The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 16, 1846, Image 3

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    The Co al Trade for Ishii.
.71.1&77 a ~' " ` cl i.
The freshet has materially alfected the Coal Trade,
this week. ' The quantity teat to market is Only 14,844-
16 tons, and we are fearful the quantity will not be in
vreased mucbmert week. • . .
The prices of freight from rbiladelpldaj to Eastern
Ports,bave varied but little since our last publication.
Trice' of 'Coal on baud ace firm, with as Upward ten- ,
deny. .
The oa' it Trade a the, ,
flusquehanna teonrmenoed
Una week. There is a scarcity of boats for carrying
'the Coal to market.
' Bent to market Rs the week ending on Thursday
evening iaat..
• 0,390 03 91.324 19,
3,61118 1 61,975 11 •
1170 .11 122,797 13
2,170 11 19,487 09
Port_ Cirbon, .
Schuylkill Haven,
Port Clinton.
14,84418' 295,585
From Mt. Carbon. S. Mown. T. Clinton
'To Richmond $1 40 • 30 $1 1 0 •
To l'hUadelpbla,- /50 140 125 •
' The following is the quantity of Coal seat to market
up to the 9:h Mat.
Week. Total.
By Lehigh Co. 4167 001! 166L0' , 00
Rhume Run 3232 110 ) 147a10 00
Beavetaleadcrw 2463 90 -,:-*‘ 7641 00
Hazleton • . 2252 420 • " 6575 00
-Buck Mountain 119.1 00 ' .47.2.1 00
-Summit, - 237 00 ' 237 00
14220 00
Arnotmt 'Coal transported on Union Canal Rail
]goad front Ist to 20111 April [lnelusiie]
. .
Tons Cwt qr.
3.562 2 2
Per last report 2,950 10 3.
6.512 12 1
Amount transported on Swatara Rail Road:
Tons curt. cr
2,102 18 3
1,575 5 • 3
Per loot report
3,739 2 2
•V. L. CONlykD, Collector.
The following is the t.mount of Coal transported over
tilts Road, during the week ending Wednesday even
ing last.. 10,563 06 Tuna,
Per last report, 105,383 16 " .
. .
Total 115.947 02"
The fidlowine L the amount of Coal passed over the
Mill Creek Rail Road, for the fait six days.
, 2,860 12 Tons
Per last report, 32,264,.15
Total, 35,845,E -
The amount of Coal transported oierj this road for
Ore stet ending on Thursday evening last. is
• 1 3, - E54 Tone.
Per last report ,59.,5.3.3
Total. 63,687 •,
fli• CLEANER. Collector
Acnottiit 01/ liativpoited over the Schuylkill Val
ley Rail Road Cue the week etklitag ou Saturday even
rig, last.: •
Per last report,
,219 II Tons
- JESSE TURNER' pollector„
Amount of Cnal trnnsnorted over the Mount Car
bon & Port C,rbuti Rail Road for the week ending ob
Eaturday last.l f., 6,411 13 tons •
Per Last a eport 78,020 07 tons
Total, 84,445 flO Inns
, SE.I.Z 4 gE TUUNEU, Collector.
Stray Mare
. .
STRAYED away front the subscriber, at
Middlemet, about four weeks ago, a LIGHT
GREY MARE, with a bol, tail and crooked
1 hind lep. Whoever will return said Mare
to the 'subscriber, or give him information where he
icarr-gbt her again, shall be reasonably rewarded.
M* i1ti,413-Ifx. 1 . ~ ' : 01-3t*
-7. - s
•- .1 . •
Town Lots for Sate. ,
Or EN Lois in the borough of Schylkill Haven. Also,
.tot Lots No.l and,2, situated on Centre street, in
the, Ikr,bugh of Pottsville , are offered at l'rivate
TerntWiCiade known, upon application being made to the
eubs4ribet at 'Schuylkill Haven.
Scbuylkill Haven, Idav 16, 1646. 20-4 t
A CREEABLY to the provisions of an Art of Assetn
-11 entitled an Act directing the mode of selling
:Unseated Lands for taxes., and for other plirtxrses. pas
sed ont.he I th day of March 1815, and the further
supplenient ; thereto passed on the I.lth• day of March.
1817, and on the 45th of, March, 1831, the Treasurer of
lithe county of Schuylkill, hereby gives notice, to all
persons concerned therein, that unless the County,
Road, School and State Taxes due on the following
Tracts of Unsealed Lands, situate in Schuylkill Conn
ty, are patd before thei day of sale, the whole or such
parts of, each Tract as: will pay the charges ana costs
chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House in
the. borough nf'Orwigiburg, County of Schuylkill, on
ontinued by adjournment from day to day, for arrear
ages el taxes due said county, and the costs accrued on
c,ach respectively.
-Barry Township.
Daniel Reese, •
P. F. Ludwig 4- J. liuntzinger Jr
•• do do.
Casper Thiel.
Henry Shaeffer,
John Klinger.
Riddle &IffcKnight,
James LE Dunn.
J. W. Sensitizer & Cor.
George Randolph.
John Marks Biddle,
Isaac Christ,
John Bailey,
Philip Mayer,
. John Dreher,
Henry Weaver,
John Shneider,
John Culp,
John Brobst, .
• Sohn Marks Biddle,
John Heisler, .•
Francis Vernet
John C. Offerman,
William Prescott,
'Jeremiah Reed &Co-,
William Crosbey;
Andrew Russel,
John Snyder,
J. Green & D. Hain,
Thomas Grant,
Disler &
Jon. A. Otto,
Cadwallader,' [E. Swift /424.1 ,
Francis' Varna!,
John B. Otto.
Benjamin Becker, , •
Theophilus Fenn;
East Brunsteig .l 'Township.
John Marbmger,l 1 41
Bern-011e Kenn, , 2'95
E. IL Huhley, 1! 1.24
Andrew Kimmel, , 00
Samuel K. Kepner , .1 43
J. Shnehei Jr. & E.& E. Hammer, 5 90
Epe, [estate] 1 17 40
James Jones I 162
• do ) I Sl7
Bawl), Iluntzinger Ludwig &
, Moser,
Abraham Seltzer & Co.
Solornrin Lindner; •
Samuel K. Kepner,..
William Auden y eld, •
West Brunattit i t Townsrap.
P. F. Ludwig 4.5. Huotzinger, Jr. 190
do L - do 442
Jacob Miller (estate.) 08
Geo. Titoism& Jar. Miller, deceased, 7 08
, Peter Dreher &Jac: Miller dec'd 108
Jiihn Rickert Shoener, 13
Peter F. Ludwig.& C0.,, 3 10
'Conrad Mengel, .1 05
C. Mengel &John, 52
John Moyer,; 5
William Duncan, - 1.25,
Lto 4
:AOt .`'l
350 ,
7 1
a ,
i 7,0
150 1
25 '
Upper lifahantongo Township,
P. F. Ltniwig 4.• J. Iluntzinger-Jr i 47
i John EL Otto; ; . 42 15
John Rause!,
Jeremiah Jackson, •
Smith Evan, ;
I Robert Poor; . .
Robert Tidd, .
Robert Smoke,
' Smith liiikens, " .
'` John Slumber. .
Borough of Orwigshurg.
i 4 lots John Caning.
~ .. Borodzh of Pinegruire.
Ifacres George N. Eckert,
• ~.1 do
'..4 ' Daniel Good • '-' -' ' •
1 } Charles Caner,
Ak George Gleim,
. A. Samuel Rain,
1 acres Frederick Klett,
. liots William M. Roberts
, l' Henry Zlmmermae •
1 Michael Minnie..
Treasurer's CM . ea, Oro igs- 1 -N l '
barb. Nay Id„ IE4B. ' tl
' •-• ; i
4730 ,
Mr/44111T ON' IRO* •
rpwo co les of this valuable and scarce work. price
i/ITO 00 per copy. Imported by she Cambria, just re
ceived a and for sale at
BAININAN'S Cheap Book Store.
—May 10,1846. '2o—
- Straitis Perftinied Sand Balls
FOR cleansing, whitening, arid purifying the bandi.
Ladies riding, gardening, re painting, or gentlemen
shooting, hunting, fishing, rowing, or any amusement or
exertion prejudicial to the hands, will find the improved
Band Wash Flail pleasingly efficacious - in temovinrall
hardness i xitains, redness,and al Idisfigu remen t,pre ven
log chopping, and tendering the skin so fair, end plia
ble They produce the moat softening and refreshing
se.nsafton, 'and will be found an excellent substitute for
the Flesh Brush. Just received and for sale at -;
HANNAN'S Perfumery more - Pott.tvitle.
. .
May 16 20—
Presco and Pannel Papers.
TUST opened at Bannan's Paper Store, Pottsville, a
fel large and beautiful assortment of Fresco and Pan
netl the latest and most fashionable
Patterns, till of which wilt be 'sold as tow and some
which were purchased at a bargain, at less than Phil
adelphia *ices. As his stock of Papers embraces the
latest and most fashionable. Patterns of three of the
largest Manufactories In Philadelphia, they tan scarce
ly 'fail to Please the moat fastidious.
Glazed and Common Papers for Rooms, Halls and all theit variety, at Philadelphia prices, al
ways for Sale at
I BANNANI'S Paper Store, Pottsville:
May 16,!/916.
Books ! Books ! !
. ,
DICE'S Christian Philosopher.
Doddiidge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the
I ' Soul,
The Bible Expositor. '
' Bonk Of Good Examples, • '
Brinyan's Holy war,- , • .
Chilliagworth's Works, , - '
Sant in's Sermons,?
Whitrleld's Sermons, . •
Lock's Esiays. Library Edition,' '
D'Arbigne's History of the Reformation,
Leorente's Ifiatory of the Inquisition of Spain,.
Theological S (etch Book, Vol. 2d.
Banoirm's Pu pit Assioant, . .
WatsOn's Biblical and Theological Dictionary,
Chapinan's Sermon's,
Cruden'a ComPlete Concordance, .
Union Billie Trionary, .
Everet's Life f Dawson, .
Burden's VIII ge Sermons,
' V illage-Blackr mith, •
Dr. Olin's Travel.. in the East. ~
Dr. Durbin's — ravels in the East,' .
' Do do in Europe, '
Rickel's Notes of Travels in the East,, •
Sear`i Pictorial Illustrationa of the Bible,
Bear'i Bible Biography, '
Together with a variety of other Standard Works,
just received and for vale at •
BAN NAN'S Cheap Book-store, Pottsville.
May 16; Dilo. . 20-
47158 00
HE su I • ,
bscriber off6's at , private sale, a stationary
T' Engine, with two boilers nearly new, at Port Clin
ton, Schuylkill county, in care of Mr. George Wiggan,
on reasonable terms. The public are invited to ex
amine the same, and address the subscriber, residing,
in Fogebwille, Lehigh comity, Pa.
, •
Fogelsv l ille, libigh co„ May 9, 1846. l9-31*
. —.H. .
.;- ;4 : ,'A MOST' valuable Tract of .Land for
.. • ?sale, situate on the Schuylkill Haven and
.. - ,-, ,A clinersville Rail goad it miles from Potts
.' *, ville, 31 fiom Schnylkill Haven and 4 ftom
_ I Minersville, containing 301 acres-60 acres
under god fence and cultivation,`2oo acres good for
farming purposes and about 100 acres containing Coal,
Timber, White Oak and Pine. The improvements are
a good two story2honse. new barn and other,baildings.
For further particulars, Terms, &c., apply to
Schuyl l ltill Haven, May Oth,lei6. -19-1 t
3,210 02 Tons
35,909 09 ',Tons
9 , HE subscriber respectfully informs the publrc that.
_IL he is' prepared to build Steam Engines of any pow
er, and of the most approved constrnct ion. Also, fur
nace and mill work of every (lest ription, Rail Bu
and Mitt Cars, Coal Breakers, Screens, plane gearing,
Mine. pumps. Also, Turning , Lathes. Slide rests,
Screws 'of every size and length, Castings of every
descriptiOn, at the above Works on the• Little Schuyl
kill Rail Road, corner of Bridge street,. in the Borough
of Tatnanua,S.rhuylkill County.
. Having the superintendance of the Works myself, I
feel confident it would be to the interest pf persons
wanting any of the above named articles, to call be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as,l will warrant the work
turned mit by zne,44r) be of the best material and work, -
manship,!and be prompt to do work at the , time
fixed qprin. JOUN OLIAS.
TarnaMia, May 6, IS-115. 9--6mto
19i • .. .. •
(I Bp:K.E, ,, Gla.tot 8' x 10, 10 x. 12 and 10 x 11, just re -
A.:IL/ ct vied from the manufacturers and now °lli:red
for sale at the York Store at City prices.
May 0.: 1616. :., l—
THE nartnership heretofore exiting between Mah—
lon Brink & Geo'ee R. Cramer, Masons. under the
firm of Brink & Cramer, was dissolved on the fith inst.
by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will
be se. tied by Mahlon Brink, who continues' the busi—
ness on his own account,
rottsVille; May a, 1816. 19-3 t
The Miners' Bank of Pottsville,
hN the county of Schuylkill, have this day declared a
1 Dividend of three and a halt prr cent on the Car&
tal•Stock paid in; out of the profits of the last 6 months,
payablelto the Stockholders or their legal representa.'
tines, : . fteerthe :15th inst. eitockholderi residing in
Philadelphia, may, receive their Dividends by calling
at the Bang;of North America. after that time.
1 r CHARLES LOESER, Cashier.
May 9, 1646. 19-2 t
Cstf. S. Gazette, insert &kV until 15th inst. and send
bill'to this office.
Mimi Hill and Schuylkill Haven
Rail-road Company.
ASPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the
Mine Hill and Schuylkill Ravin Rail Road Compa
ny., will be held at their office Philadelphia, on the
26th inst., at 10 'o'clock. A. M., to take into considera
tion the expediency of accepting the Arts supplenien
tary to the Charter passed by the Legislature and ap
proved by the Governor, otfthe 25th day of March last,
SAMUEL MASON, Secretary.
Philada., May 9th, IS4O.
DORT W4NE FOR INVALlDS—Warranted pure
I 'grape juice,' for sale by J. M. BEATTY & Co.
Potts!ife, May.2d, 1846. ; 18—
SMOkED BACON.—Hams, Shoulders and Sides, for
solellow by ' -J. M. BEATTY &
,Ppßstille. May 2d, ISM. , • • • IS—
IBUTTER—For sale.b l y .
Itittsville, May 2 , 1, 4S - 16- • ' 18--
4'ATTING.-44and checked and plain . ltiattini,
11. foe sale ; at Ph iladelphia prices hy .
1 ' j. 111fUE.ATTY & Co.
Pottsville, May'2,l, 1846.
CARPETING! - -A farther supply of inrrain and
netian Carpeting. J. M. BEATTY & Co.
Potta'rille, May 2d, 1846. u .
EXTRA I ]nth Leaden Pipe for Water Works, war
ranted. '
Dd do do do •
/ do do do
Inch; Leaden Pipe for various purposes: Also., Min
eral Water Pipe, -three quarter and half inch pipe.
light and paper, for carrying. Water distances without
much head, from Tatham & Brother', Establishment,
just received and for sale at manulacturer's prices, at
BANNANS' Store, Pottsville.
c Pipe not on hand obtained to order at short notice.
May i 2.1, 18-16. • 18--
,1 ' PRoct.imATlo*.
V V president of the several courts of Common Pleas
of the ounties . of Schuylkill, Carbon, and Monroe, in
Pennsylvania, and justice of the several Courts of
Quart r Sessions of the Peace, Oyer and, Terminer,
and General Gaol Delivery, in said counties, ant
STRANGE N. PAiMEß,allit J•COR Ilicavatmoza,Esquires,
Judgeeof the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace
Oyer and Terminer and. General Gaol Delivery, for the
trial. of all capital and other offenders, in the said
county, of Schuylkill—by their precepts to me directed,
.have ordered a Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Ter
',miner; and General Gaol Delivery, to be hidden at Or
;Avigebtire, on Monday, the Ist day of' June pest, to con=,
.'thine One week.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, the
Justices ofthe Peace, and Constables of the salt county
of Schnylkill, that. they are-by the said precepts com
manded to he then and there. at 10 O'clock In the fore
noon of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
exami atingle, and all other remembrances, to do those
things which to their several offices appertain tote
done ; and all those' that . are bound by recogni;an
ces. to prosecute against the prisoners that are, or then
shall be in the gaol of said county of Schuylkill, ere to
be then and
. there to prosecute theM as shall be just.
God• save the Com* 0 wiliest if - h.
, -- C• 1 ;JEREMIAII REED, Sheriff.
. Sber,frs Office, °twig's- r 1 - '
burg, May 2, 1898. 18
N. lll..ltThe witnesses and jurors wheat* summoned
to attend said Court, are required to attend punctually
In ens of non-attendance, the lawin such cases, made
and pr kvided, will be rigidly, enfcriced. This notice bi
publis ed by order of the Court; those concerned will
gayer themselves accordingly'. . • ~ , .
6 20
3 48
I 05
4 92
NO'TICE is betel , Oren, that a Calk of Common
Pletts. fir the tr al of causes at Issue In and for the
coun c ii of Schuylkill(' will be held at Orwigsbarg . In
the unty aforesaid( on Monday, the day of . June
o contlaue,Mvo Weeks. •
Therefore all persons having salts pending and all
person.. whose/ duty it shall be to appear, at said Court,
will Mke not ea and govern themselves accordhlviV•
filterfreDdlee Onvigs,l . .
b r p.rgaday 2„ 1896. •
Leaden . Pipe.
,BY virtue of NEYeral writs of Vann moss EXPONAII
issned out of the Court of Common Pleas of debuyl
kill County, and to me directed, will be 'exposed to
sale, by public vendee or outcry, on
At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Israel
Rinehart, In the borough of Pinegrove,
All that undivided one third pan of ail that certain
lot or piece of ground, situate in the bmtnigh of Pine
grove, in the county of Schuylkill, fronting on Tulpa
hocken street 60feet, and adjoining lot of John Christ,
on the south, and lot of. Willi= Oraeff on the north,
and being 200 feetin depth , to a 20 feet wide alley, with
the appurtenances.
ALSO, all those two certain 'Maur ground adjoining
each othdr, situate in the borough of Pinegrove, in the
County of Schuylkill, fronting on ITnlpehoeken street,
100 feet, adjoining lot of Daniel Him on the south, and
by MI street on the north, and lie ng 200 feet in depth
to a2 O feet wide alley , with the appurtenances. As
HAMN. property of SAMUEL N. 1
.Bt Me same time an' place, All that
certain lot or piece of ground. situate in Pine Glove
township, in the county of Schuylkill, fronting on the
Union Canal 16 feet, and being2o feet more or less in
depth, adjoining said Union Canal and land of Jr titi
Stine. with the appurtenances, consisting of a one and
a half story frame house. As- th e property of
At 10 o'clock, A. kl. ' at the Penniylvania Ilall, in the
bornegt of Pottsvill e, all that certain undivided third
part of all that certain lot or piece orparcel of ground,
situate In Jonathan Wynn's addition to the Borough
of Poilsyille, in the county of Schuylkill, bounded in
front by Centre street, no the south east side by a tkl
feet wide alley, on rear , by land late of Jonathan:
Wynn, and on the northwest side by lot No, 2 in said,
addition, late the property of Jacob Bright, being 60
feet in front, and 200 feet in depth, and marked upon
Jonathan Wynn's plan of his addition to said Town,
with number I, with the appartenances, consisting oit
a Iwo story frame dwelling house, with a
4 basement story in the rear, and a string of
two story brick and frame back buildings,
t .. extending the whole length of sand lot. As
4 the property, of ROBERT B. NELIGH, Ad
ministrator of Henry Neligh, deceased.
At the saane time and place, All that ,
certain tract or parcel of laird, situate in Norwegian'
township, in Schuylkill' county, beginning at a post in
the middle of the West branch of the Mount Carbon
Rail Road, thence partly, by land 'of the Delaware Coal
Company, and partly by land of Elizabeth Spotlit, north
68i decrees, east 15 - 2 7-10 perches to a white oak cor
ner of land called the Mount Laffee tract, now the
property of the Trustees of the' Bank of the United
States, and Elijah H. Kimball, thencelly the last men
tioned tract north 22 degrees, -west crossing a public
road 156 perches to a post, thence' by land which lately
formed a part of the tract levied, upon, now the prop
erty of the said Trustees of the Bank of the United
States, and the said Elijah H. Kimball, south 66{ de
grees, west crossing the said public road 64 3-10 per
ches to a pine tree at the said, Rail Road, and near the
left bank. of the West branch of Norwegian Creek,
'thence down the middle of the said Rail Roadovhich
passes along the left bank of the said Creek, soutti±4l
degrees, west 142 perates to tt post, south If degrees,
west 4 perches to a post, south 10 deg' ees, east 7 9-10
perches to a post, south 13}degrees, east 6 and 740
' perches too post, and south lb} degrees, east 7 and 6-1 n
perches to the place of beginning, containing 125
acres and 97 perches, and being the, same tract of
land (less 25 acres,•which Was , conveyed by Elijah
Deche,rt and wife, to Richard 11:Kimball.) which the
Berks County Bank conveyed to the said Elijah Dech
en, his heirs and assigns, by Deed hearing date the
---.l . lay•ofr- , ---18-- and recorded at Orwigsburg, in
Deed lCiok" No. —page-- with the appurtenances
consisting of several dial Minea now opened and
worked by J. dr. J. Beddow William and Thomas
Johns and others, and a nuter of Coal Schutes and
Miner's house, Stables. kc.,gr.c. As the property of
At the same time and place, All that one
and a half story frame house and Int'of Ground, situ
ate on the northwesterly side of Lynn street, in the
Borough ofq'ottsville, in the county of Schuylkill,
marked in Pott & Patterson's additional plan to said
borough, No. 118, containing in front on said-Lynn st.,
20 feet. and in depth 125 feet, hounded southwesterly
by lot No. 119, nOrti.easterly by tc4„Xo. 117, and south
easterly' by said Lynn street.. l the property of
.dt the same• time. and place, All that
undivided moiety or half part of a certain tract of Coal
:Land. situate in Branch Township, Schuylkill County,
bounded by land of the pieisr - York and Schuylkill Coal
Company, George Rahn, Burd Pattersott and others,
containing 61 acres, more or less, u ith the appurtenan
ces consisting of four onu and a half story stone hou
ses, one two stony log house, a frame stable and ;a
Blacksmith shop: As the property of JACOII SER.
At the. sometime and plo- dl th, title
so, an. p ace. aL .te rig. title
and interest of Geroge AFitman, of and in two certain
' • • lots of ground, and a one and a half story
partly frame and partly log dwelling house
• 1 and frame stable, situate in the town of
Be t
ig g Friedensbure, Wayne township, Srbuyl
- kill county, bounded in front by South
street, and on the east by Front street, containi p each
66 feet in front and 165 feet in length, and marked in
the plan of said town with Nos. 63 and 45, late ttia es
On Saturday, the ' 3oth day of May 1846,
At - 2 o'clock in the afterno^n, at the house of Michael
Graeff, in the borough of Orwigsburg,
All that certain niessuage and tract of land, situate in
Wayne township, county of Schuylkill, adjoining lands
of John Adam Schwenk', Frederick Bchaffer,'AbrahaM
Loos. and others, containing 4 acres, be the same more
for less, with the appurtenances, 'consisting -of a log
all that certain tract' or parcel of land, situate
on the Summer Hill, hi, Wayne township, in the county
of Schuylkill, adjoining lands of Leonard Shaffer, Fer.
°nice Deppe, and Isaac Moyer, .containing about 3 acres
more or less, with the appurtenances. As the proper
Seized and taken into exeCution, and to he sold by
Sheriffs Office °twigs-1j
burg, May 2d, 1916:1 II
UN' VIRTUE of an order on a writ of PATITMON is
"l7 sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Schuyl=
kill county, and to niedirected, - .will be exposed to pub
lic rendue or outcry on '
71r , esday the par'
hursday the 28th ora# of May, 18 46.
at 10 o'clock in the for'enoon,.at the Petins,ilvania flail
•in the borough,of Pottirsille,l
Ata. that certain messuage and Tavern stand and
certain tract, piece, Or parcetof latuA situate in Nome
sian township; Schuylkill cotinty. and stateof Pennsyl
ynnia, bounded as follows, beginning at a stone on the
Centre turnpike road, 'a corner of land late of William
Yoh, hence by the genie 42 degrees, west 21; perchei;to
a white oak, thence south II degrees, east 18 perches; to
a stone, a corner to slot sold to Pott & Philips, thence
by the same and a lot now or late Stall & Offerman,
north 89 degrees, east 116 perches to a post, a corner in
theline of land late Levi Ellmaker, deceased, thence
by the same, north I 'degree, West 32 perches to a prat
near a 'white pine sapling and a large hickory tree,
thence by land sold to RenJamin-Pott, now S. M.Weth- I
erill, Bonsai, and,Cumming, north 87 degrees, west 103
perches, to an apple tree a corset near the school house
thence south 53 degrees, west. 45. feet, and south 37 de
grees, west 00 feet, to a the Con re turnpike
road. thence along the same, so. th 53 de roes, east 2
perches to the•nlace of beginning,. ate' ing 23 acres
.; of land, be the same more or lesa, with
= the appurtenances consisting of a tido'
story log tavern house, a log stable an -
is eel?: sheds. As . the property of SAMUF
_ •"_ THOMAS and MARY THOMAS, nil or
children of Joseph Thomas, decea d, by their guar -
an George W. Thomas and Gaius Moo . - And will be
sold by I JEREMIAH REE , ehetiff
Owigsburg, April 25th , 1846. 7-Imo
BY virtue of a writ of VEKDITIONT EXPONAII and
several writs of Ft FA, Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Schuylkill County.'and to me direc
ted, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry,
ON SATURDAY, THE 30iii DAY OF MAT, 1846, •
at .10Welock in the forenoon, at the Pennsylvania Hall,
in the borough of Pottsville ; .
All that certain lot or piece of grourd, situate on the
southeasterly 'side of Market street, onposie Market
square, as the; same is now widened and opened to the
breadth of 120 feet betiveen Cummings street and
COurtland street, in the borough of Pottsville and
County Of Schuylkill, beginning at the distance of 57
feet 6 inches, Southwestward!) , of William street, and
containing in front or breadth on said Market street 19
feet 2 inches, and In length or depth southwestwardly
107 feet, Wing part of a large lot of ground, marked
In Putt & Uatterson'aplan to said borough No. 22, with
the appurtenances. •
ALSO, all that certain lot or piece,of ground, situate
on the northwardly side of Norwegian street, in the
1-Borough of Pottsville and county of Schuylkill, being
f 19 feet 2 inches in front on said Norwegian street, and
107 feet in depth, and being the southwester l y part of
1 Int No. 22, as marked in Pott £ Patterson's addition to
said borough, with the apphrtenances. , )
ALSO, a certain lot or piece of ground, sittiate - on
the eastwardly side orßall Road street, in the Borough
' of Pottsville and • County of SChuylkill, adjoining
Race street northwardly, other ground of Charles Law
ton eastwardly, lot of Haywood & Snyder southward
ly, and saiditail Road, street westwardly, being 39 feet
15 inches more or less in width, and 75 feet in depth,
with the appurtenances, consisting of 'a frame corpus
terehop. r ' •
ALSO, a certain lot or piece of ground, situate on.
the westwardly Woof Coal area: in the Borough of
Pottsville and County of. Schuylkill, fronting 31 feet 4
inches on said,Coalstreet, adjoining !face street north
wardly, other ground of Charles lawton westwardly,
and ground of Haywood & Snyder southwardly, be
ing 31 feet 4 inches more or less in width, and 73 feet
3 inches more or less in depth, with the appurtenances
consisting of a double two story frame dwelling house,
Late thwestate of CHARLES LAWTON.
- At the same time and place, all that certain
undivided half of a lot of ground, situate in the Bo
rough of Idineriville, in the county of Schuylkill,
bounded oh the north by . Sunbury street, on the west
by lot No. 22, now or late the property of John flinty,
on the east by the ether half,of the same lot; and on
the south by South street,.being the westerly half of
lot No. 26, as marked In the general plan :of said Bo
rough, and being 22 feet In (tont, on Sunbury street,
and 200 feet to depth, with the appurtenances, consis
ting of two one node half story frame dwelling houses.
As the property of DAVID ROGERS:
At the, sometime and place, ail Ant one un.i
divided fourth part of a certain tract of Coal Land,
situated In Branch township. In Schuylkill County, ad
joining lands of the Forest Improvement CoMpany, of
James Cresson & Brothers, of Martin Weaver, of John
&hall, lands late of William Gebert and others, con.
gaining about 000 acres. being Was 'contiguous tracts
of land, which Were severalty Patented by the Oom.
monwealth of Prinaylvanta, to John Shaeffer, excep
ting three small e r tracts. parts I bl the meta aforesaid
which have been heretolbre conveyed by %%Stab Dar
ling and others, the one to Lloyd to Barton, by 'Deed da
ted 21st of Detember, 18Z9, and recorded at Orwigs
turg, in Deed book No. 12, page 135, and another to
John Schell, by Deed dated 21st otkfay, Vat, and re
corded at Or wleaberg, in Deed: book No. 10, page 150;
Ate., and the other to John Schell and others, byl deed
dated 21st of May, 1830, and recorded at Orwigsbarg,
in Deed book Nb. 10, page 1511kr.., vita the appurte
nances. •
o .I pan, she
ALSO, all that certain trac t deted its_ Dar
ry township, in Schuylkill CliuntY, adjoining Linda
late of John Nicholson, Killian May, Jesse Verne and
others. containing 454 acres strict measure, and Inum-,
bered 57, on Fisher's Map of the Coat Region in Slhtiyl
- comity. with the appurtenances.
ALSO, all that certain tract of Land, situated i Bar
ry township, in county. containing 443 trite%
strict measure, and being numbered 59,_ on Fisher's map
of the Coal Harbin in Schuylkill county; adjoininglands
"late of John Nicholson. John Klinger,Jesse Taman and
Kill inn May, with the "Pau rtenances. As the pruner:) ,
Seized and taken into exrcutirni, and will he alibi by
JEREMIAR REED,".theritf.
Sheriff's Offire, (*wigs- 1_ I
burg, May Bth, MN,
DT virtue of aiwrit of LEVARIA incise, issued out of
IL/ the Court or Coinmon PleaS of Schuylkill County,
and to me directed;, will be exposed to sale, by public
vendue or outcry, ' 1
Oa Saturday, the 30th day of May 1846,
I -
ea two o'clock in the afternoon, at the house of Mi
chael Grate in GIG borough of Orwigeburg, all his, the
said Jacob FriCk's undivided right, title and interest
of, in and to all that certain tract ur panel of land, sit
uate tin the head waters of Swaitara river, formerly in
Pinegrove township, In the county of Bens, now part•
ly in Pinegrove, partly in Norwegian partly, in Low
e Mahantangohnd partly in Barry townshipa.Schityl
kill county, surveyed on the 211th, 21st, 224, 23d and 24th
days of May, A; D.. 1793 in purauance of temwarranta
dated respectively January 12,1793, and granted to the
following named persons, to wilt:—To Robert Irwin,
4191 acres and allowance; to Elkialf Weed, 430 k acres
and allowance to George Weed:439l acres and allow
ance; to Wm. Cook, Esq., 410 acres, 114 perches and all
'mance ; to John Cook, Esq., 445 acres, 91 perches and
allowance ; to James Miner. 110 acres, 47 perches
and allowance' ; to Jonathan Walker, Esq., 440
acres, 57 perches and allowance; to Robert Lyon, 450
acres, 148 perches and 'allowance ts to Wm. Montgorm
ery, 448 acres, 53 perches and allowance, and to An
drew, Carson, 412 acres. ()perches andallowance, con
taining in the Whole 4366 acres: 6 perches and allow
ance, and bounded by lands of the New York and
Schuylkill Coal! Company, by lands surveyed to James
Wilson, Esq., and others, tare} the estate of Robert
Morris, deceased, and being the.same premises which
Samuel Jordonand Wife, by Indenture, dated the 3 1st
day of August ,' A. D., 1638 , recorded in Schuylkill
County, in deed book No. 17, page 132, granted and
conveyed onto the said Jacob Prick and Wm. Levan..
George A. FriCk, and Wm. Drinaldson, in fee. with
the appurtenances, consisting Of one 2} story stone
dwelling houses 14 small frame and log houses, 4 sta
bles, a' blacksmith shop, and ad extensive coal mine,
with fixtures. Worked by Lomas n 4. Gaskins. As the
property of JACOB FRICK. i
-Seize'd and taken into execntion and will he sold by
, Sheriffs Offlc l e, °twigs- i . ...I .
burg, May 9, 184.6. tl9--
- I ,
THE subscritjer begs leave to !Ilford' his friends and
the public generally, that his Ice 'remit Saloon is
now open for the season. Ice Crean s of a superior
quality will be Served up during the sod evening.
I GC°. LIEHR, jr.
May 2d, 18.16.1 IS-
THE subscriher respectfully informs hir friends and
the public ip general, that he had appointed J. F.
Whitney, Meat for the sale Or his superior Italian
Hemp Packine]Yarn. who will keep a constant supply
at the Iron ,Works of E. W hrliinnis.
`Any R, 1846-4--18. Heading, Pa.
1S HEREBY. given, that the Resister of Schuylkill
county, 1. ranted leiters of administratiort on the
estate of 4fichFc j'enririi,. farmer, late of Pinegrove
township, Sclinylkilliounty, deceased, to the subscri
ber. All persons theiefore, indebted td said/estate
are requested ito make priyntEnt, !and haring
claims will please pre•lent them Ririliettlement.
• WILLIA3I Executor.
May 2, I'Bl6'j
Warranted cure Ike Tootn-4rhe in two r minntes.
Tpreparation is the result of much patient ex
periment—is compounded by a scientiqc Dentist.
and is guaranteed to be perfectly Innocuous in its ef
fects upon the:other Teeth.. The gent/the arta.tle. can
be had at Hannan's, Pottsville, [wholesale
and retail! general Agent for the county. Aitlo of the
following Agents:
JOHN A. C. MARTIN, Pottsville.
CHARLES LAWTON, jr. Ac Co. 4i. Clair.
*Price '2.5 cents per bottle.,
C- Agents wanted In all the ToWns. in the County at
the usual discount. •
May 2, 1816, 18
I ;
1 1 1 :Assessment. :• ,
it ~ EMftEll i 3 ; o f the Lycoming CotintY ! 'Mutual Insu
lt'. ranee Company, are hereby notified chat the Board
of Directors have ordered an assessment of one per
cent on all premium notes, due to the Company on the
15th day of November 1845, to he paid previons to the
2d day of June next, to the Treasurer or to Receivers.
- 1 WSI. A. PETRIKEN, Secretary.
N. B.—The Receiver for, Schitylkill.county, is ROB.
! 1 Treasurer—C. SI WALLIS, Esq.
Office of the Lyconting Co., Mutual In- 1
suranCe Co., Muncy, May 2d, Isl 6. 1
Mantua , making and Millinery
Mrs. HA I Gbl,,
LATELY from Philadefpaia, and formerly
• a resident of this place, respectfully informs
the LADIES - OP POTTSVILLE and its vi-.
einity, that she has commenced the business
of Mantua Making and Millinery in the house of Mrs.
Levy, in Centre street, opposite the School Rouse.—
Having had a treat deal of experience in :hese brsoch
es of business for several years, she hopeS to merit a
share of theirnatronare.
Pottsville, May 2d, 1846.
Information Wanted.
merly from: Kildawkey. Meade County, Irefand, by
his first cousin Michael Rispin, now residing at Potts
ville, Schuylkill County, Pa., who is anxious to know
his whereabouts. Any information respecting hint,ad
dressed as above would be thankfully received.
Poitsville, May 2d, 184 - • 14-3t*
100-0 a ll
t u ? h e e l l i ta o t o f e t s w ,il7 . l
h r s e , a r Ze r t . l d ro fo r r t sale
hen. i ' • L. MA780.111 & CO.
May 2,11846,
The house and lot on Centre - street,
Pottsville, 33 feet front on Centre and WO
feet deep In Second street, in the centre
lie of business. The Iront on Centre street,
is now occppied by Trowbridge • & Co.,
Bright, as two stores and a dwelling. For
which Will be liberal, apply lo
April 25th, 1846
Tea Agenoy , in Pottsville.
* rritlE: Pekin Tea Cowan, whore Teas have given
such universal satisfaction in the cities, have ap
pointed the Fuhscriber Agent to sell their Teas in
Schuylkill Cttunty. The public are now enabled to oh
tain a superior article of .Teas at much
7":". • lower rates than they have evrr before
e4l le been offered in this caunty, and they have
the assurance that there are no drugs or
other foreign substances wiled with the
Teas. - They are done up in packages (lineal with lead,
to preserve their strength and flavor) from one quarter
to five pounds, to .suit cusp - titters, and are furnished
from 50 cents to .1 50 per 11). • fora sitserior article.
Centre et . a few doors abode Norwegian, Pottsville.
. Pottsville, April 23th, 1840. 17-
Administrator's Notice.
IN,THEREAB letters of Administration to the estate
V V of 'David W. Brown; late of Norwegian township
Schuylkill'enunty, deceased, having been granted to the
subscribers, notice Is therefore given to all those in
debted to said estate.' to make payment, and all those
having claims, will present them (dr settlement.
ELIZABETH BROWN. Adtninistratrix.
. DAVID BROWN, Administrator.
Apill 18 18.615
ATRACT of MO acres of land„ jtituate on the road
lending front Megrim, to S huyikill Haven.. 10 .
from Schuylkill Haven and 5 from Pinegrove; about 35
acres cleared and under good tence• nd cultivation. the
ti t
• - balance timber land. The improvements
". - are a log house and rn, a good Apple
me . orchard, and a, new et w trill, with a Mr
I : attar saw, turning lay he. &c. The Fish
_ . ing creek, Swatara, and Schuylkill Rail
Road, will pass near, if not through this land. Terms
asy. Apply to GEO: W. MATCHIN, Agent.
Schuylkill Haven, April IS, 15-tf --.
- ---•--
TEST reeeivhd at the York Stolle 100 Kegs of Belle
elsle Nails, Made exclusively of'cold blast charcoal
Doh, assorted 'sizes. EDWARD YARDLEY-
Pottsville, April IS, • ' 16—
V , StRINGS—A rood article!, Just received
V and for Bale at BAN NAN'S Stationery Store,
Pottsville. April 23, ISM . 1 17—
TIM subscribers having purchased of Charles Mil
ler, his entire stock of Goods, will .continue the
business at his old established stand, on Centre street,
next door to Fin & Mortinser's Hotel. and - will endea
vor to deserve the patronage of their old cuistomers
and the public generally. A supply of new and well
assorted Dry Goods, Groceries and Queensware, have
just been added to the stock.
Xa.rch ta,. 19
.• •
Carpets, CU Cloths,1 1 Affattires and
. whims Senses, FOR
I gritlNG TRADE.
1 •
TFfP. subscriber has Jost opened for miring Trade,
a large, and complete assortment or Brussels, Im
perial, superfine and fine Ingrain and Venetian Car
pets, which .hare•alr; been purchased within a month,
'at the lowest cash ;rates., They, atc l now offered at
wady reduced prices for cash.; ' •
There goods are lc& an ektm finish, and
being ofthe best make and &title, offer *teat induce
ments to parcharrs tont:thin ft . :handsome and dears- .
ble article at Miles below the us ; ned rates.•
The astorttnent is complete in6ery tespectand ton
sista In part of the following:
tie* and splendid Brussels ; •
Do do, Ingrains f CARPETS
Do do t Imperials I . •
Do do- •
Do do Tw in ed Venetian at Reduced
Do .d • ;
do Fine and Common Prices. -
Ingrain' . •
Splendid fliabcssssd Piano and Table Covers, Stair
Rods. Bindings, Seeep Skins. &0.. Sc. .
With an immense stock Of lo* priced Carpets, of all
descriptions, Uhl, Rag,llerup and % . ..7otall CarPetS.frrn
12 to 50 rents per yard. 1 •
Country. Mechantet, housekeepers end othets' have
nuW an opportunity of supplying themselves; with
handsonm and desirable roods at greatly reduced .pris•
ces. 1 ' ' • ' • ROB ERT B. AV-A LltErt. - 1
tEI N. Second street, opposite Christ Chnkeltc
?•lay 9 1946.
• t 19—rtro
s•TRU I TH IS 4.14f4) WILL PREV.I I IL."
A. 111AltS!IALL,
'Ka. 189 Chesnut St •betweitt Serenth and Eighthltredi
le and Retail a
t o/Fe off nc e y r' :rd w h e t.: t ple . i
suited ra the Country as Well as the City Trade lie
continues the system of "itosbatemest in:prices," which
he has pursued for the past teal years and desires to
call the special attention of the 'public in it as tha only
tree system of retail business, and .shich is decidedly
to the,interests of the purchaser, to promOte. It Is quite
time that the fratululent practice of asking a high price,
and abating to make the purchasers bi t t i teve they are
the -favored few," was done away wit , as, nine times,
nut of ten, theyaie made to pa via higher! price (howev.
er great the reduction,) than the like style and quality
can be purchased at the One Nice store.'
A. B. M. Is in regular receipt of the newest and cheap.
est seasonable goods, and when any article depreciates
in value. the price is et once marked downso low that
it cannot be undersold. By this system the purchaser
can at all times buy with confidence and .satisfaction,
and without Waste of time in useless bargaining. Ile
has at this time a Complete Assortment of
Black Lumina, Ottoman, Penis de Bole, Mantua.Gros
de Rhine, Armura, and other Dress and Mantilla Silks.
Fancy Dress !Silks, from 44 centi to $2 2.5. per yard,
Including all the variety of approved and useful styles
and comninatidn, of colors.
Lining Silks,'FonlardSilks, Silk Gingham
Paris Painted Lawns and organdimi of the newest
and moat approved style, as well as trasheepest In the
market. Also, Scotch Lawns at very low prices.
Of the new designs. Also;lScutch Ginghams and
Gingham Lawns, very cheap.l a'will'd Earleton and
Man,hester Ginghams fyir Chilslren's wear.
- - - .
Liglbl. medium, and dark colors, 4-4 wide. Also,
hest Make American Chintz slid Calico.a, of the!new
patterns, at I 2 cents per yard.' ' , • ,
- . 510 U. EI3N DE I.AINES,
(lithe most spb-ndid Otnhte and Printed style, down
to the French, English, and American, at 25 cents per
hird. H
Of all qualities and every variety of-designs, suited
In all tastes. 41504 embroidered and chain-stitched
Robes, Byadere, andl Polka dresses, embroidered Swiss
Muslin and Bishop 4wn dress pattrens—Tarletons nod
colored plaid +lndiums SW t2ll 311131111 R.
Plain Swiss, Mull,LNansook, Jaconct, Cambric, Bonk
and Tarloon Must:ie. Plaid, Stripe, Corded, and Fig
ured Cambric and, Bishop Lawn, Imitation
Cambric, Cambric imity, Irish Shirting Linens, Dam
ask Table Linen, Table Cloth and Napkins, Long
Lawns, cheap Shirting and sheeting Musl.ns, and supe
rior Long Cloth Shirting.
Lupin's Bombazines of all qualities, and the various
shades of Black, Summer Bombazines or Brilhantes,!
Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaeas, Silks, Mouselin de,
Latium', Bareges, Balzotines, Marquestr, Grenadines;
Gingliains, Lawns, Crapes. Crape and Love or Leisse
Vails, Kid and.S ilk. Gloves, - Hosiery, Plain Silk; Clacia,
Ottoman, Thibet, Barege and Twitted Silk Shawls;
Scarfs and Cravats. •
French Cashmere long and square shawls, Broche do,
Printed Barege, Thibet and Terkerri
ed Silk. Grenadine, llemani and Mohair do, and low
priced do.
Silk, Grenadine, Barege, and other long and short
' , carts. Also, Cravats, Black Lace and Silk Mantillas,
Yisiti, Capes and Cardinals, of the new styles.
- -
Emb'd Canty Collars, Spencers, ;and Chemmettes,
under sleeves:slid Cuff's, English and FrenCh Thread,
Laces, Edgings and lnsertings, Lirien B.ilibin Edgings
andinsertings, ended Swissand Cambric do, Black and
White Lace Veils,Lace Shawls, and Scarfs.wide Black
Laces tar Mantillas, and scarfs and Black Brussels Lace
for trinnuingdo, and dresses,-
elnelia,. Ate and black ribbed, emb .1, open work.
and plain Silk Hosiery ;'white and black half hose,
ribbed and plain ; eptin Silk and raw Silk do; allm Eng.
Halt and Swiss white, colored, arid unbleached Cotton
do, ribb'd, plain, emb'd cloeked. and open worked; 1 nisi)
Children's Cotton do., and Ladies' white and unbleach
ed Lisle Thread do, of various qualilies, A scarce and
,desir able article, and other Hosiery of various descripL
:lions. ' . ,
• Plain corded bordered, Riviera, _Mitalqile. an;l emb'd
Linen Cambric and Lawn Hare, from 121. een 9 to 829
each. Also, Bags, Purses, Green Barege Jur Veils,
Gauze Veils, Black Linen, Lead colored and Brown de,
Paper Muslins ice. ' • • 1
All the new.styles rich and cheap scarfs and cravats;
Kid, Silk, Thread, and other gnives;otton half Hose;
Silk and Linen Cambric pocketidkfs. Suspanders, &o.
You can find at .M kIISHAL •S, IB Chesnut street,
almost every article DI Dry Go Hisiba you reqUire. and
at prices quite an low, it not ower, than elSewhere,
Otis to his :rarest to sell cheap —and as he is eonstant
_ly adding to his stock the,new st in/ cheapest goods,
you' will be sure of being suited. Bu , reader; you are
invited to call and judge for. yourself.l
Philadelphia, May 9th, 1846.
bTHE subscribers have now la l niling from shlpiAlham
ra,' from Liverpool, 5 tone Rail Road linr, 11 g t.
5 tons 11 x i, 10 tons li g. I, 5 tons II g I. Also; SO tons
best refined Iron, consisting of round, square land flit
bars. Apply to . : •T. &F. GEOR IE, ..
North'East corner of Market And 12th trees..'
Philada., April 25, 1816. 1 17-tf. :
N. W. corner of Gheennl and 6th el. Philada.
T"E proprietors lysve jest completed their stock o
Spring Clothing, consisting of superfine 'Dress and
Frock Coats, Habit Cloth, Coddington and Tweed SaCk
Coats. and,new style Sominer Frock Chats, with a va
riety of single milled French Casstinere Pants, and a
general assortment of latest style Vests.
The shove stock is worthy,,the attention of the pub
liras It is inferior to none in the city, and will he
disphseil of very low. 1-
A large assortment of Cloths, Casslineres and Vgs
lingo, coiistantly on hand which will !remade up to or
dz, SWIFT.
Philads„., April 25th, MI6. 17-3 mo
The Cheapest Gold and Silver matches i
Alen on band a lar e assortment of gold and hair
bracelets, finger rings , breast pins, tioop ear rings, Odd
prim, silver spoons, s gar Icings, thimbles, gold neck
curb and fob chains, shard keys. and jewellry, at ennal
ly low prices; all I syabt is to call to cons lace ctlstcnn
1 30
All kinds of clocks and watches repaie l d and war
ranted to keep good time for flue year. d gold and
silver bought or taken in exchange. For s t o 8 dayand
30 hour,brass Clocks at . LEWIS LA 011ie,
Watch Clock and Jewellry. store, No. 41 i Market
. 4 street, above lath, North side, Ph adelphia. '
Minds., 'A pril 18, 1616 , 18-omo
id black ribbed,
OLD Levers full Jewelled
Silver " "
Cold Wines Jewelled
Silver ' "
" Qttortiers fine quality
Cold watches plain
Silver Spectacles
Gold Pencils
" Biarelets •
• •
To Machinists and others.
PLATT'S universal Clutch. all sizes, wom•ls tniOO
Inches ; Salter's Spring Balances, made expressly
for Steam Butanes. 80, 50 and 24 pounds. Platform
and Counter Scales, more than 50.dlfferent sixes and
patterns. Vat sale wholesale and retail at the lowest
manufacturer's, prices, at No. 34 Walnut street. by
Philadelphia, Feb. 7, 1818
Sugar; Loaf Coal Mines.
TITESE valuable Mines having been purchased by
the subscriber Ara nov offered for rent. They are
'mated In Hazel Township, Luzerne county, 13 miles
from the Lehigh Canal, wills which they communicate
by Rail Road.. They ennaprise 1400 Acres of Land.
and the impmvements consist of a Rail Road I mile
long, which unites with the Hazleton Rail Road--a
large Stationary Steam Engine, a MenaOm, Mill, all
• in good order,sodwelling bones, store house,
,„ 5 : ” School house and other buildings end Allures
suitable for conducting a large business.
More than 100,000 tons of Coal have been sent to
market from these mines taken from the II foot vein.
Otherlarge veins both above, and below the old work
ings have been ascertained, and can be - Marini - worked
from the same slope by short Tunnels.
The high and well established reputation of the tin
gar Loaf Coal for purity and excellence. will ensure'n
ready sale for a large quantity at the higheat market
price. The mines can be worked es cheaply 'as any in
the region, and the supply is ample for the most ex
tensive operations. . 13
Application to be made to the subscriber IM ?bifida.
Phibuia.,3lay 24,1848, .' ; 15-.11
Nottoet trot iticeedrog foot line! Inserted otos for
23 'cents—three imertions cents,
WANTED. . • '
Q CVERAL lltontdeti, Finishers, and Softer .M3.`k'ets,
L are wanted immediatly, at the Pottsville. Iron
Works.. To_goodsvotkvaeat,goo2 wares will be riven.
Jan. 17 9 • E. W. DieGINNI/3".
P .
UCTOELILL !Motorlei of Washington;'
do do Franklin,
do do ' ' Jackson, -
":. do do Napoleon,
Net and beautiful books for ;be young; price 75 cts.
just received and for sate at BANNAN'S Cheap BoOk
Store, Pottsville. Iday, 2, IEIIS, IS-
BARK'S Pennsylvania Reports, vol.;
Pardon's Digest,
I McKinney's Digest,
-!...Mehanney's Justice,
lime's Justice Assisthat, -
Wright's Justice including Supple
Wright's Stipplatent to Justice,
Getz's Forms, last edlthill,,
Dunlap's Forms, - •
' The Form Book,
,Dnane's Landlord and Tenant.
Belect Laws orPennsylvants,
•• Watts & Sergeant's Reports, vole
Just received and fnr sale at BANN •
Pottsville, where all Law Books not
tained to order, at Philadelphia price
May 2, 1846,
"TATIIEREAE) fetters of. Administration 'on the! Estate
VV Of Wm.3l. Ric bards. tate of itte borough of bit.
nersville, Scheylkiit ',county; deceased, has beer' gtatr!-
ted by the Register of Schuylkill county, to the star
scribes; therefore ail those tudebted to said Estate are
requested to make payment, end ail thane hay ins claims
will'also present them for tiettl,ment. I •
JOSEPiI H. RICHARDS,' Adkainistrator.
Blinersville; April 25th, 1616. 17—tit
, • • NOTICE. • -
IuRTH EREAS letter of Administratbaro on the.Eatata
VV of 301 IN C. AIARLL, late of ?down Carbon,
Schuylkill County, deceased, have been granted by the
Hqgifitet Or Schuylkill County, to the subscribers there
fore all those indebted to said Estate, are requested to
make paysnCht and those having claims, will present
Present them fer settlement.
Admintstrator de honis non.
April 25th, IS-IC. 17.6 t:
Coal Screens Coal Screens !
THE suscriber Is estensivaly engaged in the manu-'
factory of WOVEN WIRE SCREENS upon art
improved and entirely new principle, for which he has
secured LETTERS PATENT, and which he confident
ly believes will be found upon trial, superior to every
other ecreen in use fortiur.ibility and all the qualities
of a good screen. They are Woven entirely of wire,
and can be made with meshes and threads of any re
quired aice and strength. 'i
will be executed at - the shortest notice, and screens
made to every pattern, adapted to all the uses for
which screens ate required.
,''The sebscriber has recently removed his estab•
fishment to Goal street, near the corner of Norwegian
Street. • JENKINS.
Pottsvilfe,.April 4 ISID • 14-
CO;NTIMENTAI. GIFT CARDS, juice '23 cells per
kJ pack, just received, and fur rale .at BANNAN'tI
Cheap St. s itionery store. May 2, 18-
x A ETITODIST CATECHISMS, parts Ist , and;,2d; also
111. !Methodist Hymn Books,!large and small, i fOT:sale
at HANNAN'S Cheap Hook-snare, Pottsville.
?day 2 I. 12.4
For Sale and. to be Leased. '
LEY, for sale and to be leased, on favdrable terms.
InquireAt the alike of
V. L, MAXWELL, Attorney et Law,
' March 28,.1546,.. 1.3--43t* Wtlkes arre,
Doct R.' H. Corydl,
10 ESPECTFULLY offers his Services asi practitioner
Lt of Medicine and Sort•ery. to the citizen of St: Clair
and its vicinity. Office rti - Julinson's flute], ...t. Clair.
St. Clair. April 11,18413.. 1 1.5- 6 t*
. ,
THEsubscriber announces to the citizens of this hci
roug and vicinity that he carries on the COOPER
ING IlliSllNESel. in all its branches. in Market street,;
opposite 'Mr: Wolf's Tannery, where can always be'
purchased Barrels, Kees, Tubs , &c.,!at the very low_
set rates, made of materials' which"be can warrant to
be of the beat quality. I
:Ile also repairs all kinds of tubs andlother woodwork
and other ..--.
in his.line of business. at the shone t notice and on
most reasonable terms. .l .
lie also pays the highest price forr i old flour barrels,
&c., Staves and 11ooiiiioles, at his establishment.
As he to determined to merit, he bopmi to receive the
patronage ofthe public. OWEN MARION.
.. N. 11.—A boy about 15 or 16 years of age will be ta
ken as an apprentice. - 1 0. 51. ' 1
Pottsville, April 11, 1516 ' l5-tf
Tm undersigned, general dealer In Coal, resident
in the city of New Yorkovill re ewe an consign- .
ment, cargoes of C:oakto be sold nun ediately for cash,
yarded or stored on reasonable tett is ,or will he ex-
Changed in all or part, for Merchir dire, viz: Groce
ries. Cheese, Oil, Ilay, llama, 4r.c.,; t the lowest cash:
prices. Captains 'of Boats coming to this city, with
cargoes of good Coal, for sale or exchange, will do well
to:call upon the subscriber, as they an oftenlbe put in
the way of getting a better price tor heir Coal, than is
paid generally by dealers • I E. KIRK,• -
Workingman's Coal Office, 85. tibittyatreet, third
doOr West of Broadwa y.
1 '
Ib'.‘, oi
New YOrk, March 21, 1816
,Texas, Oregon, Califor
• ,
, ,T A R F F
TFIE stibFcriber will attend to the
counts placed in his hands, wh
'Accounts, Notes, B011(14 or otherwise,
putch. N.
Pottwille, April 11, 1846.
To the Free trid Independent Voters . of
the Coitray.qf Schuylkill: ,
CC licitatinn of manyof my 'friends and acqua intan-
Ces, I Orfer.myself as a candidate for the office of SHER
IFF, at the election in October next; should I be elee
ted. I wilt discharge My duty fatthfully and impartially
to the, beitof my ability. •
Very respectfully, yours 5.e.
Pottsville, March 25, 1516. -el •
Foundry and. Machine Shop. -
rirnE subscribers, under the firm of SMITH', WREN
& Co., would respectfully inlorm their friends, and
the public generally, that 'they have taken the estab
lishment formerly known as the "Eagle Foindry," and
having-made extensive repairs, and additions, are now
prepared to furnish all kinds of Machinery. rail road
cars, coal breakers. plough and stove castings,,hollow
ware, &c., on short notice and reasonable terms.
WM. C. smalf, .
Jan. 10,
Pocket Knives, Raiors.
1:731' received and fo,r sale at MARTIN'S Drug-Store
an assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, some v
ay superior, Razori of all prices—call and see them
no charge for showine the articles,
If you want any Skates we can suit you.Alsn, a
few straps of •
December 20, 1845. 51—
*45 00
23 00
30 00
' 15 00
10 00
15 00
1 75
2 00
• Pap er Hangings and ...E orders.
HE subscriber has just recelred his Sprinir Pat- .
terns of Paper Hangings and Borders, embraCing
all the latest and most fashionable Patterns, for Par
lors, Rooms and Entries,,bside an entire new set. of
Patterns, all of whicls.will he sold at Philadelphia cash
prices. Those inmant of Paper will please call and
examine them. B. BANNAN, Agent.
Feb. 21, 1816.
. .
CALINA Salt in barrels& bags, for sale at the lowest
Market price, delivered on hoard of Seats onthe
Schuylkill, FREE of PORTERAGE by
31 Walnut st. or Locust it. Wharf Schuylkil .
- Philadelphia July 19th, 29;',1
MANUFACTURED and for sale by
Pascal Iron Warehouse, S..E• corner or
Third and Walnut street. Philada.
Plulada. August 9. 3--
Their qualities depend upon the following particulars
Fatter—The employment of the agar HATERS/JAL .
Beauty. The use of articles unknown to othegink
Tema. The ingredientiso proportioned that the lu
ring UWtreCnenICALLT, giving great brilliancy and du
FOURTH. MOdes of inar ufacture which lave - the
pure elements of in k;prod nce s fluid Ity,and no sediment
They are put up in lqt, Ipt, Boz, cos, goz, and loz,
bottles raw. striasuas ; each having a PATENT CH'IU.
tar lip, the stand can he tilled without. spilling . .
The Black and Blue taker corrode steel pentlessUmn
any other. They surpass any American; English; or
French, in beauty and strength, for the color, once set,
will remain untinatiorto FOR AGFA.
THE best ever Made for brilliancy of polish and pre
serving the. leather.
FOR the uie of Public and Frigate schools, it has no
equal, either for cheapness or excellence.
• MAPS. .
A roll assortment always on hand.
Outline maps for ettnals. A new and splendid Map
of PaLerrisin, for Sunday schools
Manufacturer arid Publeher
tle south 7th stmt.
.Philada„ DeiL 27, 18.141, . 6/-
$ 4OO
e . eo
, 4 4 te
50%&7, .500
N'S Ilnok Store
tt band, era otr-
and the
ollecton of all at
i ther they be Boolc.
1. with care awl dis-
i 15..-3 t
Satarday Mar
'ob-erro b the arrmngement el
our pap e r, thtit news will be toned elh , every pap, which
compels the rete.ter tealp hie , elLe over aU the idler
tiletnents. l LlStittVitfres!te a great estett,The ohjee*
of having. ail,,rtiAotibAit.l Once,' uti VIU tokboxl
outside of the leper. •
Timm it nothinin
'The, Presldeut of 11 e. tfoltet! States, has issuoa •
u Prochunatiun earth upon Civil •athr Milita
Officers to perfor'm t 1 eirantie;:prouipay,, in ear l
f4rring the laws, and r exieiag c,ircurrt-tanees:
The report th at ‘rttia Thotetta had tut hie
way through the 'Me. Iran' artny v does tot tappet,
tube confirmed.
Gen. &ntt believt s that Gen, for
aLlo to hold mit un it he is reinforce ilreat.
fortri are entertaiae,i, it NVa.hin,;:lainil ; is safety: •
'pen. Taylor is :t Vir iniatt by bh•tilathl has bee*
33 vfar r 3 in the" semee. Fle dis :ugQietted
self in the
li cr3
1 00
/ 50
I:VOUT.kNT f eoM M
Yucatan and till Southern Mexico,
preparations for n genera rebellion, against
present Government of Nle.4leo. i Tut) Yucatrut
Congress now in sessionhad is:fusel! to entertain •
any' •Iropositons front rftrattcs
• A correspondent makes the fel:lowan , " 0 appcai •
Men of , Arnericrt.. hiethren by the boy ties of
hun:Uin liberty, we shall rise in 'n tlimr days id
these Southern Depart uenia, hoping to rescue out
beautiful iNl,•.zico, front the hands of Europe's
niiritons: Brethren of the North t we tespect vett
!Ur nobleisurnple of self-Lioeernuntut,
'shines upon the nations. In return *o ask yout
a;S , rupatliv. Yo u . haveour coliJ4ireti 7 —aive
yours, IVe kuow.not that we can hai•e. Toureos
operation. 11ttt if the central Junto, iuttted
ailother pone,; should war against You for
coiving and protecting our siwer Tex'-as, you shalt
find as prepared to greet you in it..ell:ills of the
Aloutezunnia • •
Tao Aitanseas Davi rw..-We have 'before
us the:klay number of this magazine Which (any
equali its predccesthis and sustains the high char'.
Icier which the Witt has already established. A
portrait 'otr,iNest the Painter,ernbellisties the nuty
ber. The leading articles are on 'Political Cot'
ruption,' 'The Independent Treasury,! the 'Ethan+
lion of the Deaf and Dumb,' the 'Artists orAnzer.
ica,' &c. Sze. i
• " There magatinn published itt Fbie 'country'
more worthy of support than the American Reviest
As a literary periodical it has no auortier,
taking the high ground it does in defence of Whig
doctrines, if ommends itself to
Teryitrue Whig.
One more . hantber completes the third eatni-annual
volume. Subscriptions received at this olficer.iir
Price 00 per annum. ,
' 4 - •
ecj. As .We are Jn the habitat publishing all
comMunteations which . appear to .be 1: written la
;gotid temper, and do , not indelge in personalities
we give the following article a place in l our column*
The thither appears have fallen into A common
error regarding the ni ening Of the worde t.triberty
and - Equality." T ose terms legitimately apply
only to the civil ins itutions of our country. and
no one will deny t at taken in such !it' sense, till
men. are Irfree and e ual" in the United Stews+
Social distinetions!elways have existed! and (rein
the nature of things always must exile. Men ,
will naturally seek their associates among thole
of like tastes, educating/ and habits with - theriteelves"
Society can only be !pleasantpm
were ts i:4
:me .#.
-Aar characters associateAogether, and - !it!is natural :'
that the rich shouh seek the!comptirrinehi
the rich—the peer of the'pnor. Ma-wealth :ial.'
rich ? the l But -we al t h
riot I always the passport to enciety.,' 'Men (mil
peeers something more than this; they must , —
have qualities of he id and heart to Sustain them,
or they will be scooted from the . circle circle of society
into which they ha v e smuggled themselves.' There
are 110E110 who ,w orship , gold in our country, but
the honest .iiitliapeMlance of Yankeis characteria
such that the. class who bow down to - Mammon-is
small, Talents and education - with good!rutins
nets in our country will enable a man 'to go into
any' society he may desire; .:
t 1
N' • 1 •
i ,
Foe Tag MilteAll ' 40FIAto.
Ma. pnrron:—Vou can print or 1,16 1 e fol.
lowing abservatienii; just as yeti think:proper f ! .
the writer dues notdeem them linpertinent or uns
ief4onalile ; but all men do not view the same sub•
jeet from the same position; or drittx the same op.
tioi.l ' I
The Americens have4ieen long reproached by,
~'owricans have can 1,...,
English tourist's, with, rii.cliiiminglill distinctions
of rank and birth; while at the.rameltimei' they
foster in the bosom of society an aristocracy more
abhorrent to nature and reason than that of the
old world, namely—the aristocracy of width. "..!
' Our countrymen. have net indeed wanted apelo.
girt and vindicators ; but it is hard lei prove that.
black is white, and in fact the charge is only, foci
Well founded. - It is en 'unpleasent truth that this.
• li nes of demarcation between certain sits and Cir
cles, are drawn with as much exactness,' and are
as impassable in many parts of, republican ,'Amer
ica as in aristocratic Europe.-
There is indeed. this 'slight difference;l in the
old world length of pedigree;. in the}new world
length of puree, con.titute..4 the grand distinction.
but who are afloat that the one is not just 8.4 ir
rational nil anti republican as the other. We
A inericatia certainlay talk enough abont - tgudit.O.
but it is to be regretted that the principal ri not a
little more fully recuanized in, our conduct. Ps`ow
brother republicans. dont getangry, but be candid.
confesS your faults. and try to mend ydur manners.
.Many of you stand charged with being servile.
spiritless, pitiful, w'orshippera of wealth—it is said
yo u bow d o wn t4'rnoney haga, and pay)almost di
vine honors to dirt; thereby diagracirl the glop.
ous name of 'American citizen.' .
• NMI., of our fellow townsmen of -course, are •
guilty of such bliseness: , It has indeed been in-
sinuated by evil dieposed persona, that soma of
the inhabitants of Pottsville, treat a rich man with
mote deference and respect, than a poor one—that
they look not at a man's intrinsic merits —his mind
and heart, but simply his house, his furniture, his
dies*, his equipage; that they approach a rich man
-with .bated breath and whispering humbleness.'
Wish at. his melancholy jeer!, listen , particularly
to his pro-ing; and aMover yea sir' toleve'ty thing
be asserts; [bat they (particularly the ladies) have,
their exclusive circles .to, which, not sense and
Werth; but wealth is the only passport Of admission;
but of course this is all slander 1!
• I The writer would by no„ means bn understood
to hint that the folloanne circumstance might have
occurred here; it happened, however, in the neigh
bhrhood where he was born.. ,
I Tommy Jones was the Village cobbler, he of.
filleted also as sexton anti grave digger. Nobody
gave Tommy credit far more than just sense enough •
to go in the house when it rained. `and perform
those other little acts of every' day life, in whigh-a
Man is ea, moth guided by instinct iris reason.
(.'soma years since when the write? i revisited the
scenes of his childhood, he found little Tommy
zones metamorphosed in o Mr. Thomas Jot"
luatice of the peace. and deacon of-the very (Murat!:
to which he hal officiated as'orxtori,. You may
imagine my astonithment,•yeti may also easily
kuess the explanation—a rich brother in New Or.
leans liati'died and left Tommy heiCto fifty thou.
lid dollars.
Tn. '.640. of Newton, and the Worth of How.
Ord combined, could not brave r &clod so gjeat a
Change as ilid those. fifty thous - mei duller*. Bo
Dee ,the world. and so it must go 4, ion- as:our
' nod republicans will servilely end :basely pay to
rttation and wealth that arlinirstion and respect'
Or hill belong only to intellocru:d o n mom! wurak.
[ l . ~ . .• : ' NOVO.
Ing, May IG, Met
DArs lvmark.
.4iity of Jcu