The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 02, 1843, Image 3

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    - CONCERT,.
irtisitively the Last "Night.
"tech:tenon efrricetos Cis.
The Piano Forte
.11sed,thiseverong 0 one Of Grove's superior don.
ible action grand, and kindly !mat& by Mr. Pott,
will - doutie the effect oldie Bong&
nonnee that he will give his last Vocal En=
Vartbiament, at the ' .
rs Town Mali',
'en • Monday, Evening, December, 4tb, 1843,
where he will have ibe -honor of Singing those
peas that have especially gained for bias such
high popularity. .
Bong, Life on the' Ocean Wave"
Scene, ~ Wind of the Winter Night whence
eomest thou." ' •
Ballvd, Rockaur 53."
Scene, '.The Gamble l'es4ife."
Aria farlaiitcc oWanted W,fe."
Cantata, /*The Maniac." -
• The favorite and much adorned Song,
4 , The . Sea, The Sea." ' -
Aria Parlante, "Country Commissions."
The suliect of,this piece is a younglady; residing
in Philadelphia, who receives a letter from a friend
in the country; containing commissions (or her to
execute. ,
' • Scene; Thd•iNevrtouLdlind Dog. 7
Bong, .-Robic. Ruff." -
Finale, 4:melba gal Bays ( a laugiling
' Tickets 25 cents. dTobe had at the Penney Iva ,
, pia Hall, at 'this Offie;and at the door. To emu.
i mecca at 7 1-.2 o'clock, precisely.
December 2,
THE-nroprieter of this escellent - and cheap ma.
gezine has concluded to reduce the subscription
Price . to ONE DOLLAR AND A I:IALF per annum, thus
Making.the cost but 12it, cents per number, a ONK
for each piece of music. The selections, are of the
must.popular kind, and - this work will therefore be , the
cheapest of the kind ever published. Subscription's
received and single copies sold at the - office of the
' Pottsidle, Dec'. 2, • , '49=7
'German Clay Almanats: •
600 German Clay Almanamfor 1844, at.A5
--centaper dozen, in three Cozen for 81.•••
JutitYceeivett and for sale, wholesale -and retail
by i • . - .B. BANNAN..Agent„ •
• ::
Doe. -2, ,,_ - 49
, -
Vommou - SChool Rep oils.
310 ) NTHLYMmon School R. ports for.
Teachers; handsome!o printed, for sale at
thii (strico by the quirrt.or half quire..
Describer 2 . • 49
W ILL be a candidata for the office of
of the 3d Ibrigdilc, 6th Dicision, P. M. at the en.
suing election,. to be held on Tuesday, the 19th
of Decembeti inst.•
Dec. 2,
Brigade Inspector.
THE undersignedrespectfully announces to the
Jll. Dinned Militia and Volunteers, composing the
,• 3d Brigade. 6ih Division, N. M.. that he willte a Can
. didate for the office of
. at ,the election to be held on the 19th of December,
Proximo: '
- • Having , served - seven years in a VolunteerCcdpet,„
and being n firm friend of the Military System. he
pledges himself that if elected he will perform the du- ;
ties 43; said office to the best of his abi h tics,and to the
satisfaction of the public. • . -
Yourfillow Citizen. . •
December„ 2,
Terms $4 00."
MONS. IRERGER respectfully informs the
.."-°•eitizens of Pettsville, that at the request of
several ladies . and gentlemen, he will begin a
new class on Thursday, the 14th of December.
For patiiculars apply,at thePcnnsylvdnia Elall,
- snit at this office. A subscription list islei at
this office.. - '
Pottaiille, December 2, .49--
, e -Notice'
~ 0 hereby giicn to, all persons who becamenr
'Offers of the. Sales at Ur seatedLonds,held by
• the-Commissioners of Schuylki'l county, that if
they do not take up their rhectivc Deeds before
the I.s;hday of Decemb'er, riext,A,t all said tracts
will be resold on gild' day,
_agreeable to the con
ditions of sale
49—1 l
Deceyicr 2,1843,
‘• NOE UltlllllG.
nE g eneral- L ittProdoction -of Neal's Patent
- 0 - Lard Lamp, for burning common Laid. will
• "tea saving in the item Of light, of at least 50 per
'cent. in this community , and the immense sum'
of money which is anntially drained from Schuyl
, 7. kill county,. will be' retained in, a great measure
gat horrie and circulated among our " farmers in
itlie neig hborhood, for lard. This is. certainty •a
• greaidesidecatunt.
Tie following are voluntary certificates, given
': by 'Citizens of this Borough, in "favor of the
. .
famps, who have hid them in tat:
Porrsymis, November-27th 1843.
Ma. lispetii:—We have tried Neal's Patent
Lard Lamp, 'and ; find",Yriat it gives a mach litt
ler light than with the use of Sperm Oil, and
gives quite as much light as two candles. It is
. ointirety free from soy unpleasant viral—the
.o . npoke, what 'little these is, soils nothing, and it
•tsa -saving of about 50 per cent. over the use of
41104:lest Spenn Oil, at the present prices. The
,eonnon Lard, as aLcomes from the Butchers, as
pet) in these Lamps.
Mount. Eine in, November 24th, 1843. .
Me. Henn :-1 have used Neal's Patent
- Lard Lam p, for about four months. arid find it
-,apperior to any ,-Lamp.l. have ever used. With
Lird it gives'a much beitet 'light than with
&very great saving,and is free front all unplea...
. • nnt smell. I find - also that I can,hurn the most
• terrapins 50 cent oil, mixed with half Lard for ,
winter 'use, which gives a much brighter light
;-• than tho beat Sperm Oil, old is as free from that
Wopleasant smell, which renders Lamps disagree..
'Able* as the best sperm oil is, at halfthe price.
We may here remark that Van / person' be.
- .comes tired of using Lard, or if the price should
Approach to near the prink! Oil; he has a much
better Oil tamp than any flow in use, unless it
is the Chicon Lamp, which costs a ,yery high
price. With_ono of these Lamps the wick can
be constantly 'supplied With Oil, by a very aim
r ale process. • -
Bran:mil I.ampe with shear, $1 25
,Without shadeis - 1 00
,Tin tamps fur common use_ . 50
Do fnr Worksbops,&e. " • 50
liferebota and others wishineto sell,again
%Nile guppuee wholesale,al. the Mansfacturer'a
t . iceo / • Apply tip .
, 11,11ANNAN,sole Agent
" for attbuylkill County.
• 49
, , .....
• 134tingdoies Drawing.reocils.
. ~ AAANGDOpi'S,zelebiated Drawing Paella at
Ikeents 011'.doreni or 6i cams each. last
4..: '' D ec4 T as i br IntelbY P. P-41INAlli
- . .-, , .2. • . • Agent.
O Ree orthetp.ollutdcrtpnin and Beating; •
_ *
' ; December let 1843.
gia r . , _ , ThePhiladalphis and Read.
ing Co: hereby give
••••-•:'tioti that* their rates of
, •
freight 'and tall* on Coal for the Winter months
(December, Jammary and February) will bp is
follows -
-From Pottsville to Richmond, InClined Plane
and Philadelphia-11118. •
From Schuylkill Haydn to Ricbmond,lnchned
Plane end Philadelphia44l. ' I '
An alloviance of 15 eats per ton will be made
on all coal transported i 4 private care.
By ordetiof the .boarf lof managers.
S. BRADFORD, Secretary.
Dec. 2,
/I R Ready Ptescriber in cases of illnesa and
‘Jr accident-when medical attendance is notlde
sued, or cannot be procured, first . American,
from the 30th London Edition, revised and en
larged by H. posstwicll,, M. D., at the low tate
of 25 cents, for sale by
B. DANNA N; Agent; ,
Nov. 25,
, .
THE. subs
.well selected
of Thugs Al;
•sw. of I
Window Glass
Patent. Medicines;
Which he is dispo
Vance, and respectfull .
patronage of„the publi.
• a: - .? Physigians pre
_November 25,
' - NO. 7DU
Between John and F,
E. W. manufactureslind has constantly on band
and for sale the fullowlng articles, viz :
Gret - n Coffee, Mtistard, Ground Alspice,
Roasted do Whole Jklutmegs, do Ginger,
Gtour.d do Ground] Cloves, do Cayenne;
Domestic do do Cinnamon, do Nutmegs.
Prepared Cocoa, do Pepper,
` IJ3 Coffee Roasted l and GroUnd for Grocers.—
Roasting 50 cents pr.' Hundred—Grinding 50 cta pr.
The above named gelde are sold on the most rea
sonable terms, and deity red to any ; part of the 'City
or Brooklyn, free of exp rise: •
N. B. Cash paid for Mustard Seed.
Nov. 25,
I .
• . _ r
'WEAL'S Patent Lk!rd Candle Lamp, for burn
-‘ ing cold Lard, Manufactured and for sale
Wholesale mid Retail,. by Harvey Fillet', 436
Market at.,- and Josia h Kisterbock, 467 Market
at_Philadelphia. - ' ' : , ~ -
N. B. 1 t needs bu t trial to prove its superior.
ity over all other Lar Lamps now in use.
,IYX The subscriber as been appointed Agent
for the sole of these Lamps in Schuylkill county,
and'hereby gives noOce. 'that he is prepared to
supply Merchants and others, 'wishing to sell a
gain with the' Lamps' -What:lntik and Retail, at
the Manufacturer's priicel.
.19-2 t
Nov, 25
Five' Dollars Reward.
rilliE above reward wlill be paid; by, the subscriber
-'' for such inrornteticm us will lead to the convic.
non of any person or persons, whn may trespass. cut,
or carry away any'Tinibcr, Wood, or Coal from the
Coal Banks, or Dirt 'qs, on thcl lands of R. M. &
L. Lewis, situate in the neighborhood of Minersville.
and at present occupiett by George Spencer. & :Co ;
and all persons are limb) , cautioned against taking
or using any loaded or
,4lrriptv waggons, trucks, or oth
er mode el conveyance by ' Railroad, on the Branch.
read leading to the mil es of the subscriber, situate at
Minersville aforesaid. 1
N. R.—Any personound violating this notice after
the ditifthereot, will be prosecuted to the full extent
eilAgZaw. • i .
A furbxer reward of ' • •
• .
-. ll' Went6r - Dollars, -
. ..
Will be paid by thrtsilbscriber for such information,
as will lead to.the conviction of the person or persons
who feloniously 'stol . or carried away from the
Mines of the subscri r, at Minersville,between Sat
urday the 4th mill. Mo day the Edit inst.. a lot of Coal
Hammers and yther orking tools.
' - ' GEO. SPENCER,Agent.
11inersville, Nov. Fp,
Great it
• •
S -41 . S init h anti
Printers generally,'
teret4 of his late pa
to inform them that
additions to his ass.
itamen'al Letter, a
add every descript
provement of the A
,wants of the trade
comprises a Zitsaj.ii
dry,in the United S
prices;nearly 20
fore,, .
Piloting Presse
and every. article
Outlay on band. .1
Ptimates will be
NeWspaper, and Jo,
and quantity of wo
Books will be for •
making out order!'
4i 444 G I
IP9 y
If you do
C n E A'
CI LL at the , '
South Wate
Front, immediatet t
delphia, whore yo
• Sugars in IMO
Mnlaasses, . A
Teas of all kin
.1 Marmaibo CO
Rio ,`
LTI. •
c •La Gallia,
0 A
7 1
St Domingo ~ t
c , D Cuba
Spices, &c., 4 . 4
• Together with I
ries,-which will Is
For proof call a,l
fore purchasing e t :
DOn't forget t
Side. 1
November 4,
, .
A Winter G 4 for the Ladies, being inatroc
tn. tinns in Minting, Netting aztd Crotchet
Work,' cOntainin the newest and most fashion
able patterns, by en American Lodi! ; at the low
rate of 1271 cents per copy,. Ladies take our lad.
:tine, and learn to do all these things before jou
get married—itl atisolotely necessary. 'For sale
at thid office, '
Nos;. 25,
• ,
_IA.' . Card.
AT-a RS. GRA N T, Instructress on the Piano For.
te, Guitar, And in vocal music, offers her
proleisional seritices to the Ladies or Pottsiille.
Residence at Mr. B. F. POMROY'S,I
Corner ofiNehantarigo and Courtland ats
toter 14, _ 42-3mol
'6lO ter 80erna Oil.
JUST _ . *ei l reil a aupCnor article of Winter
Spann Oil, for fele by
, . , MARSIIALL, 1 : -
Cornet ; Nonlegian 8t,, , ,Mt. Carbon Rail Road
goveiber 1St-1843 a 47
uoderitgeed !reipeetfully annotineee to the
Enrolled Illklitat'quid Volunteers, via:Valt/ 1
3d Brigade; Gth Division, P. M., that he wi ll b e.
Candidate for the office of, , s, - •
ry Stiore:
ribcr offers for sale a
and genuine assortment
dieines 'dtc., consisting
Drugs, •*. ,
Paints, !
Oils ,and' Varnishes,
Paint . britithes, aYe.,
l ed to sell at a small
solicits a share of the
criptions ,carefully corn
cir STE ET.
lioii,s_treeit, New York.
duced Prices!
(sdccessai to 11 Jot.',nsori &
mincing his fiiCnds and
hit he has purchiied.the in
tner in the Foundry, desires
he has recently made large
it merit o( Book, Job and Or.
d that he will -continue to:
on or Tyne, which the int
t .May suggest, and that the
ay require. Ms assortment.,
variety, than any other Four' ,
.tales; and he. has reduced his
cr cent. lower than ih ereto I
Chases,'Oases, Ink,f
sad in n Printing office, con-1
furnished in detail for Book
offices, on stating the style,
k to be done; and specimen
arded to persons desirous of
I uy Groceries?
and wish iapurchase .
ewOlesale Store, No. 4
Strett running through to
below Market Street, Phila.
will find
t.:.7,hocolate, • .
tie,' Rice, is
;ee, Salt, • .
Indigo,, • = IFL9
• IP
Pepper, • -
I assuttment of Groin.
the very lowest prices.
us for yourselves, 12e..
a genet ,
• sold at
,d exami
No. 42'
",South Water st., Weat
45-2 mo
El 1
at the election to be held on the 19th dal : of Decem.
beiProsimo. ; •
Haring been; for thirteen years an 'Mire member
of i l l k roltaneer Corps, he flatten himself that he is
acquaiated';witb the duties which properly desolve
'upon that officer ; sad if elected, he pledges himself
to parform'ihose duties with a doe rega : rd to the best
interests orate Militia,and as far sul passible to amour ,
age; and ProMnte the formation and ;efficiency of
% olanteer Corps.
Mt. Carbon, Nor. 25, . • 48—
Brigade Inspectiin -
• •
rro the enrolled Militia and volunteers of &hay);
' 1 kill county, now composing the 34 Brigade, 6th
Division. P. M
FRIENDS stiO Fsit.ow Sounsiti offer mrielf
as scandidatc for the office of : •
At the eleCtion to be held on the 19th for December
next, and respectfully solicit your votes. Should.l
be aO fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes
1 pledge myself to Perform the duties of the office to
the best of sus abilities. i, -
i 'Respectfully 'yours, &c..
' !ottitville,Nove her Y 5, i 47
, —.
Brigade Insp i feor.
mi'HE u ndersi g nea respectful Bounce, to the
, Enrolled Militia and Vokintetes. Composing the
38 1 •ErigadeAth Didision, P. M., that belWill boa Can
didate for the riffled of
at the electiori to be held on the 19th of December
PrOximo. l ;: J • • L
Having held di ff erent • stations n't Volunteer Corps,
as'well as: Battalion ,appointments, for a period of
eight pearl!, hi flatlets himself that if elected. he could
discharge the duties of that responsible office; and
will pledge hirnselfto use his best endeavours to pro
mote the ,orgenization and efficiency of the different
Valuated companies ; and will lend his exertions to
the-formation, dicipline and best interests of the Cit
izen Soldiery of the 3d Brigade. t• • •
Pinegiove,"Noy: 25, 48—
THAT I h a ve'. purchased the &Hewing articles
•of Hous'ehold Furniture of James H. Camp
bell, assignee or Edward Hughes now in the
possession of the said Edward Hughes, and used
by him,'to Wit er
-2 Dining Tables, 1 Side Board, j Settee, I do.
zen Chairs, 1 Arm Chair, 4 Wind@ Blinds, 40
yds. Caipetiugill Work Stand, 3 Looking Glas.
ses, 6 Beds and' Bidding, 3, Washstands, Basin
and Pitcher, 15i yds. Rag Carpet, p . Bureaus, 2
Stoves and pipe; 1 Crib and Beddinf l l doz. - Com.
mon Chairiq I Clothes Press, 1 t Truck, 2
Dressing Toilets, 2 Trunks 4 Gleas • Lamps, 2
Wooden Cloak 2 Rngb, 1 Clothes Horse, 2 COP.
mon Tablesi'rLot Kitchen utensils. . l sett Tea.
Ware. I Dining; sett, 2 Trays, I dozen Knives and
Forks. • • ABRAHAM 'TROUT, Jr.
1 Nov. 24th { ' . = 48-3 t
and Citizens' Ball..
1 1 intend g' jinn); a Military and;Citizens' Ball,
on Wednesday evening, the 6th,of December,
it the' Town Hall; Tickets $1 eiteh, to be had
at the door, 0 the evening of the Mall, or of the
- 11114/NAGMRS.
Serg't .1. !R ussell, W. Mortimer,
'" H.i Strauch, R. J. Owens,
S.,lRogera, • J. Hower.
floor Manager, Serg't Major STRAUCII.
Nov: 25, 48—
Auditor's Notice. •
Estate of Lawrence Lawler i deceased.
NOTICE it hereby given that the auditor appoint
ed by !at Orphan's Court of the county of
Schuylkill. to audit the account of;Jeremiah
admin istrator 1 of the estate of Lawrence Lawler. de•
ceased. will attend to the duties of his appointment.
on Wednesday, 29th_ November inst.; at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon ,1 at his office in the Borough of Potts
Nov. 25, ' 47 Auditor.
I r PEIt, lODIC Al 6 S
Just received,,
Ladies! '.Book for December, 25
Graben - Os Magazine. - trtlO _ 25
:;Ladies } National Magazin¢._do''' • - - 18!
Ladica' Companion do ' 25
':Miss Leslie's Pilagazene, for, Nov. 15
Just received and for sale at this office. Cal
November 25,
Cantrell'! 'Ague Mixture, price $l,
do • Anti Scorlintic Syrup,; 50 cta
,:"do Nervous Cordial, 50
do A nti4Dyspemic Powders, 50&25
do Alterative Pills, - • 25 46
A supply of the above popular faintl medi
cina% o r P ea at MARTIN'S Ding Store y
vine, (authorized agent'tOr the proprietor,) where
the'publio l can_get the true and ' 'genuine article.
Novemiier 25 48--
Meidicines: Medicines!!
DR. WißEvan's celebrated CaMomile Pith'
do; ,1 do Soothing Syron for" children,
Baron Vorillneheler's Hub Pills •
Doet Goodie's FeMale Pills , 'E
Dect William Evan's Fever and Ague Pills,
Duct Hunt's Botanic Pills •
Fur Dyspeptic persons Hunt's Botanic Pills
are said to be superior to any Medicine ever yet
offered tril the public.
Wistar s.Ralsain of Wild Cherry
HeViT'S Nerve and Bone Liniment '
Indian Vegetable Elixir , i ' .
Balm of Columbia i
home's Hair Tonic _ :
'Brigg's Russian Cosmetic • ! .
Fetch's Indian Vegetable Pills .
Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood do
Linn's Chinese du
Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic • do •
Muffat's;Vegetable Life .do •
Wilson's' Antl.Dyspeptic do
Jiqniespapectorant , 0 • '
Jayne's carrinnative Balsam
Jeyne's Vermifuge '
Swaim'e;Vermifuge f!
Linn's Temperance Life Bitters . ,
ROOrs Founder Ointment ' - '
Isreager;it Albright's Botanical Health and Life
Preserver I t
MeMurin's Elixir of Opium I
Beckerll. 4- Eye,'Sahre
Thompsbn's Eye Water
Chlorine Tooth Wash il
Wheelerf4Teaberry Tooth Wash ' •
Sherman'iWorm Lozeagars ! . - •
1., do ; , Cough do-i .
Wipter'e Gotigh! do , -
Sherman!. Camphor ,do ;
Peter's Vegetable Pills ; .
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort -
Bedwell's Teeter Ointinent I
Hay's Liniment • 1
Welch'e 7 ooth Ache Drops I •
Spohea Head Ache Itemedi_ . .
Tomatri Pills i - . •
!Lees Windhani Bilious Pills
Henry!a'Cileineri Magnesia-1 .I.'"
Bedwetl's Green Ointment
Keyser Pills f . .
Helvetia! Plitititer . ; •
-Weavers Wolin Tea and Salve
Steelling's Pulinonary Syrup ,
Clime; Syrup for Dysentery, warranted
Roviand's Tonic Mixture for Ague '
~ i '
Brewster's Pectoral ltlxturri. ' ..
Judkin's Ointriient • : .
F.itst Ipdia Hair Dye ! .
Sat amanita - SO . op • 1 •
Dr. Anderson's Scott's Pine
Hooperei Female rills , .
Balsam of Horehound' '' . ,
Roof's - Ring Babe Cure. fathoms. '
A fresh supply of the above Meiticinelli . jail
received and fool. at the Drug Stare of
.• . JOHN 13,..C.' MARTIN._
ifotember 0,5 ' - 1 - 48 — ':
, .
'.- . ''' f i - '§Y'JitIUBNAi -- -
i .'T.llg‘. MIN ,:- : .
rip HE sobscriorx takes upis methodgfrenaming his
tbanks lo• his =comets - and friends for the lib
eral support that they hat* eueruled towards- him,
'and Mites by strict attention to tastiness, to 'merit a
share of pubic patronaite,". The Nblic may depend
- that every article from his'catablishmm. t he eanwari•
rant to be mace in the best , manner, and of the best
quailt7 of trimmings. ~Alias a . the . most approved °
prevailing iiikof taste add elegance.' No establish,
meat in - Pottsville. the sithicriber pledges himself.
shall taarpass him in procuring a wait made, tasteful
and fl i tting garment. ;! " ; •
3 doors above the Exchange. •
Pottaille Nov. 19; " • . 47-r
To the enrdled Militia and ;Waimeaa emapcie
sing the 30th Regiment, 2d Brigade, 121 k Bat.
tation, 'and Upper Ond Lower Mahanhingo
. ToonsAip.. lst BrigOdei 6th Div. P. M. - •
NOTICE is hereby given at on the applica.
than with a statement. of the difficulties un
der which you are labOring, the general officers
of the 6th Division.;P.lM., have formed a Third
Brigide embracing this' 30th Regiment, 2d
Bade, 12th Batiallion,let Brigade, and Upper and
Lower Mahantongo Townships, tat Brigade.—
The Third Brigade' Will constitute the whole of
Schuylkill county, the well defined lines of thp
county formiag , its boundaries.
Majot general 6th Div. P. M.
Brigadier General 2d Brigade, 6th Div.
• . C. SEILER,
Brigadier GerMrnl let Brigade 6th, Div.
Head Quarters 6 Div. P. M.
Beading Nov. 15; 1843. 'S •
- • Remiss, Nov. Is, 1643 .
co. D. Krebsi Siri—lYou are hereby - ordered
and directed to officiajeUs Brigade Inspector 'and
advertise the Battalion , elections for Brigadier
General and Brigade!lnspector of the third Bri
gridu.6th- Division, P. M. on Tuesdiy the 19th
day. of December' neit,ibetween the hours of 10
in the forenoon and 6 In the afternoon.. The e
lections will bi governed by the 14th and 15th
sections of the Mititia Leics.
j WM. 'll.- ICEIM,
' Meijer General 6th Div. P. M.
• j
FOR 'Brigidier General and - Brigade,
Inspector nt the 3d Brigade. 6th Div.
P. M. fly; die eevaral Battalions 'and
Districts cif the said Brigade be
'aceotding to law, 'on
Tesettc4 the 19th of December mixt,
between,the hours of 10 in the forenoon
And 6 in tbeifternoon, by the enrolled
Militia and Volunteers of the said Bri.
following. Places, viz:
Battalion,3oth Reg't. 2d Brigade' 6th
Division P. it the? Court house in the borough
of Orwigsburg. Major J. H. Lutz will superin-
tend the election. 1,
The 2d Battalion 30th Reg't at the house of
Henry Geisse in thi Borough of Pottsville. 'Ma
jor Samuel M.lMillti will superintent the election.
The Ist Battalion Snhuylkill county Volunteers
at the Eubanks-Hotel in the borough of Potts'
vine.. Major .lameii 1-1. Campbell , will superin 7
tend the election. i
The,l2tb 81'108E0;1st Brigade 6th Div. P.M.
at the public housi of William Lori in the 80.
rough of Pinegrovie. j *jot Jacob - Mennig will
stiperir tend' the eltiction: •
Thd Townshipsof Epper find Lower Mahan.
tongo at the imusp of Samuel Moyer in Upper Pdahantongo. 1 George Boyer,; Esq., will superin
tend the election.
By order k)ft DA NIEL KREBS,
t Actintßrigade Inspector,
pd! Brigide 6th Division P. M.
Nov. IS. • I I 47-:
'pH E subscrtbdra Have applied to the Judges of•
c ip
••• the Court. I 1 Common Pleas of Schuylkill
county, for th benefit °fibs several Acts of Air.
Beadily, passe fpr the relief of Insolvent Defil
er', and tha! ,the said Judges have appointed
Monday, the4th' dak of December neit, at 10 ce.
clock in , the•iiiremaon at the Court House, in
Orwigsburg,lfer the; bearing of us and our cred
dors, when and ;where they may attend if they
think proper. r 1:
} A MUS KOCH. ' , ,
Nov. 11, I II
WIDURSUANT trj an, „order of the Orphan's
' Court of SOhuylkill:Coanty, the subscriber,
• -
Administrator pl the Estate of James Moorhead,
!obi of the BoroitgNof Pottsville, in the County
of Schuylkill, deceased, Will expose to sale by
Public Venclue,' on Saturday, the 2d day of De.
cerriber next, at 1 chlock in the afternoon, at the
oPennsylvaiiia in the Borough. of Potts.
ville, and County I aforesaid: A certain lot' of
Ground, situate at the Southwesterly corner of
, Market mid: Adorn streets,' in the Borough Of
Pottsville,- in Scheylkill County; being twenty"
feet in front:, end one hundred and fifteen feet in
,depth, beinOirtot: the lot marked in the gene.
ral plan of ; said town, with the No. 94. On'
which is erectOd a rl'orcrStory Brick tiouse, with
•hack bOildinge and, Risernent. Late
...aN the. Estate of James Moorhead, de
ll • „
is s „ ;
Attendince Will be given; and the
Ceriditions Salemade known by
' • . Administrator.
By Order of the'Court. ,
Orwigsttro;, Nov.. 11, . 46-4 t
Register's Notice: •
NOTICE is hereby given Legatees; ere-
J-‘ ditora. arid others interested in the following
admmtstretion accounts which have been filed in
the Regiater'e office. in, and for the county of
Schuylkill. by the, : executors, administrators and
Guardians' thereof, that the mine have been al
lowed by the Register and will be presented to
the Orphans' ;Court, to be held at Orwigsburg in ,
and for said County, on Menday, the lith day of
December next. for confirmation and allowance,
agreeably. to law,' at which time and place .yon
may /Maid i yott think proper.
1: The j aceount of John Schell, Guardian of
Samuel Heidi, minor child of john Heim, `son .
of Leonard, Ilate of Manheirn Township, dec'd.
2. Thei second , account of Henry Shoemaker
one of the: Eiecutors of the estate of John Weise,
late of the &dough of Orwigsburg. deceased.
3. The aceount of Charles Bober, administra
tor of the estate- of Thoinae Ireland, late of The
torrid Port! Carbon, deceased.
4. The set and of Peter Kremer. Exec
utor of the 'estate of Abrahaqi-Fertig,. late of
Pinegrove township, deceased,` !
5. The account of John Strauch,Guardian of
Sarah Owens, - alias Spencer, late Sarah Heffner;
6. Thel account of Jeremiah Kelly, administra:
ter of thei Estate of Lawrence Lawler. late of the
Borough' of Pottiville, deceased. • •
JOHN H. DOWNING, Register,
offthe, Orwi g s.
. 11th 1643, -;
burg No :
_ May COW.
WAS, brought to the stable of the subicriber
for maintenance, on the 14th of October, a white
and redispottedlOOW,l with a slit in each ear,
supposed' to be about 51years old; she was taken
up on the Wcat ' West Branch rail road, about 2
miles frot Llewellyn for trespassing in the neigh
boring gardens:
,The Omer can have her again
by mmi forward, Proving property , paying
chargesOte.,by epplication to the subscriber.
ding inr l the f • town of Llewellyn. Otherwise she;
will be sold; according. to Law, 'to defray :the et-
Penseti.l • 39111ANAN COCKILL:
LlowillYo, Nev. 10th, 1843. .47-3 t•,
- iirp!Y Wanted. 1 • '
ABMART active lad who can come well Teo-
ore mended. 0 wanted immediately to learn
gni Dirltgklunnese. 10 , 1 the subscriber. One who
underetandir the German wield be preferred,
_ .. JOHN 8. C. MARTIN.
rotifigm l'kbettlb!it(tB, - 47—• •
• !,!.• •
I ,c l
1, •
.1 I
1;i t•
rail:ell Mimics Conzt.
. 1 ,
• -iii ROT/CE.-- -
A PETlTlDiiotrDischarge and. Certificate
under .the Itiinknipt Law has been filed by
Daniel Stahl, Clerk 8 0 03 .7 1 hi11 . co ,
And Friday the 19th day of January itext'at II
o'clock. A.M. is, ePpointed for the hearing there
of.hefore the SaiiWouit, sitting ie,Bankroptcy,
at the Distitit,cOurt Room in the City of Phila.
,delphis. when and Where the Creditors of. the
said Pettioner,WbO•haVe proved their debts, and
all other person in interest,,may appear, and
shoW cause, it any they have, Orr such 'Dis
charge find Certificate 'should not be granted.
Clerk 91 the District COurt. •
Nov. 19;
APETITION for Discharge and Certificate
under, the IlankruPt Law has been filed by
John B. Datty,lkiatman, SchuylkiliCounty.
And Friday the sth day of January next, at 11
o'clock, A'. M. ie tippointed fur the hearing'there.
of, before the said Court, sitting-inßankruptcy, at
the District Cann' Rooin in the City of Philadcl
phi', wt.en antEwherei the Creditors of.the said
Petitioner; who have proved their Debti,ini all
other persons in interest, may appear and show
cause, it any thti have, why such Discharge and
Certificate should' not be granted.
Clerk of the District court.
October, 28,E -
PSTITIO;tISque Discharge and- Cerif fi catc
under the Bankrupt Law, have bier) tiled by
Alfred Sabbakin; Iron Manutacturer,
Schuylkill Co.
Paul A. Sabba t ton, Fouitildrand
Steam Eng ine'Manbfacturer, do. '
And Friday. thOst clay of December, near, r,t 11
o'clock. A. 111.sappoinfed for the hearing Owe
of, before Abe said Codrt sitting in Bankruptss
at the Distrietpourt Room, in the City of Phifs..
wheoll Ind where 'the Creditors; of the
said Petitionarsi who ,have proved their Debts,
and all other persona in interest, may appear and
show cease, if, acy they have, why such dt
charge and Ceitificat should not be granter!.
• : I Clerk of the District Matt.
September 9, .• • I
- •
Clock and Watchmaker.
RESPECTLLY informs his friends andi
the public ganerally,That he has just return. ,
ed from ,Philadelphik, and opened at his new
slaw,. in .Centri st., nett door to Geo. H. Stich.,
ter's Iron Store , s an - assortment of Crocks 'mat
fi x- Wrzclis, of
,the very best quality, an/.
Cc/ , which'he will sell at the lowest cash grit
His assortment comprises Silver
Patent Lever: Watch* English Watches, Ger,
mail do. Swiss' do. eight day and thirty hour
Clocks, and at' Variety, of other articles, belong , .
ing to his linei He would also , announce that
he replirs'Clopks and Watches, at the shortest
notice,,and gokranteei his' work. He hopes by
strict attention to business, and reasonable char
ges, to merit share of the public patronage:,
N. He-Eight day Clocks, are made to order
with shott notice. '
NPveunber, lc,
GENERAL assortment kept constantly On
ill Ganda[
Nevi Drug Store, Pottsville; Pa
F Jury tis. 2.?
• ESquirett Preaulent of the several Court, of
Common Eleas;.,of the Counties of Dauphin:Lebanon
and Schuylkill, , in Pennsylvania, and Justice of the
several Cotima.of Runner Sessions of the Peace. Oyer
and. Terminer,' and General- Gaol Delivery, in mid
counties! and Strang N. Palmer and George Rahn.
Esquireti, Judges of thd Court of Quaver Segment. of
the Peaee, bye! and Terminer and Generil Gaol De
livery, for the' rial of all capital and other effenders,
i n t he s aid County of Schuylkill—by their precepts to
me directed,have ordered a Court of Quarter Sessions
of the reaCe,, Oyem ad Terminer, and General Gaol
Delivery, to be holden at Orwigaburg. on the second
Monday ; iu December, next, (being the 11th of Said
month,) to eantinueon e week.
Node istherefore hereby given, to the Comm:H.; the
Justice of the Peace, and Constables ofthe said Cetus.
ty of Schuylkill. thati they are by the said precept
commanded id be ,then and there at 10 kiclock in
the ldrehonnef Mid day, with their rode, reconia, in
•quisitions.examinatiene. and all-other remembrances,
to do those things which to their several 'officeg ap
pertain 'mate done ; and all those that are bdund by
recogadmicee. to prosecute against the prisoners!that
are or then shill be in the gaol of said county oDichuyl
kill. are tq be then and there to :prosecute , them as
shall belmt. s
God gave the Commonwealth; '
Jk.REMIAII BEEP, Sheriff. •
Sherifra Office. Orivigs- 2; •
bury Nov. 18, 1843. S .;4i
N. B{--:The witnesses and Jurors who are suinnaon
ed to attend said Court, are required to attend 'punctu
a lly. In ease of nowette,cdance. the law in Such ea
, les, made, and provided. will be rigidly enforced.—
This notice is published by order of the Court.; those
concerned will therefore govern themselves'aceord:.
ingly. t ;
I •
• Printer's Furnishing Wharehousei -
N i B,IIF r nklin
'Ceder th'e Franklin House,
THHHO F. ADAMS has established, (4 the
above place, a Waiehou EC for the solo of
I I .
• ' sPrinting Matfrints
; .
of every deacription, including Bruce If Cole en
periell Nit:ding Types, at reduced prices ,
& Webb's Premium Wood Types, Cases, Furni
ture, Doable and Single Cylinder, Power
PressestAdarne unrivalled Platen ['ewer Presses.
The' S'V i ashington,l Smith, - Madison, Arherilan c
and Ehiladelphia Hand Presses, Ramege's Fools
cap and other Presses, °mutes Yankee Card,
and Billet Press, Buggle's Job Printing Engines,
°moire' Hand. and Power Presses , Austib'il
Apparatus,, Hand and Standing Presses,
together with a Variety of Printing Machinery.!
Litlicigfaphie and!Copytng Presser, by Messrs..
Hoe,lWortall, Taylor, Ram ,ge, Adams, Austin
Cosfeldt, lauggles,' Orcutt and otheri; ofi
which :will be sold at Manufacturers' loirckt
46-3 t
Second - I Eland alitterin is.
Pinter and' others, will find - at Oki estiblish
ment the' limiest sasortment of Seconii Baud
Materials ever offered to the trade, which will en
ablel.r:ountry Printers and others to ,ieelenish
their qffices, at avery small expense.. ' ' -
Printing materials of all kinds, new and see
ond kand, sold orf commission. .
T. F. A., having had nearly twenty years ex.
pOriblipe as it Practical Printer in the finer bran
she of the art, feels warranteel. in 134 ing that
e,:yeizartiele reccommentreil by him shall have
tio.cuperiur,in point of quality, and that persons
r2elling Upon his judgement in selceting;fcir them,
:shall receive the Most entire satisfaction:,
Lettere undressed to him (roost-paid) desiring
infOrination of any kind relating to the, art, will
receive Prompt and gratuitous answered
English, 3 2 Etevier. 1 :.(40 96
' , • 32 Minion, 1 54
s m Ot pit'a; I ? 34 Non - panel, 66
Long Primer, 1 1 36 Aate 1 86
Buigeoiu, I • 40'1 Pearl, I 1 120
1 •
d:77The sob,scriber is now stererityPing,- ard
swill shortly republish his Typographic, or Prin.
teris.nstrectot, giving -Practical and minute di
rectiont, fur conducting every department in an
office, at the law price of one &par pet Copy, be.
log one' half the ptice of the former edition.
07.Publisherii of Newspapers insettii.g this
advertisement, with that note, to the lirmount of
$3, and sending a copy of the papet to the a
bove addrecs,lvvill be entitled to the payyrient of
their hill, on puretiasiog Type to four times the
amount. , 11 • •
1N0v.25, ; 48-3 1
; 011.Wi08111711G.- '
'WiliPradglif CoplPVEchutlkilleeiutop
• - •
i'- :ME 8U1430. PATENT
4-- -- TILUStiI .
fi i
- ,1.4.1 k . .
.. .
• .. ALSO, . • -',,, ,
Dr. Joseph White's Ulan, Abdominal.
. - - Supporters.
A supply of the, above articles, '"just reccived
said for sale, at the manufacturers prices, by
i .
1 October fil, - • :•44-,,
• 1 ' J.
"Is THAT YOUR OWII MIS Oa A WICill" Said Sherida.
to a countryman..whom ho met carrying a hare, an
by so saying he won a wager made with the educe o
Wales, that ho would make the worst pun his Roya
Higlmess ever heard. No man who was sane could
'pot Sberidan ' s question to any one Who had Used
,Jiyses HAIR Tome, even though he had seen the ie.,
'dividual perfectly bald within tee umath, foe the hair
!produced by this invaluable preparation is even sof
!tor. more glossy, And more luxunant than that which
!nature originally . supplies! If the hair is falling DM
,it will at once arrest the work of spoilation. and by
;removing all obstructionsfrom the pores of the scalp,
;facilitate the circulation of blood and moistdre so ab.
;solutely necessary to the sustenance of the roots. If
used,wheo the hair is In gianing- to turn grey, it will
:prevent that portion, ch remain unchanged, , from
For sale by Eichholts & Sanderson, Potttiville. A
gents for the proprietor.
Pottsville Refectory.
. .
HE subscriber ann o unces to the lov e - s of
good eating that he has taken the refectory
in the basement story of the Pennsylvania Hall,
where he will keep constantly on hand
He will be prepared to furnish all the delica
ties of the season as they , arrive; and hopes by
strict attendance to merit a continuance of that
patronage for which. he is thankful.
. - PETER SILZEL, Agent.
October"?Stb,. , 44
Administratoes Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that ktterti o f ad
ministration of the goods and ebaithis, whiCh
were of Joseph Robinson, EFq , late of the town
of Port Carbon,Schuylkill county, deceased,
-have been grantd by the Register of Schuylkill
county,'to the .-übscribers: Albin/sons"therefore,
indebted to said :estate, are requested 6. make
payment, and those having demands, ill pre
sent them for settlement, to either of the subscri
I ___.
November 11,
Law Partnership
raIHE undersigned have associated themselves
-IL as comartners in the practice of the law.—
All business entrusted to their care, will receive
early and faithful attention.
Office at the residence of F. W. iiiighes, in
Centre Street, Pottsville.
4.5—t f
Nov. 4,
PERSONS having left Books to be bolind, at the
Bindery, and which have been finished "for
a long time, will please call and receive ihe'same,
otherwise they will be sold to pay expenses.
B. BANNAN, agent.
November 18,1843,
9,1111 E substantial and convenient Stone Store and
a Wbarehouse, at Mount Carbon, lately in the oc
cupancy of.loseph White & Son. The store is 4Us
40 feet, and the ware house Cio:6o feet,
both being 2 stories high in front, having
;;; ;I . excellent cellars or rather basements, the
BB : floors of which are on the level of tho
ground at the back of each; both buil
dings front on the Centre Turnpike ; there are good
docks for the receotio n at each of Merchandise by
the Canal, and gcnids brought by P & It It R. can be
-discharked at the level of the let floor of the ware
house, directly into its rear, which rests against the
track °film Mount Carbon R Road. •
There is ample room around the docks for piling
plaster; and a good lumber wharf will- be added to
the premises leased if desired,
Immediate poseesion given. Apply at the' Dela-
ware Coat Company's Offices. viz ;to
1011 N C MA RLL, Mount Carbon.
or J. R. WHITE, • '
117 South 3d St., Philadelphia,
Pottsville, July 15, 29
Pale's Patent Platform and touter
. _
'PLATFORM scales weighing from 100 to
m• . : 2300 lbs. and Counter scales in;every vari.
etv, superior to any scales before invented, for
sale by the agents. ' : ',
: • 42 Walnut street, Philad Iphia.
Juna 17, 1843, . 25—tf
JAYNE'S Hun re-Produce hair wher
ever it has before grown. revivifying the decayed roots
and causing them to send forth a new sno vigorous
growth of Na ture's most glorious ornament. If your
head becomes bald from disene, never I resort to 13
wig to hide the blemish,.that will iffectu Illy prevent
the hair from growing, by keeping the scalp constant
ly hot, and obstructing the perspiration. First try
Jaynes, !tali Tonic, and if it does not restore the
flowing honors of your caput, we . will - consent to pay
the wig maker for rooting it with an artificial materi-
gor sale by Eicholtz & Sanderson; Pottsville,
gents for the propietor. •
Nov. 25. . 49
• W. CA,IiLISLE, Jr. 4
Arch Skeet wharf, Schuylkill:
tfIESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the
"poblie. that he is prepared to receive and for
ward Merchandise ofevery description, to all parts
on the Juniatta, %Vest and North Branches of the
Susqueliannah, and Schuylkill and Union Canals via
Schuylkill and Union Canals, which are incomplete
order, and such arrangements made as to insure n full
supply Of ?Yaw during all the year. •
Shippers of.-produce will find it to lya their interests
to lend prance to the rhiladelphia Market, via'
Schuylkill ;and Union Canals, it being the cheapest
anc safest route.
- Plaster,,Salt and Fish constantly on hand, at lowest
market', prices.
!;very attention paid to shipMent of Merchandise
by good safe boats, commanded by careful captains
together with promptness m salmi product!,
Merehandize will not be detained. in store lon ac
count omstormy or wet weather, the boats load and
unload, under the store in the dry. I
Philadelphia,July 1,1813.
No. 41. Braawnenny
One !door above' Chesnut, EntraUce also at No
50 South Second Street,
Philadelphia. 1
THE subscriber's rent in his present situation
, being very low, and his terms cash, ho is de.
termined to sell at prices - to spit the hard times.
• • He oilers a well selected stock of
Beautiful Imperial three ply,) ; •
Best superfine Ingrain, ; • •
Handsome Extra fine 'again,
Fineand common do. '
'Royal treble twilled Venetian,
Fine English Worsted do.
London Damask der' I •
Plain-Striped do. I
Also a stock of excellent and beautiful ,
All widths:for Rooms, Halls,' Entries,
boles, Door Pieces. &c. Also, Coach Oil Cloths,
Furniture Cloths, Druggets, and Floor Baizes ;
Elegant Piano and Table Covers. Also,Canton
and Spanish Floor Matting&
"With a large assortment of very 'low' priced
Ingrain and Venetian Caipetings, Door - !Hats,
Bindings, Stair Rods, ' - • •
The citizens of SchityLHUOminty intending to
purchase for cash, are reapectfully int ited to call
and examine for themselves, as the goods shall
be sold at the lowest prices in the city. Whole
sale and Retail.
DIL. D. JAprEfiTIPAMLY VOLD/18111111. ,
New Drug Store, Pottevtlle, Agents for fietterkil/ 1 3
Jab' ' . -
IFMAN'S btARY FOR 1844-4 u
1117'LLOW WAGLGONS For sale by ,„‘ 44 4 2r4Cf t # ll4 S ,o l , h , l t° l . 11 r,,;
11W ~ 1111:10; - "-. i f bum . . S 3 - •
Books Bound.
Phibitielphia; &pie mbebrE/,111i2.96121Enz.
FOR which cutiscrip*na. syßte . ricaved.
this - Otrice: . • • ; •
WOlka jf Hannah !More. to be*wioktokin w
parts at 25 Cents Cacti;
. Gibbon's decline ond.foll oftl*Aorrtip Eripire
to be complotedin;ls NumtiCirs*TEs cents eitcls.
Life Of Andrew Ittektiftn. to b e coo. ,
pleted in 15 numbers at 25 cc0tr(1016,,,.
141equllocb's Oiograpbtcal OiCtionitry;tol,
completed in 18 bombers at 25' ice)3to etch: ' -
October 21,
.Cheap Leather torte.` '
. No. =7 .4leithani Si.; oripositt43lo)l Bar;
" "
Dsr.ow MAPErr Aso Frifo
• -
riIHE subscribers have alwaisr.on hand a glod -
t 1
assoament of Oak and libtAttloch &INCA& -
skto, Dry and Slaughter, liiptr,i3Waptd,llropeiti'
Cordovan, Harness, IHefocco,..l(o,l..inings,Ac.,
ALSO, all - kinds of Shbe :Findusire a ., ,
which they will sell to COtialsr ; AIIatOIVIII -
a very small adiranee on cash.; , ..4:f - i. •
-1 TAPSFITT, &Coo'
Oct. 14,-18.13.' '„_
u:r We have also . a
storei EC;
above Ninth street..
AtlMillliFllVll4oe4l - 'ffli43,*'
• he'reby-giviart,„
.L ministration - on the Estatei'iAlikmeCNolitak.'";:
head, late of the. Bniodgh . Ofiric!tAti. - ;Itilil`l
county of Schuylktit; diliceasetTE.,
ted to the subscriber by Ihe, - 41 P. Osles'efSetits0
kill county. Therefore all pci„t*s t 9
the said Estate, me requestedliptarl:ftiSirnitsitt a •
an d t,h ne having claims •atia*`,...0 1 .0. - . 10 . 1 ,4 1 ;At" . .q
"ate, Rill presenv the same foriltiiiitlerrient.tO'‘ , F;::
• JOHN $1.!"-;'
Witerney Al' Low, PrlOW3tifi;P;(4l': , -;,:: ,
Nov. 11,
ALL those indeb:ed to tbetl2Fserthe! Ilia tr.
quested 'to call arid settle ottil#,bef4o the lir ,
in Deceaiber next, or the aCcont4yrill be,',0411147
o the hands of ti Alagi,trztte
I 81.MONATtIODe!t;
Pottsville, Nov. 18 1843, f;'.q.
11 1 4 Ell 0 V 11314'.-
sortri W. ivx:MEIL
fIESPEC'fFt/LLit Intormaliia friends nal , .
tho. public generally, that ho has removed hit
Confectionary Store and Metonfactory, !rem his -
Old Stand. to the tow Brick jliiilding to Cap,
trjet.,. nearly opposite Mortiniar'Sliotel.,'Potta..-
allle, where he has on hand a -, large satortinent:
CS NMES, • C/4*,
TOYS; •• • &e.
Embracing all such artieles;t 0. are generally
kept in a Confectionary, whipir.ho will weirrinr
to be of a superior quality, an which- will -be
sold Si. holesate and Retail aU the lowest rates,-
and on the rr-nit accommodating terms. ,
Hotels, r' ; '; Ace, and Private: milled, soppliOd
with all kinds of Cakes, bakod,Oorder of every ,
description ; also ; all kinds of Ponfeciionary s et " '
the shortest notice. ' '
Just rectlivedii fresh supply 'of very
Choice Friiits, i . Raisins, Prunes, Figs;Almondsokc.,4l*
which' he will Gains cheap other &tab.- '
lishment in this place. l. •
113 Country • Storekeepers And others,: are re.
quested to give him a calktitilio will guarantee
that the Candies ho mantiliteturce are superior
to those manufactured elilekilmte, and he wilt
warrant them to keep better than.those generally
November 1S;--
3, G. MILES, •
Dental , t-Stirgeon .
• Late of West Chester, nedWhiladelphie r
I . ..;-%•;
,: citizens ofPoitsvillo
.;4.-ttncivkci ! iity, thit iis'
: , toinphancewith:tlie'
request of some of the citireo,-be will spendtwo
or three weeks during
_the' menth of December.
or • January, in that • pladis-:At which time.; he -
will happy to wait upon'4l those, in need of
Dental operations.
DANVILLE, William H. Rakill. MAD'.C.
Frick, 111.'D., John . 0. Grici,` , mercharilt lion.; W -
'Danaldson;jobn Moore, E t 44::, • %Vim Cnewiltit; --
Isaac Thomaa, M. D., Willifirn r Whiteherid. Den,
tint ; PoTTsvir.t.c,Georte,Paticrson, Esq 4; YLLr
sots, Daniel Aloptgontery,W4.
Nov. 25, , 4B=
.TEACII kirks] lii , :AN TED.
- :
POUR Teacher ' s who ati..quali fi ed to teach to
the Public Schools, 11100 Borough of Schuyl.
kill Haven. Apply immenlY to,
Nov. 25,1813
THE suliberibers 'have joi:t received an elegant:
iissortment. or Silk and; Cotton Umbrella",
which they will sell unuStiolly low for cash:2—
Thu area superior articlejrom one of the best
establishments ih Philadelphia.
- St!. I. FOSTER:
November 11
scarpa's Compound Kri , osole Acoustic Oil, I •
, 1
"L'IOR the cure of DEAPNESS, - pales, and thrs
11 : discharge of inatterlipm• the ears; also alt
hcfse disagreeable noises, dike the buzzing of in.- -
sects, falling Of water, buzzing of steam, flke..ta. •
which are symptoms of approaching deafness,
and l eis° attendant with tlin.disdase. • - ,'
The following Editorialeiand certi fi cates will'
be read with interest as -they , speak facts which
are " stubborn things." ,- ..'--. • ' -.--. •
MOST EXTRAORDiIti.IIO( , :Cuu. !-- - -if any halm
doubts they may now di'auriss them. and the most .-
incredulous may consider- Deafness tot curable.
' Numerous cases of
.cure iand many of them ye. •
ry remarkable—by to are of "Scarped- Oil."
trive been published 6004 "caps the climax."'
Young or old may ye fie-bier hearing. A lady _
in Smithfield, . Pennsy slnia and now about 80
years of age, had been ' *unity getting deaf for_ •
more tban 40 years, so (ktal it, was next to impos.
Bible to make her hear etatvcrsation in the loud,
es t t o nes el 'voice •' • fast sOnter she was indneed
to try " Setirpa's 911 fo l" It is only
-necessary to add that'Sify has used two butt4st
'and that her hearing- is :pc:, fectly restored—ape is
'cured. • ~,, . .
DEAFNFag Cuark - -tiO following extract tram
a later - written by lfi. 7 -',lRhnson of Boston,
f:ietid in - this city, is ii4dirtant. •
..• The bott!e of Scrap' 3 . !:ti 1111 for Deafness, : that
you sent , me, with the-:wish that my d a ughter •
would try it, has been ; . -used, and in ifs effects,
have Totoniihed all; you Anew how very deatihe • .
has been since' sho wall, ree years old—she now •
hears quite well, but as Tito medicine basalt been
used, 1 wish you to senCme another bottle,which -
I have every reason . to,iielieve will cure her mi.
tirely.'--1 Timev. - . . • .
For sale by B. B. (11031FERT, N 0.120 Noel
Second Street, Phileder6hia and by ' • •
' . Aglntsi
July 22, • .
Ia "FORMAt 10N ip - Permany and Elviimuilastd,'
complote in ono yoli)rio. 'price 41; just *sive4,,•
and for sale by, - Agent.
NavOmt•er 18, • 47.-•:
• - _
NEW .yoiliCpuipsi ruatS,.:
JUST ioceired *tatAlly •• - •
• ' • WAt.. H. - MARSHALL,.
• Cline,. of NerwrgOi Si., 1141.01014 R Road
November 18, • 47.
:;.-~ `' .