The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 18, 1843, Image 4

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. ~ ";i '.
:._ ~ il_r
n `
tall , * tiorrhii•way,
Anditinging as ho Chen
The tehistting planets shrink before'
The sceptre of the skies. •
ureillinay regal on burn blue;
AAd satelliles turd
Tan triilhon r fubie mild of bad _
.1 - '.7 1 15* leagues of MO
• On. cm' by whistling spheres of light
fle flaabef and ho Ramey; •
Be tureemot to the left or right,' _ •
lleeslt,rheirt. hot theirmamea.
One spurn from' his demoniac heel •
. • Atm.:posy they. fly,
Where darkness might bo bottled up
And sold for 4 Tyran dye.:"
And inhat v;llllnipPen to. tlio land.
And happenlo the sea./
• If, in the bearded devil's path,
Our earth ahtluld chance to bet •
Fall hot and high the sea should boil,
Full red the forests gleam
- -111stbanght lsaw and beard it ill' •
. a dyspeptic, dream...
I s aw ' a l.
tutort take his tube
The Comet's course to spy,
heard 'a scream ;,the gathered rays
Mad stewed the tutor's eye
leciltid.,-hie curious organ rolled„
, Like a long perished clam,. •
I listenede-all I heard -hint say
Wse ,"partillax" . qd "d—mo. '
I sauna poet dip a • •
Each moment ie a lob;
I• read.upon Our whsrping beet '•
"The dream 'of Beelzebub." • '
' Ile could not See his verses Mira -
Although his brain war fried;
And ever and anon ho ; bent -
Tiiwet them as
Jos* a pillow and a cur—
• He-silently drew near, -
And snatched from off the blackned frost,
-His Master's broiling ear; •
I saw a beggar and, it wolf ;
Eeah watched - theilettitea eye :
Each fainted for his morning meal,
And both were loath ter die. ,
• . 4
eawit'reasting pullet brood
• !, 'hewn' baking egg;
Meaty a cripple scorch his hand
"Eitirignishing his leg ;
I intatiiine geese upon the wing
Toitiriip the frozen pole,
And eiety mother's gosling fell
Crispe.d tot crackling coal.
I saw the:oi that'eroptied the grass
Writhe ip the blistering revs;
The herbage in his shrinking jawo
Was all , a fiery blaze.
4 saw huge fishes..boiled to rags
" Bob through the bubbling waves;
11. livened, and I heard the dead •
All simmering in their- graves!
- .
ilitrange sights!, strange. sounds! 0 ghastly dream!
its merrwij , haunts me still.
The steaming sea the Minion glare.
That wreathed'each wooded hill; •
Strangedirteer thy slumbering couch
Such featful.iisions sweep. • •
Spare. spare; Heine evening , meal,
And ;sweet shill be_thy
'From thelVey, York Journti# t ! ti Commerce!.
Csrr. Siscxxxzrz.--Ic.there • not a manifest
'impropriety in bringing Capt. Mackenzie before ; a
grand jury while yet he is on trial before d Court
Martial 1 Does not the constitution expressly
declan.that no pereon shall "be subject, for limb!'
Ilut.,apart from this, why -such indeceit haste
Will there not be time enough toconsider his case
another Court after the Court - Martial shall have
dispireed of it 1 Do the , enemies of Captain Mac
, kenzie.expect to.cirrytim by storm I Can they
notwait for the usual forms of procedure to be
gene through with 1. . • •
.4134 farther, we will say, without the least die
' perigentent to the integrity of the present inquest,
that 'itWarild be More satisfactory to' the public, if
his case were logo before a grand jury constituted
in the irguier taify, instead of one composed in
part of liilesoien. Voe have no earthly interest ,
is this Matter 'beyond What is-common to all our'
eititeas = but we like to see fair play, even toward
a .040.•iteattestiiinabiy guilty; much mote, in the
case of a,gallant officer, who, under the mast try
' ing eirretrostiorre, sustained the honor of the flag.
and biaowit . honer;andthet of the country, instead
"tient:wring hiniselt atellhe faithful among his
YeeleitS ka d the crew te 'bei,:inassacred, end a na
tional !vessel cotiverteds into a pirate I
• Iltiiirrrr. Tar • Sour or Wrrs—adonel
fd•-•e; of the Royal Marines, was aleraYs
tinguished for tbe. persOicuity,and brevity of his
speeches, of which the following is a specimen,
which was Belied when going into the battle of
. the pale dames tiannarins, who Common.
ded thetnan-okipr to' which he belonged, had, in
a lengthened speech, wound tip the feelings to the
• highest pitch of ardor for_ the night by reminding
*bent of the duty they owed to their king and coon
try; and though, kit, not least, he desired them to
call 11, mind ihrir families, their parents and sweet• .
heartiOind to fight as if the battle solely depended
eirr individudi exertions. He mat answered
by t looks and gestures , higbl, expressive of their
determination ; wben,.trirmig to our hero, he
Said, 0. —.e, I have you to speak to the
mariner. 7 immediately directed
*hair attantion to the lind beyond the French fleet,
d•Do you see that land there!" he saki& They
*II atioeted. .Aye,, eye, aid" i•Now, my bids,
that'' , the land . ,t3f 'Egypt; and ifyou don't fight
Lte del;t4s, you'll soon be in the houte'vr bondage."
erait auitvered by a teal British cheer fore
SCTIOOL Boort —Ge.ography class come op:
Eohrolin how is the State of Maine bounded?'
- •lt's hounded tin the noriff-by Keneobscott, on
' • tit wirtheast by the Boundary Qiieatton, on the
east by Betsy Notia, on the south by the Chi.
nese wall, and on this west by the liltssapisay rs.
'Very hood; describe the soil; nd Climate.
Climate is very . salubrionr, and the soil in.
ellbridUS ; producing urafiense awarins of herpa.
citing animals called-galley nippers. They are
about the size of daddy's windmill, with pudding
lynia tall legit, and kin bite through a file;
; they infest the lima in herds.trequently destroy.'
lug vegetation for whole miles round, and they'
Are taken in' steel, traps by _
the natives, for th e
: purpose of immegrat ion.' -
'Elegant—what•are its productions?'
harrul; bean puddings, codfish, and cot.
' ton pods; also ten penny bails-- sheet iron cod.
4ings 4 and red flenninz sassini!ers.'
"Ezeillent ; take your seat—yang: soon be a
'I3LATE Tea ez. - ..—The attempt from England to
establish the wicked trifio in Negroes. was in the
.reign of Qeen Elizabeth In the year 1562, when
Jelin gawking, fittrd, Out three ship, and made a
7iijiageito the - coastJet.Guinea'far slaves. •-
' : Jiliout the year 060, a meeting of mei:chante
use &Alin geltkat.'inlreland. to farm a company
fortliistrigo. anti stierte progress made in
.' • inariei,abriantain documents in the ease preper
' • sd:for. eiguetiaoAlden One of the. number who
. ...hattibeest, 'a silent spectator, of the proceedings.
• etood up..artil in I torte of solemn d.mision; and
with the strongest emphasis said:—fay the hand
ktagaispirpers [kis inftirnal traffic, be
hkistedkytheßodentagiee--ifte God of the black
,as toellas the whifiratra." The tneettng diaper.
. 5 0 without oigusturea end newer assembled again
- (*.Just non') , gleam,oi the sums bores
e `f i r IPPf - an Reis ..of a - Nbright par Mulm slat,"
of the aanke.• Wait'. is looked upon
' a sign
. 0, the , worm e immediate destiuctit,m.i
INothia2 n event
~, p II t as th
end to e;
*boleti/Ipr •im inhabitants: ,
Mr. Ituattlt.Mtricitv:Vatreut at I,l;aryr‘,
diltitCtiat:placa, on the t Ith ult. • •
. ,
Affeetions "the Livir, Asthma,, Bronchitis,-
Wekknera of the &not or Lungs,
Chronic Criieghs. Pleurisy, Henurrhagrof the
Longs, and ail Offectipoi of the Pasha:at,
A compound Balsamic, preiaration.eif the.
Preens Virgintandot " Wild. Cherry Bark,"
'combined with the !Extract of Tar, prepared by
a new chemical kocesi, approved and recem.
mended; by the mo4t. distinguished physicians,
and universally, ackriowleged the, ntostvaluable
'medicine evet discovered.. ," • - •
No Qtrcr4iriy!!! I Deception.
In setting forth the Virtues of this truly great
medicine, we -have na - desire to deceive those
who are labouring " under affliction,' nor do we
wish to eulogize it ore than it justly deserves:
Yet when we look around and see the vast' a.
mount of sufferitigrand distress occasioned by,
.manyof the diseases in'which this medicine has
proved sd highly succesiful, we feel that we can.'
net urge its claims irt° strongly, or say tou mach
in its favour. •
-,„plite r . dons temediee it is true have been offered,
-andpuffed into notice for the care of diseases of
the Lungs, and seine have no doubt seen found
very Useful, but of;II that have vet been discus.
ered, it is adinitte by physicians and all who
have witnessed its, effects...that none. has proved
as successful as this. Such indeed, are the
Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced stages
oiCoNsuiseriou, after all the most esteemed rem.
edits of physician, have failed o effect any
change, the else of this medicingbaii been pro
ductive of the moat astonishing relief, and ac
tually effected curia after id hopes of recovery
had been despaired cf.'
n'the first stages of the 'disease; termed
tarrhat Consumphon," originating from neglect
ed COLD, it ba4 been used With undeviating
,and hundreds seltnowledge they owe
the restoration of 'their health to this invaluable
medicine alone. lln that form of Consumption
so prevalent amongst delicate young female , '
commonly termed debility, or
- - ,
A complain'. wi ts which thonsaids are linger
ing. n has also Fined highly successful, and not
only possesses thi? power of checking the prog
ress of this alarmtng complaint, but also strengh
ens and invigorates the system more effectually
than any inedicieo we have ever possessed.
Besides its surprising efficacy t in Consump.
tion, it is equally flicacioas in Liter CompiOnts,
Asthma, Broneli;iie, and all affections of the
Lungs, and has eared many of the most obsti:
nate cases, after every other remedy had failed.
frfFor particlar see Dr. Waster's Treatise on
Consumption, to be had of the agents.
7he 4straordinary Sateen
Attending the aid - of this medicine in diseases
of the Lungs, end the Taos singular cures it
has effected, having fully established its efficacy,
and as vr-e have already published numerous cer
tificates from thd bighted authority, which, prove
its virtues beyonl all doubt, we consider it un•
necessary to exhibit a long list of them in this
place, and will only mention a few cases, to show
CV bat it has done.
A Snaraismo Cu - ex.—Among the many sin
gular cures which this medicine has' effected,
there is peihapsleone lb which its , powers are so
fully shown as in the ease of Mrs. Austin.
This lady had been consumptive for" several
years, and during the greater put of this time
had received, thp best medical attention, and hi
ed all the most ) valuable remedies, yet nothing
could be found to arrest its progress. She tie.
came subject to 'violent fitsof coughing, expecte
rated large quantities of matter occasionally tin.
gad with blood,land step by'step this feuful dis
ease continued its course, until all hopes of a re
covery was entirely despaired of. While in this'
distressing situation, lingering upon the very
verge of the grave, she commenced the use of
this Balsam, which to use her own expression,' op.
crated almost like a charm. In a few days she
expectorated freely, the cough was gradually
simpressed, and every day appeared to add fresh
vigour to her looks, and now, in the place of that
emaciated form Withering to decay. she is seen
mingling in society, in better' health than she
hes enjoyed for years, •
Disorraarusto Tstmuorm.—Having witnes
sed the surprising efficacy - of Dr. Wilder's Sal
sun of Wild Cherry, in the cue of Mrs. Austin,
I cheerfully. eeknowledge the above statement
to be true and correct.
Livia Compt-ailer.—Mm. Eliza Thompson:wait'
afficted)with this complaint for nearly five years,
during which time the was under the most skil
ful physicians—litiOried Mercury, Botanic, and
- ilemeepathie remedies, and every thing that a
lerted her any hopes of q•elier. She had dull,
wandering pains in the side, sometimes in the
shoulder end small of the back, a backing cough,
frequent pains in the breast,
and had been una
ble to sleep on the right side for, three yoare.---
By the use of this Balsim, she was cured in a
few - Week!, and remains well to this day;
• WoOdstown Sept. 4,1841.
Dear Sir :—Although your invaluable medi
cine has already found hundreds of powerful ad
vocates, it may still be gratifying to yen to re.
ceive a tommunicatiOn from any one that has
been relieved by it.: Such, Sir, is truly my case.
I have been a victim to that terrible disease
Consutription. for many months, and have suffer
bd so much, that I, had become almost weary of
my life: Hearing your Balsam so 'highly
ed, 1 began taking it a few weeks back, and can
'assure yeti it has' relieved me more than any
thing 1 have ever used before, and j Confidently
believe it will core me effectually. Please give
the bearer the worth of the enclosed; and oblige,
Yours Respectfully,
Chester County, Sept. 6,1841.
Friend Wiatar :=lt gives me much pleasure
to inform thee that my wife's health has improv.
ed,very much since sho has been using pipits'.
sam of Wild Cherry, and we thirik there is no
doubt but it will cure her. She has taken the
two bottles 1 purchased from thee a s b time
since, and her cough is much better. he al
sleeps well at night, and says she has row). no.
linng to give her so much relief. Thee will please
giro the bearer two bottles more fur
Thy Friend, EDWARD 110L:11.
Lancaater Countyoildiy, 19, _ 1841.
Dear Sin—Please send me two bmties of your
genuine Balsam of Wild Cherry. I bevel been
afflicted with Consumption for the last two years
and Suffered very much with a severe cough,
pains in my breast, difficulty of breathing, night
sweats, dtc., and having tiled numerous remedies,
and also been tinder several doctors. vet I could
not find any thing to relieve, me 'mill I used
mime of yaur Balsam. I got one bottle from a
neighbor. ermine who is using it, and 'have found
such wonderful relief from it that I haVeno doubt
it wilt cure me effectually.
Verprespeetfully yours. /lac
'43 Read thajkilni wing from Dr. Jacob Hoff
man, a physician of erstenine practice in' Ilun.
tingdon comity.
Dear Sir. 7-1 procured-one bottle of Dr. Wis.
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Reed,
:Esq., Of this place, and tried-it in 11 ease of °bath'
auto Astlima,on a
.child of Pant Schwebie in
w)ieh min, other remedies bad been tried w ith, '
out aoy.ri{tef. Who Balsam gave sudden relief;
and in my. Opinion, theishild is effectually cured
by its use. I. (fours, &c., •
• .! '3A(X)B. HOFFMAIIt, M. - 11)/ t
December rad, 1841. • .
Our Sir, '
--Tone - Balsam of Wild . Cher* , lute
effected.. so'no astionishing cure; bere.. Ono of
which ii in; old lady. Mrs. Ramie% wbo had been
aerating:for a•long time with shortness of breath
ing, and general weakness, pain
: silo waktioallsi
obliged to keep bee bed. -.Alter iaLlotei citberve.
Medics hid beenseeorted to inmaln, Rho common
red uiffik your Balsam andiftor.taking
- 1
ties, %las so - tar kecoae 'silo be able tit attend
ato all the duties af her oases add odtakinx two
vrai r.
baules mote , 'entirejt caret: . ' '•
''' -
- ° `lillespeatt lliSie -,' ' ::__
.` - f
rottiallia; Pa.: . -, I
• t
1 )
CAUTII9'N.... a Onto is a spioriotii mlature
called eyrwis of ild ChtrrY, parebasera aboutd
be ,very t to ph foe Dr. - 4ifIST 4 SR'S
_BALSAM; and observe bie sigiiattire onitippi4
Preriaied forthe prop etor. nod . Wtld 'at wbole:
sale by Wplianis Chemists, NO. 2i•Mintit
Street. Phdadalpina.
Sold in,rOttaville by B. EICIIIKFLTZ and
'JOHN S.'e. MARTIN,. ind almcilit every
town and village throughout the country.
Price $ 1 00 a Bottle: ,
January T. 1843.
Janis Lasso.
DAsntz. !B.
• 7--
mAHEpleasure in announcint to citizens o
Schuylkill county. that they just opened in
the basement nog of the Town all, on Centre
street. in the Borough of Pottsville, a splendid as
sortment of. k -
NEW; •'; ' •
l ust bentqlg from Philadelphia, where they were se-
ected with great care, anetpurchased tat unusually
ow prices comprising every variety of - • .
Dry Goods, :proems 8, Glass Ware,
.War Quests and Earthen Wore,
Among w i till-lbuly be foand
Simerfsneelmbe of farina* colors and'qualities,
IthaKelack andTancyolored Caliitheres,
— Bauble/a, Flannels, and Woolen Blankets. •
Prints. Leine, Gingham., Motinoesand Plaids,
Silk. Satin, Linen and Laces, •
Canton Flannel, Hollands and Mains,
Marseillesand Valentia Vesting',
34.4-4,1444 Molina, Bleached & Unbleached,
Silk, Cambric, Gingham and - Totton Hantrfs.
New and fattener style Sainmer Cloths,
Cottons des atufßeverteenn.
In fine, a very.general antortrtient of
Gentlemen's Summer Ware,- •
Silk,Cotton, Mohair, Morino & Wors'd Stockings
Ladies t nd Gentlemen's Super Kid, Hoskin, York,
tan, Silk, Thread, Beaver do Buckskin Gloves,
Ladies'Silk, Mohair and Picnic Mitts, dic,
New Chinn*. St. Croix, Porto Rico, loaf and
Lamp Sugars.
New Orleans. Sugar House, and Syrup Molasses,
Tea aid Coffee, of various kinds,
Cheese, Candles, Soap and Vinegar,
Salmon. Herring, Mackerel. Shad and Codfish,
llama, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, and Venison, "
ellivb Oil. Fresh Fruit, and Oat Meal,
'Havanna, Half Spanish and Common Segars,
Soda. Water anal Scgar Crackers, • •
Sperm Oil. Batter, Eggs, and Lard,
Dried Apples and Peaches;
and a great variety °father . - articles, all of which will
bo sold at low prices jar cask or in Exchange for
country produce.
])l' Remember the 'Awn MUSA:ire.
Pottsville. May 14, I- 20—
• r
UjiLoo - . ti• •
On and after, Wednesday, November 2d, 1842
the Passenger, Coal and Freight Trains will
run at the following Hours on the Philadel
phia Reading and Pottsville Rail Road:-
The $ Coal Trains will leave Pottsville be
tweet* the boors of 9 arid 10, A. M., or one gear
ter clan hour apart, and run an to Reading
where they will meet and pass all the op Trains
Coal and Passanger.'
' The first 3 Coal Trains will leave Richmond
between the boors of Si and 7. and the last 2 will
leave die Plane atli and 71: the lst of these last
will chittys hold up beforecrossing the main.
Track t the Falls, until signalled to by the watch.
man that all the 3 Trains from Richmond have
passed op the Line.
TliO Down Passenger - Train will leave Potts.
villo ht 12 M., behind all the Coal Trains pas
sing all the op Coal trains at Reading, and
running past the last at Banmatown, the neat 2
at Douglasaville,and the first 2 down Coal Trains
at Pottstown.
The up Passenger Train will leave Philadel..
phis at 'lO A. M. behind all the Coal Trains, pas.
sing all the down Coal Trains at. Reading, then
running to Pottsville.
The Down Freight Train `wilkleave Reading,
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. at f 3 A. M. passing
all the up Coal aed Passenger Trains at Potts
town. where they will wait for it.
The p p Freight Train will leave the Plane on
Wednesdays and Fridays, immediately behind
the op Passenger Train, to Pottstown, where it
will wait for all the down Coal and Passenger
Trains, which trains will also wait for , it, ancithen
run to Reading.
Leaves Reading on Thursday and Saturday
at 7 A,' M., passing all down Coal and Passenger
Trains at Port Clinton, where the latter Trains
will watt for it.
Leaves Pottsville about 7 P. M., after alLthe
Coal and Passenger Trains are in, and has the
track clear to Reading.
Sapeet Tramp a. P.A. & P. It. ft.
Nover.ber 12. 46
LIPPINCOTT & TAYLOR are 'receiving from
their Wholesale and Retail Store, N 0.24, Man.
ket street, Philadelphia, a later superior Ready Made
Clothing, and whiCh they. are obliged toetTer atdow
prices, in order to dispose of their Winter stock.! and
by selling at reduced prices, it will enable them to
dispose of their splendid assortment of ciotbio ,
the entire satisfactionof4he eustmeera. By ca ug
and examining, you will find full Lined Plain and iv
urel , Beaver Cloth Smoot Coats ,varying in ,pnce
-, :ell 00to 15 00
Superior EnglialkPilot coats, , 1 600 toil) 00
do . Flushing du 2 50 to 5 00
do Blue and Bl'k. Frock Foots 900t012 00
do • do Dress do 900101150
do Grey and Green Cloth Coats TOO to 900
do Moleskin Fmckda Dress do 400 to 500
Also on hand an assortment of Fancy i
Satin Vesta. .. 9 30t04 50
Witl4 a variety of Suspenders, Stocks, and Collars.
&c., all of 'moot, will bo sold to the entire satisfac—
tion of ell that may call, by
. ,
Mammoth Clothing Store,
Comer of Mahantougo and Centre stMet.
P. S.-We are now prepared to accommodate
filleen,mm that 'called on us last Saturday fo
Surtontgoats at their own prices. ' I
Pottiville. December 31,
, .
E. D. EIDHHOLTZ, 'respectfully
.----,? informs thecitizene of Pottsville, and
,- • - Schuylkill county generally, that he
P....-A_ "has opened, (in the store formerly dc.
cupiett by Mr. Slater,) a : general assortment of
.TDrugs, ' . AtedicinetL
Chemicals, Paints, .
Oda,. i - , , Dyes, , . --.,.
Varnishes: . Pally, ,
. . Glass, i ' Spices, , ; ,
'Patent Medicines, ere., 4c.
And solicits a share* of public patronage, nil.
dently assuring the public that every arti le in
his line, shall baler the first quality, and Orel) ,
i ,
genuine. . ',. ;
Haiing served a regular ip'pienticeship o the
businds in ' Philadelphia ; those . who favou him
with a call, cart rest satisfied that he will guard
strictly: , against, all mistakes , and have their med.
icinee pat Fp with the greatest cite and nicety:
Physicians prescriptions attendettto with par.
ilcular,,care, at all hours. Country Physicians and
Storekeepers, supplied at a small advance orfcl.
ty prices. Pottsville, December 3. 49-f
New sallow; itooss.
200 New Cobs'iSpeping &mita
200 do do Ruders No.l
200 do_ dO, 'do NO :2
150 Proits AMerteao Speaker '
50 do ,History of the United States
[5O I .do Grammars -
50 Reith's
• 50 glitehelPs Geographical Keider.s .
?.50 do Geography arid u
, "50
' do' • Primary Geography
Ali of which soldirboletale and retail
at Pidladelptiiii prices` , l4 the lithieriber-
',inane - v - 3% Of, 1813,
• , ' or patraosiiglia. I
capital 8100,000, Paid- r in.
7 ammo eniqrruat.
, • ,
CONTINUE tikmake Insurance; -ptirtname
and limited on every description of property
in town and country °tithe usual favOrable terms' .
Office 1634 Chesnut Street near_ fth street.'
CHARLES N. BANCOCEl4President. ,
Clarks N. Banker, Sanuiet Grant.
James Scott. . Frederick .Rrown,
. • Thmaas,Hart. - Jacob R.salirh
ThoniasS. Wharton, Geo. Pf.Richiirds,
Wigs Wagner. ' Modecot - D.F Lewis.
The Subscriber has been appointed' agent for
th. above mentioned institution, and is now pre.
pared to make insurance, on every description of .
properthat the lowest rates. •
Pottsville, June 19, 1841. L • 25--ly
9 *- "
comity against loss or damage by Me;
Capital .
PANF, make Insurances. either temporaq or
perpetuallY, against Loss or Damage by FIRE, in
town or country. on Houses, Barns, and Buildings of
all Linde. 'on Household Furniture„ r Merchandise,
Horses, Cattle, Agricultural, Commercial and Manu
facturing Stock and Utensils of every description;
VESSLIA and their Cargoes in pint, as wallas Mange..
ges and Ground Rents upon the fivorable terms.
Applications for Insurance, or any information on
the subject ma bentade'either personally. or by
letter, at the Company's office, at- the Northwest
corner of Birth and Wood streets.
_ .
I. Eatnsanssa, Secretary. `• •
Morton McMichael, •Charles Stokes,
7r.Joseph Wood. Archibald Wright.
P. L. Lagucrenne, Samuel Townsend,
Elijah Dallett, Roberttoughead,
'George M. Troutman. 11. W. Pomeroy,
George W. Schreiner.
The anbacriber has been appointed Acourr for the
above mentioned Institution and is now prepared to
make Irrstraerms upon every deliCription of property
at the lowest rates. • BENJAMIN BANNAN
Pottsville, Feb. 27.1841'
, --- Practical Hat and Cap Manufacter.
• - rer, would inform hie friends and
--- - -, \- -the public, that he hes removed his
-5; .--- Cheap Hat and Cop Manufactory
from No.'l326hesnut, street. to No. 129 Chesnut
Street, one door below 4th Street.,North side on.
dor the Auction Rooms of Messrs: Lyon.& Hart,
where he on!l continue to furnish" his justly cel.
ehrated BEAVER HATS, at .the low price of
Four Dollari,and Twenlyfive cents, equal to all
respectr, if not superior to any sold in the City at
95 and upwards. His fine Norm H*rc at 93,50
warranted to be on fine fur bodie ,r far surpasses
any hat sold elsewhere at $4 to $4 50. - To test
the truth of the above misertion, thoae interested
to satisfy themselves, are requested to call at any
or all the other - Wores, previous to calling on the
subscriber, as he, 'is sure that his Hats will be
more appreeiafed when compared with others.
-:-, , C. F. RAYMOND,
N0.,129 Chesnut St, North side,
N. 13.—Country merchants will find it to their
advantage to call on the subscriber. Shipping
Fars wanted of all kinds.
Pbilada., February IS,
PRIME Western Hams, ( cured with and
without smoke,)
Shoulders 44 Sides,
Boston Smoked Beef,
bologna Sausage,
Smoked and Pickled 'Daimon,
Halifax and Massachosette Mackerel,
Strad, Smoked Herring; Coil Fish. dr4.
r sale at E. Q.& A. HEN DERSON'S,
May 28, 22
Old Gl:mie t, Java, Rio, &Taira and Cuba Coffee:
Porto Rico. St. Croix, and New Orleans Sagan.
Imperial, Young Dyson. Poncbong it &clawing Tea
Double and Single Refined Loaf and cmsbed Lamp
Sugar. • ..,' •
Pickles and Sauces..a general assortment.
Red, White. Yellow and Brown Soap.
Wines and Liquors, a full assortment.
Porto Rico, Cuba. Sugar House and Syrup Molasses.
Chocolate, Coco,Starch, Fruit, Rice, 4c.
Can be bought on as reasonable terms as else.;
where of . E. Q. &A. HENDERSON.
May 28 ' . , 22--
Almost every diaease that flesh is heir to may be
cured by the timely use of OAKELEY'S COM
proved satisfactorily to those who will:call'at any of
the stores where invaluable medicine is sold, by
certificates (properly authenticated) of cures perform
ed on individuals who had lost all hopes oftelief—
certificates of Physicians who_ had the most severe
cases under treatment, their patients having taken the
medicine by their advice and been cured—certificates
from the Prothonotary, Clerk of Orphans' Court. No
tary. &c.. stating their acquairtance with persons of
respectability and standing, who having the good of
their fellow men at heart. have voluntarily come for
ward and given a statement of their case and ha COM
for publication, &c. &e. The number ofthese certi
ficates being too great for newspaper publication, the
subscriber has deemed it advisable to basalt copy of
the most important certificates properly authentica
ted, under seal, to be placid atthe stores of agents.
who have the medichhe for sale, Where persons afflic
ted with Scrofula .or Kings evil. White Swelling,
Chronic Rheumatism. Totter. Mercurial diseases,
Eivions of the Skin. Cough of long standing or in
ciment Consumption, sick Head4che, dec, tc, may
have an opportunity of ascertaining the names and
residences Of those who byre been cured by its use,
and who will be willing, if called upon, to give every
information required:
Asa more general evidence that this is no quack
medicine. I' would refer to the names of the follow
ing well known phyliciams, whit[have attested to its
efficacy—Dr. J. P. illietter; Dr. S 4 G. Birch, Dr: Jno.
Ottn, Dr. IL H. Muldebbeig, Dr. J r E. Sorbet.
Sold wholesale and Beall at the drug and Chemi
cal Store of
E. B. EICITHOLTZ, Pottsville.
.1. B. eJ. 11. Palle, M i n er 'villa:, Hugh Kindey,
Port Carbon ; limy Vogue. Orwigabarg.
Januar, 21,
THE subscriber ' would respectfully inform hls
friends and customers, that be has located his
Military Cap ,Mantifactork
In Third, Street, N0.31/1, a'flaw doors bye . Race
where be would be &sued to see his old elastomers
and as many new ones as are disposed to favour him
with their castom. J.lestill'continues to manufacture
Military 3nd Sporunen's articles ofeverydescription.
such *amber, Cloth, Felt. 84 nod Delta Dress
Caps. of all papaw. Forage Gamy Misters for troop
Body do; Cartouch Boles, Bayonet Scabbards, Sword
Belts of all kinds Canteens; Knapsacks,, different
patterns: , Fire Buckets, Passing Boxes, Tube do,.
Bruer and Pickers, Plumes, ,Pompotins,-Firemen!s
Caps, Leather Stocks, Gun Cases. superior , quality:.
Shot Bags, Game Bags„Prumsolte..4'c. •
Otr °niers thankfully received and proMptly
tended to.• WILLIAM CHESSMAN. '
No. 101 North Third SL, a few'doota below Race
PhilsdelPhia, Oct. 29, • „ 44—fan.
PmurrEn SALT-41,50.1 tone of Enact, in.
150 sack, Ground Salt. for ludo tiy
Oct. 29.44 MILLER*. 11490ERT X
—A fresh supply of this celebrated Blediews:
just received and for, sale - by,rhe subscriber, solo A.
gent for the Proprietors. , - . -
DR. Wm.(Evan's celebrated Camomile Pills ,
I'do Soothing Syrup for children.
Raton Hutcheler's. Herb Pills
Doct. Goodie's; Female Fills;
Doct.William Evan's Fevei& Agile Pills.
A ttoct.flunt's ,Botante • - - , r
For ,Dyspeptta; Pertains •Hont's Satanic Pills
are said to hevitiperior to any Medicine irrer yet
offered Lathe Public.. . : ' < -
• A fresh s iipply of the aboye Medicinal!, just
, m'ved.andioreale at the Drug Storiof
We ft 50 -4 • ~ /15fibT S. C...MARTMV. •
'l4lEirsovist 'HYMN - 130010.—A fresh'
supply ? , Alm BargeeFunily Prayers, jUet
gee4ted Ind for saki by
rebilLint 1813,
ELIJAH HAMMER E Treesvrer, in account with
- the Directors of. the Poor and of the House of
• Empleyriest for : the comply of Schuylkill, from
ale lit day of Jaanary, HO; to the lst day of
•,; January, 1843, both days included. •
o bidatice remaining in the hands of the Tressu-+
ier 'from hist year's settlement. • $502 89
To''Casit waived : frills Christian Boy
'. er. Eaq 4 f o r tines .
To cash received from the Commission
ers of-Schuylkill annity t for the use
cf the
. I:rectors of the Pr Of said
trial, op to this date 3 6,000 00
To cash received from John Johnson,
•Jr., for boarding end medical attend.
wee .16r, his wife , •
_ 2 5, VHS, balance do. Elijah
Hammer, Treasures
CE Co 4
By cash paid Steward furt he the use of
Alms House
4 FM dry' toads
flugar;Culfee, Molasses. Tea, Oil, Bpi:
cos, tc, 481 40
Bonham 95 20
Misckamith 68 81
Cedir,, Queens and Earthern Mines 24 12
Books and Stationary 10 81
.Drugs - it 10 88
Medicines 41 24
Tobacco 80 51
Coal 1% 50
Shoemaking 79
1 Stove and Tin Ware - 9D 42
Medical attendance to out door Paupers 27 05
Travelling Expenses 39 28
Dried Apples,' Peaches, and Chanties 13 50
Hired Men on Farm 86 78
• Postage - 2 50
Whiskey * ' 11 10
l Straw Bench 8 75
Plaster of Paris 37 ;dr
Road Tax for 1841 end 1842 57 45
605 Bushels Rye • 421 40
10 Barrels Flour . 63 25
Out door Relief ' 408 35
Wheelrights 7 00
Attending Hospiial 51 22
School Teachet 92 68
One Horse 70 25
Printing ', 52 38
Pounces 38 72
Bedsteads' ' •23 . 50
Copper Kettles 12 19
Bacon 23 34
Beef 27 45
20 Head of Steers 345 00
Carding, Fulling Dying and Weaving 34 60
2 Wheelbarrows - 7 00
1 New Wagon 57 50
Preparing Bake Oven at Tavern House 800
Elizabeth Shoemaker 1 year dowry on
Poor House Farm
Brushes and Broom
Freight on Merchandise
Surgical Instruments
Board and Medical Attendance on Pan,:
pert in Philadelphia: A. H. Blackly 480 00
Materials, Labour, and Mechanics to
New. 'Hospital
8-3 m
Doctor George Halberstadt, 1 year "er
•ice" u Surgeon to the Howie and
out door Physician for the year 1842 100 00
Doctor S. R. Medlar, services as Phy
sicianito House for the year 1892
George Body, late Director 1 year
salary . 20 00
Do ' F t ztnt &nice' - 18 00
William Bock I year salary as Di.
20 00
Da Extra Services 24 00
George Delbert, l year allay as
20 00
Do • Extra Services 28.50
- • - 48 50
Charles Focht put of his salary asCrk 160 00
ENO Hammer, salary ss Treasurer for
843:—8y banes duo Ai Le Treallurer
as pei report of Auditors 168 61
We, the subscribers, Auditors of Schuylkill
county, having examined the aeconnt of the Trea
surer of the Directors of the Poor of the House
Of Employment for the county of,Schuylkill, re•
spectrally do report the foregoing Statement, as
the result of onr investigation, and that there is a
balance in favour of the Treasurer of One Hun
dred and Sixty-Eight Dollars and sixty one cents.
Witness our hands this 3d day'of January, A.
D. 1843.
• ,
WILLIAM GRIMM Steward, in account with
the Oireetere.of the4Poor and of the Haase of
Sipformat: for the county Schaylkill, from
the let day January.A. D. /842, to the let day
January, A. 111843.
,• DR, ',__ •
To cash received from Elijah Hamster, Treasu
rer, for the mete( the Alms House $443 75
Elgsb:HamMer,Tressurer, for year's
salary .
Rent from George Kaufman, John L.
Smith, end Samuel Heebner' 180 671
Hay 45 55
Cancelling, end Waiting indentures 13 00
On - account of a House sold 25 00
Corn 9 80
Teaching Children not belonging to
House C '
Blacksmith' Work
Pastore •
Cabbage '
Paupers '
From Henry Bassiman in Poll for board
and itiedieal attendance taa Ftedmick
1843-4soctuy 31--T4 Bo eri c a
lly•Cash paid linedlbleis and Clerk $177 27
Constables' Pees hi bunging Paupers , •
tillotwe • ' 81 92 :
. _
Labor in na3msaung and Muscat - 62' 471
TrOslling Expenses snd TO 63 461
Tailor work • 21. 80
Attending Hospital ail Sick; ' 40 t7'
Rrlik io oni door Paupers' 1, p 17'24
linechei f - , ' 13 00
Boolta'indfitatienary" . 3 ' 874
Fish* $ it*
• - 67 88
Veer, • ' t! .
Rya ?rani"' : 714
Making _
Pgliey 4suraPiti: 1•. x-00
Postige ; - ' 36 -
Recording Henri Presei Died p 75'
Medicines $ SO L
. 11 0-aseld PlClolAtilkWill'oBo2llo2rl XI
e; yowls
1 68
11 56
$6686 74
525 00
547 89
51 97
IQ 25
12 00
19 83
2 00
1643 39
80 00
X 6686 74
$B3O 33
349 44
$11.79 16
- Casts
Board, and Iktedirat- attendance ' . - On a
Pill* in Penneyltsais fleapits! tot
the Insane
School:Teacher ..., •
Attorney Fee • • •
Quarrying Stone for New Hospital
Cabbage Plaque sad Corn BroOmi
Iron for New Hospital . 7 . / •
Brisket* and Mountain Tea
Gardener_ •
Bacon • V, 1-1 1 t
Freight on Merchaedite on Railroad
Removing Paupers ill the their plate of
By 3 months service as Steward
• from Ist to lit April; 1842 St 25
months genic* as Stew
ard from lat'April '42, to let
January '49
943 1 -Jan. 3-By balance, due the,
%mind 1 349 44
Paupers remaining in Ihe-House the lat day of
Janaary A. D. 1813.
Males , 51
Males under 12 years 12
Females 24
Females under 12 years 13
Out door Pimperi ' 4
Paupers airmilled Into . the House from the let
day of Jasiiito,y A: 1. 1842, to the Ist
day of January. A. D. 1843. '
Males I
Females 1.
Fatuities bor n
in the Hansa
Whole number
Males discharged and absconded 103
Males, died' , Ar y , 17
Females died 5
Females discharged and absconded
Females born in the House • 1
Out door Paupers 4
Bound oat 2 boys and 3 girls 5
Remaining 100
Whole number 259
George Eirgood, to Frederick Gensler, of West
Brunswh; Township, Schuylkill county; Hugh
B. O'Neil, to Edward T. Taylor. of the Borough
of Pottsville ; Sarah Hunt, to Robert Castles, of
Turbut Township, Northumberland county; Tam
ay iunt, to Thomas Gain!, of Derry Township,
Columbia county; Charlotte ,Weily, to P. Horn
ing of Orwigsburg.
51 pair Shoes, 92 Shirts, 39 Sliemise, 88 pair
Pantaloons, 27 Roundabouts, 4 Yeats, 62 Frocks,
12 Petticoats, 40 Aprons,44 Bed Sheet, 10 Bage,
8 Sup Bonnets, 6 Bolsters, 11 Chaff Bags, 32"
Pillow Cases. 17 Bed Ticks, 6 Towels.
Ry 8240 bushels. Wheat‘lss bushels, Oats 890
bushels, Corn in Cobs 408 hishels, Potatoes 1300
bushels, Hay 67 four horse loads,
.Onions 17}
bushels, Cabbage 2125' heads.
1186 pounds Butter, fattened on Farm and
Slaughtered 15 Steers, weight 8173 pounds, Hides
1165 pounds,)Tallow 518 pounds, 1 Cow weight
456 pounds/ Hide 62 pounds r 9 Hogs, weight
2836 pounds, • bard 465 pounds; 11 Calves,
weight 787 pounds, Hide 118 pounds; Raised 44
pounds Woob
6 Horses, 15 ) Cows,0 Steers, 1 Bull, 4 Heifers,
10 Hogs, 11 Pigs. 17 Sheep.
38 00
We, the Subscribers, Auditors of Schuylkill
county, having examined tho account of William
Orloff, Steward of Schuylkill county Alms Home,
and respectfully do report the foregoing Statement
as the result of our investigation, and that them is
a balance in favour of William Grieff; Steward, of
Three Hundred and Forty-nine Dollars and forty
four cents.
44 00
Whom out hands this 3d day of January, A,
D. 1843.
25 00
March 4,
Eitra Hair Cutler, in . the Basement Story of
the Pennsylvania Hatt, opposite the ,
Miner? Bank.
FrIHE Physiological Hair Cutter, and Ecstatic
_Shaver, has opened at the above mentioned
place, Hawkin's new • system of Cutting amide,.
men's Hair '
by which its luxuriance and beauty
is rendered truly ornamental. The design , and
execution differ entirely from the usuarpractice
of Hair Cutting adopted here, and commends it.
'self by the exeedtuon and gentleness with which
the operation is performed. By the beau monde
it has been denominated a scientific amend weth.
er for the Pulpit, the Bar, the Senate or the State,
its elegance and classical arrangements will tidd
dignity andgrate. - to the wbuld contour of the
La Fete amine. All anise who will favor him
with their custom, be feels notifident that satis
faction will be given.. ..
B.—Razors boned in a superior manner.
A. Hiwkins is ready to perform for Cotillions,
Balls, and Parties, at private houses.
Deceinber 31,
81 25
J UST received in addition to former Supplies, a
general assortment o f
Moluines, '. . Oils, and Tarpentine,
Chemicals, /Aye Buffs,
Patent Medicines, Varnish: S.
Perfumery, - Glaufma 749 10 1 / 4 2 417
Together with every article . ha his line, while he
offers Or sale, at ;t small advance, and solicits the at
motion of Physizians and country dealentgenerally.
' . • - JOHN t 3. C. MARTIN. •
fgr.. Particular attention give; to Physician's Pre
=nations, at all hours.
November 26.
10 09
8 48
8 98
2 60
1 60
6 'OO
grt C. WILLIAMS, Dentist, mart rsspectful,
ly infiirnis his friends, and the public gene
erally, that helai removed his office from No.
38 North 4th street,.to No, 120, Arch Street, let
door below. Sixth street, South sides where he
will continue the practice of DENTISTRY, in
all its different branches, AU operations perfur.
mod on the late and,most approved principles.
Philadelphia, Vecember.l7,
i:JU.ST owned for the SenaGl of the Poor. by
selling at Seduced, prices and for casti, at .the
• old Post Once Istria 4, Centre atreels %Tashi) 11 44-
ket street.
By calling and eaamtng you will find the Pri
nes to suit the Time&
Pennine. November 46-:.
PIANOR*--The Subscribers hest
been appointed Agents by the New
York Manefacturum Co. for the sale
of their celebrated .Gsa ad Aet ion Pi
anon, of either Rosewood or Mahogiiam specimen'
of which can beaten by applying td - - -
December "P.:& J. BEATTY. •
rrEAS.4-50 bases Sonchoig and'Po7liorig The,
•"" received mid'foreale by '
Ort. 29;:4,4=-.> • MILLER & ElAGGicrx•
Settoote Oglgr"-Villefekili: andl retail a
Philidelphia'prices, for plc by '
A so
50 'OO ..
4 42
10 00
27 26
3 40
15 25
0 72
9 311
1I 151
900 00
281 25
-$1179 76'
1-3 m.
,100 Pine Stied, corner South Sired.
. • •
. s THE Subscriber, ft's lease to call
Ta.,, the attention of hi .. t.uris and A e
rzy ji Piddle in, general, le. thefullowing - •
-. ' arrangements for 4 11313, for 'the put.
poseur Winging out Cabin, Second Cabin, and ,
Steerage Passengers, by the bellowing' •-- .• •
' -.Repast Packet Ships to and from Livetrot.j,
, 'Shipp' , Captains Days of Sailing from -
Names. . - f - New York...
-G.AVaribington, Burrows, Jane 7 Oct 7 Feb .7
United States Britton a • 13 a 13 • 13 ,
Garrick Skiddy - '•25 a 25 .4 , SIS
Patrick. Henry Delano July 7 Nov 7Mu -
Sheffield Allen ' . 1 IS ' .13 a..
Reschke . Collins • 25 1 '25 ' 2S .
Independence Nye , it . Ang 7 Heil 7 A. l l 7
lit/gimp Allen • .13 6 . 13 a : -13'
SiddoW • .lE.Cobb' '' 25 ' 25-' 4 25
Ashburton ' Huttleaton Set:o7Jan 7 M'y 7
Ste'n Whitney Thompson . a • - 13 •' 13 -.:13 ,
ipieridan Deportee - ' 25 '. 25 '. •
DUI of Sailing. front
i • . Liverpool.
G. Washington Burrows Ju1t3.5"N0v2551. 1 r25
United States Britton Aug"' IDee lAI 1
Garrick Skiddy a - 13 " 4 13 •' 13
Patrick Henry Delano • '- 25 a 25 •25 •
Sheffield - Allen - Sept IJan. 1 M'y 1';""
Roseitia Collins • • 13 ''l3 • 13
Independence Nye a• 22 '-25 4 25'
Virginian Allen Oct .'.l Feb 1 rce 1
Siddous , k, Cobb„ ' 1 13 a 13 1 .13.1
Ashburton Huttleson ' 25 • 25 * -25
Stein Whitney Tho'mpicon Nov 1 Mar 1 J'ly L -
Sheridan' . Depeyster ,a - 13 - 1 13 4 , U.
Atgular Pocket Ships to and from . Lond o n.
Alps' Captains Days of Sailing Wm'
Names. .. ' , New 'Yolk. .
Mediator Chadwick Jane 1 Oct 1 Feb 1
Wellington Chadwick ' 10 1 10 ' 10 •
Quebec Heberi , '20• 1 20 • go'
Philadelphia - Hovey July 1 Nov 1 51 1 r .1 4,
Switzerland Chadwick • 10 • 10 • 10 ``"=`'
H.Pildson Morgan .... 20 '2o' 20
Ont'ario Btadish Aug 1 Dcc 1 A'l '1
Toronto Griswold • •10 ' 10- 1 10
Westminster Moore '- a 20 • 20 -' 20
St. James • Sebnr • Sept 1 Jan I May 1
Montreal . Tinker • 10 .• 10. • Ift
Gladiator • Britton 'a • '2l:lp nk
2tY 1 20 - ,'
, Days o sailing tru
London,- .
Mediator Chadwick July 11 Nov 17 51 1 r 17
Wellington , Chadwick • 27 ' 27 '27
Quebec . . Ireberd Aug 7 Dec 7' Ail 7. •
Philadelphia Ikwey • 17 • 17 ' 17
Switzerland Chadwick • 27 ' 27 a 27
H. Hodson.. ;: , Morgan .501- 7Jan 7 May 7
Ontario ir.o . l3radi.h ' 17 ' 17 • -17
Toronto Griswold ' 27 • 27 a 27
Westminster Moore Oct. 7 Feb 7 Prier 7
St. James SObor • 17 • 17 • 17
Montreal- Tinker • 27 • 27 ' 27
Glaniatur Britton Nuv 7 Mar 7 J'ly 7
In addition, to the above Regular Linea; a nom.
bar of Splendid New York built Yransient Ships,
such as the 'Adirondack; 'Scotland, 'Russell
Glciver,' and 4E64:4' will continue-to sail from
Liverpool weekly in regular Succession, thereby -
preventing the least possibility of deten:ton or
delay in Liverpool 1 arrd for the aceoniniodi 'on
of persona wishin,, to remit money to their in..
dies or fiends, I have arranged the pavme .. ot ,
my Drafts on the following banks ; . ~
' ' The .Ulster Bank, and branches .
IRELAND. ( {The Provincial 'Bank 'do.
•The Natiodal dank. do.
All Drafts payable at eight,' at cither.of the a-
boye banks; their bra nelicm or agencies.
Messrs, Spooner, Atwood &Co'
ENGLAND. hankers, London.
P.' W, Byrnes, Esq. Lieerpnol.,
Passengers_ can also b.: engaged from Liver
't"To Philadelphia, Boston, and Baltimore, by
the regular packet ships, on application being
made personally, or by letter, ( post. paid, ? ad
dressed to - 1
100 Pine street, corner*Sonth:-•
AGENTS.-Tln Pottsville, Benj. Bantien, Ertl..'
In Lowell, Rich. Walsh,' &sr
In Albany, T. Gough, Esq. . -
In Newark. John AlcColganr. .
in' Toronto, U,, C., Roger • and
~ Thompson.
I al.o beg leave to assure my friends and the
public in general, that the greatest punctuality
will 1w observed in the sailing of the above ships.
together with all others which I may have, and
that passengers wit! experience no delay on their
arrival at the different port; where they mean to
Embark. ,
P. S, —Free passage can also be secured from
the various ports in Ireland and Scotland from
which steamboats ron to Liverpool.
• 100 Pine street, New York.
Gives drafts in sums to suit Applieants; on the,
Provincial Bach of Ireland, payable at
Cork Banbridge • Limerick
Ballymena Clonmol Parsontown.
Londonderry Down Patrick " , Sligo
Cavan Wexford • Lugar': • •
Belfast Omagh Waterford
Galway Dungannon Bandon
Ennis Armagh Ballyshannon
AtSlono Coleraine, Strabane,
Kilkenny Dungaraan Ballina 1
Mallow Tralee Monoymnre .
Kilrush • Monaghan. •
Errotattm—Sparmer, Atwood Co.. Bankers,
London, payable in every town in Greatilritain•
P. W. BYRNES, Esquire, Liverpool.
Ctrs Gzsisraaw BANE, Payable id every
town in Scotland.
Now York. January 21,
John Geeite `and Da.l• „ In the Court orcom.
vid Greenaw.slt, l men PleasofSchuylkill
na ' County, of March many,
Sebastian Millei,-the .1841.-1-Nn. 18.
Heirs ofehrastian Ley, Writ' to make -Parti.
deceased, and others, floe.
In this case the lands were 'sold by the Sheriff
of Schuylkill county, under .an ' order of Sale,.
made by the Court, iknd the sum of $1313„ being
the proceeds of the sale of that portion of the land
which belonged to Christian Ley in his lifetime.
hoe been- paid into COurt. and the Court have ap.l
pointed the underiigned to ascertain and report
to-Court who are'entitled to receive the said sum
of 81 3 9 2 , and upon' what 'grounds they are eriti.'•
tied to it, All persona making claim to any por-
tion of said sum of money will therefore please to •
take notice that the undersinged will attend at
the - house of Joseph Haogliawent, in the Bor..
ough of Orwigaburg, on Tuesday, the .41st, of.
March, 1843, at 7 o'clock P: M, for the purpose:
of receiving the evidence- of their respective .
February 2S;
TEAS..—T.& J. Beatty have just received from
NetvYork,e large supply °rebore° Green aria Blace,'
December ;a • 52.. • -'•
Ji l-P of this highly celebrated Salve for sore and '
inflamed Eyea—just receive/I and for sale by
: JOHN S C. MARTIWS Drog Store.'
January 28, 1843,. • --
- IS given to the that a Young Ladies'
School. of a eupcnor charge lermill be opened in :ilia -
Borough of Pottsville. about the 'the* of April nem , . A,
A more full advertisement will berealler be givaq,-
with the reeominendationa and 'references.
Feb. 111; • •
•ipoEASEIS icipply or 'Peale
Ceogh Candy, just received frota the Wholesale
Agent. Philadelphia, and for sate at MARTIN'S',
DvuiStore December 31, • ' 1-
, WHIPS CANES—Just • ieceived and Of
, U
v sale an assortment orGig, Blakey. and riding
Whips.and Walking Canes:
March W.1,2,-- . JOHN S. C. MARTIN.'
pßillrrEileo 9 INK,—In 12 and: 23 !hi. Kege,'il
Philadelphiaprices,for sale by
March 12012-.• . , • It.ll/11q1V01 '
•• . .
VD OT ASH, - -4itiereeiiii4 and. ror is at the".
' Dreg Store or '1- JOHN S. C. MARTIN.
December 31, ' • "
• - _
& LAGUARI COFFE6-;450 bags
.ceived for sale by
, MILLER, & itAccEtrtr:
CIAILI3I.4IIT Rildf.DY—lVarreated, a' earls* '
,core for frosted fed and hands, sold only whole-,
adastal mail et EIeIIIIOI...TVB Dew Thig&Cbeak-
Cal Slate, Petatville. Pa. .7 . 4wi1ay17, 2