The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 08, 1844, Image 4

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    'For the New-York Tribune.
„ Mat Fairy-like ifusie
Dedicated to the Newark Young Alen's Clay and Fre
linghuyeen Clubs, by B. D. Douot,►a.
I.l.ntx !---Hark i what sweet music .-
- Conies soft o'er the plain; • .
• Enthanting my heart with
Its soul-meiting strain 1
. . 'Tis the song of the young Whigs,
• As they march tot e fray,
Determined to, conqu r
- Lt-p:, For their own Clay.
• ' e
; Lt r., det, to the cadence—
1 I
is rising again„ ' -..-,•:
_ Pealing up from the mounts , • . .
To Heaven's hihe plain-1:-
'Tis the song of the young Whigs,
- As they cons in their might, L: ,
'_ • - 'To save their. oVed Country
'.. 1 , 1 From Misr _#'s.sad blight.. -.-
patvlist, to their music,
I is coming more near—
flak—list—to the words now
♦s they ring on the ear--
. 'Tis the sonieofi the young Whigs,
• Through the Country they!re rising,'
' To place •wreaths on the brow
• -
Vee, see, their yak host,
. They are now wheeling past-- -
List, list, to their shout, ,
- , As it soars; on the blast--
' 'Tie the shout of the young Whigs . ;
' To the TaArroo tey say,
"Your sentence is passed
Make room Vir our CLAY i"
• l • From the German of Gaussen.
. .
At astonishing feature of the word of God ie,
notwithstanding the time at which its composi
tions were written, and the multitudes of the to
pics to whiCh it alludes, there is not one physical
error—hot:one assertion or allusioi . i disproved by
the progress of modern science. j . olie of those
mistakes which the science of each succeeding age
discovers in the books of the preceeding,: shops
all, none of those absurdities which modern as
tronomy indicates in such great numbers in the
writings of the ancients—in their sacred codes--
in, their philosophy, and even in the finest pages
of the fathers of the church--not one of these
tors are to he fodnd in any' of our sacred booki.—
; Nothing there will ever contradict that. which, af
' tersernany. ages, the investigation of the learned
- World, ha* been able to reveal to us on the state
ef'our globe, or that of the heavens. Peruse with
cans our Scriptures, from one end to the other, to
find there suCh spots; and, whilst you apply your!,
selve,s to this examination, remember that r it . . is a
book which speak - -a of every thing, which describes
nature, which recites its creation whiCh tells us of
the water, olLtha , rmospliere; of the mountains, of
the animals and 'f the plant S- It is a book which
teaches, us the first revolutions of the world, and'
whichnlso forete is its last. It recounts thent. in
the cireuinstanti I, languages of libthiry, it extols
- them in the sub4mest strains of poetry, and it
chants them in the charms , of dlowifi g , song: - It
is a :-book which is full of oriental rapture, eleva
tion;" variety, 'and boldness. It is a book which
ripdaltrQf the heaVonly and invisible world, whilst also. speaks of the earth arid things visible. It
4 !Cloak. which nearly fifty Writers of every de
grat,of eultivation, of every state, of-every condi,
' tion‘and living through the course of fifteen lidii
dred years, have concurred to Make.
.It is a ;book
whichwas written in 'the centre of Asia, in• the
sands of
.Arabia, and-in the deserts of ;in
the court of the temple - of the JeWs, in the music,
schools of the prophets of Bethel and Jericho, in
the sumptuous palaces of Babylon, and on the
.idOlatrous banks - of Chebar, and, finally, in the
centre of Wnstern Vvilization,2iri the midst of.
polytheism and its idols, and in the bosom of pail:
theism and its sad philosophy - --
Ylt is a book whose first writer, had been forty
years a pupil of i:h'e' magicians of Egypt ;., in
*_ - whose opinion the'Sun, the stars, and the 'elements,
-- were endowed with intelligence; reacted on the
elements, and governed the world by.ia perfect
alluvium. , It is a book whose first writer prece
ded,-by more than nine hundred Years, the most
ancient philosophers of ancient Greece and Asia ;
'-'the Thaleses, and the Pythagorasses, Zalucuses,
-the Xenophens, and the Confuciuses.
.. It iii a book
which carries-its narrations even 6, the most dis
' tent epochs of the future, and the e glorious scenes
of the. last clay. Well, search among its 50 au
thors, search among its 60 books,'its 1,189 chap
ters, and its 31,713 verses, search for only one of
these, thousand errors, - which the „ancients and
moderns committed-when they speak of the hea
vens or of the •earth; of their revolutions, of their
elements-L-searcb, but you will find none..!
We have alreadyl : cfcrred to. the report of the
tlionroissioners of Patents in relation to •the pro
duce of - the United States during the last year.—
. The quantity of Oats,. Indian Corn and Potatoes
grown in the several States and Territories during
1843; is given in .the • annexed table: -
State or Oats,' In. Corn. Potatoes.
Territory. . BUshels. Bushels. - Bushels..
Maine. '1,138,007 1,390,799 10,253,531
N. Hampshire 1,470,663 ' 330,925 6,191,071
Massachusetts, 1,468,361 . 2,347,451 4,173,251
Rhode Island, -190,303 578,720 902,387
; Connecticut,' 1,424,444 1,926,458 2,822,295
Vermont; • 2,721,374 1,252,852 8,209,571
• •New York, 24,907,553 15,574,590 26,553,612
New Jersey, 3.286,438 •5,805,221 2,426,457
`Pennsylvania, 19,826,9'38.15.857,431 9,191,406
Delaware, 862,819 2,739,982 257,911
Maryland, 2,817,200 6,205,282 908'330'
Virginia, 12,879,87845,836,788 3,132,242
N. Carolina, 4,858,989 27,916,077 5,517,863
S. Carolina, 1,744,18818,190,913 3,918,405
• , -Georgia, • 1,586,797 26,966,637 2,408,623, '
. Alabama, , 1,736,038 24,817,089 1,749,057'
Mississippi, 983,228 9,396,399 2,813,929
Louisiana,: 126,583 8,957,391 1,311,700
. 9,224,050 67,838,477 1.864,636
Kentucky, 9;918,881 ' 59,365,156 1,246.469 •
• Ohio, ' 16,313,403 38,561,123 6,462,268'
„Indiana, 9,268,337 36,677,171 2,858,746
- Illinois, 8,639,232 32,670,434 3,867,660
MissOuri, • 3,643,93227,148,608 1,213 ; 981
Arkansas, 344,717 8,754,204. 534,260
Michigan, ' 3,210,716 3,593,482' 4,465,871:
Florida, ' -6- • 14,910 838,482 373,806
Wisconsin,' 833,247 •• 750,775 710,607
lowa, ' . 474,856 2,128,416 390,765
• Dist. Columbia, - 13,862 47,837 62,435
- 245, 929, 660 491, 619, 306 195,756,133
There were grown in llie L sited States last year,
747,660,090 pounds of" - Cotton. Of this quantity,
•-Virginia produced 3,253,756 pounds; North Car
• olina, 46,934,276; :South Carolina, 55,219,697;
'.'Georgia, 185,758,138; Alabama, 112,020,112;
Mississippi, 162,664,350; Louisiana, 128,912,25:1;
. ' ' . Maryland, 1,277; Ten'nessee, 32,938,410; -Ken
tucky, 737,684; Indiana, 168; Arkansas, 11,520,- .
467; and Florida, 7,229,206 pounds. Sugar was
; , produced last 'year in all of the States except Del
awate and. Maryland. as follows: Maine, 151,458
I • , pounds; Nesir Hampshire,' 102,497; Massachu
( ' setts, 282,648; Rhode 'lsland, , 30; Connecticut,
\ • 81,220; Vermont, 3,075,447; New York, 6,934,-
616; New *Jersey, 39; Pennsylvania, 878,730;
Virgini 938,457;N0rth Carolina, 5,376; South
Carolin • 18,962;' Georgia, 224,395; Alabama,
. • 7,081; Mississippi,' 87; Louisiana, 37,173,590;
Tennessee 368,203; Kentucky,'Tenl,9s7,Bss; Ohio,
6,850,5513; Indiana, 5,892,405; Illinois ; 412,363;
Missouri, 317,376; Arkansas, 2,111; Michigan,
, • • -
1,307,629410rida, 2 - 1q,322; Wisconsin, 162,-
034; . lowa, 55,889. There were raised in the 1:1-
- salted States Kist year, 315,965 pounds of silk.-
- ' The eultilie ifild manufacture is evidently fast as
• ruining impo4inee in this country. The raw
' material was produced last year in every State and
territory compising the American Confederacy,
' except the territory of lowa. Connecticut. pro
duced 140,971 pounds, _• ,
' The landlord and hit gueet.—gkre you prepar
,ed to pay me that bill?' said the landlord of one of
the hotels in New Oorleana, the other day to a
guest of his, who evince a decided and
practical preference to the 'credal system.'
certainly, -I will pay it,' was the reply, .assoon
as I get a remittance from the North. But why
uneasy? Am I not putting up with,youl'
.Yes,' said Boniface, know you are putting
up with me; but I'll be dam'd if I'm going to put
up with you, unless 1 get my money.'
Dr. Bi,Lzby. .
►VIE improved and illustrated Game of Dr
Buzby, just received and for salo by
Feb. 3 • .B. DANNAN, Agent
Ma i a •
hi. Class Cars. 2d Class Cars.
Fire to Pottsville, i S 2 50- s'2llo
To immediate plats also reduced.
The Passenger Train now leaves the Depot. minter
of Broad and Cherry street daily at 7 o'clock A.' M..
stopping at the usual way points, and arrive at-Pottsr
vine at 12i o'cl"ck. Returning, leaves Pottayille at 7
o'clock A. M. daily, and arrive in the city at 12 o'-
Passengers for Kortliumberland.Sunbury, Danville. s
and Catawissa meet stages at Pottsville on the arri
val of the trains daily, and are carried through with
out delay to either of those places for $4.
Passengers for Tamaqua, Hazleton, Mauch Chunk
and Wilkesharrie, quit the cars at Port Clinton. 1 78. •
miles from tae city) and take the cars, of the,Little
Schuylkill Rail mad torramaqua, thence go by good c'
stages to Mauch Chunk, where they meet the packet it
boats for %Vilksbasre.'l
Fare to Mauch Chunk, .$3 50
Fare to Wilkesbair S c, 5 0;
S. BRADFORD, _Secretary.
Philadelphia; July 21, 1843. , 31—
. C arpet
Cheap Store,.
ON *THE IC -ASH , :',P.,L AN ,
11 'o. Strawberry Street, Philadelphia.
THE subacribers' rent in their present situation, be
ing. very low, and their terms cash, they are deter
mined to sell so cheap,) that every body can afford to
have a Carpet. They Offer, ,
lientailol Imperial .3 ply 1 ,
Best Superfine Ingrain,
- ,
Fine - and i;ommon .. (1 , t
London Damask Vennti ? an
Fine English Worstml J I
Plain Striped '• do. j• . : :
. And FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, front Ito 6 yards wide, i
cut to fit Rooms, 11.111 S, Entries, &c, Also,. beautiful ~,.
Hearth Rues, Floor Baines, Table and Piano Covers, -.1%
-Canton Mauna!, Stair Itods,,Dnor mats, Bindings, Fur--,-,,-
niture, Oil Cloth, &c., &a. With an excellent assort
ment of tottpriccd Ingrain and Entry and Stair Carpets. •....
Citizens of Schuylkill. County and others, , intendiug" - .
to purchase fir Cash, :Le respe.ctfully : invited tocall.
ALSO, in Wharehourne, from 290 to 600 pieces Carpe
tines for sale by wholesale, to which the attention of
Country Merchants is invited.
No. 41- Strawberry st.,lone door above Chesnut near'
Second at., entrance also at No _5O South Sec. Phil
st., a.
Mar. 9 I 0-3 m
Thonias White's
No. 13 Commerce-street, above 4th Philadelphia,
lieniored four Cone of 7th Ze. Noble
- I WHERE also are manufactu
, red the Sea Grass Hats, and
: Neapolitan Bonnets.
r-1 •
• i . o.c . ~' ,f • Merchants and,others, wish
''' •'' .-. / ing to purchase (fur cash) Mai
--;-'•.; find•it greatly to, their ailran
--':;-; - ,„, I
!age to tall, the assortment be
, 1 ing by far the most extensive,
-./ ........-
• 1 the work superior in quality,
and prices as low as any other
',hilted States. TO "Eenfirm these
,ary to call and examine.
manufactory in the
facts, it is only neces
March 9,
.111IADELPIIIA,3latCh Ist. 1012.
Rates of !rolloi-c.,lupon the Schnylki Naviga
tion, .
front. the opening of the IVar:ga
lion- in the spring 1814. --
- I --
THE following rates of Toll on Coal are fixed- front
the opening of the naVigatton, and will not be rais
ed prior to the let ofi.ltine, ISH ; and if they are lower
ed at any time during the shipping season, a drawback
'on the.previons shipments will' he allowed to the a
mount of the reduction, in the way of credit for Toll on
Coal afterwards shipped- '
From Port Caibon, and Pottsville; to Philadelphia,
36 cents and from Schuylkill Haven to Philadelphia,
31 cot. per ton of 2240 pounds.
From Port Clinton to Philadelphia, 30 cents per‘ton
of :410 pounds.,.
On all way-coal,l not coming-to Philadelphia, one
third of a cent per tun. per mile:
From the gross weight, as ascertained at the weigh
locks, five per cent. swill be deducted, and the toll char
god upon the' net weight. No toll will be charged upon
fractions of a ton. I
The rates of Toll On Miscellaneous Freight Will be
according to the rates and classification. Of last season,
at three mills and feur mills per 1000 pounds per mile
The Toll on Empty Boats will be, as in '
1843, two c a ts
per mile ; IorTAI toll will he charged on any boat whey
Its corpn pays a tolliof $5 or upwards.
By order of the BOard of Managers.
March, 9 . I 10-
. _
Has re-commenced the manufacture of
• ,
Al No. 12 .31iZrgatetta Street, five doors abor
Front Si);eel, betweenCallowhillaA
Aired rail road 1:1;01 - ..
tv:ntnE he offers for
. sale, on reasonable • terms!,
`r wholesale !and remtl, first dahly ellow •Soan,
common Brown In. White Fuller's do., Palm do. Car
.tile do., Fancy Shaving do.
August 12,
, - 1 S M A 1., L ,:4 4 .,„, , -
. 41,41, .
r - - •
• • • si t.
;;14,K..;. r Alit ICI S 1 •
-,......_, 1 -
HANDSOMELY situated in Bradford Counly,l.
on the waters of little Loyaisock Creek, about .0
miles North of pottsville, and'ls miles South of Mon
roeton, containing as Billows—one 62 Acres, 105 Por
ches—one 53 Acres 77 I'erches—one 25 Acres, also, Ai
Acres, 44 Perches, adjoining, unimproved. The LlT
provements on each are a gond log dwelling, small barn,
doe.. good, spring near the door, and within 11 milesj of
the Tioga Turnpike, 1 mile of Daniel Miller's improved
Tann and Saw Mill, and near to P. Oilice, School, Meht
incs. dr.e. They, adjoin the improved Farms of Thomas
Murphy, Cornelius Manalliin and Daniel Obrien. 'She
Title is indisputable , having been held by the pres nt
owner 40 years, taxes all paid up, &c. Letters post-paid
will be attended to—and if several individuals, will
make a purchase together, the terms will be littera .--
D. Miller can show the Farms. Direct to
Real Estate office, 23, Filberts .
Philada., March 23, 1t314. . ' 12-61 t o
1 11. dCil Pilia,
Every 'Tuesday morning, at •10 o , clo k
ARD.—A combination having been formed by a pm',
tion of the Dealers in Boots and Shoes, or this City,
with the nvowdd object of shppressing the sale of thosr
Goods by Auctidn. It seems proper fur the iubscrilier
-(who has held these Salmi for the past eighteen month,.
to State that notwithstanding the combination, thl
Sales will not he stopped; 'Mann the' contrary,,as hi
Will pow rely more than 'ever, on the eatronage - of tl
Country Merchants, the sales will be held
Er' ery Tuesday Morning;
at the Auction Store, 208 *Market 'st., andlits arrange.
meets With thellffanufacturers, both of this city and al
New England, are such, as to insure hijn, a constan
and full supplylof every description of goods. ,
The mere fact of so great an effort being mad, ti
put down these: Sales, is the best evidence the Courdr
Merchant can s have, that it is for his interest to
naiads., Mare 544 1 m
. sin th em 1
11'0.69 North hint st., slew doors arm ..drck. Sires
Board One-Dollar per day.
_ • •
• ,
PM HE sokscliber respect rally ,informs hie. friend an
IL patron's, that he still continues at this .old e ta .
naked Rotel, formerly kept by Horatio Wide.• : , •
This house lb sitnated•in the centre Of business, a
within one smiare of Market street, and the Post 015 •
and Banks, which renders it a convenient - and' dealt
ble stoppihg place for Merchants and-Travellers. I T.
table shall be 'supplied r t nil times, with the bes 'o
market Mier& The sunscriber has been inrthe us
neas many yenta, which justifies him in asking' f h
old friends, a continuance of their patronage. Pea
. N. 8.-Btabling for 4Croorsea.
Mai., Aril] 13, 13-3= exAs. Niv . .. 8.
1 .- Scales !
DALE'S l'aterit.. Pre
mium Platform . aa d
.COunter Scales, celebrp
' red for accuracy and con
\ venlence, warranted to
keep in order, and weigh
correctly, :longer than
any other Scale in use.
'We have a large num
bsr of tegtirnonials, from
Rail Road Co's, Trans
portation Ed's, Vaal
Dealers, Merchantis and
othera,-who have :these
Scales in use, which can
he seen atNo, a Walnut
st., Philadelphia.4-F o r
atentee, 4 ^ Walnut Phila
GRAY .BROTHER. & Iron Dealers And genera! Cominbstrlon Mer
aa ts, and Dealers In all kinds of Scales and Weights,
M. 42, Walnut street,hiladelphia. 1 '
F 6.17 . i 7-
- . .
- - .
el RAY & szturllE4,lrave taken the Second Whatf
below Locust street, and will receive-Coal on
tatopage, or- to sell-or reship, on the most favourable
serms. Advances mad if required. MU° 42 Walnut
. treet. April 6, I 1 . 14-
'AT'f I IE N'INION. ; . •
mow subseriber t 1
ruld respectfully inform his
121 friendS and custo ere, that he has located his
l 1 - Military cap Matvlactary
.. -
In IThird Street, No.ol, a few doors below Race,
where he would be p eased to see his crld-custotners
and as many newianel as are dispoiedlo fafbur him
with their custom. Ile still continues to manufacture
Military and Sportmed's articles of everyklescription,
0411 as leather, Cloth. Felt. Silk and Beaver Bros
flaps, of all patterns; l'orage Ca ps;.l - lolsters for troop
111 - ody do ; Cartouch Bu t tes, Bayonet eibbirds. - word
Oefts Of all kinds; (_:iinteens ; Knapsacks, different
plt9rhi : Fire Buckets, Paving Boles, Tnbe do.
Bruih and Picker's' Clumes, Pompons 1 Firemen's
Caps, - LeatherStocks; Gun Cases, superior quality
Shot Bags. Game Baer. Drums. dtc..&c.
lU'Ord;rs thankfully received ' and riiomptly at
teodo 1 to. . INILLI A M CRESSMAN,
No 101 North Third Street, a fa* doors,below Rac
philadelphia,Janury 13, 1144 • 2—Gin
f rit, Paper Makers, Steams
To Dyeis, Bleach
Alders, and otl#ta
Engine B
n calibre and 2 to 12 feet long.
g pressure: (tom 400 to.!'" oo lbs.
.ith Stop iti:cks, Tel.., *and
it, fitting together_ivith screw
'TEAM.WATER, GAR. and for
'Flom 4 inches to
callable of Sustains
per square inch,
other fixtures to Si
Joints, suitable for
tired and fgr sale by r '-
mar af Taird & Walnu4 Streak
! • I ELPHIA. •
. Manufac
DI onnis,.
Warehouse 8. E. C.
July 11,
, . .
Hardware and Cutlery!!!
rp HE subscriber h l ving just received (per late ant
i. vats from Engla d) direct from the manufacturers,
a large invoice of . . 1 "j I
which makes comple e, one of theest assorted Stocks
of HARDWARE, to e found in lite city of Philadel
phia, respectfully in rtes Country Merchants, to call
and examine for thq selves; as it is his fixed deter
mination, to sustain th reputation it has had of being
, the chearkst store in lhe ity. Those whu'buy for CASs,
In preference•to pay lig sor 20 per cent. for the sake
ofl3 months credit, viilyplcase call' before purchasing,
and get a list of my p, ices ; which will satisfy them
better, than anythinK I can say in an advertisement,
that a store established on the exclusife CASH system,
can sell cheaper, then those who buy and sell, on 6,9,
or 12 months credit; '
• .have just receive a large invoice of Newton's, Dar
ling's, Wilson's, G iffin's, Waldron's, Inman's and
other makes of Corn and Grass Scythes. Alio, Carr's,
and tiarper ' s Hay nd Manure Forks, Tacks, Brads,
Sad Irons, Americi i n Plane Irons: and. Saws, Row
land's, Snyder's an Ames' Shovels an . l Spades, to
gether With a gene I assortment eif Domestic Hard
ware, which will he sold very cheap for nett 'cash, and
cash only, ,11 NRY L. ELDER, Importer,
' 993 Market st., be ween 13th and Broad north side.
Philadelphia, Marra 16,
1 • • . ; 11-
. .
orl (WM LBS. Feathers for sale very low, in
f c. v . , ‘_rv.r 1 . ... r any iquantity to suit purchasers, for
CASH, at prices frolo, 15,25 and 30 .cts per rand.
Ready made Be s,
, t
Bolsters and Pillows Curled
'Hair Mattresses , M 95 do., and another kinds , to suit
any size' Bedsteads, always on hand; Curledliair and
New Orleans Moss, by the Bal eor single pound. .
ALSO, Blankets, ~ arseilles Quilts, Comfortablea and
Bedsteads of all desOiptions.
03- Country Merchants will find it to their advantage,
to call before purchitaing. -' - FINLEY /k. Co.
- B. E. corner of Second and Walnut sq., Plilada
March 10, 4.'" , . • • 1 11-3 m
---- - ,
, To ,COal Dm ; lers and Operators.
rpHE undersigned having appropriated' a part
lof their bpac ous yard, corner o: 12th and
Callowhill St's, Philadelphia, to the Storage of
Coal, are now Lepared to receive any:quantity
not exceeding 58,000 tons, at the low rate of 12i
cents per.ton. This yard is so constructed by el
evation, rei%Syoid the expense and waste of Shov
elling the Coal from the cars. For further par
ticulars please enquire Of the subscribers.
Corner of I.2tl?nd Callowhill Ses, Philadelphia
Reference. 11 . G. &. P. Heilner, Mineriwille.
N. B.—No:charge for unloading the cars.
April 4, I •- 3 -18-2 m '
.Cloth l i
and. Caasinierea.
. ;
F • , r
RE NC II and English Cloths, and Cassitneres, Ai
merican Casimeres , Cloths, and Satinelts, En 4
glish and Ameiwan Tweed Coating,. Single Milled
Cloths, and C.*limeres, Silk Velvet and Stark, Satin
Vestines; Cash s ere, Thihet and other Vestings . Silk
and Alpacha Se ges, a full assortment of Tailors Trini
mines, . new style Spring and Summer Pantaloon
Stuffs. With Ilona other SeasonableGoods,embra
dng the latest styles, are offered at the lowest Markel
prices. L:PPINCOTT' & PARRY,
Wholesale and (Retail Cloth Store, No. 57 N Sec. st. '
IN. .B.—Ordeis from a • distance, carefully ;supplied
and warranted is suit: Mar. 16, :. • 11-2 m
. .
i services to the Colliers ofiSchuyl-
I,„ as a Shipper of,Coal—his wharves
:ill. are convenient for unloading.and
despatch—andthaving had for, some
nation of fowarding coal, in, superior
is it likely that coupler with mnder
..nd strict attention: to the interests of
[v favour him with—they business, he
give entire satisfaction. Refer ' to 11 , 1 r,
n; 'Potts, ill°.
ri1.1 . 3, 1814.
fIFFE-118 hi
‘.../ kill counn
on' the Bch'iyl
loading, with
yeaM, the rep
order, he thin
sie charges,
those who m
will be ahle - t
John Pinkert
Philada., A
Forwarding and uommisszon,, merchant,
_ . _ _
Vine st., Wharf, Sehubhidll Philadelphia;
REBPECTPULLY informs his . friends, and the Mer
chants generally, in Schtiyikill,.Berks, and the ad
,l. joining Counties, that heis Tuns ready to - receive in
Store, and ship dady . .by good covered Boats and care-
"fq Captains, Ervight.ofeTveri desCription,fok Port Car
bon, Pottsville,- richuylktll - Haven; Orwigsbtirg, Port
Clinton, "Hamburg Heading;' and all the intermediate
, places, at 'Miriam rates during the whole Beason, from
00, to 90 per rein. lower than the rates by then. R.
''z • No Charges fur receiving in Store or delivering freight,
from any points on the Canal. '-
he March 9, , - • .10-ft
, • -
he I
ll rers, t No 05 north Front street, Philadel
t phis, have now a good supply of their warranted
o pure whiet lead, and those customers who have.
y been sparingly supplied in consequence ufla
- run on the, article, shall now have their orders
filled. . 1
• No knowo subsiine ,po eases those preser4
live and beautifying rope ies so desirable, i 1 a
• paint, to an equal ent with - unadtilieta d
~ white lead; ]recce any a 't re 17r6Thei , mate i
ds holy mars its value. It has theretore bd . n
the steady aim of the" tilanufacinrers, for ma y
d years, to supply to the public a perfeCily pre
b-- white lead;land the unceasing demand For the r,
ticle iiprofit'that! it has met wih favor. I' is
ce d
invariably branded on one Ifeaff—WETIIERI.L
a- & BROTHER, in full,' and i on th e otWer, W 'R
13 1;a—allin red letters. ' '
, Norma r 19i . .• I
- -
OVELS, Canal Shovls, Garda Spades,
Rom may be had cheap for 'eine, athhe
• le
and Co
York Stops
April 2D,
Erl 2
Searpdg Compound !Creosote' Acoustic: Oil,
VOR the cure of DE A ES 8 , Pairs', and the diti
I' charge of matter from the ears; also all those disa
greeable noises like the buzzing ,of insects, falling of
water, buzzing of steam. &ie.. Ace• which are symptoms
'orapproaching deafness and also attendant' with the
The following Editorials and certificates wil
" l he read
with interest at , they.speak facts, which are stubborn
things." .• •
MOST EXTRAORDINARY Celle t— any have donbts
they may now dismiss them, and the most Incredulous
may consider Deafness as curable. Numerous cases of
cures, and many of them very remarkable—by the use
of •Elcarpa's Oil,' have been publn, but this 'caps
the climax.' young or old may •yet recover hearing.
A lady in.Smithtield, Pennsylvania,: and now about 80
years of age had been gradually getting deaf, for more
than 90 year*, so that it was nest to Impossible to make
her hear conversation in the loudest tones •of voice ;
-Laid winter she was induced to try `Scarpa's Oil for
Deafness.' It is only necesearito add that she us
ed two bottler, and that her hearing is perfectly restor
ed—she is cured.
DEAFNESS Cr RED.—Thq following extract from a
letter written by Mr. Johnson of Boston, to a friend in
this city, is important, I
'The bottle of Scarpa's Oil for Deafness, that you
sent me, with the wish that my daughter would try' it,
has been used, and effects, have astonished all;
you know how very deaf she 'hag been since she was
three years old—she now hears qiiite well, but as the
medicine has all been used; 1 ,wish you to send we an
other bottle, which I have every reason to beliete wil
cure her entirely.'—(Times. • I
For sale by B. B. GUMPERT, No. 120 North Second
Street, Philadelphia, and by'
Agents, Pottiville.
'July 22, 18-12,
Conerttrateu CompOnod Fluid Extact of
SARSAPARILLA., lOR the cure of,crofula, Chronic Rheumatism, Gen
i eral Debility, titryhentis Diseases, Scaly Eruptions
of the Skin, Tette ;Nll lis or Puitules on the Face,
Liver Affections, fibircurial and l'Syphilcid'.Diseases,
Biles, from an ini urt habit of body, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Leg, ait s and ISwelling of the Bones, and
all. Diseases arisi g from animpure, state of the Blood,
Exposures and 1 Life, Exce.ssiire Use of
Mercury, &c.'
lAn immense c oil has Mien lately made tit introduce
i )
Various compou ds a led t` Extracts of Sarsaparilla,'
as positive ands cc ft cur ills. (Uwe behave
the extravagant s. er ions pf the adventurers who are
pushing th em, at die,. se that " flesh is heir to," can be
governed and re tio •• ', by these wonderful "'extracts."
Now, we want i o ti . onto s to our articles but persons
of common Bens a .ast and those who, have. that,
will find it imp. Fil to believe these extravagant avid
ridiculous asse io . Defend upon it then,,if ; you get
COMSTOCWS r Oxtratlpf the real Sarsaparilla, ce
ery disease tha s tnfie cured by this and various ' other.
roots that forinly bilinpound, will be cured by it. Such,
particularly, it. xs''crlifula.Rlieninatisin, and all diseases
,of the blood. deniculailydisease and suffering!froni
the abuse of M , l' lig. C IMSTOCK'S SAnse.PAIIIILLA is
Warranted risk m s any in the city,. and -at just half
„ I
'the price of otheiS and n as- large bottlea , viz:-50
rents per bottle/'3-kill per dozen; Suit yoniselves.—
To be found Onli,a Com ,— ' 's But - 'h Ili No. 2,
North 5,h o. 1. 4, •
Facts foi. the Ocople!
constantly increasing popularity and
K. sale of B. A Falnestock's Vermifuge has in
duced persons who)are envious of its success to
palm off upon the ;white preparations which all
melical men knowi to be inefficacious in expel.
ling worths from the system.
This Vermifuge has made its way. into pub
lic favour upon the l grquid of its own intrinsic
merits, more thun any Other medicine of Vie kind
now used; and. while many worm \ remedies
have, by flint of puffing, been forced into sale,
and shortly alter gone into the obscurity which
their worthlessness justly merited,. B. A. Fah.
nestock's Vermifuge continues to be triumphant
ly sustained. It has only to -Winked .and 1 its
effects will fully sustain all that is said of its won
derful expelling power.
Certificate. •
Wales, Erie Co., New Y., Jan. 7, 1843.
We certify that we have used B. A. Falmes
tock's Vermifuge in our famihes, and in every
case ithas proved a decided and effectual remedy
for expelline worms from the system We cor.
dially 'recommend it to parents who have chi:.
dren afflicted with that dangerous malady.
• W3l. B,PAINE,
ROVT 4 MA Y. .
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Drug
Warehouse of .4
• Corner of Sixth and Wood sts., Pittsburg, Pa.
For sale in Pottsville, by
December, 9, 50--
Almost every disease that flesh is hear ro may be
cured by the timely use of OA KELPS' COM
proved satisfactorily to those who will call at aily of
the stores where this invaluable medicine is sold, by
certificates (properly authenticated) of cures perform.
ed on individuals who had kist all hopes ofrelief—
certificates of Physicians who had the most severe
cases under treatment. their patients having taken the
medicine by theiradvice and been eured—certificdtes
from the Prothonotary, Clerk of Orphans' Court. D.lO-
tary, &c.. stating their acquairtance with personS of
respectability and standing, who having the good of
their fellow men at heart, have voluntarily come for ,
ward and given a statement of their case and its cure.
for publication, &e..&e. The number of these certi
ficates being too great for newspaper publication, the
subscriber has deemed it advisable to have a copy of
the most important certificates properly authentip
ted, under seal, to he placed at the stores or agents,
who have the medicikefor sale, where persons afflic
ted with Scrofula or Kings evil White Swelliug,
Chronic Rheumatism, Tetter, Mercurial diseases '
Eruptions of the kin,..Cough of long standing or in
cinient Consumption, sick Ilead-ache, &c, .'ke, May
have an r"pportunity of ascertaining the names and
residences of those who have been cured by its,use,
.and wholiylll be'willing, if called , Upon, to give every
• ~•
information ita ior
e required.
e4ence that this is On titrack
medicine. wodld refer to the names of the follow
' ink well known phyvici ams, who have attested to its
efficacy Dr. J. P. litester; Dr. . G. Biren. Dr. Jno.
Otto, Dr. N.ll. Muhlenberg, Dr. J. E., orber. •
Sold wholesale and Retail at the drug and Chetni
cal Store of
E. B. EICHHOLTZ, Pottsville.
J. B. &J. IL Minersvill Hugh Muhl
Port Carbon.; Henry Voute, Orwigsburg. . _
-January 21. , 4--Iv
Dr. Bechter's
For Coughs; Colds; influences, Catairhx; Whooping
Cough; Pains of the Breast and Sides; Bronchitis;
Asthma; Croup; Difficulty.of Breathing and Ex
Shortness of Breath; Inflam
mation of the Lungs; and arrest of. 7 -
approaabing Consumpthin.
IT has been but a few years since this medicine has
been introduced into this country, and has been pro
duciive of the most astonishing and unexpected results.
As several hundred certificates of its erects have been
heretofore published, it is only necessary now to re
mind the public where it can be obtained genuine.
Throughout Germany it is known es the "Life Pre
senter," and is the only medicine in use there for,the a
bove ffections.
It is put ap in half pint bottles, with full directions
-50 Cents a Bottle.
Prepared only (from Ilia original reeelkit obtained at
a great price,l-and sold wholesale and retail, at Dr. Lei
dy's Health Emporium, No. 191 north Second street,
near Vine. (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents,)
Also at Long's Drug Store, Lancaster; Lambert's,
Reading: : De. Mimeo. Allentown; Pomp ' s and Dick
-1 son's taston; and at .1. G. BROWN'S (late W. T. Ep
dug). Drug Sture,CentrWreet, Pottsville; and by Drug
gists and Storekeepers generally. •
day 111, -
i. I •
FRECKLES, Pimples, Tan, Snuhrirn, ,lo 14: Blothes,
'Fetter Ringworm, and other obstinate ffections of,
the sans, removing every iniparity and bring to the
complexion a clearness truly beautiful: i T gentlemen
it is reecommended for removing theirritat on and oil y
er diseases of the skin, often producedi by the use of
strong alkaline soaps and•creanx.s in sharin „the Katy
doe may be used n'ithout the least danger n the most
delicate skin, and is a refreshing wash in w rm weath
er, or in travelling, price 50 cents per'bottle.
GLENN'S INDIAN; HA* —(I !Le-- Th• IS etc
gant preparation is compounded of Valletta oils, forming
together a compound of great value, for pramoting the
growth and preserving the hair, it nourish s the mats,
thereby causing it to grow with vigor, and preventing
it from falling out, or turning ; grey; removing at the
same time, the dandruff which canses the' hair to fall
out To those who have:lost their hatrib4sickness or
any.other cause, except old age, it is COO adently rec
commended, it gives a glossy softness t 4 tlte locks, and
has the singular property of making the • hai r dark, and
is therefore recommended to those who ale beginning
to turn grey—it is .aliio an excellent citrleag fluid and
being pleasantly perfunied it is Xnuch esteeed for dres
sing the hair in general, and for the heads .
of children,
price 50 cents Der bottle. - 1
na I
This very,pleasant and truly 6flicaeinus.entrifice, is
prepared from ingredients perfectly halm c
ess, it gives
a pearly whiteness to the teeth, nit+ o the gums,
and fragancy. to the breath, removing spots or incipi
ent decay, and preserving the teeth effectitally. It has
been mo d and reecommended by dentists i ii their prac
tice, and is believed to be equal to any article of ihe
kind in use. It i. , put in neat China boxes', and haviug
a solid form, is not liable to waste or spill., and is free
froth the grit of Tooth Powders in general price 2.5 cis.
per box. , J
GLENN ' s INDIAN HAIR DrE; 7 ., Warran
ted to change grey or red hair to a handao e brown .or
jet black, without, injury to the hair, or eV n staining to
the skin, and may be used with perfeCt safety. To
these who have become prematurely grey, it is invalu •
able, and to gentlemen who are trnuhl d with grey
whiskers it is strongly receommended, the color pro
duted• is natural, and will noCrub off, or ion the whi
test muslin. l'rice 50 Cents. ! •
plete remedy for Freckles.. Tlpie remedy; -as invented
by Dr. Clis Michaux, of Lombardy, a 1 istinguished
Physician of the last century. IThe propri tor has eve
ry confidence in it; as a superior preps , tion for the
purpose designed,irmay be used withoult le least cau
tion, and for piniples'and -other affectienAief the skin, it
is a certain cure. Price ri cents per bottle.
.The, above named articles have been. mold very ex
tensively by the subscriber for many yeers, and are
conscientiously recommended 'to the public, as prepara
tions of real value, and not to be franked' tvith the hum
bugs of the day, a single trial will convince the most
skeptical, thattheir god qualities are nut over rated.
it A Good Sharc and Yet i no Share."
T 0 Gentlemen who shave theinselves, -
offered with the greatest confidence
not supeiior to any other Shayftig Soap in
delightful and minsistent lather, which
pon the face or irritate the most delicate
ease and comtbrt it gives to the often trot
ration of shaving, rendering it surpassin
compound can be safely recconirnended.
effectual in warm or cold water, and afte
face, is leTt. soft and pleasant, and entirely
Irritation and roughness often causedl
strong alkaline Smips and"Shavinst Crean
pound is pleasantly perfumed And put up
na box, answering all the purposes of Crean
on trial will be found very economic.
nient, during the few.years this article It.
the public, the proprietor hair sold 25,0
and the demand is constantly increasing
become known. The agents' are author
the purchase money, where it doe's not g
isfact ion: ,
'The Saponacerms Compound is comp
clients, so admirably compottrided.i that al
is an absolute pleasure.'-6.'S. Ouzo t,.
'The Saponaceous Coinpound, Is the be
extant for shaving purposes. It is exten
ized, and. deserves to he ; every g'
shaves himself. should buy it.'— hilad•
.We beg to call the attentiOn of the bea
our subscribers, to the Saponace us Cut
without except bootie best shaving soap,
..LPliilade. Transcript. • . I
`The Saponaccotts.Conipound fr shay
—perhaps the very best article - Irk use, fi
beard from the human face diving. WI
razor and this compound, yoU May shav
half the tame, you are pronouncing the
anomaly in language—it is ri!verY, good
no shave.'—Boston Daily Times i ; I ~
Prepared byL. IV. c,1,1 7 .,NN,
Manufacturer of Perfumer 4 Coanielics, lard Fancy
Soaps, 62 and 84 South Third street, opposite Inc Ex
change, Philadelphia. : And alit sold bl - . ,
BEN.): BANNAN, Agrt., - Pottsville.
: : 20-1 y
Ili E W S fr, o tr., E .
, --r-
~,- ... . I .
. ,
Oliver &,Pitlers • .
~ , !
DESTECTFULLY announce to the Mtizens of
It Schuylkill county, that' hey have commenced busi
ness in the Store recently occupied by William C. Leib,
one door south of the Post 'Office, in tlie Borough of
Pottsville, where they have Just °pled a nosy and
carefully selected stock.of ~..
. '
. •
Dry Goods, Groceries,. Glass,
Queens, Earthen anti Hol
low Ware, & 0., &c!,,aie.
, Among which may be found Cloths, , !
assimeres, Sat
tinetts, Mouseline de Laing, Ginghanl, LaWns,' Meri
noes, Silks, Satin, Laces, Nanking, flo landS, Flannels,
Marseilles, Valencia, Silk, Satin, and yier Vestings, a
great variety of Muslins, Bleached a d Unbleached,
Silk, Cotton, and Gingham, Haupt° chiefs, Summer
Cloths, Velveteens, Ladies and German's Stock
ings, Gloves, and Mits of all descridtio s. • Also, Syrup,
Sugar House and New Orleans Molasses, Saar, Coffee
and Tea, Cheese, Candles,' Soap, Salon, Shad 'Mack
erel, Herring, Hams, \ Shoulders; an Smriked Meat,
generally, Tobacco, Segars, , Crackers, Buller, • Eggs,
Lard,'Sweet Oil, Lamp Oil; drc., B=. ! Bc.e. i
Having purchased their goods with Lgreat care, and
on reasonable terms, they will be enared to dispose of
them, at prices quite as low as their n ighbors.
MITE substantial and convenient §IroNE STORE and
1 WOAREROUSK, at Mount Carbon. lately in occu
pancy of Joseph White & Sim. Th p Store is 401.40
feet. and the Warehouse 6060 •fe t, both being 2
stories high in front. having excellent cellar's or rather
basements, the floor of which arer the level of the
1 1
ground at the back ofeach : both t idings front on
theVentre'Turnpike: there are gop -docks for the
reception at each - Merchand.zu by tbe Canal, and
goods brought by P. R. 0. R. can by discharged at the
level of the Ist floor of the Warehouse. directly into
its rear, which re.stsagairtat the track of the Mount
Carbon R. Road. 'Phere is amplei room around the
docks for piling plaster: land a good, lumber whar
will be added:to premises leased. if desired.
Immediate possession given. Apply at the Del
a ware Coal Company's 'offices, vis: to
• .IdHN , C. MARL, Mona Carbon
or J. R. WHITE; ' 1 i
'll7 South Bth Philadelphia.
Pottsville, May 18th 21?—tf
THE subscriber beg leave to i inform his friends
and the Public in,Generakthat he has com
menced the ' • ' I
In all its various branches, atNO. 2 Clinton Row,
Coal Street, where. by' strict attention to his busi
ness, he hopes to giveyerfect satisfaction to all
who may patronize him. I
B—Pottsville, May 4th, • • l—
THE HAND OF TAU' i p sometimes up
lifted and ready to strike when wr are unconscious of
the jeopardy in which wp stand A slight cough neg
lected for a short time, may be fatal. The progress of
pulmonary disease in some consOnnions is fearfully
rapid; and when once tubercles are formed in the lungs,
the case of the patient isrusually ooked upon as hope-.
less. 'Jayne's Expectorant will always cure every com
plaint incident to the orgatis of respiration up to the pe- I
nod when human means On arrest the work Ofdestrue
tion. Dr. Jayne does n t arogat ,: to himself the attri
butes :Of omnipitence, b asserting that his 'medicines ,
can work miracles. He leaves such blasphemy to un
scrupulous and igl - want impirics and charlatans. All
he avers is that Ins Exptorant has saved the lives of
thousands of sufferersfrom pultnonary diseases, who I
had been declared by medical men beyond the reach or
human skill. • l
. For sale by EICIIHOLTZ - & SANDERSPN, Potts-1
vine, Agents for the;proprietor. - •
May 11, I Itt-3t
11F-NRYi GTES .167, ,
• •• 1
, •
informs tl e -Schuylkill . county
RESPECTFULLY public, that he is now prepurhl to manufacture . , 1
articles of Houscholdand Parlor Furniture in the neatil
test, handsomest, end Test: satisfactory . manner. fit
n t
has also on hand, at his Ware room in Mahantango l
street, corner of Adam street, an ssortment of
. MAHOGANY °HAIRS of the French pattern tvith
4 Hair Seats; Fine Mahoga Centre Tables,
Mahogany I Dressind Bureaus,'
9 ,
made after the French style, wit h uraus,
glasses, dc.c.
In addition to the above, the dvertiser is prepared
to receive and execute all orders for repairs, dm., which
will be carefully attended to and nished at the shortest
notice. I
. All kinds of upholatering, en h as covering Sofas,
Chairs,. Lounges, dm., will be ll ished in the most ap=
proved. manner, if entrusted to is' charge, a long expe
rience in the business having q Hied him for the un
The advertiser would inform t ci nubile that although
1 residing In Pottsville, he can to out furniture of the
best workmanship, at as low pri es, as any of the city
Warehouses, and respectfully r quests those who need
articles in his line, to give him call, before°. purchi,
sing elshwhere. I • May 25 . 21—ly
Cabbage P
500 C a it
P . Lt i l r
Marip4 p!ica3, jus. receive
, 0-
Flour, Hay and Feed.
►rifE subscriber respectfully announces to 11
rens of Schuylkill County. that he constant)
on hand at his Establishnient in Reading,
Flour by the Barrel, • .
Hay by the Bale and
;Feed of all kind, •
Whichte will warrant to,' be. equal to any procured
elsewhere. .
As he presses the Hay himself, he will guarantee each
Bale to be. what it purports to be—there will be node
ception practised, as is frequently the case with that
,procured from New York.
' Orders will be promptly attended to. Address
A. G. FIRM/FORD, Reading. Pa.
Mirch, 9
& J.. IL Seim,
Importers Hardware and Dealers in Nally,
Iron, Steel and Tin,
H[AVF constantly on hand. a full assortment of A-
I merican l and English' Hardware and Cutlery,
Nailsand Spikes, Rifle Barrels, Planes,.lron and Steel
of all kinds ; Tin wire' and Rivets, Saddle Trees, Pa
tent Leatherand Coach Mounting, Glass,. Paints, Oil
and IN . -a rnishes ; Cedar and Hollow-Ware. Dimonts and
CoMmon Powder, &c., &c. 'to which they invite the at
tention of the citizens of Schuylkill County:
Feb, O. t , . • fc-ly
'• READ s G HOTEL. •
-THE subscriber has taken - , that large
and commodious : HollSe,' formerly -OCCI2I
;;;Pied by Col. Daniel Herr, and openedit as
/ t .. tr; a, HOTE,P. fei tie accointriodation of the
Public, a large Stable is attached, which
will contain 30 horsei, and an attentive Ostler will be'
found to attendance. , J. KENDALL.
(Maraca INloderate.!. 1 , • • •, '
.N. IN A nunlber orpermanent Boarders can be ac
commodated. 1 .
• Iteadbag• b1ay•19,,.20
Eloarding an,Cl Day Sc
•,OREADING :2 .A. •: •
duties of this Institistiob cornineneed on
Wednesday, the Bt,h inst at the Douse, cor.
ner of sth ano Walant tttrect.F.
Redding being proverhial for healtY and cm
the Prikival tlitrik‘ it is usebtszt to enter in•
to4etails cone t erntng the at'vantages of its loca.
lion. 2 •
ThThepurpoSe ofthe Principal i sit.° establish a
school in which a finished ethic-ohon . can be ob
tained.— By . gip ample ineansi9f this semtnar L y.
the yiung ladies entru!odd to ,the care or,the sub.
s eri* sli d, his accomplished Erecepitrs, will
receiii9 such,(nstriietion, asfl4eninprise a thor
ough Engl:mh educaiiiin, together with useful
and - orhanenl'al branclie . r. , • -
Education embraces not only istelleeinal,eul•
ture.. f -,but moral and religious also } therefore the
Prineipal will endeavor lo elevate and expand
the mind, and nt the same time refine the heart
-=-rerjuirinE of the ladies under hisidireetiun easy
and polished manners.
lie,ordei to establi , ii a wholesome discipline,
he sehool will be divided Tutu two dtipartokent*,
viz: j unior and senior.,
Terms for Boarders:
this articles
las cqual,ea
use. For
!ill not dr y
['skin, for the
ly easy, this
It is .equally
',using it, the
free from the
y the use of
s. The com
ti a neat chi
shaving box,
11 and (move
•s been before
boies of it,
as its merits
!zed to return
;yc entire sat-
! need of inure
laving with it
Ybung :aches above 12 years of igo
iwtll pay fur the teroLof 46 wfxks,
V,ith music,*.
ively p.t.tron
oftia Gazette.
died pnrtiou of
ipnund. It is,
,I .ever used.'
Until& 12 years - or age
WWI music,
nz,, iA the beat
r ~ , rrapinz the
t .with a keen
• our face 'in
• •onl. It is an
.have, and yet
2' • $2Oll
;! , 'This sum, entitles We young -ladies to board,
ti'ridkll the brunches taught. in the school, to
getlier w bed, bedding; fuel and light—except
draWing and painting,-Itilian.and Spanish lib
guages, and tieof the' Piano, for Which they will
have to pay extra.
Terms for Day Scholars , :
Seniot Classes, per quarter. , .$8
t i Junior Classes, do. 6
I i Italian per. quarter, 4
t Spanish, •
Drawing and painting, . • 5
• Fuel fur the whole year, • . I
Extra classes for young Ladies,
who' may dosire toicain any of
the above language, • 5
I • Drawing and painting, . 750 •
4'liere will be evening :CLAROB fur young gen
• tlenten and boys. For furiher particulars apply
at the house of the adhscriber,
December, 2,
THE subscriber most respectfully announce
to the public, that he has leased he ahoy
. y‘ • splendid and delightful establishment,
sass Is which will be opched for their no.
31111 : . • - eommodation on Monday the 10th
;The Hotel has lately undergone a thorough re
nuvation• wall such, improvements and additional
fuirniture as will much increase the comfort and
accommodation (Whirl guests. •
;This Hotel is situated at the termination of the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad,93 miles from
;Philadelphia, adjoining the Borough- of Pottsville,
and combines all the advantages of both town
land country—attached to the establishment ex.
lelusively for the use of its guests is a beautiful
l ornamental terrace garden, an enclosed Park of
'several acres, overlooking from its rising grounds
the Raiiroad, the Schuylkill River and Canal, the
reservoir of the Schuylkill Navigation Co., and
einnitiandintr a romantic and beautiful view of
the surrounding mountains. The Hotel, Bath
Houses and stables have a plentiful supply of
Oure mountain spring water. Thefxtensive ar.d
I airy stables and coach houses, will be attended
I hy careful and attentive ostlers; a lailroad plea
; sure car and carriages, will be kept for the ac.
commodation of guests wishing to visit the mines
and other places in this interesting region. As
ri pledge of His disposition •to use his best exer.
titans to give satisfaction to his guests, he begs to
refer to the reputation of the Catskill' Mountain
House 'and Congress Hall in the City of New
York when kept by him, and assures them that
having daily access teethe Philadelphia market,
his suttplies both for the Table and the Bar shall
be the best that can he procured.
Families and individuals are assured that eve
ry attention will be !mid by the subscriber and
his family to render their visits as pleasant and
as comfortable as at any other establishment in
this country, and a share_ of the public patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Monnt Cuban. July 8, 1843. 28-1 y
• New Shovel Factory. • .
TTHEsubscriber- respectfully calls the attention of
our Merchants and others, to his supply of
manufactured at his new Establishment, at Mount Car
bon, Which are equal in quality,. if not superior to those
obtained from abroad. His prices will be as low, as
an article equal in qiiality, can be obtained elsewhere.
Ile therefore solicits the patronage of the friends of
node Industry.
Coffee Mills, Locks, &e. repaired at his establishment,
at theshortest notice, and all kinds of Smith Work ex
ecuted. JOSEPH' ALLEN.
April 6, ; li
Arch Street Wharf, Schuylkill
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the
that heir ,spared to receive and for
ward Merchandize of , very description, to all parts
on the Juniatta. West and North Branches of the
Susquehannah, and Scuitylkill•and. Union Canals via
Schuylkill and Union Canals, which are in complete
ordcr.and such arrangements madeas to insure a full
supply of water during all the year.
Shippers of produce wi'l find it to be their interests
to send produce 'to the Philadelphia Market, via
Schuylkill and Union Canals, it being the cheapest
anc safest route.
Plaster, Salt and Fish constantly on hand,nt lowest
market prices. •
Every attention paid id shipmtint of Merchandise
by good safe - boats. commanded by careful captains
together with promptness an salesot produce.
Merehandiee will not be detained in store on ac
count of stormy or wet weather, the boats load and
unload under the store in the dry,
Pbiladelphia„lnly 1,1813.
ust rer,ved and for sale
and for sale I),y
PATENT RULERS—For 'ruling without Inking the
Paper, an excellent article, just received, and for
aalefatthis office, ' May Ili
e citi
i keeps
. .
MEDICINPS .1 . , I. - :4
-. 1 ,
: .
Bis adnsilled by till who have used thesis, raid
I' N4ho hps not t) , thaVi '
. ,
DR. i.ETERS , VEGCTAi3LE AN.• ' ,1
. .
4 RE the most unrivalled remedy ever discovered
,t - by: the ingenutij of Man. They are a isOvereign
.... .
Cure for the following complaints: Yellow tnitd BiliOna " I'
Fevers. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Cropp, Liver ' .1
Complaint,Sick Iteadache, Jaundice. Asthip4 Drap- . J
sy. Rheumatism. Enlargement of the Kpleen, Piles.
Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn,Rifted . ':
Tongue: Nausea, Distentiond of the.Siortiach:and . ,l
Bowels.lncipient Diarrhcea,Flatulence,HabitnalCos-• • -1
tivene4s, Loss of APpetite. Blotched or Salloweeet... • . !
plexion,ind in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels,
where'll Cathartic or an Aperient is needed, I
They are exceedingly mild in their operaXion., pro
neither Nausea Griping, or Debility.' They, • - ;,
are extensively used and commended by PftacTii,itto • '
Privitets.Sts, in all parts of the Union, from 'whom
any quantity of Certificates of their value On be ell).
awned., .
Aro t he safest, most sure and effectual remedyi for. -.
Colds,Consumption.WhoopingCougn,Astbma, tight-
ness of the Longs or Chest. &c. Sm. Starkey, foot of Gouverneur et., cured of - -
cough:of eighteen month's standing, supposed Mims
.settled Consumption, by these Lozences,lvihen,thec-
physician's could do nothing for him. 7 . I
Mr.' Chivies 4V Perkins. 71 Bowery, was curidoi
a revere cbsgh and cold of three month's standing. to
half alba-1 of the Lozenges- l
Rea. Mr. Ilancock, 497 Pearl st., has used them in.
his family vilitli invariable success, and reeomrnendy ~
them ko all who are afflicted with coughs cold? or. -
any a ff ections of the lunge. . ' ,
. Mr! M. E. Martin suffered several weeks:with .c' dis
tressm,g cough, which nothing relieved, till bellied
the•-e'L,ozenges. which cured_ him in a few ;hours! ••-, -
Mr. James W Hite, No 5 Tontine Buildings, yVill'
St,. gave come to - a friend who had notl enjoyed a, •
night's slei , p for several weeks,- being every levy mi- - r,
nute. attacked with some distressing cough, as altrud.
to-takeaway Ins life. The Lozenges made-him -wise 1"
easy, and enabled him to sleep well at nigh. 11e had . •
tried every thing else he • heard:of, and nothing else : 1
affirded the ,least relief—another instance of saving., ,
a fellow-being fimin as untimely grave. ; - , 1 ~
. .. :
. ~.!
Proved in more than 41 1 '.000 eases to tick infallible
the only certain worm-destroying rnedicifiever dis
cover . , , • ..
Sv vIPTOMS rrr . Wonms.—Tain in the joints or limbs
offensive'breath. picking at the nose. grinding of the .
teeth during sleep. and at tones a paleness ebout the
lips with flushed cheeks bleeding at the nose, 5 gnaw:
jog sensation at the stomach. flashes of heat Over,the .
surfalce:of he body. slight chills or shiverarigs. head ,
ache; drowsiness, vertigo, torpor;disturbail dreams ;
suddfm starting in sleep with fright and screateing
sometimes n troolilesome rough, feverishelm thirst- .:
nin lid hoe, fits, bad taste in the month, did mutt breath
- •
tug. Pain in the :stomach or Bowels. fitti tie, nausea.
veamishness, voracious appetite, leanness. bloated
sti4ich-or limbs. gripings, snoOting pains in various
parts of the,a sense of something rising, tr. the ..
throat, itehink. or the atom towards night. a freuent
'ilesiie to poss. something from the bowels, andsome
. ,
mes discharges of slinie mid 1111.1ClIS. i
Dr: Galen Min ter, 1(18Si:0 i; venne, knew a child
that .van mired of his 'by these Lozengeol,after!three . • - ;
\ C'll'S suffering, and molten nothing'else wi uld give this .
feast relief. ' A icy on board of one ob the. (lasso ..-
'Jackets. was cured Of tits by only One dolte Cf them. '. .
Mr. Jo/th /t. Wood, 3i - This. , street. gfive them ti .
his Child, and they brotrgli away :he worms by;:ihuu-
sands., ; . ..
Dr. Zabriskie, 18 Duane st.. has used them in over
700 'cases,. S o me of them of the most: alMming char- ' '-,
acter,dicil alwa y s with the greatest success. . l V
Benjamin F. Goodgpied, 130 Sixth Av'enue, has us 1 .;
ed them in his faintly for two years, with -entire sac '"!..
• Ces4. • , Twenty• fi ve cents per bar. ' 1 t;
' "8/ter orate 8 Comphor ow Headache Icermers 1, ,
Give immediate relief in nervous or sic,. - Headache,
palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, despon
-10116% inflammatory, or putrid sore threfit, bowel or
summer complaint. fainting, oppression pr a sense of
sinking of he chest. choke, spasms,cratope, rif..he.
stoinach Or bowels, 'hysterical stil clioo and all ner- :
volis diseases. drowsiness through the-day and wake
fulness at night; cholera or cholera morbus, .i
lassiMile, or a . sense to oiogue. 'Persolts:frarelling ':
or attending large parties. will find the L izengcs real
ly reviving, and Unparung, the buoyancylof youth—u
sed'afier dissipation, they restore the to eof tr sys- ,
tern generally , and remove all the unpl asadt symp•
toms 61100 tree living. . . ,
John M. Moore. Esq., Editor of the 'Brother Jana- ' !
thtin, was cured out severe headache in six minutes by 1
three of the Camphor Lozenges- he si+l prejudiced
against them.
Joseph B. Nones, Esq.; Vice Presictenti of the Wash
ington Marine Insurance Company, ha r suffe'ed for
years with nervous headache , that noth u'g would re-.,
lie've till he used these Lozenges which removed it
entirely in fifteen minutes.
Pr. G. hunter, 108 Si vth Avenue, has been subject
to.Yiolent attacks of headache, so as to make Olin') al
meet blind fur two or three hobs at a tithe. Nothing .•
-..:ver alliardedhini any retie( till-he tried these, Lozen. ,'
; es, and they cured him in a few minutas. .1- 1 '
,W. 11. Attree Esq .of the New York Herald. has . ; ;
used them for the last year for headache.or putsithde. ;1
not always found immediate relief from then!. .i r.
•Shernian's Poor Mon's platter? i i
1,000,000 sold•yearly'' of this best of ill Bement.— ~ ir
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pain or Weakness; in the. :,
Rack, Loins, Side, Breast. Neck. or Limbs, effectual '
ly cured by it. lb -Only 12A Cents eSch, arid war.-
ranted superior to all other plasters infuse. Be l par I ~:,
tiCular to get Sherman's Poor Man's nosier's, Or you, '
will be imposed upon. Avoid the's{ urious and worm. ..:
leSs imitations. The iame i 3 stamped on tlici back of .i'
each; get none without if. or you will be deceived.. -
I Cough Lozenges only 25 cents a box. . I .
Worm Lozenges 25 do dot .1
. : i Camphor or headache Loznges, 2.sleents
Poor Alan's Plaster, only l e V cents a pied
: The above Medicines for sale by i
'' T. & J. BEATTI
-Agents for the proprietor. A
101 IN S. C. MARTIN, Druggist Pottsvill
I 'Hugh Kinsley; Port Carbon. I i
Williath 'Paggart,'famaqua. .1 '
George Reitnyder, .New,Castie.
June 10, 1813 -
I •
Atrectirins of the - Liver, Asthma, ronehitit
• ain or iVeakness of Breast r Lungs,
Chronic Coughs, Pleuriiy, Hen crr age of the
Lunge, and all affections of die ?utmono*y
'Organs. ' - f
'1 A coMoound Balsamic prepa l ration:orthe
Prunes Virginians or ‘, Wild Cherry , Bark`
prepared by a new chemical propess, approved
and recommended by the mosti'distioguished
'physicians, and universally acknowleged t6ei
most valuable medicine ever discuvered.
No Qisac!aryl!! No DeOeption.
In setting forth the virtues or ttoiy" , greet
medicine, we have no desire toldeceixe , those
who are labouring. under , affliction, nor do *et
wish to eulogize - it more than it instly deserves.;
Yet when we look around and See , the vases:::
mount of suffering and distress occasioneddbri
many of the diseases in which this medicine hap,
proved so highly successful, we feel that we 411..
not urge its claims toostrongly,cir say too macho,
iii its favour. • .
Such:indeed are the 'r;
Of theißalsam, that even in the s dvancetletakei
of CONSUMPTION; after all the mil esteemecl . rem:.;' ,
edi.s of physicians have failed to effect
change, the use of this medicine has been 014
ductive of the most astonishing' relief, •and
tautly effected cures after all hors of •recoirdr
- had Ewen .despuircd of. .
' In the first Stages of the disease, termed._' Cq
tirrhol Consuinption," originating from negliA:
ed IDOLD, it has been used wi th undeviating
success, and hundreds achnow edge they•CWp
the re (oration of their health to i this invalttif4
medi re alone. in that form of Consunipriop r
so pr Went amongst delicate young fernatair,
corn My termed debility, or . 71,
Aco plaint .with Which' thousands are !ingott
has also proved highly successful.and fsQß
only ossesses the, power of cheaking the •FitO.'
gress f this alarming coinplaint,but arse. vlsenlatr
ens a d invigorates the.system Fnore effectutilly
than ny medicine we have ever possessed.:-
Er or particularises Dr. Wistar's, Treat*e
on sumption, to be had of agents.
Sol in Pottsville by , '
. .
In Reading, by Mrs. SARAH'
in every. town in the State.
• Pottsville ,October 28,
per box
!so by