The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 17, 1845, Image 1

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. .
Wright's Indian- :Vegetable . Pills
. .
0 f :.110Lehl th . •
0 MEDICINE has ever l beeWintroducto the A
-111 rnerlunf.'Publlo.WhosOvirtnesi have been more
cheerfully and universally acknowleged; titan the a-
To descant upon theirmierits, at this late riaj., would
seem to be wholly unnecessary, as yin , : few indeed
who read this article, will ba found unacquainted with
the' real excellence of the Medicine •.:But if further
.proof were wanting to establish the credit of this singu
lar renietly,lt might be found in the fuct4hat no meth
tlnelathe country has
. Ignorant and unprincipled Men have-tit various
cep, manufactured a spurious pill; andin older more
completely' to deceive the public hae.e made it !Wont
ward appearance -to resemble the-true. medicine.—
.. These wicked people could never plat off their worth
eSS Dalai, but for the assistance of certain misguided
s torekeepers; ivho because - they can purchase the spu
rious article at a reduced - rate; lend' themselves to this
monstrous systemof imposition and, crime.
The patrons ofthe above excellent Pills, will there
font be on thetegmard aminst every kind of Impost
ion, and remember the only genuine Agents in Potts
ville, are Messrs.-T. &J. Beatty. .
The following highly respectable shore keepers have
. • been appointed Agents for the sale of
and of whom it is confidently believed the genuine
medicine can with ccrtainty be obtained '
` •T.& J. Beatty, Pottsville. `
- Bickel & Hill, 'Orwittsburg.
itrmi Mahantaugo.
• J. Wrist, Klinierstown. •
Jacob Kauffman, Lower Mahnutaugo.
• Jonas Knutranan. do •
John Snyder: Friedensburg.
Veatheroff. Drey &co. Tuscaroisi
• William Tagert, Tamaqua.
John Maurer. Upper Illhantatteo. ; • ~.
M. Kerrider, West Penn Township..
Caleb Wheeler.:Pinegrove.
P, Schuyler, &co. East tiritniwick Township.
C. IL DeFor,,t, Llewellyn.
K. 0. & h:autfinaii. Zinimertnantown. •
' Bennett & Taoc,r4 minererine,
Georce Ileifstivtler, New Castle.
I teary Koch & Son, MrKearisburg. •
Abraham Heebner. Port Carbon. .•
John Mertz. Midilleport.
Samuel Boer. Port.
phueutnker & Kauffman. Schuylkill llaven. •
The only utlcairity nuain,t itoßmotiott i. to liorrhase
j r ,„,, t he reaular ailvortisod atient, and in all ea.,: b e
particular :u ask for Wrielit'ri Indian Weer:illlo Pill..
Office d e v o t e ,: ..xclusivolv to the sato of the tooth
. tar. it'llillealii and rea:!, I . i.t. 16U Pate street, Phila.
• Itt•trioTlsher. tulto are guntlii;S:
nGPut Vegttabl,:
t; LENS'S O.IIA N K 11. I'D OP:,
Tan. Moth, 111.11 ca,
Tidier Ilitotworat, and colter a:ferlinns of
Ili. RION. r. me evory iniparlur rosl I. the
complexion A riv tine-' trtily lit•alltiftd. t :V:1I+ , 111
I- con I 1.11104 . 1112 /II 10111
r attic skin, oft,. proddc..ll , l.y 11.... -of
,Itonr. alkalise
dnr 111• IF 1., !U....A 7rilL.nrt the on lit 111 , 14
a Wa-.11 15,11111 11*,:1111-
,/, its' It tracellisq. price .50 rent, por 1.61110,
gampremitation is rumndmiddd urvaradis MI-. 4;411111 , 2
tot:011 , f tt of 2r, , at value. proinotioe
an,l,prv,rvitni Ihr !lair, it toolri-bos The,
th , roby 0:111.1114 it to !rote milt vizor. and pr•-veliti, , 2
it frnio mit, or Tornio:: !troy., :If.: lit list,
tinny; b 0111,0, 11, ,, hair In r,tu
- 'l'„ - dhow who ',Ave bnq their hair by 11(
a Pp' 1111101.0:10.0, e,1011! 11111 1 . 2”. It is t l ttlfttletlth .
taboo :1 au;st softly,. to th...h.t.•;,...
t.1112i1,11r property of inak - itn; 111 , . hair dark. apd
1,1 who aro 1,- , :ionnt , j.
• ,„ I, rtti 0% - erll , •nt rnrlil2 tlnid, and
lo.on• ph; o•altily norpunrd II i,1.111 . 11 oat .... toot' I 01
b,, , f 110. • b
fir in. c 1.111-1,1., and for' the 11 , 11k1 , Or t
In ao: :41 I loll' , ner
nn 1 ,,,r•0i front nozr,olion:, Si', air,•;
- 'war!i tylonale. ,, fo the "eft,. 1,1'llo•
- and Irat7anry to thr broaiii. iv:too - hit! -Pot , .
,•nt and ffrio•otV 11, topri elrerllllllv., , , It
,Arrn'u. , 11 and rrrrotliniond , ol by 11 in 1!,•Or
awl t, l o •nove,1,10 I, T-411101 Ip :my art it-h• 11l the
. kite' dl, use. IT pat in neat China both'-, amt hat
a slid form, is not ,caste di :mil. a adts fora
front the gbit 1f Tuutit .1 • 11 U g.trid • ral.prit •cis.
boa. ;
• •• „
• .
t. 111 cluing. , grey dr red hair to a Isainl -onto brown lor
' let Marl:, without injury to dlt t 11111%, on ',tell In
• Ilse ski.. :int) tilay I...rroet Sttr , ll'. • T.,
ieee• 1111, e berllllll l 1/I,llllliUrel 2r - C. it is
able, and In gentlemen win.
,ard rid; grmy
hiskers it is stronitlr
:bleed is natural. and will not rub 44 610 the I.llti- .
musliti. Pried 50 cents.
:pleb,. remedy for Frdrkles. This rdiudd,was inediadd
iir D r . Chit Mich:my. of LolubarTly. a cligtitizilielv•i4
l'hystrianilflhe 1,107 Th.• prop, tvior
ry emillileure in it; at, a superior' pr , parai Mu for the.
11o10iv1,,!1,-.Llactl,%1 nine' fa.',l w/tlbint
limb and for pittipb, so , l other ttlro ' cliot .'.f '4,, it
rdrtain rare. Price per ;
Tili• ab,ltl 11111Itol 111 . 0 Ids II bd;al -old ta•ry
musively ;by ttlo, cub,, rib . r ti , r mart' Nr.
in 11111/lie., .1, iorpar i a- •
non.rmil vain., anti not to Lt, r LOU lellll.
• 11112:4 Of OW .I . ty. a , ifrule trial will conviTo t• most
11ndir good gnaMir. ayr list over r 4, : 4
" t (..,tr , Fi Share stud no Share."
:-ApoNAt•Eut cam
U.VI) lit •
rrt Gentlenwn who shavd 11;1,a:rib-Id
0tr.....1 with the areatt•A Coptial•poe ts 4 ',VIII.
tiol superior to any mlidy Shaviim Saa, id ns.•. 1%, a
11.1121116il ' atid rousismitt lather, ndt ' Orr ;11-
p.m the fire or irritate the, must • rddlieate nit
and rumfort it uives to the ellen irdlibldsmad lip •-
• ration of shavinT, renddrimi it shrivissiaalv oa , y. this I
001i:11111111 ran be rafely rdcdoniniended. It
- ellbrite,tl ii, warm or ir.14l water. and al ' t , r-
it. , is 1,(I and en: it
irritalidMand routllne s s "Den ;•.1 "' • "f ,;
.10112 al&alind Smuts and Sh ••1•:,.-
Plll 1111 isldras:u,t l ) ' A,~r 1' ,1 1 1 .11 amt put ',II
na box. answerihtt ail tho marmi...ds ;if a ,I;;Ivrild
and 71151 till lid I;diti.l ;;,;"diarin...tnr 11 ' and rd , vd- ;
hient. dufia2 Hid bur y ear- this 1 . •
• the pn ld le, the pitt'orlelor h ,-”bl 44 1;..,.)1 011,1,
• anal the del:1311d is con,l,lffilr rt.t.,
I 10 . IMP il:Ve 61.10'11, rk• it e IS; i
b•farlio,ll ,
r . 'TIN :tilponaremts_romp,lne. is rrillitt or 'I. ire
;hems, r,i admirably volimuninbal. that ;,111 1,
. aid...lute pldasitrd,f —I:. S. tlazdttd.
•Tlid Salton-14,mm caniromail ; is tb bdst 110 •ibtr - i:ion
e.‘tant for shat m 2 parpo , s. n Itl on ,
li , tl. and 11••••eres, : 1,1•0; 1.:•11 1 1 I• 111•1 11 11 !11l
t.illl 110.111111,1 1,110104 !MX 1/te4 P . 1 1 ,1 •1;/1 , :le. •
• We rail the nll..ittionuf the lt . ard; ;'portion ,if
• !Ile 1 lounardutis .1t111:1111111A.
1,11 1,1 T. \ rot,: ijoll he: brit ever
• 0
11:Vhe i, tho
• e yen artirly tin Use, 6,r si . r idis2 Ihr
brand Irma frdldunau, tve wil,tt 'with a kern
raAor and tie, in-ty--11:iv0 3 oar lir o• in
half the 411 ard • It i ,
anomaly' in 1. ;k ,try guild 011;10 0, and aet
edsliave.'—lluatou , •
. Nett:tied by ; 1., W.-ItI.I:NN,
Mantifacturdr or I'erruirterv.. l' s. - and F
Steliea tae • its
, K 2 and SI Small dm.oSild
Ana :11,... , 4;1
AN, :let., Pelt -1.
. May IS
-'NSW DRUG sToas.
• • & CO., re. ,, nectiiiN) -
' .."'''inthrins 111. 6 riticens p.m.% ilk, awl
Scdm,P.ill vomit vumiimall:., that Ito II ty"
t irtmtipot. the drum foria,rly ort - 1111ied by
Mr. Slater:, a general asaurtawut
• Drags, • ; nes,
Chemical , ,
• - -Oils, • I)yes,
-Varili.shel, •
Patent Medicines,
•,. .
And 6,•licits a share of poh.tie pat rool'z”. 4 on:1.101111y
,n.-tiring the public, that every mil. I, in their lin...
,hall be of th% first quality. and purely eenitine.'
' Ilasinit s...rve.l a regular apprentice-Jilt) to tit- li,i
ies', in Philadelphia, 110 fat iier itlieni ~. lilt
ern call rest Satii:i.!li that • they vsiii guard -t rioty a
- eitinra'all itibtakes, and 111Vf! there . 'm411.1111, put ti" ,
taillt the zrontest env. and nicety. . .
. l'lty itic hive in..,i-riiii jIIIIA attetol.,(l to with part isms'
ca re at all linitrs. Country l'hyseiliet and rti 0re
.,,,,, yieraterit.itupiiiiieil at a entail advance 011 Lit)" l'il'''''•
Giii.-e in be r 1, 19--ft.
• ._
Groceries, LiquoiS, Hay,
, .
/r1(11.: tubscribeF tins ;Lust reec,,,44. 4 ~trge eupjA3
Liverpool fine and coarse alt, in. Sacks, •
Salmi. ' du
Clay by the ;tale. . .
' lio ltarreli Minerb' Oil,
60 Rap! Rt.? Coac. f .. , ... .
Teas ofddrereut binds, in Chests :Ind •11.311 charts
Sugnr by.the ilopticari or barrel. .
AtifasFe,sby tho 13arret.&r.
!Togetherwil.b a car;rty of other' Oron,rinq , nll a
which v, 111 . begOill 21.
..New lorki iincee, "all - In
fre4ltt added.
I . -• .
iNlarri.i . • Add.tlun tu„l'untvlie.
bec. 14. • - LU
Stoves! Stoves!! 'Stoves !! !
.1 175 T receiv.:ii at the Voris fttore, a la,ll,,lcrt. d as•
!bortin,fit Cooking sto,,. parlour liathaturs,
st,Hl Cannon awl Stose, or 111.,
and intro%ed pay ,. r ‘ , . - 111.•:1 11.111; blrt!T
1.4 sale. at l'ltild , ltaphia (i-oot of traasiaJr
lily :14,1,1) tr. ttft It n ante. f.ittyt4l 1.111. , 11 .A 4111111% •
1... n. 111 - 111 the battle quaht!,:, Y.' VC
been t,id m I'utit;llle.
8(11. 21 LDIVA.P.D Y ADD LEY •
WEEKi ., :,)c.:3:y..iii4N,JAMIN:.BA'&SIiN.; . -!‘N4.t : Nft:lo'k T':.H . :: , PRO : P:MtT.6,, PC,ITTSVI,Iy.,..s.cIiwyLpiL-. : O9UXTY,_ . P.ti,,
. . .
BIBLE. Tq be completed to
50 numbers, at '2 cis.' per number',
_'Phis mat atad,Magnißcient Work will be embel
lished with Sixteo Bundred Ilistnrical Engravings.
exclusive elan initial letter to each chapter. by.T. A.
Adams. mrire than fourteen hundred Of-which are
front oriain'al &Signs. by J. C. Chapman.. • It will he
p.inted from thr / j stiindard copy of.the American Bi-,
ble Society, Mid t °main Marginal References, the:
Apocrypha, a Concordance: Chronological Table,
List of proper INatues, General; Index, Table 'of
Wei Ats. wisdres. &c. The large Frontispipeci.
nth:. 1., the Old and New Tesiarnents., Family Re
coil!, l'regentatii , m Nate, Historical Illustrations. and
Initial letiers to the Chapters, Ornamental Borders,
Alc.,.will he frofri original designs. mode expressly
for iltit ellitiont by J. G. Clia'pman, Esq.; of New
York; in addamit, to which there wilt be numerous
; large en2ragings I'mi:lde:signs .bytlistinsuished Mod- .
• ern ariisrs in Frsnce and England.;—to which a fullin
dex,will he 6ive l n inure last numlier.
I,Cr The gre i superiority of early proof impra
sinus from the :tiaravittgs. will insure to those whit
'trier their - name 10 once, the i riSsession alit icrtlie
completed or at nut 50 numbers. .at 25 cis each.'
tr.r Tim siderilter has been appointed Agent. for
the Inv po AC lli . I , eceiving subticriittions to this Bihle.
! in Sehtit 11011 C,ttiniy,.wlicrea specimen copy of , the
Workm.ti be scO n
I JarniarY ft, i
• , , _ ,
- ---
6116 - ja E PERPOIVIERY.
. . - • ,
T"P' ~,,,_li
; ,..-erit,e't Las jted received a supply of the
- elinotekt 1: - 14n!:: g 4 f it:7 IOIII, .!TY. ellibrac;ott a ; on.. n• s ottineer; dr t li e Le s ; tpt.t:;;ti , —in ((trim articles
, 11
a r,.1 kept .4:iiong the vir±ety, I 5 the , ftftluivin - 2; .
Poniq de Caroline, ..,„.. 1 . )
.. Trebto Extra...ts_ ,
vviv %Ind: ! .11, 1 '
3:,,roin. i f 1 , } - - ! Fur
I;erattinini, : ,
. P,ttcliotilyt. , '
..1, illat,dliersniefs,
` Fatina CO I L D ' gl , e, L . : 1 , 01(111%i ililg . Florida and .
Honey \) ater,don!de. and !treble extracts.
Otto to llos:e. Scent Mottles. '. • .
. .
Scent 11:e..141 . ;
- Gentiire li-iar's OM 11
lion' ...tit,. •Pon,tnatte Vidlononi4 or flecrs Marrow
Glenn's kilns 11.erPil.
/Gm..,, Irsl tolls I lairliye.'i , . - 1 •
Nlthaitx•s ll.'rt'el.le \Vatt`.l. t ,
(;Ittltn'A 140 1 t ton li,,tlle tr. j . .
1:-..• I i tSIIII.e. - ' i .., . • '
r -,•id ('yenta; an excellent article.
'1'..1 et 1',.,610r and Buses, i•
Vt,n,,,to- dV.lthavt. i
l:' .+•.h'.- ixlvlir.tie-i Ern4lliettt Saponice6us
1'.11 ,, . I l iwlli!vilitrzind ;softening die:shin.
(11,-.l's Tnotll \\'ash. ; ' .• i ,
(;le,in',4 S-iontniceons comp'nmsd br l'iliroi!lilg.
I:,,,,,il'.4l4lepiii'leil Snavtng (-ream. -- , z - -
(rd 'ltrotvii : %ytt . ict - Soap.i
Ito.r.ell's ,e!lnor itcd Atm. - apt' Soap.' .
Ott.i 9 1 Itit..e, , fie i i.e. Leiden, Xitt'A,and a va.
'Orgy n(; tto , r S.)t.;.s. i
Clothe, 11Sir, Wltirilscr,Tatli and Nail Bondi
;es . . 1 . t '
All of .4'llich' win ha sold . rltt
t 1 .q Plii!:lttltii Tics
.by I , ' .. !li, BANNAN, .igl.
Dee. 14,1 ' . 4t.i;--
, _. .. -
: t ,
, 1..t.c01l nv.v.9: ii q.. iurorin4 fp, publi, that iw.pas .
1 .; ritii,, , l hi: il.iiii:i.-Irate.sOlike 1n Ntlllatitatit. , St..
t hpirs al.i,V.: (i411ITI! St ri•el. wijere he will miti,iiil to
all ilI doii.,: pmtltioilig to Isi, 011itL, tvitli ,t...trict jos
!, lire mid impartiality. ' i
April I'2, 1.:!1:il . I . 15-
. . -
: :... ~...,:::ez.l ,
, .._,;,,,
r ,
VOL .jod
1YISI:(101.(51 . 1()N.
rpm: oartni.rAliip oxistitlg between Ilan
j.•l sh o utnifivrgor noll 11anil , 111.arer, tra:
ilioz 11111 j, the film & w
the of April lint;. by Mutual consent.
will he at the 11111 .statol by
, r.' 12 I^
0," C.N.^ll
)0 ".k1 FC)11‘1 ERI.V II ED BY
r l I'S IN I'ENT3I:
rt. , ;wet Voli) Aifortivi •pf
ln•ptibl tc. to crlu pd. itr A i l i .• Irry j,t t r
~ie,rttmml of Ow 'inewczt„,V ufgootl,4,
TN Tug Tr:
vt:-% lilt. aft.'
I/ .11-4 6.-41
r.11,1-1.11M2 siC
with a c:,r;ety,
lit . .
Priors. S Alpar.w:antl fdhrr Nhutelx,
(71011:8 of at,superigr quality.
t It.
11,. ha:, a.aor Aati,
:Spool ft/td tie Thread of Vitt •
G•-.+l /pi Glori.A and ilfisitry,; Straw ." . `etg
(;;tldot,ll,-a.rfl mid tit/ter sl,ylesi f Fitncll
1111 a.,(io.:;', lozineth
.1161%. 01:;t13.)7's 1. - rghoei!
AI! ”: ailirhtt i ill lo• ,old thi• tm%
-.11,, '441, lUSLPU 11 , )ItGAN
• -
• •
imvoirr.NT VENTIO-N
iC iatitty muds. ;Also,
s 11P r. Ii I 0 n - A :4-II IN(:'M A C II
r1:10.110“1-r,i•zw.,1 oat,. tit (Miler iii I
pc.%viy iii enlyd
Pat It - ,tintz :llieltitte, for Vuo i roviut y Scliti)lkill
0,00 0,!‘'',012 1134 , ht its l drip. roils.
0 . ! tins a ,
for in , •pot•titni atid
s./1 , . at 111 , 001-rkto ito 01"-0r4 , 11 dnllarn.•
(la eli-apne4s.i r lhinrc and p,..rfortim,
in all) Nip wf.; is witto'olt 2reate4 ivven
lt,” in t RI! WiuTi. 0111',
14 . 10' I 1i0115 , 111114 that have lowa
11 wa,1104... witllo4t rultbjuLt or
sr rtL4in•t t 0 Who: Pro-4104 or squiu•zitr
all ;6, 11111'0' tt ad, of rir,nt
:04 liin a row minute. , ;
t1 , •:11;' all colts. .vest; , .. pahtnhrons. Airts
Led ,-I,,iliiii7.l4'lll^ dirti,st with 01P.
1,•1/1,ri^4,-111 tho ordivary 5051' 0(
W.l-1 1 111 , 2. A irt . t.t . twelve y013.r , 014 ran wm , ii more i n
two 1104r:4.110n Iwo women 14 a %%1040 dap 1,y.1.•,1101.
i,; I:I•7A.AC SEVEIIN. - ,
.1.41.1ii:4 3 J
'' 3l- -
Putt t i It
4, 6,0, vtOply of Dr,ll—Nor's Eye SaWO, sur
X roott-1) tOr and littlitywri eves', just rPc , ive
!.alo rt 41SIITI:V,S Drug Store.
At!itst 17 . 33
, _
4] Co'urtlax4t. S4eot, 2 ,
Au g ust 1.11 ' Zi—
Iron! 1.. on!!
i .
Jt'ST ro , a•ired at 111- Yorttore a larta.'and Cf•tirral
“ ,, ortmonti of 11.11,41, sgt( tro, flat. and Bonn,' Bar
rot, Of 01l ~r,, , ,..A. alt=o flatninerial square iron front 1
inrit to '.2.:. Tai. road ton.z.n.l. Sledzea and Bannstora.
'crow bar, Flit rod: , for tinniestioes,inniata nail rod',
Band trio, .5: , ;c.,2,.., zilxo :-:,aike:. and Nail+, in theii V 6-
f/taly. I , ;11l WARD ..ildtpL FN.
. I-
Grayclon's Forms, .
NEW !edition, revised and ern - mea], and
.. - 1! adapted to the pril.etit practice: Prici.. ,
51 r.)o,jti , y.put)lislictl and ";for !sale, by
Jon. •1, 10 15 . . J. 13.1N1C5.N., Ag't..
'Common Sohbul Speaker.
A ic (•% . v r)1,1 1.,n AfOrifzifyil and rt,lertetlPirces for
II Realliug,,,und Iteritatiotri prite .7,0 cents, just pub
lielA and f4r salt: by ; U. HANNAN, Agent.
if ehruary 42. i; . .
;___ '
- — 3
i IA E A.1.)11.N PIPE.
1 inch L r udoivipt,
i do "-An d• 1 ' i
1 1111 . 11 11.1 . - do . . • ,
..I tt A reieiveit and eta 54e by •
Atig. - `2l Ui-- ~.. 11. I.IANNA.N . A!.13.
- : 1
Mott.° . ;s 0
7_, , Ca.tS. - .' .
A New atal twaittiful attOC in shectS. j1134i received
.1.1 and fuyEale by i J.S. 13ANNAN, Ag't,
Feb. •22, .
. !, '
TEA -PAPER.—A beitutiful article of Tea pa.
VS, for the .uso of .I'vlerellants, just•receised
and tor b;ile by.
Feb. S, 18,1 k,
. .1
.. • . 9
. , ..
..._._ • „ -
......,. •
~ • • . - . .1., ", 7: t.i . 1 l,i,' . E
'7 . 1 f..7;r11 1;71 . *:: . '• • '... .". - J :. )::..- .'- ' ' '.ll."'i , l''t i"' '
T r ••.
, 1 The Franklin Insnranee Co
Capital *400,000,_ raid in - •
• Mara. Perpetual, I • • !'
, NTINVE NCtitake Insura nce;'pennhnent aurtlitn
v ited, on every description of property,iooiind
country om the uoual favorable terms; Otfice
Chestnut Street near fifth ,fitreet:L• i L .
, CILART.Ei4 N. tiANCKE Presitfent.
• iiIIinECTOAS, • .1 , 4 - '
Cbarles.X. Banker,. &mast Grant,
Anna Scott, ' ' Prederieh Brae:::, !
Tawas Hart.-Irtrob N. 'lath,
Thomas S. Who - Gen. Il e . Itiihards,
• Tobias Iraonts • . Lexis. '
Ttie autn.criber Mis been fifinintert• Use ISt for the a
bove mentioned Institution. Wed is • nosy" prepared to
make irpoiriariii., on every descriptioo - el i f - prepeity, nt
the lowett Wee. • . I ,
ottsville, June 1 1 .9 . , ' 15 - 11, ' ANDItE r
~ OFFICE OF T.llEi •
. .
• -
Spring Garden Mutual ;nsnr4uxee
• - Company • i.. ;-
T •
ins Company 'having organized .neni Ito Ito the
provisions of it; cliartor. is TiAi . ;:prrpared to make
Instainees against ,loss by rice on the intim:ll rriticiple, I
I . llo,Ried with the, security of a joint 'flock capital.—
advantage of this system is. that ellicient Lt4ieurity
is atitirded at the linvest rates that thettnipittess' can lie
done rot - , as the whole moats (less an; ham eel ;110t to
exceed 6 per rent. per:Annum on the capital) wilt he re
• turned to the members of the institutioh, without their I
heetninf: reSpotisible for any of the engagements orii
abilities of the Compatir, further than the prentiUms ac
tually (tail. , .-
, , ~ I a`'
'rho groat succeittr whirl; 'this. tqriten.) ban met Willi
wherever it has born hitroduccd. iT;ITIllt IllOgreClON
T O reTPT'''' Iht'illtirottlin of the ittibßc i o it, Confident
tli'lit requires Ina toth,..tool irstood toil; appriciated.
. 1 00 .,,,,-, ~ a r 111,1041 r :010n, and any es id ona tio t . in i i,,..,
po o l t o it. jaav: 4t. obtojond , Ity ;Lit . ,,l lig at Iltu . O . ffire
•Mllll-r,r r o arer ~.', i:lis ard ftvvd ,10 . .,6•.if £l. 11,IN .
NAN, Poitsviik. i , " - . -
I,. , ,,wftENr;ij firlij;.lThtll,Yeesiiletit:
h. KULT, MIAAR. Secretary. 2 , 1. ;, . ' I
' 1 ll1111:CTORS; . , • t..,
l'itrwin ti , toildart. - Holten It . T.MiZheati
..10,-pli Wllllll, , , GeOn:! . M, Troutnnin, ,
' Elijah Ballet', Samuel Tomo-et:L.l,j .
. P. 1.. Inguemone, Charles to lies. . 4 ,
Iteofge \V Asli, A .-Iran:n:01 NrkiliP.
•Alay 11, Lill. •
[ t, HI-- •
The i w
tiliritist tris been appointed .gent frot the a
itl'v p ( "tiatit:t l ;Y• and is cow ready:to it :Ike ins4ances
on ;Lo tt d. os , riptiok of plom•rzy at r.t is murti InWer ,
thin usual. vat . % iou from ..,'..! .7.0 nn' t ie :1 01 ttr , 10 .$lO
-per S.lopy atiitnally',. 'Vim rates perfottn; fly ritt'siiitte and
toirk Buildings iii boot lonitions is Lints 2 per rein—and
lithe ronenny :limit.] prove tobn a piritable Cilltrerll.
th..p.:l -4, in , imotrirt in it po naloi of tit profita•Without
inclining. any'. ri IL. The dinner , tst the Phme as
Alio, of the Instiratiee rompattie's I; New rngland.
For further port thlara appLy to `the subscfilier.,
• , B. BANNAN.
, ,
&—TIIIS.ST 01. 4 ,
OPTICE 159 (111ES'Nti
'I%TAKE Incoraore - iin Lives.craPi
dowinent., :int! rit e
• Rah, for, in,:rivg . 891 T 011
Age For I ear. For: yea!!
$0 ' •
I I ;:er
• 40 • • I • - I : 4 3.!
- • 00
4 ;tri , •
•I. !
:—A!lT'ori'ma :Ivo! :01
riltninft4/ :11. would !
:tinily la 4400, Silitia , l he die in
f. 13 111 ttr seetirC:i do I1ieni:!<10 1 00; or
oily for 7 yrariii; be secures II)11 , 111
die 101 rears ; fors23 paid !
lire he provide. Ifor them *IIPIO tvir
11 , r 0550 they would receive 6':',1100
one year.
' 1 .1 LA:ART S . :fl, ISIS.
THE Ma!tay.e* of this Company; ad a Iticetlor. held,
Mt the 2711t'Itciletillwr
.nit.. agreealily to thi desiign
referred in the ieriginal prosper: n+ or cirettirir of the
eiwittanyi appropriated a Holing er addition toil'', poll
i ie., for the-Med, 4.1 isle, 1 , •111,1illit12 is. ro ,o, Ihat
t. ere is:ateil prier to the Jul of Jannaiy. 171 1 -t l'hofie
ritltlpini thertifoil,e whirls were ii -sited in th, ).:.r It...XL
will li- entitled to 10 per rent upon lie *nos litwitredi i
oinking no addition of 1100 of ere y Itilki i i That is
:511011. will lie 0 lid when the policylhecom,..i a l m a j„,
iii,tend of the .$lOOO origionllY li=ars' I. Ti00..0 poliyie,
tint %, 00 , 6,4 •,1 in 1 , 77 will lie etp I led In Sillier rent,
or f 0 ,7 50 on ev j er Illi:O. Anil !hike ,iioateß in.lri..lo,
will lie .milled to 71 per retii:or ri7.l on elvery•lno.,
and in ratable Proportions ME alls•liil Indira's I.sued
. prh , r to let o.' ihnitat). I'l'2. ' -' I • •
'llhe Bono, Will he erviliteil to eitri. 11010 1 } on the'
-i ..
u..flt, ~d,,r,,lkits presentational th . (thee.. •
It is the ilii,ign of the rottipatq'. toirnittintiri In tnake
addition or biiiiirl: to the pnliet6 or Jife at nutted
periods. 1.1
1 i IL NST. 111 CIIA• It S, Pri,shient.
t .
1 . low; F.i J1M.... -Actuary. , I . 5
CrTlh.saTtJrrihor.has been approh ed Arept for the'
above Inslitilliilit. and i.. , prepaied ..11 ..., 1 liistrranei , on
I„ive.. nt the pulitiyheil ratei..aod giye an y info'rniatlor
desired on the 4Ubjert, On 11:Oneatialll `:11 thil • Odle,
l'ilth , ville Yeli. Oils, • i I l 5 t
.Sarsaparilla Illoo:
rii.itu,:s t.r PHA, in
iiila in - thldr romp,— • I
ThrY PurifY ibe Mom] and FlublA'
eloailoT th,,Siq:citii. and Bowel, is
stanc, that di , enso.
Vt.!. are era0p.,•.!,1 I.llfilVIV
(rre, from Mitre - I,y and min',r•L'l4)
e aft .tt.l min.t %Alb:3 ,- 1 ,0 4A
~ e yrral tbduFF'vtl rerlifirattsof 111511
!afore been an•l• their s:
onno4llp by 111.'1ns:1111P. Afore than ;
have already lieen !Add sinry their it
rr", , E 10,0,0'
._ . .
have heel, saidd in Philadelphia alone, the }ta-t year;
1 hos s how Utz that ii the piano wheol I her urO• inanufac-
Itirc,l they have a repot:mon% greater than ' f atty oilier
inlls—ii bid. iqrces from the fact du t Dn. lactov r+ well
ktintrir or hotne,ox a rro•ular P.l!loirir a, and Ipi pills air
convevteDtly l employed with grey er conlitattuee than
any other; in a•l•lition fo their own cid - Wary. i
livality andlitot .1111,1104 is a v. nalde aril iliule lie
ini.;:inu 1., ttoon; one Ina doing inn le . good than two to
how of ethers.
• Be advised] 'therefore, when lid es,ity I.egnirra to
take none •oltfrthan . I
Try then,: Wet, cost but 25,nt0 ( hor.) Try Myth:
- I , n well sat will you be of their g ~,, ilietreetit, you
will never lakle any others. .4.11••r i pin hare tried all
other hunk:fir,. repnr. Leidy's Illiind 1ti1144 the dltret -
core will soon he discovered. No itattee .)'dirt tin re
straint front occupation, of fear of catching cold n-ett
lie apprehended; yout; and old tudyy take qua with L
I tilL t l !„- Is i lr
i . r i ' n .. ?.; : ,,0 1 0 1 - - „„ ~,,,i 11,0.1,)1)n !.rail}''' Health
Emporitint, NO. 191 North SECONP i•Creet.inear VINE,
(sien of the tlolden Ball and rieriulnts) PlOidelphia.
Also, he Melt &L'o., 'WeilieriO. & t'...,W. ri3 alt &
Sons; A..`E.Rotterts & Co., and city Druggists gen
erally. , _ i
Al-01wl'. Pomp and .1. llicksori„ Easton; J. S. Lona,
Lancaster, ant , Inost respectable Druggi tl ;111,1 Store
! kerp , rs in tiii United Shites. I, ~
Al+o :0.1. G. 1311OWN • A (late ~'y. T. Eptinei.) Drilg
Store, C••ntie: street, Pottsvillti. i I
Man* lit
;13: DANNAN Ag't.
• '
- -
- - •
• i
Roussel's unriv alled Shaving
• •
{. •
A new and, l sittentlid article, is itow nniv'rrs:lll7, ark
nwledthhi•saperior to any' :Shaving Cleans in the
United Statei , or 111/trove, 7 • I.
Thin deliatitfol pf ep.11 . 31 ion
pitrity, and qat7ranro ; triall,2,3‘ts to
Gtteriatt;', , Ambrosial Cream, WO usher innilar com
pound, it fat .mrll:l,.'S Thrill all by the rqtioll lent naFtY
ronshdency of its' lather, Whieir,..s+oftells the heard
cis to realer shavins:llrh , atit at i. id ert” it posJ,*ses
.great advantages over the lona:in' mon t h% i n tiring
freAdy prepared froth tie twst material,' scuts tin great.
e e l s k i ll,. and is not only 11;•• hest) , tool atop the citrapeet
'`finticla (or Elr,vi"- itis put !up it; boxe.•!,
with splendid .
J:1-d received:ma for.cite by :
Nov., 9, !
ItOUSNEVS 17..1L5311; ELiXIII.
. •
lAUGIER, for the No l uth nail Teeth.
II 11:is beeti 111 . }fare: Oast, tbelAt'ori t le
rUIS ‘7;l2olesoffie and delightftil otioptalgie Mike
P" hoot of . the ell known buuse L, Lief.
, d" Parts, for limming the Itqtallt freAt and weer,
pre,erving ' li puns tau toialthy condition, aitA 'con-
ScriMnilly y.YI tug lee: &ray itf toot lit it e, eOll
- I:l..CiletteilL article l'aris. and is he- -
yowl (Umpat t-on the must Intatiiiftil and ' perfect . prep
aration of the kind i•ver oticrech to the tonce it
has rereiKeil . the.hiltlo:st approbbtion of the most emi
nent denta streettn• tif this city: •
• The b;ao 1,147,b9: eleZabtly not op in glass bot
tles Willi tql.ur,lb.l laaeLS, tsv bettallfill end Valua
ble ankle for tlw. toilet, and only .needs to bo known,
to be fidly apprqclated. •
Jost received and fox axle by i • - iDANNAN:
Ziov., 9 95+; ; ;
, ... 17 .,-..,- ..---,- - c --:-..1- z , = r , r ' 1 ? . --. t "
c r.,.
:...., ..„,.........__.„...___.._,..,_•,__ ~........„...........:1_..___,..,.,...„:
..r -
Cheap Book & Stationery More.
rpuE subscriber lins recently fitted up his rstab!ish-•
inent,'and determined to sell all kinds o r
.54ch00l Book"; "Flisrellaulaus Books;
Blank Books,. - Statinnarv,.
Adel Stationatn.' *
' Wholesale and Itetail, at the lowest PLiladclyhii
Cash prices. Being ,determined to - accommodate the
Will-, he respectfully solicits the patronage oral! those'
in wantofartirles in his line of business. . . ,
Cr Country Store-keepers; Te:irliers and others, sup.'
plitd wholesale nt the very lowest rash prlrei?.
'co: If Storekeepers and others, will Im kind enough to
Porn's), us
.with'a list of the Books, they require; we,
will be happy furnish them wittia list of Our prices
per dozen; in order to satisfy them, that We do sal
goods-at Philadelphia prices. . ; • .
'Mat 2, tt- •' • .n: 11.1 N"N .1! 4 : Agent.
Whele,sale and. Retail' Store.
MIRE snhscriher is induced from the very liberal en
couragentent he has received (and MOM from the
necessity of Their being a cheap Retail Fiore, in this,
part of t he town) has procured and willkeep c'omnantly
on baud—Flour, salt, Tea, Sugar. Cotne, CheeSc,,
lasses. Vinegar. &c., &c., which in coulter i ion,with his
present stock of Hams. Shoulders. - MaCkeral, Herring'
and Coil fish, Brown, Yellow and-White Soap:: Also 'a
verystinerior article of ure Palm. Almond Mid, Fancy,
SollA—Sperm and Tallow entull.zs—Winter and Fall
ettr tined Sperni Oil. atc. &r.. &c. All of width he will
at-thn lowest Cash Retail • Prices—And td fainilies;
or those buying to sell. again al - Mind deductii,u will .be
made, iriproportlon lo the quantity taken.
• • .; 4 ? EDWARD YARDLEY, York Store..
P. S.—Front the faCt of my' having- - a - perott,in the .
City, whine time . atiii altention,,iii,devoted to the'selec,-;
thin, of the•anicleii I mono, s etting, h ave h es „i t ,
thin - in saying that I can furnish gonda as cheap, as a ny
in and judge. for yourselves;
• Potbitiile, Sept. 23; 1543, 1 : • : E. Y:
' Petfurneryl Perfumery
rp E enhsc r has, just. opened a lot or Elegont
1 at d Superior French Perfumery, 1:11110ilff which
li .4. rlTl3,Cologne,Floritla Water. honey Asa ter, it ,
. ve y pleasant perfume, and is an exeellent article for
kepping hair in curl for either Ladit•s; Gentlemen or
`fi. l lildren; Roman Kalydor, for, the Complexion,
,sinelling Bottles, Lavender Water, Roan Wi4ter,su 7
p er tor j;,-i•ief.t , Oil, in Pots and B Marrow to.
mount, Orris Tooth Wash, Toilet Powder; Powder
lloy's and ruffa, and 1 udiqn 1)) e:for ctil
ourilig Hair d beautiful br,:wn dark color. Ma
cassar Oil. Scent Bags for draweri, cow e Otto of
I;oses, in Bottles: Brown :Windsor, 111UsL. OrUlige
,13. d lemon, Otto of Rose, &c.. tVe Soaps, A so.
Glenn's Saponacerms Compound for solving,
RousselPs Celebrated Shaving Cream, ;
oussch's Emollient JaminaceourPasie,frir whiten•
ing and softening the Hands, and Preventirg , chap-
iiussell's Balsamic Elixer of !Angier, for f ie Mouth
and Teeth', keeping the breath- frkrh end sweet,
preserving:the gums in a healthy condition, and
preventing the dcca3.inz of the teeili,reediaitneridcd
try cinineut Dentists.
'or sale at Philadelphia-prices , by . =
B, _Agent.
sT.I •
December, '23,
rtniit silliserilier has Oa-received n beautiful ns-
U of Hair. Hat Crumb it (lathe Tirti;liem..
flnrn 10 rents': in sl27l,rif Ainerierm netaafertare, bet
ter, Mid 111(Milleri 01,111 the
Pre tali ariirle,All will he slit ccrt• .theap.—
toe (lit Ere Ladies' Hair Iltiishes. •
1.11,:N3. HANNAN, Ateal.
Siipleuthur 21, •
Intaititts kna En
S. Life:
411 77
* .26
,eNt WWI-day,
ecure I ' ll lift. ft ..
ine yen, I; or for
ler $l3 c,O 11111111.
4100 ii :sli)iiilii lie
',mon:illy! during
•never lie dies. ;
chuuld lie die iii
School Books, Fano; Stationeay, •
141, , iellaneous , Books, . Common Smtioiicrv,
Blank Books,Paper Ranging:,.. , .
Paper ruled, Borders, &c.,
Da plain, • ' Black, blue t it. red Ink,
Wrapping,_Paper, Perfumery, &c.,
Blasting - do . •-• i
The subscriber has just received a large supply
of the above named articles, embracing a large and
general variety, allof whiCh he will sell %,:linlesale
at Phihidelphia pi:ice4--rrnd by renal, 2 illphiber of
the articles will .be sold' much lower titan in 'the
city. - '. 13. BANNAN, Agent.
February 8, - • i . i •• 6_
! .
rigir. subscriber Iris been aptibiumel Atielit, fi.r tip!.
.1. sale' of these Books in 'tictt3lkill cotinty, and 1;
prepared In furnish Diem wholesale; at 110 publisher's
prices. The Aerie, imilmares : , 1
Readers Nos. I, land 2,
Nev Sequel, .
New North Amerrerw. Reader. ,
A New Arithmetic will be' published FhertlY.—
Srhoiii Directors, Teachers and others, are invited to
examine the serleu, ' i
• D. BANNAN, Agent.;
Felt. 22,. , i' 2,--,
Superfine extracts for the
yen ratcriaely, Vdrvetti
1.3 te.e. Toziittiiir with lhloriti•ri ., terirtiint 1137.?,
Ottn of in vials, for Wail . ..N. tr:eilyi,r with
a 21.11c•rni ssort :tient of 4tous*elre 6;h:heated Perfulne
r, jurt received and for Fate by
' BENJ. HANNA ' S:, Avid.
No . :chiller 'V
• I
• few rge
Family Quarto Bibles, at $l,OO each, ijns
received. Also, School jliblez at aik•centa e.aelt
by the dozen—and beautiful l'estameits, letteied,
as low as Si 371'per dozCn. For,;abi by
nr tbe ibntly, arm
al all no/jou:
ritke them
if any Miter pills in
mlicao Imre here
are., casior.,
;One boxed
ru lu'litgt.
00 () X 1,3
Feb. 8, 2543
I . ,
~.- nnoZ EN sT.ATEs, tete,lesaleatulr...i!lil. rangiti2
‘ - ' v froni 31; to $2 per Dozen Jain t-miv ed and for
sale by ! , a, At..etit.
;gave li 13, , ~
• ". .
. :
Min: sohscrilter has just re wired on' n,tortment of
111. Ataps on rollers elenntly encored. ! nt ohmic one
fourth the price usually :dd, bintqlo ice to 1:5 a l cm
brachiLf : Aiii • : : •
A Map . of the World, c In ,•'. ok • ft '••= On
aps of the United Stales, : : ' :: • 2 011
Do : do 1 t.:,
lin chi
tharls of, tile Presidents'. . ... I 2...1
Totrether with Mitchell's Trrtieller's Giti4e. throttoh
the United Mutes—Maps of thelitates, toias, &c..
June 13' .i—
-. ..
: . ,
NoTE Y:1I'1:RS AND EN1E1:01 . 1% - ~5
Ol.' the latest and most fitshiatribk style, to
gether ,with Mourninir Note !japer, jtSt re
ceived and forsale by B. BANNAN, A E ft
November '2,
D. B. Smith & Hilgsan.jr.
Manufacture:sofPliarmaceutict4and Chem
ical P4aralioa : s impolers r f l;'l.,reign D ups;
D YStel ASS, lirtivzists itiiit.i,'tiwykt•opyr4 stippling'
with mndirinns of the hest liberal, torinF.
I.3w:tis. fat trartgliuz va -
Tivs‘itrinit, nviv wittrrli,4miirt rate.-Clieiti
ithibi, with particular regard to their pUrity
August a
. .
Plillailelplaia Auction Sales.
C. J. WOLDERT, Aucliunter.,
No. 51 Mann= sr. BLIAW BECtlxl2l ST. PIIILAD,A.I
Imported and American Dry God t. & Friday,
• ) I an lugs
st o p Grinds —r,very Wmine,iddy kfierc t mu:
.[loins,latt.e--TnaAuys and Frhial-i - at.l2 Wein&
ti coiintry :kterchants Nvin tlnd at status, a I d rge
and urnittal U neut . tifltrilit'irted and ihimi , stie sta•i
ple and Panay Gicidi. to witlelidlieir :ittcnti , lll in invited
Gouda delivered an the th.t r y'Zaif itr !fa a rescnn
sil;le Iv Will be in who for a small re
tuttneration, will pick and forward gods an directed.
l'inlada., January 11,
Ropes i & - Blocks.
AXILLA and iiemp Ropes of all slses
- IPeclis t for - Pullie4„ Oukual, Tar, ; Pitch,
Paints, and Oil. Paint Brailtes, &a. alwaye
ready, and for sale cheap by
Wt§f: & 'Pa om AS,
Rope Maltere,Spruee S,t. Wharf, Philada.
rebrUOXV 15, 1845. .1 ' " 7-21 u
Slates! Slates! I
' J. '
IThere was a time Wltert teas' eery ituit,
When my whole Irmo was but an ell in height,
Swettly ; as I recall it tears do full,
And therefore I.reealfil , ,with delight,t
. . - .
I sported in my tender mother's' arms.' '
And rode on horseback on best lather's linen ;
Alike were somcms, passions, and alarms,
And Gold, and Greek and love, unknown,to me
Then seetned to melhis World far less in sin,
Likewise it seemed to me less wicked far;
Like points' in 'Heaven, 1 'saw the, stars spite,- •
And longed fOr wings that I might *catch a star
I saw the moon behind - the island fade,
And thiigltt, , O were d on tit* 'island there !
L could find Out ofr l tt - the,Moon
. is made, '
. Find out how, lar — t is,-hoekound, how fair!'
.Wandel l ilo, I ;saw God's sun,' through western
skies,• • ,
ink in the o c ean's golden In di night, /
An :Yet upon the morrow, ea • •
• A d point ~ the" elstiirn -ticacen with , • mon
And thought of Cud, the gra . droui, - Heavenbt Fa
ther, .• •
Who made me!and that lovely -sun • oit high,
And all those .pearls of Heaven, cthiek, struiig
zether, • "
• Dropped, clustering from his hind o'er all the
. v.
'With 'childish reverence my 'young lips Alia-say,
The prayer my pious mother taught to rue.;
'Oh, gentle-God 0 let me strivenlways
Still to be wise' and good, and follow thee!•
So prayed If , or My father M . id my mother, ~
• , And for my sister, and for all the town 1,
The king I knew not, and the begfor brother,
Who, bent with use, went sighing, up and
. - . ,
They perished, the Wyllie days of boyhood per-
And all the gladness, all the peace I knew!
Ntiw have I but theirniemory, fondly cherished
- God! Way I never, never loose that too.
Lin; int.txtun.
Correspondence of the Newark Daily Advertiser
- TIOT-1.01.118 11111',IIYE-B.VS- •
The C arn i va l with all its ph-aspics, extravagan
eel and" absurdities is ' finally finished. The
numerous 'crowds of joyous brings no longer throng
the theatres -and other dancing; salcnins. The
relgu oC•Musard the Great,' the distinguished cum
,l44er of quadrilles and dances, is at an end. At
ori;:i of the last balls at the Grand' Opera, where he
officiates as conductor of •the two hundred musi
cians ,there collected together, a 'masher of the
;giddy dancers, snaking their way through their
midst, penetrated to his throne, and - taking him
thence, bore bins in triumph around the theatre,
Which rung with the , voices' of some six thousand
persons, shouting wise Musard, the King . of the
Dance. The • greatest excitement prevailed for
, some length Of time - in spite of the efforts of the
seldiers and munieipal guard, always present In
nil public assemblies to tirevent disturbance.—
*Fardi Gras,' or the 4th of Februaryheing the last
day rif the Carnival, was the . ,great holiday of the
season. Into this day is crowded more of folly
and mirth than any othei . day in, the year. The
whole, cornmun4 Mi
_are pertted on thisday p
to a
pear nAsqued in the street„ and undercover of this
license to commit a thousand extravagancies which
rimuse this easily excited people. On the Bohle
yards—the . fashionable promenade—crowds, of
people thronged the trottoirs to witness-the mas
(Piers, who, dressed in r every color and fashion,
rode through the street inaspen vehicle's. One I
saw riding a poor old horse, whose every hone Was
distinctly visibte through his Shaved skin. The
WindoW of a victualler in the vicinity attracted a
large'Ciewd. In it was displayed a large turkey,
ripparently of some 30 lbs. weight, stuffed with
truffles. On it was affixed a label, stating that it
Was to be sent to the Duke of Wellington at a cosf
of , 160.
Mahli-Gras is the gala-day - of the butchers: and
the prineipal'obieet of attraction is the procession
which is forme3 by theta. It is but the senmant
however, of a ' ore* ceremony ofolden times. The
Iprogress ul modern refinement has gradually been
dettacting from the linterest formerly attached to
;it, and soon like - athers Of these customs it will fall
linto disuse, and finally be neglected. ,From .the
fact of en ox.:Z:the latest, and fattest which can be
found, !Mingled around the city in triumphal pro
'l cession Mid afterwards slaughteitd, I have thought
that it mightte the remnant of souse religious's!).
lemony, and that the ox was sacrificed to Jupiter,
or some of the other heathen divinities.- As, it is,
I will'attempt a slight description. In ;order to
make the entire circuit of, to visit the nu-
Merous public slaughter-houses, two days are em
ployed, _Mardi Gras-- or,ShroYe Tuesday, and the
Sunday' preceding. They visit the King, Minis
ters of State, and other funetioniries. I ne s pres
ent at the Palace of the Tuileries on the visit to
I Imuii Philippe. First, seditely marched n de
tachment of the Municipal -Guards,. then a band
of musicians, each in a:different dress of the most
I fantastic character playing the popular airs of the
•day„ehese were followed by a detachment of
- young butchers on horseback, whose garbs repre
sented the fashions of the courtiers of by-gone
days. :Surrounded by six or eight athletic - then,
'bearing axed or other implements of this kind,
With wreaths upon their heads, who tnight bet:ail
ed the pall bearers, came the colossal ox—lhe re
' nowned •Father Grotiot,' us he is styled—having
a velvet mantle tinnincd - with gel I lace upon .his
batik, and his silvered- horns glistening Mthe suit
beams. For a wonder the . sun shone brightly for
, the first true during ;many week's. In fear that
he tnight he unable to walls : 1 00 days thjs pro
' cession, his place was tilled on Sunday by one ot
the live others who Were competitors for the hon.
i I
ors ofMardi-Gras. After him came a triumphal
car, drawn . by four horses in gorgeous trappings,
in which were eight ur -ten of the htitehers, appa
rently representing the mythological: divinities.—
In their midst was a young ehild.of some flee
years of age who is called _ lle wakeloth
ed in a white muSlin frock Willi,short sleeves. A
his head-was a wreath of roses. I pitied
the child. for the day, was very cold. Oil the Sun
day previous his little eons were purple, anli he ;
trembled ineoluntarily. Enaeloper,in a cloal and
in my thick' cfioilling I was unce,nll3:table - oulthis ,
one of the coldest days. f the sea:on. In the court
yard of the palace the procession Itaite.l. The
King, Queen, 1111 , 1 the young Couneuf Paris. the
tier to the throne, cattle out upon the balmily ;
and saluted the numerous crowd which fined the
ple_ai. "It to notice the feeble shouts
of the people, at the a ppraraphe of the King. I 1
binged to hear those old walls ring and his ears
be regaled With such huzzas as greet Daniel 'Web- '
de , Or any` of our great hams when comitig before
the, people:. I was 501 ry to sec.:rather proof of ,
!belittle appreciation the people Lace for a anon.
arch, the wisest m theworld, who eons:nits with -1
great tact, the best interests of Preece. '
At a sign from the King the eintege dismount
cd and while some'danced the Polka to the tine
music of the hand, others at his particular inane
lion, entered the ' , slice, bearing with them
s I.
. , j
who probably was not sorry !o have 'an opportu
rkitj;- to warm his dulled members.' During: this
interview art incident worthy of notice occurred.
While the Atentioti cif the royal family was other
wise directed, one of the butchers in the garb of a
courtier-4- theaatne of Louis . 'l.lth: node his ap•
pearance in the baleony,. but which a short time
previous had been occupied by the 'King. lie
was receives by
the crowd-Iv:lth great cheering.—
A liven.l menial Ittrikitig hint authoritatively on
the back,soon brought him to his proper place.—
The interview finislted, they returned to their pro-,
per, stations, the cortege again comMeneeil its
march, rho IC.log retirod; and shortly after the
court yard was empty. The poor o*, too, 4 , 1011
finished his jouinO, and duly killed and dressed,
was eaten, a Portion by the rcyal funny of France,
another portion forwarded to London formed n part
of the Lent Dinner of Queen Victoria and her
spliuse—Marshal Soult and !the other ministers,
Shared the remainder—and thus endeth the days
._the Father tirotiot of 1815,
. • •
The evening,M this day, Was spent by many of
the inhabitants of , Paris in ahluding the masqued ,
balls..of which there were some twenty. The
halls 'at the barriers were also folly attettded.-:-• I
These are at the places called Out. 1
side orthe harriers, arc.the houses, and gardens , of 1
Araiteurs a kind of victualler. They are ;called!
..guingur-ttes,' and, hero the lower classes resort lit
great numbers to drink and to eat, for the wine,
and provisions not having paid the tax which is
levied by the government on every article which is
brought within the city walls; MY, itili-tl of
a better quality for thc sametinimey. For instance
a Manic of Burgunily wine pays 8 cis. duty :oinks
Worth i'2o city. ;n guinguettes it May
be obtained fur neatly half. the money.. NVlten a
~ ..
gtmeguette adds an orchestra and a ball room to i s
other attractions it is called a bastringe. At the
harder St. Martin, there are npmcrous places'. of
thissiart, antLfor a great number of years there has
existed a custom a custom at the eliise of the tar,
Hirai after finishing -
,the kilmeisocs of th e e:ty,
fir all the musquers to ride to this barrier. This
has received the name of 'the deseont:of the Masks.'
In order to see it, in the corn patty of MY friends,
I arrived at the barrier at A o'clock A. M. It be
hi, then too early; the cityliallsinot having finish,
ed, we went into- one of these bastringues. TIM
prilie of admission : : was 20; cents or I franc each,
i and eittided us to , admission and a bintle of wine
apiece. either white or red Idurgunily of quite a
good quality. See - tes then entering. with a bottle
in one hand, it tunibler in the' other, with hat askewl
endeavoring to have the appearance of 'being no
better than we should he: A very necessary pre.
cini::mi in this quarter of the city and at this time
of niglid. At tables around the room were seated
the Men, miaten Mid children of the lowest classes
of society, some nil:lg, ai;;lriiikin6•. Their soiled
dresses gave a not very pleasant odor to the place.
On doe side aMoichestra, of perhaps.c 'linen mu
! sit:bids were hard 'at' work, and before them ;i•' . o or
morel dancing with great energy, evidently . ,_
voritig te.get tuurranone y's worth.' •The spare
: fir dancing was surrounded by a fence, to keep Mr
; the crowd, for the dancers paid .for cachdance 5
1 centJ. A t;the and of the figure - the place was vs- .
cadent :Ina a man at the giltes took his toll on each
ono'as he entered. • Sonic time -was pa4ed here
quite ! pleasantly, but soon the masquers beginning
to arive we went:into the street tex.yiew them—
For !several liouri; we steed witnessing the eon
, .
stanf, succession of carrgiges passing by filled with
!:woMen and men, sonic having lanterns or torches,
laughing and shouting,' and at 7 in the morning,
! we retired, the current still rolling on. . .
ur luits....llNE.WH.trrnt
, .
Ttlwa4 night, and the streets were nearly de
serted, the more especially as it was 'snowing rast.
A single. travelldr, however, Might have been seen
wrapped in a thick overcoat, :urging his way a•
gainst the tenme4t, by the light ul the dim lamps.
Suddenly as he pa4sed- a ruinous -teneMent, the
figure urn girl started up before him. ,
• Please, sir, .She said, if lea only a--penny,
motlicrli sick. and we hare had notliiN-to cat to-
Th'e first impulse!of the moment wall to ~,o on.: '
the sec'ond to.stop. lie lookjd at the girl. . Her .
face Was thin and pale; and her garment's scanty..
lie was a man of-gond impulses, so he pet ilk,
hand towards his pocket, intending to give her a
shilling. But the traveller had forgot that his.u
vercoat buttoned tightly over his pockA.
'lt is too much trouble,' hr said to himself, 'and
this wind is very cutting. liesideil. these beggars
are Usually cheat , . I'll warrant 'Jab girl wants
the looney to Soitud r : in seine • gin-shop.' And,
speaking harshly, he',said, • 1 hate nuthiu,l for
i you! If you em really destitutc;the guartlian; .
I will take eare•of you. i , -
I 'rho girl shrank baelovithoUt a word, and drew
her - tattered garments around tier shivering 'form..
1 But a 'tear glistened nu her chvel: in the light pf
' tie dint lamp. : 1 . . : . •
- :The man pa:ised on, and, turning the next CON
nei•:, soon knocked. at thc.donr of a splendid than-,
1 sitmohroughwhose iichlY Curhtined windows a
Irosy li4ht streatria out_ aeros- the storm. A sec.
`want ,ntisequiMl:ly gave him' vatranue. At the'
sound 4)1 his I.iotstell the pa. lor_door was ~,,eu e ,,l,t
and !a - beautiful girl, :apparently - about set entecs4
sprang into his anus, hissed hint on the cheek,
and then began to assist him inreni.iviiig his o
vercoat. .
• 11/ hat kept you so lonA. dear pill 1' she said,
, If I had known wltere you were 1 would hate
I Sent the carriage. You i,eVer slay s, t p l4te. at the
oilier: - ! 1
' No, my loy,e, 1 w a., at my lawyer's, busy, Very
busy, and all fur yoU: and he kindly, patted her
check. • But , now,l Muggy, can't you give 'me
'tome supper !': !' , , ,
The daughter rank', the bell and ordered tlw stip
per to be served. It was such an. uric as an epi ,
cure would delight in, just the !sui;per foe a travel
lefon a night :like Tat. .
' l'a; said the2'daughter, wheat it tea: foUshed,
' 1 hope you amin igool Immo', for I. have a.fac
-Or to ask of you;zdol she threw her di 1 Ili around
his nrtk. and ; looked tip in his Lice with that Will
h llnti, sthile. and tho!se die:wilful doh. rtes of bars.
'1 wilt to gßie ii, Ball mu toy hiall day;priel4ll
- birthday.
,It will cost, oh ! a sc.:lJ it me;
ricy, ; but y'eu 'are a Lind, good papa. ;Ohl I lion.t ,
i - ybit have Ileill ,Lidees4l.; or you would not have
been at !..•tr lawye l r's: - .
. Yes, my darin4; he soil, fondly,kissing tier,
• the cotton epecu,itut ha turned out we I. •1
1 saltl Olt 1 Ilad ' , .1 tlui a; licW this afternoon, w.!eivcd
1 -
, t he owner, ond took it to my bewycl . b pilling him
to itiVe6t It in real estate.. I "think I shale give up .
I the bu:in'ess.', : - , '
,0 ! do; ild, papa. Eut you will give this ball,
toon't you 1'
• You litth tease,' Said the father, but he Fpokc
smi ingly tunt,'pitttint; his hand in his liocket
-I,Ook, 11e th. 4; out's note of five hundred dulars
vlaeed i; 1 t his thil(rS li:111‘1. •
l'ukr tbi , ; if it is not enough you mu , t b are
another, { suppose. But don't trouthe toe about
It tiny inure.
The ii t nortiing Urch clear, hut 'the snow
was a ilmt deer, bud I.ry here and there in itiu,n ,
drills, block tig, tli'doorway P. At tea o'clotlr
the rich met-imam, to !lii..-44)1111t
it1,..! r I 0 - 111/. He urstust down the eistrett•op,
.which ho had eeine t.;' prece jug e v e hjog; .A
cirontl hSJ gatlho i .,d rouod the open crllor doer of
a ruined tenement. 'l'tte inerehout paused to in•
quire what was the
A cet'kuitt, 1103 been found - dead, below
there,';sfoid O;te dthe spectators, starved .tu.
d itttt, it is said, ittiti • they.cave,eut far the coro:
her. 11cr thug'o'ter hiss cothe I..ick, after be
ing out all night. 1 believe she was begging:—
Thai's her m'Yoriing.' •
.4h! said the merchant, and a pang went
through his heart like en ice-bolt. for he rernernn
hered having denied a petitioner the night before.
aferrishe&titratAh-ths-...o)!stand.tleacmded the
eulror steps. A girlroyereilirili emaWißl
corpse that Isr,on a Lt stiiiif iknaw in one corner
of the.1 ) ..40 - "rit. t met4, , 'Ai vi t iOheAmi,P4o •be
had i reored ii l!otild - prro4-ItChe . mterelutpr.74o
hu,irm4trnejs., - , -,',::" ; ,"-3:1-n , ,-' - :. y in . ~.;,
- --
1 ' ' My - 'pour Aida: he'lfrirvt-,iiiiing hia, baud: en
t Ih`r aihnitakf. . yuu - :lo.o,,:i*l:itica 'fur; God fur.
. gine me metlenyitql'you , fill - ttigiti: : .„ Isis; aids
.1. thin:' amt he. put a hilf : ,triM Wr 1131 i'
_4 l' i ' .
Tile'giri I/n*lllllp aii!) . `itiiiCiI:" C LU I P I LIOITR;
thin she pialarkilii prolll•...rst.trol!lel 4 -::: - '11,....'
• - 4 it trill stn-no t en2; : . : atte-saitW mottfr"le,
dead:- and. she burst into-4) . 4 ,40ne teams t.,,„ .
'the merchant at that ', u
notient ' ertiuld' hive
. t eilio. . li.tif of Li's fortune'. .p.lia‘U - re-citlietl boa ,
The lesson thus lintrintil;fie,nevei forget.., The
merchant personally save ttiatAmlecent burial 'Wait
provided for,the motheTOttit afteniladoloult :Abe i
' dauiltter into his house,tahtellied her finis high
strait:in in life, and r on hor.knariaii•presente4 bet
with a proper doOrry. Ma': lived to hear her eta.
, . .....
dreu lisp their gratitude., .1 • • •
. ' '
NO. 20.
Ar INST NCI es Trltstrut TT ICA
chanci , d that Selim IL; Ot:e of the most c r uel *IA
supeptitious monarchs lirthe Ottoman dynasty.'
fell asleep tow;mlstuld-nafin the year 1765. ant!
no :one daring to uwakeoiiii, he thereby einitted
his, noon narnee. During] , this time he &coined
that I.limuel, son.of Atimhani..appeared to, him;
and, rebuking hint In Yeti : llAl ;language for his
somnolency, said. *SaerinCe forthwith a seven
days' old lamb. Situ oat a part thereof for thy . eie:..
nirig rePasi,,or thou thyself shall full a sacrifice to
thy — transgrossion., -
Upon this Solini awhke: in great trepidation.
and, sendin g for the sithji . e!'hashY. (be" c° 4 -.) .
commanded him to procure a seven days' „old •
land,. that he (the sultaqmight.sacritice it with
his own bands, and, when - :sititToil with currantir
and almonds, eat it foe hi. supper.— The hes&
cook, upon hearing th s had - well nigh 'dropped -
down dead with terrror; ;TM' tt was October.many_
montiti after the ewes had:ceased lambing. To
procure a young lamb was against . nature, to di.
ceive, the Sultan against it. He, neverthekis,
replied, *On my head wanton Went his
In vain the -nshje'eb.oilii- and his friend; the.
chief purveyor. despatched:messengers on all sided; ;
offering rich rewards tO Win who could procure a
young lamb; in vain violent hands were laid upon'
seorc'rtf innocent atainialfrisking and pasturing
upon - tlie• • surrounding heights.ile who t em •
pers the wind to a shOrn!lanb' denied ,a miracle..
Anintal4 five or six months- old were found in a.
bundatice ; but nut a sitt4le civil had yeatied since
the vernal egnitios. .remained, there.
fore. for the cook but to sOect the smallest, to deck
it off with ribbons, gilt paPer and paint, and to
present it to the Sultan's:Leith:ooth his own head,
if rernired. • •
Whilst this was pas:lllqm his mind, he . stoord•
his'oftlee near a large tdangal of lighted char.,
coal, and. the Item 'of lii4aftatt chancing to . Conti
iu contact with the ettill.kr4 his whole'dress was
soon in a blaze. In his trepidation he cast offtds
beating a:-r:reats 'flte. fire communicated ; to
the light draperks of the and windovis, and
ere many" seconds the lyliole . chamber '.was' in
•flames. 'llw alarm wits Sohn ,given and assistance
procured, but the fury of thatlames was so in.
time as to battle every 11TOrt. In less than half
an hour the whole rat4e kitchens and.oflicei
near' the second Seinen§ Court were reduced- to•
ashes, and the conflagration was with , difficulty
prevented front cum*niceting wlth the Ha.
10 D..
...I'he'Sultan, who sat in one of kiosks, mix. •
iously awaiting the nrriiwril of the sacrifice, was
immediately apprized of this misfortune; and forth- ,
with hastened to the spot: •The sight of the built
edifice seemed to effect him' deeply, end' Ile
stoucl fora while gnotionleas and silent. His .
mittens:dream apirred jhalf accomplished.--
Rousing htmeelf sudderh, howOci; he looked'
arMiihl. and then in' a lond. - voite eAoaiii3c43,- ,
Where is the 'esbjce ba;ikir
In a fC.-w , seconds the trembling cook appeared..
and cast himself. et the sulfari's feet; . The latter . ,
then placed his foot neck and roared out,
• Kaffir dog ! where is tuy - jarnb 1' To -this' thir
prostrate wroch replied . ,!• by the Sultan's, beard.`,
it is not my (hull. God !hjs willed that it should
he,eonsimied like the . Faeritice made by Abrehani.
"Upon this the Selim grui s alifd his' teeih And trem
bled with fear and cln4r'::• .Seeing the . Atha of
JanisSaries .stand by, the, despot peitited firieto
'-cook, then to the burning edifices. 'ln an instant
meri.the miserable Ufteititi•r - was cast headlong
into the flames. This being done, Selim retire;
shut himself up in his h4rem, and endeavored by,
many prayers of superrog4ion, to make =Oita
far the omission M . the ailipoon:
These eireumatanees,'recoutited by the Turkish
historian Itasettid. tney bdoseggerated. But ther e
eau he no doubt that thi.eirmit produced such en
effect upon t•ielines: aupeistrtious and, cowardly
mill that he Tell into a-•elte of profound
cholY laid languor... Ere :many months, ho was
seized with violent colic's, and fever, of' which-be
died in great agoity; attritnititig his death to the
destruction of the intendeOactifteu 'and the buin-,
I ing of his kitchen. : • , •.
•. , , .
Vag' C SNi TIALTSM Cy r.
Cathy; of of human 'flesh , is not confined to eases
of sacrafice for religintl4miposcs, but it le Vile.'
' tised 'from habit and.' The etistence of can-•
intlependant iii superstitious notions, _
has heel' dotilited-to There can be no
question that:although ,iOnny, have originated ai
a sacred rite, it is continued in the Feejee group' I':
for teze,niere pleastifem(eitting4iuman flesh as a
loud. Their fondness loCit. will ho understood
from the custom they hay . e: 'of sending portiobsOf
it to their friends aka dis(ance, - as acceptable.rne
:seats; and the gift is ealtet), even if decomposition
have begun before it iijfieCiVCli. So highly. .
Al l ey esteem this , food, , the greatest raise
they 'can bestow upion &delicacy is to say that it •
as tender as a dead m,tt. Even their sacrifices
are made more frertin.uti; not merely to pally
fre'.ioc, , s of 'tevenqe. haVt'o, indulge their taste for
this horrit3Tood. In to this propensity they
affect li e di,, g‘ ji,-,e ; " , 1 have! myself frequently spo
with them c oncerning . it; and received but
one answer both heat and common people,
that it wasp:eke (2.00ij,Y.i.. The bodies of enenms
slam in battle are eaten. The Ferjeeana •
hove 4.r banquet pfian the flesh of flair dear
est friends ; and it-is cirri related that in times , of
scat city, famlics will titake• an eicrhange tor chit.
dren for this horrid - The floah of women
ttpriiii , :rell to 'tit at of Men ; and they consider the
Ileth of the a-m a tioveihaelbaw, and of the thigh
a s die d it liCemit parts; 4/ . 4 !vvonien 'are not allorred
to rat a openly; bLit it:;ts 'said that the wises of
chief; do'partake..4 it tu.ltrivate. It is also for.
bidden to the
,xei i r .'eatuttion people, finless
there la , a , i rreatititlitit, , •'; faitthey - bare no op-
pick , r4 VltAione.. As 'further in'
4/LITICt/rOf the. , c ambaletip ! eirsities, and t•, show
thattlie iifterift e•of to erectly their paS. •
id - tins and appetites i s il'imost a daily occurrence. ,
I feast frequently Olies'idace among the chiefs, to
whill it is re fl owed log thee OCCA•
-ions Tanoa, bon" prio a n d•ii-itentation, :always
fnntiAtes a human rOdy. whale's' bulb is
U1N1.11.. lie pt ice oil a liifMan life, even when the '.
party slain is of ratilc.'it'S'at ill pc shown by the fol
lowing anecdote i o.4:alett, the youngest son of:
•Tat,o a, while,p,isiin.; the north end of Ora
lon iii his c anoe, a 114bing,party, He at
one:• ileterminej to porira::,s of % .ihat, th e y
hod taken: anAf the'portase dashed in among
them, nod lined Ids ni•444l:tit. - The. shut Lined •, 1 :
N•outig mail, who Ii ivc 'to ho a atepheiv of 'Ni .
lievoka, Ise Chief 10I:ant, and was recognised
by ,o l ne of iiivalt , :esltiliowers. :This discovery
di.f not prevent choir ciii . ! rying the Ithly to Atntrnnj
1 ••••• orori; ogler to prevent it from'
beinu kiehen dire, ihei face WAS di-6Z,Uitti try
broiling it in tliellire.inithe'ranoe„ TanoJ, how.'
ever. ,iti , )ll aw.iri-. , 14 the fact, Intl torthw lin '
sent a vlialit's'to ; ith to t• c SAW. Et(
hislo.s Ingellwr, µitti lliyuultet of - little fitii,el4
cult from the peo i ile fri , titi, a. a
offerin4\ • The rOniniciXon was received by Tut:
I . .ectikit as sufficient a more notice was taken:.
of the matier-!-•;copt.:i4WAt.s.
1 lE Our fair fdends. taiWt to hare the fitish
1 health ou their cheeki4; - 8 . 111 the rich rii3e-leaf Wit,
on-their lipg, let/Ahem !vigil ;In hour o tiro each
I by - in the oi;en ltir, itililin., , , the fragrance. wh;ltt
eani,loyeil in tw ining ii:l:cilltivatinj their .11.y14
I .
. I .