The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 01, 1843, Image 3

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• A V - • 4L „Tmr
•, •
• g
lorries in retnrosnruta.--Tbe Philadel
phia correspondent of the New York:Tribune gives
the folldwing account of the Porter trial in Philip,
tlelphil i—v , The ea of John Poiter, who had
been Convicted of tobbilig his employers Of gob&
eta motley- to the amount. of 1111000,'wes then
tailed 'up, • and in amsequences of a paltry error.
bn the pet of the Clerks near trial was grouted !
Thiooung man, the Attorney General and many
of our edi,zerra ipow to he s neat relative of the
trecotive,istd Of..course• he must not be barahly
dealt with. specimen _ of juctice here,
trout] state to your loaders, that Juba Pater 19 e
Very genteel; fashionable young man, and upon no
bccaatota has he been permitted'tO enter the priso
ner, although there were those confined in
thit hog whose
,apPearanees were of a - fat more
honest chiracter sod whose ofeners were nothing
In comparison to his ; but invariably seated within
the bar among thelawyers I - • - '
to the siguiiint fur a new trial yesterday after
noon young Brewstery counsel for the Messrs.
Warnochn—for foil - must Win* the Common
wealth are .not 'known in the ease I—took a bold
and manly stand against the efforts now making
to cheat justice of her :dues; In speaking of Pot
ter, be ,aim, e painting to him ; ~.There he site—
tvbere he shoo - tat not sit-51631 from those whose
characters and crimes are ore fdt tees magnitude °
; disci these with Which he stands convicted—dan
gerous in the eitreme—and I trust your Honor
(Judge Bing) 1 will remember your promise a few,
days since..in_ passing sentence upon a. poor ig
noranteoloredlgirl, When you stated that every in.
ditidual who tied been unfaith'ul to their employ
la should receive no mercy at your handcprovid
ing they were cetwicted before you.. " This was
too much'- 7 a ne* trial Was immediately granted.
A BATIII2IO Scasa..—Mr. kecJall. in his San
is Fe Sketches, says :
At Ojo Caliente there is e noted wenn well in
the edge of the, and several of our party vi
sited it ft( the purpose of bathing.' The water
bait up-in great quantities, and forms a Igrge and
Jt ep basin from-the very riontain bead. We
ancliately divested ourselves of our clothing and
&abed into the refreshing element—diving end
awfMming about in water just warm enough to be:
corrifertable - . j Before, we had left the large natural
bathing-tub our party - Wes increased by the arrival
of several Mexican girls, Who. not the least daun.
tad by our presence; immediately joined in our
aquatic sports.—With tarp and japans laughter
they commenced splashing the water about them ;
now diving to the bottom!. and then rising to the
outface, shaking the Water fron their long hair
and padding about like, Newfoundland dogs.
- •The customs of thecountry reaction the open
commission of scenes sitch as I have just mention
ed,•end many others which would be deemed high
ly indelicate in other linds ; and however much
the foreigner may at (list be tempted to doubt their
strict correctness, he soon learns that no conven
tional rules oppse a barrier to such acts. True
modesty coneist in the thought which governs every
action and viewed in this light there was certain
ly no inmedesty in the girls of Ojo 'Caliente in
d edging in a bath, even if they did appear •rig't be
irks (elks: de the philosophic Sam Slick would say.'
Lini MUHCALL Liana ns.—erhe March number
ettlus cheap musical pe.iodical is received. It con
tains cloven choice pieces of musk. composed by the
beatimptent. and is for sale at this o.(Ece—price 25 .
• ,
SALViItICL —This is the tide of a work edited by
the Rev. George Cr oly. and it is supposed to be the
intim of that fauteuil character. "The Wandering
Jew." It is - a splendid. pet wild prodnetion. and is
Weltavorth reading. Fur sale at this olfiee-7.-price
.91 coats.
Tassel:s to TR& Gar WeiriCll.4 PR4lll,llM—
'This work contains a journal of tranel and adventures
jan Anainne and Rocky Mountains. and in the Oregon
Territory. by Thomas F. Farnham. It is spoken- its
a valuable and authentic book, and at the present
tints recommends itself strongly to readers. Price
twenty five cents. for ini!e at this 015 e.
MactieLair's Essmrs.—This work contains all the
inixellaneous essays and criticism. of T. Rabington
Micauhy.complete in four volumes at twenty-five
Cents each. It is needless for us to, say anything in
.tecommendednf these writings which have been fir
lang.timeconsideted as models of literature. Mr.
Macaulay is the most nervous writer and most 11(11W.
tofu! critic of the age
oti Saturday, March 27th, by the Rev. John Math.
ida. blr. kw. pOOZN, tO Miss Maas !few), all of
Chi the 30th -instsm. by Rev. William Barnes, Mr.
, Ai Pittsteioo, New Jersey. on the 18th , jest.. Mr.
Mean H. ?nit cAif ibis &cough, in the 70th vearof
his age.' •
,tO this Eibiough.csi Wednesday last. Mrs. SAR Lit
Mcisst. wife of Mr. Atrahard Meisse.
lir this B d. rtnigh, on 11'nesday, last. Matte,daughter
air John and Margaret Majnr.
At fieheylkill liven. very it &teal!. nn Weenen-
Aaylast. ihe Rev. Mr: KROLL, Pastor el" she German
Reithmed church. - aged atiliutl6 Beare.
4, wii Meet on 'Wednesday tietlidi. April 5, 1,8t3, at
74 o'clock. April I.
on Wet:lewdly, the sth of Atoll, 1813, at .cinc o'clock,
atTae Armory. Uv commend
April i,
CAVALRY—WiII parade on' Itednesday, April sth.
at 1 o'clock. P. M-at Mortimor's hotel. By command
April 1, M. BRlMlT..otderly.
dent Blocs will meet at their Armory. fora made, on
Weinesday, the sth of A piil. at I o clock'P. M. By
command SAMUEL T. SKEEN, F. S, ,
April I, .
lion Schnylkillcountylrolnuteers will parade on Wed
nesday. the sto of April. 1842, at 2 o'clock. P. N.—
The bee will be formed in 'Centre' street. the right
resting on Mahantongo steebt, displaying north.
By command F. •M. WYAIROOP,
April 1, 34 Adjutant. •
greAPT. ALDEN PARTRIDGE will deliver
;two Leann% before that Military and citizens of this
• • .region: on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. the
:0111 and 6111 of April nett, at the saloon of the Town
opon the following subjects: •
lat. A Historical description of some of-the prin
' banks of the Revialutiorisiy War, allowing the
influence exercised by the Arne-nein Women; during
.thatleVedtful period.
24. A historical sketch of the last camp-men of
,fhb Emperor Napoleon, with a description of- the
pale efMaterloo. -
~ ..The Lectures will commence at 6 o'clock: Tickets
.of admission 121 cents each,:to be had at the different
hotels in the Borough. at the door. and of the Com.
mit itiee of Arrangements.
• • . Capt. GEORGE 'C. wirMwor. °
•"' NAGLE, •
64. itearrit,
Pottsville:April 1. Coibmittee. „
RELIGIOUS kiljTier..—There ar,ill be Rap
fist preaching on Sabbath morning. April 2d. at bait
pardten o'clock in the MOrgiltg, and at 7 in the even l
ing.,in the Universalist Chapel. April 1, ,
• • "--;:Wi;"
iallaitotint of Coal despatched ftam Pottsville 'and
&Wain Haven, tbr the month ending March Si,
INS: •
From PottsvMe.
T s.-4 oat received ;and
ala Gathers Llim pthers of excellent geality. by .
• • - eIf i T I YMAN &CO. •
iinbb A' •
CORRECTED wnear.t. APril .7 :101 3
Wheal hour. prlibl - $3874 Rune. ''per
-Rye do cwt. 1,311 Pork,' - - 41
Wheat.' bald 90 llama, " ? 10
Rye. _, 62 Potatoes .. 'huh! 25
Corn. . 40- iPlaster, ton 4,50
Oat, li?;1 1 27 Hay. ••- 15.00
Eggs. I de - n ; 10 Timerby.ed, bald 2.50
. Butter. lb 126,Cloter .• " 5,00
"=ply of this eacellent gagazine. which hadecided
fy the cheapest magazine in thelYnited States. Price
$lO 5 O per annum in advance, oil 5 cents per No., Car
sale. by • BANDIAN.
April 1. • 14=
-Strqng Blasting Paper•mVerp cheap by the
ream. Gust received and fcir sale bq -
Apnl 1. 14—: p B. BATMAN.
HE partnernbip.he'retafore ezisting between, the
"- nutiOcribers. under the firm.of Bell Bohan, has
been demised bimutoal consent. • . .
' The business of the late firm will be continued by
Aquila,Bolton; who is authorized to, settle the bust
nem of the lam firm..
AQ1.1114 B.LFOS.
April 1,
7 or the great Refbrutation cirthe sixteenth century,
in Germany, Swimetlaud. &c.,hy . J. 11. Merle D'Ao•
biene, complete in one volume—Price 873 and sl.
l'his work ought to be read by every Protestant in
the country. Just received and for sale by .
April I. 14— - B. BANNAN,
' Envelope and Post Office Paper.
fir HE subscriber has just received , supply of
•■• excellent.Euvelope at $2 and $3 25
per ream, medium size. 131, !ANNAN.
April 1.. 14—
MALE% 'GRAF' 11 C'S. — .Graph_ ;
ice, a Maaual Of Drawing an• Writing, for
the urn of Sabots and Families, by Reatbrandt
Peale.. Price 50 cents. Just received and tor,
sale by' ' , B. 4 BANNAN.
April I. 14—
G ARDEN SEEDS.-A fresh supply'
"L"' of Parden„Seecitr, just received and for sale
Drug Store.
April I. 15-
Ruled Foolscap at _
do Litter at
` 12i cents per quire. -
The subscriber has just received a supply of
Paper of a good quality, which be pill sell
wholesale and retail at the above mentioned phi
- cep. - ' B. BANNAN. f
Aprit t _ -
I. ~- ' 114—
FRQM. the discovery of America by the North.
Men to• the present time, by Jonq Faotrr
Professor of Belles, Letters of the High School of
Philadelphia. Embellished by upwards of three
hundred original cuts, designed by Groom ex.
pressly for this work. Now in progress of pub.
lie.aiion; and id bui Completed in twenty monthly
numbers, at the unparalfed low price of twenty •
five cents each; the whole forming four octavo
A rum mid copious History of the United States
for tamili6l and libraries, has long been called
for by the American *people : the publisher
now the pleasure and satisfaction of presenting
to the public such a work. it is the result of
veers of study and research by one 'of • Oar
ablest writers: and in order that the noble
deeds and striking scenes itonnected .with our
history may be . propeily depicted, the publisher •
has engaged the superior and distill=
in carrying out this undertaking, a great en.
vestment of capital has been required; and mulch,
mechanical skull ediployed to render it ' a work,
worthy of admiration of every loiter of his cone=
try and one to which every patriot may point as
an evidence of the great degree of perfection and
refinement oar liberal institutions base secured
The first number appears this day, (April WO
the succeeding ones will appear promptlten the
hret of each?month until the whole is periketed.
At the concluidon of each vulome, a complete in
dt.x and title page will be furnished.
Tho publisher pledges hiraselt that the embel
lishments in the whole work shall exceed three
hundred, and equal those in the first or specimen
number m style and executtim: The distribution
of the pictures will of 'coarse be regulated by the
snl ieci„ some chapters being much more ituseep..
tible of rich 'pictorial embellishments than others.
The succeeding pelts will contain the same num
ber of pages as thin.
Persons at a dii.tinie who arc desirous of oh.
taining this work direct from the publisher, will
please remit five dollars, free of espouse of poi
tare, (postmasters' franks can always be obtain
ed for remittances for periodicals,), and the whole
will- be sent. Clubs', by, a remittance of ten dol
lars will receive three copies; by a remittance of
fifteen, five copies.. Postage of each number un
der an hundred miles, four and onOialf cents;
upwards of an hundred miles, seven end one-half
cents. .
• individuals desirous of acting as agents for
ibis work, are advised to make application.
E. H. BUTLER,. Publisher.
The subscriber has been appointed Agent for
this work in SehuylkillCounty. who will furnish
the numbers to 'all those who Swish to remise
them. each number payable on delivery,
April 1. It —St B. BAN NAN.
"'UST received a large assortment of Land,
ret,o's celebrated fresh Garden ;and Flower
seeds, consisting in part or - •
Onion, WeCtieifield red
Beet.long red wr 'Mood! Silva t skin
" Early turnip -rooted] (annual
" Swiss Chard .„,,„ ' " 'l3trasbuirg large
" French anger g" ] . yellow
Beans, early six
" 3ed speckled , val:1
entitle •
" Speckled Cranberry'
4 . Brown Windso
" White Hutch
" Horticultural
" Lima '
Broccoli,, piarple•cape• • _
•Cabbake.early York
" Landreth's' large
' York.
' Early sugarloaf
" Large Drumhead
" Flat Dutch
Curled •Svvoy
Drumhead Savoy
Early , ,Batterava
Carrot, long orange
Early hum
Cauiliflower, !arty •
Celery, white solid. >
. 1 . REA solid
Cress, curled -
Cucumber, long green
" Early frame
oho, large purple
~:;adive, ended
Lettuce, early cabbage
" large India
" Wbite &IL
t": • Early elided
Cora Ballad - .
Melon; nutmeg,
1.648 OS
6.858 08
Tone. 8506 1111
5,370 07,
13r6 18
Agent for D. Landreth.
ciionntre etarelkeepera and others sopped by
the• ponod or dozen papers, .at. Philadelphia
grt4es• April 1 - 14—
Otte . Market.
A Book for,. Every American!
‘l 4 l.lsi
0 , 7 y
Parsnip; extra sugar
Pear, Laodreilea extra
4 , Early frame
Dwarf Marrowfat
' flishOp's dwarf pro
.,.- •
" Large Mairowfat
". Sloe 'imperial
Popper, largebell shape
Radiahi Long Salmon
" Long scarlet short
. 4 White 4) and rod
turnip rooted
" Blink and .white
4 Yellow turnip nx).
" Surnmer white
Rhubarb • - '
'pinch,• royal savory
,Squash; early bush
Lung green
Lints; or cocoanut
Turnip; early Rat dutch
J , Red topped '
" Ruta Raga or
A. Batik Moire
Pot and -eirieit herbs
I Master& White
Rosier seeds asierteddte'
• 'Orders hmell kinds .of Fruit end
Ornmentat Trees, angle, green and
• • hrkbouse pigmy, recaive{ll end impTpt
1 ly executed, by • •
CIIEtt" PUBLICALT 02111: -
4 .. -. ' ~ l i, •, 7 " '"''' ' ''.
rotiE reivaritiecimiiip works I,
'Joe sale hi -
1 ill• - t t ' - -' - - -•- B. .IBANNAN. - •
The Rode, ot the 'halide df Wo, n. by •..
Bulurer. - ;- - • , --; 1- - 121
Le 111nschiiii t kir iSaitobigrXpitiiialßiinarice, „ ;.
- 'by.J. Feinunore Ceoper. - ... ' ''l2j
.Salathiel;*strity,of the'Paiti - •PraiMt,; Xand ,
• Futurity; by the Rev. George it.lielev; ,e '
2 68.pageit for • ' - ; ..-;i ,
Angie American Magazine; containing the
"cream of the Dinah Magaiinek rotted'
int) one '-; 1• '- -
; 1
Irving`s Rocky Mountains, or seethes anct
incident* IC the far Wen t withliiips,
to be completed in 4 parts, each Part ; 25 -
The Illustrated London News!', 1 ' -;',,,,.. 25
O'Connell.% History .of Ireland. '.. i, -• , i ,_ i I I 25'
AmaranthAmaranths,orlhe Dark.eyadOcie.; ! ; 123
The Perim or Youth's Fountain i,... , I 10
Bell 'Martin, or the Heiress. by T.S.Arthor 121
Fanny-Dal& or the first year after Mani- •
age, by T. S. Arthur. ' 5 ' '', • ii; ' - , .12/
Last of the 'Matins --- -' :° :!, - 25
Forest Days, by James • ;,. -; 121
Lame Davy's Son, and the Odd Fellirw , by '.
J. H. Ingraham. Esq. , .-_, , 121
Adam. Brown,. the Merchant, byHorace,
Smith ; ' • - • ', -, 5 1121
Evince Grandet, or the Misees•Dalighter 121
Francis of Valois, . •,, i - 121
Lights and Shadows ofFactory Life; -121
"Martin Choulawit.", by Boz, Tom 65 ,80rke _ 5,
of Ours," "L. S. D," "Windsor Castle," - ,
and " Loiterings of Arthur .01-leary."
each part , • i ._ 123
The Life and Exploits of his Grace the:
Doke of Wellington, embracing it one- . ...
view the whule career of this illustrious
warrior, with 43 engravings; price ..: 25
Sear'e New Monthly Family Maga zine,
par number, _
i . 1 . 1 - 16 1
The Family 'Magazine illustrated math
3000 er.gravings, each part containing. a
bovo 200 large octavo page., to be corn.
pleted in 16 parta,3 parts publialied, each
~. 25
Pictorial Iliitury of the United St ites, to
be completed in 20 laeilluitrated
with upwards of 301) eogravings,by John ;
Frost. each part - - ,- -. 25
Ure's Dictionary of the Art and Sciences, 1
to be completed in 5 parts, each part . 1.02
Macaulley'a Miscellanies, to be completed ,
in 4 part& eacif - oart 25
Borrow'ri Bible in Spain 373 and 50 1
Spark's Life of Washington; to be eomple.
tad in 12 parts, each part' 25
Life and Speeches of Ilenry Clay, with en.
graving.. • • ; 1 • 121
Reprint of the Edinburg Review. per no.'.''.lBl
do Quarterly Review do 5 2b
Lyell's Lectures on Geology • 25
Farnham's Travels in theOregonTeriitory 25
Leibig's Agricultural Chemistry 25
improvements in Agriculture. Arts. &c.,
01 the United States to which is added a '
Treatise on raising Swine, and the best
method ot fattening Pork.also a Treatise. _
on Geology, as connected with Agricul•
tore; be H. L. Ellswortb•2s
The Farmer's Encyclopedia, and Diction&
ry of Rural Affairs, embracing all the. -
recent in*rovements in Agriculture, by ;
Cuthbert W. Johnson, with engravings •
on steel and wood, to' be completed in
16 parts, being one third-the prize of the
English work, at per part 25
The Encyclopedia of Geography. embrac.
ing about 1000-pages with Eleven Hun
dred engravings, and 80 ; Maps, being a
complete description of the whole . parth,
by Ilugli ; Murray, to be completed in 24
parts, each part ; 25
Fox's Batik of Martyrs, with engraving?,
to be completed in 8 part+ each part 15
I,hier'a French, Revolution , parm pub.
fished, to be completed in 16 pans, each
part . ' 25
Braude's Encyclopedia of Science, Litera•
tore and Atli 4 parts published, to be -
completed in 12 pane; each part 25
Alison's History of Europe, .5 parts Publish
ed. to be completed in 10 parts, each part 25
Sketeh of the progress &Physical Science,
by V., Thurop M. D.,,and Doctor
Lardnerto Lenore' on Atirontay. all for 25
Travels in the Great Western Praitieu. the
Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, end in
the Oregon' Territory, by, T. J. Tarnhato ; 25
Pickwick Papers by Bor. 25
Humphrey Clinker, do , • 50
.RodeAck Random du - 25
75 per-ream.
2 00 do
Romance and Reality '
The ,Young Duke v
Pelham by Sulures,
Dcvcrcuz . do
Rienzi° '0 'dct
Eugene Aram do .
Paul ClilTord , -
Disowned . do
Alice or the Mysteries du
Nabob at
The CU riva
Guy Madnering, by Waltei Scott
The Antiquariase ' do '
Rob Roy - . do '
Old Mortality do
Hart of Midlothian do
Bride of Lammermoor . 'do •
Kenilworth - •do - •
WaVerly- do
The Monastery l • dor: • •
Ivanhoe. do
Legends of Montrose • !
The Abbot '
The Pirate -• '
Fortunes of! Nigel • ' '
Peveril atlas Peak
Quinton Durward 25
Pauline, i Tale of Normandy 126
Franklin Evans, or the Inebriate
.- . 126
Eva, by Bulwer - 126
Harry Ler reline!, in 4 parts, • , • 400
Ladies Book, ' ' - Monthly parts ' 25
Graham's Magaiine, - do ' 25
The Artist, do ' 25
Ladies' Companion ' do . . 25
Ladied'AVorld of Fashion do lBl
Miss Lealio's'New Magazine do , 15
Select Library of Religious Literature,
each part, - 15
The Rainbow. Magazine, each part 126
Campbell's Foreign Monthly Magazine of'
SelectAiscellanyv of the Periodical ILIA
. erature of Great Britain. 85 per annum
. , .
ur for each part 50
Merry's Monthly Museum, per annum 100 .
Counterfeit Detectors 126
All Hici cheap publications received as soon as
Any single publication obiainedLto order at
the shorte.t notice.
Subscriptions received for any Magazine ism=
ed in the United States. • "
-April 1, ' 'l4
Schuylkill Naylatttlott. ,
Iter CLAss..CfnCoal of all kinds pet ton of 2'2401bs-
From Port Cortaro aodweigbborbood to
Philadelphia; 54 cents
. From; Schuylkill Heron to Philadel.
• phis; 50 cents
Prom Port Clinton to Philedelphis; 45
cents , , -
To. intermediate -pointsSmills pet kn
per mite. •
2oCuess—On Lumber, Irons Agricultural Pro.
3 mills per 1000 lb. per mile,
cilia! to
29 cents per ton of 2000 lbs frog,
.delphia to Reading. and
63 cents per ten of 2600 lbaliont Philo
, cielahm io' Fousitille..
3o Caas-,+oo' Dry Goode. Groberim, Drugs.'
- Hides Leather; Liam
4 mills per 4000 lbs per mile, equal to
Sl eents per ton of 2000 lbs from Phila.,
to Reading; end
- cents per toe of 2068 :Ills from Phil.-
• - delphiartePoluteiller j
• Empty Bode to be *cli/Wged two cents per - mile
- no kill pill . pe charged ots - asy boat
carr.ring.carget paymg. toll azebtustrot have
dollars or upwards:
1 Pottasilla.April 1„1819.
SIAS removed to the office of Dr. Lippe.. oppos.
ite the Zpiseopstitio, Church( Cadre street.
where he trill continue to attend torn prtdesstotial
besinwai. . - •
Office boon; nojil 9 *Week is the morningi
a • * A 12 to 2, im'clock P, 6L
, from 7to 9 eelockla the eihoiori
Aprjl " • '
To tBe ctoai. caderi.. ik4Wriorpaps: fir - a:ed.
Alpw_gs - lifid,4 - "iivet litC7 Alrit,A - gait litattek . .ll
:,11;risier Sticitieliattaah - 0. 40 4 7 .! 14 lowis Are
d - aiiutaitithe pf Flaking Creek.
JaS heretiY.FiireiPthat a tneetint of wad, — Stock.Stock.holdera non be held at the Waal' now occupied
by William hl. cinch r, in the tient nf'eftts..
wine, On SindatOhefirstday of May next,- 110-
t4eini the hours . or one o 'c lock, dna o'clock,
P, M., the . pirprievrelatinedae eteeidlint,
Six Alanioren.,;OnoTteiaurer, and_Clne
'yore, aaid company, far the evening' year.•
phikubdithia, Readier: and Pottsville -•
Railroad. -
• •
mums br nouns.
• • _ _
—• •
511 and oder s a torday, April ist. 1813, the panne.
ger pains will !dam at the following hours:
From Pottsville ittsi A. M. t dap
Fenn Philadelphia at 6A.U. $ • I *.
Both Wins page at-Pottstown. The down train
breakfasts at Reading, end the op at-Pottstown.,'
at Norristown,
for Which 15 tniamesaYe allowed at each station.
Ist Class Carr. 2d Class Cars.
Betweon Philadelphia Mid Pottsville $350 and 82 50.
Between Plailastelphia and Reading 82 25 and SI 73.
• Excursion 'tickets, good for two days only,
Between Philadelphia and Pousville. 5500
Between Philadelphia an Reading, 3Mk •
kart • 14
- 2 ' PREMIUM.
4111 liaduced Prices far Cash.
arlllE subscribers having Made arrangements
to manufs4ture paper on the most extensive
- scale, are enabled, from their long and practical
experience, to produce the article in greater , per:
feetion than has heretofore been done, and offer
to the public a larger assortment of paper any
-other establishment in the city., ,
Persons purchasing for their owr. houses, and
likewise cutlery merchants and,dealers to the
article, will and-it diubly to their advantage to
call, as we are determined to bell a large quantity
at a SMALL vaunt lea CAPH.
Papers purchased at our establishment are
i warranted to measure lea yards in length. We
are induced to make this 'statement. as a consi
derable .quantity sold does not run the usual
has become so common to speak extrav
agantly in . alvertisements of the superior quality
and excelment of stock, we thtok it proper to say,
as a proofof the superiority of our papers, they
have. whenever exhibited, taken the highest pre.
miums, and we are now in the possession of three
'dant medals given as proof positive of the qual.
ify in three, of the largest of the Union, Philadel
phia. New York and Boston.
Practical Manufacturers.
. No. 144 Chesnut street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. April 1,
r 0 Country Atrerehants end eleae➢ant
WE invite your attention to our extensive as
sortment of Englijh, Frond, and Ameri
can Broad Clutha, of various finalities, - and ep.
proved colors. Also Habit laid - Rouble Milled
Cloths, together with a good assortment of:Plai
and New • Style Fancy tangle and dooble.milled
Cattintere, Sattinetts, Velveteen.; Giraffe. Cloths,
Merino, Summer Cluths • Gambroons, Linen Dril
lings, and other articles• fur Summer wear, Eng
lish and French boiled Satins. Valencia and oth.
er, Silk . Velvets. Brown and Black Hol
land,. Silk and Verona Serges.Silictes, Cubans,
Paddings, Canvass, Buttons, Sewing Silks, Scarf
Twist, Thread. Bindings. Cards, Tapes" and all
other articles of trimmings used by Tailors.'
We are daily receiving flesh goods which are
examined. and. orrery article warranted as repro .
*anted. and told at prices that will give eatisfac;.
tion to purchasers.
Importers and dealers in Cloths Cassitocra &c.
No. 57, North 2d St.,* few doors below Arch.
Philadelphia. April 1, . 14-2 m.
To the Free and Independent Elec
torn of Schuylkill County.
UAVING been solicited by. a large number
of my friend...l am induced to offer myself
as a candidate. at the cunning election, for the
office of
Should I bo so fortunate as to receive a majority
of your votes t will perform khe duties of that
offico impartially and to the best of my ability.
W ILLI A 111 MATZ. ,
, West BrOnswig.
Mareh 143. 1 12—
To the Free and Independent`Voters
of Sehniikill County.
FELLOW.CITIZENS:—The solicitatioris of
numerous friends, who have promised me
their support, have induced me' to offer meek" to
your eonsideralion; as s candidate for the Or.
fits of'
43 HHH t F
at thewest Octoberlectiun. Should IL be so
fortunate as to receive* majority of your votes.
1 will spare no exertions to gite ontire.salialae.
!ion, by fulfilling the duties of the. Office with
industrg. wad fidelity. =
NICHOLAS 8E1'174111;ER.
Pottsville. March 25,' 1843. : 13—
To the F.fictori Schistigill Co.
FELLOW CITIZENS :- - -At'the solicitation ,
m:. of naj friends, who have voluntarily
sed to support me in different sections of the
county. 1 have been:induced to offer wYsclf as
a candidate for tie office of
At the ensuing election. Shuuld be so fortu.
nate es to Ii elected, I pledge myself to perforin
the duties of the office with fidelity, to the best
of my abilities. . JOSHUA 'BOYER.
• . Ille a gesnatturg, March 25. y , 13;—te•St
To ihe'Free and Independent .F.lec
'tors of .Sehuylkill .tounty.
AT the eeriest solicitation of a number of my
friends. I have been indked to utter myself
es • candidate CM the office of
- SHERIFF ' - -
At the ensuing cileetion. Should you think pro:
per to elect me,l pledge myself to perform the
duties of said office; to the best of coy ability,
March 13,
To the Frecand inthiendent l Ele&
tors of Schuylkill Cortuty. _
BELLOW CITIZENS,—At the earnest soli.
citations' of ft`in umber of soy friends , I have
concluded to Offer snyielf as a „candidate for tho
office of
S. E,R' I P
At the ensuing election. and respeetkilly stilicit
your votes. Should I'be elected,.l pledge Myself
to federal the - duties .of the office .to the beet of'
my abilities._ - " •
MICHAEL sturzEe.
March 11,
To - ihe Electors of Sfhuyfikitli , Co,
IV urge& seiithation of a number of ..ort s friends.
lam induced to offer rorselfae , eaniftdurel,for the
office of - • .‘ - • . 1 -
At the ensuing election,. Should jet' reperto
efoet re% I pledge myself to perform. 16041 nes of the
officer.° detest of toy abilities..
I , . 11-7_
Muth •U.
Tv tt fitiand Independent Eke, ! .
bore of Sehtty,kitt County.
ing been solicited by • nomber.of my Mends. I
am - induced to afro. myalfs• • candidate at the neat .
Canard Election for office of • - •
Sltriuld I tic SO forts:Uwe et to 111 . • mijosit]
of ybor VOW tpledge Myself to ierforef tbek Stating
Hasid allicewith Molds to ditibestrifitst
- - JEREAPin ./IEeM
Pottsville, tilart4t
TO the Electors erSeheylkillANNi"-
IWELLO*, ;-:At the cattiest ',soh.
citatithatfA ntriobit Orley' tello-_s,.Veteni,
- baits been induced to offeiwipetilf as itudolile
tor tho otikerer ' ; • "- •
thelniening-eleetiont and ibilieetfigli solicit
rev eulfoite.‘: Shodbi be wife:too:fate as to be
eleetet to\ will eedeavet- to perform
4bedeties Ithereetto your entire sadireetica:
Your. relloor pttiten. • '
'JOUR '11: "BleitEL.
Mitch Ili
•-• (TO Tfif PLI,BLICI)
150 000 -
WestinPrinciple is! Water-Proring Cloth.
l;Y this method th e - pores of the Cloth ern left
• open an bef ore, " by which thb uer.
Spiritless can fr eely escape; and at the 'dine time
it is rendered Water-prenf for all preened"! pur
poses. The Moms is both simple and e t heop. It
is adapted tsevery nada and occupation, to stitch
Cloth el ' any; ; description is or ca . be:used.
Cloth hosing pugged thretugh this proceisits
ever after said -from )ILifdeui and Verniin. , Sail
and 'Awning miters, Clothiers, Hatters flout and
Shoe makers r Umbrella makers, Cloth man:die.
turers and all others whose interest it to, are re-,
spectfully invited to this subject. • • •
Rights for Sale ;for any part al the United
States by the Proprietert , at his residence, No.
130 NassmiStreet. New York ' either far Cash
or in exchange for property, real or personal.
Also, for Sale. as easy, cheap and simple, pro.
cessretulering Calico Prints Past; the tradd is in
vited to at. -Also, for eale, 'Cream of Earth,"
a sure and safe remedy for Mould on Leither
and Furs, of all descriptions Trunk and liar.
nets makers, Boot and Shoe. Dealers. &c. will do
well to consider Of it. .These remedies , are, all
very simple and cheap ! Ooe Thousand yards'
of Cloth may be rendecedWater-proof at en ex-1
pense, of One Dollar Water Water proof Flannel
worn next to the skinn• h ik.stiers.preventive and
Cure for the Rheumatism. Thestotleiging is an.,
extract of a Report on the subject, frin'is'Citiffie"
mitten of therommon Council:
' , The Coduniu s ce oil Arts. „Sceinces, and
Schools, twos/tom was referred the' Petition of F.
11. Pettis, asking for a consideration for an in
vention which Abe Petitioner Cill/1/111 as hasten
clerk% Cloth of every description Waterproof,
beg, leave to
Report ; that they examined several pieces of
Cloth which they tested. and 'found the same am.
pervious to water, except from a pressure beyond
that of ordinary rain, and believe that pereons
clad with garments made from Cloth thug pre
pared, would be secure from usual exposures in
raii4 weather, The advantages - cif this, oboe°
that. of India Rubber will be perceived, when it
is_known that the pores of the Cloth era not clo
sed, allowing the free escape of Ike insensbilo per.
venation, which is important to health. The
Cow/Atte am assured by the Petitioner, that the
bearity or lustre of the Cloth is not tarneshed,
that its quality is not injured, that it is not less
sepia ; but; On the contrery, the beauty, duality'
and auplenesa ate preserved. and for many per.
poses rendered more lasfirig. The cheapness of
the application brings the advantages at the im.
pruvement within the reach of all • and the com
mune have no doubt many Sill 'be disposed from
this cause toll* its advantages; and such test
will do more to establish its reputation than any
recommendation from this Committee.
The committee feeling disposed to- treat the
Petitim with all fairness, ant as far as they in.
vestigated the improvement, finding it to meet
• their expectations, they cheerfully recommend
such a trial of its merits by the-public, as will
. more fully test its utility."
MOSES G. LEON Ma: o ,„„..„
The ;following era the prices asked for the ea-_
elusive right to use the "Dianna Prinepte" . of
Water-proving in the different States —Proper
proportion will be made Cavan, City. Town.
County or District. '
Maine 01,000
Vermont 2,000
New Hampshire 4;000'
Miussadhussefts , 14,000
do, , Dyu Bening , tom
Rhode Island ' 3.000 .
Conecticat 3,000
New York 1b,009
New Jersey • 4 000
do, Calico Priutiog 40,600
• Pennsylvania • 15,000
Dele w are 2,1100
Mary/and 5,000
Virginia . 1080
North Carolina 6,000
South Carolina 5000
Georgia - 5,000
Alabama . , 3,0011
Tennessee . • 4,000
Mississippi • - 2.000
Ohio . 1 0 . 000
Kentucky • 5.0110
Ind tenni
Arkansas i. 1,500
Miebigau . • - 4,000
Illinois " - 5,000
Missouri. • 3.000
District of Columbia 2,000
~ 1,500
Wiscoosin • 1,500
gote—ClOth. Garments' Karim Blaokets. &c.
taken in and Water-proved by the proprietor at
moderato charges. Cloth done it 25 cents per
yard; Over Coats 0 I 00; other uncles in propor.
portion. The Firemen, individually end coffee
tivelyi, are invited ts examine the advantages of
the discovery. Post paid letters will finve,prosopt
attention. Terms of halo Made easy to r9spoc,
"ibis' purchasers.
N 0.130 Nassau Street, New York.
March II II-3m
No. 17: South Fourth St. afew doors Wow Market
11,11rITE* the attention of country Merchants
-"Lend others istOds edtensite assortment of School
Books, superior Blank aieouni Books, (of his own
manufacture) and Foreign'and;Durtmatic station
Quills, Wafers, Sealing War; Steel Pens of up,
wards of fifty varieties. Blue Black, and Reilin kg.
Lead Pencils. Slates. inkstands, fizz.
Er Cheap Armen . Books—a large stock al
ways on hand suitable for retail trade. and coon,
try Merchants:
cap and . Letter Papers plain and ruled '; Wrap.
ping 'Papers, Bonnet Blutrds:Pltying Cards, and
all other articles sold by stationers.
Lammas Jouanata, Raman' Boors, 00 4 suit.
Alai for Banks. Entine offices, &c,,nonstantlynn
hand or, made to order, of any site; shapei . or pat.
tern. _Materials and Workmanship warranted o
the, best quality. all of whichare orered at pri.
ces to ittit the tiales.,
. Xresauntily . Niercharste and others Shilling the
city, are respectfully invited to call and examine
hie goods 'and pricer, and satiety themselves o
the great tat:tactical eff'ected Sy the (Sash System:
' Phil]., March 44. s It-2mo
.Machine Shop, together with ell the Flask%
Machtnery; and fixtures belonging iherito. Art.
ply to!'• • . " ISAAC 111EY ERB. Esq.,
at Port Clintonv or to
• • Sinter& Furnace.
Draimber 17
' • One two story Brick blouse an .Coat
;as :Streetiwitb. Kitchen attanbed._
B e ; > One tin -story -.Stone Altiore, in
afabantoeigo Street, lately- &copied
by Su:Aber - ger; I One adjoining this - abore,
at present, occupied by this, dlisafatia'r— --
Ona Dante Udine! in Lyon Streeti at present
in:civics] by I. ,Zoop,r. -
For feitther . partieularip ripply to the subscriber.
Only 02rOi , a MAO of the, Vulted.filigis.
MITCHELL'S Large M ap, of th e 'United
AxAStateeo filet by 31.moonted on Ritlere, coo.
tamping the email* of the linked Etateer-of
and the only cornet Map *fib. United States
now eztantoth the low rate oft % which to shoot
one-fourth the wthal price. _received end
for leeki . B. }ANNAN:
iffies6. - iNO6O=6
' 7 ,- "
A:PkTtriChltor the Benefit itieataitiropt
- Gaiint.hisbeen filed lha 21st day of JitauFy.
by• - • •• ' •
John 13; Vouty . , Roaihtan, Schuylkill co; `
Which Petition will bc heard heroic the District
Court of the United Rlatea for this Eastein Die.
Hie of Penns, lionit. sitting in Bankruptcy, at
the Diattict Court !loofa in - the City 01. Phtladcl•
delphic on Friday. the- lst day ol'April nest. at
It O'clock, A .11. when at.d where all pertains
interested way appear And show 'cause; if any
they have. sr!iy the 'traver of the said Petition
should not be granted; and said Petitioner de.
elated Bankrupt.
Cloth of the District Coed.
March 18,
A PETITION for the Bencfii of the Bankrnpt
Law, has bees filed the Sd day of Match, 1813
Albert 11, Denel, Storekeeper, and Dry Goods
Merchant, Schuylkill county. '
Which Petition will he heard before the Diettiet
Gollit thrbUnited States tor the eastern Die.
tract of Pennsylvania, sttting in Bankruptcy, at
the District Cow room in the City of PhiladeL
phia, on Friday the 7th day of April neat, at I I
o'clock, A. M..‘when and wtitte all Persona in
terested may appear and show cause, if any they
have,why the prayer of the aaid`Petitibri should
not b granted, and the said Petitioner declared
Clark of this District Court.
March H.
United States. Court..
In Bankruptcy. _
A PETITION for Discharge and; Certificate
under the Bankrupt Law, has bean filed by
William Watkins, Individually, and as a mem
ber of tho firm of Lawler. Spencer & Cu,, Coal
Dealer; Schuylkill county..
And Friday, the 9th day of June next. at It o'.
clock, A. M.. Map:minted for the hearing there.
of, before the said Court. sitting to Bankruptcy,
at the District Court Room,
in the City of Phila.
dclphin, when and whore t he Creditors of the
said Petitioner, who have proved their Debts, and
all other persous in ioterest, may appear and
.how, cause, if any they have, why each Dis.
charge and Certificate should tint be granted.
Clerk or the District Court.
March 25! NOTICE.
A PETITION for Discharge and certificate
ander the Bankrupt Law. has been filed by
Benjamin Hasler, Boat Builder, Schttylkill Coon.
And Friday, the oth day of June nett. at II
o'clock, A. 1111„ it appointed for the boating there.
of, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy,
at Clio District Court Room,:in the City of Phil.
adeliiihia. when and where. the Creditors of the
said petitioner, who have proved their Debts, and
all other persons in interest, may appeir and
show- cause. if any they have, why each Dii.
charge and Catttrcato should not be granted.
Clerk of the District Court.
Much IA,
PETITIONS For Discharge and Certificate un.
dcr the Bankrupt Law, havo been filed by'
T:tomas Moyer, Tobacconist, Schuylkill co
Adam Brawn, late Armor, now Meaner of
iron Workir, ' , _ _ do
And Friday. the 28th Jay of May nest, at II
clack, A, M., is appointed far the bearing.there
of, heforo the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy.
at the District Court Iloone, in the City of Phila-
Xlelphis, when and where the Credtture ef the
said Petgicusers. who have proved their - Debts,
son all other persona io interest, way nppear and
show atelie r if any they have, why inch Dis
charge and Certideato should nut he granted,
Clerk of the District Court.
Mari& ii.
A PETITION fur Discharge and Certificate
under the Bankrupt Law. halt been filed by
Samuel Lewis, late Coat operator. now Engineer,
Surveyor, Ind Conveyancer, Schuylkill t o.
and Saturday, the 29th day of April nett, at II
o'clock, A. M., is appniutcd ler the hearing there.
or, before the said Court, sluing in Bankruptcy„
at the District Court Roorn, in the City of Philo.'
&Antal% when and where the Creditors of the
said Petitioner, who have proved' tt►etr Debts,
and &Bother parsons ininterestilsay iifigeat and
thaw 4enee, if any they have, why ,push Dis
charge and Certificate should not be, granted.
FBAS. 110I'lliNSON.
Clerk of the District Court.
Feb. 4, 18434
pETITIONS for Litacharge and CertiOcate
under the Bankrupt Law, bare bmn filed by
John Pinkerton; Individually, and as a niember
of- the hie grunt of West, liosigson & Co.,
florksou, Pinkerton& Co. Land John Pi,ihdton
& Co., late Coal Merchant; note Agent,
Kahay!kill cu.
Edward Y. Farvhar, Marred.-• ne
Benjamin S. Titus, Individually, and ag d
member Mlle late 6rm of Browis & Ti;
tus,Reivedcre N. .1. 4o
Edward MOAN : late Merchant, DOW
Joseph '411; Tanner, do
and Saturday, the ..4goi day of April next at 1I
o'clooli; is appointed for the hearing
thereof, before the said Court; sitting in i3atik.
roptcy; 01 the District Court Rooth, in the City
of Philaderphiaa when and where the Creditors
of the said Petitioners; who have proved their
D btr, and all other persons in interest; may ap.
pear and show Cause, if - any they hive, why such
Discharge and Certificate should not be granted.
of District Court.
Febnia ry 4, 1843.
OC ATED in the Struugh of fattaville,
Schuylkill county. Pa ;,is not excelled by a.
ny other is facilities for obtaining catiely dotes,
Limestot e. and• Coal, honk accessiblai by Canal
and Rail Roads to }tithing yarilsiaf:tbe stack.
The Furnace and inachinery is in each° a state of
preparation/that asntall sititiunt of yutlity; would
be sittScient to put it in illicit in a few 'weeks.
The authenticated 'scam:tits cif this great
provemeuts and eztraordigaiy qualitiet of the
ton produced by Anthracite coal in Walet,.holds
out strong guatuntr.cs Jar 80 and 'profitable tn..
yeah:tient: , 1 i
The proprietor not` haviirt g ,the requisite a.
mount.efeapital to keep it in blast. is desirous of
having some person to join thin. who would mike
a ; 4 or 23 sourest—on he 4111 lease or. tell ate on au& 'multi as,. aviU he found
advantageous. I - = -
Fur Turtrie'r lenticular,. apply to
Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa.
January '4B. 1843, , 5
-1111 GB 801100 L FOR YWUNG LAJRX.F.S.
The public are iespectltiity tamped-that a•
greeably to a ; former notice; Mita Allen from
,New England,icill open a nigh Schniil for Young
Latiep; inn Monday ; the 1.1 April nett.. •
Instruction Rill be giieit (ham branches
taught in the New' England Scunnaties.
Tuition in the Elementary 454 per mit.
French and Latin ' 6 do
_ Draiiing and Osintbig. :!Extra 2 do
Farther informatian roay,ite'oblairied by xeler-•
Rev. I. McColl?. John Ship - peo.
William F. Deane F.. 4. aF.
- . • T. 43. Beatty'. • .
PottiMlle, March. 25 , 1843. ' ig—
SMOKED NEAM--,44ake Ind . Shoul
ders. good Meat and welt eared. just received
add tor isle. by ' . .81LLYM.AN & CO.
Bluth ItD t 12—
aalpstAB removed fiord:Market Street tet die item
formetly Al:intuit* Slehplija
Came Stteet, opposite the Ng 081cei
tfetebet 8; '
rtrrrsvius, re.
MIAS reMovcd hie office To the south ereat.comei
of Centre and_fdarket greets. one door limas of
Samuel Thompaon'a Stott. Practicing in the'seror
al Courts of Schuylkill aid Coldnbin countieni.
A: DOOL'Elti
HAS removed his offitto to the ist4ce or foils
C Neville. Esq.. opposito the Post Olnee.„ ,
November 26; P i 4 8 — , " ,i.l
, .
• -
/fIFFICt iu tontre itfeet. timiosith 1110 ttcbanti
llotel. Potuiviile.6ept.3„' , —36
Will practice in iffe Courts of Sollubikili coon//J,
March 18, 19
THE anhacriber offers fur aide the strintgrasi , „
Farm." situate halt a mile nom lho'tovin o f
Pinegrovr, euNaining....One Hundred and Filly
Aeree, The Union Comal pasecs through the
property. The Boil is a,s;ndy riper kittonii and
has beer. well limed, -
c" Tho improvements consist. Of
ir n good Two Story Frame Dumping, .4
In ; Bank Dam and aSaw nillc rig& :4 I
good 'powevi
Fur further Information, apply to
Sn4fia!tt ,Furosce. ••
Pinogrove Townahtp, Schuylkill county,:
Oct:tinker 17, isia, • it
. -
8.••• WA ir i
T11:9 • f Oil
ry BOARD 43148 DOLLAR 11:11 DMA
By thtt month on teasonablo terms.
CIIAItLES WEISS 1 rimpriptor;
Alti. 0 Notes third St..
tsw udons Anovn tt-tcn
TO 1101.1S:___
—f- -
23,000 lbs, of Feathers; for sale very lois
id any /jinni ities to suit porcba:
sere Mr cash; at prices from 10, )5,20 and 25 cis;
pee:pound. Ready• made Beds, Holsters, and-
Pillows and curled hair Mattresses, Moss dot
and all other kinds to suit any sized &Ostend.;
always on hand. Coded Hair and New' Orleans
Moss by the halo dr single pound.'
Country *Bore Keepers would fine it to their
advantage by calling on the subscriber belore
South East corner of Second and Walnia Sta.;
Philadelphia. March IS,
I)ESPECTFULLY informs the public !hal • '
be his brought with him from •Mow Yore.
this epilog, d large assortinerit of • , .•
Which he offers for sale at the most modeiate,
Philadelphia wholesale prices," ( freights added; ):
et his ware how, in the 'new , Stone 11,1111dirige,
nest door to his tafera. 41.orste afddition to rats:
vine; consisting of , • , •
Black arid Green Teas, •
Falling-Loa; Saittn grin,. Porto Ride; 4 4 ,Nos!
Orleans Sugars;
Rio, Java; arid St. Dnmiligo Coffee,. : --
Sperm & Conicrioia Eills; Mohasco,
Whret and Yellow S9eys i Tobanco o .
Ifeg and Box Raisins,
Wines and Liquersi front centurion :
quality; • -
A quiutity of - dryad Meift;
Mackerel; from N0..1 to No. ;in guirtir Ng . ;
'and lull bairelS,
. About 300:5aCks Grotind Salt, -
4 1.
GO barrels aupetior Bnm
ceer Ale, &
May 14, - 20-11
• PENNikLVANIA HALL, •, ' i•• A
THEtit -. , .'
public are reliectftilly joie:iced Oat • , ; . .1 LI
sdbacritfcra barre_tahou tide large aisdnoto, A. - k '''l
-„e modions critablobluelaf. teccottl kept .',' ','2,1
i; iv by William G. delmson. To the Cur. “r., , );
i . II mer pintoes oflhis mabtlfahmciit and
- --:-_ the' public generally, the undersigned' ', , ':1
promise to extend all tbereccomtoodafious Mut', ; ', '' . i'
comforter' hist rheutio ant taco Ea eatisrpetokihr i i ',• t
remixed,. whilerindor :he cheree ut Illt-rotkistin; , . , 1
SO.l 'EPII WEAtElle . - • 1
Pottsville, June 11,
THE aubscribers have ou hand, anti r ainCieneiv, - \
log by frecnent arrivals, an assoatilent
GotAssultable for the approacbtog.,,;po) . 4a - gtittog
which are F
Cloths, Cassininres.Yeakinge and Mber gads,
for Men's ure4—Merino. Caasitnerea, Manchester
Stripes, Wore led plaids, and a itartetrof other__
articles for Boys' wear—Monselines delaine - •.$
pact Goitres; Printed Limos, Scotch:, 14in).
c. Also Black dui) golorad Alas, roolar sand
Bijocades ; Sllk Binged TkitheiShawlsi ,
'dosed do., flionketsi guilts - and Wi v
es ii.trolbwit
tI4,IIPLES3 4 SONS. 71 '
Sol; ,d Street, Pfriilo44thia - z -
Nloieb 4,'1643, • , 111,L4trio: i.
RESPECTEULLY info/ mi the inhabiteniSt.
of Puttsvllle end vicinity. that be hal j.
moved in town, and oferials,peofessitinal se;;- . ,
cell in all the medical hiaiphean he fut.blic.
Practicing. he ;Ilontexepitlito systexo. *tor If
requested, the Allow pubic, he boyes,tteln lot if •
experience to Rise , full satisfaction to;:eizthi"inp
will call on He will be ready for ptofeaskin. •
sernecel.t- gm; et hiszcaldence. 1
P, WNW, 31- • •
Greenwood, Dezember 49—If
wacti.mthe DRY GOOD SWBE,
• ICO'. 77 1 7 -2 MARKET STRESt•
oz? Goods fur Cask at .4udiun, Priti a 4o'
.. ..
Irllk:Subscribers hate determ nied to' ionduset theii ••
business Upon the.cASAI Spices, atal eelt their .
Coed, a. low It mot a Lowita GRADE OF IItOIT4 On •
has heretofore been done is Philadelphia':—not one ._
article reduced wry tinc:iff thd espeetatidearpallig ''
it up on other Goods; but theti Paced shaft at4liactlit.-. •' '
Essotauxax,v Low; Their picas Will to tco/13:04_
by the suction Itatesselling at theistriepncei. nett •• -,
..rish,-as she Awationi 430 on pine--ncontenting theta.'
Belies With the Interest t i er the tide Li their Profit. -1
This;cannot but mien a stioniiithiceinint for ta8r....-•
ors. espedially from the' csittntry,aii..?ll ostthere ItS . ;,
preference to purchasing at ho w tea. I
do pallet the time discount. .unleas sheartsil4l4lcb •
a corm* amount; to which /moan it it ad *NOVI
1 convenient for Country' Buyers to purchase it - pia it _
will also aioid the cassitvantago q.btriet b:lttlietlil . , •
aford more Arndt° select, •
• They design to I veil shentseives at outs facilitT, .
n hunt the New -York ii Well as the thilid4ans •
kuctinca, in zaocukkaci Imam cones kT Tuttw, n`
1 We now respectfolOnvitecsar friends and *DOW • ..
lic to the Tiarr es Exigusacc in this insmos.belne. ' •
the.beitsva, to convince them , stt thelettiot 'oft
. tfiltiC ' '
_t ViiNSTOMB 0, ~ ~
Philadelphia. March; 14813. .' ' ~11-4xt. •
DOCT P. 74A.Gt.E-44:
"• ty Ms prof_
zr o triteitizeayog ii s
of rottreilloated irssibed.servkx6 tielmitY
Its *Mee is' at, the corner of blarkifflastit
1 Adana! alive* , 4141116...W.14:
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11-3 mo
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