The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 01, 1843, Image 4

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    ._ ._ ',F
T.."~. ~
t 2
,k.LI 4 ENSi:
.L,; , r cif It9T4 mom.
like the drifted- 'Dani a
Where's a heart that can chetjoh it
`Thy - hair hip , •
414 *bite. white WO h are hltiiiiiriva r orycarl,
71Mt.shimein dmpite ttiv-e9raj
art: lilts tae in the ciiiiou's
Tltett s tae charm en t h y .gIiMA I with its grimgell
dye •
,1. -- .1111 - ir.e'a a shell in the light if thy li inti blue eyi ;
': _there*iii4 1013911 on thr fi ;MO q v ' •
Audi magic dyw.on thy tosi lips
...While pettht pow'r which I gladly own,
ici - thy teiice , Isith
`What ititts'ibel: whril 1 Gittd4 scO
The light.ef thy EiMice slouto t tabiwit nn par ;
,thy -fairy fingers I ti,iu I
Or Won thy 'ehOlt With a %nit cares.;
;While - thy. satcht t ince, '4ittliod to Jiti - u;titu,t
stretch,'' .
:Cries" /that ere yosterhel Cg! vet at, icretchi •
. ,
• - ' ' - V. L I 1 1 4 1 . NG ' • ' '
i• ' - _
keep it behest yourself, Mech te, that punt.
; lualityura - virtue; that work pro ised should al.
ways be dune at the time, and elI done. and
,then yen need give yourself no fear of want of be.
, ,
,( Madder it no w cultivated in Oh , and is said
td,be a 'profitable crop.
•Coffee has been cultivated withgreat success in
Florida. _-; i .
1' ' .'TheiNsmal Hoist," is The-very 'ippropiate ti.
I.l.erWtinew. paper I which advocateit the Miller
- balhbot.
' -- `tdoiziebody tbe other day ran off ' ith the wife.
;ofin 'editor at Lowell, Mass. " oor fellow,"
Leta the cool reply of the editor, wh n someone
told brut the news. 1
, 1
' 'Tito hi iriii ans do not ice a t4 k stand very;
`flirty with the government of' Illincurt. A bill b
repeal the charter of Nativon,',and disbind the Let.
gum, has rrassed the Scriattrof that 'State, by a
vote f two
-to t one. 1
To.thi, question, by a lady, ‘.l4",hy it The steam
.el Brilliant. like a gentle maiden 1" Maj. Kelly,
Of the Bayou Stria Chronicle, answeralt.llecouse,
ihf, ilogin a vorldeal ecolicin cp.!' .
, Casnon.4 - ..The Canton Democratmentions the
cosset en hottest Hibernian, who, having tarried
'rather long at the 'whiskey,' wandered Mina grave
_ lard, and, being a little disposed ; to. moralize on
' the vanity of earthly things, commenced," reading
' thb epitaphs on the tombs: The following aurae.-
tea his attention : 4 em not; dead but sleepeth:
'Well, said Paddy, soliloquizing, Then I die,
by the powers • I'll own it. , .
. ,
• Among the many heavy and galling tales and
: iraposta of guilt, there to none like the nervous fear
of constant concealment, and its accompanying ,
lesi'of detection. , .
The Quaker girls of Philadelphia l have Ifkalles
..-111111a8 of hollow India rubber balls whit stria:kit at.
r_tiehed so that when they approach the meeting
,` house,' or get into the company Of the old steadies,
they_can compress the bustles by palling on the
atringsand bean flat behind as they Please. They
also have false code so arranged with springs that
' they can ship anti unship Them at o moment's
'notice. ,
'TO al Sfoore'e songs have been parodied often
'thin the productions of almost any other poet
.=-4 good proof of their excellence and popularity.
Bat what would the great "Little"—Moore, say
to tho followineon "This world is, all a fleeting
show:" 27
the bustles are all a fleeting 'hew
Far man'a illusion given •
The hags of bran, the eacits Of tow,
_ re worn to gall the aithple bean—
' Theyee all a cheat, by Heaven
The editor of the Vermont Republican thus po
etical', And pathetically appeals to hir delinquent
. I .
man chop down that tree,
- " • Spare not a single bough;
• TM; axe lay to its MOLL •
i . . The Printer needs it now! 1
Lord Branham, when in a playful mood, wrote
tberfalloniing•epitaph on himself: 1 •
• • .11pre. reader turn your weeping4ver,
. illy fate an useful moral teach" ;
The hula in which m,y body iiet •
Would not contain one half my speeches."
Some fellow wants to know whether tho crane
isn't a'stresk of lightning 41'nz up.' G'od hey
That Comet total the long tail, it is said, now
turns out to be nothing more than 14nualvith ti
ther au zivaordinary bustle on.
Air EIITILAORDVJAWT Stus r --The'r o nl an d
Tfikune - tells the fellowitig 'droll joke of the Mt
..Ikis well known that the planet Venus'eqn be
seen with the naked eye. , It was espied by the
Mitten's's a few days \since, who assembled with
spy glasses to see it they r could discover otherstaier
in t rass, anted it a hid ifeiveria. One old lady, in !eating through
t ell
.the ` (gl ass, too. much, and gasping
with,aniaze ent exclaimed ; "'What do I see !
as true aa I' a living soul, ...1-:-- P--, U.
her; in 17 / itters printed in the skies ! Truly
, . -\,
tie is ah. it. ,an !" The glass had been brought
'so low, that t e zealous old lady had been reading
ea extended sign in the strezt." - .
_ . •
• A en__aziesa7 DIRICTION.
Corns te - my room, ['want to see you.,"
Whet° isyour room 1" -
.:".• In - the St. Charles Exchange."
'a. Well, I believe, there are several rooms in that
house—bow shall 1 manage to get to yours ?"
4. Come right in and turn round left—come up
oeflaltii4 stairs, turn - right round left again come
ca.riettid, - come up, turn round, come up taro pair
of Billlll4 . turn round three times, cemeloward
and knock at the diet," • - ,
-arStop,don't you think I &told get there quick
' .er.if i !asap gwrictin the middle-and up again,
cross over, turn round, forward two, dos-a-des. Im
dim:file, promenade, shake a stick. cut' stick,
dle stick, dance round two pair of parmers, and
et...follow my nose 1" . •
No. no; joss follow my direction and you"!
ofiroio firol
IS& lose myself ton ce!tainty."
prMrIWWTMVrit • - • "• .
Seitch, Gingham & Muslin Umbrellas.
Parasdl. and Sun Shades. -
- • A complete assortment, just received and for
?Ilayr i2B. - 22
n - i - pci • FOkSALE, 4
W Alto;' a large number of II I :
13iiildinga and out • Lots. of
yahoos sizes, on the Navigation tract.
pally In the BOrough of Pottsville: Apply to
- Real estate ageut. Centre St.
AROWA ND'S '7 O.VIC A itirallet •
-iEliESlDaupply of th e.above 11 lediime a certain
AOM, for tho fever and ape. :Ant leteired and
far oak at _ • -,INIARTIfkrS Drug Store
Septenter,3. 36-6
inozi STORE
. .
„1ir0.`53 2d door bd,w Arch
.• • OH 11. ELPI.II
1111YilEitg a general aasortmori e,f ILION an
1 , v-' STEEL may be had talc the.moat am,m
mod tang terms: . - • -
Februar 1P- . - 8—
PIANOS.--Thu subscribers hav4
been appointed Agents by the,
- York binnolleturintCo.foi sal
1 1 !FP ottbeit celebrated Otred Action Pi-.
Vsnini3Ottittatr Rosewood or Mrattipity *specimen
-7 of which eallaineen by apejlinsso• •
-•'• December /B.ll • Zia:BEA/37i
_ " a'~2~ : :A 'v
• -7. volt .:
Ajjeitioni of:-th, Liver, Asthma, Bionehitii;
Pain or Weakness of the Breast or-Lnars,
Chronle Coughs, Pleurisy, Heastrrhoke of the
Lungs. end di affections of the Pulmonary
Organs. - -
.A esimoonnd Bilsamie. preparation : of the
Psuntis Virkriniana ar ." Wild Cherry Bark,"
combined with the .Eztraet of Tar, prepared by
a new chemical process. lipproved and receni
niended by the most - distinguished physicians,
and universally acknowliged the most valuable
medicine ever discovered; .
No Quackery!!! • Na Deception.
In setting forth the virtues of this truly great
medicine. we hare no desire to deceive those
who are , labouring under ailliothin, nor do. we
wish to eulogize it more than it justly deserve.
Yet when we look around and see .the vast a.
mount of suffering and ,distresii riccasioned.bY
many of the diseases in Which this medicine has
proved so highly successful, we feetthat we can
not urge its claims too strongly, or say too much
in its favour. •
Varics,s remellies it is true have beerioffered.
and puffed into notice for the - cure of diseases of
the Luitga. and some have no doubt been found
very useful, but of all that have yet been diseuv.
ered, it is atimitted by physiCians and all who
have Witnessed, its effects. that none.has proved
as aucces.ful ai this. Such indeed, are the
Of this Balsam, that oven in the advanced stages
of Cost.ustrrus, eller _tell the moat esteemed rem.
edie.s of physicians have failed to effect any
change, the use if this medicine has . been pro.
ductive of the most astonishing relief, and ac
tpally.effected cores after alll hopes of recovery
had been despaired of.
In the first stages of the &masa, termed " Ca.
tarried, Consumption," originating from neglect
ed COLD, it has been :Used with undeviating
success. and htindreds acknowledge they owe
the restoration of their health to this invaluable
medicine alone. In that form of ConsuMption
so prevalent amongst. delicate , young female',
commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with which ,thhusands are nger.
ing, it has also proved highly successful, and not
only, po4essea the power of checking the prog.
rasa of this alarming complaint, but also strengb:
er.s and invigorates the system more effectually
than any, medicine we have ever possessed:
Besides its surprising efficacy in Consump.
don, it is equillyefficaehus in Liver Complaints,
Asthma, Bronchitis,. and all affections of the
Lungs, and has cured many of the most obsti
nate cases, after--every other remedy had failed.
rfFor particlars see Dr. Wester's Treatise on
Consumption, to be had of the agents.
The Eitraordinary Success
Attending the use of this niedicine in diseases
of the Lungs, and the many singular cures it
has effected, having fully established its efficacy,
and as Ise have already published numerous cer..
tificates froth the highest authority, which prove
its virtues beyond all doubt, we consider it tan
neceiaavy to exhibit a long list of them in this
place, and will only` mention a few cases, to show
what it has done.
A Setiratsmo aw.—Among the: many sin.
gnlar cures which this medicine has effected,
there is perhaps' none" in which its powers are so
,fully shown as in the case of Mrs. Admin.
This lady had been consumptive for several
years, and during the greater part of this time
. had' received the best medical attention, andAi.
ed ar. the most valuable remedies, yet nothiit
could be found to arrest its progress. Sho be
came subject to violent fits of coughing, expects
rated large quantities of Matter occasionally tin.
ged with blood, and step by step this fearful dis
ease continued its course, until alLhopes of a re t
covery was entirely despaired of. While in thiel
distressing situation, lingeting upon 'the very
verge of the grave, she commenced the use
this. Baliam, which to use her own expression, opt .
erated almost like a charm. hi a few days she
expectorated freely, tho cough was redcap) ,
suppressed, and every day appeared to add fresh
vigour to her looks, and now, in the place of that
I emaciated form witheiing to decay, she is seen
mingling -in society, in better health than shios
has enjoyed for years,
tsurrwazirrxn Tverniose.—Having
sed the surprising ctfiiCaey of Dr. Wistar's Bal.
sari of 'Wild Cherry, in the caseof
~ M rs. Austin,
1 cheerfully acknowledge the above statement
to be true and correct. . '
° .1. C. WALTERS,' M. D.
• LIVER COMPLAINT.- - Mrs. Elisa Thompson was
afflcted with this complaint for nearly five years.
during which tine she was under the most skit.
fut physicians--had tried Mercury. Botanic, and
Hommpathic remedies, and every thing that of.
ferred her:. any hopes df relief.• She had dull,
wandering pains in the side, sometimes in the
shoulder end small - attic back, a hacking cough,
frequent the breast, and had, been una
ble to sleep on the tight side for three 'yoarv—
By the use of this Balsam. she 'was cured in a
few weeks, nd remains well to thin day.
• - ‘Voodstown, Sept. 4,1811,
Dear Sir:—Although your. invaluable inedi.
eine has already found hundreds of powerful ad
voCates. it may still be gratifying to you to re.
calve a communication from any one hat has
been relieved by it. Such,fiir, is truly my case.
1 have beim a victim lothat .terrible' disease
Consumption, for many Months, and have suffer.
ed so much, that I had become almost weary of
toy ,fife. Hearing your Balsam so highly prais
ed, 1 began taking it a few weeks back, and can
aware you" t has relieved me more than any
thing 1 have ever used before, and I confidently
-believe it will cure me effectually. Please give.
the bearer the worth of the enclosed, and oblige,
Yours Respectfiffly,
Chester County, Sept.
Friend Wilder i—it gives me much pleasure
to inform thee that my wife's health has improv.
ed very Much snipe she has been using thy
sam of Wild Cherry. wind We think there is no
doubt Inai it will coin her. She has taken the
two bottles I purchased from thee a shart time
-since, arid her cough is much better, 4 'ehe also
sleeps, Well at night; and aayesgifias fountt no.
thinglo give her se much relief.Fhee will please
give the bearer two!bottles'more fur
'Thy Friend.' &DWARD HOLMES.
Lancaster County, July. 18;1841:
Dear Sir.—Please send me two bottles of your
genuine Balsam of Wild - Cherry. I have ;wen
afflicted with Consumption for the last two Tsars
and suffered very much with a revere cough,'
pains in mibreast, difficulty of breathing, night
sweats, &a ~a nd having led numerous remedies,
atid'also be en ' under_several doctors,-yet I could
pot find 'any thing to relieve me uinj I used
'ionic of Your Balsam. I got one bottle Pam a
neighbor, of Mine who is usingat, and beim found
such wonderful rclieffrom it that I have no doubt
it will cern me effectually.
Verirespectfuilly your's. Ste, -
TY' Read the following from Dr. Jacab Huff.
man, a physician of extenshie practice jn Ilan.
tingdan county. -
Dear procured one bottle or or. %Vic
tor's Balsam of Wild Cherry.frista.Thontas Reed,
E.g., of tbis place, and tried it - in a CM:B, l ot (Asti
.rups Apthina..on a
_child of Paul SchWebie, in
wl.iob, many other remedies had been tried with:
out any relief. The Dalian] . gave sudddn relief;
and in my Opinion, the chlld is effectuall y cared
by its use. _ Yours, Sr.e„ • I
. • • • JACOR IitIFFMAN, bt. D.
D4Nember 23(1.1841
- Dear Sir.--Yonr, Balsam of Wild Cherry hae•
effected eatuniatkine curer .here. I. One at
which i 3 an 04_ IRO. Mee:Rime% who Sad een'
enireiing:for a long time wabehottnerent breath
inicend general areekneum r until!
ibbligettn keeptl!ey. pod. Altir vailnespihee re
inediee haleto reepried viloi'otio'cooothirs
Voiroslog your Balsam, arid aftoilakioitWO
• •
4Z74,..;5eeP4,..4": 47t •
. _ ;
~~; R ~;
-~.;.t .~_.~...
lie/4'114i NO` far -.Sued' awto bitable *atteind
En ollibe dtdiei o;,tter tibiae, and'on - lalyingAnro
boulesinore wig' ntiigly ented..._ -.., , , .. -.... ,'
Respectfully sl.e. i ' ... -- . - . • .:.
• - • i 1 011 N -S. C., 111 A. .iy..,
ihe itiir
- Potts - Ole, Pa. , / -•. :'., -:--' ' ... 1 -
.. EA erlOili.-140 is •is . e spurious Inulure
called sprit of Wil L'hrrry, ght rebseers aleph/
be very:particular ,ito
„esti. tor,•Dr.,- - -Wtntislt'S
RALSAM,And observe his signature on Isollotr
tie. . ' . `- , ,1'" • ; ,-- -- , , 5,"...t
Prepared forthiprop.rietor. and sold at whole
sale by Williams du Co., Chemists, No: 21 Minor
^itreet,Tbiladelphia. •-- - - I , ' :
Sold in Pottsville by S.. D., EICHHODik and
JOHN S. C. 11141t-TiN,,anOn almost every
town - end village thiongboef telcciuntry i
Price $lOO a Bottle...:' j 7- _-__ .1 • ~.
January 7 , 1843:: 1 ' - 2:1 '' 3 ,. -
• ,
Dimly B. HaAr.
Jim= Larraii. •
. • HAAS & LAING, : •11
/HARE ,{he co
pleasure in announcing to ,e tiiizent
Scbuylkilicouhty. that they] hare juin ripened in
the basement story of the. Twin Halt o Centre
street, in the • Borough oT - Pottsilllei a slit adid as
solo:tent of
L ust brotight from. Philadelphia, where theyll
ected with great care, anti iiirchased at
ow prices—comprising every vrety of.
Dry Goods, Groceries; Gla4s Ware,
• ' Ware, Queens'and E&lhen-Wa4
Among which may be' Coned
Superfine Cloths,of various colors and q 4
Blue. Black and Fancy.icolored Casaimer
Sattinets, Flannels; and Woolen Blanketikll
Prints.Lawne; Gingham!, Mo inoesand f
5.1 k. Satin, Linen and Laces,
Canton Flannel, Ifollands and Nanluns,
Marseillesand Valentia Vestings,
Muslin*, Bleached & tf nbl l e
Silk, Cambric, Gingham and Cotton Harut
Nan , and sui enor rityleSummer Cloths.
Cotumades and Beverteenv.
la Cute, a very general assortment of ,I •,; •
• Gentlemen'. Summer Ware, ;
Silk„Couan. Mohair, Morino & Woned utockings
Ladies t nd Gentlemen's Super Rid, Hoskin. York
tan, Silk. Thread. Beaver & Buckskin Dloyes, •
Ladies' Silk, Mohair and Picnic Mitts, fitC. •
t Orleans, St. Croix, Porto Rico, loaf and
I Lump Sugars. -- • •
New Orleans, Sugar House. and Byrnp Molatises.:
. Tea aad Coffee, of various kinds, , •
Cheese, Candles. Soap and Vinegar, , •
Salmon. Herring, Mackerel. Shad and Codfish.
Hams, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, and Venison,
Olive Oil;Fiesh Fruit, and Oat Meal, •• ;
Havanna, Half'Spinish and Commim Segarn,
Soda, IVater and &gar Crackerv, • • ! •
Sperm Oil. Butler, Eggs, and Lard.
Dried Apple:, and Peaches,
and a great variety °foam articles,.all of which will
be sold at low prices for cash, 9r in Exchange for
coirnl produce.
Remember the Town Hall Store. I'
Pottsville. May 14, ; • I 20—
.90 ftjrfrr „
On and after Wedneiclay, Noaeml, 1,1812
the Passenger, Coal and , Freight Truitt's will
run at the plowing Hours 04 the Philadel
phia Heading and Pottsville Rail 1414,i
- • COAL," TRAINS,. • • ir
The 5 _Coal -Trains will leave Pottsville , be
tween the bouts of 9 and 10, A. M., or onelquar
ter of an hour apart, arid run on to , Iteadini
where they will meet and pars all the crii Thine
Coai and Passenger.
-The first 3 Coal Trains will leave Richmond
bet Ween the hours of 61 and 'l, and the lit 4 will
leave the Plane at 73 and 71: the let of these last
, will always hold up before crossing - etc:inain
I - Track at the Falls,
until signalled to by thearech.
man that all the 3 Trains from Riehm4nd,illave
passed up tbe Gine.ri 4
The Down Passenger Train will leatke Potts.
ville at 12 M., behind all the . Coal Traina pas.
sing all the up Coal trains at Reading s . ; and
running past the lasi at Bstimstown,Alit nest
at Douglassville, and tlittfirst 2 down Coal Trains
at Pottstown.
The op Passenger Train willieave Phijadel
phia at 10 A. M. Wand all the Coal Tialns' i , pas
sing all the down Coal Trains at Readitig' thei
1 •
running to Pottsville.
The Down Freight Train will leave Reading
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at BA. 141:plissing
all the up Coal and Passenger Trains at Potts
town, where they will wait for it. ,
The up Freight Train will leave the Plane on
Wednesdays and Frldais, immediately behind
the up Passenger Traln,J to Pottstown, where it
will wait for all the down Coal and Passenger
Trains, which trains will also wait for it; odd then
run to Reading.
- Leaves Reading on Thursday and Saturday
Jat 7 A. M.,.passing all down Coal and Passenger
Trains at Port Clinton, 'where the latter Trains
will wait for it. .
Leaves Pottsville about 7 P. AI, aflei. all the
Coil and Passenger Trains are in,, and has the
track clear to Reading.
Super!t Transp n. P. Wit P. R. R.
.IPPINCOT7' & !TAYLOR, are receiving from
MA their. .Wholesale and Retail Store, No. 24, Mari.
ket street, Philadelphia, a lot of superior Ready. Made
Clothing, and which they are obliged to offer at low
prices. in order to dispose of their Winter stock, and
by selling at reduced 'prices, it: will enable; them to
•rdispaile of their splendid assortment of Clothing. to
the entire isatisfactwr..ofthe customers. B 7 calling
I and examining, von we.l fi nd full Lined Plain and Fig.
tired Beaver Cloth Vartont Coats varying in' Once
from — , I ell 00 ; to 15 00
; Superior English Pilot boats, i ' 600010 00
do - Flushing do -i • 250t0 • 500
• do, Blue and Bl'k. Frock% oats 900t012 00
do .do Drew do ; 900toII 60
do Gray and Green Cloth Coats 4'oo io 900
do Moleskin Frock & Dress do 400 ', to 500
Also on hand an assortment o e fjancy ;
Ratio Vesta .. ' 250 03 . 4 50
With a variety of Suspend , Stocks, and Collars:
&c., all of which will be sold to the entire satisfac—
tion of all that may call. by. 1 .- •i -
' Mammoth Clothing StoW,
4 , Corner of Mahantongnand Centre street.
P: S.—We are now prepare& to 'accommodate
those fifteen men that called onus last .Satlnday fo
Sanwa Coats at their own prices. '
Pottsville. December 31, : 1 • ' '
,3 .
. .
-...._/ respectfully
B. EIdHHGLTZ resctfully
-- ric informs thifeilizen of Kttsville. and
',„.• - • Schuylkill colintygenerally; ;that he
has opened,t in th atoreforcierlroc
cupicd by M. Slat er ,) 1 ,
iter,) a ge mil assortment of
Drugs. . 1 : ' - dm ictu ,
- Chimlealit . , aims; • '
. I ' .....
' Oils, Ryes, ' •
' Varneibeig, - Irony. -!` ,
• . ' Glass; -, , •:- . - ,, pieese . i
• ;Patent litedirlaq,4r, Ac..
And solicits a share ot public patronage, ccm6-
dently assuring the public t at every article in
his line, shall be of the first uality. and purely
genuine,'" • ... _ , . • . * I
fleeing served a reviler a prentideship to 4 the
businas in Philadelphia. the e - whiffavour him
wii h a .call, cin test satisfied that tie wilt guard
strictly against all aiiir.alteg, d. have their med.
lefties put up with the gunner itueiltd 'nicety..
Physicians pteacriptions attended twaiith par.
ticulareaFe, at all hours. Caudill Physicians and
Storekeepers, supplied at:a •T e ail advance oh ci.
ty prices. - Pottsville, D c ether 3. 149-f
~_. . ~
-• , NEW. SCllooto Itoolol4 i •
200 New Cobb's Spelling Books — • ,
200 do - do . Readers No.
200 do •do do NO. 2
I • •
'5O Frosts Americas SYeaker ' • - • • 1
'50:: do Hiskiry t or Slates
• 50 - Grasurdori
: 1
50 'Keithes Anibmetics L
50 Mitehell's Geographical genders
.do - • Veotripby Atka '•• r 11
50- - Primary Geokripby
• isbicb•willle sold sibolesa le Mal" retell
uPhfltdelphid prices by the Isulareriber , i.. 1 4 ".
• 4.111N;114
lil4 • -4:..
.i-T'''''''''R'''' , Pr i iiiii4it .
. . .i:.,;! - . '..- : „ , . - w;' -- ....___5......_ .'. -.I:
Capital i t " I V I( S4 ftit t
- ,
riONTINDE , to makelneorepee, .'moment
‘;- 1 Goo limited on every deseriptiO, of property
in town end enontr,y Clothe OEIO fayorahle terms
OtErdlB.ll Chesnut Street near MO stmt.
Charles N. Banker; --' Squint,' Cranl. ,
Zunis Scott. - Frederick Brbion;' '
Thomas Hari. • Jacob - -
7 "lnfi B S- Wheinerk lEgidarda,
Wigs Wagner. - ,tfodecoill . Lewis._
The - , Sobssriber has beenerpointed agenl for
the ibove mentioned instituttoo, end is now :
percd tri insii 6'116:: cautery deacription o
property, at the laws. fates.... . • '
Pottsville, Joie 19, 1841. 25-1 y
i ndcassittyagalinst,lessoritasissge }7ire•
. - • C:a aI . $100,1)00. _
• -
PAN?, make - Insurances. either temporary: or
perpetually, against Loss or Damage by FIRE; in
town or country, on Muses, Barns, and Buildingit of
all kinds; on Household Furniture, lilerchandlie„
Bolles, Cattle, Agricilltural,Commercial and Marin
factoring Stock and Utensils of every description;
Vxescts-and their Cargoes in port, as well as Mona
ges and Ground Rents upon the most fa vo; able terms,
Applications (or Insurance, or any information on
the aubjdtt may be made either personally' or bit •
letter, ut the •Conipany's office, at the, Northwest
corner of Sixth and Wood streets.. • 7
-L. Katritnitsia, Secretary. •
• Morten Iticklichaet, Charles Stokes,
Joseph Wend; Archibald' Wright.
P. L. Lagucrenne, • -Samuel Townsend,
Elijah Dallett, Robert Looghead,
George.M. Troutman. 11. W. Pomeroy,
George W. Schreiner.
The subscriber has been appointed ACIVIT for the
above mentioned Institution and is now prepared to
make INIMIIANCES upon every description of property
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BANNAN
Pottsville, Feb. 27.11341 •
• ere
\..:._ Practical Hat and Cap Marufaclu.
- . inf orm • • .
ref, would hi e friends and
~, , ...., the public, that he has removed his
-"J . !: --s -- Cheap Hat and Cap Manufactory
treat No. 82 Chesnut streel, to No. 129 Chesnut
Street, one door below 4th Street.llorth side on.
der the Auction Rooms of Messrs.,von dr, Hari,
where he will continue to fianiSh ihis.justly eel.
ebrated BEAVER HATS, at the low price of
Four Dollars and Twenty five cents, equal in all
respects, if not superior to any sold in the City at
$5 and upwards. His fine Norm thTd at $3,50
warranted to be on ',fine fur bodies, far surpasses
any hat sold elsewhere at 84 to 84 50. To test
the truth of the above assertion, those interested
to satisfy themselves, are requested to call at any
Of all the other Stores. previous to calling on the
subscriber, as he is sure that his. Hate will be
more Opp*iated When corepared with others.
. No. 129 Cliesthit St, North side,
N. n. - Country merchants will find it to . their
advantage to eal! op the subscriber. Shipping
Furs wanted of all kinds.
Philada., February Ip, . - 8-9rn
"RIME Western Hams, ( cared with and
without smoke,)
Shoulders & Sides,
Boston Smoked Beef,
Bologna. Sausage,
Smoked and Pickled Salmon..
'Halifax and Massachusetts .Mackerel,
Shad, Smoked Herring, cod Fish. &3.
tor salept E. Q.& A.ll F.& DERS.ON'S
MEV% - , . a 22--
-11r1 Goverment, Java, Rio. Laguira and Cuba Coffee.
orto Rico: St. Cioiseand New (Medea Sugars.
umerial. Young Hyson. Pouchong tf• Souchong Tea
Double Sad singlo Reflood „Loaf and crushed Laity
Pickles and Sanaa,. a general assortment.. •
Red, White. Yellow and. Brown Soap. , . .
Wines and Liquors, a full-assortment. ' ':
Porto Rico, Cuba . Sugar Muir) and Syrup Molasses.
Chocolate, Coco, Starch, Fruit, Rice, 4.c.
L.! Can be bought on as reasonable terms:as else-
Valera-of , 1E:41 & A. HENDERSON.
; May 28 „ - • 22
Almost [ every disease , that flesh is heir to may be
„ cured by the timely pee of OAK ELEY'S COM
li i r l oved satisfactorily to those who will calf at any of
estores where this invaluable medicine is sold, by
eitificates (properly authenticated) orcures perform
ed on individuals who had lied all hopes of relief
4ertificates of Physicians who had the most severe
Oases under treatment, their patients having taken the
1 r)
edicine by their adfiee and been cored—certificates
f m the Prothenotary,Clerk of Orphans' Cotirt...No
tt y. &c.. stating their acquaintance wi th persons of
r pectability and atanding, who having the good of
their fellow men at bears, have voluntarily comeTor
ward and given a statement oftheir case and its cure.
fdepublication. drc. &t. The number Ofthese colt
ficatetbeing too great for newspaper publication, the
subscriber has deemed it advisable to haven copy of
the moat important certificates. properly authentica
ted, under seal, to be placed at the stores of agents,
who have the medicine foroale, where persons afflic
ted- with Scrofula or Kings evil .White Swelling,
Chronic Rheumatism, Totter, Mercurial diseases,
Eruptions of the Skin, Cougb of longstanding or in
cipient! Consumption, sick Read-ache; dic..lm, may
have Ms opportunity of ascertaining the names and
residences of thole who have been cured by its use,
and who will be willing, if eclled upon, to give every
information required.'
As a more general evidence that this is no quack
medicine. I would refer to the names of the folloiv..
Mx well known phyviciams, who have attested to its
efficacyr--Dr..f. P. fliester; Dr. S. G. Birch,Dr. /no.
Otto, Dr. H. H. Muhlenberg, Or. J. E. tiorber. -
, Sold wholesale and Retail' at the drug and Chemi.
cal Steroid . .
, E. B. EICHHOLTZ, Pennine.
J. B. &J. 11. Valle, 1%1 i er vi 11 e; true' Mosley.
_Port Carl= ; Henry Vonte. Orwigstiurg.
Joplin , / 21, - ' • • 4-Iy.
ripHE subscriber . would respectfully inform hie
-ft friends and customers, that he has !heated his
• - Military Cap Manufactory
1n Third Street, No. 101, a few doors below Race
where he would be pleased to see his old customers
and as many new Dues as are disposed to favour loth
with their custom. Bastin continues' to-manufacture
Military and SpertmenWarticlet of every deseription.
each as Leather,Cloth, Felt, Silk and Bearrer Dress
Caps, of aII patterng Forage Gam Roisters for troop
Body do; Cartoon)/ Bases, Bayonet Seaboards: Sword
Belts oil all kinds; Canteens;,lgnapmeks. different
patterntri Fine' Buckets, Penang' ,Boxes, - Tube do,
Brush and Pickers. Plumes..Ponipoons. IFiremelfs
Caps, Leather Stocks, Gun Cases. superior quality:
Shot Bags, Game Baes.' 7 ,Drumet,&c..otfe. ; •
OCR' Orders thankfully received and promptly at
tended to.• , W.ILLJAM CRESS.SIAN.
No. IM`NorttiThird St., a few doori below Race
• Philadelphia. Oct. 29." . 44.-663:
. DR. Win: Evan's ,celebrated
do Eonthingidyrito for.children.
Baron Yon. Outottelces: Herb f '
Dost.,-Gaddiq's Female- Pi 11.,,.
Williain Evan'. Feiter di Ague Tilts/
DOct.llyint'S Botanic, -
For Dyspeptic Persons Dont's flotanic Pills
are said tb Abe superior to any...Modicine ever yet
offered to the Public.
• A tread. supply orthe•.abovrilidacinesiinsi
received and for sale atthe DrogEtote of
Dee'lV ,;'.loykms.C . MARTIN.
supply. AL% BirnCaß, Familir l Pimuni f just
received ouicl,ll2v
.Febroaq 2.5,1843„ • •-, • •
• DLA STER T 4t SALT- - 95 -tons of Pl.later;
•IL: - 150 4stilo Gruandiialt. for ety -
Oct. 29, 44 IHLLLM Or. HAGGERTY. •
tgrAR'S BALIPI 'OF" - W140 : 01101RY
frig* ZailAblettliselebroceli litAidjw
tste cited and for , sale by the stasitiber; solo -A- .
gentfor thejitopjdato.
ited..l. atom.
(_. 3 - •
TEAS. -30 boxes Sorieliong Pththong Teas
received slid for dale by
Oil. 294 44 -' i MILLER & OAGGERTY...
puT ABtrri4ast received and -tor vaiie_ct she
Deee llg t p!?re at :-. I OIiN.S. C. MARTIN,
ill-w .
IO ,Sr. •LAGIi A 8,1 . C.,OPTEE-7 5 9. 1 !ags re
seised and, fat sale by • • - . .
Ott. 29;41 • MILtER ii4c,GERIT:' •
CHILBLAIN ARAIEDY—Wa hosted:. Is • consio
cure lor,frosted fed and Mode:sold outs whole
sale retail au F.1C11401.74'S new Oleg& Cbeln
eatStote, Pottsville. January 7,, ,
pRII 11',ERS 1 12 *ad 22 lba. Rep,
Philidelptdopricas.for sale by • _
Starch 19. 12— • ' B. 13101r1.11.1!.
EASE'S CA7fbY:--A' atipidy or Pewee'
Cough Cindy; just received from tbeNtrotevale
Philadelphia i• and , for sale at , MAIFIDN'S
D/ 11 11 Stars • •t • -December SI, •
HIPS & CA:4 . 111.4w stite.rsecl and. of
v sale an assortment ofGig, Wiley. and ridiag
Whips.and Walking Canes— - •
Mara 19.12 , JOHN S.C. MARTIN.
TEAS. T. &J. Beatty have just received from
Kew York, a large supply orchoice Green ann Blanc
2 Teas. - - December 28 52—'
' •
rIR. BECKER'S EYE SAL*K—A sup p ly
A-v of this-highly, celebrated Salve for , sore and
inflanted• Eyes—jast . received and for ink by
JOHN S. C. MARTIN'S Drug Store:
January 9.8, 1843, . -
100 Pine friet; corner &takStreet.
' • VIE Subscriber begs leave to call
:,'11.4 the attention of his filen& and the
p if! Alt. Public In general, to the - following
arrangements for '1843, for the por.
pose of bringing,out Cabin, Second Cabin, and
Steerage Passangenr, by the following
Regilat Paek4 Ships to and from Liverpool
_ Captains Days of Sailing from
Names. i - New York.
G. Washington, Harrows, June 7 Oct 7 Feb 7
United States , Britton 4 13 • 13 • 13
Garrick Skiddy ' 25.. • 25 • • 25
Patrick Henry Wants July 7 Nov 7 Mar
Sheffield Allen . 13 • 13 • '
Roscius Collioe ' 25 '• 25 25
lodependence - 4 Nye Aog' 7 Dec 7 A'l 7
Virginian Allen 13 •- 13 • 13
Sicidolts, E. Cobb • .25 • 25 • 25
Ashburton fluttleston Sep. 7 Jan 7 11 , 1'y 7
Sten Whitney Thompson ' 13. 13 • 13
Sheridan • Depeystev a 25 ' 25 ' 25
• t Days of Sailing from
. Liverpool.
G. Washington ,Buriows ! July 25 Nov 2531'r 25
United States 'Britton Aug 1 Dec IAI 1
Garrick - . Skiddy
,• 13 13 • 13
Patrick Henry Delano 25 • ,25 6. 25
Sheffield Allen Sept 1 Jan. 1 fiPy 1
Roscius . Puffins • 13 13 • 13
independence Nye 22 • .25 ' 25
Virginian Allen. - Oct.l 1 Feb 1 J'co 1
Siddons Cobb • 113 13 13
Ashburton Huttleson 1 25 6 25 4 25
Ste'n Whitney Thompson Nov 1151ar 1 J'ly 1
Sheridan IDepeyster , 6 13, • 13 6 13
Regular Packet Ships to and from London
Ships' Captains Days of Sailing from
Names. j New York.
Mediator Chadwick lune 1 Oct 1 Feb I
'Wellington Chadwick ' 10 ' 10 'lO
Quebec Heber d ' 20 . ' 20 ' 20
Philadelphia • 'Hovey } July 1' Nov 1 11'r I
Switzerland Chadwick ' 10 4. 10 ' 10
H. Hudson Morgan '20'20 ' 20
Ontario Bradtsh Aug'. 1 Dee I A• 1 1
Toronto Griswold, ' 10 • 10 ' 10
Westminater 'Wore' ' 20 • 20 4 . 20
St. James • Sober Sept 1 Jan 1 May 1
Montreal ( Tinker ' 10 • 10 ' 10
Gladiator Britton ' 20 ' 20 • 20
Days of sailing from
. .
. ,
Meador Chadwick July 17 Nov 1711rr 17
Wellington ;Chadwick • 27 ' 27 -' 27
Quebec Heberd . Aug 7 Dec 7AI 7
Philadelphia, Hovey, . ' 17 ' 17 ' 17 ,
Switzerland :.ehadwick • 27 ' 27 '27
1.1. Hudson Vorgan Sep. 7 Jan 7 31.`v 7
Ontario IdradiA . ' 17 1 17 ' 17
Toronto Grisivold , ' 27 ' 27 ' 27
Westminster Moore Oct. 7 Feb 7 J'no 7
St. Janina Snbor . ' 17. • • - 17 'l7
Montreal 4 Tinker ' ' 27 • .27 4 27
Glaaiator ' Britton Nov 7 Mar 7 J'ly 7
In addition to: the above Regular Lines, a num.
ber of Splendid New Yoritbnik Transient Ships,
such as the 'Adirondack,' "Scotland.' 'Russell
Glover,' and 'Echo,' will continue to sail from
Liserpool weekly in regular Succession, thereby
preventing the least possibility of detention or
delay in Liverpool: and for the iiecommodi 'on
of persona wishing to remit money to their m.
Ries or friends, I have arranged the mine. . of
my Drafts on the following banks:—
) The Ulster Bank, end branches
IRELAND. The Provincial Bank do.
The National Bank do.-
All Oral' payable it sight, et either of the a
bove banks,' their branches or agencies.
); Messrs. Spooner4 Atwood & Co
ENGLAND: 1 -. bankers, London, - .
!P. W. Byrnes, Esq. Liverpool,
Piissengers can also be engaged from Liver
pool to Philadelphia, Boston, and Baltimore, bi
the regular packet ships, on application : being
made personally," or by letter, ( post paid,) ad
dressed to ' .
100 Pine street,coiner of South.
AGENTS.—In Pottsville. Benj. Barman. Esq.
In Lowell. Rich. Walsh, Esq.,
In Albany, T. Gough. Esq.
In 'Newark, John McColgan, Esq.
In • Toronto, U. C.,' Rogers irnd
I also beg leave to assure mY: friends and the
Public in generil. that the greatest punctuality
will be observed in the sailing of the above ships,
together wilt, aft others which I may heve,and
that passengers wilLexperience no delay on their
arrival at the different ports where they . Mean to
P. S.—Free passage can also be secured from
the, various,porte in Ireland and Scotland from
which steambos run to Liverpool.
j 100 Pine . street, New York.
Gives dra ft s in - sums to suit Applicants, an the
Provincial . Bola of Ireland, payable at '-.
~ *abridge Limerick
Ballymena Clorimol Parsontown •
Londonderry Diliwnpatrick Sligo
Cavan Wexford Lurgan
Belfast Onrush Waterford .
Galway DUngannon Bandon
Ennis • , Aiinagh • Ballyshannon
Athlone C6leraine, ' Strabane,
Kilkenny . 'Dirngarvan Ballina
Mallow-'-_„, Terries Money More
Yougbal , Cootebill, Enniskillen •
Kilrush , Monaghan.
Erurriariu—SoMoner, ditwoa 4 , Okz-Bankers,
London, payable. in every town in Great Britain'
P._W. Burma, Esquire, Liverpool,
CITY os , Guu,iow Bum, Payable in every
•tifwn in Scotland.
i Nov York,January . 21, - • 4
Extra Hair Caller, in the Basement Story of
. . Me Pennityivanin` Hall, 'opposite the
• - 71Atiners' Bank... •
II Physiological Hair Cutter, and Ecstatic
:AL. Shaver, has;opened at the. Marie mentioned
place;Hawklitainew- aystem of Crating Gentle.
men's flair, by which its luxuriance and beauty
• lit, tendered. truly ornamental. -.The design, and
execution differ7butrrely - from the usual practice
of flair Cutting adopted here; and commendsit.
wilt by the expedition and gentleness with which
the operation is performed. , By the beau monde
3t has been denominated a scientific amend weth.
erifin the Palplt,r the Bar, the Senate et the State,
iti-elegancovnCeleissical arrangerrumts will add
dignity and gritee.lo the whOld'contour of the
LaTete Itumaide. - All . those who raiorAtin ,
with theii custom, ho• feels confident 'that satis
faction will be given.
- 1
N. 8. , -flazora honed in a superior marteer.
' " 1: -1t1311i1c... —' •
A. flawkipill . ready tp pie rferin tor Cotillions,
' BON rartiocitt
•Dectszber 81 1 - ' • 1-4313 m,
~. k. ~., s_4__ _
Of ih=-Norit AmeritanlCollfte of
-,.Thin &unordinary medicine is folindeil upon the
tinciple that the human flame Isqtaltject to ONLY
eau: oncost. v.s :Corrupt Ifninors or ireotner winds
Impurity of the' Blond. and -nothing save vegetable
cleansing, is wanted inprdcrto drive disease ()revery
ilescrintion front the body; I - •
Iftheehannela of our mighty rivers should bed
comecoe choked up . Would ant (he accumulated waters
find new outlets. or the country be inundotedf--Just
so with the human botly;' . if the natural drainobecome.
closed, the accumulated lmpurnies Will most attained
ly find vent :in some - form of &tease or death will be a
certain ionsetrenee. -- I•- -
are eminently calculate d f or trying out t...IIONAND'
runintroo romans; becao • tlity_ are a purgative
medicine so justly halal:lced ankwithal collateral
to the human, constitution, that they &limit possibly
injdre the most delicate; at the, same - Tide, Waited in
such a : manner as to prodicelfrinevictati6ziailirrtile
boWeli, and repeated a (Cremes, it will absolute•
ly inirstibln for paid or distiess early kind to Con
tinue in the body., A single' ;twenty five cent box of'
the above named - Indian' - Vegetable Pilirwill, in all
Cases, giverelieforometimes even,beyoud'the power
of words to describe; and it pentevered m for a short
time, there isnot a malady in the whole course othu
man ills that caa possibly withstand their astonishing ,
and wonderful influencg• .Wittaweettotari VEGETA:.
BLit PILLS aicr a ceitainoore for
Becanse they completely cleanse the stomach and
bowels from those bilious and corrupt humors which
paralyse and vreaken, the ;dtgastire organs,, and
are the cause of headacho,,l nausea, and "sickness,
palpitation of the heart. rheumatic pains in so
runt parts of the body, and !many, other enpleasan
In all disordered motion's of the Blood, called
Intermittent, Remittent, Nervous, Intlanunatori,and
• Putrid
IVri ghee Indian Vegetable Pills will be found a cer
rain remedy; : becaUse thy cleanie the stomach and
bowels from all billions", i tiinorri and purify the
bloodi consequently, as th y'- remove etery kind of
disease, they are absolutely cenaineo edre ovary kind
of fever.
So; also when morbid humors are deposited upon
the membrane and muscle, causing =those pains lath
mane° and swelling, called
Wright's Indian Vegetable eine May be relied On as
always certain to give relief and if persvercd with,
will most assuredly, and without .fail, malice per
fect cure of the above painful maladies.—From three
to six of said Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night
on going to bed, will, inn short time, completely rid
the-body . from - all - morbid and corrupt humors; and
rheumatism, gout. and pain of every description. will
disappear, as if by magic. •
For the same reason, when, from sudden changes
of the titinosphere, or any other cause, the perspira-
tion is checked. and those hiimortwhich should pass
off by the skin. are th town in staidly. causing headache.
nausea,and sickness, pain in the bones, watery and
inflamed eyes, sore throat, 'horeners, caughs. con
sumption. rheumatic pains in various part of the body,
and many , other syndoms of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will invariably give
immediaterelief. Three or [four pills taken at n ghs
on going to bed, and repeated a few times, will
remove all the above nnPlensant sytidoms, an
restore the body to even sounder health than befor e}
The dame may be said of difficulty of breattiin
{Wright's. Indian Vegetable Pills will loosen and
carry off by the stomach and bowels those,rough and
lhlegmy humors which stop the air cells of the
ungs; and are the cause of the shove dreadful com
It should also be remembered that wHiGtirs
INDIAN VEGETABLE PI LLS are certain to remove
pain in the side. oppression. nallfea end sickness, loss
of appetite, costiveness. a yellow tinge of the skin
and eyes, and every other symptoms of
Because they purge froth th 4 body those corrupt and
stagnant humours. which when deposited on the liver.
are the cause of the above dangerous complaint.
They are alio to prevent
Because they carry offthose humours *Web obstruc
ting the circulation, are the cause of a rash. or deter
mination oiblood to the head; giddiness, especially
on turning suddenly round, blindness, drowsiness, loss
of memory. intlJnaation of the brain, insanity; and all
disorders of the mind.
Those who labour within doots should remember
that they frequently breathe in atmosphere which is
wholly unfit for the proper 'espansion of the bangs,
and at the same time owing 20 sant of exercise, the
bowels are not sufficiently, eva'aatcd, the blood
becomes impure, and headache, indigestion, palpita
tion of the- heart, and many other disagreeable
aymtoms are sure to fiAlow.
Being a Cleanser of the stoniaen and bowels, and a
direct purflrr of the Blond,; are certain not only to
remove pain or distress of every kind front the body,
bat if used occasionally,so as to keep the body free
from those humours , which' i are the cause rf every
malady incident to, man. they will mast assuredly
promote such_a just andentral circulation of the blood
- that those who lead a sedentary life, will be able to
enjoy sound health, and &arse of any kind tout be
ab.Wutely impossible.
Country agents, and ethers, are, rearm y
informed that, owing to tke j great popularity, and
inereaslng demand for the ;there named Pills, a boat
of unprincipled persons are, busily engaged in
manufacturing, and vending i a spurious article in
imitation of
They are also further informed that I have a suit
pending againat one V 0., ralck, for counterfeiting
the above named medicine. Mid are cautioned against
buying or receiving mullein() from said V, 0, Valek,
as he cannot by any, possibility have the genuine
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills for sale.
All travelling agents, With genuine medicine are
proyided with a certificate of agency, signed by
William Wright,Vice President orthe !. A. College
Travellers. who cannot shciw a certificate as above
described ,wall be.knowa as;lase impostors—Shun
them. thefore. asyron wouli a tlighway man, or *
Midnight Robber. _
Offices. devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Ms, wholesale and retail, No
169 Race St. Philfulelphia. N 6, 28.1 Greenwich street
N B—Betcarc of the eountorfeiter in Third Street
Philadelphia. /
Thomas 41 James Beatty, Pattarille. : •
Bicker& HiU.Orwigeborg. • .
Daniel Saylor, Schuylkill Haven.
Aaron Matm, Mahaataago. ; `_
I. Weist. Klingetinnwn I
Jacob Kauffman; Lower Mahantongo,
Jonas Kauffman, do Mahantargo,
Caleb Wheeler, Pinegrove. .
John Snyd-r, Friedenaburg.
G Manz, Port Clinton
Eetbernif,Drey. & Co. Tos4arora..
William Taggert, Tamaqua.
John Maurer, hlahantongo.l
Monty Forreider, West Penn Township
R Schuler &Co East Brunswick Township
Seltzer & Bock. McKeansburg
C. H. DePorest, Lewellyn.
Emanuel 0. & Jo..n licauffinan, Zimuzerniantown
October I, lan, 40—
Schuylkill Courtly, Pa.
',EBBEN BRIGHT reepectfully_annciunces
to his friends and the public. that he has tak.
en this s'phindid, airy and Idelightful establish.
- inept, situated, at the .termination o
as; - ..)' the. Reading and Philadelphia Rail
Il e I
1 ' Raul ' where he will be happy. to wait
• --_ on those who visit the Coat Region.
business,,or for the ?Urania of enjoying the
mountain air and water. The hlotet.i arg3i,
finished and furnished in the-beat style—an o
pains will be spared to repair satistrietion to,all
who may favor it with a 'visit. Being within
_ten minutes walk of the Borough of Pottsville,
though sufficiently removed to escape the dust
and noise of that buss, bustling place, it is con.
fidently believed that it wil be found mu ch more
pleasant and ageeeable. than any other Hotel in
tht4 vicinity. Attached to the-Hotel is a large
and beautiful garden, :overlooking the River
Schuylkill, the Schuylkill Canal, Mount carbon
Rail Road, (extending ad The Mines and tbene
to Sunbury) the emitter Turnpike, and at the
same tiineaffordinga teal and romantic iew of
five Mountains: The "braise is supplied-with
pure mountain spring water, - anifs„a Bathing. ,
eidabliihment, unrivalled'. in the caintry... A
splendid pleasure Car is kiept for the exclusive
accominodation of visitors, Who may lie disposed
to viait the Mines, or enjoy the wild and roman.
tic acenery of the sorionudineconntrx. I ndivid.
or'families may" rely onl having ample room,
nail' every nesaible-attcni ion. .
Mount Carbon,Junal9, 11$41. 23—tf
toUST opened for the Benefit or this, Poor, by
selling at reduced prices for cash, tit the
old POI Office etandecentrestrcet,opposite Mar.
itet Street.-
Twelqini.iind.exiiiminry6ie !rill-find the Fri.
cc. to'suit the Timeei' • - , -
rettet illidiiregaber - 4#o;‘'
:• -" • =
•-.4 , 4w.444,yj
' • • " ' • " "
AND its healing 'ls:Crean:ls now guisteag orlk A
brilliant star Ilse amen in the Lastoand,.now
cheering-that:wands vrithitsitztento ; nr;oturn, long
'Thai Star is " • .
Them pills. ondendand. airs diseasetv a
power peculiar only to itself. which instatitly cheek -
the action and progritiffir•iliseattefor their cote
menceninnt is mach alike, (which iinwhect the *,
aLoop JUICES -
ire no flo depraved.ll2 to jprodact Obstruct:mean&
gores) that one medicine. provided it be Competent,
to produce sicknos, will be all that is necessary for
removingdiunme, and restoring. "
to Mankind.\ Let' it likewise be remembered; that
Mere is no mine new in enisteneepossessing
aqua! beating powers; and, that no insable. or-any :
other kind ofplpic caii sr. moon restore health, When
lost; even in ease* thatriost Inveterate,
The action of these pillaged', the bowels. are
produsing no griping runs or debility,but on
the contrary, atter they have operatetcyoulbelthat
a load of imtating and . cornipt hamar, have been.
taken from you, and the :buoyant fbnlingsof health
.apring up in their place; and what is another vitae.
(Ned in these alwave sife,thof may
be taken on all oCcasiontc, and tinder any circum-
stances, without regard to the name of the disease, for:
they operate upon every part of the body, mid capel
disease from whatever part it may be seated. Every
person who possesses a bog of these pills
for in them he can.fitvl a cure, and confidently rely
upon a speedy restoration to health.
In Germany. the land 'of their inillionsoi
persons have expertenced thefebeneficial effects, and .
'the thousands- who have used ''them here. speak of
them in the highest of terms, on accounrof their cura
tive prorrties. •
The joyful news of health and comfort, spreads
from those who have happily used
anttithey now prevail by thew_ own excelle.nee, and
therewer of Truth.
And why, we may reasonably inquire, have they
become so endeared to the beans of those,vvho have
used them, a d by them gained such a popularity f
Simply beca se their
ukhj a t c A ti N or. u up o o v n
was as the s tn and rain upon viegetMion, giving new
life to all w partook- of its happy:inflitenee. As
the health ot-the plant depends' upoz thepean wb;ch
circulates thiough its br,incbes. so th life and health
of mankind ' depends upon the Moml 'whirl flow.
through his veins. And when this vitil fluid,
is mast necessary to the growth and support of the
.body, by some unknown cause becomesioaded with
motbid and .
in that instead of nourishing and strengthening the
body,'it labors to produce obstructions in the system.
which engenders disease, have recourse to a me4icino
that is perfectly safe in every, disease. and that will
produce a favorable termination, if given early in the
coniplaint, frequently in a few hours and most always
in a few days, that medicine is
Dr. Reichtee's Vegetable Pills, •
which so throughly cleanses the blood'and system st
largo, that disease °fatty kind cannot, possibltesisl.
•--, • . • .
-,,, We fi nd their Presence,
provided nature is not beiond all , human asvistanc..
The price of these pills is 25 'cents per boi, with
run directions. and can be bad at the ..
Philadelphia Medical Hall,
established for the se , pression . .
i 9 Quigkery.
at the northeast c ner of surd and - ascc streets—
likewise of sub-ag nis.
GREENFIELD. Pa., Oct. ta 1812.
Dear Sir : you 'doubtless remember my calling at
your establishment about iwn weeks since. and ob
taining from you one &Mar's worth of DR MECH.
one of my neighbors who- requested me to procure
the article for them. This being ,Done and my own
business transac ed, f started fen. 'whine. • After travel .
ling all day, I w s taken veldt a 'sudden chill, which .
left me with avi lent fever. headache , and consider
able pair, throughout .soy whole system with. grest
sickness at my stomach, which so completely, disen
abled me that I Was compelled to stop era tmSll Inn
on the road for
and rest. Upon inquiry, they
had nothing that could possibly afford me relief.
While yet limisery, for 1 never was so ill in an my
'lite. I lipppily thought of your pills, tind resolved to
open one box upon my own account and seek relief
in' them, I took six of them drank a warm cup °flea,
and rctired to bed. My pain here ceased in:a measure.
and I noon felt sound emcee. , In the-morning 1 7
awokeinuch better, and after the pills had'operated I
was quite a different person ; took another dose of
four pills, remained there all Ilednealav, and on
'lrhur-day started for home as well as ever,•and 1 still
enjoy good health—the p,-rsone for -whom I bought
them, informs Me that they have experienced more
benefit from your pills than a whole can loiefof the
quacks which they had formerly used. Surely if they
used them With us good an effect upon themselves as
I have, they have good reason for cstoling their vir
tues ; and try ou tike my , advice, yotr will persevere.
h., aon and recommend them tri all *lid are iabtring
under disease, and my word fur it, they_ will become
so.bopular as a general' rethedy.that you will find it
difficult in supplying the demand.
tSignedy G. W: GRANDON: '
• Gieenfield.
The above Medicine is sold in Pottsville at the
Strife of
thettsy M 11'( 11, 1813.
DIZE, between Pottsville and Philadelphia,
horn April Ist, 1842, per ton of 1 . 000 lbs.
Plaiter, Slate, Tiles, Gypsum and HriCks, $9 10
Pig Ilion, Blooms; Timber, 11.1a0le: Lime,
• Tire and Pitch,-. • 2.50
• Nana kiid Spikes, Har'and. Rolla Iron, ( ')
HbffriaNWare, Grain, Salt, Barg; turn.
bet, Staves, Sa ft.& It, Tobacco and-Lead, 2 90
Groderies, Hardware, Whiskey; Ale rind
.Bear Oil, Leather„ Cott/m . 4.810am En.
glees and Machinery, Seeds, Butter, -
Lard, Tallow, Rags, Wool, Oisters,
Hides, Hemp, Earthen. Ware• and Glue, }2s
Dry Goods, Wines and Foreign Liquors, /
Drugs and Medicines, Glass, Paper,
China and Queens-Ware, Meat, Fish
and Confectionary, A 25
No Storage win be charged for receiiing or de
livering Freight at any of the Company's:Depots
on the hoe,tinless . allosred to remain over lo days.
Days ofetarting of Freight Trains on•THIJRS,
To Dyers, Bleachers, Paper 'Makers, Stesuie
Unglue Builders, and others.
' •
WELDED 19100111
1-1110 N. TUBES
}Um I inches tot in calibre ;ti to 12 feet sem
capable of sustaining plessure Own SOD to 25 it g: -
per square inch; with - &top - two
other Astern to suit,i guise , together, with serew;',
joints, suitable for STEAK WATER, GAS, and
tifanathetured indAr.iiiide ' •
SWUM, inssincit et. Itortitist:-" -
'lArenhriture S. E. Coiner of Thai& Weir* 14repW i '
Ally 11
JUST received in addiiion to former soPPliess ti
rum! assorunent of • . • •
Driner, • .03IntO t tel Turpentine,
(Thanicalts, Dy e s tu b,.
Patent .ilfedieines, Varnichre. '
P eriug.79. - OW** 7ipy 9. to Fl 63,30.
-Together witli every . hie , line;:while he
offers for,pale,ata onalladvance.and Belicht( the at.
*tuition of Physicians add country , !Watch generalli.
Irr i'ertieular attention given tw • plrticiata Pro all hours. ' • •
- Plovernber 26.
HAMS/ .I.l.AlllSft:ific. .
E eubscriber announces, to this public.that he
ill4,bas 001361 a t ime quant4 Orwell cured gams,
Dried Veer, Tongiies, xithich le will sell At
?may cow tares von i.` kis stand : in -Centro
Street opposite the Town mall,;; All smoked meat..
whith'on trial should prove not to be good. will b 9
tikeh back,
tie always keepslor sale all.iiipds,of Fresh.bleat.
wbi9b will be sold at reduced prices—and re:peen - 4.-
1y sdlicits the patronage of the public • •
—PAttsville. Feb.ll—
1. 4 1 20:144.V : for side by: