Lost. ABOUT tbe. 25111 November, s pair , of Silver Spectacle., Light Sliding frames. The finder will be libendly rewarded, by 'leaving -thorn at W. H. MARSHALL'S Grocery Store, corner orNorwe sign at., and Mount Carbon Rail Road. Decerntieri: 15. Gol&andSilver Pencils. benign! aril*, very cheap. just received 4- IL and for sale by D: BANNAN. Dec.l6. 51— ' Agent. flair gushes, AVery auperit r cuticle, made of the best ina lariats. Also; Teeth Brushes, and Nail Brushes, of different kinds, just received and for sale by B. BANNAN, Agent. Decimber 110LIDAY 1 PRESENTS. THE DOuble Mammoth Pictorial Brother Jon. athan,contoming upwards of I.ooEngravings, and an entir e . new Ndvel, from the pen of N• P. Willis, together with it'quintity of other mivcel !enemy sending, at 1/ 1.2 cta. Just - received and for silo at this office. • , • December, 16, Song IiErPWAIDS of twenty variety of song Books, contiiinipg the lateit and mast fashionable, semi. saentsi r and bomic Songs, just received and for pale 13: BANNAN, Agent. —Detembor, ,s.sl— • Premium . ;Lamp. :NriAL'S PATENT:LA'RD LAMP. • 150 OFt 'Nears Patent Lard Lampe, just re 7 ctiare,d ikti_O for sale ,tcholesale and retail at Phila. ! delphie prigets by the subscriber: ' Merchants and others swishing toren again Will be supplied atailialtlantifacturer's prices, there. -by airing the carriage. . DANEsiAN. Sole Agent , for Seltuylkill county. tii*B.—We-neglected.to Sista that this Lamiif took 'a premium at the .last ,exhibition of the . Drat klin Institute. - December 16, • WATCHES, CIVICItS A, NE! . , level r' y - . .' .. _ , • i 1 • • TU. E subscriber offers for sale, of hia own importation, . - •• Gild.l 4 ever'Watchis,en vas ions eases . • . Siker 'do' ". do do ± '. Gold L — p i Watches' ~ . t .. Silver do • do _. ° ' , : Gill an Ebony Mantel Clock's . •.. DIU -al Boxes, 2to 12 tunes each. . Topetbi with a general Insnrtment of Jewelry, •of 5n and common qnalities . , Silver Threaded ' and plain 'Forks and Spoons; ors°, Watehma- Aerie tools and materials,in grUatjariety. Orders tram the country are invited ; they will meet with 'prompt attention and • every ait,clecharged .at the lotiveat price. '._,l JOHN C. PAHL - ' 112 cheiinut st.„Philadelphia. • 'December, 16,' ,'- ! ••1 5l-3mo Christmas aDd New Year's PR ES EN S. • • • S HE subscriber; t beg ls leave to tall • ile attention of persons visiting Phdadel. • phia, to his extensive asSortment of superior En glish, French and Anietican StariOnary, inclu ding the most PpiCrldidlltld ,Useful CIIIII3TMAi Psitstsxs, among which, are : - Portfolios, of morocco and velvet, from 75 elm to $1,P,00 Paptteries, new and rich pitterns, from 75 cts. to 912,00 j Enveloper, for Cards and notes, various sizes and - kinds. . Card Cases„tatilcts and Pocliet Books. '. .. • ' Inkstands, in great varirty, :, • Gold and Silver Pencil Cases. Portable Work Boxes.' Backgammon and Chess Boards. 11issected Pictures, tind, a great variety , ofganic:., For sale by- , • • . IIYNIFN 1.. LIPMAY ~ -Stationer and Blank Book Binder, 139 • Chesnut at., above 4th Philadelphia. December 16 . -51-3 t Satiday Scholl) Union. , THE subscriber has just received the follow ing publications for Christ Inas and New Year's Presents.- issued by the Sunday School Union. which will be sold at the, Philadelphia prices: Little Forget Me Not, he FloWeret. Infant's Magazine, • . New Year's Gift, The Great Aim I'e:teller's Harvest, Lauer' to Youngi , La- Choice Med*, • . dies, , ; Anna Sherwood, Child's Commandments, Clara's Child, Great Change, • : Medal,' thrl'a Gem- ,Girl's do (log's Gem; - Soldier's Daughter eacher's Manuel, - [hymns sit to music for Cheap Testaments, &c. children. • All the Sunday School Union Publications r:lb tainedti order for Sunday Schools, and others, at.the Shortest notice, ai'the Union c A ash prices. DANNAN, gent, 51— IDecember 16 'awl New _ PRESENTS. 111111E'sudisetiber has just received a large ae , •m• sortinent of Book's, const.ting 'civil 'the An• nails, and latest Ju'venile Publications; together with a general assortment of • • Fancy 4lrticles .41uch as Velvet Card Cases, a new article. • La. ..dies" Steel and Silk rums, Fancy Boses, of va. 'rictus kinds,Guld and•Silvir Pencils, Colo Pens, ,with platina points, toge th er with a general ava. •-riety of Fancy axle; all of which will be . sold at Philadelphia prices,land 6 number of erticicst. et less thin they can be purchased in the city. ,•i3.. D • December, 16 tiunLlC SA •. /11)1111511SUANT to an order of the i Orphans' icourt of tho Coun t y'of SehuylkilSl, will he • 2antil by public,Vendue, Outcry, on aturday, •tbe.dth day of - January nest. at 1 o'clock P: M. atfthe kande of *Philip Illoyer,'lnkeepei, in the ,Borongh ofSclutylkilltHaven, all those two cer tain dots of ground - tainted is the Butough of Schuylkill Haven, Sckuylkill.cminty, aitiA mar. -kedin the original plan of: the Laid Borough. • with the Nos. 156 and 1157, which, are bounded and alesoribed as follows: to wit, lot No. 356, be. ginning at-the norihwerdly side of Columbia at.. at the corner of the let -numbered in said i plan N 0.155 thence along [said lot 240 fey.l, ro a -20 .foot alley, thence along said alley, t 0 feet to the • lot marked with the N 0.157. Mende along tiaid lot 240 feet to said Cblumbia st.i and thence a. ,loog•said at,, 60 feet to the place. Of beginning. • And the other lot-numbered 157, beginning on ,The same side of said Columbia st; at the corner of thelot ! No. 156, thence along said lot 240 feet to a 20=feet alley, theneellobg saiA allay fetefet to lot No. thened along said lot, 240 to .said Ca:tumble. at, and thence along said street; .60 feet to.the - place of beginning. ',And .to be ,goldp.ebe property Of the late Ju li e Fetterman, 1144474•• . ' • 4 , . Aptigevf ww. , AuER, ' • • •31 mot, `December 16 ' • 'Law 'Partnership. TReanidersigned!have sunitid:4 l led -themselves. M__.u4aitneri to the. pracode of the law, AI uuu nese entraitgalto their Care , will receive neer and faithful attention. I Mee at the residence-of w 6 HINP ICI, in Centre Street, Pottsville. F. w. J. CHI NNv, f 'K~p } ~:~ IILE .VALUABI4p REA'. ESTATE, at Orivate Sale. • -- • .- • I • ripHE 'subscriber Okra at Private Sala, a vel. uable tract of loud, situated in Barig ship, 'Schuylkill Corinty, containing 637 Acres bounding on lands of Jacob Hieter,_ Jacob Zieg erifus, Michael Bolig and 'John Weiser. The improvements thereon are 3 Dwelling 11-louses, (onebeing vet new) Stabling,-a good 2•• Saw Mill, and excelled Drchard, ; I . and well'provided ,witti water ; suit - --- able ,for a other maciiinery.— Thirty acres of the land is in good state' of cul tivation, six acres Meadow, the balinceis well timbered and it will make good meadowl land. It will be sold in parts of 50, 75, 100;1200, .or 300 acres; or entire: This is ;a rare opportunity ‘ for a person wishing to purchase, as Otte mo ney will 'be required, and a Market before the door, the Schuylkill Haven & Sunbury' Rail Road, will nearly-cane through this property.— An indisputable title, can be given at any time. -'..- For terms and other particulars, apply to the undersigned, in Barry township,Schuylkill coun t Pa. : . JACOB ZIEGENFUS. 151— 51- December 16, i MATILDA,: by Eugene Sue, "complete in /vA-- three parts, each part 1 25 Marion's Meri, a Tale of the Revolution: I2i The Deserter, a Legend of Mount Washing ton, •j 12i The Battle-day of Germantown, by-Oeorge Lippard, - I2i EEO The Young Geniue,or Trtale and Ttiuniphs, by Professor Ingraham,. 127 i Julie Curryeur, -a Romance of the Alpo, by T. C. Gratton, !. 12} The House-keeper a Annual and Ladies Reg later for 1844, 1 ; ' 25 ; • The Laws of Etiq , oite • Count; D'Orsay, 25 Mary; the . Maniac; ;; 123 The Gentleman's Daug ter,,or a great'eity's temptation!, ' 423 The Adveniures of Laurentini in, seateh of his Fither, a Fr'eneh Romance, 121 The Confession oflAdam Dorn. : 123 John Cdvalier or the Fanatis of the Cevennes by Eu wene Sue. j i 1:2.4 New Ball Roorn•GUide, or Dancing made ea ay, . - 123 Mammoth Pictorial Brather Jonathan,, con. taining 100 plates, and iin' entire nevr ; nor of by Willis,: ' ; 12} Just received, together iith i a variety, of other publications, and for sale by. • I D. DANNAN,,Agent. December 15, no 51. , • EMI Shoot t ing 111ateit. A:Shootin g MatCh with Rifles, for two large Hogs, weighing about three hundred pounds . - each, will be held on Monday; the 18th of Decem. ber, imt. Price jone dollar per board. The boards must all be taken up before the Shooting commences. The. Hogs can be exarriired'. by calliu2 at the' house of- the Subscriber, i opposite Haywood & Snyder'sToundry. -* ! CHARLES MOLL. Pottsville, Dec. .l, 1843. , MRS. GRAN Instructress on the Piano Fo r te, a id r in vocal: music, offers her professional services to the Ladies of !Pottsville. Residence at Mr. B. F. POMROY'S, .1 . COrner of Ma hahtango and Couriland -sts.' tether 14, " 4' ) 3mo seluyl4ll/ Valley Novilattosi R. Co, . . , • y • - THEL•Stockholders of the Schuylkill . Valley Navigation 4.SRail Road Comp2nv, re here hv notified that. the next annual Meeting. and Election for President, Sii Mannerry and one person for Secretary and Treasurer, will he held or the last .111dneay of December, 11/343,( the sth ai 2; O'clock P .111. at the Pennsylva nia Hall, in the through of. Pottsville. • 1 ANDREW IlD$$E,I,., Sect'y and,Treasurer. 1,503 t D,ce. 9; Mill Creek ei Mine Rill Cn • I L • ' ; • • THE Stockhollers of the Mill Crecy and Mine Hill Navigat!ons and Railßoad Unnpapy, are hereby noliffed that the annn3l meeting and E.. !colon for President, Sixl :I,lanagers i , 'and tine 'person for Secretary and TrCasorer, %till be held on the last Monday of DeCeibber, 18.4 Ole 25th inst.,) nt.3 P.' AL at the Pennsylvania Hall, in the Horilugh Pot!sville. ANDREW RUSSF.L, SeOiy and Treasurer. 150-3 t Dec. sk-' h • li 0 T E 1V 0 T ICE' is hereby 'given, that. ,the IPart. nershiprofthrisliari Godshall ite. Co. in the Coal Nltninp;, bu;iness, was dissolved on the 11th day of NoVeMbe i r last, by Idle withdraWal of the subscribers ifrorn the said !firm, all persons ha. vine claims agaitiQt . ,the eaid firm, will present them to Sarnuel!fluntzinger, for seltlemetit with out delay Potteviile; Dc. , IitARSH'S SUPERIOR . PATENT IrituBs H. 1 1 ---,?,04--_-, , hvii, . , ear 1 ALSO; Dr..70344)1i White's *en? Abdominal , Supporibus. A supply ofl the above articles, PIO re6eivecl and for sale, at the reamiraCturers prides, • JOHN S. C, MARTIN, . : Druagist. Oet.Oher t?' I • ' 44 , Germa i n Clay 60" Cern ' anClay A Im i nnacs for 1844, at 35 ' centsi nerdozen. or ihree eezen for 81. 7 - Just received and for Ale.ivrholesale. and retai v , B. BANNANAgent. ' Doe; '‘'` • • It D'AUGBIGNE'S If:STORY OF THE RE ! FORMATION in Germany andSivia.erland, complete in ono volume. price slf •just received end for sale by • •B. BANNAINI, Agent. November iB,' . ) • ! NEW Yd It IC ',DR iIED. ILUMS, • JUST received and for sale by WM. Ir.. MARSHiU,I, Corner orNoiwegien Stl; Mt.Cerben R Road 47- .; November Common SciioOl eports, MONTHLY Common.: ;School Reports for 'Teachers, handsorneill printed, for sale 'at thia . office by the quire or bitH quire. .! December t . i TIEWISONIA.N M DicticEs. I I • GENERALtistortment'kept constantly ..on •r"' hand at EICI-IHaTt 6i SODERSON'S • • New Pug Store, Pottsvilla.Ta 3u Cy ` 9.2, 30— .. - ' Cheap Whips. THE - subscriber, has jest received a new cheap -lot or Whips, suitable far sleighing, Wadi he will sell cheaper than ever. .1 • , - BATRITAN, Agent D'ecemb'er 2, I . 49 /M min straior. 61-31 ------------- DD.D. ..OLYNIVEI r FA11111.7 DZDICINES ". SOLD:4I. • ' 1 ' - Eiclinovrz & tgANI:•RsoN 4 s . , NewDrpgSuire, Potlrahl.Agin4foiSebtiylkill C July 1 , , .,1 i : 3 Q' ~ ~ VeLEACHED AND UNDI. 3 ACHED MUg s-'I,INS'; froth 64 to 15 tts., or vord. _kw sale - by - , &4. 147DRRBONft. , September 2, ' ' ' • . UGUES, •NEvILLE. 45-if EIKIII New Publications:. A Card. CIIAS. CHRIST; - S. I'o7l ZINGER 4ceml?er 1843, I= , : I • . • • DANCING SCHO OL. rims -84 00 . . M , oNs. BERGER respectfully ~ informs • the citizens of Pottsville, that , at the request of several ladies; and ientleineo r be will , begin- a new clasi on Thursday, the 14th of Deceinber. and a t apply at thePennsvlnnia Hall, and at this office. subscription hat is left at this office. • - ; Pottsville, December 2, 49 . , Notice . , IS hereby 'given to ito Persona who became put chitiser of the Sales at Unseatediands,beld by the Commissioners of Schuylkill county, that if they do tiot't,Vke np their respective Deeds before the isthday of December nest, thatnll said , tracts will bo_resold on 'said day, agreeable to the con ditions of sale', 7 ! SAIti,WEL RAIEDLAR, , GEORGE 'MOSER, . HENRY ZIMMERMAN, Commissioners. 49-It' Deceniiber 3,1843, NO 'HUMBUG. LICIT AT HALF PRICE. rviiEl general introduction of Neal's Patent 4 1 - Laid Lainp, for)urning common Laid. will be a saving iti ! the item of light, of at least 50. per dent, in I this community, and the,immense sum of money whiCh is annually drained from Schoyl: kill county, will be retained in a great measure at hOme; and eircul among our farmers in the neigbborbood, for lard. This' is certainlya , great t urn. The followi ng are' voluntary certificates, given Ity citizens f this Borough, in favor of the Lamps, Who have had them in use: •• ' BOTTSVILLE, November 27th 1843. , BAr4NAN :-- We have tried Neal's Patent Lard Lenup, end' find that it' gives •a much bet ter light thSn with the use ofSperm Oil, acd gives quite as much' light as two candles.. It is entirely free from *ny unpleasant smell—the.' eimoke, what little there is, soils nothing, and it ie a Saving of about 50 per cent. over the. use of ' the best Spertn Oil, ! at the present prices. The common Lard, es it comes - from the Butchers, to Used in these Lamps. H • CHARLES LAWTON, .1 JOHN G. MARTIN,' JOSEPH I.' SEWERS DANIEL H, LEIB, • • • moor I., , ARDON, November 24th,1843. Mi. Bermes:--1 have used. Neal's Patent Lard" Lemp,llor about four months, and find it auperior to any' Larnp,l have ever used.. With Lard it gives a much better light than with oil, is a very gret saving,and is free from all Unplea sant smell, find also that I can burn the ,most !Common' 50 i cent oil, mixed wit half Lard for Winter use, which gives a much i liter light, than the best Sperm Oil, and is as free en that Impleaseint sell, which renders Lamps di' - able, as the est sperm oil is, at half the pitce. JOSEPH ALLEN. , We may ere remark that if any person be t:omea tired of using Lard, or it' the price, should approach to ear the price of Oil, he has a much tietter Oil Lt rrip than any now in use, unless it is the Champ Laro, which costs a very high price. With one of these Lamps the wick can be . constantl supplied with Oil, by a very aim ple process. R Britannia dot 1 Tin Larnt Do far, tiV Merchant TAM PRICES OF THE LAMPS. - Lamps with shades, , $1 25 Without shades - 1 00 pa fur common use '5O lerhsho'ps,&e, . 50 3 and others wishing to sell again led wholente, at the Munafacturer's !Ilyto B. BANNAN, sole Agent - for Schuylkill County. 49_ will be supp prices. Ap Decembe and Cheap Store Neu 711 SIXTII STREET, AiIIOVII . MAIISETr ILADELPEICIA. • Yens 'of Schuylkill coutty, desirous hasing Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ll Fldor Cloths, and almost every tra , ' CY' A RTICLE?, wholesale and retail; Ow the usual charges, would do well amine the subscriber's stock, which A has, been selected with great, care, J' ly' frrsh ' and to which theynre ma. ' fieditions, from the City and New rs, and whose` motto is UCIDERSOLD BY NoNE!" . 1 . , MIDDLETON & DUTTON, _ __ . Ila of,pur6,l Carpets, riety of FA. atpimea be to q.ll kod is large, ant and is entiii king thtilv York Auctk o. 10 North Sixth St: above Market. . 1t 2' Decembi L eap Publications. Just recetv• , , , Battle 13toy ': f Germantown, by Lippard 12i Pict'ures of Private Lilo, by Mrs Ellis , 25 Paul -JUnes l a Tale of the Sea, 1 , I2i The Young Genius, orTrials and Triumphs, I2h by In rebate' - The: lit. i.. carat list, or Fortune's Frolic, a so . - m ane Inf . Real Life 12i Matilda, prt 1, by. Eugene Sue 25 Jeremy 6, dy, • - ir the Little New's Vender • .12 Desrues, te Poisoner, or all fur Gold _l2 The Ghost ] reer 12 , Viol4;moedville, or the Life of an Opera Liarieo. ' 12. . Sacred Poems Willis', ' 12 Gibbon's [come. port 2d 25 • Ned Mye r or Life before the %last, by , . Coop . 37 Just recei ed and for sale by : * 1 13. B ANNAN, Agent. • Deeem ,1 r 2, . 49 50 7 PIHLA I ELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY, 6r at Redticed Priceig L. ,JO INSON, (successor do Johnson & L Smith) in announcing to his friends and • Printersenerally, that he has purchased the 'in. ,terck of I s late partner in the Foundry, desires to infirm (hem that be has recently made largo additicins to his assortment of Book, Job and Or. Oamenral I...ettir,. and that he will continue to add ever ! description of Type, which the im. 1 proveme tint' tne Art may suggest, and that the wants of be trade may require. His assortment ,• comprises a greater variety, than any other Form. dry,in the t United States, and he , has reduced his prices nearly 20 per cent. lower than hereto. Aire. I' Printii and every stantly oi Estim •Newspa and quaff Books r making Nov, ig Presses, Chases, Cases, Printing Ink, y article used M a Printing office, con. 1 hand. !lies Will be' furnished in detail for Boob, ier; andlob offices, on stating the , style itity of work to be done; and specimen Dill be forwarded to persons. desirous of out orders. ' , 48—if 45, BOOS 808. TILE LADIES HER titer Gift for the Ladies, being instruc. in Knitting, !letting and Crotchet ontaining the newest and most fashion. terns; by an American :Lady ; at the low I{2i cents per copy) Ladies take our ad. d learn' to do all these things before you ied—it's absolute* , necessary. For sale Zee. ' - I do `'` r Work, C able pal i l retool I{! vice, ark get Ina at this Nov. PIM • Works ill'► P ress which sutiscriptions will be r eceived a s o a ffi f fi ce e : Wnah More l ., to be completed in'B 'l5 cents cacti. i,.; n's decline and fall of tbe'llaMan Empire melded in 15 Numbers at 25'centa , each. all's Life of.Andrc4 Jackson;; to be com. n 15 numbers et 24 cent'. each. ulloch's Geog ra phical Dictionar y.' to be !tett in 18 nombers!at 25 cents each. lber 21, . 1 , i 43 P OR thi Wor parts a Gib.! Ke ,r pieted co , 0 11 rn ct° l pl LADY'S MUSICAL LW teAIIY. ristiE propriater of this 'excellent and cheap ma ' &int, heti concluded vireduce the' entateription Trice to Orin neare to A. SAL/ perl annum, thus making the coat but 12},.centa per number, a orts cum for_ each piece of mum. The selections. are of the mast popettr kind, and this Work *ill therefore beam cheat:ester the kind everi published. ;Subscriptions remold and single m0(011°11:1 At the office of thellSll- eons ioarnal. .1 . rotteyille t Dec: , ip-i • i -.1 / I= THE.. MINERWy,, Mee of the Pellsidelphhe an Residing Hattroa4 Ctiinp!init. 1 • , , beet= rlet 1843. The Philadelp ie l and Read . '',-- ' -, ing Railroad reby give 7 17 -:"''' --..--, - notice ghat eraw" of freight and tolls on Coal lin- the W iermonths (December, Jantmary and February) will be . tis followev i 1 From Pottnille to Richmond, Irlined Plane and Thiladelphia-81 10. ~, . I From Schuylkill Haven W Richroond, Inclined Plane and Philadelphia—at:: 1 I • An allowance of 15 cents per to le Ibe made on all coal transported in private " ' By order of the board of inanagets. , S. BRA DFOR DI 4-- cretary. • Der, 2, • . •ii , Apothecarir Sta y i • THE setweritiee offers • iF,. well selected slid' genuine of Thugs hledicince 6c ~ ' of ' Chemicals, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, 'Perfumery. . Window Glass, ' Oils and Vat Patent Medicines, Tieing &frith'? . Which he is disposed to sell vance, and respectfully solicita a she patronage of the public. JOHN • JOHN S. C. NI/ lla' Physicians prescriptions care) pounded'. Neiyeznber 25, • I :ELLJAH WITOIAGT 10/3 .. . , COFFEE AND SPICE FficTORT I , , NO. - 71 i DU'l'ag STh t • getweln John and Fulton sleSets; .Ne to York. • E. W.l maniactures and ;has con and for sale the following articles, Si Green .Coriffhe, Musti rd. Roasted do Whole Nutmegs, Grounddo * Ground Cloyes,' Domestic do do Cinnamon, PrepazedCocoa, do Pepper, TIT Coffee Roasted and iGrotind Roasting'bO cents pr. Hundred --Grinl klundrea I The above mooed goods are sold of -sonable erms, and delivered; to any pi or Brookyn, free of expense 4 N. B.) Cash paid for Musfard Sced. l Nov. /5, , I i .- ECONOMY IS THE ORDER 0 • 1 IIIGH7 AT HALF PRI4I NEAL'S Patent Lard dandle L 'ing cold Lard, ManUfacturecl Wholeside aid Retail, by. Halve Market st., and Josiah Risterboc. st., Philadelphia. l' : , •• N. 13, 1 It needs but a trial to pro ity overall oter Lard Lumps rims , lii T i he,subscriber has been pp. for the sale of these Lamps in Schl and herp_by gives notice; that he supply Merchants and otheri, wi' gain wiII: the Lamps, Wholesale the artufacturer's priceP. 1 . : I Nov. 25, 4 4. GROCEIRIES. i 4 :. 4 [ Ilryou. buy iGrocgries? If you do, Mid /dish to putc4ase , • - ' C 'IRAP:F lOR I OR 41511 - , CAL at the New Wholesaler §tore, No. 4 So to 'Water Street, running 1 through to Front, ::111;ediatety below ,Market Street, Phila. delphia, where you will 4nd _ 1.1 i Sugars m htids.daibls., Chocolate, , - • • Mnlaasses, I Staict4, 1 ~ 05 Teas of all kinds, I Rice , '' ' O r ' 41 -. mill Maticaibo Coffee,l Salt,Li • i Rio " lro ' ac. ,' 1 ' - 47:) c) U La Guyria, '. Vinegip..l t., 0 St Do min g o :‘ ,.. . p I n o tig eo d i. , , , .... tn w Java *8 1 , Shot, 1 ' • . . Spices, &.c., 4c. I PepPor; -- • Together with a genefal assutincrit of Grace: ri .i. es, which will be sold tattle veri? Aowest prices. For proof call and examine for • Liourselveri, be.l, fore.purchasing elswherti. .._ I, I I ' ' BENJ. REYNOLDS, Min't forget the No. 4. South Water , Bt ., Went Side. , 1• 111 i , .1. I -! 45-2 mo. November 4 ' Yt oIUNG iLADIFS'i • Boarding and Day; S chool. READING I 1 8, I , THE duties of, this Institution commenced on -a- Wednesday,' the Ebb inst- !at the house, i cor. !ler or sth and Walnut 'streets. 1 1 Reading being prover ; bial for health and corn'. fort, the Principal tbinhs it is bsOe l se to enter in to details Concerning the aeventages of its loci lion. i • 1' • I. [ .1 The purpose of the Principal lis.to establish a ' school in which a finished edUcWint can• be ob . - tained.—By the ample , means' or this seminary„ . the young ladies entrdsted in the care of the pub scriber and 'his accomplished Preceptress, will receive such instruction, as to°apprise a the! ! ough English educatidn, %ege en- wi th useful and ornamental branches. 1 1 ' Education embraceal: not mil 1 intellectual cul. tore, but moral dud religious also i therefore the Principal, will endeavOr to cleate and expand the mind, and at the seine tine rii fine the heart —requiring of the ladies under i isldirection easy and polishee manners-!: 1 ' In-order to establish a wh°ll the st.hool will be divii)ed into 1 viz: junior and senior: Terms, fo • BO , Y oung :adieu abeve•ll2 year will pay cot the tebn of 46 With music, Under 12 years (dam! With music, .! „ . Tbis suns entitles the your' and all the brancheii tough; gether with bed. bedding, to I drawing and painting, Italian guages,and use of dui Piano; have to pay extra. 1 Terms for Day Senior Classes, er quart Junior Classes, ',; do.: French,. 1 .. ! ,Italian , icir quay `lSpanish, Draiving and painting; Fuel for the whole yeai, Extra classes frir young who 'may desiri3 to feat} the above langnages, Drawing and painting, There will be evening el tlemen and live. Eor forth i at the house of the subscribe s December.% 1 JAM ES A. KELLY, Clock anil Wa,c.kmaker. , RESPECTFULLY inforl a , his, friendsl and the public generally, th tbe has just return ed from Philadelphia . , an opened at his new stabd. in Centre at ~, n ext next door to Geo. H. Stich. ter's Iron Store. an assortmetit of CLocael AND j y• WATCHES, of the very best qualitV, and til l Alfk.,. - which he will sell al e lowest cash pri. is ces. His assortment: comprises Silver Paten t Lever' Watches. Emilia Watches, ,Ger man do. Swiss do. eight day and thirty hour Clocks, and a variety of otheti articles, belong. ing, to his line. Re would i also announce that he repairs Clocks and Watches, it the shortest notice, and guarantees his iwork. He hopes by strict attention to tipsiness, ecru] reasonable cbetr ges, to merit a share of thelpublio patronage. N. Se—Eight day Clocks, ins made to order with short notice. ' 1 j i November, 11, ' 46-3moCi a JOHN' IP. HOBART, A.TTOit NET AT LAW,'. r 4 ' OftWIGIIBMG* ' ' G Wit/radio in Mt CoutteciSti4Ltilltotall, ....._ e re . . - —. yr .- 144 .., . 1 .- ....... ... ~. MO OURNAL:., Bisgade?lnspector. rIIHE *undersigned reariectrully announce to the _ Enrolled Militia and Volunteers, tomposing the 3d Brizade, 6th Divonott,, I'. M., 'liar he will be a Candidate for the Winne!' BRIGADE. INSPECTOR, at the election to be held on the kith daj Of Decent. her Proximo. ' 1 1 Having been for thirteen yeoman active member Of a Volunteer Corps, he 'natio* himself that he is acquainted with the &Piet whiclt properly devolve upon that officer ; and if elected; he pledges himself to perform those duties with a due regard to the best interests oldie lidilitia,and Oscar at , possible to encotu , age and promote the formation and efficiency of olunteet C'orps. I . e. FE,ItER JACXSta: 0 • Y 46 ' Mt. Carbon, Nov. 25, Brigade Insiktor. ,fo'r' sale a nesortment consisting riro the enrolled Militia and Volunteers of Schuyl kill county, now composing ¶he 3d Brigade, 6th Division. P. M. I Falcups AND . FELLOW SOLOMEE :-I offer myself as a candidate for the office of 1 i BRIGADEINSPEPTOR, At the election to be held on tlietl9th of December next. and respectfully solicit yeur' votes. Should I tte ao fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes I pledge myself to perforM the dudes of the office to the best of my abilities. ; i . ' Respectfully yourp,' . .tc.. • DANIEL KREBS. Pottsville, November 25. I 47 geisha, t p, small ad ire of :the ARTIN. ;fully comm • • Brigade InsplcSer. , yipag undersigned respectfully announces to the I ■ Enrolled Militia and Volunteers. composing the 36 Brigade, 6th Division; P. ItE,Atat he will be a Can didate for the office of '' - BRIGADE'INS ECTOR, at the election to be held on the 19th of December Proximo. I -• I L. Having held different' stations in Volunteer Corps, as well as Battalion appointment 4, for a period of eight years, he flatters himself that ifelected.he could discharge the duties of that responsible office; and will pledge himself to use his best endeavours to pro- Mote the orghtlization and efficiene) , of the different Volunteer companies ; and will lend his exertions to the formation, dicipline and beat i9erests of the Cit izen Soldiery of the 2d Brigade. DAME A MEYERS. Pinegrove; Nov. 25, I . 98— MI 6 tarrtly on hand na c rd Alapiee, d G:nger, do Cayenne, du "Nutmeg% Oen Grocer:F.- oln 50 eta pr. t e f tmostthe re Citya- Birigade In peetor . . /SHE i undersigned resPectfully Announces to the .n. Enrilled Militia aridVolunteeis, composing the 3d Brigade, 6th Divisibn, P. AL, that he wilkbe a CM/. didato for the office of ! 1 Z''' BRIGADE .12V.SilEgl'OR, at the election'to be held on the 19th of Peeember, • , 1 Proximo. _ - 1 , I Having served seven years in a Volunteer Corps, 'and being a firm friend of the' ,Military System. he pledges himself that if elected he wBI perform the du ties of said office to the best of] his abilitics,and to the : satisfaction of the Public. •. I. 1 , Your fellow Oitiren. t BENJAMIN BAST. t i 1 49 i 1 , OS ETH DAY. EIL ! ! snp, fur burn and for sale l yHey, 436• l, 467 Market December, 2, e its superior in use. BiLLAITARIIC. • , 1 , • COL. wiLLIAII F.'DEAN I . d t WILL be a eandidate'for the . .officelil • • BRIGADIER aEIV I ERAL,. of the 3d Ftrigade. Gth Dirislon,lP. M. at the.en • suing election, to be..lmid on TUesday, the 19th of December, inst. •-- ' 1 Dec. 2, ' .. ' 1 l• 49-2 t ! •• • i orited Agent yikill county, prepared to :hing to sell a and Retail, at 1114.11N.4A5_.N, ,r. Mn. BANNAN,—Urd7StalailllF that Maj. JOl/1 C. LESSIG of Pottsville, has calented to become a candidate for the' i nflico of Brig dier General, in the new Brigade justlformed, I wish to say a word in regard to his qualifications. 1 Major Lessig during the lite lwar with Great Britain. though but seventeen years of age, vol ufitZered a member -Of Capt. SaMl's Rise Comps- ny, of Montgomery ! couniy, Ph, and marched with it to Camp DMiont, Wherel he remained un til the announcement of :peace pm] the breaking up of the Encampment. when hp was honorably discharged, and retned home tO the more peace ful pursuits of a rural life.l In selecting our offi cers, I think it a 4i l at'7 we! owe those who turned out in the defence , of titein country, in the hour of danger and trial. l as well as to the military in general, to elect 011ie whO havelseen some actual service.' i I Schuylkill Count y, Dec 1, 1E143. , 4 . AtIED? Facts fOr the people .1 VHE constantly'increasing popularity and -R.:.bale of B. A Fahnestoek's Vermifuge hag in duced persons who are envi+ of its success to palm off upon they public preparations which all medical men know to be inefficacious in expel ling worms from the system. • This Vermifugo has made its way into pub lic favour upon tlie grolind of; its own intrinsic merits, more than any other m4dicine of Vie kind now used ; and while Imanyi worm remedies ,have, by dint Of puffing, been forced into sale, and shortly atter gone into the obscarity which their worthlessness justly manta, 13. A. Fah nestock's Vermtlifge continues, to be triumphant- Iv sustained. Iti has Only to be used, and its effects will fully Sustain all that is said ails won derful expel:in power,. • Cirntleate. -some discipline, tw departments, ' 1 oi ago weeks, 8:210 40 8250 $l6O i4O ' • $2OO hullo; to &laid, in the school, 'to. and light—except and Spanidi r which they will -cholars I r. • $8 6 ar c 4 Waks, ,Pie Co., Nevi Y., Jan. 7,1843. We certify th#l. Iwe have used B. A. Fahnes. (oak's Vermifuge in our faMilies, and in every case it ha's proved a decided and effectual remedy for expelling wotiais from the system. , We cor. dially recomnieddlt to .parents • who have chi:. drtn afflicted with that dangerous malady. ELON IVIRGIL, • • W M;Bk PAINE, • goirrl MAY, • • JOSEPH BURROUGHS. For Bale; vitiPlesale and retail, at the Drug Warehoustyof -L / B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co. Corner of Sixth and Wood sts.,Pittsbure,Pa. For sale In Stsville, by • CLENIENS PARVIN, Druggists. • December, 9, I 50— . Ladies, . any of 7 50 see' fur young gen r particulars apply - • TO; LET ' riiIHE substantial andiconvenient Stone Store and Wharehouse, l at Mount Carbon, lately in the oc cupancy ofJoseph ;White & Son. Theater° is ~,401 • 40 feet, and the - ware house 60160 eet, both being 2 stories high in front, having Hs: excellent cellars or rather basements, the (loot* of which are on the level of the —•- gmued at the back of each both buil dingi front on the Centre Turnpike ; there are good ducks for the recentiq; n 'at each of Merchandise by 'the Canal. hod geode briught by. P & FL IL IL can be discharged at the level the Ist floor of the ware house.direetly into its rear, which rests against the track orate Monet Cartion IL Road. There is ample 'room around the docks for piling 'plaster; and a good lumber wharf will be added to the premises lensed if desired. . Immediate prwessior given. Apply at the Dela ware Coal Company's ;Offices. viz ;to JOHN- C 51A RLL, piount Carbon. . o y-I.X WHITE. ; ' 117 South 3d St., Philadelphia, ' • • Pottsville,/ul7 29-- PERSICQ. • 49-tf Dales ,PateiitPlatform and Cotner * ale ' tatTFORN scalee weighing . from 100 to P23oolba. aud,Countsr scales . in every vari. ets, suPerior to anylecalei before invented; for sale by the? agen ts. QßAY &. BENNETT, ,O Walnut street, Philadelphia. Arne 171184„3. , • .1 , • =B Brlg l nOter Genekal. AIN OLD C.OIP DCPONTE.II. A :OAfa. Tsubscribeitakes this method of returning hry AL thanks to. his customers end friends for the lib eral support'that they bare extended towards him. and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. The public may depend' , that every article from his establishment he can war. rant to be matte in the beat manner, and of the best quality of trimmings. Also, in the mast'approved prevailing style of taste and elegance. No establish. meet in Pottsville, the aubseriber pledges' himself, shall surpass him in procuring a well. made, tasteful and fitting garment. W. A. WILLIAMS. 3 doors above the Ezehange. Pottsville Nov. 19, 47 MILITARY NOTICE. M!BN±iIMMM sing the 30th Regiment, 2d Bngade. 12th 1k:- infirm, and Upper and Lower Mahanianga - Townships, let Brigade, 6th Div. P. M. • NOTICE is hereby given that on %heti applica. tion with a statement'of the ditficolties der which. you arc laboring, the General officcri of the fith Division, P. M.. have formed a Third Brigade embracing. the 300 Regiment, 2.1 Bade, 12th Battallion,lst Brigade, and Upper and Lower Matiantongo Townships, Ist - Brigade.- The Third Brigade will constitute thewhoq of Schuylkill county, the well defined lines ut the county forming its boundaries. . . W; 11. KEIM, Major General 6th Div., P. M. WILLIAM HIGH, • ' • Brigadier General 2d Brigade, 6th Div. C. SEILER, Brigadier General Ist Brigade 6th Div. Head Quarters 6 Div: P. M.. Reading Nov. LI, 1843. s itEADINo. N0v.15. 193. Col. D. Krebs: Sir—You arc hereby oidere'd and directed to officiate as Brigade Inspector and advertise the Battalion elections for Brigadier General and Brigade Inspector of the third [hi. gade., 6th Division, P. M. on Tuesday the 15th day of December nezi, between the hours of 'l6 in the forenoon and 6 in the. afternoon. The 6. lections will be governed by - the 14th,and 15th sections of the Militia Laws. H, REM, • Major General 6th Div.P. • . irmmi ELECTIONS,' FOR Brigadier General and Brigade Inspector of the 3d Brigade, 6th Div. P. M. by the vevirai Battalions and Districts of the said Brigade will, be 'field according to law, on . Ttiesdav the 191 h. of December nee, • ietween the houra of 10 in the forenoon /rid 6 in tha afternoon, by the enrolled Militia and volunteers of the. said lin goes ae following places, viz The Ist Bailolion,3oth fleg'i. 2d Brigade 6th Division P. M., at the court house in the boiough of Orwigsburg. Major .1. H. Luis will superin tend the election. The 24 Battalion 30th Reglt. at the house of .henry Geisse in.the Borough otPottsville. Ma jor Samuel M. Mills will superintent the electioci: The Ist Battalion Schuylkill county Volunteers at the Exchange Hotel in the borough of Potts vine. Major James H. Campbell will imparin tend the election. The 12th Battalion Ist Brigade 6th Div. P. M. at the ptiblic house of William,Lutz hi the 110. rough Pincgrove. Major Jacob Mennig -wilt superintend the election, The Townships of Upper and Lower Malin. tnngo at the house of Samuel Moyer Upper Mahantongo. George Boyer, Esq., will superin tend the' election. 'By order of DANIEL 'KREBS, acting Brigade Inspector' 3d Brigade 6th Division P. M. . 47 ,N0v.19 N CANTRELL'S FA MILT IIEDICINE9.: Cantrelra Ague Mixture, price 81 - do : Anti Scorbutic Syrup, 5(1 cts. do Nervous Cordial, • 50 do Anti.Dy . speptic Powders, 5051..25 du Alterattve Pills, 23," A supply of the nbovq popular family eines, for sale at MARTIN'S Drug •Storb. Pints ville, (authorized agent for the proprietor,) where the public can get the true and genuipe article. November 25, • ' NOW IS THE TIME FOR 1 1 ' ERIOntICAL. Just received, • Ladles' Book fur December, 25 Graham's - Magazine, = do• ' • 25 Natienal Magazine do , 18,1 Ladies' Companion do Miss Leslie's Magazene, fur Nov, . IS Just received and for sale at this office. ••Call quick: • November 25,• !, .48:— wAyakt Uay 1 ' 110111(1 1 S FALL FASHONS'FOR PENTLEAEW4** Superior Hats, $4.25 cts. 1 • vARRANT,ED equal, if not superior in. all ' respects, to any now sold in this cit.} , fur five dollars. • • • - Are there any who doubt it ? As a test df the fact, I will, at any time send one, in. one dozen; of my superior four D ollar and a Quarter Hats, to the Franklin Institute, to be exsminedi and compared by. a• competent and,disinterested coni mittee, with a like number from any other 'man ufacturer in this city. . The 'subscriber has now on hand 'a handsome assortment of the above Hats, to which he Would respectfully havite.the attention of the public. The question is often asked—How can ,Ray mond sell at this low price 7 The .questiori is at once,solvcd. His rent in the first place is more than:one half less than any other store in the st., consequently his expentea are knit' proportion. 2d. He understands his business, and .is a Paso. TICAE HATTER, sand gives it his personal 'Wen on. Though his store is not quite as showy as some others, it is easily founc by those who stu.: dy economy, and wish the worth 8f their too. ney.. rr His No. is 129 Chesnuist , . One door beloW 4tli north side, Philadelphia. Country Merchants' who wish a choice article for Retail pan be furnished on Liberal • Terms. Country Hattetsfurniahed with the above supe rior Hats. in the rough. , r • • op- Persond at a distance, by sending their •measure, merely the numbir of inches round the, head, can be supplied at. shcirt notice. N. B.—WANTED, and for which the highest two price will be paid RED AND Gar Fox Saute, Mink, Muskrat,- Racoon, Otter, fisher, Martin, Bear, Wildest, Possom and other Ship. ping Furs. 1 ; C. F. RAYMOND. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1543. , 42 • Wt CAR LIS El Jr. , FOIVALUDISG Aeo n COMM stns, Mertmlawr, • • Arch Strteliwharf, Schuylkill. PHILADELPHIA , MIIIESPECTFULLV informs his friends and-the I.llldpablic, that he islprepared 'to receive and for ward Merchandise ofevery description, to alt. parte on the Juniatta. West and North ltranched of the Susquehannah, and Schuylkill and Union Canals via Schuylkill and Union Canals, which pre incomplete order. and such arrangements made as to insure a full supply of water during all the year. Shippers of produce will fi nd it to ,e the ir interests. to send produce to the Philadelphia Market, via Schuylkill and Union Canals, it being the cheapest one safest route. H Plaster, Salt and Fish constantly on hand, at lowest market prices. Everyattention paid to shipmensof Merchandize by good safe boats, commanded by careful captains together with promptness m salesof produce. Merchandise will not be detained in stot on tie cent of stormy or wet weather , the boats !dad ad and unload under. the store in the dry. • • - - Philadelphia,Jnly I, IBIS ABERNETIIT I S (OR Ready Prescriber M - Cases or illnesa and ‘, accident when medical attendance is not de. aired,' or cannot be procured, ;first American, from the 30th London Edition,lrevised and en. lamed by Et Boastwrcb, U. R. o t the low tate or 25 cente,for oak by 718 Tim 251 ' IN. ,BANKRUPTCY; • FOR DISCIAA t RGE.q::, • • i United States Covert. - EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNBYI . In Bankruptiry . NOTICE., t"`., A PETITION for Discharge and Certificate. .r'sk. under the Bankrupt LaW:has been.by Daniel Stahl, Clerk,Sebuylkill co. . And Friday the 19th day of4anuany. riaNi l t 11 o'clock; A. 51. is appotnted,for the hearing; aries of,, before-the raid Criurt, sifting in Banlitgplele at the District Court ROom inlthe City orrblla dolphin. when and where thriCreditorirg the said Pettioner, who have proved. their; de . - and all other perpons in i nterest, ' may apppet'andi show cause, it any they have, why - an Dus., charge arid Certificate should not by frafifid. ' FR A'S • 119PICANSQN; .• Clerk of the District gory,. 47.4i40t A PETITION for * Diachelge aud Ceilltetkto 112, - under the Itankrupt Law has been filik by John B. amity; Boatman, Schriylkill Cat*, And Friday the 5111 day of January ne*X-ett o'clock,;-A. M. is appointed fur the bearing ere of, before t he said Court, sitting inßankrup - key,.ati the District Court Room in thp City of Pferladel phis, when and wher e the Creditors of:Kea-aid Petitioner, who have proved t h eir BebtsVcid all other persons iii interest, may,- appear • artetehew came, it any they have, why such Machu:Fie am% Certificate should not be granted. • FR A'S HOPKINSON, Clerk of the District CutrlL October, 28, 1843. . . • 4,i Nay. 19, Administrator's Notiec, - AT °TICE is hereby gitcn, that letterttE:etk4 ministration on - the Estete of.ranteeAeore:i . I hcad, late of the Borough lottstralteilb the'.: county of decease ;lave betegran, I ted to the subscriber by the Eegister of Kehuyl ' kill county. Therefore all persons kndeVed i the said Estate t arerequested inc.itct and those having plaque arTnst tho atiid Es late, ail' present the•saine fos settlemeritaA JEMN . P.IIIOBARTH. I Attorney at Law, Orwtge.6urgi,&,. Admknisitittior. • - 4i -61 • Nov. 11 .4. 43:. MIXIES, < -. . 'Dental SuitigeonV' , Late•of West Mester, nearPhiladelpPgi v . T ,.,. ~. .W,ould mean the r.PlV , l"t'}. , - citizens orgiOtsville . would .). ; .11 3Yr • ,-, it ~' ..1 1 ; •.. ~.. und'ileinitYlitiat in • • ts , c4rliga '' ' complianccAththe : request of some of the citizens, he will triikd two!' or three weeks during the month of poi . iober,' Or January,,in that place. At which, !tr. Int ' will he happy , to wait .upon all those ‘ ipAced of Dental up cations, •• :: •'' a er.etelriCe3. c.:f' - 'DANVILLE, William: Magill, ;H. M. P? . C. If Erich; M. D., John C. Grieronerchant,':ajOn. iW Donaldshn, John Moore, Esq., , ; WE.sr.co.s.r.cit,, [sane Thomaa,-M. D.,',WilliarnWhitcho, Dens fist ; Porrzorir.t.t., George Patersoni aviruiL. Nos, Daniel Moritgo:nerh Esq. . : , 'r - . . Nor. 25, • . B TIVEZ: lin Zit A Se TIIE Base:lbw , : Wave just received apNlegiot .assortment of ..941( end Cottun U4rellas,t tvhiA they will sell unusually low forqttash.— They-are a superior article from ,onto 1;110 - beat' establishments in l'hiledelphia. S. , &. November 11 Pottsville Refectory. • . . rVIIE .enb scriber tinnounees 'to ther ; 'lyore good.eating that he haslaken tho! . 4feetory in the basement story of the, Pennsylviiio where he, will keep constuntly on liamt'f.. OYSTERS AND OTHER 11,EFILE9IIMEAM. 'ife will be prepared to furnish all t &diets' cies of the season as thev•ariive ; and.!ltopes' by strict attendance to merit a -eontinuan'ait of that'• patronage for which he is thinikful. , PETER SILZEI4Agent, ' October 28th, , 44 , • Administrator's Netter.. IgOTICE is hereby - given, that lettkiii :of ad• ministration of the goods and ehatifirywhieh were of Joseph Robinson, ESA., late * arthe town: of Port -Carbon, - Schuylkill eountbeeased, , have been granted by the Register oMhuYlktlC county,. to the persenqteretorev indebted to' said estate, arc requesteikto mate payment, and those having demandiVxilL sent them for settlement, to; either.oft subSerti tiers: WILLIAM ROBIN TIN, ( Wll e LlAtil B. I-1 .7,i, MminOratoni. .142Y48-6t November .11, • - • Brook 111)11111ERSONS having:left BoOkS to be tiOnd, at the'. Bindery, and vi•lhch have been 140ished for a long timb, will please call arid rcoetir the game,- otherwise they will he sold to pay exp Otes. ' -1. BANNAV, Agent. November 18, 18:3, 1 1 JAvses PECTOrtANT.-4 07 A al ottrAlls of MM. .tality.and you will fi n d that qonsumption.9 moredes. tractive to human lila in this country tltitn any other, di.; ease. We all know that hough, likeihe warning' of the rattle snake: always precedes - , as . 1,414 ss accom panies, this terrible scourge. 1 It is a faiWresuMption. that every cough tony ternarMatc in pulmO;aary disease ." ir no - t checked early,' and • where the f . i* is so great the d anger so imMineut, it is aatonishiNt:that duals should be round mad . enough tioteglect the means o f cure. Dr. ,1,1 TN E . Ei Eg.PECT4OI . can Lib' readily procured itr any part of the Unit4States, and the can cricnceend volnnMryi test iinonyK thousands the results of chemicil anaksis, and th4eCisions of professional men who stanil ln the first*k 01 medi= cal s cience, all poit tjt cat as the best pr o' ration ever • invented by man, fitr,thc cure of all dates of thri l u ngs.chest. wand pipe, , and ; other orga':Re connected with the process of respi rati on. It is 4.401 d in regular practice tr, the most Celebrated physieitin; of the day. For sale by Etchhciltz &lilandelton,T9ltsville, gents for the proprietor. I 2 Dec.ll, 50__ TAVERN STAID • • - For gale. Arlo Tuesday the 26th of December niiit at 1 o'clock ; , illy in the afternoon; will be sold at IVIIC Sale. on the premises. the well known Tavern Stod and lot of • Ground situate in. centre Street,- tn*.l3oroogh of Pnttsville; at - present occupied by - Mr:CHARLES KUNTZ. ' The Building 30 feet front oiv4entre Street, two stories.high and admirably suiteclAi its present use a Tavern - . forthe accomtnadation alie public.--! The Stabling and all ntlicr necessary fiiit:ldings attach ed are vvell constructed and hi excelleiftorder. . . A. LS O. •: - '4`,,* 'At elle 'nine time and plasma Two St e 1 Brick Dwel ling [Valise and lot of Cliound, adjoinietthe said Tar ern containing thirty feet front on Colt* Street. The building is irigood order and may bit ought either with the Tavern or seperately accortll4 to the dispo sition of purchasers Thera will also I'v:if:rayed at the same time. one share of 'Bank Stook.. ' : the Miners' Bank.of Pottsville, and one share ij . .-the Pottsville Water Company-late the property off jtuN Henna deceased. The terms will;be mat:illy:two at theday of sale by, ). 'JOHN W.;IIEF.FNER. GEORGhI.MOVER, , • - ::. Executors. A'r. - •50— • Acceniber,. 5 • • Jarizs V ranticon has gladden# the bean n many a mother, who had espected sob i i to follow her child to the grave. hot found it restoriii to life and re. ay . health by this celebrated specific...At expels worms without irritating the coatii' of the atiOnach•and tow. els, and combines Olt vin tics of a tonvb with those of an alterative.' Neither the Vermifuegno-th= torant hits a rival in the,,wholo renOW the mediCl3,for diseases. to which eachyslidapted• For sale by Eicholiz i&ij , :Sandersiin, Pottsville, A. gentsfor thc,Proprietor. • z• Dec. 2. • . Toe Mine Alin and Schtll4l Hain Rail • •R•Jrad Compc4 ' • , • • NOTICE. • THE annual 'meetink StooA,oldenr In . Ilia company will be heldn the Stlgkroximo, bele; the. second Monday in Janne - 110i* 10 o'clock A;.• M.; at their , officio in thili Hall c 4,10 Franklin In. dilute, and imMediately•tbere*Or an electing will take place for the choice oll*Freeident anq ten managers td conduct the:get)cerna of io-a company f o r the yearilB.l4. ' 1.101 - 111 U. CROTON, Seep . December 9,4843 1 , r • 50—, • • ! , • • • • •-• Ull 49-