The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 13, 1844, Image 1

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    TO Tab ' WI-10Ln: wonLtr! -
itisUdMitted by all who hate used them, (and
t574k) has riol7jlhat • • .
• F imuous, • • -•
••bythe fltert unrivalled remedy ever discovered
the inire.nutiy of man. They are' sovereign'
cure for thefidlowinx complain* Yellow and Bilious
,Fevers, Fever and Ague,"Dyspepsia. Croup, Liver
Vomidaint,Sick headache, Jaiindice:Asthroa', Drop
sy, Rheumatiim,Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles,
Female Obstructions,l,Heart-burn, Furred
LEor4rie. Nall6Cß Distentions lof the Stomach and
Bowels.lncipieritbiarrhcea,Flatulence,llabitual Cos,.
tiveness. Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Com.?
iteXion, andlit all cases of Torpor of the BOweis,
where a Cathartic or en Aperient Is needed. ,
ore exceedingly their operation.Lpro
d g neither l‘kausea.'Grirong, or Dehtlt.y. They
.are extensively used and ennacrundoo by 'PRACTISING
PnvinclAsson all parts of the Union, front whom
any quontity of Certilicates of their %elite can be oh.
tamed. I 't
Are the safest.; most sure and 'effectual remedy for
Colds,Consuroption,Whoopingeougn,Asithma, tight:
news of the Lungs or Chest. &e.',Sic.
Mr. Starkey, foot of Gouverneur st., cured of
cough of eighteen month's standing; supposed to be a
:settled Consuniption, by these Lozenges, when the
physicians could, do nothing for him,
Arr. Charles W. Perllins, 71flowery, was cured " f
a severe ton,gh and gold of three month's standing, by
half a bok of the Lozenges.- --
Rev.lll - ri"Thincock, 497 Pearrst„- has used them in
his family with invariable success. and reconi'mends
!them to all who arc afflictedlwith coughs, colds, or
'any 'affection's of the lung. 1 '
Mr.- 3/. E. Martin suffered several weeks'with a dis
tressing cough, which nothing - relieved, till he tried
liate.e Lozenges, which cured him in a few hours.
Mr:James W. hale, No 5 'Pontine Buildings, Will
• 'st„ garo.some to a friend who had riot enjoyed a'
nighes sleep for several Weeks, being.every few
;Pule= attacked with some distressing cough. as almosl
•to takeaway his life. The Lozenges mado.him raise._
and enabled him to sleep well at nigh". :tie bad
tried every thing else he heard of, and nothing else
affhided the least relief—another instance of saving
a fellow-being from an untimely grave.
Prcived in more than 40,0G0 cased to be infallible
. the.only certain worm-destroying medicine ever dis•
'-covered. .
Srnirons nF {Coitus—Pais in the joints or limbs
:offensive breath, picking at the nose, grinding of the
)rteeth duringeleep. and at tithes a paleness about the
Lijps with flushed cheeks bleeding at the nose, a gnaw.:
"raw,sevzsztion, at 'the stomach, tlasit'es of heat over the
surface of he body, slight chills or shivciingt;, head
lithe, drowsiness, vertigo, torpor, disturbed dreams
c, sudden sleep with fright and screaming;
sometimca, trnutdesome Coiigh, feverishness. thirs
malid Mier .Sts, had taste in .the mouth. difficult breath
pain illt a e stomach or Bowels. fatigue, nausea.
qseamishucss, zoracious.appetite,'deanness, bloated
stomach or limbs, gripings, shooting pains in various
parts oldie body i e .sense of something rising la. the
threat, itching of the Nuts towards night. frquent
desire to pass someth:ng, from the bowels, and some
tittles diSCharge.3:Orslime and mucus.
Dr. Galen !Muter, lt:Seath A venue,knew a child
that wai cured of his by' these lazengers,aftcrtbree
year's suffering, and P tun nothiu one eitc would give the
least ,A boy on' board of one of the Havre
,packets. was cured of fits by only one, dose of
• . 1 11 r. Jahle Proed,,'37 Third street. gave them to
. his child, arid thry brough away the worms by thou
. .
Zubriskie,lB Duane st.. has used over
700c:18es, some of them of the most alarming char
and alwn)s with the Live:it:est success. '
Benjamin F. Good:pad, 130 Sixth Ay:nine, has us
cd them in his faintly for 'twrrydais, with entire stun
.cess. Twenty-five cents per Doi.
Sh.crnian'a Camphor,oi Heactidiejer.7:vrers•'
Give immediate relief in nervous or sickileadache.
palpitation otfthe heart, lowness of spirits, despots.
dency, inflammatory, or putrid sorethroat; bowel - or
summer complaint, fainting, oppression or a sense of
sinking of he Chest, eholic, spa , ms,,cramps, of the
stomach or bowels, hysterical affi pitons and all, ner ,
sous diiesses. drowsiness throughtHeday and wake
-fulness at night; cholera or cholera morbus, elarrlirea,
'lassitude, or a sense ot • fatigue, Persons ,travelling‘.
'or attending large parties. will find the Lozenges ienl
ly reviving, and imparting the buoyancy oryouth—m
sett after dissipation. they restore the tone of the sys
tem generally. and • remove all the unpleasant symp=
. trims of too free !icing-_ .
t ' 'Jain N. Mnim. Editor of „the Brother . Jona
than, was cured crf amivere headache in six minutes by
thiee oftlic Camplitir Lozenges---he was prtjuthced
against them.
. JosiA•l7. Nimes, Es q., Vice rresir'ent of the Wash
itn:on Marine
. lnsurance Company . ; has su ff ered tits
years with nervous headache, that mithing would re
lieve till'he used these Lozenges, which removed it
vutircly in fifteen minutes. •
,fir. G. Hunter, It S Sixth Avenue, has Leen st d jest
•,NiOlent attacks of he'adache, so as to make shim al
"hfind 'lir two - or threii hour at aiime. Nothing
/tded him any r,6
etif till he tr.ed these Lozen
• oifthey cured him in a few minidas.
11. A Otte Eeq- of the New' York fferald, has
theth for the last year for headaelie.or
and always found inunc.diute relief from ilicin. .
. • Sherman's Poor' 11!an's plinicr!
1SO:1,0GO soldyearly of it:isles( Ad all Plasiers.-,
Kheumatisur, Lumbago, Pain ci WValitless in the
Back, Loins, Side, Breast, Neck, or Limbs, efil.;:tur.l
ly cured by it. I,,U' Only 121 Ceilts each, and was•
ranted superior to all other plasters in use. lie par
ticular to get She) man's Poor Man's Plaster's, or you
will be'imposed noon. A roid the s; uriousand,worin
less imitations 4; The t ame is stamped on the backof
each; get nape withoueit, or you will lie deceived.
Cough Lozenges only 25 cents a box.
• Worm Lozenges 25 do • do •
• Camphor or headache Lozenges, 25 cents per box
Poor Mah's Plaster, only 'l2 cents a piece.
The above Medicines for sale by
';'T. it. J. [WATT V,
-Agents for the proprietor. Alsoby
liugh Kinsley, Port Carbon.
` Nilliatn Taggart,'famaqua,
George. Reiicapler, New Castle:
June 10, 1813
!Most every discase that flesh -is he:r to may he
" r3h cured byithd timely use - of KELF.I"• COM
POVN D. DEPUIZATIVE: 1111)1'. This may be
proved satisfactorily to thtise who will callat any of
the stores where this invaluable medicine is sold, by
certilicates (properly authenticated) of cures perlbrCrl
bd on individuals who had lost all hupcs'of relief—
certificates of Physicians who had,the most severe
cases tinder treattnent, their patients having taken the
' medicine bYtheiradviee and been,Ctired 7 -certificates
from the PI ot honota ry, Clerk of Orphans' Court. No.
taVy, &c., Stating, their acquaintance with persons of
:respectability and standing, .who having the good of
ihetr fellow men at heart,ihavo voluntarily come for
..ward and givewa statement of their case and'ils cure.
for publication The number eftliese certi ,
ificatesbeing too great for newspaper publication, the
'sUbseriber has deemed it advisable to have a cops of
, the mastimportant certificates properly authentica
ted, Under teal, to be pl#ed at the stores angelus,
' Oe 110 have the nreditihetbr sale. where persons Maid.
fed with IScrefula or `Kings evil'
' Chronic Ehetimatism, 'fetter, Mercurial diseases
Eruptions of the kin, Cbugh of long standing or
eh:tient Consumption, sick (lead-ache.
have en opportunity or ascertaining the names and
- residences of these who have been cured by its use,
Ikand whO will be willing, if called upon, to give every
MC:irritation required.
As a more general evidence that this ;STio quack
.medicine: 1 would refer to' the names Of the follow
., ing well known phwiciams, who have atteateihto its
,g - flicster ; Dr. . G. Siren, Dr. Jno.
011,1,14. 11.11, Muhlenherg, Dr. J. E. otter.
Sold wholesale and . Raid at the drug and Chetiii
calStore of
E. B. EICIMOLTZ.-Portsvtlic.
I.'B. R. J.Il. Falle..l i n er svill e; Ilugh Kinds)?
Poit Carbon ; Henry Voute, Orwigsburg.
. A n) ' , ,, PMEY.A" BITTERS..
lIIIIF. liill 3rltirOreVlCli Celt.: rit Y Which this PI - 1
A. eminent filediciee has-acquire,: for its invariabe
efficacy in all the diseases which ,h pro-Ccses to cure
Aas rer,dered the usual practice of offing not ..'uly on
necessary. but unworthy of theui. l' f iley .are know:?
by , their fruits ; their good works testitiy fur them,
and tl - ey thrive not by . the faith of the credulous.
In ail cases of Costiveness, Dyspepsia, &ROM; and
Liver : Affections, Asthma, Piles. Settled l'ains,
Rheumatism. Fevers and Agues,Obstinate Headaches
•Impure to ate of the Fluids, Uishealthy Appearance
of the kind, Nervous nattily. the Siekneks incident
to Females in Delicate Health, every kind of Weak
nesse( the Digest:ve Organs, and in all general De
rangements of Health. these Medicines have invaria
ably proved a certain and speedy remedy.
They restore•Y4',OTOCE 4 Health to the most Ezhaus
ted Constitutions, . . •
A single Ilia) will place. l4c Life Pills andTherni.r
Bitters. beyond do reach of competition.. is the esti
mation sif every patient. ' '
ft,parrid and Sold, Whiilesale and Retail, .ot Wil
B. Maat's Office, 3?...5,11r0adway, cornerof An
thony street- Kew York.' 1
N. B. Noce Are, geinti4e unless they have thcfac
simile of John Mont's Signature. . '
The Life Pills are sold in Boxes—Price, tb cents,
50eents. and I Dollar each, according to the size ;
and the Phrenis Bitters in Bottles, at I dollar oft doll p o tt sv m e wo e " c om p an y ;
tars each, ovith full directions. .
Good Samaritans can be had ef the Agents gratis. MIRE Bawd of Managers:have this . day declared
S .- - - -'-- 1 ......., ~! B. BANNAN, M. a semi annual dividend °Ohre° per, teat, on
- 4 "-----------..'"'. hu lkill county the Capital Stock of thisCo tummy, fur the last sir
). .
months; payable to the Smekbalders, or 'their lc
' . ; tgal representative's, on or, after the Ifith 'January.' ,
11q 1 l A. RUSSEL, President.
4 5 , ,latttre l y . , ~
. 4 4 'ma .i ` Pritor; - I .
2- Whoa; , , . sli . 0 ;,,... -
v totra.yrt, . t 7 W. ,NOSEBERRY,
..,40' , ;-'4 l .iglP ., `. .. • ' l ' 4 4 OW/ mi . ' , , ,
`1444,; . ./.: ' -';•: Nii-c, 'r . I ' /;; ATTORNEy AT LAW,
' ':'- - -- - -r; r, ,- 44,4`r.1!„,-;:-.,.,,,-- 1 -, oalviospvitp, PA. • - '
-- ~ ,'-,-. '-, -,- L.llk•rai'iwtit'k..!-; - )..., ~--;..,.,,, - _...; .- - ‘,. 't.'- , - :' -
WEEKLY- IiY;_!i3ENTAMIN T _ ; 'ltto;:PC:lT.T ; pyt'sreliOr.T*Jft • dovNTY,,--:.0.41
Fever and Ague Patients ! !
• Well as aincC, the discovery or the
great remedy fur 'Fever and Agee ROWAN D'S
TONIC I‘IIXTUt2If. (now called nowand's
year" Tonic Mixture, with die written signature e-f
John R. Rowand. over the Mouth cif crich bottle,'-to
distinguishit from a lot of "adulicinted - Tonic Mix
lure," mule during the author's al4nce and discon
nexion with its manufacture and &ale front the Baring,
of 1833 to 1841) "pretended": cure,Vot this trouble
some complaint have always been ispringing. up in
various parts of the country, (Kr pin ins rk ! silica.
ITS discovery and almost universal and exclusive use
throughout the United Snit ei,Canad?,Texas. Mexico.
West Indies. South America all ncia reme
dies "steal its good natne"--4.outterfeit its taste:
smell and appearance as'elosely as they can --:imitate
its manner . o f using—copy •its directlees-nd by VA
sinus other shifts and-prevarications to palni
off upon the credulous and 'Unwary, their paltry
gurss•Forl: Tonic Mix(nres ar.d Pd s in place of the
old favourite. Fterling and supreme itrnetiy. Nothing
.perhaps could more positively prove the excellence
of the true medicine than this, one fact—for where 'it
not the -first best" they would not select it out, for
receiving their "hypocritical respects," but would
confer their "complinten is"tirion Someihing else they .
deemed the "foremost cure." Anti what more con
vincing argument do fever and aguti patients nee t to
guard them against one and all cifithese counterfeit
and spurious imitations, and•to render. them careful
to procure the genuine and undoubted rornedy of the
Proprietor himself. in Philadelphia:ley or his accred
ited agents throughout the United Slates, &c.
Sole;' gent; in Pottsville.'
lanoary . •
Perfumery! PerfuMery !!
11,CrME subscriber has pist opened' a lot of Elegant
-11 and Superior French Percitmry, among which
ds Ftptina Cologne, Florida Waterdlloney, Water. a.
-very pleasant' perfume, and 1 . 3 an eacellint article: for
kibping hair in curl •forcitlier Lats,•Gentlemen hr
oan galydor; fisr the Complexion,
Smelling Bottles, LavebileriWaten, Rose Water,su
pedal. Bear's Odin Pots and II ides, Matrow ' o
matuni, Orris Tooth NYash , Toilet Powder.:Powder
Briars and Pu ff s, Indian Oil and Indian Dec.c fur col
ouring Hair a be . autiful brown and dark color. Ma
cassar Oil. Scent Bags for drawer.i t Genuine Otto of
Roses in Hurtles. Brown Wintbor, Munk, Orange
and; Lemon, Otto of lkose.:&c.. Sinips, Also,
Glenn's Saponaceous Comptiund flir Shaving,
.RousselFs Celebrated Shaving. Cleam, •
Rou.seli's Emollient :! : aponieeepsPaste, for whiten..
ing and softenirg the Llands, ang preventut chap
Bale - Eli 111..atieer, for the 1`:
Riius.sett's Balsamic Elixer cirl..artier. for the,rifouth
,and 'fcmh. keeping the ,breni4 - fresh end. meet,
_the gums in a healthy condition. an'd
' preventing the decaying of the tOth,rceonitnendcd
by eminent Dentists. 4
For sale at rbdadelphia prices. by •
U4XNAN. Agent.
December, 23, • . • . 52
W. cAill.l,sLE, , Jr.,
FO RWIRDI cc AND U 03 1 .311551 WIT
Arch Street tuTairf,
oiIESPF.CIII7I,IX informs •his friends and the
12.172411.1dic. that he is prepared io receive And for.
ward Merchandize of every description, to' all parts
on the Juniatta. Vest and ,Norill Wariches of r.e.
Susvtuttiullinth,and' Schuylkill anll Union Canals via
Schuylkill and Union Canals, w hich - are in comPlete
order,and such arrannententsincie as to insure ':a cull
supply of ter during all the
• Shippers of produce t<dl find alto he their interests
to sctid Produce-. to the i-kiladelphia Market. tia
Schuylkill and Union Canals, it 1 hcing the cheapest
anc safeit
I'lr-.Salt and Fish constantly on hand, lo-
aster, Salt and Fish constantly on hind, at lowest
market prices.
'Every attention paid to shin:flinty of Mercha nclize
by good safe boats, commanded by careful capta iits
together with promptness in saleso produce. •
Illerehandiie will tint be detained in store on ac- ,
coma of kiormy' or wet boats load and
unload ander the store in the dry..
phihaelphia,inly 1, 1813. .
' r im Copartnership heretofore existing Between
the satiscr:bl-rs. tradini;'uodd: the Grin of Silly.
tman 1t Nice ' is this day dissolvad by mutual consent:
Ail persons having elaimi against said Jim) ate' re
queszed to present the sane ; add all persons itid9ht
ed. are requested• to mi.:6 kmyMent to S. Sillytnah,
who settles he attars of the firm.
January 1. 1814.
'WM. NICE.' ' -
Thelmisiress"will be eimiintied by S Sillyman.
and hopes to be - able to supplyi all who may savour
him wok their orders, !Or the superior ,Rainbow'
Coal.' • .IS. SILLYMA N.
January G. : ,
.:1 - I
rtriii: undersigned, Auditors l appointed by the Or
phan's Court cf. Schuylkill tCoun.tY, to audit, re
state and resettle the accountlof William Zehner.
Fixecutor of the latt will and testanicnt. of David-
Zenner, late of West' Penn 'township, Schuylkill
County, deceased; will meet 4 . r that purpose, at the
office °flames 11. Grata', ilicßorotErliofOr
wigsbura. art l'ltrMay.; the first day of February.
A. D. 16 4 4, at 11 o'clock in 114 t forenoon ; when and
where all persons interested, will attend.' s
JAMES ~ 11. 611 - A Ent',
CHARLES W ITM AN.. Auditors.
Orwigsburz..lanonary p. 1 c... 4 4. - I
Audito?s TsTotipe.
hilbscriber, an;Ariditor appointed be the Or
phane Court of Schitylkill County: to distribute
the money io the hands o! John Hobart, Admilds-,
trawl- of the Estate of Jam Moorhead, late or Om'.
floriangli of Pottsville. deceased; arising from the
sale of the real estate of thC said deiced, nt. among
the several Creditors entitled thereto • will attend to
he dui res of los appoiatment. in Tuesiay. the 2:14.1 day
nflinuary.lB4l, at II o'cloci A. Al., at his idhee, in
the Borough of Orwigshurg When aid where all
persons.interesitd, are not.fied to attend. •
J. W. RQSEBERILY, Auditor.
1-3 t
January 6
• Auditor's INotice. •" •
rruE subscriber, an auditp l r appointed by the Or
ithans'Court for Schuytill county.' to audit the
account, and distribute the Iprecceels of the sale 'of
the Real Estate of George Ilain,late of NVayne
Township: deceased. in the hands of ;Michael Fritz,
the Administrator of said elecedent. will attend to
'the duties of his - appointment, on Monday.the 22d
day of January 18 t 4, at ll o'clock. A. NI. at his
office, in the Boron* ofiCtrwigstmie; when fed
where all persons interested arc notifikl to attend.
J. W. RfaSEBERRY., Auditor
January 6
In the Orphans' Court of . the Ce., of Schuyiltifir
'WIDE Audstor appointed ' y the' Orphans' Court to
audit; restate and distr ibu te the balance in the
hands ofielin Strauch;.Cua ian of Sarah.Owenr, a.-'
tins Spencer, late Saran lliffiner, will attend at the
office of Thomas Morris, jEsq., Jo the Borough of
Pottsville, of Monday,thei29th . day of January inst.,
where «it persons interested, are ropes:al 16 at
tend. - - 1 • It. WOODSIDE, .
4 Auditor. . '
January . ;• , . , . I
•.. . .
In. the Orphans' ,Conrt fey the .Co., of Sehuylkill.i
?IIE Auditer appoint(' •by the .Orphans' CqurP
to ilistribute the estateto the bands of fereoftah
Kelly, adtainstrator of LaWrctice- Lawler deceased.
will attend to, the duties pfhis appointment, at his
office, in Centre-tercet, do the Borough of Pottsville,
on l'ue,alay the 23d dayol l lanuary; lost, MI parties
interested, arc requested to. intend ,preq u e l d• to este!).
lisb tlleirelaims to the litn#3, the. sof the . a.
hose named administrater..4
JINO. K .CLEIYIKN ' T,- Auditor,
January 6, - • • 1—: •
. . ,
. F 7 --r-
. _ .
~,:',. -:::
._. . .
' .
. • •
,14.02 . MIT
,iiEDD cATTANS7Di t' SE - rit: 13' ,,..: . F . * 4l. 16,7 41. trric..7 ; RIECGTD.T9.'OI7B:I4.7D3
. 4ND scrAis' ET AiLE NATURE To citrik ilst AND "u4scat ••••;•Dx.'
Auditor'6l Notice
Auditeal Notice.
` `, .141
MIN ItS'-.3.01JR-N:A
, .
. trap froni pit Closr.l.- - -.Mi..12.
•I; 'Yet throngh the i glow:
Of elmids that ma le thy.dreline, Our gate
Tracki then with ye 113 if fearful?'— '
. . t
. . .
'And cOuldsl than s li in sneh coltitlen,
Could thy lights it thug J - J
Its bitter 1111 of m kery ..
Ocr :sue] lone i so wing? • ' - I-' '
. , ' -
Does riot the love o -g
one yeant, C - I
. Beget one kindly ught, I , •
One gleam Of pity fo lic (cars..
. .
Its moving passion rought ? i :',j
Ii - ,
• ' And enuldirthou iluislicoldnesi icored '
The'inetdory of yorell . ' j ' 1
. r BiddiOg the fatiricall hopne. I ;
That warmed mylrea,ibefom I " il.
Have I theb nursed in leash pride, J
A frail dlusive dream t. - - ' 1 !
Nest Avery hope on life'tttild tide;,_ ,;1
13e Wrcc :ed beneath th' main I 1
~. . ; • I
Oh never Was thy love for e.
• One hall thy. warmth ' sscd i 1
When, in im va in idolatry, !airy , , . .!!
• - My' foolish heart 'wash! I.
Then be it:iro--Pd.ratherli '
• 'fhe sorrowing and 11,n r
Than feel again the Pangs ..:
•When—!this old coat rut ~.
. .i ' • _ f, ,
-Tkas.-13ytlip following, our erg willperceive
the that ;great division betwee .ree Trade and
Protection, his nt-last beeu act y•nrode: in the
Houso of Repies cntatives, at W iing,toriJ. ' After
much difficult:y - und opposition, . . E. J 1 Black,
•a Free Tradd,Calhounite, from iglu, iuceeed
cd at . last in bringing' the clues • . up,; isthen it,
was discciver4 that seven ninths , the Lpcos vo
ted againSt the measure, ,whilst, g theiWhigs,
but one than put of the whole n firer recorded
.. .
his vote against it. With this es .
.. ion he uni
versal feehng::,in the whig party f ik; thb south
. , i
to the north', was evidenced , gly in fa
vour of their cherished principle;; . we would
now say to those people Wl , lO arc d - li s t e nin g
... . .
to the hypocritical tariff.tallt Of thei cb neigh—,
liors—loOk at the, folloling vote, and ,4 believe
if you can that the LocofeCP party ha) bt pppo
sod Protection : .: ' • - • -
Yr.A.s.L.--3tessrs.. Baker, Benton, E.ll Black,
J. A. Black,c Black - Well, Boier,fidowerlowlin,
Boyd, Brink.rhoff, A. y. Drown '': W. ' rown,
Burke. Burt; Caldwell, Campbell, R. . num,'
A. A. C f hapritan, Clinton, Cobb, Cole!4 B ow ,
Daniel, J. W. Davis, Dawson, Dean..D4l oug
lass, Duncan." Dunlap, Farlie, rick'', mer,
Hale, liarrilin, • lituntnet, Haralson, .rick,
Holmes; Hoge, HoUston, Hughes', Hump-d, J.
13. Hunt, Jaineson t Cave Johnson, Co. iW nes,
At Vconard, Lewis, Lucas, Lurnplt, Ly
on, eCaUslin, McClernand, • McConne le-
Dowell:Mciilay, Moore, Norris Owdn,
eettit, Pratt', D. §. Ried, Redding, liege,kt,
St. John,, Saunders," 'P. H. Seymour,l Sint n '
Slidell, ; T. Smith, R. Smith, Stenrod '',J. Ste
~ r''
Stiles, TaylOr, Thompson, Weller, - Wentw%,'.
WoodWird.-83. ' : I ;
NAYS—Messrs. Adams, Anderson, L4she, Bte
ringer,! Bainard, Beardsley, Bldlacl4 J. 1314
'Brodhead, Milton, Broien, Carey, Catlin, .Chil
ton, Clingtinm, CoHorner, Cranston, Dana, Gen
reit Davie, :Richard 1). Davis, Eelniunki Deberry,
Dickinson, Dillingham, Droinglable, Ellis, Elmer,
Fish, Florence, Foot, French, Frick, tit'. Green,
B. 'Greer!, lOrider, Hardin, Harper;
Ilndvon„. Rim!, 0. - J. IngerSolt, ingci7-
; 1011, Johneon, P. King, 1. P. King,
Kirkpatrick!, McClelland, .111elkttfne, Marsh, R.
J.• ilorriss,Oluoscly, Newton, Pahnenter, Peyto6,
Potter, Ratliburn, C. M. Reed,!Rittee,' Rodney,
Rogers, S ample, ScAcner, Seitice, ,Serer
ante, D. L. Seymour, Simons, A. Smith,
Smith, A. Stewart, Stond, Sykes, WI. P. Thom
cascrit,; Tibliatt..4, Tyler. Vance, l'anracter,:Vintoli,
Wheaton, White, Williams, 1V 'Winthrop,
.1. A. 'Wiight-84. • •
: • I
Whigb . in4talia,"l Yea', 4g NaYs.
• • •
Loo rcicos in Roman, 82 Yeas, 2.1 Nays.
';• Mr: Della of Alabama. .
. . ,
Tlte . Loedfocos who yotcd - witli thA NiThig,s9in
favor of the fninciple . of _Piulection, W i er° .".
Frpm" itieth' York-31csers. 4nder4on. Beards
ley, Carey ; 'Dana, R.. 1).
,Davis ; , B. Green;
Hubbell, 1... - -King, Rathbun, Rtissell,; L. Sep!
mour; Wheaton-1U:
Pennilikanii4 7 —kleseni. Bi . dlack4 J. Black,
Brodhead; C. J.' Ingersoll, Ritter,
, New: :Jersey.:—Messts. Meter, .Messrs.
Sykca---4, : , . • 7
Connecticut—Messrs. tictit—Messrs,gatlin', SirriOns—Z
Virmrin —Mr. Dillingbarn.--i I. ):
Dronigoole—.l. I •
KentUcky—Messrs.French, tone,Tibbatts--.3.
Indiana.—Mr. J. A. Wright,—.l.
Michigan—Mr. Cle 1, Total 35..
, .
In reference to the above vote, the New York
; •
Triburiq remarks that—a-It will be seen that set
en-nintli:s of the Locofoco party voted against
Promotion.' R. D. Davis of this State, , C. J. „In
-; • ,
gersoll and Wilkins of Pa., and even Dromgoolc
of Va.; +otdd for Protection. It lonki odd enough
to sec Dromgoole voting for Piotectibn, While the
Representative of the Hartford District, Coml.
• .1
(T. S'...l3eYmour) voted plumpliragainst it! What
do they; think of this up on the Connecticut?"
. .•
Stois.- r A Johnson meeting, held' in Reading
last: NV refused to pass i :resolution, binding
theraselvea to support the nominee of the "National
Convention, in case aol. Johnson WO not nom
inated.: Such is also the feeling its this
btlieye that if,Johnson dock riot tcceivelthe
nomination (and thew is not even a:probability, of
it) ',one, half of his friends , will support the noble
„„ ~i -
.1171 , 117 :0/ the WV CSL•
„Li ey.xer.n T,,tra rove . r In the boiough of Potts.
contains about 5000 inb r abitants, there
are orily i,icelre licensed' 'l'aferns,;--in Reading
r •
there are thirty-three, with: u pOpulatiort of be.
I _
tweenl3 and 9000. -
CO,ll3tV( /CATTab• 1
ilan:[;to equalize the State , Tar' and to raise
the; Ciedit of the State bit vo/nntar,y eantri-
Alter each triennial assessment bies,been namle
out, let the Judge of M 0 coMity Comte procure
from 'pitch individual Grand doryniii a :Mt estimate,
Under oath, of a milt&fit numbec of items inthe
tax -r ;to enable a proport4ori Mbe ,drawn
'tweefll theso•estimates and,`.the
, Cag l eBSE=tag.'' L e t
Pußninincon•nt cont un:
int is arta 04 , 1 4 14ica ar the
Grand' Juresak Agatha with , tbit views of the
county jitilig& • Upon: the 'evidettee• thus placed
before tlBli3, let the Shpre4e conit fix the total
val4tion'upen each. iiiiiriib!"a34XOn - t4isi
aticni b:it each cow:kir-pay ita proportion of State
',reef:Oho *Alive° yeatetlt 4 phig the cohntift
,&,up.D - A*' : - .* ) i) - 4**o;= - -;',', JARY
to 6 Y .t hekQVirt PerPS44i, : upon, each in14'144
tax payer neeordirtg4o, their ; own assessments,. so
as to Ma4ititite,totakttue frog i; At. comfy, in
In the next Pl.t.Pad1:11110 open an ' 1 '.
bonnt'4vith eackindividnat who is:t.9:ppi'
in advan4; credit himwith.t.kci interest on his
balance and giro hint the.'righ 4 o trat: . lofer . his'
credit aMi::chirgo him with the .- es as they bc.
colic due.;! rim tiiis-Paytmmt in, , vane be made
in money.;or:,,State securities 4 al, p ~, amine soon
as, the . latter are returnedM the tate Treasury,
let 'them im cleitniyeti„atat eteditf Avith Interest
given to the cmittyivbich has paid more than her
proportioM, ' -
. .
I believe that if ,the :above, yieWit were carried
into effect), our taxes would .btintqe equally rated
than at lirment,.and'that a licrb4 tiinciurit would
be immediately; paid 3tito the , tato . Treasury.
The : State ulna* time. redeerm er btaids and
the sooner the-. better. - Thai a now in
credit, and would 'be purchased t for pm
of p'yirtg in, tho treasury,
,evin if they
should by this 'means - go up- - to par, it .would
be a piodtable iroestment. at 'th Jires'elli price
of money to pay specie) in ad 9 ce, and get a
credit with interest on the tax re of the county.
rfOr ono Would certainly' take ad ft g 4 of such
a law, since Throwing'asido all flelinga lof,.Stato'
pride,'(and our positfon is cortail f -very_mortify
ing)l shOuld consider it my interest ti Make a
certain inyestment, as-this wonklibe;-raer than
risk any other investment where o tihelo might
he !oat. '. - Yours resPec . Ily, -i;- .
V.' . GRAIL. • -
i '1 ,
•1 j
pit. i '
..rn. ; i
Pinegrime, Jan. 2,4843.
t r
, t
4 4'1"t'L Gottz 9 , --3ire abhor . .11 oflittle souls.
Every thing they do is'Perfotreeia a, sneaking
manner..: If you trade ,with tit m, thei trouble
they cause you is worth doubl your i pro fi t.--
They will stand an hoar, and :ntrive . ci dozen
ways to
, sponge you out. - of half a .cent ; and if
they Cannot accomplish it, they' II go off as mad
as a meat: axe, mutteriag. to : the elvesabout our
hard world, depiaviti; dc.c... If . luck men have
hills tin celled, of you, they-Will we noliience as
long as I 1 they
_unpaid:- 'T cy" track' your
steps . whet.' ever 3:ciiiio,A6ll . t yon Jay and
night, tilt the debt II Cancelled: -- if they lose a 1
h y-you in-tmde,lhey ; m 'M. forget: it, but I
will treaSure the supposed' wron .yo u have done
them to ,the dose of life; ,and' and hen. - yeur name
is mentioned in their presence, - they will throw ,
out suspi cions and insinttatiims„ to ilestro y your
repatation. With :it this meanness, what is very
singular, l such characters arcrietl aware of their.
^conduct, l and deem iliemiei lie • volent end re
spected, When every holy . Who
,nowS,„ despises
em.' They walk . the 'streets, toile by" the way-
:, and, drive into linything they ( please, with as
it regard for another, as, if they: were created'
to \rgain and mketuortiy,, w:liie you were 'in
duty U l na to rook: on, afil'enecfirago lona exert
you f'fn their behalf:. Hound up in self, Men
of s principles cannot see the ightsof . `othem
whe 'Cy come in competition:ith their inr ,
eats. 6 low , . as they hoard up 'asur4s, and the
i t.,,,
wind d waves are favorable. them, they a r e
collie —no matter hots deleterious ta othera.—
It wo of niece - themi. a hair tb see-"the- 'whole
f a neighbor sunk in the sea' i provided ,
use - a demand for an rticle . of
on hand. I Such men live,
act in our widat---for Vihat pUrpo i se ex-
Jup riches, nisi to` istres4 the p oor,
IL Certainly they re no benefit to
fhey have a kind wr d and sm il e for
hey die, and the cruet! preacher
' i i ' I ' a u
be sung at their 'era l, ,the , pi o
of Watts, common g: 1, • i
lying we' Ojoice I,• ' ', : 1
the C - vrse. removed." ' ' - ''• - t I
it woul
they ha
cept to
none; a •
gives out
1 .10
CT ;CAPE OP. r, DI . "
n.l-:...k.-' brother.
editor out `, st i latelyrnado a n est. lueky Napo ra
fron the u ngieents of the o t, motrimoniaL--
Tlie story ::: that a very hean• Ol girl had capti
vated -his f.' ~ and- he was, dly sitiling into
the very pc , . and hopeless state of far-gone-at.
ivenCss. SI as the. daughter 4 a 'snitigrir Who.
had lately re . ahousariaht.oPpositeeur friend's
den. Ho ha ttrhr&l her very; ftrinently mated
near the wind and had conceived the Most ei"
of her personal bemity,- adding
t lss
Be* all i calm:
pe ible accomplish
, one everdia r betnicompletely
. a force - Att . tender sentiment
tit. at her . 1' saner:: =Noon
.-, his bloWs'xvitlil tionto.vehel
I krse Mictiudfrery . utmeical Voice
t--'Look ' ,here, ;ye man, if
1g that ipus doWn tharand
tr4Vagani npti
asit matter of
manta. At'le
carrnd away
he i•entured to
appearing, he
merge, when;
you don't -qui
-- til
. - ~... . . - .
clar Yourself, \i'l.nd h feller' willWollop you in
. . .
shori order." dg his cy ,Ite beheld his fair
1 .
eirlleaahlg out the wind 1 ; shakirigher fist at
bins as she spatula with a piettreensiderable
flush on her factile vitas• strtick - dranb with as
ninishment,and ild foram 'lant'riiretted to the
spot; but he soon ::oiered • 'aer i tseS, in a double
suns C, and made `l [ o ins double , SCRS&
—lPie. ; . - ;....4 ~.-.. I, ';
Il i
1 .. , •` - '7.• . " li .7 .i i ' :.--..
' C,LEIIICAL 1 0 1 1. 3C70.-411gi tUlu,to.tht: Ila..
don MorningChiiel e ,, ,co :aoh2h ,errors
into which the p
lininius leuer on lya*a 4ePiidiatiott, th? .
Ih4c: Sydney Sad ith
ith great; nair4le, 139 -8 : ,----.'
r . , I was Afteentre at ;jebool'Utii.reollege t X
n nsy
lalow seraehinfi. t 1 110 . 1 Yeaat? ;stir.'
ti ' e
311 ',.
aims, an
!' have ream .deal about the pmetur
tam k but I canner. a sunkin simple addition
oq Ylite !en tinfi• -4 th 2 leit iiajrh°47 '!'an ,
The -Courier ER Or i4n . elit l 7lis l !s.
ireanpot die 'dm red mititt of Pennsylvania'
spare hint a'schrie l ~i -.:,_, 1.-, !, . • .
~.etuovs. - toms Bit. ' Th 4 -ffaladatt' is
gOP.Sr 00, i9inees : job 41Ra:rm. Cash.
: Ifilic Church, in B . • a; twisisti7d .. tiod
* 0 German., 'l* '..
i, 4441 8. 4' I 0 ,
4d ;,foli &win. kafiameatiai the ,Halt
Ghost, 6(1,' for ' „ ,, ..gtlio l Viria4 :Marrbeforr'.
aut bgbirid,A, : ; fir' ' . gyttoaa. far the Dail;
; 'putting a h,
~ 7. '' . l head, ruld*aciug a igice
ion lii.i...tai 'f' l ' ' 111.Afut:'41: . `4 :' ~',:;-
f'' - - ' " 't -, ......" 4* ' - '-' l *- '`*: : : , .,7r-kz::17• f
k -: - '2',..,,,,, K.. „, rz . ; ...,,, 1 . , J 7.• ,' ~ ---/...
. .
2 r ) ,.t ! ,1 1, , ,, 4 ~',IL:.
' t- •
. . _ .
. ,
: The falliWing beautiful lines, pen, we
suppose, of Alm • Weiby, are. copied from jhe ,
Louisville Journal.. The gifted writc4 has chosen .
a„ glorious theme , for the erunise of her high. go
Mug, and nobly, fervently, has kie Wrought it :3 1 i
'gt urn - Crap • i . • - ;
The day was heautiful-i-atourid one bark
In sparkling waves the dng waters stirred,
When, on the deck, one formchanced• to mark,
That rondo my quiet ',limiallot; like a birdr--t
-. I.Mmed away; . 1. i 1
Yeti something whispered, ere 'is tiara° I heard—.
. , ' .. 'T is HisaT 'Glatt 'r I
.. .
How like a vision float before
While Fancy Stamps Witt
~ !. whole, •- • , 1 ~. • ,
That•stately form, that . pale, expansicjo brow, , ,
.. Those lips - where smiles in brin-lat sueoession stole,
, That eyaof blue, ! ts C ; 1 1' !
Frm whose anshadowrddep s his very - soul
~ _ Seemed shining throiigh ! i,
Worshiping genius,' had lon • desired
To meet this modern Merl ; and 'when
lily 'glances sought the gliMp my hartrequired,-
A more than Mortal pantie r awed, me. then ;'
. For, as he trod, ' -1.
Thouh but .a man; amid Lis ellow•raen,
. I .. - ile.loolted a God. 1 , . ! . '
• ; ;
Oh titian, by rears uninove4by threats unbent
Anil(' the struggling tiles that rqun4 thee roll--
The meekly great—the purely eloquent—
The bright, one syceding onward : to the goal- 7
The iirm--rtha true
In.whose all-glorions,ptaise I
Were Isonse
„gifts spirit, who!
Glom with high' thought am
Theu_wo4ll I sing for thee a
lich as thy loftier'sphit kalid
But o'erthe strings{
No poet bends; a light hands
A woman sings.
Yet I may breathe thy name,
On 'mid the adverse; waves t)
'Such barriers pave the way to;
And firmness gathers straw
The torrent's force - ,1,
-Though tamed aside, still stn
Its destined course.
Not for the narrow views of party band; .
• Not for their fickle praise, lar ; loud) applause,,
Dost thou stand forth the-chat:4)km of thy 13;1;
The firm defender of he: 4cred lave;
Of patriot zeal, to aid:thy country's cause,
Thine only aim. •
- •
• -
And soon may our loved land too long oppressed,
In beauty ,smilts beneath th,^mild iommand ;
Thou'rt thronetlmlready) in each patriot-breast;
And the high=hearted, ones throughout the land
• • Impatient wait ,
• ;
To see thee tale in thine unerring hand - • I
. The helm of State. .
Oh-Hem zy Clay,!' thenatima's true.* friend''
The lofty, seat, for which thoui'st nobly striven,
Shall yet be thine; for, if the:langela )bend
- In ansaVer sweet, turd! peinions given,
The heart-felt prayJr i I,
That my full spirit' now upliftii tea heaven
Viral place thee there.
(too tonscicittionll
• 1' May I have the pleasure o 1
net'catilli;m, Miss AndVrionl
addressing a -young lady to.
tinqaduced at an cvening p
Thank youi sir, I newer d
what grave reply, and. the , o l
her head with dignityk:
Never dance!' the your,,
tone of surprise, seating' bins
dettchi as bespoke, '1 tho
No AB do rc4.4anee....;
whiz; never engage in
YS 14r/cini:
Idle. and trifling! What
espning Peres?'
-‘ Engage in rational . andtiuctive convers l a.,-_
lion, sir. Life is too,seriou a nt:tter to waste in
mere dalleillg• )1
. 7r* 'PLlced here for higher
purposes. For my part, I t!link thincing sinful.' •
, Dancing.sinfull '. ejaculated! the young man.
4 Excuse Me, but I should b glad if you would
pOint out in what its; sirifulnss conOgf•.'' , i
. : ' It, is a, waste or time for oa'e . gling, ,, and that is,
sinful. And then it is a mere,arriusernoni--Every ,
reaccting mind must see tilt ft/ C4esign of our
creator in placing tts here, hid refeOnce to some
thing ab l Ove idle pleastire-taking---ak miy devia
tion on our part from that d+igh mild' be sinful: I
1 irc.4:but yotiniust remcpbc: r, iha. all Wail;
and no play makes Jack a diill boy .i i, . • .
.A mere idle saying:, I.•' •
_ . Not at all, Miss Anderson. : It is a truth, ex
pressed ,though it he in-homily phroe, and one of
very general application. lind is well as holly
needs recreation ! ' i !
' But not such recreation as ;dancing. ..Iqely,
you will not call'; jumping 'a hie floor to the
music of a piano pr violin, coraltict for n rations.
being. ; Look, now, at 'thi. cotillion ! Is it not
hard to convincelyourself lint the young ladies_
dad gentlerain who Compose it ar e really in their
'And so you think it •siriful to!: danc'el' '
Preett'sald, after pausing al moment or two to re:
fleet Whether or not it ivould he Wasting words to
endeavor to convince the *ring I . ly,thatdatteing
was not only. . innocent in tself,but really useful
'to .those who participated bit it with actional motr
'Mimi; His conclusion was' nut to wastellis;tergr..
.., -1 _ f . ~
• Certainly I do,' was the empiiatie answer:
erhen; ifyou think' it f einful4yOn ought not to•
particip* in it; by, any inacimq ho sailgiiively;
'But, as I do . not, my -heels and toe have
el4 i,
i Med
felt exceedingly restless er since the music con
mencoi, I must seek out some info less consolers.
I' •
Lions than yourself: A 1
pd so'
4 saying, Mr. Green
amse, and slightly lao . ing, turned awayixt search
of -a partner. In his nett etre/ hwas nioro-sieo.":
, (xzfuL - ' • . i T . ::,. , , r.
'Oyes. I,lenewshilwouldn:'t 'refuse:lr 'Adis
Andittfionticuarked,ovisW,miy, to *young litdy
' biheriad% a-shilc 4o i l r l . a./4 1 0 71 thbititailler•
coMPlettili new "t. :' ,3 40 1122 9 # o illii disli 6 e
all night itshecold get n p4itner.. , She's ntOr•
wird,' bold hind % 'ti. Op iiny how! - 'l`'ne'ver
-coned beet het:' , ' :BiteMO liegh.. tuuidente r ai a.,
fuul iWi I L 1 .j 6114 i 6 : - - 1 mild 6o sorry lii&ed;lf I
bad all hes idle tiv‘ords. toimitv — ei Tor: ' A iiiii,i4.,
-- •
thought, fdoniTsupposeeverTia;;Tdtlitgltier
,heal;, And just, set heir raolishly she dresses.
What use, I should like to know, is there in that
bun Ch-of flowers in her hair lOr those rosettes I
And her alccves, your ever ace. such un
becoming. things! But they're the last)fashion,
and that's all she cares about. I : And there's tile
liue CrawfOrd in the sonic , She'd a great
deal better be at home 'uttendingon her sick taster.
Just look at Mary, yValtmes n> r! Isn't Ore laced
to death 1 It really 712.1 angry..hi sec girls
a 4 so. She thinks Henry Jaeeibs admires a small
waist, and so t*vs herselfl g t4topleaselhis Syc.
Xes too bad I—#Well, thank css! I never WaS
such asiniiileton. And. the m's Caroline , Murry
with her sister's dress on! 41r, I. suppase; they
have but one good dress between themand'go
out alternate!y;i It is certain you never Sea them
together: . I
- 4 Perhaps there is a' reason 'why they cannot
,both leave home together,' suggested thellady' by
'her sail • • - - • •
N doubt of it,' said Miss Anderson.-L-4,That
one rdress is the reason, 'depend on h l, .You
wouldn't catch me out in any ' i body dre4l3,
know ! Pd be above going. into company. unless
I could appear in ray own elo4ies' •
Are you particularly acquainted with 6aroine•
Marry and her sister asked the lad's.'
• , No—nor do I wish to bc. I never keep cara
pony. with girls of their frivot
lous character.'
. !4_Why do you, call them frivolous, Miss An.
derson I '
o now
seeming truth thi'
eel myf soul
4:,,l) , riglit lays
rioetic fire,
song orpraise,
=Loa and jullge for yourceii 4.=. There lis Caro
line now before you. Wateh her taco for ten
minutes at a time; and see if it has on ? serious
expms.,ion. Listen to her conversation ; and note
if she utters a serious wurd All is. frotli itrid
theft!• i -.. H - 1 !
twa You do not knew Miss - Marry,/ find, the
lady's quiet reply to this. Al you did, yett would,
cidimatc he: differently.: 1 . 1 !
= This rchuke offended Aliss..inderson,laritl:k.he
i weeps
iantVbid, thee press'
that round thee beat;
sure sticcess, '• •
ttth froui past defeat ;
gees Ox to nseetl
- I
replied a little warmly -
I air not in the habit of fermiug a txlrong es
timation of people: . !A tree is readily known' by
its fruits.' ,
• Justly returned the lads by her lode, and
th'cti', as neither of them felt much inclined 4 to eon
timid in conversation with the oth'er,
silence followed. • I
After Mr. Grein had .lanced. long enough to
Satisfy his excitable, heels and toes, and had thought
giver, ui the mearitime, Miss Anderson's objections
to the innocent amusement inwhich largo pro
pOrtion of the younger members of the company
were enger i ed, he felt curious to have a little more
talk with lier, end so took a vacant seat by her
, .
side. 1 , '
Can't I prevail upon you 1
the next set ? ' he said . ..joeosel
1 Pi,U, sir,' you cannot." wa
while not a feature mlarcd frc
offended expression. --1
'I wish I could induce yert
floor. I am sure .yow.wonld
Mr. Green gocujhurriouredly.l
If pit ere so anxious to
can get • plenty of partners.
Marry: klhe's always in thi
lion.' • Thts was said with
sneer. • •
Now Mr. Green was in thoihabitofsaYing plain
things, is a plaiwtysy,to almost every brie. I', He
meant no offence ;"but it was-a.failing; withhim—
so many of-his friends thouot—fil ip . ,k out up- 1
on nearly all 'subjects the exact trfith as ii appeared
to him. It was this peculiarity of his character
Which caused hint toto reply, notwithsta+ling Miss
Anderson was a mew acquaintarieC after this
to pante. •sl
if gnu; (hand for the
. ' iega hiriGreeti,
"ivhoini be had been
r • •
7.1 s •
etas, the'sorrie.
l ung lads drew
man said, in a slight
tight allj i young !Mks
l knOw very many
ng and trillia . g
! -
do, they do,'pray,! at
fashimi. -
4 Well now, Miss AndersCl i n, to speak out.tho
Plain truth as it strikes me, I don't thiirlk dancing
at all to be compared, es : an evilovitli the spirit,
that prompts us to .speak unkindly and. censori,
ously of, each, other. Carelino Mlrrry
dance with•evely young man
, i a. thettioni, and yet
be perfectly innocent—but you cannot indulge
the temper that carivt-41 you to allude to her you
didSustllmtiv, without committing sin,
Honestly and justly spoken"; Mr.creen lt said
the lady to" Whorri — Mitis Anderson hid so freely
indidgfd het iibnatuYad remarks. frridt4 'are
getting patties in our' evening artsem-
blies. A dancing party and arty too conscien
tious to indulge in any. sLriiiisement. I The latter,
having nothing re do but to sit and look or, and
f Winding thefriribjects of conversation iratheeslimi
ted,skratt fall to Wink and criticise, and find fault
4th those around them who do not look,uprnithe
world with their eyes. An iivLat i cv'en Worse,•
ton. often indulge in ill-natured and 'wicked judo;
- . •
meat of their motives.' ' •
Yon do not refer tope, I hope,'l Miss
son said, looking the lady somewhat sternly in the
face. .
'Feu leztow, my young
you have acted is I have Said. If ,
could.nothave alluded to you.
so, however, the wise course for yon
sin lad rnore in this respect: .
'Thank returnett
son with offiltuled dignity, and turned
a few moments after, she arose snil i soi
,aiiolber portion of the, room, I t ic*i
hidy *Rh whim Bhp could interchrun
sentiments thatit best pleased her Yo
?Dancing vemis ill-nature! WI
, . .
sinfulß :that, canie to be; trig
Green, half taming, as Miss Andeisoi
with a slow, dignified air across the
4 YeP , that has come to be . the
marked &i lea); serionsly , •
-iikth one not hard for anvil tO
+No.' But, kalfortanstely tlme aro
sCiekti*hlislinkforth eraselseria
selves cletennimi prineiples for artiii;
far listsurce ie proacruated as eiil ; .
fluential quarters, and forthisithiSe,
of persons wito before - 14 da=e+iii
thought &if; giving up'th!3:44ll
social enjoym
; '
to. be my jiartn
r in
• •
t ) :* 1 I
as the prtiMpt reply,
m its tlipitietli Miff
I •
• -
tr •to get • iaport ttie
-feel better; tiiged
tme, Mr. Oreenyett
There IS Caroline"
e market i f or a cotil
• ' 1
a very percept'. e•
t t
" 0,4,4 1 0 1 0- 6 tell
. _ .
. . ,
finance over every one who happens tttitome nx
confect with than: it is noithittom4.4ictite . 4 .. i
their own Mthiessedpdgenient,thatksiiii4liteni IA
to this Onts - hixt the Mere ttentliiftr iiiiiitptiTe co. '•• , ••g
1 3 i* 012 ' • Thc.i4 66l / 4 hid/ 01 4t 0f,1*,04 int
tenigeitetAt(erraie 4 •444,i4 • I'ilt.i 4 4/ilit,tha ' -: ''''. •-. 1
Ilegree thatiiii'aolio krorit 423 -4,il - ZifiX ttei
know nothing or ihit doctrinelhatiii# tTaiehd -.- "••:"
from whielti thing iii"Aki l &tt 'tft:Y.l 044! t'!. ' '•
theeciitiei, Mid demi:Mines it ti be goet4*-14V. - 4.
Bnt it is ft:kit:wed into their mindelSdaratti, ••••,
for instance, Ls. iia-sng, il.'ll,ferthis4t. Om utit - .
dancing, which is only nit i1i 146 4 6 7 1 ij0ir 4 '
,joyful feeling—.a measured ren.4,l/80(.0#11;1°O.
to exhilarating music—but -retain all ill -rat
tnia,,seltaiiii*Vsenf detraction:, aoisieii *v'-
trectieii'of their C4ithiiii`e..4ils.''. Ili - 4 Of shuil
ning these evils as sins, they give upXciiiititita
indulge fourfold: ' • '', ' : .'s'''••f "• " ".•
'Really, You are warm upon •64 . 10jed.,'', rick- • . -
'dreeii said With his usual frankness. r i,"i'"" . ---- "
qt. is because feelsrataly in regiai , .... q ,
its -
T h em* Miss Anderson whe hasjmiiNtft us, Of:. .-
fended by my Oda" spealni• g,
,Nli . te4,4'i: 4 m:tong
.other ill-natutedmraarks,allutledtot*l!teltttu; - •
ty and her sister in a very tinkiMiraner. And
yet the MissMurr,4 ar c herS4etrvaooll - am's"'
• , • ~
way--rdetally as well as izitelleetnalsf Let me
relate to you en itici4nt in 'kai4 alt s ;ere ' .
concerned, and, which - bears ue4n, 4-o , j - et:ring re
mark made by her n little while''H 'r,• ';•,"Ynta..ani'
aware„ f , presume, that •-Sehen Mr. Mnit. 41- he' , . • . •
left an embarrassed estate: In ihe.,settle • ". t4i
,thisilie. was a good deal ,of , nii4etit, 1 / 4 .
E xa
finally resulting•ia the loss of..eyeiyihuig„,
an etirinii.T.Oftvidhurakti 61rg 44i,•foi, : tliie '
two daughteiii, Who, by the . s ea_ 'of *ir, father ) , ' •
were left alone, in the *odd at the 04 4 ,11 age, of
sixteen. They were t+?insister anti r .Onderly at,:,
tacked to each other. An aged i ttuntkia alwayel •
lived in their father's house, aittl,beeniditendent.
upon him. She was of o4l4l:thM*-Iliititutti
upon the world ; But the Mtge:lions:hi - Orli would , •
not permit her td be scpir . :i'teti from tiii46ci; - Zia/
took a small, neat house; tune]: a his; kint,l, 4) if:
ter furnishing It as cornfortabires sianiernzired;" •
bad the residue of their fat:ices' funitetre, which , '
had been ' , lft with thern,aeld, and thiimoinit ob: - , , '
tair' Led frOm it, itiv6ted so as to stsA*;their regm: . .
lax ineome. This ft did btit slightlyiere they,",,
stilt live with their aged attnt, rtrtfu**g• to all • • ,
her • i+ants,.ind . den'ying •qeraselvekitil •ii:ilotti
ways in order to•keee a hold' kir likke To their
slender income they add-whiAever the).-I•ca'n 'earn ,
by Sewing,' But it requires' great o!ititiorny end!.
prudence for them to• lii - o--'-atid • thet,iltetiee 'of'
. . -
constant self-denial. Bu t you . alwafsf.find- thern' f
cheerful.. Look at Caroh. ne, now Ifthere a hip 4 /) .
pier or sweeter face here ' tomig,th '4,er , tirti:etat „ oil
is Itiseetris her Gee, gimlooks iiii:tieVery - due - t'Por?°l.
with kindrie•s; and rieve'is . : ecakief-40thta4tieo
to allud,, to some good qauliift': ':; ; • 1• -••
Taring tla's early part oftho wiat`e'4' an eiroti . .
wp made au ong the members of. tit - ii Church td= - -
which both the Miss - flurry's mat,. Ilfit*.AndersoiP •
`behing, to *rise a certain , sum of tati‘j , toytz to- buY•
feel, food; and clothing for the poe'riokieeOl,•:'
gation; Mini Anderecat is ; in orp* . tis well is'
the oilisks,—bet with this . thiThre.riehe tins an
income of two thousand dollars . 11 year; and ` thef; '
as I have said, but tilM hundred ciO4. - , Woll i it
fell to my !at to call with enotheO*;uport Missy
Anderson. Whert,iistlited onieWal,ehe drew-.
herself up coolly, tAul said,thi made : 4 a point not,.
to give to r poor people..„ Their Rovnitt 7ital ifsm? , l 2
air r e •
ly their men' fault 4'4 fo supply th*.wents watii„
only to encourage them in their idleness isit - M7, —
: providence: , We 5.1i4 not urge
,thig,,Matter upon:,
her, for are wished all YlMgavete 40 - ; so in ehoer,-I. •
fulness and freedom' 1 bur riext ca, ias upon the c •
twin sisters. I cannot sooiVergei Mit interies;:„
Both myself, and the friend Who aceFairipanied:rrie;„ 1 .
were en tepas of close
. intimaey; , With them, and , •
they therefore concealed nothiiig f 0 1 .3. In 4 ~•
not go into a minute account of th(fintersietv.-- • . -
Itsresult , was briefly this. . A
.dittipi,ati on ,to
give tsienty dollars. The suns was li large Min , .
for then, but it was given in .thel , :i t tirit •, of me „ "
self-sacrifice for the geed' of otherii.:•laltly, sverei , , • A •
enabled 'to do it in this. way": '1 11 4i;-nuiit , is 1 1'Iit - 7--4
ell and they.nevar, on that
,siceoSt#3ileave hei n....' • ,
lone. One of them sticvsys'ecuuti4 siithier. Of
eourse Loth could not goiniticonapant at the Genie -.-
time. . Caroline We's dressed P::'gc!j4nt shoppifig
when we coiled upon them, and_mhe4ming to pur,:;"
chase two b.MUlaoine dresses; the ttat,erns oflisth,t '
they had chosen,.with Semosother;Oings, Prekia'`.• •
story to the comingsoLal seasort.,,After•we kali .
stated our errand,- Careline • fliongitt , .l niornenti
and then proposed to buY only . .onj"Oress, ai they;:.'-
could never go out -together; to *worn_ by. thn-
one whose turn it ! should be to gojiite companY',
The sister instantly init.fieseed„wlth a
, c.. •
'pleasurereally caused the tearti , ..t.ti, 63r
eyes.. We remonstrated-but titostmod to feel Z:
it to 6an obli*ion, uhlow - 4 - Oki,stians, theY,:. •
owed to too pan-4 1 0 1 :yd us fur 4 , inding tVetti,
of their duty,,stwel handed us twe*: • dollars 1,—.. • •,
is;', ) „, a 0,. - sequel , ter this, I eannofl4ln stilatlin:i: .
--'• 1
t o Ae;fact, that the f 6'14 kitty vliteovas hin ;pn.,
seientious to give to thefixri.; tiik;too , c_ois4e#: •
tions to' dance, did net hisitaie ta'--;siticer at: thCso
sisters, beeauseshe had made 4:4Scovety Anti' ...
they owned but one RartY,dressf4BOng - Ae • S her •
belief, that the reason , why only oife•,Of thank wad"
seen in company et a tireii," - Wis b l eot*they tfad'
only one decent dress between the*?' - • . , L"
Mr Green sat silent . and ilintiOtfillfoY.gOitte t`
time after Idi . e6hiphdoir liait -— f
Then he mad e has oW - ) . i:coinnientif:lapi , ii t 6 inai- r , 7
dentarelated. , These need not 4 geptimiea hero: ;
. lie soon after moved to the'side iio.farditie 'Meta
ry, ; ,'td kept his pine most or tliCivenits?,.. , -• Hi ,
found her intelligent arid khill hi ' ' 'ker °Balms to
,NO. 2.'