MI MEDICINES. II . _ DR. STEELLING'S PULI.IIOiCARN _SYRUP. ''he Great Panacea %fur ,Coiesurnption ! ! LEO Astbum. -Influenza, Eocplag Cough, Croup, Scarlet Fever, 111c.asles, difficulty of Breathing. ;Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Breast, and iall uthev discasp of the Lungs. - -CONFIRMED. , . Extraordinary cure of Asthma, by Steeltines Pul t SYrnp, attested to by Capt. Samuel It. Bum 31101 1 ..Itlert taut of Potter's .Creek, Illopmouth County, New Jersey, the father of the unfortunate young suffer r, PorrElm CREEK, June ca,1814. stBmallo—Deuesir:-1 . have the pleasure ol i o ;•tieing able to state 'that my daughter, who had been s/offering underievere Asthma for sorG years,bas been entirely cured of that painful disease, by the use oral: 'bottles of y our Pulmonary, Syrup. She was when f first afirielteil' whit that complaint, only nine Year. , of i•ageiatid- isutTercilAvith It. beyond all description,- far ' the period of near six years, having , an• attack about i'every three or 'rent weeks. It was to all appearance, o:foliated 'and itmnerable--we tried ninny medicines :.without •Any,reher-'Whatever. • About this time, we heard of thesuperier .efff racy of your.Pulmonary,Syr iup and determined to give it a trial—we procured a i dozen betties of it t• the first bottle relieved her very mucb, end by the time she had taken six bottles, she was perfectly cured!! It is now three three year's caince Men, and site has•not had the slightest attack of the Asilima. She suffered so much when laboring in.. der those attacks` that we could hear her breath dis- ItinetlyArver the whole house—she was frequently near sufiberliing, and we hadquite despaired of her recove- Y. 1 I give you the above statement of facts, that others vita may be afflicted with this awful disease, may fontike use of the came means, and we feel assured that filth the blessing of Providence, they will find perma nen! relief. Yours respectfully, SAMUEL U. BUNNELL. A loud twice from Philadelphia ! ! ! . Read the following strong,‘testimony in favour of i.eteelling's Pulmonary. Syrup, given by the Rev. V. 0. Douglass.; Pastor of Ilte Mariner's Church, Philadel phia, PIIII.ADA., July 10th, 1041. Dr. to —1 feel much gratified in being t able to say fo you, that the Pulmonary Syrup you sent, ;hap been need hi several jtersehs with great success.—' The first person who wok it, had been confined to her bed for some time with a severe cough—after taking only one battle, she was iihnost entirely cured. A Sailor j was greatly distressed with a cough, and could not find • ~nothing to relieve him—lle took one bottle and called to say that he was entirely cured! ! !—A member of my Church r was taken with the prevailing influenza—De took six ofyfmr Antibilious Pill , . and a bottle of Syrup, and felt almost entirely restored fo Ms "wanted health. While at Woodf.ton, N. J.. a short time since I found 1 Mrs. S. W., labouring under a :ferere cough. and scarce:- ly able to sit up through the day—l felt confidant that the. Syrup would relieve her; accordingly I sent her a bottle--within a few days, I heard that she witA greatly benefited, and in a fair way of a speedy recovery. I can truly say, that almost every one that has taken it, has been more or lesq benefited, and I can cordially receommendit to all who arc in any Way afflicted with a cough. Yours &c., 0. DOUGLASS. The following is front a distin:mished Councellor at • Law in Bridgton, N. .1. BrzincrroN, De'cemberS, ISO. ' Dr. Wm. Steelling . —Str..-11 gives me pleasure to have it in my power to bear testimony to your invalna- Me Pulmonary Syrup. For spt-t•ral years when any one of family, has' he ti afflicted with a Cough, Hoarseness, - Asthma, Jntluenza lc., &c., we have u, sed it with very beneficial effects--It has invariably afforded relief. In October last, I was attacked in the `night, with a continued paroxiton of coughing--a- dose t of the Syrup immediately stopped the cOugli, and be fare I had finished the bottle..l found sny , elf completely cured. The cause of philanthropy, moat certainly owes 'you a debt of eratitude, fer the acquisition of a medical compound skillfully prepared, plzasant to the taste, containing so many excellent properties. and made acsessable to all. rich and nom% by its reduced ' prices. Your Obedi•mt S , rvant, ; ISAAC ,WATTS CRANE. Disinteratcd Tebtinudzy .! ! • ;:ctract of a letter received from the Rev. Wm. !lei ,ll, Pastor of the Lutheran Church, Abbott-town, tomorrsTowN,Jan.. It) IS;'. Dr. Wm St-ogling—Sin:--I take pleasure in inform . on you that I havq• been much, henefitted by the use of ymfr Pubatosatty Sb our—tut; throat which has been sore, for better than two years, and which wan consi.l erably inflamed, when I saw von last. has l'e-n creatly relieved—l think hg using a few mere b o at lee. tr radi cal cure maybe efferted—l ran therefore recommend It to all who are similarly wllicted Yours Affectionately. WM. Salmi( I Swain, Post Math - it . a I Evesham A, I, wlm is upwards 11f scv,,n.y yWars nI ge. was eared of a severe Ibllues.ze and reialam ; y a :'yw bottles of my , Pulmonary Syrup. Samuel Small, of Penthetann, N. J, states that his Wife who was nigh unto .1111 . 110 :vim, with a cough, was restored to sound health he the free use ut my • Pulmonary Syrup: The wife of Reuben Mat was en - tirely cured of a -cough of near Till YEA NS standing by my Pulmonary Syrup. 'Eliza) eth Dubois, Of Phi :a. tt ho was t object to a cough of three yanrs sta,nhotizolvo spat.n!.! or blood ! and who could get tió relief front 't he many, medicines she had used, was relieved by one boffle of my Pulmonary Syrup. • Rev. W. A. Roy, fl . al;tiit cleit7vman, Imhystown, N. J, - ilatea that Misjani4 Ernley, n.cl iiimardN of seveutv, had heen'alletcd for several vea•s with a most digtressing and alarming. Cough and had used many mediccnes wi!) , hole rebef, has been ahnos '• entirely eared by three bottles of, your Pulmonary S.)rap— s!n! an , dier hpnie wdi be effectual , Rev U. D.,oul•is;. of ihe . :•larinvis Church. 1-,21,:2. gave a Lott t' •'-' ^nary rap to a lady v;hu to hi.r bed v. , 111,a Cough. relitvrd. - Ile ahn :ace a 12i;tt:e ..1) a F.lilor who was greatly :‘..,tres,t , d with a e,6:_h. •ni.d cnniti fIOI n9thillg roievc hrn-- , :.11, athd to say that 1 ii px:ricetly cum.! Dowilass, moieover _ay:: that a iurathprid h,s charz:ll w:t.) was labour- . ing under tne, I i.floi,zl ,vas coo ti 1111111Cdi.M.iy SiN or my Atitib.l:iing VW:, ai d a fioli!e of irly Put• nionaryS up; alO.l th wh Ic u.h rteit to Woods ; ;tlra S. i,r; hat villa4e, was ab!e Ihr.111:::1 • I:c. thy, front a Fc (7,M. cc Polionnary Syrup gay:: her itiinwdi.oi! •-',For 521. c in -,by .! Silly 13 Reductian 'Pourfod in Prices, Or ..Nothing if th(i.liscr Ys nut Delighted wilh it N article that eve a rvTmile r.(lll!4iler . . A bible, when tilniy.f,iltlNV its power and value, and which has heretofore been s old too high to reach all' glas:ses, has now been re:laced Fnurfuld in ;nice. with a , view that rich and pner, high and lots, and in fact es j' Pry human heing may enjoy comforts; and all Who get it shall have the price r•forneitto them if they arc not delighted with its use. We assert, without the pos -1 Ability of contradiction, that all MlMS:tin! Scalos,everY gzternal Sorg, old or fresh, and all external pains and idles, no matter whore, shall be reduced to comfort by . at in live initiates-4:lVillg life. limb, or scar. No burn I :an be fatal if this is applied, unle:;:i the vitals are tie strayed by accident.' It is truly magical, to appearance.' en its effects. Enquire for Connel's Magical Pain Ex tractor Salve:" Price it cents, or four times as much for 50 cents, and ten times as much for - country : merchants are requested to take it to titan towns on commission, as the greatest blessing to mankind that has been discovered in medicine for ages. This is Strong IaTIZU:I2e, hut you may depend its powgr will fully justify it. Sold at Cninsfock's Branch House, No. '2 Northisth street; Philadelphia, and by J. S. C. MARTIN in Pottsville. Feb. 17 , 7—ly Wright's'W Indian Vegetable Pills , 1 , • OF THE NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE • i • • .® f ill en It h . . . : . . Iv o MEDICINE has ever been introduced to the A , I 'll merican Public, whose virtues have been mere cheerfully and universally acknolvleged, than the s hove named' . • WRIGHT'S • INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. , ' .To descant - upon their merits, at•this late day, would ! seem to he wholly unnecessary, as very few indeed i who read this article, will be found unacquainted with ,' the real excellence of the medicine - . But if further L . proof were wanting to establish the credit ofthis singu lar remedy, it miglithe found in the fact that no medl . ,cine in the country has been sn SHAMELESSLY COUNTERFEITED. Ignorant and unprincipled men have at various pia