The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 17, 1845, Image 2

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Saturday ivlar*i;lNTay 17,1845.
oj`Mr. Ersti, the Blind Voialist, will give
retrearell Concert at the Town Hall, on Monday
Evening next. As the rice of ittimisvion is so
IoW, (124 teats,) the Hal) ought to be filled.
'H-111-Z- OP- FLOW 111;9--;-Mr. Dry burg will sell
lot of .choice Plants; in front of the Exchange
r;otel, this Ellb rning at 9 o'clr ck.
• Farr . Rierrt*o.--14iiere 'RTC soma folio, who
stein to forget that tbere is an Ordinance' against
galloping on liorseball through the Borough.--
The Chief Burgess oughtto improve their memo
ries, by requiring them to fork over the ',5.5 fine.
11111itT.- I, Vo ate pleased. to lenin.that:ournew
Mg, Burgess intend 3 putting a dop to' all street
unctions hereafter. I 1 his is a great and growing
nuisance,, which ought 'to haNe beep abated hing
ago. - The side walks. belong' to the public, and
no person has a riglit to block them up.
. „
Tna Wasmusai—On Wednesday last, the
thermometer steed at 86 . tb•grees at 12 M., end
yeaterileY morning at 7 e7cl;:idr, it Ftoud at 36.
showing a change Of 50 degrees in so short a time.
YiiterJay blue noes and user-coma 1.7 - Lo itc
lashionable: • 1
hapto r r of Accillenti.
HCRRI ACCIrkNT.—On Thursday atter
-neon last, Mrs. Ireeland,.. wife of Mr. Edward
. Freeland, of this b l eorough, attempied to run--terc(ts
_the Montt Carbon Rail Road, a short distance
above Messrs. Haiwond & Soyder's Iron. Works;
before a train of Cars. She slipped land fell, and
the Cars passtd over her begs below the knees,
•-mangling them in such a manner; that it was
found necessary to amputate both at the thighs.
The operation was performed by DoctOr Halber
stadt, and although the chances_ are against her,
•therois a possibility that she may survive. •
• AXOTLIZ.D. nears ON T , IE rtAiL ROAD.—On
Saturday last, two of the empty return trains came
in CoMelon near Clinton, killing a Brakes
man by the name of Fey, resitling, at Schuylkill
Ham., Two others leaped from the Care in
time and saved themselv s.
&ft ovs:—On Tuesday last, the .Locomutive
- k
"Shamokin" was thrown off the track above Read.
ing, caused by die switch being misplaced. The
-Engineer and Fireman were injured, the latter
severely, but we are happy to liarn that he ibic
4 .
. karOTnan,--Wo learn, that a person connected
with the Rail_Road, was dangerously injured. at
'Philadelphia, on Thursday morning last, by being
crushed between the Vars.
`Fot-rttos.Tit Escees.—A horse attached, to a
small wagn'n, belonging to Mr. Milnes,, ran away
on. Friday evening last, -in this borough.' The,
vehicle 4ruck the Curb Mono in front of Mr.
linntzbage r r's stOre, throwing hid small son com
pletely over the Lamp Post, which is about ten
feet in .without hia sustaining any injury
except having his finger cut with . the glass of the
'Lamp.: Mr. Milnes jumped out before the vehicle/
struck. '
• ' Pcrreaviita ino:v.—We have been shown
some_ castings : made by Savory &Co.; Phiiad'el-
Thia, from iron made at Dr. G. G. : Palmees fur
nace,mi .the Island. I'V-have never seen more
4ieautiful castings, or of more perfect mould and
ImPuovExakrs.--We havo before' expressed
our gratification nt tho number anti character of
the improvenninta goine - on in Pottsville this sea
-eon: The g,enius'of den olition is busy in the bo
rough, but the genius z.f reconstruction follows
-close in her path, and where buildings are crum-,i
-bling before the first pnwer, fur more elegant edi..
fifes are raised up by the other, and their combin
' ed , operation is working. a great improvement in
- the apPewance of thiuls. Now buildings are ;
gOing up as fast as the old are corning down; the
sound of the trowel and the barnmer, are heard on
all aides.; Chir mechanics are all busy as nailers''
• —a most gratifying sight—labourers are. reaping
,a rich harvest; and the dolorous cry of !hard thuds'
-is nulonger heard; Gut seems afar off, inure lik/ a.
.4ritam than . a i rcuicruhrance. ' •
'Nan' Wonns.—Thier'u N.lpolcon. ,art third,
has been pubtiAled by M-esirs. entry& Bart, and
een be had of this office—also, No. 26 . of liar
per's Pictorial Bible.
r 8:7 Godey's Lady's- Msg iziris f, r June, is re,
eelied; ening . the COrlei ibUiOrS ,fire Henry W:
I.lerbert,..Franciii. Grund,.J. :11. Field, :Ntre.
let, Mistt'Leshe, and others_ of equal niCrrit, and
regards& ivith equal favor by the public The em
bellishrnents aro. both ,well executed eng.;avings,
and two_superior fashion plates grill no doubt give
stony, special interest in tho eyes' , of the ladies.
LADIES' NATIONLL 31.104ZiN cheap
publication is tsreasing in merit monthly. The
present number' couch has just found its way. to
our table;comains Et eral excellent articles, two
handsome embellif'pnient, au il a plate of the f us h,
inns.for. June.
• ArperucTims-rs nr TUE Gb.- E
ernor Shunk has matlo the f01107.v, 3 appint.
Auditor. Geperil, General lohniN. Purv, nce,
of flutter county. Surveyor Brencrut, Hun. Jo, n
Lipcorte; of Bradford county.. COniniissioner of
the National. Road, lion. o
Waehindion county. • -
, - ors I.t:r ruts
Single tenets or any nuMber of pieces not
ex cetAing half an utince, 300 Miles or
if one.- 300 miles, - [,: .
1ee,.r.4 (not mailif..l)
'Cu 'cirrEurerrg.—Pire and Ten T 3 ° ll ‘" N° l e s - For ,ea , di. additional half ; ounce or part
Purporting to be issued by the Bank of Northam- , thereof,.aut single:iiasthge thereto.
berland, but altered from the Tenth Ward Dank. ' • t'N xlii-scarcrts.
are in circulation. Four boatmen by' the names Nem.papars of I,tr3o!Cquare 'inches Or
iof John Dehaven, F. Buchanan , Jahn Clabel, and Ices cent by editors '4c publi-dters, front
! James aro , have been arrested in Philudelphin 'their Mikes 'of pul4n‘tion, any 1.1 i .,
lance not exceeding ; 30 'Ales, . Free
4 * for passing these notes. We also, learn that a ss' Over 30:miles and n4exceezi n g I00;1
"hill was passed at Hill's Hotel, in this borough. Over 10i1 miles and otf of the mate, i 11
.ort Monday last. \ , , ' . All sizes over
_l,OOO sguare- inchec, pa 4
. .--.....---..!—__L cage same as pamphlets.
Ma. "'JULY, the American painter., was dhe oN ricayirts..ra, LTE. ...
of the passengers in the Hibenaia:,l-le„is send to be i Pamphlets, magdzinec, and periodicals; ,
for Ono ounce or less,
• eommissioned,hy Louis Phitlippe to take for hiin ' c7l d istan ce . ; •
the portraits of Gen, Jackson, John Q. Adams ! ,
Ea e l t ll e d ' it l it.r ) ;ra) ounce.or fractional pit i ' ,7 "' •
'Daniel - Webster, Henry Clay, and other distal- thereof,• - : q i
~ • : . 2
guished Americans, end Will proceed first to the ~ '• ON mentor% •
..: . •
alermitage. . • ' . i Quarto post, single call , or paper not tar. •
ger than sionle'cap; folded, directed,
' The non ' jni7l W. White late U. S. l '''''"ii l and. uncealed, for eti Eery sheet, any ins
: e A t L, ,e, pr.n!, came p!r.,, nzi i in- Llic h Iberia:4 t'w - trave, , ..-
i.e let of tott.or : ant..ltcparcin•s from tale 1,, S, Le
'File N. w ' O - rleans h-pallican. sperakinz of - the
e lL i . ''a , , '"lt'llra. t 9 '4° .' Te;ic;"' i :c re tb i l' a probrlnidv old war wlalt Z.,ti 0,,...ay1i • that there.
I '
• ____.L. _ _ - .. • . a' ,. . 'e ,. .t. - " , 11 , ! , N ill ply. await:fig lette'tif ol marque
i".!s.'l , ,:t.f.1.:,,,fi 1;1:4e liizik:unde of a nal "re l ,, ;;;lti w hi c h 4 L i„.il . exp,i;ted fr,..m I:..ra
- - ' i Gain' •
. .
New i.i4,
The Common Schools arelhe nurseries of the
nation, in which the national Mind is moulded.—
They are the people's collegeir In which the me
chanics, farmers, merchants, and More important
still, the mothers of the country, are educated.% If
the scholars are good the peoplewill be well taught;
if poor they will be poorly taugltt;- for as a whole_
the people have just as much educatirin as is to
be received from the comnonecticiols. Therefore,
as a mai-education is' worse than no education, to
neglect these schools is worse than to destroy
them altogether; and hence ispievolved upon us'
an intlit: ra'ive obligation to oaTfor them: improve
-them and make them what they !should be, in
re•epects. • This is to be (long by first securing
competent, active', and 'liberal minded directors,
and theto-riperating vigerously with them. Such hums:Lyra ois Boartn_tin ilisisnicr.a..—We
directors we have, and they are disposeil to learn from several of the:Hibernia passengers,iriya
discharge their - pa - rt.' of the eliligationi;" it
' ! •
1 a correspondent of the New York Herald, that the'
_rests upon us then, faithfully to perform ouys.— i i . • I I
We perceive b•- the Anneal
'' Report of llt/ `most hitter feelinis of hostility prevailed ' during
The firet thing to he had are! additional rooms.— 1 .
~t, 1„. .i. j the vv tole passage between the Englishmen and
These must he 'built.. Divide the, Schools,, and ! ~,14,terican Tract Society, vaaie l 'h was read at
the Americans u„ hoard.. So bellicose , were . the .
supply more teachers. We: shoUldi oaablishl a I - At niversary Meeting in'New York last , week,
. 1 that 63 new publications have beers stereotyped i two parties that not even the usual courtesies a-
Illth School, i .
- ' - I i more; gentlemen were exchanged, and for the
during the year. ! Sir. small volumes in German, 1 n
We understand that our director contemplate I greater part of the passage, scarcely a word was
-1•, • .and Pi-rirri''s Proness in Welsh'
five in French, i,, , , I
,7 ,
building new' school houses.' 1 his is right; the 1 I s Ada between the British and American passen-
The societyhave-now publiihed Ivan 1,176 pub ! . ! I' !
wants and interests of the peOple's children require .. . . , I - I • - 1 •it I gem! 'rho state of political relations 'between
lie r atro , ms, besides .2,007 approived for co= attii, , .
thein. ' School honaes. may helegirded as so tna- ' Great Britain and the Lusted States was the sole
abroad.. Cieculated dining !tire year 374,575 ye -
monuments to fiberty,scatiered through the land;l caw ' of thisfeud,l '''ect. having been ' tro
5 6•' - 610 publications, 152,727,2.29 pages, •-,
in selecting the site or hicatien for them,-reference u !'''''"' -'-'"?' , , , L , duce soon after the steamer put to sea, and treat
bein •an increase of 61,2 2 5',x'73 pages over th I
should el..vays be had to thelfacilities. for e#reise g , . ' ' ' , : i' led in such an a9gravateu manner as to preduce
preceding year, and making the tvhohniumlfer I
and fresh air. They should lie removed front the r I the e l etrane'emerih r
pages circulated in twenty' years 1,544,053,79 h. 1 . •
tlu,tv and confined atmosidicre, the smoke and I I
The society have printed during the year 36,00
litin.le, stir and noise of theltown. The free and •'
I volumes' in German, of one four pa 4 e tract 160!,-
fresh air, and the green things of nature, exert a
~,,,,, c ' 9
ftilS 000. • The Coni
epics, and of another-.
healthy and happy influence upon the young mind ' mu
the year 1 099 dii
mitten have sanctioned during', ,
and heart, dispose it to•studi'l7v giving it a cheer- .
- grants
tune, anct.quiekenin,• amt sCrengthening the inet,grants of publications, antounting to 23,70 S
195 pages, of Which 13,914,547 have been d's
faculties of reason and meMory. • .
tributed b • cul mrteurs and 'agents among the des
• Education in its proper !,acc.eptation most_ be 3 l•
titutc ; and 3,041,250 pages have been delivered
considered as referring to the culture of a complex
to members aadieectins, nuking the total grata
being, and has respect as will to r the sfeengdiening,
icons issues nearly twerttY : seven million pages, n
developing and invigorating the body, aggro the
value near $lB,OOO. 1
training and disciplining ofithe mind; the irriprove
. ~,,
mein and culture of the heats, the refining,of the ! Tire Ancitictn B 'S I -1) • lial
rats. ~ OCIETT, CC E. fa
• , . '• its 29th Anniversary, in New Inrk on Thursda.
, There should always be l on ample green 0 play I We see by the Commercial' ; Advertiser, that the
ground connected with
,ichool, where the chit- receipts from all sources, including balance t!in
dram may exercise thernselies freely. Exeteise is hand, have been $169,222, making Ma increase kif
iitfini•ely important, and should make an 'eSsential- $12,212' over those of the preceding year, all led
part of our system of edocatinth r ''.llo animate which have been expended. The Society 0+
connection between the physical.' and mental has 6' 1 I,COO fir paper, and has other . lathilities, lot
been Well established by all the , experience iind ob. i the most part of the year the Society has ; beer
servatiun of the past; arid front this' connection I Without the cervices ofa financial secretary. Thee(
results the duty of providing
,the Mo i st !fit'vorable have.beenissued in the course of the year 420,.
means of preserving the health of Y4ii;e,st ~d
--vittl37 092 Bibles and Testaments front the depositoiy,
and gradually developing their animal
.;ysfem. (besides-those published at the Society's expertie
gymnastics are an important , wench of: drunian abroad.) -This is an increase of 114,510 copies
culture, and physical and Mentalgymnasticsshould . j over Those of the precious year, and an eggregrite,
be practiced together. . • I since the formation of the SOcitty, of 4;013,352
• i
While the teacher is ! training, (Meeting, and These hooks, of the last yea; have been sent into
developing the Mind of the child ; Strengthening I every State and Territory of the Union, to Cairn•
his intellect by teaching-dihn how to think, his da, Texas, West India Isles; Mexico, Brazil, Bire
physicalseductition, with a proper regard to his nos ityre4 and Greece. To, the Baptist Mission
•natural physical constitution, should , not 14 - in tale ne latter country have been granted 1500 moll
lected. Exercise developes and strengthens the i ern Greek New Testaments, and 500 - dollars worth
muscles, gives manliness and symnictry tOthe hu- lof other books published in the Levant, Variou's
man frame, and grace and activity to 'the move- i groins haVe been made by the Rev. Mr. Calhon,
ments,land health to thekvhole . body,: and when :elate agent at Smyrna,-to Tither missionaries' in tat
our children grow up, they grow up to he vigor'- I 7
ous... well made, and healthy men, insted'of pale-I.
faced, stoop-shouldered,' half grown specimens of
the human family. - As tbe'ohject of all education:'
is to teach the child so to deal with and master
elements and Oust principles, that' he ma'}i 'know.
how to study and how hi act, when in after years . ;
• 1
the necessity- of actionis devolved upon!hirn in
his intercourse with . men in practical life, surely
the advantages of a ph/siCal or muscuiaOraining
will be visible then in the, vast supetitnit,y . • which
they will give the man in robust itealthrietivity,
strenith„ rigorous intellect and improved ,:eapabili
tles fur endurance, both Mental and physceal. At
tached to e'very school then, theme shoUld be an
ample play ground for the children. r
`rii . :7l3l'lLLE.--Wzni weather, senrclting warp
weather i us, and - before long tho , tired den
-1 •
izens of Cities will be seigiinq forsotne col green
spot in -the country, v.lwre for ,a while they may
enjoy the furtny,9f a fir:at sly,, pure air.
Now, if they were but, awaie of the iact,they
could hardly - select a ;More highly interesting
jaunt; than n visit to Coal Region.
If there were no inducements affirded 'in the coal
Imelil thenrelves, the kulne4—the the' at
, traelimis of nature, and the ;works of 47113 n ("11-
. terptiAe here, the time alfil expenses of their trips
v:.ould Se areply repaid R y the grand, varied, and
pi,•tulesque scenery wlikh lap: on both sides of
the route '..tvreen Philadelphia'.; a route
FCC:IIS to have green created by 'nature in
fler li.ipplest mond ; monntsins, grand and 'JAL's
tie,.delightful unddlati valleys, cultivated and
luxuriant farms, the bertiftil Schuylkill winding
along between the bills', gurgling and ripling, s4ine
ihnes over i's reeky' bed with mast musical voice;
sottictitris stiii and cla i m, like stream of silver
betv,;ecii - baiil.s of. Eat i eralds. • The smooth sur
face;idthe Canal; fl,u!ers of various Ini9 and dye;
all The constituents of la magnificent )andseapo,
Mingle and :flails the equntry along the . ine of the
Pottsville road—aiid certainly we liaveolljects of
curious intvest,:g,rand ficencri,pure arid healthy
nirs, anidnot to be - excelled Ilutels around and at
Tin: NR•o• liosTao T.' !It LT..—For informa
tion of our readers, Igive, in a condensed form.
Tfie R'ites of po,toge upbn letters, newspapers, and
pamphlets, as rsgulated by flie new tast
Congress, ediiirh goes into opeiation On the fait.
' day of July net: ' •
Fasniox BtaTr.:v.—The great raco between
Fashion, thd-Nortbern,andPeyiona , the Sbutbem I
home, mine MT over the Union course; near:New
YOrk, ow Friday last. Peptone: came off victori?
one, gaining the two first heats.? .
Tho following is the summary of the whole af
Miles.' . First Hcit,
First, . 1 54
• '
7-7 7 •
7 304-, i 7 45}
Speed of Peylonai the Wiwi : viol - the Great Raee.l
Distance, distance, ti rile, distance, strides.'
• eddes feet s econds per sec. per scc.l
First heat 4 21,120 45p} 46 2
Ser.ond heat 4 21,120 4651, 55 2.5 ? 2
In addition to the purse of $20,000, at least five
huildred thouiaad dollars depCnded on the result!
t • I
of this, contest.
,are a nati(M of IA chests and ro n
cramped. gait acid pale faces.. Our brlin
and stornarhs are oretworktl, and the other lid].
and'organs are neither trairied, nor called upo n , ti
contitbute strength to the systbm.: ITho conse
quence is, we atc•infefior to moat nations of th
world in manly beauty.,
But, at the same time, we are the most pain
king and eipenive of)natil l ns . in our attentio t
the 'exterior. Broadway is full of young men
are half by their extravagance in tiros(
c.l:th and. gloves, patent leather and :Macassar c
—ignorant, every one of them, that a seen.
which they can, have fur nothing, would do irirt
for their beauty than tailorsiand bontmakers. Not
one in fifty has -the straigli back and free actieln of
a man used to licalthy'esereise—but forty-mintior
of fifty have goats upon th i cir crooked backs lai
I pantaloons over their cramped. legs,. which Vim]
serve a
... nobleman in Europe. Exercise
Iltqe attention to the gait and to the action o
chest - and arni,i, alight, is one niontlioloull the
personal attractiveness of many:men in New liorl
not to mention the more remote atiniuli of in
tional pride healthy p
TII% 'EVEllfir or Prysni . ,.:n.o.=The ie ribi
dismir ;
tewhich recently visited the flourisliin cit
of Pittsburg, seems only to have dc;eloped nun
fully, - the enterprising pirit of the people,' au
called their en'erg'y in a more vigorous,and dctil
cxerei,e, The 'Gazette 'says that fccay[iti)
houses have already bean I ereCted upon the bun
district, and are noiv 'oreo l pied, arid, that the - ow
dations 'of on nr eq , ) huiidred inure arelaiLl.
adds that — scren new steamers of light draugl i t a
non building there, and gives a very eneouragin,
account of the state of trade. On. the Alllgin
city'side there never was greater activity ill th
manufacturing establishinents: • ,The imMense
mechanical power of Piksburg, is driving along
MAC'. a full head of stea t m; every operative},
rhanic and laborer, is as busy as a nailer"
saying rather peculiar to the Iron city.) andiwil
all the energies'now in full play, the demand pre
scs hard
i.vorth.. Attached to these companies are , Lieuj
Till:: SULTAN OF Tuiterer, has piesenteDr,.
tenants Wallace, Price. ,Jarrett, MeTacan and
David llitchkock; of Boston, with a magnlficent pooker•
diamond sn tabor, in acknowledgement of aibea
tiful specimen of the dental art, for Warded Ito t
Supreme,High \ ness, by the Docthr some flout
he present was accompanied by x lets
from the - Grand Pacha,'s'erit through the hands cc
out resident Minister at Constantinople,
hes is oaal in forin.. ground the sides inn
vine-, beautifully wrought in - gold, and ur4n
bottom, :and under the lid, appears Abe Tnrkil
coat of arms, wrought iu l a similar manner. T
corer is mounted with seviMty-one diamonps, I
PriaciPal one in the centre of the top, being vo
large, from which extend some sixteen tiffs
wrought silver, entirely filled with smaller
Upon an outer circle,. l ate ten other diainon
about half the siie of h • pea the jetiveli, re
whole, rendering it a ivery elsgant and Isho
5 cents
TIIF: COAL TRADE.—The Philadelphia! Int
rer says :—Tho coal h 4 iness has not been! so
lire in six years. On the first of April, thstoi
in all the easier') ports were exhausted, o il nea
so. Ti e stud oir hand in 'Peila.lilph:a, ;las so
unusually Vrtl i sels cowhide in drm u
wrult in tile . Delaware!inui the •Sehuyihili,•
frrights, a.reatky high, "are likely to ids re sl
further. 13e.h the (jet,' and - 11.kuro.,d hues
JO 11: ve j):1: 1 1.1r4t dui thosecues at 14 de e
are quite animated: ' •
econ ,
1 59
1 571
,1 . 1 54} 11
1 552 1 57
Rtes./a- 7 .Tb° Repeal Association in Baltimore
has beh disaolvcd. In alluding to this inovement,.,
'the geW York correspondent of the Philadelphia
Post 646: _
has so suddenly extinguished: the fires
of Re3cal, both in - this country and iu Ireland?
The association in Baltimore has been abandoned,.
and itifunds transferred to the Hibernian Society.
Is theigreat Liberator alarmed, intimidated from
any qu!arter! It was stated yembroadly last night
irt•ouei of the public meetings, that the British
. Goveriptent had intimated to the Pope, that his
own dominions r:ere insecure if he permitted agi
tatiorOn 'lreland. Tranquility reigr_s and repeal
is crthbcd. If so,:does riot this exhibit a vast ex
tent of political power p ossessed by his Holiness,
which': is dangerotia as it; is offensives"
AlCulurcd Ge‘ntlentaii- admitted co the Bar.—,
The!Boston Post 'of the 3d inst.; says: .At nine
o'clo'ck this morning, S.: E. Sewall. Esq., &foie
his Honor Judge Ward, moved that Macon B.
ten, 'who.Vas provided. with a certificate of corn=
-pctency, signed by Judge Merrick, be admitted to
practice as an attorney and councellor at law •in
the 4ourtsof this commonwealth, and; there being
no I!egal objection to thd motion, the gentleman
was !admitted. Mr. Allen is 29 years of age—is a
natie of Indiana, and his color and phyliognomy
I '
bespeak mingled Indian and African extraction,
in about equal propertions.
TELEGRAPH ComraNT.—..fhe Baltimore Pa-
trio says that the subscription books fdr theestah.
lishinek ofd line of Morse's 'AlegrePh between
' • •
Nei , York and Philadelphia, has been opened •at
I the'relegrapit office. All the stock his been - ta-
T ken, in WashingtOti, except four thousand five
n Inntdred donors, •
•i \ •
LI TO !ITA.NT Tux T• t E.A.—We have seen,
,say - `H the 'Nov .York Journal uf i Commerce, at
Strifiton & Richard's, a variety \ of bonnets made
s 1 of lit - aided silk, which threaten, bothfor beiruty and:
• I use to rival everything - else: The braid iemanu
factured in a in-whine; exceedingly fine and exact
o i n its form; and is :then sewed togethri like straw
braid,- but when rut togrther, is more beautiful,
- and must be malt more durable.
E TA The imlications are quite plain
say's the n - alticirano American _that the settlemmt
of the Texas question be fiilimvedby a syste,
mane attack upon the protective system of this
coUntryi as established-by the Tariff of 1842.
Th' i e recent change in the editorship of the globe
' givies assurance that the-official oglin of the ad
k - iniiristration will be devoted to the overthrow of
th4t system
s !Rev. Sydney Smith, notwithstanding hie tosses
. hylPennsylvania Stock, died worth a very laige
in' of -money. In hip will his wife woe.
'appointed Executrix,'end ho left'l . 3o,ooo to . his
c son, ..-ClO,OOO, to his wife, and distributed the rest
cif . itis' property, which amounted to 'some £BO,OOO
In4ong his former ser v ants and others.
o ,Spteuintions in yalroatishates In Great 14Fitain
tict: been carried to an enormous extent. In
Ftance measures have been taken by the govern
merit to. prevent a further 'increase of the excite. ,
,t anent by placing restrictions upon the sales of
shares. SevCral Americans have mad i e large for
tunes, in Paris, by' speculating in railivay shares.
kf The mania has been carrietrto such an extentin.
G i rea D'ritiiir, that a rriovement has hecii Made in .
n,a Prliament to stop it..
Li 1 • .
A Comet was (liscovereil at Princeton, N... 1., on
' Ilia 6th inst., byk Professor Alexander of the Col-
Ic:ge, while, looking at the eclipse .Of the Stin.—
Ilhe tail, ,resembling that of the gieat comet of
OM, appeared abont44 tleg,rees north of - the
plaint where the sun rose. , It is thought to be the
eimitet di , ,Toyered at liotne in February last.
' e , The King of Sardinia has contributed 50,000
• •livres, and the - french Government 1000 "francs,
• toivarkls the monument to be erected at Genoa to
rd !
the memory of Columbus. It is intended that the
monument be ready for inauzuration on the; 15th'
fipternher IS-16—the day_ when the gongtass of
nt ilia Italian Savans opens at Genoa. .
I t The French Courriet ofNew York, sates that
re lifessr.e. Buchanan and Bancroft are jointly inepa-1
ring an elaborate defence of the American 'claim
tO Oregon. If this information •he correct, the'
tiocutnnet will be looked for with a goadileaf of in-',
ferest. 441 -
Mo'vE7:mcr. or Tnooep: Companies A.. and.,
of he united States Infantry,' under thecomi
4nand of Captain Burbank, arrived at St. Louii,
on the 30th ultimo, in the General Brooke; froM
Fort - CraWionl, on their way to Fort :Leaven
The New York Tribune says that the Stork of
is I
'domestic goods in that' city is not heavy,, aril tho
:trade is moderate'iq cSnisequence of the lateness of
the season. The export from the let to 6tli Mayl
was '4041 packaged, j.
all VIRGINIA Ex.EcTros.—The result may' hi,
to 1 summed up a, few words. For Congress, Deus.
eh lAA Whims 1., For Senate,;Dem. 21, Whiii 11.
he I For House, Dem. 73, Wl)lgs 55. On joint bal.
hf , lot, Demucrutic majority 34.
I.oun ROS9E ' S TELESCOM—Ntarvellous ru-
of ;mars are afloat respecting the astronomical ,
;cries made by Lord Rosse's monster Telescope:27
It is said that Regulus; instead of being a, sphere,
a is ascertained to be a dire, and; stranger still, that
tvy the nebula + the belt of Orton is a universal syF
itetn—a any), with planets moving round it, as the
earth and her fellow orbs move round our glorious
'°'" luminary.
c h s Tlie small pox is said ►u prevail to a. fearful e
.1.1y. `
te❑t in N.'w York:
Smzcu E.--The flosum Timrs stutts
50.00-cigars were ached. on Friday,
.by nue - pf
Custom House U111:116 of th.t Utetrict, for vi- i
otatiou ot.the Revenue L
The same pmeerdsog4 were aniorveil in Phit-
1.1,141 i id two thy,' ,t, r, when it I:irge ilutieter, Su*
p•l-_ed. nt leaii. " 1 thouiaud chute, were seized
atad'hunat.—tr. S. Gazel:e. •
ill °onto orltems.
1i is 'stated that the first lion that was brought
to this country was in 1799. He was brought
to New York in a French .vesesl from the G ee d, k .
leuile. - 1 •
- 1 .
. , . .
Mr. de Bacourt, late French Minister at Wash
ington, has been appointed Ministcr'idDreiden, in
plaCe of M. de finsiieres, who has been recalled at
the request of the Saxon Government.
, .
The Pittsburg Amsrican &Utiles in touching
lentils to the liberatdonatioits collected in the city
of Philadelphia, on behalf of tho sufferere. .
The Louisiana Convention have decided that
all Justices of the !Peace to that State shall lie
eleoed by the people.
The miners whO.haro been one strike in the
coal i•;ions of Cumberland, county. Md., bare
received an advance of wages, and aie gone to
I •
tvark again. • I
. The Paris ..Preiso' states that another creation
of ;Peers will soon he made, in which Victor llirro
Will be included.D -
Schelling, the German Philosopher;' in ad
dition' to a Prussian nobility. has been honored
byi l
the King - of Bavaria, with the order of the
!Among the pasiengers in the Hibernia, is 11fr.
Rives, of Virginia, late Secretary of Legation at
1 Landon,. which appointment he has resigned.
jThe U. S. Jotnnal says. that the Charleston
Igercury is not Mi. Calhonn's,oigait.
ill. is said that Stoltz, the fashionable Lon.
dciii tailor, has given £70,000 to the Tailoi'sße
nevolent Society, and promises as Much mete for
public building.!
U. S. Troops.4Therc are now concentrated at
Fort - Jesup, 23 companies at eh; least-7 of DI
gOoni, and the rest of:ln4ntry.
Five dollar not4s purporting to be on the Bank
of Smyrna,' Delatvare, altered from the Tenth
Ward Bank, N. Y., have been deteetpd, in Phila.
i - . 1
delphia. ,
' I
The Hebrtim , SoCieties of Cinciniwti have sub 7
seribed the sutit of $35.1 ,` 1 ,5 in aid 9f the citizens
1 l• , ,
of Pittsburg. .' -
1 The Monongaitcia Bridge, destroyed li.. the fire
a't. Pittsburg, is tol be re-built on the' tvire-I,supriv.
awn plan
I,AmAnTINE, the Fiench poet, and author of
.Travels in the East,' the Co:trier des Elals Unis
tiaentions, intendskisiting, thiA country at an early
day: There arc fervcofemporary men of letters
vlsho wou!d be so!.vvarrnly received. • •
'Ey:Vence of Good . 7' as! c.—The ladies of New
irork. have resolvrid to marry no man who does' not
take a newsp 4 apet—and farthcrmore, they wont
allow a fellow to lock at *them who owes the prin
ier fur :
re than lone year's subscriPtion•
1. The inspection of Tobacco, in the five State
krar'ehouses, in the City of Baltimore, for the: last
tvcelt, arc over TOGO hozs i .leatis.
Pe . exhes iri NcioEng/and.—The Boston Time))
of Friday last, s'ays—Never have we seen the
kachtrees in this vicinity more loaded with
than at the present time. If the snow storm
yesterday left them unscathed, wo shall proba
bly be able to supply New Jersey with peaches
Fliis , • • ; _
year. -
1 I The N. Y. City Councils appropriated $5OO on
Thursday night 6)r a portrait of Mayori Harper te,
• - -
, is the Governor's room.
-. 1 • .. •
Lead.HTwelli,e thousand eight hundred, and_
'eight}-fiveTigs of lead were received at St Louis, ,
Missouri, on 'LIM: 28th ultimo. Lead- teas sel
!ling ;here on the!same daT . at $3.06 per hundred
I. • •
The Ilev,Zarie of Boston has fallen off $487,265
!compared with the year previous.
The Washington Union of Saturday expresses
confidently [the Oplition, ba . sed on recent navices
from Texas,ilhat the annexation measure will be
speedily consummated. • ,
! • Upwardi, of OEV ENTi Tnous.tx n Doc.t,.tns
t !lave Iron reccic'el at Pittsburg for the•beneft of
• •
the sufferer 6. °
IThe New Voilt Post says It is true, as we
learn fro:n undoubteil, authority. that. the.' war
elaose- has been inserted in the English policies of
; Nor& Inni 7 A .New Yorker has hought. the
Trertori,N. J., Water Power Works, intending
to conceit them] into Iron Works which ehall giro .200 men.
The State dilbt of Nave . Verk ir528,000,000,
and in 1945 and in 1816 he is to redeem $4;401:1 1
000. There are 55,766,4 51 in her Treasury
at this time.
The drought f in South Carolina has been very
protracted, and ,ine crops aro said to' have sustain
ed serious injury.
The Borough election in Chambeisburg. Pa.,
, suited in 'cutnplete Whig triumph.
storm visited the.. West last
week, houses and destroying vegetation
in some plaees.l .
Tropils are said to by moving into West
ern Canada near the Michigan frontier.
The Burlington Free Press, says that 6 a:lath
es, each ditiwn by 6 horses were required to bring
On the British Mail in Canada, and the passengers
by the Hibernia. .They arrived at Burlington on
Wednesday evening, and tOok passage in the;
anac for St. Johns: • - - ,
• , Is thii good money said a man to a suspi
cious looking wan., who made some small purchase
of him.
It ought to;he, good, for I made it myself,' was
the reply.
With that he took .the wag.up for counterfeit
ing, but he ptnved defence that he made the .
money by fiddling.
New Brunewlek.—News from New Bruns
wick states that the Queen has refused to sanction
the appointment, as ProvinciarSecretary, of Al
fred Read. Esq.; and a meeting of the Executive
Council has been called , for the Eith inst.
Ripe peaches and grapes were exhibited on Sat- .
'urdayin BostOn, nt the Halt of the Massachusetts
Horticultural Society.
In New Orleans upwards of $lO,OOO have been
collected and forwarded to the sufferers by the late
fire at Pittsburg.
Illness of a Member of Con i ,4ess.--General
Dawson, Of Lbusiana, hes at the point or!death.—
No hopes are e l ntertained of his recovery._ „.
Late accounts from dawaleajrinid id, and Tlar
badoes, spealr favorably of the condition, of the
growing sugar crops. •
The. yard of the Astor liou c, in NeW , York,
has been concerted itibi a beautiful flower garden
with a fountiqn•inthe centre,
Telogra pit inventedhy Mr. 'Marss, is about
to be intrutlued in Europe', by iVecialttgent
pointeti fur Nat prime by the inventor.
. ,
, 3ta: iiserxsts:—The result . of 'the late borough
.election, though comparatively unirriPorttu4 of it
self, seems to call for a little More ,explanation
than has as yet been given it; this is' deemed the
more necessary, as the vote for the Undersigned as
thd Naeire American Candidate; has been used to
show the weakness of that party.,-
Be it in iho mirtority or ascendancy, it is unfair
that the vote cast, for rne should he taken as a test
of their strength in this i ßorough; Because,
It. If the .Politreni - IVatires,''as you please to
term them, arc working to take away any of the
rights of our naturalized citizens altcatly acquir
etl,(l)' I am not a faithfutsteWard in'the matter;
being decidedly opposed to any such' measures.
2nd. My name was put on the:NativoAmerican
Ticket, on the morning of the election, without
my knOwledge or consent, and After f had posi
tirely refusal to stand as acandidate, or serve if
elected. • .
3rd...llavind bat recently rettirned to the Bo
rough, I was nut eligible to. any office in il; and
could not even role, much less expect the votes of
others. From the nbove fasts, it ;must appear ev
identthat the vote for council Man is the proper
test, as you stated it' ' '
RIGHT WI7.ONG 1,41(3150D*
I ;
There have been several disclaimers thrown out
—as if there was a Moral taint kit the Native' A
merican eause;t and though si;‘; of th 3 candidates
are published as txcmpts from' this incipient vol.
lotion, it may be Considered sinsubtr, that their
nomination was made - public fur weeks, and re
ceived no gb:byg until immediately befo.•e or after
theclectipn. •
Two of the candidates you name, ivere.bonsult
ed 'on the subject- 7 one approving of the contem
plated nomination Of himself; the other professing•to.fitc result. That a modification
of our naturalizatitin hatv's is reiPtited, semis to be
prrtty generally admitted by th4so who look to our
nationality with a freeman's pride; and whenever
foreign dictation, or an assuntidion! of ;power by
`eve's naturalize& citizens, to this wounding of that
second existencoHakes place, the emphatic deelitt
ratioti 4•01: T a r—.31. - :d Site be Glivpw4. in
the right—Gut our Cuttnitg, n
,tcarou w nnstc:"
tisq spontaneously to the liiik;,atitl nerves with
'two fehl encrgy t*ann of cecry ive-
SOD send this sphitlniy nctitr die!"
-Nires, ter T:IE Entroa.- 7 •Tho Political Na
tive tote oil the Pouncillitli:ctWas July 84 out of
about SSO yotes'polled in the borough.
Not eo. They onlttlisclaim Political Nati - t`..;
ism, which we and they consider abOut en a Par.
with Political Abolitionism, the action of both be,.
ing directly in opposition to their pro'fessionti, co‘a
acquently any realonable and rtfliietirig pm.-01t,..
would disclaim any- eonnectiOn with it. .
We decline any further diseitssiva i.i.ftlic subject
wcs.:l:t. . i 1
Tnr. COAL Tall/E.—We hear that there is, a
great demand for ~vcxsels to (terry coal from this;
port to other ports of the Union. At Richmorl;
immediately above city, such has - be',en the rapid
increase of the export trade its coalthat the want
of vessels to carry it has been unqsually great,
and' the demand still cutitile.3.-.Philwielphite i
inquirer. ;
Theipoal Trade has become: of great Furor-' .. • •
taupe to the cmnmeree of Pliiindellil4 and unless . - - -- -'r --.
l'l.N:it9rF, coa.l. T
some means of c:Sportation to the Eastern states, Triii,:,e,M%; 7 ;i . oil l'id•al riiial .1:
equal to the rapidly augmeiiiing de'inand be ::; 01 h Ai. , ii. tyi..i.! , 1.
... ..
vided', it is certain that: the etilargeiment .of ilh; . . . 2.-,;.) n'
Morris canal will divert 'a
larg4 purtio'n.of the trade -- : - ' 1 1::!t l
i. ' : i 1..4). 'r E. :4.1:-.
from hpr. That exportation 'en fitr„ ! vie believe,
has been conducted entirely; by means of hen
scieut vessels,Mal there is, ice understand, but i '
one craft,'~, three masted schetiner calledthe !Rich- •!,!
. -_,-
mond; built for the trade. Asfreights have rang- - • vivo:m.7%r: (.0.0. T
ed this Spring, crafts built tor and adapted to the:. -1 .' " 1:i" In il•
business; ..Cother3" of light draughl, would triaki- • • T , -; LK , tt-% RUE C ).11.
money rapidly, and ready'we ate s'urprised that . T" 1"}..:10.. :Tan,
. . ..__ ___
the capitalists of ! Philadelphia have ,neglected an I,
investment so obviously profi l itable. ', • '
Sent macit.r. Nss-igi.Tlo.—We learn hyl the .
U. S. Gazette; that dttriwg the last viirek, the Con
tracts for nearly rill the work!on the; new of
locks from this City to Port earbon was allotted.
We understand that the Wtirk . jnow . contracted
for, is all to be : by the firit of Aprit neat,,
at which period the . navigation will; be ready for
boats of one hundred and twenty. toas t and its L4l
- will be gradually adapted in har : ges of two
hundred" tons, as the season advancek •
Another Mast ,frant .. 1 3,11gIt&
-waver of M. CLAY, fiA:tiic 'adritey3; nf the
ernirtil COMMiiie of the Ncie- Kirk. Clay
. .
The Central-Committee of the' NewYeA.Ciar
Clube, so active and serviceable: dO •rt g the IA e
Presidential Campaign, assembled qt the Howard
House, on Friday Evening, , . the Tab inst., to hear
read the fplluwing answer fr'om LIFsTRY CLAY.
The meeting was large and spiritednd the cmo
munication was'received with lively and prrdert
ged,denions.trations of satisfaction.
',..' ; • Asa t.,611; April' 25,1915
Gendemen :—The lion. WilliS ' i Green deliv
ered to me, a few days ago, at this place, the ad
dress to me which you did me the make
the 4th March last, enrolled on pqrehment, mid
enclosed iir a Silver case, inantifachired by Mr.
WM. ADAMS, for the occasion. , . .s
I received it With emotions of grateful sensibil
ity, which it ',could be vain.tO, attempt to describe.,
Waving all consideration of' the causes and con-
sequences of the recent Presidential Electioil, of
which it treats, as a past and irrecoverable event,
on which I have neither inclination, nor would it
perhaps, be fitting for me to expatiate, I take pleas-
ure in expressing my profound anti 'grateful sense
of the great, persevering rind efficient, labors of,
the Central Clay Committee of the , City of New
York, during the canvass whiCh preceded the elec
tion. And I must exPress.also. the. high and las
ting obligations which I feel to the. Committees
and to the. Whigs of ' Net/ York, col-the ardent
attachment and generous confidence towards me,
displayed at the commencement and throughout
the whole progress of the ;, CMnpaign, and now'
manifested in. terms Of fervid and 'touching elo
quence in the address before me. The'patriotism
which animated them in the contest, could
have been doubted; but this document, prepared
after our defeat, bears conclusive 'evidence. both.
of their patriotisin and . disinterestedness. My
situation is peculiar. I have been in spite of un-'
expected discomfiture; the object of honors and
of compliments usually rendered only to those
who are successful and victorious, in the great en
terprises of mankind. , • To Say . nothing of other
demonstrations, the letters; addressds and commu
nications which I lave received, since the Elec- I
lion, from every (patter, from colleetive bodies add 1
individuals, and - from both sexes, conveying Fell-
'timents and feeling& of the warmest regard and
•striangest friendship, and deploringlhe issue of the
election; would fill a large' volumes I have been
quite as much if not mord them, than
I was by any disappointnient or- pCrsonal interest
lof my own in the event of the coutest. Among
them. Gentlemen. your kind addrds:+' will be ever
cherishedbyr; ins with the' rood gratified feelings ;
and - in thg (hirable term, In which you hive hail
the goodness,to. transmit it to me, it will be preser
ved as' a precious memorial, on which my remo
test descendants may gaze,ms I have perused it,'
with profound satisfaction.
'I em, Geut.emen, With high respect.
. - Your faithful friend, I
. ,
. H. CLAY.
. .
• _ The Coal Trizde.:
WE have no , new feature to notice, in the Coal. •
Trade—the demainl continues brisk, for •Wh‘ltiS4'sh
Lump Coal; and we learn that in sevcral-instance!(,.t
has commanded as high a pried as Brukrn Coal.-
The N:alley Rail Road is ready for use, as ,
as Mr. Oliver's Colliery, who cow:danced. Sertiling '
dowwCoal yesterday! Several other pperatora•Z•irilir •
be ready to ship :next Week. • - •
The supply of Coat to May 17th, lastlear, frpni this
Region,: was 160,213 tons—to same period' this. sear, '
21E617—increase 51,401 tons. The increase from
Lehigh over last year is 28,559 tons. ,
• We learn that the entaigement of the Morris Canal.
will soon be completed, and-that Boatel of 60 tons bur- ,
then can pass through it by the 25th of dune. • ...-
Freights to Eastern Porte continue the same as , last '•
quoted, as follows: ••
To Salem, • $2 2014 230 per Win.
" Boston, ' • $2 18 t0. , 2 25 ,
" Portland, • $2 25 to
" New Bedford. , 15 to: 50 • ,
, Providence &Fall River, $1 . 40 toll 50 .
Charleston, • $2 75 ti 3 871 c!--
Nanturt,t, 50 to
New Yuri:, sl 110 tOE rk
I Freights to . rhiladelphia 70. cents—tp'
Yolk, $l. 80. 4 i
I . . • ,
- TlllloVail the pplitene-ss•of. the ditThrent•Collectors
on the Canal and RIO IZWIJ , we are cnitlsted 10 6111113 k
our read ors, with the lotion-in; weekly state, of the ,
Coal Trade 'which they can rely upon as correct.:
room POTTAVILLE AND PORT exurton% - : 4 "
For the week ending on.Thursdn'Y I .
evening. 3183 011
-Per last Report,. 54,b67 11 • ; •
. .
. . , —4---- 60,131 00 ..,..-'
' • „ moil sinturLictt.t. 15.t.NE:f.
For trui week ending on Thursday ,
evening, .
PO . .!ast Report,
. . .. . ,
. FROM ream cr.INT.):Y:i • ,
For Ow. weeleendin; on Thursday ~
c:ening. , -•• • ' - . I i 3OO 00 .: '1
I'er lasi Report, -.- ;130 IS' '• '
rito,l .r0r". , i11.1.1. AND rorrle.innoN
Fur 1.,;,, tcra Ll,,lllig on Trim il.t_y•
l'er la: i R poet, f1a,1•21.117i
1----. Zi k o.ll,' I 1
. ~
,rnt - ,lm. srill* VI. V.11.T. , 1111.VEN
TOt . ;il up ri. Thur:-.lny h...., '
)lay !Lai. ' .
l'er la. 1! r:Siiort,
" . L033,05' - 1'
. - - • • ' —•• :51. - .l'. I i
• mom. POLY[' 1:1.IN" ON.' .• ~
For the we'eh enilinir on Tlinrbttay - , - r ..
May 15:It - ' .512;11., !:
I' , :r Itst ll , ziirt, ••. ' • • T,7 5 .C.4. It 4 ' '
9 ' '251 05
. ' •
• • 45418 13
i •.' )604169 03
by ;P. ,•••,
Total .41 1l
oa,l 41111 . Canal:
Nicht git t obri ,2"4•4•11fic , - -,-
li,,pdtchpi 'hit: S' 11, vp to Sill tp0..16.11.18E.4
' l'ilot,t mxrcil Cili::`,Ai... . ''' • 4
..teiZll Coal and :'.;ir.i.4;2.::4,13 Co.'' . • . : • . 6238 :' • • '
: R 01•111 1:1111`• .. ' .20
. '.l .
. . M
. , T. , 8310
Ilea v t q Me." 111, I. It &COC. . r : 11333
Tot;11 by 1Ca1.31,
Du by
liaz:etr ni Ourpnry
!:: , /\IACCII
.1 Leh N.
A tA•!.11", 6;1-
R , tha 111:u du
• 11:1)N1 11.1
Ia !r;,.0 C.
r 2. ;i:..ifF!,cir (Ir.
Y. 1.. CONRAD, C9ll,:ctur.
c.:: i,:it .111 Sn
Mar.-11. , • . Pl'il_itu id.
'2,011 i's 1
Ap il
:sliN !-11t.1: , ..1.N11
1.11 , trawitit o •
•1 . ,: ; 1:-A . It r.r
'~T~ r I~i:'. r~q:nrt,
:401;N't cArnioN 11.,+,1f, 116 AV.:. • 7
..f riminortr over 0113 road for,
Gto ettllng, ql : :ll:tr.tls3 . 'etcikl,tig lae . t.;ls
• • 1,9 VJ
I •
UP-VT.111! c) 111:4Se9:11 111ALTII l arlion • art
71 71,17 . Stil roll and trcasitras : 'tie thou
,who enlarg:st ,
'lto sioil—anil openrth all its powers to receive instrur
thin and to relish. vitt i . te. He tlytt has. thee. lI3P liitle
more tr. Nei •Klir ; ani It-,ttiabissolvvretclicil air to ha's,:
111 , 7 . not wants i•very:thipe Z1 , i71(1. let us be thank
-1,•il Eratelroth'.: Pills, will eft' tishralh—get tiln Masi ,
I,ios,cil Pir.;, as inch a cent,y r Oct her fully„rstablish
et to I,;.f.the best aneilkine et pr I,ltiriveCupon man.,
For the prevaili s g. curt,: ant rough j. they still lie found'
evervitiiii:. that m•Tcine it rapatditof imparling. •
i':-• Solt at Ilrandrellis Principal office, 1:11 Pro idway .
N. V. arel hr tile follon lag - authorized:Agents in.
d, hoyikin crwilty
Pottsyine, W. N:ortimore ; 71:r1V CasileOlentgo
Itoif•mviler ; Port Clintriii, • J• llobinhold drop i; Orwitia
burg. f:. & E. Hammer ; Schuylkill nacho, Charles
lluntringer ;--An•l by on,' agoni iii - every:4)Lnc of
importance throw:limit the wor1:1. . ,
. ..
Rlif:ilm 1:1 ,1 1 tare G7/17T-Wttlfrar y sl7ll)lCl VEGErk. -
BLI:PiCI.,3r , a ni ,st woraardiu tiy ineihrinelor the
of Itit tuni itir e ! •rai li rat 1, :cause thex not only
(.1,...,4- !I..sioniach 'lll - i bawals of those iiiarbi.l hu s . •
blocs whir it lila \ ..11 into CI • ••i.•callati in, ;Old' thrown
upon tbc in-:41, lm • .aint imisrle, i re the cause. 2r the •
:that,: painful iiialp ii. -. but they :trite-the alisortient
vessels to take tip that which is:al early depieited, and
thare/Itre ire aiii , dutely certain tf make a perfect cure
of Ithennialbun ;ad G o ut. ,A si. gin 2 cent boa 01 .
Wright's intim, Veictable Pill often give the most
astonishing roli.if,anilperrererane • accorillng to direc
tions will he certain to drive Pain of evety dineriPtion -
from the body. ~,,., c't , . , i
wright's Indian •Veg • eta ble 'Pills also aid and ins
provri digestion and purify the blood, -and therefore
give health and tint to the wholii frame, a%- well as
drrre disease of crern tiamefrons the body:
For sale,' Wholesale and Retail, at the
. ..,Ptineipal -
Otlice,lNo. 10 Race ydieet. Philadelphia.
.V.eCootion.-;.-As Counterfeiters are ahroad..aroid all
stores of <1 . 011141111 character, and pepargieular to aroid
purrhasingfroui those persons :air) offer fe sell at re
duced priers- ; .
For sale in Pottsville. '. T. & J. IMAYTY
..., by Messrs,
A :tent (lune proptietor,And the otherageuttrip Schtwi.•
kill cilunty. -
/=" - nrletio; of the StockliolrVri4 in the Itcal belong
ilia to the United Order of Odd iFellows; in Miners-,
rile. will be held afthe Rouse of Mr. ions PoovosT,
MI Month). 'evenilig, the 9th of laic ririxt,•atl o'clock
I'. M. Punrtual ottendatir•i - is ryiejuoiteilos',fitisiness
of importaude will bQ hid Imforo' them. order of
the Boa rd. FRA N CIS SPE X 0411., 'Seery Pro tern.
Minersville, May 17. f ,21:1-31.•
LOTH': N...2.16.7-A stated ntaeting , of
{ 1115.31:i Liaze, No. 2ln, nr9e held on'Monday .
E„,, i t , m a y Ltatt at 7} o'clock. tActual attendance
detttred of all the. memberff.
.124,!order of 1b . ..1:W. M.
. .
On the kit inA.,at Pinettrove , iSeouy , lkill' County by
MARY DEUTZ!..ER,both or Pottsville.. • 1,.
On the Inth ingt, by ihesvne.., Mr. Jon"; .Itts - rtt, to
Miss SA LOAIC hoth pfl'indgrove Townthip.
On.Thuniday ovenihz, May lath, by the. Bev. 3. B.
More., GUSTAVr. ROSIIITIIM, Esq., to Igfd. r IiELIECCA
Emit, both of Pottsville. • .
011 R NI AII Y; S
Corrected carefully funAe, .1011.€4717
Wheat F lout , 1 per libl. to
*4.50 •40 . 3. 7. Plenty
'Rye - *do ° 400 to 3.24 - Plenty
Wheat' ' ' bu:•1141, , OD to 100
. Bprce•
Rye 0 ',, ICO to 155,1 e lk,
Corn ... 1
, 15 • I: . do'
Oats •I=• 4 - ~. i do
- Potatoes riew 5O to 7.5 . '', do
risootity Seed,. - 2.50 • ' , . do__
Clover L i " . • . - d5O - . • i :Scarce
Gees ' . 1 Dozen' ' l "6 to 8 ' 'Scarce
liquor . • - lit. -.110 to 121 .-.- Plenty
Bacon • ' , 6. - 5-to -7- . do -
Mains • . ' , • 66 ' . 1 Bto 10 ~' do
Plaster ,' • . Tnn ' •15 - 00 r :- . plenty
' Hay i,• . . " . • dilo 004 . 0 12 '. do
Dried Peichespared 'lush - . 25U - . ; do
Dried do nnpared" " 11 00' ' ••• do
I Dried Apples pared " ' ?••• . 4 75 i i •,. do
. , .
7 119 18
49 . .5.7 10
59,0 18
166,169 OG
t( 09
-- • )
Hitt I
rytatl fr;t!') in to
. „
9nnv fat. qr.
, . • :1052
1.1% . V..; 11,110 A D
Con) tin pitort,d
6.1 - . ? limp
101,141 07
1119,014 1,2
N..C111 7 ..1.11".:1