A ivr4:o2 s • sweet hour of prirne.!! good morrow to the hit s trgarn;, Good morrow to the lea; Uoixl,rnortow to the hollow glen. And to the green Wood tree! ' The ring-dove leaves her ivy bower s ., • The seam= quits the sea, ' The sky-lark in his sunrbright tower Is *Ming ruerrilie! , Goal morroti to the dappled skies; 'Good morrow to the lake; ' • Good morrow lathe Melodies •The 'praiseful torrents make! ' The river blue—the water-fall— . The small brook on the lea; Goal morrow to them; one and The heautiful--tlie free! Tun Raisoix War:—The editor of the Whi; Standard, a most spirited and effective Sheet piab lished at Washington City, relates the following anecdote. He says•--" After the election of 1840 a number of Locofocos were earnestly en -kaged discussing the reason why the Whigs Wheaten them so badly in the.preceding election: Ono insisted that it was because- the people were such-foots that they had all their. senses' taken a way by the koon skin mummeries., Another de clared- it was not that so much a the bribery of thousands of voters by the banks and foreigners, Rd* u third asserted that the People had gone mad, and had got drunk upon the excitement and hl3O ider. , 4)#hat do you think it was, uncle Josh,", said . 'the first one, turtiing.to a little humpbacked; gini le't,cyed, frosty headed old man, who was sitting cress-legged by tlie fire, furiously cheWing his quid of tobacco, and yelto seemed to be the Sir Oracle of thd coterie ' ' - . • ."Yon don't know anything abourit," said the ginitct eyed Min, striking Itis stick furiously a gainst the floor. woe them all fired songs what did the business. Lied you it was enough to run anybody crazy to listen to them songs, when • n`pretty girl was singing them: And,". continued the old than, jumping up, and giving his stick an ' emphatic thump against the dog-iron, .4 will nev er vote for any man for ? : resident whose name won't rhyme in poetry. Is no wonder Mi. Van • - Buren was beat, for his intim wouldn't rhyme to. anything hut ruin." 6ONET111:50 C111L101.79.-A correspondent of .;he Charleston Courier fumishei that paper with the followins 4,inio few weeks since while Dr. F. (our re -A•spectable Senator •in the State Legislature from St. Luke's,) in having an avenue made to his residence,-theworkmen while digging out a pine - by the tap root, struck. upon a hard substance which resisted their tools.- Upon a subsequent - examination it.was found to be a CLAY COFFIN, .containing the human bon - 6S of a small grown person. It is to be regretted that the negr, oes broke into the colfui, as it probably could have been - taken out whole, and presented as a remarkable curiosity, much more so din in its present defac • • ed,condition. It is of course a difficult matter to speculate upon, as to what tribe the deceased be• longed; but it is „a . ..reasonable- suppositionlo class it as an Indian relic. Yet the Indians buried their dead after a different fashion. At the village Of _ Bludlon, but a few miles distant • from where the coffin was found, are to be seen several Indian graves in mounds. One or two.ofthesphave been • excavated—a quantity of oyster shells have been removed from their low but substantial monuments And reared into-much taller and more useful ones, to cheer and gratirylhe inmates around the cheer . ful blazing fireside: These graves consist of: al teinate layers of earth and oyster shells, and on a • level with the surface of the land are deposited - the corpse. The bones soon crumble after exPosure.• But many of them are very distinct. From the sizeof the jaw teeth, we should judge. the race to ?lan% been remarkaNj large• • `Waren WILL You. Do or two things must be done in this country. Parents Inuit expend money to cducatelhcir. chilrii en, or they must pay talcs to build penitentiaries and to punish crime. Thee is a great mistake about 'what is called edUcation. Some suppose that "cry learned man is an educated_ man. No such • thing. That man is educated; who.mows hitn- -Jtelf, and who takes accurate common sense views f' , o men and things around::itim Some very learn t td men are the greatest fools in tho world ; the reason is, they are not educated men.. Learning is only tho end, its value consists of giving the means - of acquiring, in tho, dfaeipline which when properly managed, it gives the, mind. Some of the greatest men in the world were not overs ock ed with learning, but their actions proved they were thoroughly educated. Washington, fF'iank lin, were oT this' clasS ; and sindlar, though less striking instances may now be found in all coun tries. To be educated, a man must be able to reason, compare and decide accurately.— He may study metaphysics till he is gray, and -languages till he is a walking polyglot, and if he is nothing more, ho is an Uneducated There.is nv rue s in the country who have a stron ger interest inn the proper education of. Children than farmers: and the subject should 'moire from them the attention it desel-res. Sxnsxoi Sronr:—We find the following , -• rather strange story in the Nai l ional.-LThe puke 41e wishing to proceed some days back to ~ one of his estates in• Normandy, was persuaded to -.go by the Paris and Rouen pa il rOad:' Ho had his =carriage placed .on a wagon, and remained in it with a servant., He soon fell fast asleep, but as everything Must have rut end, he at last awoke, :tint was surprised to find himself in the dark. He thought it was the effect of his drowsiness, and'rubbed his eyes. /143 then pat his head out .of the window to ask hiS servant the explanation of this state of things, but the valet Imew no, more than his master, and it was riot !Or some time that th e y perceived , that the wagon having been do. tubed f,om the train, they had beertleft Under the tunnel of Rolleitoise. The danger w4s:insuirient, for another train was soon to arrive the salter itineous road, and would crush the unfottunate, They called uut, htiping 6 be heard !sumi succored, but no Person came: To add to .z their misfortune; they Boon heard a Ipeomotive '-coming up. '.Th e position was dangerous, and the Duke thought his last hour was at hand, when, the machine, stopping at some distance, the con-i doctor, iumounced to the (travellers that he had ceiveit orders to take them to the end of their joniney, whichthey finished without accident, but 'not without emotion. The !earned and ca tie Bishop Wathurton ,once said-,,"1t wiong to define Tan to be a rea -teonins aniinal; all we predicate of bhp is, that tie bell reasoning. YOUNG LADIES' Boarding and Day school. . • • aztAlispr tlf•t4. -. . • riftHE duties of this Institution cotnnieieed on Wednesday, the Bth inst. at the house, nor nerof . - Sth and Walnut atreetti . • Reading being proverbial ior health and cam enri; the ,Principal thinks it its iseless to enter in to details concerning the aevantages of its loca tion. , , • The purpose of the Principal iF to establish a 'school in which a finished education can be ob. taincd.—fly the ample- means; f this seminary, 'the young ladies entrusted to the care of the sub scriber and his accomplished; Preceptress, will receive such instruction, as to minimise a thor ough English, education, together with useful acid ornamental branches. -1; • Education embraces not only intellectual cul ture. but moral and religious also; therefore the Principal will _endeavor to elevate and expand the mind, and at the same time refine the heart —requiring of the ladies under his direction easy and polishea manners. I - In order to establish a wholesome discipline, the school will be divided into two*cpartments, viz ;junior and senior. ' L Terms for Boarders: Yoong indica above 12 yeaieof age. will pay foi the tertiof 46 weeks,- $2lO With music, . • 4 40 • - $250 Under 12 yearn of age • $l6O With music, . 40 I •••••• 8200 This sum entitles the young Imiies to board, rind all the branches taught , in the school, to gether with bed, bedding, - fuel and ,light—..except drawing and painting, Italian and Spanish lan'. guages.and use of the Piano, for which they , will have to pay extra. j • Terms for Bay .scholars: Senior Classes, per quartet. Junior Classes. , .! ~` 6 French, • Italian per (prides I Spanish,• , Drawing and painting, ; . 5 Fuel fur the whole year, - 4 Extra classes for young Ladies, - " who may desire to learn any of . this above languages, • , 5 • Drawing and painting, - 750 Thera will be evening cl.sses for young gen tlemen and boys. -For farther particulars aeply at the house of the subscriber. ' G.: PERSICO. December,. 2, 49—tf • 1- NO Hvivratra.. LIGIIT AT,INALF PRICE. • IP "' general introduction off NcaPs Patent Lard Lump, for burning common Lard, will be a saving in the item of light, otat least 50 per cent, in this community, and;heimmensa sum of money which is annually drained from &hay!. =kill-county, will be rctainedlia, a;great measure at home, and circul arming our ,farmers in the neighborhood, for lard.i Thty is certainly a great destderahlilt. The following arc voluntary ceftificateit, given by, eitinenei of this Borough, in Lainps4 who have had them in use: • Partsviu.n. November 27th I - MR. &IMAM :—We have tried Nears Patent Lard Lamp, and find that it gives a much bet ter light than with the- use of Sperm Oil, and givckenite as much light is two ';'candles. It is entirely free from any unpleasant 13 melt —tho smoke, what Milo there is, Soils iinibing, and it is a saving of about 50-per cent. lover the use of the best Sperm Oil, at the_prescet prices. The common Lard, as it comes - from the Butchers, is used in these Lumps. - CHARLES LAWTON, ' ' JOHN G. MARTIN, - ' JOSEPH r . SE{ DFRS DANIEL H..LEIB. 'Moon' CARE , N,NovembSr 9441,1843. Ma. BANNAN:—I have, used; NeaPs Patent Lii - d-Lamp, for about four months, and find it superior to any Lamp, I have evpr used. With Lard.it gives a moat kite!' light than with oil; is a very great saving,and .ifreefrom all iniplea• sant smell. I find also' that,l cad burn the most common 50. cent oil; mixed witl half Lard for winter use, which gives a much brighter'light than the bed Sperm Oil, and is as free from that unpleasant smell,which renders Lamps disagree. able, as the best ikterrn oil is, at half the price. JOSEPH ALLEN. ' We-may, here !remark that Wan/ person be. .2omcg. tired of using Lard, or if he price should approach to neirithe priceef Oil, he has a much better Oil Lamp than any now in use, unless it is the' 'Macon Lamp, which costs a very high price. With one of thetit:Lamps the wick can be constantly supplied with Oil, Iby a very sum plc 'process. ' RETAIL PRICES OP, THE !JAWS. Britannia Lamps with thades.i. s'l 25 :!do V✓ithout alludes 100 Ti n f•amps fur t,mmon use • 50 Do for li"; , thilltops,&c. ..T 50 - . - m erc h an t s an 4 others WishiOg to sell again will be supilied whoSsale, at tho'Manttfacturer's prices. Applyto i • D.BA''lNAtie sole Agent tor.Schlikill County. • December 2, 49 ' JAMES H. K.ELLIre Clock and WriteMinket , . aikp ESP PGI VEIL LVi alms Eris friends and ' l4 • s 'the public generally, that EM.has, net • return. ed from 110 : Philadelphia, opened at ;his neti , stand, in Centre 81, next deer t? Gem H. Stich . . ter's Iron Store, an 'assortment' of Ciricss AND nhWalrues, of-the very hest quality; and of: which he will sell et the lowest.cash pri ces.l'~.' Patent" Lever Matches, English; Watches, Ger. man do. Swiss do. eight day and thirty hour Clocks, and a variety of other edictal, belong. ingrto his line. He would aleo intsbunce that lie repairs Clocks and Watches, at-tbe shoeless notice, and guarintecs his; week. Ho hopes by strict attention to business, and [reasonable bar. ges, to merit a share of the public patrunae. N. D.—Eight day Clocks, are made tnirder with short notice. • ' - 41 • Noiernber, IT, ; 1. 46-3inot3e . . . Law Partnership. T E undersigned have associated' themselv as co-oartners in the practice of the law.- -'All business'entrusted to their care, will receive early and faithful atteetion. j ' Office at the residence; of F. vir: Hughes, in Centre Street, Pottsville. , . -F. ,W. HUGHES, J. CHAS. NEViLLE. Nov. 4, • 45—If HEY LIMBER YARD. E subscriber announces to the public the 42 - ho has opened a Lumber Yard. in the bo rough of Pottsville, immediately back of the nes Presbyterian Char ; where he will constantly keep on band, .a fiTgo assortment r;f Lumber, of every description. He his on hand:Pino•Boarde, from'MO to' $l6 per M.' and Oak from $lO to $2O per M. - He respectfully solids the patronage of his friends and - the Wolin, and feels confident, that he will be able to supply Lumber, it anch rates, as will give general satisfaction. JOSEPH SHELLY. September 17, 1 58 —tf ApotkecOry stpre. 'THE subscriber 'offers for sale a well' selected and Onoiiie assortment • of Drugs Medicines &c., consisting of . , Chemicals,l Drop, Medicine*, "tPaintit. , l • ' Perfumery Dye4toirt, Windom Aass, and Varnishes, patent Alcdiciat, Paint Itra. Ara,' 4.e. Which he is disposed to Sell at a small ad' ranee, and respectfullyi,s9hcita a whirl' of the pauonage of the public. /OLI' fd. C. MARTIN. • I D' Physicians prescriptions' carefully com pounded. '. • November 25, Medicines!. Medieines!:: - - 'Even's eCtebrateeCamomtlo..PdVe• do do SOoihing Syrup tor childreni Baron Von Ilucherer's Fltrl? Pills • , Doct Goodies Female_ Pills • Doct Erin's rev& and Agee Pills Dna Huut's • j. ,--. For DysPeptielpersona ;Hunt's Botanic :Pills 'are said to- be superiOt to -any rredieine ever yet offered to the - Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry Hewes NerVe and Bone Lioithent • Indian" Vegetable Elizir • Balm "ofCeltimbiti', • -I -. • 'Jaynes"Hair Tonic, - Brigg's Russian Cosmetic Falch's Indian ve g etable Pills I Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood "do Linn's Chinese . do • Mead's Antl.Dyspeptic I do : Muffat's Vegetabre -Life ; do • Wilson's Anti.Nspeptte I do Jayne's Expectorsot : Jayne's Carminative Balsam Swaim's Pant:Leen! • • Jayne's Vermifuge • . Swaim's Vermiloge Linn's Teniperance Life Ritters Roof's Founder Ointment 1 Hoyle's Embrocation Yeager Altiright's Botanicil Health and Lilo Preserver " MeMoUn's Elixir' of Opium ' Becker's Eve Salve ; ,- • Thompson'e EyeVater • • ; •• Chlorine Tooth Wash - Wheeler's TeabOry ToothVash Sherman's ;WormLozengers do Cough do ! • •• • • Water'itCough ; do 1 Sherman's! Camphor do ? • I Peter's Vegetable Pills . . Taylor's ttalsamMf Liverwort Bedwell's Tetter:Clintment ._ Hay's Liniment; ` ;' - ! ' I Welch's Tooth Ache Drops Spohc's Head &he Remedy • Tomato Pills ~,, • . I Lees Windham Bilious pills Henry's Celeinea Magnesia Bedwell'a Dreeti•Ointmelat• • Keyser's Pills 1.. (,Universal Mister" • rWcaver's Woroi Tea and Salvo r . Steelling'd Pulnionary Syrup • - . Climax Sirup fdr Dysentery, warranted Roivand'alTonia Mixture for Ague . ! , f Brewster 'a Pectoral Mixture Jutlkin's Dintioant ! , • . East India Hair,': Dye ' i , , - - Saraaparilla Syrup 91 Dr. Anderson's Scott's Pills Hooper's Female Pills I • - . Raised . ' of Horehound : Roof's Rind Bone Cure; fur horses . , .- I_ ' A fresh supply of the above 'Medicines, just received and for safe at the Drug Store Of., . ' ' JILIN S. C. MARTIN.. - ' 48— Noverilber 25 • . . • „POTTS' VILLE , • -.- -- -:7•-' _ - .....t •41:4-•-• ' • ••-- - . ..."-, -, .1.-.:,,, , , , 11, , ... ~,,.. , ••••by,,•••-• • , 1 . , „St• 41 7 , , . - .;•.!'t , .vl. - ' . • ''-:• --'' / 2 ) - t l \, ' I . 32 A s a LE 1 1 OTr Stir nRT . i F . John arrel•l ' Mal EFE CTFIJILLY announces to the public that KS the Eagle foundryiis in full operation, where he would' hankfolly'receive orders for Castings of ew my description. lie ha ' constantly on hind Hollow ware, Sad hons,lumou and rails, cart and wagon boxes,"plOugh points; t ould boards, ind Cultivator teeth: he also has a wiriety of nil, road and drift wheel patterns, coal breakers and screcia, fire grates, &c., Atc., l all of , ivhicli he will evil .at the lowem cash prices. Dealers7ould do well to give him% call, bet fore purchasing elsewhere. . i - [ November 25;1843, I l' 47-Iy. ' I i : %ND FANCY GOODS. m itsJ MORG ItTsL in Market !tlect, neit door to mr;lY O lfin:lr's. tavern, respectfully in. fOrms the eit*ns of 'Pottsville, and the public generally, that she has Just received :a new and fashionahle'asiertmdrit of Millinery.an4 fancy goods, amongst which are the Albeitid, rence 6raid r Needle! Straw, Enslish 4 Straw; and Finted Lawn punnets, with a fine , assortment of men's and boys' Leghorn and'Sca-grass Hats, all of which will, be sold much lower than- the usual Hues roV cask,. ' Bonnets altered and done up on the most reasnnable terms . Pottsville, April 13' • 20— Dale", rntent Platforn and 'Cannier Scales. LATFORM scale: P 2311 0 poianter scales - in every va ri. ety, supsrior tu any scales before invented, fur sale by the agents. GRAY & BENNETT, 42 Walnut street, Philad. Iphia, lunsll7, 1943, • , ' , 2S—tf Second. Phdadelphla Semi.Anuttal.Sale of /foots and shoes: ° I ' FEBIIEfARY, 1,844:‘ On Tuesday and Tednesday, Feb."6th and 7M. ipliE subscriber will sell at _Auction, at his • store; N 0 . 1208 Market street, for cash, 2000 Cases of Bootit, Shoes, Brogans, Hats, 4i., com prising a general and' complete assortment of fresh and seasonable goOds, s naw being received, direct ' from the maripfacturers." • PurChasers are assured, that every case offered, will positively :1;c sold to the highest bidder; and the catalogue bill embrace the largest and best as sorted stock, ever offered at aUction, in this City. The subscribers arrangements with the manu facturers, are such, that regular Semi-Annual Sales will continue', to be held, as they hive been, the past year; and or the first Tuesday in Felmutry and August, of each year, a great semi-annual sale. 1 Catalogue* will be prepared; an& the goods opened for examination, the day itroitions to the sale. •• GEO. W. LORD, Auctioneer, 208 Market Street Philadelphia, Jan.l3, 1844. .1-3 t • FE minpn AND AGUE,: * IZOWARD'S 7 ONIO !MIXTUR E. AFRESH ttUpPly, of the above Blediane,a certain cure for tie fever and ague. Just received and sale at j MARTINS Drug Stare September t ' 36-4 German Clay Almanacs 600 Almanacs for' 1844. at 35 cent. perdozen, or three dazen for n— est received'and for sale, wholesale and laid . • B. BANNAN. Agent. Doe 2 • . 49 • WATCHES, CLOCKS AND riri H E sobsenber Wets foi' sale, of his own Ja• importation, - . . Gold:.frtier Watches, in corpus eases Silcei: do do ' - do , Gold'Lepine Watches . •• . 1 Silver ,do - • . , Gilt einell'bony Mantel Clock. ' Monad Bares, 2.t0 12 tunes each. •, Together with a general assortment of Jewelry, of &no sad 'common, onalities,Silver Threaded and plain Fans and Spoons; also.. %Vatchma• ker's tools and materials,in great variety. Orders from the country are invited; they will meet with, prompt attention and every article charged at the lowest pie& - C.; - PARR, • • JOHN s.; •1 , 112 Chesnut at., Philadelphia - . December,' 16, 61-3 mo 'II7IIEBELEZZBEI.• • THE subOribers have just received an elegan - assortment of-Silk and Cotten - Timbre Hari which theyilvill sell -unusually 10. for:cash.— They area suncybir article from one of the best istablishn3cids in • • S.. /14.. J.'FOSTER. November I ' .46-3 t iiiITIVDP N CURRATS :'AND . r R - AlStms, 11..f0r ankh: the bet single poen& at the York. Store. Jeitenty; 4, ::::TIEE -- ! , ,gi . N. , .:E_#:4- 9 :::',J . 9 l v4Ati GEORGE M. ELN,IhTION I , • . Has recommenced the Minu;ctlare o f SOAP & CANDL E, At No. 12 Affp , garefla )Street,:ifire!., door atove Front Street, between Willow Sired raii i r'ocirt, ratr.irmsenta:'• vHERE be offers for lisle. op reasonable •terms, wholesale and retail,l first quality Yellow Soap; common Brown do., White Fuller's do.. Palm de., Castile do., Vanky Shaving do. /Viva 12, l'' " 9 33A.-I}• ly* • II ' NEW WHOLESALE - CLOT&tNG gT I OR:E, Lippincott & Taoor, Having made extensive prepitrati ns, are now Ready..to 'SuOi)ly CASH scimite• IVITII a..0T1 t no, WI ROM ten to fifteen pet cent lower Hum oth. er wholesale dealers, we shall do this by - buying, for eash,and selling entirely for ; the , Same, those who buy by small quantities as well eu the extensive dealer, will, find it t •eir advantage ; call at • lj LIPPINCOTT 44. T Lows, No. 200, Market Street, third,!doo above Sixth, 'and one door belowt he Red Lion otel, Minds. From the Phi/ada. Ledger, nj*Stplember, 22d,1811' The question is often asked by strangers u Where can we kbto bUy tke best and cheapest suitOf Clothes; they are refs red by most of our citizens to the extensive establishment of Lippin. ant & Taylor, 200 Market YStrets: three doors west of Sixth. ; Lippincott & F" Taylor are wh glossl it dealers, and always receive the largeet assettment in the city, they also have the reptitstion of doing the finest work, and take special,pains to please those who buy a single Unit,,ai well ad' the extensive 'zealot.: Their is certainly the place. llt Is next t door to he Red Lion' Hotel. ; = , . ....--..,,,:••• E.. 8; . FACHHOLI* & CO.. re . ~W spectfully . inforins the- citizens o .....-- Pottsville; anti Schuylkill county gen k.. 311 malty, that they i haye opened. : (in the store formerly occupied by !Mr.l Slater,) a general ,assortment of ii 1 , f '--. Drugs, , ! Alai int% ; • • • CChemicals,',Pair 7 , 1 1 . Oils, ; ,; D 1 es 1 Varnishes, [ Putty, ;I •• 7 Glass, .. Spices, ~ • Patent Medicine. 4e.; 'ite. And -solicits a share of pOblie p'itronage, confi dently assuring the public , that very article in • their line, shall be of the first q4lity, and pure. ly genuine.. i I (t., f Having served% fefilsiar app the busines m Phllidelphia, those who favour them with '1 call, can rest satisfied thattliey willguard strictly uainst all mistakes, and mve their med. icines pu t up with the greatest ca e and nicety. Physicians prescription§ otten ed to with par. ticularsare, at all hours. Country Physicians and Sturekeepers,,suppfied atie imal in advance on ci y prices. : PottSville;:Deceer 3. 49-f -, ___ . HOUSES 6. LOTS 'FQR S A LE , . 1 - •••• ••• 111 • Also. a a nd ailmbet of is e 0,1 tc ft - - Buildings. iinCout Lots, of various 'Asp, on the Navi , ration tract, lying princi pally iri the Borough of Pilitarille. I A pply to. i; SAMUEL LKWIS; :Julyl6. 29-t Real estate s en ti Centre St. VAST 11105 SCR EENS.-4:Cavt Icon Rolling Screens of vartous!,' sizes for Coal, on hand , and for sale at ;IV. H MARSOLL'S Cheap; Griiecry Flour Feed & !Provision Store corner of Norwegian Street and Mount Carbon Rail Road June, 16, .24 • ;1 1000 UAxlelits SALINA .SALT,— Constantly op band, a ful leupply of the !hove superior article in barrels, 4 4-2 bushels, which will be `old very low; by • s • GRAY & RENNET-lc ' No !a• iyala t i!Stii and 2nd wharf below . Locu t ,; St; Schuylkill . Phitadc!phia Jund 11, 3143. .4 1 , • - • weighing from 100 to ;• 1 „„ r , NEWVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL STlcbu''" MI HE subscriber is iiidueed fiom the very lib -IL eral cncouragemett he hap received (and also from Ithe necessiti ,of theiT being a cheap Retail Store, ut this part of: the town bas pro cured and will keep constantly pn Salt, Tea, Sugar, Coffer4.Cheese v .y4folasses, Vine gar, &c., which irf;connection with his pre sent stock of Hams, Shnulders,lMackerel, her ring gad Cod fish., Brown ' Yellow and White Soap : Alia a very superior'! article of Pure Palm, Alinund and Fancy Soaps—Sperm and Tallow Candles—Winter and Fall Strained Sperm Oil, Sm., &c, &c., A1 l which I will sell at the lowest Cash (, R etail Prices—And to families, or those selliagain, a liberal deduction will be made; peopoitiouto the quan tity taken, , - 1 , EDWARDWAR4EY. York S. P. B.—from the fedi of my paving a person in the City, whose timeland attention, is devoted to the selection ()film aitieled 11propove selling ; I have nu hesitation in Saying that I can furnish goods 'as cheap, as ang: in Pottsville. Call and judge for, yourselves, I P. Y. Pottsville Sept. 23, 043:. 39 DEAFNESS ElllitED• • &wises CompouncOrreosol Acoustic Oil, FOl2. the cure of DE.i%FNE'BB, pairs, and the discharge s- of ambit from the ears; also all hose disagreeable noises, like the buzzing of i n. sects, falling of water, buzzing of steaur, dr.o. which are symptoms of approaching deafnesst and also attendant with.the disease. VERT! Fie ATES.. The following Editu'rials a certificates will be read with interest all they 8 eak facts Wilco are " stubborn things." • MOBr Erritemtorosatv icons any have doubts they may. how djtmiss them, and the most incredulauS may conerder Deafness air curable. Numerous e a ses of mitesond Deaf ness of them ve ry remarkable—by the use of! "Scarps's 014" have beep .published, lint this "Amps the climax." Young Pi old may yetirectiver hearing. A Isdy. in -Smithfield, Pennsyliania aeid now • about 80 years °rage, had:beer4qadually getting deaf for more than 40 years, wathat it Was neat to impos. sible to make her: heaeconversation in the loud est, tones of voice; Lait winteri she was induced to try "Searpa's[Oil far Deaft esa." It is only necessary to add that has used twobottles, and thither hearing isjperfectli restored—she is cured: 1 Daarrirss Crutim.—The ;following extract from letter Ivritten by Mr..Johnsmi of Boston, to a .friend no this city, is IMptirtan 1 " Theibettle of Serapieri Oil torDeafnese, that you serif me, pith the: : wish that my daughter would try it, has beer used,tnd in its effects, have astonished all; yeti know ow very de.at she has beeri since she wasthree years old4she now hears gait° well, but as:the inetlicine has all been, used,l Tii.sit You to send mean C her bottle, which 1 have every reason' to - believe ill cure her en tirely.'--4 Times.- .:! sale GIIMPER;T, No:120 Non .a Second Street, Philadelphis,.n'd by EICHHOLV.„ §A NDERSON,_ • t• i; • • I/kgeota, Pottsville., tilt ;i ' • 3Q-- 1 Phtladv, October i; 1843 I NEW DRUG riOr ! ipfitpii I A agAoaintia.p:Trs 6 1 1ILL P 4040 AD! 1.4M.h"-Affir;l7 -ficre• i ßeduction' of Freight #4 l .llferehan sit. t r lIIN andifter Monday - pea' Jane 26t14 1845 fGottil . a *ill be forward e d with despatch "at the following ; rates of Freight between Reading and the points below. statedj , per ton of 2000-15 i; - , 1 1 : Wtteten Beiteeen. ' I ;Reading Reading! l' 1 and bad. ' i -I-Phila. - I Pottsville et 1 10 i 75 cts I - t Plaster, slate, I tiles &c. i I Pigf Iron. blams,"tiinter, - marble, rosin, tar, pitch, c ii a d 'grindstnnery - r Nai s & spikes, bar iron,) I stings; lead,torpectine I liark, raw tobacco, salt piovisior,s, potatoes Itut- •ker, stoves &e., . - I - , j MUr per bark!, : Wheat, - corn, rye, clov4r . seed; & salt per bushel,;c GrOceries, hardware, titeSl,3 capper, tin, brass, •diN,i mestictiquors, • machin:i cry, _butter and eggli t ; , cbeese, lard and .tallow' ! ,oil, wool, cotton, leather ,' , . raw hides,' paintA, oyai tare, hsumand cotilageo Dry goods, drags & medil icines, foreign , liquor:a; I Wines,glass, paper, fresh 4- Ob. meat, confectiona: I rs, hooks & stationariJ No additional charges:, for age, or receiving or dellyerini the, Company's Depots an the July IS. 1843, Atovin. cartfloNl 110TEIA - • ' • THE eubsetibes moat respectfully apeounee, jto the public that-0 has leased Fho ahoy splendid and:'ilelightful establishment, Eni;'i - ; which - opened' for their ac. j t coatmodatiin on IMenday he 10th _ inst. .The Hotel* latelvandergone a thtfroogh novation with - such improvements and additional' furniture as willymehiinereeise the comfort Mad! • accommodation 'of hie guests.! • This Hotel is situated at the termination of the! Philadelphia and Readtng Railroad, 93 Miles fromi Philadelphia, adjoining the Borough of Pottsville,i and combines all the Aidvantages• of bnth town! and country—attached to, the establishment elusively for the use of its' guests is a beautiful! ornamental terrace gattden, 2 i,u enclosed Park of reieral acres, overlooking from its rising grounds: tke Railroad, the Schilylkill River and Canal, the: reservoir of the Schuylkill Navigation , Co., and; commanding a romantic and beautiful view of, the surrounding moOntains.ll The Hotel, , Bath Houses and stables have a !plentiful supply of pure mountain spring water.ll The extensive acd airy stables. and coach', tioust, will be' attended by-cireful and attentive ostlers; a Railroad plea. sure car and carrieger, will ktpt for the tie. , commodation"of guest; wishrngto visit the mines' and other places in this interesting region. As a ;pledge oft his dispdaitton to use his best cur. tions to give satisfactimi to kis guests, he begs to ,refer to the'reputatindel thii Catskill Mountain House and j Congresi Hall in the City of New York when kept by ikim, and assures them that having daily access/a the Philadelphia market, his supplies both fat the Table and the Bar shall be the best that can ta procdred. 7 IFamilimand indivienals Ire assured that eve ry attention will tin paid , by ! the subscriber and his family to render` their w e lts as Pleasant ,and ascouifortable at any niii4r catablirhinent in this country, and a i.Jiare.oqthe public patronage respectfully, collutif.ki r • IctIARLER 'II.iWEBR. 51onnt Carbon, 4ruly ! 28-1 v • r FARE REDUCEEON THE , • J• IPU A ILAD., E.ADIN4 AND IPISTTS• • I VILL AI.I4IOAD. ; • ' • - ..,..1.1-.;••• *tapir - • - . . i Lit ClasaCars. 24 Class Cars. !Fare to Petisvillej I; $2.30 $2OO - I To immediate pointslalso rediiced.. I.. Tho_Pasocauree %ram pow arrival the Depot. cornett oßroad Cherry street daily at 7 o'clock A. M.'• stopping at the usual way points, and arrive at Potts; ville at izi o'clock; Returning: leaves Pottsville of 7 o ' clock A. M. daily, pad airive in the city at .12 n'i clock: !Passengers for Northumberliad.Sunbary,DanVille, and catawissa meet stages aL Pottsville on the sit u vat of the 'trains daily, and are Carried through *tth ohs delay to oithericif those prates for $4. • I Passengers for Tamaqua, qaaleton, Mauch Chunk ad Wilkesbarrie,;quit!, the cars at Port Clinton t7s tics from the city) and taken ',the cars of the Little Schuylkill Bail road to:Tan:mire, thence go by gond stages to Mauch Chunk, where their meet the pad& boats for Wilksbarre. i; • ' ' , Faro [o Iklouch Chpk. ' • • Fare to ‘VilltObaire, ; S. BRAE rhiladelphia, July .4; op.{ C.A.ItITitELI, I B *Ail.lllLy Cantiell'e Ague Miituro, ; I • price $1 do Anti Sportintic'Syrup, 50 ctti. do Nervous Cordiali 50 do :Intl- 6 000c Pow dere, ' ' 5051.25.i'l , do . Altifr,:l.lvei.Pills,l , 25 iii A i; . , , :. , , , A .y . of e bb , i i Above• lopulOr family tried cine.i, for Bait: nt !Mt 44R1'.1.'S Drug Store Pot oroprictor,) where ville,(authorizeil kiptil tar ithe . ail. th r i tizig I nd 4 ,.. - Inuine article! the public can November 25, i 1 .- I 1 48-- 1 To Dyeea t Bleaphtiisp Engine pniidlersi : 11 - 1 1 PASCAL; IRON WORKS. WELDED WRODGIIT IRON TUBES; Prom 4 inches to I In ;calibre and 2 to 12 feet lons, I capable of sustaining preeslire from 400 to 2500 lbs. j per square inch, with Stop I.lvelts, and other fixtures suit, I fitting together, with screw Pints, suitable for STEAM, WATER, GAB, and fot LOCOMOTIVE and lather STEAM BOILER rums r _ a ler Maninctured and for awe by , BIORRISN'I TASICERI & NORMS. Warehouse Q. E.Vornek of Third & Walnut areal; PIIItAXIELPRIA. • • t • July 11, - 1 1 I • X. ct.i prima's. 1 Dentalpeon; I,Sut ' ? . Late of Wait limiter, nearPhdadelphii, I . I ~1 ; , , . A C..,.' 0 : 0 ~, t ':\. i ioo • .Wouirl inform the -" C I ,P' I II,:iP-- - - , ~ citizens ofPottsville ~L.PI - ;,k ' 1 : andsminity, that i 6 , Compliance with the en"e 'A of some of the citizens, he will spend twis ~.. . lin , three weeks ilitringkhe mouth of Decciribet, or January, in that plane. L At which time. hp Will be happy to wait upon all those, in need of Dental operations. ! I r ; Freireientes. „ s 1 DANVILLE. WilliiM IL .Magill, M. D. C. ii Frick, M. D., iotll3 IQ Grier, merchant, Hon. W Donaldson, John Moore; Esq., 1 • WEST CnasTai, Isaac n* om N. 11, Williaol,Whiteheatt Den. list s ; Porrsvimak, George Patterson, Esq., ; lack. now,,Daniel Montginnery, Esq. = I Nov. ,25. ' I I' I. • Sunda* j School llnioiil . ! rii#E subscriber has jyst ;received the • follow E,g publications 'foe Christina* and New Yearn e resents, timed; b.q. thUlSundity School !Joint.), high will be sold 't the Philadelphia prices: I.,ittle Forget M 4 Not,. The. Floweret, • infant'S Magazine,i Plow Year's Gift, I The Great Aim, 1 . Fl ew Harvest, I - Letters to Young La. i:Cliksice Medley, dies, ' ' I - ;Anna Sherwood, I • Child'iCohntnandinents, Clara's Child, I Great Change, ! Boy's Medal, i'Girl's Gem I Girl's do. I Boy's Gem, • Soldier ' s Da - Ughter:' "I'citeher'S.lifannalj tli , mns act to music for Cheap Testamental Sze. children. , All the ktonday, school Union. Publications Ols tained I, order fdriSunda*, Schoobi, and others , at the short e st notice, at the Union cash 'prices. i 1• 114BANNAN Agent.' • December 1 A i CONSUMPTION OF Tux urNcs, 'Tedious of the Liver, - Asthma,, Bronchitis, 'Pain or • Weizknets of. She Breast or. Lungs, Chronic Coughi, Pleurisy, ilerrurrliage of the Lunge 'and att offeeliouk of the Pulmonary Organs. . I NATURE'S OWN PRESCRIPTION. BO 90 cts I A compound Balsamic preparation of the, Prunus Virginians or Wild Charm, Bark,"! prepared by a new chemical procesS, approved : Oct recOmmended by thmmost distinguished; physicians, and universally acknowteged the: most valuable medicine ever discovered. No Quackery!!! No Deception. ' in setting forth the virtues of this truly great; medicine, wo haVe no desire to deceive these. who are labouring under affliction; nor do "we Wish to eulogize it more than it justly_deserves. Vet. when we look around and see the vast a. Mount of suffering and distress occasioned by; Many of the diseases in which this medicine has proved so highly siiccessfuli ive feel that we can.: not urge its claims toe strongly, or say tou much ib its favour. , ; Such indeed are the 1.40 1 00' I Oda II Os 4 cts ' 3 cis 210 .135 260 ' 70 SURPRISING VIRTUES Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced stageti of CoNbommoN, after all the most esteemed rem.: edii.s of physicians have failed to effect 'any change, the use of this medicine has been prof ductive of the mast astonishing relief, and ac ivally effected cures after all hupes of recovery had been despaired of. 1 In the first stages of the 'disease, termed " Ca.. tarrha/ Consumption." originating from neglect;. ed COLDOt has been used with undeviating success, find hundreds licknoTled . ge they own the restoration of their health this invaluable inedicine alone. In that torn: of Consumption 'so prevalent amongst delicate young female., commonly termed debility i .or "GOING INTO A DECLINE," A complaint with which thousands aro finger. log, It has also proved highly successful, and not only possesses the power of checking the pro. :gress of this alarming complaint,but also strengh• ;ens and invigorates tho system more effectually 'than any medibine we have ever possessed. •, j rfFor particulars see Dr. Wistar's Treatise On Consumption, to be had of the agents. i Sold in Pottsville by ' JOHN S. C. MARTIN. ; ' !In Reading by Mrs. SARAH- MORRIS; and in every town in the State. Pottsville, October 28, commissiOn, ator. rroight ni any of dine. EiII vE have just r eceived a large mond:Lent of Seasonable Goods consisting of . • Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Bevcrteens, ,Muslins, Prints, Checks, Flannells, Ticking", GinghamS, Cambricks, Cotton Pannell, Diapers, Linens, Silk, Cambrick, and Cotton Handker chiefs, Hosiery and Gloves. Furniture, Chechs, .I.Anseyo, ere., 4.c., iVe., and wish to t , ell them' at a small advance on cost and charger; those in want of any of the above or anything else usual. I) kept in our Borough Stores aro respectfully in vited to call on September 2, ci !At • ‘. tMEDYtti • Facisfor the People!. . . grim constantly increasing popularity and -It sale of B. A; Fahnestock'sTermifuge hai tn. du 'cod persons who aro envious 4-its suceeris to pain off upon the pliblic preparations which all medical men know to be, inefficacious to expel- ling worms froni the systein. This Vermifuge has model!! way into pub lic favour upon the greund of, its own intrinsic merits, more than any ether medicine of the kind now used ; and while many worth remedies have, by dint of puffing, been forced into Sale, and shortly otter gone into the obscority which their worthlessness justly merited, B.' A2Fah. nestock's Vermifuge continues to be triumphant ly sustained. It has only to be used and its effects will fully !'sustain all that is said ails Won derful expelling' power. $3 50 5 00 DFORD, Secrettqi. ! 31— • We certify,. that we have used B. A. Fe li nes. tock's Vermifflge in our families, arid in every case it has prayed a decided and effectual remedy for expellinff worms from the system We car. (Bally recommend it to parents who have chit. dren afflicted With that dangerous Malady. ELON VIRGIL, WM. B . PAINE, ROB'T MAY. JOSEPH BURROUGHS. • ; For sale; wholesale and retail, at the Drug w ar ,ehouse of ! • B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co,; r,orner of z....4.11/on W ood bv "9., Pittebnrg, ‘ it i For . Ble o `• ..v EM ENS 4 : PAR VI; , Druggists. December, 9 Fas Monable TaUorm; Etablls, ` ..'neut• • W A•W D-R APL If AND 2' A 1 L - 0 R,, rIII I IAKEIi this opportunity to inform the infiabi - 111 - onts'o fPottsvillo and vieinity that be has taken Twins in Centre street, three doors above the Eschange.Hotel, where he intends carrying on the Tailoring business, in its various bran ches. The public may rest assured of haiing their Garments made in as new and .fashiutiable style as in any city in the Union. ' Having bad lomtexperienco in the business in various cities, he flatters himself that be can give general satisfaction' to those who may favor him with a call. OTGarraents entrusted to his care will he war• ranted in all cases. Particular , attention paid to cutting, , Pottsville. Oct. 7.1893. 41- , . N., S. LAWRENCE, Agent for he sale of Southwarth Man yfacluring Company's Superior Writing paper, ' 1, WAI8II01:18S, No. 3 MINIM Sr., PUILADE4IIIA: T HE following kinds constantly on hand and for sale: to'the trade dt the lowest market . ' ' Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, It and 16 lbs.,: anct Extra super and superfine Folio Posts; blue: and white. Extra super Pcekat and Commeleial posts, blue and white. • . Extra surer Linen note papers. Superfine and fine Bill.papere, (Lung.) • . do do do _ (Broad.) do do Counting House Gips, blob and white. , Extra super Congres. Caps and Letters, plain and ruled; blue arid white. Superfine French Posts.plain and ruled. ' Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain . blue and whit; ofearious qualities and prices. Also Elonuet Boards, Tissue, Wrapping; anp fiardware papers, &C:' 0.P56 , . 63'56 tu 100 tons or Peach Orchard,or Broad Mountain coal Will be taken in exchange r6r on per, et tho l owest.prices. - July 15th , 29-2 pa Q 39 *Patelit en *folders, WITH slides to regulate the spring. anew mad.improved' cuticle, just reseived arid for sale at this office. (1 December, 30, • 53—r E. Q. & A HENDERSON.' - Ceitificate. .Trates,' Erie Co:, New Y., Jan. 7,..1843 PROTE INDEMNITY AGAI IST OAS BY •FIRE TUE FILA:IIELIN INSIIIt ANC V. C 4,4 , UT • PUILADELPUIA, • Capital -.8400,00e, Paid in. • •• innAnTnit r ErtrXTUAL, , ••:; drIQNTINttE to trisk6 Insurance, ' pemittirient ana.litnited on cverideseriprion of prbpkrty in town and Country on the usual favorable iccrrna Wee 163 k Chesnut Strbet near fifth street: CHARLES N. 1 1 11 ANOREP,, Presider t. • 1 • DIRECTORS, - • Charles lt*.Hanker, Samuel Grant. James Stoic Fiederiek Thomas Hart, Jacob R. .biniih,?" • ThomosS. Wharion, Geo. W.Rieharde, - Tobias Wagner. Modeeai , CLIARLE. G. lIAI N IFEER.s;oet. - The Stiliseriber has eon apPoirtred agerit.for the above miner:flied iUrtitUtlOC. and • is ne,4l4pre.• pared to malie insurane 3, on every dracillitAin of property, at the lowest rotes.- ' ANDREW RESSOL Seal. • :5,7A-Y Potts7llle.!Junel6. nxletunityrkga /Hat / I pito CiI4II,TEIL Ali THE SPRING GAR PAN Y. make Instil.' perpetually, against Los' town or country, on lion I all kinds, on' Househol. horses, Cattle, Agricultu factoring Stock and Ute VESSELS and their Cargoci gesand Ground Rents up • Applications for Intim , the subject may be ma. letter:nut thel Company! comer of Sixth and, Wo . MORTON h. L KEUMBOAAR, SEEM Die . Mortim McMichael; Joseph Wood. • P. L. Lag4renne, .Elijah Dallett, George AL Troutman. George 1 dd The eubscriber has•to above mentidned Institu ffffff make IssurtiNcas 'upon at the lowest rates. Pottsville; Feb. 27. I; TILE rocano, yEGE l IIIE remedies pre• ribed for the cure ok,ths* I ets eas have corretly beendiiidedinteklas . sec according to their, peration upon,thelniman system. Thus we hoi e one elass whicfCeauses the stomaeli to eject i s confents, called 'emetics, another inducing pore iration called dichphoret- ' ice and a j (third whi h evacuates the Stpmach and bowels,'denominat d cathartic ,'&c. ';t'athar . , . tics or purging medicines, have to everypegp and country been the favot rites of the PhYsiemus for. the cure of the most o sitinate and alarni,lo ma ladies. The wonderful success .attendirigr - ,this mode of treatment Will. readily bo understood i when we reflect that tl e stomach and baker; have assigoed In them, th important funetiorilof Ili. • .gestion;or i the soave ion of food into bliiiiii, that,- vital fluid intended I r tho growth andAgUrish. ment of tho whole sys em. It, follows thlit'iwhen ever the digestion' o gems become depz9ved or ,disqualified for the healthy performance-of their duty ( and this occurs daily in civilizeciel.9 ) impure bleed, and consequently 'disease:-0e the results.. , i . 't It has been remarker!Ohat whenever Ore 6!0. mach is not usefully employed. it is alWays at mischief. : That individual who wouldrlecy that . . • IMMII the most tormidable the use (di Pills corn most evcry hamlet`of ly risk his ivputotio Mintas, or Indian 1 stomach, norify the Lion, and liave provcc bilious lever, bilious liver, rhenMatism, costiveness; &e. &c. its and sulj'ct to' in) ache, depression of find 'relief fOoni the not a disease attend skin,. andl u 'coated not relieve. The 101 l show the 'benefit der. ry common disease ; CEI .11laving . been enr , tas Pill Orin alarm ;rural ycdrs stundin my c'ase,lsnown to i had take I= lorded only le•uporn es orthe2i i e,piii9,.my enjoyed good health Milton, April 22, 4gents fur W. T: Epting, New Catitle, Stein°, Hugh Kinsley, For Orwigbbnrg. Thri can alw4s be had j gi,sts, corner of Sd , April 29, PURE WETHERIL I, Ors, No 65, phis, have now a g pure whiet lead, a been sparingly s) run on the article, filled. No known eubsa tire and: beautryin paint, to an tqu! white Icad;,heroc a els onlyl mars its the steady aim of years,. to supply t. white lead; and th, ticfe is proof that invariably brzinde, & BRO,THER, in RANTED', yor6nber 19, CiIZAPG 4n;111 THE 'subscribe, of Norwegian Rail Poid, a gener, 'Provieions, which aible 'prices cocoas Coffee, Chocolate. ' Sperm and Whale . Dip'd Candles, So Shoulcier,s, Mess Po, ere!, fierringi WI April 8, 1813, . . - 1 ' IRON AND .STEEIL ~, • JAMES S:ISPENCER,4p I. Na. 53. North Wafer StreOig . 1 I Doan Elszevr Anon Si4z,•„'! . - 1 . P Hadelphla. --: •-; ,'; • INAS,conatantly on hand, a full napYrtmetit of . 11 -1 1 ,1 RON, 4 , ST EL,' which mat 4 had ply the most 'rcasonabl termed ;.2. " September 9, 1 MERC Not 91 Comm' rprIHE: sebseri. friends itikd u ndw an&ce • Cotirtiand, st., 3 nedoind nearer Ito will be bette ors astiis house is tinz perlorsin • niched Eted.rooms. He hopes his . pstronigo to the inform ithem, li la I oardifig to one de l Philidelphia, Al taint JUST recerir Sperm 011, for irate Coroer Nomeg Noiember 18, si or dainvige 3100000; I 'Ell P.ETUAL.; PEN INSDRANCieOMr tines. either tempOroy o or Damage by RM., in WI, Buns, and IMiidiug.s of Furniture, frfereitiadise. ral,Citminerciaj arid:Manu hails of every fitoCriptitth , sin poll, as. wenn 4,ftitortga n the mbar favotafde_torms: nce, or any ittfurmntrititt ycY .p eithdr persOnalff or uy 'office, at the D l o6h*cist d streets. • Pre#Ont ary. . ' . = Charles Stokes,;::: , Archibald Wright, Samuel Townsvid, Rqbert Lobel4iii; W. Pomeroy,' Schreiner., . l en appointed AGENT, for the - 'on, and in now pri.pir e d to very description orpiiiperki BENJAMIN BANNAN 41 . TAi;, Olt IAbIAN LE PILLS.: , .iseriees are daily by ended and for sat in al our country, u eulii?ccrtain ;n for veracity., 1% Yuen ezetatite Pills elCanse the ilood .ated let. useiul In,quring inaammtto'ii.tif the Irupsy, jaundice, pfeurisy, Fetnales ofsedehtapy hub pligeStion ) flatulerM. head. .and•uncas44r, will ise or these pill."'}'-there is L'd with a 'full pulii'e; a dry, these-glls wilt owing simple narraltye will ved from these pitt4:.th a ye. TIFICATE ! , kd by the useofthO2s,cahno. bg disenevro(the fiver oLsc g i" I deem it'a dutylo make hs „ Bublio, for tbeAnefit'of . vririnos remediefriy . bich y robot'. offer box; loasoove yiOlded, have, for' Ole last six miptlrs. 4V14.L1A31 F01.4.414ER: 843, • he sale alike aboi:e::, l ottiville, George Keller.ytfer, r Kopp, - Schuyloo Haven. t Carbon; Schualm'A Hester, oughout the. state'' . rt supply of Fred. Klett Si:o. ! Drug. and etreetv. Phila. . , V/IITE a, & BEZOTElER,:lrenufacto horth . Front street:,Phihrdel tcld supply of theiVwarianted d those chs;tomera *g:hp have pplied .in conseqiiesiep of a Ishail-now : tta,vetbOir orders nee possesres thottik,Prueiva; properics so desirable inrt I tient with utter! Oersted ny admixture of Oicr inOcei. value. It has thyt.titore' been the manufacturetSobr many . the public a petreptly pure , unceasingtiemand.for the.nr it has' met'wih leiter. It is on ono head.=WETHERILL 1 full,". and, on the Ober, WAR. in red letters. f .:",. 47- COM ODS FO a" Credit giocn.-f, has j n et opened pE 'the corner -4 !ha Nl4ce,” Carbon gioenee and '' . :west polo- St., • I araortnient,.. he will sell at the ' :, Such as Sugarjio . iota..... ea rCheers , Ricei:SpiceNSEe. 4 it, Spermaceti:- anA p. Tobacco: Seofi :ye k, Dried Beef s CoOoh, Tack LIAM" 11. MARS. ALL. . . 37- ANTIS 110T4,1; Ns gTfttrr, Ntly NOM'. ./ r respectfully 14ifies hit erograt be,has ree,Cuily Nash.: ,vorriently taroishsß , Ralel, shori'distance - aicqc his old' o Broadway. _ able to aecomorritkhis visit. Ilarger; and fitted.sp., with sit. odern sty/e;,ttrulficfVenty ustinners will .clirilinuo their ew eshibliehinent,,iiind would, has reduced Li# .price of Mar per day.,j„-;• , CIL4IILES Vi(VCOFF. •r .ril r Sperni oi. a aupeti q r 'artickaf Win& by Vhf. MA-RSOLL; an 84 Mt. ijafb4illail Tined 843. 47