The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 17, 1846, Image 2

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ilaturdaY Moinizit; -.Van. 17,1546.
Ai Ms Rua Estats and Cad''es.
Cali seer.TbirdA., Chesnut Btreefs,
N0.t60, hasiiiCatreet, New Vora, • • -
No. lb, State Sinai:Boston, end • •
Bomb east cornet_of Battlmere.'& Calvert Streets.
Baltimore; is onr Agent for receiving subscriptions and
advertisements for the Miners' Journal. • .
.11dskind of ltuntratici Is beginning to atrirairt.
Mesabi* attentiqn in this country, Pamphlets con
lainitt the necessary itiformittrdt, can ,be obtained at
able °dice, svbertapplicatbun can ifenaide.
June 26 , -
• • MineriVille—Cbarles B.'De Forest.
Tort Carbon—lTenry Slander.
Who are nuthorised to receive subscription, and ad-
Verthemente for the Minnie' Journal.
Q". A few copies of the Miners' : /onrnal con
tattling. the Coal Statistics fur 1845. remain un
fold at this Office. Nearly rOrn auxonact copies
'have already been EliFposed of. •
flr' Our thanks ale due -to Benj. MALI:au
tell., of the House for a copy of the Auditor - Oen
erara Report. ;
We refer our readers to a sale of lots to
take place in the Town of "Donaldson," to. the
Briatora Region, On the inst.
TT We refer our reademto the advertisement
Of Mr.. Ellett, the Presidia of the Schuylisil) Nov:
ization thimpeny. dt shims ti determination' to
push this improvement to completion at the ear
liest possible . period.
arlFirst line of J.M. It's• article on our first
page, should read "trembling" barli,lnstead of
tumbling bark 7 . ,
- C 9 IiEtTI O ' N.--Stealtr Engine, in tiLe Coal
Peito . n.—We itated last week that there werpin
process of construction - in the Coal Region fifieen
steam engines.. This was a mistake. We have
since learned that there areitwenty.five, instead of
fifteen, and aro very happy to correcrthe error, as
sisowerthat 'extensive preparations aro being
made for ittireaiing the - 13u . siness df the Coal Re
f . •
La., E. 0 7 is moos', Esq., editor of the:Etn
pOnum of this borough, has been elected one pf
the Transcnbing Clerks of the Senate.
DEinC . ATION• ATPUTIT. CAR Bcs:—‘l:he .new,
ICE.'Cliutob at Tort Carbot will be dedicated
on Sunday the With 'inst. Rey. Dr. Durbin of
Philadelphia iretpecteti to officiate. •
130. We "feel grateful to, those of ctn. eoteinpo- .
titles who have so kindly notieed our recent efforts
to spread 'before the public statistical information
relative to the Coal llegron. Among t.thers we
feel particularly indebted • to the North Ariecican,
for the very' flattering manner in which it has
spoken of our paper and ourself: Liming the
present year, we will devote Considerable atten-
Aion'te the collection of various statiatics, connect.
eta with our region, which will no doubt prove ac
•eeptable to the numerous patrons of the Journal.
• Q We learn from Harrisburg, that there is an
'application before ,the Legislature fora charter, to
make a Rail Road from Tamaqua to. Euston„ and
eventually to New York.' It s is to connect ccilh
the contemplated Rail:Road from Cattavviisa to
.Bssiiron ksse.—This gentleinan has had his
name changed by the Legislature of Florida .•te
.''David Levy Yoke, the name of his lather who
,dropped the Yufee,,severel ye•rjs ego, which cur.'
,matlsj) the son has now resumed. . • . •'-
underatand that-on
_Wednesday, last; as p.m'an by
'the name of Brailany was. riding out'of Mimes'
and Haywood's Cr • 'ek "Colliety, -upon the
earl, apiece date c'oupling.fell..nrion the back of
his hrakeensiniitis.ipatant death:. His funeral
took lace bnr Tbuniday,aro wis'attcaed by one
ofthe lart,est'.eoncourse.of people•evee witnessed
at ia"foners4 pieeession In Vail county.
:leatit that 'Messrs' ROGiTtS; SINItiCILSOff, &
hire leased the kotatea Coal 'Basin on the tep,
the Broad Mani Gin, about three - miles above
the head of the Mill.Creektail Road, on property
:.,i)elenging to Messis Bennett and Charnbers....-
.Thisßasin L ahoiit three hundred laid+ wider!,
several j tangs in extent. cntireli disconnected
with any ntherportion of the Coal Region. It
is the .opiniorictf t.terty - that the Broad AlOcnita„in
Wa'soriginallyiovered With Coal, but oWingllo
its fide surfadi the Coal was all washed off W4ll
the exception of what is contained in this Basin,
which - was erotected-hy spurs in.•the mountain
• runnitqc parallel with thadeposit. 'A shaft ha been
sunk to the depth of about 20. feet in thO' Coal,
- which is cif a atipetior quality of Whit 4 Ash.
arrive? ofthe Steamship Cambria is . .loolred foi
arab much anxiety, SACSIte - vvilityiod - ohtt ` i tier the
papers containing the Brit'is'h' opinfon : of idna
idents views on Oregon. Great efforts-..wi1l
made by thi leading papers, in New l'Ork _and
rhiladelphis - to publish, the.tiews in ad iIIRCO 'of
the others,. The New York yritnine hue offered
MO, and other papers have- offeted.targe sum to
any presort who.nvill forwent- the news for them
so that they can publish it one day in advance of.
*bele. cotemporariea. The CambritCwill probably
arrive on Monday or Tuyaday- neit, and We shall•
.then be better able . to judge'df . tihe prospects ofa
war. about Oregon. _ •
'A . N.Ew Mai.—We have received from the pub.
lishet; S. A. Mitchell, of-Philadelphia, a copy of
•ft" new map of Texas, Oregon and Coliforoja.—
The Map Mtpresents th a t part of North America
which extendsefrom 1at..26 deg. to lat. sfr' deg.
N., and . (rent LIM , Mississippi River . to ilia Pacific
Ocean. 'lt Includes the Stat:ir.erf Teias, Oregon
as claimed by the United States, and - the whole of.
Upper California; . together twiththo adjoining re 7,
&one . of the State arid Territory of Iowa; and a
considerable portion ofMextca rind OM'California,.
and‘sonte part of British Americe,-.. It embraces,
elect, ihe.mostrecenipublished information - extant,
including that derived from Nicollet'sMop of die
Country between the Mississippi and Mitsouri
Ilieers; Map of; Oregon, dry Capt. Wilkes, U. S.
N. ; Map.of the Explorations of Oregon,-Califur=
nil, rlr.c.ihygJapt. Fremont, U. S. A. ; tire Con
gressioral6tnd other 'maps of, Texas; the latest
Maps of Mexico, &e. The Emigrant 'Route to
Oregon, via the South Pais; end the Traders'
Route to Santa Fe, are distinctly...trace& and all
Ict te Counties in Texas are shOwit On the Map."'
ogether . with a book of descriptive matter Rale&
coMpanimera, - containtng 40 pages duodeCimo..
This Map is Tor sale at this office. " Price 75 .
cell* • .
~ \ , .
, .
. _
0 P Iterollllos . int . 11.141 ' ASV FiiiLLIS . Vi•
TES COLL, itZtFiCM- . .- iil kV " Otel ; the Istatis.
tics - of the tesitiiin the C o Region; We htve
been struck *Di , the tEsproporti6 existing be.
:tween the tusks tind tematespf . certain eges, and
have taken some irenble to infeettsiii the dffinence
between the NOa atierions skes. " '-. ' . , : -
Male; Females.
,Tota; . .
tinair 30 years of ag e s . 3699 3776 - 7474
- '' • - , 4 3711 • - -
4 3 • ~
Excess cif *mares *" -- :
The Populatioti . of the towns in the Region is
14,036, and of that numbir 7474; of more than
one half are under twenty. years of age. - The
males and females (ire almost equally divided;
Pottsville tberebia differenne of tint 10 in u tidal
of 2586 underlWenty,and in
,Schuyttil Haven
there is'only a rlifferenee of Minersville
there are oats hundred more girli than hays. Thes
fact, however, that in 7474 persons under- twenty
there are tut seventy-eight more girls than boys,
proves that in this region the births are nearly ,
equal of each Ser i . '
We give below a table or The number of males
land females betvvecn the ages of 20 end 40.
Araks: Females. Total.
1047 1027 2 074
Iltineisville, " 556 244 • 900
Port Carbon, '431 r 256 687
SchnYlkillHaven, , 336 252. 687
Tamaqua, . 225 . 134 . 361
Orfrigr•burg, 1 132
.154 - • 286
St. Clair, 156. 81 237
Pine Grove, 74 88' .• • 162
Llewellyn, 78 • 61 . 139
Middleport, . 68 40 , 108
New Castle, iF 39 ' 33 72
Patterson-, 41 24 65
Eicess of nanlea4"- . .. ''' - GB4 ' •
Thera nre in the twelve towns aim named .
• j Maks. Foliates Total.
Over 40 yeari of age, 701 688 . • 1381'
1- . 688
Drees! of &mere, 13
• .
If Orwigsburg, which is 'not in the Coal Region,.
be-omitted fronfThe list of towns; the -malc:a will
exceed thefemaies - by seven. This is contrary to
the usual order Of thingS,,as it is a general rule
that after the, fortieth year -the females shouldH
greatly'execed the number.
it is - a- well known fact that in large cities,, in
thickly settled c6ntry towns, and iu nasnufs/Ctu
ring villages, females, generally preponderate
fiver the 'males It will be seen by
. the above
Statement that in the coal.Regioh, the males ek,
seed the femalesiby 694.-Here is a chance girls!
Yen. need not go to lowa :or:. Wisconsin :.te 'get
hasbands.' Weliave 684 able bodied.induStriou
inert, Who'Cinntit be furnished with Wives in the?
Coal Region, -and tipelt to be supplied from, some
soma: We cantacuprornise-to do much for !ion
in Pottsville, bit ih IKinersville 212 can be ac
commodated withtitit trouble, ap'd -in 'the other
neighboringtowlps the excess of males is propor
tionately alriaost!
Goon.—lt is stated by a' late English' ournal
that a method prmaking paper out of iron lies,
been diceoveredi 'The Country. Mirror Says, that
is nothing neiv,kfor: it knew' of one nmyspoper it,
lease which . is ernpo-ed entirely of steal. : •
R. 4,11. ROAD, (jitNYENIT.IIIN AT ,II )61 it Isnr rin.—'
A Convention r " layer 'pre continuous Mail 'Road
.corn municatianfrom rg t hiladelphia to. Pittsburg.
met: at .1-farriiburg on Mortday- list. The friends.of th6 . middie • i outo, finding theroselvee likely to
be outnumbered, split ofrJarld. 'formed . a separate
convention. iloth ConTentiens were organized
on Monday, both were'tvelLatterided;and the cor
respondent of
,che U.' S. Gazette states that they
e.r,eited more allentien than the Legislature. '
StirITA!LL Roan:-.'Last week we stated
that_there were 47,9:$ . tons of Coal transported
over the. Lorterry : Creek . Rail,Road,: duringTthe
year 1845. V4l should have stated the quantity.
as follows
Over the torl)erry Creek Rai
Over the Swatara Rai ‘,l
, The Swatar,Rail Road is 6 miles in length,.
and connects with the Vini.n Canal Company's
:Road, t miles a bove Piriegro e. It is conittheted
with Iron Itails in c the mei. substantial manner,
and The trade lould have b- • inue . ta arger'over.
it, if the navig tiian „of the anal:iteder
had not been Irrspended fee about th cMonth's,
durini4ast eeaten,Tor e Water: The
Mine pill and t rchuylkiil-#iven 'Rail'Roall Gong
pang are new: engaged M'extending a 'Branch
,Rail :Road toE connect Swatara • Rail
Road, in the Plareiaia.Cord Region,'.ziear the towns
of4•Trenaont'l i and . 1 Donaldson:": . This road will
ho iorapleted 'July :next, sv.hin the trade -frem
. that tjuir ter Iwilllielartely increased. - '
. .2.•Mozurszoit,i, 74E Li'ST Of. AZTECS." ' ;--
, • - • , -
This is,a nert ;via: by 'EfiStod •Mtittain, den=
ticriptiv6'of tl:l l ;contlucst of..lllexico. . It is in, ex.
citing work—. vols., 50 cents each.,
"Tut LoaI.D.OV MlLA3i " —lsio: - 69' of Harper's
I.ibritfy of Sel l ect Ngoiels, by the author , of ..R.Sj.
caitte , ;" pages
Tor 25 cents. r -
..,., • • . • ,
• ttArt-r !ll . s.aoitE"--A 'Temperance 'Tale, pub
lished by Dunigan in New i'orks An interesting
story neatly gt inv.' Priee'2o cents. .. a -
- . 1
...Tun Iton'•:Crtostcu AND Moiitnts 43ocie-
Ty"—translatred,flOm the Vrenchuf Prot
. E. iilli•
net, and cditep by —C. tdwards tester. A well
written voluihe of 'tem hundred , 1,30 e. Price
. t p
371 cents . -: ; . . .
. . ~
. . _ . .
' Tut, Finisas' Li aniter. - -I—The Janudry No:
i l
of this
,kft, rie has been TeCeived and ii.oneof
greit'interett. .qhmir's:.Principles of Agricul
ture" is coat 'aid in this rianibe'i r anditcontains
an unusua l a aunt oftaiscillaneoultnatter of in,
terestAo the f 'rakers: Wee that - duriog the list
month many of th 6 .6rst filen of the ciluntry sub
scribed to th Library, rind its list. is constancy
. 41ereasi rig. herein' no periodical the' coun tiy
which canbefinore valuable to fareiers than ibis.
TbeVublisheis, yesirs.'Greily 4,- Mc. r lrath," ad
.certise thatllieiare still supplying back•aumbers.
. .
'Price $,5:90 iler annum. -, -
. . .
THE 3irtitrein Sari ani...Weilave received
the January Number which commencerthe third
semi-anousl iolumo -of this valuable Whig Maga.
tine. • The leading papc;rs are the."Europein.ln
terferericoi in fin Mission. to Panama"—"Calefor,
nia," and a liagtaphical notice ofJuistiae Story."
•Thrteciewls - now firmly established and 'is otie
of the most ado ' literary periudials of the coon.
try. To theivhig'paity: it is important that such.
.a. work shoud .tat well !sustained.. Novir:is the .
iiroper time tfiattbscrilie. Wo will receive Rib
icriptioos for et Sev.ieiv at,this office and:deliser
the numbers free. - nt Postige.', Price $5,01)
&intim. - ,• , • .
. ,
. ,
3183 • 2499 5682
as peat
14 '284
'Local lffairs.
Dr. butinuee ruurilitin.‘=Dei.i. John P. Durbin; D,
D.. author of "Obsenritiona in the East,7.wßl.cletiver
course of Lectures; in Pottsvillti.aroi Port Carbon,
enclint on Monday evening .R*.rth inet The sib.:
Jetts will oe. "The 'inikastrEmpire,'!"Christianity in
ihe'East,"' "lertentlem;". and the: "Restoration of the.
:The'llrat two of_ thre il ! ectrires will be
livered in :Pottsville, the last IP.ort.carhiin.
Paltitulars ea to terms 'ke l . relit be found in our ad
Ur. Itirbia :has • tech engaged:dining the 'present
'Creek in delivering the above lectures in Philadelphia'
Where they have liSen listened to by crowded al/Mew.'
ees with greatattention; and:have:elicited the highest
enconthiras from the press. . 4 410. has eiensented to de- ..
liver the course-for the benefit. cif the new M. p.
Church in Port Carbon, and strehopa that' the attend-,
since Will do credit to the intelligence and t hrisitianity
.of the Region; i
CoAt. TA.ato.— By reference to .pur advertising co
latrine It Will be meen th.stAtr; las'tilhitniy has opened
a Co' -Yard In the lot opposite 'Ruch itr. Evans' . Steam
!Atli, Oui ciniens will not have so much trouble as
They have heretofore tract myrocuring fuel.
STOVE min Ti% SHOP.-•3lesgra Skeen & noove'r
have' taken the 'establishment becupied by the late
13yroil Philips, and ; it. Will be Semi :by bur- advertisiim
autumns that they are-ready . to supply all. articles in
their line cheap. Messrs. S. are yqung men who
were is the amid,* or Mr. Philips rind are
TEE WEATII tn.—touring, tbe past week the iceathei
has been quite mild. We hive had a- few clouds, arid
once in a while a little snow fell, just to keep us in
. that It is winter bu t for; the most of the time ,
the run liaS shone brightly by, day and the moon by
night, In smile parts - of the county, the sleighing ha,s
not 'yet, entirely disappeared, although the ground in
the towria is bare, and in the middle of. the dap the
streets are rather minidi.",
.• , •
Carttto# Penrv•—The second Catition Party of Elie
season came off on ThUrsday evvninklast, at Ceisse's
Eagle ilptel ! The cOmpiny was ,ergo enough to he
pleasant;• the music was very good, and the dancing
was kept up until üboutt o'clock: *The arrangements
viervexcellent,a'nd those in attendance appeanid high-.
ly gratified with the evening's hainseinent,
New DUlLDltiO3.—WC.obSeryl, that several new
houses are going up in various parts of the borough.
Winter is nefa good season for Mining, but so soon
no spring commences a tafge number of new buildings
- '
will be erected...
Pasc:rictsa Baca—DANciNo Scnoot..—Mr: Stanch
will give his fifths Prat thing Ball arCeisse's On Thurs
day evening nezi.: It may nothe amiss to inform our
readers - that . Bir. tent3"in in Pottsville but a few
weeks longer. Those who wish-to learn dancing or
to send their children. had hetterseize the : present•op
portunlty r as it may be some tine heforethey Will have
.00 good an oPflottooltY Mr: is an excelle
teacher, and all those who have attended his school
have improved wonderfully. • -;
, WrnE WEATINaMr. Henry Jenkins, an iiig;eritous
and.industiioui;mechanic of ilds:borottah, is'aetively
• ,
engaced nfiVeayink sire of alniost every deferiptii)n,
into Riddles, ('oal - §creens, and the "various purposes
thigh it is used. lie invented a machine
rAfci s Ch he has patenied,, for the purpose of bendinc, the
41Iin e to a'proper shape, which , enatilss him - in weave
much thicker wire' than has ever heretofore been.wo
yen in:the United States. Ifs shipped a large Circular
85yeekto Cuba a, feir days since, : for the use of the
CoppdrMines, and orders are• pouring in upon him
from abroad very rapidly.' ins .establishmetd is hi
,Norwegian Street. I *' '
OySTqt Rousts.—We stated last week that there
were only . thirteen 'tavern m'Pottsville, but in the
'liar of the 'Occupations carri d oh we totally omitted to
notice the fact . that there ax fifieen Refectories and
fosis in our. borou;gh.: \ \
Most erthem are un
'der the note's, and we neillected to designate thejn
. separatelk, tbourili the greater proportimi:are not kept
by the proprietsws of the hotels, ~ Some of these ate
.eleaanty fitted up and would.4lu credit to alarge city,
and we 'doubt whettivr,anothentown:nf the same size
iti the Uniftn has ar. equal'. number of eating houses.
The proprietor of of thesestabliAliments loformed
us a few days since, that be 14d sold as t'arry as stiti
thousand:oysters : ln one wzek. - : : ~ .
Ova M~RRera .— Tile Streets of our hornuch during'
the past week have nor heen quite so much blocked up
with vehicles • ontalning produce, ati ihey were before,
antlduring 114licdsdays. ,The good Sleighing which
afforded faimicr's at a .dlstance excellent, facililics for
bringing bevy
. Inads of produce .to Pottsville,, has
•disappeared, and theroad.are t*very good for trav
elling in wagons. We cannot, IMwever,,contplain of
any scarcity in proVlsions in Pr itsville. The town is
still,well supplied, and prices 'remain abnut Us 'they
have been during the season.
MILITARY iILITITUTE.-)VC understand that-Captain
Alden Partridge has written a letter In a, r;Attlematt
thin borough relatird to, the estahilshing of a military
school similar to the nne,hl . l,lar;ishurg now under his
care. lie propnees•that the students shall he ianght ,
not nnty mililary duty„ , but mathematitti, lanenaees,
and such ethe'r.branclif4; of sitzdy' as ate usintitycon
sidered essential to a coniMete ethic:llion. 'I":
LinnE PortetEn.—A, hog, three years old, was
killed at -. the County .PoordloOiO u (eiv, , dais , e,tr:ce
which — trreiglicir.C32 poutids.' l They,:mtistedice
well .Down :there. - We may' mention here, that
Mr. Grieff 'is' an excellent !, - initerintendent,. and . ,
thoy tho atiaira of She Poor 00113; aria admirably
Irr We publish,thiq week a '. l Card" of Mr. Vol::
nay B. Palmer, of Phifadelphia.l He. was the first
to originate the plan of procuring subscribers and
adrertisemenis, and makinglecillections.for news.
paperi, publhibed at a . distance fickm the cities,
and he deserves much cridit , for the manner in
which he has performed labors. He has done
rtichloi4he businesi cominuni , ty, and he:deserves
to•sucm.d. :Many persons int . ye started in the
same business since heCommeticed, but as ho was
foremost- in the 'field ha isf entitled to the:benefit
• 1 ,
Of tln'Proccdenee. - • •
Janos WOODW.lnih—Theic is sorne'contio:
tersy . with regard to the resignation . of thin.gen
. demon, arid the appointment pLE. prinks, Esq.,
as his succ'essor;= - which• was B'lnm:tuned. :As Ins
'confirmation hy.the'Senate tore seatin the U. S.
Court, seems to'be duubfful,"the Harrisburg• Union
• • • !P • ' '
exyll6se,as far is they were concerned, nit follows:,
"Virriincranced upon earhority;rhat Ephraim Banks;
hn ian ofJudg d'been appo e
Wo inted, odwarEV but said nothing about the,
, --, , - Perhaps the resignation has been recalled, for
''the present; Locofocos but Seldom give up 'office voluntarily until another is secured. .
CASSIUS W.A.; LAT.—This ge ntle m an 'being on
a visit to New York,,wa's addorsed teat week by,
a:number of .gentlemen of 't at - eitY requesting
him. to deliveca spec'ehja the .Broadway Taber.
naelo. He consented, and on i .14endaylaFt made
one of his most splendid efforts, _ He spoke for .
two hours, to an. audience nunhering' between
three and four thotisatid„all Was iliterruptc,dfre:
quently by lniCsta of apPlause. ;The Tribune gives
altill report of hrs , speech, ittlWhieli' he. proves
that slavery is not only:tnorellYrwrong-but is also
iinpolitie.‘ : le advertedlathe eeimpatative amount
of labor pefferrned -in, the Sot tl - send North, and
demOnstrates . that the .South-leei,by employing
5 vefabor - a a `4l on erto p eter
ve an. equalkty
between the North rind South h l ijocoselY proposed;:
,to buyout E:tEbnd's partial tight to with
Texas and SOutli.parolina money, since the Notth
was ,so liner .1 as. to buy '.llOrida and Lottisisn 3
for the Skeveholder.' 'We regrCi that'sve;have no
room, fur his address. 'lt is about thi) moat %ational
- ,
Antislavery !peach we' have ever read... ' _
Me. Clay having been requested bye [ergo Olat
he: uf citizens of
_Philadelphia, to deliver
dress before them, 'spoke on Timisday evening
los; Julians street- bhutcli, ; strict was;
~ , Clesoijed, l 6 entrotego, '
• The news in* *a:Abington this Week is of it
Very important character; The liArse•of Itepre
sentatives have •heen . almoit ezehisivety engaged
in the discussitin of the Or eg on Quelition, and the
. .
torte of detail°. in'. the House, his "eansed general
ideal% aisitoieed upon every .one the helief that
lheie it greetdangei Of a War with England. The .
'National lutelligencer, which his hitherto confi
detitfy ozpreised . the opinion that there Would Doi
he a vial:, :Mr ?dinghy ,
“We desire to recall our expressions of covi
dence which pro have' heretofore, felt ourselves au
thorized to Use in regard tothe peaceful termina
tion Alf this' Oregon dispute: , hopint at the same
time, that couneera. wiserthan those_ which row
seetdin the ascendant; may yet oven the dire ea
tastrophiof war.",.•'
The Senate sterns disposed. to check the rash
ness andlucklessness of the House, and .for that
purpose haie postponed farther, action in relation
to Oregon.: Mi. Allen, who introduced the reso-
Intim) relative to giving'notire that the joint occu
pancy nod cease. and who has gone far in his
advocacy of that measure, on. Monday last propos
ed to defer faither action on these,resolution until
the 2'"ith inst. • ..Mr. Westcott; of Florida urged
that the time be prolangel until the 10th of Feb.
rttary,,and 'the Senate'accordingly laid • over the
discussion Of the Oregon resolution : until that
time, by the following vote :, • '
Yeas-Messrs-Archer, Barrow, Benton, Ber
rien. Calhoun. Chalmers. Thomas Clayton. John
M. Clayton, , Cohluitt, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis;
Dayton,, Evans, Greene, Haywood, • Jarnagin,
Johnson of Maryland, Johrpton of Louisiana,
Lewis, MeDufile, atangum, Miller, Pearce, Pen.
ttybacker, • Phelps, Spcight, Upham, Vv eb..ter,
Westcott, Woodbury, Yutec-32.
Nays—Messrs. Allen; Ashley, Atchison, Ather
ton, Breese, Bright, Cameron, Cass. Dickinson,
Dit,Tairfieid, Hannegan,Jenness, Niles, Semple,
Sevier; StUrgeon, Turney-18.
In reference to the above vote, °Oliver Old
.Sehool," the corresoondont of the U. S. Gazette
"This may be corfsiddred rather a thong indi
!dation against the notice being given and when
'the Texas Senators arrive, there will be two more
against the notice. It is nut altogether certain
that-the resolutions wilt he considered on the day
set apart for it. fur it may be again and again
postponed by the same vole that postponed it to
day. Mr. Archer said he was in favor of postpo
ning it much beyond the day he thought
the Senate ought to - keep control of the question
until near the close of the session at least."
Besides endeavoring to place' a eheck upon the
. egislature of the• House, the Senate are
making proper preparations for defence and offenco
in case of a war. On Morilay, Mi. Fairfield,
frOm the Committee on Naval Alfoir's, - reported "a
bill to organize the Naval foiee of the United
Stales," which
,was read and committed. The
bill appeopriates five millions sir hundred and odd
thousand dollars for the increase, of the Na
-vy. It. authorises 1110 building of tan war steam
ers; three of the first class of 'frigates, five of the
elasi'of sloops of war, and two of a entailer class,
for which it 'appropriates $2,530,000. :It also ap
propriates, -4 the five million fria. hundred. thous
an l dollars. $'1,52.0.000 for' completing ships now
upon'the stocks, $625,000 for repairs of ships now
'in coininiAsion, and 5500 000 for naval munitions.
body is
eutti4 nut business for a long; session =- they have
already introduced the Or i egiin question for the
f sake of lifiwing ofT some Trid, at an - expense of
'about five hundred thdlar.viper day to the people.
I•The I synopsis of 1110 debaie on,,Satur:day
list embraces the principal measures before ,that
body at present.
Mr.lLight.of Northumberland, who offered a
seil,•B of resolutiims on the, second day of the
I sessioii-aLfaiast any alieraiii i m rithe 'Cara, moved
that the house proceed to the consideration of there
• .
The Locos, with few e ceptions 'opposed the
I motion, and yoted it down, 55 to 41. . •
The 1 1),eruneraey 'of Pe' nil Ivan's, who lately
hezzeed so lustily for oPo c, Shunt: and (lie tariff
of 1842'1 3 , are now afraid i to touch the
We hope the Wilts and teal frtendS of the Tariff
1• will rusts it (you them. Let them show their
i hinds to the people, 'in order that hereafter they
may know where to nna them on.this question.
Wankwonim introiliar,i4l a series of re's°.
Outioris iii opposition-'to alteration , of the
Nia uralizatioW
Mr. Ktrfsa'r.ti's „Oregon resolutions were then
taken up,andliCspititcd debate ensued.
Mr. Ki.:Nr.r.t..moved to amend his retelation es
frNows : •
Strike nut the words .to terminate the. joint
*occupancy of the grenn territory," and insert,
"ttt terminate and- abrogate' the convent' be.
tween the United States and great 13rit tin, of 6th
Atirm4, 1827." • -
rlik, 11r. K. said, conformed more nearly to
resolutions now before Ctin4rees, and he—regarded
the terms, usediii the aineudment . cia more appro
priate thanthosii-in the ~ceolution as originally
•• Mr. Manta:or liketl.l the 'amendment better
than the original iesolutiiin of the gentleman from
I. Dauphin, because it was little more warlike, and
hewas very
. sensible of the fact that the'more it
showed its teeth, the betty It would .go down in
the House. If this resole Lion was adopted, and
Oregon was taltim posseSsion of by our Govern
merit, he would then, if al member of the Legisla
ture, move for the annexation of Canada. •
Mr. Bernsrstnithrn nuked to strike out all after
the word ' , resolved," and insert the following: '
'That our Senators in instructed
and our Representatives ienuested to yote to give
notice to Great Britain of the
,intention of the
United States to terminate the joint occupancy' of
the Oregon territory, and Ito vote for the extension
of =our laWs over the said, territory r- --
Mr. BoRNSIDE supported his amendment' at
some length, and was replied to by. Mr. Kt; mc,
in am able and truly eloquent speech, -which .itr:
rested' generaluttention.
. ,
THR PURITANS AND Sr.avenr.—ln Mrs..
Child's History of woman it is told' that in old
'times, when slavery was Sanctionea in Ylassachu
sent, a wealthy lady residing in Gloucester, was
in the habit of giving away the infants of her fe.!
male slaves, a few days after they were born, as
people are ''.a?custorned: disopso of a Later of
:kittens. One of ber neighbors begged an infant
which in .these days of comparative simplicity,
she nourished with her own - mill:, emir reared
,among her own children. :This woman had an
earnest.desire for a brocade gown,; nnd her hus
band riot feeling`ehle to procure one, she'sept her
little nursling to Virginia and sold her; when she
was iibut4 seven years otL f •
Tag CLIAPLAIx.--Alluding to Mr.
Milburn, the recently. elected Chaplain of the
-IHouse of llepresentativea, the Washhigton corres
penile:at of the Boston •Plist lava - that he, was,on
his way - to the 'city, Of. New York. where he in
tended to subinit to mire:feel operation, in the bops
Of making a lasregperinient for 'the restoration of
his eyesight. 'Ou boani the boat, aftei deiving
-Lexington, on . a fine Sabbath mornitlg, he was
lequeSted by a few of tint passengers to conduct
religious exercises. He consentstd—sung hymn,
itffereil up * .a.prayer, and Preached a sermon. The
audience was not only -delighted, but irresistably
.enchante'd, by his tielt and exteuiporaneous elo
quence, and at the conclusion of the services they
came forward-tie it wer , e; en masse, to learn his
'Past history and future' tntentiiins, Aniiing the
• number
,were several senators and representatives
tkOm-the west, whotiegged the blind pieseLei
tat•ry a- few - days at Washington, and they would;
eodeaviir to elect hintth'e chaplain df the Heine..
fie consented and 'they base ,kept-theis,word•--
That ho will, in all respactsjully justify the gen
aroureonlidence of his - friends, does not admit of
3.11 sorts of.lents.
A Femme-ma - o.4kt Marian [Ohio] Eagle
of the alst Dec. nye ./A weather wise friend of
outs, bids cm arab the predietion, gist daring
Mouth of Itintary . , a general th aw take place,
attended with higher waters than have been known
for years.-which will bra followed. by a sc.camil
winter, of greater severity ; a late; trt't
and tua uncommonly fruitful m ason . —Vireaball
03" A gentleman wishing a let riti 'Ora visitor.
and not
-liking in tell, him •--Po out oft his hat and
,tiimself Scarce'," modified it thus :•-.Ele.
vats your golgotha•to the summit of your pericra-
Ohne, and allow me tq present to.your ocular that
scientific piece of mechanism which forms the
egress; portion'of this apartment." - . •
Asr BinTactrAss, was seriously felt at Mem
phis cin the 2341 ult. The Eagle says the shock
was accompanied with a rumbling noise, and ap
parently proceeded fro% a northwesterly direction,
'and lasting about belie minute: -
Losayourv.—A list of twenty-seven , persons
' who • died at Providence during the past yea; , r,
gives, an aggregate age of 2168, being an average
of'l3o to each, and this numhei comprises bout
one-fifth of the whole 'number of deaths in the
town. •
One individual who, is methodical in his busi !
noes can, with ease, perform - the work of four men.
w.he set order and regularity at defiance; -
Nom . rY -PeNti4rt.va7ra.--One iron fAralry
near Harrisburg, Pa., paid during the past season
$lO.OOO for tulls'on its coal 'and iron transported
on the canal. There have been erected is the
Stale-of Pennaylvania, within the last two years,
thirty.two anthracite iron fornaceir.:. •
The expenihe of the Mission 'to China (aimed
the subject of a message sent in to CongreSa by
the President. un Monday. The whole amount
appropriated was $40,000. To 'Mr. Cushing has
been paid $32.434, and he claims 5893 as yet
due. Mr. Webster has received $7,500, and
claims' $1,954 additidnal.
. .
The mperor of Russia Has sent in a claim for
the Oregon territory, and has just givea notice to
all Amelican vessels not to frequent .qny of the
creehe., : bays, and harbors north of the Istittidi of
54 degrees 40 minutes
(„,r5 - . The N. Y. True Sian, says:—"Passing
through Hudson street, the other night, we saw a
watchman gravely promenading on his beat, with
a label 'on his back, having.the inscription, !.The
stars do wink with Oyer !watelting." "One of the'ught rpo asleep and put this card on my'
NEN rt , Ilk o CU l EAP POSTAGE.—The LegiA•
future . of Ncw York, on Wednesday last, unani
mously adopted the followin resolution :
R'rsolved, That our Sonaiors:and Repreenta
fives in Congress be requested to use their hest
endeavors to vresent any increase of, the rate of
INFLLTENC+I.—Every peison has more or less
influence.- The greater the talent; the larger the
wealth, the higher - the office, the wider will be,
the influence:') Remember this and-so lied that
'your good-deeds and daily example may lead to
tauth and virtue,
TEXAS ME1111:115 ensonctis.—The Hon.
T. Pihibury hiss been nominated as a candidate
for, Conzress, and has accepted.. Mr. P. is a na
tive of Maim'.'
Menu DritcthuTioxs.—Letters dated in the
city of Mexico, as late as the 7th December...unite
in the opioion', that_ another ievolittion was inevi
table. Two revoluthins had been planned, one
by the' army in the Northern - Deparyment, and
the other by the army in the city of Mexico, and
in The Southern Departments.
A Rica Cuunctr.—The property held by the
Trinity Church in Neci, York. eby' in estimated to
be worth one hundred millions- of dollars. , Deal
Estate; 550,000,000 ; and other. property, ,521.1,-
DE1.A . 20% SMITH, who went nut to the Repub.
nf at; Special U. 6. .gent, ictu , nctl tii
Baltimore in the brig Pncnnix,,,from Kingston,
EM t n n•N•rs.—During the year ju=t
arrivr LI at Baltimore. from to riga Torts,
each; An's. of which 7.547 we're from Bre
men. 244 from liveriMol-,' 1,99 from Ainsterd4m
and 19S from Rotterdam.
'HIS edit it of the H,nipihin Post has been cued
fur a libel, in publishing a story call:4 R.uni ice
snd Risrality in'Real Life." A Mr. Binith, of
Westfield, Considers that the incidents
,app:y to
Why 'Napoleon to have been a friend to
Greece (areas('?) Etixause said the ;YorkAire_
man, he was horn on the oilland, (island.) and
lived and died on an oilland. (island,) Maid!
is said that a vein of coal has been discovered
on a farm near Louimine. - -
SreciAt. ELLOTIONg FOR CoNnursg;.—Mr
Towns. Democrat, has been elected to
in the third district.of Georgia, to supplyAtie pt.oa Mr. Poe. •
.Me. I.a Sere, Demociat, has
been elected in the -first district Of Louisiana; to
supply Mr. 'Slidell's place.
Mti: SLIDELL IN MENICO.—The Washinaton
Union Rises an. extract from a letter. dated Vera .
Cruz. Dec. 11; which-says—" Our minister (Mr.
Slidell) was very•fistteringly' received by flitY au.
thorines of this place; and it , is known that he
reached the city in sifety.! . •
4-11.13t3TF.Nel NG— Tho New York
Spirit of the Times says that a gentleman is..going.
South to open a jewelry eslablieArnent—his.capi
tal Fi a croto•bar.
Two Catholic Priests recently passed thniuglt
.Warsaw on their way to rcauvoo:to examine the
Mormon property, and ascertain on what terms it
can be bought..: -
Below is the quantity imported for the last Six
years. The.receipts of all descriptions aro larger
than' any previous year—excepting English,
which, in 1937, exceeded the past year a few
hundred chaldrons:
. ,
Anthracite. - English. " Provinces.
ISM, 10,41t2 tons 12. 1 50 chalds 33,6'23 chalds
1814.' 131,120 - do ' , 7,1178 do 9.0,334 au
1843, 111;613 do 5,4130 110 20,181 do
11412, 1.6.582 do 9,892 ,do 21,800 do
1811. 107,11.9.5 do 11,190 i do 30,029 do
1810,, 68,870 do • 9,025' do 30,070 do
considerable portion of the English coal 411-
-ported is conmmed in t'fe English steamers, which
arrive at Boston, and is therefore-exported agairi.
,Durinm the last year the goantify exported again
"exceeded eleven thousand tops.
Inns.—We find in the Harrisburg Argus the
following table, showing the whole amount of iron
arid steel of all kind's annually imported into,the
United States for the list, sixteen years. We
think mire conclusive evidence than is afforded
by this table. of the'greit benefit of a permanent
and protective tariff to the whole country, could
not be found.
. ,
1 4 iars. • .Tans. Value, Per lon.
1828229; 36,814 . f. 52,417.292 '. - $66
1829-'3O, , 40,644 2.340,964 56
1830-'3l, 51.581 2.235,563 49
1831 -'32, ' 73.079 ' 3,697.380 49
1833- . .`33, 80289 - 3.371,867 41
1833-'34, 'lB,lOO 3,998,398 51
1834-'35, ' -771597 ' 3,714143 47
1835-'36, . 96,220 ' ' 5,359.131 55
1836-'37, 102,866 6,363,183 ' 62
138 : 7-:"38, :. 74.7 . 62 4,036,963 54.
-1838-'39, 115,637 6,688,596 ' 57
1839-'4O, 72,769 4,341.086 ~ ' 69
1840-'4l, 112,111 5,020,416 -'' 44
1811-'42, 107.392 : 4.32,000 , 40
1842-'43, 37,405 . 1,665,651 . 43
,1843-,14; 102,277 3,969,863 .37
`Total—tons, L. 261,074 , $63,817,546
RLATa TUE.—The Tallahassee pflpera state that
the Hom . Sarnuel W..Cartnack. a Whig, has been ,
elected by the Legislature of Florida. dodge of the •
Superior Court for the Southern 'Circuit Of that.
State. The Judge is spoken of as a sound lawyer
and a man or,sterliiigirstegrity, and it is only such
raere who adum and dignify the bench. This is
one among the very. rare in.tancea °canning. in
whiCh the majesty of truth and principles triumphs
user party . intolerance, and the Legislature' of
Florida'have evinoed their wisdom . and pdtrintisin
in having kept the ernainiofjustice unpolluted by
ite Mneful inAuenee,— Charleston,' S. C, Nero.,
- Vs'ao BAdews ti T , Ws a.l•-..The* annexed
tract aisweis this question in 4'u:tanner that may.
•possibly, explain the patriotism! with which ,
many personsin and out or Congress, are now
urging this happy country to Ilk dread alternative
of wars • • '• • 2 •
' The ware of Italians make eery - Blow
changes in .the system of empire.. . The public
perceives scarcely any _alteration bat an increase
ofilebt—and a few individuals who are benefited
Brunet supposed to have the clearest right to their
advantages, 'Ulm that shared the dangerenjoyetd
the profit,- and, after bleeding in the battle, grew
rich by the victory, be might show hisgaists with
out envy. But at the conclusion of a ten years'
War. how are we recompensed fur. the - death of
multittides and the expense of millions hot by;
contemplating the sudden glories of payitbasters
and agents, contractors and commissaries, whose
equipages shine like meteors, and *vthose palaces
rise like exindatitins - -
"These are the met; who, , without Virtue, !shot,
or haiard, are growing rich as. their counlry •is
impoverished ; they rejoice when , obstinacy or
anibition adds another yifiriu slaughter and de
vastation ; and laugh from their desks at bravery
and science, while they are adding figure to figure
and cipher to*cipher, hoping fur a new contract
from-a new armament, and computing the profits
of a siege or a tempest." •
Jonr.s" Lis r.—,tones wagon a steamboat abcive
St. Louis; not long since, when a taw Hoosier
Caine on bowl. At night4he Hoosier turned in
to his berth with his hoots on. The steward see
ing th:s, said, you have laid down in your
boo's." ' • ' -
The raw one raised his head, and looking down
at the boots, innocently replied, , Well, it wont
hurt 'cm ; they aint - the best i've got.'
CONSUMPTION.—There is perhaps, no ilise,?se
with which our country is ilfected, which
annually so many victims, as that fell destroyer et the
!tinfoil race—Consumption. after day, year after
year, the insatiate tuonster hurries Mille portals atile
cold and silent tomb fresh added. victims to its con
quest. No walk of life is sacred.from its blighting in
fluence. N, age isexempt from its death dealingshafts.
The old, the midilte.aged and the young, all alike, are,
food forthis Common enemy.rif mankind.' The white- -
haired patriarch, whose life of temperance has render
ed his system impervious to the attacks of other ills,
and whose good deeds prepatenim for the enjoyment
of life's calm evening, buds Consumption fastening its
turas anon his vitals; and tearing turn from a world,
ever bright to minds' which look complacently on days
well spent.
Is there no help for the afflicted I No'preventivo of
the dangers which beset its in our changeable end tickle
clime 1 Wu think there tnqy be. And. if the allega
tions of those Who are at least entitled hveracityinay
be believed, there his preventive and a remedy.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is ofil,red tua suffer
ing world no such'. It needs not the 'adventitious aid'
of ii long string of fie Wien- certificates to ewe it Mao
riety. its true;value and intrinsic excellence are
sutficletit to entitle it to the CO/IfiliellCC of the' public,
and • '%Vuft on to Canto,'
For gAle by John S. C. Martin; hritggist..Pottsville ;
Win. 'naval, Tanmina Rickel 4. Medlar: Orsvic.-.
burg ; J. B. i° J. A. Falls, Minersvllle ; Caleb Whae.
leq NnYgrove.
PCRIF to a settled creed in a correct med
leakpirispruderice, that unless tl , e Mond is kept free
&tan it ine'whole system Lot-t inevitably be
come diseased,. trhen 'the bmod bet nines clogged,
thick, and moves through the vents and arteries with a
sloirgish notion, We may rest assured that sickness,
with all its concomitant train tifevils is about to ensue.
The uttapsacare and greatest precaution 'are therefore
necessary, and the system should be closely watched.
Thoso !who generally pt ovule themselves with mild and
aperient physic, should give a preference to snot as
are of a strictly vegetable nature.. lirandreth's Vege
table Universal Pill appear to he the universal favorite
ati theyt are composed entirely of vegetables and t "-op
crate- So effectually—cleansing the system—purifying
the blood and removing all undue binary secretion.S.
• ....ritdd at Lirandreth's Principal office. `:l4 Ilroadwny
V.l) and by the follow ing . authorized agents in"
Schn3 thin county; .
'Mortimer, Ir.—Nekv Castle
Getirtni Iteifettyder—putt Clinton. J. Rubin hnld 3-Co,
Haven, Charles thinizinner—anti one
ag't. in every:pi tee or importance throughout the world
TA FIX' PI Ohl ,1111 of 70-- Kf Wits Lo nut bEhc
red, pc,.ple :could nut brhere though one rose fruni the
(lead tdproclatan it., --
C TCNOVIA. July `SO, IS 11.
l.have OSP(' .10 boxes of llrdodreth's Pills. and half
Ao hull) , pore d'idri•r,dit kind, but OF whole have
not In ne ',tell rile so HMO) :IS twin
Pelted Doti in Vecetalde Pills." they seem to steeic
rtrkt +4 t he Antiinilatinnn or lily disease,. ti h i. Ll4of a.
WM/mg rilTrirlfT. IRA ll.\ 011 D.
DN. This old gyilentan•settled Cazvaovia tiny y;iats
ago. • _
14 n'cr fnrn Led tit the Nyty York Colle•4c of
.179 Co. -6 nwieh t trent, :its..., 'Ytirlr.
Sold at 17: 1 Gretnwirlt tr'et, New York. and hy
John S. C. Pon- slialai. Or
lairr,—E. NV. Earl; k 0. - per, and J. A. & LT,
COl.Drt.z-It.slicitild be ten•inbered that a cioL - 11 is
ways an eviderce that ramie impurity is lodged in the
h if not speedily" rennived. will most
redly do irritate those del cafe as to bring on mil nom:i
-n.:l of the ItileZe, a dar•ease which we all kntiw ii the
high road to Consumption. • •
Wrikl.e.x Indian L'e;reralle Pills are one or the yery.-
best medit•ines in the world for carrying off a cold Vie
cause they purge from Ilovhoily morbid humors,
which are the cause of coughs, consumption, ditlkulty
of treat hind, watery and intlimed eyes; sore throat, I
ghoninat iv patios in various parts of the hody, and many I
daagerotts enmtilaints. Three or four of said In- I
dian Vvelable Pills taken at night en going to bed. w ill
in all canes give relief. and, allot medicine he repeated
21 feat tiro blood will Ito c,inpi t tlety perjned. the
di?est ion will be improved. and t h e body will he restor
ed to even sountler'health than before.
It should also be remembered th it a man,by the name .
of Win. M. Sp 'ft he I,IIS mid little purporting to be
Indian at the terrier of Race and Front str6ds, is
not an agi:int 'of mine. neither can I guarantee as genii-
Inc any lie has for sale.
The rnly . seetirity simmer imposition, is to purchase
from pentileof tinfilemished character, or at the Office
and genet al Depot, No dt,O,ltace street. Pliiiwlelnhia.
'W111.1,1,51 ,
rots:lle in Pottiivill , , by Messrs. T. & .1. BC.A.ITY.'
'Agents for the Praprivtor,. and 'the other Agents' in
Schuylkill . County. • •
NOTICE..— . An adjourned meeting, the Naptist
of•Pottsville, will he held at the
Universalist Church on Tue s sila) livening prat. Jan
uary :nth at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is panic
;utarly requostettlis business of Importance will he ac
ted Upon. - •.
All:Ladies and gentlemen friendly to Mr p.m:anent
organization of a Batiti:d Congregation in Potts', ille, to
worship in the Engllsii Language. are resPeCtihily in- attend .and part ciliate.
January 17,
DIVINE SERVICE will be holit in the We-141t
'Z Con:tree:Ilion:II Church, in this - borough, ritiSun
day afternoon at
,l 2 o'clock, and at II o'clock P. 314
BAPTIST MEETINGS.--Ily Divine permiiisien.
the Rev. Mr. ANDERSON trill Neat h every Sab
bath at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Universatirt
Church. .
CONFIRMATION.—The Risld net.. f i,bnti Priv,
"*." 'mu, will hold col:fru:a:ion in. Trinity entircb,
to-rnorinw nownina, :)t 111, I,'clock: ah-o
be service in the church in the allernoon, at the hsuat
EA' ErlyINE PERMISSION the new Metho dist
EpiScopal ClitirCli, in Port Carbon. will be deli- -
rated to the worship of Almighty Cod. on el(_inilai, the.
25th inst., by Reg, De. J. P. Durbin, anthill - of llobser
tattoo on the, East kc." Services to crmerire at
r) o'clock in the morning, 2 in the aftertio it, and 7, in '
the evening, collections taken throughout the day.
Dr.] Durbin will also deliver a course of Lectures on
the following subjects, on Monday, Tuesday... Wedne
sday and Thor day eVe.ning, of the ensuing wee:, viz:
I, The condition and prospects of the Turkish Em
I.', Christianity in the-East. :
2, The Topography , and Antiquities ofJerusaletn,ac
companiedwith a
4 •
Theltestoration of the Jews.
. The first and second, lecture (on the Turkish Empire.nnd Christianity in the East.) will be delivered in the
M. E. Church, Pott.svilleohe third and (berth, (on
rusalem, and the Restoration of the Jews,)iin the M.
E. Church in Poet Carbon.' Tickets for a single lecture
25 etc ; fir the course, SI 00 ; tickets admitting a lady
and gentleman to the entire course, 50—to he had of
T.D. Wintcrnteen and A. llcebner's store, Pori Car
ton. 11. Meg, corner of Market and Centre street. J.
T. Ifazrard's store, opposite the Post Office; J.
Mahantongo street, at this office, andat the door r,iifthe
evenings of the lectures.
...SONF4 OF TEIVIFInANCE,-4 Sperlai roNlio.7
of the Sons of Temperince, will he 11 , 1,t at • meir
room, this ert , nan. , r, for a final consideration of.;tho
Congtitutirm and Bye-Lawp. '
Jail. 17. - . nr. CROSL.ANA
A Meeting of the AVIMOL t, LIGHT I. Nl:ftti;
will be held at their Abitory. on :%londay .
Jantiarriollt. 184 at 7 o'clock, Punctual attendance
Is requestMl, no business of importance gill be laid be.
fore the meeting. By prder of the Captain.
Jan. V, •E. IcA.Iii,SALL), Seery, .
f)Plia 01.111 ii 4T.
Wheat•Flour,_ . per 1301.' $5 50 Plenty
Rye- do' - " - 325 to 350 Plenty
wliest - busliat 100 ' fie-art.e
Rye ' ' : ' .., 65 to 70 do
Corn • ~ 65 . . do •
Oats • ' " . 45 , do
Potatoes new . ' " 50 to 64, d o
Ilinrithy Seed," so - do
Clover " - 2 "
4 50 ' Scarce
Ezgs . .•, Dozen - - 12, ilcS,rs a
Buttes .- .
Ihenn • ' - ... Id to 10 PIS' nty
'7lO 8 ' So
Hants , d ' ,10to 12 do
Plaster .
M ay, .- • -sr $25 00
Drpared -' 2 50 do
Dried dis 'unpared ". 100 . —do'
Dit2d Apples pared " .: . -
A- -CAr . ; : RD, , • •
•: •V. B
Tc•Attictitan Newspaper Agent, dais , aut.lorisint
and Earowssign,by the proprietors of most of the
berittrewspapens of all the cities and princlpal towns In
the United tat and Canada, to receive subscriptions
and advertisements, and to Eire receipts for them, res.
pestfutly notifies the public, that tie ls preferred to exe
cute orders from nit partS of the Civilized World, Mr , •
!tracing Individuals, Final, tiocieties Clubs , Reading
Roams, Corporations , incorporated ' Cervantes, .
vestments, ace., at Ids several - Offices tir the cities of
Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York nn& Boston, end •
wherg communicatkmii and enquiries, phst void, may ,
directed.- Address . • • ' _
V. P. PALMED. philhd4'„ IL W. roe. 3s, and Chesnut
. street.'
r' gilictunfe, corne Baltimore
" Calvert street:
" .• - New - York, 'tribune Buildings, °me,
. she City halt I
-• . ; " • , •Irciston, 29" State strger.!
ei- - As no other person or persens are ip any brander'
connected - with the subscribe r,itt tile A niesica*Newifs
paper, Agency. all letters and conimnaicatkins.rof
should tie carefully ilitsigted of above,-and to nol oilier
Person.; This caution has .become tieceiiiary, in order — ,
to avoid mistakes, and put the public' o i their guard.
aga!list all pretended Agents.
IMER, American I`. cwspaper Ag't, '
'January-li', 3-
'14;1114C NOTICE.—V. B. Palmer, tte American
Newspaper Agent above named. Is the only 'authorise&
Agent, the reerivinc subscriptions and advertisements
for the Journal.. in the cities of Philadelphia, gaitiniorc,
Now York and 'Boston, (Arvind) public notice Where
ny riven. - B. 'IIANNA.N.
_ Pottsville. Jan.-17, 1946. •
Public Sale.
BOBTSto perches of stone, ready quarrieitand ran
ed, calculated for the Schuylkill Navigation L'lnks,•
at the quarry". near George 'Lauer's Brewer% , Fur
further particulars inquire of " ,W. HYDE.
Pottsville, 17, P 616 . , ' 3-3t*
Pottsville Water. Company.; -
J. RE Board of li . fanaders, hare this .day declared a
semi muumLdiridepd of three per rent on. the Cap
ital Stork (atlas Company for the last six months, pay
able to the Stockholders, or their !era' renresentatives
!,,on or rifler the 19th January. RUSSEL, Preslrt.
Jan., sth. ISM
: -
, .
0 EVCRAL Mnrilders, Finishors“indPoiler Makers,
i'l are wonted immediately, at the Pattsviltal 11'04
Works. To good workmen, good wares will be iriveh.
Jan. 17 "3- . . E. W. McGINNIS.
WANTED.—A competent person..who 'can come
well recommended anti who understands the liu
'siness,to . aitend'n Hardware Store in Pottsville.. To
such u person. a salary of from 4 to $5OO per annum,
will be paid for one, two or, more years.
Jannary.l7„ 3. GEORGE 11, STIGGTER:
, .
Nails and Spikes. i , ,-,,
600 i Gni cents
KE2S z. N e a t i s l i s , and Sc,,spike!, at $.. ... per
Nova Scotia Grind,doneg at 11.t0*2 cents peril). .
liar Iran, at 41 Bents per lb.
• Ca.t....Steel at IN cents per lb. warranted.-
Just received and fur sale. by , '
January 17,111 G. . ~ 3-
Stray Cow.,. .. I: 1
. .
~.,. CAME to the premises of the'salnicriber.
. OF-
in this Horough.ahout two month' ,
ago, a ninth Brindle Cow, with, a white
; .rtebark and white legit. The oWner is, re
qm,:ted to come forward, Nova property, pay charges
and take her away,'otherwise she will he sold, seectrt
dingy to tart". • , JOHN TEMPLE.
January 17, ISIC. ' 3=-3t*
, •
: • Dwelling House to Let 1
ig ...„.. 1
' THE Dwelline clonse,and Stet-met pees.
-..t ~ ent occupied by the,PoriCar,
•••1., Lon, is offered for rent. The building Is
LI In!! tf- , ,..._. tffsione, 3) by GO feet, 3 suntan high„ With
Aqi z t , ..g . n Imam number of. rooms, suitable. for a
- : Coolly of almost any size. The basement
is welt • rnletil-dte.ol l'orn Store. There is good ;stabling .
on,the prt)2li,fie and a well of goOd tvater at the 'door.
For term: an.l oilier pa rticular, apply to the ntahscriber
on the premises. GEORGE 'DOUGHERTY.
Port Carbon, Jan., IT, , ' :3.-2t*
. .
• •
M ARES the liberty to inthrui.the citizens of Potts
' 1 little and air itoty, that he has opened a COAI,
YARD, at the corner of Norweg,itin street and the Rut
Road, clirectiy opposite Ruch o,t 'Eyails'• Steam' Mill,
viln•re at' intend., keeping n constant supply.or fled
and While Ash 'Coal of the heat quality, of all size+,
and in quantity to salt intri - tra•ters, tll of,whith he, Will
- ell at the 10w,..2 prices f,r ca.h.
1,. W.. confidently helieveS that he will glee salts
faction to all whit may favor hitii with their custom,'As
he it tendsto eruct ash's on the prefuhtes and sell 6y
Wei,lll:, 2210 Its. t u aue ton,
3-3 t,
January 1 1 7, • •
T If E subsfriher appointed by the Orphans' Court Of
! I Seimptki:t County, an 'Amlitot to di.uribot e the as
sms in the handy of l'eter, Junes and Nicholas ;Jones,
admini,tratore &.-..0f Junatlish Jones, , Jeceatetl, tp
and a:110112 the ermlimrs mu t hjed thereto, hereby gives
not Ire I wal he in attendance fur that purpose,
at his Office ! In thehornuell of Or wrzsburg, Schnylkitt
(minty, nn Tuesday- the 1:111 day of February Os Xt. at
lii Wel., k A. M., when and a hcrq the creditors inter
cAed may attend. , ,
CIL:iIt.LES WITMAN; Auditor. j
.hrt. 17,
Pennsylvania flail omniiiius._
. -
>,.. • .____
Gemlhns formerly run by T. A.,Smvson, from ,
1 the 11.111 to tile Depot, is now owned by the sub- .
scriber; and will continue to carry Pansengers and oth
he iween'theFe'plarep, on the arri - hl,and departure
of the -Cars. Pt‘rpoi /4 wishing to be conveyed to the
Depot, will he ( - tiled for by leavinz Information at the
Pennsylvania Hilt. JOSEPH WKAVER.,
' L. L. BEYIN, Agent . :
Janualy i"; 18:6
D S. OLUTao .
MITE copartnership heretofore" existing between tho
I unElergigned, trading under the firm of .I)owney 4-
Focht, wa,a this day dissolved by mutual 'consent. Tbs.
"business of su id firth will be settled by .2111t111 Downey.
Tin Ware • and. Stove Factory.
Sr. HOOVE)11, •
NNE publ i c,lot l
thtey i elUrt A.,irsloitan Fixtures of the Tn gre
Stove Factory of the late Byron Philips, in Centre
street, next door below Henry GAsse's Hotel. and In
tend continuing thediusiness in all its branches. Hav
ing been in the empluY of Mr; Philips far a number of
years, and having, a perfect knowledge of the buSiness,
they flatter themselves that their Ware of every de
s,rifAion; will be manufactured in a superior manner, ,
feriosl materials and at low rates. They theryfare
solicit a continuance .of the'. patronage hetelnfore ex
tended to this Establishment, which they will spare no
pains to merit. : They are new beginners and it is their
interest to give entire-satisfaction to their customers.
on band and for sale a large assortment - of TIN
WARE,..STOVES. &c . All of which they will sell, at
unusual low prices. They invite the public to eve
then, a call, and try them. ,
3-3 t
January 17, ISM.
roumalm - 111ACIIME
rrllk subscribers, at their old stand. corner of Raft
J. Road and CalloWhill streets, ate prepared to-Inan_,l
u facture to order, at the shortest notice, Steam Elegises,
and Pa nape. of any power andl capacity for' minim; and
other purpose;3, Battin's Cast! Breaking ..trach ices, whit
swirl and perforated toilets, as may be•reqtrired. '
• Also. Engines And,Blarsing Cylinders with all nerec.
nary machinery for Mast Furnaces. Plot diir Pipes; at.;
the most approved plans, Cup and Ball joints and
ter Myers, oithe,very best construction. They mi./ .
titularly invite the attention of Iron Masters and pars
ties engaged in, the Iron trade, to thbir largo stork of.
Patterns ft..: Boning Nino, :baying lately ecinstfueted
the machinery for two oftho largest Mille in the coon.
try, viz . :—The Wyoming Eiitl at Wilkesbatre, end Me
ltulting Mill at the Montour Iron Works,' Danville. •
They nre.iltily prepared for this kind of Work, trigetheir
nit!, every vanity of general machinery: -Of the coal
, lir of their work, and materials, it Is enouzla to say._
that time and ex perie'nse, the mostinfallible tests. have,
amply demonstrated 'tint vast superiority tif their eti
gincs and Machinery.
OMe t i are respeefully, solicited and Will be nroinlilly
atton.led to. - lIAYWuOI3 & SNYDER..
Pottsville, January, 17, 1816, • • • : 3-Iy
• • .• .
Notice to -Contractors.
A LI. tho:ie Section: of. the Schuylkill Navigation.
.1.1 which are ni,t nnw under contritcaor widenint and
deepeninu, will tie readyiha lotting, oiler kbe 20th of
the present month, -'•
Contract, ors within; to offer for thi3 'Work + Nei send
tht ir propo4als to the ve;ident Engineers amine .line,
viz : . .
. • .
To Mr. Ellwood Morris,Englneer of the Dirhilan be_
tweet' Port Carbon and Althous'. Locks; Antes, Sny
der, Engineer - of the Diiision extending,from Milieus"
Locks to Vincent Data; James F. Smith , Dngineer
thi•Division extending - from Vincent Dam to Fair
mount; or to Edward Miller. Esq.,Chief Engineer, No. t
7 etinenim str ee t, Philadelphia.
in 'making the contracts for Ibis work, the Cousin 107
wit' reserve the right to prescribe the number of men
that shall tie placed on each contract.- and to require
-lb, number to be increased from time to time, as their
officers may think necessary to secure the completion
of each Job by , the time - specified in the - enntract.
- The right will also to he reserved by the Company,
to enter at any time with their own force, upon any,
thein4inentoftheir engineer lalikely •
to AO - delayed, without notice and without incarting
liabilities tor damages. :All propoiabisCor work' aro to
be made with this understanding.. Dy Order of the
Board, CHARLES ELLET, Jr:, Presidq •••ntt. .
Philsda., 17, 1935.,