The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 14, 1843, Image 3

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    Schuylkill County Election it etitni#—OfEciale, -
A s sembly. Treasur .
, •g.
- 2
• B
- N. wAras
ll'ottivill° 6. %vita,
10,„i g iburg,
Wed Pens,
Schuylkel Haven,.
Unkoo, •
New Castle.
Port Carbon.
Upper litat*ntongoy
Lower Mrwtoog" ..
p_brteu - - -
• ,
Commits'ionet\Pi'rector. Auditor. Trustees.
- -- i
o r 7- -1 '17. - ^ --, r-- 1 "---‘ r-- 4 -1
r to :x . . v.. Hi,x, ) •
:V ° t / l e
F' 2_. o_
il• . ci e a 2 c 'r7 4 ° 1 4
w , w• . -IA
' = • r b e l , AT C I r •io • I , P.. 2.
r .. , •.,-, i,. , t r p r a • I
. •
11 I ! r ti •• I
: . 4 N.W.I7G ' 36, 57 25 "15 106 -.Bgs. 1.269 = '
‘ i
116 2 3 146 225 148 331 331'
P°lts'9"l° S.W. 207 Is 5; 22 ' 4 31 111 I 213 59 ; 268 69 202 .70 220 221
Orwigsburg, ' 19 58y167 182 4' . ,30 2!11,8 104 .138,345 175 197 239 427 424
llcKeansburg, 1 - -- 3 - 11 1 32 37, 6 10 001 984 64 i 65 74' '52 80 127 126
West-Penn, % 5 71';\ 76 32 0 15 OOl IL •30 123 1 46 142 42 141 179 - . 179 .
Schbilkill, Haven 97 85, 132 60 14 23 1 3-t 12; 0 84 9l 163 210 78 129 261199
Union, 8 ' 181 55 24 0 1 '3 I 2 6 -13 87; 26 73 22 69 100 97
: Rush, ' 2 27 26 '5 • 0 1 0 7 20 48 `29 38 27 41 '64 63
Schuylkill, : , 11 19 117 15 3 0 , I,- 6 20' 36! 35 .16 22 18 44 46
Barlow., ' . 10 57 11 1 81 0 :15 42 ;25: - . 31 25 34 54 54
Tatoaqua. . 10 161119 18 1. 8 . 1 436 451 1 18 60 'l3 53 63 63
Pinegroia . , 27 St \ . 97,„ 20 6 21 : 1 10 _23 102!' 13 138 72 123 200 200
Friedensburg, , 72 110 8 114 ..0 ~ 22 00 11 78 15 1 49 137 40 73 116 116
'New Castle; -24 •6; 19 31 . 7, - 2 10 1 49 41:1 : 1 5 . 1 . 42 36 51 'B3 83
Port - Carbon, •- 93 - 33, 10 3 00 24 14 1- 66 79 I 196 54 91'. 53.145 145
Mineraville,',• ,•-;, 3 6 .1 • 7 199 00 1 ' 45' 139: - • 97 149 29 168 ; 181 179
Bruneher''',; 29 • 3 25 101 '4 . 00 • 31 44 - '7l .37 26 71 109 108
Barry,l :• 6 9'l 22 14 11 227• 1 ! 43 58. .12 73 81 .81
U. / Matniniongu : ,, 4 85' =3 IQ -76 5 : 2 13•-42,154; 6B t6B 19 169 192 191
1.: M abran ton go, --25-- - 3 t 39-'63 10 ."1. 8 66 - 17-176 85 67 . 85 -.151 151
Porter, . 9 127 • 7 - 1 -- -;: - .. - '-- -- 11 1 0.z; - 3::::_ < 2.C.,„: 18 ( - 3 4- 37 23843 43
I; • ------ ---'-'-',-- ',,.---•<, ''- 7 ---..„ - - •. . -7-------- -----_
- • :'
81.1 •7 \ 82 741 669 527 345 1 - 54 223 - 1 - 2041524 16 ' 661927 1299 1926'3111310
• Volunteer Candidate. , Andrew Wilson ale t;
° receivCl.64 ;;Iteilor Sheriff'
= 1 0
1 II 0
. a. ."40,
•IL • a ,
111 li
1 t Copartnership lately existing among
the .eUbscribers, under the firm of Myers,
Allen and! Company. had been dissolved by the
withdrawal a Tobias H. Wintersteen, from the
concern. The business will be conducted
David J. Myerii and Ephraim Allen,win are
fully authorized to redeive all-debts ue the late
firm and to pay the [Mime. •
October 14, . _ 42
AN election for thirteen Directors of the Mi.
nets` Bank of Pottsville, in the County of
Schuylkill, to servo the ensuing year, will be
held at the Banking 'House, between the houraef
10 o'clock A. M. led 3 o'clock P. M. on Mon
day the 20th of November nest.
A general meeting of theStoekholdere of ard
Bank' will be held at the Banking House, on
TOaday, the 7th or NofernbEr next. •
te Oct Jber 14, 42
As . signeels Notice.
N --- • .
OTICE is hereby given. that all those in
debtect to the estate of A:Nile Heilnir, .o
the latorough of Millersville, are requested to come
, for‘VarcLand make „payment to Joseph Weaver,
Erg., rft - liatitill4otior before the first of Nc.
ventber,:itezr, - ar - aTtel 7 that date, all accounts re•
unpald,-will be placed in the hands of
,-..- a Magistrate for collection. • .
J. O. ROADS, Administratm
• , MATILDA M 4RTIN, Administrairi;
s bfthe estate of W. W. - ittartin late Assignee,
• • eit Moritz Heilner, deceased,
''''-October 14,
Administrator's Notice.
ivOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad,
4 .. 1 ministration, of the goods and' diaUles
which we're if W. W. Moran, late of theb9rough
'of Pottavilleeeesed, have beeii granted by
the Register of Schuylkill county, to the suuseri.
bets : All persons -indebted to said estate, arc
therefore requested to make immcdiale payment,
and all thosi:Otaviag claims, Will present them
for settlement. I .;
- J. 51 ROADS;Administrator, • I-
MATILDA 'MARTIN, Administratrix.
October 14, f i ,. . • 42=-4
Store*tOck For Sale.
WILL be sold at Private Saen accomc.
K in
dating terms, the stock 'of Geode Consist.
leg 'principally of GrueericP, in 'Market Street
belonging. to the eetatnef the lab William W
Martin : • and the store will be also. Rented,—
' For terms &c.; apply ori the premises.
October 14, •
EVa. - qRANT. Instriietefia on the Piano
te, Guitar, and in" vocal music, offers her
professional .;servides to the Ladies of Pottsville.
Residence at • Mr. B. F. POMROY'S,
Corner of 510antingo and Cot:inland eta.,
October 14, - -42-3 mo.
Airedericka IBremerls works
A , - FRESEI inprily of these celebrated and in
• 40 Xlll- teresting works consisttng of
The Presidant's Daughther 112
• IS: •,•'Nins, the President's Daughter • , 'l2
Family I - • '25
The Neiiiibors--.=:- 12
' 'The Dome; Or Family carer; 4 , •FarnilyiJoys 12
• Bikife4E-,Peace,er Scenes il2 Norway j 25
" ••• Just received add for sale by . .
'''•:•°••• Oct: :7 • • B. BANNAN.
..• •.- '' .
_- L • DII73DERID. l• - 1
• ,\,IIiOTiCE is hereby given to the Stockholders
•• : - •in the Company for erecting a l3rtdgc over
r- ' ° tlit.liortharaiiol,„9l,the river Susqiiehanna;be
tc#eeit th i
.town of catawissa, and the mouth of
' ' ',Fishii -Creek.° 4141'11bn' Board or Managers.
• have. is av,. den arad a . dividend of seventy.five
P • anti per share for the het six inonths,,(equal to
• . :•615cr cent';-per ttnetOn.) 'which will be paid to
tbertior_theirlegal repreientltives at the Trees
• ' '•cures:s Offiek.on•or after theleith info; 1 1
.. , -_-. - r % • EZRA.I3: LIAAPRURST. Treasurer.
- : 'Tytaiteireeit Office, Catiwisas ,Oct. 2, -, : 26•••3t
•- _ -
- - Dtar.alia'llis OralvsitirriSraxvio BUSINESS and wi
• ~ i ','hearmany complalincor paint; in the stomach and
. ••• • 'bowels, disentery,.diepepsia. cramp. constipation,
,' • - '' —,sick headache. a
,other aliments - growing out of
'Y• - 4 ' cold and,'" aenng i i calor:the - digeattvo and Genre
' ''• tiveTunctiona.' hb vilio•cleitire immediate , relief
' • • fromauch torturinvisitations: should resort , t o that
' •54• etre alid 'exPeditious remedy ...layna'a Carminative
',... ,I. ... -- fraisam [ TWA' Medicine - acts 'upon th-s fkiide from
whlch - the blnocr la geneval.pd.Vnd thus purifies the vi
'"-, .tal atrean at it( very•source: To the Ulirectiona
whidh,viccomptmfeach bottle oT ilia Carminative are
• , -",\..attpthed clirtifteates of cures from men 'oftbe high-
C . ::,6 -- -•- . est 14-nalcig in,the learned; p rofesai oni . .
-,'', , ', ' • - F9rAtilet by - Eicholts dc . -Sanderson, pottsville,A.
' ' ' ' ' ;gents for the proprietor. _ ~. • ! .
.... cnittibeel., r'`, . - '.. - - 41—
. ,
ppprelp WPFLK-:-Wayndorte.or
• • dm Haunted Erroll, by J. - Noel:sore Coopar ,
; •
' . .14apnwi
reer-red' end tat salls,by _
%. • Viet. et : ' ti. HANI 4 / 4 '..V;
- .
. . , . . .
¢ .;,~''
Senate. i
4.1 ..
e t . - • .0 0 . FII
Cr ... . tr.:
P ti
g ei - ' 1:11
g 7 • ,47 .
O :
18 289 226
1 - 262 251
61 478 284
11 126 85.
2 186 43
28 127' ? "' 139
01 65 38
15 80 21-
1 55 43
O 25
1 32 10
1 128 64
7 197 az
O 70 81
1 110 104
2 47 32
5 91 ,78
Z 71 21
1 40 28
O 118 •60
O 10 6
307 169 462
246 94 835
156 268 479
1013 91 175
25 170 193
112 198 271
32 70 107
31 87 53
87 '= 23 - 66
38 43 • 85
:21 ' 65 73
112 1 253
• 84 133 213
68 40 112
119 111 I 5
56: - . 161 . . 8
... .1 \4 ,. 136
33 71 ) 107
30 172 , 202
77, 88 --t 166
3 40- , 43
641 I
3 9 37
41 ! ) I. 13
60 12
61 57
127 1 ; 165
1061 62
38i. 'l6
64 i 60
165 151
' 66
36 t 27
168 I.
70 'j di
42 1 „38
149 2488 1632 1688 i , 1432
1782 2196 3909
0 . T.
• B
42-3 t
42-3 t
ar d.
0 1
4 7. r
178 75_
75, as
84 rli7
75 88
118 98
Office ophe Beaver. Meadow Rail Road & ?
Coal Compaiv i ; 16. 84 Walnut' Slreel. 5
- , , - 94truaneerata, Oct. 2,1843.
will be received by the under.
signed, on behalf of" k the 'Bes"er Mellow
Rail Road and Coil Co., at, their otiice,'n'ntil *the
let day 4 of, November, nerrt-?for renting the out:
pany's Ilines, Workshops, Cars, Locomot vein,
dee 4 satiate. near ilie town of Beaver
.plea ow',
Carbon County, Pa.
These works are cif the most substsn ial c Jar
actor ;.and are irrtlie best possible conditio for
cheap and eipedaloUs mining operations.l T ere
are three slopes or Opening?, which may ,no be
Worked, at two of iwhich are powerful Static ary
Engines, and by thii erection of anoiher En ins
at the third slope.! which can be done at a small
expense, the mines ] may be . made to produce
180,000 'Pons of Coal annually. . , '
The character of the coal is second to none in ;
the country, and the CoMpany would be willing
to rent either or 411 1 !of tha mines now opened, at
.a reasonable rate per ton for the coal, that may
be taken 0.. t ; and if more convenient to.the ran
ters, would also bn willing to receive A portion
of the rent in coal, is may bo agreed upon
after. . : . • ; i
—. . _ ,
If preferred by the contractor, the" transportal
tion of the coal will be done over- the Beaver
'Meadow RaiWDoad,.from the mines .to Mauch
Cliunk..or Penelaven, by the Beaver ! Meadow
Rail Road and Cal CO., at a reasonable charge
for - Cfal on the R.Caid, and for the use of 'cars ane
Locomotive )'Baines. To persons practically etc
qualbted with the mining of Coal, the above is
considered the best opportunity any where to-1m
mgt with, for engaging profitably IEI4 business,
and a butte investigation will convince any one,
that the condition of . the mines ; facilities for mi.,
ning and easy -- I trensportation, will enable the
Beaver Meadow Coal to be placed in market at
as low a price as Memel from any other region
whatever in the state. Ample security will be
required for' keeping the Mines, Workshops, LG.
I comotives, Cars, Se..e. in perfect order.: lAny fur
!her inffirnsation on the ecibject pan be had by
application at the office, where direction Can al.
so be hid fur a, full and proper exaciii ation of
the mines, Works', dec. I •
President of the Deaver Meadow Rail Road and
Coal Company. ! :
October 14,
, l'
virtue of it writ of Tettafum Venditioni
A, M:pones, iesind out of the Distridt Court for
the city and county of Philadelphia and tome di
reefed, will be sale by public vendue
of outcry: ,
• On Monday;the 61h day of Novem b er next,
at 9 o'clock A. M., at the "Pennsylvania Hall"
id the borough' of Pottsville, Schuylkill county :
All that certain tract or piece of Coat LAND, sit
uate in ;Schuylkill. troship,Schnylkill county,
beginning at a pine stump and stones, &corner
Orland surveyed to Irma' Bushy, now belonging
to the heirs of Samuel Wetherill. dec"d. and oth
er., thence VI tlfe'same north 70 degrees, west
66 perches to. a stone heap on a pine stump,
thence south 71 :degree., west 222 perches to a
stone heap, thence north 21i degrees, west 80
perches to a white oak corner in ,the line rife
survey' made fin John Thompson, new belonging
to the heirs ofSsmuef Wetherill, deceased, and
others, thiancebY the same and Land of Edward B.
and Francis S. flubley, south 71 degrees, west
188 perches to rt post, a corner ofthe two hun
dred acre tract of Thomas S. RidgWah Robert
-14cDermot and D. & J. Amos, thence along the
line of the same' south 16 degrees,
east 106 per
chei to a post.' thence by land of Thomas Silly.
man, north 84 degrees, east 35 perches to a post
and slope heap l i m
thence by the sae south 161
degrees, east ;8 1 perches to a post, thence by the
same north 71.1 degrees, East 435 perches to the
place of beginning, containing 206 acres and 125
perches strict measure (being the same pretni.
sea which Thomas Sdlyman and Wife by Inden.
turn dated the 9th day of April A.D.O 1835, re'
corded is the office for recording deeds in Schuyl.
kill county, in Deed Book No. 15, page 77, gran.
, .
ted and coneeyed - to Gideon G. Palmer and Ed.
Ward B. Garrignes in fee) with the appurtenan
C.CIS. • 1
QT This_ 'tra ct of land is Mlles from Port
carbon, and has a branch road connecting it with
Schitylkill Valley 'Rail Road.' It includes
the celebrided Set= VZIN of Coal and' the veins
thence as far north aslbe Gate vein, embracing.
some of the bait red ash Coal, one ; vein of which
is now • being: werkccf.' • Thb improvements on
the tract besides Vie rail road and veins opened,
consist of 24 Miner's houses, built of logs and
frame, a frame Stable and a BlieksmittroiShp.--.
Seized and taken into Execntion, end will be snld
as the properly of Gideon G. Palma, and EL
ward B. Garrisrues.b . y ,
Sheriff's Office, °mike.)
burg, 00. 14, 1813.
' ,
. Candlelint On ban II by tiwbox, sold at
pshiladelpbla Man fact wars pricakfraigbt and az
clump idded, by W. H. MARSHALL.
I-Oliaaallazweglan St. and Ntt:C•asban R. R.
fottiviitalT " Afril 15 4 1843. • Is— •
' llnlßad States Conzt.,
'• -In Dankrupiy:
• rict.
PEnTIoN9 for Dislcherge and Certificate
under the 13inkrupt Law. have been tiled by
Alfred Sabbaton, Iron IfiainfaOhirer,
• J Eictioylkill. Co.
Paul A. Sabbaton, Iron Porinder; and
• Steam Engine;Manufieturer, ' do. .
And Friday. the Ist day iif.Deceinber, nest, at 11
o d ock,, A. M. is appointrd for tie di
? hearing late
of, befori4he said Court sitting :in , Bankruptcy
at the District Coen Room, in the City of Phila
delphia, when, iind where the Cred i tors of the
said Petitionere,Who' line prated their Debts.
end all other pertain, in interest,: may spline and
ihow cause; if any. the .havej, whY such Die
charge and Certificate ahould not be grantee.
• - Chute, of the Dist:let Contr.
September • 1 ' 37
AL PETITION . for Discharge and Certificate
ti under the Rankrupt, Law his been filed by
Enos Jones, Carpenter, now Laborer. Schuylkill
id Friday the entli day
198 258
63 236
221 • 335
09 100
IT 70
10 43
7 36
15 134
125 76
17. • 92
29 125
1 60
19 ; 79
-52 • 42
20 , 60
57 92
00 - . 27
Ana s'riday tr..
o'clock. A. M.. ia appointed for the hearing there.
of, before the said Court,; eitting Bankruptcy,
at. the District Court Room in theDity of Phil's.
delphia, when and where the: Creditors of the
said Petitioner, who have proved their Debts, and
all other persona in interest, May appear and
show cause ' if any they have, why such
i be Dis
charge and Certficate:should net granted.
Cler of the ,Diatrict Court.
July 29. • t!,7a s 31-10
957 2240 1785
Lippipcott Sc Tawtor,
Having made extensive preparation, are now
4 Supply
FROM tenlo fifteen per 'cent lower than oth
er wholesale dealers, we , shall do this by
buying for - cashiand selling entirely for the same,
those who buy by small Iquantltiee as well as the
calms* dealer, will find it
,to their advantage
call at • I I
No. 200 i Market Rtreel,lthird; door!. above Sixth,.
and one door below the Red Lion's hotel, Philada,
From the 'Walla. Ledger, of,Seplember, 22a,1813,
The question is often asked, by strangers,
0 Where can we go to buy the best and cneapest,
suit of clothes; they al4 i refeired by moat of our
citizens to the extensive establishMent of Lippin:
colt & Taylor, 200 Market 'Stree ; three doors
west of Sixth.
Lippincott FL:Taylor are wta olesele dealers,
and always receive the la:zeal assortment in the
city, they alsolitive theirephtstion of doing the
finest work aid take special pains to please those
who buy n well ;es the eittensive
dealer. Their:is certainly the place. Ills next
t door to he Red Lion NOM). j
Ociober 7, 11343
A., BONS. A. BERGERi frobi the 'Theatre de V
porte Maitin,
of Parisq thanks the ;La
and Gentlemen of Potliiville. - for the patruhage
they bestowed on him tfiree a.ndllour yeara,,ago,
and .respectfully informs them' that he proposes
to form 'classes in Dancing, in ;which he will
teach Abe city dances in twelve lessons, three , les
sons a week. i One aOnding the 121essons is
warranted to dance very well, all the. Cotillions
in use. The price for tfie'twelv6 less Ons will be
Six Dollars, of which V 00 to be paid the day
~f the first lesson and thg balaneC paid the
day of the lase ; lesson i But if any one does not
dance well aftdr • the 12th lesson is over, he will
nut be oblidged to pay the balance.,„ 'The steps
taught by Moos. B. are I those now ' fashion able,
wiz_ Walking steps. If desired Mona. B. will
form classes for Waltzing,.GalloPading, and fan
cy, dances 'of every cleScription, .1111101' as; Cra.
covienne, Colero,t Cachachci, Gitanai Smalenska,
Shaw!, Dance, - Garotte Mennet, Hangarian,
Tambarine t Dance, &c., f&d.
Academys and private faliniliesattended to.'
Mon'. B. having but five Or si'weeks to timid
in this place, as he must be beck to. Now York,
before the erilk Cif:November, thinks proper to add
that those &Sirens to join the class must call ,
within the nett Week, for ho one will be admit.
ted after the first lesson is'over. , ' . ' . .
' -, N. B.—lf inusicians can be 4rocured in . this
!place, Mons.,; B. will giVe: a Dancing Soiree, in
which his daughter only seven years old, will
i ,
'many others, 'quite unknown in 'this 'this, place. 411
the members of the school, will be ailinittei free.
1 For particulars apply atl the PermsYlvant ?all,
on Thursdsy, i rriday and Satutday. \
October 7, , '
Lot of , ground, 20 1 ,4 108; situate on the
fY corner of Centre and Norwegian streets ;
on'lwhich is 4tected in
,Large 3 story
. •FraineStore and Dwelling House, iron_
, =' o ti..g CentrOrt., and 'bur Dwelling
llutiaeb, fronting on lanWwegian st. This is.con
sidered one Of the best business locations hi - the
boroogh, '; •
Atso;_Three three ;story Frarne Dwellings
and Stores, adjoining the ..abOve: The lots be.
ing 25 feet front, on Ceritre . st.', by 100 feet deep;
to iten feet, wide allefyibu'ileing,2s by 45.
Atso, A let of Grutind, situate fronton Centre
at., adjoining the Town : Hall, being 30 feet front
by 230 : feet deep, to Rail Road st., on which, is
erected' a-large Stone Dwelling and Store and
Stortiroorn. with back hildings.,
Also, Four lots of Ground, situate on the south.
westwardly side .of [Goal st; being twenty five
feet front on said st., and,lBo feet r& depth, to
the-Mount Carbon Rai; Road.', On which are e.
rected four two Story frame _ Houses,
17 by 32 feet each.
'ALM, Ten` rams' two Story Houses,
!MUG and Lots, fronting on Mahantangu st.,
being 14 feet (from each by 86 feet deep;
and anown'es Clinten Row. •
Also, A lot of Grohnd, situate on the North
Eastwradli side of 'COO st.,i b eing 122 by 180 \
feet square; on Whiehlis erected ten frame Dwel.
ling Houses, called and known, as Pull street
Row. ,
' .ALse, Mot of Grofind, situate on the corner
C 33
V l6 '
of the ItiarketSquar and Cntirtland 'Weals, be
ing 25 feet,lront, on' Market at., and 114 feet on
Courtlantlet., to a 10 foot wide alley.
The Wlile,..or any part.of the above described
valuable;iiropCrty, will be sold very I low ; if ap
plied tor soon, and on such terms, a! may be an
inducement to those wishing to purchase Real
Estate in Pottsville, Ito embrace this; opportuni
ty. , ' •
For finther partit
in Mahantango strCi
T HO,NI/kg S. RIDGWAI, Jr.; Mining En.
neer,' is:ready ito:attend to all kinds of En.
gineering connected With Mina* He will alab
make.Geologieal 4virriinations in relation toots
beds and Fanits; altioTopogiaphical`and Section.
al dratviogs, neatiy Szecoted. Ofaca-nazt &or
to the taffies of thelMinors' JoarnaL •
Oct. 7, 1 • 41-4 t.
42-4 t
FOR DlscamtoE.
of, Cle:totier next, at It
NE* Wl - 1.0 LESA LE
Vale able Real Eslate,
In the Borots4of Pqnsville,
- At Private :laic.
. -
diem cell on the subscriber
.t, Ponsvilso.
' ; I 41—
Javar:i Hiis Toxic.—A One bead of hair is an
absolute renu*tien to female beauty. Evan - St.
Paul whtv,was no flatterer, says that for a woman to
have long hair. is le .• glory, to her. 7 ' To those of
the fair sex. then. whrkhave been shorn of this "gio.
ry" by general or local disease. or other causes, we
recommend as a restorative, Jeters , Hint TONIC.
It is a fact established by unimpeachable evidence.
that it will reproddOe hair upon bald places an elibct
arbich although claimed for at preparations for, the
hair, bas been, so far as we know, aqcompiinhed by
aosa,eacepl.lairra'a Hain Tana -
For tale 14 Eicholta¢ Scodarnoa, Pottovillo; iro
gest, four b
the Prep.dator.
SeV We I Om'
~:'l'i r OE:.. MINERS'i: - 'JOURNAL.
Pashto' nable Tailoring Establishment
TAKE* this opportunity to Inform the inhabi
tants of Pottsville and vicinity that be has
taken rooms in Centre street," three doors above
the Exchange-Hotel, where he intends carrying
on the Tailoring humeri, in its various -bran
ches. The public may , rest assured of having .
their Garmentimade in as new and fashionable
style as many city in the Unton• '
/laving bad long experience in the business in
various cities. be flatters himself that. be can give
general satisfaction to those who may favor him'
with a call.
ErGarments entrusted to his care will be mi.
ranted in all eases.' Particular attention paid to .
Pottsville. Oct. 7.1843.
A N , adjourned sale .will be held by the Com
! missioners of Schuylkill 'corinq,
On Tuesday, she Slat day of October, next,
at tbeCoun House, to the Borough of Orwigi
'bark, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur.
puss of selling the balance of linch 1 ,
ea have been purchased by the Commissioners,
at Treasurer'. sales p and held by them unredeern:
ed, for five years and upwards—those who pur.
chased at prior sales, are requested to take up
their beads 'before the day ot sale, or it will be
tea:Ad agkeeably to the conditions ofAttle, by
SAMUEL R. M EULER, Commissioners,
October, 7, 1843. 41—
CAME to the stable of the subscriber below
Pottsvile. about three weeks ago, a DARK
BRINDLE COW, with a Star on her foreheadoi.
bout six years old with a white belly. ,The owner is
requested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take her a way ; otherwise she will be
sold according to law. ' •
October 7,
Esquire, Preaident of the several Court, - ;41,
Coliseum Pleas, of the counties of Dauphin, Le
baiaon and Schuylkill, in Pennsylvania, and Jus
tice of the several Courts lof Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol'
Delivery, in said counties, and StrangeN.Palmer
and George Rahn,' Esquires. Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Oyer and Ter
iner and General Gaol Delivery, for the trial of
a I capital and other offenders, in the said
of Schuylkill—by their; precepts to me directed,
have ordered a Court 'of Quarter Sessions of the
Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol
Delivery, to be holden at Orwigsburg, on the last
Monday in October nest, (being the 30th of said
month,) to continue one week. I
Mince is theiefore fiereby given, to the Coro
nor, the Justice of the Peace, and Constables of
the said County of Schuylkill, that they ere by the
said precepts commanded to be then and thereat
10Velock in the forenoon of said day, with their
rolls, records. inquisitions, examinations, and
other' remembrances, to du tifuse things which to
their several officers appertain to be done ; and
all those that pre] bound by recognizances, to pro
secute,igainst the prisoners that or thelishill
be in the gaol of said county of Schnylkill, are to
be then and there to prosecnte them as'shall be
r • '
God save the Commoimealth.
Sheriff s Office, ()reign. / • L
burg, Oct. 7, ISI3. 6 41•
N.ll.—The witnesses and Jurors who are unfit
moned to.attend said,Court, are required to attend
punctually. In case of nomttendunce, the law
in such cases, made and , provided, will be rigidly
enforced. This notice is-published by order.of
the Court ; those concerned will therefore govern
themselves accordingly.
OLD NEWSPAPE RS.—Several hundred
Old Newspipers, at 25 cents per 100, fur
sale at - this office. ' '
Oct. 7;
•:11'HE subscriber announces to the public that
'he has opened a Lumber Yard, in the bo.
rough of Pottsville, immediately back of the new
Presbyterian Church ; where he will cunstintly
keep on hand, .a largo 'assortment of Lumber, of
every description. He bits on hand . Pine Boardp,
froin,Blo to $l6 per M. and Oak, from. NO to
5120 per M. I,
He respectfully solids the patronage of his
friends and the public, and feels confident, -that
he will be able to supply Lumber, at with rates,
as will give general satisfaction. • •
September 17,
NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Oom
'1":, mon Pleas,' for the trial causes, at issue, in
and for the County of Schuylkill, will be held at
Orwigsburg,lin the county aforesaid, on Monday
preceding tho last Monday in O c tober nett, I(be
ing thb 23d pf said month.)
Therefore all persons having subs 'pending, l
and all persens . whose'duty it shall be to appear,
at said Court, will take •notice and govern them
selves aecor4ingly.
• , ;JOHN G. WOOLISON, Sherlll'
Sheriff's O ffi ce, Orwigs- !
burg Sept, 80, 1843.
, 1
T 1 ' 1
H E substantial and convenient S ton e Store ,and
Whorehouse, at Mount Carbon; lately in th 'oc
cupancy of4oseph White & Son. The store is 40x
40 feet, and Ithe wave house 60z60 eet,
-.. r ! both being 2 stories high in front, having
;;;; II - excellent cellarskir rather baseinemal the
is • -• • floors of which ire on the level off the!
---• ground at the back of each; both! pu il-•
dings frontier' the Centre Turnpike ; there are good
doektrtor the receptio n at each of Merchandizit by
the Canal. end goods brought by P & K It ft. Can be
dischargetU at' the level of theist floor Of the ware
house, directly into its rear, - Which' rests'against the
track of the Mount Carbon It Road. •
There id ample room around the docks fortiiling
1 plaster; add a good lumber wharf will, be added to
the premiies leased if desired.
Immediate poseasion given. Apply at the' Dela
ware Coal Company's Offices. viz ;to ' 1
JOHN C MARLL, Meant Carb on.
• :OfJ. R. WHITE. I I
. . 117 South 3d St ., Philadelphia,
Pottsville, July 15, , 29_.
r ollE high and envied' celebrity' which thia prl
eminent Medicine has acquired for its invariabe
efficacy in all the diseases which it premises to cure
has rendered the usual practice of puffing not co) , on
necessary. but unworthy of them. They ar e kn own
by their fruits ; their good works testi6y for, em.
and aey thrive not by the faith of the credulous.
In ail cases of Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Hiltons and
Liver Affections, Asthma, Piles. Settled 1 !Pains,
Rheumatism. Fevers aid Agnei 3 Obetinale Headaches
Impure. State of the Fluids, Unhealthy Appearanee 1
of the Skin. Nervous Debility, the Sickness hicident
1... )
to Females in Delicat Health, every kind of iliVeatt
nese of the • Digestiv Organ*, and in all general De
rangemeO' to of He.] the these Medicines have ilivaria
' ably proved a certain and speedy remedy. 1 0 i
They rtstore Vigorous Health to the most E x haas-
ted Ccmstiuttions. 111 •
A single trial will place As Life Pills arid, Phanis
Bitters; beyond the reach of competition, in the WI
motion of every patient. ..
, 11l ~
Prepared and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, et Wu.
nem B. Moffat's Office. 33h Broadway, writes:4*Am..
tbony street. New York. 0,
N. B. l Nene arelenuine unless they hareltihsfee
simile ot John Moffat's Signature. 111 ,--
The Life Pills are sold In Boles—Price. 4 cents,
50eentel,and 1 Dollar each, according 'to thieeeite ;
and the Phenix Bittern in Bottles, at /doßer di 2 doh
!are each,with full direr.,tione. . il
Goott Bannariceaa can bahadorthe AgentsiVna
Fozgals pi . B. BANK N, ~
Age tier Schailkill anacT
itgiN4 . 4. .
33- 1 7
, „
y Cow.
YrifiE above reward will fie gene to any one
-=. ;Who im ill gicethe auhaeribers such infornia.
tion;as will enabl limn to recover their Canal
Botit Dove, of Pottsville. • 'which left Port Car
lion, on tire 4th ult. for Neer York; tinder the
charge of.C. M. Clemson, as: captain. • •
. • IW. Er. .1. G. LAWTON,
Pottiville, Sept. 30, 1843.
Grindstones. •
49TONS, Small and . Medium assorted Biter,
sold' in lots to Snit purchases at prices much;
!osier thmi they can be 'had , elsewhere. 1
101 South Front at. nu? alnut et. Phila. I
Philadelphia, Sept. 30. , 40.41,10
COAL W Ens - ,
WHITE hied in gS I 16gs will be Etching'
ed at Minna !VI het prices for one or two
boat loada of Co 4. ddresa,l post paid, brit 31,
o.Philadelpiii stating description of coal,
price end,quentit , which, it eatisf:acury, will re.
celve prompt e orlon.
C ft: C. GA DNER.
• 101,Soutb Flynt et.neari Walnut it. Phila.
:Philadelphia, September, 30. 40-3 t.
JUST itemised stew Tierces of Hams, that w il l
be sold very low if apOlication is made moo at
the York Store. EDWARD YARDLEY.
:Sept. 30, I ' . 40—
Afew dozen Coal Shovels; for ale-at the York
Sept. 3 0 , 40—
FLOUR of a very eunerior 'quality, just received
and fur iialeat the York afore, by the bzrrel or
hUndred weight. EDWARD' YARDLEY. .
.Sept3o, . • I 40—
itgarkx: is. hereby given, to all Legatees. Credit
.l.ll ors and others interesjed, in the following ad
ministration accounts. which have been filed in the
Register's OtEae, in and for the county of Schuylkill ;
by the Executors, Adiainistrators and Guardians,
thereof: That the setae have -been allowed by the
Register,! and will be; presented to the ()phalli:
Court, to:be held at Orwigsburg. in and for said coon
; on 'Monday.. the 23d; day of October nest. for eon
firmation. and allowance. agtetiably to law at which
time and place, you may attend, if yen think proper.
,* 1. The account of John Miller. administrator, with
the will annexed; of the estate of Michael Carling.
late of W,eet Penn township:, deceased.
2. ThO account.of Frederick Swaim, who was aP•
• pointed by the, Orphan's Cdun, of Schuylkill county,
to make kale of the Real Esiaie of William Otto, late
of Lower Mahantango township, deceased,
3. The account of John Bailey, administrator of the
Estate 'orJohn-Bailey, late the town of Port Car
bon, deceased.
4. The accrient of Isaac ;11oyer, and Maria Fessler,
administrators of the Estate of Samuel Fessler, late
of Wayne Township. deceased.
5. The account ofEli Thotnpson, administrator of
the Estate of Jesse Thompson, late of the town of
Port Carbon, deceasedl
6. The account of Jacob Schneider, adininistrator
of the Estate of Christine' Plank, late of:Pinegrove
Township, deceased. I L
7. The account of Daniel B. Christ, •Guardian of
Caroline; Yoh, (now Caroline Fern.) a minor child
of William Yoh,late oflNorwegian Township, decea
sed. " •
8. The account of Daniel B. Christ, GUardian of
Mary Yoh, a minor child of William Yob, late of
Norwegian Township. deceased.
9. The account of P.bil,p Alspach, administrator of
;he estate of Samuel Strouse, late of the Townsh,p•
of West Brunswiedeceased.
10. The account eCWilliaM Zehner. ExecutOr of
the Estate of David &hoer, late of West Finn 'roma
ship, dectased.
11. The account ofJphti Heim, administiator of the
Estate o!'Jacob Schweigeft, late_of Manheim town-
ship, deceased.
.orwiO)urg, September [23,1843.
. - -
; • i
ny iirture or swim al write of Venditioni Ex
-K-0 pones and Leearia! Factne:iesuedknit Of the
Court or Common Plea4ofSchuylkill county, and
to me directed will t o exposed to tide lby Public
Venue,: 1 , 1
'.l MI the Ipo deiy of October next,
On Monday . . art t,
.., ~./ober sit.
At 10 o'clock in the
,forenoon, at the house m 'William Mortimer, in ihe Borough oflPottsville,
the undivided moiety or half part of a certain lee
of eriatt4d, situate on the north side of Sunbury
street and west of Sepond street in the borough of
,Miners Ville, Schuyllcilt county, containing,2s feet
fronton said Sunbury '-strect, .'nortliardly 200
feet to Lewis street thence. westwardly 25 , feet,
thence,southwardly .200 feet to Sunbury street,
thence' eastwardly 0 feet to the place of begin
ing, being the undivi ded 'western moiety of Lot
N0.21i with the ap,purtenances, consisting of a
one and a half atoryttriurre dwelling house. As
the prciperty of Jani r esißebertson, -
At, the s am e; time 'and place, All
that certain lot of ground,' situate in the boroogn
ofvftlinersville. Schuylkill county, on thelouth.
west corner of Secsind and Pindstreste, adjoining
lot ofloseph Richaidson on the south, end Samuel
Jenkins on the west. containing 30 feet frent on
Second street and 90 feet in depth, With the ap
purtetiances. cocsiating of a one and a half story
frame dwelling hottsS. An the property of,Pcibid
Glutei. - ~ 1! i \
At the siondl time and pl4ce, All
that certain Stone building and lot or piece of
ground, situate on! j the westerly side of Centre
street! tn the borodgh, cal Pottaville,l Schuylkill
county, bounded in frcnt'by Centre street, in the -
rear by a 20 feet' ti , ide Alley, nOrthwchtwardly by
Lot No. 7, and sentliwardly by Lot No. 5, con.
tainitig in width 60 feet! and in length or depth
. 230 feet, being Lot No. 6, in the original plan of
'the town of Pottsville, together with the heredita
menta and appurtenances, consisting of a large
two-story Stone 4welling house with a two story
Kitchen attachedil two large frame Stables &
Shede. -As the property of George Sh oemaker,
deed. in the hands! of ' Cahrles 7 . Clemens,
Adm'r.; I .
At - the s am e. time and Ogee; The
, .
undiinded moiety or half part of a certain tract
of Coal land, situate in Branch township, Schuyl
kill county, bounded by ;lands of the New 'York
and j Schuylkill i,ptal Company, George Rahn,
Burd Patter on and others, containing 61 acres
more wit he appurtenances, consisting of foUr
one and half storiStme HOuseit. one two story
Log LH use and Frame !Stable and Blacksmith
Shop. Late the' astaie of Jacob Seri-ill.
At the same lime and p r iaeei The
one bird of one[ undivided one tenth .part,of, all
those three \ certain contiguous tracts of' land,
situate partly in Schuylkill and partly in/Dauph
in counties, and Surveyed on tined I several war.
rantia, dated the 3d day of April,. D. 1794,
April,. D.
to John Lengel,, Casper Len le & Ste.
pheii Lengle, and which' by three sev r patents
• were granted to ; James Wilson. t he• ; 2d sth dais
of March A. D. - 1795, as in and by the said pat.
anti enrolled, in'the Rolle Office for the State of d
Pennsylvania in the - Patent Book No. 27 . pages
24.30 & 32 appears, the said three tracts' as one
body is bounded end described as•follows to wit :
Beginning at a - ,Chesnut tree corner, in a line of
• land called John! Kapps, thence along the same
North 69 degrees, East 469 perches to aChesnut
oak Corner, in a line of Geinge • Dervald now Wit
hart, Parker, thence by the same South 12 de
grees, East 340 perches' to a post & stone, thence
North 78 degree?. East 136 perches to a post and
stone a corner ot Daniel Rose now William Par
ker, thence, bY the sante and other land South 12
degrees. East - 353 /perches to a post & stones,
thence South 78 degrees, West 172 perches to a
pnk it stone, a Corner on the conntyline'between
Schuylkill & D a uphin ; thence along the same
North 48 degres,l West 440 perches to a post, '
thence by land.lhere vacant Sandi 78 degrees,
West 163. perches to ar post and stones, thence
North 12 degrees, West 348 perc hes to the place
o ri beginning,. containing 158 acres and 1374
perches and allewance, be the sanie,m ore or less
witli the appurtenances, 'being the third poi( of
an ; undivided tenth ink .which John Snevila
granted and donveyedito Henreyj Beader,Jeseph
Black and Henry :Sprigtitan by Deed, dated thee
18th day of August, A: 1).1838.
Also, the one halt of one undivided tenth part
of the same contiguous tracts of land above men.
tiened and described, being the one half elan on.
diVideci tenth part of the same land which John
/Messily granted.and conveyedn to Henry Baader
and Henry SPrigman be Deed] dated 160114th
dirof Augeati A. D. 1838 with the aptlortese.
aneeir As thelpropeity Of Hengißeoder. --
' -1
.at the,sistie time ant/place, All the
tight, title Ind iintervit of William Levan, being.
an undivided! l i p4rt, amouniftig i to 171 - notes os
thereabouts, of, in and to all, that Certain tract 01
parcel ot Rind.situate on the 'head waters of Swat
ara river. partly, in Norwegian, Partly-in Lower
Mahantangol and 'partly in . : Barry' township,
Schuylkill county, surveyed on the 20th, 21st,
22d, 23d, and , 24th days ot May 17 )3, in pursu
ante of ten warrants; dated respectively the 12th
day of Januar,ol93. and granted to the Adhering
named persona viz. to Robert Irwin 4391 acres
and allowance, to,Elijish Weed 4394 acres and
lowance, to George Weed 4394 acres end allow
ance. to William Cook, 'E
-q. • 410 acres and 114
perchei and allowance, to John Cook, Esq. 445
acres 91 perehca, end allowance.tri:JaMes Mil
ler 440 acres and 57 perches and allowance,
to Jonathan Walker, Esq. 440 acres and 57 perch:
nand allowancela RobeitLyun 450 acres & 149
perches an,d allowance,to Williatia Montgomery
446 acres & S 3 perches and allowance, and to
Andrew Cerwit 412 acres Sr. 6 parches' and al.
lowanee, and eoritaining in the Whole 446'6 cares
and 6 perches and allowance, bounded by lands
late of the New ;York & Schuylkill Coal Corn
patty, lind surveyed to James Wilson. Esq. and
others. with the appurtenances, consisting of
three Frame dwelling houses, dJ the Sonora Reit •
Road passtngithnaligh the same. Toe said wadi.
sided 177 acres or thereabouts, being latethe es.
tate of Witham Levan: •
At the tame time and place, All that
certain undivided fourtti . partefa tract or betty ofland,
with the Forge and other buildings and improvements
thereon erected. known , by the name of :he oilecla
Forge," innate in Brunawig 'township. Schuylkill
county. containing 2500 acres more or less the said
tract of land consisting of several lesser tracts, three
thereof containing together 405 acres more or less;
which George D. B. Keim and Mary his wife by their
Deed, dated I starch 7th, A: D. 1830; recorded in
Schuylkill county in Deed Book No. 9, pogo 78. par
ticularly'deseCibing the sane, did grant and convey to
John M. Keim, George M. Kelm andJonithan Jpnes
in fee; one other thereof, containing 376 acres and al
lowance more or less, which: 'Adam Kalbach and
wife and Christian Seibert and ivilft by Deed dated
November 29th 1829. recorded In Schuylkill county
in. Deed book No. 7. page 593, -granted. and conveyed
to Jonathan Jones, John M. Xeini and George M.
Keim itt fee ; one other thereof containieg 288 acres.
Charles' Frailer, lEsq. High Sheriff of -Schuylkill
county,by hie Deed dated April 1,1931, granted and
conveyed to Jonathan Jones ; rine other thereof, c an
taining'4oo aerea more or leas, Ed*ard 6. Haley,
14' ; rain Higliand Emanuel Beck,ExecutotsofJosepl
lastly.' Jr. deceased, by Deed dated October 25th
1810. and-recorded in same county in-Deed book No.
16: page 25, granted and conveyed to Jonathan Jones;
one other thereof containing 240 acres, the same Exe
cutors by Deed of the same date recorded in thesame
county in the satne Book, page 2t o,cOnseyedio Jona
than Jones ;I one other thereof containing 945 acres
more or less; Charles Witman, Adm'r, of William
4Vitman, decd. by Deed dated October 1. 1839. re
cordedin the same' county in Book No 9. page 76,
granted to Jonathan Jones, John M. Beim and George
M. Kelm, together with the hereditanients and appur
tenances. consisting of I Forge; 2 Peal Houses, )
Smith Shop; Mansion House, 8 tenant houses,' Stone
and 1 Frame Barn, Saw Mill, and the Little'SChuyl
kill Rail Road passes, throughithia laud. As the pro.
perty ofJOIIN M. KELM.
At (the same time andl plce, .Ano.
ther undivided fourth part of the same arose deserib.
ed premisei, Sic. situate and described. As the prop.
..1.1 the same time- and plane, All
that certain) Stone building. Measusge or tenement.
called'St. Lukes Church. and Cot or piece of Ground.
situate tin the westwardly tide of Centre street in the
borough of Pousyille,county aforesaid: being the same
lot which i
marked n the general plan of the town
of Pottsville No.' 4,together with the hereditaments
and appurtenaccee, 'consisting of a two story Stone
building with a basement story, at present occupied
as a place of public worship. As the propertrof the
Rector.Churchkardens and Vestrymen of St. Luke's
tat the same time and Alace, All
that certain undivided half part of and in all that cer
tain two story Frame Dwelling Douse. with a two
story Frame Kitchen thereto attached. a Frame stable
and Lot of grout d. situate in the Borough of pine
grove, Schuylkill county, (the whole into IWO equal
parts to be parted and divided,) and bounded on the
west by Tulpehocken street, on the north by a public
street, on the east by an Alley, and on the-south by
4ands or Eadridgel Co, Late the estate of JOHN
On Wednesday the 18th day of October,
, 3?—
, _ ... .to aayr tec,.._ ,
At 10 o'clock in theforenoon, at t t e honse of John
Snyder, in Fiiedenshurg, Schuylkill county, all those
two certain lots aground, situate in the town ofFrei
densburg, Wayne township, Schuylkill county, bound
ed in front by Wall and Vine streets, and in the 'rear
by al4 feePwide Allcy,and marked-in the plan of said
town wilh the Noe. 33 Sr. 37 with the appurtenances,
consisting of a one story log dwelling house, with a
good well ot Water. As thc,property aCATHARINE
Ott litmday, the 23ti day of Oqlober, nest,
I • •
At 9 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Mi
chael Gruett in the borough of Orwigsburg, All
that mum) , or 4.11 part of a certain messuage,
tenement and tract or piece- otl land. situate in
Schuylkill township. Schuylkill county, begin.
ning at a stone in a line „of Johri Settler's land,
thence by the same', south 21! degrees, east 98
perches to a stone, thence by land late of Jacob
Stahl, south 35 degrees. West 22 l'perches to a
black Oak, thence by land now or late of Michael
Bushy, north 26 degrees, West 196 perches to a
stone, and thence by laud late eclat, north 81 de.
green, east 190 perches to the phice of beginning,
containing 116 acres and 961 perches and allow
ance. being the same land which Andrew Debug
and wile by deed.,dated April 14,1829, conveyed
to William Lswton, with the apPurtenan ces, con
sisting ilf une two story Log DWelling blouse,
\Log Barn and Saw Mill. i. I, .
Also, all that undivided moiety or half part of
all \ that certain piece or parcel of land: situate in'
the \borough of. Pottsville, Schuylkill county,
bounded in front by the Centre turnpike, in the
rear by land of Jonathan Wynn, on the east by
other gaff of lot No. 9, and on the west by other
half of kit No. 10, adjoining each 'hall, being 30'
feet front and rear, making the whole 60 feet; be
ing the same lot which David Platt and wife by
deed, dated July 23d, 1829, conveyed to William
Lawton, wilfithe appurtenances. ,
tAlso . , all that\undivided half part of all that
harlot piece or parcel of ground situate is the
borough, of Pottsville, county aforesaid, bounded
in front by Centre street, or, the north west side
byJot No. 11, on tha\ rear by lands of Jonat han
Wknn, and on the southeeat side by other half of
said lot, it being marked' on Jonathan Wynn's
additional plai ic . ri
c kal.teiviile with No. 10, being
30 feet front an rear and.2 \ oo I feet deep, being
the seine lot wh ch Jonathan. Wynn and, wifeby
deed, datedp ember "I l„ :1829. conveyed to
William Lawton, with the aPpurtenances, con.
slating of a two story : frame OCRing house. As
the property of WILLIAM. LA%TON.
- At the same time and \ place, All
that certain " undivided tenth par"ol all those'
three tracts of land situate partly in‘'§chuylklll
and partly \ fn Dauphin county, surveyedson three
several warrants, dated the.3d day of April /794,
to JohnLengel, CaiPer 4engel, and Stephet\ Len
gel; and which by three several pitents'were
granted to James Wilson. Esqi on the second and
fifth days of March, 1795, as in and by the said
patents enrolled in the Rolls Office, for the state
of Pennsylvania, in Patent Book 151n..27, pages,
24,30 and '32, as appears; and containing toge
ther 1580 acres apd • 137 i perches, bounded by
land surveyed to John Kapp', George Dewald,
Daniel Rose and others, with the appurtenances.
As*the property of SAMUEL 11 . 1. CLARK.
•At the same' time and place, ,the.
one full equa and undivided'l moiety or half part
(the wholeinto two'equal parts to be parted and
divided) of all that certain tract or parcel of land,
situate partly in, Norwegian township and partly
in the borough of Pottsv ille,Schoy I itill county, and
also the one full equal undivided half part of all
the stone or fossil coal in and Upon the said tract or
parcel of land, bounded by land now or late of
Benjamin fLott, land now or late of Thomas Ha.
ven, land now or late of Wallace and Whitney.
land of Seizunger and Wetherill, by a public at.,
or road, land late of,Samuel Lewis, other land of
Charles Lawton,,-Coal street, the Mt. Carbon
Railroad and the Navigation Itract, containing in
the whole 195 acres and 75 perches rad together
with the same and as appurtenant thereto the one
full equal and ',undivieded moiety or half part of
all the goal in the vein of COil. called the "Gate
Vein," end in: the two . years of Coal next south
of it that may ion under the surface oft he ad
joining tract of_ lend sold, by . Thoin4 Haven to
,Samuel Loww, with the right of' removing the
same. but, not to give the right of entering on the
surfacs,of the said land sold I:iy, Thomas Haven
to Samuel Levais.or of making any opening there
on. which said tract of land is particularly des.
cribed bin Deed flora Thorns. Haven to Samuel
Lewis for' the sane, bearing date .the Bth day of
September 183£1. ,wherein the Coal in the said
three veins of Coal is eimpted. which said tract
or parte! of land , and the ktone at (*ail coal in
.and upon , the same, Chafes Lawksrkholde in
&paten ith .104 revue and the Weil of
. !
the said land and Coal which laot herirey-iumiat
ed ani taken in - eatention. was 'spill by the 7.,
said Charles Lawton to thesaid oho IM byin
deed dated the ht ofJanuary I 1...n4 rieweed
at Orwigsburg. lit Deed !loot, 0.19; foigerel.
%Vita the appurtenances. consist ng of 45ne vale.
able stationary Stuns Engine : rot teiplng cod
from below the water level.. new oratuPied and..
uSed by tap lor and ClaytozOnd Engiaaliouses,
large Stable, a Powder. House:and elifiiieln abet,
butidingr end tenant houses. SeveralOthe most
valuable coal veins pate through this bad, ant
some of diem are evertatiely Worked its iris time.
and have Die necessity Rutin:tide; liatoroyetneitts;
and fixtures all in good repair. :Ai thavroperty
IA COMILES LAWTON.. :'t ,:..• T -,. •
• 1 , Ja. l ,lN a wooptCati4erit ,
shenfra os.w. orwito• 4., . -- -
buriu r 4ept. 22. ;£43._ C „'„ , .-.:. ...,,-.;,, /t3t...",:,
CA.IXPET tiTuar;
ON, • TUE CAt4IVIjeteAK"
'No. 41. thsaasanT Uri,.~i .
Otis dais obime Ch-snit, &lie** R bt
60 smA &told *rtvg.
. , •
1 • . Philltdelptita.
THE silbsviber's rent in hie preserit sited*
beinzrvery low. and hie is de. sell et prices to suit the 4404 Lime%
He oilers e well Selected stock Of ,
Beautiful Impertal'.three'ply,'
Best superfine In g rain'
Handsome Extra line [again,
Fine .andiconn&in db; .
Royal treble twilled Ventitian,
Fine EnAsh Worsted ,tio.
London Damasli.. , i du.
Plain Striped' . '„z' do. J -
Also a . stoelt of exCellent,and besitti)l4 •
All widths for Rooms, .Entfries , i Vesti
bules, Door Pieces..&e. Al CosekollClot*
Furniture Cloths,.Droggete and Floor 14ite0;--...
Elegunt Pi4nn and ble Covers.' AlsoXeittort-•
and,Spaniell Floor Utttings -
_ .
' area
. .
4 7 - ,, With 'a lareu asitorlment dyer) , iot priced
Ingrain and Venetiaa Carlittinge. Pout Mite,
Balding!, Stair RoVie, , •
:De citivng of Schaylkitt.COunty intim:ling to
purchabe for eaeh, are re-peetfulty mri.lted to call
ancrezerrifne for themselves , as' the goods Atilt
be 5..,1d it the Invest prices to the. 04. Whole
sale and Retitil; ,
Philadelphie,Setiternber 2, jB4l
, • ,•
TrIO GICIEG,i; G. -PA L1111.;11, One of the2deviseee
of Moaea Palmer, late of the toivnihip . of Con
cord, in the coi%nly Of Delaware. decoased.':. Vou are
hereby notifiedithat a - SiimrnousrDebt , in, the idealist
$3,000 has bett issued out of the Court 01 -.common
Pie as of Delaware county, and placed in hands by
William Levis against Moses G. Palmer , St. Gideon
G. Palmer, executors and devisees of M oser Palmer.
dereased. and Hannah Palmer, widow of said dee'd,
returnable on the fitUrth Monday of Noiernber neat.
at which time you may etteld before thiisaid cool if
you see proper. JOHN LAR‘IN,
Sheriff's office. Cheater. j •
• Sept. let. 1843. • ' • . ;
LIFE . AND ti3PFbC 7:O lE R S. e b i. r . HA7?tV: ,.i 7LAY.
FRESH suppl ylust receaved awl for
-11 - by • .B. BAB:4 AN-
July 22, ( k ' •
4. GENERAL asaortineht kept eitihettitly
hand et
New Drug Sto
July 22,
DR. D. 01/llr3llil , s FAHti.V . mem= MEI,.
) • V? *.
. ,
New Druz Store; Puttsville ALgehts fur Schuylkill C
July 22
& COFFEESe—.44erior Old
Java, .Rio,, Laguna, St. DornittO and Cuba
Coffees. . 4 . •
Imperial ,Guiv POwder; 'Yonne lin, Pouch.
on g endsoucnonET TCElF , , , warrani m a .fresh. Foe
wile .by c, E. Q, "A. HENDERSON.
September 2 . • 36-a.
. •
THE undertiigned having pnrehaPe4 the Wy.
owning Iron Works,at Wilkeel?arr, Luzern
County; Pa.; it,nd,iEteaa p putting thO • seine into
operation, immediately, wants a ntiallit# of work.
men of variousdeseriptteins, ' •
A man competent tti turn rolls sultAle for ma.
king railroad iron, and abet s descripsioits of Mer.
chant Iron
A man to role Bailee and
.Sheet Pon, end vit.
Hour' kinds of Plate Iron, , ••••:. I
One ur iwo gitod,hammermen
Eight or ten 'good; puddlers, and' ',one or two
gocKl, - heaters.
Eight or ten good .Nall Cutters,
Application may be made to thefstabsertber or
to Thomas Ellis at the Works..
None but goad arid steady worktnip need ap.
• September 2, - • • • • %,‘ 26-31
• .
• rualLic sALE,;-:
PURSUANT to an brder of the OrPhana' Court o
Schnylkill couniy,the subscriber administrator of
the este te Otteorge Alain, late of,the.)ownship of •
Wayne, in the county of Schuylkill, deceased, will es•
pose to sale by Publicl.Vendue. on Ssiurtlik. the 14th
day of Octnber next. at 1 o'cloc k in the afternoon, on
the prembies at'the hause late 'of George, thin, in the
township ofWayne, and county afore.T9l;
A 'certain Messuage 'raiment and, 'tract- or land,
situate' in the township_ot Wayne, wally of Salmi.
kill, bounded bv.lands of Peter leuttenatein, Henry
Ber ier, Jacob Faust and others. con Ojai tig 220 acres
or thereabouts. Tha itriprevements are
4 double log House. two 'stories.
;; ;; Log Bar 4 —two OrchArdS, end about one
I ifs liundred and thirty acreadtcleared land.
;tad well !supplied. with a' ranning stream ,
of water and springs, sate the estate of i 6 id demo A
Attendance will, bc_eiven. and the eonor t tions- of sale
Made know n'at thatune and Mate of file by
By Order orlhe COO. •
J.. 11 D_OVVI:sa No:3.MA.
Orwiiebu'rg - Augue,t 12, 151:1*
• ! N. S. :LA.IyRENCF•qi
Agent fur the sale u'f.Snethworth lillftnefariuring
compan l y's Superior Writing:paper,
Vi vesttiner. So.. 3 Mixon Sr., rkILADF.LPHIL
1111 HE folloviinu }trade constantly On hand and
.E. for sale to thei trade - at the lowest market
Fur thick Flat Cape, 12,14, and= I`3 1b...
and wllit.Z. I . •
Extra super and. siirkerflne Folio Fitato, blue and
! • 1
Extra super Packlt and Cirrnme,rilhl posts, blue
and white.
Extra Purer Lined. note papers. -,;,;
Superfine and fine ;11111 r rispers, (r. 41
do • ,do do •, , (11re*d.)
-do • Ido F,ounting Huusaf.,ape r blue and
white. 1- ~-
,- 1,.;:c •-
Extra super Cunerea• Cape and Lert4 rs, plain and
talc& blue.'and White. - ‘:,
, .
Superfine FrinchPoita plain andai led.
Superfine and finef.:apa and Poatir t atiled and plain
blvd and ,,;of varioux qualitifis and primal.
whirr.., .
Also Bonnet. Beards, Tissue, Wrappiogi- anp,.,
Hardwere - papers,l&c., &c. ::,;;;, , - .
o'so ,tu 100 tuna of Peach ilxoiittd In. Broad?.
Mounta‘ln.e.4l will be Taken in iler4ange for 'or.-
I p e r. at thil loweat!pricea.
July 75th; ! '' ,i '..' ' ija--111
. . • ..'.:"
• v Itloni`e - y
A• A Coaviclariblei . awn of -1 1 ,10N$Y has bistus -
. found. 1 the owner may atitOts it, on evi
dence'set afietory to tha finderOlaul patina the:
collapse of 1 this! adveitisement,.',Apply at; this
Septetnbto 30;
Scram:tit of various sizes tOrCoal. on brad
awl for sale at W. 11.1 MARRIALL'S Cheap
Gioeery Fleur reed & Prcriflidort - 40tore carnet of
Norwegianlemect end *out Caybion sit Road,
Joao 10; ' 1,;14,
froo 51 to 15 cta: tor, yord.' Ekt
14,4 by
F 7, 6 rt,t ß oTare 3 , S o _Pa