BUSINESS DEPARTMENT• TERMS OF THIS. PAPER. Two DOlimo per annum, payable semi-annually in advance, by those who reside in this county—and annually in advance by those who reside at a distance. If not paid within the year, $2 50 will he demanded Vivo Dollars in advance will pay for tree years subscription. . , Terms io Adtrextisers. To' merchants and others who wish to adver tise by the year, with frequent changes of adver tisements, the terms will be $ 12 per annum, in chiding the paper, or $ to in advance ; Two squares with the paper, without change, $ 10 per annum, or $ 8 in advance.. One square of 12 lines; with the paper, sB,ors 6 in advance: Bu mess Cards of 5 lines, $ 5 with the paper, or $ 4 in advance--3.lines $ 3 with the paper, or 2 with out the paper. Larger advertisements will be published t as per agreement . One square of 12 lines, one dollar for 3 'riser ions, and 25 cents for every subsequent insertion. Five lines or tinder 25 cents for one insertion, and 12i cents for every subsequent insertion: , Insurance The subscrther, Agent for one of the best Insurance ffices,in Philadelphia, is preparid to make insurances n all descriptions of property, such as Houses, dables, Goods, Furniture, &c., &c., at the very lowest ales. B. BANNAN. • Cheap Al the cheap publications arc for sale at this pfnce as soon as issued; at publisher's prices. Single copies rot any work obtained to order. TE have recently made additions to our already a a large assortment ofJob Type, which is now eieat.- er than that °fatly Country Printing Office fa the. State; and are ready to execute all kinds of JOB PRINTING of every description, at the very lowest rates : such as, CARDS. BILL HEADS, PAMPIILETts, CIRCULARS, ' BILLS of LADING. POST bri,LS & At very shorti notice. By keeping good workmen, and prompt 'despatch in executing orders, we expect to re ceive the support of the public. ca-We have also a BINDERY attached to the office, which enables us to hind.;all-kinds of Printing when it As necessary 'to do so. -Books of every description, hound to order. April 6, Passage Agency, &c The sxbscriber Is prepared to engage 'Passage, Chi Passengers from every part of England, Ireland, Scot land and Wales at the very lowest rates. Ile. also at tends to remitting money to every ;net of Eutope, in stints, of one Pound and urn yards Ity prompt attention to business, he expects to give general satisfaction. HANNAN, Agent for JOSEPH IIIcMUTTRAV., PINEGROVE COAL meetine will •beyield at the house of Israel Ile:nar , ii in the tin 4i:twig!' of Pinegrovii„ on Thursday, the Bth ila j of mrly next, for the purpose of consulting 071 some mode to be adopted for the adcolieetooot and loosperity of the Re gion. All that may feel llteutsetrtft; loterested. are ex pected to attend. ' 3IAN Y. May Pottsville Water Company. r pHE . Stockholders of the Pottscille Water C - ompany, are hereby notified that au election will he held at the house of Mortimer Fox, on Monday. the ,I2th day of May, inst., between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M., for the tiurpose of electing nine Managers, to conduct the business of the said Company, fur the ensuing Year. A. RUSSEL, President. 18-4 May 34, CLEAR THE TRACK. N. M. WILSON, Esq. O:yr ll,speetfolly begs learn to inform his Friends I nod the Puhlic generally. that he has rempred his Magistrateand General Agency Otlice, to the large' and Commodious Office. just erected for% that-purpose 111 Market Street, a few doori from the cornet of Market and Centre streets. north side, and 341110 Th aboYe Sam uel Thompson S. Cr, Dry Good and Grort•ry Store, where - hr. is permanently located, and VIII be happy at all times promptly to attend as any 1111,1115 that m ay he entrusted' to his , care, Magistrate. General and Special agent. and Colleetor,claims collected either with or without snit. Book, Ported, Deeds, Mortclres, Ronda, indentures. Leases, .Notes and LetterS.-Ineht ding all kinds of Scrivening, imatly done upon the shor test [lfvnu want to get ,Msnettn, give us a tall] • ' - Pottsville May, 3d. Ice Creaxii ! Milk! /1111 E subscriber tbankful for the patronage al, It 'ready bestowed upon bun, wouhi re-pretful- IY inform the inhabitants of Pousvilr end its vi doily, that he will send MILK and CREAM to Pottsville twice a day—and ICE CREAM every, afternoon during the warm weather. fday in the matter of tii Real Estlte of JACOB MILLER, late' of West Brun 3117 . tr township, . in the county of &hit ylicill,th rea:led. • N i ..---. ~.. THE Commonwealth of Pennsylva-' t ''' ' "I'. nia, to Reuben Miller, Samuel Miller, -.: •• '.-8";.. Michael Miller. Isaac Miller; Jac. b Mil - . • ' •• ler, Charles Miller, Rebecca married to 'i''''' . .Joseph Volt, : and Wm. Rhohler, heirs and treat representatives of Jacob Miller, deceased; GREETING;—You and each of you, are hereby ci ted to he and appear at an Orphan's Court. to be held at niel for the county of Selni!,lkall. on Monday, the 24 day of Juhe. next, and then and there Ot ac rept or refuse to take the Real Estate of the said J. Miller. art Ire appraised value thereof. . Witniiss th'e lhm. Luther Pfesideilt orniir 3411 i tnart at Orwigsbiirr, this 35th dhy otApril, A. D., 181.5.. . . . . JOHN H. DOWNING;,CIerk. IS-It Onvicsburg, May 3 Executrix's Notice. L . ETTERrt testamentary upon - the last will and tes ttiment of George Kersrhiner, of Manheim town ship, Schuylkill county, [farmer] deceasenl. having heeriranted by the Register ofsaid county, to the sub peril, ; notice is hereby men to all perilous having elaini against the estate of the said decedent, to make knowl he same to tier without delay. , HANNAH KERSCIIINiat, Executrix. Manheien township, May 3, 18-the • . s 4 300 .- . .. ' ,! . To he loaned on approved 3lJrtgage Seturity, inure Country. Apply to • '' FARQUHAR & CARPENTER.' 56 ,Walnut etreet,Tltßada: t3-3t Philads. May 3, Strav Bonnet, Mapafac:i9iy. TRE• subscriber, begs leave to inform the _lll_ zens of Pottsville, that he has opened'a S'tsaw Bonnet Manufactory, at No. 146 t •Race 'street, between 4th and`sth, opposite Crown st.,"whero he Will keep constantly on hand, a large assort— ment of Bonnets, of every iariety; and of the most approved style. Milliners will he supplied at the !Driest manufacturer's prices. .411 orders will be clwritift4lly receired and punctually . . attended to . THOMAS WHITE. 18-3 t Philada. Pay 3, IkTEW YORK Dried Plums and Peaches, for i. 1 4 sale by T. & L BEATTY. May 3d, • MOKED SALMON just received 6cl for sale k... 7 by T. & J. BEATTY. May 30, ERY SUPERIOR GREEN & BLACK TEA; just received and fur sale by • T. & J. BEATTy. 18— • May 3d, TEAM SYRUP MOLASSES.—Stewart's New York Steam Syrup Mu lasses, a, very su perior artiele, - fur sale by T. & J. BEATTY. 187- May 3d, T INNEN Sheetings 3 'yards wide, Large and 1/small Looking Glasses, Caipetings and Rage, for sale cheap by J. I'sfORGAN, • .Pottsville May, 33, New Books, Wandering Jew—llarper'q Edition No.ll. 6,1 • do do. Winchester's Edition No. 19. 6} —____ Back numberi supplied. Harper's Pictorial Bible No. 25, , 25 Torn Cringle's Log. -' 25 Solon Grind, or the Thunderstruck Hypocrite 12i Charles Tyrrell, or the Bitter Blond, by G. P. ,- IL James. 25 Popular Lectures on Astrononiy by M. Arago 25 Mysteries of ipistqr, by Ingraham. • 12i Selections and Fragments of Voyages and Travels by Capt. Basil Hall. . • 25 Mary Kale or Big Thunder. - , . 121 Counterfeit Detectors for May. 12,,, Musical Library for May. 12S Lardnern Veitular Lectures on Science and Art, to completed in ten parts, Part Ist. . 25 Together will, a variety of other [Loki just re— ceived and for sale by, May 31''' By, .--- : ,_ By, Virtue of several ` writs of Vandittedi Expanse and Lerari Facies, issued out of :he 43ourt of Com mon Pleas of Schuylkill county, and tome directed, will be exposed.. to sale, by Public Vendee or- Outcry, , On 11refinesdsgss, the 28th day of ILta y, 1845, at 10 o'clock In'the forenoon, at the house of Dattielifill, is the Borough of Pottsville : ' !,1 All certain Lot of Ground, iltuateiin the . Town of Wadessille, in Norwegian township, h the county of Schuylkill, marked in the plan of said Town, with No.B, adjoining lot of Reese Reese westwardly, land of the heirs of Levi Ellmaker northtvaraly, lot No. 9 castw ' ardly' and the road leading from the town of St. Clair,to the Centre Turnpike Southwardly, being 33 feet 4inchee in front, and 200 in depth, with the appur tenances, consisting . of. a two' story fritme dwelling Maw, with a one story kitchen attached: . ALSO. all that certain tot of Ground, Rituals In the Town of Wadesville, in Norwegian tothship, in the county of Schuylkill, marked in the plan:of said town, with i,No. 9. adjoining No. 8 westwardly, land of the beirs'W Levi Ellthaker, north and eastwardly, and the Boadcleading — from the town of St. Clair ;to the Centre r .;.../., Turnpike southwardly, an4heing 33 feet „„.. . 4 inches in front, and 100 feet in depth, a 1 - i v 4...„ with the appurtenances, consisting of a IS t ' ''. two story frame dwelling house. ,Az the --*- -- -- 1 .---. property of JOAN JONEs.i/ . . .4t the same time and place ; a Certain lot or, piece of Ground. - situate on the iinuthwesterly sidebf Centre street, in Morris' AdditiOn to the Bo rough of Pottsville, in the said county, beginning at the distime of 320 feet southwestwardly tram the line, of Market street, thence southwartily along Eentre street, 00 feet 2 inches, to a 20 feet, wide street,ithence along said 20 feet wide street,'north 70.degreee 12 minutes, west,l3B feet 5 inches to the line of lot Ito. 26, thence eastwardly along Atte said line to the Melte of begin ning, together with the hereditaments and appurtenan ces, consisting of a double slime dwelling zi*. , house, three story in front, anti two story in , Hp .1 the rear. AS the property of )710S EM 17 I 1.- fA 051. i. . o ii at the same time and all place; that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Norwegi an township, Schuylkill county, a foresaid, beginning at a poet, thence by land of Dopier J. fthoads, south 82 de greet., west 3 perches and eighteen!hundrtnlth of a perch to a post, thence by the same north 63 degrees, west 7 perches and 61 hundredth of a mirth to a post, thence by the saute north 5 degrees, weft 13 perches, and iitxty nine hundredth of a perch to a post, thence by the same north 82 degrees, east 9 perches and forty eight hundredth to a post. the - nee by the same south 5 degrees, east to the place of beginning, containing 1 acre, together with all the improvetnentdund apputte •_ naners4consisting of a one 2 story frame ",-* dwelling house, and frame kitchen there- MI r- to attached,two one and a lii.lf story frame me "f: - dwelling Wouses, one was and-stroke -_, .... ,_1 house and a frame stable. 4s the proper ty of ABRAII.43I,I'OTT. i the eanze . timc and place'i All that certain piece or parcel ofyround situateon the south easterly side of Centre sire( t, in the! borough of Pottsville, 'hill County, containing, in front on said Centre street, 80 fret more or less, and in deirth 100 feet, being part of two ;nts orground mar kid in - the general plan of said Borough, Nos. 7 and 8, bounded nortldvesterly by frfaliantango street, sorithwesterlv"by a 12 feet wide alter, southeasterly rm.her 12 feet wide alley and northeasterly by said re street, being the smut piece or pars el of round, Samuel Sill)thab and ,Margaret his 4 wile, grottier: to GZiUb A;:nre, by deed inter) ifiesame day; of the said Mortgage, with 'airpurtenances consisting of a two story frame dwelling house with a lira? two story frame back building attached, [ocbrptel as a tar ern.? and a small one s'ory frame builtung. • A,L6O, all lir& cella in piece or parcbl of ground, situate on the southeasterly side of ;Mahantango strew. in the boroirgh of Pottsville, Sch'pylkill coun ty, ;at the distance of 112 feet southwesterly of Cen-. trelS•reet; containing in front on Ea*, Alahantango• Street, 118 feet and in depth 120 feet bounded south wt4terly by a 2u feet wide allef • southeasterly by Loi Nrr.6. northeasterly by a 12 feet wide alley, acid northwesterly by said Mahantango street, being part, of Ole lots marked in the general plan ofsaid borough Nns. and 8,.a150 part of the premises !illicit Samuel nitin and Margaret his wife, by indenture dated thelsame. eay of the said Mortgage, grahted t to Gains Moore with the appurtenatica., consis , .fa two story stone: house with .a.• brick front, and a twO story atone back " II . to wan a frame one story shed . roof, building thereto atfashed, a one story frame office, four one story frame shops, a s m o ke, and a large stone stable, ; and waodea sheds. As the property of GAIUS MOORE. ; • the same time and .4)lace all that'Yndiyided three fourth parts of all that certain lot iirvpiece of ground, situate in the town of Port C.rlion, in the Township- of. Norwegian, in the counly of Schuylkill, bounded and 'described as iollu,ws; Beginning at a Stake in aline of land be lodging to Jacob W. Seitzingrr and ethers, and a-, collier to a thirty feet street,. thence along the east watdly side ofsaid street South twenty screntlegrees, Est i 5 feet, 2 inches leo Stake, corners to lot Nin b,ir etx.'sn'il to JOhn Engles . & Co.. thence by said lot No . rth 63 degrees. Eart,Bo feet 9 tnche&io a Stake in thcline of a lot rigid to Samuel Chi istrittn, thence by the satile north 27 degrees,yvest'4s feeo2'inches to a Stake in the lute of Jacob W. Seitzing'er and ()chefs. land thence by the sante, math' d degrees. west 80 lect9 inches to the place,of beginning, ,‘• till the appurtenances. coistaiing of a ::• tw/story frame dwelling house, with a on'e, and a half Stacy flame 'kitchen iheit to attached. As the property 'of JOHN watrt.N.. GEO. JENNINGS. 19-, _ .. . - • •.; At the , same time and plart,..thel i one full equal arid undivided Moiety orlialf part Ithe I whole into !we equal parts to be parted and divided] of all that Certain tract or parcel of land, situate part- Is ill Norwegian township and partly tri - the borough of IPM:stille binhuy lkill county. and alto the one full coital undivided 'half part of all the stone or fossil coil in-and upori the said tract or parcil of land be ginning at a prim, a corner of "land of now Or late Beili:IIIIIII ['On, thence by the same la4d and lasd of now or late !Imams litres, North 6Regrees, East 29's perches to a post a corner .of latid now or late of ‘Vallnee & WlLtney th a line of land of Seitzi tiger ,' Weilierill, thence by the land of thd said Wallace . and ‘'t honey South G degrees, West. 65 and one I• tenth perches to a post, thence ,south 36 iiegrees,l east ',xi and three tentlislperches to the north •sido, of a public Street.or road, thence by the same south I 62 degrees. west 22 perches to h post, thence still I by the s ;tee SOLIIII 28 dearees, cast 14 and, six tenths i pciclic:s to a post, and thence by another street or _road south 65 degrees; west 3 arid three; tenth percher; to a post in the hue Of land of 'Seitzirmer • dt, Weth- ' erill, thence by the w ... •`' me; ,2,degrees, west 76 Ii perches to a. stone, crirner of land corimed by Tho. Inas I la%en to Samuel- Lewis, thence by the same 1. sooth CS degrees, went 203 perehc:s (i) a post and stbaes, a corner of other lard of Charles L a wton, 1 thence by the saute south 64 degrees, west 1426 per- clies to a post in Coal street,- thence ! ! north 2 3 de- green west, '24 perches, thence tooth 69 degrees, 1 west 11 and one tent h perches to the Mount Carbon Rail road Menne along the same North 22„; degrees. vest 31 and four tenth perches, north 176 degrees. west 9 perches, north 8 degrees, West 4 and four tenth perches. north 9 degrees east! 7 and seven I .tenth perches port!' 304 degrses, cast 9 and three 'tenth perches: north 46 degrees, eas t six and tour' tenth perches; and north 53 degrees, east 118 and two tenth perches, to a point on the southlvardly side of the east branch of the Mount Carbon Rail road, in i the division line of land of . now or4late Benjamin Nu. and the navigation tract. thence along said . . l'oft's land south 2 degrees cast 50 perches to a post, and north .681 degrees. cast 34 and eight tenth per- Cites to the place of beginning, containing in the ' I whole 195 acres and '7O perches. and'together with the same as appurtenant thereto the one lull, equal I and undivided moiety or half part orall the coal in the vein of coal called the 'Cate Veln,"and in the two Veins of coal next south of it themay ran under the surface (Witte adjoining tract ofland, sold by Thomas 11aveu to Samuel Lewis, Oh the right of i removing the same, but not to give the right, of enter- i Mg on the surface of the said land,scild by Thomas I Haven to Samuel Lewis or of Makids any opening themon,,which 'Mid tract of land is, itarticularly de scribed in a Deed from Thomai haven to Samuel Lewis for the'eame, bearing date the Bth day of Sep tember. 1838, %iv herin the coal. in the ;hid three Vet ns aerial is excepted' which said tract o parcel 01 land arid the stone &fossil coal in and open the same, too said Charles Lawton holds in common with John • Fermi,. and the moiety of the sail* land and coal which is not hitch 'seized and takeniintia execution was conveyed by the said Charles Lawton to the said idiot Facnurn. by tieed dated theist day of January A. D.. 1811, , recorded at.Orwlgsburgin Deed Book 1. No, 19 age , 3B9, with the appurtenances, consisting of one valuable stationary Steam Engine fur raising coal from belt* the wster level, [now . occupied and used by . 1 aylot & Clayton.] an Engine' llotise,a large in.. . ~,,, stable, Blacksmithshop, a eciivder house and issioc various other buildings and 'tenant houses. t• killlS Severa: of the most valuable Coal reins pass ' through One land, and some of them aro extenstve IY worked at this time, and have the 'necessary Rail road,Limprovements and fixtures all in good repair.— As the property of CHARLES LAWIION: , ,chit the same timeanil place all th l oie two certain Lots or pieces of grriund, adjoining each other, situate 'on Sunbury streetAn the Borough of Idinersville,' Schuylkill county, and marked in the general ptanefsaid borough, with the qns- 115 and 117, each of said lots containing in front on Sunbury street 25'feet, and in depth 200 feet, boundedln front by Sun bury street, on one side by lot No. 113 and on the oth er, ATM No'. 119, being the same two lots of ground Which , George,Pattersohand wife, grahted and convey ed to the said Stephen Whelan, by deed dated the 23d day of Nov amber, A.D., 1037,With tha'appurtehances, consisting of a two story frame dwelling house ALSO, alt that lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Sunbury street, in the borough of Millers ville, county:aforesaid, and marked in the general plan of paid town, number 121, containinain front on said north -side of Sunbury*. 25 feet, and 10 depth 200 feet, being the 'mine lot of gtound, WhlchlCeorge Kessler . and wife, by:deed dateidthe,29th day of March. It. D., pi 39, granted and conveyed to the sail Stephen Vibe. Jan, and subject to the exceptions said reservations ME B: BANNAN Agt. HERIFF'S SALES OF J L ,ESTA TE-• mentioned in prior. conveyames, of all,said three lot* of ground, and refered to in the said dds, to Stephen ' Whelan, as by a refere n ce thereto will • •vs: appear, with , the appurtenances, congas ass ring of a double frame dweping house two • story in Irene, and.ane,story in the rear. —._ As the property of MARGARET WHE LAN,!rAdminiitratriz of Stephen Whelan, deceased. aft the same' time and 'place, all that Undivided moiety or half part of a ceroirruact of Coal Land, situate in Branch township, Schuylkill county, bounded by land of the New Skirt and Schuyl kill Coal Company, George Rahn, Surd Patterson and others, containing 61 acres, more'or leis. with the sp. partenances, consisting of four one and a half story stone houses, one two story lea house, a frame stable and Black Smith shop. As the property of JACOB SERRILL. • At the same time and: place, The whole of one full equal undivided par [the whole in to eight equal parts, to be ; parted and divided] of, and in all that certain tract; of Coal Land, situate in Schuylkill township, Schuylkill county, bounded as follows; beginning at alliack Oak Sapling, thence by land of Michael Fritz, south 76 degrees, west 167 per , rhea and five tenth§ to a stone, thence by land of George Ohlinger, n0rth..1 . 7 degrees, west 65 perches to a stone, thence by lantraupposeePto belong to the Vil le.), Furuace Company. north 75 degrees, east 195 per-. ches ton stone, [fierce by Vacant land, south S degrees, WYSI 72. parches to the above place of beginning, con taining 70 acres, 138 perches and allowance, sfcc.., to gether with the here ditaments and appurtenances- As the property of WILLIAM. WALLACE. ..9t the same time and place, all that certain half lot of ground, situate in the borough of Potts Ville, Schuylkill county, bounded in front by the road leading from Pottsville to Port Carbon, on the north by property of George Rich, on the south ; bY prop erty of Joseph Ileacham,l in the rear by East Market strcer,being 25 feet wide in front and rear, and 200 feet in depth, with the appurtenances, consisting of a three . storystone &ceiling house, with a base ment story, and a two story frame and BOON stone dwelling house, and. an unfinished II 6„. stone bodge, fronting on ;East Market st., : 12 .1_ As the property of 301111 p. GILMAN. ' Seized and taken Into Execution, and to be sold by . • JERESIIAII HEED; Sheriff. • Sheilirs Office, thwiga burg, May 3, 1815. ! 18- American Gard,ener & Fanner. FESSENDEN . S NeCv, .ittnerican dardener and Far titer the beet work .exiant, Just received and for sale by ' I 13. HANNAN, Agent . May 341, IB Nature's Gems OR American Wild lloWers in their Nature Haunts br' Emma C Embus. =with twenty, plates' of Plants carefully colored after nature, together with several hndscape views, just received and for sale by r B. 13ANNAN, Agent.. May 2d, .• , / i : 19— •': , - C I R :C US. , 11l Kam _ EXTENSIVE. CIRCUS, JAATE of the Park Theatre, New York ; and the Na tional Theatre, Philada., consisting of eiaee lion of highly trained Arabian horse! and the largest Sad most popular Company of Equestrians hi the U. :3 The eel Aratctt New Yorlt Brass Band,, will precede the Caval-a41 , , of Equestrians ou entering the Town, in a magniii, cot carriage, drawn by eight s plendid cream horses. For full particulars see !Rae bills at the prat 'ciple hotels. Will be exhibited in Pottsville on Mond! & Tuesday Evenings May the sth al . :46th, 1515. Doors open al 7 o'clock Performance to commence at 7f o'clock. I - Admission 25 cts. • iC. DAVENPORT, Ae't. April 2.oth,- 17— II ORM% Hi ELECTION. AT I OTICE is hereby giv,en, that.akelection for. Bo rough Officers will thke place on'the first Mon day in May next, beftig 511) of said month, for the election of the ofticers : One Chief Burgess. I, Four persons for *oilers of the Town Coun cil. One troerve une year. One person for Town Clerk. . Three persons for School Directors. One to serve two rears. _ One person; or High Constable. Three persons fur Auditors. • One person for TreaSurer Of the Borough. _Three person's fur • Supervisors Fflhe Borough. One for the SouthilVard ; one for the North East Ward, and one for the North West 'Ward. . In pursuance of an Ait of AnseMbly, the people of the Boron:,li will alsolvole, at the same time and place, whetlier the Public Schools shall be continued of not. . . The Polls will be open, between the hours of 2 and 8 O'clock, P. M.,at the usual places, on said day. DANIEL IL LEIB, High Constable, • 7-Pottssville. April 21, I ! l- Private m: subscriber offers the following property for Tsnle. No. I. A tract of Wood Land,' containing 300 acres situate in Maitheiin toWlisliip, about one mile from Pottsville; nn - the Centre! turnpike, the land is valua ble for its'timber and Building stone. No. 2. Contains about 130 acres, situate in the same township... two miles froln Pottsville, adjoining the Reading Rail Road, forty acres 'is cleared, the rest in good „timber ; this tract would take air excellent farm. No. 3. Cdntains abod sixty' 'acres, situate in the same township, ahont rive mileS from Pottsville, a part of it. cleared, the rest in gMail timber, and is a suitable tract for a farm. - Terms moderate. 1 . • V. B_ENGI.ER, Agent ; fur JOHN POTT. nhe A pril 25, 1; . , 5Z1 , :m.,,..d. %• -, c3Dcis•E;cs.kse , Harper's liluniinated Bible, No. 21, : . 25 Illuminated Shakespeare, NO. 47 and 49 121 Lillell's Living Age, IN;(1.!98 Nor, 49 1 . lit Graham's Magazine for day, 25 Goiley's Lady's Book, 1, 23 Arthur's Magazine iht • lel Winchester's Wandering Jaw, N 0.17 pad /8, 121 Gambler'.4 Wife, 25 , Man at Arals, 1 1 • 'it H arald, . . . ~ Mysteries of New York,l . 1 21- , Prisons of Temp.,l ' IP Bachelor's Own Book, 1 - , 311 , , Wild Love,, 2 3 • . Florence De Lacy, - ' US . Vernnicia, ' • `" - 7 Phrase Book, , . 2.5 Chronicles of Pine v ille „ , ~ :AO St. Patrick's Eve . . Together with a yarieiy of other Books, just recei ved. All the cheap publications on band. ' E. BANNAN, Agent. • 17- April '26 POPES' :JOURNIIL OF TRA'DE Lkaz)rtz. TTILE Yearly Journal of Trade, cOmjrising Lairs of Customs and Exercise; Trvaties and Conventions wltb Foreign Powers ; Tariffs of the United Kingdom; British Possessions abioad, and FOreign Conntries ; Countervailing and Inland Duties; Duties of Lights, Surveys; Pilotage, stamp and Post Office Laws and Rates; / Proclamatitins ; Orders in Council and of Governments ; (Mardi, Parlitnentary Speeches and Papers; Reports of Law Cases ; Tianslations of For eign Documents ; Dangers of the Sea; Proceedings nr Scientific:and Learned SOcieties; Geographical Sketel - exand Recent. Discoveries ; Descriptions of articles of • Merchandize, ExchanceS, Moneys, Weights and ;Bees-. urea, and other Miscellaneous Information, with a co pious Index and Man of the World; Charles Pope. 24d edition, livo, e'4 00. C !..- Upon a fair estimate this Journal In Europe is con sulted by not Jess than bairn million of persons, du ring the year.. For the 'Merchant and Statesman it is an invbluable work. ALSO, .JUST IMPORTED, The ' British Almanac and Companion, for 1815, comprising a great variety of useful intent- Renee; including Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and History, Chronology, Geography. Legislation, &c.,-.1 vol. Mno. Price $1 7S ,Just imported and An sale by ' B. BANNAN, Agent. ta-Single copies of English Works importea to order. April 26, : . 17— Stray COW- CAME to the premises of the subscriber, residing in this Borough, on Ttiesday last„a large White and Red spotted Cow, with a - red neck, white Lice and large horns, The owner is requested to come forward. prove property. pay a hargcs,,and take her away, oth erwise she will be sold according to law. PATRICK DUNN. April 20, . •• 174E* FARMING & GARDEN TOOLS. Pruning Hooks, • Bill or Brush Hanka, • • psuning Nippers, an excellent ertlete, 4'l Steel Digging Spades. - Wrought bon Ouden Rakes, Hors of .various kinds, fee. - Just received and for Sale by HANNAN. AV. April Jd, : • • i I - .'' - '.THE:` MINE,p,S I=JUURNA L. nw_SPRING=GOODS. • = tr. 11.aMarshall,- . • ' 14117rolesd e mid Retail DeFder in• Fasionable, Saperirrr and Xecrima - ,Pcieky and Sta.'. pk Dry Ga o ls, Nu r ' tBB Clterntut • . I st between seventh 4r eighth sta. ' H PHILADELPIRA, ' TB now In regular reeelptof New - styles - Silks, llnnse .L tin de Laines, Lawns. OrYandics, Jsconets, Ging hams, Garages, blarqaese, Evliina Bah:alines. Cala bria, Chintzes.- Bombazines. Alparcas and other lea soaabie INess Goods; also, Slialrls,-Scarfs,-.Ceils.Em- brolderles..flosieries, Late% ICloses. Linen Calandra. Mats. and Irish Linens. Calicaes, at 12,1 , cts. a yard, Munn' and other cheap Goods. Strangers will Bud it . partienlitiy, to their Interest to call, as the Goods are all watranted, and the lowest cash price, invariably named l'lrdada., April 26, • ' ; 17-2rao ORDi.lVANCE,relatingto Awning Rail, and Wooden Sheds. BE ; E it ordained and Enacted by the Town Conn cil of the Borough of.Poltsville. and it is hereby Ordained and Enacted by the authority of the same, as follows : Star. 1. Thit from and alter the passing of this Ordinance. every Awning . Rail which shall be and remain placed or fixed in any!public street, lane or alley of the Borough, for the 'purpose of fasteninc thereto any Awning. shall beat least six feet four inches, from the lower side thereof, to the pavement under it, and every person who shall use any such Rail no placed and fixed. which shall not be of the height aforesaid above the pavemant. shall forfeit and pay the sum of Five Dollars.. 43ECT. 2. That from arid after the passing of this Ordinance., all and every Rail or Rails placed or fired as above mentioned, and all Chains, Bars or Rails, between Posts, filed or placed near the gutters in any street lane or alley of thiv borough, and .all Wooden Sheds over the aoy street. lane or alley of this borough, are hereby declared to be common nuisances, and at shall and may be lawful for the Chief Burgess. and he is hereby enjoined and required to take down and remove the tame. • eassed into as Ordinance. this 22d April 1815. Attest ISAAC RECK.Town Clerk. Berl. IlAywoon, Need t pro tern Town Council, Apri, 26, 'l77 AN !ORDINANCE, relirten i t to Lamps, and Lamp Posts. • BE ! I t Ordained and Enacted, by the Town Council, of Pottsville; and it is hereby Ordained and Enac ted by the authority of the same, as follows„viz : Sem I. If any person or parkins, shalt Mid do after the passing of this Ordinance Maliciously, willfully or wantonly extinguish, break; destroy, njure, over throw or carry away any 'of the Public Lamps, Lamp Posta or any thing pertaing thereto, in any of the ste., lanes , or alleys, within this Dorough, every such per son so offending, and every person aiding or concerned in such offence, shall forfeiti and Pay far every such offence, the Cunt of Five Dullari. Passed 'nine') Oidinance, thii T2d day of April, 1811 Attest ISAAC. BECK, Town Clerk. BENJ. DAY WOOD, President pro tem Town Council. April 26, I , 17- . H. CRESANG, CABINET lIIIAKEB, HAS removed from his old; stand to the Ware room on the North EaitCorner! of Mshantapgo and Union Streets, where he has ,bonstantly on hand. s general assortment of Cabinet ware of the most tno dern styles and approved finish.i , Frerich'and high post Mahogany Bed Steads, Mahcigaby Chairs and Rocking Chain?, also Maple Cane seat 'chairs and Rocking Chaus Wid9Or Chairs, sofas, Settee 4:6 eze. Alt the Varietiei of Cabinet ware made to orilr it the shortest Notice, and in the best style at Phila elPhia prices. If. GRESSANG, acknowledgss the liberal support with Which the public bare Ifavoured him heretofore, and will labour on his part tei merit a continuance of their favor April '26111,1 17--L Horrid War wity Mexico, MAT certainly be expected, and although we have the faith to beliete 140011 not end In the an nihilation of Our Republic, yet:it may interfere yeti materially with our Commerce "; to provide against Pitch a contingency, the undersitned has opened a New Storein the Borough of Pottsvill4and has furnishedit with a large and handsome I • STOCK OF' DRY GOODS , which he is determint.d to sell tit the very lowest Coen Prices, even eiillOngh the NVOild ' etlolll4 go to War-- , be has purchased at the lowest hosslble rates, and notO offers to sell at a very trifling advance on wholesale' prices. Ile flatteis himself that his ;100-- ..eks himself that his ;intimate acquaibtance with the European markets, and his peculiar facilities for obtaining Goods horn I the Manufacturers them selves, will enable him to Sell !Ls cheap, or perhaps 'u LITT LL cheaper. than his brethren' in the trade. .. He has but one request to ,sake, which is so moderate and reasonable, that surely every one will accede to it, it is that the-priblic, will call, °taming his goods, hear , his prices and judge for themselves; He is confident that they I,vilt, find sufficient induce - meats to purchase, and even If they should not, he will' not charge anything for, chewing his Goods, or grumble if they go away empty banded. , , Tilomns FENDER'S New Cheaa Caill Store, Centre st. first door above the. Arcade.' April 2fl, • : I 17-4t* . Notice to Coritractors. riIHE Schuylkill Navigation Company, herchir ' lll - invites proposals from: Contractors, for the new work required for the ;Improvement of the Navigation. The princiPal part of the work; will, be the construction of al nett' • tier of large Locks throughout the line, which tvill require a large a mount of heavy masonryl and Carpenter work.— As it will be vigorously urged Men early comple tion, it presents a line oppOrtunity for energ etic and enterprising contractors ; Plans and specifica tions may be seen'at thelll . lce of the Company's Engineers, No. 7, Sansoi street, Philadelphia, on and efter the% 15th of Apri1,.1845, and proposals may be addressed to EDWARD MILLER, Ci vil .Engineer„ at that Place. By order of the 'Boardlof l'%lanatters. :SOLOMONINV. itOBERTS, President, Philadelphia April I`ll 14— • ---,-- • - ROBERT: 11. PALMER, AT T ORNET AT LAW , . • NOTARY , PUBLIC IJa. Office us Centre ilStieet, next door to the Exchange flute!.. ; • 17— I. ' SCHVI'i KILL COUNT]; as: '• • TUE Coninionwcalth of Pennsylvania, (.... ••-. • to Joseph T. ;Prier! and Matilda his wife ifi _- late Matillia,l4 andirson, Edward Y. Far ' . s • ] . tinhar and tlirghila his wife, late Vir- N,,,...__ -,. gin ia Sandfrson, James Musgrave, 1 and : Cornelia his wit* late Cornelia San derson,' beet'. -Jaines S. Carpenter and Camilla his wife, tate Camillit Sandersitn,..Susan Sanderson, John Sanderson, James Sanderson; and Fitz Allen Sander son, the hens' at l'a .v ofJohn Sandeisrm. deceased, add Edward Y..Fargehar. tdminisfrator of the Estatc:of the said John Sandersan; -dere, sed. ,' ' - 1 ,,, You-arc hereby cited to lie. and appear, ai an Or phan's Conn,. to he held at riviasbarg, in, and for the .._ ..... _ .._.. _-... . - - - - , 1g5m...,, , county of Schuylkill, on thq OM Monday ofJune, A D. 1845; and then and there to thew canoe, why specific performance, should net be decreed of a certain article of agreement. dated January the 17; 181401uly recorded in the Recorder's Office of Acliuyikilt county, between the said John Sanderson, dec!eased,, of the one part, and George W. Farquhar, of the other part, for the sale of six lots of Ground, in the! Rornugh of Pottsville, and particularly' described in tKe said article or agreement. f i Witness ,the lion. Luthe : Kidder, President of our said Court at crwigsburg, t 6 fourteenth day of March, A. D., 18154 . : I i • : JOHN 11. DOWNING, Cl'lc. c!, C. Onvl9,sburg, April 19' T - HE Creditors of John -ites, will take notice' that the undersigned, has ben appointed by the Court of Common 1 Pleas for Schuylkill county, Com mittee of the Person and Estate of said Sites, declared inquisition, to be an habitUal drunkard. All per sdns having demands against *aid Sites, are requested to make known, nrtd , presei t the game tothe undersign ed, for settlentent. MICHAEL COCHRAN, Committee. Pottsville, April lu • 16-61 • Valuable Farm at Private Sale. THE bi.ltly &owed property,on which • the suhstribe how resides, -situate in alas alas Montgomery minty, Id miles ?font the ci fll • ty, half h from village of Consfiehrik - en, and siithi a quarter of a mile of the Plymouth Railroad—the b ilifings are good and.antple, and the fencing post and . tait ; this property is in the very heart of the iron regt re Of this district of country, and abounds with the ; ties kind of iron o also lime stone and marble. the neig hdrhond is very healthy.— Apply to Allen R. Rseves, 1771 Market Cl., to Jonathan Leedom 4. son, 210 south front street. nr on the premi ses of I JAMES CRESSON. April 19 BULBOUS" ROOTS. Tuberoses. : . Tiger Flowers, , • , Gladiolus, ace. Also, ,' • Brasil Onions. - , - ; • • • Just received ; and for ealt6y . ' . .. • April 26 • . • I ; B. HANNAN, Art.. German IS- English Phrase Book, • UTITH a literal translation of the German into En ,g11,17, together •witN a , enmnlete explanation Of the sounds; and the arreateatlen oftbe German, by Mn. rite Ertheller, Teacher of the Carmen. Laneuaze. In the City of New 'Fete p re &Scents. justreceived and ihr see by ' .f B 1 , INAN * Again. April 25 • ' 1• C E: N 0 ,T . . aEt: ..s:tsatrzolcsirch QD.zia 2 , - 15, North • & awl strut, Nikukt. Wholesale and Retail Dry Poo& Store IXTOULD respectfully invite the attention' of par- , V :balery to thew New Stock of DIM. GOODS, consisting in part of Rallarines Painted Lawns, gnus. lin De Lains, Silks, Chintzes, Alpacas, &C. . SHAWLS! SI PAWLS Thibei, Silk, Cashmere, De Laine and various other kinds of Shawls. • ' • FOR RENS' AND ROW WEAR. • • Cloths, Vaielmeres, Gambroons, Linen Drillings, Vet. tinge, Summer Cloths. &e. Also, Sheeting and Shirting Listens, Mustins..Table Diaper and Table Cloths, To welllngs, Tickin gs . Cheeks, &c. ' • WHITE IftISLINS" FOR DRESSES. Satin qtriped, Plaid, Jaeonet, Carnbrk, Nansook, Mull, Swiss and Book blusltni, for Dresses. Also, Skills, Linen Cambria Hdkrs. !Stockings, Gloves, Collars, Veils. &c. &c. • Also, Palm Leaf Hats. e} Recollect MARTER & SON. [ .No. 15, North Second street, Philada. Philada. April 12, la-anto BOWL EY, & ASHBURN ER General Commission Merchants, . • Nos. & 6,,5. Wharves, first Stores below Market O w PHILADELPHIA. HVE constantly no hand, and offer for the ' lowest market prices, in lihds. Tierces and Ilbts. Winter, Spring and Summer Sperm Oil, Bleached Winter and Spring Sea and Elephant do and Winter and Spring Whale Oil Unbleached. Refined and Common NVhale and Lard Oil, and Tan- Der's Oil, of various qualities, SpernrCandles, Rice 4.c. IL & A., respectfully invite Country Storekeeperi and others, to call and examine their Stock of Oils, Which they warrant to be of the first quality, and to give satisfaction. ca.. Orders promptly executed , Philadelphia, April 19, BRIGADE ORDERS Brigade Inspectors office Pottsville? • - April 2nd, 1845. • • 3 TllF:enrolled Militia and Volunteers Composing the 3d, Brigade 6th,' Division P. M., Will meet for Inspection and training in the following order. - Ist. Regiment Schuylkill county Volunteers Com manded, by Col. F. 31. Wynkoop on Monday the 12th, day of May 1845. 4th, Regiment Commanded by Col. John Silver, on Tuesday the 13th, day of May 1815 in Regiment. The , Hibernia Jackson Guards will parade with this Regi-. nient. 6tb Regiment Commanded by Col. Geo: Bebe , • Ist, Battalion Maj. William 'loch, on Wednesday the 14th. May. 2nd, Battalion Maj. Jonas Kaufman, Thursday the 15th May 1845, The Mahantango Rifle Rangers and Jackson Blues parade will with the 2nd Battulion. 3d Regiment Commanded by Col. Edward Mintz, inter, 2d, Battalion Maj.' Jacob Meanie, on Friday the 16th, day or May. ' Ist, Battalion Maj; Henry Krebs, on Saturday the 11111, May ISM 2d. Regiment'Commanded by CM. J. P. Ist, Battalion Maj.! 1). P. ' Mayer, on Monday the 12th, May. 211 Battalion Maj.l Joshia 'Boyer on- Tuesday the 20th,. Nay 1815. sth. Regiment Conimanded by Col. Jacob 17. Lutz. on Wednesday-the "_lst, May 1815. The Union Rifle Company Will parade with this Regimeid. CoMpany traininOvill be held on Monday the sth, day of May according to law All Miliatiamen, are liable to perform duty between the age, of 18 and 45 "yearn and must appear on pa rade provided with sufficient arms, and all officers must be:in uniforui, and be punctual in making re turns I - of their Companies, and likewise all arms and , .other .public property in their possession. By order of DANIEL KREBS, Brigade Inspector 3d, Brigade 6th. Div. P. M, N. 11. under the New Militia law the fines' for non attendance. are filly cents per day. The fines are collected With the state tax and paid into the county tie Bury. And the surplus if any after paying the lawfUl militia expenses are distributed - among the Volunteers. DANIEL KREBS. . ' April 5, • J.RCOB JUSTICE OF THE FENCE, A'S opened his office in the room formerly occupte4 H by_Jacob Reed Esq., in Centre street, west side, just below the Episcopal church. MI aesoiint's intrus ted to him for collection will be promptly attended to. April 5,14-3 t • REMOVAL, min: Subscriber has removed from the 'Tavern it. Stand which he formerly occupied, to the house formerly kept by ,Jacob Reedy, in Fredticksburg, Lebanon County, where he will be pleased to ac. commodore all those whci may give him a call. WILLIAM EARNST. Fredricksburg March 23.11, 1845. 13— Black and Green Teas,. tke., D , AVID RANKEN, at his Tea Warehouse,No: VI Chestnut street; Philadelphia, offers at he very lowest wholesale prices, the following Teas, &c.: ;500 half chests Young Upon Tea, . .50 ea Guupowder . do • . '5O do. • Imperial ' do . 500 do . 1 Ponehong do . 150 do ' : Oolong. do 100 do ?dolma . do - 50 do English Congou do .. .25 do . Orange Pekoe do TlMse Teas embrace the choice selections from the varbius canoes of irresh .Arrie Crop Teas, lately arriv ed at New Yore. ALSO ON HAND 800 Bats Clete, consisting of Rio, Java, Manilla, Mar• . . 'call)°, African Mocha, and St. Dornimpr. 10 Ceroons Prime Caracas Indigo, 40 Bags of Pepper, 1 . 1500 pounds Cloves, • 1200 pounds Nutmegs,' , .‘ 330 hhds. Prime New Orleans Srmar',. 100 bbla. crushed and pulverized do 2500 loaves treble and double relined do 10 Tierces prime Rice. April 5, 1515, ~ 14—tro* . . Election NQTICE is hereby .given to the Stotklinlders in the tompany, fin erecting' a Bridge over the North East Branch of the river Sinquehanna. between the town of Cattavvisa, and the mouth of Fishing Creek, that a meeting of said Stockholders will be held at the house now , occupied by-Jacob Dyer, in the town ofeat tawissa, on Monday the Sth day of May next, between the hours of one and six o'clock, P. M., for the pur pose.; of electing one President, Six Managers, one Treasurer and one Secretary for gait Company, for t ensuing year., JAMES PLEASANTS, Secretary Cattawissa Bridge ; Company, Removal . & New GoOds • JOSEPH MORGAN, ESPECTPUI Lir informs the Public that he has ill. Removed his Store to the New store room, In the stone,lkniSe of Mrs Phillips, with a locust tree iu front of the door, and next house above Mr. Thompson's corner, opposite Messrs Pollock's Store. And has just Received a new assortment of Spring Goods which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. In addition to his fancy dry goods & Winans be has received, sod will, keep on hand a emietal assortment of katiorti. braid, Gimp,Straw, & fancy Bonnets, at the lowest priers. Pottsville March 22 1815, . JAMES- DUNDAS, William Richardson, Benjamin W. Richards, Joshua Lippincott. Elijah Pugh, assignee . of John R. Brick, John W. Lawton, Josenik. G. m. ' Lawton, John C. Rea, and Louisa his Wife,.lEt- ten Bryan, Robert Coleman Hemphill. William - .5 . Heniphill, and Clifford Hemphill, William 11. 1 ' , e Smith. Samuel .1... Davis and Elizabeth. his e, Wife, Huston Smith, Rapier Ellsworth Smith, , John George Smith, Mary A. Smith, William - C. ilc;gie and Julia his Wife, Charles W. Smith, t -4 Edwin Smith and Emma Smith. The two last I named are still in their minority, having Hut ton Smith, of Philadelphia, their legally 'ari pointed Guardian, Henry Lelar, jr., Charles Le- - I ? lat. Edwin Lelar, and his two children, (to wit) Henry and Unity Lelar, Robert G. Lelar anChis two children, named Joseph and Hen rietta L - tlar. March 18th, ISO; on motion of John Barman, Attor ney for Pltff, the Court appoint Robert Coleman Hemp hill,Guardian, ad Merit, for the above named William Hemphill and Cliff ird demphill, and the Court appoint Robert G. Lelar Guardian ad litem, for the above na med Joseph and Henrietta Lelar, and the Court ap point; Edwin Lehr. Guardian ad litem, fur the above named Henry and Unity Lelar. . - By a summons in Partition, issued out of the. Court eftommon Pleas of Schuylkill county, bearing test, the tWenty-foarth 'daY of March, A. D., 1545, and to me directed, Lam commanded to summon the above na med defendants. that they he, and appear before our Judges at Onvigsburg, arour county Court of Com mon Pleas, there to be held oh the first Monday of June next, to show wherefore and whereas, the said James Dundas, and the above named defendants,io• tilther and undivided do hold eleven hundred and fifty three, aermand one hundred and forty nine perches of Land, strict measure, compriging three adjoining tracts, and known together as the Kettle do Washer tracts of Coal Land, situate in the townships of . Nor.; wegian and Branch, in the said county of. Schuylkill. . and bounded by Lands of I'ntt & Barman. the Oak . hill i tract. Mount Laughfce, Lands ofJames Dundas, lands of the De Forest Improvement Eompany and others, excepting thereabout three acres, which had been conveyed. to John C. Offerman, and ill town lots, which had been conveyed in the town Of Newcasile. and'at other places, by the former and present own ers. They the said above named defendants, Partition thereof between them according, to the Laws and cus toms of the Commonwedtth of Pennsylvania, to be made, do contradict and the same to be done, do not permit and contrary to the same laws and Custom. &c, . - • JEREMIAH REED. Sheri ff , i. . ; of Behnylkill county. • Sberifre Wee: OrTV4I- 1 • burg - April 12, 1645, .1 , , 12. lEEI le-et NOTICE.. . NOTICE b hereby given to the Tatahle Inhabitants of Schuylkill county. that in appeal will be held on the faith , day of April. 1815. at the Commlasionen' Rooms, In Orwiesburs, for the purpose of hraring ap-• peals. ard grantms such relief as to them, ~,ay appear reasonable, in such cases as are mentioned in the 12th and 13th Sections of the Act of Assembly of 15th April, 1836, Matins to -.dainty-end township Rates and 141- vies , 'By order of this Commbaioners. G. 8. zt:VICR, mut eiriptusg. April le WANTED: 1 IX COOP: MAGAINISTS, accustomed to Steam Engine Work. Also, - several l'aitern lltakers illautrkr4-to whom the high* wa , ges Ihe paid and Constant employment given' if desired.. - • , . • HAtWOOD & SNYD ER. Colliery Nock% Potts. I vale. Mord' 7.1'415. • ,to EiZtizEbazolt • I . — X-aik sx-.1 - - JOHN SITES, ILL • • resume business et his . 'old stand. • is. V Y Centre street, neatly opposite the l'etiasyl yania Hall:on the t 1 Sqlurday 'pre ding Raster, . where he will ixpos . 4 for sa e, ally, ull the sat& tieS" . of Meats. He ha s had experience in catering for the public palate, and hopes by strict attention' to his business, to :secure again the patronage so liberally bestowed hcketoforc. March 15,. 11-6m0.. Sail Ho!'--For Freight or Charter, TiHE Proprietors off the Canal Boat 8 bai e secured the servicks of a compatent Pilot; and will hamlet take freiiht to any-port of the r Dela ,, . ware. itaritan„ Passain,or Noah and Cast Owers New York at reasonable rates. Being rigged fOr Sail lag there will be no danger, or unneevsary detention, oilier than is usual to *ailing er, ft. For further . par;. tienlars enquire of . . i - ! - JOIIIN CROSL MD. Pottsville, March 21. ISIS. AT'; 16-2rno ' 'Executor's Notice.. 1. ETTERS Testatitentary upon the last Will and lAtestament of William diggerty of the Borough of Merchant: deieased, hareing been gra. nted by the register of Schuylkill county, to the sub_ se/ ibers- Notice is hereby given to at iteriee s having claims against the Estate of the said dent, to make known the same to t hem withbet de. lay. . THERESA HAGGERTY Ezecetrix - Pottsville, CHAS. MILLER,. Executor, Cenrre street. • Pottsville, or • :Filbert at, near Broad ei., , • Philada. March 29,1945. • Cessons; = • DIRS. ANNA 111. BROWN,, 1:11 ESPECTFTI4,Y informs the citizens of Pottsville and Vicinity, that she •is prepared to giro instruction 'dri the Piano' Forte, and in Singing. She solicits, a share. of Public Patron age. For references, &c., inquire of IE. D. Eicholtz, Druggist, ',Ventre st., Pottsville.l March 15, , -- - Te Ibe Let. 1 r..,.. THE Muse now'ocrupied by Mr. E. F. Tay'- tor, in Mt Plea:mut Row. Mahantango street. 11..7 „ AOly in came Row to : I , J. C. .311IPPEN, , I February 21, • 1.1 .1 --- SOLOMON MUTH., CABINET ItUKER; UNDERTAKER, r t. subscriber_ entiounces to the public that he has commence 4 the above mentioned bu siness kith's Borough of Pottsville, immediately, back of the Pennsylvania Hall, where he Will con stantly keep on hand. annssortment of READY MADE COP' IL". Cabinet Ware, 4.e., 4c.. manufactured °film hest material's in the most durable manner, and at very &w rates. lie also will manufacture all kinds of Furni ture, &c., to order at the shortest notice. Funerals waited !on and Hearses supplied, &c. He therefore solicits a. part of the public patron age; which he will !endeavor to meet by iprouipt attention to businesi. Give us a trial. "! February• 15, 1844. VALUABLFj, REAL ESTATE; - 5- 0 CD aq', T J 0 .1:,' = ' MBE subscriber. , offers the fidlowing dl sizable property, situate on Main street, ;Mount' Carden, at Private Sole. I. No. I—All those four contiguous new tiVo• ; I •, 1 ; story frame houses. each containing ••. in front 48 feet by 16 felt deep, with. iii • • Kitchen :12 feet by 14 feet deep, ani 7. good Cellars under the whole, and • excellent Spring of water in front. I; No. 2—All those new two story Mono -hous es, 'huilt of the best materials ; each house . con taining 15 feet front, by 30 feet deep, with gar . dens attached ; No. 3--One two ;story frame house having; 8 rooms on theist dory 3 - on the 21 argil good Garrets, with Eitilisn in the rear.' Also,n good Stable and other outbuildings, at present oecnpiegi by the subscriber. I. No. 4—All those two new two story , (mint houses, one and a; half stories high, each hose having 14 feet front, by 27 feet.deep,; with base ment underneath, and good Garden attached. No. s—One lot of ground, 60 feet front by 200 feet deep erith a good one rind a half story house upon the sane. 1 1 1 NO. 6—All those 4 ecnitiguorr lots situated in East Mount Carbon nearly opposite the weigh locks, and formerly owned by Capt. each containing ill front 30 feet by 150 in depth —having thereon two frame houses with good springs of water oh the premises. • . The above property is situated at the temina tion of 3 railroads,' ;viz. the Philadelphia, Mount Carbon and the Port Carbon Railroads, and will be sold on accomnindating terms; for further Or ticulars apply to WM. COLLINS, or JACOB R.. BRIGHT. Feb. 1, 1815 • N. M. WILSON, Esq., is the regulaily Au thorised Agent to Solt the above deveribetrprortei ty, at hha General Akency and Magistrate Office, in Market street, rottesille, I'a. Capitalists' will 'do well to give hini 'a csll., Fish i i i* Tackle. _ TUST received and for pale a good assortment of Fishing 'Nettle to which he invites 'the tention of the anglevand.ull others.' J. S. C. MARTIN'S 12-1 March 22, Haggerty. npuis FirrtinaviMr, been dissolved by ithe de. 1 cease ofWllliam Haggerty, the business in winch the firm was °nate& mil 2att future be trio:incited by the servicing parpacr- " CHARLES MiLLER..z Poltevillo March 29th, 1845. , FRF.StI FIGS.--4 1 1. few drumo fiel) Fnza. also Lemons,Crangds,and Itaisina ilia? rereivpd, and Dar Ink by 1 JOIIN S. C. MMITIN. ..13n..18. 1815- !, 1 .3 . , Guano. A Lot of auana, just re'v.ive.l and for 'sa, la by B. BANSAN, no. 14-L April 5, REV. B. HIBBARD —One gross of Rev . : 13, Hibbard's vegriable adtibilious family Pills for 641 e at ; MARTIVS March 17.;e2cs•azial 2 urmovim. 3fOSER d KUEBLER; 1 • ; ! • H AVE removed, from their old stand In Oen: tre Street; O the stand formerly ocenpied by the Meisrs. Rebee,lat the Corner of Pierwedian and Rail Road streets, where they will.ox • • for sale dai,y; ALL 'THE VARIETIES OF ME. Berf real Lamb :11:siton Pork /Tanis oto at the lowelit market prices. • Call sad see theet. March 15. 1845. t 2 .Geo. 111. JenningS. „ vs }Mt. atiorKeTl4. SW 111YrCe: Peerey Jennings.. •.I BV an order lamed - oat of the Court of pominon Lieu of Schuylkill county, and to me directed. I am commanded to not ify you. the said Pearey Jennings, that you he, and appear before our judg e s. at a Cann of Common Fleas,o be held at Orwlrsburg, and for the said county. oti the drat Monday 'alone next, then and thereto answer the complaint of your bookend. (;soresJennints,. who prays to be divorced from the bonds of M•trintony entered into with yont the tatd Nero! Jennings. JiRFIMIAIi Phsrifra Mee. , Orwige-) .1 • burg. April 7, 19i9.• • 15- • „. . PRIL•ADELPHIA . • . • . 5 D OUBL E. BEAM , 1,AT0051 SCALES': DALE'S Single Ream , . tatfortu Seeks • . Double " Couotti Single " " "Even ' " " .? 3 Iron Patent-Mangos. - axis( Rine awl Nest We ' I ' lot sale • WIRILBSAI.I: • 4NI RETAIL et the , SCALE WARELIORMIR "if • • GRAY k panne. No, 24 WALNUT St.. 11 , aler.i in all kind.' and Weir,:hte. 11. All Stales in: ate wuranted to Eire in e rrry Pa Vhlttiak- - C . 81 ' Mai - tit - AN! • DAL SPRING` ;BALANCES, -IADOtEN SALTEWS:impiov ED SP . RING BALAN. ICES, with and wltiiimt Dist s . era!' aNU tapir of the different rtren nf Platform and Cogito,.. B CA. I - 1 0. put Racetraand for talc. at the, %MAU' .Wfintebouse of 611.4.‘ ^ & i nnOTT/En., No. 3t W beluw Second. Philadelphia lilarcIll20; 13- • Q 50.--104.1:E•1 I:VEY ItgANt COUN-' " ARK Mom.: ouRABI.E ACCU- . RATE. AND CONVENIENT than any Scale in use win . Weigh from one gran' to 100 pounds for sale at the very low price of .R 1 :hd each. Larger size RS, and 33 MU with Dish, warranted to trice satisfs Mon._ GRAN R...IIROTIfEtt, X. -31 %VAL:SW street. .arch 0, PREMIUMS:ITO BGATMEN. , scliunic . ',.,ATA V 1 a ATION; 1845. • -.- • Al'ltEalillM svilrbe tatd bytheSdhugilkill Navi gation company, ' teOhe . esPtarn'nfany boat Join ling down from the coalltegiOn'trel`hlfadelphta,lo the i i , seo , mo of / 115 , otorept - n WOO tuns of coal , 101 l weight, whieh premium wlll he , 4uat to one:fourth of the toll' seceleed by the Compa`ci • upon 'the exceuof Coal he-' yond' one thotmand tong ......... '.Premium . of 8 45 for the Spring Trade. The. Co. will pay tri;:the ?moth of June, a premium of 51.5 . t0 the rapraln of any .Doit bringing down be fore the let °Mute, lop, four hundred and Any tong of coal, toll' welght,fryn Pottsville or Schuylkill Ha ven to Mona) link or It*dadelphia, which will be in ad dition to the toll . premivo offered for the whole seuou. No premium will bo:Spaid to any person Unless he ' Font - omit to the Canal ftegulations, and .has tke boat duly rrelsterrit and nunibereil; and in rase the Com p .ny's Number it taken of any boat, the Captain there of will be Nobjert aline of 5 dollars, or an addition -to hia toll of that anin9w. Z•ne Naeigation is now open throtighouti the tante tine • •';i: By order of tlte 80,i4 Of :Wetmore, ' C. HARPER, Secritiry, ,Odire of the Seli'l t Aay. Co. t • Philadelphia. Marela'riP, j ISIS, CHEAT BLINDS. B. J. NtILLIAVIS, No. 12, N. Wh o S't. , ,:ifew doors abore Market St: • PIIWADELPHIA, . . "1 / - TAITIAN anufacturer, has always one V hand, a large and ,f'shiimable assortment of Blinds which fur a variety:uf colours, beauty and Style or, • finish; will excel thoses'of any other Establishment in. the City and will besnlil at the very lowest prices. Merchants Supplied !‘ti, th any quantity at theshottutr ,--. t Icattee. .• ... ' .„ Old Blinds repaired And.ttimmed to look equal to P. - new. . ..4 a. He respectfully invhas the 'Citizens of Schuylkill County, to give hicW l 4 call before purchasing also l, where. • . ~ ; ' • --- at-House and sign. Palsalng executed as ritual. In t , the heat manner, and'oo the most' satisfactory terms. Philadelphia March l 4 , • -• . 10-3 mo CHEAP CARPET .S'I'OREi.. A 8 our Rent and 0041 expenvev-are very lawrent , are determined :ta , retain the title of “CIICAPC CARPET STORE" i ithat our friends in the country,' havi-eiven um. and wti'inotv offer for,,thla Beason turt excellent agsortnient;of • Beautiful ImperlaWplf) Superfine lngrahr,„;; ',_ ' - • Fine and common:O. ' '- CAPETINGS. 4-4 I and Venitiait= ) A nd-a large Ftor.k Or I.oolt 011. CLOTHS -of all * widths for. Rooms Hail •.4.c., together with Nattier, Hearth Rugs, l'iano ain Table. Covers, Rag Carpets. Stair Rinls &c.. tylt*.riale or Retail at the lowest prices in the City. ~ " . A good as,s,irtment Offtow priced Ingrain and Entry'. and Stair Carpets altiasll on hand '- • . i..-,:',IELDRIDGE & BROTHER, - No. 41 Stra wherr. lirrTeet.'onedoor above Chesnut; • ett. belwren Second•artohird St., Philadelphia. • Ila,rch 8, 1815, ' I v: •. ' 10—Into -- --- - M1L1T,4 7 11.Y STORE'. • , IrrIIIK subscriber Tanld respectfully inform hie Priends and custoincrs.that he has located his Milifury' Cap Alanoluclory Pa Third Street, No. po, a .few doors below Ram • where . he would be pleased to see his old customer , ' and as many new oneiras are disposed to favour hita.• their costom., I cent i nuts to manufacture - Military and Sportmeit's articles of every description, such as leather, Clothij'elt. Silk and Beaver-Press Ceps, of all patterns;. Niage Caps; (hitters Co Troop Body do ;.Cartouch Boats. Bayonrt cabbards. word..! Belts of all kmds ; CAteery ; Knapsacks, different patterns Vire Ruckete, Passing Boles, Tebe do. • Brush and Picker's PSumea. Ponapoona Firemen's.: Caps, Leather Stockriun Cases, superior quality Shot Baas, Getne'Brifiri.. DTUMP.dr.L.ikc• • 11,70rd.:rs thankfully received and promptly at•-• tendcl ta. CRESSMAN, No. 101 North Thi Os't seer, r. few doors below Rac • Philadelphin,4amnify. 13, 1844 2-6m'- RE ADY 10 . E: CLOTHING: accordin g to thitest and most apprpred style of SprinfrAnd &darner fa:hions, al . 29`2 . 11/ofri'l at., Philadelphia, _ TATTIF:RE MicliactiT{Pcy. begs leave to Infarm him t VV customers aud.tlivpuJlic in general of Benylklll.l eannty, that he hal ()Aland, the best and largest as sortmenofBpring end 'Summer Clothing, to be found' t in the cdy. of Philsilaubia. Unlike other persons,. Tracy wishes that Ids friends in the Countiy - , should, • prelim's to pnrchasinz:teall at every-other establish ment. look at their Gbods, then come to 20'2 Market st. and witness the imincb s se superiority of his articles, manuf.icturmi by regultir mechanics, and hot done np • by persona, who havirygfailed in their own tradl, has* taken to Tailoring. t} Every variety Of Ready made Clothing, to be had: at this old and favoriie:Establiahment. TRACY's 212 Market'ilreet below Ninth, Philad& I Rail Road Irori s Spikes & Chains. . 500 Tires' 30, 33, 314, 3F;, 9 . 2., 94, 51,5611 race Men- ' 2011 Tons 2' x ? 'r7 4 Dar Pail flood Iron, 50 ..• 11 . xl• , flat Ilar RII Iron lot Drifts, 25 •• 1x I Pune:lyd ban. for Screens andShtatesi • 30 Kept 5 x 4 Rail' Rnad Spiker, ' •50 . - 5x 4 : ci. do do , • 50 .• 41 x 5-16.;d0 •. do 29 " 31 Xi • 440 du . - - 10 " 61 Iffch Mat.. Spikes, 10 .' 6 dO • 'do .. '3O '' 5 ' lia '. do ' . .- Chain. 4 inch to I inch for Incline Planes, made' of hem Amt:rican Iron, 'and proved at the highest at:1113- E9r s3le by . . '..: ~ : . . . , ''', A, 4.-G RALSTON, it"Crt, . . , • Net 4.Potith front street. Phdadalphia: Philadelphia, APtil:l2. 144m0 . FAR (trn Y 1 &CA PI4.INTER , CONVEYANCERS • 56 VI A I,NLIT'S'rREET. PIIICADA. - MonFy Loaned on 'Moulage, and Rea! Eidoie bough 4 and sold. . •-! Philadelphia, ApsW 10 • l6-0t MI • • Wl= Riat ,! . WIIIitEB , AIII2ANGF.3IS:NT: /IN and after Deielnber 1, 1814, no Passenger Inc run nn Sundays.. Hour, of starting ott?and afcr.r Monday, April 14. t'ron, rottrville, at 85\.'51..}. Daily exr.ept Aundayr iltilada., ,Sit. ( iit'ams•ov - phssiric READING. Enr Philada., at • 91 A. M..) •Poltsville 111. - r • RATES OF FARE. r Between rettivtlle and Pliihda., fa SO and 43 00. ;'Leading. /1 40 't 81' 20. .1 April 12, • . • • IVluspa I "Vi.uio ! • ". BOSTON •ACADE3IrI3 Colle ct ion of Church Jiuttai, Flees Union Choral Harmpny. of Sacred Music, Thn Itarmonlst. Hickok & Fleming's Ebanrelicat Music. WYclh's nolvlia;hry of sacred 3ltilic. ' Just receivad and fist gala by' Nov. 30 48. iTS. d Lard • • , lord Lamps !- • 100 LARD !inth Tin and Drittania. of Nears. .Patent,• the best and most approved kind— just 'received. sy the use oftheso Lamm& more w ant and militant light ht obtained, tban by the' a&- Ito* hest' nil, and at saving of about 50 peOnt.-s a . Bold at MatalfaCtUret a prices ST - /teat. • Ansilt. .FTRAIKES AND - FIGS.—A malt lot fresh Cyr' Salt= Figa, arid a few Ism and 002e$ of crop Nunes. fay ealS by J. S. C. 3,1A9T1N.' Horeb 150,945. • • =1 tTTEITIGN. 131 t NNAN, EMI 14.2m0