The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 27, 1845, Image 3

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    CO!rTAGIOI.IIS AND P/bE3III Diltls6l3.—Water
must be adapted to, - the nature of the Ash, or . .there
. would be no propagation of the species. TIV.: soil
must be adapted to the seed, or there In.
'crease. • The climate must have those matters til
which will unite and keep alive epidemical or contiezi
• ous poisons, or they will become extinguished ,tis
lamp that Is 'Misapplied with ott, So it in likewise.
with the human frame ; tt cannot be materially teem,
ed by epidemical or contagious Maladies, unless there
be those matters finatingtn the elect:lotion Which offer
• the appropriate soil: By pnreylag our bodies with the
Brandreth h s , whtch'.have affinity with those nnpuri.
ties upon which contagion feeds, we may always feel
iectire, whatever disease may rage around us. 'True,
. we may have tt, but it will soon be over, oar sickness
will be the of °fa day or two, whilethose who have
been too wise to use this simple and excellent remedy,
either die, or have weeks, perhaps months ofsickness.
• 11:1•Sold at Brandretb's Principal office, 241 Broldway
N: S'. and by the following authorized Agents in
Schuylkill county.
Pottsville, W. Mortimore ; New Castle, George
Relfsnyder ; Port Clinton, J. Rebinhold &co :, Orwigs
burg, E. & B. Rammer; Schuylkill Raven, Charles
Anntzinger ;—And by one agent in every place o
mpertancethroughont the world.
. •
EIII7 : 0 1 / 7 .—Yonrself and neighbours are Natictr.
lady 'requested to reflect upon the beet mode of paving purchase of your wearing apparel; and
dir wilecttfally, you are hereby Informed that von
'can achieve the object by calling at Mr. bicNeille's
'Clothine store, No. 105 Chesnut street, on the first floor
of Sandarspn's Hotel; Where you may at all times3lnd
a large stack of fashionably cut and well made gar
ments--.comprising In part, Cloaks at from efixt) to
B:2s,oo—Over coats and Sack coats from /03.00 to *25,00
Drees and ProCk coatft from *B.OO to *2s.oo—Pants
from *2,00 to etB,oo, and Vests from *l.OO to *6.05.
105 Chesnut street, -Pkiladelphla,
• Philada.,An2ust lob
The Coal Trade.
The shipments by Ralf-road are 23,204, and by Canal
15,085 05, total fOr the week 32,269.95 ions.
Freights . to New York by Canal :have advanced to
*2,:io per ton.
- 7 The Rail-road Company have pasied a resolution gi
tog those who use the road exclusively, the preferenre
in Cars. This regulation took effect on Monday last ,
and bears very severely nn those whose interest it has
been heretofore to use both.
The ((Marvin; are the rates of freights to Eastern
ports from Philadelphia. ,
To Salem. 9 - *1 62 to 103 per ton.
" Bostrui, $1 92 to;! 75 "
" Portland. ' $1.62 to
,l 5,7 ~
New Redford, . $1 37 to 1.50
" Providence &Fall River, $1 37 to 130 "
" Charleston, $1 05 bh 170
" eambridgport & Brigletn4l2 75 to 2 87
k" Nantucket, 31 75-
' " New York, •• . $1 gm in 106 "
',SI 37 a 1 50 "
Newaik, N.. 1. 81 00
Albany,' *I 45 to 150,
f " Fredericksburg, Va. $1 12 to 123
Freights to Philadelphia by' Canal 90 rentsto New
York, $0 10 • _
By Rnil Road from Pottsville 31 30 and froin.
Jail Haven sl_ 20--to Philadelphia'. -
ntencon politeness c,f the different - Collect - 4,1
hn toe Canal and Rail linarl, we are eriabic.l 1,, homea
one readers, with the following weekly, oats of the
Coal. Trade, which they can rely upon as correct.
TROM'POR.T eArroos
For the week ending on Thursday
evening. ,
' Per last Report,
Forthe ‘1,4..ek ending, on Thursday
Nr last report, •
_ .
Dn. the week ending nn Thursday
evening,. 5.915 15
, l'Er4a6t. Report, - , ^:9,0.91 11
Fr+r week ending on 'rimisiday
. et ening,
' Per last Report .
'1 . BY CANAL.
For the %week eliding on Thursday
'. Per list nepOrL 1115.279 17
-.----r-1111,181 16
,Total up to Thor:.lay imflati
gf September 25,
Per last report,
or the wed: ending pia Thursday
!September 25" e.: •. • 1.701 09
~I tez !au Iletiort, 95.234 02
i• 1 • 39,939.11
179203 02
581,048 09
Total by Canal'
Do by Rail Road
Tfdallly Rail Road and cannl
Despatched this seasett, up to 9th me. t2Oth. 1915
Lehteh. Coal and Navigauon Co. .
Summit 6304
Room Run 2795
Beiver Meadow R. R & Coal C.
Hazleton Coal Company
Bock Mmitnfain Coal Co
LelUsti Coil and .Nas. en
Summit Mines
Rooth Run do
Beaver' Meadow 11.11. and Coal Co.
Hazleton Coal Co.
Huck Mountain Coal Company;,
Total to• Sept. 20, 1845. 121,551 Ton'm
The following is the amount of Coal tiansported
ever this Road, for the week - ending on Wednesday
Evening last. . .
. . .
Per last report,
319,800 19
Transportation on Union Canal Rail road from Ist to
13tli Avg. (inclusive )
4L cwt. qr.
11 6 2
Per Init Report,. 21,102 16 I Tons. ern Ir.
: Total; , —.......--- 21,517 2. 3
Transportation on Stvetara Rail .Road.
•,, 669 Id 'I
=41,6119 2 1
Total tone
31 , 1, 126 3 1
V. L. COIVRAD, Cnilector.
The amount of Coal transported over. this road for
the week endin: on Thursday evening lest, is/-
7,167 'rim.
er Last 1F6,199
Per tact 4:non,
The following is the amount of t:mil transported
vct thiq toad up to Thursday ev'y last -
Per Loot Report,
. •
55,153 119
Gto-11ADESTY, Collector
The amaunt of coal transported over this road for
endia; Saturday eve:l4lo3 WI
per tact report d 2,501
Tot al - (;7.40.2
JESSE TUR.NER, collector.
' TO 4 4 R11TrE.R5
Nava. Book and Waved Pk.r.
reg FIE subscriber Nosiest received a sir op ly of Prin.
.L tent ink, of the best qualities. which he wil die
, are of at Ma ouraerure:r's prices, as follow 3 :
85 00
Kegs. , $2 50
Book Ink in Casnistera at 40, 50 and 75
cents per lb.
'Blue Ink, best quality—per lb. $2 00
Red and Gieeo do . ,52 00
• Any person enclosing the money can have the Ink
forwarded to order. B. BANNALY, Ag't.
Sept. 27th • • ' 39--
9fin BUNCHES of SHINGLES, for sale at.
Sept ; rco
GOOD 11.14,Q MW. just received end for sale by
13: BA B NAN, -Ag'f.
39= •
Sept.• 27th
. 2. just published and . for sale by
B. BANI!,ti A N. AO. •
•:eo , 27th
6,1:11 Ci
112,221 . 12
6,110 (IT
151'11 1.4
259,003 08
71S 11
14,219 19
_J61.01 , 00
1.1.2 07
2.1,141.1 08
: -
Town -Hall' Iron Stord•
rr I 1 F. subscril era'respe(tfully_ inform the public:
.k that they have reeeired in addition to their
former splendid stock, a fresh assortmeat of Hard
y/are. consisting •in part is Follows
rdie Twist- English double barrel Cons.
Common .
• " sinnle '
Eine 'Pocket and T•T ble.Cutleyy..
Pick liriTuhs. Tea a nd.bread Trays, .=
• Flued:ro ytiheet Iron • • --
Cast-ster+ Jttll-saws•, a new article.
Kj - A la , ee assortmeot ofl ron constantly on hand
snrz7,mber. 211, ; ;
31.05 t L
763,231 11
" 15,792
1% , q61
11,770 .10 'rims
305,0:,0 00 "
13,300 0
N. CLEAVER, CoHeeler
9,194 l 3 Tons
Unexampled Attraction::
S iattit of Ava has ceased to amnia our
A One, we think it will be gratify log for the Public
to leant that 'amusements equally as attractive and
tante profitable than those given by the Fakir are now
open at the shire of - the subscriber. The amusements
are however of a different character. The Fakir's meth
od of amusing his audience was humbug and nothing
but - humbug, and the undersigned's system of amusing
his audience Consists of bargains and nothing but bar
gains, being a grand display of seasonable merchandize;
which for cheapness - is uoparalled in Ancient Or Modern
times. His stoat fgeods is larger and he feels quite cer
tain that he can In the lapse of ri month by scientific ex
periments reduce them to the little end ofnothing,which
will be a Emaatifal and unprecedented feat, and ht
doobts net will result quite • profitably to Miens writers
and most certainly agreeable to himself The philosn.
phy of this magical operation consists in the following
grand secret, viz:—Goode are offered at such exceed
ingly low rates that the mind becoming ezeited.the fan
cy amusetand before the exercises are over, the purse
will be considerably relieved- Admission free and no
charge fox showing goods
. _
P. 13—tit:additIon to the above exhibition; there can
'he, seen Twelve Thousand Shineles—they are quite at
tractive, beint very cheap and good •
Pottsville Sernembet 39-56
Auditor's Notice.
ryillE subscriber apPuinted by the Orphan's Comt of
county, to audit. re-settle and restate
the account onlohn Maurer. retitle •ed and filedt.y him,
as the flurdian of Mary Mills. herehrtzires notice, that
he wilt be' in attendance for that purpose, at the house
of C. M. Straub. Innkeeper, in the borourh of Miners
y lite. on Saturday. the 25th day of October next, at 2
n' the.afternonn. when and where all thoie that
are or may he interested may attend.
September 27, 39-
Sept. 27th 39 -
Orphans' Court Sale
PURSUA NT to an order of the Orphatur Court of
Schuylkill county, Jacob hammer,TruStee for the
sale of the Real Estate!lf Abraham foy, late of the .
Macomb of Orwiusbora, deceased, will clads° to sale
l,y public vendee anerMtcry. on 'Satutday, the first day
of Nov : miller, 1015, at one 01 at the house of
Michael Graetf, innkeeper to Orwigsburg, the follow
inv. Real Estate, to
No. I, A certain'farm and tract of land, situate part•
ly in the burttuttla of Orwigsburg, partly in Went
Brunswick thwissitip and partly in Manheim township,
in county, bounded ,by lands
1101 V or late of L. I'. Whitney,Jnseph Zoll,
••ea T ' - Daniel Delbert, Benjamin Bodey, Jacob
pi I Ilammer. George BodeY, tract Nu. 2, and
nutter lands, containing 92' acres, and 6.5
perches strict measurm%witlf the appurtenances, con
sisting, of three dwelling houses, a large bal.k barn,
two stables and a saw mill. .
No: Situate partly Brunswick - townphip,'
and partly 1,1111ar:helm iotivnship in said County, ad
joining tract No. I andlands of inseph Hoy, George
Bodey and tract No. 3,,,containg al acres, 195 perches
sine' inetii+ute.
,Situate in
,Manheint township; and county a
foresaid ndjiiiiiiimitraet Nu. 2,landsvf JoFeph Boy;
George Rickert, Benjamin Llodey, Edward Karn and.
others, conhfining 62 acres, and 126 perches 'strict
inea.nre. • --- •
The property will be sold to the highest and heSt bid
der".. Ten, per cent (tithe purchase money in be 'raid
as soon mthe property is struck clonto, and Ole balance
on the first:ofay of April !OW, except the widow's third
which remains in the hands of rbepurchmex, the in
terest thereortis he paidto the widow annually.
• Lit2ol.l HAMMER, Trustee.
By thEi
5ept..201.11 ISIS. 37-7 t
Establishment, , •
yo. 29.2" Market' street, Philadelphia.
now on hand one of the most
extelisive beautiful . assortments of RE,ADY
MADE CLOTHING ever offered for sale in rho Phila
delphia market. The Gnrn'iento are all tut in'the most
fastlionahl , .. Manner; and for workrnatiship and quality
of material I ane6t be surpassed.
COME ONE! cow ALL:: t. TIIf4CIC'S Old
Pioneer Linn, al Ma Hint street;wlt4e*you will be sure
'of Fitting ertMt baigatts, no he is -determined not he
undersold by any competitors., lie buys and. sells for
CASJ!, COTlScilllelltlY lie can sell greater bargains than
those who buy on credit:' •
M. TRACY, 9.93 Market street.
Se'plembgr 20, P: 3 13. ,
.1 7'l'o E .1T L. 4 IV,
qthe . Cityand
*his Otiicwia at No. :15 Smith fourth itreet, between
ehetettraturWainufstrbete, , ,s :
Phi , ada., Sept., 20, IS t 5. 3Y. t3nio
1:T, persons are.. forbid trustide PATI/ACK
jr., a minor, on my account. iis• F
pay no balls dries contracting, All persons cmifloy
n4 him arc forbid pa% ing hen any wages, as I will
chin the same', as his Guardian.
Potievilfe, Sept., 20, . -
• •. $2 Reward--Stray. Cow. •
TRAA-ED away from the subscriber a . large YE.I:-
1 - 3 LOW COW, with a 'spotted face, a while belly and
mill white simis on both her hind legs just above the
boofiZ. Any persoli returning said cow to the subscri
ber will receive the above reward. .
11.1.1A1 W11.1.1.1.:11S, Muddy Branch.
Sept. "_oth a4-3t •
A sJIY wife Margartil Ltify has left my bed and
£1 board witheitt any just Caitse r thereby caution all
persons train trnstiou her on• ray actcount, as I will
pay no debts - of 6ir coutracting.
s„,pt. 20th. • 3S-3t
. ,
. • • New .Books:' •
The Admiral 1
sDaughter, by the author of Lore. .
and Uutt,:2s
The.linsom Friend, by the author,ofthe'Garnbler's
-Wit', r" - •.• 25
Self,'hy the author of Cecil, ' 25 •
The,White elave, or the Russian Peasant Girl,- 25
Agnes Berle,' by Miss Pickering, 25
The Man of Fortune,.by Mrs2Gore, 25
Duo her Angel, a thrilling-Italian Romance, .. ' 121
N•villes s.f Gairetstown, by the author of Charles
• . -
115 rper's Picioria I Bible No. 3e,
Lardner's Lectures - No. 10, . .
Dashes at Life, by Willis parts L 2, and 3, .50
Patent Se.itnims; by Deity Jr. - • - 25
Laites' Book for Goober..
1 ' ' 25
Graham's Magazine for ()Libber, L 25
- Arthur's Magazine' for Orioher,J i. • 18)
rFluith's Weekly Volume, parts I and 2. chi It, ei 00
Together tint) a • vatiety ofd' her books, just recel
vs.d and-for Tale by ' B.,LIANNAri. Ag't..
Eept. 20, -• .• • • Zd—
, ..,
Works on Philosophy.
CoDliitn , k's Nat oral Philosophy, •, -
Abercrombie's Intellectual Philosophy, .
Blake's .N•iturll Philosophy,
Grind's Natural Philosophy, :.- • . •
01m5tsl's School l'hilesualln,, >. ~
Ist an ilpirr. Natural Philosophy for beginners •by
:Miss Swill. .
. Just received and fogsale by ' ...
- B. BAN VAN, Agent. L
Se pt.2.n. ...-. ,-
- •Stray Cows. ' -
QTRATF.D away front the liubsdriber, residing at
New P.lniodelphia, about three weeks ago, TWO
COWS. The one a yellow'cow with a short tail,.and
the ottreva large Mown cow, within white stripe .on
her back mid her belly white, with 'entail horns, and
milks mil of only three teate., - Mhaetter will return
the said rows to M. other, or give him information
where tit ;ran he rot will be reasonably rewarded..
P.NTRICIi :11ARTIZti, New Philadelphia.
Sept. '2.0 • 81E1-It*
• IRON! IRON!!. .
.RIGIiT bi ,- ,POTT ° ,
A T Tlie . .
,T,owN /CALL,
HAVE - .na assortmene-cf:lolleq:and hammered
ri The; consisting orfrain },round to 2 inch.,
Scroll from I x tto /x i ; - ,
Squares from a . a to ! x 4, .
, , • ilanam'rd ure from / z i x 3 ;nch, • ~
,•• scollop iron of tamps dimensions,
- • Crnw Baia, Plough Ironsi.:- .
• llerSe.shoe"bars. Sledge '.
' - Mould Juhiata• Slit
, Moulds ,
Nails, and Horse
. ' • Shoo Rods..
Octagon Cast Steel. • „, ••
Shear Steel, English " 4
Blister, American Blister:
German Steel, Spring •
Steel, &c., d'n
~ 26
June 28,
SALT ! SALT ! ! •
ALINA Salt in barrels do bags, for sale at, ilia lowgst
Cl market Take, delivered 'on board of Boats on this
schuyikm, nspe of PORTEILLGt by
5 4 wi t= to - t Whet,' Schuylkill.
Fbiladelphla 'July lath, 1 p
Philadelphia Wholesale Houseti.
TREundersigned Merchants, Manufacturers, Im
porters and Wholesale Dealers of the City of
Philadelphia, embrace the medium of. the Newspaper
Press:of your section of country, to give you the streets
and numbers of our several establishments, and res
-pectfully;to invite you to an examination of our Fall
and Winter Stocks, which are now full and complete.
The' superior excellence and great . variety , of our I
own City, Manufactures, in addition to full supplies of
Foreign and Domestic Goods, of every description,
which will be sold on terms and at prices which cannot
fail to prove satisfactory, present the strongest in
ducements to purchasers.
ImpOrters and• Dealers in Silk and Fancy
Dry Goods, and Fine French antrßritish Cloths,
Cassniteres and Vestings
ASIIIIRBT REMIN GTON,No. 80 market at. below td
Importers and Dealers in Staple, Silk and
Fancy Dry Goods. Also, British, French and Airier
icao Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings and. Tailor's
i. GODLEY, SPRY 4- Co., No. 84 Market street.
DoMesiie and Foreign Dry Goods.
JAMES M. KENNEDY 4- Co., 114 Market street.
Impqrters of german Goods, an at all kinds of Shipping Furs.
Wm. c.:EiSSE &SONS. GO 8 front st„helow Chesnut.
Importers and _Manufacturers Of Fancy
Figs, end Fur Caps, and Purchasers of all kinds•of
Slapping For.
SOLIS., BROTHERS, 86 Archer. between 2d'and 3d sts.
• 'i
--, .
Maniffacturers and Dealers in Ready-made
Cloithina, of every grade.
MICHAEL TRACY, 262[Market street. ~
Manufacturers of Shirts,Colla4 Bosoms.
JOHN HODGES, Men Of the Mammoth Shirt- Collar,
111 North Second street. •
~ . .
, .
Imp rters and Dealers in Foreign and Do
" mes ic hardware and Cutlery. ' ----, •
DILWORTH 4- BRANSON, 59 Market street.
: I i
Welleu Wrought Iron Tubes for locomo
ity • Marine and °Huh' Boiler Flues, and . all Steam
pu poses.
MORRIS.' TASKER & MORRIS', Pascal Iron Works,
-Warehouse, S. E. minter 211 and, Walnut sta.
1 .
I --
Agency for the sale of Southworth Mann
facitirin7 Company's Superior Writhie, Papers.
N. B.ILAWRENCF., Agent, No. Z, Minor street.'
1 , • . • ---
-, . : •
ImpOrters of Jewelry, Watches, Fine Cut
_ lery, Hritiannia. Plated and Silver Wares. .
DICKSON ,c• Co., S. E.,corner of Market and'3dst
,JOHN..C: FARR, 112 Cheinut street. •
'J. J' W. L. WARD, 106 Chesnut street, opposite San --..
do on's Franklin Douse. '
Mannfacturers of - Silver Ware, and Deal
erid in Plated and Britannia Warcs.for household use
R.'& W. WILSON, S. W. corner Fifth and Cherry sts.
! ' , • .-- .
Manufacturers of Britannia, Block Tin, &
Petvter Ware. Also, Dealers in Plated 'Spoons,
,Cu lery, &e.'
HALE, IIO.kI:DMAN 4.4•0., 101 N. 11 at. beloiv Race.
Afarnifactureis of Silver and Brass Stair
Rods and Cornice Poles.'
EDWARD JONES, corner of Cenree.and Swanwick
eta, between Walunt and Chesnut, west of Sixth.
I, ' ' -•-- ' .. 1
Importer of Toys.. Fancy & Staple Goods, •
Ileadg,'BrtHlies and Perfumery. •
A. F. DTT 31 , tNIIOSR, 16 S. 4th st., between Market
and Chesnut. .
Importers of Toys, Fanev & Staple goods,
Perfninerirs. Musical Instruments, Glass, Earthen
• .wl - 6,.. Clt inawa re. 14.-c,.'
C. ,ADRENFELDT ii• Co., Na. 16 N. 4th st.,. t;etwden
Market and Arch, (tip stairs-)
. i
Inipprters of Paris dr, London Fancy. Ar
, liqes. nrrISIIM . P , •rfoniery.. Vomits, Soaps, Station
• ery e and art it-tei for Mut:gist's - Sales.' .
R..(. G. A. WltlGiff, No. 23 ,South fourth utteet. ,
~--.....—. . . -.' • ' '
, ~..
Imp. rters and Atantitacturers of
,..y;i.Coioneticli, Fancy Soaps, artil dealers In' Fult-y
JUL 0 ..ItAIJET;, 40 0. Third street. , ' . : •
Chid i
_. -,, • , - ---....... . • ,- t'c -- :
pa, kineeniware and Glitss.
EDIYAito SNOWDON-, 3i N. Third street - ; uppwite
t 'lt City Hotel.. .
. ' . -- -
Dentists and 3Tanufaeturer.'of ,Incorrup
tifile Teeth:. Plate, Pivot{ Molar and 'fiiini - Teeth;
(4 ,- ,ld and Tin' Foil ;Gold, Phiainaand Silver" Plate
: '''' and Wire;4 , c. • • .
WILKIN:73ON4- ARMSTRONG, ES Arch-st.. above 4th,
pi iith 'side: . _, ~ 4- n-
... . .
_GQI 1, .silvo an Steel Spectacles,
. Nfathe
, beat':p losrroinents, Walking sties, Microscopes,
a d rtri,y, Classos. . G . '. ..'
. M. '“ '''',,,..
31CA ;Ll§Treit & Co., :IA Chr.situt 'street . •
.ufacturers tor IVliite Lead and other
i'ttints, and of Clietnicals,kc, and Dealers in Drugs,
Dye-Nord:', Oils.,j•c.•
WETIIEIII,I4 ItßUTlpilt, 65 Mirth Front street.
Importers and Dealers in Dnigs. - Dye
Stiffs, Oils, Chemicals, Plate Glaas. &c., and Agents
fo?, Pure Whitel.eadand Jersey Window Glass.
CANIPBELL &FRENCH, N. W. for. 10th & Marketst.
I •
' .
Importers and Dealers in Drugs, Medi
nities.Dye-Stuffs. Paints;Oils, •
DASKEI.I., MERRICK Co„ 45 North Front street.
Ur. I . JAYNE, 8 S. Third et., near,Market.. '•
• • .
Co 'suiting, Physician,Druggist and Cbem
•'lF , and Proprietor of 'Rowahtl's. - lituproved Tonk
Dr. 40IIN It. ROWAND, Grad. Vniv.,-Oilire atilt
Dr titorrieS North Second street. ,
-- .
Nimiufacturers ,
of Umbrellas,
Parasnlettes, and San.Sha . dei. . . .
Wm. l lA. BROWN. tiff Market street. . •
S.I,EF.PriI 4.• FENNER, 126 Maiket street, Stiuth side,
on c e door below fourtirstreet.
—.:. . .
1! - • . , .
Fire, and
.Thief-Proof Chests, Refrigera.
tni:x, Water Orlevc.Filteis, tettir: COpying. I'reV
OLIVER EVAN'S, 15 Chesnuratreet. .'..
, •
VTriettan Blind.
B. Ji.W111.1.1.4314.4, 1. North '6l h s!. .a few doors abofe
MM - k, t. •
Mainfacturers and Dealers in Matresses
. ."11eifd(fi g .,and yeritherN.
tt\LET ¢ Co.. 8. E. corner 2.1 and Wnlnnt
liArt i rt.Ey 4- KNIGHT, 149 8,,.2d et. .5 dobrvaliove
Dealer in Coleman'slEolian Piano Fortei.
F. rtmuNG, 193 Chesnut it., S. E. collier of Bth. .
MannEcturers of common and fancy Soaps,
Mould and Dipped Candlep. &C."
ELIJAII & GILLIES DA I.I.ETT, 38 Maike!..streqq.
• I
. .
Importer of :French Artificial Flowers,
Frithara, E:trnw. Braid and Fancy Bonneta,.&:c.
and Ronne!. Frames, Tips and Crowns.
IL . BURTON, 50 Chesnut street. , : . ,
Manufacturers of Sieves, Riddles, Screens,
arid Wire Wnrk in eeneral. ' •
NEEDLES & WATSON, MN. Front st. beloiv Arch.
- I -"-'
Hidei: f Oil and Leather.
WmE MUSSER, & C0.,'23 Market sti ea, • . .
'• • ' •
Imil orMr of Oranges, Lemons - Raisins,
• Foss, , Prunes , Currants, Almonds; an d other Fur
er Nuts.
*DA lep P. ; BUSSIEIt, 27 South Wharves.
---. •
. .
Maoufaetirer of, Fire Engines-, .of' all de
seriptiong, warranted itt all respects.
JOEL BA'L'E?, 13 Drinker's Alley.
.. ~..,
.11arlile and -liatioi4fly•Dealers, •
Joilti ECKSTEIN &., Co., Union jj Ridge awl.
Wartehouse.4l Di44street. 9 , •- •
•.,, i . -
Manufacturer of Combs,. Looking Glasses
and Brushes, and Importer of ; French and German
Frincy Goode. •
THOMAS BUROff • Jr.; 183 Market street! •
Maimfactuier and IVholesaie Dealer in all.
kinds of Brooms, 'Brushes, Masts. Cedar-ware,
Clocks,. Baskets -Mats, Blacking,. Eastern-made
Wooden-ware, &c.
stAny ROWE , 63. N. Third rt. I door Above Archo
east pipe. . •
Cheap Publication.and 'Periodical .Eit.ab
1, heliment.
C. ZIESER & Co., 3 . l.edger Building; Third street.
" below• Chesnut. •
Borits arid ,Shoes:
ROR.T. PALMER, 162 South' second •
street thile
dOors below ilnion, west side.
Mariufatfurers and Deaisrs in'a - 11 • kinds of
6f,a1e.3; Weights, sad Weighing.l'dielttnes. Also,
Burden's Patent Horse Shoes. .
GRAY and BROTHER, 34 Walnut st.;lselow second.
pnllecic, September p, 1845. • l.
. Visiting the. City.
THE trubscriber would respectfully call the attentinn
of his friend" and others, to hid well assorted stock
of Stable and Fancy Dry Grinds, which he is daily re
plenishing from the New York and Philadelphia auc
tions, comprisik,a great variety of acubs, Cassimeres,
Sattinatts and %/stings, Bleached and Brown Muslin,.
English, Irish and German Linens, White and Colored
Flannels, Handsdme Silks', Shawls. blerittoes and Ala- ,
papa, new and beautiful style Cashmere, d'Ecnsse and
Mouslins for Ladies' Fall and Winter" wear, French.
'Bnglish and Domestic Prints and Gingham', together
with a large assortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Trim
mings of every diectiption dici,all of which ha of
fers to the trade upon the most favorable terms.
Having been long engaged in the purchase of goods,-
be intends to buy none but such a are cheap; and as
his Vine la in imminent proximity to the Market street
trade, be. invites the attention ofmerchanta to his stock
before making their purchases.
• P. ii: fIOOPES. • „..--
, No'. 3 Strawberry street, Philadelphia.
Philada. Sept. ilth, ISIS ! ,
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE copartnership hetatofore eiisting under the
1 firm of E. B. Eicitholtz...t Co., has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will be continued by Mr. SANDERSON,
who will keep constantly on hand a gond assortment
of Dross, Medicines, Paints, chls. Dye Stuffs, and aft
other articles falling within the line of his husinessi ."
ii Prescription's of all kinds promptly. and carefully
made up. Store on the South side of Centre street.
Sept., 13, •
' . New York Boat for Sale.
TTIE undersigned has for sate on reasonaht; terms;
a New York float in good running order which cad
flow be seen at his boat yaid undergoine repairs.
-• •• • J+ eiIOSLAND.
Sept. 13th .
Information Wanted.
I) F Thomas Coidiman, an Englishman, and many ,
facture' , erbsick. When last heard from he was in
Baltimore. By addrisAngi leiter to hii brother-in-law
Sohn Rushy, Pottavillg,Ps. telling of his where-shouts
lie wilt hear of something to his advahlage.
sa!ePapers will please notice•
- Sept. 13th ' 37-30
PHILADELPIIIA, Sept. , lorn, 1645:
VOTICE is hereby giveathit on and after the 15th
1 A instant th t freight and ,toll on all coal front Potts
ville. Schuylkill Haven and iron Clinton to Philadel
phia, will be increased (20) -twenty cents per ton, and
on and after October lit 00) ten Cents per ton to Ilith-
Inond. By order of the Board of 'Managers.
. S. BRANOSO, Secretary.
Sept. 13th • 37-3 t
.7 , ..
' Stray COW.
GAME to the premises of the suhsiriher, 'residing at
the York Tunnel, a DARE RED COW, with a
omall white star On her forehead, and white fore legs,
' , tack teats, a white tail ant a white Spot on her rump.
The owner in reqUested to come forward, pay charges
and take her - away, 'otherwise she will be sold accor
dine,to law. . . . JAMES CAMPEAR.
• Sept. 13th ' ",,, 37-31•-.
_ _
• . dl $4,00 per Gross.
• •
I milt:subscriber has just received an assortment of
.1. German and English Almanacs for 11148,:embracing
, the Comm and Tiagic, the Housekeeper's, Farmer's
t and Farlier's &c..&c• which will he told; wholesale at
141.00 per grosi, which is as low, if not lower thin the
I teblisherts prices. 13. BANNAN, Ag`t..
Sept. 13th ' •
Thior's_Freneh Revointion.
F" only frl 25j 'complete put up in paper covers.
Also, the Same work bound with alf the plates,, at
the low MCC orA just received and for aalu by -
Sept. 19th
Car2D' S TE N7' LI
r:1 1 11E subscriber` infoittf3ll(e public, War hC has been
I_ appointed by ,P,Coad, of Philadelpida, his,
agent for the sale Ibis and the adjoining coujuies of
TERY,' adapted ",to the. use of Pyysicianx-sind, other
persons of eompet ent,sl4B, in the treatment of nervous
Persons desirous or purchasing Mr. Coad's instru
ments can have- nth Opportunity nf examining the-so
p-aroma; at toy. residence in .the'Town nap of this h?- .
mauls. . .
',Among mady,complaintswhich lin-e been cured
andulteviated by this powerful agent in imalleal
.entiinerated Paralysis, Palsy. Enilepiy,
'arid various otherneuralgic and nervous disorders.
• Having - parthased. Otte or Mr: Coad's Graduated.
Batteries, I ant prepared to operate.on persons caper
ing under - any of,the above described complaints, and
respectfully solicit ail those who may feel interested
in this phblicatioh; to call and eximine my apparatus.
•-; • PF:11:11 P. MUDEt.
• Pottsville, Sept., it, 191 35.6atin
Carpet,ingS,- Floor Cloths, &c -,
' ... •
4ATE . .would call the attention of persons in malit of
V New Catpeig, &c., to the fact of our being.enabled
to.sellgoodsint very IoW prices, because 'in out present
situation, our rent and other expenses are very light.
and we offer for this season an excellent, assortment of Beautiful Inifierial . . i
Inrcain a I Venetian•
' - (of every v rietv.) 1
Also, Floor Ch • Cioths;frora 2 trr2-1 feet; wide, rut to
fit rooms, halls, i.e., hearth !rugs, table' rovers, floor
baize, stair rods, ats, ii-c : wholesale or retail, at the
lowest prices.
of the low priced Carpets from 31 to 50
ceots-per yard, always on hasd...
No. 91 Strawberry st.,dne door iteWe chesnut,
-,near Second street, Philadelphia.
, Phtlada., 6,. 36--3 mo
C „tI`R.D
and itanufuelurers of CO
pal rarnikh ; Also, Sole Agents fin. the'
• Franklin Window Glass W0r1.•5..: •
LTAVING_been long engaged in rite manufacture
L 1 of Copal Varnish. cite well as other kinds.] we
are now prepared t 1 oller to,putchasers, ea article
w hich,in quality, .canziht be surpassed in the Union
'Ailio.'yeceiving weekly from - tbe ab.)ve celebrated
Works, ‘Vindow Glair of every size. t• -
•Constantly on hand m tell assortment of White
Lead of the most approved brands., together with a
lame ouois et thugs. Medicines. Palnts, Oil. Indigo.
t))e.stuffs. Colors, Rronzes,COLl-leaf. Dtitch Metal,
Camels: hair Pencils, Painti brushes, Pullet Knives.
compsiaing • every article Jrl this line—all of
which will be aeld:at , the lowest pordiblefii'ecea by
N0..137. north 3d st:, one door -Move Wood st. Phila.
I Pltirada ,Sepfettlbes 6,36-2 mo
, .
Teachers Wanted. .
TB-N‘VELVE Male TCachers Who can come well
' it.. recommended as to capacity -to take charge of
the Public Sehoohtof Manheon Townshipi ore wan
ted'. Vroporals,chn be -sent to either of the. mow
friz Directora, or'vioui to Toff 18th day of October
peer. who will m et on that day. at the - public house
of Mr:Charles C net; at 10 o'clock, A. hl.. to decide,
Outhe liropos3ls. The Schools will opCn on thefirsi o`
November. '
Sejoember , 6; ' - !•
. .
To 'Boat Owners.,
'r® • ~FIE underiigned is prepared to fen:then boats
- ' nnw•m use, by buildtmfa new midship section,
either to connect by parts or to build in permanest
ly.. f
As there Is nit . doubt of the completion of the en , ,- ;
• barged locks by the first of Msr next. persons own
ing eicid New York Boats, will see the necessity or
additional length. as their cargoes will be increased'
.tbereby to'sonto 100 or 120 tons. •
For further information enquire of the subscriber
•by moil or otherwise. • '
- • • i' -JOHN M. CROSLAND:
Pottsville, ScpleiTaber 6 ' • 36
. .
. . • Stiay Cows., .
CA ISIE•to the stable of the subscriber, residing .at
- Hecltshurville. about three weeks ago. two Co I.VF:.
one is a iv hitelind yellow Cow with la bell orr;• Rad
has a small tu 4 IP on the right side. and has a white
face with n white stripe on her back. The other is
a Wad( MuhleY, with a star in her forehead. 'Pbe
own4rn are requested to come forward, prove prop
erly, pan charges and take them away, otherwise
they will be sold. - • _
7 . : September 6;
° • .Stray Ox •
CAME to. the 'fable of the subscriber residing in
idlest Branch Valley, about two weeks ago. a ItBD
The owner is requested to' come forward prom
property, p4y charges, and take him away, otherwise
bewtllbFaold according to law. • •
, . •
•panning SOhOOL • - •
HE sabserfber.respectrully announces to. the cit
izenti of Pottsville and vicinity that he will-pay
therrfa visit on or about the first of October. for the
purpose of opening' a Dancing School. Applies
none in the-mean time can be •made:nt the office of
-the hfinein'Sonincil• FRANKLIN SIOUCHr •
September 6, • • 36--
';,Pianos. • , •
• THE nxid . eiiiigned baying been aPPnin
7'7''"-Ftne.-- ted.Aientby Wears. „A, 11 Gale &Go.,
4 of
Ne r w eig r i D ieti Gr P s lVen
patio the
Mannteenners T. S. BEATTY.
?!ay 2.5; '• •
ixTREREAiji iriand by an act of the General Asieriv-
V V lay of the Commonwealth of PenusylVania..enth.
tied „ An act regulating the General Election, within
this C.nintobriwealth,l passed the "..'d day of July, A. D.,
Mg," It is made the duty of the :Thereof every coon
ty In give public notice of such electton to he holden,
and t o make known in such notice what writers are to
elected: Therefore, ! •
JerOnfah Reed,
Ffigh .Sheriff of the: county of Schuylkill, do sto e
Munro by this advertisement In the electors of 3
county of Schuylkill, that a GENERAL ELECTION,
will be held in the slid county; on Tuesday, the 14th
:day of October next; at the several districts thereof,
as follows, to wit ;--
I. The-electors of the borough of OrwigSburs; will
holdtheir election at the Court House. in the borough
of Omigsburg.
2. The, electors of that part of West Brunswig
township, lying and .being east of the, following line,
commencing at the Find hole on the Berks County line,
thenci , by a straight line to the house of Samuel B.
Medlar, including the'same. thence to the fatm of Wm.
Matz excluding the same, thence to the farniof George
Mengel, now occupied by Peter Miller,. including the
same; thende to the louse of Jacob. Petrel including
the name, thence by a straight line passing hear Abra
ham Fouste on the Manheim township line, 'shall here
after form a eeperate Election district, and the qualified
Voters residing therein, shall hold their general elec
tions at the
. public house of Samuel Boyer, in the town
of Port Clinton, to said township.
9. The electors of West BrunsuVe towinihip,'not in
cluded in the above' boundarfes, it ill hold their gene
tat elecfmns as heretofore, at the Couttlittuse in the
borough of Ciwigelitirg.
4, The electors of East Brunswig township, will hold
their electron at the hours of Henry Lutz, now occu
pied by Philip 'Moyer. in the town of hicKerinsburg.
5. The electors of ; Pinegrove township,' will hold
their election at the lionse of William Lutz.; in the bo
rough of Pinegrove'. The borough of Pinegrovei
hereafter forms a separate election district, and the
qualified electors thereof, shall hereafter vote at their
general elections in separate boxes front the' township,
at the house of William Lutz. The qualified electors
thereof, shall elect thgir officers annually :it the time
and place for electing judges and - inspectors, for roll.
ducting said election agreeably to the provisions of
the Act entitled an t• Act relating to elecitirs of this
Commonwealth, passed the 24 of July, 1t:92, and its
supplements. ,
6. The electors of Wayne township, will; hold their
election at the house iti Leonard Shull, inkeeper in the
town of Fr iedensho re.
The electors of Upper Mahantingo toWnship, will
hold. their elections at the house of Samuel. Moyer, in
said township: '
8. The electors of Barry township, 'minding the
house occupied by Mr. Hawn, will bold their election
at the house of Frandis Dengler, in said township.
9. The electors of ;Porter township, will , hold their
eleition at the house of Jacob Ileberling, said
10. The electors of tower Mohantongo township, Will
hold theitgeneral eledtion, at the house of Joseph Os
man, in said townihiti.
The electors of, West Penn township, will hold
their election at thejhouse now Occupied by Jacob
Schwartz, in said to
12. The electors of lUnion township, will hold their
election at the housd of Jacob Eisenhower, in saul
township. •
13. The electors of hush township, will bold their
election at the house of Jacob Faust, inkeeper, m e anie
11. The electors of the Boreugh of Minersville, will
held their election at the house now occupied by ~.
chael Weaver, in elm borough. I
15. The electors Of that part of the township or
Schuylkill, included in the to:lowing boundaries. to wit;
Beginning at the between and East
Brut:swig townships, thence along th.. - State road lead
ing front Orwlgsburg to Cantu. isea, creeShiglilie line ,
the said townships of Schuylkill and East Itrunswig,
thence alone said state road. to the northern line of
Rush township, including the said township tif Schuyl
kill, and the northwest of saistate road lii the place
of beginnme, shall'heirafter been election district, and
the qualified electors thereof shall hold thiqr general
electionsat the-house bf Nathan Barlow, In Said town
16. The cialilled eleetors of Schuylkill tow,nship.iihn
heretofore held their elections at the linuseof Freder
irk Bensinger, jr., and who arector inehthed in the ,
above boundaries, will hold their general elections es
heretofore at the house of Frederick Bensinger, jr.: In
Schuy township, ~
11% The electors of that part of the township of Nor
..weglan and Branch,; included within the„foll..wing
boundaries, to Wit: Beginning at the Broad
_Hotel, including theteitinie, from !bents a email west.
corner tel the west Branch of the river Sch ri ;lkdi ! at
Chapmansville, including ' he same, Amni:: ollowing
the said est banch to the Dinah of the :11i gap.
including` the col le ries at said gaP, front thence warmth
envt,gourse to .the west Nnswegiaq creek, at Mann 4.
the same, from ,thence
continuing the same course to C 4 Moores triarertf hatpin
rte the.Centre turnpike, includingthe same, from thence
an era, course •to Wadesville, dncluding the value,
from thence continuing the same coureem the town. of
St. Clair, iticludme the same, to Mill creek, thence fol
lowing the said Mill 'creek and valley, to the farm
house of lames C. Stephens, including, the same, from'
thence a south west coarse t i the Broad Mountain lue
tel, to thenlace ofbeginnioe, nail the electors of :that
Part of Branch township lying west of Chapmativ
in said township, to Itahn's tavern on the 51thersville
road; and south of the-west branclfof the river Schn}l;
kill, fwlto heretofore held their. electirths at Llewellyn)'
shall herenfter be an election district, and the qualified
voters thereof, Shall hOcafter hold their general elec
rions at the 'hoese now occupied by „Peter Kline,in the,
town Of New (!netle lb the townehili'of Norwegian:
IS. The qualified electors of the' remaining part of
Branch towneltip, not included in the above boundaries,'
their general elections as heretofore at' the - 1
hens, ofJacob Heim, in the towirof Llewellyn.
19. The qualifiedelectore of that part _of Ihrt town
ships of Norwegian find Schuylkill, who heretofirre held •
their elections ht. the Port Cerium m o o se , is t h e towt ,
of Port Carbon, and Who are not included in the above
bounderiee will hold heir general eleCtionft as hereto.:
forel at. the ' Port: Carbo. I owe, in the town of Port Car
20. All the qualified electors, of the' South ward in
the boioughof:Pottsvgle, shall hold their elections at
the public houtie of Jacob Geiese, in said ward.
21. The North Ward in the borough Of Pottsville ly
ing eastwardly .of Centre street, shall be 'called the r
'"Northeast Ward" and the qualified eilectoth thereof,
shall hold their, ge.neral elections at the house now oc
cupied by Maximlllanitloertlnger. In said borough.
22. The North Ward in The borough of Pottsville, ly
ing westwardly of Centre street, shall called the
"Northwest Ward," and the qualified 'electors thereof
,tncluding that portion of the
. eteetors of Norwegian
township, whohaVind heretofore voted in said borough
shall hold their general elections at the house pow Oc
cupied by Nathaniel. Mille.
23. That part, of the township of Manheim. lying north
of the summit of the second Mountain, shall form pm
other and a separate 'election district, and the qualified
voters residing within the bounds thereof, shaft hereaf
ter hold their generikeleptiousatlttiev,ffilmurt Carbon
Hotel." in said toWnship. ;
24,-That the decline of Manheirmitownshipi lying
sciutheao, cif, the folAsving line t.—*fiinat t erming at.the
township fine of Wayne and 51 inhetm townshipii, lon
the' hummer Ilia, thence along the SUMmer 13111 tied
9rwagsburg road, to thehouse °CV iddcs eigelcher. - and
the house ofJohn Detroit, excludiv the _same, theripe ••
to the house of Milli, Drumheller, thence to the house. •
ofJohn Delbert, at the Centre turnpike; thence tutee
house ofJohn Bata thence tothe house of Philip Rock;
-thence to the house ofJohn Sheener, Jr., inCludirg the
same; the thwnship line of eohli Martin.=
and Scuylkill ton - nslitps, shall hold- their general elec
tions at the Court Donee, in the borough of Orwigshurg..
25. The electors of the remaining part of Manheim
township Will hold their election at the house of Philip
Boyer, innkeeper, in the borough of Schuylkill Haven.
The toroneh of Schuylkill Ilaven hareafter foreistAti
separate election dietrict, and the I quali fi ed . voters
thereof shall hereaftlir vote at the r 'general elections
,in sep trate boxes froth the township at the house of Phil
ip Boyer The qualified electors there'd shall elect their
officers annually at I the time and ,place for electing
judges and inepectots. for 'conducting said el :ctione
agreeably to the provieions of the air: entitled an "Act
relating to electorPlofthiscommonOmalth"passed the
second ofJuly one thousand eight hundred and thirty -
nine, and its suppleMents.
26. The 'electors Of theborough lof Tamaqua, *ill
hold their election at the school house in sild borough.
At which time and places are to ,be elethed by the
freemen of the county of Schuylkill '
• One 'Person.
For Canal Cortm3issloney nfthe Conirnoncveahh
• n.fl Pt no 1 •• • .
1 wo Persons •
For Members of thelllntyse of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennneylvania.
• i
One Person -
For Prothonotary and, Clerk of the, Courts of Quarter
. Sessionsind Common Pleas. .
For Register and Recorder and Cl'k. of the Orphans'
I Court.
One Person
• For Treasurer lof the county of Schuylkill.
• • One Person
For tolinty Commissioner.
• One Person • • '
For Director of. the Tear.
One Person • '
For County Auditor.
t Tvco Persons
For Trustees of the Orwigsburg Academy.rn tbei
county of Schuylkill.
The general eleetgn to be opened between the hours
of S and 10 o'clock ib the forenoon; dud shalt continue
without interruptinii or adjournment pntil 7 o'clock
in the evening, when the polls shall he closed. •
In pursuance clan Act of the General Assembly of
the. Commonwealth of. Pannitylvenia, entitled "An
Act :elating to the election of this Commonwealth,"
passed the 2d day of July, A. D., IS39,„Notice is hereby
g en,.
I"That the inspectors and judges,chosen as aforesaid.
shall meet et the respective places appointed for holding
the election in the districts to which they respectively
belong,-before nine o'clock in the morning of the sec-
ond Tuesday in Octbber, in each and every year, and
each of said inspectors shall , appoint bne clerk, who
shall be a qualified doter preach district. .
cue the person who shall have received the
second highest number of vote** for inspector, shall not
attend on ther day Of election, then the person who
shall have received the second highest number of votes
for judge at the nest preceding eleetion shall act as in
spector in his place.; And in case the person who shall
have received the highest number of votes for inspector
shall not attend; the person elected judge shall appoint
an inspector in his place ; and In case the person elec
ted Judge shall not attend, then the inspector who re
ceived the highest number of votes shall appoint ajudge
in his place.; and if any vacancy shall continue in the
board tor the space ofone hour after the time fined by
kiw far the opening of the election,,the qualified vo
/era pf the township, ward or district, for which such
ollieei shall have been elected, present at the place of
election, shall elect one of their number to till such Va
"It shall be the duty of said assessors respectively,
to attend:at the place of holding every general, special
or township electinn during the whole time said elec
tion it happen, for the purpose of wing information
loess imager, andindges when called on in relativt
to the:tabusf any person assessed by them to vote at
such election at such other matters In relation to the
36-3 c
One Person
assessments of voters .3 the said inspectori or jui:gg,
or either of them shall rem time to time require.
"Tha no person sh 11 be permitted to vote at a n:-
elfttion, as aforesaid, :her than- a white treetnan ef
the ege-ofjurenty-one ears or more, who shat: i , a v?
reauted . within the smt . at lout one year, aturi ti.e
elettion &Aria where he offers to vote at le. 4 t t." , '
days immediately pier. tling such election, and w'nh. •
two years paid a state .r county tag, which - shall has t
been assessed at
But a citizen of the tin ted States, who had pr least ) en day.. before the eleesionr!-
„et . ..
been a qualified voter i f this state, and removed .t herk
from and returned, al who shall haVe'resided ;it, 0.,
election district, and p id tales as aforesaid, chill - i . ;:•
entitled to vote aftecresiding in this state am moth,
.Provided that the whit freeman, citizen of the linnet!
States,: who had previ*Jay been a ( p ia nism a i m ., ~i
this state,-' and' emor dd therefrom and returned. at
who shall have fish - led in the election district, and pool
tams as aforesaid, Rha I be entitled to vote after retti.i
ding in tbts state sta months ; - Provided, that the white'
freemen citizens of the United: States, ben ern - the
eget of twentpone and twenty-two years, and haVlii4
resided in this state one, year andtin the election district
ter. days as aforesaid , shall he entitled to e.g... al
though they shall notare paid tales;
"No person shall be pertnittedlo vote whose time ,
is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants fr
nished by, the tommilioners astaffiresaid unlesi. Mitt
he produce a receip for the pigment n Ohio two
years. of a stateor county tax- assessed agreeably to
the constitution, and g ve satisfactory evident e either
on his own oats or affirmation of another, tthat in, ha. paid such a tax, or on f 'hire to produce a receipt. sliall
make oath in the - parriedt thereof; or secood.! if he
claims Zr right to vote by beino an eleetor between tii.•
-ages of twenty-ono aiti' twenty-twit rears, tie.shail de-
Pose on °wife, afllrm; tine, that he has residi it lit the
state at least one year next before his applii ati,,i, and.
make such proof of re, idence in the district , it. i. re
quired by this act, and that he does ;eerily believe' trim,
the accounts given him that he is of !MI ace a fi i . ,co..iirt.
and give such other evidence tut IS required by i lii--
act. whereupon the mime (Attie pertoM l an alums, l"
vote shall he inserted 111 the alphabetical liNt I. the
inspectors tied a hale t meat oppaettel Ille-relo by ..., !to t ,;:
..... .
"" "
son of having paid a
vha II be admitted in v
eithet ease the, reason
to he ; clerks, ivhokh.
kept by them.
.•In all cases when
ing to vote is not thu
commissioners nod as
er found thereon or no
citizen, it shall he tliti
ine such person no oa
he claims to have resi,
or more, his oath she
lie shall Make proof b
who shall he n qualities
in the district for moil
preceding said electi
that his bona tide resit
calling. is Within the
move in the said dtstr 4
.. .
in objected to liy an) ,t7alitird
ditty of the Insp;•ctor,ler!.9l:i in
h as to his.qta.tliticatoor s .til ti
rd williin that state foi 01.: . r.) car
St be sufficient proof therent. but
3 at least one compel sot sv il vest , .
d electoro hat he has resided 'Xi( t)
e than ton days twit itions.batel)
?I, and shall ulna hinweir Sy,,sor
slice. in pursiiance of his law ti . ,l
district and that he did hid, ru r
1 t for the purl,osi oi".•otilig,turrs
'i •:, ' • ' ' ••
ified as coresaid, and who.ihnii
uired, of,residence and parrinnit
shall tie admitted In vire in the
flat in which he shall res,i,lo
prevent or attempt in prevent
mein under this act from hOldtng
r I
ethreaten anyri m pr o perly
n t , e;
• r ii .': .":
inn of hie duty, or shalt !dock iii,
window Or avenue to any in in—
ay be hidden, or shall rintott,ly
1(11rib-4:lion, or shallaose or -
threats, force; or violence,,
Inly er riverai.i:e arty. Yin-clot., or
citing.„rir to restrain the trecilnra
on conviction shill lie tined in
• tire !Mildred dollars and lie nil -'
nit less thansine nor niore; than
;fit shall lie elielcoort
rionfrence ratan lie'- hail, that ;lie
:. snot a resident of the rite, ward.
*here the Ishid offence seas core
d to a'vnte therein. then. nn ~,.
tenced ; a fine of not - I,li+
re, and he itriptientied nit he,'
ore than .two years.. :•. 1
"rverypertiOn qua
make due proof, if re,
oftaxea. as aforesaid;
tov uship, ward or d is
If any person dial
any officers of an rile,
such election, or use
such officerolr, shall t
with hint in the e.a;•cti I
or attempt to block lii
dew where the same
the peace at s
tier any intimidation,
design to influence un
to prevent hint front
of choice, such pers.;
any auto not exceetlin ,
pri.oned for any time
twelve months . Alit
why; e the trial of.
prsr!ri <n offending wi
muted, and nor entichl
seall he se
than ono hundred doll;
than six months nor 4,1
If any person or pe ,
upon the result 0r a
wealth. or shall offer
either by verbal prod
. or printed, advertiaen
son or persons to ma
viction thereof he or
times the amount so
•The Judv, are to
ofSrhoylloll. at the
Friday, the • litlr da i
Given under nip ha
nt - Orwigsburtr, and di
our Lord one thousa n !
sixty ninth year of
titates of Antertar.
!suns shall make ally het of wager
liy siection within this I "minor,
to make any such hat nr wager,
Illation thereon, ur by any written
rut, challenge or invite .coy per
to such hat nr II wager,- 61111 'con.
they shall ("reit and pal thri.e•
et, or offered tit he het.
nake their returns for the counts
~onrt 11005 e lit klrwitt,hprg, on
• of October A. D., IS*.
id and seal at the Sheriff 'Office
' ted tieptemberetb in the rear of
• eight hundred ritvl,forty 11 , ie and
•he Indepentrince,,taf Om, United
God trove I
J REillAfl acre, zinv.riff
riga : . 1, • • h.._
Refire Office, 0
64r:4 : Sept., 616 WI.;
RI2V . TE-R S.
lin the city of Ne
supply oilers to any •
cy Type. Ink; Paper.
do, composing , Stick.
ears fiir[aPrintin ,, 0
'fhe type, which a
entirely new set °fit
warranted to be um
at prices to suit the
Printing. Presses
of the most approver
ng Ware i rhouse. ! .
!ave opened a n'eiv Type round ,
I York, where they or 6iy r. ,
. .xtent, for anykind .414.1-
Cares, firabs Rhle, 'Steel Cdaino
Chases, and ever) article de, .2.1-
: c cut, In new innuld, I,om a s
trivia, with deep '.tart. •i.. are
;nrpass.ed by any, and tt !II be •,,:d
irtiished: and aiso stealti EtiOitra
patterng. •
N. 11:—A Machin'
pair presses and do l'
.Composition toile
Editors of Newspa
much type as their hi
six months inserttot
papers containing it
August 30111
constantly in' Zille,ll,:aliCt , 1
cast'fir printers. .
eri, who will 1.;;y rin;9l - a,
Ile airount tn, may 4.14,v.•
in their papurs, ann ,the It..
OFTI: OVERI'.ND, (S . AIM -.1.
In the snattei , of the s I
Bonne the Assi4rne
filed 4-ct, on the sis
Iroad and final ar,-aunt of dt:rh.-r.;
of Samuel Berto/.•t and Idifl t .r
h day of „Vay '-ir..11:. 115:.. ,"
MITE sulvcr;ber E
tultute tl a money ii
tpe eredltorh,Otitl.'
herr . by 'grfes nolfee
ted,',-that ho will be 1
his :2 nor.
ohm daffy nrOctoberl
when and whOre all
'pointed,hy the Court or Common
111 County, C u otnunssiotter, to 4iir
the hands Oa A4signe antnne
thereto, under the assieuirp•nt,
o all thoflqpnytlicd and itOres.
n attendance for that purtee:e. at
1 gh•of Orwignbtrg, on Monday the
next, tt lOo'clock, In the 11.11i1111111i,
such a• are interested may attend.
ES WHITMAN, Commissio'ner:
33 .-.. t
, . •
Xiiiusl 30
have lust received fre-h
manure. ci,recr ii•mn .!te
otTer f0r . ,511e,15U lons u+: smt pnrchn-Pll.l.
ri oh , firth,' v a l,
and of Ilt.thahoo:ao
and 1ng,.4 in lots to
9 .tt
IjOS. W. NIOIN; 1 1 N k ro. 1
1 Sou'h %Vtiarvei, Prilln.6;•1:013
Gth ' . 3 .- *241,0
.'HI 1 P':
114 sonyn s rico N
t lir, of his bawl
fine assortment or
":= 3 h3': end Stain
and Picture Frame'
a selected aseortmt
conisting: of
Cutlery, Cal
linfrermit his frienitie. and the ote:e
-or: [Ting:lnt ynn hind - ritiel for gal ~t
d Framed, Toilet C:lnFße,i. Portra it
Sprrndul French MirrOr4. • Alen
a nt orFURNISILIN till 111) W A lit:.
ly, Fire Irons, •
itannil Ware, Bullet-li.
Tea Kettles. &r.. P. I
• ariety of Furniabing 'ore. to
Hotels and cum,' rp Mrichants ;
respectfully invit 'S. and, by price,
iptness, trusts to merit their appro.
144, North Secimd st.,
Including every
volt. House-keeper:
a bore attention h.!
attention, and pro
bation. , .
Philada., Angus
Stone Sr. •Son:i, •-•
liF:M.I.:118 I •
ins & Millinery Goods,
di, Second street, PA.lada: , :f •
Silks, Ribb
45; Su
A RE:. now reCe
tbrough the F'
of ' -
silk Velvets, blac
Bonnet Goods'
Fall Bibb
Fan c,l
and will
I. u large and handiolll,
tint; colnred, New
-figured and pl.) tp,
us an gr'eat va:i v.
Feathers and flowt'rq,
L 1 all the most
TrimtnineF. Cape, Ca,,,1117;,
UPtii in the 51illi,c+ry busk.e.,:ovhic:;
must r6astwahle . tern,.
' 35.1
And nther article+
Enid nn th
1.:q; Philada., .tup4
wiloccs Li .gHi:7Ol. tit?!
t, Sltoc and Cap NI
• 4 . • ',J!
glen j •f.
r 113$ no, hand a• n cutti..icic
'if the artnive named artn,les, to
trolly invites. ?hit nitoutiun "r
Ile,anct Schuylkill cuns!) . generally.
N 0.9.1 maiiit st.
.rin 11 E suliscrib,
which he reepe•
people of Pottar
congialing of
Mena', goys' a
Ynnib&. J
war r ki
and mormeno i
noti and Brog3iF•;
Ladiew: Mlll:.see.
-•.. _ , . .
Chldrens' ['toots &Shoel'
in all their', varirtity; lifbey',.
ay gentlemen's guin ;•.)yer
slineY of ill kines . . togeih
, er Wilt mete, bill.' yit
. . childrene caps of
. !
every des , tiiitinn.
ill find it In their'ilitercat. icycall ... 4
rk before porch lying elgewbere.
to yell at the liitcrYt p”-Y•ble.c I , li
1 SAMUEL liilt.DEV.
•at 2. - , . 31-31 ii" .
Ur Pcrsons
exaieine my ni
am' deterininc.
Phihilt., Avg
TANUFACitRED and for pain by •
• yoruus, Titsaca
Iron Warahnuse,; 1. ( - nat.*? of
Third and Walnut at reOt ? lada .
it 9.
tit,,. t • -‘
hall be admitted to NM!•
or the ivevf
Ito on account Gf d iu
of Poch vote!Shall ,!f oot
II marf; It it the v 01..,
the name °lithe per••ri Gllnn
the list furni,h: h,
e"(rn . mm."o..n to e I
EVANS, sr_
4 Wk
" 4 7
Saturday 30iiirating. Sept. 27,
Coxaccemie.....ilir our paper last week an er
ror occurred,lo4, 4 .ll we - deem it necessary to, cor.
rect. Atthe ewl 'of the commtihication or the
Schuylkill Navig4ion liamdor. Afr.
wood Morris , a piiea red with the title Piesidnal
Engineer. : st4iild have been . .I:ciriOnt Engi
neer. The brr.i Was purely typagiailiCal, an'
.our notitje when correctingproOß' Tßl -'
NA'priN4.l.lGlr I.' TUT. Capt. E.
E. Bland. vv'erit bp Monday morninglast to Phil
adelphia; by, the Road. They . were met at
the-cars hY the h i ational Greys-, Captain Fritzwend
Philadelphia Cil l it:ts. Captain White—Lseseh of
Which companies 'WAS attended by- aline -hand of
music—and escorted to quarteM'whiels'had been
proyided.. •
The • Philadelphia papers speak in !the highest.
terror', of the 14antry. poring. their'stay in the
• t
city they have rvieeived much attentiaft from their
military brethren: They.lyill return to-day.
• The resolutiola of the Company, upciri
the death bilSerdeai. Rower, will be found in an
; other Colwell.
aT y. We inyiqiitlie attention of our dealers to
the new Pliihubtlphia advertisements which
.are to
be found in to-da::vi'm paper. •
The Philadelilliiatis appear lobe more awake to
the advantages 'Of advertising than the citizens 1)f
our borough: There is no greater mistake than
to suppose that
. the money expended in advertising
is lost. It is oilly as bread cast upon the webers: .
after a time it returns to the advertiser ten•fold
Many peraen4 have heretofore objected to their.
advertisementsAeing placed upon the outside .of
the paper, urging that thoy were not Suficiiht .
conspieuous, qict do away with this objection, it
will he seen 01'4 we have
that of distribling, our reading mattes over every.
page of the - JournaL By ibis mearts'all he , ad.
• •
vertisements in ;the shirt are brought before the
'eye of the read 4.• The•lest column on the- third"
page will alvvaytcoritain the latest news.
THAT LETT.I6.—We 'understand that the con
tents of a.politi4l teller have, in a• Tem tnysterF;
our; !minuet berii)ine known in this community, to
the great detriMent of smile of the politiciant
Whether . the Tikir . was employed dr not, who it
is said can read 'fetters without breaking the seal,
- not known; hotcertain it is, that the contents limit.
known before lite letter reached its yin', of des
tination.' I • • •
PORT C. 11114 4:i.—Vie visited Port Carbon on .
. .
today acid were glad to see that place Is nicreav
sing in pioajuir* 'Several tending,' ern being pwe;
pthetl.for the ll;h4)ping of coal on the enhasgesl
Canal, nett vpii;ltti The nrvi Nfirthiraliat Church
which Was rrecqttly dtrninencod iialteady under
Thu stores of . the M'erehants and the shops of
the Mechanics, 411 apptiar to be doing well ! We
see that Messrs 4' Co ! , have recently
snlerzed there tore; and added to their stock of
GOOds. Their piece of business is now among this
laroest in ttie rejen, and would not disgrace and
of our Co:runer'Lial
. .
( . 1 - 2:`,! A to -day'. Or
per are, tipgo.:;of Ntessra Lippincott 4. Taylor,
and Mr. Stitter4 'The latie;biut ..teciantly built !it
large at ditian tfi hiqvioio Ithd has increased hiti
stook of goods I,r.)po.rtio'riably.
, . ,
)I.r. Joseph Morgan, has recent•
iy mddit nn stltlitin to hie stock of Fancy Dry
Goods, ~&•••,-.S.'edearn that he 'sells very cheap.
Give him T
CANA/. I.;osintaalrgen.—We give below, ttjo
address of . i,he *ate cciinwittee:norninating Sata
no D. Kark9o , - th'e Whig candidata , for Gana!
Commissioner.Thr-nOmination appears to melt
with general approval, and Mr. Kann; is high&
commended by 4 yll those who know hini.
Atlth-ess of ithe IViz Slate .Committee,
'N ' TR . E ' I 3 II;IO.4 . OF PENNSTLPANif
The State ilminitte, in obedience .to public
opinion, hive, after mature deliberation, , agreedlo
presrlit to the 11Thigs of Pennsylvania,
D. Karns, Esg; of Dauphin
.county, as a - eau,.
didate for the it l l - lice of Canii.l.Commissien at
the ensuing eleotion. Mn. KARNS is a gedllpan
of education. talents, great hurieesc;b.abitli, snit
has a thoroqgli-fcst swledge of our•pubilio
He is besides ex tensively and favtuably . known
throughout the t.State. as a man of unblemished
chWiacter. and Whose strict integrity is a sure guer
hnty of a faithful .discharge of the duties uPthe
race. should ,tfei receive a majority of the suffra
..ges of the,,proplle. , , • -
The Plibhal!ne4l. of Pennsylvania. most or
which wail 'contracted in the construction of thei
Canals and 11.4 roads, is now about $46,000,006!
The Interist enithifi debt is $2,000,000 l—while
the incorneMfro the Public Works, - after dedne
,ting repairs anOspensia, pays at beat, only about
' one:loud& of the', interest, leaving ,sl,soofiocki.
to I e annually 'eulleetedfrom the people !' It 'is
believed that under a proper system of Manage-.
I meet: the.disiiikal of an army of idle, extravigeot
agents—astrict ticcountattility of all disbursingand
accounting otlit'ers—add the adoption - ol a liberal
and enlighteriedltarrif of tolls, so as to secure upian
our Main Lite the , trade of the West, which, now
, passes over rival routes. will greatly Matisse the
revenue from our State improvements. The New
•York Canals, which connect the Lakes.with
water, are not a4 i well located as are those of Penn
sylvania, which 0/Inflect the Great Ntallay k of the
Ohio with ;be sesboartf. Nor ought,. NAVY YOrk
afford a tonnage!compared with the rich •prodttc.
tionwerf our Fuitates and Forges and Coal mines.
Yet the New Ylrk canala last year yielded IS2.
, 446.374, and, profit of over $2.000,000 II
-equal to the iniereat on our entire debt; whilq
pour Public %Vors, which are more extensive' sud
*ter located. did not yield a not revenue•exeet
I' ding. one.foutth r,,Of that amount. All this °wit'
I to bad managerticnt.
To reform abeses—to introduce economy—and
to adopt such a ;system of tolls as shall. awatten,
enterprise and trade and butanes* upon,our
Canals and 'Rail-Ways, Mr. Kr‘ass is . .prosented es
a candidate.: 14 - is a candidate of the -Whig party
lend is pledged.44icarry out itlipriaciples.. Let the
Whigs throughout the Commonwealth rally once
again in support `of their men and their Measures.
Let them show that . undivided front in October
next. that will convince• all that, they will near
yield thew orgainizatton ,or their principles: but
I. that like the
Whigs. of 1776, and 184,9,
they will shoisr ; themselves worthy - Of vietory.les
their cause is woitlty of. success. ••
.1,0101 REED,
",i'.f4ANIES HANNA..
1 - GEO..W. 11'51AHAN.
• THOS. G. :141'CULLOF/.1.
• ;
R. S. CASSATT, ' •
!, HE W N h R ig Y
m P ate Er 6 F o E n ll,
SepL 15,1848. •