The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 29, 1844, Image 4

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,You promised to !castoff your 'smoking
The day I consented to wed;'
how little 1-tliought you were joking;
How fondly believed what you Bah% •
Then. alas ! hovecompletely you sold me. •
With blandishments , artful and vain,
When you emptied your snuffbox, and told ma
Yea never• would fill it again!
Those fumes, so opPresive.' from puffing,
Say, what is the solace that flOwst .
And whence thdcniorrient of stuffing
A parcel of dust to your impel
By the habits youthus are pursuing,
There can be no pleasure conferred;
.now irrational, then, in so doing! •
Now is it not very abatirdt
Cigart cotne . to three-pent each nearly,
And six pence an ounce itilour snuff;
Consider how _much, then, you'yearly
Must waste on that horrible stuff;
Why, the sums in tobacco you spend. love,
• The wealth in your snuff box you sink,
Would procure the of drc Eel no end, love.
And keep me in gloves—mily think!
What's worse, for your . person I tremble,
'Tie: going as fast - as hcan; n can; 7
0! bow should you like to resemble
. . _
'A smoky and inuffrold Man!
'.Then resign, at the call of affection,
.The habits I - cannot endure; • .
••br jou'll spoil both yoitrand completion,
A.nd ruin your teeth, I am aure.—Loodon Punch.
The Sliding Scale of Manifirs.—The rinnezed
aatract is frOm an article in "Frazees Magazine,"
and is meant to apply - to a would be elxnntes
England. Hits at English', manneK . wiih very
little deviation, Often apply strikingly on this side
of tho water
The ladies and gentlamen of the sliding scale
are courteous to:persons of high rank and station,
as indeed they, ought to be ; they show that they
can behave wetland yet they cool down in man
ner towards others' of inferior station, exactly in
proportion to the grades the nobodies may chance
to hold on the scale, and descend from polite
-courtesy to polite rudeness—the most impertinent
of all kinds of rudeness. It is, indeed, highly di
verting, at times, to behold the active working of
the scale, and.its rapid sliding from one degree,
from one extreme even to another. We mem- .
mend the curious, in such matters to take a favor
able position in the drawing , room, and, observe
the arrivals and the receptions guests experience
at any fashionable party ; it will well reward the
trouble. Noticcthe lady of the,house in particu
lar ; for though gentlemen are in fact greater at
, ekra than ladies, the latter do things-more grace-,
fully, and with a prettier air. You will there see
the delight, however subdued, that is evinced in
receiving the high in rank, station, or fashionable'
reputation; the easy and friendly mariner that falls
to the lot . of those next on the scale ; then there
is the pretty entpresse courtesy of pleasure, the
profound courtesy of hate, the' graceful courtesy of
Indiffereni e. the sliding- courtesy to the right 'cr
left, according to position—which says, 'Puss on.'
• There we see both' hands extended, to recei‘e
"dear Lady A," one hand held out to greet Mrs.
Nabob 8., and three fingers given, with a familiar
, nod, toMiss Nobody C. Nor is this all, for we
have the sweet little head leant over to the' left
when a younger 'brother is'-advancing from the
, right ; and a word or nod to Sir John, cast, ever
the rightrirm, while acknowledging parsons Lack
: living's formal bow on the left. There are a thou
sand pretty' little tricks and rnanceuvres besides, all
equally graceful .and expressive, though impossi
ble to be rendered by description.
A good observer will easily distinguish the
tro,ups who are invited to give eclat to the party—
• those who are only. invited "because they must be
invited"—those again who are,to be delighted, and
astonished at• every thing, and the old rank and
file called in to fill Places, and no more. Nor are
gitests behind the hosts in tactics ; far from it, foi,
many would have ymi think that they only come
' to confer an obligation, some even to confer an
honor. The vapid exclusive affects to' lounge in,
merely to kill, time, and looking round on the
crowded monis, seam , to ask; "Is there any one
here I while many, on the other hand, show at
once that they come to act the part of regular
sycophants.' In general the yOung girls are hap
pleat on such occasions; and, though you see some
• . who have no idea beyond being admired, they.still
bring the greatest portion of hirality and cheerful
ness with them into company, 'and cast, indeed,
"when not Spoiled by fortune-hunting mothers, or
the heartless and artificial tone of modern man
ners„ the principal charm over the so ealled bril
liant and fashionable society of the day. Now all
this,'When not simple aful silly afTectation,is the
result of mere ignorance to give it the gentlest
• name-possible; for personsheha:ing in this man
ner wish, in fact, to be thought, something dis
tingue, elevated in sentiment, feelings, intellect or
• • mental refinement, the very reverse of what their
manners, which it not founded in ignorance, must
be lookdiipon as ignoble and low minded, prove
them to be. And for the best and cleverest of all
reasons, that every person of true worth, endowed
with generous sentimentskwith the kind, noble,
• and lofty feelings men are proud to poaaPs, and'
ashamed to want, delights in being corteoue and
polite, and never resorts to an opposite line of con],
duct, unless where cases of Open and avowed per-.
sonal hostility place all social intercourse out of
y• the question. If this last proposition is just, and
it will hardly, we think, be disputed, the sliders
have only the choice between the ignorance of
which' we have in our gentleness accused them,
and that rottenness of heart, from which, where
--'"there is knowledge, rudeness and bad manners can
.--- alone arise.
The way to ThPottk - a Low 'Roc° Slander.—
The Xenia , Torchlight suggests an excellent plan
for silencing every slanderer whcrrepeats the •bar
gain and sale' charge against Henry Clay. This
ittho plan:
Tell him that when the charges had been ful
ly undo before the American, people, and all the
evidence adduced' that could be adduced in sup
port of it, Mr. Clay was - nonitiated to the Senate,
'for Secretary of State, and confirmed by an over
whelining vote; and that among the Senators who
voted in favor of his confirmation, wee THOM—
REN!!! , .
.northern nicin willi southern feelings' is
said by the New Orleans Crescent to be 'a yankee
with the yellow fever.
The . .Pu/ka dance, just introduced into the fash
ionable circles of Europe, is exceedingly popular
withthe Locofocos. The Aleiandria Gazette says
its principal movement is 'one step forwarE and
hoc. backward." The Locos are practising it ve
ry alaiduously, and will dance it in'November
next:to perfection!
- The English ride on their Railroads at the rate
of S 6 niilea per hour on extraordinary occasions.
There 'ved at the port of New York recent
ly, in -- twelve days, 8,247 emigrants from foreign
When you Top the'question' to a lady, do, it
;with a kind of langh, as if you were . joking, If
she accepts you, very well, if she" does not, you
can say was only in fun.'
He who gives way to angry invectives, furnish
es a strong presumption that his cause is bad, since
truth - is best supported by dispassionate argu
'Men will wrengle,for religion, write for it, figh
for it, die for it—anything but liye for it.
The Maysville Eagle says when Ems Sous
' seer ascertained that be was dropped by the Con.
. vention; he tore his old red jacket from top to. bot.
tom. He declared the never would limp again, or
shed another tear, to save the party from the d-I.'l
Henry Clay Knives.
• •
AiIoODGER'S celebratod Knivccwith the name: of
Henry Clay struck on the blade. just' received
- : and for said by ' B, VANNAN.Agent. .
&fay Pi 19-
. PII IL ADE L PliIA. -- ;
. .. .
VILLE: RAILHOAD ,, • , - •
ala .1
. :,..aa _ ..., •
.-_\ 4. hiciassdprg. ziClasstam: .
Fare to Pottsville, $2 fil s22o _
To immediate points also reduced.
The Passenger Train' now leaves the Depot. corner
of Broad and Cherry street daily tit 7 o'clock A. M.:
stopping at the usual way points, and arrive at Potts
ville at 126 o'cl sck. Returning. leaves Pottsville at 7
o'clock A. M. daily; and arrive in the city at 12 o'-
Passengers.for Northumberland. Sunbury; Danville,
and Catawissa meet stages at Pottsville on the arri
val of the trains daily, and aro carried thi•ough'-with
(midday to , ither of those planes for $4.
Passengers for Tamaqua, Hazleton, Mauch-Chunk
arid Wilkesharrie, quit the cars at Port Clinton (7.8
miles from the city) and. take the cars of thci tattle
Schuylkill Rail ioad to Tamaqua, thence go by good
' stages to Mauch Chunk,-where they meet the packet
boats for Wilksbarre.
Fare to Mauch Chunk, $3 50 .
Fare to Wilkesbarre, -' ' 5 00
S. BRADFORD, Secretary. •
-Philadelphia-,July 24. 1843. - 31— .
• PAILLDELT.IIIA, March Ist. 1812.
Rates of Toll, 4e., upon the Schny - 144111 Naviga
tion from the opening of the Natriga
,tion' in the spring 4.1844.
. •. RATES, &c.,UPON COAL. -
TIM following rates of Toll on Coal are fixed frond
11 the opening'of the navigation. and will not be, rais
ed prior to the Ist of June, 1814 ;. s and if they are lower
ed at any time during the shippin4 seaiono. drawback '
on the previmis shipments will be allowed to the rt,
mount of the reductioif, in the way of credit for Toll on
Coal afterwards shipped.
From Port Carbon, and Pottsville, to Philadelphia,
30 cents and from Schuylkill Haven to Philadelphia,
34 cat. per ton of 2240 pounds.
From Port Clinton to Philadelphia, 30 cents per ton
of 2210 pounds.
Chi all way-coal, not coining to Philadelphia, one
third of a cent per ton per Mile.
Front the gross weight, as ascertained at the 'weigh
locks, five per cent. will le dedurted,Und the toll char ,
ged upon the net weight. No toll will be charged upon
fraCtions.of a ton. •
The rates of Toll on Miscellaneous Fieight will be
according to the rates and classifications of last season,
at.three milli and four mills per 1000 pounds per mile,
The Toll on Empty Boats will be, as in 1613, two eta
per mile ; but no toll will be charged on any boat wher
s cargo pays a toll of $5 or upwards, .
By order of the Board of Managers. •
March, 9
Has re-commenced the manufacture of
Al .N0."12 Margo) etta 'Street, flee doors above
Front Street, between Cedkivhill and
Willow Street raili road
`,[THERE he &Tars for
. sale, on reasonable terms,
VV wholesale and retail, first daluy Yellow--Soap,
common BrOwn do. White Fuller's do., Palm do. Cas
tile do., Fancy Shaving do. - .
August 42,
• • SAI A L.L
•... 1
"" rAitras
HANDSOMELY situated in Bradford County, Pa.
on the waters of Little Loyafsock Creek, about 70
miles North of Pottsville, and 15 miles South of Mon
rrieton, containing as follows ,
-,Me 62 Acres, /05 'Per
ches—one 53 Acres 77 Perches—one 29 Acres; also, 8 9
Acres, 44 'Perches, adjoining. unimproved. The im
provements-on each area good log dwelling, small barn,
&c., good'spring near the door, and within Hi miles of
the Tioga Turnpike, I mile of Daniel Miller's improVed
Farm and Saw Mill, and near to P. Office, School, Wel
ings, &c. They adjoin the improved Farms of Thomas
Miirplfy,' Cornelius Manahan and Daniel ()brier+. The
Title isiddisputable, having been held by the present
owner 40 years, taxes all paid up. Ace. Letters post-paid
will be 'attended to—and if several individuals, will
make a purchase together, the ter,ms will . be liberal.—
D. Miller can show the Farms. Dlrect
Real Estate office, 23, Filnert St.
Philada., March 23, 1844. 12-6 mo
Every Tuesday,
.morning, at 10 o'clock,]
• •
CARD.—A combination having been formed by a por
fion of the Dealers in "loots and Shoes, of this city,
with the avowed object of suppressing the tale of those
Goods by Auction. D seems proper fur the' subscriber,
(who has held these Sales for the past eighteen months)
to state that- nrlwithstanding the combination, the
Sales will not be stopped; but on the contrary, as be
will now rely more than ever, on the patronage of the
Country Merchants, the sales will be held
Every Tuesday Morning,
at the Auction Store, 268 Mar'ket st., and his arrange
ments with the Manufactureis, both of this city and all
New England, are such, as to insure him. a constant
and full supply of every deerription of goods. ,
The .mere fact of so great an effort - being' made; to
put down these Sales, is:the best evidence the Country
Merchant can have, that it is for his interest to sun-
P hilada., Marc 544 •• 12-fira
ain them
Scales! Scales!!
gale by
Sole 'Agents for the Patentee, 42 Walnut Phila
Coal & Iron Dealers and general Conunlsslon Mer
chants, and Dealers in all kinds of Scales and Weights
No.-42, Walnut street, Philadelphia..
Feb. 17
GGRAY& BROTHER.. have taken the Second Wharf
below Locust street. and , will receive Coal on
'storage, or to sell or reship, on the moat favourable
serms. Advances made if required. Office 42 Walnut
treet. April it, • 14—
Dn. G, BROWN,respect-
Cully informs the inhabitants of Port Ca ibon
v , and its vicinity, that he has located himself
.14,.. 1 at Will. B. Hull's, where be may be corisdl
- ted at all times, when not absent on pro,,
fessional business. •
Noma°ld Writers.
F the idlest approved kind. Also Bdoks nt"Prepa
‘../ red Paper, Carbonic Paper and Agate Points for
writing, just received and for sale by BAIANNAN.
June 8 23 4g't•
A Steam Engine for Sale.
lIE subscriber has a two Horse Siena Engine
11 which be will sell cheap. It is well cakuutted for
Itnidg Coal Screenti, and bas . po wet sufficient to screen
.30 tons per day. - GEO.. H. POTTS.
Apr. 13, - ‘,.
J . . .
UST received a quantity of 8 and 10' square and
.steel suitable for Drills, also, spring steel and Airier
can and English blister steel, all or any .of which will
be sold cheap for cash at the York Store. .
February 10,
r Dr. Buzby.
THE improved and illustrated Game of Dr
Buzby, just received and for eels by • '
F. 8 B. BANNAN, Agent
. .
Redudioi .pf Feig,hl on - Peri
fbli. and 'after ' , Monday: next, June .g
‘ 7 Goods will be forwar.ded with
the following rates of Freight between
and the points below stated, per ton of
iletimen I
• • _ Reading
p a h n i d ia ..
Plaster, slate, tiles Ste. St 1 10
Pig Iron, bloats, tooter,
marble, rosin; tar;pitch, 120
and grindstodes, ' •
nits & spikes,, bar iron,)
• cestings,lead;torPentine I
bark, -raw tobacco, salt } 1 40 .1
provisions, potatoes turn- I . .
ber, stoves &c.,
Flour per barrel, 16ctr
Wheat, •corn, rye, clover / 4 cu
seed, & salt per bushel,
Groceries, hardware, teel, )
copper, tin, brass, do- .
mettic liquors, rnachin
cry, butter .and eggs, .2 10
cheese, lard find tallow,
oil, wool,eottpn: leather;
raw hides, Paint., oys
ters, h?.rop and cordage.) .
Dry goods, - drugs & med. 1
icines, foreign liquors,
wines,glaSs, paper, fresh 2 60
fish, meat, confections- I
rv, hooks &? stationary.]
No additional charges fur commis
age, or receiving or delivering freight
the Company's Depots on the line. .1
July . 15 1843,
rpm'. subscriber would respectfully inform his
-11- friends arid customeis, that he has located his ,
- cap Manlacloiy ' f
In Third Street, Not-101, a few doors below Race,
where he would be pleased to see his old customers
and as many new ones as are disposed io favour him
with their custom. lie still continues to manufacture
and Sitortmen's articles of ever y description,
such as leather. Cloth,.Felt, Silk and Rover Dreis
Caps, of all patterns; Forage Caps; liolaters for troop
Body do; Cartduch Braes. Baypnrt c Mhards, ; word
Belts of all kinds ; Canteens Knapsacks, different
patterns : Fire •Buckeis:Passing Boxes, Tube do,
; Brush and Picker's Plumes, rompootid Fir men's
Caps, LentherlStockg, Cun Ciises, superior quality
Shot Bags. Came Digs, Drumd..4lc..dicl
IU - 'Ol-t1 -rs thankfully received and ;promptly at
No MI North Third Street:a few doors belowßae
Philadelphia. January 13,1 84-1 . 2—Gm
. .
To Dyers, Bleachers, Paper Makers, Steam
I ' . !
Englite Builders, and others!
~ ,_
From 4 inches to k in calibre and ft to 32 feet long,
capable of Sustaining pressure from 400 to. 2300 lbs.
per souare 7 inch, with Stop ,l,:ks; T•, LA, and
other fixtures to suit; fitting together. with , screw
rants, suitable for STEAM: WATER, , GAS. and for
OCOMOTIVE and other STEAM BOlLl i a kluza
!NID elf) obi
,- I •
. 'B9
Manufactured and for eale by
momus, TASKER. It. MORRIS.
Warehouse' S. E. Corncr of Third &Walmit St.reets.
July II
MBE subscriber having Just received (per lite arri
vats from England) direct from the maptaqcturers
a large invoice of
' I
which makes :complete,lone of the best, assorted stocks
of HARDWARE, to be' found in the -City pf Philadel
phia, respects illy invites Country Merchants, to call
and examine for themselves; as it is !his tired .deter
mination, to Sustain the reputation if has had of being
the Cheapest more In the city. - Those who buy for CAN!,
in preference to paying 15 or 20 per cent. for the sake
offs months credit, will please call before 'purchasing,
and get a list of my prices ; which will satisfy them
better, than anything I can say in an, advertisemen t, that a store establishedon the exclusive CASH system,
can sell cheaper,' than those who buy and bell, on 0,9,
or 12 months 'credit.
have just received a large invoice of Newton's, Dar
ling's, Wilson's, Griffin's, Waldron'!, Inman's and
other makes Of Corn and Grass Scythes. Also, Carr's,
and Harper'd Hay and Manure Forks, Tacks, Brads,
Sad Irons,' American :Plane Irons, and Saws, Row
land's, Snyder's and Ames' Shovels 'and Spades; to
'gather with a general, assortment of Domestic Hard
ware, which 7 will be sold very cheap thr nett cash, and
cash only. HENRY. L. ELDER, Importer,
993 Market st., betweon 13th and Broad north side.
Philadelphia,,March. . I 11,
. ;
Forwarding aV M
ommission erchant,
Vine et.;lVhar
ESPECtFULLY informs his friends, and Bier
-LA chants generally, in Schuylkill, Berke', and the ad
oining Counties, that 'he is now ready to receive in
Store, and ship daily bigood 'covered Boats and care
ful Captains; Freight ()revery description,for Port Car
bon, Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven, Orwigsburg, Pint
Clinton, Ilainburg fteadingA and all the intermediate
places, at.ouitbrm rates during the whole Season, from
Coto no per cent. lower thari the rated by the It. It-
No Charges for receiving intS tore or delivering freight,
from any points on the Canal. I
March 9, .! . 'to-Gm
1.,"17 ETU F.R ILL & BROTHR.
E, menu facto
1r 7 refs, No 63 north FiLont street, r hiladel.
phi', havemow a' good supply oPtheir warranted
pure whiet lead, and those customers who have
been , sparingly supplied in consequence of a
run on the:article, shall now haVe their orders
filleJ. ~ , t ,
• No known subsanca possesses tLse preserve.
tiveand beautifying properies sordesieable in a
paint, to. an equal exert with unadulterated
white lead; hence tiny admixture o' other materi
als only niars its value. It has herelore been
the steady!. aim of the manufacturers, for many
years, to supply to the public aerfectly pure
white lead; and the unceasing dem nd
Tor the ar
ticle is proof that -'it has met wi, fairer. It is
invariably , branded on one head—WrETHERILL
& BROTBER, in full, and on the other, WAR.
I RANTED PURE—all m red lettere. ,
'November 19, :' . . 1 47--
DALE'S Patent Pre
mium Platform an d
Counter Scales, celebra
ted for accuracy and con
venience, warranted to
keep in order, and weigh .
Correctly, lancer than
any other Scale in use.
We have a large num
ber of testimonials, from
Rail Road Co's; Trans-.
portat Inn Co's, Coal
Dealers, Merchants and
atilt's, who have these
Scales in use, which can
,be seen atNo. 41 Walnut
st., Philadelphia.—F o r
• T.O LET. ,I
THE substantial and convenient S•rta,4B STORE and
%Vitattetionse. at Mount Carbon! lately . in occu
pancy ofit,seph White & Son. The Store is 40. t. 40
'feet. and the Warehouse 60180 feet: both being 2
stories high in front. having etcellent cellars or rather
basement - 4 the floor of are on the level of the
giriend at the back.of each: both buildings front nn
the Centre l'unipik , l there are good docks for the
reception at each Merchand.zo by the Canal, 'and
goods brought by P. R. It. R. can be discharged at the
level of the Ist floor of the Warehouie.'directly into
its rear, which rests against the tracker the Mount
Carbon WRoad. There is ample room around the
docks for piling plabter: and a good) lumber wharf
will be added to premises leased. if dirored.
Immediate possession given. Apply at the Del
a ware Coal Company's offices, via: to •
JOHN C. MARL, Mount Carbon,
or J. R. %VIRTU:. • 1. • :
117 South Bth St. Philadellihia..
Pottsville' May, 18th 1, . 20—tf
/ii HE subscriber takes this method pf informing his
customers and the citizeits of Pottsville generally,
that be has removed his
from Centre street' to the corner of Norwegian and
-Rail Road 'meets, where he will tei pleued to merit a
continuancerof their patronage.
JOHN' nucu.
It e
BEGS to Inform the Coal Operatorail and the Mar.
chanti generally of Schuylkill County, that he is
now prepared to manufacture
Of every descriptio n ; of the best materials, and In the
most .workmanlike manner; which he is enabled to
sell at the lowest cityprtcca. .. -
AU orderi promptly attended to, aid Os mast itconi
modating terms of payment given tops etbegers.
Port Carbon, April 8, I 'l4-Bine
Hardware and Cntlery!!!
Feb. 2,1„
i' - '-'IIiN.E.itS I I4OVRX
r .term 's
LI:: La: fo
6tb 1843.
• spatch et
2000 R.
75 ct
Coinpounil Kreasole 'Adata tic "Oil,
FOR the cure of DEAFNEd S, pairs , l and the - dis
charge of m atter from the ears; also all those disa
greeable noises like the buzzing
&c. of inset Is; fang of
water, buzzing of steam, &c., which axe symptoms
of approaching deafness and also attendant: with the
disease. •
The following Editorials and certificates) Will be reap
with interest as they speak facts, which ars "stubborn
MOST EITAAOILDINARS Cuun!—lf anylhave donbts
they may now dismiss them, and the most redulous
may consider Deafness as curable. Numerous cases Of
cures, and many of them very. remarkable—by the use
of 'Scarpa's Oil,' have been publishell, but thi
hearings 'caps
the climax.' Young or old may yet wever ,
A ladyln Smithfield, Pennsylvania, and pow about 60
years of age had been gradually getting deaf for more
than 90 years, so that it was next to impossible to make
her hear conversation in the loudest tones of voice ;1
Last winter she was induced to try ‘Scaipa's Oil for]
Deafness.'lt is only necessary to add that she has us-I
edtWo bottles, and that her hearing perfectly restor
ed—she is cured.
DELENESS Guam— The fallowing
letter written by Mr. Johnson of Boston,
this city, is important.
'The,bottle of Scarpa's Oil for Dcafn
sent me, with the wish that my daughterl
has been used, and in its effects, have a
you know how very deaf she has been
three years iiftd--she now hears quite
Medicine has all been used, I wish you tc
other Pottle, which I have every reason ti
cure her entirely.'—fTimes. 1
For sale by B. B. OUMPERT, No. 120
Street, Philadelphia, and by
90 cu.
II cts
1 3 cts
L 70
Sion, Mot',
at, (toY of
July V-, 1813,
Concentrated Compound FlUil.‘ F.xtaci . of
vOR the cure of Scrofula, Chronic Rhehmat ism, Beni
eral Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, Scaly Eruptions
of the Skin, Tetter, Pim{ Lis or Pustulesi l on the Facd,
Liver Affections, Mercurial and Sytt cid Disease*
Biles, from an impure habit of body, Uletations of the
- Throat and Leg, Pains and Swelling of the 'Bones; and
all Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood,
Exposures and Imprudences M Lice, Eicessive use cif
Mercury, &e.
been lately made to introduce
An immense effort has , _ , ....._
various compounds called "Extracts otlSarsaparilla,,
as positive and specific cure-alls. If we were to believtt
the extravagant assertions of the adventurers who are
pushing them, all disease that "flesh isheir to," can be
governed and removed by these wonderful " extracts.?!
Now, we want no customers to our artleles but persons
of common sense at least; and. those Ito have bat,
will find it impossible to believe these extravagant aixd
ridiculous assertions. Depend upon it then, if youk get
COMSTOCK'S true extract of the real itisaparilla q r .
ery disease that cau be cured by this and various fith r
roots that form the compound, will be cured by it. Sue ,
particularly, as Scrofula, Rheumatism, and all diseas 5
of the blood, and particularly disease and suffering fro
the abuse of mercury. Comsrocx's SARSAPARILLA ;Is
warranted as good as any in the city, :}nd at just half
the price of others, and in as large bottles, viz:—?O
cents per bottle, or $4 per dozen. Suit yourselves.f—
-' To be. found only at Comstock's Brancl House, No.
North sth St. Philadelphia, and in Pint vale at
Feb. 17, 7-Iy J. S. . MARTIN'sI
Rf OrMEDYtOliirW'
Facts for the PeOple:
rINIIE ennstuntly • increasing popularity - aini
2 - Bale dB. A Fahne.tock's Verinifuge haa:m
diced persons who are envious Of its succeal t
palm off upon the public , prepargtiotis which' al
medical men know to be inefficacious in ear'
lied warms from the system.
This Vermifuge has made its lway into mit
lie favour upon the ground of itr
. own intrirtsi
merits, more than. any other.medicine oft.'m kind
now used i and while many warm remedies
have, by dint of puffing, been forced inio-•s l ale,
and shortly alter gone into the Obscurity wfhich
their worthlessness justly 'mul l ed, B. A: Fah.
nestock's Vertnifuge continues 19 be triumphant.
ly sustained. It has only to he used andl'its
effects will fully sustain all that iii Said 1 ,,f its Won.
derful expelling peWer. I
I ,
• • Cekificate r 1-
Wales, Erie. Co., _New Y.; Jan. 7, 1843.
;• We certify that We have used; B. A. Fahrsea.
tock's Vertnifuge in our 'families, and in every
Case it has proved a decided andeffectual remedy
for expelling worms from the system. We Cor.
dially recommend it to parenta l who have Chi:.
d rcn afflicmd with that dangerous malady. I I
WM. B PAINE, , -i:
ROB'T 'MA Y. ti
For sale, wholesale and . retail, at the trg
Warehouse of
Corner of Sixth wad Wood sts.; Pittsburg,it
For sale in Pottsville, by . 7 1
• CLEMENS 4 PARVIN, Druggiso.
December, 9, 50 1 -
, 1,
, . ,i
Almost every disease that flesh' is heir to mtii be
cured by the timely use of OfiKELEY'
POUN D 14.:PuttATIvERUN, 'This may be
proved satisfactorily to those whet: l l;M call at any of
the stores where this invaluable medicine is sold, by
ceniticates (properly authenticate4of cures perform
ed on individuals who had lost all hopes ofrellef—
certicates or Physicians who
,hadl the most scivere
cases under treatment, their patient's_having taken the
medicine by their advice and been cured—certifiCates
from the Prothonotary, Clerk of Orphans' CourtlNo'•
tary, &c.. stating their acquairtanee with'persoits of
respectability and standing, who having the goon of
their fellow men at heart, have volfintarily come for
ward and given astaternentoftheir case and its Cure
for publication, &e. &r. The nuMber ofthese 4 F rti
-ficates being too great for newspaper publication, the
'subscriber has deemed it adiisablel to have a copy of
the most important certifica'es prOperly authentica
ted, under seal, to be placed at 'the stores of agents,
who have the medicinefor sale, wliere persons afflic
ted with Scrofula or Kings evil White Swelling,
Chronic Rheumatism. Tetter, Mercurial diseases,
Eruptions of the kin, Cough of !nog standing ci sr in
cioient Consumption, sick Ilead-ache, cOrloY
have an opportunity of ascertaining the names and
residences of those who have been cured by its use,
and who will he willing, if milled upon, to give every
information required. I
As a more general evidence tha l t this is no quack
medicine, L. would refer to• the names of the folk*.
in„o well known physicisms, who have attested io its
efficacy--Dr. J. P. Hiester; Dr. . G. Biten.Dr.llno.
Otto, Dr. H.II. Mublenberg, Dr. orber.
Sold wholesale and Retail at the drug and chemi
cal Store of, !!
. E. B. EICHHOLTZ, Pottsville.
3. B. &J. IL Palls, Min ersvi I I e;
Port Carbon ; Henry Voute, Orwin sburg. ;
January 21 , ". • •
For Coughs: . Cale; Influences., Catarrhs; Whooping
Ferns of the Breast and Sides; Bronchitis:
Asthma; Cioup; Difficulty of Breathing and
pectoration; Shortness of Breath; Inflam
mation of the Lungs; and :arrest of
approaahing Consumption. •
T has bean but a few years since ;this medicine' has
been introduced into this country ; And has been, pro,
ductive of the most astonishing and unexpected results.
As several hundred certificates of im effects have been_
heretofore, published, it Is only necessary new to re
mind the public where it can be obtained genuine.
Throughout Germany it Is know a s the "Life Pre
serest. " and is the only medicine In e there for the
hove affections.
It is put up in half pint bottles, with full directions
50 Cents a Bottle. . I
Prepared only (from tho original receipt obtained at
a great price,) and sold wholesale anti retail, at Dr.', Lei
dy's Health Emporium,. No. 191 no Second street,
near Vine, (sign of that Golden Eagle and Serpenta,)
Philadelphia. •
- Also at Long's Drug Store, Lan l easter; - Lambert's,
Reading; - Dr. Moser's, Allentown; - Pomp's and Dick
son's,_Eastonrand at J. G. BROWS'S (late W. r, Hp
tine) Drug Store.CentreNtreet;Poiteville; and by amp
jig s andlltortkeeperegenerally; : •
• . .
tract from a
a a friend in
tbat you
would try it,
tonished all;
:one .she was,
I, but as the;
s t ,•e
b 410 Z e wil
4, rottsvine.
Dr. Beehterls
1: 6 Rai IPA tif
,r t ILECKLEs , Pimples, Tin; Einuhrffirt.'MOtt Brothel ,
Tester Ringworm; andother obstinate affections of
the sans, removing every impurity and givingto the
complexion a clearness truly-beautiful. To' gentlemen
it is reccommended for removing the irritation and oth
er diseases ofthe skin, often produced by the use of
strong alkaline soapsiand creams in shaving, the!Ealy
dor may be lased-without the least danger on the most
delicate skin, and is a refreshing wash in warm weath
er, or in travelling, price 50 . cents per bottle.' t
GLENN'S Innei: HAIR OIL.---This
gant prepaiation is compounded of various oils, forming
together a compound of great value, for promoting the
growth and preserving the hair, it nourishes thei roots,
thereby causing it to grow with vigor, and preVenting,
It from falling out, or turning grey, removing ht the
same - time, the dandruff which canes the hairto fall
out Totbose whO have lost their hair by , sickness or
any other cause, except old age, at is confidently ree
commended, it gives a glossy so ft ness to the locks, and
has the singular property of making the hair dark, and
is therefore recommended to those who are- beginning
to turn grey—it is also an excellent curling fluid and
being pleasantly perftimed it is much esteemed fur dres
sing the hair in general; and for the heads of children,
price 50 cents• Der bottle. , i
This very pleasant and truly efficacious dentrifice, is
'prepared from ingredients Merfectly harmless, it gives
- a pearly whiteness to the teeth,. firmness to. the gums,
and fragancy to the breath , removing spots •or [incipi
ent decay, and preserving the teeth effectually.l It has
been used and reccommended by dentists in their pile
tice, and is beiiev d to be equal to any article, of the
kind in use. It is p in neat China boxes, andihavleg
a solid form, is not li le to waste or spill, and is free
from the grit of Tooth Powders in general, price 25 cts.
per box.
ted to change grey or red hair to a handsome btown or '
jet black, without injury to the ha ir„or even staining to
the skin, aid may be used with perfect safety. To
those who•have become prematurely grey, it is!invalu •
able, and to gentlemen who are troubled with grey
whiskers it is strongly reccommended, the color pro
duced is natural, and will not rub off; or soil the whi
test muslin. Price 50 cents. • -
plete remedy for Freckles. This remedy,was invented
by Dr. Chs Michaux, of Lombardy, a distiaguished
Physician of the last century. The proprtetor has eve
ry confidence in it; as p superior preparation' for the
purpose designedtt may be used without the least eau
, tibn, and for pimples and other affections of the skin, it
is a certain cure. • Price 371 cents per bottle. !
The above named articles -have been sold very ex
tensively by the subscriber for many years, and are.
conscientiously recommended to the public, as prepara
tions of real value, and not to be ranked With the hum
bugs of the day, a single trial will convince the most
skeptical, that their good qualities are nat over rated.
• "A Good Sliare and Yet no Shave
Gentienien who shave themselves, title articles
offered with the greatest confidence' as equal,en
not supelior to any other Shaving Soap in use. For •
delightful and consistent lather, which will not dr y •
pon the face or irritate' the most delicate skit!), for the
ease and comfort it gives to the often troublesome ope
ration of shaving, rendering it surpassingly easy, this
compound can be safely recconsmended. It equally
effectual in warm or cold water, and after using it, the
face is left soft and pleasant„and entirely free ftitm the
irritation and roughness often caused by the use of
strong alkaline Soaps and Shaving Creams. The com
pound is pleasantly perfumed and put up in a heat chi
na box, answering all the purposes of a shaving box,
and on trial will be found very economical and conve
nient, during the few ,years this article has been before
the public, the proprietor has sold 35,000 boxes of It,
and the demand is coptitantly increasing as its merits
become known. The agents are authorized to return
the purchase money; where It does not give entire sat
isfactio a. t
'The Sarum:acme Compound is composed •of ingre
'Rent's, ito admirably compounded, that shaving with it,
is an absolute pleasure.',--U. S. Gazette.
'The Saponaeecols Compound, is the best preparation
extant for shaving purposes. It is extensively patron
ized, and deserves to be ; every gentleman who
shaves himself, should buy it.'—Philadelphia, Gazette.
•We beg to call thettention of the bearded portion of
our subscribers, th Saponaceous COmpoupd. It is,
without except loat b
he est shaving soap, we ever used.'
—Philada. Transcript.'
'The Saponaceous Compound for-shaving, is the best
—pet haps the very best article In use, for scraping the
beard from the human I face divine. What with a keen
razor and this compound, you may shave yonr face in
half the time, you are a pronouncing the worth It is an
anomaly in language-Lit is a very good • shave, and yet
no shave.'--Boston Daily Times
Prepared by .W. GLENN,
Manufacturer of Perfumery, Cosmetics, and Fancy
Soaps, 12 and tit South T t rd street, opposite tae Ex
change, Philadelphia.' A d also sold' by • ;
BENJ. BANNAN, 'Ag't., Pettsvllle.
I - ! 20,t1y •
May t 8
N .E W
er' & MarS,
• • RESPECTFULLY announce to the citizens• of
Schuylkill county, that they have commenced busi
ness in the Store recently occupied by William C. Leib,
one door south of the Post Office,• in the Borough of
Pottsville, where thby have just opened a!, new and
- carefully selected stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries , Glass,
Queens, Earthen - and Hol
low Wire, &c., &0., &O.
• Among which maylbe found Cloths; Casslmeres, Sat
e tinetts, Modsellpe de Lains, Ginghams,, Lawns; Meri
noes, Silks, Satin, Laces, Nankin, Hollands; Flannels,
Marseilles, Valencia; Silk, Satin, and otheriVestings, a
great variety Of MUslins, Bleached land Unbleached,
Silk,. Cotton, and Ginghams, Handkerchiefs, Summer
Cloths, Velveteens, Ladle's and Gentleman's Stock
ings, Gloves, and Mifs of all descriptions. Also, Syrup,
Sugar House and New Orleans Molaises, Sugar, Coffee
and Tea, Cheese, Candles, Snap, Salmon, Shad Mack
eral, Herring, Hams, Shoulders,, and Smoked Meat,
generally, Tobacco,.l Segars, Crackers, Butter, Eggs,
Lard, Sweet Oil, L.trip Oil, &c., &., &c. i
Having purchasedl their goods With great rare, and
on reasonable terms; they will be !enabled to dispose of
!hem, at prices quite as low as their neighbotli.
LHE subscriber! begs leave toinforre:his friends
and the Pub H ie in General that ho has com
menced tha I .
In all its various Branches, atNo l , 2 Clinton Row,
Coal Street, where by strict attention tolis busi
ness, he hopes to give perfect satisfaction - to all
who may patroniz him. •
Pottsville, May 4th, 18—
RESPECTFUL* informs the Schuylkill i county
Public, that he is now prepared to manufacture all
articles of Household and Parlor Furniture in the neat
test, handsomest, mid most satisfnctory, manner. He
has also on hand, et his Ware-room in Mahantango
street, corner of Adnm street, an assortment of
MAHOGANY GifAIRS of the French prittern with
Hair Seatst.Fine .Mahogany Centre Tables,
MahOgniny Dressing Bureaus;
, ,
made after the French style, with glasses, 4c,
in addition to the above, the advertiseri is prepared
to receive and exectite all orders for repairs, &c., which
Will be carefully attended to and finished at the shortest
notice. .1 , •
MI kinds of Uphortering,. such as' covering Sofas,
Chairs;•Lounges, & wilt be finished in • the most ap
proved manner, ire trusted to bis charge, a long expe
rience in the busineds having qualified him; for the un
The advertiser wo l uld inforni the piablic that although
residing in Pottsville, he can torn out furniture of the
best workmanship, at low prices,hs any of the city
Warehouses, and respectfully requests these who need
articles in his Tine, to give him a call, befoise purcha
sing elshwhere. May 25 • I 21—ly
Store. ' • '
" THE ,
Vuliscriber Wrenn [ s his
7 ,.. friends; and the puhl it, "that hi! -,ll—vp : -.,
itti 1 Las op ne.l' a NEW CHEAP 1
a f r - CASH STORE, in the Bui l 4 0,
:i.t , , ding in ntre et., recently oc-1 , Ef:
copied by B. T. Ta lor, a few doors above Mortimer's
Hotel ; where he' II constantly keep on hand, a gen
eral assortment of t c best quality of
Dry Goods,
Groceries, i
Queens w are - Boots and Slugs, .• .
Provisions,' • ' Hats and Caps,
Cedar War , Tobacco. 4- Segars, 4-e.,
Embracing every article generally kept in a Dry
Good and Grocery `Store; All of which he Is de
termined to sell as low, as they can. be purthased here,
or elsewhere. By Strict attention to his business, he
hopes to receive a portion of the patronage of the pub
lic. • I
Call and e.raminc for yourselves.
Apr. 13,
New Luiriber Ya . ra.
Tope: u e b d sc a ribe annoinees to the pa bps that h•'
in the borough oiFottsville, immediately back of the
new Presbyterian ICburch ; where he will, constantly
keep on hand, a !ale assortment of Lumher, of every
description. -He has on hand Pine Boards, from* 10
to $lO per M. and Oak, from' $lO to *2O per M.
lie reSpectrolly solicits the patronage of his friends
and the public, and feels . eohndent, . that he : will be able
to supply Lumber;arsuch rates, as will give general
satisfaction. • JOSEPH
Feb. 17, SS—
ID ACO7 fbr sale by' ORAY4. BROTHER,
42 WaLut strget, Philadelphia.
June 8 ' I
1 23
oa Wijting
sin, wiry tough - for Instruments of
)141 for Lawyers' and Berlsenms, for.
BNJ. BErtNokpr, A c;
PULED and Pim
awwrning, eatteld
sale by •
Jane $
rrlIE subscriber reepectfallY tinnountes,to the citi
zens of Schuylkill , County;that he constantly keeps
on hand at his Establishment in Reading,
Flour by the ,Barrel,
Hay by the. Bale, and • •
• Feed of all kinds, j .
Which he will warrant to be equal to any : procured
elsewhere. ' .
As he presses the Ray himself. he will guarantee Zech
Bale is be. what it purports to be—there will be node
ception practised, us is frequently the case with that
procured from New York. r
Orders will be promptly attended to. Address , . •
A. G. RRADFORD, Reading. Pa.
eap Cas
Flour, -Hay=tiuml:Feed.
March, 9
W. &J. U. Kehn -
Impailira of Hardware Find Dealers in Nails;
Iron, Steel! and' Tin,
HAVE constantly on hand, a full assortment °CA
merican and English Dardware and Cutlery.
Nails and Spikes, Rid Barrels, Planes, Iron and Steel
of all kinds; Tin wirt and Rivets, Saddle Trees, Pa
tent Leather and Coach Mounting, Gl.mis, Paints, Oil
and Varnishes ; Cedar and Ballow-Ware, Duponts and
Common Powder, &c.', &c. to which they invite the at
tention of the atizens,of County.
Feb. 10, ' I 6-1 y
\ YOUi
pi G ADI ES' .
. .
and .Day School..
• ':
is intitution commenced on
t Bth inst at the house, cm
iut streets-.
verb al for health and com•
pinks it isMselese to enter in•
the at'iantages of its km.
ner of
fort, tht
to detai
le Pr`
t /
Pie n
tained.—By the ak
the young ladies e
scriber and his ail
receive. such instr
°ugh Engl:sh cdu
and ornamental
Education embii
tufe. but moptl arlk
Principal • will cn
the mind, and at tl
—requiring of the
and polishea Mari
In order to egg
he .chork will be ,(
cm: junior and silt
Young ladies a
. Will pay fur t
With music, •
1 cation
anchl aces
Wh(Aesorrie discipline
into depirtments
Undii 12 years t,
With music, I
e 4 th
hes t
This sum entii
and all the brani
ffetnei with bid. t,
drawing and pain
guages,and use ol
have to pay marl
Tern's fi
'Senior Elass i r
,Junior Claset
French, '.
' 'ltalian
Spanish, •
. Drawing an
, Fuel fur the
• ' Extra class
who may
the above I
Drawing a
There will bel
.c.., poll
,11 for
tlernen and burl
at the house of t,
December, 2,
er mo t respectfully a nnOU
lc that he has leased he nbo
didan. delightful establish rnenk
1] will be; opened for their :lc.
or. Monday' the'' 10th
THE subset it
to the publii
' . spiel
. -e'ie
tiss• p i•whit,
sass ..- corn
I I a .71
-,—__-= inst.l 1
The Hotel ha's,latebi undergone a thorough re.
nnvation with Each im provements and additional
furniture as w I I muchincrease the comtort and
accommodation of his i rueSts. .
This Hotel t situat dat the termination of the
Philadelphia an Reading Raitroad,93 miles froin
1 1
Philadelphia, a joinen the Borough of Pottavilfe,
and 'combinesll the Advantages of both town
and country, Imam to the establishment ex
clusivelyi for th use o its guests is a beautiful
ornamental ter•ace ga den, an enclosed Park l ot
several acres, overlooking from 11. $ rising grounds
the Railroad, tl e Schulkill River and Caniil, the
reservoir of the Schu ( kill Navigation Cili., and
commanding a roman ie and beautiful view :of
the surrounding moo tains. The Hotel, Bath
HOuses and ca bles h9ve , a plentiful supply lot'
pure mountainring Tater. The extensive ar.d
airy stables ancoach houses, will Its attended
by careful andttentiv , ostlers ; a lailraad Plea
sure car and c;1:1
rriagee will be kept for the ac
commodation of guests wishing to visit the mines
and other, places in this interesting region. Ar
a pledge of 'MS dispos tidn• to use his best exer.
Lions to give sa:tisfaction to his guests, he bege to
refer to the reputation (of the Catskill . Mduntain
House-and Coilgresslall in the'City of New
York when kept by h m,, and assures them that
having daily access t the Philadelphia market;
hie supplies both for the Table and the Bar shall
be the beet that can be procured.
,Families and indivirloalsrtre assured that eve
ry attention will be paid by the subscriber and
hie family to render their visits as pleasant and
tie comfortable ,', a a at any other establishment in
this country. it ' d a sluire of the public patronage.
is respectfully,;, olicited'. ' 1.
Monet Carb n, Julyl l 8, 1843. . 28-1 i -
1 I
, .
Newt Shovel Factory. - I
„ 1
THE subscritier respctfully calls the attentionr of
our *robe' is and others, to his supply of
SW VELA,' and HOES', 'I
manufactured a t i s new Ilstiblishment, at Mount Otr
bon, which are e qu al in quality, if not superior to . thOse
obtained from '
abroad. is prices will be as low,l as
an article equal in' quality, cap." obtained elsewere.
He therefore solicits the patr age of the friends of
Home Industry:
CoffOe Mills, IA
at the shortest fl
April 6,
l ap, Sze. repaiied - at his establishment
and all kinds of Smith Work ex
I s r :
1 1 1
'Arch Sfrcet Wharf, Schuylkill
~ i I
lehiLadelphia. . . •
ini. ESPECTFU.I,LI' informs his friends and the
111Ibpohlic. thatlhe is -irepared to receive and for
ward Merchandise of very description; to all puns
on the 1 10niatta,l West ; and North Stanches of .toe
Susquehannahi and Scirtylkill and Union Canalslvia
Schuylkill and; Union Canals, which are incompleie
order,and such arrangements made as to insure a full
supply of water during all the year. . I
Shippers of!preduce veil find it to he their interests
to send - prodlice. to the ,:hiladelphia ' Market,l via
Schuylkill and Union Canals, it being
. the cheapest
tine safest rouie.l 1
, Plaster, Salt and Fish constantly on hind, at lowest
market pricee r . 1 I• ' ' ' I
Every attenticin paid ,to. shipment of Merchandise
by good safe boats. commanded by careful captains
togmher with promptness to Balmer produce. I
Merehanclite will not be detained in store on ac
count of sten* pr wet !weather. the boats load and
unload under ,tho store in' the dry.
Philadelphiaduly 1,1813
Che'ap. than White Washing.
THE subscriber hag o hand, a large 'assortment of
Paper Hangings an t Borders for Parlors, Halle and
Booms, of the latest and most thshionable Patterne, va
rying from 18 to-50 ets. per pieee—whleh he will sell at
the Manutheturer's caab. tutees. 'The. very low rates
at which' we sell'our papers, makes it absolutely cheap
er papering, than to whitti•wash twice a year—arid be
skies a house not, considered finished, until it Is
r us re e d s :
is admitted by all whet have tied them, `and :1
who has not?) that -
ARE the most unrivalled remedy ever discovniell
by the ingenutiy of man. -They area sovereigq 7.
sere fur thefollowing complaints: Yelloarand
Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Croup. lAN* .
Complaint. Sick Headache, Jaundice. Asthma, Dreg.
Ivy, Rheumatism. Enlargement of the Spleen, Pilei
Cholie, Female 'Obstructions, Fleart-btirn,- Forted
rFongue. Nausea, Ilstentions co the Stomach ma
ißowels.lncipient Diarrhcea, Flatulence, Habitual Corr
tiveners. boss of A ppente, Blotched dr Sidlow Com. -
, plexioe, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bovjcii,
where a Cathartic oran Aperient is needed.
I They are exceedingly mild in their operation, pm
ducing neither Nausea. Griping, or Debili.y. Their
'areextensiyely used an commended by Paacnstrant
Puyslciass, in all parts of the Union, from what)
any quantity of Certificates of tikir‘alue can bo
line., .
Are the safest, most sure and effectual' remedY- for r:
olds,Consumption.WhOoping Coitgn,Asthma t
ness of the Lungs or chest, &c. Sm... •
Mr. Jr hn Starkey, font of Goriverneur st., cured 01'
cough of eighteen month's standing, supposed to boil :
settled Consumption, by these Lozenges, when tilto
physicians could do nothing for him,
Mr. Charles W. Perkins; 71 Bowery: was curedPC
a severe cough and cold of three month's standing,Gy.'„!
balls box of the Lozenges. • •
Rev..3lr. Hancock. 497 Pearl sL , has used ihetit
his funnily with invariable success. and. recommernhi,
them to all who are afflicted with coughs, colds,b, lq•!
any affections of the lungs. : • /
Mr. 31 E. Martin suffered several weeks with d ilia;;
tressing,cough, which-nothing relieved, till he trietA . ,
the-e Lozenges. which cured him in afew hours.
Mr. James W 11 , 11 e; No 5 Tontine .
St.. gave some to a friend who had not enjoyed a;
nights Sleep for several weeks, being every few MIS, -
nute. attacked with some distressing cough, as almpst
to takeaway his life. The Lozenges made him salmi
and enabled him to sleep well at nigh. _ Ile boast' -
tried every thing else lie heard of, and nothing eJi3
affonled the least relief—another instance of BaTiPir .
a fellow-being, foim an untimely grave. ' ••
Proved in more than 40.000 cases to be infallihbi,,
the tinly certain worm-destroyitig medicine ever ,
covered • • • • . •
Simrro PF %VW:BM—Pair , in the jointsmr liMosh
offensive breath. picking at the nose, grinding of ttrit
teeth during sleep. and, at times a palenesiCabout this:
lips with flushed cheeks bleeding at the nose, a gm 1 4 ,%
inz sensation , Mt be stomach. flashes of heat °yeti
surface of he, body. slight chills or shifetings, hisad.
ache, drowsiness, vertigo, torpor, disturbed &Omt
sudden starting in sleep with rrioa and screaming .
sometimes a troublesome cough, fmierisloiess.
ma lid hue, fits, bad taste in the mouth - , difficult brefith
stomach or Pmwels.• fatigue, nausea. ,
eseamishnessi, voracious appetite; leannesX, bloated
stomach or limbs, g finings, shooting pain's in various
parts of the body, a sense of 'something rising tz,:the
throat, itching. of the anus towards ;night. a lumens
desire to pass something from the bowels, and some
times discharges of slime and 11111(711S.. .
-Dr Galen Hunter, ItiEtSisth venad, knee/ g child
that was cured of fits by these bizerr;ers, after three
3 ilar's suffering, and w hen nothing el.e.e would give the .
least relief. A 'any on board of one , of the Illaveie
aackets. was cured orti , s by only one dose of ere;
Mr.Johlt K. Wocd, 37 Thirn street. gave then to'
his child, and they brough. away ':lie worms by thew.
Dr:Zihriskie, IS franc at.. has used them -;n prat
700 cases, some of ;hem of the mist alarming obit
nn'd Mira is with the greatest success.
• Benjamin F Goorl..nprcd, 130 ,Sixth Avenue. h'as, as
ed them w his Mindy for two years, with -entir/X sOO -
cg's. s. Twernytlive cents per .X.
Sherniaies Camphor - Jo. tOmiache
Owe immediate relief in nervous or' sick Ilearbactte.
palpitation 0 f the heart. lowness of• spirits, deXprio
deney,intliminstory; or putrid,, sore throat; bowteL. or
so n i rner complaint, fainting, oppression or a referent
sinking of he chest, clothe, Spasms, cramps. tho
stomach or bowels, hysterical t2-C.1i0119 and all per
rims diseases, drowsiness t hoiugh the day and 'vvake
fillness at night; cholera or cholera mOrbits, etatrl4a,
lassitude, or a sense ot fatigue. Persons traielling
or attending large parties. will find the LozengeX real
lyreviving, and imparting, thelmoyancy ofyoujffr-u
-'sed after dissipation, they restore the tone of Bie'llys
tem generally. and remove all' the unpleasatitAfTp
-40"13 onor free living. •.
!Jam M. Monre, of the. Brother
than, was enrol al:term:lL: headache 111 sin 1116131? es by
three of the Cimphor Lozenges- he was orriutheed
against them.
Joseph 11. Hones, Esq., Vice Presh'ent of the Wash
mama Marine Insurance Corimani. has sufl'er4 true
iiiiars with nervous headache; that nothioewdolh re
. here till he used these Lozenges . Which removed it'
entirely in fifteen minutes. ,
'Dr. G. Hunter, Its i Z.:, Avenue, has been !inflect
to Vi!OC , :t :.;T:t4.ks of head:Mlle; so ai to make shim al
!nest blind' for two or three hims at a tune., :Nothing
iver:a Minted Min any relief - I'llllm tried these Lutes.
.es, and they cured hini - in a few minutes, •
IV. I!. Attree Esy • of the New York has
used them for the last year for headriehe.or tai ‘ siiptde.
Mil always found inintediate 'reliefs-0m them
Sherman's Poor- Man'spla,ter! :
1,000.000 gold yearly of thii best of • all
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Vain or Weakness iin: The
Back, Loins, Side, Breast, Neck, or Limbs, effeOnal
p ly cured by it. la' Only 121 Cents each, and
ranted superior- to a'.l dither plasters in ose. .8G par
ticular to fret Sherman's PoorWon'sPlesicti,_or.yoo
will he imposed upon. A void, the apirious and %resist
less imitations . The tame is stamped on the back of
each; get nri'ne without it, or you will. be deceiiietl.
Cough Lozenges only 25 cents a box. ;„.
Worm Lounges •• 25 :do • do .
Camphor nr headache Lozenges, 25 cents iez • box
Poor Stan's Plaster, only 12; cents a piece.
.• The 'above Medicines for Sale by - , •
T. rti o .l. BEATtY.:
I ' Agents for ttie proprietor. NINO by
JOHN' S. C. MARTIN. Diuggist Pottsvillp
tin g , • ll Kinsley, Port Carlton.
William- Taggart,Tamaqiia.
George Reiisnyder, New Castle
June 10. 1843
ncipal is to establish a
,d education can be ob.
`cane of this seminary,
d to the care of the sub
shed Proceptress, will
as ii - a thor
together with useful
of only intellectual
toils also; the:furore the
to elevate and expand .
e time refine the heart
under his direction easy
years of age
of .46 weeks, $llO
• - 40
I $l6Ol
• $2Ol
young lather to board
tight in the school, to
fact and light—excep
I titian and Spanish lan
iano, for which they wit
ay scholars:
q uarter, $8
do; 6
quarter, 4
. . 5
year, -
onlig Ladies,
o le-arn any of
7 50
g cl.sses fur ; young gen
further particulars
coNsum riloN OF THE -.LUDiO.S,
breclinns 'of the Liorr, Asthma, Brbnchitige
Pain or Weakness of ! the Breast or, Lungs,
Chronic Coughs. Pleurisy, Hem rrhage r- . : 0 of the
Lungs, and all affections of the Paiglonary
Organs. ' •
A comoound preparitiori .
Prunus Virginian - a or .! Wild Cherry' Bark,"
prepared by a new chemical' procesa, approved
and recommended by the most distirigeristred
physicians :and universallycknooM the
most valuable vo
medicine' ever discovered: Z. - •
No Quackery!!! 1 Nu Decepttani.:,'
In setting forth the virtues of this trulrgreat
medicine, we ,have ne desire to deceitioLthess
who are labouring under affliction. "nor it° Me
wish to eulogize it more than it justly ricierves.
.Yet when we laait-arourW and see the vast ea
mount of suffering .andldistrese oecaskined by
imny of the diseases in vidiich this medicine has
proved so highly successful, we feel that:we can.
not urge its claims too strongly, or say teit;intich
in its favour.
Sua indeed are the ' •
Of this Balsarn, that oven in the advalreOtages
of CON-UMPTION, after all
,the moat rsteepie 7 rl rein.
edi s of physicians have failed to to*
change, the use , of this Medicine has pro:
ductive of the most . astonishing relief; ac
really effected cures eller all hopes orri:covery
had been despaired of. .
In the first Stages of the. lisease,termo.•
tarrhel Coneumption," , originating - froMiketet.
ed COLD, it has been used-with: undePiating
iineeess, . and hundreds acknowledge thy owe
the restoration of their health to this inqluabler
niedicine alone. In that torn: of ColfstOption
so prevalent amongst:delicate young? females*,,
commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with *filch thousands' sirtOingers
ing, it has also proyedhighly succestifig,'ind not
only possesses the posier of checking ,; lye pro.
cress of this alarming complaint,buta lap strenghs
ens and invigorates the system more etkoloOlkl
than any medicine we have ever possessed.
• Er For parlicolarit.ace Dr. %Armlet's) Treatise
on Consumptiori, to be had of the ageifs;-]
Sold in Pottsville by - • A
In Reading by .Mra. SARAH -MOll3O, aid
in evcir town in the' State. • .0
Pattqvilre - Metober 28; y, 44—.