain Veins, Green Park or Itayensdale Vein,
Pend ietilar, Diamond, a ntl'iltg, Diamond Veins, along
with many others not named.
Alto. all that tract called the Junction Tlnet, belong
,ll2 u, the rontainingthe Salem, Forrest,
Iff.o, Mortimer, Tunnel, Black Mine, C. Law
-I,6:juiiii Alfred Lawton Veins. A 1..., a,i aw 'Atilt and
Crst Mill,.situated on the'3l)ll Creek Tract, all of which
will be rented on moderate tering, by applying to
r~ ~;: st '-~
Marria . ge 'Certificates:
ANEW' and beautiful atticle; jit42 . received and for
sale at.
. -
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Qfl TONS l2} x 1 Flat Ilar
50 do r (In
do 2j x i (In
•• 1 do I x
And Plal6, for sale by
. 1
A. & G. R
.Inly 11, ISIG.
smith front st.,
. ,
MADE OF THE best refined
Iron. for sale at ahoutyhe same prices Of the
iron in bar, heinla say in..: of of ;Aim OA per
vent to the pure uirier. All shoes Why-as
warranted,. and if not satisfactory.' ell* be
returned and the In one_ywilt be mutiied.
• • • SALT ! !SALT
ALI NA salt inhurels& [ hags, for stile at the !owes
Market pricr,-41'clirninA_na_linabLof Boats on the
FREE of Po HT Eli of
[(MAY. & ortoTHETI:
31 Walnui e.t. or Lociist st. ‘Vlsarl .
-Ph 29
, .
rl'llEsuhscrihers lia.v.e.moky_landinz from ship Albant t
_L bra. from Liverpoel, sltons Rail Road Iron, I/
5 tons 1I a In tons I; z l-,15tn05.1; ;. Also, Salons
best relined Iron, cginsislik; of round, square and flat
liars. Apply to I T. A. E. (IEORG,E, •
North East torner of Market and 12tb a rert.
- 17-tf
rrnr.: sub , have cimstantly on hand, and for
sale low. in Intl to ,tiitporchasers..Bar Iron, Rod
er and Flue Iron, Coq, Shel r and Spring Steel, Fecund .
quality Flue Iron, suitable for Sell:nes., Coal Cars, &c.
Orders received ..nd:Prouiptly executed for Flat
Rail R . ead Iron und.for Chains suitable for !nines, by
I MORRIS & Joties.
Iron Merchants, S. W. corner Market and SChityl
till' 7th street, Philadelphia.
Philada., November`2l,..l3l6, - 47--
'THE Stihscrilwrs Invite, the attention of Country
1 31,„1,,,,,, to the,articies : in 'heir line,
all of the eery best quality ; . • 'i
Mustard put.up in barrel', and half burnt.:
Do • do kegsof .1 lbs., 10 lbs., altil2o lbs..
cacti. ~, • 1 .
. Du . do boxes of 2 doz. (tauter lb. tine.
Do do boxes of 2 doz. half lb. Dna.
`Collet.. green, roasted and ground.
Chocolate and Cocoa. , ..-
, . .
Spices oC all the different kinds,both ground and un
ground, viz, —Nottnees„ Mace, Cinnamon, Cloves,
Allspice, pepper, Ginner.
The above :mods are offered 2,11... t he most reasonable
terms, and delivered to a?ly-11am of the city free of
- No. 7, Vutchstreet.
' 18'
The Franklin Insurande Co.,
Capital 4ttit,(llllly Paid in
• Charter Perpetual. •
ONTLNISE to make Insurance, permanent and
iced, on every description of property; in town. and
country On the usual favoiable terms. Office 1031 street near fifth Street.
Charles N. Banker, Samuel Grant,
James Scott: Fretttlirh. Beaten,'
'Thomas Hart, Jar9b R. mirh, '
-Thata . o6 S. Whntt,m, Gra. W. Richards,
Tobias Irazner, .11nrderai It. Lewis. I •
4.311..k.R1.Es G. 11ANCKEtt, Seey.
,The subscriber has been, appointed agent for the a
bove mentioned institution, and to now prepared. tl
make insurance, on every deccription of ; property, at
the towed rates. . .
rangyll ~luny, 19, 1811,
pring Ga rden Mutual Insurance
Cr IDS Company pacing organized according to the
1 provisions lints charter, is now prepared to make
Insurances against loss by Fire on the mound principle,
combined with tlie security of - a
joint stock capital.—
The advantage of this system is, that efficient security
s afforded at the lowest rates that the business can be
done I.oi, as the whole prolits'(less an interest not to
exceed per cent. per annum on the capital) h = ill be re
turned to the members - of the institution, without their
becoming responsible for any ofthe enttaitetnents Or
of the Company: further t ban the premiums or:.
tually paid.
'i'ite great success which thin systcni has met with
mhergver it 'has been introduced. induces the Directors'
to reqqest *the ittent ion of the public to it, confident
()lath requires but to be tiniffrstood to be appriiciated.
The act of Incorporation, and any explanation in re
gard to it, may .he obtained by applying nt the Of f ice
North ro ',tr. of 6th and Wood eta., or of B. BAN..
NAN, BetteKille.
1.. KRIIMBHAAR, Secretary.'
Charles Strikes, George ;4y :',Ash, •
• - Joseph Wood, ' Abraham' R. Perkins,
Elijah Danett, , David Rankin.
I'. 1.. Laguerenne. Walter B. Dirk, -
__Samuel • Townsend. • Joseph Parker,
-The stinsrriber has been appointed Agent for the a
bove 1111;:•Iinned Institution. and is prepared to erect
nstfrances on all descriptions of pi operty at theJowest
ates.\, p. BANYAN.
Febritari. - '25.1816, _ t . It-
OF let:, 159 CHESNUT ST.
E n
Rate: for insuii ‘ ng $lOO on a Bing le life.
• Age For 1 year. Mir:. years. For Life.
st„ annually. ' annually.
, 20 • o • 0115 ' 1.77
20 . 1 34 \. IFG '9, 36 '
1 69 1 53. 3 20
141 1 '96 \ \2 09 4 00
60 ' 4 35 :191 7 00.
fixAttro.E:—A person aged 30 years next litrth-day,
y paying the Company*l 31, wonld secure to his fu
nnily or heirs *lOO. Fhoold he die inime.yeat ;• or for
$l3 10 he secure:. to them *1000; or for $l3 GO annu
ally for 7 years ;he secures to them 1000 should he
die in: years; or f0r*2260 paid annually during
life he provides for thejo
. 1000 whenever he dies ;
for $0550 they n'ould receive $3OOO should he die ins
one year.
.ItxrAnt - 29, 1515.
THE Managers of this Company, at n meet iim• held
fill the TAW December nit., agreeably to the
referred in the original pro •pcmits ':or circular - of,the
Company. appropriated a Bonus or addition to all phli
cies.. for the whole of life, remaining in force. tliat
,were issued prior to the Ist of.lanuary, IS-12.• Those \
of tl e em '1 he't e fore which were issued in the year 1530,
will he entitled to 11l per cent upon the snot insured,
mukin Tan addition t:4 . ,f.6100 on every 8100th pat
*HIM. will he p•tid When the policy ihirollteit. a Haim
111Sii`ila of the 6100ot:in:lift insured:' Those policies
that were issued in ~1537 will he entitled to sl percent,
ar f 4,57 50 on eveW*looo. And I host! issued in 1035,
will be t ulitlyd 1071 per cent, or *75 on every 100,
and in ratable prqurtions cm all said policies issued
prior to In; Or 'January, 1512. •
The Bonus will he credited to each polocy on the
hooks endorsed on presentation at the ((dice.
It is the-design of the Company, to continue to make
addition or Jtottus to the policies for life at stated
. - . 11. W. RI cilArais . , Prespent.
.loots .Innmt, Actuary.
r.,The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the
abo ve lomiltifjon, and is prepared etr, I insurances on
dirt,. at the published rates. and give any information
esired on the subject, ran appliration at this Milne.
- Pottsville Pei,. oth. •
• •
Empowered by Actor I'arh , nnei t.
For the. New York Branch..l. I,.'SVar.ii %Vail s:
New York; for the New l':' nand Branch, E. A.
Grattan. Merchant's. Exchange . ; Boston; for Nlary
llnd and .IYashinzton Branch. D. Melly:lin, Ger
man si. Baltimore; for the other Bratichcs, %VIII.
Peter, f 8 smith th street I lißail,+%hia.
BA \ KERS -Mt rehant's Bailli.. Ne.w Yitrk. ,
. I'I‘YSICIANS.--.1 li- Ri;rl,ers. M. D and AVP.
.4 losaeh, M. I). N(sr York; ‘Yin-low . ,r wi., .liter..
M D. Boston;''l'.- 11. !trickier . . SI. D. -. Bali iiiior4; .1.
Barclay Biddle. 1 .11 - , D. is Badelphia.' • . .
'...01',1C1T.01:5.-W. Van. Monk, hew York?: F.
Dexter. Boston; .1..11i. Camibell,' illlfirflOrP, Win
71r. -- fira-ley.:.__Philatfelphia. :
.5... 2 :-
. 1 .
• , :fliis iIISTINIII. n, 1..iii41.-.,1 on t . . 1 011ite:W. , :afer and'
Joint-F•tockwilymple. and enViraeing rill' the recen
improVements .in the science of' Lre Insurance,
after having experie ced the most marked sirce.s . s
tri Europe, has estahished etTicle:s m wish ,'Nmerica
and variuter,paris of the Untied Slates, • ere its
princliples are wtoriiii:2 eipaf<iviciir and a pprova
Amongst the tinny advamagesThvlneh it oflcrs to
'ollpersons wishing: to insure tied hves, a , o ,Isi---its
fRirFt.C-T-SECClttiTY.ansing from a large paid up and
Erfely investrd • capital ; . 2d-iis moderate rates of
premiumi'3irl . ,--ilie participation of i-p.r.r4lts liy the,
j o s e fed ~ w hirill .(as he honors: of the 1:47L4 ' in
Great Britain antlelscwhere, has hecerne very eaten,
sive,) is of the utmostliatiefit and importance ;At h -
the uv .. e given to the AssOted:ot two thirds 01 - thm-p-•
minor or theirforriter naytit ems. whenever required
-thus obviating': he ohjections . .;i'il,irmt LIP!
ces with those wlio=eincomes lire'prr.. -i us, 'and
.wad Might dr - ertr-41 . ii - pio.sdnlity Of 'wing in ar.,..„ ..
with their -premnuns;_ind.....of, thereby for letting their
prelious_paymerits. ----------------,.;..„: .
ampliterSenntaining the Sompy .-.4s_ates...and every
other inform:no -may he
the Agent, at No. 6- a -ILO Foiirth Ft reel. l'htlailel; -
phia, of Charles Be • Foreir. - ..:7West. Branch Valhi,
and a: the office or the I%liners'lMirnal, rottsville ' -
II -Inne2Bth - a . 2:1-.
ail Road Iron,
do .0n
do — ' - itil•with spikes
1 1, NNOTINCiEti•to his friends and the nubile, that he
t has taken the Tan Yard, belonz'in , z to the estate of
the late Witliatri,Shenfelter, on Church M 16% where he
wt ttreep-onjiand for sale all kinds of leather manu
factured in thil=best-manner, and respectfully solicits
the continusnee hi:the custom of tice --- iato : ,lllr. Shenfel
ter. aad the public gerweally;which "he, tyilt,endeavor_
to merit by a strict atteniiim business.; Tfy - its
a.- The highest price paid for ht
• Oct. 31.1816 .
ire 3115iltalICC.
s "if:c ll9l.lttlliCe.
C %PI TM. 1:500.0e0 ETG,
ITniter ?. States Board' of Dfrectors„
Jamb Harvey. E.q. Chairnian, - • •
John.l. Palmer. EFq.. - • . 1
Jonathan Goodhue: Esq.
• •
James Boorman Esq. . •
}New Vor,lt. , ~„.,
George Baretak, Esq. '
amuel S. Howland, Esq.q. I •
sq. i •
Gorinan A. Worth: Esq. ' • I
.. • .
-Samuel M. F. 1:,(1 ' J
Clegient C. Biddle. ES .".''
q. Pliiladelpliia.,
r; ENER., I I, A (.* EV If ,s' ;(,- .)1 INA a E k,-;
rrIIG stihi4, wonll respectfully inform-1C friMuls
and customers, that ho has located his
3111.1'4'1.Ra: CAP MANUFACTORy
in Third stretii... No. tH3:a few doors below Race, where
lie would be_ pleased to see his old customers, and as
many new ones as are disposed to favor hint with their..
custom. Ile still continues to inattey tore Military ,
and Sportmen's articles of everY descriPtion, such as
Leather, Cloth, Felt, silk and Beaver. Dress Caps. of
nil patterns r Forage Caps, Holsters for Troop, Body do.
Cartronch Boxes, Bayonet Scabbards. SWord Belts of
all kinds. Canteens, Knapsacks, 'different patterns;
Fire Buckets, Passing Boxes, Tube do. Brushes and
,Pickers, Pintoes, PompoOns, Firemen's Caps, Leather
stocks. Con Cases, superior quality Shot Bags, Came
Pags, Drums. 4'c.
c} Orders thankfully received and promptly attended
to. • . W.M. CHESSMAN,
No. ge,,, , North 3d at few doors below Race.
Janottry nth, 2
£fc iflllca.
npound Syrup of ifrild - Ch,
F. OrtlG I:CAL AND ti . F.:CUINE 111.F.PA ItATI I ,
hs, Colds. .Bsthma, Bronchitis,, firer Con.
ping . Blood, Diffirulty of Hrrathinp, Piiin
:IdeandHreast, Polijtatioirt of Ike Heart, Inj
en:ii. Croup; Briiken Constitution.
ThrUat, Nercous : Debility, and all Dia
eaies of the : Throat. Breast, and
Lungs; the west effectual and
speedy rudeerer known fur
anwor rife ithore
itierly riastnr if (lin First! Presbyterian C turd',
N6lr Tosrk.
Coi n r
' 1 CIXCINNATI, FFD. 15, lei"
r Da. SWA ear Sir : , 1 1 erntit me to.takm thc lib
nay of writing to you at this time, to espresd appro
i - atiOn, and ret.ommend to the attention. of fartidie
and others your valuable medicine—your I.loaiumund
Syrup orWild Cherry.! In my travels of hit have
SYell in a great many instances, the wonderfu effects
of your medicine in relieving. children of very obsti
natecomplanns, such Ifs coughing;wheezing.,choking
wan phlegm, ast Mom in attacks, &c. 1 should net have
written this letter. however, however at presto!, al
though 1 hail.. felt it 14 Mity,to add my t.estin tiny to
it Alet• snme l lime, had it,not been for a late instance
where the medicine abovealluded to was instrnmental
in rtistoringto perfect health an only child, whose croe
wislaintost hopeless, in a family of lily acgdaMtance.
thank he, ven," said a doting mother, "my ehita is
seed(' from the jaws of death:"
itt yond all Snub!, Dr, rfwayne'e Compound Syrup of
Will Cherry is the milst valualife medicine itt this or
any Other country. I ant certniiii have witness ol mere.
than one hundred cases where it-has been attended
will eomplcte surcesit. I have used it Myself in an
abet nate at,mcli of (lronchitis, in ivhich it iirolved ef
lea lc in an exceedingly short tune. ,crnsifermg the
seventy of the case.
~1 cab recommend it iii tli% ful
lest confidence of its superior virtues. 1 fvtt , trif ad
vise that noifamily f hound he without it ; Is vet: pleas
ant, and always beneficial; worth double 1 nil'oten ten
toes its price. The public are. assured there is 110
tutittery about. it. , 1 '
ft. JACKSON. I). D. fornierly l'a , toi
of the First Presbyterian Church - New
T ionsands of letters such as the above rani,
testifying to the gqoil effects of tins 'valuable iemedy,
in ,uring' Commniption, entu,lis. colds, astlinca liver
coMplaint spitting of blood, nervous debility
. riain In
the side and breast, and all diseases of the Inn ot. '
Reader l are you sigfering from a cold or disease of
the ungs 1 l Try this remedy: you.. Will not, Perhaps,
regr i et it. It will arrest all those disagreeable sympt.
trims which strikes sn much terror to the 'Mild, and
iirolntig your days ; beware of all preplirathins pm,'
porting to contain Wild (Merry, except that betiring the
idol:lmre of Dr. 11. Swaim. on the outside wrapper iif
each bottle; - as, they ore not quite likely destitiite of
the !article front which they borrow a name. -
Pre pared Only I y Dr. 11. S tVA xr„ corner of 7:
and RACE Streets, l'hilada..
~,,. Pit ILA premien. September 4th ISIS. ,
pr. 11. Swayne k—Dear Sir :.Beitig for a length of
imeltilllicted witha vW violent cough, with alpiliPin
ay Ishii, and breast, sorenessete the lungs; shortness of
retitle loss of appetite. might sweata, /ice. II made
'il l of, various remedies, which were recommended
ily hi the papers. but gradually gretv wor4 The
o tont,. of ray cough was such ; that the blood teethed
rtfo:ely front my nostrils when the paroi,ystris of'
lthing came upon me. Indeed my whole, system
• led prostrated, and the hour ofttty departuig seem
tose al hand, ' ' 4 - •I .
of ye. - - COM,
At this time you recommended the use of ymir
PO,IIND SYRUP OF i'Vll.l) CIIERRY„ what immedi
ately began to 9001 e, comfort, and allay the V Mience
in conzh, relieved the pain in It side. streolgthened
anti bean it my lungs. &r: I footnoted the the of it,
bun] Imo% t hooks to f it)(1',4:1O11 to the effect o f Com
ponnik Syrup nrWild Cherry, I ant cured and able to
pursue I:I) daily labors.
• I think it an invaluahl modieine in soughs, colds and
111Se:1 , e of the lungs, and one O l t should he kinown to
all ; ,fflided. persons would ipnrcliatn. lb ortemal.
and genuine article. as by you, and Of tamper
with n ic man y sporkins , and WoTt bless preparations
which are attempted to be palmed im"tin the rOutation
•01 yon, - s, it might be the Illetilltt Of saving many valna
ble liveN. I fr,cly offer this stateinebt,for the benefit
thnsn wlict are iiintreiring as I was. ,
In doors from' the corner Of
Mr Thonnes7 . ease, above allulled to Was `a
i h.-ery se
vere mos and h s r silence is within. tile ,c 1 of all ;
so any one can rail and have the ahove substbutiated
by a persionalinteryiew.. • I
..... .
Iteware of prep`nations or, Wild
_Cherr)l, except.
Pr. - riwayne's .Compou Oil Syron of Wild Clmrry. as
they a m
re ost quite &Amato Or the %Pry article
front whieh they norrowa name.' Dr. Swayne has
,unreeled in obtaining kit ' d,courentr?ting the virtue.;
of the Wild Cherry'Eree in `toiclea manner ati to con
stithre on, of the ino-t edirarMus' remmile. ip Idiseams
of the Longs, at the ;mum tininintn,t pleasant in take.
ki ,ts 01 the medic,' world. It is unMmessiwy
for •to refer irtrtiettlarly to the ,many retrkrible
pt diedmites diedby it, or to dwell et length I pon the
peculiarly' healthful prop;-rres of th u wjta ,cperry.--
sum', it tn sai-,-that its, healing, and at,i by same time,
strengthening qualities are wonderful ;‘,and - in ninny
instances, persons who had been for yctirs with
cohsoniption, coughs. nsthina, liver complaint,spitting
blood, nervous debility, nil various disease of the
Longs, hove beep, by its use.restored to perfect health'.
Be c-ireful to, observe. i len ea: h bottle-bears the -writ
ten signature of ;Dr: Swayim,,l,neynn may have a spit.
HMl:land worthless mixture Ipaliliv i d upon you for-the
genuine medicine;
Remember! nit prepirations of Wild Cherry are fig,
titious and counterfeit, except that 'prepared byl
1 1
N. W. rot.: of Eighth nod Rode'streets,
ri•Dr...Stvayne's Guide to Ile4llll, can be bbtained
Only Agents in Pottsville, WN. &
kill !Liven, 11. VOUTE, OrWittsbing, RITTER '& CO.,
Re.tding.. and by Agents id till parts of the UnitMl,Stotes.
November 25, 'l`l6. i
yon Tax cvni: g.
Consumptiori, Coughs, Colds
1 N PRESENTING this, valtiable medicine to the
ii Mi-
I lic as a remedy for :onsmption, and Pulmonary
Diseases in general, I li• veMeen actuated solely by the
treat succes• attimding its use in my own inimediate
neighluntioini. and a desire I. benefit the_ afflicted: I.
(shall slimily endeavor to ;rive ry brief statement of its
wefulness, and limier myself !baths surprising effica-•
cy wilt enable me to furnish such proofs of itS virtues
14_111 ill'Eatfsfy the toast incredulous. that CONSUMP
-TIQN may and -CAN BE eunt:t.)," if. this medicine is
resoiled to_ in time. As • CoMmitiption,loweVer Is n
disease which differs much in the severity of its symp
sins. awl the rapidity of its progres,f, and. has bong baf
fled the :.kill of physicians it cannot he Suptufsed that
_thliThr..=„any other remedy is capable of e ff ecting a
cure iii - e - iihry_ease and in every stage of the disease;
an-the enntraiy>.e-tuust expect it to fail sometimes, a
:ircionstattre which ocb - inrS daily,with all the most val
.:nettle remedies we possess, fur the most simple diseits..
es; The prOprietor submits the following. testimonials
in its favor from citizens of this County, well krown
to the public.. r • - „ .
Mn. W.-1,31A AN, Havingrbeen affliCted for the last
arty years With-thinstunpnion, and having had the ad
.l . •ome ofthe most eininentPhysiciansond was 2E-
Teti tip a -urahle. I was induced to Make tril of yonr
invaluable Expectorrint,and 'am happy:to sayihat I am
'entirely ...cured. and am attending to my daily occupation
astliougliliia&-Over Wien afflicted. Previous to ta
li kingyour EXPECT-DRAIN:7, I I could not , if 1 had been •
1 so dispiised,_ do anythingni - nry-trade. I have since Tee
. minended It to several fmy friends:tub - 1 particularly
one base of CON FIII'MED ,o CONSUMPTION, and inishapyv
to 'itate.that in every instance it had the desired effect.
' ----- Youcs respe - mfulty , I JOSHUA HAWKINS.
at littylklll-ILiven, OC - fotier f ..l„lB.l4. • . - . i .
•. • —.• Seliffrimitt.. HAVEN, - January I, 1815,
`-: Mr. W. J IlAss.—Mar - Sir:—llailing . been, afflicted
wlth,a,severe pain in the breast,-1 was induced totry_
your EilreMoyant, and after using one bottle otlit, fonnit
it to relieve nie -- ;ncid I do not hesitate in_recommending-
It to the public as a alttable medicine for Coldti, Cough:it
and Afflictions of the' lireasf:'--- '
1 amrespectfully yours &c., --- ' - -----.. r, k ,
- - .1 - .. 74L1-..... L ScIIaYLKILL HAVEN, October Ill; 1814.
I Was taken Witii-a..had cold some time ago; rind used
one Pr two bottles of-tfr - -Ifaus' Expectorant, which re
teved me touch, and should' -occasion, for the
above - again, I would freely call on Mr. Haas for his in
vnludble EXpectorant. - DANIEL H. STAGER.
--- , ----.-- ----1iCIllipr.1(11 , 1: HAVEN, July; 29,1815..
No. WILLIAM I","lttikf.—Dear Sir:-1 am happy-to
'testify to theeffiacy ot year-expectorant, fur answer
ing the piceposefor which it l was intended, that of te
'Milne Coughs, - Colds. &c., 1 • • ,
.. Yours respectfully, - CHAS: lIDNTZINGER.
- For-sale by the Proprietor at Schuylkill Haven; and
by the fidtowing Agents in Schuylkill county. l
I • Pottsville , -,l_l - S - . - C. .Martin, . .
I.lewellyn- - -Johatinan Coelchill, Esq.
I- Millersville—J. &I. FADS,
---- New pastle,•George Reifbnyder. DI
Port - Carlin—henry Sliissler, P. M.
rfinclingvilleColor & Drumheller,
' Pinegrov - e - --.Graelf &Fatter,
Tamaqua—lleilrier&Morganroth ,
Middleport,ll. Koch & Spn, . _
Tfiscarora—George R. Dry.
Cr Frederick Klett & Co.. have been appointed gene!.
ral agents In Philadelphia, for Haas' Expectorknt
Nov 22, ~' 1 ' I 117-1 y
. '
I . ICH 27; .: 1947
' From the: lr6iladelp mia Saturday touriCr.
`fink! ttjc 'Ziotiub i . in cni•
-Flour in Ireland 810 per Barre l —Soldters
, , • Mexico 3 7 per Xonth. .
I. 1
N !
"lib Cod;, dill bread should he FO dear,
And deshand blood eo cheap I"-,Iloon.
.. .
Hark ..—the wind is in our hieliways.-••
'Tis the rolling drain and tire
.. T.eadlne dOivm in Death's i‘ ill deserts,
' • Martial caravans or lure: .
' With a visage grim'anil. solemn.
glow the plumed host departs!
There's a blood scent' in their nostrils,
.. ' 'Tk the 4,10011 of their
. own imaits!
Firlh. ho! flesh. ta , :reed the. roltaire,- , -
,110,55o•rattle, very lure!
Droreo ef-x-kciehreel-te-tekitrn
~ ' Os the plains of Alexia,! • ,
'n the
' They siT in:welling by the chapel . , .•. .i.
And their measured foot. falls saY
- "roll the passing bell, gond Sexton, .
' iWe,wre passing quite away! ' L
' Toll the ben—filial this long journey '
c ! ' Few who go shill e'er come back.. . '.
Toll. oh toll, so those who mourn us
~.iNlay-iitatLon-their_weeds of black i'• ' •.
Flesl.. ho! flesh; to feed the rulture,—
• Humor. cattle, eery tow! . .
I)rorre of skeletonsio whiten • . . ,
• ~ On the plains of :Wilco !
' In the east a million crieth— • ' ,
~.. •i'• We are starcing—.send ni bread!"
'ln the South red War. replieth—
••••l am hung ry for the dead:" •
' Saxon herds for foreign markets
Theyiare bought and sent away • •
' But the ox upon Ike shambles, : , •
• lirings a higher. pricy, than the
• ~Flrsh., ha ! psh, lofted the culture,—
II mon rattle, rerS tom,' . ' , •
Drorte of .40 , 1ekowe fo •rhi*•rt . . .
On Ore Maine of ..I.(rairo !, • .
A Nmint.
HAZEL DEet, near Minersvllle, Schuylkill co., Pa.l
• _ • a lA:citing C.itorn
One wintry eventn.g' a country stote-keeper-in
the .Green 111otin6in state was about closing his
i•dnors fur (lie nizist. amt'w•hito standing in the
snow rtut-ide putting up his.wipdow .shutters, he
saw through a lounging, wor hless
low within. , gr.ib a pound' of fresh butt r front tht
'shelf and conceal it in his hat. '
L r Voi k
The act was . no Soonertleteeted than the .rc.
vengo was hit' upon, and a very - few minutes found
the Green,Nlountnin store-keeper at once it,duging
his appetite for fun to the fullest extent, and pay- -
ing olf the The thief with a ficecious sort of torture,
for which he mialit-li h ave gained a premium from
the old inyuirition. '
•.1 say, Seth?' said the store•kceper, coming in
,elo , ina, the door after him, Slappil,4 . his hand's
pm his shoulders and stamping' the snow off his
Seth had hand nn the door, his hit upon hi,
hcaii;al)(l the roil ul butteeth his hat, and atili t ioua
to make hie exit as soon ae.pnsaiLle
.1 cay, Seth, ,it iltiwn ; I ittelion, on sueliNah '
r-terotal night as this, a leetlesoniethisi,wouldrift
'ihurt 4 fellow.' .
...Seth felt very uncertain ;•he had the butter and
wa; exceedingly anxious to be Mr, butrthe tempta
tion ,cf voinethin g warm sadly interfered with his
resolution to go. •
,This hesitatimi, however, was
soon settled by the right owner of'the butter taking.
Seth by ihe'shbulders and plan:in:4 him. in a seat
close to the stove, W'here he was in such a manner
cornered in by the barrels and Boxes, that while
the grocer sit before Ii in .here was n,., possibility
of getting out, anti itgl)t in this'd very: place, tinre
-enotigh, the store-keeper sat down.. -, '
-.Seth, we'll have a little warm Santa Cruz; said
the Given -Mountain grocer; so he., opened tie'
store 'dour. and stuffed in as many slick the
, , , . a•
space. ,wou.d admit; •without it you'd Ire ze such
a night,as this.' r.. ,
• . §.Ol already' felt the butter settling down dos
: Se! to his hair, and jumped up
. 4 , eciaring.l.e must
go. .
Apt lilt you have had something warm, Seth ;
Seth, come I'Ve gait a story to tell you ion, sit dorm
now; and Seth was again pushiid in his seal by
his cunning. tormentor. I •
, - .
- '*Ph!! it's too darned hot here,' said the petty
thief attempting to rise. ' :
' tSi+lown—don't be in such a plaguy hurry;'
retorted the grocer.pushing him hick into his chair.
•But I've got the cows to fodder, and some wood
to split, and I must begoin: said - the persecuted
chap. ,
'Butyou mustn't tear yotireclf away; Seth, 'in
this mariner. Sit down; let the cows take care of
~ !
theMselves, and keep yourself cool; you appeal to
he. tideety,' said the rogueish'grocer, with a-wick-I
1 .
ed• leer.,.
- .
, .
They next thing w'as'the produ l etion of two sino•
king glasses of hotAum toddy, ;the very sight of
which l, in Seth's Ofesent shuation; would haie
made the hair starlike-Met upon his head, had it not
been well oiled and 'kept down by the butter.'
I'd give give you' a Mast not, and yoU
ca'n butter it yourselt,' said the grocer with'an air
of such consummaftiimplicity that . poor Seth still
belioied himself unsuspected; •Seth, here's—here's
Ohri r sinias gousr!'tyell roasted and basted,
I tell ylouit's the greatest eating ,in creation'. And
'Seth, don t you never use hog's fat or common
cooking hutter to hate with'eome take your.but
ter---I Mean Seth take your toddy.'
foot Seth now began jto smoke as well as melt ;
and hiS mouth was hermetically sealed up as though
he had been been ditto!). i t Streak after streak- of
the butter came pouring - from 'under his hat, 'end
his handkerchief was greatly' soaked with the•
greasoverflow. Talking away, as if nothing was
the matter, the grocerkept stuffing) the, wood into
the strive while poor Seth sat:. bolt ! uptight ; with
his baCli against the counter arid hie knees almost,
touching the red botfornace before;
;Plagued cold nightthis."-sath the:grocer. '.NA'hy
Seth, you Fecal to rerspire as if you were warm !
Why "don't you take your hat . air Here let me
put v4tir hat away
1 q0!" exclaimed poor Seth with a spasmodic
effartl to get his longue loose, clapping both his
~ .liandsi upon' his' hat, •No, I must ; let me out ;
ain't well ; let me go!'
A greasy cataract was now, pouring down the.
poor celloW`s'face and neck and soaking into hip
clothes. and trickling down his body into his very
hoots; so ih 't he was, literally, in a perfect bath of
good. night, Seth, said the htiinorous
Verinenter„ , if you!will go,' and adding as he , left,
•neigfthoi, I .reekoti the fun I've hod out af.y o u is
worth: nine nence,.so [aim% chalge you with that
pound of butter'' * •
Tlio Journal of Commerce, after untiring the
'progr'ess:, of manubctoriei for India . . Rubber.
The millsiin this neighborhood are running
day and night on contract with the Goverrithent,
to supply the tequisitions of theArmv in Alexi , o,
for India rubber equipments. Bridges; wagon
floats; knapsacks, haversacks. Canteens, provision
liags,i and tents, are•sorne of the' articl - es. node of
' i
Tlie di6covery of theiprOcess'of manufacturing
metatic and- insnleble I ndia. riddier originated • in
this country. and hag not yet been introduced into
Europe. A ;vest fielibis opened, and commerce
mnstdoolt up new'sourcesi of supply for the 'raw
material, as the consumption promises to he enor
A iSCENE W ELL-sem t.T.—The. folKwing Et a
good joke whoever owns it:-;-: l, While Mrs. Mason
was playing Juliet at Pt.iladelph!is, in the poison
ing scene, just at the moment shp was exclaiming
'O, cruel poison 1' a tall,.lean. guant, sandy-haired
medical student in the stage box, deeply abiorbed
in the scene, thrust down his hat on his head with
a convulsive effort, crying out .in a voice of ihun:-
der at the same - time, 'Keep hirn •up Juliet ?
run and fdeh the stomach pump:''
N I O. 13
ET.) .tacli, peel, and fildeaulen
(A correspondent rif the N. Y. Mirror, who was
present fit the recent opening of Parliament, gives
the.folluiving description of the above distinguished
Another buzi runs through the lobby, and you
behold n form and face which once seen ate never
fbrgotton—the yOunger At the close of
last •
session hewas fat, almostilwid, and forty.two:
• on tip-top good terms with himself, and fully
• net: to indulge his - snip in a Mosaic dispensation of
molly cold - red garnivrits. He hasYhringid all that.
He is. again the pale, student-likt•.•Astatic featured
man .11ewas before.. He has donned a. suit of
black. unapproachably prsfeet inlevery' stitch, and
he appears:4ri have doffed the vanity of the cos.
comb, with the pluthige of the peacock. There are
other synii Awns. too, that Ber - VI:I , ' turned over a
new leaf-l-the speeclifte m 'demi the :Spanish
linnce disMayed an off 'hand fainiliarity vitt!' the
tat jonale of if:otitinenyl politic* far beyond what
all the cramniitig 'in the. world 'could accomplish ;
and the . temper 'and. style he adopted prompts the
hope that he will Ire often a, speekcr, even on sub.
jects into which the alehtiny of his genius cannot
infuse the Corrosive sablimate of his sarcasm.
more, polished master of irony. never , lived, but, he
seen and heard to he appreciated, with ,
statuesque,visuge, MaSsionless rind unruffled a'
monumental marble, but the lurid Hebraic eye ill
'a blaze with its rattlesriukt• venom.
.• Again a buzz...and• up strides an elderly looking
viltom you at. first suspect to be it corn.
mercitif 'gent' in his Sunday clothes, but which
have not been briished. He used to appear more
at his ease than he does now Formerly he'was
Peck:main comPlacent, and he
roughly up to snuff. Now .he is a sort of half,
seedy Peekiiiiff. His'shneking bad' hot is slouch.
ed.over hisjorehead. His watch seals are a trim.
•ble to him,'-and.that,last fit of the gotit still bedevils
his big toe. The air of the_place revives him as
he proceeds. •1 _he k
e alute of the little bandy porter.
who dotes away, his life in the great attn Waif : is
grateful to his red;fape'ne-trils. The cringe ,of
the salaried jAelials of the House revives him eon.'
siderably; 4) that by the time he had vanished into
ithe llouse,yeu are freed to adtMt that •metlioerity!
will never lack •sublirnit.)'
,so long as he lives, for
. Peel is still l'eel, just 1115 much is he was in the
days of old poldiett, who knew him, well. f
• Alt this while a little square, squat, stumpy man,
with a head :IS large as if he bud water on the brain,
pepper.and.salt pants, arid shoes thick. enough to
pulverize luickbats in one course of the polka, keeps
running iii rind out of the House. up stairs, down
stairs, anti nobody knows into what sort of places
besides. % One moment he has Iris baton his head,
another io his hand, and a'third time it gets jam
med in the doer-way, :indite leaves it behnid him.;
You think he is sorne'perplezed hanger-on about'
the pissages of the House, and if anS , one told yoU''
he was It f u el, you would believe it at once. 'Phut'
•is„the Right Honorllde Thomas Babington Macau.'
ley- i ,once Seeretary of War, 'now Pay master
ral of , th . cs , Fefres. Member of Edinburgh, and in all
regpects a,‘, wide awake t 'gentleman as any be
.lween this Airy and that. •
F EU 4T. Cus - ro74 ' s IN Übi t.—After the
Marabout had examined the body, says Miller in
his Geographv,and declared the person died a nat.
und 'death, be with his brethren. took the corpse
washed, dried, and then rtibls•il It -with -fat from •
head to foot. Auer to iii, they stretched it on a
'Tat. ih the middle' of the hove. His wives tve,e
placed round it, and: has favorite at. the head, as
!lir post of honor.; Beveral other wennen Made a
circle • round them allohese endeavoring De out,
roaroaclt roller, tearing their hair, and scratching
themselves - methodically, like people who knew
perfectly the part they acted. Sometiines they,
left oir. and kept silent; ut others they repeated
the praise aid' great actions of the deceased, and
then began their lamentations afresh. This mock
music lasted near Aviv) hours, when four It.sty rie
groes' entering the house, took the body and tied
it net a •hand-barrow mode of branches of trees ;
thei lifting it on. their shoulders, they- carried it
through rim bowl!, running as as they could.
and reeling (Min time to time di if they had boen
drunk. with a thousand ridiculous gestures, eery
suitable to , the exclaMntions of the -wives of the
deceased, and other women Who attended the pro-.
cession. In short, the noise Was so great as Would
have drowned the loudest thunder.
Thekarade being over,the body was taken frolic
.the hand barrow - and' deposited in its place; after
which the songs, cart and extravagancies of the
women began again. During this the Marabout
made a grave deep and large enough to hold two
dead bodies ;,,be also stripped and skinned 2 goat,
the pluck awed to make a ragout, of whiCh he
and Ihe assistants ate ; he also caused the - favorite
wife to eat some,
,who bad no great inelioatiMl to
taste it'. kitowing 4 ii would lie her last. She ate
some, however, and during this repast, the body
'of the great goat w e ts divided into small pieces,
!trailed and eaten. The lamentations began again,
.and'when the Marabout thought it time to, end
the ceremony, he took tire favorite wife by the
arms, and delitivind ht r to two lus.ty negroes,—.:
These seizing her r nighty, tied her hands and
feet' behind her, and lay. lig her on her pact. place d
a • piece of woad on her . breasti. then holding
each other with their hands on their shoulders.
'they stamped widt their feet on the piece of • wood,
till they had brdken the WWII:111V breast. Hav-,
ing half dispatched her, ;hey threw hrr into the
grave, with the, remainder of the goat, casting her
husband's hotly over her, and filling up the grave.
with °atilt' and stones. Immediately , the tree
ceasing, a quick silence succeeded, and every one
retired hofiro . with the greatest composure and. un•,
) concern. •'
Tour:ins. Sroily.— , The following benunful
and touelting, story/was related by Dr. &burbly.
of Mull:mit; at n meeting:held' in New Viirkim.
hear ‘ the. experience of twenty- relorine4d.bilutilt
ards:— •
• -
• . ! Vdrunkrird who had run through his propeity,
returned one night to his unfurnished home : tie
entered his 6lopiy hall—tati'guish : was gnawing,
his heart strings, and language is Mader - 1113'0o
eipreas• his agony as he elitered:hiS
ment, and there beheld the Atlantis of his apPetite
—his . lovely wife and darling child. Morose and
sullenbe seated him Self wittiout a word—he could
nut he. will(' not IWok upon. them. " I :l.tY
mother said to Oe„,tittle angel by her side. • ..e„
‘Ctitne, my child, it is time to go to bell,' an I
that little babe, as was her Wont, knelt : by her ino.,
tiler's lap. and gazing et istfally into theflice of hp
sulfering ) parent,like a piece of chisellerrstailiary.
slowly repeated her nightly 'orison ; and when she
had finished, the child' (but four years of age) said
to her mother, t
•llear minima, only I not otT up one m•ue
Ycs. my 'sweet pet , ray and she lif4•d
up her tiny hands, closed her eye.,-and prayeJ—
•O; God ! spare, Oh ! spare my clear papc:r—
That prayer was waned with electric rapidny to
the throne. of God. It was heard,on high-'twas
heard on earth. The recp - crisive 'lthien' burst f , oi
that f:ither's lips. and hieheart 'of stone became a
heart of flesh. Wife and child were hod.. clasped
to his 6o:corn. and in penitende he
'My child, you have saved your father froni the
grave of a drunlord.
• Thousands of German emigrainalite flocking
ia-Teeas, on koeitotyn hook;: and settling about
St. Maths. St. Antonio and Gau&dope avers, in
the finest country On card); ,
Caorr.—The 'Journal of Health, in cosec o
croup, luivi.ea instant, sudden and free airplication
of the coldest water, with a sponge, to the neck
and chebt; then, after wiping 'the' patient. dry,
wrap in warm covering, giving it freely .of cold
water to drink. .
. ~ JOBBING .. 017111 E.' `
lac Jobbing Office, for thelptiMing of
B: Large Positers, ' -
• Pamphlets.- '; • Handbills,
Bilis of Lading, ; Bill Heads, '
Blank Permits, Circulars,
' Cards, ', Time Books, ate
Tether with all kinds of Fancy Ptittilltg,:ell of
n h'ch'wtil be executed et sh rt. .hotice and in a banal
fat dtyle
His stock of Type for Job ing la very large, ivhleh
tray selected with a view to 'give effect to band-bills--
B nd his ;Yoe for Book and Pamphlet Printing, hi - t:Mal
to one used in the cities, 1
As Ite,ki'eN hands earrektly for Sobbing; he flattet9
hitwelf that his facilities forlexectit lug work Is greater
than that of :111V other office. mill that the public will
find it io there 'advantage in git e IlinlA call.
C-- All kinds of Books printed, ruled, and bound to
; order, at short notice.
Book Bindeiy.
We'are also prepared to bind ati kinds,nei3ookiiiti
the.most durable manor'', at short notice.
Rbti l l, always on hand.—al.o made to order
and ruled to any pattern. •
Wt, hive :11 4 0 - provi!trd ourselves with a Ruling
him., of the m,,,zt 3'pproved.lkinii, which enablics us fo
rule paper to auc pattern .to order. - ,
F 111 n IiTIFI. , I. . 81TtATioN.;.A. few veers - ago
i towards the close •if a.ivinter's day, a mother and
her children
_were. travrlling in Canada behind a
one horse sledge. •tiddenly tromp forest by Which
they Were passing, Issuedie gang of wolves. It -
was a terrible moment whLii the mother first be.
I held these ravenous animals'ln full pursuit behind
lher..but she keel heronly hope was in the jape..
1 riot swiftnessif her tiorSe, and so she retained
t .
1 sufficient presee of mind to urge him forward at
the top,ol lit... kl.l, The noble animal
aware of lie tlin - snniterl fiercely oh-heat:
• ing the howl of the wolves,' and dashed ahead at 4
I frig „O
htfirlyace. ,n came the hungry animals. and'
Ifa:at 11,11 11 ! .• 4,G:clued Itor , e. Miles were sawn'
posed over, lnit . ,miles - ot tiatkie.i wa r ;-yet re,
;-ew , before,
, ma m hie ;ha% elf ers Would re.teli the flue'
'rvilia g e. neiititne, the wolves ;,awed en the in
' ginees. Ili, iiiiitcer ela=pr.d her ha'. , e, , closer to
her hos\ im, as ,ti,e howling animals came up, and
l'runnikaloima at the snle Of the sledge, threatened .
I every uMinent to flag her little once down. But
1 the terrdied 'horse now seemed to gain supernatu.
nal Spved, and on he dashed With increased veloel.
I el". f Ililf 1114-A% ith affright. For r a while !he wolves
were lot itatlw:rear; but his'sp, , ed soon slackened,/
and ''again the;,!g , tinell on lire sledge. - The hurri.
hie idea tiomi l m , ,tmeteto her' of thiowing over on
,• of her children; and thus staying fur a while th
puNuit, for rite had heard •of such an alteynativt
having once - been tesorted to''
'But she shrank fr o m the temptation with a Shod
der. urgi'd on the horse again, end once more
he spriMg ahead = and increased the' distance ties
tW ern 'her and the wo:res. .Thusl„ for another
hour, she conrinued the prey of
,alternate despair
and hope. ;Now she seemea in the - very jawi , of
death—now ard.almost preternatural exertion of
sired on the partmf the liarse,gaye her a momen
utry tespite. At length the village was in sight.
But, horrilde to relate, ot.lthis moment she heard
trerack as if the sleigh had e:lven,way. i The run
ner had lirokin—she surrendered , herself up, to
despair. .111ton:zit the fast, gathering night, she
caught a view of a farm tiduie,in the outskirts of
. db.-village. To the thusl in sight of safety was
terrible. She looked ag.inizingly on the faces of
her ;'citildren. who is e' sobbing piteouely—she
strained them to her liosom—she shut her. eyes on
•the scene that *as to tyllow., I
But, strange to ssj,
ttiC shish held together,-and ; the horse receg_nizing'
his home, dashed forevaril at . a pace that left the
*Jives far . behind. She; looked up once, more; e
they were now close to the 'village. The initabi.
tants. hy this time had ,become alarmetLitut the
w veskept up ,the purstlit to the,very gatemf the
firm house, end ield ed . their expected prey &Id*.
ly an : l - Sullenly: The slJdp,el on examination, was
found to be solnuch injured, that it would inset
' tally have liyotten dowii . liefore another mile. Art
escape like this surpasseS any thingirdfiction.
. ..
•-1 - •
, Rye' itel•riNo.—The Piesident iAuey in sp.
pointing officers for tlm : l ten regiments ordered to
be'rsieed by Congresti, but it eppeare by the felt
107111 g snide from Mel Neer York 'nue tgun. of
. ,•
lb •L i pti, inst., that the necessary number or 'men
iy o aro willing to light for 'Polk, `Slavery, and
, a l, montb,! are not quite so easily obtained:
We regret, to learn that the 'recruiting of the
army goes very slimly, notwittislandina.the enor
inou —the ; lag t eat, ever ; offered : by any
imvernumitt. In PennYlvAnia pne Regiment bf
klOO men is to be mired; The last returna .of
Adjutant General of 'that State, make the number
of militia '269,000. after admitiing the iledoction
of twenty classes of ex(mtp6 , . ;'-'l'hrae are in fact,
t oyer 300,000 men, capable of hearing &mei be.
rtiveen' the "de of 18 and 45 in Pennsylvanigiand
more than that number in iii \ e• State of New York.
• Now, two Regiments-freon tlic:>e two States, would
require only one min out of every three hundred
and ten. The truth is pat 10,000 men ought to
be raised in each Stste;"in two months, it-requi
red. Wtt are . t at a loss to account for the apathy
'anddlidilference sp genera 4 felt. Is it_that the
people are, better employed I An average enlist
ment of soldiers in-this 'city, doeaknet exceed five
a day, With a populaticin of - 400,000. The. fact
is beyond eavil•:. the cause is inexplicable. Du
ring thelwai: of 181'3:60 filen Were readily en
' listed in ; day' in the city of New York, at e.time
when it had liqle over 150.000 - inhabitants. If
the 'masses ere so indifferent to the call. of their
country, the President bad letter• patch up a peace.
If the yotinemen won't enlist, the war must coon
come. to an end or we inusil, resort to conscription,
and it may -s cow to that at lost."
The truth is that the whole moral feeling of the
Country 4; opposed to the war, and there is no use
, •
•Of (14.guisina the' fact.; 1
E UT I L Atillsels.=—A recent traveller
gives an account that' when 'he 'WO walking on
the 'botch of Brazil. he oiettook a colored' woman
with,n tray on tier head. Bring asked what she
had to sell, she lowered the.tray,andWith reverent
tenderness uncovered it. It was the lifeleits form
otter bahe, covered with a neat while role, with
a garland around the head, and flowers within the
lift a hantls, that lay - ,clasped upon its bosom.
la that your ehilii I . said the traveller. .
'lt was mine a few d cys ago, 'slie',replied,.'but
-the Madbripa frit it for her angel
• 'How bea Atfurly .•;11.1 have aidit out r'sai4.l he:
,he added rlTerfu+Ly..A!)! what i 3 that to the
bright,wings it weard'th
Sr Pl' 12 F - $l , iOV OF C!A 5111 LI N n.,l'he bill which
lila recrivld the approval of 1115 C'iovornor,Js an
excellerit one.. By its; provisions, gambling is de.
ekred a i»isleni!nuinr; and puOishaple by confine
nient in the Penitentiary. The officers of the law
are titlnoriz , il to enter anuses forcibly when search.'
ing for gambling apparatus, by virtue of a process
In be 'issued, on oath of any persyn before a los
lice of the P.iace: heavy_ fin i s may be imposed'
in addition. , One' nil (be sections - provide& that
' 'any -per'S:inkinyiting another to a gambling house
may bi , hfld liable Gii all biases sustain . ed by the
cctim, ant Also in a hoe of not . margAtign five
hundred, or lees ban ' fifty - dollars. —11 7 4. h Amer
:can. 1.
worthy clergyntad somewhere on Cape Cod. WI.
LCtold that a rortion of hia flock Were dissatisfied
Wail hie mini-try, and were-anxious to *et rid of
I him. Determined to , he beforehand with them,
I on the next Sunday morning after service ; he
I drefged thin a f.d10w,4 •.•
•My,ttear heirerl. idttitt—ceurge of like
j ensuing
week. it is my intention to do what theAdefil him
, eel( never did yet. I gaii-g to leave-. Cope
Cod!'—Stirtrlay T,legroph.
A'sccnnTr. or Mn, GLAT T —The Apalachicola
Gazett - c'has nn an ecdote of Mr. Clay,; which we
hay. , never before•obgricved in print i
In a conversation with a neiglihor and a friend
of Henry City, I learned the particulars of the del !
icate act of those pertions who paid his notes et
th,. North Bank of Kentucky: - thereby cancelling
the mortgage which-he hail given on his estate to
secure the ato.ney whiLh'he, had borrowed to pay
an endorsement.
Mr.' Clay wenrto pry the interest on the - debt
and 10 per cent. The Gaelic: handed him the
note:end said mai paid.' *Paid! by whom
don't know, IPleaso call Mr. 'Clifford, the
President.' Mr. Litinril came. , Mr. .May . said—
'ls my note paid -1' don't rknow—but received
the amount by letter ti' cancer your note and
m ort.
gage, with the reatiest! to hand the paper to you.'
'Mr. Clay raised t-is bands over his head, and ex
glaimed—tilood Gotl,l did, ever man have each
friends and such enerniem as Henry Clair and
burst inte tome and wept like