The` Coal Trade Ede 180. VA . e. . . • •Ttie quantity sent Ibis week is 31,514 tdns, being an in crease of 1550 tons over the quantity sent bet week. The following Is a comparative statement qf the Valle Compared with the last•year, from the dchnylkill and Lehigh Regions, the only sections from which there 'will be any increase this year, except firm the SWatara Region, which may increase. from IS to 20,000 tons. 1845: 1848. Increase ' 362,943 • 431,342 • 6',00 Lehigh, 1.V,522. 1T8,505 - decrease.. 5044G5559,938 .501,413 S Increase 111 1646' 58,473 . The shipments Rom the Swatara..Rigion are larger . for the last two Weeks than they ever vresehefore.— With a sufficient :Amply of Water In the Union Canal Feeder, or a Rail Road. connecting that region with the outlet by the valley of the Schuylkill, the Coal trade In that section wrintil groin largei Increase... • 7...".?' The shipments of Coal the last week from the Schuylkill and Swat ara coal districts, reach 34,700 tons —and fmm-Cirbtin coUntylS.6l'B, Making upwards of „fifty three aerating Pone of 'Coot mintut and went to lanc elet in a /felt* week from these twit email comities: which at 82 25 per ton, brings a return of one An mired and nine Teen aerating tiro laindredandfif ly deflate. near tv three Totiiths, or about SBO,IKIO of which is pail to Ghat alone. A very fair week's trade fur two colin ties, which butp.,few years since were considered but tittle better t han la barren wilderness. - Coil. Fagtutris,--VeSsrls are wanted th road for Eastern Ports; "We quote to llostoo" *1 70 KO 75; Providence anti Fall 'ltlver *1 . 40 toil 45; Albany and troy .1 50i to NeW. 'fotk 11 10 to 1 15, and tollalti ttnore 79 t 075 etl. irer ?rm.• ,• 1 . Sent to market Tor tire 'weelf ending on Thuraday teVenine4a9t.. 1 I WEEIC . r.T A:11.. 10,016 10 110.500 " 11 ' 5,7110 00 ' . t 4,898 ti 1.1.75 s 11 . . 172.107 0 2,059 17 -129,770 M!rott taibon, Henuylkill Haven, k'ort Clinton, . h 111,1114 18 ' ;131,313 1 18 liTllll OP TOLL AND TRANgrontATION. From Mt. C:lrhon. S. Harm. P. Cll ton To itlrhlrrond 8 1 Ftl 61 50 . To . .1 TO rat• 4, c LEHIGH' GOAL TRADE. • • i The thawing quantity of Coal sent to market' iip to the 13th inst. Week. 5751100 4339 00 2 , 10 00 atm 00 1741 00 705 OD Bummit Mines 'Rhunte Run Beaver Meadow ; Hazleton Buck Mountain . SUmmit • 1E1,679110 Total PINEGROVR CO I. TRXDP.. Amount of Coat transported 'on Union Canal Road from Ist to I.sitt June* tit)closivel - Tons Cwt or 4.096 91 3 . Per last rep ort 1 1 1.964 S Amount transported nn Swat Tons rd k2fim It 1,20 11 Per last report H 23,897 , I _9 V. i.. CONRPD, eollectoi. Total MINE HILL AND, SCHUYLKILL HAVEN R. RI The following is the I.llm nt of coal transported this Road, during the, week ending.. Wednesday frig last. a 11;121 17 Tons, Per last repiirt,- 154,530 10 • Total 150;155117 " WI .I . IAM NEW R 1.1., Goner MII.L CREEK RAIL ROM FOR 1816. The folliming Is the aino,int of Coal passed over the Mill Creek Rail, Road, for the last sli days. 4,`,:63 IS Tone Per last report, 50,051 16 " Total,l . 55.1 AS 11 7. • GEORGE lIADESTY, Collector. 0A1). , / roaa for tg last. in . s,fr2,l l Tona. Ter tat re,port 85,817 " MOUNT CARRON RAIL The amount of Coal tramp - wird o, the, week ending on Theasday evenil Total, N• CLE SCHUYLKILL VALLEY I Amount of Coal tranori,teil over th ley Rail Road for the week ending of 'ng, last, Per last report, Total JESSE TUR MOUNT CARBON & PORT CARBON RAIL ROAD. Amount of CAtal teenspOrred over the Mount Car bon & Port Carbon Rail Road (or the week ending on Satiirday last. - .9.52fi 00 tons ' , l'er last report 10,674 11 tons Total, - . a: Qom 11 tons JESSE TURNER, Collector. INCTORrriL t ROTHER JONATHAN FOR J ULY, 1816—JUDILEF, NUMBER.—This splendid donble il lustrated sheet, containing the Derlarinori of In lepep dence, 'rortraite of the Presidents,'.besid . es fA enzra some . of vrhieli are very large \ and elr•gant,;‘,:ist Ireeeived and for sale - wholesale and retail at BAY- Perindical Store, re'reori,pur 'chasing to sell again, 3tipplird at puhltiiher's {wires. -STANTOIV'S EXTERN AL REM D Y CALLED • r. , HUNT'S LINIMENT, To NOW uniier'sally acknowledged to he the infallible 1 remedy for Rheumatism, Spinal AfTections, Con tractions of the Muscles, Sore Thr, i it and Quinsy, IQ sues, Old Ulcers,..Fains in the Back and Chest, Ague 1p the Breast and Face, Tooth, Ache.; Sprains, Bruise's% Salt Rheum, Burns: Croup, Frosted Feet, and all !ger-. 'vows Diseases: The triumphant success which ha at tended the application of thin most wonderful medifflne • in curing the most severe cases of the different direaks abase named,—and the high encomiums that have been bestowed un it, wherever it has been introduced, me the po 'right to call on the afflicted to resort at once to the only remedy that can he relied on: The following certificate. of the restoration to health and the perfect cure of•a deformed and crippled child, who was thought to he beyond the reach of hope, shows that no matter how appalling the case may be, there is a remedy to MINT'S LINIMENT, that.; will conquer the most desperate cases, and that if thddiscase he rut 'cable, this celebrated external remedy will do it.. It has never failed to giving immediate relief if. 'lately appftel, as.proved by the abundance of high and unirn- Teachable testimony, thenartirulars of which are to be found in the pamphlets which are to be had of every agent OFistssittrk June 10, 1415, George E.. Stanton, Esq.—Sir.-1 feel ended upon by .the tie of gratitude, in otter the ("bowing testinlony in favor of Hunt's Liniment. My grandson. Clark, E. ;Evans, who is now ten years of age. has been for the last eight years a cripple, canned by falling from a chair, when he was two years old, and wrenching his Spine. From the time of the occurrence. we haVe :ried every - means to restore him to his natural shape, but all witb-. out avail. We took him to New York and placed him under the care of a physician of skilLand after remain ing there-some time, we by - blight him home no better than when we took him there For several days at "times he . was so helpless .tbat he could only walk by placing h i s t bands upon his kimes for support, giving , him the appearance of a deformed hunchlack. He was also taken to'Newburg and prescribed for,'without any • better success. At times he would be strong enough to ..,gs out of doors, but after playing an- hour, would come .in perfectly exhausted, and for several days would be Again perfectly helpless. We had all lost hope of ever again seeing him .restored to his natural shape or istrength.7bist a kind FroVidence placed your External Remedy in my hands. I have used but four bottles, and I am rejoiced to say that the boy is now as straight and: strong as any boy of his age. Any of my neighbors 44411 testify to the truth of this statement. I take sin ,..cere pleasure in stating these facts fat' the benefit of I.those who are marring under like calamity. Yours Respectfully. RACHA EL ..411UTE. This is to Certify, That I am personally acquainted With the subsctiber, Mrs. Shute, as well as the boy al luded to, and frankly bear witness to the deformity fof. which he was seriously aillicthd, apparently for lift': Dated Sing Sing. June 9, ISM _ HENRY HARRIS, Justice of the Peace. Cle For Particulars of-cures, née the certificate ace m ponying each . bottle. .- • s Goodly, Phelps.* co.. 1-12. Water street, wholes le agents. Orders addrtlased to them, or to the proprie or, Sing• Sing, will be attended to. I GEORGE, E. STANTON. Also for sale by John O. Brown. Pottsville : flir!cel & Medley, Orwigsburg; Lewis f;. Wunder, Schuyl ill Haven Heil 4- Bower i Finegrove. June..2o, ISM 2.5.1. axially ibles key Morocco; with edg •$6 no Elegant Bound in imitation Te l as low as Do. with marble edg,, Also, Family Bibles paper and clear type, Book Store, Pottsville,' purchased wholesale al June 20, 1846. • Po, only . r 450 s [omits ..I per copy, on r or sale at HANNAN'S Ch, where all kinds of Books can d retail at Philadelphia pric I, Sir, y Horse. 1 - STRAY ru e away from the subscriber ..\ Sunday' es'ening last, a small [lett 13. HORSE, t4hnut 12 years old, with the I hind foot hito about six inches . tip,ii bad a halter on. Whoever will return CIO Horse - the subscriber, or tins him information where lie I get hint again, shall be reasonably rewarded. JOHN TEMPLH 21-2tp Pottsville, Jone,43, 1848 FOr Sale or "...ease, • SEVEnAt.' Bonding Lots on Centro atraet, (Po ts- Oiled for ?ale or to lease for apvLrtn of year Apply t?K. HILL. Nest Branch Valley: Jupc 12. I i • 2.4-3nio - t. • F. W. GEISSUCHALNERI , JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor Citaarea** COMNUM MEr • • :frr Pelltnirarid, 'No. 141 Pipe st., N. York, near Nassau sr. May be seen ard his residence, 507,1Bronme greet, be. fore OA. M., andnfter 4P. M, !June 13, '24.• For saie r to Let oe'Lease, , 1011111LDING LOTS tin the Borough 'AIIIOIIOII ren. Several Building Lots adVantageoucly situ ated, for rale of will be rented for term of years on ground rent. Apply to I WM. S. BILL, West Branch Valley,lnear Sehuylkill liave9• - Alen, Cosl. Wit.savea for Bale or:hi tease. June 13,16461. - , , • Coal Land For Sale. rOTTR valuable Coal s on the Broad Mountain for sale. For particidars-apPly! - WM. S. HILL, West Branch Valley. Also. for pale the Timber right on one Tract on the Ilrnad Mountain,, ' June 13, CHEAP C:OOpS. Th3ving. iiiirchased the entire stock .1 of Goods from Messrs. Trowbridge & w all continue to 3elettl the old stand in Centre weer, ,direct la opposite G. W. Slater's store, all kinds of 11r3 Goods, Groceries, Provisions, ' quectia and Glass Ware, Hoots, Shoes, Anil-every other article usually kept in a Store. and ri.sitettfully invites all persons wishing to purchase GOMIS at the lowest Pottsville prices, to call and ex amine his assortment before'purrhasing elsewhere. JOON 11. Down - . 21— Pottsville, June 13, 1816. B , ALE 11A1",—A few Riles. flritt quality Timothy flay, In Fniallbaletu for sale by, - J. M. PEA ITV 4. Cn., , . 'Joon 13, 1 ~, , LEFT'S AND, DUFFIELD'Sj HA MS.—A constant tipply-0t the above relebrated hams,-put up ex pressly for family use. For sale by • J. 31. 'BEATTY & Cn. June Is, A I.T. pers. - ins indebted to Charles Miller. late of potts... nre hereby rintifie. , that the hooks and de rooms of said eharles Miller. are placed to the !iami of N. M. TVilson„ Con. for collection. All neronnte tint settled nr paid before the first of July next; Will be r . n reede fl aea i n,•l tiermaling Palau.. Those bovine rlaima against Chad' , Miller, will 'present them: to the sult scriber for settleinent. DANIEL STALL. Jane 13, 24-4 t 7 9 514 00 29117 00 21517 00 21101 00 1155 1 2 00 3391 00 011 Buntline a hridee, will he tt'weircd until Tues ' day, the l6th of June inst.. at 6 O'clock, P. M., for a stone rulbert acro.s Salem creek. at Young's Landing; the contractitr to find all materials:and domp the excavation and filling co:nutria ; the work to he cortunenced immediately—plan and specifitations to he seen at the office of E. W. M'Cinnis. Norms:lts to hue sealed and directed to the Town onetwil of the hornegh 128,5 t 00 of Poitgville June 13 16,060 • IS , 'taro Road: ("1 NE undivided one)alf part or the, hest and largest quarry, of Anthracite Coat (in ,proportion to the land) in Penns.) Ivania, being in the whole 'tract 356 acres, nett 'Measure, adjoining the Heaver Meitdow Lands. on the east, and the Summit i.:1111bInn the went. For particulars apply to • JACOB ALTER, _ Tuscarora, Schuylkill 3mUlity, Pa. Tnacarora, Jane 13, 21-3: .0,836‘ 3 . . 0 Proposals for Rail Road Iron • - ukTuA. be recviverruntil the Oh of July next, at the '4 office' of the Mine HAI and Schuylkill Haven Rail Road Company - . in Philadeliinia,: for,' deliyering at eichuylkillifave, one thousand tons of T Rails, or for. any part_thereof. The flails in weigh at leas¢ sixty pounds per yarib, to he' made of Iron-of good iinalit), according to a pattern to he furnished bythe Company, and subjec: to inspection by the Vngineer pr Agent of the Company, who wit) hat, thelirivilege of.rejerting such Bars as may be. defective. The lyingth of !tails not exceeding vightemt ,feet three !mites, to he fixed by the - Crimp:my. One third of the n hole quantity-to he delivered Mt the first of October, one . th i rd on - the first of November, and the remainder on the first of December. 1 , 111. ' • ' ' Z 2 over ven- ME If Ile Hails are approved by the Engineer, the Mine Jill and Schuylkill Haven Rail R 03.1 Company, will pay three-riorths of the price_therenr, upon the deliv ery of each of the first and second parcels, nod the re mainder when the whole is delivered, according to contract. 1n ease of More In deliver the Itt'ils at the lime spe cified, the right will he reserved. tilt the Colkony,i., purchase what may he wanted, of oilier parties, and rhar•e to the Contractor. any Inns or damage orraston ed thereby. Hy order of the Hoard of Managers. ' SAMUEL MASON, Sec7ry . and Treasured. June 1,3, 15:6. 23-41 -• 91,67 f " VEIL Collector ROAD e : 4 ehrivlloll Cal'- n even- • • Sunday School' Teacher's Bible. TktEi rolystott with marginal reatlincs„ to i,ilter with a copious .selectfon of references to parallel" and Alltistrative exhilitiell in' a man , ner liitherto tinattempied, illti.trateil with nUrnernlis Knerav'tncs and Slaps. Just pttlilklied, price tit 25, and for sa'e:at lIANS7SN'S Cheap thiok Store, rottsrille. June 13, ; t. 5.534 19 TnriFt • 52,4101. rone 157,915 13 Tntis NED: c•ollectdr ITim J 11110 New York, lone 6,1818. . , 1 ~• . • .1 1 ..1SS.1GE .14;;E:11'Cli: I N rmisenuence of several passengers having colon-, plait eil that some delay was catisettat Liverpool, at P. W. Byrnes & Co's. ttfire, Mr Joseph McMurray, i n hastifu• eiLan office in Liverpool. lat-. No. I, Waterloo Road.od appointed Messrs James Ifeeket & snn and B r, 'rioMurphy, his acents in future, who will give. entire strisfaction to passengers a l eniarkinc. in his line'. hereall •r. • , .1074:p/I McMURRAY. For Dassaces in this line, apply. to It. Ilannan, sole •Aci•nt 1 ir.loseph McMurray in S‘liiylhill :comity. who also trausinits money to any part of Europe, iimiumsof nil , Fiii ml and upwards. , , ' , i " • June ntla ' _ • I_,_.______, ' _____ : • Cliril our ENn i mino,. ~ . . Clark's srripinre Pro Mises, _ , • Esoftil Liuter'Writer,cilt. ; ' . , 1 T Illemillv's Letters faint Italy, . )• Prarie La mi. by Mi• - is'Farriliam. . Ilelicion mid Eternal Life, by J•'(.l. Pike, • Token of.the Dean, - ...5:.". • • . „Hannah Mort.i'i PracticarPiety,, , - _ .. - Kpire Minutes. . • ' Dew oC Heaven, e " . . , • , Tokeii of Ilethembrance„: ' , i - Tolien of Affecti• n, , . , . Tol en of Love, ' " • ' Lar :mice of Flowers, f Flo vers. their Moral, Poetry, and LOnguage, The tic hts an floc Flowers, All loOtifully bound a nil tilt, suitable for,presenta. MT tether vitlt a, variety oC.other oulerTnininr.yorksPOn receivil and for sale at BANNAN'S Cheap Book store. "- June , i'. iy I e rip Blare nfP prl June FltiN Lltrvt.SEl.l.'s6 CELERRATED- ESTACILISIIME. T. DAY., •ati4, in quart bottles, 1) Fier' quality Cologne. in qua rtirand smaller bottl .0, Fltida, Itosej.iiiii Lavender Water, • ('n ling Fluid;' - - . . . • Ita ! mlatine, for curling hair, IC:44lnm Bear's Oil, • - , ' Gehuine Mno.sacar,Oil, also Imitation, ' • , -.. • Pomade Philicome, for dressingt lie hair, Fan de . I.aticier, a most excellent allude for pres sera mg the teeth and nitrifying the breath Eau Lustrale Odoranfe, for washing. cleansing. and henutifying the hair, and ['inventing, tts turning , gr.y. ~ ~. . . ,Vrigrtable Cosmetic Cream, for beautifying the omplexinn, - „. iroerlian's Ambrosial :Thai. ing Cakes,. • Jo les' Italian Chemical soap, a never failing rem . . tiv for all eruptions. diSea. , eo of the skin, pint , _ ;des, lotches. tan,, scurvy, heat studs Ir ntouri,,,nnd 0311.21.7 s the color of dark, yellow iw • ~ tstigured skiddlind gives it a fine, healthy, and youthful appearance. , Viragre de Rouge; in broth% • . _ ; ~ lb ssell's Celebrated Shaving, Cream, • ' ,• .', Cif II 01 Rom n Kalydnr, for the complexion, .. RMissell's Celebrated Almond Soap. ' Otto of Rase, Musk, Orange; Lemon, Palm, Brown Windsor, and Flceiting Soans, Treble Extracts. for the Handkerchiefs, ScrittLlags, Inc drawers, - Elizant Perfumery in bor,es,. suitable for. presents o young ladies,. S nil Ball Soap, Oeeman Tapers and Wag Testes. Tog e ther with a varlet , of Paltry Articled, for sale at HANNAN'S Perfumery Store, Pottsville, at Pliilita dell prices. • • I inn 6' . 23 . . • • NEW.. 11001i 1 S! , ••.. , Ilea ley's Napoleon and his Marsha Ctr, *2 50 . Headley's Letters from Italy, 50 PrairLand, by M ine Fernhau), . 50 ' Wa deringJew. complete. j 50 - Valentine Met bitchy, the Irish Agent, 50 1 Cyclopedia of 600 Practical Receipts, .2 25.. Confel - sions of a Pretty Woman, by Miss Pardue, 25' Brates Encyclopedia of Science' and Art, ' bo itid. .--- 1 4 25 CromwrOs Letters Ind - Speeches, by Carlyle, 5( Pastlicria Present, by Carlyle, . . 25 TltS..oo.hoy Pictures. ~- '.121. Liihngraph 'Prints, with or without Frames, by Dozen nr lOU,' • I . . 'Philtres from Italy, by Pickens, , ' • 12} Forest Knight, or Early Time, in Kentucky, 25 The Female SpY, a - Romance of the Revolution, 25 Pictiiriai Brother Jonathan for July,: 121 i Together with a variety Of other Works just rereived• and formate at • 11ANNANS Cheap Book and Periodi cal Store. Pottsville. • _ - June IS, 1646. . . , 21— Plcureti _with & without Fratnes. JUST received a heantifal 194 of Pleturew, together with the Framer if requtred;s which`..will he sold, wiodcrnie and retail at Philadelphia Rrices,at BAN NA ISPB'tstaik.peri• Store. Pours 4iin . .3 0, PUP!' • 23 • NOTICE, PROPOSALS STREET COMMITTEE Coal Land for Sale. 001 ! Wool • 'WOO !• RAI. advance+ will be, toade.lty the lothttcriber 'n Wool congigned for sale,or ithipment to Eng / HAMILTON GAY. 58 Sonth!erreet, New .23-3 mo: 23± Minks and Ledger%, Journal% ltletlinin anti Delia do i., .. ~ du • rololscap, •ti Books, - . • lee honks, ler llooks4 Doe , kets and tn' tlnnkti, n Bonk% ttf - every &scrip tipn, ' ' 1164.1 Writ,,,, :nd . . .I ,, randa Itooks fttr' the pneket of albinst every eon alwayet filr sate at. HANNAN'S Cheap Book 1 ul Ilindery s Pottsville. irliyit , all ki nil% of Books ted, ruled, boilittl to any pattern. 6 PERFUMERY EGANT - • Nl6lliV AND- CHEAP STORE. 'Area dear' le tia —Town Rag, Centre Streit. Tnndersigned hare just opened an - entire new 1. stock of Goods, consisting of a well 'selected and genera! assortment of DRY' GOODS. • . GROCERIES, 1.14110115, noun. - CEDARWARE. QUEENSWARE, PROVISIONS, dm To which they invite the attention of the, public gen erally, to call, examine' anti judge for themselves.— Families will find 'lto their interevt to call before buy.. leg elsewhterel FOCIIT & FOSTER. Pottsville, May Nth, ISA. • 22-Bmo GREEN GROCERY, FRUIT, FISH, OYSTERS, &c. JOHN 7'. HAZZARD, ti-Imn HAVING fitted up the Fr:Mit/11R room itlsola stand opposite the Post Office, ('entre turret, Pottsville, , will keep romitantly on hand for' sale, a large supply of Vegetaldesl9f every tlesrription. Fruit, Freoh Fla* 'l.obstene, Claws, 4.r., of the very best quality that the Philailnlphia market willatiord, and at mires quite anti)* an can he afforded by any other person. n). The superiority of the arransentents here. beim! such ilift,,to protect all nrtirles Fold from the niinous elferin of the.imn and dust, will readily he perceived by all who call. Pottsville, 31ni.1.3(1 VEETELES, FRUIT, 01 - STEIRS, Fli Cc. B°Y'.E & CATER, continue business at the e stand, corner of Centre and Malidntongo Wee Pottsville, where tlicy will keep n constant sum) when in 'season, of Veretables. Fruit of every deicer ties,. Fresh-Fish, Oyster,. Lobgters, Claw. and eve luxury whirh the Philadelphia market affords, all which they will sell at very moderate advances Philadelphia prices ; 0} Messrs. ft.& C. bavitit , long been engaged in o tering for the public, 'hod ronsegnently become p Pertly familiar with the trade. flatter themselves t tlir'y ran supply all articles in their line to theeitizi of Pottsville. and vicinity, npon rather tuner ter than any of their - ompetitecs Pottsville, May •gild Honse ,and TAyit for Sale. 2 ' A TWO storied frame. house, with rt Anent story. The Int of erotand fronts Centre street: abort 60 feet, awl extendsnq ZO feet, to an alley. Situated nea opposite Ceise's New Hotel Apply to May, 10 PATENT METALLIC ROPES FOR TIIE USE OF !ONES, RAILWAYS, . For rale, or imported to order, by the rubscriber. • MBESE Ropes are.nnw altimst exdosively used .1 tlw Coßiaries and on the Railways in Great Hr an,•and are found to he greatly superior to Hemp ones as recants safety, durability and econt tttt y: The Patent Wire Rupee. hreve proved to be still good condition after three year's service,in the ear situntron where the Hempen ones, previously - used, double the size and weight would •:wear out in nine ten months. They have been used for ahroort eve, purpose to .which Hempen Rupee and chains have bei applied. nines. Railways. Heavy Cranes, Standi Rigging, Window Cords, Lightning Conductors.Sigi Halyards, Tiller Ropes, &e. They are made•either Iron or Copper Wire, and in cases of expasi hrdampnessoif Calvanized Wire. Testimonials from the most eminent Engineers England can be shown as to their efficiency, and a additional information required respecting.. the dirt, ent desrriptions and application wilbbe given by • ALFRED F. KEMP., 75 Broad st.. New York. Sole Agent in the United Stales New York; }lay Nlth. NOS', . •••. r 5.• The subscriber has been , appoini sale of the Patent Wire Rope in this -tiers lea at thiA,rolice; staling Size, w will be sromptly attended to a p; -F4 IMMEMIFI . 3 V.1 .2 2 41 311 7 '4 § .- - z - o.y 4 ,C... SIB z I 115 LSI MEI - • -7: 1 4 J .- kr : , - 7 - =• •`4 • '; Slcant Turning Factor; THE subscriher 7111nounre5 to the puhl ir, t erect - Pd nn extensive !steam Tarninz Norweiipn street, in this Romiieh. where pared to execute every denvription of TURNING IN WOOD. Such on, Bed neSts. "Xxvnine Posts, r. Au h pinged Mr. WII.I.IAM GLUM an his forenu lousiness, he tlaitern himself that all work en bin rare, will lie.exoctited to their entire satin lle therefore solicits the patronage the pu s lfe bas.aLu , a Circular t•taw fur Miiiiwz all Lumber, for the various purposes for whirhi HENRY STA. re (letters for iurning can be left at the Messrs.' . 3nmes'rtillmnan & Sons. Pottsville, May 2:3.1816. FOREIGN PERIODICALS =1 TUC ItO.DON QUARTERLY REVIEW, TUE EDI %BURGH REVIEW, THE FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, EDINBURCIII MAGAZINE . 1 _. • • „ - ri , HE fil.nve roringlicali arc re- printed in Nev,, , oric, 1. immediately on their arrival by the British steam ers, in a lierintibil dear type s on tine white paper, and are faithful u•nrrsentatil3lll4 of the nrigioaalB—liLAClC :Ei 11GAZINE baing aticxact CRe . simile of the Ed inhurgh edition. . . . The widepreaci' fame - of these Splendid Perio dlcalo renders it needless to say mach in their praise. As lit erary-orrans, they stand far' iri 'advance of any works of a fzqlliilf Stamp now published, while the; politica: comidesion 01 each is marked with a candor, and,forbearance, not often found in works of a party eluiraci4r . . They embrare'the views of the three great Parties in England,-Whig, Tory and Radical.—`lllack wood' and the 'London quarterly' are Tory ; the 'Edinburgh Re view" Mug; awl the 'Westminster; Radical. The: 'Foreign quarterly' is purely literary, being devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re-prints are less than one-ihird.of those:of the foreign copies, and while they are equally well got up; they afford all that advantage to the Amer ican over the English reader.. • ral3lirer TO DE MADE IN ADVANCE. For any one of the four Reviews, er3 00 ner annum For any two, do 5 00 For any three. . do - - 7 04) IP For all four of the Reviews, . 8 00 For Blackwood's Maeazlne, . 3 CO .. For Blackwood and the font Reviews 10 GO • CLUBBING: Fon• copies of any or nil of the above works will be sent to one address on payment of the regular lion for three—the fourth copy being gratis. it.libinittances and communications must be mad in all cases without expense to the publishers. The for— mer may always be done through a Post Mantel by handing him, the amount to be'remitted,, taking his,re ceipt and forwarding the' receipt by mail, Post-pald ; or tbe money may be enclosed in aletter, Post-paid, directedto the publishers. • ' N. 11.—The Postage On all these Pe :Indicate is redu ced by tile late Post Office law, to about one third the former rates, making a Very important saving in the ex • pease to mail subscribers. • SSIn all the principal Cities and Towns throughout the United States, to which there Is a direct Rail Road or Water communication from the City of New York, these periodicals wit be delivered FREE or PORTAGE. LEONARD SCOTT de ! Co. Publishers,ll2 Fulton street, NeW Yorlt. *Subscriptions received•at this °Rice, foinny of the above Works or the whole series, all of which will ba delivered free of Postage at BANNAN'S Bookstore June 6, ISIO. • " • ' , ' '23--emo RECOLLECTIONS Waddy Thompson, lat sale. at RANNAN'S Juno 6, MO, OEM MEE WISMI rot All I NAN Jed AE..ent eight and • It. 111 N - N ; r: 47. ,r. 4, • c""" 3 ;42. .....,:i co , ... .?5 _, 4 'z:Mil I' lint lie hiR 'ariiiry he. ij pre- le em an i ;Ina trap Ott to fact att.— Odic TERMS B e'en. Minister, just iereived y and fur map Book Etoire. OF MEXICO, _THE MINERS' 'JOURNAL. 12 0 BoxE'ft Gi ant 8 id pawl 10 x 144 ml re ceived from the manufacturers and now offered for sale at ,ttre Vora titore at Day prices. • .EDWARD YARDLEY. May IL JB4ll. PORT WINE FOR INVALID -Warranted pore trope juice,' for sale by J. 151„'nEkTty & Pottsville, nay 2d, IBIS , 4 IS— . SBIOECED 118.CON.—Ilaass,'81inalders and Sidea, for sale low by .1. 1111 BEATTY it Co. Pottsville. day 2d. 18M- 18— • - rill! BUTTER—Fcir 1 • • ; 1 - J. M .l BEAT ed , . Pottsvllle, ISfay 24, 4516. ' I 18— A 1 ATTING.-4-1 and fActleekrd 'and plain Matting, .1.2 . 1. for sale at Philadelphia prima by J. Al. BEATTY dr, Co. Pott9Ville, Nay 2d, 1816. i 1 i 1 18— , fIARPETING.--A further Rupply of Inghin and re- V netian klarpeting. . . J. I. BEATTY & Co. Pottsville, May 2d, ISM_ l• - •' : let..- —4, • • . ; Leaden Pipe- . . 'ExTaA ;. Rich Leaden Pipe for Water Worl d s, war- I ranted, . . Ho L ! do do , do Do 1 , do • do 1,. .do Inch LeademPirie for .varinhsitirposes. „thin, Mtn era) Water Pipe. three quarter and half inch pipe, light and p.iper, for carrying d. a e i distances without much head, frUm Tatham & Brother's. Establishment, Just received and for sate at inanulacturer's prices, at BANNANS' Store; Pottsville. • , . . g 54 Pip - not on hand l'ilitaitted to order at short notice. May,24, 18.18, IS— . SALT ! SALT ! ! C MINA SatOn narrels& hags, for sale al the lowesi Market thrive, delivered on honed of Boats on the Samylkill, Fake of l'untenson Ity! -GRAV.IIIIOTHER, 31 Walnut st. or Locust nt. Wharf Schuylkill. Philadelphia July lath, 29.; Pocket Knives, litazors,•&e. TIIST received and for sale nt MARTIN'S Drug Store, 1 an assortment of I'en and Pocket sonic re y suprrim, IM gni!! of all praresall and Fre them— no charge for slowing the articles. If you want , any, Skates wn C.ill Atli( yon.Alin, few straps of Stelett hefts. December 29, Age Tea Agency in Pottsville. , rllE Pekin Tea Coniparty, whose Teas have given 1. .4111 h univki•al satbriction In the enni, have ap pointed the Sllbscrilwr Agent In Sell their Tear in I:lthitylkill County. The piddle are now enabled In ob -1 fIL ~...„ tamn n superior article: of Teas at much Li ,, , lower] rates, than they] have eau r before ill i t: li a r . ltr u • r r , e n d assurance in that tsis t c h lo n e t ty , ,gud no tlf i cii; , t4 have. 110.4 miler foreign substancfs . r . mix ed with the Teas. They, are done spin packagep(ined with lead. to preserve thtlir sirength and flavor) f one quarter to five pourSl,e, to 'Slit rustomers,.and. are furnished front 50 cents to 8P:0 per lb., for'a Superior article. 1 . ..' 111 . ...! BERRYMAN, Centre st . a lcitv doors o,i : we N raregian, Pottsville. Pottsville, April'r2sth, 1816. I - . i , 11,- FOSTER, • STORE.] . Wholesale & Befall Dry flood and Grrneerr Merchants, N'e xt doer. to (bet Tarr n HO4 Crittre'st. Potterille.; ~.____,_ Colemans French'', Cement. .•,- rpilDv ealitaiile 4 rticte, for repairing Broken Glass, X China, queensivare,' Cabinet Ornaments, and aney Art iclerr of eVerythiseriPtiiiii,'which is confident y :ecoinuiendedrts superior to any article•of the kind %tam, and which Oueht to be in every family, a freshl apply jugt is ceived and fnr sale, whnlesale and retail) . t BAN N AN'S Cheap Variety Store. Pottsville, at Manufacturer's prices—wholesale' 112 00 per dozen--' 25 centr per bottle. June 6, ISItl: . F - 9.1-- ; •„ • Fresetvand Pannel Paipers. ITIST opened at llannah's Paper Store, Pottsville,.n slarce and heatilifol rtrutment of Preset, and Pan nell Papers, enthral:int! the'latest and moat fashionable, Patterns, pr. ~ , , 41t 6e solid as tow and some Which were purclutsed,:iil a ba reaitt, au less than Phil adelphia price's. - As his s;lockof l' - embraces tht! burst antritiosrfal.shionahle• Patterns of three of thei largest Nanufartories In Philadelphia, they ~an scarce ly fail to idilaize ttttt st fastidiouit. Glazed .and, tlotnnion Papers for ! Rooms, Trans and Entries,,.it nll their variety, at Philadelphia pricesenl ways for sale, at BASN.AN'S Paper ritore, Pottsville.' May la, IS-16. I foci. Christie ?ling - lactic pings. % PBESH Isopply or Port. i Clirinvic's celebrated .h. Mims, gn d mild other Metal. Also, Bands. Belts and Bracelets and Magnetic Plasters. junireceivel and 64 sale at HANNAN'S 'Cheap 110411( store, who is foci. Christie'. sOle Acent for Schuylkill County.— All others oreeed mew here in the County, hre worth , . lees imitations. unblushingly palmed upon the public an iterinine article. 1 1 .. , June 6, lb IGO • ' •" I lia:rnes 9 Notes. y OYES on snialy hvols . ale. ~, . 1... N -FirSt. ard,; Second Corinthians & Hallatians, Epistle talthe IlchreWs and ROmans, A(ts of the Apostles, &c., &e. , ' just rereived and' 6ir, nale ni HANNAN ; i* Cheap Book Store, redinville. June 6 TAMAQUA IRON WORKS. . 'THE subscriber respectftilly inform; the public that he is prepared to build Steam Engines of any pow er, rind of the most approved coristrurtion. Also, fur nace and mill. Work of crony dent ription,• Rail Road end Milt ('are, Coat Breakers, Screens, plane gearing. Mine 'pumps. Al;io, Turning latla•s: SW, rests, Screws of curly sue and length,] Casting,. }if every. , .. de.notion, at the above Works oh the I.iitic Sr kill Rail Road, corner of Bridge street, in the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill County. fla vine. the eAlperintendanci of lht• Works myself. I feel cnntident it would be to the of reasons Wanting any ie the above Darned irtirles, to rail inirelea.inZ!el•fewhere, as twill Warrant I he work turned out' by grin. In be of Ihe bestlmaterial and work . manship. Stitt Wall be prompt to di) work at L ithe time tited upon. - ' JUfll 91.1.15. Tato:ppm, . fay B. • • lit--timo CREAM S • LOON. itwr brag leni•e trY inortn Ids fr ends and tv'nerally; that hie Creain Ralson ig the geheon. Ire. rre a ing of a gliperior up di thil Fte ICE rpm: ~11,grl now open for qtral; - b and the enc.:m:eine public ity.employint; them, In pre - ereli , e to ; the prOpileto f• was &Mired to• have construe Cllll,O, which tV(r11141 make them Inorelrapidly less labor. ronsequerely less expensf , than b• llAvin efterbll so deshabte an obi., t. anti public may share the benefits of such Ereal ment in Pill atakine, his boxes will henceforti FORTY PILLS IN A BOX. and the price the same as hereto - 4'ole, namely to bye rents a Bot—five Boxes fot• One Dollv 1,011 I) =s Sarsartiilla and Vecefable I I have, durilic the pasj, few years, been itioresn. employed througlinfit thejlnited Stales, 31 I - the' Wcst Indies. than any others. and thu r ereasinc ddlttand for,thein is unparalleled. • Thet are the only Pills in existent e, knot tam rsaparilla In theM, the proprietor mil, how trip - utdo.. the Sarsaparilla with other P in ehrt of pills, . IF PILLS ARE - NECESSARY for porcindor clennsinc. the Atm:Melt sr& h purify inc the blood or fluids of the body, as native for removing the causes-of disease Ili tinc its procress, and as a 14 prine-Pirifier l will kr. found more effectual than any other. VOUNG AND OLD, MALE OR FENL may at all times take thent•withoot 'chance restraint from tic mkiat ion, or fear of taking exposure to all:kinds - of weather, for they c mercury or minerals, which aro contained pills, and which make other pills set 'unsafe I suits to take. and uncertain in their tiffecti. PERSONS OF ALI. CONSTITUTIOt whether feeble or debilitated, or of robust constitution, can lake ihem without prostrat bilitaribc the system : they operated so easy a t yet,ntfecteal, that little Inconvenience Is ea kitrtheni. THEY ARE GOOD AT ALT. TIME for all diseases of whatever nature l nr kind. Caution is neceesary I Bemire at ill tunes and take no others than Dr: Leidyjs Blood I others by names nearly Isitnilar, are spurious dilated to deceive ; thelumprietora of then tosell them on the reputation of the fentline., and only true Sarsaparilla and %'egetable tilt Dr. Leidy. a). Ileware of such Imposition, frantl and t Touch 'them not, notch ices take them, for n I isfactured to deceive the . public .I' their Mg, Will besides deceive the tinily 71111 ) our eystt.! etrerts. • RemenAer ! :10 Pills in - a Doi (or 95 cents— es for One Dollar: [No others contain - Tor the Box ir To he had In Pottsville at JOHN S. TIN'S Drug store. Also, at JOHN T.l. Drug store. May 23,1816. WARRANTED. 1 'Di..Leidy's Medicated Extrac f Sur IS warranted equal to'the best, an -stipMl other preparations of Sarmapari is: If equally efficacious to any, and re do tenths that is prepared, the inoneylt ill he r Dr. Leidy. Numerouscertificates n vinghe ed, and its known superiority in et r ngth 1 etl quantity, (being in half pint bmileg, temk:r nary further comments on its praise Su lc ions bottle is equal to six pints of th stron. that Is prepared , and is besides muc splurge other prgparations. , It is sold at lel asin 02 25 for three bottles; 414 lor six bottles. i Principal Depot, Dr. LEIDY'SII i IEA 'T RIUM, S. E. corner of second and V nest ee the fmiden Eagle and Serpents. ! ` *To he had In Pottsville at JOHN S. TIN'S Drug 'Store. Also, at JOHN Gi . Drug Fiore. ..... ... May 2.1 d, ISM pl;ilalcliil,a. PHILADELPHIA. Agrictinurai N 0.291 Market at., sank side, Wren 7tk and eth THIGIIDELPIfI4. • rrimmAs FITHHER has Jett received Rom Worces _l. ter, Massachusetts, an assorttnmt• or 'toggles, Nourse, & Mason's improved Eagle Subsoil and other PLOUGHS, which have been so much approved of by the principal Agricultural Societies in New England the several last _years; also 11#11111W11 and Stevens' Self-Feeding Hay and Straw Cutters, a late aria very valuable improvement in that 'kind of implement Grain Cradles, rte.; an assortment of Ruggles, Nourse & Mason's Self-Sharpening Ploughs of the form and model of those above named, are'daily exitected. T. F. has also. various and the most approved articles manufactured in this vicinity; vie: Corn Shelters. Fan or Winnowing Mills, Grain Cradles, large and xonall llay and Straw Cutters, together with a large assort ment or Farming and Horticultural Tools, Hay and Maniere Forks, COAL Grain andthmaton sise'ste4 rind Iron Shovels, tong handle round fend sou itP end ditto; extra stout ,feel A”ailes for inickmakers ; Garden tin.; Toy do; Garden Rakes and Does:all sizes; Field lines, Potato Diggers, Scythes, Smiths, 'scythe' atones, eh:Ail:4 ' Axes. Hatchets, , Ac. All or most implements in the Agricultural and Gardening line will he kept ronstantly at the shove store Philadelphia, May 2.3, Mackerel; Shad' and Herring. -, 7 1 11E1 subscribers nt their Store, No. 40, North 1 %Vharves, Philadelphia, (between Arch and Rare streets, keep an ass ortment of FISII, - in bills. and half Nils:for sale, and solicit of storekeepers to examine their prices, &c., before .buyina.l JIM: M. KFNNEDV•& Co., Dealers in FllUtr, Grain and Fish. May 22,1, 14th, Yl-3mn TRUTH Ls „ifinirrr A.Vnirria. PREVAIL." _4. B. 11 I.4RSUALL, • • PHILADELPHIA,. • IS ? OW prepared to offer Wholesale and Retail, a, large assortment Of Fancy ant? Staple • ... DRY ColDtf,• suited to the Country as wetl as the City Trade Re Col.llll7tles the systentof "se ogdackent in prima,' which he has pursued Mr the past tent, years and desires to call the spechl attention of the politic to it as the only tnv Ayxtryrs of retail business, and stunt is dericledlq to the interests of the purebaser prntnnte.... It is quite time that the fraudulent practice Of asking a high price., and abating to make the purchasers helievo they are the "favored few," was done away. with, as, nine times' nut of ten. they are made to py a higher price (howev er great the reclarti ~,,, ) than the like, style and quality can be purchased at the 'One Pritie Stetre.' A. It. M. is in regnlar receipt the newest and: cheap est seasonable rends, and wh m any article depreciates in value, the price is at once marked down in low that, it cannot he undersold. By this System the Purchaser. can at all times buy with confident e anti sat iStliction, and without waste of time in useless bargaining.' lie has at this time a complete assortment of • SILKS. • Black tustrine. Ottoman, Pout de Soie,lfantna.lros" de Rhine, - Annum, and collet Dress omit Mantilla ...dice. Usn, FP eancy Dress Silks, from 4 cents ti, per ard, including all the variety of approved and useful s yles' and combination of colors. Lining Silica, Foulard Silkr, Silk GingWm: • LAWNS AND ORGANDIES. • ' 'Paris Painted Lawns and Organdies, of the heweet and most approved style, as well aS the .heaped to the. market. Also, Sehtela Lawns at ve,ry low priced. FRENCH Of the new designs. Alsd, Scinch Cinzbants and Gingham Lawns, very cheap Eatlkton and Manchester Ginghama fir Chtldren's wear. FRENCH' CHINTZES. " I Light, "medium, and dark 4olcirs, 4-4 wide. lan, best make American Chintz nd 'Calicoes. or the ew patterns, at N.S. cents per yar . MOUSELIN P LAINES; ' ' . Of the most splendid Ombre' and Printed style, .1 to the French, English, OM Amerivan, at 25 cant • yard. \ i . ,li . lIAREGEI2 .4 ;ND lIALZOLITNER, \ . - Mill qualities and very variety of 11,!PiCIIS.,}11 I to ill tastes. A lon, ethroidered and rhain-stim Rolies, Ilyndere, and PI Iha dresses, einhroiderediri ' . r. Most in and Bishop Law 'dress tialtrens—Tarletohs colored plaid and stripe ',:trwisS Mullins. WM E GOOD. ' Miry Swigs, Niitigook, Jaconet, Cambric,..ll and Tarloon ins. Oita, Strip'', Corded. mill. ured Cambric and switi,tln,.,Hislinn Lawn, Imita = ask Table Lineit, TalllU Cloth and Napkins, Lawns, cheap Shirt inc. and sheeting Musl us, and su iior Lung Cloth rfhirtinf MOUItKiNG coODS- Litpin's 4 flonillazinesOfi oil qualities, and the void shades of Black, ititintner Bombazines or Brilliant Silk and Cotton Wart Alpacas, Silks, Mouselin Laines, Baptizes, Daly vines, Marquese, Grennilin • Ginnhams. Lawns.. Cra >es. Crape' and Loge or Lei 1 Foils, Kid and Silk Gloyes, Ho,dery, Plain Silk; Gla, Ottoman, Thibet..Barege and' Twisted Silk Sham Scarfs and Cravats. ] SHAWLS AND spARFs• • French Cashmere long lnilogriare ohawls, Brnche 'n, Printed Barest!: 'l'llibet ahil.Terkerrido:Glacia, Pd Silk. Grenadine, Ileniani an Mohair do, arid !Owl priced dn. • • I ! Cienadine,.Barege, and other long and oh .rt' Scarfs. .Aloo. Cravats. Black Lace and silk Mantiln Capes and Cardinals, of the new giving: OE EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. i f Ended raps, Collars,ll and Spenrers. rhetnizett 5, tinder sleeves and tutTS, l !Engli,7ll - find French Thre of, Laces, Edsitics and Insertings. Linen Within Edzi and insertings, rintid rtvriss and Cambric do, Black and White Lare Veils.Cace HHasels, and Srarfs.wide IlLick !Aces tar Mantillas, 31111. Tea tr.+ and Black BrUSAt!IS 1.5,Ce for trinuning do, and dresses. r and hla'rk npnn worked and plain silk llnsiiiry; white and black half Woo-, ribbed and plaint spin] Silk and ra l i n• i ilk do; also El,r- Hsh and Piss while. colored. and unbleached rotion do,.ribb'd, plain, einli'd docked. and open worked; also ; Children's Cotton do.' and Ladiel white and noble:idl ed lisle thread do, Cif :vs scarce and illisir able arliele,.lllllolier Ilosidry Of various descrip -00118. %MIMI CA:111111'0 Ntil) Plain milled bordered!. liiviero Linen Cambric lintill.lkrs. each. , Al4n, Baus. Par!ses, (;re Gauze Veils, Black "Amn. Lead • Paper Mnslins kc , _ EpR GIENTI:E3I • All the, nr;w styles 401 rind rhea Kid. Silk. Thirad, and tiler !Inv , Silk rind Linen Cambricm..ket Ile Von can rind at M11ti 4 1111.1.. , almost every article in /6' Good', ihyat prices quite as low. l not .., '(it ix to his ',Orrin to se ) tirhrop)Ti ly adding to his pinch Oh newel you Will lie glue (if lieiti suite& invited to call and judeelfor yon Philadelphia. Mac Ptli,llelti. i .CIREAP - did - Ai PIfiLiADELPI I 013) Li•vers fill JeWelle.d lT Silver " •• IP. „ • (1"/ CI Lepines Jewelled Hileer • ' " !rit by the. II others, Pit a in and with ,retnfnrc. that th e contain Qaartiers cow, ritrafity Gold tvatcheit plain, Siher rtperticles Gold Pencils " Illarelett; Attn onlotiot a large assorts hiareiPlA: finger rings, breast t ei pens, swains, sugar, tongs I rurb and fob chains. guard keys. Ily low lorices; all I want, is to c,' All kinds of rtorks and watt? ra filed In keep good 'fling for on silver bought or takrin e'irlian an! hour brass Clor.ks at t .1.11 {etch Clock nittLiewullry stn , ' street. above. I ttlf, Nor? ZS= Innd rilia CP ssfully :den and pally in- n to eon. knowing ili4tanccs L AN el., for art alter arreo rse pills I:liil i ada., April 1.8, , To Machinists •, PLATT'S tiniversa I Clinch. a. ; gaiter's Sprint Hal for rlteani En:tines, SO. SO and and Counter ;scales ; more.than patterns. For sale ‘vhalesale a ' manufacturer's prices, At No. 3t 101 old front l ottnin no in other i t clanger- Philadelphia, eb..7, 1816 PARLEY'S ',RAG ,%Z NE AND - ROBERT MERRY' S MJSSEUM, i • Edit , 'l' by S. (7`. (sondrieli, author of Paler '•' • Part(' 4:''.7 TI7 CS. I, . - T Mi`3 ex r e llpnt Periodiral for children, has attain- , • ed an unexampled idrridatir iii Chia Cottony, and :deli in Europe, and ; no family ; who have children, ought to pe without it. It cants' is a fund of entertain ing infonnation adapted to the .- .Young. all of which Is moral finite character, and very-Instructive to youth of all ,PV.s'arol nag. Each niimluir is illustrated with a nitmher of F.neravings on wooill Published monthly, price .91 Odperannum in advanc& . 'lt abound:: in that kind of relling, that delights the juvenile people. awl therefore w are not sorprimeil that en ninny of them wish to be enlie(.rihers.—X. Y. Chris tine o!;erricr. re Subscriptions receic k yl fiitlX4ti Work,•at BAN NAN'S Cheap Book Store:Pio ter Sill., where the work ran he received monthly free its postage, or mailed to n nv section of the Country. . ' _Jane fah, 1816; 9.1. . d strong or dr. d sed in ta- to a k for ,ills. All and eat thinking ,bona -fide lot Pills of ickerv.— ink g TIVV. th y • k their I‘ , . fir x y l'tll. to C. MAR .IIOWN'S Copy lioolis .1 Cu py Books!! , A. FULL Pupply O( . • ' ' I . Rand's Copy rittoCt4 , _ Woolley's Fopy Books, I ROW:. Copy flookQ. All with copies set, . Also. common Copy !Hooks, Jost received and liti sate wholeiale and retail, at Phil adelphia priem'at HANNAN'S 'Cheap Book and Sta tionery Store, Pottsville.. Tear ers'andothern are in vited to call and examinethem. - •• Jane 0, ISM. 29--- OE i. aparilla, r to moat not found han nine Junkil by n pnt lish racy and urinates it to say, est Syrup !than any le bottle ; , . .. PACKING YARN. THE subscriber respectfully Informs hi friends and the public 14 general; that hh has appointed S. F. Whitney, Agent for the sate of his superior Italian' Hemp Packing Yarn, who will, eep a constant supply at the Iron Works of E. W 'Pi Ginnie. TII MAS JACKSON. ? t U Reading, pa. EMPO- Ie, Sign of 2. 1818-.4-18 MHODINT CATECHIS, mot, parts Ist and 241, also Methodist Hymn Rooks, la rtte and small, for ale at DAMMAM'S Cheap Boolt-store, Pottsville. bla Y 2 C. MAR ROWN'S BEM t• to $2 25 Glitill33s I.%lnenpr.. and enth',l, from 12.} cents to $.21 !Luen fel: Veil.. F ilnrrd anil Brown do art scarfs and cravats; ves; Cotton half Hose; dkfs, rhispandvrs, /kr. Cliesnnt,strest, Is that you require, and seer, than cdsewhere, .and as hr is constant !. And cheapest Roods, render, you are, MEM CHES. rrr' lA. $l5 on 23 00 so 00 1; on 10 f ; 15 00 1 '5 "." 2to . 4Od L . nt of .1"n1,1 and linkr hoop ear rin:er, cold Illitables, cold net k and jetvellry, nt egnal -11 con% iota eastin . s repaired and war , year. Old coil aad 'e. For sale S day and NIA 1.A1)03415, No:112i Market 1" side, Philadelphia. 10.dmo n&others ,I sizes.' from : 6 to 20 nces, made exprmt,ty t ponndS. Platform r 0 different sizes and f 1 retail at the lowest I Walnut street. hy • Al & BROTHER. ELM Correxpondeneelof the ;Inners' Journal •- . .lions June 12, 1846,4 bun. BA ?malt —Your .readers will doubtlels be gratified to know something of the - movements of our troops at this time, when the hearts of the whole country have been made to leap with joy, at the brilliant achievements of our gallant little army under the command of Gen. Taylor, who hew proved himselran excellent ern - Tr:and a brave and moat consummate Commander. Yesterday over Three Hundred 'then embarked at Governor's Island, un board the Ship Henry Pratt.. Capt. - Hartley, for •Brazos ,St. Ingo.' viz: two compa nies of the 2rl Regiment of the U. S. Nrtillery, 41 110. rectui a fir the...2d U. S. Dritgontii, the whole under the Commaied of Capt. 11. SWartwout :il Artillery, and destiiiCil for the Army of Occupati.n undtir Gen. Taylor. - The.OlTirers-attic.hed lei the 4.l4min:nes ar as fllows: 2rl Arhllery, Captain H. Swartwour ;. Ist Lieut. J. Scilgwi& z 2.i Lieut. H. J. Hunt; and Brevet 2rl Limit. Went:: Copper —Company G. 2d .% rtillrry, Lst • fneut. M. L. Slbielrelfoolv,lat Lieut. Wm. A.l'N'tvhols; 2d Lieut. R. SOiipley ; and• Breve , -2d; . " .. 14 ut. George Edwards. Lieut. Swig wick comm ands the recruits for the Dragoons, until they join the A rtny. i 'As.. sistant Sergeant 11. - S. VVoliersponn It , S. A rniy, accompanies the tictiirlinielit. Trie,N. Y. E %press 'says: •Thesel:omiiiinie s i belong to Col. 13ankt earl's Reg. U. S. 2d Artillery, and .are the tinert hotly Of men that ever left Governors Islatnl.' ! They are in ti high state of discitiline.anid will prOve a niorit valuable auxiliary In the gallant Taylor. !I s is 1.1,1 p. !Nag to say that they will do tin ic! duty, Pr, when did the 2d Artillary err rfril lit doing their duIN; let the history of the war of 1612, the late Florida war, and the battles of theSth and 9th u'q. ani.wdrt the glOrious 2d was always in- the thickest,. atd hottest of the light. Without dliip areging any, I i Will venture to say, that tin one contritiiited tun e to the success of the engagements of tlie• 6th and 9th than Capt. 'Hutican's battery, supported as 'it. was by Luther & Roland, of the same 'll'eginteut, acting as Infantry .; and to whose training a re we indebted for thei:e g lotions results! to the 'Microns and gallant CoL Brinkhead, the cornman•.er of the id; he iaacknowledzed to be 0/1P of the best dis ciplinarians and tacticians in the service, and re spected and beloved by all who have any thing to do with him; his bravery and soldier like beating is only equalled by. his urbanity as a gentleman. The Col. arcompataril the troops on board the H. F. from the Steamboat, and as they passed the . Battery and Ships in the harbour, they were greet ed with..long.--arid' patriotic cheering, which was cordially returned by the finmfellows an board the Boat; and the for the partinc;.tnany a moist eve looked upon Col:B. as he shook (hem cordially by the hantLand regretted he could not accompany them; they all love him for his kindness to them, °dicers and men. If the balance of hiAtegimerit should be Ordered to the scat of war. Colt(. will then take the command of his Regiment, and my •word for it you will hear a good account of him-, and them. • - 7" Your friend N.- P. S. The troops marched from Gov. Island to the tune of •the Girl I left behind me," ant! we left the ship amid the cheers of the troops to. Col. 8., which was responded, to, by his hand:playing; the S:nr Spangled Banner. I led proud of old Pennsylvania, in giving us.two such gallant spirits as Lieuts: Luther & Roland, of Bears and Lan- caster Counties; our next Legislature muQt vote them each a sword; what say you! I know your. patriotic soul . vvi . ll . 93y .A ye! [Azle! A r The Lebanon Courier, after giving the names or the Conferees appointed to represent Schuylkill county, remarks as IqUows ..The Schuylkill ctinfetees are not instructed , but the N r lf.iers' Journal intimates that they will insist upon having the candidate from' Schuylkill. ,Wr2,,p'reSuine the Whigs of Lebanon county Are willing that Schuylkill shall have the candidate.— A resolution of this character was passed at their County Convention in 1844. and we are not aware that there is any, disposition to depart from We. would, however, tell the Journal thst ttie Whigs of this county will look fora better endorse ment next fall, of the claims of :Schuylkill. than that county has ever yet given since it belonged to this Congressinlial district. It would. be rather a hazardous buiiiness for Schuylkill to send her can didate out of the Bounty with 1.100 majority against him, as has been the case heretofore." 1 We plead guilt to the Charge that thittcounty is Loeofoco, but cur friends neahe Courier. : pile up the figures a little too high. In 1843 the_inajority in this county against the Whig candidate for eon grus, was only 414—in 1814 we admit. the ma jority against us was large (1010 votes.) but this must be stil l ibuted heavy importation of voters intolhe county on the public works, then progress ing, to enable thelocofOcos to wtn numerous bets made on the result of the eJection. But we hope to do better, and arc inclined' to think that Schuyl kill will tell a different tele nest fall. R-• • Fl. Aft Pii.F.SF.NTATlOls,7.—Thef.adieA of Fott. , -1 1 :," vine. - will present i splendid SILK Ft. io, to; Shiftier Club No. I. of Selmylki4l County, on the 4th qt .. July. The Flue centre is preparinz at.tlie shop of MP Henry C. Frreliml. anti - no doubt will he a handsomer affair, as Mr. F„ to ltint a likeness of Wi - tt'ilitscioN in the centre or the Stars. . June 6, 14416 • . Mat 'hem al 'cal Inst rumen s. 11F.AIITIFli1. article in riiialtoaany Irxes, very I 1 che ap. .41 o in izital Skirt boxes. some to sow, as it prr !six. For sale at 11.1NNAN'S Chimp Stationery Store, Pottsville. slay Strain's l'erfaltlo.l Sand 17011 rlerinsing, whitening. and purifying. the hand, Ji Ladies riding. gardening. or painting, or gentlemen shooting, 4untinc. fishing. rowing. or,up• amusement or exertion prejudicial tot he hands. will find the unproved. Sand Wash Ball pleasingly efficacious in removing all hairilness.sta ins, re . s. and all ilisfignrement, prc:crni, jug chopping, and renderingthe.skinsnit • feir,andplia- Mr. They priori the 111,4 softening and refreshing • sensation. and will be found an execlleni eat slitme fir the Heidi Brush. Just receiCed and for oak nt HANNAN'S Perfittitery story, Pottsville. CBE HOUSES & LOT FOR, SALE. Tiil. sulisorriner offish, (or seale. the twn •.4 story Itikit'onil stone house, situated on ••• • the north side of Market street, ill the 1,11- ' rough' of Pottsville. - The buildina insulting. on Market street, in built of brie k and stone, two stories high, wull a two story hark . Min ding. There is also aT wo story frame huildinit ere,: led no the same lot, fronting on Leon street.. The I.nt 51 feet, 5 Mellen front, and i(ii!Mg to the ,liviiii„f PA feet to Lynn street: making two L'Oini fronts. with Sufficient spore ground. fiir the crertion of two mote houses, nue nn Market and the other on Lyon Street.— This priquerty ft aon Market Square, and•is.ronsll - one of the hest locations in Pottsville. For terur,a, kc., apply to the sutiscrther on thuu premises. FRANCIS 11.1 2 7_1 4. May 2:3, • .N. 11,—lie ohm offers for ile or rent, his stork of Bottles' and Bottling Apparatan, on accommodating tern's. • Diffusion of Useful Knowled;e. Twenty Alillione of Inhahitante in the United Slats. f A N e , e p T e l ., rt o i t s t r i 3 t 1 , 1 A . C e i fr . z l e. milli o n ne a rn. • o Which t onuttenced in May, NI:, This splendid and useful Work contains 4000Iniperial Octavo Pages and Two Thousand Engravings t and forms a.cntripleta li brary, within itself: THE PENNY MAGAZINE, was originally listied under the direction of thin "Society for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge," and k unquestionably the most entertaining and useful of all the pennitar Works which hoe ever appeared In any age, or In any langt age.' lts paees embrace every sub Ject in the wide tie dell' human ' kuotviedge, and as em 'ery article, 'whether On Science, Hier y, Bf . o„raphy, • iterature 01 the 'Arts. Passed the careful l scrutiny and critira I ordeal of x committee of learned .nien,; the work may be placed in t h e hand. of the vriuth of the Country, without r datiget or distrust. In England 1 Jlorethan 86.000 apple., • , of the monthly pair s were disposed of during the 'first rear of its publicalmn. inches United.States,tt e work h'as *clinked greak popolnrity, 'and since the com mencement of this re-issue, the demand for enhisuc reeding NuMber his increased with unparalle ed ra pidity, so that a second, third and oven fourth edition of the early numbers has been called for. - It is 'nicer. sally acknowledged to be the most valuable an enter . tattling family work, for all classes, which h s ever been published. The original cost of the Stele typing and Engraving to the London publishers was 25,000. The Americapje-Issete is printed on good pat er, nod welPtione dr ikhatrdsonte paper covers, and i sued in 724 part; di 25 cinla each: The Parts average I'M pages elidi, nod will irr finere be published on the lath of each month. It is an extra re-print of the London edition, without alteration Or abridgment, being printed from, he London stereotype Plates. . . Three Parts of the %irk, comprise, one year or the Original Publication. 'and can be had at 1 ' BANNAN'S Ittmk Store, Pottsville, At the publisher's prices, who has been appointed Agent for the sale of thelwork in Schuylkill County. May 30th, 1810. ZI ►ii F/ ~.,;i~yn~A MINERS' JOURNAL. Saturday horning, june2o,lB4ll( - Atlverti, el , will observe hp the wren... Taint 0 1 1 our that nova will he t found on tiersrage, whin tin mailer to ;dative his etc over all the wirer Thie iihtiatria to a ;rout 'rah-111. /he. iihjectioni of burin:: rtisOMrvk pineo.l whit is termed the out..ido of the tuipur. NVe 11;os-is beru infernird. ht rt Olsen %VIVI is rally rapal,le or lialgia'g, that the .I.kieuerreoz type , likent..,t, tilhell I \lr.. i3ptitan),Thm . Y. itj .1 . 10,1 illy; are of thy tilos; s up e rior eharaetei ntal , Sfr. Bat Ikard i•; , to be found at the Tewti .lall, F..ks ho %vas commit? yo.l tojnit on a eintigti of : roaushightt•i. iu kiiliue 'rhottae.Cellahatt, tt Tuy,..,lns- lost 111 - Might ' heron. Covirt at t)rwi,.....ea• llrg, I 1.17,075 . intlepun. After a hearing, bit was rclu,,eglan'a he wmtiemantled• V A 1.1.T.T FunNatc--We refer - one thdaf t. to t nn atNerns. mem in nnot er column, of inter an est of one Ira of thisva Liable Purnner, for sate: We learn illat two %Tin. Of Iron Orr haire recent: ly been opined within Mita abort distance of thd works, ohich foolloce nn abundant supply of 'OM for the ico• of the Furnace. Any person wishing to. in veA in this kind of property, is here present: ed witil'a good chance to - do Poo • , ' Cir . r.N.„l . A If ton. has bee merlin; at•TJentao Ne l w candidate for the Pregi.ten lion'. hfr. te:vin, M. C. from Philadelphia ivtli been ehtutTed:with 'corruption - for etlimcating dui :Section:ll 164; at Philadelphia: and has denier! the (gouge. ' imputation was thilawn Mit" In nn attve,tiscinent - M th e Possibly vriS may have another committee of investigation.—; Those. Philadelphia members give a great deal of trouble. . . 'For the first time in fife e l n years, i7eva gatrifit shire'eleeted a Whig Uti4oiror.l The 1119n. 1 tutivre which has led to this change L curious Ii may be remembered thlit. John P. finle was reptii dialed by the party in cohsequ'ence of his refusal to vote . for the none - Z[loOn of TOas; in thtl ' 'nest caOvasp he startedial's an indeitentlent tatiz didate, and succeeded in defeating the nominee of the Locofogo party, there being .no Election. At the last election, the choice devolvei on the Le' .kislature ivhich chose a Whig; Mr COlby,Govett: or. Hely was elected to the U. S. .Senlite for siz years, while Col. (Mel has been e.himeti in plad I of Scones, 'appointed pro t,ern. .Cll.-Ciliey 76 . fit fit a Whig. 'and, asiltelaketi his seat itnnit;.. diatel „ !his election makes a gain of i two vote's itt 1 : I favor of the Tariff' in the Senate: ! t J ; Mr..ico.—Later news has been iecciveil (unit Mexico, via Havana, by the schooner Merchant: at Charleston, S. C.• It brings da t e's from Vets Cruz to June Ist.' • ' • . f The 'Consuls of the different Meutral Nations have protested against the blockade of4Yera Pho.population of that city are raPidlyk leaving itr ' Congrea. was 'to meet on the 27th, BustamenteC2 having been appointed its Prisident. is thoughtParedes will, be elected constitutional President: He will March 'in 'person to iliatamores ttt the heed . of a strong army composed `the Atesrre prinei• leaving)3ravo Presiderit ad irderir cie payment as suspended mid busines The expectation of procuring . fundsl clergy had failed.' • . . The situation of our squad the English is -considered-6 on the declaration of war, thl will he occupied by the Bri' it will not be witliOut a strug strong force i"ifh itim,fintr ton;'will attempt "in hold hi- ' THdIIZON 'A:VA Ll7 utr. Erik fUr...% . Very able and intereating rep on the Iron' Trade of the St. miner consisting of Nl4tos. poet. George N. Eckert. nit; VI, Ito were i.eleoed for said and Iron Asneiation of t pamlihlet col l sigi of t upw,ir eathraceA n thto of all the Fu . Rollin Mills in The State, to nuot product. Tflur limiti give any, extended - extracis therefore content ouruelves rocto%itiiz, ,re4titts in the a,,.tgrr I hr trionThtr of Furn3crs up'l.l 181'2. tuna '213, of .vbi capable of prpaucing 189,35 Nyiml•e'r I3tn . rsittMirot9 built =ince, ,•1' Lrue nc 110. - ' Making an increase of T l63lnew PUrnai hie of producing 17;3.200 t'ofs of Pig Which inust - be addill the in •niaqed capa old Furnarica during . the ,4a le period, Nil. 971 lona. making the increaseil prodUctin Aietni 216.171 tons, or more Man onel j(er rent .sincelhe pmrsage r /he litrjA The enpiial inees.tell itt , worksnp to 18 , is calculated at .... , .17 per lon for charcoal, 1 per ton for Anthracite Furnaces, was cstn beB , Ince,;ted since 1542; . -. . GI, . 4 .2.zregale capital This is rertniiily a 'pro= 1 9 0 ;real for Liii•ofo tn•'}'ond their eismpreheni-ior and the ,We•:vill rcfi•r to the• Pam POSTS fhe Secretaryof the Tre to th'e ulpioers of the cnsbii .M.itarnoras, tilos (Tenn ;Northern : Pro:,rinees of Me tifacrure4, free of duty. • 4Th e 'soppier - bent:try arm ate by a vote of 32 to 19, al Cocos. and wry iWhig. 'Gen. Gainer ie at le ond:wom down. ..The treaty has been r! • he vote has been vlriou,ly. tul 39 to 14. The seal of emoved. , So thus terminal t ith Engl4ml. Jnort K. 'Kane has been as Ind& of the U. S. astern District of Penns7..• NATIONAL UGH AI a meeting of the Natinri. l rir Srbitory. nn I he. evehnig I oti rapt. EI Iltsan niid Ole following preamble thously adopted: It be.Tas. Our respected c has served in this crentrany dd and by he. many qualities as rurce.esively elevated throng the lionnrable station of rapt infantry of I' ttsville. lie it, Roolred, That we deeply the seentinelv incurable attlir len:nine' necessary: and whi ;midterm. we shill ev.i eMeein krxelred, That we . arrept t loved I,lllllla kittlfelltr it iy.andhellievingatuagerseni to'his health. Reeutred, Th:tt w•e who .en tees or nor fete Centel , et e nfiltinteired that confidence in no iteeeggar)' in an nhle'cenin: Prst,l rt.!, 'Clirti IF. Bn-+ ~ •l r aud N. M. Newini der thi4 li , tinionial of onr and ceif,e it to be publi.licd tough. - • 'CO! nominatrci by a iaigi Jersey, di tho Peat)lel nt. Bpe. was dull. from the; regard td It is said ton with ngerous. ',. whole Admit; •le. Corn] 'hen joinedl ific coasf I. If so, Sinai bat by Slack% ADE e received postettlay: a, in pamphlet form. te, made 4 a Com: 7homas ghamb r rai Samuel J.• Reeies, urpose, cry the tits{ 'ennAyisanie. The A of 30 piges. and naces; Fori4eS. and ether with ill not pct 'hitt week, ilk snonnin gate: erected in h were Ai their an 4nit Os to I ntl magi g up the he State ithrerite, fr Metal, li Tons of titictiong g - FrAi tont 5,9.00 dn. 3,C0) narcs - Prn 13 1, 'AMEdo es, cnilll= ?tietof, to ity of rite' pl to n e r ut of Pig latindrrd : 84 2 12, which and 4 ;25 meted to 5G0.418 . 100.400' !669.8 c since. --it it 'fariff ed. xt week.- szimm •oisrn to st-Ak —therefore tavOilevs cro4tl4 ,ptilet again ne• IPTI ~ory has issue'd orderto to grint clarancea g the market of the ico to American man -1, Lill passed tfle Sect- - the ay es bein g . Loco-. ington seeminbly titled by the .Senate:. estimated at 40 to I I,• secrecy has rint been , .a all clanger Of a war t tinfi'rrpeA fiy the Sen- Dierict of ttuf ,vania. INFANTRY: II Itifantry l fink] at f thu 2,1 Met. Opt resit st•rtm formally Xrceptilif and resnrolinner unoinl- - mmandPr, E. EL lifAnd... ing the, term of 11 years, citizen nitt! soFifier,hern each eralle.oflriink. to • tin of the Nittinnal - Light thtreforp,' . i ; zy npattlize milll him In' ion that renders! AN reli- e ire ,pparate li.B fellov?- AIM as our fel , m-ritiZett• e rosienntinn o fnor A te a kendervd ithwlllinz e•t .nuld be m ore injurious -1 I .1 '. ntimately know tho iv tray. had and! still h old lislcouragy atullutigMent tinier. tuy.,•ll, Enzizn Wtn': H. n, tn. 0 committee to len 'pot 1 to oar late i'apair„ an the paper.', ”f nut be-