II II POTTSVILLE. -SATURDAY 111ORli1NG, OCT. 14, 1843. ; r • 3stsuranco. • The subscriber. Ain't for one of the t tour. • • i• • 'Philade!phin, is props! • eke in. sorintaits on sU descriptions of prone tf such as Moist Milli; Stables, Goode, Fornitu .sc., Ate st thseery lowest rates B. BANN AN. --.-- - - tCP try 8. Palmer.- • Etc, No • 59 Pine Street. rbiladelp . bia fa evahoticed to act as Agent•to receive ir&.ctiptione and,. adiertiroccients for this. paper. • t - - . ,:,.. . • S4lttlyllilk County Erect I .., 'The election in ' this county,, has eeentneted moat gloriotisly foi Whig principles. With the ereepUon of fear instances, the . entity ticket.s • doptedby thern,in °Pp-olden to the regularly noir,. inagedlbertfoco Delegate Ticket % hat been earn. ed. 'This Will be. cheering intelligence for our • Whig trier:ids abroad, u it pioves that the cui , *tins of thil region, are aviekening to a conscious ness of their true and. essential interests. The spirit *4 intention of the 'Whiurneaiures are . beeelelegteew evident, and as the bitterness of _ party virile' to abates over the bond, so ail the support o these -measures strengthen and i n Mallen he work of change, is repid!y progres sing, end oaf these point with the finger of cer tainty, to. thepiBnip nt election of Haan: Cur, in 184 II.• . ' - - It r our readers to the official returns, ,published in another colucon, and whilst we con ! , gratulate Ourselves. upon did result , we would' :give the llocofocos timel notice, that Schuyt . kill eounfy, will . in 184 ...give . ° majority in fa= , parr of HARRY of the 'EST! , Irennsylvan a. Llectionas The results of the election es Jar es heard from -throughout the State, are of the most triumphant . and gratifying character. e contest has been waged upori" the greet 'petitl I principle, and the victory is unqualtfia - and 611,p:tete. The -voice of theinajoiity , has been upheld in too& of whig measureilendj the odious delegate system has re. 'calved a cheek, which will, we hope; forever retard , Its operation in 'toils State.. • , .1 A higher and greater cause (or rejoicing et this resulttla t h e assurance it giives us of tlie success :'. ottbich will follow the election for HIV UT CLAT. We. took kipon it as a certain .pretnoiaition. of the great event, • when that crowning. qu slion of principle is brought before the people fo cll.' de . - _ cision. '• 1 • . - The following is the - result-as far as ' heard . from— . .The Pililadelphialeity end county Whig Ticke includini Sheriff; is elected by about'lBoo -inajOr . try. 1 '' '' ':'', :. - .t" !. ''. In the Finn District, '2 (jvrit,rd icy Morris, a no ble whiglis erected to Congiess by about ibli ma• • priry ote l fMCCUlly. , In the second District (city) J. R. Ingersoll (whig) is:elected, and in the 3d - and•4th,l3 J. Ingersoll and Smith, Locotocor, are elected..-The whole Whig city ticket ii -carried by iiiseee insjitrity, and in-the coenly the Lo'cof,o ,. co ticket for Senators and Representatives are elec. tad. i. . , . . .. InDel - aroma county the whole whig ticket is 0- . leoted bylabout 300 me.) idly. In Chester Do: by shout,4oo,Majority, inclu : ding the 'member of Congress= ' . t ' Montgomery reported '' -600 Locofoeci majority. In Sticks the whig - candidate for Congress has • upwards of 700 majority, and i4-Lehigh county 24 rujoriiy; Whtcja wszures 'tbee•Whig member by a , liege majority., -: ' ~' 5' . ..,,, In' Lincaster . county the liberal Whigs_ and Anil-msione have achieved a gioriol.lll victory over • faction l oT Anibtliations - and`Lockifocos by about I'ooo ntajority:'• This is cheering indeed, as it aria _ • ,elnexpected. • , In York end Adeins, Doct. Nes, i volunteer for Congress, in favor of the present Tariff and the Land Distribution: is elected td Congress over the regular. candidate by -almost 700 majority! ' In 4ebenOrt the whole Whig ticket is elected. In Dauphin Do. except one member' of Aaseme My, and Commissioner - it •,- • . . . In tea Northumberland District. Oen. Frick has been elected ter ingress. by about 500 majority . over John Snider, who Was elected in the aims District three y ears , ago by upwards of 1200 me ; 1/./' jority. - 'lt is' believed that every . coup y in the District has given Frick a majority. l i. , In Danville, Wines (whig) beat Black (Lo eofcreo) for.Pringreas. - . A ,". In Franklin the Whig Ticket is eleitte,4 by a limit 200 nis • 3orily. • .In Cumberland the re7l l Locofoco ticket car ried.r . - .. . , . , • In Union and Satiate i ri whig Fteprseelitoives are elected. ' . ' - - ' In 'Decks county R j itteria elected to congrea by 4 small maj , rily, end torn of lite Repießentatives on the regular LocOfocer tacket have been defeated iby volunieers. It is also-stated that the Leedom Cinsl Comminioner's ticket, hle only 600 ma lerltY in the county., . Dar Congressional District. The following is the result of the election In thisdistsiel : I RAMAILT:' USIDiFIGED. -. 700 270 tiauphin 'boat - Le - ban op Sekuy (o ci s!) 913 - 412 • Mrjhrity 561 I earth' Com • haters. • The followingie the vote for Ctut'al Commis. stoner. in Ibis e'oanty • 1- 7 - f4 WilFernTerr4•• . 1619 . Simeon Guilford' • 1621 - Beniemin.Weaver • • 1606 Jame. Clark - f • 2258 Jeese;Miller . ` 2749 W. B. Foster, Jr. 2248 , t 4 erwroe Average !tlajority - 636 Benjeoir *Body. eived 765. ind Thames Berger lap votes fur C•mmisconer, in the eouit , t . ' Nser r isaszt;,!-Hee gone for the ..teenfocos— 'Nest yew it wll r for Henry Clay. The fol. lopritig-is the result : " . Whig , Locofoolus le 68' Four LocotciOqtaild ono Whig , elotted to Cort ices*. Eltievoutar, Dirratcri—P Idusbe's ma jority in Ibis county , 37 - 81'—lo Cilbol3, Mon. toe. end Pike, Coolbaugtea majurity is 'about 1000 reekingliogiee fo;jorily '2781-In . Carbon county Hulibee, received about 250 votes. Virsarstsorow..:—The labial' have 'wept Wlt miagroa,. Delaware, fq'the first time in a great many years, 'a the• recent charter electinn., `-eor sect pria 'les are wietzphing every where ...and Reny of tb Most, will be-elected to the Prattietici,. i* 1644 , by , soilsouoistw•- Me*. **Vella. Hexer Cr.ii ."-Every indiastion t of popular feeling, as they daily transiiie,addi to the;convic tion that the farther of Aehland Will Le carried into the Presidcwitti • chair by S greeter majority thin that which - secured the election of our belov ed Ijar'ri.an. T.,ocoinest i 3 rapidly leaving the narrow and infected precincts o!; party atmosphere, ind - factioes trickery, 'BIZ is- gra4cally, yet cer• tainly, settling dOwn upon theintrinsic merits of principle. Upon this ground We trust the contest, with a fair hful reliance and,st fl:rn confidence in the good sense of the mass: the people at large are beginning to estimate this centest of principle, and to compare the two partir their measures. They are and understand the salutary effect which the Whig tariff h-.a had - upon: this bueinees and industry of the country; they have. seen our me chanics I rotected, and bur manufactures prevent: ed from being broken up by of foreign productions, end they are, .now Convinced that it was the only measure which l i cohld ha l ve arrested the dosinwbateniLncy or our pro , petini: They bayonet Irgotten either: the t idt:termined °ppm*. . , Lion manifcstedagainst the measure by eta 'Limo. loco party, and will ~member it when the period for the Pleahlt nial canvass shines. The enemy themselves are aware of thcindlusissm•which al ready issPringing up over the country in advance of that nintest, and the Derneiratic. Review for October, contains in its leading intiele, - the follow. ing remarks: • re is no• serious question as toile Wing candidate .It . is trf'beCiav-.CniT, with an chthh• sit of personal feeling which :we envy hint thehonor of having awaketed in his friends and his party; far More than' we should that of the office itself wip whigh- they ,are so. earnestly bent to adorn and_ reward the closing years of his /Ong paliticaNifc. a • - 10 ; •• • Cr..sa then can alone be the Irian; and the indi. cations are apparent enough, lie indeed ittould not be duebted that the rally 414 struggle to be made for him will equal, it not surpass, in vehe menoe and in lavish profusiOn,,of means, the -be. fore.unparallellcd efforts ot 040." cry Whilst we congratulate' our friends upon • - the . general , result of the political cantinas iq this county, we cannot help alluding with some de. , gree of astonishment, to the,cheracter of the vote given in the Borough a We have alWays understood from the great dissatisfaction which has proceeded from titif"..district. that the inhabitant. were opposed and' boatile to thmor der system ; but we are now iconvincid that we must have been mistaken, odier wise they •never would have voted 'to perpetuate it. The citizens of Schuylkill, by this time, understand that the cause which entailed uptim it i tit region all the e yile of tlieJsystem, was the Want of a 'sufficient taiiffi and Mne. Urnberger; is a Free Trade man, a • Mr. Ramsey, an advoCalc of the Tariff; every .te given in favour of.the (Miner, was calculated o decrease the price of labourLand perpetuate the order, system. . • Arrestre.—The season ielhere, around us in all its beaujyi end variety--Oir presence has been heralded by_ the signs of growth and decrease— fruits ripetiing and flowers! decaying. The little frost spirits that gather round and accompany the fce.King, have-trooped over jour mountains and left the print of their chill fingers upon the green of the ferret. The leaves put - on , their fan! tactic livery of red arid yellovv, and, more beauti , tiful than ever, seem tof glor'Y in their decadence. We.iovithe stituhln;not only . for its actual val. oe, bul let the'roany happy reminiscences it awe. 'tents—days gcirr i ; : hy when the .grape.vine,the chesnut;aed the . hickory, bore witncee to our vie. ittng depreda•ioni--when d4enthrellFd from the bOndegu'of slate and•LoOk; We have hastened wish •uiCkened detelininatiOn do l 'wreek Our revenge •upon the luscious fruit or the.broWn nut. A visit our mountain i land et presentwould well repay the tiouble: The rich drapery in which all . nattire is clad, 'J i dda a mellow and ri • prned appearance' to all sensible things, and - the infinite variety of hue 'and shade, gives the mind ample field to-wander , and admire. This is the period the poet mutt have alluded to ;hen the Bed of his verse,.appreciating this beauties of cre : ' stion•turned reverently, .• froM Nature up to Na ture's Gad." • SreameoaT Es.PLUlll33M.+—ATittel from Pith's hurg iri the New York Tribune, hat the follow ing particulars of a late disaster in the Ohio: • i A serious disaster Occurred to the steamer iiluAtingum Valley, aliout•4s miles below this city. near Liverpool, Ohio. r The boat stopped to take a flat iu a tow, and While the bandit were employed in endesvoririe to,ineke it fast, a Bee of the stetboarsl.boiler• rollstised, ecalding three men. rwo of theM jumped' or Hvero bloWn overboard, and wire drowned ; the 'other expired in the af ternoon, suffering great agony. The rtienes 'of the, injured indtviduels were William Butler. of New lark ; Diniel • Crdrni and G. Frazier, of Zanesville. Neitheeboat hor cargo were inueh irjun3d, Somebody is to blame; but nobody, as usual, a willing to have it laid/ on their shotil-; ders. . . , CAnniti tr Cuzerr.—lti I a" following - is the re suit in Cart;oycounti,asfar as heard (torn: i ' 1 : „Hanarts. Cocits•uou.l Mach Chunk .... : l i,Z . 267 I U. Towsnaensing - . li • .. - -94 Evt•Penn '. I 93. 6 I '2lluha'uoy ' - fa L. Tovnam§fising • dOr i i. 88 Lausanne ~ - I - . 8 73 . . flanks i , - , .. 22 . 27 l . Penn Forest' 00 - - 00 ' i The war between the Van Burenites and the Cillhourtitcs thmugholiti the country is daily in creasing in bitterness and animosity. Threatis are bindied about quite. prFifu