q "TRY!, TRY, ACIAIN.'' • . C(1171e WO, the 'Pkvtge." 1 'Tie a lessen you'aboUld heed, '- = trk main; !fat first you don't succeed, • Tryttry again ; • ' 'rhea your courage should appear, - ?or if you will persevere; ~Yau dill con-quer, never' fear ;' • try, try again.' - three, or twfte, thol you should fail. ~ _ Tiy, try agoiti; If you would. at last prevail, • Try, try again ; If we strive,''tis la° diAirrace„ Though. We may, not win the rate ;‘ What sholild you da in the easel - . Try, try again ; • If you find yolir task ni hard, Try, try a; in ; Time Win bring. you your rewird ; 'Pry, try a4.iin ; AU that other Wks can do, . Why. with patier:te, should not you, Only keep this rule' in view, Try, try again. • MIINEKS' JOURNAL DuEltrtEn . 'Tilt 'Cat E extract the Wowing from Oliver Olinto 're" Washington orrespondenceto the U. S. Gazette,'giving an account of a chfosleozs affair in South Carolina : • Iyl bad the pleasure to-day of seeing and conver ." sing with the lion. Mr. Iloar,lof Alassachusetts. • This gentlemen t yon are,uware, was lately, eent by that state to Charleston; South Carolina, for the purpose of acting as the agent of that state,-in prot:tbctinz the rights of liar colored citizens who • should go to South Carolina, and witlr the view of Withal, by aid appall .to th i Fularal c.,urt, the constitutionality of the law of the laiter.State, tan . der which she seizes and imprisons every colored s eaman that is brought within her limits , until 'the vessel in -which:he came is ready to depart, charge • lag the captain thereof with the exposes . of such seizure and iMptirnnment. 'As Maasaehu 61341 . 1Tas unable to get a lawyer in South Caroli na to sue out a Writ.of habeas corpus for any sea - . man thus seizei and imprisaned;: and try the caa stitutionality of the State Law authorising this , she sent Mr. Hoar to Charleston merely to band it suit to bring up the question before the Suprem e Court of the United States. Was them any thing wrong in this I But it seemi that the sovereign ; people of that sthtti had snu notion that the vulidity , or their laws should be tested i The Legislature las f yoU may have seen, paled iesolutions requi ring the .Governer to expel Mr. Hoar from the .I:hate, and . that •it vs as...insulting to the State to question constitution a lity of one . of her iistvi!!! What a mighty hig man' Tom' Thum is! Well, the' Governor sent his messenger to order Mr. !far out Of the .state ; but before he sir.. rived, Messieurs, •the mob, hal given sirimilar or- den with significant; hints• tint if not obeyed forthwith they would he exeeutel in a, very sum• Teary manner. 'Several gentlemen urg.:.l Mr. H . to leave Cie state immediately, assuring him tha t they could not answer fur his safety if he did • not, and upon his consenting C du so, accompanied • him as.protectorS 'on board the boat. • , • We have come to a ;pretty pass, truly, when a single State can play, "such fantastic; tricks" as this, unrebuked t Whet, are the lives: of Ameri.: ran citizens to be . threatened, and they expelled fiorn a State for' daring; to question the constitu, -ticinality of, one of herdavid I and fa: proposing to try the question before the Supremo Court of the United. State , -• . It was stated to-dap thst hid not Ar...llonr had a daughter with him, he would surely have been ' hung by Judge Lynch !:' . .: STATIETICS . 0i TRE SCATS P1110:1', N. Y —The - statistici of the New Vat's. Mato Prison show that there are 861 perionceJn f tiled in it— That of this nuro',er 533'c in rea-t.anil write; 210 can read only ; 115 Clll I:l*har • r0.4 - nor write G 33 havare,:eiv.ii religiqu; instr uctions, 253 havo not; 337 .ara telverate, 331 intziaperate ; 411 aro inarria 437 taint irrie.l; 632 aro white, 213 ca'ora..l; 627 aro lac barn, 234 tbroi,gners• repri c. ;it rizi.t. 'E.l4itizs gives the fol!ovrtn; sfairtm3r.y:— • L. That 443,,0r 0:16 h tha iri.m3; aro com mitre;] as 1 " .2. a. 531, or rrt r:a tht.t an: h dr, are ad -4izt:.1.1 t'Jits ; a:11 th.lt 237, or 033 qi In!: of critnef 0.•13 ClCti o:tSia Alt 'l'll'lso. ! 3. That the .1;•". of 23 yz..is is eta role. fruit ful of crinn.s; ea .. it - 031 t:Le•cri rvt are ca•n-nittei ul.hr ..1 of I ; tyr.,lfC3 after 43; .throo l)7;:r2 ; tiv3 Ci;liths ha - NY :3 : 1 17 ail t; '4. That clie large cities , su..-la at Nc:vliork. Brooklyn, Albany, .Trod, :siewbur;,, P.taeakevp Huison add Szhe.tazt )11, are ) hi _tine 'of crime. the coAntics in tvlihea thi 1111Ze3 are Navin; prodacei 731 Out ofl3ll * , or 11.!1-ty !even_ 'eigths of the whaile ntanber.' • Llic - Tits ,174 - sortrtt Jir..• D . i vrircl strs— n . •''' There is athip; thrit gres-e+ the wheel of husi • nen like :ll:yips:y:3. a.lvec::.iicir., 13..ttr.i P.c. a4l't , • ,no touch to it" , . - - • • . . ,T.te Ni.tj Ir Isn'gßs a thing - or two —hat. We arc ..,.. sorry .ihat.s.?_few nraa: MI di 11e74 men in Pott,sille _ . have inadc lhik inipartant digeovery- In order to , *arc !I few d , illard fir a lvcrlisin.r, they are willir4 to laolie 'hundreds annually. iti the chap.e. ufprofitt "'Ter kaaw p rain wha lid nit salciici hy a Iv.Lirtis:l; , p:avi led tießvivaiiN.l . 'o3:ia. 7 .t; a i rtt. A . l I vl4 11.21 4 .!1V Stypart. • A baiileki maa . wha d ri keP2 ttia name before tiu pifAie gra lually hii nista meta by the. attraltive a lrerti4ctriolit4 of Liy mare eniorpri4inz - fteizlibors, and "ol..; two Le . is ,lost,siiht of. It becomes fiece.s.try 11. r ever: per_ son to mike. now fricol4 anJ cp'.tomers, oiberevise the tliszot,:try will vi 13:q4 t !I', but faro left in this t..:1/441n; '.Pile Clay Chill of lor.vtleif rounv, pi. re.tln tf. the Whi4A thre'uzhout the Uni te l thl ere.etiat 61 it ; : eit ttianil 'in mu nto h03.1r of Mr. Clay. citi-t• pro:riptly ret.l ptia ovpioic littn•lrerl" 'on 1 r)rty-four dolltrk. t'a. f ty en.l4ider tlir partial' of the.. am iunt whie:t it tviuld be pralierrliso for the , . . _ tly g-nero I consent it appears to hare -been left t., tte Whig . Members of Con:piss to recommend sons: Suitable mode forlhe people td testify their re-plot far the talent - end patriotism of:Henry Cloy. Th, soluer,they actmpon this subject the -.he...ter., We kno..v of a nurn:vr of persons in this , nei4lll, yholl erho4c.melns . will not permit them 4o h) very liberrl, Wh, h4vil declare) their Mien-. ' Oita of tlisPensin; witlitheir dinners for one week. to enn'tle them to contribut .their mite in honor :Of on:, of the hest statesmen and purest patriets the world ever saw. ,:. When, is 8,6 mu that ,- can in t ot p !iticil-f;imida r • , ;,. • • 1 1 _ . EMI Perfumer; Per ry - . 911.1 Failacty 2 /vr. ints:o6o3pennik a IcAort'PrWi I.'slid - Superior' rrnac Perfdinniy, antottr *hints : s Farina - telogne.fiiirsdi Wiitii.(flailey :Wale', al verypleasant pErjume, AO isnn ese.ellcnt article for! keeping .. hair in curl fur eilher Ladies; Gcmierneh Childreni Triiin;M:li.ilitrur: lilt. 7 the Sanding Riktltiii • ftheit Water, su perm, Beat it , Od, iu Rite . and .13 Mat row 0:- reatum, Orris' TnothAVWfr. Toilet 'Powder, Vowder 'Buses and I•afra,,lodisnPil and -Indian I.))e. for col ouring I lair herutifal' bri wii a,td d irk-color, easter Oil. Seird:llags It.r waivers, Genuine OrIO of Roses, in -Bottles, Brown ‘Vind.ror, Musk, Orange and iseinon,-Otto Hose. Sac.. rfc.. ;naps, Also. Glen A's piinn ce Min COlilpo ttild Fur Itousselrceeithrated having Cream. • Rou.selt's Japoniceirtis Paste, for whiten ing and•sofiening itiellands, and. preventing chap- - ping. [Zonis - 01's Balsamic Elizer of Lanier. for the ninth eai ',Teethe keeping the breath fresh and` sweet, preibiliter the 'wane - In • healthy eondifins e and preventing the:decnying of the temb.recinnmendell • by eminent Dm eote. • . . . . • • For fate at'lliladelphia prices. ' . B. BANNAN, Agent. 52 INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXER & cure for Itheum.itic'efTectione. - This article Itene crates to every nerve and Ante* of the person using Ili and it has attained a reputation unequalled by any oth er article In Rheumatism. This will cure the most se tere cases—extend contracted muscles, and bring feel; ing and sensibility to litela long paralyzed and useless: We only need refer to some cases below to obtain the confidence of the public fur these articles, r The following‘are two respectable, and the gentlemen too well known to require comment. Lei them' be read. I love been afflicted most grievously since 1832 with Rheumatism, and contraction of the cords of my legs, caused by the cramps of the cholera, which I then had in its most severe form. After trying many: remedies In !rain, I have fund relief—bad .tlie cords of my legs relaxed—the swelling reduced—and am greatly henefit tett by the use ofone bottle of Liniment, used externally and one bottle of Indian Vegetable Elixir, used internal ly at the samerime. I can now walk with ease In po sitions that ! could not a wee': ago endure at all. JAMES U. REYNOLDS, Chrystie street,corrt.tr of.DAancey street. Though this was given more than a year since, Mr Reynolds, was a few days ago at the offwe,-.witere this remedy was obtained in full health and perfect posses si n of his legs and feet, and . tlioli.ol over sixty years old, stood up on his toes rej.!ateolly to show the spec tators how complete he was curd. This remedy reach es and soothes the new es. and, allays pains most effec tually on its fi rst a:min-viol, and I.y , a few repetitions removes ninre effectually and ip.edly - Ritetimatic pains, thin any other application was ever known to do. -Its effects arc powerful and immediate. Let those afflict ed try it bin once; and they must be convinced. - The Liniment Is much counterfeited as externs oaks, and the only test of genuiness is to feud- the fac simile siznature'of Comstock & Co. • If that rennin be thund it is counterfeit. Buy only at Comstock's Branch Rouse, Nu. 2,,North .sth street, Philadelphia, ,and Pottsville of Feb. 17, J. S. C. MARTIN. 1•Pl OTICE is hereby given, that application will be made. tothe Legislature of Nbitqlvania, at the ensuing session. for the incorporation of a Hank, with a capital of Teo 'Hundred Thousand Dollar"; to be located at Schuvlisill Haven,Schnylkill county, to lie called the Farmer's Ltaiak of Schuylkill countv. CHAS. lIIhNTZINGER, .I.OIIN HUGHE NVILLIAM"HUNTZINGER, . LOUIS C. DOUGHERTY, lIENRY 5k11.014 DANIEL sictoß,,,, DAVID, DAST, JAMES-11: LEVAN, GIDEON BAST, I GEOCa;E, KAUFFMAN, WIT/TAM STERNER; )11. STAGER. THE subscriber has just opened at the Store, former. ly occupied by Crosland & Christ, on Rail Road st., a reneral iassortnient of Groceries and Provisions, which he Will at the lowest possible prices for cash ; Such as . Sugars, Molasses, Coffee, Clucolate, Tea, 1 Cheese: &c., Sperm - and Whale Oil, Si/erl• Maceti, ,Moulds and Dipped Candles, Soap, Tobacco, Segars, Hams, 1 shoulders, Mess Pork ' Dried Beef, Cod. t tbilt,Mackerel , &c. WILLIAM 11. brAILSITALL. 21—t f May 2.5 1511 N E W S 'l' 0 R OLIVERAL. ItS • • RESPECTFULLYto t the citizens of selin) "county, that they have comniered bust-, necg in the Sotto recently occupied by William C. teib,• one door south of the ' Post °Mee, in the Borough of Pottsville, where they liana 'just opened a new and carefully selected stock of • Dry . Crud,.' Groceries; • Class, • Queens, Earilten• and Hot- low Ware, • Among whiCh may Ue found Cloths,' Cassimeres, Sat tinetts. Mouselire de Lain• GingliamS, , Lawns, Men noes, Saks, Satm,'Laces Sankins, Ifollands Flannels, Marseilles, Satin, and other N ' 'esting,s, a great variety of 3 1usiins,•IlleaOleil and Unbleached, Silk, Cotton, and Ginghams; Handkerchiefs, Sumther 'Cuths, Velveteens, Ladle's and Gentleman's Stock ings, Gloves, and Mits of all descriptions. Also, Syrup,- Sugar Hauge and NeW Orleans Molasses, Sugar, Coffee and Tea, Cheese, Candles, Snap, Salmon, Shad Mnelk eral, Herring, Hams, Shoulders - and Smoked Meat generally Tobacco, Scgars, crackers, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Sweat oi 1,11111, Oil, &c.,, !Lavine purchased their goods with ereat_eare and on rellsottable,:trans. they will be en:Odell to dispose them, at prices quite as low as their neighbors. February , For Coughs; Colds; Influenza., CatarriTs; Whoophig Cough; Pains of the Breast and sides; Brouelaitis; • Asthma; Croup; Difficulty of lirrathicig and Fa " pectoration; Shortness ureathiuntiacc 'nation of the Lungs; and - arrestor ripproa.thing Consumption. IT has been but a rem rears sihre thiS medicine has been introduced into ibis country, and has hern pro ductive of the most astonishing and unrspectedscsults. As sr•vmal hundred certificates of its effects have been heretofore' published, it is onit necessary now to re mind the public where it can be obtained genuine. Throaghoirt Gentian) , it is known as the "Lift P e secret," and Is the on:y medicine in Use tk , :re for the bore al:Minns. It is put noin half pint bottles, with full directions 50 Cetus a Bottle:. Prepared only (from tho original receipt nhtalned a great prime.) and told ,‘‘ , lldlernie and retail, at Dr.l..e Wahl' Emporium, No'.? 191 north Second street, ne,#VMr, (Nip of the Uultivn Eagle mid Serpents,) r d-rphia - Fer :a le M rcttaville, I.y J. G. BROWNA GREAT ATTPLACtIO.NI G'l .~ km: eit:zem of SeauyWill County, .are ris pretfully invited to visit the W STORE ef'.:L4:l/ESII. KELL Y. Centre street, Puttscille, ,ivßt. lli.y trill tind the ura.t splendid and ex; ettsi‘e arrt ment of ~. ... Cloc.'::,11 - titches, Jewelry, 4c. _ .. . =lTver exhibited to the people of the Coal Region.- A mong the ditst arrivals from the' city, will - be found Clocki of every variety of pattern, quality, sot price. - Gobi an:ltSilver ‘Vatches,the best as-- sohnuolt cvcrbreught, into tha country-Jewelry •-of an descrquien's-Musical Instruments and -Mu; Fie--Guns, a variety of dQublo and single bar relir.l-I'mstolsfrom Allen's 'six'barrelled . revorver, down to the simplest sing le barrer•with and without dirks , attached to the barrell,-Dirks, and Dirk Knives. Scissors, Pen Knives and Cutlery of various descripiimui 3 -Silver, 'Pia 'and' Table Spoons, Musical liotel, dte.,,e;c. altogether pre senting attractions unequalled in the region.- Thi - Cufviiiifre . i i beiCtg . iii .t.be - iotistaAt an d, almost daily receipt of nevi - accessions to'his stock, is tie-. lermined t o . sell, and' M il l sell lower, that% any . other establislitnent itho , country. ,-• •.: : . . ' , ,' -• • : ..1 : • JAMES .H. KELLY. '. • y Pottsville, Nov. 160844. : • 46-:::3m0 fpfr . FALL GOODS. -4421' 111QM11.1S BEA FT:Ghare joist , teaciyed a .1 Splendid aliartment of rich New Ntyr% alto, Satin:cm. enesimeres, Claitia,"Checlt, hlueinertinton and Woollen Flannel, besides great variety-oraeison-thle gootio, o' - whi4kwill be ata IME TIMM Deeember,"23, NO.TICE. July 27. enuAeGtioos FOR cAs4,- . And nn Credirgiren. " Dr: Bechter's PUL.II.OIVARY I'RESERVATIVE, Ni==:=l Whdl&sa~e at Ret jI Stoke. • itch fe4bi "dtaial m r n frah Vitty.flaral en ' •s;cruragement he has -received {and also ..from the neoltssityof,tleir being. cheap Retail store, ht *his • Patl.9( tbe , town) has procured and Mill keep conslantlY; on iuld-7Fiattr;salt, Tea, .Sugar, COffee,.Cheepe:ltio lasies, Vin e r,' hichin.cOnnett ion rabid& pretent stock of Hams,l3bOulders,• Matkerat'll'orting and cod dish, Biotin, Yellow and Whits Soap .1 Also a very superiororticie of pure Palm, Almond ,and Fancy Soaps—Sperm and Tallow Candles—Winter Mid 'Fall Strame'd Sperm Oil; &c. &c.,&c. Ail of Which' be will sell at the lowest Cash Retail Prices—And to Run Ries, or those,buying to sell again a liberal deduction will be made, In proportion to the quantity taken. ' , EDWARD YARDLEY,, York Store. , 11:8.—From the fact-of my having -a person in the City, whose time and attention, is devoted. to the lelec, tiori ofthe articles I propose saint , hive no- heSita tiori in saying that I can'fiumish goads as cheap, as any in 'Pottsville... -Call and judge for yourselves.. 'W Sept, 1913; • • ••• •E. Y. • FURNITURE! . FURNITURE!! dAa:a:Nw. wum.EAcTortr. , . . . m ziLrGEESVING. I • ' ' • ' ESPECTFULLY Informs the Sebuylkill !,'eoun 11ty that he is now, prepared to manufacture. all ample, of Householdand Parlor Furniture in the neat test;; handsomest, 'and' most. satisfactory manner. , Ile has:also on hand, - at his Ware-room -in *Mahantango 'street, corner of Adam street, !an assortment of . !LIA.HODANY 011A113.8 of the French patternwith l Hair Seats; Fine Mahogany Centre Tables, Mahogany' Dressing Uureaui, - made after the French style, with glasses, &c. ! In!addition to the above, the advertiser is prepared to receive and execute all orders for-repairs, &c.i which wilt be carefully, attended to and finished at the shortest hot ¢e. Ai I kindsof upholstering, such as' covering Sofas, Chairs, Lounges, dr.c., will be finished in the mOrr ciP7 proved manner, if entrusted to his eharee, a long expe = mace in the business having qualified him fur the un dertaking.' , . , The advertiser would inform the public that although ieSiding in ;"ottsvilie, he can tnrn out furniture ;of the best Workmanship, at ns low prices, as any of the city WaVehouses, and respectfully requests those who need articles in has line, to give him a call, beforse purcha singelshwhere. May 23 ' 21—ly FOR BALE. gattinls Patent Coal Breaker riltritDlS economical ma c hine Is now in sctcessful *'l l ation at Mr. Bast's and G. Spencer dr, Co's mines, nett Mine rsville, the Delaware Co.'s mines near Potts. vine, and Mt. Packer's mines near Mauch Chunk. • This machihe is important to the land owner from its ureaat reductiati of wastage in breaking, and still ; more impOrtant to the collier; the cost of preparing extol frm. , snaltet twins by its utie'reduced tat less than one fiftic.of thal,hy, the ordinary method. . inunize of the proprietors, J. &- 8. Baton, Philadel phia., or the subscriber at Minersville. D. R. BENNETT. • 22-3Mws Ja p e 1, Removal. • • „.. , mum subs,criber take! this method of informing his 11tustmners and the citizens of Pottsville generally, that he has removed his i i i FLOUR AND FEED STORE , frritrileentre street io the corner of 'Norwegiat and Raikrtnad streets, where be will be pleased to merit it continuance of their patronage. *b. 24 ~ BRUSHES! BRUSHES!! ropE subscriber' has ju s t received a beautiful as -111 a corttnent of Hair, lint Crumb and Clothe Brushes. froiroo cents to $1 371 of American 'manufacture t bet ter, lliandsOmer and cheaper, than the English" and French article, all of which will be sold very c. betip.--, Among the lot are Ladies' Hair tit fishes. . i ', . . ,lIENJ. HANNAN, Agent I September 2l; . . \ ' 38— . • MARSH'S SUPERIOR PATENT J 4--Ir TRUSS • 1' :e7:---- 1 ...-W_______-- . . ALSO, .. D. Joseph AVldit's Vitro Abdominal Sur/pone r Il• 1 Al simply of the above articles,'.ju,4 .recciced • , and ,Tor sale, at the manufacturers prove., by JOHN S. C. MARTIN, . ' 1 .i. . - ' Drugptist Oeinher 2R, ' ' 44 MEAT MEAT!! MEAT !!! - 1' . . I atOSER tI , Z; KIiEBLER, NtiOUNW to their; friends . and the public, that they have taken the n•AI TellE STAND• forintriv occupied by . Mr4 John Sites, in Centre sti‘ee _nearrti 'opposite the Pennsylvania Hall, where they will kin happy to supply the public, with all kinds of FRESH ANI);B3IOE.ED MEAT of the very best kinds. Come on, and give us a trial. Julia 8 . Leather, lloroceo, Shoe Findings AND LAST STORE, • SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAST,! Wesi, Penn 'Spare, a few doors :East . of ber nanetk Tatern, Reading, Pa. • • - The subieriber respectfully roforma his -• customer's and the puUlic generally, that 1',4 he has reMoved 'his store,to the room * lately occujed by Mr. I. W. Rh:ldler, as a Grocery store, in Pearl street, a few doors East •of Geritild'a., Tavern, where he keeps an assortment of the hdlowlng articles. LEATHER, ennSiSting of best Baltimore rolled Sole, Red and Slaagliter do., Wax and Grain Upper, Calf skins, Slang-litter and Spanish Kip, Horse Leather, Whip arid Grail Kip, &c , ace. ; , ,MOROCCO. SBaitO, French, Men's Root Morocco, Kid Cosich 'Li ningsOlat Linings, .Book Binder Skins, Pink, Red and Whittainings, &c. FPS & SFIODIAKER'S KITS. trteaciet.l and Grain Thread, Pegs, Spatables, 'Awls,:dirunniers; Knives', Pincers, Bristles, Rubbers, Rapee,lShoulder-Sticks, BratisHeels,Weit Keys,Meri's .Women's„ Boy's and Chiidren's Lasts, Boot Trees, cninpriiing boards, all onwhich will be sold cheap for cash liyt I AL IL LOCIIER. , ' Reading, Aug. 31 • 35—CmO • %1.;&J-,IL Kelm, ,' NOTII FIFTH, §T., .P.EADING, PA. Imp ciiters' (1-Hardwim , and Deakrs Nails, • I • ron,. Stale 1 and Tin , TjAyr: constantly on hand, a full assortment-of /1.- 17 tnerican and Enelhall Tlardware and Cutlery, Nadi and Spikes; Rifle ll:irreg, Planes, Iron and Steel of alt ; Tin wire and Rivets; Saddle Trees, Pa tent Leather and Coaclolountink, Class, Paints, pit and Yhirttishes Ccdar and Hollow-Ware,Duponts and Common Powder, &c., & 4 c. to which they invite th at tentiok of the citizens ofiSchuylkill County. FeW .10, • - . ' v _ e New . . TailorOgEstablishment rwmicE subscribers inform their friends, and the pub , tie, that they have; located .ttleniselves,'over th store taitely occupied byin..T. Taylor, and are prepare to do any work in the Tailoring line. From the lob eaperihnce of the SenioriPartner;they with confident soliciti share of the poblit. patronage, as it is their in tention', to give satisfaction to all who will favor theM with their castota; -f : ItI.'GRANT [. • . Asprif 6. . NEW GOODS., Josr.rif MORGAN, has just received a new assort Thant of Goods; aiming which are . spleadid new grille' Prints, Silk Embrnidered Nett Jvarfs,l4ussels Net f2,Vyards wide for Shawls, Thibet and Silk Shawls, - 4nd •Ashburtnn Lace, a very superior article or ,StripeOtooett Muslin. Thread Lace,Jaeonel Inserting;' and a Variety of other flack goats,-all of which will be sold at - the lowest cash ririees. Pottsyille July 13 • '23 • • 'II.);I.AWYERS AND SCRIVE NERS. • . • ausscriber . has just received a beautiful.ar '4. foolomp papr. ruled and plain, almost' as tough as l'arehment tellable for Instrimients of wrinegii^whicltwill besold by the ream., quarter or hall ream. • • bANNAN, Augl[St I 0 I 32-- , - . • BANN'AN.3,- 'cheap Book & Stationery Store. rrITE" aubscriber - hiii recently litfedrip.hli Establish. tneu4and is determined 0801 -all kindaof &Sig!' Besti. '''Aftirinaarstat - Booke. Bl_ atl; 800 tr,; ., r 5. r - 4 , Stationary, ran#, Statiorat ke. • • Wholesale and at- thil:trfwest,rhiladelphla • Oash.prlies. Being determined toreccommodate the; publi% he respectfully solicit, the patronage of tal those( in want4farticles in his line of business. • , . • c.S. Coarniy etas.-keepers, Teethe= arktrUsk sup plied wlarlesa4 at the very lowest, eastipr es. ' • 0. If Storekeepers and Others, will be tind enongh, to fertile' Ins with a list of the Books, they' require; We will be-happy to-furnish them , with-a,,list or our prices, per dozen, in.order ,to satisfy, them,sthat we le 'serf roods at thilsdelphie pricen.i Mar ~B. 11" C AsEU tt , stF "Rip exetimradit6t - 65104 444111.7114 i ate: .~ Yom.; =1711!! JOHN RUM 8- PETERS. MARTZ; _ 11-17: =M=ON 4' THE' , MINERS" 'JOIJANAL• pg; , tiii2b.tl;pgzA . . Medlchts,&C. r. TOPM4S R JAMES, WhAsOle - Rraki hut ' - and Phanna :-.7. titif;st,..strect,,ra few - doors above the Red Lion Helek) Philadetplsiit:, • JihhiE6, would inform 'Drug gists, Country Merchants and others, that he has taken 6:l6A:hernial ,Warehouse, formerly occupied by the late firth of Meredith. Henderson, &Co.,tind that be has laid in a carefully selected stack of fresh Drugs, Chemicals and. Medicines Also, Paints, - Varnishes, 011,Dye Stulis, Glass ertre;,44., which he will dispose of, on =mama dating : berms: - :"4Pbyrdsiana supplied with all the recent Chenti cal;Vegetable Alkalies, extracts and other Mate ria Medica. The fullest confidence may , be pla ced in the purity of all the Medicinal preparations frriin our.Ertablishment, as much care is taken in their preparation and selection. Philada., Oct; 26 Queens Ware. . WE have just reteived.per recent arrivals, a gen eral assortment of . . CHINA, GLASS • • = ' and QUEENS WARE, . Consiiting of assortments of Ware of the varlous6l - .Also, Granite. Fancy Colored and Yellow Stone Ware, of New. Styles and Patterns,' with a variety of DINING SETS, Complete. • TEA. SETS. du TOILET SETS, do ' We would respectfully call the attention .of our friends, and Gauntry Merchants generally; to the above, as they WRI be sold very low for CASH. • WRIGHT & WHARTON, 20 North Third street, Philadelphia. Philada. Oct. 26 ' ' 43—? mo" Scales! Scales I! DALE'S Patent • Pre mium Platform: an d Counter Scales, celebra ted foraccuracy and con venience, warranted in keep in order; nd weigh correctly, longer than any. other Scale in use. We have a large num ber of testimonials, from Rail Road Co's, Trans portation Co's, , Coal Dealers, Merchants and others, who have these Scales in use, which can lite seen atNo. 42 Walnut at., Philadelphia =F o r GRAY & BROTHER; Sole Agents for the Patentee, 42 Walnut Phila • GRAY 4- 'BROTHER, Coal & Iron Dealers and geheral Commission Mer chantso:lnd-Dealers In all kinds of Scales and Weights, No; 92, Walnut street, Philadelphia. Feb. 17 COAL I COAL!! I=l . • . • • GRAY tr. BROTIIER, have !liken the Second Wharf below Locust street. and will receive Coal on tstorage, or to sell or reship, lon the most favourable semis. Advances made if required. Office 92 Walnut creel. April 6, 14- nAucnorT dr. CO. POREIO'N .2ND DOMESTIC •" DRY GOODS, • NO. 1 83 MARKET.STREET, S. 11..timicnorr, Tnox•B BEAVER, J. 11. tl.tucx. I *Juicy Biacnorn. John Waterhouse, jr., c:Farrnerly of .rottscillo) Would be pleas d to see tbe ', `" , lerchants of Schuylkill County,}at the above Establishment. Septembel,2l.: 31-3 mo ; T R A C l ir ' S • • Ready ,blade Clothis..7 arid ustamer Store. No. 292 Market St. •Pla ti adelphia M . . TRACY, in thankinghis !friends of Schuylkill co. / for former; favors, takes! this opportunity.to iii form them. that he has now oMliand, a very tine assort ment of Cloak.s, Coats, Pants, Vests, &c. 4.c. all manu factured thiefalli from new troOds. To those who have formerly: dealt:with him; Mr. T. confidently appeals for a recommendation otitis articles. To new custo tners, he can only say, visit entry establishment in the City, if you pleaSe, then call at Tracy's, No. 22e Mar ket street, and you will be sure er.findine a better va riety, than you shave yet see . a I at prices so low, that no-one goes away withou I , gra :acing. Philada., October 5 -91 D-Onto Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpels: ngs. Robert IL Walker, NO. 25 NOATII SECOND 01+03ITE COMFIT CHURCH, Phi DEI41 2 11 i AS just received and is noty opening, a very exten• H sive, and beautiful assortment of CA OPENINGS.— The goods are fresh and of new styles, and being par chased principally for CASiI. Will be sold at the lowest prices. They consist in part of Splendid Brtissels. (rich patterns)l • Beaukiftil Imparial,3 ply, i I Superior extra Ingrain, Csarrrixos, Twilled Venetian, 2-1,4 4,j5-1, .1 cores warran' dp " "" J red durable. ' Stiperior quality 6-4 .English Bockiogs,- with a large stock of well seasoned, Oil Cloths, of all widths, Rugs, Piano and Tabld, Covers, ShLep Skins, Stair Rods, Bindings &c., toti,ether withan;extensive assortment of Low priced Carpotings, of all descriptions. as- In grains of good qttality and paßeins, for 371 to 50 cents per yard.' - I ff Purchasersare requosiell to call, and they, may rest assured of Inling pleased with the goods and prices R9BERT B. WALKER. Philada.; Septdrnber 14, i 37-3:110 AIIrENTION. IV/113.1 , ARV; SVORE. subscrßier would respectfully inforni his friends and ;Customers, tlilt he has located his CopM'ia•fitfory. In Third Street; N0..91, a few doors below 'Race,' where lie would be pleased to see his old customers and as many nee , Gees as dreiviisposed to favour hint with their ciiston. lie Still centinues to manufacture Military and Spartmen's articles ofevery description, 'Filch as leatbcr,J Cloth, Felt,Silk and Beaver Dress Caps, ail! patterns; Forage cape; holsters (Or troop Mirky do ;.Cartniich Boxes, Bayonet c ib,likrds,' word Belts of all ; Canteen; Knapsacks, different patrons : Fire 'Rackets, Pas;ing Roses, Tobe do. Brush and Picker's Plutneci Pompons Firemen's Cups. Loather §tocks, Gun cases. superior quality , :hat Rags.Gaine igs. Drunis.stc..&c. )170rdara thankfully received and promptly at tendel to. - WILLIAM CRKSSMAN, No:101 Non Fahird Street`, x . few doors below Rac Ph ilade 'Oda:. January .13,,,1814 2—Gm PUREi WHITE LEAD. • - • - .„WhetlieriU ei,l Brother ' , 11 - ANUFACTURERS. No 6.5; mirth Front Street I.laphiledelphis. have howls good supply of their lead, and those customers ,whc supplied consequence of a run have e a tte nt e ed n.s p p u a r r e in 'w g h ly ite n on theartible, shall 'now have their orders filled.. No knawn stdastance possesses those perservatire and beautifying Propernes so,desiiable ia a paint, to an equal extent With'unadulteratecl white lead; hence , alts admixture.io f other materials only mars its value. It has therefore beer! the steady aim of .the manufactures, fOr many years, to supply to the public ti perfectly pure white !cad; and the itaceasinede mind for the ariicle, is proollthat it has met with fa vor. It is invariably brandeion ',tine he ad—WETII - dt. BROTIIKR., in ;full,. and on tho other, 'WARRANTED PoRE-7•71i red !CUM. • November 19, • - • I . —Dr .! . B. BOoker , • , , L ATELY from Onvicelitirg, informs the Inhabitants of Pottsville, and 'the nubile in general; that be has begome successor to Dre. Efaetder and Ilathel„ as Ifinu seemathia Physician, in its 'various branches, and re apectfully solicits the patrOnage of Drs. Ilaesler and IfarpePs friends.: will attend to all calls having a professional. character. His charges will be moderate. Mice - in the !Muse Of Mr Mira Clock, Wate land Jewelry EstabliShmeht; 4 &mix South of Mr. 'S kit teal, and, opposite the late 111e4 Wm. T..Eptinz' Drug Store. In - Centro ptieet. .Poctavtllei October 19, 1814. . _ • tw[istllVSl BALSAAtte, ter LAUGIERi for the Alnuth and Teeth. I t /VIM wholetome l and delightful odontolgte Elisir has beed. Pit; many years, past, the favorite com position of the writ khown; hause of - Laugier, Pere ;el !pits of Pi - ill, for the breath fresh and sweet' I Preserving the gnats in a healthy condition, and con iliblieittly preventing the decay of the teeth ; it is con sidered a very 1 4ellEitnntarticle in Paris, sind tie sand,comparitson:the most beahtifui and perfect - prep aration of the.hind; ever offered to the 'public, since it .has received:the highest approbation of the most emt vent dental surgeons of this city Ttiet Eau da;LOuglee, elegantly put up in .glass bot tles wittieplendid gilt - labels ie a beautiful and valua ble article for the toilet ,- and only needs to be known, to be Dilly appreciated. • .'.Just received sind.for eafe.byi D.: BANNAN, Nov., 9.• ; ' Agent • DL Br..DEEIt'S EYE, SALVE. :remedy iro r tha c " loaltnrece r sore d tbtsale - es i r Maiwira nig Otero. '.xastart 43-3 mo I=l II 42 --45m0 PH/LADELPHIA, TOILET 'ARTICLES. .GLEN - 1 - 11 4 S ROMAN r-KALYDOR, A SAFE, PLEASANT AND CERTAIN CURE FOR 'Wetter Ringworm, i'lmples A T d Tan, u obs n Ti n n ' a M te o a th dm il t l io n i t i h g e o s i the sans. removing every impurity, and giving to the complexion a clearness truly beautiful. To gentlemen It is reccommended for removing the irritation and oth er diseaseemfthe skin, Men produced by tile use of strong alkaline soaps and creams in shaving, the Katy. Aor may be used without the least danger on the most delitateakin, and is a refreshing wash in warm weath eror in travelling, price 50 cents per bottle. f GLENN'S INDIAN HAIR OIL. This ele gant preparation. is compounded of various oils, forming together a compound of great value, for Promoting the growth and preserving the. hair, it nourishes the roots, thereby causing it to grow with vigor, and preventing it from falling out, or turning grey, removing at the same time, the dandruff. which causes the hair to fall out To those who have their hair by sickness or any other cause, except old age, it is confidently rec. commended, it gives a glossy softness to the locks, and has the singular property of making the ' halr dirk, and is thereforerecommended to those who are beginning' to turngrey—it is also an excellent curling fluid' and being pleasantly perfumed it is much esteemed for dres sing the hair In general, and for the heads of Children, price 50 cents net bottle., , • GLENN'S AROMATIC ROSE TOOTH PASTE. ThiS very pleasant and truly efficacious dentrtfice, is prepared from ingredients perfectly, harmless, it gives a pearly whiteness to the teeth, firmness to the gums, and fragancy to the tirdath, removing spots or incipi ent decay. and prescrying the teeth effectually. It has been us' d and reeeminnended by - dentists in their prac tice, and is belierred to be equal to any article of the kind in use. It is put In need China Nixes, and having a solid form,• is not liable to waste or spill, and is' free from the grit of Tooth Powders in general, price 25 eta. per box. • , GLENN ' S INDIAN HAIR DVE, is warran ted to change grey or red hair to a handsome brown or Jet black, without injury to the hair, or even staining to the skin, and may he used with 'perfect safety. To those who have become prematurely grey, it is invalu - able, and to gentlemen who Ate troubled with grey whiskers it Is strdngly reccommended, trfe color pro. iluced is natural. and will not rub oft, or soil the whi test muslin. Price 50 cents. MICHAVX ' S FRECKLE `NASA,--A Com plete remedy for Freckles. This rerftedy,was invented by Dr. Chs Michaux, of Linnhardy, a distinguished Physician ofthe last century. The proprietor has eve ry confidence in it; as a superior preparation for the purpose designed.ft may he used without the least cau tion, and forpimples and other affections of the skin,.ft is a certain cure. Price 37; cents per bottle. The above named articles, have been sold very ex tensively by the subseriber for many years, and are' conscientiously recommended to the public, as prepara tions of realvalue, and not to be ranked with the hum bugs orate day, a single trial will convince the most skeptical, that their goad qualities arc not-over rated. A Good Shccee and Yet o Share." GLENN'S UNRIVALLED SAPO ACEOUS COM , POUND FOR. SIM ING. :rr 0 Gentlemen who shave themselves, this article I offered with the greatest confidence as equal, if not superior to any other Shaving Soap in use. For a delightful and consistent lather, which will not dry u pon the face -or irritate the Most delicate skin, , for the ease and comfort it gives to the often troublesome ope ration outlaying, rendering it surpassingly easy, this compound can be satbly reccommetided. - It is equally effectual in warm dr cold water, and after using it, the face is left soft and pleasant, and entirely free from the irritation' and' roughness often caused by the use of strong alkaline Snaps and Shaving Creams; The com pound is pleasantly perfumed and put up in a neat chi na box, answering all,the purposes of a shaving hos, and on trial will be found very economical and conve nient, during the few years this article has been before the public, the proprietor has sold 35,000 boxes of it, and the demand is constantly increasing as its merits become, knoWn. The agents are authorized to return the purchase money, where it does not give entire sat isfaction. !. • 'The Saponarerms Compound is composed of ingre dients, so admirably compounded. that shaving with it, is an absolute pleasure.'—U. S. Gazette. 'The Saponareoua Compound, is the best preparation extant for shaving purposes. It is extensively patron ized, and deserves to be ; every gentleman who shaves himself, should buy it.'—Philadelphia Gazette. 'We beg to call the attention of the bearded portion of our subscribers, to the Saponaceous Compound. It is, without exception.the beat shaving soapove ever used.' —Philada. Transcript. 'The Saponaceouti Compound for shaving, is the best —pet haps the very best article in use, for scraping the beard from the human race divine. What with a keen razor and thiS compound, you may shave your face in halfthe time, you are pronouncing the word.- it is an anomaly in language—it is a very good shave, and yet no Shave."—Boston Daily Times Prepared by : L.. W. GLENN, Manufacturer of Perfumery, Cosmetics, and Fancy Seeps, E 2 and 8-1 Smith. Third street. opposite tae Ex change, Philadelphia. And also sold by BANNAN, Ag't., Pottsville. 1 ' • . - 20—ly OEI Philadelphia, Reading- & Potts vine Rail Road. =KA WO.--tQ$. Reduction (if /'?eight un Merchandize. O • N AND AFTER Monday .pert. June :fah, 1044, Goods will be forward d with despatch at the fol loWing rates of Freight, between Reading and the \ oints below stated, per ton of 20(10 lbs. ~ 1 ' , Between I Between • ! j • . Reading Reading and and Phila. 1 Pottsling. $1 /0 75 cts: . Plaster, slate,' tiles, 4 ,, e, Pig iron, blooms, timber, marble, 10511), tar, pitch, and grindstones, Nails 4.• spikes, bar, iron, castingsNad.turpentine bark, raw tohaecn, provisions.potatnes bar, stores, Floor per barrel, , Wheat, corn, rye, clover seed, salt per bushel, Groceries, hardware,iteel„ . copper, fin, brass,; do mestic liquors,machitic ry, butter and eggs,_ cheese, lard and tallow, oil, wnd, c,otton, leather rice hides, paints, nys. tern, hemp, and cor dage.' Dry Goods, drup,sk medi cines, foreign liqdrirs, ;. wines, glass, paper,Nsh -fish, meat, confections , ry, books 4- Stationary. No',additional charges f. receiving or delivering fre are !krlota on the line. July 15, 1813 .r commission. Storage, or gin at any of the Compa.. To Dyers, illeach i ers, Paper Makers, Steam Engine Builders. anti others PASCAL IRON WORKS. • • WELDED WROUGHT IRON TUBES Prim 4 inches to 4 in ;Mike and 2 to 12 feet lo ng, capable of suitainzap pressure froth 400 to 2500 per square inch, -With Stop .?..4ks, T., Ls, an other fixtures to suit. , fitting together, With sere LOCOMOTIVE suitable for STEAM, WATER, GAS, and f LOCOMOTIVE and other STEAM BOILER Ftussi pri iat* • I Manutictgrpi and for sale by NORRIS, TASTLE.R & DIOREUS. Warehouse B.T...%rner of Third & Walnut iltnteta, PMLADELPHIA. 1 July 11. D.- B. Smith & W. Ho dgEon.ji: , WHOLESALE ANL, RETAIL HREGGIST3, Manufaeturers4 Pharmaceutical and Chem- teal - Preparation:A-importers of Foreign Drugs ; • N. E. COUIPER,O , ARCH ec SIXTII ITS , DIMSICIANS, Druggists and Storekeepers supplied with medicines nfthe best quality, on liberal terms. Medicine Chests, for 'travelling or fur families, or va riotts sizes. The various new rciftedies and rare Chem— icals, with particular regard to their purity. August 3 31--Bmo To tlie Military. 'S the period is fast 'approaching for the election of Officers to the several Battalions, and of the New Brigade, and as it is generally, although erroncously,be lieved that a good uniform cannot be procured out of the city, the subscribers, would therefore notify all successful candidates bf the fact. that they are prepa red to furnish MILITARY OUTFITS, •of any rank, from Major General, to Corporal, in as correct, ele.; Sant and cheap a' manner, as any other establishment in the state—for the truth of all which they tan give high and satisfactory , evidence. • LIPPINCOTT & TAYLOR carner.lifahantango and Centre street Feb. I • . . . :..L._-- . Letter Presses, Very-CheaP• , .: . , A T the low rate eta 50. nrbick ate equal to tbo la. Iron Presses, coastal last as long, just teceiv eil and Tor sale bv :, 1 ~.-------- ept . 19.• -- 37-i- - :B.; . HANNAN, Agent. • . , inhATENT RULERS — For rul)ng without Inking the Paper,Ait excellent artlcle,juit received, andfoe ale atthls.offlee. May 2,3 ' ,2l_ • T IIK subscriber has jut received a , beautiful do of Wafers in Bores. at 'acorns per lb. Afro Seating Wax from 62 cams, to St 50 per lb. The cheap kind. is 'imitable for petting up packager, *al . - /mg battles dte. .for rale by ' • • ; . , BANNAN, 40. _4ostrii 10 • •• • vo— , Proved in more than 40.000 cures to be !i:ifalliLle the only certain worm-destro , ipg medicine ever covered Sy/1PT051.6 OF WS. 01131—Piiin in the juilds or limbs otTensive breath. picking at the nose. grinding of the teeth during sleep. and at limbs a pahmesslabout the, lips v. ith flushed cheeks It:et:ding et the none, a gnaw leg sensation'at the stomarh.!flashes (Wheat ovvr the surface of he body, slight chills or ShiVeritlg.S, head ache, drowsiness, vertigo, to'rpor, disturk..it dre.inis sudden starting in sleep with! fri4lit and sereawing sotnetitnes a troublesome cini'gh, feverishness, thus malid hue, fits, had taste in the mouth, difficult breath ing, pain in the stomach or 'E , owel F ,, fitigue, qseamishness, voracious appetite, leaui,est, bloated stomach or limbs, gripite!s..sthootiag pains in various parts of the hody, a sense of something rising to the throat, itching of the. nuns toWards It Tient desire to pass sonteildng . from; bowela, and some times diseliargi-s of sham and ' Dr. Galen Ibilirer,lll;sSiith Avenue, kne'w a child that was cured 1.1 . 11-3 by thesii Lnzengers, slier three year's suffering, and viten woolit give the least relict: - A 'any on Loard:of cue of the Ilavre nackets. was cured fes by only ore dose of them. Mr.jobh R. 11'9(4, :37 Thirii street, gavd, them to his child, ar.d They brought- aoay :he.wpritis by thou sands. - Dr. Zabriskie, 18 Dave st.:lias used thph in nye; 700 eises, some of ilunt, oldie most alarming char aeter, and alwata with the r[titest slicecz.s.! Benjamin F. Goidepred, Stith ,!%vetiuit, has ui ed them in hiS fund) , 1.. r two Years, with entire sec cess, Twenty-Ilya cents per hoz. Sliernian's thadaebe I tiaingers Give immediate relief in nervins or sick palpitakion of the heart. lowness of spirits, ldesp r oie dent inflammatory, or putrid' sore throat, tiowel ot sumnier coraplithit, 1,1 l brisa, op, pression or alsensen. sinking of he chest. spasms, crain, s! of the stomach or bowels, hysteric.illaffi.ctions and all nen noun diseases. drowsiness ihrotigh the &I and wake tudness at night; cholera or cholera tnorbus. ciari lassitude, or a sense ot fatigue. Persons tiavellin; or attending large parties. will rind the. Lozenges reas ly reviving, and imparting the buoyancy of yontli-i‘-.4 red after dissipation, they restore Ifie tone,nr ti m e s y s tent generally. and remove all! the unpleasant i. - yinp to"is oftoa free living, John M. Moore, Esq., Eakorrof the Brothe!r. Jona than, was eured.of a severe headache m A: reellges three of the Camphor Lou:Nes— he was prOwlict..t against 'hem. . • Josrph B. None.,. ,- E;rp, vice Presiecot of ihe Alarine . lavuralice (7ronnany. has sittfi•ied In years with ricrv6u, headache, That !mann; ‘vpubl re lieve td: he used these Lozei•gbs, which renlovet4 I entirely in filieen , D.-. G. 11.li1rr, tsi •t h Avenue, has Lees jot to Violent mimics of headache.so au to make most blind, for two or three hmis at 'alone. IN:utitit aver allbrded lion any relieftilyie tred - these:Lnzark ;es, and they cured tumin a few minutos. W.• Atiree Es?. of the New York I krrild, used•them for the last year for headache.or Fiksiiude Ind alwav: %Had imiadi4te v;,lier from thr9. ', Sherman's Phni ItNtt'spiaNter! , 1, 0 00,000 sold '.early of CM+ hicst of all Plakerr,.— Itheinnatism, I,tinittngn, Pain frr Weal...tens; in th, Back, Loins, Side, !3reist. Nec!-I, or Limhs,cffectin.l IV cured by.i'. Onty I :ems each, rni , l . war ranted superior to all r ;.lihters in ame. Be par tienthr to get Shernev!'s rcor 14,1 will be iintoved II anti. A ()id IHe 8 - uritis ant( oT-n leas imitations. - The: ame is t• ominfd on the t,a each; get noise without it, or pin ill be deceived, Cough Lozenge.F out) 2:t cents a box, iVorm ior.ctizes 15 do, do . • • GO cts 140 • 100 I. ( l6 cts. 11 cts 4 cfa. 3 eta - Camphor or head - idle crmts p'er box Nor din's Piaster, milyl2;:cents a piece.' The above Mecht.:ned ror r.rhl by "i - T. J: • A.:enrs 1 7,11. the omprirt...r. Alo JOHN S. C. M L ARTI DruL4i.lt l'ottsvin& kinsloy, Vort 2 10 1 35 BM $6O • 1 70 It. cannot be Denied • ( For Truth is miOty ) dm!. 11- DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA ../j 11 the purist, strongest, and most e.,9sradoto of .'ang other preparation of Saranpa.'rilla tkat is made. . 29- rT is warranted to be stronger than d bottles of,MOST I others—stronger than four of and stranger than three of the STRONGEST prepared by any otter in the United States. Dr. Lehly's Sarsaparilla is recommended by all res pectable physicians in preference io any other. All who have ever used it, have derived MORE BENEFIT from one bottle than three to ten of others; and those. 'wild, after having used other's preparations, without benefit, will use Dr. Leidy's. will soon becouvinced (as thous ands have already been) of the fetSmoingassertnin. The apparatus with which Dr.L.eidy's extracts used in his preparation of Sarsaparilla' as prepared, is the only one in the United States, itimoited by Dr. iLeidy himself, front the celebrated !ntie of Pelleter & Car anon, in Paris, at a great expense; and is capable 'of ex trading the medical virtues' of Sarsaparilla and other ,roots, more effectually than by anypther process.; As SEVERAL HUNDRED CERTIFICATES of re markable curet and recommendatiens from clergymen and physicians.have been from time to time published it is only thought necessary to keep the public acquainted as to where Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla can be obtained genuine, namely, et Dr. LEIDYIS HEALTH. EMPO IRIUM, 191 North SECOND Street, near Vine St., (sign of the Golden Eagle.and Serp.nult) Fred. Brewn!a and. - Fred, , Atett's Dreg Stores. Philadalphia. Prl:e ONE DOLLAR per bottle; 3 bottle's for $2 50, and 0 bottles for *I 50. Also by J. F. Long, Lancaster; and at J. G. BROWN'S Drng Store, formerly W. T. EptMg's, Cont y e Street; CZ= • E. W. 'hMcGI.NNIS, 1101 EPECTiI/LLI: announces In the Public, that - he hai taken the Ektablishment known as the Potts villa Iron. Works, •n Norwegian street, where:lie is prepared to•baild all kinds of Steam Engines. Manu facture Rail Road Cars, and Machinery of almost every description, at the shortest notice; and on the most rea sonable terms. its- Persons from abroad, in want of Steam Engines will find it to their advantage to give him a call before engaging elsewhere._ May 11 ' . , . - , BENJAMIN'S ARCHITECT.. - ' O R Practical Ifouse Carpenter; illustrated by 04 en gravings, for tbe use of Carpenters and Builders last edition of 1813, juit'rereleed and fir sale by . Aug. 21 • —3l- • D: BANN AN, Agent • AP.OTHECARY STORE. THE subscriber offers for sale A well se. acted and genuine assortment of =BF , DRUGS- UEUICINEF3 9 • . _ ,rtonsLsting of. Chemicals, Medicines, P.erfli suety, Window Classes, ' Patdot Itledicines :fligs,,,Paints,. Dye-Stuffs, Oils, and Varnishes, Pain Brushes,,gcc. Which he is disposed to sell at a Sinai advance, and respectfidly solicits a share of the pai.ron age of the public. r:e Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. Marsh In, JOON $. C. MARTIN , . • - . . -• Staves! Stoves!! Sto . yes!!! • J, ~ UST received at the York Store, a well selected Its'.: sortment °Moat Cooking StoVes, Parlour Radiators, Sbeet•lron, Caution and 14re Cy ender Stoves, or the latest and most Improved patterns, - which I now ',offer for sale, at Philadelphia itetail prices, (cost of tranhixtr latioll ISO Il•dded) whicltrilll be found upon examina. tion eleaper Abut Stoves .of the, lame quality, have eVei Willi sold t s Pottsville. . " • - Rept. SI 14- EDWARD YARDLEY, "Pd.EDICI•NEEi. TO THE -WHOLE' WORLD 11 b:v all tchaare.used {hem, ran - who has' not ?) that DR. PETERS , ETABlit; vuluovs • - Rk. the mart unrivalled remedy ever discovered Lll, by the ingenutiy of man'. They area sovereign Cure for the following complaints: Yelloti and Ititi-us Fevers. Fever and, Ague, Dyspepsia, Croup. Liver Complaint. Sick Ileadache, 'daundiee.Aith'ina, Drop .y, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Si3lecn, Piles Cholie, Female Obstructions, Heart-burn. Fnrred Tongue. Nausea, Detentions at 'the Stomach anti 'Bowels.lnoipient Diarrhtea.Flatulence, llabdual Cos. tiveness. Los/rocAppetite, Bl o tched or sallow Coot *lion, and in all cases of Torpor of ihe Boweis, where a Cathartic or an Aperient Is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their ripration., pro. diming neither Nausea Griping; or Deliiii.y.. They areextensively used and commended hylPnaertsiNc Pnystemys, in all parts of the Union, from whim:: any quantity of Certificates Of their :aloe can be olr alined; SHERMAN'S COUG,H LOZEIVOERS Are the safest, most sure end effhetual;remetly for Colds.Consumplion.Wheopiog Coug,n,Asthina', tight ness of the Lungs or Chest. .C . c. ! Mr. J. lin Starkey, foot ofGouver.,eur 'st., cured of cough ofrreighteen month's standing, supphsed to be a settled Consumption. by thelte Le•zengue, when the. physicians cootil do nothinz for him. Mr.•Ckaries W. Parkins. 71 111:4ery. svgs cU reit of a severe cough ?rd cold 'a:heed:two half a box of the I.r.zzingeit. Rea. Mr. Ilineeck. 4'. 1 7 Pet: rl Et., has uittl t!ic:a his family*With •success, and ri.e , iminer,:ts them to all Who are - afflicted, with,coug! . h-, calds, ler any affections of the longs. • Ms. .11. E. M , rrtin shffertd iever,lnerk4 with a ci:lt tressieg which anthiatz' rslirved, till im !rico there Lozenges. as liieh,c a red. him in a • Mr. James W Mule , Nu .5 31ranting Buildings, Will et., gave some to a fi lend alto had hat' enpiyed a night's sleep for several weeks, being ev e n few frli. nuie• tett:eaCt l e t.,:`, die;el . CE:ei , :; cough, as :111:11C,Z! to take awiy lc.: lire. made him raise easy, and eit.ibled him to sletfp well at nigh. IL tried everything else he heard or, and nothing sLe afrordsd the leant relietitoither instance or tiLly:rlg a fellow-beinx frOrrt an untimely graie. • SHi; l . l olAN'zi WORM I.l..,zENGErts • William Tag.4ari,l'aelaqiia. George Reilsnyder, New Coillt4e June 10, 1843 PcITTSVILLE IRON WORKS. MEEiTC - I14 1 3: .!: ("if 47:41?Pil ACOUSTIC 01E14 z rif . THEON 4 ICORE ; 17:4 4 0 , • OEAFI9ESS- DEAFNESS • C U ED. , , . . . . 1 Szcipa's ConTptii.'lll Areosote.,,trott3lie Oil, F OR the cure of DEA FNESS.'nOIcs. and the is charge of matter front the eats; als4iall those dim greeable noises like the buzzing of tinyects, of waier, buzzing oisteatm L - .e..witlai are symptoms otapproachln: deafness and also atYiniant with ts ' disease. • • \ CETIMECIITtEiii •.. The Alßowing Editorials. and certiditstes wt be read with interest as they speak facto, wltliFiare "stubborn things.' Mos? ESTRiOnDINAiIIi Cent !—1r144,T have doubts they may now dismiss thep, and tizeMtet incredulous may consider LeafneLs as curable. NtimbrOus cases of cures, and many.of them very remarkallie—by the, use of•Scarpes Oil,' have been miblisliedbut this taps the climax.' Young at - old nay yet .hearina. Allady in Smithfield, Pennsylvania, alie,naw about bCr years of age hat been la adually Izettiiindeaf for more than 40 years, So that it was next to icupos.Mble to snake her hear conversation in the loudest:ilujiis of voice :- Last winter 9ifelV:ls. , induced to try •s•;44ria's Oil for Deafnces,' !Lis only tiecrssary to adirtra y t she has us ed two hottic•s, and that Ler hearth ; is parfettlyrestor ect—slm is cured. • DEA} NCS3 Cuas:D.—The from '• letter written )' Mr. JOhnson of Boston,rta friend Is this city, is important.. 'The bottle of Scarpit's Oil for DeaiVelts, that you sent me, witli•tliewisit that my datiglitet•Would try It,. - his been used, and in its effects,_ have adsbnished you kung, how very deaf she has been, ittce site lens three years chl--she ntiw lmars imiteweL-a , ..but as. this' medicine ban ail .been tised. I wish you toDiend !lie other bottle, which I hare every reason Or.hilieve wi cure her ent:rely.'—[Tiines. - For Nate by B. B. GLIMPF.IIT,'No.P.ICI - f `iirtli Second . Street, Philadelphia. and by t EIeIIIIOI,TZ & SANMIRSON, Agentsjeottsville ; r.`" 30:— Jll ?,. IS, . . COMSTOCK & CO'S (. - 4.-,.ncentrai . 6cl Co ail p t of SARS.APARILLA- 7, uon the cure of fierorola, Chronic Rheigoitisni, Goa .l' eral Debility, Cutaneous Diseasee, 84.04 Eruption. of the skin. Totter, Pimpl2s or Pustnles:r4, the Facie. Liver Ad'ections, Mercurial and Syphiltl t t, Discazoll. Biles, front an impure habit of body, UleM„ations •r the Throat and Leg, Pains and Swelling of the s .poneti,.and all Disca,es arising from an impure state-" Opts Blood. Exposures and Imprudences in Life, l'accioeive use' , of Mercury, &c. , • An in - unease Oros! 113F1 lately made ! twintrodice various compounds called " Extracts 0r,541 aParilla,', as positive and specific cure-ails. - If we Weil) to beliees. the extravagant assertions of the adventgrtte who are "pushing them, all disease that "flesh is heioo," can be governd'and removed by these wonderfulr'extracts." Now, we want no custoiners to our articles:hut persons' connorrn sense at least; and I nose Wltek have that, hind tt imposSible, to believe- those extraragant and ridiculous assertions. Depend upon it then, , t if you get COMSTOCK'S true extract of the reatSsiSapaiilla,evr eiy disease that call he cared by.this and Vaitfotts' ether roots that form the compound, will be cured e$ it. Such, partictilarry, as Scrofulaltitctunati,m, and atl'iliseasea of the blond, and p•trticularly disease an'dittlftlting from the abuse of mercury. to ms . iotai's . S.snar4au.r.A. is Warranted as good as anY in the city , anCO„just hal. the prise of others, and in as large hottltia,, , vilz:-50 cents per bottle. or •St. per dozen Hutt Vontselves.7.• To be,yound only at Com Snack's Branch North sth St. Philadelphia. and in Pott:viWat s. • Feb. 17, ; • 7-ly J. S. C. - M.' TIN'S. • • . WHO EVER RE4R.D OF; • Dr. Leidy 7 s Cciebrat,ed Oiptinent AILING to cure the Tettei, Itch, Dry tod Watery Pimples of the face and body, Scaly Erxrptions, and • .qllDisedsis of the , Of the many thousand bottles, (it is put in hititrlea wltr the words "Dr. Leidy's ;Toter' and .lich.:Diptment blown in the side.) neve has an instance litiO knowt or heard from wlicre it heti A nitrulfeir,of refer ence; ran Ie Iliad.% where it has been used lifi,schools lecterns, on hoard of Vessels, and in familiek.,Yind cer tificates contil be published of them, lint for Itl ? delica cy in baring names putili;theil in emineeli 94 with lc • 16 : 11 1! 5 n111,1111,11 ilisagreeeble affections. . Price 25 rents peclinttle. • It is prepared only and sold wholesale aniNretail Dr.sLeidy's Health Eniflorium, No 101 NorthiECOND titre ,1. hel:in4„-Vine stre, , t, siun ni the Golden:pa:le an • Serpent..,)„Philadelphia, and by ell the differint Drug gists and :itorelreepe'rs attached to Hr. 1,1414 adver tisenient of his "Blood kills" in snot (whirl please - refer to and read, (beside 4 many iithiiraihrough , out the country. • r..= Sold io Potsvillc at. J. C. .ntiows•B Difig Store' (late Cptinc's.) . ' May ISII, . • ' - REMEDY rOW" Facts for the 'Peope'll-4. . • TIIE reto.tant:y r , .ptddrity et 1.1.• A. F.thoestkk's Versanga has indih•ctl per•. sons Win are entltnos (Wits suset,tilo .ffir upon the preria eaten:7 Which allmede,ai hr t 7 know to be inciliczcioqs •expeilin,; roortiti ;lithe the. system. , This Yerrnifuge bait made iis'eraY into pbblWfairout uaon the ground of its own intrinsic inerittiz' more titan any miter mechcine.orthe kind now useil; and . w 11.1 c many.worm InCniedic - s hate by dint of , been foreed inio sale. and shortly alter gotto into the obscurity whitth their worihkasness jnatltt 4 ; mer lied, R.. A.. Finaci ocles Verioifuge coal Ates to be triton:that:oy Fust.itocd. It Ills only to. i hili . red and vir,,CLi: nerd Rutta:it all that 13 3314i01 . 1111 wonderful espelin,.: power. • ;:.311 EOM . . Cept ilicaie. • 1:!, .iV Erie Co., Neto Jare,l,l We certify . that 'we 'have "use I Li. A •FahohtioCk's %Permitlige in our funiliee, and' in e very cai.ol has prov:ded a decidea and elreeCual remedy 14,1miel ling warms from the systnm. curdiillymcom menda to parents who have children afTheted. with that dangerous ' • l i , it m. rAtNE,-- JOSEPH 11CR1:141.50.3, For Sale, wholesale and retail, at the Drtes•AVare... house of, . I. A. FAIINESTWK. Co . rner of S,zrh and Wood eta. Pitsliut; . ; . • Fur Sale in PlitniV.lleThy . CLENIgNS...V. . neeereber, 9 . : . ' JOYFUL ,NEWS..';'). • A lmost every disease that flesh is he:r.skmas NC cured by the-timely use'. - of OA IiELKYI.'.OS4- POUN D I. PU It A'1:1 Vli: 1 HUI!. . • This-4itay be. proved sat isf ictoi ily , o those- 'who wiil - call,o:any or the stores where this invaluable medicine is Old, hy; certificates ( iriperly authemicated)of curetefform eil on individuals who had lost all hopes of Oef— certificates of Physicians who had the ninst,glevere il tl cases under treatment, their patientihaving-95:Cnthe medicine by the ir cil iice slid been Mired—ceOcates from the Pool lionotary,,Clirk of Orolians'Lliutt, No tary, ..t c..striling their ncquablance with ptltms of respecfabiluy and siandlog, who having the,gnort Of their fellow men at heart,.have volunMiity eqine for ward and given a statement of their case and'Ocure. for pohlieatdm, &t.i. 4:0-. The limb& Orttliwterli7 licates being trio great for newspaper publieA4iltp, th .• subscriber has deemed it advisable_m_have4Vpy of the most important cert:ficvis prOperly autb.entica mit, under seal, tube place d at thevoies enents, who ha ve the medicin 5 for sale. where persritiii'afflic ted with :Scrofula .o i K si e evil WhitiSuctilling, Chronic Rheninotitt ~ '1 t .lit, Mercurial diteases ' Emotions of the kin, • ( . v t of Icing- standk„Or in cirrient .Consnmotion, en:,. -Ileati•ache iteA, ffi ,may have an oppostunity of' avc - ertalning the nit* and residences of those who have been cured blkt , s nve. and who will:be willing,if culled upon, to giif*tirel7: information required. • ' ; '', l l !'. l . Asa niore general evidence that thisis roa.Nuack medicine. I would refer to the sametiof thtrollnw ing V,rol known physiciams, who have aticited to.its efActicy:-,-Dr. J; I', Iliester; Dr. . O. .Bi•ren 4k. ho. Otto, Dr. 11.11. Alublenberg, Dr. J. E. orbei.:'-,'; • . Sold wholesale and Retail at the drugaaikchetni• . cal Store of . ' . . ~_ rn~; . . . FL B. E1C111101..... Piiitkrht• • • J. 13. J. 11 , Pdlls, 11 in cr evi Ile; Pelt Corti in.; ileniy Voute. Onv!6isburg. Janyant Lard Lairipi • Wizloo l i t!. a. r. te rs iit l . .A l y i r e s, b b e n s tji ri and mn4,dstraltptplollar..tv kind just received:: By the' use of these Lamps,a mne pleas ant and orilliant light is nhtained.. than- by the host nil. and at a saving of about ;50 pe/.l,ltenL—. Field 401anufactitre4 a tykes by • • IL nimmta, •.. • - : . Ok=