The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 09, 1846, Image 4

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From 04c /logos Journal;
tv . lt ' at.; thilbt
, ,
stialleirt pLiati aearist Festand star+
Est to:Godt yilittfe eats.". ; ! .
Nearest to God - ln childhood: If teirue, •
For then thetteart wears not the deepened stain
That after years bear to it;-morn's sweet dew
, Has net yet sought, isithe blue sky,
Gni - ant fair home t—hope's sunshine is unshaded,
Joy's opening blossoms have not.drooped or faded
verdant-Delhi hare not been sadly trod „ r .
By.vrearyfeet?.-the near to Gad. ",
:".18.`ge ire near to God, ye little nileal.
- : Nearer than those vsilnre brixht eyeitave grown Min
With bitter tears-,inwhosi sad heart there comes,
No day unmasked by. satfering' and ain. - ' -
Ye have not found, - atuid earth's' bineming bowers,
Shadows with sutibeamablentled, thorns with flowers";
Ye sport in sinless robtlyou the green cod.
'Neeth the blue sky ;—yes; ye ere-near to God. .
And near ern ye, to human heerts.--ntore near -
_. Than aught else can be ;--for the rout wilt love,
E'en in the shatiowiof its dwelling here,
Aught that reininds it of us home above.
Ye whisper to us of a sky unclouded,
path of
nisntle ne'e eushrouried,
Of paths of mortni footsteps never r
Blessings upon you—ye are near to God.
BELISOLNG Ur. —Major jack Downing. who-im•
mortalized himself nt the Capitol a- few years
sinee;:doing things for the Aiineral.7 has 1-eated
himself in New York and commenced lettimt-'44
his siiperfluoMf "animal, magnetkin" by writing
for the papers. The foilowing hit . at the inatUr
of the things," is not bad: • .
.Ispose it'll make coosiderable talk, my going
ihtelashienable life, and i kety sonic per,oils. wuf
.say, I shall only expose my bruiging up. But ' 1
;tan' tell:!orn,• tolks that ain't brdught up, mit 'erit
where yob will, shine a great deal better Mun them
that is briatight up. You gar rirJiund arming' your
colleges, and look at the proless.ors, y thfll 110 that
the. one. that chopped 'Ns the smartest when he
was a.boy• will chop logic the ainarter whim he is
a man.. And so'tistu taidnonatile it: you take a •
man out,of the woods. who hied among hears and
wiltheats all his lite, and fed oil potatoes and hem-
My, give him money enough and let him settle
down in.tho middle of, and it won't be long
before he'll ,be ahead of them that were. born in'
fashionable life and brought up to it front babies.
He'tl he ,smarter than they are, and be cure in ck,l
to take the lead, It's the nature of thing,S."
A SCOOOL ANtiq4lTE.—One of themost amu
sing school lanecrlote; that we have heard recently,
(says - the Boston Bee), decurred a fevi drrys ego,
et the in Roxbury. A• lad, whom
we will call Peter, for the sake of a name; playing
truant froth that school, and wishing an exeu-e
the next day, altered over an:old note, which had
beenuierl•for the same purprise on a !limier occa
sion, by expunging the old ,bite and substituripg
the present. 'rho master nnmedi.dely der e..ti:d
the trick, and •in the presence rul't!%,;selool
pressed Upon him the clang-m:6IH character: of snch
frauds. He then tub .1 Petet:lre.would lets.'e torn in
the aisle for half an heur re refi , et up.or it. stud be
his nun Judge as io the pear:mm . oA d u e in of
fence.' -The half hour hating elapsed, the whale
schootwas called to the ihird p ,artice = the
tude of attention ; and teacher sand—
'Now:, sir, you yourself are the' judge in this
ease what is your decisiorri'
Pete(besitaitsi a httle ; then. h rugiog hie head,
pronounced, in a whining voice, the folsou.higira
partial verdict= • 1.&. •
.'ling, as it's lhe first 'tirrie, I think yni'd 'bet
ter let the poOr Allow
Tat PAT: AND -Tits 01 s .--- A.l good
as if it there - 4.1750p.--21'ho' ralrr
'says thL fallOwitig'o ,, ry was t,,kl by ft • r r fo: ff ied
inebriate ta - an apology for inuctl of ilia folly •of
- -4 mouse running about a b rewery, happening .
to run into a vat of beer, teas in imminent danger
of...drowning, and appealed to a eat to help' turn
out.: I . '.he cat replied,' , it is a foolish request; Sol
as soon tie i ge! . ., you Out I; shall eat you.' The
moue replied, 't h at fate tvouinie lath r than to
be drowned in beer! The : eat lilted Min out, but
the fuine of the beer caused puss to sneeze; and
the mouse tookrefugein Tne cat calved ;
6 on the mouse to come out-You, air, did you nut
prom* he that I shonjil - eat your lt,,' replied
the mouse, 'but you know I wee ill liquor at the.
" , • .
-A BCRNING not a pity, Nit.
Jones, that.those beauncul trees w Trinity cuurcl:-
• yard, are to be removed !' •
.0! shocking! you, dote/ say so; 71.60 has the
boldness to (lo i s° foul a dee'd!'
'1 4 don't know by %;,.11a , e,orders 1.11,,.v are going,
sir, but my son Bob says tl-n trees will /cu re soon "
'O, horrible! Brown, yon area Nilucliog, for
ny man.
Exit 8., Whistling—, '
'The spring time o'-yeer is corning, corning,' &c.
• -
DITOIICES.-,About sixty divorces base Been
granted .or 'decreed'. by the Legi lnwro of Our
' Stata this Session.: The ts.s tw..niy
.dollars, passed to prevent the, Ir..qpiCo.•r
tion ; but which appcara to ihtse. 11.0 su tpairol2.
_effect, for the nuiut rr grained ,ic,d
applications are both moril'ltUtllerou , tats srecwn
than usual. . .
The following naive O ' iniie nas Off:Ted as an
irresistible temptation to ';a Lair itrimlrapt,i-‘- . 1
like you,' said the girt to her suitor, hut I can't
have home. I am ist only. d.trinig ;
husband can ever egrint my inniirr in kinane: , .A.'
.§h(Vis kind?. repliild
_the t:o r i,:but be my vtifo,
we will nll live togetba;atiftl ace if I , don't be,il
your -mother! •
.Tltta that:cookery .book uic sai4 . yha
C. to a baokaeller.. ;No, hooe,''w..e. the ansvi;er.
exoairned the v.4tv' and toanotol
• lady, Avhat is the uec of telling rt how't..taalie a
good dianer,: if they give
- • .
Er We clip tho following, good Epignirri frOrn
the North American. .„.• ,
e - .
.., THE DIBTINCTION. '''''' •
"Look to the error of your ten re,'!' criodrrom, -
' To his tricot Jim, when serpent ining hog ;
Jim hicchped—"None from errors are' ex mpt ;
Mai:nine; Tom, to my thinking,
Is not the liquor, but the rash attempt ~
To traUovhen I've been Ntr!
, _ .
CORUCTION.—The Journal. says the Pitts
burgh: Dispitehj it-'in error in s tating that Pope
died of Small Ppx ; the;verdta of the coroner's
jury was that be died . of Scarlet f e ver.
- Well, werand . Dr. , Saninel, Johnson are of the
opinion that he'died-byte surfeit of pkekled lain-
Seti ~ , L irr of the Poets.'
, .
WhatToet's liver is to bo examined 7
A Bond the Isle of.:Erm, basing purchased a
now Bible,; commenced his fartilly'recard. He
entolled the' name of his fir-t , born thu4: %John
born August 6, 1836, aged 6 years:
Outgreat Mexidsn Ptenipo--
; Prom pillar to OM is forcimito go.
Is be reesiscdl therd
wor.- I cffli... say;
',o•-nottling'itiecived except the pay
• Caesium:7oS the morning of the
day, sips traveller, on which we; 'inched the lati.
rude of 0; a lady inked if the could - have • eight Of
the One through a telesc ope .. o: pe, .01. 1 threed.was
fistimeilitenies the bot tom Of the glees, and she
Was dared - to take the instrument into_ bet.rriyin
bandiind f oot, for it. 'tiheimniediately exclaimed
:litstiebe , naw tindidterittime. having satisfied
- her back die teleicepe,apparehO
consented: -
Paveatia - Ciasoseetp.: ,, The Prorthin novo!:
tat Coimar-liigan - one, of hie, recent hovers, with
thalacideat of tbe hreatiog down of a Mail coeeh .
In ShithiMei • Shaiee . of 13erlin. The cermet
atrial' Oat ithhi .tieseause
Sii Eicethsocy the- GeatarPpitartatet Yon Ns=
airaligentents:of the mails with
ate that - lad, azi Rocklin! le to3posalble,
It faille - Invariable pntetiO• tbroogboot Holland
(*bid -aottrui 41staad rot an auction. An
article — la art np ikt. any picot the auctioneer pleasei
itottodibida i tie lovers until cline person cries
, *Mina!' and that person : sato, cliitn% it is' then ew
ailed toil.• :
• An old gentleman who hi* thh!,l4 all his He
kvatotistkat c saye binevis hied of more thren one
Ronan vibia•insured , her'llfe. He economic for
ibis Vika singular ractial One attbetiumitiatie l ort
aveizy - hisurence paperbeing..What ie your agar
: -
KAY Ii.TRQUTI'dittN, -, -. 1
110. 183 i liltzrke
4:2ll:beticefah4th 4. ,
- , ._.. PHILADELPILIA. •" •-1 -
.1)-ESPtCITTLLY - call thel httentlon pf Country
' IX Merchants, Professional Centlemen- and the Pub
lic ectdrally, to their-extensive stock 01' Books and
ritalinnery, comprising , - ,-- " •
School. , . Day i Books,' I
ypdieni,, - ... . . :Blank Books 1
- Classical and Mlsiella- strlption, at i
nevus Books ; ' • • ces.. - -
• , Cheap Ruled. Cap. and -Bnitionery of a
Letter Paper, . - • all other art
Paper. - line oftrusin
which they will sell at the loWest prices a,
s9:,.able.ternis as any other,fkink Establis h
h. B.—Tice highest price pi - en for Ragsl
for nooks and zitritionerv. i
Mirada., 7,lart.h . 7, Ibid. . i
Bertrand Ross,
Al, 120 Cieenut st.; south side. 4 doors
Fr3RE •
- • SPECTFULLY Inform the ehirens
•F - 44.. 4 of Sclotyll.ill.county, that h has re-fitted
~4 led opened the above 1: tablishment,
iw5t.,..r.4„Z.:. \w here he is prepared at all fines. to fur-.
.t •tis. DWI Beaver, Nutria and 31 deskin Hate,
reit:l 4- 6 any mintiflcitircil in this Cone ry. Also, a'
FlTerior quality of Caps, for officers of I to Army l and
Navy, together with Drt•es, Riding and S orting rape:
tr new and splendid styl.• of Childrens' an 1 [Flys' fl ap,
with a great vu rim y of Rich Fancy Funs or Ladies.
Just received, rer Slit:am' Ship Great Vestern. the
approved style of Ladles' tridingllnts !so, a beauti
ful asSortnemt Of Childrens' French CApt • -
1 em determined dial my Hats in point f beauty and
quality. shall not be:surpasned by thnsejof any other
estaldt.shment in any r citv in the Union
Pthihda., Dec- 13. Inifi.
. _
I 2r...4. Tfltscronanindions and d[lizhantly , ..ln
!. firti i iii'tb rated lintel, sitlialell in 1 tit:stint street
if/ a l'it. , ,:-.s_ n Phi! ithilehia, dirertli iinpoSite the fitale,
'..7•P.,;:i., - 11rh=e , /emcee id. Chartcr Proprievor
I: ;., : iriiei:“.^..effi ro every irhltireni etit to tile 'tiro, e Me;
inthlie.: It i. in the centre of heAsiess,i is svithin In n
isisnntes % wall, of the Post ()Circ.-I'l.4ons 114111 4 P; In^
litinhipal Bach: and dlares of asnuseriaint , t is in ant
:itry and 41.•lilltitli location. and the pro!, riot p!,rlges
:OP - lost:If. to &Vote every ;Mention Its ht .
i table. and to
' have iildiaine. and 711.1.1%1iVP SPT1,1111:1 to f,lnduct to th , t
tOil,r,fs of ins rite-to. litltlN, wariti hvilreld. always
ready. awl an assortment of wines, of unequalled ex.
cellence. '
Plitiada. Nor. 221 1F,15,.
The New York Canton
23 .loor•.V'toir 3
89. Clu•,,an! st
North Z. , 'l , s'.. ',riot,. .I,' , t
lISVE OPENED A, STortn AT 3n7 .
n rzs , •T Dooli nELow thito NOW
. D ---
..- -_:-.-.---.1 OWING to tla , lan ro
E c:ir Ti: AS h.tvm nbuila
.1 , L ., .j.',
..,,.., plii2 and thrnddlnat tn
.i . u . e . 1 6...yen] year, pm-t, a ram
-,.-- . ..''..1-Fi- . .4r, that every 1..erl ion is ill b
t an the liberal patronage which has:
th. le. , _ _ _ .
heAr . ..,tertiong of GREEN and
are made from emit cargo, and owini t
eddies, they %ire enabled to toTor every
%MS:combining in an •eminent tiegren
power, deliciont flavor, purity and no,
City and Country families anti
requaitml Ti) call as al..ivc.l
Philaalaq Feltruary '
Cgrpetlng's and oil
At 1, 1 :e 'Ciaap Sole, Au, 4 I ,
UR. FlCre rem: and ether 'expenses 1
e are eaaal4,llo sell suer ftl , lll
whelesale and retail, at the levee
111 y, and bracer: n tit find it gre,lty to
tti call and examine the large assunme
LVe ot
r, var l; or 1•
I 11.1 lan,
l'ogrtitor it la rze. WV. Or!
%%10., very t te•ap. :11or In
oiton tv;.•
• I
,rlioeut Chripet; fmnsl2 s r it'
tulti,ezitrS ; r inioetz from I• 2
No 11; Sirawl.err3ilreer,
r•nr:.e'r and
'i'lnla•l'lphn, 5I Irrh
Aucil &F OL
IILSPECTFULIA . inciirin their frit,
Curs, tint ut:uiillumt•tu
they.are new rin.nii - ing
the Cultists ntlt
• .
Merl .NE‘N , ' ea* le Bhadc,l sllarree ,
Reared Salto Stripe di
Oluhre liroelia Clu oitiastlinhitie
Mull Dr toes embriuitered with sl
:New stt le -Graduated 'Liice,
• Delicate,ldlac I'itt6 tied lue
• Chore iron) Doi hies, Nieu:s
• I'latii diaities iud
Neat Sulu Mt911,1111 - IieIII
• Tar',chin Gt hain,for
- gs.zqiltwLs, Sc.,
riitoxn•witYrii .tyle„ vhaded,
llama's% id 6., rich brocade stripes,
Idrocade a 1 of entire new tleNnri
;Seat plaid and ,1611., : . •11L - 3 far Fl
Cl,3lnaienn ',pa I,ght andr
colored .trmar.." and Poi.
Nr ,, ad ',lrk Ara:
Eaglt% Urand black Gro de Rti
itl ri it.dian 31
; r.kcEt; sha.,
h ;::”.h.erc sh,vl-, and
crepLl de Gteine Shawls. ::sneer
• white l‘,•t acid twit tp•J :iel''
I,arizeiit I lit k uilri nliawre lurlr
and Slat
4; I.• ;c
Fri,h ra,,t
1". 4.1(10 . !:13)
. P0;:7td.'1;41 1 1. l'Aetti 11. 1515
Platform Seal ,
A D 1 euitzt Riil Roads. 4:
..VA. Ores, ,Lov-e„ Cd.ttmi, Tobacco,
pi vt:11.11 attend to at
Set. bli Nets' Jeim,
it., 1 - 1/iludulphia. • .1
Oci.-lEth, 1615
WALL\ 1,1: 1 it1.,L.17 1,
Mon4ll..,i,aned on Mortgage, and
and •
rnnadtt,pnia, April 111
Igt, Xurth Wharves, f 9,1. tf Arch , St,
,r, ; AVE on hand, and are receiving large
11 buiiiiiies 01, au itie.le el Fah, OHS, Lilid FANTEUN
er,oulut., which they Will sell on the thust.Teusehttble
toms, to "...wintry -Dealers: viz. -,_ . .
10,o0u uults: l tileaclicd fl inter Whale Oil. _ •
ii,evii " uperiri i ill.
t4uut.l ' . b o ws oil. • . . .
f. , ,14 , 0 ". Common Whale Oil. - •
ltio Bids. Taileers ()IL various qualities. •
Sou " Pio 1,2, hi 3.1.1..u.1tert1t, in i 1.. whole bids.
- lvu ." ' i'VO . I e•alinon, to whole and tialfbbls.
• Z.l l ' Incas Shad.' . - 'I I . . ,
luO • " Pickled Labrador Lfprring. -
' Wit boxes Scaled' -. '' — L .. '
3tI,IILU lbs.. thy l;Odfish. ••
' ..
LW.: Dos ( Painted l'alls. . • ,
;WO tibia. Calcined Plaster. , •
.150, " • Uritund Plaiter. ..:
ALSio, Soups, .lean Candles. Tess, Goshen and
Pennsylvania ltutter,'Poistern flops, and best iferkt
tiles ceiinty, N.: Y:; Cheese. All of lime &blase sold itt
Joni to suit purchasers: -.1 - 1 •-:
knaladit d Dlarth - 26; 1818 ' h , ~.
*BEST , BUTT -11700E,5v7 , .
ll ,f AltlikAl.l: UR Elra tbesigli by: -
• • Pascal Iron Warebousedeg . corner of
. and W alnut street. Yhilads':•
.116titla: aignst V,' ••- • -, -1" ; •••• • 11, '." 347
ELDERWrotgaill'On Haeo. - Soltable for Loco::
/nottiea. Maine aod4taer AteataialainelSoileri.
Dino 210 6 Indira 1it..66 - meter. POes for Gas,
Steam - ma Oilier purposes; extra strong:l%l6 l l o r at ,
dnadac - Pressoi i Dolloorriatons for Pomp of attain
Engloatte: - 51dOidinred and for:sale
Warehouse 8. Ersoiner 9d. and' Walnut Mai Philada.
Thaada-1i0e.,2241845 7 • . • ' 7 ' • 47,
. , • -
rUE - imbatitreii filets , tOnstently. - . on Mid, at the
*;,lowest rates. Iron of tl entes,enttatde for innsttli
storPurposes,_ and also for. covering. Intones and for
steam engine botlers..and for -
• • d tto .10NE11.
• • 11. W. corner Rehaylkitl and **ileums; ?Wads.
Philsda. Noir - • •a 4711 y
- • Nails ikea: l `.
•••• and:Splketi,ii#4l?.l.-centio;•per
61; _ Ke-,CaFft. • - ••• '• -
- 132 f Troti r atii c 4 qta perlb. - -•: •
ra.t. - 9 4 1'aat at cipip Vie tp.-witrmrte •
uirxer..!weAltruktio safety:. '`•
•-- aIIONCORIII ettell7ll2`
Janur/ 1.7, . 1 ,
plialci}iljia ~.;.
• gets, .and
toLevery de
; cry iow pri,
II kind', and
cI ea in their
d on as rea
•ment In 11310.
In xch a nge
1717110I.C.SALF. THZ.VGAIST. Materientrer: at rrt
pal Narnitt, sole Agent fiir the Irankiiu bwe
Works. - Having been lone engaged in - the'rrignilfac-,
lure of Copal"Varnish,.(as well as sit her kinds) is; note'
prepared - to offer to purchasers an article whic,ll in
quality: cannot lie surpassed lee any in the Al
so. receiving lvelAly frnintbe above relr.brateil %S nrli
NVitidOW Class of every size. Constantly otl hand a
full assortmsint nt While Lead. of the Mlet i apiiroved
brands, Hed . .
Lisharage Satcony 'lltagneinit'i kr.
which will he sold at lllanufirturer's pelves, ingethet
trithi a !raze and welLselerterl stork or Drti, ,, ,-.: l ; frAli
HP". Dyes, Pate Colors, Pernimeryi' .in
short every article in the Lima line. Merelsants,rPliy
sirians and Dealers in reneral, are. requested to rltl
aid examine the stock and prices, feeling satisfied' they
will lie indured to purrhase.
February 11, IS
•low 4eli se.,
WhOttierlill SI, Brother,
AT.A NUFA(11:111.:I{S. No (3.5 north Fron' t,
i'litladelphia, have now a !:nod ut,plylOf
warran l ied pare while lead, and those'eusjontin
hive been pa nu t : I % . ,:lippl:ed in'eOnvequenr
on the ariiele, shall now have their orders fillet
No liii.rvu , nibs:ance th6se pcii ! cOalisc
an d I„, , nn ir v i„, properties so tlefirable in a l'ptiint, to
eqn/I rxton. 7 . V.lll - ,. unadulterated white liatl4lhenee
any athr.istnre of .other , materials only niall,s its
value. , It has therefore teen the sternly aii . Orlf the
ntateit'irturt , % for many yearn, to suptd) to rligiritrix
,pure‘ wlote lead, and the
mgnd article; is proof that it has met: tth fa.
nor. Tt is :o;:a.tiat,',V branded on one h r
aciv'ffEß. in full. and on'the outer,
WARIIiANTRI , Pont --all in red leiterp_
NoleinNer 19. 47
Pidladelphia, Reading tit
Tine Rail Road.
Tea Co.,
St.. and 43
ILAlnction f Frught on ilercOandt"
d in 14111:1111 . 1-
.11111 try, for
to say
made In ntaiii
14!eri accorded
AFTER Monday next', June
Goods will he forward•tl with ileApatcn,:i
lowfile rites of i'n!ight, loqween Reading
points Wow stated, p i i;r ton of einon iti.<.
Bei trbm f;e ;
ItturThir ,
1 10
vari,!ty nup..r
qualiws of
ivalfed cheap-
laideir: illitte. tilvi, 4 4 c.
'i'l Iron. blooms. timber, -)
Mart , ii.tit.tar, pitch, - 1 eb.
and ::rind,runt• J
,jCails• (41 - liki . S. bar iron, 7 1 • .
-, cvdintis lead.tnrpenlin I ' i
I liailk. rdw tolim•co, ?alt, } ' 40
1 - N A, i,i,,,, ,, ,Tiotatoes, loin'
i to•ii, 811 , 1,Q, 4-,..,
lino per 1,111 , 1: • 16 . rt.
Vl'lmat, earn, rye, clover it .
4,•• if, ,14 imltanir I.OsA: 1. i i cts.
Giiii,fl,. 11,1rAW:111,11. , 1,) •
- 'l , iiiper. lin, lirM , ••• , . do-• •
int,,natcliine- I • t
ry. ...indt..r and . ..:.%!... - 10
c;,el , t.e. livil :tint 'tallow. t I -
~a,v,i,d,,iiiiiiii.iiiittlwr 1 I
rim 111th , ,. p . ilnts. nys-
~ torn. Iminp,andi . I
Dry' (;01 p 1 .4, drnus,• no•di-1.
tin..., fort•irrl 11 lai•r - -.. 1 i
I wiiii,i.elaq , .napi•r.freOl '?. . , 2CO
I . lißil. molt, cotil" , ,liolia- i , 1
ealers nre res-
8-3 tho
lothS, -
berry Sired,
6117. very light,
j s, ()IL CLOT I!;;.
prlf4 . s in the
thn - ath lothge
II( N e Ober' Ihllc
TITS. Irani 2 to'
S. Floor Cio:N.
i;li "a 2, ,, tha
- :,`O C,1115, Flair
Yn :I,l , litiowil roar fpr cotnm , -t , on
r , r.•lt-tn^ or 41-literia2 friti2ill at ally, of t
on .
W 1•11 tiIiTELTS
sehserieer P.T:dee , .(ener9,lll.ll he in is fu6
',l;•jitgrq IC, .413it••lftt•tory
la Third Ftreei, Su. 9 , 1,- a few (11;..3 lad
where he would lin pleaSt , ii to.sett Ilk old
anti as man}' stew - itnes as'nre
‘vith heir ; I,,torn.
•ipti erTlecli's nrtiilea .t 1 csev
..ttlfi tit; leather, Cloth, Felt, S.!lt And 'Bei
Ca psot.f.di pattern,; Foraata.Caps;
lieln 01 .lil k 0111,4 ; (: , 0111 . C1 . 7 li . rdtptnek
vatic res r Firs , 11' , : aiivIA, ',131k1e9
(trash anal l'adser' , l'ittatt•tt. r.tril - tattnl
t I,rattl-r otks,
she!. n re , JR. it , rllll . l I
411.1" S
;emit!! t 11.1.1 ‘'.l
large .stock of
froiil New York
1.1. i•NV!pat [Tell!
ni,fur knt.nds,.
dark, '
WI du Soice,
frt, irooks!
1:;, 1:41.4
I'IIIIADELP 111/1 E.41)1.111
I' OT7'S 11 1: F,' .4 1 4 -I? (1
r mu :0
ti In,
1 u
I.y ric.ll
bzerve. the Pane
jPa r Tl' a
.• Tl•;nr.t nf,ttnrtinr r n and liter 7Yinndayi
Er, , in ai 9 A'. ,N 1
9 A. ekr
• HOURS 01' I•A' ,, 3ING'Itt:AIII.
For P1,11:0 i.. at It) A. M.. j .
rcutsville ••• I'2 A. Mr. y
Bet Pottriille and Pitilada., JS:I o.n
I • " • '• Iteatling,4 I . 4U titi
anal', Coal, Hay
Live Sioca,
luur itiarvilat t..ry,
,>, or q.
& itimorr.
I _ . 43-
i ,, e ,
Fourteen Valuable Art'eel
I. Bat. 7. NFa's VF.ll.7.liFUCE—a . Certnn, 'cure for
wOrms—sqle and v. , r3
. 7./.w.not IO take.'.
'2 ' Gin,,oes Exitt.cron. whioi removesSr4trise
0 1 all t kin iv: Dry ['mots, Tar; Virhistt ant'llWa front
oar' 42 , .50r float clothing, without injurnig 'Old eolOr
or 110. cloth. - • . l i i.,
3. ' .), ,LsiNooN 1 - I.Y.BArEtt—tl.e Beat thing, knovinfisi
kili.v,Thes - and in.iNioloes: I'
. .1..' . "1 Ct•rtain De:irOyer of Rats,Rats,rtriC! v ti', •1 cl Ie .
and.A nos and un'other lit Btd Bugs. I
5, GuisN's SPECIFIC for Sour I.3prri:
Burn and 11',.1er Brash.•by one Or
thi rfren year- he discover •O''''
Ii - On. STEvF.N . ii (...itEEN 0 . T"
It his iirlier . t . Aded to cure • . , ,
7. ItA it KisoN's Tr.ry .a IVAF.4. 'LI
B. IME‘inNoli IN Tug m KLIIII.E INK,- . --wilhour a rival.
forot y.
9. ' Cop %VD CONFGCIIpN or, I , l,s'—jwil
the imdieine r emidreil and women, it, is eo plea: ,
ant fo take... .
lii. ilEilin; VF.CF:TArm..t - ANTI alT.Mek •P1T.1.13..
teal lioLate bulight
Y & Oa. • •
11. (; (IN N . .S Ell.)1.1 r'. SI: : W ATE II :0100}" PA STi, for
Ilarni , sB; Boots, S. O. It softens the le - ather,athl keeps
out the iirater. . . ,
13, J Fag° AIM:BMA ix-rona , which cures
the torsi Diarrhce ma few hours. •
It j icksos's, Drsr.nrenr certain
and speedy cure for Dysentery Summer Cons
, .
- -
.:The above valualdearticles are wholesale and re ,
Mil, by J. C. s:CriG No,• PSouth Fifth 41. Phila
de/phiu,—.where Siorekeeperuarnfuthera will be sup.
plied -With• pure African Cayenne, Pepper. Arnica
Flowers' Drugs, generally, Patina. Oilit;i(ilasa I rind
varnishes, in the I /west prices. :.,Termi only Cash'
:ent itie advertisement; and- bring it.with
rhutid.44-Aprip4,llBitt.- - • . 1-1--
Pdittds.;.itsiy - 12th; • -25--1 Y
... • ,
FOR SAL!'. AT. , •
D. Q.: P11.016T100.
TVIeLtrilMT :
-- - ,
Market iirtd, Phi/cite/F/14i; :
vgytt - varjetyiqf dirloiltatal-and_llottleiVtural
Elmpletitents,inleneral nee; or the *oat- tepptayed:
patterns and tope nor Ivorhmanslilp, at eAtre4tely tow
prices. - • .
IC fall nltomnettr - uf •,PrOuty! it' Mettle Cenint.-
*sushi, scaoharnenini,y•tglie and. left handoinh-fau
nods* ltUl,,tylteel and .Switid PlOndba, with points
- and shares ea strand and thbronshly pluiliedand liar&
enea,thatpan hundred Acres °Thud quint' often beiti
Idoudited as snit titan exPolle Of sCtut.o74
Pioughe ar e cirasuneted of the hest -noted*
and at the brightest finish; and for,nase'ordiaupt an.
management, the hiCility Withyrtneli their-points and,
sharea are , turned and- shsrpenVdi - the. grit:dietitian ikr:
weedy,:andthe.thirongh.,tninvottorynC, tiny ritolli linty;
stand unrivalled ilt.khe market.-,;.They nte'•utatriutted
io work: in any soli: and to give perfect
for fair trial. t hey mny be ; rAturitYdy 'whorlr ! Ar pur:
ehase.utoutiy be: tel'undiul.y; 1. 1 (
)overii: Patent s Strati ,- and
,iCorn _Math: Cutters, '
Grant's Val e run - hilile r Cultiviabie,JlTarro•O;:llorse..
.fothes4nlita. every • variety or Ctirden,Tutilitoileul;
torsi liortieultdial hint' rtotyielleffilit t laispd express,
Ip fikttild:eidabthaitesiig,iii-Cat'tll4 ded..,rVPS,lientt4
Seed:growers and-lrarranted. • ' • ' r ,
..; Phliada.,/dattilltith.ll4 - • .1 •'144;-2ao
!IT 1
f:',INTFAI T A ItrUNG E 11-.;',:T
inch, I eart
41341 su 4:red
the eon% •
rm,,sor - cui the 'lles.
Loss of the Gresit- Tresterti
• Great Weitern Clothing Store, •
ANTIIERE they offer cloihing.oTill kinds . .theaper and
V V got up better than any other establishment irrthe
United States. To wit:—
Fine French Cassimere Sack COals $8 00 to $lO 66
. Brawn French Cassimere Sack: '' 1- 700 to 0125 '
Asphalton Sack ' • ."j/0 00 to ,12 00
Fancy Clothand Cassimere Sark " 11 1: 800 to ) 2 00
French Cloth Dress and Frock Coat .10 00 to 1500
English CI dh Dress and Frock " 1 900 to 1700
Diagonal Cassimere Frock ..
44 '! 1
: 700 to 000
Blue Dress and Frock 8,00 to 10 00
Blue Black Frock and Drees " 8 00, to 12 00
Utah and Brown Fash. Surtout •12(111 to 10 00
- Blue and Black (loth Cloaks • ,l 10 OD to 00 00*
French rtnd.English Cassimere Fallia 5 (4111° Bn°
Fancy-Black " i 4 0010 SOD
N'elverand Sattinetie Fancy Vests; 200 to. 3OD
Together with a large assortment of coarse clothing.
consi s ting Of Sutton' t fiats, varying in prices to suit
the purchaser: As flltny6 .
Pilot Surtont and Frock 2:A to 4 00,
; Diamond rtattinetie Frock Coat . ' 4 at 10 0 00
Plahi Sattinette Frock " 4 50 to . 5 50
1 Tweed Sack •• sno to 600
St:iliac-tie Pants of all role', l `2 no to . 000
Saitinette Vests, also Cloth Vs sts- '.. 2On to
. 5 60
All of which cann . ot be so i pa: sell 11l any other estab;
lishment in the sloops. Mr want of girt and ‘a, dt.tposi
tom to plea-t all that fairish u= nit h their cm:tem. 'We
ma ritifacto u. Our own stock t,
ant all oar contl
1.,, he well examined beim, mit. eo there is no mi,take
it. gum! , pnrchased at nor wholes.tlel.wid tetailclothing
' , tore, Corner of Centre and MallantlingOStS, Pottsville
. ,
~ P. S. We particularly •int. : ite 'l.llt attention of nor
1 , 0 , 40111 , f , Mid Ik.' mildic..lit tenerai, to our extensiMi
stock of Cloth, Cass imero and V-'trots, which have
Jost arrived. to suit the sr-term—which trill he mole up
It, order in the most fishioni the al,,ll,iiiiirOVea Pil ieS: or
the day. B. 4. T . flatters themselves they can get up
a suit oPrlothes in as Rood style, rik any other (qui ,-
li-Mment, ot least 2n tier cent cheap'-i than the same fir
!kir has been purebred iithe plfce, fur whit h wit
cln gin , the b..t or references i---vig•
Dr. .rimes S. Carpenter, IF.dteardi A - . Warner, r. C.
Francis W. Hughes, 13.14. A. Macdonald. .
('lots. Looser, - - Jon. K.letement, r. 9.
Isaac reek, .r.-c. MeNtieken.- Esq.
11. F. Pommy, goraceiSmith, Esq.
Jot,. C. Nes ilk, Esq..P P is. 11.,(larntrell,.F , sq•
A• Ronaldsou, - ' oheel Mi ti
. ra Irntr,- Esq.
It 010011101 s, Esq. F. S , }liven.'
Ceo . , 11. Potts, 1.1• 0: tlinernaker,.
Geo. W. sq, 3 - ‘ 1,.., Witliato Newell; Jun:
:I:marl I.ewis,• , ' rims. Lewis. ° l
(lmritat Pe. Forest, James Patterson,
Dr. 11.11liei , t,011, A. Fns cling,
5. .1 I'Mis„ . T. Forter. '
i A. B. Wittle . ` Jam-, McEeei
- 1 A..Fli,sel. James tines, ,
a run
E. IL Eichholtz,
NV. 15
/RON! /RV!!
B R I GIFT A, P 0 T T ,
A r 111: , . • 1 • •
•• TOWN F. ALL,,
TT IVF., an a ..mmrstrq.l ' , l roll ed :nd'.llntimered
ri 1.,,,, c.,,..;;•5t;n,. of from
,fr l und to i Inch. :•
,•.:-...,,, r0 1l ! . rotti x :i 0. T 1 .
! :."quare , Irr•ni 4x 4 11, 1 < 1 .•• . ~ •
Ilona:1'011,re loan . t ',; IC a ;n , h,
SC 0 1 I 0 r I rortbr % l a Plr ti 4 (t:mt.3cions,„
Crow Cm,. ftle. m :h Iroi ,, e,
I lor:e..iinc bars. '....k0i 1 ,'
Moalls, Juniitt Slit
i ~i!s. an!' Horse ,
Shod Et,..!s.
. I - :.
I . T-11,
It fia
-711 the"
Octagon Cat Steel
Slicar,Storl, Erwlish
Blister. A inc.m glister.
titvel, c:, &c.,
, 9‘710.
75 ct..
90 cts
B Nevi Sore at B ockville. .
irn: Stilis.erilier ha!: j tint kpreivi•il from Philadelphia.
• 31111114 A Ort opened at Elreel.iblle, a lax!, [Jul yen..
al aF.siirtlifeh(ef seasnin3l.l•• ge,dactich as Dry Capails,
roeerkr , ;thirilivare, and Otieerevari... In adililinn !it
lot 11 will he found enneuittly of hand. Fish. smoked
Id freSII .r. a, is ell .11 , • a p.o‘d supply; Of r.itintly
Off Ur. 'ill tied er•aiktrie nut, ork, anihsen will !Ind
prepared to sell !.!• , eil•i a! a' Ins • nrain nit Ihry have
•i•i• been sold anrt 1r I I r 7?. in piety ylkii! rrinnl2.•.
N. fl.—CeirelrY: pi, r.l i , e e bf ail kinds , wanied, for
•hich 1:1, 11101,4 prici.:4Will be pi id.
GEO. It. POTT:3,
• .
11 rts
3 i ts
/ 1. .1 ;ii firt;l-
1,1 0 .1 ,1 Carrwrlorg. twolconil 111 k
otrirri in 51.'1k/it ,I . rect,
ado.? to lilt (137.41 , i.orirp'i•
CCU 11. POT'r.
Pr Lt+r ills, Feb.
1 1
PRoPosAi.. 4 win
isr.,,kviii • r ''' •
4 1 fir , Ifln;P, next It,"
)1-irkt.t orect. CEO. FOTT:I.
hm his
d hia
• it CP . ,
Win( re.
Gyr him
Or tr( Op
I ,rellt
E. 'W JII c G /
P.PETF 111.1. Y.annonrcr , to tan Putklir.
has lak..n the E•Tll,ln , hinnnil known, a, the I'ot!s•
vine Iron Works, s, .7•lnrtyr znia whnre he is
Io 1;1.01;1 all hind- of' :^frain
ra,turt• mud h ail clis. and );41ii.ncn.
rilolnn. at Ow r•hnrtt•zt iota am', on' the must ;
ircrn Inroad. in WIIP: nrSl4::l
n;1 it to inn, Y:11.1111 . 111'1 , 6ZIct . r)t . 4)1(:
nia,t here ; 'May It,' i •
Ill'_:! 113
\ ,
Af rain
r i my. qel,,,,riher‘ him!: er
h 11 , :h
pre.,,ure—blowine onut phniOtvz
tll'. 13real:en , a WI W411'1'111:1 1 , fll,,
‘viih Ine , l hb,r4.
pre;e4lerl. prole , lior F.hcief 5:•el t
lvel t.,_1.-1' arlit 1., in he , h:e• ar
in . ilf:low Thal ger.J,
C.11,1 , n, Net,
rfY+avi .
' I.fitr of thp firm of MrlzF.: 4, : , TAIIB S.. SONS:
Cnlmf,:n:(NewJon,..y.) 1113. ' 4t-tf
... Utak,.
~': •
1 4.0 W '
Ili .t
itt Stu day
d d %
II IS-% _
Dr. Jtleeph 11 - Ikfre•, Utero - ,;.titimixtual
Attptiara eil.. , 1
.A iriply , rthe above aitieleq, just raceiv'e ,
and f0r.6,11 ,at the Ma nura attire r- prlee.. IV ,
• -. • a? . ' , Drun-asi'..
' e'oher 2R, ':-. . 41-ar
- ; r.r.,'
. s
-, 1 -9U -N:--
4)7-4rN( 6.0%
( c;.11, S
Each paper. bears fheVabel and warranty - a
• • - David Landreth ? ' •
Extract from the report of the "Visiting Gomittee Of
the Horticultural tioeiety ;" unaninionsiy adopted and
ordered to be printed. • • ,
. -
6 1 IN ilEs F. extensive grounds arc no Federal street,
_ .1. near the Arsenal..*: • • • * The earliest col- -
leer fon of Qiinellis was made here. •Pom'e of - those pals
in the possession of those distinguished nursery-men,
are ten feet high. • * • * • • The seleetion of Green
llontre Plants is Valuable and extensive.',..
TI a Narseries are all very correctly managed, sup.
ply i g every part of the Union, iletaildrwhlclr would
.py too notch of our space; we therefore content
oursetves with stating that the stock is -, oery large, and
in every stage.of growth, consisting nf rorcxt and Oc-
ROWIf Mal Trees, Shrubs, Ereig ries s * - Vintis and Creepers,
with a'collection of herbaceous plants; !Fruit Trees er
the hese kind. and in the mosthealtliy condltitia I large
bede ofseedling apples, pears, plums, the.; as well as
stocks for, budding and grafting; a plain very - superibrf
to that ofworking Upon sackers. which carry with them
till the diseases of the Parent stook. - - -
&wilts Seeds of the-dnest qualitrhaVe beenneatter:
ea river the country from these ground* and'may al- -
ways he depended upon. The *eed Eitiablishment tat
these,florticultnriont is one of the mist extensige itithe
Unintroind ltti reputation is sustained from •year
to Peat.' •, . • ••• , • ;•,-• t.
To aortae the Chime of Mature farina of the ,
plants of the genie finally, therhaectistantished
other trontery. at atelattabledistance, leithat-degedern- -
ttoe cannot taluirece, 4tad whictilsocents to the piir ,
ctontersa genuine articfe.ThKaimr lee thee thettge,quel,t
lir end process of enhttre of.evere plant, the !apply
creel tb:tr veranda ts - nem:amended wW gleMcond
- its* Since the 4te (tithe report from inttictith'enhone.
Is abstracted; the entire.establishrnenttnis beeogreatly.
enlarged. The collection of Cameilialitimbracesiall Out
deer bads. andeensists :of setae thetunuAii of patient
sizes • so 'theistic or Itores ‘ ,and mho dirstrabbildaltte.
both tender and . hardy.=—Pruit Treint,•ete. ' •
i The Seed,Gardetis alone; cover • fifty; acres', and the.
• whnte is, its it his been for.. mare than ihulf atentuitir
wader the_ s uccessive management. of •fttbelYallitl.: ! 1 9P''
the moat premincntla America.:
:43.• Orders received WO. BANhtAlf; rottaitile:fi'l m
/stem Catalogues ma be Obtamedigratis,' ,
Mari, W, d 1848. ,
I.llotifir23o`44X .tikek'reeeie:ed
V - Mid "for • IiANNIN'B . '• EltittiortiVr.
Pettsville. :'
• , 1
7-10.... c z.l.p.Esr pi54:46 , ..=: - .Er GE xcY - pr, -174 E
11101110110 STATES. . - •
, I • 3: SEAPII L mactroi r eAvs
ii...=o:6l.ficzoi LO:6OIVAND lacintroos. PACICCTS.
- 'I
_B. 13zulnan, • Aiint,..Pottii - 111c.
, I ARRANGEME . NT . I3 FOR'IB46. " \
1. 1 10 0 Pine.SireetrVer. of South, W. Y. -
T betsßsubstrib6i be. leave to call tlie' -attention of
litri friends and the public in generaLlo the follow
ing arrangements for the year 1816, andforthe purpose
oflbriaring out Cabin, Second Cabin, and Steerage
Da.s;en.zers, by the following
rtt ar Packet Ships to. and from Lirerpool ,
it htps'l Names Captains - Days of Sailing from
. I 1 ' .'
' . - • : New 'York..
Henry idly, Nye.. Jan. 6 May 6 Sept 6
Stephen WliDney , Thompson, . "' 11 " 11 ". 11-
G:it'll' k ' tikiddy,, - "26" 26 " :16
EUtrirk Henry, Delano .• Feb. .I : 6 June 6 Oct. 6
Viruiniz_n, Heirn " 11 " 11 " 11.
Reedit ,- , ". . Eldri d ge, " 2 5 '" 26 " 26
ItAleprin . detme, Allen; ~ Mar. 6 July 6Nov. 6.
WI, ate r i loo, Allen, --. "II " I 1 'll
.i,hfon.l • E. Cobb,' -"26"26 s" 26
. .. .
, Athluirtnii, Howland, April 3 Au; 6 Dec 6
I Jghn EL 51,i , 1,1y, tikiddy, " II " 11 , 11
1 Shorulan Corei,ll. ', ''' 2(1, " 25 "26
I e!iiip',4 Name, Captains, -. Ddys'Of Sailinefroin
.-.. Liverpool.
henry Clay Nye, l'eb•2 IJune 21 Oct. 2v
:letiii , n Whitne y , Thomp.on,- " 26 " 26 "• 26
C r trriek. "kiddy, Mar. 1 July 11 Nolll
!Writ k Henry, , Dc.lano, ". 21 " 21 " 111,
Slirvinian, 'Heim. " - 2f "26 " 26 ,
Irio. , citp., Eldridge, April ll` Aug. II Dee. II
Independence,- ' Alley, " 21 "- 21 " 26
Waterton, Allen, ".. 26 " 26 " 026
,f4loire. E. Cobb, May 11Sept. 11 .lan:11:
.0 ,burtim. • Howl,nd, " 21 " 21 " 21
Jrhn R. lkiddy, . • Skiddv, ' " 25. • " 26 " 261, Corni-h. Tone 1i Oct. II Feb 11:
iLIn :Atli , ion to the abnve Itccular Lines, a number of
loodiu Netv York Diiiit 'Transient Ships, such as the
'Adtrondack,' 'Scotland.' kinotel (hover,' Eeho'.'eand
'Spa'.'‘vill root irate to sail from 'Liverpool, weekly in
veviiiar : , 11trf..10TI, I twrehy . prevtntinf the lraNtpn,..-1
:.ibllity of delay or detention it, -Liverpool ; and forl
the :ireorr,roodF lion of peronn. ivit‘l.ina•to remit money
11 their families or friend..., I - toter arra fitted the pay
I }rut of my Drafts nn the following Banks:
(:seek . Limerick ' CliiilliTll,il
bitlitrindlrry, ?flier), We.feral
Belfir,t, . Waterford Ca hy ay
Arreach, ' Athlone; , Col,etain
• Kilkenny, l ' Batina, r • • ''.
• Enniakihen, • 'Monaghan, Y011;11:11,
Banbridge, Itall,,mena rarcidadown
Dlwnraorick; a
l'avn, rcaci, .
' Intmgannan, Ba mt.& • di
' ...rink. I
' ILdly,ilannop, '• -Strabane , •kibbreen
01(1:igtii MillliiW • ' I Dublin
Ciiiiii`h.lll, Klllll.lll, .
l j
',?!:i ncl—The City Bank of Glasgow
Enr.:larel—Mc'- rs. tri planer, Atn,card & Co. banker,.
amain ; P.' W. Byrne:- & (' u,[ Li% erpor,l,
1 Par,r' can also he engaged (roll Liverpool, to
hiladelphiai, Bredon and Baltimore.: y the lietolarli
f t
racket Irlhipa on application being in tie persnhaliY,l l
r by - ietti•r: rpr , t nail.) iitliire,iPil . to ,
J 0 41.:P11 MOIL ERA ',, 100 ine strert;l•
..,,1 •
corner of sinith stret t, New York
. i
• Ildrtj..flannan Pottsville, Fa. ; Mich; el Mullen, Bo.'
diester. 'N. 1. ; Jer. Bar:cm Provide ire. R. I. ; 'l,l
..mnrii, A I ha!;3... N. Y. ; Charles . (Yuan 'Toledo, Ohio ;I
Flliiiilai , 7iir (tctrid... li tir a. N. Y.
I assn fire leave to assure my friends and the mild ir i
ii general. that the create.? imnrinal it v Will he rit,ier-i in the railing of tWe above ship.. irjcel bar with :till
rFalters whirl' I maoiiire, and that Pas-i.iiirers 46111
ettiiiriinre nn dnlay irn their arrlyal'at the different!
lona W , lrre they man to embark. i '
P. S-- - .-, • ree Poop i ng can 111.1 , he vertired from the
•iiriniiii ll'orts in Ireland and Scotland. from which
‘teiiMers run to Liyerpord I
• . BEN.I fI.INNA iil
r ,
f• , Sole Agent for the rflate of
in. 17,1'S I. . :,..
'.- •',....,
• I• r .11 1 ..rrihnr uoito,iftilly inform. hic friends and
. ittlbliv ocr..llw, ihht ho j...r rvre•lted
nr-ortmt•tit 1110 N. reth.F.Et
11(9,I,(11V -WA 11E. ( - Alil'i:NTEW:i 4
,1it.1.11 to hi- k prrcr ra, a varinty
droorni.+ of parr h.o.init, rtl.
f• sr .ht.ility and A farce a.....nrtrro•fi
ho.o Ax.•.at prn.lisr.mging frorn7.s cent, to t51,".... - 4
iflrittil.torms, 4 espt prr th., •
1 . 7.4 ""
lirneti an VIPPI, .
Itesrt.i4t :tied, ' • • , -
' Rolled Iron. ' s
i ' 1 • . 5 ,r.
tivils 1,3., the Keie, / • -5: '',-! ''
Tin, 2 boxes fir .IQ:v)o. i - torpor than typo.-Win'
ii.l/ suit, very frov. Ili: n -n-. , rtrtil•nf eiiii4t4, ri t ily in
Anv +l 4 - Belti , i,,, r pflni,. Reire. iirol.Piirls;., ispieir;4
N 4114, C,liiiii , ,islinveli:',anri•Tria.nnil rotroo• Kotfr.,
Sriarli 4, verb ~ i ....ip ; ;1411 , ,h e ,r, Lurks, It MP,.
Hanes, Cues, Ilateliets, •Itirieletrrels' Gra, atoll
thtii:e4, vii1..01,',,,,,, box- (.:sin Scythes. Sirkleii '
1 - 1
e4 l liar and Moor font's. .files, Ilar-r4.raorlle
Ifillilintle.lion.sesihers,l'anis ar,.. - . AN, r y ,, ..,. fr. ,
Vi pper unit Iron Vottitie: Gliiiis.. 'Varnish, ° • ty.
Alia every nth, lietii It osii illy keen. 'it, liarrlivarr,
re'ialili-hment . , ail off, ti hieh he tier, rut ii v. ry In,r
I% r. I. Pitr.ores tionitien ' cir: hetv - ekeetiinn.illarlssviitt,,
t! roevani4, I ',throe? ' , hikers, Saddlers. er : t . t. ill tiv ,
ti, their iiiiv - iiii.tue by rallitiit• and eirarninin: hes st,ok k
liefore pot hasirot eishvile re. at ttri Hayere. Scar•;ei! , -
flex tif rf-Pir,3fid 3f3q10 4treet. I
ylii ttender.h!ti orift , 4tiried thanks to liis Ail ((telt,
ne.if etistsoier4 fir thi'it lilietal isolitiiiil arid soltiit 4
far-ir.forttv•r pit:or:tie. ili' '
1:,•• Cf.CiRGE ji. :wrICITTER. I ..
' i r h -,, 1-vi!te. A Tlzit,t 1..', 1-15 ••
,/ 33.
, . _
Cr' ; :JoLf).l,o.i , . 111:7'al,
' • - . 2 "'
.Cabinet ltlakl r '(Underta.k er, &c.
THE F3ti! , ....erlher 3 3 , 1 - 11PCCS to the ruirl d r, that he
hire C ,, ITITTI , Itnplf IN' al. , vr me kiririerri lersiririiri
~, , ftr 1e,r,,,w . h/14 - P4.ti-,11 , f, itntor tirititl'y I,,rk, ',,,f
-on„ r,..,„,,,1,,,,, i 11;11. Nt h Z.: r r.. he ~,'I 1 1 ebriar,rolj_j., 7, 4l,
on hued ; , ,r.rzteent 0.1 j
. RR.% 1)17 M ii 110.1;,COFTIV;.;
miriiiioL red ni the bilst
to the must durable mother, at rtry ' hm
tato A. 1 '1;1 ,
If alFn urviTtllntriM .of Fint.:e.
.......•...!•,caro -.ail Cc i tiCs ‘...;
A: C., ;0 ord. - -7 a'. the, t.hortc , .l untie . . ,
I.'nnoral , waned on a tirtiquirTA Innpplied, &c. ! i
5 r
nelltori fore Fniien fall s a pa of ttf prthiic pitronaFe
r Atell pt.? w ~
ia ~,trav,,r to meet. I - prompt a Itenpini
In btesuic..c Give nk , a trial.
..•t I ti l p.
..0 meet, 1 profs.,
uki a trial.
Axtrua na;a3u,cruirs.
• 1101.1) PENS AT °NIA 53 on:
t FRESH supply of ttemilirt &
1. gre,.. Post a nd %I;'n h Dinflnind nninig; vt• tich
tmik pron , inni at tho lat: fair ill - the Franktin
Just recessed and for sale be
' .11. BA\NAN, Az.t.
Jan 17
Lard Oil,
WINTER pressed, cleansed from gum and; pro—
' 11. nrinnred by lincineers and Muchiniste, who hive
used this OIL, superior to Die best Sperm Oil 6,r RLnl
Roads, Engines and Machinery of alt Finds, Wooten
•Manufartmies, kc., will burn in any lamp with o ut
rl‘inTing the wick, equal to the best . of - flierni. and at
IWO-thirds the cost. For sale by the hht., and sAni
;deg will he forwarded for trial, on application to
FAH \ NEV. A , :ent Mr the Manufacturer,Rmoon,
or FOWL). YARDLEY, l'uttr vale, Pa., where a sample
may ha seen.
:March ISI6. ,
• Valuable Real Etate.,
A LOT of rzronn , l. in Market street,
.1 - 1. Me of beim , : divided into II exe4:llent huihuiu. fins,
Int sale low. Apply BERNARD REILLY,'
Malnintnngoect t Pottsvillp.
:'our Feetl
subscriber respectfully announces to the Intl,-
lic; that he has associated Mr. Nathan EV•lilti with
hint in conducting a general Flour and : Feed Business,
under the than of BBUCIi & EVANS, at the southeast
c.oriler of Rail Road and Norwegian street, in the ho
rough of Pottev A. where they Will always keep on
!hand, a urge and good.asstirtinent of
Flour, - .1 • Feed;
- Hay he the hale, _ &e. a:c.• I 1,
Alt-of whichwill be sold at . the very •lftwest rates -
They confidently solicit the ,Patronage ; of the {topic,
believing that all those who deal' ith them' will find
'it to their mutual advantage 11
atilt); 9-.2 ' . • 'RUCH VANS.
ITIIA'TE in Barri , taivinahip, Schuylkill cabilty, eon
(► 104 - ticrea: about 50 of which ardcliiared. and
him grim' state of cultivation, with fine Apple orchard
:0( 100 iter-ll; halides Pear , rind Plumb trees, ',There is
'also a of wale-embalng through the plop-.
coy nuißcient fhia Saw, -MM.., The-land ailibirprprop
eity helcinging terCearge fieitzjnger, and °theta:, yor
loran anttathoc portirutara;apply. to.. - . r".l
• JACOB nEr.D. . ; •=1
• : • •Pf.TEILDILIMAN. on thoYeiml4O.
Burry tolinghlp Fib: 21 : • •?.• • S=tf
,nßiinitda:friends and
0 the OMR.. that hayintracantli taken. and fitted op
the large and .somrnodinun baiankeotstory.afHoni.
mart Fon'iliptel,.ha la . pteparrai;to-ftirnjay, , A . , •
Vyit& ... :' • ' t- ..--Gitiiie, • --• -- - :.--7- ,
1 ..
*Clinrrii • .t . '.-- , r !f ' Venison, --: ,-- i- -- ,
Terrapins, - , - ripe, .
Poullivi - • ~;,;, • ',Pigs feet;
•,* Beef &pike, ,
~.- . 71'altry,, .:.;,, 1 .....*•
Aild 'fill the,lnzariea of - the season ; id soca a ityta as
can rail to: tlirja uilifereal aatinfacildn:,, Via liquors
also are .4 the.bast dualllY: '' Dittober & Butes I:ll4d
elphla AN forsate:oo4rAft or by.the bartol . .--t ,'-
_... ....,.'
At ;ha old,egtabilshmseilt; next to Ati:RilliblAl.r4 neW
brick bnildingt....Hr. 11. lAav,e. fur late,Dyatenaarthe ,
.best qisoliiy,by 4,11 e Coo. ItuoitrdtVot.tiiogsand. 'Deal.
a , s'and'rethene tehetollyitifypilosion siibri ttolieb ood
on reasonable terms; ' 4., 7-• i . - , . ~,.. : ~... --- li
et 11 , 4.11NC11 doily y e ti,
coutzgoni - frOitt 10
until 1 'clock. • Feb. 14,
ToE tfurEntourrr or
Derriuth'.o llteriinilleti'Snufr, -
OVER all oihere, Is fully proved by the liberal pat
collage of. a :discerning public, for the last - 01y
years, a period amply aufficient to test its •ezcellence,
and to bring :It' to its' present perfection, - whereby it
has attained to reputation BM:passed— by none in the
Urtion.• : • , - - •
igi-Cotinniasenrs and dealers will please observe that
the celebrated Spill:jig 'manufactured from the purest
and fi nest enatertals,"Und sari-frigid fa Lc, free from
deleterious dretietr,7 and to guard against imposition; their
attention is the following necessaty.
. CAUTION- The genuine article is known only as
DEMUTH'S HKUFF, ded le wholesaled in LIIDCILSter,
Pa.. solely by the manufacturer, and by
Bianinger & Cozens, L 6 Vesey sweet, N. York. •
lAnthany Elton, n North sixth street, Philatia•
Stabler & Canby, Pratt street Warf; Ualtimor
J. & E. Eyrick,,Wnt Penn street h , Heading. Pace
j The trade and `otheri supplied on rimsonable terms,
end prompt attention given to all orders. if addressed
, to the above sole agents, 'or to the manufacturer, L. I:
pemuth, at the ol orginal stand, in East King street.
near Duke, Lancaster, t -Pa:, which establishment has no
Interest in common with any other.
Lancaster, Feb - 21; 1846.
MBE subkribers, at their , old stand, corner of Rail
Road and Callowhill streets, are prepared to maw- .
ufacture to order, at the shortest notice, Stearn Erizines.
8114 Pumps, of any powee.artil capacity for mining and:
othe'r purposes,•Battin's Coal Breaking Alarhin , , with
solid and perforated.rMiets,as may t.Ol-quired.
Also Eimipes . and Bloirint; Cylinders with all neres-!
wiry machinery: for Bloat Parn;tes, Not 21j, Ptp,- ; „.ofi
the most approved plans. Cup and-Bail joints and.Wa,
ter Myers, of the very best conStruction: . They par-1
Ocularly invit,:the attention of Iron Masters and par-1
ties emmeert ir; the Iron trade, to their large stock of
Patterns fur Bidting - .lfil/s,. having.lately cons!ructedl
the machinery for two of the largest :SW:, in the eeitn-1
try, vii.:—TheAVytonitig Mill at Wilkesharre. and tht.
'Rolling Mill at the 'Montour Iron Works, DanyilM.l,
They are fully prepared for this kinilmf work. ire...ether;
with every vartety of general Machinery._ Of the . uttal-i
hy of their work and materialv, it is enough ti, say,' ,
that time and rsperienre, the 1110 , t infatiigle ieSTS,ttav , 7l:
ahmly demonstrated the vast superiority oft4ieir en-!:
glues and ac finery ' ..
orders a e rerpecfally 'solicited and will he promptl y !
attended t, , ' : HAYWOOD & SNYDER.
- ruttsville, J nutty, IT, Ihl6, . . 3-1 v
ro ipt 0 i 10.
Iland he lon
known tie', he
inn li-it Of, 'dal
the l'iiartiNiii
intle in in.nitt
l'ear,on, ,Clar
pondicula if. Di
with inavek ot II
Ako. eli
itin to the map
liahliit liii . 1
toncauln ~ If o.
f:rit Mill ,iti
will ht reeited
li , i r
Boardirg. •
tibnerilyer has recerdll.
~opf:ned n bonicAint
in Market . street', Pott,'r llr.a nri wiH r,i•
r. hnve a nuinbt4 'of re.pectable t 071rder:i
!,ccu l tronoditionWill be furnished nn reaa.,n
s, A 149 transient Boa rclus accommodateit
~44:tie terms: -
TG L worr. •
r I
ip FIE'
ab'e tP7
on reat,ot
.1 •
• ;
Lumber!' Lumber!!`',q
etthectiber ahrint movino to his Strom Sttc• -
. on the'lhinean Tr•u, near till.: Itoroiitth, hr,
ices notice that att hills and orders fur Lout
be left at Janies.Sitt)nian & Son•s Store, in
wlwre - they ot all he received. aMI
attrtded to by the subscriber.
r 4, ;
it 11fII.
hereby ai, eat
f. ,
S r,9t.
tsvill'o, ' 1
11 ttnilyvania.,l I
3 i
, I
Tr, X.l S. L
• 1
ourt ofj Common Pleas of
cht., ll iki/P Co., 5 June Term, 19:5.
Allahim, Hart, •
C. enr6o., Isaac 'ten, I
harsh I.l..ytwi and Ellen'
vt Litt. Filen 2 1/
;tad li,try C. 11th,. I.•titt, A I •
c aro line Atizti-tii y
a nit C. Kurd, -by :via • I ,••
•ey. their '•••
• ilaintitlnnti 11i•ft•nchnti: abort. it
!her it••r4tin• inti•ert....ii•it in lb P
S . r, tint an Itititti.tititin tinfit•
a tit , . rrertin , ... therein tun t•
.21. t tl.iy ?fay - . bin. • t
ti.tti•rt• atter •
' 1
4litsrc. April '241 NW
In t 1
IT •nry
11 ,r(11
1 ,11 - ^ll
I Ike °A;
br hpl,l e
t 1 t It
‘‘l: n
. .
, , NoTICE:. . ,
, .
iili?rri!ier .ii - erly eites'e that lie ili .r. 1,1
hi, in t, „i iii if, Oil.: Hill Ciill:eryi to \I ril.
t,ll, ii“ still :i.l , Luting .+ i.i hit
i• 1110. 'iho b11:111P-s 01 . 4111 . Lae /41 th, V; lii be;
y'S . 111. H. -A:kr,,illii. r
• ~,
n. Ni,r
, %In cu r
c:tted t
Faritin , of fearEs3 Iva nirr will I: tEtl. - Peulrelln
'tt .Nlattrire. fit fs
• E1e1p . 113.1 , rid a :fit!' of it will product . as nril ' t It
- otEttht.n. l . Wheat, Kr e., - (11 . 10 1 ..... ,1A.441 .
1:00 AtE - ttixteen thou- its hull. of =table 01 ,y1.1y:11
P.'""'"C;rot Errelt, rout:444ff Z
tEEht In earl:. arhll I.E. ' a
tEttlE , ttl at the rate of lit,.
or twenty buttftels In art Ui're, it may 1 - . 7 clE l d:
to the fat tner..-"Eltflorn a lEaudilstl ora till Plt"
E the ,weEl ' at ;A:411111W. will produce ar,putd crop.
least - 00e teen k - earl Wr Glatt other ma t',W'L orifut
tpuitity thrown around the enrn, hottorolll . laver:
Old 1110 , 11111 . , Will lql-11/0 n. tzi - E ` tEderott if it i=. remrhi
Eintu t flu soil at the linettut :(hr litwhAftt" , 12
to ; 11,1.. acre .t and crop, Ml' Po a
ff 111„,110. 1 . nn 1 . 111:ftlps 100 1 1.01 , , \\'h l lll :2.5 to
"in the at' t0.,10 EuttwEid 1111 hy.ll/1111! 1111
l• I 111 AVII . II th e -Wed, will produce goad urn's,
11 11 t cr:r-s 1110, ifieut•
or,l,•re for I t outirette luny Inc Yen? by moil. 010 ;11,
money, tot). K. MIN ' MC rare of E. Cold:-
utintt Garden I'. (1.. Philadelphia. or to .I 4 ): 4 111 If
11, Editor Fartner ' s tabiret • 50 North fon tilt
I'h ilndrrphia., E
.11 .0 In
00 tl' ha rrnl, for orin to =ix horrnl=l. or
or barrel f•Er 7 barrels and veer. fr' added.
- - • 17-1 f
I n
in Phil
( c.rn.
PI !tr.
rr 1r !ill
• anti I at I
1111 11 1 1
t 1 J
: 4 1 1 , 11 ,
11 tr/
t? I Ln
r. o'
ainc rb;
rA rr
,I ft Cf.
c;• r
.51 75
iiES'.ll7lll)7i 1'
= me: people it mare suppu.'ed that the under
tined is littakin etforts to sectirellie _realer 1114-
,thr. enstoin, arilLefir , 'lllt•lltly 10 sell the ert , thir
1„i, t of in tins Flototizh.'
g 1 , . not el:icily - rout:rt. Uxperiqnce !car Ile:. 1,11111
t I such etlbrts would hrsiel
se iktittl'S tilt' KO rely of not en:hieing in anything
till ‘N iii' , tow:: unsuere , gfal. It b.true
it ; Wok es' al ronehle 71E1',:a1111 rouses
{ - .reratfon in the mercantile A‘orld. but Itig objett
hashne mini to : appeur in tite pa
er4 the tirongli: is' the RIAU C:001). He pro
f., ini 6.1,11,1 IMPORTANT TRUTHS and•
he cilizens eriverio see, they e.innot he Find to the
to tit it will Ire to their itique:gt to ( . 111 at his
4i'relrt:. 10:1 /.\-
that thi , rice
;Sto'riliou,e jornmrel and riv mmrd is ill, bean
GOODS: whtelt in vartety.unalitl.elegunee
and €1 eapti4g, cannot (tuff In` ge d ; 4,,, rtelent
oiferg(l in boron:11i curly ditfictitt2, lie its in
pit;:egiii:: Isis customers is th at Ills stork is to4ltet,ive;
untotid SO ininy excelleut ` articles, it is
siNe for cusleinerA hake a chub!". In order to 1111-
, r,ate Il i » atilietilty. he ;desires to reduce hi. stork hull
Gillis upon hit friends tolittsist him in the 11011,f:thing.
GE011.111; W. ,t6,LATER.
Decitinber[ l .l3: .• i
- - 1 • 1
n. I L - For• Sate.
,- -- 1 w‘Vil SMALL FRAMS 1101 7 SCS, sitna-
V --....[ lei) 4)n the corner or %Vint:lm and Nio,t ~w i ITT
''.• - f 4 ,,. .• 4 . in`the - tt I I'l' it II i• •I'
. ol'olla 1 0 . 0
, lo 1 1.. ol sO
several good Building lota in niarlititstreet.r Apply to
• i.. It. REILLY.
llailelll4, 1810. • • I 1---l2nor
• j
BEING a liqu d dye; which instrintaneowdy changes
the color ofilic-,l).iir to a beautithi boon it or. black,
without any itij try to the hair or skin. • The great en
perlorli y of this dye consists in its easy nioile'of applica
tion and indtantaneous etTert —all other ilyek requiring
- from ten to twelve hours produce - any change Its
suirrior excellence will be apparent to every one upon.
a single application. '•
Extract from , the Philadelphia' Daily ft uti.—Ateran
dee s Tricobaphe.—The effect of the above on the hair is -
truly astonishing: It why tried yesterday , in (nunlike,
and the change from grey to black. was instantanolus.
Extract'from.the Philadelphia • Daily, Font m e
ral of our acousintances have recently applied to their
hatr the valuable liquid known as ..Alexande.r's "
biplte!—.ll nevi and valuable dEsciwery ;_and it his- in
'no case. failed te_produee thn &sited effect: immedi
ately idlei appfying it to grey hale or whiskers, It Im
parts a beautiful brown or black color. •
Extract from the 11, Gatetttf:—illesers.• It. 4'O.A.
Wright, sell a liquid dye' fur the hair whictra•gentle-
Man assured es would. - with no-trouble. color either
black or dark 'brown; the•liiit of Chin rorhead that-hrid.•
an obstinatetendeney to rid orgreq..." , . - •
-Eitntet trout the Rhiladelehlainettlrer?-11air - Die. -
=The liquid dye lot the hairtlich lai gold by-R. 1e.0. -
A..Wrisht, No. :23 South Fourth street, Is ante:tem,
.tenruitalo:. ,, lt is said that It insiantaheonaly etOnses
the colorof the hair to ibeantifelfirotmi tdack, and
'without injury'tn the akiri:,tire dye: called “Alexan.
der's Trirohaphe."' - ' • •. • •
. - -EltraCt from the PhtitdeiphisDaily yinttiti. Dee: 7th
1844..dtersitdre's Tinieolirphd?;-We frequentlyihear•
our .frienda• speak lavorably'Of. this Untild7dyi, °he or
two sold IratiOns Or which-If is etKerted. iiisthnta
neninly Change the-C.llWe Of Gin hair trel.whieters to a'
besetting hrorelyer - black . ; 'Without tO the; skin:
It has been . need hod recommended by Many of
Wens, and sie-dorkbt not'it Wit: valuable discovery. •
. CAIITION.—To pierant friad.'esifAiremlOn hears
'theVritten signature of D. Alexander_ = ' •!-'
• 'Z• fertile ityPortavllle by 11; HANNAN. -Also by
Dniesistesen'ernity;ihretiglinut the IT ninst SttateS; and
by-the itole tteents- • ' , R:Sc WEIGIVE.
importers Of Friney•Cloadi;-firtiShre,. Combs. Peffeni#..
rlt:ihe., No. 23, South Fourth street. Philadelphin. -
Philada.liarth 213. 1845 - • 134 m .
~Coal, Tracts .to - Llcat.
ses, to stilt applicant?, all that tract of
Mc to the North Ainertran Coal Co.;
lilt Creek Tract, containine the follow: ,
Vein*, many of vklorlt.—::mom; of hert.;
Main yeins'—havinz a range of over a
, tiz : —Cent 19, Spohn,. Barra( tench;
,:inn, Stevenson, fettle Tracey. Peal It
o. Green Park or Raven , ilalc 'Vein. Peri
anon& anti Rig Diamond Veins, aloe;
•ri not named. i •
tract calledothe .1 unction Tract, lielonc:.
Company, containing the Sillf-111,1 - rorre,ll
lortnner. Tntmel, 61ark Mini.. C. Law:
I La %s ton Vi•lns. MS", a Saw :Mill and
iite,t on the Mill Creel. "traci.,all orwhich
On 111(3lIeratt. tern, Iry arpllli , 2 to
Ag . t..
. ,
Ile May
flit? mill
n61t , ;(1, Ifittr i t•-•
t A. : 1 4..
it cull think proptir.
tflAlf kttilill, rttl.!
.. .
• Oaeirartns—Searsto'Pßl7NtNo.—• atmers are,
'We suPpo,se,universally busy about this time,in pm--
'ping thew orchards. Thishabit ofelarly spring pen
has been handed down to from English
customs, and farmers do it becaus it always. has
been done. Besides, - about this ime, men have'
leisurd: and would like to begin theaeason's work;
and pruning seems quite a natural employment
with which to introduce the Igor*, of the year.
It ij, not possible for Americant - but more em
phatically for Western
_cultivate ,to do worse
than to pattern upon the 'example of British and
continental. authorities in ate m Iter.of orchards
and iiiiicyards. . - The summers f England ' aro
moist, ) cool, and .deficient in .li ht. Our suni
liters ine exactly the reverse; dry fervid, and bril
liant. 1 The alma: of the elemet is with them are
much below, and with us mach above' par: In'
consetiuence their trees have : ut a moderate •
grow h. 1
T 1 sir whole system of open ilitlture and wall- I
training is founded_upon'the necessity of husband
ing all their resources. To aVa , l themselves . of I',
every! particle of liabt;they keeplopth th e head of
their - trees; ad that the parsirottoic us sunshine shall:
penetrate every part of the-tree.! Let this he done
with us, and there are many , tf our trees that
-would he killed- by the force of the sun's rays '
upori the naked .branc, es in it ( single 9e39011, or
'ter:: much enfeebled. For the. - same general rea-.1,
sons the English reduce the- quantity of bearing'
woo ,- shortening a part or wholly. cutting it out,
that , the residue, hving the I ,le ener , v of ibis..;.!' '
-- i ~
tree concentrated upon it, may, effect its fruit, -L'
Our 'difficulty being an excess o, vitality. this eye- ,
tem ;of shortening and cutting: ut, would cause
the nee to - send out suckers I on) the'root and
trunk, and Would fill the hea I of the tree with
rank water-shoots, or gourinaii Is. Whet would
he thought of the people of the urrid 10 le about)
they , botrow their customs of lathing horn the
1 practice of Greenland 1 'lt WO ild he- ass rational
as ibis for orehardists,,in a lab ,whOse l
are tong•atid of high temperat ITC, 'to
Gust era of a land whose sunlit; •rs tire p
fog t and rain, but penurious of l eat rind
, Etteept to remove dead, diseased, or i
bran i chts, do not cut at all. • ' • '
. But it pruning is to he done, wait till a
' plartirlfg. Tie best time to prulte 'ts I
wheat healing will 1 4 , , ,e, the quickest . folio'
Titbit is not in early-spring but bi early
TOP el truents fran'which new -iv oo'd is
are not drawMfroinlhe lasing, ear ,ibut
which deseends between the bark did
treel` This•sap, called true sap; is the
after alias gone through 'that chemical
the leaf. , Each leaf is athemicalyoutr
up its part of the work of preparings
as itis sent up to it frum.the roots Caro
ten , r sap passages. In the -leaf, the a ,
Midreceive.; certain properties, and, 1
elai orated, it is'charged with all those
quitted fur the formation ti s i'ed Surtentati
par of -the vegetable fabric. Descend
outits varimis qualities, till it reach ,
and whatever - is left then'passCs out in
: Lvery min will perceive that if a ire
in pring - before it has a leaf out, the
provided to repair the wound; Ash ; ,
tion . mantike place, in certain circun
snide kind of plants., from the el!
, which thetire was stored during the . ,
sort!; hut , in point of tact, a eut nom
without ch:ingo until the-paqAess of -
chef whale v i l egotalite edrupidy . into actipo. . .
. • Iwyoung arid V,lriais ,- tree,; , this pfoccss .may
not / seeni to or:tat:Maany it.jimtr , . ° ilutltrees grow
feeble by rige will f rJOrl imarifest the result' of
rt; 1 ,1 1 ., i l ,i w ik tmt s'pre t tire, by Iltelenet stumps', by
cankersd sores, and by decay.
it ott• inu,t begin to i 4 ~ , m)ething, that looks
lei: -prong-work, let' himOnteriore efficient train
of tperattons. ' With a at:I,AI 6 /ode invert'the sod
for se-vi. nil feet,frain the -body of the tree: !With
a good-scraper remove all dead, bark: Dilute' (old)
sot: so tp with furtite,;' take ii Stittlshoo!ltrush, and
go It, scouring the trunk .an.i main brancbes.— .
TLi. will he labor to some phrpuse, lend'. before'
yob have gone thr o ugh a largle`eirchard faithfully
yot i lir zeal for spring - wiak tviiiMare become so far
tebit pored with knowledge, that you will be 'willing
to 1, i p run i n g atone till after etom . planting.-; ..
..,/, 0 exceptions or precatitions should be Meli
llo fed: '
.. In the usc of the wash;; new soup is mere
cti, ,
:Pstie thatt'old; and the sediments of a soap bar
rel Much more so than the i p so of soap. :Some
times 'trees - ha' been injured by apPlying-a(caus
ticialkilt in tin great strength. is little '
diinger or This ivhen a b./15 1:$ IrOUgh and covered _
:with dead hark or ,dirt; but-wit:met-is smooth and
MA'AM° seruft it
.is in..ire:liable 'to suffer. Trees
Mbuid not itc Wiemed in Illr l y and warni Weather.
che best time is just befirc spring, rains, or before'
, •
my rain. . • ' . .
'2. Whine fruit tiess are found
.to have suffer;
ttLfrom the winter, as. t hey have done severely ;
hit winter, pro o I ii.: cannot. be too early, and hard; ..
ylboo se,t, ere. It Icli to grow, the heat of spring. -
Drys ferincnts the sap, and tt.p ends btlightUroughi,
alt the tree: yvliereas by sere e cutting. there is a -
fence, at least, of removing mith,of the injiired
;.)0(1. We have gone Met the Petal trees in our
t-it garden. and wherever the least Mier:lien' hasi
Jen -discovered, we ha , M cut out every particle
f the basrt summer's wood t-and'eut back until we
-ichciCksoural and healthy wood, pith and bark.-.
It:0/04i • Farnar out! Gaiithicr; : - ;
8-3 mo
A rvCicnoKr.S.- 7 The • destrirction of Pi) latge a
,'are of the potato'crop rous, we think,' leaa far',
ers ti'the cultivltion of offer ciops - tiriut will ifi
Mme measure supply' this .important. article. In
1144-orlh's Reports the artichoke is spoken of As
rukhitig'even better spriri'g feed•for hogs, cattle,
d slteep, than the potato, and it is cultivated
With less expense.' Mr. Thomas 'Noble, of Mas
eilon, gives in substance the ',following account oc:
a trial made of them in 1833. The ground . was
of medium quality, and prepared like that for oth
e spring crops: - The artichokes were' planted -
r, i l wYs `..' fl '-'and 3 feet, apart—usinj, a little more seed
than is commonly it-4d in planting. potatoes. As
shim as the frost was out of, the ground on this ,
hillowing Spring, the harvesting commenced . The
product wiis UM rate of :750 bustmls per acre.
They were fed principally to sheep; though cattle',
horses and bogs all ate them well. seeming to pre
fer theni to turnips. Mr. Noble also used the taps
for fodder.: tie cut them 'in Octolpr, just before
frost came, dried and hoUsed them. They .were
fed to the stork in winter, and were evidently pre.
Mrretl to corn fodder. -Me. - Noble:'was so weir
Pleased 'with them that, he 'propo sed to cultivate ,
them on larger . scale. . They require but ;inner
cultivation, it only being necessary' td keep the!) ,
ground clear of weeds iilt the 'artichokes geta gotxt
'tart. —Cleveland liertdd," .
Da. BEccutit O t AsinceutTurth•—Dr Beech-.
; 1. in enumerating some of th'ernany obstacles w hitt%
must lie reinarcil out of the way before this univei
ti‘al peace and prosperity of the tiuritan family Carl,
tisher. in the gloriesol the Millenium, sayi
theintereSts of agriculture must he mom highly
• • , .
appreciated-L. that the odious sys!.ein of monopoly,
and oppression, which manifestsldself, .the C 45117,
dition orlords and serfs , muit. die_exploied 7 dhat. --
the,farraers, the tillers of the - land,•the.substantial:
'portion of human society, mtist the •
fortfs of the sell, and feel the true, dignity of their
impoitant station, before this dink ,worlt) can lie
lighted up with the full meridittu tilaiti of milkit
iarglory. • •.
' .....•
, v ,
I • . - BRADY &. Eiporoltvr,. - : ~
..• - - - ,_. -
. •- 'Cie ..- elbaMEO: -
.1 ' - From the 'e ito ,-- r.,.... .:
... ~. ......., ~
I- ' BEG, leave tialuitititince to - lhe cillzene iit'•.
: . Pottsville and iieightsering ilietrlcht,;llal.3hey: .!
have oil, hand at their Little, next door" to •
Ggisse's new Mittel, - la the btrroirgh - 61' .. .P0ttv.• 1
title, a large assortment of aold'and Bllver'Phtentl,lsa:
21 1
art, Lepine, and plain
_Watchei OfTWltery.desefitit
Also: a generat assortment of Ladies arbttentlemenk -'
'cOld•Pins; Chains, Bracelets, Eignel and,Pluhi Moe ; ;
Geld aild'llll,rer Thimbleir, Nadia and rdtkii o'oi - tit:Tr
Makers; Spectacles. Musical. IMmesi - ,andietetpnther, •
article id their tine‘of.littainess:- -
~.t.':', •: - . - s " ' ,-, -
I- It. & E. have hr.eo itplgthited ty ille'su . s....PAvoitet. ,
- 4..lngiaham of Bristol; - tormqcticut„,taeir Agenpefor, the Sate of the ir patent strin,g ttneicinecnonroring,ths•
Suitable for Chg(Cliell Ilnd r inihtti.pfliies.:' Also,' ei g ht: .
a onnine a
day4mdthirty.lsonebrais patent sprint repOting oalatc.‘,
~ciucas,- • ThrO ug
rtic h th
le:em parchimem - may rely IRV jet-. ,
tins /: • • .:'--,,L ,',....• -(-,._.•:. ..--, - ...-.' •-- • - :
Give us - a Lao.- we •'gnarante.'a to •ft•II me low as ;any,
article in Our tin , . or buotittoravi he 09treta4s4;ekti gr .,
ill n Poey illesor raliadelphia. , -..' '-••, ,.
Clocks and Watches' nr . eSieirlescription iwifttqc.
;repaired andworkanted oxi the most reilsonable.Viti
• • ; -, ... - '•- • ,W1L1.4,Ahl •BRNlrig.. - 1 ,4-!..'? - :
: .
41qt ' - 1. 1.64 C •'- ',: -. ..4051:PL1 , A ..ELL4,017. :;';:.•.,..,,:.
' • : 141, .- .. • ..-, •-•- t • • '-- - • -.zati:te ....
opy the
,l rodigol of
(ter corn
the- time
'reel that
ood of the
aborltocl, ,
a ctor, do ug
v for u-e,
gh the in
p gtveg off
st'tien thus
. tentents re.
I of every
ig, it gives
- the, root
e is pruned
12 is rid Safi
t giattula-
etas. with
ring . puts