W , .. 9 ' , lv._ . -- Lo lk .' +A . V. - a. • iy:a i 42164,1ptp,,..••u _ POTVIVTLLE. Siturda* iyloining, Nov. 6, 1844 BustNtss Aoitic.—Tho duties imposed upon us during the lilts arduous 'political contest con sumed so mucli of our time, and consequmtly vetted it from our . business, that we pow find our 'coffers empty, :with numerous duns obtruding 'themselves to our especial utico; which under existing Citturristancus, plP.ces us in a 'very pccu- Cie exhausted as somebody has said. AVe lope, thettfare ; :thii i t all those tam know themselves in6bted4o thii - establisbment will take glie hint, am! gi:wern thenucices ocean-ling-Iy. Tag Etzepox,—The returns for this County will be found in another column. The AVEig rote is 2571, greater by 100 than any 'cote ever heretofore pulled !by our opponents. :The vote is unexampled, 5975, and exceeds the - vote - at the warmly contested Sheriff's. election last year, n1)04 - 1600. The Whigs . pol!ed 200 :votes more than they cfaimed, yet notwith.•:tamling Ain's increase, w;e are beaten by a majMity 533 in the County.', We deem this C4l.lnation ne :-eessary toSatistt.y those whinexpectedus to clo het. - ter. • This largS vote may 1:o a legal one, but the have'stion3 reasons to belie .^e that such is not the CAA& • • (tylrelearn-that Governor Porter has appoint -ea I..c . TIIELL Kinaza, Esq., late Senator frOat the Luzern District, Judge of this District. We learn r also, ttraol : :. Kidder will make Pottsville :.his place of residence.. . 6]' We atcrnortified at the result by Pennsy-lva ; we had hin.;)Led forward to it ;iith hope and faith—we'j. - gupposed the people of Pennsylvania understood their interests—we felt that no State in the Union had so much depending upon the i.sue. Her' miner,alwealth and manufacturing, facilni t s ' madeiaer more dependant than her sister States upon the protecting and fostering'care of the pir vrnment. We 'coin not therefore believe it possi ble that.her voters were not Tariff m'en, and we yet believe that l rthe raasscs_of them arc; but our opponents seeing the rapidity with which the great - system was making proselytes, became; all of a sudden its clamorous advocates; and wrung upon all the changes drat James K. Polk was a Tariff foam. We blushed for them whet' we saw them so industriously `engaged in the ec . i(temptillle work -of deception ; we knew it W.16-'ll4 the first time : ithat the determined opponents of a successful Mea sure, had, for personal and scliia,i ends, pmtended fur it the warmest f;iendshila, as the wily and fawning wolf socks fur an argUment °l'd:fence in his friendship for the lamb ;' but we did nor Vlore' they would 'succeed in ih - isting - their dcciit upon the people, and 'persUade -them to believe a Pennsylvanian's :have grven the death blow to themselves, and I; . Voulii h,?.ve no rieht to complain if the Union left {hens tourcap the ultimate and fa-, tal eonsequences!of thair —bu t thank Heaven, we believe the Moult does not depend on the vote of Pennsylvauia.! (U . lf we could direst ourselves of all feelings' of iaterest in thercsult of thegreat Political con test, we sliriuld find aurae amusement in vrat..-.1.- ing the effect produced by the various reports, upOn mciimf both partics—their alternately dila ting and contracting countenances. At one time we would laugh ht the rueful mid solemn phiz of . the Locos, or the !snail?, tliro'n;ll str.m; sympath,. with the eheerftil; hope-inspired ;. -In a few hours, by another report, filerc is a complete reaction, the friends of Clay rim prostrate; aid the Polk-men are vociferous in their exultations.— . • But unfortunately, this •is too serious a matter. to engender mirth; the great kite:est at stake in this issue; thOprineiPles depending upon the mighty result; the deep iin.l abiding personal feeling for our candidate, create within us, other and quite different emOtiorls. A similar,,effect to that pro duced en men is visible in the stock market, which is always !rCgarde4 as a sort of financial regulator, and index to the monetary state of the Country. Even the :Ventral Ledger" admits that with. the nelrs of a:Whig 'Victory, stocks ad vance, and fall With a Whig. defeat ; a fair crite rion by which we may judge of,the potent effects for good or for Oil, to be produced by the, result. Ron otnr.—'We rcgrct ''to learn that the awed- !Mi. of Mr. William . Koch, near McKeausburg, in this county, was broken opedOn the evening of the Ist inst, whilO Mr. K. was attending the:eke tion at McKeanshurg, and-about :',270 stolen from a desk. About 9 o'clock, the family Was alarmed by several bloH struck against a winiow, which were irnniediatelf followed by blows against the doer, bursting in, when the family fled by. the hack way, and r:in - lo a neighbor's, a short distance ono give the a6rm. • On their return they found :that a desk had bcm'n broken open, and the ahovo mentioned, au mof money s tol en' therefrom. the man who co:nmittcd the robbery, was evidently acquainted with ;the house, and knew' that Mr. K . Was aboent. He -Was discui, , ed with a kirid 'et c a frock, and had his head covered with a handker chief: One huMlred dollars reward has been of fered for .. _the discov . cry of the table:. The follovein7,"ii flu: pflicial rote 'in this :Sena 2ozial ' • 131:liet Carbon. 3tonroe, S2ah 's pajorlity, Tin IsSC.E.-.1.A1l the Stites have already cas t their Electoral v otes, except Maine, NI assachn thniti !Int:T.. Ity t:e.pit::: g o .4YArkrAen • And pr , :twx , r ,,,, , ,, ti-!: in eartl!tinq urdgre,hl . 4 expert re sit:re- sit:l:l , l, slyy•it of thlitut:h-. ' -.' ,1 - t, . I :-w-• huntale , : a 11:1VI)r:It.1 - attar"Kfil tothe'ofileo, a . ::;: - !: ••:.:!,! a lie to 1 , 11. :.II kind, of ,Ittitilding!wheit It i t r-,•,..ary to d„rf i_' it. ? tak.; of e/ 4„y derFriptiun, • iWki . l/d to ::::1. r. Apr: , 6, ' ... r . -”a• • • I Notleo. .1 f.; . ! I AN I.:MUDS I lid .7! , t.e.fl L.) filt. t .,SUl , SiT.4r; will plostiet i, '• I . i Mikt: Va !, !,:;,.1,i1,111. as (...trly us r assi..l.e. i pieli t ill . OW t..) hare ali his L11.,1 bus;ttes settled 1i,t0,.• ' i ' 1 — 13 iOA :%; 11..01 1 . .........._...„. ..... . ....,..._.....!_____•*4- . , • . Passage . ligeney ~., fiL., , 1 ~,,.. , •:!:. ! t - rPl,r . 0.. 6 r:ri11 - a feki to 1....ttAw ,, 1 osNaze, (Or Pa. , 1 , ,,t •r:•; lion: ev,!ry part ({f.l•:rze . .e4r..l - anp, ?Scot land ael •1‘"..!--3 al I.: vrry 1,,,,••,t racrltii Ile ialt•o. at. ten t !, 1,, re.:.;,1: :31 I 1*. t. , CV, ry partil/t" I;:iqupe, in , IttilS "COI', eO/11111 and 111,1• f1',15 Ityi,rilteptatteritiota to huiitte.4, ha eailectl to „.:jy 2.•lterai.:sol.lfaclion. - .• r . • . 4 ,.. , 1.., liANN . 11•I,II. Agent fur ii••••4:1•11 .Vt- t It.ii•-. - _ -.:_.• _.- - 7; -_-_.- - z.:. - . - - -.-... -_-= .n. 7 . -... - .-- - - L -- : 4 t."; 4.. ..“: ~31 :" iL. E ?.1-ij •1.'.• ' - '• Corte.::4,: c.7; - : f, rity flirt . i,:e . 1 c,i,... , L , ~.,11 . ,•41.,, . 1 ,,, t 1 % 01; •• pzr :I.J. Ni .5; .-Z, ''' 7.. s TfitaritS -- - • tiul ' " • 3 •-'0 tin 25 • Plenty • 1.•:.t. .f - • hu,41,1 .. w. to : .00 . Blare -- - - (0 t 4 (4. •• .• do . II?: • 46 do . 50 1 , ..8 • 'do 55 I0IIIe''''• do •:..5 i' ~, ' 4. .4, :••10 & - ,Tt litctrr• ... -• to ISgl /Scarce Nto a ' :(varti.• - 4.kir I do • • 7 tal• • . do r, vtrt• i i Plenty *lO trJ tti ,• . ••, do '. 300 r , I 4.., '. 200 .!,.• • •.!. do 145 1 "i•I" I do . ' 1 •••:' ;ti r • i•taln^% Iltny • • " t .: • .:ty • t tar . 1 er .Ist I .cr :I a% OE 1 1. 71 ' ,!'t Pr a ,:ies :Yar-t3 Pried tia unpsred Dri,idVitstt " MEE I . ----;'. . Ftssr - -111v.—Thi; slrest.l6 I con:pi-041 % g. ersornify he.. 1,1 , ....v.,:a chi115.e. , ... and s'. iv-ring, tll/ -.v..51 Isy heat s 1t'.4.51 a 4-I r...5 . ..•,..5...a.5 , ;•-•sci :has., sliatl al violent i•r• , Li.l l ;" Piti:l in •sna. '4 :!,, sbll•s..a:russfg..4lse sibs, and telli:::1 ia ..:. I ,sesb e - .lSy mast s acts . 14114 n ai latieslisdravess Isla I.•;:i4til. . 1 .‘.',-I.•bt'st In ! •, •r 1 • •r;ali.• I.• F.ll' y '„t s;l - '1 1 .? ad ells - ta i a etir , f, ::‘ • i 1. , ,,,,..: h, , ,,•... th i qy p•lrr-: tram ta•• ,s.-.4:•-•.!..., ty,rit I fe . 1.:1 kr , 'Xitir2t. 1.1 1 , 14,!:."11 nil t, 1 -, •:.t • 1.1.::,.,' 4; ti. 5t..:i.. , :., ar, ! : :V. Sltl,t i of that ~.._,,,,‘ Le 4 is suss.lrou., Le1ia..,,L.4.. - s.alled l'lspo . sy.• I . , • la a:41:!•,',; • s r,:,...., fries. I..er to s•istAti. a:114'1101in ' 1 4....,.•,a , .1 • !':'ls ,Ii ....:I4 be taken every A. •Iss..stv:alve ',seri A" 141,:r.:1 - snrs , it n 11,4 pat.i irl ; 111 , 1/1..1i after 'A hil'h. 'h Il r. , ' or esi Vill ' lS. 111,-a e oral Irsr tir.4r,ry fiiur iloq, ..%. ill, is a ehnrt tin, liaak.- a:4 'l'l • I nd ginctuil CU ~,i . : :1.1. mot'. ri.4.•:st astaLlt of 1•11.1.1*s t. . I. For sale. 1 . 1 .1-...a..aa1,. Anil Ilasall, b. he Itrincipal 01Al ••• lii. ICJ it..ss, street. ,l'lstladel:slita,,,l . 1 s"..- ceassra—As tuanierleiters 2..`,, , , ; 4rotel, he par -1i• ~:sr, :Ii :I:I C.t. , , , . 1, . ( .1.0:1AW 10,.hi I.4sn nff e.,.,:r Pal 4. Ii i AV.'S , : parch:lain; froiral4lnse tiho offer In anti as a re:laced sAlia• s l • TI :I• I • For sale iss L'astisysll•!, bylnPaart. T. , iscp. unATTTr. , , . ...7,,,,:,,, 64 1,, • pro;sriettir and by that sathai azeatsi ha Schul L. ill.con...sy. , .. t 1.3 N.sy-nalser '4, • FI EL ~::inj, MM tcl .1 mt.'. IRA a rc % •ho CM .. ~.7! • • WA.I4TEDi ; - !!. t i - ,-1 1 A SINGLE NtAN,les SAles4iin Itll Store, 2 - IL in Po4svilie. ,o@ who ties NI- 'sorne knovri edgt; of thetrade, wu.l be prefeil j ,;(lllo must speak qeriatan and I..*P.ViA, aqttil bring g•ood re,:oninteuqationv. Euquire at thili -. 6lrtcej , l'ottsviNt3, Nov., 9,, 1 .- 4 5 . .''',Sl • —.• . --- . . :' Sl. REWARD M .. , 4 I r O • ST ott maw it 1 ;.5t.., in the .Irttt, 'a LGOLD -1-4 131Z.E.1.6T PI.N, Ili ther 23 hapebrlt. Clr,iss, co _ tainin.; li;lit cot:quail . hair. Thii gburu reward will be paitl'ou'its bei:l„-; returne.l 6K» IG. \V. F.,,:if.QUI. il :,..'. .1.1 -' OM u 1 to arur- MCXi- Cruz ECM ITIE Pyasville, 1 m. , o ZEE 1 61, ; :ci• Lorkrq erce.:: 'lull Iluaill- . omparly, Pi :, E ono 1 . - .! . .., Novenibcz% 1844. .5 rtIF, annual inertia; the agriel n li;nlol.erii:ivill tin kl. held itt the hoit,t oi li.rnel Iteirib4l , l. in 1 the Co roar!! 01 . rinopiive, St . hilytkill counly; ';',). Monday, thn - .."...1 ,I. 1). ,:r De . cember neat.lat 2 ii'vlork; W I 31, tit 'lnitial iinie.o d plact:, an Eleaioa tbr I'vesiikV, eight 31ana rers, Secretary and Tre:izorer, to net for the china irrt year, will he hell. . ] I . . 'v JOIINISTEI:IIIII.U.F.N.,„ Sevretary. 0 Vinegrove, Nov„ I) 1 I`t .. 4S-11. ' ME 3121 ITS • Teachers .Watite r ' 4 .-, alt EVEitAI. Tear' . hers: aro wrinted,i'Wil.l elm tomb • ;7•11 well roconitnentledi to take chat•piSof thb Public Schools, in Scint)lAili Haven. 'Cheat i,,iniiii will bi. openea'Pl. th lir , / Mond ty, in Decetoldit Apply to ' JOHN flUdnioN, Prcedttt, t of.the !Ward, •• Schuylkill Haven, N,lv., fl, Nil ' ' t,r 4 t• — • 2 t • .d. '. $lOO li.eward- • I ! to , ffilldl boti.:t ofth "tottiscribor, wa: ti 9.4c:en : Oven nu 4 Friday hventr g, t!.,, Ist inst., beftlisicen the hours of 7and b o'clock, and aliont VrOstrigit froni a 'gest, which yeas also broken Open in the 111.1 i • - c. About - two, booth:A dollars Al, a+ iti specie, anii c liatanc r in Bank Notbs, of ditreretit dclitiniinatt4.4, . The a Ve y..iiril will tHiyiti for Apdi in forinatitifiqi as will le dlr.& the apprelotasion and convirtlon ofth&r.elliief ter thief., and for the root cry ath.e money. it , 1 • " • WILLIAM ROClL • nn..ie Kean.dotri.. East Brunsw':ek. : , .ov,'9th, P 4 1 ,1,. :t. • 43--30. 1 ' 34. • It 01:,..#‘.7-17.L'S ' BALSA 311 C el.'una Gl* . w: LA UttiElt, for the Mouth ltd Teeth. rr . lttiz; Al l/Oleaellla 'aria ,deliglu fill Initabiie Elixir lel hao been for many years post, 01 ~I favorite eon,. rsilion of the weal known home ortl'iflogier; Pere Pe , Fits of Paris:lnt keeiiin; the breath 44',Ish . and eireet ~ press ving the glunA to' a healthy colito tinn, , and ion eTtently pi . , , veivizi; the 41Tuy of atel'e.th ; ll I , ton „.. ~ ,i il, r e.l a V.Oly ft ECHE:Ie:IC artiel.• in =l 'a.oo, alld ii be., you.” l oll11.„1.111,ell the IIIO•ot brniiiirtil F r i, 4 pallet prep oration - -- - - oftn • .•..lal 'welr olli•red to II: 1. 0' 131 k, since it 'hag re.' eiv-ril III:, hiehest ;;;,probatiou Il;:,Ille ntaol,eu3i, heel tH11,":150.17,7,e0;.4 tor Illi, city. ~.. ~.,•1 Tile P. Itl Ila I,llLner, elegantly pal Ifp . lu4laos lint ti,f,. will, s;ii•ri lid alit tallek 01, is a 6:n.1111-and valua te, arti. le ti•ellie tu.l-t,. and only ti e.):0 to he known,. to no tiOly ;Id:17 `l'llled,, 0 'IA • I Just i,• , ,,.,1 ale! ...eiliale by. Ill.i:llp.kNN AN. Nov , 0 45 .. .1 1 li 'yr i . lAg!uit. . • . Carrie for S It. i' ~,.. . 4 It..vitmoME flaw Llockin: (I.l . gine 1 for tie. oij Ca .11‘ase3, ex , cellingly well built t ..1f".4 l-ril, rtriintt 0., it 'ea; very neat ; case raileg • att01: ,, ,, Inveliirtil. •it hula; oi.l,ers.oni, witlipl , eni yof rantL - r limbs. - T11,:rtilloo never heeo a Carr' lge lei place, in Ad. r ,.. :nimbly zulapte.l to o;i:,',Geantrt. in; t.• ety re pe ct .—. Nit: r,'l7 i. Appl;, too r Ciik:4l , ' L.F4'. IS, I 1..):), , r 31/41 tang, street . . •.'ntovill.i, N.••.. 1 I . i' I ' 43 forltlie - -4 ;2 u.cil As leranium, Soc. Ttl/311..ft OdOrliqq. , is - 84.ient flap, 0 :to of R' , se,, in vials; for Drag' ' tozether with a :::itt•ral assortiorm or.itoes-tsell eeld rates rerfutne r ,lust r.4CCireil mkt for sale by 111.:SJ. RN. "IN I ; Agent, b . ' • No•.amtlar 9- ' ' - I~TcaV,CII4ES'e: 'of 5 , ;;14.1:i0r (ur S• 30— T. Si t_l l . it , • II BMM riniPn ' 14, Tot] MSS TAR.