The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 08, 1843, Image 2

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    ~ r ~,.'.
:• 5-::: 2 9:4::, -- . : Viz .: -. : 55-iv, - . , ::- - . ,,,- ,.. - _ - ,' ,,,- ,1 - . , !...,q;,- - ......,
Ziwivea, tt Will be tine enough to talk abut corn-
Mertiagreatie.s, For Ilie'preicnt.l leave the Tar
iff with pod :laps some alight modifies-
Along, and a career of prosperity is in store for .
this country, such ,, cii it has not experienced.:-- .
Preserve this balan l o-whefl, and, Ids such, it tis
worth half a dozen National 13iMits ; and , Coint
tnerce, Agriculture ea . lilechanics4 Labor will . en
jai, a stability, _ssith fair rdmtinerhtion, such as it
has not for a long period. 4 Manors:c.c.
N. V. Tribune. •
. Ipsurance. • f ;
't' s ! The subscriber: Agent for one 1.1 . the beat Insur
ance (dices in Philadelphia, is prepared to tnake,in
'eurances on all descriptions pf iproperty such !as
Houses. Mills. Stables, Goods, Furniture. , ,
nt the'very lowestyates. , I. B. BANN AN:
I rr V. B. Palmer, Erq., Not 59 Pine Street,
Philadelphia is authorised to pet as Agent-to receive.
ssibseriptions and advertisements for this paper.
Ammo,' f—lisving been- engand tor sonio
,I' timemaking °
Vest mok out eceountsdue us, we
would tali upon out fciinds whko are in *nears, to
please setts'. "I We have .considerable money to
moke - ip th:ti month, end es we Lave much due, as
we think! it the duty of such to call upon us end
square' op. 'We have Perfornibl our part of The,
contract by 'furnishing the pape l r, and now CAI up
on them to complete their port by paying up.—
Patrons at a tlistanco will . pleasa•remit their a
mounts to tiv, as the expense of sending a collector
around, is too cinema for ur,t
- I
Fourth' of Julititt i'ottsville.
The sixty-sevemh anniversery of American fit
dependence, has paved down' the vale 'of year.,
leiVing tial n I Win its descentliog fl , ght-Voe proofs
_of-• the gliry and permanency, of our republic.—
blisty-seven years have rolled by since the pas.
sage of that great/int which sbvartied to i4millions
of sons whose/tires are yet in born " the glorious
• boon` of civil and , religions li,erty; and each ilit•
- needing year, a. it follows on and takes the place
of its predecessor, gives us new cause to rrj lice in;
''. and feel proud of the name t - i American., Itlaai
teen said, and with truth tea, that among the ,
whole family of nations, all f them - having their
annual celebrations, not onecan , boost.a day so ti
,iiiversally and edthunistical y commemorated as
our national birtli.thiy.. We are ell patriots—all
; breithers' on that day; political dissensions', 'party'
.or , loCat feelings are _all cast laid% and gathering
together with but one feelingjone thought, we give
she world an evidence of what we would do'shuuld
the invader of libeity ever bedd his Weapon sgainsf
'.our land: Over the ' whole length rind breadth of
.. ' our country, from the, largest city to the, smallea
' hamlet, the notes of rejoicing end congratulation
4 swell 'bade every ether sound; end the-gushing
'evidences of a people's kiy,nre poured out with. gen- -
trona and, lavish enthe-is,n3. ' "--- •
Enough of the day! fir all eulogiess 4 tipon :t are su
perfluous; the feeling which apprediates it is stamp
ed, indelibly, deep into i t lie heart of every A inert
cacuand is better valued in the great language of
' the eoul, thirn when paraded fofth in the artificial
sliction.of 'putted commentary. • ,
, . -Ctir Borough has eeldemliVitnessed so great an
eiciiement within its precincts, es ihat,..whrh oc
curred on Tuestby last: loin one o ' clock until
-day-light on the morning o late Fourth, it was Ho.
poesible to steep, in coniegi t ence of the noise and
-. confusion which waiemaintlined errand us, and in'
the streets.- The different an k
s ils of music were all
out, marching about: from 'lace to place, playing
their various national airs, a id visiting in their per
ambulation,. the domicils o the di ff erent Military
officers, ail of whom, we un er.tand, they managed
'to awaken. Dorng this lime, a cannon..which
some persons hail procured land mounted upon the
bill back of our Bori:mgh, was booming sway, j ii
ring the windows, shaking 613 . hauvea; and Arming
• sway from' the eye-tide of the hertless ..slumberer
any; chance nap which by aeq.4 . eat, he mig4 have
succeeded in enjoying. II tto proceed to the ric
o correacei of the day— . .,
Tut. MIL
. .
The citizen a 'ldiers were-early Qn the siert, end
the streets from 7 o'clock iii . -the morning until 2 -
-- o'clock were ahre sigh gay
_uniforms, bright pen
-0 none, stirring music, and all. the . .pomp snJ cm
'cumstorice" of micuick war) ThelValional Light
_ Infantry patadeite o '4, avid marched to the
ground destined for the Eiteatir t .mont, oherethey
• were well drilled by their effteient. Commander,
- Vol. Win. F,, Dian, in all he evolutions necessa
ry for camp duty. This J t ornpany well suitaina
the credit of 'Cie Schuylkill county so:dtcry. fur
.-, ' The amok!) vede'slei parading on the camp
• ground during the morriirig,'ind had an exciting
tint; of it with leaping bars, sword exercise, i&e..,
all of which Zetles, they ar . as proficient in as a
• ny'oiher volunteer troop in the state. Their coact,
minder, Capt. Wyukaokia an active , spirited of
, hew, and hesdone eh - I'mb ihy his indtrolcal elm
- ti ins to keep alive the high character of his corps.
The l'iteret. which is la fine company of sot
itierlylooking Germans, Were on the gureire oar; -
ly; they' looked and marched extremely well , and
dii _great melit-Tto the (care and aka of their.
corninen i der, CapkDoril4ey, who devotes much
• of his time to the iinproveMent of his corps. ' We
- Underrated that this epinpany. intend having a
beautiful \rittilition to their equip rents before the
tneamprnent. in the char of a new sword:boyo
' net. vibicli they have already ordered Lon) the eity",_
The Independent *Blues, commended - by Cap,'
lain Nagle, we ha re expiesscd our opinion ofao
--frequently that _ill praise froth us no 7 wcMltihe
_butt repetition. They go" on intpro;ring" daily, end
•_, wevill. venture to „ assert,ithatduring the4Eniamp
' meta, they wilt stand among thefitst tio the list
for, , 'perfeet drill and true discipline. They pare-
ded at 10 oeL.A_on thel morning of the Fourth, -
i and after a short much irere,drawn:hp in front of
• Mr: Frederick Eptirpfs i•itabliihrnent to.teceive a
beintiftittag which thei tidies of Knstille j had
constructed for them. It was a splendid national
ensign,ir 3 ompaisrd of riehlailk, having the alternate
• utettel
Rqy j tined,' the inscription of 'pre. •
, sitilititin encircled by the stars, and a'wreath of
dateate-emlarcideiy, besulifully, worked,_ by the
h'inds of the fair ikinora.l , The flag wait Preiented
In an eloqUent and thrilling - eddrese by Major
James 11.1 Campbell, who represented the ladies
. on that occalion, and Was received by a member.
of the oßlues," who on inshalf of the corps eipree.
ad their 'ecknowledgenthntsand gratidude for the
beautiful present . After the ceremony the compa
ny paraded thQugh the !different streets of the bit»
' rough • until . noon wheh they dismissed. ~
• •. T TEXPETUNe* SOCtitILL '.
. ;. The Rotrun, - pulholii Taal Abslineivte Society.
• 'Tnie B..icietf- formed into like ei about 10 o'-
. - elnek. and after 'marching - through the iittrari.nt
• three% according to previous irrangement. Thome
,- -ded to "Pleasant Grove," pa- Mr. Lawtoti's pro.
.-:perty,where.the Dechu'ation orlndependence was
. .. .
read by M. A. Dooley,? Esq., end i very eloquent
. ,pratunt delivered by the Rev.: Dr. Moriarty from
Philadelphia. : . l I
t I
' I Th e Welsh Temper a nce S ociety ids) paraded
ittr pug% the_etreetedAiing t morning . snit it ism
. ' - - ,;"rt,
' T '': , ..i - ;', ''.:-'
truly gratifying to.ilbserve them. he 'men wo•
men and children belonging to 'the Society, were
pit engnied *Whet marching, in singing Temper
ance hyliatui which, Pron?uureil iu their own pe
culiar language, had a singular and not unpleasant
etre . e.; wherever the precession paeied,all noise was
bushed, every one listened to the singing, which,
although unusual eleesvieir?,iii cuetomary with all
their celebrations here; . •
The children and teachma of the Sabbath School
attached to the Methodist Episcopal church of our
Borough,-Met in the church, end : formed in pro
cession marching through the principal streets un
to c a short dis•ance from the town, where
accommodations had 'been previoualy made and ;a
(linnet provided of which th:3 whole party partook ! l
After the , repeat was ended, end the company all ,
sestet!, several recitation's Weie given I , y ( the who
lam, and addresses delivered hg. Rev. W. Thomas
and J. W. also the Declaration of In
dependence which was read. [ i The ladies deaerve,
meth for the manner s in Which the typist - was sr.;
ranged, as well as several: Members ofAlte`Pdttai
silk turning a uciety who : Wera pieserkt and cat:tri T
buled to the enjoyment qt the time by lieacral
beautiful ans. . 't
The Schytilkill. 110rucifion,Fire Congiani,
nc.cpriling to arrangement, met at' Lae . Engine
Howe, in Centre street,land 'paraded through the
principil streets unto Mortirner's Hotel, arkere.
the Declarat - on of IndePcndence was read byG.
_AY.l'forrence, and two orations deltv . ered by It.
M. Primer. and M. A. .Dooley, Esq. The engine,
as it passed through tee :(.I , frent streets, was mt
versally admired for the tasteful manntier in
which it was dectrated, hemg encircled with
wreaths of beautiful freak flowers newly . gathere l d,
and woven together. The Firemen themselves
looked extremely well-:-their urnfortit is good and
serviceable, and they am a stout efficient:at!td
chivalrous looking body of men. .
We believe we have now noticed.all the occur
rences of the day, and should we hose ncglected!a
ny, can only plead 04 an excuse the utter impOssi
bilry of investing ourFelves. with übiquity.- 11 7
Throughout the whole day. our Borough w as in a
continual lever of excitement—the fear of mubltbtf
ry—rollir gOf drums, the medley of , all kinds of
music, fr,irci.. ; the screeching fife to the Highland
hsgpipe, the confusion of tongues, and the shouts
.of the hilarious, all made up a tumult which it
was di ffi cult to analyze or sepaiatc; The in in
street:was thronged froin one end to the other, a d
strangers who were here during the day wood rr
ed is here the immense crowd came from. 'Altaic
'Brava arountrour Bo'rough at such periods, dis
gorge their inhabitants upon us, and it is some.' hat
curious to one nut understanding the elements
which compose our population. to . note the peo
pte of different nations:with their varieties of Rtn
teages which greet his eye and 'assail, his ear. at
every turn. . • .
All device of the community without a single
exception, j and took part Withthel lees
celebration; and the excitement did not cease "Wl
til the' dash, mantle of midnight was cast over- he
Co! ongssioNal. Et.EcTios.,—We are pleased
to notice, in L'i'king over thePaPers of our sister
counties, the courteous wanner in which the
claims. of zichaytkill to the CongresOanal nomi
nation are received. :The honaphle mention that
Lebanon and pauphin makes. of our candidate,
George N. Eckert:a:ll. is pnrticutarly cratifying to
.he whigs of this c.ninty. and proves to us that
he is welt appreciated ilvoughout the district.---*
t•hould this present!feeling4ontiriue, iwe shal
have no cause to for the evt nt of the coming e
lection, and most eim•crely do se hope that th• re
will be no, ablitement of the, friendlineis—unn
ni ”ity of action . , and; confidence in each; which
o h r will give. us a:1 die succ si(we dedre.
The papered, both these- counties agree with
us in beleving that the candidate 'should be .a de-
cided and thorough-going tariff man, and acknowl-,
edge that the eihitest between the' two great par
ties will he a struggle hetrkeen'Proteeicin for A
merican I..abor and . Free Trade. The Ha , rishurg
Telegraph seems to think that the Iturthen of the
electim wil fall upon Leh .ruM and ailiphin.
Judging from present observatim, we should . 1+ av
that shohld George N.llckertbe the chosen candi
date of the district ;.-huyllidl, will do more than
'our friends abroad imigine she will. •
Self •To - Til AL :13i . T11.1CT.--The ' district accorl
ing to the late Apportionment, of this
county forms no inronsiderable part, is So' diverse
i:s various interests thst there seems 'no prob.
shaly of all agreeing upon one dsndidite. This
tieing the case, and as it is likely to rem tin so,
we would .ndviie the iitizeni ,of this county to
chose Out and unite upon some go ud uis . derate
man, who woull, represent onr . intereits, an/ by
deter Mined movement on our part, secure his e
lect:on. The district, since the gerrymandering,
is very extended, and is so singularly opposite in
interests,. that there is , no chance of all uniting
'up m any One candidate; we therefore think the
movement we herr': suttested,to be uaaCe one
Tire Ca eurir.—The folloiomg persons are na
med by the Widisonian as the !albedo incum
bents- of the Cabinet, •
-Secretary of StateAbelT. Upsher:
Bistrriset.,.r General—C.A. Wickliffe..
Attorney General—John Se!ion;
Mr. Het - lA-am is a Bostonian',' End Mr. Nilson
is a full bloojed locotoeo:lawyer of Ittarylantl. 7
Should the above statement be true the Cabinet is
how fully organize',l. •
ArCttIIIII IN BUTLER CO., PA.—We haye the
particulars of a Most horrid murder of mother
and five chldren, by an Indian; called Samuel
Mohawk ; he came to the house of a Mr. Wigton,
whilst hd was aliSent, and afterltilltng Mr. W and
her children, he then made an attack upon the in.
mates of lino other dwellings, and was not captu l
red until' after a severe struggle. When taken,
he confessed the murder, and said that he resided
in Cattsran3us county, New York.
. •
Pnatocirr.-:-Our Simon, whilst enlightning the
office the other fitly upon the respective appearan
ces of the animals composing the menagerie; made
a dead stop when he Ce1:01 to the elephant snit
could not 'descrilre,him. Simon'! says
Diggriry, iowhat 'did he loolcliker 4•Look like?
. gauldain'ye; be looked like a thundering big
covrAvitb her tail in her mouth." Prodiiiously
smart boy, that Simon! •
Tee 'LADIES, We biro before
U 6 the July number of ibis beautiful
contains three ezquiiite engrarings, end for beiiity_
of siyle is equal to any of the magazines now pa l ls.
fished. The contributors ore all names of eatilb
fished celebrity tb the literary world. and the work
from!time to time is imploring rapidly.
THY 1111111 her of this peri.
Wiwi! is received. 'wilteLady's World" has been
merged into this work and its appearance end mat
ter has improved in conseggence. Subscriptions
received et this race, $2 per annum.
c.Tho Londoners hive invented a hatching
appanttar übicti not only produces chickens in the
shortest possiblerpice of time, but also rears them,
Att•ene there, !kit Oh dear where shall tie'esoseli
Tut Esonce. E. ANT
Secretary of 'tie Treasury,-,to!in C. Spencer
Secretary of War-,-.larne - M.Poiter.
Secretary of the Navy-,li i ivid R. Hertshaw:
~ -. _• • It , FOREIGN NEWS
I The steamer Great • Western arrived et New
irork mil Saturday 'morning at half past three e.
dock, b4Oging Liverpool ,dates to, dial 17th and
tendon to the 16th nit: I- . 1 r - •
i l
t The news from England possesses some inter
' ford - I 'ti ti Ith At
'est tp tams s ;II ong not much; for the
general reader. Wilmer's Time!, says; t' 1 '_
• It waS thought a year since that Peel isUuld hove
a long ministry, but there is now strong prcibabili
ties of s[ much earlier change thin has been anti'
ripitted,jand with a. chimp of ministry there will
be a neW Parlianient. The weather hastrot been!
favors+ for the-crops, and it is thOught there will
be a very considerable failing off in ill pOtatoerop
both injlreland and in the North of England. -
Mr. IVV.ebeter's recent speech'al Baltimore in
Which he exiireised lihnself in favor tit a!reciproci-
ry treaty with England, has occasioned _Considera
ble. eiatement In Parliament. It'hae been illu- " irequently; by the different speakers there.
A a'le of 400 bales of American Mertufaiiiiied
i: a
Cotto geode was advertised to take plaee in Lou
don. This was rather a novel announcement;,
and crated considerable attention.
The World`i Convention was sitting in Lon
don, sin' American slavery was a promident theme
of disirintir and American delegates ernong the
most talkative and denuticiatory of their' own
county. .i , ' j .
Tho Repeal Association of Dublin his declined
to ba l ' any connection with or assistance from'
t radonthe Chartists and Fergus O'Cianor, whit
tendered their Services to them.
All idea'of her Majesty's visit to Ireland is ftir
the +Sent abandoned. 1
• :-.
' The Austrian Government has coneftideil a Itian
withlM.M. 'do Rothschild of 50,000,000, team
applied to 'of radroada. 4
II ELAN D:—O'Connell stiJl continues to lagitate.I agi
tate. His moisentents, says the European Times,
embarrass and perplex - the Government.' Be.
threidens to repel force by. force, if any unconsti-, ,
tattle' interferenie is made with his Peaceful egi
• •,, • •
l'roolts have been poured into the , ' Country lin
real. numbers. At the' close of -list last week the •
lord in Ireland amounted to six dirfiaions ofartil
ler?, six regiments and 8 squadron! of cavalry,
tweive battalions . and- twenty-two ,depots of in-
Itiay. • i
Areport reached Dublin on Saturday, 4th ult.,
.164 ihcre tiSL an - .insurrection " in WaterfOrd,
an the Rhadaanthuir . was hadilY despatched
wit i troops ; ' but on arriving foUnd il-was all a
hos,,and rttuined immediately. 1, - -
Cy the Hibernia which arrived at Boston on
Monday, we have news from Liverpool to the 20th,
and London to the 19th ult.
The debate in the House of Commons on the
Iriih Arms Billie continuing. s ,
)'Connell is still going on, keeping alive and
feeding the excitement. The signsof disaffection
I • •
ste increasing daily i , n , Ireland, rind although
thii agitator seems constantly to avoid sny'expres
sir which would charge him with treason, yet this
i offensive state of things cannot long matinee.
An Anti Repeal meeting was held at the Earl
I W i cklow! , ,
of cklow!, on the 18th of June,rat• which 30
P era and 28 Members of Parliment 'pledged them
, serves to use their Lest muttons in ea-operation
1 with her Majesty's government. 1. • 1
Tas CotscEn4.--The Concert 'given nt the
'Methodist bhurrh, on the bight, of the Fourth,
by the Pot , saille . .anred inging; -oociety. was a
rare treat to those present.. The 'singing was ad.
roirahle, and excetdcd the expectations Of the
nrinat sanguirm.:, Mrs. Taylo r s solo„ Angels eV
er. Bright and fair,' . was a perfect iern; and the
Wholo performance, taken throughiiut, .has never
been excelled, or equalled, in thus place; and, we
should j idge, but se.dom elsewhe. We learn
that the Society intend a nother concert
some time soon, and for the rake of thOse Who
Were unable to attend the last, we l hepOhat our
information is correct..
VC•3IPMENT.--The preparations for this
grand display, coi,tint-F to move on swimmingly,
and from everything we can learn t it .wilt exceed
the exprctations of the most sanguine. By ref
e!rence to another co , ntnn. it will be,observed that
the Committee of Arrangement have fixed upon
Monday rtext. for another siege on the'hill. In
addition to that notice, we are requested by the
&omniittee, to Invite those of our citizens whii
l i ed inclined to be present and AnOther
.old cdedid has been ordered fromil the city, to be
fired for hy the cannon alone. The Mineraville
• .
rtillerists will have to brush up ;
gry Such weather as we have had lately is e .
npugh to set a community erazyr Last Sunday
m aning,"the thermometer in : the shi*de was at
90 degrees, and yesterday it was i l coldenough in,
ur sanctum to make a
,firt% comfortable. The
onsequence has beep that nearly till of our friends
pave delightful - colds, and that insinuating visit
br, the 41 . Grippe," is making most charming held
vay, . ,
MI:fttIST!LL6 t;ELIIIR vrlos.--The citizens
nJ military of bur - neighboring Bor'ough, had a
i very appropriate celebration on ;the Fourth, and
Ipartmk of a sumptuous dinner,!livhieh was pre
par7.l for them at the house .Of pair McCienti
ichah, Esq. The proceedings, which for want of
algae lroom we ars t? publieh ir this week, shall
appear in our•Aext, , •
F.P EA iIN Sutrin Cani I i 0 learn that
i the Repeal Association of Charleston, S. C., on
the 'receipt • of O'Connell's We' ttbolition speech,
iritraediitely met, and after passing resolutions of
the most severe censure against:the man, .dishan•
dcd the Association, and appi(opria•ed all: the
funds of the society. to charitable Purposes.
Maim anon KliEolloTE:-.A
Hartford lost his lifeby taking'; Kreoso l te fur the
toothache,; a drop •of which gotdown hie throat,
end caused infistrimstion.l 7 trirt article is a com
mon nostrum for the comp . laint, antlare3aMuld ad.
visa persona tiding it to I, r , eitreiii;ry r cautious.
cry The Whig convention of Vermont astern
bled June the 28th and ripreed ;upon their ticket.
A G.ivern9r, Lieutenant Gov!ertior, and Treasurer
will be voted for Sin that tat l e-rit tho approaChing
electio& -
A lestr from Father rillithew bias been re
calved by the Philadelphia Tetnperance SociOrli;
in which he states Jhe impossibility of, his visiting
Philadelphia during the present year. •
Post.Maater at this placp, hirt44arries Le?ean, has ,
been removed and Edward Huntzinger ii appoint
ed in his , place.. Mr. i,evan eras too honest to
truckle to any man for the sake s ,of office.
i*The Mormons are said ;.to express them
selves greatly outraged at thautter absurdity o
:he Miller doctrine! ' 2
ca The tent of the' Mdlerites at Roehestetf was
blown down by i the late storm Whilst th e preacher
was holding forth to about 500 permit,.
A ST.4.—A new eintatriea y'eippt Signors
Castellan, has been throwing the Gothamites into
all soils of raptures. Sbe is lauded in the papers
as being equal to Mrs. WoOdiOahbren and Ggian
Sums say she excele•them
cc, The citizens of, Boston have addressed a
letter to Com. McKenzie, in coinpliment to his con
duct on bo ardthe &mei% • ,
qtti I;9otiti
,A Clusitneiefaclory bps been_ established , at
Aitheeling; Va. . •
• -
. .
• The Boston . Atlas say* ibid. on Mt:realty last
store in enntrel street Vs's set on fire by the son
concentrated through s u bill's eye on the roof !
Believe not each accusing tongue.
As most weak rsons dd
But still believe • t story wrong.
Which ought a
The Loce-Tocos of
Hugh J. as ti
Anderson •
not. ,* .
The Canadians are suffering dreadfullywith the
influenza'. It has •proved fatal in many cases.
A ship is now t3kingin s cargo of ice i
at New
York for Rio *de ianeiro, bieng the first shipment
Of the kind to that port ; .l
A . tariff, With rs view, to the protection of e&i
culture, is about to be introduced in the Canadian
Parliament. It is thou ht it will pees almoit l
An accomplished ndon piuk.pocket, named
HamMond or Simpson has been arrested in New
A letter from D.nillson Stenhan co., N. Y.,
Bois that nearly three-, ordtter of the inhabitants of
that section are sick with the-influenza',
rs • I • „,, I •
‘aIItrELTT TO .IoIITLIITIEIf,--o.Does your mother
ever whip yOu,liia "Na,' she never whips me,
but she entities My face every morning"
; , , •
Thomas'', Ware, Esq,, I.l4deriore,: has been
appointed by the Presfileni, a Purser irobe Navy.
A yOund lad. named Joseph W. oit;bons, died
in Deltimene, •on Satiirday.' of I.tehjiw, ptoduced
up running' a splintlr - ctf-wood into hisfout.
Every Whig papelit? Georgia. is out fur Henry
Clay, as their capattliiiik for the next Piesident,'
Col. Jeni.nso's will leave his home for the Eas•
tern.Stat6;some time in 'July.
' The citi ze ns of Blairsville,' Indiana county, con.
vetted in ipublic meeting on the 151 h innarit, and
resqved that they will neither receive or pay out
itimplasters tram and after the first of July.
A great Cass meeting was held at 11.itrott on
the , 27th utt. - • •
Georiel W. Crawc.rd, E : 91., has accepted the
nomination of the Whig Convention, for Gover
nor of GeoFgio.' '• •
• 'The Crops .of M i chigan arc said to be partie
The Odd Fellows! of Great Britian and other
places are said to number between 300,000 and
' The - Buffalo Gazette stales that the little steam
er ttG, *. Clinton" i;iee'Ll .-- -
• The U. S, eehootier Fli4, arrived' at. - Norfolk;
a day or two ego, Wail' Havant:la.
1 . .
•, Ina late article Miller E , 3 y Get ready, and
ry Christ comes; vou will be glad and rejlide; and
if he deb...lsa r come then we must wait till he
A very reasontee conclUsion
J. G. klirriey declines being the Abolition can
(Wain id the Presidency a t the c trring,election.
TEMPETIANCE Ot t 4111. FOURTII.-. We heard'OrlC
Of our a id tavern keepers •,boastitu; the other thy
that his receipt at the lair wero heavier on the
Fourththart they have.ever been previous. This
would intiinate a reaction in the great temperance
ref Imation, whirlOor. the sake et, humanity we
:lope isTuot the ease, „ -
Mr. Henry Ranken well known on the line of
the Canati•waiskiffid. at - Manayunk on
Friday, last. Whilst 'ixitnesiing' the blasting of
rocks near Manayunk: stone of great weight,
struck nim over the right, eye, and fracturing the
skull, caused instant death. • -
co• - • A letter writer from the Rocky Mountains.'
in s peaking of the delightful natural enjoyments
peculiar to that portion of the country,iials, that
among other delights of sense, that which is
amount is "the incense of the crab . apples• ascen
ding towards the bluest sky,"
Syracuse New York was •isitsdlily 'saver' dam
I I •
der stormy, on ilze . 2olu!te--Quite a goodly num
ber for one day.
I I .
The Baltimoreans have manufactured a litho
graph 1 caricature, which they call the grand atm.
plc chase of 1E144, Thal folloiving is:a assription
of it. -
""The first figures are , Beh'ert Tyler awakening
his fattier froth a profound' iste.ep=the next is
Commodore Stewart weering at larga•—then comes
Gen.[Scott eqUipped in full uniform, on horseback
—in 'the centre is Harry . of the West, with hat off
and Otitis Otieth, hes riding an animal, which is
.halolorse - on j d half alligator: Mr. WebstOr to
comfortably seated overiti' pot of - chowder, John
C. Calhoun k Mounted on. - a flow moving turtle;
—Col. Johnson is capsized, his horse having also
fallen. Gen. Otis is belaboring a donkey which
he rides—Mr. Van Burcnis mounted on a fox—
and Mr. Buchanan is sprawling in the dirt. The
plate represents Mic Clay as going ahead like a
. •
streak of lightning." .• • -.
j FIORI the Philadelphia beaker. •
RECIPROCAL DuTir.s.—lt is rather 'singular
that the principle artiales mentioned by Mr. Web-,
ster', in his fanlons speech about reciprocal 'duties,
as those which might be brought into . increased
'gnaw] by 'such: duties, are elrcedy !provided with
a market.whicb will probably incrCase as fast as
the supply can l o engmented. The late improye
• [inet of converting lard into oil, which is adapted
to ell the purposes of manufactiners, end furnishes
light equal to the best spermacett oil, has in a
great measure ebsiTed iho current Of trade..: The.
.‘ Indian Corn Cr Maize" is riqw wanted to feed
. -
the innumerable berds of swine which are to take
!1 -
the place of the,whalei heretofore destroyed; to
furnish light tolhe world, and the fat of these an
imals is so much more viluablethan their flesh;
that the whole object:lwill be to 'convert es mach !
of l them as posiible into lard. There will thus be
, •
serylittle , 6 Papon' made, to i be benefitted by the
reciprocal duties.. The • Lard" is also proided !
foi, as the oil . into which it willbeconverted, will
find a ready consumption in.the domestic . market
furnished by our manufacturers and fireside lights,
and will enter into competition with the various
fish.ofls in all the markets of the world, without
any new treaty stipulations. 1 1 '
Webater,will haaa to look for porno other
basis to inducarthe Western States to join him in
,domestic inenuractpres, which now
fu l mish them a large demand for one of their most
important products. ' HOME MARKET.
,bOVVINNRNT BAlSizEtt.—The Paris =respon
dent of the 'Charleston Courier sari, u it is under-
I slam! here that Messrs. Daring. have.agaln become
the European•BankeM of the United States in lieu
of Rothsehilds.!' Meagre: Baring had bean for ma
ny years the bankers,' of the Government of the
United States, for the &poetic of funds for Dip
lomatic and other European expenses until some
time under the admirrintration of Gen. Jackson or
Mr. Van Buren, when it was suddenly removed.
Pavilate Actn.-4 7 ; A German, paper says that
aistb, canted. by Finnic Aeid, iconly apparent.
Ws immediately iestored, pouting' Acetate
4potatib and cornmOn , salt dissolved in *steepen
it:e head and spine, Can this be possible 1 his
worthy of a trial, on the fist cue of suicide *bleb
ial attempted by taking this poison !•
- - , •47::••
La ltexte
,:.',. - chi,c4a.i. -_-
to be true. •
Maine lbase nominated
Cendidato for Geyer-
_~.~y~h~'._ ;any
'AT 01:01 , 1GSBURGal 1 • li
~ '
' the Nat Ritual C4eYs of Orwilialatt .
At ten o'clock in the morning, thn Company
left their Armory, and, matched to Centre square,
when : the Jefferson Temperance Siaziety oft Or-,
vviisburg were fawned in processio n ; with hen
tiers Oftaled,'Waviiti in the i,wint3,l end batting
approptiate 'mottos. IT hey escorted: the'proces
sion through the principal streets of ourHorciugh,
to a grove belonging , to Mr ! Jacob'. Haniener.
They then returned to the Borougli,! where they
were joined by , a number of citizen+jerho antral.
ed with them to Hoy's grove, Where they sit par
took of a sumptuous collation. provided by Mr.
Michael Graeff: . •
IJ •
,After die Company arose from tho tablp, the
tnrget a tring COmmericelL, The fi ririg wa most
excellent. 1 More balls were _put ,in the Itarget:
than at any previous; time, and the medal was a
warded to Sergeant Henry Orwig. ;The Comps-.
ny then proceeded 14 hear the Declaration( of In
dependence read, JO. Capt. J. MI 'Bickel was
called to preside; Jacob Becker; li*cleric • Ben
singer, and Frederick Hesser, ,( soldiers of the
Revolution,) and Frederick Freed ' r and Frederick
Beck. were appointed Vice President, and I..ieuts..
J. H. Graeff, and J. - W. Roseberry, Secretaries,
J. P. Hobart, Esq., l was then called utqn, and
read the Declaration of independence. in the En
giiablanguege, and jA,Dohnnan in tge'erman,
language; after whiali an Gratiort bean elivcred
by Lieut. s, w: Roseberry. ' i ~. j ,' •.
' The foll4Wing Regular and Vialunteei Toasts
were then drank. i The utmost ghOd fee ing and
hilarity pervading throughout. j 1 . .
1. The'day we Celebrate,lleld altered in
commemoration of jibat ddy, nhen the! United
Stales rose like a bright e;;Matell'ation, iinil ttiok
her station among the hatlanseflthe \c•a6ll. \
. i!,uriejrlail'Columbis. guni; 9kheers,
I • •
,-,2. 'The "Signers of_ the Declaration of pulepen
dence--A noble band of patrlot!a ; !tibial pledged
their lives, their forturies,.and their sacred hon.
-pure td.Manattdia the cause of justice, litierty and
. 1• 1 , ' 1 li '\, l'
trutli. , ; .
• . r Tune4-Land of Liberty. 6 guns..,
3. .Gen'. IVoshington.-,Wht4ie chmkter will
shine, as the " sun of noonday, 'ne'ver tolie envel.,
°pad in aveil of darkness, while! a spelt of lib
erty , eiisti'in : the universe. j J j,. r f.
Tone.-Wasiti4gten's :March.
4. The Patriots of the 11evOlution;:ltlen 'cif
. nnwavering-patriotismi the warmest
~,e- p ression
Of gratitude arc he to them, from the hearts of a
"nation, whOse liberties they have secured.
Tune—Batt)e of.Prague,guns, p Cheers.
b. The 'United States--A pation.highly ills :
tingel.lied and te'rore.d by heavn, 1,.• ''.''
Tune—God Save America,
. 1 6 guns; 9 cheers.
6. The State of Permllrania—Rich in min
eral resources, 'end internal iMProveMents; she
is aptly called the keystone of the Arch. 1
Tuue—Marseilles Hymn. 19 genii, 6 cheers.
, 7. The President of the United States.
, ,
- - 1 Tune—Presiden t ' s March.
a [ r 1 •
, 8. The Governor of Pennsylvania. .
' Tune--Governor's March.
9. The Armyi ;and Nosy Of the United States.
—A sure defencelin time of danger. • - 1
Tune-4he Star Spangled Banner. 6 guns, 9
cheers. '1
; . , •
tO. Gen Layfayette.-:-Tliej friend! of Wrish
.lngtop, his uemewill be held 'in dear remem
'brance by every friend of freedom, ' .
_ •
Tune—Liafayette'li March.
' 11. Universal Education: 411 e bhlwark ef, a
• 1
republic': so leng,as educaticin is fi.ste'red, ilicil.W
er)ties of our country will be firiutuat!etl: - ' ' •
, run e—l eletu s Ch
elis6.' 1
grin, 6
eo ff andir l ml-rh t ll'incil e 'rrgdcs
o our Sate; they vII reisePlnsyiniatdthe
e3lth* :ne:—l a;kee . D:oodi F l .1 - I ; Iu a ! 9 cheers.
3:heLadis.rheirt!r,eeiingsan d
kind actions, insPire•us with' bare for the sex,, and
impel, us cheerfully to"devote) (*selves [or their
defence and Prot= ion, 1
Tune—Come,Haste to the Wedding, 2 guns,
9 cheers. ` ,
. •( : .. , .•
r, Capt. 1.• M. Bickel: TheArrny 'of (hell-4v
olution--A worthy band of patriots, who fought
the battles of their country, and' won for theinsel. •
vest and for their country, a high tank - ftrriuri , na-
Pone ; their names are held ii6 . emembrance!by a'
truly grateful people
' Z. Lieut. J. H. Graelli - The United \
States of
America—Freedom's home!!our borne!! n hen '
her rights are invaded, or heiihiMor insulted, our
arms shall be raised to protect i ` the one, and aven
ge; the other. II „ . r
. 1 •
3 Lieut. J. 'W., nosebes l l.i , The Fourth 'of
July—A . national holiday, they we alwayeicele
brate it as a nation of freemCm, deeply impressed
with the actions *offritir ancestors, Who
freely shed their' lood, and expended their treas
u'res to secure to themselveit land their children
; '
the blesSings of liberty. ' I l - child ren
Y 4. Serg't. , llesser. MaY the ' contemplated
Camp De Kalb, show our vo ' lunteer brethren from
a distance wh4 may favor us with a call, that the
Setinylkitl county volunteer ti are not behind hand,
and . that they will greet ilietn 01 soldier's and
Wends... I -.
5: Sergt. Graeff . I et thC names of'th4e Ma
u Fier -' - ' - - '
mortal patriotem Ito foukilt mitt bled for the glorious
cause of liberty, be handed
to posterity.
, 6. Sergt. H. Or wig. ~Otir Country—slie will
never want defenders her soldiers are alai:.
mated by patriotic feeling.
'7. torpotal H. Deibert. The Day we Cele
brate—The_ stational birth tfy of our happy Re
public, thousands of Nmen; rejoice in its com-
Memonation; I •
.8. Corporal J. Orwig{ I The Fair,-4n peace
they ate our comfort, and kjil i war they inspire us
to decds'of valor for their Protection.
9. Corporal 13roch. '1 hie' Amy and Disoy of
the United :States --Pre,Of their country, and
the pride of the country;;;;' •
10.- Isaac Freed. The, Military of Schuylkill
'coonty—Alfrays willing Mid ready to protect_ in,
ease of emergency.-
John A. Ege. Gbrieral Washington—
First in War, first in peach, and first in' the hearts
of his countrymen. •
12. Jacoh Delbert.
,TeMperance and Reform.
13.' Henry Ege. Cot.-Cioghan—'rhe gallan
defender of Fort SandtiskY, may he be rewarded
by a grateful penple. -
14., John Freed. The, Revolutionary. Patriots
now present.—They have lived to see then. coun
'try-prosperous 'and leek:. and may they long
live to see our. glorious tars and stripes under
-which they fought, waving over the land of the
free and the home of the brave. '
15. G. D. Boyer.- - Hair 'the Plume of the sol-
dier never lose ti feather, while the friends of free
dom will unite togethet.
HI. Daniel }Scboerier.l ;The National Greys
—They will altvays be_ready to defend their coun
try, when: duty calls ttiem to the tented field. .
17. Daniel K. Graelr, Fife Major. The Tem
perance • cauial-Geod enough if carried on with
moderation. •
19. -Hiram Drehir, Dunn Major. The Drum
—May it always beat a arid march to the ene
mies of our country.'
19. A, Guest. The National Greys of Or
wigsburg—Their gentlenianljr and soldiet—like
.eportment on all occasions , make them the pride
of the borough, and . guartmtee to them:the respect
'' '',?.?. v_
~~ ::~ `F' r~y~ti;r
20.. Jacob Krebi;Jr. The American Flog—.
The glorious 'tare end ktrities; way it never*
surrendered to a foe, while u drop of blood runs,
in the .ieins of glover of his country; never until
the best HOW of its ;defenders is .. poured out like
Water upon the soil.
21. C. Di Id,
L. .verger. .tey , ....try -.--
immortal, who fought and bled for the'glorious
acme of liberty. - .
22. -Dr. John L. Smith. The nand of the
National Greys—An ornament to the company.
23. Benjamir(Densinger. Au ust Bergner
—The skill and masterly dial& af_the Orwigs
burg Don't] on this day, bout pro e(n to us that he
is fullycompetent to fulfil the task he has under
taken. 1
24. Joshun Boxer. The surviving soldiers of
the Revoltitfon—May they live long and die hap-
25 Joseph:Bensinger. The .Teicher of the
Orwigsburg Band—fie deserves the thanks ut - the
citizens for his effaits in giving us good music,
may the Bind contintle,to imOovo until it will
be inferior to none in 'the St:te.• ,
26. Ckritian Veiby.' Br. ',Luther's: motto—
Bo Who does not love wife, wine and fong, re
mairisa fool his whole life tone"
27. By the National Greys. The - Temper
ance Cause-- , —lts reformation, which is sending
forth a Ware of light throughout our,country.;
The pledge,- like the Bcclaration of Independence,
szerns- likely to bring about a new order of
thing's, and tends to make men more pa , tioge, more
virtuous, and more devoted to the itiVresti of their
felloW , men.. • '
, The above toast was sent to the JeffergOn Tem
perance- S'ociety k et Wowing the day at Jacob
Hammer's grove, in the vicinity, of Ortvigsburg,.
and the following was received from said Sociey
through their' Secretary, Dr. Andrew 1.), Batim.
28. By the Orwigsburz Jefferson Temperance-
I Society. The National Greys of Orwigsburg—
May they ever prove themselves to be men of no;
ble and geherous'sentiments, as they have done,
this day, by their conduct towards the Society.
( Si g ne 4 by (he Of )
MII-CLAT IN THE $011711. -- Ttie 'Charleston
(S. C.) Mercury, the organ of 'Mr. qslhoun, pays
the following tribute to the distingoishe l d leader of
the great Whig, parts of the_Union. We drain
not, that it tipesk;the sentiments of the large mass
of Mk..,Cettiou:s'a friends, who find in Mr. CL.11% ,
alone, of all the other'puttlic men who have been
spoken of in connection - with /the Presidency,
Many of those noble qualities, which render than
attached to their own favorite.
Mr. dr.ay.—lf we-- cannot have a Southern-
Stem Rights;man—if John G. Calhoun,l'y going
upon the torleirn Of, truth is (pftliti s rally) dead upon
the ramparts--I , lte a gallant steed faller-lin the
front rankL-horne down,and tramplt drapon by the
rear—ond can only hope for justice from those
who look upon thosodisj dried times, with the eyes
laf.posterity. If, for dismterestedue-ta above, and
political sagacity beyOnd,' the
. age, he 13 to be se
mariYr to principle—at least call upon
uS to support some. man worth of en enthusiastic
trust. Give us a Man of some obletraits--;-a bald,
gallant, hightninded man of epius, taho, though
we see hisipolitical errors, w can yet-assure our
:selves, can do nothing - men' r Give ps such a
, man for instance, os HENHT-CLAY. lle woold
have our tospect, our. admiration: Noi of sohtiry
chieftain lieroistn—Oh, do t. burof aloud not at
ell rel4ted to thd humbug family. We Woutd not
thinwourselves into the arena for his support, hilt
wo would not quarrel with the Northern Whigs
for offering such a man for the sufrrsgris of the
opposition. We tt.ll the Northern Whiphe is the
only man on vrJat-they can rally, as acongurr
ing party, mless the People come more-suddeply
to their - senseti. ;, than we have .a ri,3l:it to expect,
and at once do :thems-Aves the honor of rendering
justice to the first tri m in'the'co9ntiy.
TO MAME ICE ensAx.—A Lady correspon
dent of‘the ..Anierican Avieulturist,'! a j u nal
which we never take up, withouv finding. souie
ihi,;g to amuse and instruct, givea . _the following
as a iecipe for making good Ice Cream. , Coming
from the mires it does, we
~can confidently rec
iimmand a trial of it by those of our readers; who
wish' to ressio upon this delicious summer refresh
ment S '
To two quartir_of milk, add three beaten eggs,
stir:them tog e ther, and piece over a fire till brought
bys.irring and a.gentle, heat to the consisience bf
;ream. When warm, add a tabfe , spoonful of di-
Muted arrow-ioot or starch; then sweeten and fl Ivor
to your taste- with lemon, - petich.leaves,•or vani la,
and eel try to cool. When cold, pour the cream
into a em In psi!, which insert in, a larger.'one, well •
covered on, the bottem with - ice, end spritizled
with salt. ! Put ice in . the. space between the
pails, arid add salt ti it -us tef-re. As the mix
ture freezea; totir it occasionally; till all is NI rally
fro;--n.. The atrave is ; improved - by -wing half
erfani. • If you flavor with peach lea VCS ire cinna
mon, put tin-mover to W mrto (AM h-iii ••).• with the
milk, and then•strairs before adili t ng the pug-at..—
. rho ice must be put tutu the farm
s ofter it is thor
oughly congealed. A Linar."
Sun gives the l'olicsing account of e: wedding
Mitch recently' to . ok, fiaoe "in that neighboitood : .
J' Oil the ',lnd inst., Nuire Miller, Magistrate in
the Borough of Tarenturn, in this-ioanty, went to
the hause of a'man living five miles hack in that
place, according to previous arrangement, to inar,•
ry a couple. He arrived at the appinted time;
grid finding no pieparatdn far a weddi:g, be be
gan to Think he was hoaxed. He consequent , ly
went to a field 'where a man was ploughing, to
see , what was , wrong. : On his arrival, , the matt
stopped hie.plough, saying he would see - if she
was coming ; ar.d after walking, a few steps, with
his eyes fixed on a little hill at a: short distance.
they saw it•beautiful girl of ahaut.sixteen descend
mg the heights, and wending her way towards
them. It was she; on,her arrival they were uni
ted in bonds of matrimony on the spot, and he
went on with his ploughing The man was said
tolbe atiout,36.
Rives.---The St. LoUie oriel tells the folluring
story • , 1 • •• . • •
4.9 n a late excuiroon'on the Pinola river many
of the - passengers went on deck ono evening. The
boat was sailing majestically along, all enjoying
the varicgsteirlandscape as they came into' view,
when, a short &Stance ahead, Is large buck was
observed to* descend the sloping bank to the edge
of the wow, and commence - drinking. Dclery eye
was strained to- the utmost to see the fine' animal,
when, all of a sudden, be reared upon, his hind
legs, and, turning quickly round. he jerked out up
on• the bank , 4 fish of ' ; go . small dithensions, which
had seized him firmly;bg the nose. -A shout from
the passengers caused - him- to gallop off in amaze,
nient; leaving the unfortunate fish high and dry on
the bank . to suffer the consequences of its extreme
carelessness. •The yawl was immediately' de.
spatched and the prize taken to the boat, "'villa
upon examination turned out to be a Catfish,
weighing seventeen pounds and nine ounces."
T T tat MantsmAs.—Editor John Jones—
makes it a matter of public boast, ,that Presideni
Tyler, during his recent visit to .the East, one
morning before isun-rise kissed not' less !um 5,10
600 young and beatitiful girls ! li r bdo P ot
doubt it. This is precisely the kind of setvice thd
President is, just now rendering the Democratic
petr—lip service.-4fur. tinfoil.
„.,„ - .
•••: , :i.i - ,'- , .;', - '
of those be
the memo)
DEmocriATIC, REPHIIfLICA - N1.143r
As the time is rapidl7 split:o2olns
, for the so ,
lection.,Of a Member of ,Coogresf, ( l3tato.Seuator. .
two Representatives;and tbe dilTlnt County OP
b*a to be supported at thotnemog.elettion;--;
And wheress, it has becomeevident•to every re.
fleeting mind,,that both and State
Governments, rts at preeent admit iitered,are both
rotten and corrupt--lubsersivapf the beat inter- .
este - of the people, and totellinnworthy the "
port of all those, who feel' en interest in the wet- -
faro of our State an searitry: And whereas, thief,
time hae turivrd when it his becurite necessary for
.those who love their Cor..e.rai,•l3 . etter than par:
ty, to rally for the pare g o of reinstating those: .
leading principles into ; the administrstion of , our •
government, • which have secured for the whole'
ploide prosperity and itappiOessi,"and added &ex.
ry to the nation.—Theriforil,
All those in favor of lite' qtatilishtnent Of a NA'
Of/111 Currency,' through the *aid of a Nations!
Bank,. • 1.7
In' favor of adhering to the proscnt Protective'
Tariff, wh , ch already checked the exportation •
of specie from the country,iand turned the current'.
in oar favor,
-in favor of distril.uting the, Proceeds of the
Sales of the Public Landsfertiong the States, for
the pu , poso.of.preserviug
,the present Pro:ective
System--apd -
In'favor of HENRY CI.AY, se the chosen tn . -
iftufi•aent, to advocate anti- is'ablish these princi
ple's in our, NaCcinal Hovernmerd.. ,
All those who are in ratior of aq•lole of the Pub
lic Improvements befangitig to the State.
In favor of the passagei;of a•lavy„declaring the
charter of every I.lorOu'dinr Corporation, ( other
than 'a 13anking / institgnii, )thac-matis'sueeny ' •
scrip, notes, or certilicate of loan, in-ended for,
or which may circufatri,e . il cuirency,turfeiltd--
Are requested _to,assei:Afle' in Con n'y ;Meet
its, at the Court Heure- in the Borough of Or
sltigsburd, -
On Tuesday, tAe; 0( of Angus: nest, • ,
At 1 o'clock I'. M., anif-hite,n-and there deliberate
,on such rip asures se • titay be calculated to ad
vance the best interests Of the people. . . •
NE Wi 4sOOK.
Bittr7r,—The'.secoi.4: volume of this elegant.
re'ruttlicati , itt -nowl?*eived. It
.contairis the .
Giacrur. the Bride of 4tiytios, the Col l ar end pert
of ,Lora `
-To: . be t .ioplete :iti 'twelve .nuinbersi
twenty five cents cocli-,-Subscripttetts received at
this office. • - 4,P ••• •
Al snit r's MUDECirii:4*Thei - juntounshei et this
veriotlical has hero re
ceived. Suhscriberal t i ,6n have their number; by
co/ling at this ••• • . •
•\' AN Coe tre's (:114;'5:11FEIT DrekcTort.--This
excelltnt detector ant! R A ittli note fist for July is re
ceived end for sale ..strAis ofilice-sitight topic. 121
cents, •
• • H
TAIL C Tlt•tp.p.l.
B y c A IN: A=l,
. The following isllleifuontov of Coal shipped b
Canal the present week4ndiniThursday evening lasts
Pottsville and Port (..hrboni • 8.53 G
Schuylkill Navel - 4 • ' 4.560
Per last report
. • [' .
13 . 7 ITA 1401 i
From Pottsville 1'1.940
•-. • ;Lilt
Per last RepqA
1481 c scliuylk ll C 0.4. 1-Trade.
The .hoPrk,._,
hri tfuinnioilnt of tent tinezpor
this tone, for tri . 6) , endue an:ither P;o rdayl3:.
311 i .,
June 30 Bent Srrnßilw ••••*.
" Marry j . tit -.••' • • •
J u ly I Cleripntr: t
" eleirerSOMPily g La,
3 W. Fa'reit4i;' , , sf;
Jon. I.7n(iit4
G I I arris'Onl, - 117 •
& Maiden' (I:eikk
iteenz Su? '6B
" Lady' , .14. , 41-05n• -
• j.f,
- Sunday
. - •. 21
;• I . 6 . La:rt volt,
4.1E0110 E' WiGG-Alsf,
, . •
Froth Pottivillekig.l'ort Carbon,
Schtrylktii '
Newl sulk.
Mine Haven 'kind !toad: .
The Atitvai r ount of Coal tiansported'
on'tliis 'toad' for reek ending ThoTsdsj , evening
Tons, • 6,551
ier last repot '4 ' 97,221
: •
I ;
Total,' • • 103,727
LIAM NEWELL, Clillectnr
. ItlouitCembim Rail 'R9ad.
The following ls tlie amount atoll transported on
this road Tor the Isveek ending Thiirsday evening;- l ast
r • ~
' • • Tons! ,
-.." 1 , : ••,• 3AOO
- ' Per last ilegirt . , 47,051 ? .
• , Atotai ' ' • 50.48 i
i Mill Crel)li; Itail'ltoad Campany. .
• :Amount or coill%transilorted overthis road, fortho
week ending on Tinirsday evening
1 ' ;I :: • 'Pica.
i - •
t'7 ,
' 4 rj ' Total , ' 1!,G96
. " [HEOHGE 'HA DESTY, Collector.
11.hiThursdjy motning, July 6th, of Choleri
o Infatii?
turn. dom SfniTIWATI, aged 3 months; and 6 day
son of Rev.Jaeob 13 - '‘ Mores; rector of Trinity Church,.
of this plac,e.'
ttr Market.
Wheat Flour, pl. - By 54 , 50 , Bacon, ' per ' 6
Ryd do—i cwt. •65 Pork, • 4 ,
Wheat; I bslal • 90. Ham,' ,10
Rye. ‘r - 62 i Potatoes, ,boahl ' 30
corb, 50 IPlasteri ton 4,50
clas. 33 May, . 15,00
Egge. &Li 10 'l . imothy all, 1;0112,50
Renee,'l 12]/Clover • " 15,00
on Monday July 11..1 at 1 o'clock at the arouny in, Fa r .
tigne Dresaiwith 'or kulacecki to tbok
Camp Ground.ll Command.
July - 8, • I - J. RUSSEL latSergl
p !
If t he aattiiir of an anonymous comniunicv
lion, which waa lisnded me by the Post !Outer %
on'Saturday fait, gill fattish me an acknowlOge4
evidence of thatlvVhich he asserts, he will Jo Me an
i nva luable servicp, and merit niy sincere thanks *
Sh.;uld he not, 'esn attach no credibility to his
information, grail pust treat; ie as a malicious and
eawardlyinvenoott. • ",
(1,1; WYNKOOP• Pottsville;
14PN0T1C8.4.-Vie military; composing the differ
ent companies 'of r Borough: will all meet at the,
Town Ball on Mot ay next at two o'cloik P. M. foit
the purpose of pots :ng together to the camp pone&
and finuthing'thOmEirk oE:prepiratione.
By order 3100 Otalinillee.' ' - Jitly
• , •
Isa,si F
Ire • ,
-- 6 t,633
NI on
2 00