The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 18, 1843, Image 3

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,~..,.:~,..;;; i
On the 13th int. by Rev. B. 11._ .. Eve . n .. 1;_ z ltfr u .C .t h y, na
mt , Bnowte. of::.Belknont. to Nuts Ara Of
?yew Phila4e10111!::: , .
='tsar matkct
'wheat Flour„pr Bb1•638111133.con, - per lb. 6j
Rio do • cwt. I,3llTork„ 41
Wheat. , bald 90 prima, "" 10
flye. , • "• • 621 Potaton, bush! 25 '
Corn. • " 40 !Platter, • ton- 4.50•
Hats. -' • " - 27 'Hay' • 15.0).
Eggs, • dos 10 ' Timothy edi bcsl- 2,50 '
Hop, lb 121 Clover :5,00
((Rowing question will be discussed on'Thuisday
iTening •' !s the female' sex equal to the uralises
in intellectual pourer and capacity?"
Aifirmative—John • C..Nevitle, Moses T. l Sweeny,
John M. Croslan&Benjsmin Haywood, C. S. Foster,
Jacob For' lflt
' , Negative—John H. James. Wan. 4 1}. 11. Russell,
Robert dl Palmer, Tbomart Fostir,
Isaac Severn.
' Jos. Bowwq, FOXy. 1- - March-18
SMOKED.MEAT.- Hams and Shoal.
dens, good Meat and well cured, just receisa
and for sale, by SMLYMAN & CO..
, t March 1/a. It 12--
FEATHERS.—Just received and for
sale, a lot Feathers of excellent quality, by
'Me rch 18,
COMMON OIL.-A Trcah supply Crun
mon tra). for sale by SjfAtIrMAN &CO.
March 18. . , • 12'4___
pradiee in the Courts of vounly.
March . 11R. •
One two story Brick House in Coal
Imes Street, with Kitchen attached.
1 ,--• One two story Stone Haase, lo
Mahantongn Street. .lately recopied
by Ur. Steinberger., One adjoining the above,
at present occupied_by the Miss Pons'. • •
One Frame House in Lyon Street s at present
Occupied by 3 Zoeller.
For further particulars apply to ths•imbacribei.
, • 12.—.3t
Pottsville, hiatrth JA,
25.000 lbs, ofFeathers, for sale very low
in any quaniities• to ink purcha.
sees for cash, at prices from 10,15,20 and 25 cis.
per pound. Ready made Beds, Misters, and
Pillows and curled 'hair ;Mattresses, Moss do,
and all other kinds to suit any sized ftedstcads,
always on hand. Cutlet-111am and Ne'w Orleanit
Moss by the hale or single pound.
Country Store Keeperit would •find'it I,n 'Their
advantage by calling on 'the subscriber. .belore
_ _
Snuth East corner,of Second and Walnut Sts';'
Atq•rh IS, • 12-3mn.
Venders of Foreign 11lerchnoelize.
"WOTICF: is. !Mir give-Fr flirt the Asstriee
. 411 Judges and Couitirt.sioners of Seim!lk.ll
county , ' ill meet nt the Commissioner.' (HBO in
OrwigsburE, on Fu day the 31. e day of March,
113,43,nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon. fir the riur.
pose 'of cla.sifying the usual venders of Foreign
Merchendile within the county of•Schuvilfrill, a.
grccahly to Law. at which time and place /all in
terested may appear and show •the amount of
their annual sales during the previous year.
GEORGE :11105F*,
PALMER, ;.1:.:-ociaic Jaulze.
-;Maych 181. ' 32
LEY.--Ikauttes ot the Rev. 'John %Vista.
selsele.d froitilis works, together wi(f: a Meninir
of hie Lire. containing 214 pages; for only 16..
cents—lbr sale by - B. BANNAN 4 .-..„
. 'March 122';
A : The subseriber has Jost received en elegant
assnriment of I new Spring 'Patterns of Paper
Hangings, for Parlors. Halls, Rooms, , tngcth.
er with a ehotee assortment °flit - tutor., wht ch.
will be sold at greatly reduced prices fur cash,or
on short credit,
The public arc respectfully requested to
4 nnd elle mine his oficortfrientlls ho ts det,,rruin
vd to sell at prices to suit the times.
March 18.
To the Free and indepen4nt Elec
tors of Schuylkill Couniy.
liAviNa been solicited by a large nbmber.
of my friends, 1 am tnductd to efferinpelf
.es e candidate, at, the ensuing elee.tion, for the
office of . ,
Should I he so fortunate as tolreceiCa a tusj•irity
of yonr votes I will parrot:in the duties .
or that
office impartially and to the best of my ability."
West I..trunss,i.
March 18,
To the - Free 'arid Independent Eke
- tors of Sehuy !kit! County.
AT the eau:est solicitation of a number of Iny
friends. I have been induced to offer mvs If
as ■ candidate for the office of
At the.ensuing electbo. Should, you pro
per to, elect, m_4,, I pledge myvelf to perform the
duties .1 raid offipe; to the best of my ability.
March IS, ' 12—
nthe Fretand Intlependent Flee
' fors of Schtiilkill-Connty.
FELLOW . CITIZENS:-...At the. earnest soli.
citations of a number of my friends, I have
concluded to offer myself as a cairdidate , for the
office of
SHERI . ,F*F •
At the enacting election, and respettftilly i ltellicit
y'our votes.' Should I e'elected, I pledge n4selt.
to peflorm the duties of the office to! the best of
iny abilities. •
Match 11,
To the Electors Of . Schuyltilt - Co.
urgent solicitation of a ,number my friends.
Fl am induced to offer myselfae :a candidate for the
office of
S-H E Rtf F
At the ensnini election. Should you think proper to
elect me. 1 ptedgerhyself to perform the duties of the
Orme tothe best of my abilities.' '
Muth 11,
To the . free and JUiliTendint Elec
tors of Schuylkill Counly.
FELLOW CITIZENS f—At the earnest 'soli
citation of a , riumberEgf my fellow_ei tteen .. I
hate been induced to offer myself as a candidate
Or the office of •
At the ensuine,election, and respectfully solicit
your suffrage. Should Ibe ao furtunate-as to be
electer to said office. I-will endeavor to perform
the defies, thereof to yea r entire satiotectrcn.
Your fellow . citizen.
.301 IN NI. ItlCkEt.
, .
To tfie tleetors of Schuylkill Co.
-Mg been aoliciled by a namberaf my friends, I
tin induce:it° offer myself aa - a CanOidate,at the neat
General Election for theofface of .
• SHERIFF. • •
Should I be sofortudato as to receive a majority
of your votes I pledge myself to perform the duties
of said office withfidislit ( y to the best of my ability. -
• - • • JEREMIAII•
fisitatill4Mariti - i" • lo—te
OMNI - D. ,
'D its healing -streams. now ..gnshing fortjg A
rilbant star has arisen in the East. act& now
ling thousands 'mai 2ENEwED IlEALTII; LONG
That Star is
These pills. let al3, ondennand, dire disease bit a
pow,er peculiar onllyio itself; which Inatantircheika
the action: and progress 'of -disease.':forltheirimm
meeccfnent ismuch alike. (Which is•when the
aro so far depraved. as to produce obstructions and
sores) that one' medicine. provided it be competent
to produce mektiersovrill be all tharis neeensaryfor
removing disease, andrestoring
to mankind. Let it likewise be remeiebered,rhat
theie, no medicine now in existence possessing
etmil healing powers; and that Act' Tegetable;or Any
other kind of physic can sc soon restore health, when
lusts even in cases the most inveterate.:
The action or these pills upon the bowels, are
rolid;-pmdusing - no griping pains or debility, but ort
the contrary , after they have operated, you feel that
a load of irritating and corrupt humors havebeen
taken from - you, and the buoyant feelings of health
spririg up in their place; and what is another, great
object in these pills, they are always safe„they may
be taken•cin all occasions,and under any mrcarn•
stanhes, without regard to te name of the Sisease,.,.for
they operate upon every part of the body, and expel
disease from whatever part it - may be seated. Every
person who possesses a box of these pills
for. in them h‘can find a cure, and confidently.rely
upon a speedfrestomtion to health;
Id German , the land Of their healt h;
pertions have experienced their berinficialeffectsigad
the thousands who have used.thein h'c?e, speak of
them in the highest hi terms, on hecormeof their sato
firen:perties t
joyful hews of ;health and comfort, spreads
front those who have' happily used,
and they ixikv prevail by their own excellence, and
the rower of Truth.
pd why, we • may reasonably irquire, have they
bee /toe so endeared to !dolmans of those who have
nrOd them. and by them gained such a popularity 1
Simply because their action upon the
VVIB ins the sun and rain upon vegetation, giving new
life io all who partook of its happy influence. As,
the flesh h of theidetnedependS mbein'the sap wh , ch
citclatca through its branches. Ito the life and health
or l atankind depends upon the bleed which flows
through his veins. And when this sltsi fluid,
is rhp.i. neceeigin , "to the-growth and support ol the
hedt, by some unknown cause becomes loaded with
moi id and
- I con Ft tiPT • HUMORS,.
so that instead of niduriihing anti strengthening the
body,' it labors to produe obstructions in the-system.
which engenders disease, have recourse to:a-medicine
thai4rirfectly safe in every, disease, and that will
produhe. a favorable termination, if given early in the
nov11 , 14'0;11'0 - 0 ently In a few boors and most always ,
in a ew days, that medicine is ,
Dr. Reichttes Wrotiable Pilbr, ,
which so throughly cleanses the blood and system at
larget that diseaseof any kind cannot, possibly exist,
where . a a.
.tire fina thezr Presence,
prov'dcd nature is not beyond all human assistant...
The price of these pills is 25 cents per boi. with
full directions, and can be had at the
Philadelphia it &ad Hall,
established for the appremon
of Quaoerg.
at theqtortheast enrner of stare and ttacz street*--
)iliewise of sub-agents. 4 •
Gneratzt.n. Pa.:bet,lo. 1812. •
Dear Sir : von doubtless remember my calling et
your establishment about ewe weeks since, and ob
taining trim yeti one dollar's worth, of DR. RIECII
one of my'neighbors who requested me to proente'
the article for them. This being done and my own
business transacted,' started for borne. After travel_
ling all day, I was taken with a sudden chill, which
left me with a violent fever. head-ache, and consider-
able mit. throughout my whole system, with great
sick OC*9 at my stomach, which so completely disen
ablrd me tint( I was compelled to stop at a small lon
on tiled:m(l for 'did' and rest. Upon inquiry, they
had nothing that could possibly afford me. relief.
.While!yet is misery, for I never was so ill in all my
life. litappity thr.tgbt of your pills. and resolved tti
open ore boa 1.1.p0n my own account - and ,seek relief
in theth, I took OA of Them' drank a:'waltti cup of tea,'
and retired to bed:. My paiffhete ceased to a measure.
and I ) soon fill sound asleep.s 'ln the morning I
nwoke much better, and after the pills ,Itad operated I
was quite n different person ; took another dose of
four pills, remained there ell Bednesdav, and on
Thur-day started ler home as well as ever, and 'I still
et4ey.4ood health—the parsons for whom Vbooght
them.interms me that they have experiencedimore
betve4 from-your pills thane whole cert.:Wad of the
quaciorwhich they had formerly used. Surely,irthey
used tfieiri with - as good nn e ff ect upon themselves as
I Live', they' lin 4 re good reason for ettoling their vir
tues ; and if yotitsiA my -advice, , you.wilLperseveree
go on and recommend, them to all who are Itborieg
under disease. and ply 'worth 'tor it, they will become
so popular as a general.. rimedy that you will find it
difficult in supplying the deniand.
(Signed) G. W. GRANDON,
' 'Greenfield.
Thenbove Medicine is sold in Pottsville el ill
Store of
- 1 ' CLEMENS &
•Pottsville, March. 'lBl3. I •
B. BAN* N.
. 12-
`Estate of George Rebp., Elq.,ileceosed.
OT!G.F: is hereby given, that the Auditors.
I lieppointed by the Orphan's Court di 'Echos!:
kill county, to.examine the accounts of -Levi Re
ber, one i.f the Executors of the last will and tee
tami:nt of Cleave Reber, Esq., deceased;wifl at.
tend to the days oftheir appointment, on Mon
day, the P 3d of April, 1843, at 2 o'clock, P.. 31:, nt.
the office n( 6T. A. Dooley, Efg, in 'the Borough,
of Pottsville. ' .
• .
N. A. DnOLEY. "
hfarefi 11.
!NOTICE., , • ,
Tlil El I . ..sect:Rona of the late estate' of Robert Mc
,Derniot,.tivit notice, that they have appointed
Mr. Andrew Russel, sole agent for the properties
known las the SALEM Vatl - v and BEA*.Ritin. MI
rents nnw, or hereafter telbecoine doe, toast be paid'
to Mr! Russel. who alio is alone authorized to con=
tract for work to be done nn theproperty.
GEORGEtHART, tzecutcrs,
'To the estate of Robert McDerinut.;
March 11,
L OC, A T E 0 in the Sproul of Pottsville
Schuylkill county. Pe.,' is n t excelled by II-
ny other in facilities forpbtainiogwariety ofores.
Limestoi.e, andiCoal.ilieing lacceSsible by Canal
and Rid Roads to within a few ykids of the stack.
The furnace end machinery is in such 4 state of
preparation, that a small
ffi emountl Of outlay, would
0 ; :,
be sufficient to put it in blast i ' a few weeks. . 1
The enthendicated . accounts f the great im-
I provements-end t..-trecirdinary ualitiek of the I.
,run produced by Anthracite C lin Wale,, holds
Out strong guarabtees for safe e d profitable in
The proprietor not having he requisite it..
mount of capital to keep it in blast, is desirous of
having some person to join him, who would take.
a 14 or 2.3 interest—or he wiled case or sell tbe,
`whole property on such terms eel will be kiund
For fnrther particulars. apply to
Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa.
. January 28. 1843,
Tilk-auhscrlbeHr hating-leased one- of the ler.
gest and must commodious wharvos at Port
Carbon. will be eit
preper—at the ` opening of the
Schuylkill NAvigation, to, purcha e. gen and atilt),
czar o'd cummiabion, at the lowed' rate's. Any
busineas entrusted to his care will be faithfully
Andrew l'lneielvEaq... Charles Leimer v arq. l
Jno.iShippen; • Ge0..11. Potts.
- s March II• 7 301
- ENT. HOUSE S ; on Mahantongo Stf,
" 1 " two o f tbim - -Tiro Hotises
' • arid
n •Store,. on; Centre street and aim
Hounfon Norwegian stitet. APO) ,
-1s; .r JAMES : (3II,,LINGLIAM.!
Mick 4 • • j -- 10
, S 150,00."
tiatistut PrinCiplf of Wliter•PlOyAlli C 4.01.
. ,
J this met hod the pore:for the Cloth are le ft
At , wopen as before, by which the insensible per.
can freely,ereape; and at that/MO time
it is renderaci4Fater-pinef for all 'prictsCal per:
poSes. The precesiris both r ibiplaasd Sharp:lt
i a adapted to every trade and occupation, to verde •
aci‘h. , l3l)any description is or auntie lilted.'
Cloth haiicg. passed through ; this process id-tor
ever after safe ,froarilliidem and Vermin. !Sail
and Awning makers, Clothiers: Hatters, lkot rind
Shoe makers, Umbrella 'riakers,Ctoth'inaliafac.
turerii, and all others whose interest it *are re
spectfully invited to this subject:' , •
Rights for Salo, for any
_parA•pElhe Minted'
States by the Proprieter, at his. residence,-Nn.
130 Nassea Street, New York, either4or Giisb
or in exchange for property, real ar,peraonat
-Also', for hale, an easy, cheap and simptePro.
cestrandering Calico Prangs Fasti thetrade is in.
vited to It. Also. for -sale,'Creem of Earth."
a sure and safe remedy for,lllould on Leather
and Fors, of all descriptions. 'Trunk and Har
ness, makers. !loot add"Shbe *liters. &c.vill do
well, to consider of ':'These remedies'are.all
very simple and cheap. Ooe Thiipsiind yards
.or Cloth may - bo rendered Water:proof Ad en ex
pense of Ons 4ilister.prool.,Flannet
worn next to 'a sure preventive and
CSere.far the Rheumatism. ; The following icen
extract of a Report on. the - subject, from a do' ui.
Mittee Of the Common Council: 4
51 The Conifaittee "on Arts.. -SCCinees,, arid
Sehoels, to whom was referred the Prititionit F.
11APettis, asking for a consideration , for an to.
ventioo which the Petitioner claims as his,rend
derirg Cloth of every description Water-proof,
beg leave to
Report :-that they examined several pieces of
Clutti4hich they tested, and found the same im
pervious to water, except from a pressure beyond
that oferlinary -rain, ; and believe that persona
clad with-garments:made from Cloth thus pre.
pared, would be secure.from usual Exposures in
rainy weather. The` advantages -of-ibts, above
that crf India Rubber will be.percieived. ,. ..-*ben it
is known that the pores of the Cloth are not! ea
sed, allowing the free escape of the insensbik per,
spitation, which id important to health. - The
-Comruitte are assured by the Petitioner; that the
beauty or lustre of the Cloth is not larnes,hed,
that us guagt) is nottinjured, that it is not. less'.
smote; but on the nontrary, the beauty, duality'
and impleness arairceserved, and for , many put.
point' rendered-more lasting. The_ cheapness of
thn'applicailun Cringe the advantages Ofothcrini-
Provement within the reach of all— arid the Cem-'
mine b 117? nu - dee:be many wiftlxi s disposed from'
this cause to try its advantages ; and suchitest
will dp more to establish its- reputation than any
recommendation from this Committee.
' The.ioximittee feeling disposed to treat' the
Petitiirf wig' all fairness, anc as far as they in.
vestiiiied the improvement, fading it to greet
their expectations, they cheerfully recommend
such a trial of its merits by the public, as will
more Cully test its utility."
The' following are the prices asked fot the ex
clusiva Yight to use the "Nausea. Prinepler of
Witer t proving in 'the different States.—P, per
proportion will be, made for city City; I,Tiawn,
County District? ' • •
Maine ' "31,000
Verinont . , ...2,000
New Hampshire . : , 4,000.
3,000 304000000
MarTachussetts '.. • . •
. .; ,!ilia. 4 Dye Setting
Rhoee Islai4
Conecticut . ;
New York .1.5,000 .
New Jersey ? - 4.000
do. Calico Printing . .10.000'
Pennsylvania - . . . "15,000
Deleware . - '2,000
Maryland '" , , l' 5,000
Virginia " ' -, . 8,000
North Carolina - , 5,000
• South Carolina . , 5,000
Georgia - .- 5,000
Ale:mine -• l 1 "3,000
* Tennessee , I • • 4.000
Mississippi , • 2,000.,
Ohio i lO. 00 ,
Kentucky i : 5,000
Arkansas ” I ' ' ' 1;500 •
Michigan' 000
Illinois I . i 5,000
Missouri i t s " • - - ' 4.000
District of Columbia -:2,000
Florida . - • '1,500"
Wisconsin •.
'1 500 ' •
. _ . ..
Nate—Cloth.Garments, BliiCkete, &c.
taken inlaid Water-ppoved by the proprietot at
moderate charges. Chith limp at 25 cents per
yard; Over Coats 100; othurafticles in ptopoN
portion. The Firemen, iodioivally ad collec
tively. are invited im examine the advantages of
qiiediscovery. Post paid letters will have prompt
attention. Terms of bale made easy to Jespoc-
Bible pOrchasers.
j. 11. TETTIS,
- No. 130 Nassau Street, New York.
MT ITA 1I 11-3 m
.e . .
macyrret le 'hereby given that Court of Common
ri Pleas, for tne trial causes at issue. in , andTer.the
county of Schuylkill, will be held. at Orwigsburg, in
the county . aforesaid, on
_Monday preceding the last
Monday -in Match '(being the 20th of Said
month) s•
Therefore all persons having suits pending. arid a!
personeviiidse duty it ihall be to appear at sanlCOurt,
wilt take notice atid.govem thernnlvitraccordingly.
burg. Feb. 28:1813. ; 5 • , 9-- -
L 16,. CRE9SI7T. ST., PiItLADELVITA. • 6.•
• •
llllllhintricritter.recenhy of heading; Pa.- would
inform' the public that he hat. fitted up the abote
capacious and convenient establishment
and will be ready, to entertain visitors on
;; 20th inst. His established
111 reputstion in the line, it is hopid, will
Word full ossuranco that his guests will
be supplied with every ,comfort and accommodation
whilst his house 'will - te •do eduetea tinder such ar
rangernents as will secure a, character for thrtfirst.
respectability, °yid .aat:sfactory.entertainatent. for in
dividuals and familes. •
Cha-gea baoderate, io ;mit the titres.`
Feb. 16th. 1843
No. 12 South Fourth St. ofewclopis below Make
INVITES thp attention of Couniry, Merchant.'
zl and others to his extensive assortment of School.
Books, suptrior Blank account. Books; (of his ow n .
manufacture) and Foreign and Domestic siatuin
Wirers, Sealing War, Steel'Penri of up
wards of fifly varieties. Blue Black, and. Red lots
tread Pencils, Slates, Inkstands, &c.
-, EX Cheap Accou a Rooks?—a large stock al
svays,on hand suitable for retail trade, and coun
try Merchants.
cop and Letter Papers, plain And ruled;, Wrap
ping Papervißonnet Boards, ilLying rardi, and
1 other articles-sold by stationers.
'•-rg.,viiciitit, JOURNAL!, RIXOAD BCOBB, &C. suit
al for Banks, Public officei; &c., constantly on
1140 or 7 Mate ii males, of any : size. shape, or . pat
tern.' Materials and Workmanship warranted of
thir heat quality, all of which are offered at; pri
cel to suit the times. - . :.
Country Merchants ind &Heil vialtinithis .
ci v; are revfiectfolly invited hi call'aird irlatnin - i
hiti good. ana pricer, end satisfy thentaelvelvof
ti: great reduction effected 14 thOCeith - Oyitem:
Phils.. March II . • - i-- Y '._ 11-2 mo i.
- i FRUIr TREES , , Slll liiip
,Slll BBERY,.: •
trd E
~, HE 'suhseriber, agent for ins of the 'Moit rut
tensive Nurseries in the State , will execote
ere for all kinds of Fruit trees, each as apple.
each, pears. Cherry, Piercer; Quinces, ate, WI
ether , with every kind oforoa Mental trees, 400,
r,tralolbous Roots:Plant% ace., at the very low-,
rates, and at the shortest notice. '
A Catalogue of the Trees dad •berexititined' at .
t is offieo. _ ... ... - BENJ.' BNANANi.
N. Bt—Vrdere * alio nimivid.for 111! Mode of
rem Shedr.
Mitch 1,
. ,
••40., , -. • 11.'
, - • 2 9
FOR AER'ri •
MENT.:-iituate on CaAowhUl at., la
'ttua. rear of the Preabyteritin.Obately
__Awe occupied br , Ainos Lest% fer-i
ammo men the Ist of April. , Apply to
It I
March 4
VirdErmAs thelion: Clar.vm Eibrros,-•Es.,
4v . quire,freindent. of • the 'several courts of
Common-Pleas:of the counties • or Dauphin.-Leb.;
anon and Schuylkill, -Pennsylvania. and 'Jar.'
lice of the!sertial courts" or• Quarter 'Sessions of
the'Peate, Oyer indirerminer, and General Gaol '
• 1 elivery; in said conches. and Stivage N. Pat.
mer And Sanui4D. Lail...Esquires; ledges ofthe
CciurtZekQuarter Setsitineof the Peace; Gyerand
Tertniner, and -GebetarGael Delivery, for the
triatol,all capital aadother offenders, iothaiiaid
County of :Schtlylkillirty..their precepts to lea"
,diritcred, have ordered a-court et guarterSessions
of the Peace, Ojer andTerminer i , sod,Geoerril
Gaolltelivery T to'be :holden at Oritiigliburg, on
the hunk Monday of Marclf(being' the 27th of
said month,) to-Ontinne one week. _
gdtiel) ii IhOifftra herebY. given, to the Core.
.ner and Justices of:the Peace, and Constables of
the said county Of 'Schuylkill, 'that the? are by
the precePts :-commanded to be then and•
thertieit - I9 o'clock 'in the torenoon"cif Said `day,
with their -idle,' i'veords, inqiisitiona t ' &atolls.
itions;and all otliCr;rernembranbes, to dO those
thirige which to iheireeve nil - Officers appertain to
he donepine all those: that , are•bound by recog.
intern*, to prosetute against the pros:Merv, that
arcrur thew shah; In the gaol of said county of
Schtiyik ill, are to be theft and theta to prosecute
them ds stunt. be just. •
OHN , G. WOOLISON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office ()twigs., /
burg, March 4,1843.
N. B.—The witnesses anti jurors who are sum.
moned to attend said court, are required toAttend
punctually., ,7113 'case: of non-attendance, the laid
in such cases made and provided, will be rigidly
enforced. This notice is published by order of
court; those - concerned will therefore govern
themselves accordingly.
rPHE subecriber has for the accommodation of his
••• friends and thacitizenacif the South Ward; open
ed a braise/a Butchtr Shop in Centre street, nearly op
posite'MoTtimer's Hotel, where may - be 'had davy
freak Beef, Pork, , Mutton, •Hams, Shoulders, dried
Beef, dried Tongues, Bologna Sausages.dr.c. He so
licits the patronage of the Public, as his prices will
be in " accordance with the times."'
irr The old stand kepras before.
SIMON b'TROUSE, Botcher.
March MSC,
The subscribers have applied to the Judges, of
the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill corm,
ty, for the benefitiofihe several Acts of Assembly,,
passed:for • the relief • tifqt;isolvent Debtors, and
that tbe•saiil4liiiiges have appointed Monday the,
20th day of Marchmext at loo'clockia.the tore,'
noon, at the Court House, in,firwigaburg, for the
hearing of us and our creditors when and where
they•may. attend lit thpy think proper.
W I 1...1.$ A5l HARTMAN.
Pottsville Feb. ~
- 256,111 , 113. • 9-3
ripllESabscriher returils his g ratelblacknowl-'
edgemeots to the aliens of POttsirille and
others, who. tsgpped forward In his - assistance if.
ter the loss of his property, by fire in December
last, and sioad also toeridein• them 'rind - the pub
lic generally, that he hes igain.:commenced
the Drug Business in the house formerl3toedupied
by Charles W. Clemens, icCentre Street, in the
borough of Pottsville, where play alw ays be had
.a generalassoitment of
And every other article in he above Brie, which
he is-disposed to sell on very low and aecommo
datirto ems.
N.13.1P - Physicians preeiriptions carefully
at up - at the shortest Li:glee.
Mey 30, 'lB3B _ WM. T. EPTING.
fFSPECTFULLY informs* the public that
he his brought with him from New York
this apring.-a large assortment of •.
Which he offers..foriala 'af llits•ertrit Moderate
whOlescilo (fraighty'a(lilcd,
at his store boucle, in thefnew Stone Building,
nest door to his tavern, Morrie' addition to .Potta-,
consisting of
Black and Green Teas, •
Falling Loa; Santa•Croz, Porto Rico, (S. Wow
Orleans Sogars,
Rio, Jevalsiind St Domingo Coffee
Sperm ECCOmmon Oils, Mohasco., .
Whitt Ma Yellow Soaps, Tobacco,
Keg anir RA, Raisins
• Wines and Liquors, Raisins,
to the Jest
•quality, • •.• '
A quantity of Biped Mem, •• •
Mackerel, from No. 1 to N 0.3, in•quarterhalf
and full barreht.
About 300 Sacks Gronnil-Salt,
60 barrels superior Albany Summer' e.„ &e.
May 14,
T .
UEpublie are respectfully informed itrat•the
..subscribera have taken this , large and corn
mndinos estihriehment, recently hep 4;
.. 1. -by WillianG. Johnson. To.thelfor
:: mer partons.ofthis•caobthshment rand
--L. the public generally, the , undkraigned
promise to extend all the accommodatihntrltmd
Oomtortva hist thous° that men so „a atisfaCtorlly .
received, whiliunder 'he charge of Mr. Johnson:
E'ettsville, :Jude 11. - - 24 '.
NO. 77 1-2, M A RKET.STRaT.
(North Side—Above Second )
Goods for Cash, at Auction Prices
. • -
HE Subscribers. have determined to conduct their
business upon the CASH System, and sell their
Gnediras tow if not a •Lowen altAnnt or raorrr, than
two heretofore betwilone in Philadelph t—not one
article reduceittitylbre, hi - the expectation-of milking
it up on othei9tioas;bat their pricesstrall•dr.t, se Celt,
RESPOIIDINGLT Lew. ',Their prigerryild bigavernvd
bi the A ection Rates-Lab fling at theranie - prites, nett
Cash,., the Abetions do on rime-;contenting theme
- serverwith the Interest 'Ha. .timeibr iheiroProlit:
This cannot but present 'a sitting indiicementibi,buy
erriespeciaily from dre• Country, to call on them in
preference to purchasing at Aip. non, Where persons
do-not ger tber time , discount. unless dbeirbills met,
a certain amount; to, wine!, amount it is not always
'convenient for Country Buyer, to purchase ; sna it
will also. 'avoid. the Pieadirantage of large lots, and
afford more titretto - select. •
They design to avail themselves' ofe/erv.raaithY,
in horn the New .York as well as the Philaitelphia
Auctions, in , psoculusia THEIR. 000111 AT THE' =O
We now respeCtfully invite our friends - and tbepu
lic oth6Tarr or Exraantocc in this inatecr. tieing
the beet way to. convince iheut 'of thevauvit of our
promise. • • 4- ,
" r "JOHNSTON, BURK it co.
' Philadelphia. March. 1.1843. 11—/m.
THE subscribers haint on hand; and are receiv.
ing by frequent arrivals. an • assortment of
Gocsisinitoble tbr theirprotching iseason,nmonF
which ant
Cloths ; Cassimeres4Vestingo.and-Other &ode;
for Iten'eutewl--Marini). Can/interns, Mancherter
Striper, Worsted plaids, and a satiety of 'other
articles for Boys' .wear—Motuseli nes de liana, Al::
pace Lostrerarinted Lawns. Scotch .Girigharn.
• Also Black and, nolored Saks,lFohlarshr
Bpi:Watt .Silk fringed Thibet Shawls. EinbAlß'
dared•do., Illankets; Quilts and otherfurnisbing:
• 't .3SSoutb 2cl Street; Phitailideftfa
:Mich 4: 1843,.1 , 10-3 mo;
. 4
„. - .• . . - • -
CbarlesHrtginrevAisigneel July :ram, ',1q44:-...”
1 .
- uriohn C. Pfrermae. .- Ne. 45. -- -‘. ~.- ..,...;_' " f .
•: :- . 41.., .- . • Vend. 81ip..44K&e.f
'• 'ThttlitOtiik '.',,,' 'Real . - . Fstate ?aSid
:-..-_-•'.._, J
..,16thVicenther, 1642. 1 1 , 110.C0urt direct in fls.;
one to be rankled tio'..tiotienaid•-thri right tiviho' l
tnoney ra:isad On ; ibla E,ieention;rind that Mild
Stuidevant be ke!plaintit", and Johan*, Cock-
bill the defendant; eat* the'riothcitiotary ad !
verde° ~in.z..ewe totirsititiags,'lSAListied in ..this
county, for'', three Weeks . e p e r tcithe ; neat ten
that the . etlinaiiitill be - distrtbtited._ ~.. .-' ....
.• Notice is hereby giver4 : tret 14' tepliceilee of
the abiria Cider erect:tic titer Uscwslirected in
the above caae, *ill be tried inti'd.,the *lenity die'
tributed, - on• Illtinday, the 20th Itlarch t i6l3, -at
IP o'clock, A. M., when and where all •
key attend. . , _ _ -
--:. ~- • -CHAS. FRAILET, rioihon'y. ~
- rroth`ry's Office,#
Feb,. .13,18.13. •( _ .. „- ~- •.. . 7—"
In the Court of Common ,Pleas'oftichnyl*
kill County..
Maty_Monteliqs,,by herln the Courtofetim.,
rtkat" Meads:lit/88am inon Pleas Of Sebuyl.
Hoffman, skill eriuntr.
vs I Sutlpoina,, aur
Timothy Montelms.
Tee notice that your. wife Mary 'Mentellork
by her nest friend William Hoffman, , har , "Blcti
her -libel in Alia-Court of C,outmon PleaS of
Sobnylkill county, in which she prays.toiba di
sorced from the , bonds of matrimony, intMiluch
She entered with you.
The Court of .said punty • haTe that
you be'and appear' at a Court of COm mon. Pleas ,
to be held-ukamtror said county, at:Orwigsburg.
On Monilit,:thes2Otirday of Marcia- next, to an
liwer the libel of your wife: - •
• :JOHN ter. , WOOLIFON,^Sheriff.
Sheriff's Offtee'*Crwigs
buig, Feb.p.,ls3. z ( 8-4
LL persons Irevinielahns against the Estate
1-31 .
of. Robert AleDernaut.. late of the city , of
New 'Wile, .ileeerrseii," 'are• requeited to make
known the varnewithout 'l4May, to Abigsll4lek t
DernieQExectiti4, - limeriit. : Whiting."4l. or
George 11atiEzectitorr.lii‘thri'ci(11 , of Newlirerk,,
or to 'EDW. OWEN TARItY. ,
leAtornerfor the Executors., , Pottsville/,
April IG, , , . le—tf
igt,TOTlCE'is,hereby given - to ail th e - Legsteez,
''Creditcrre, end others interested is the follow.
ing Administration account's, :vvlneh ' have tieeii
filed in the Reglarer's - °Mei; in'and, for:the caun
tp Schuylkill, by the Administrators-6*a, sae.-
diens thered, that•the same have been-allqcd by,
the Register, and will be presented to the firrpbart'S
Court, to be held in Orwigsburg, in Schuylkill
county, on
Monetaj, the 20th day of 211arc7i rrezi,
for ctnfirmation and allowance, agreeably, to law
at which tune sad place you may attend Vivi
. _
think proper." x
i. The account of. John See, Administrator De
Donis Non of the •estate of Anna Elizabeth Lehr
late 'ciT W ivy ne ttiwhirfiip, 'deceased.
2. The .account of Samuel Hauser,.Afiministra
tor, of ths'estrite ef,Martin Wagner, lato of Welit
Penn townehip,decessed. R •
3. The account of Daniergrarner, Administra
tor of,the estate otiWitliaor ,Twetea, late of the
boroqgh of-Pottsville, deceased.
'4. The account of Samuel Gaas, 'AilminiStratar
'of the estate of Abraham Kieffer, tate of Pinegrove
township, deceased. • •
p. The account of Jobn Holdiman. - A.dministm
tor'Of the estam'ofJo4n lioWiman, late of Lower
Ntrittautongoltrwmtlfipreetiostd. •
t r . The - abcount of Jacob ileinhinfer. one of the'
guardicine of RosiO'a abtAdaiir..minor children of
Adam Gebert,Jr..lato,of Pinegrove township,
ecesed, • •
01IN . 11. TIOWNIN'G, Regisler.
Registeei Office, ()wigs.,
burg, Feb. 25, 1642. - • 0--
WET REP:EAS,Iltretz - Heilner. of the borough
" .nfAinersSille;gtereVeener, has this day
exeentith.o the Subscriber, lin assignment of till
his estate. real and personal, fur the benefit of all
his creditor, withankpreference.--Notice is here
by given to, all persona Indebted to said Mutate make,payirient.—and all nersonahay.,
ing claims againet him' to present Ihem - tolhe
subseribei, 4 residug'iii Market street•Pottaville.
'Feb; 4. 1643, .
RESPECTFULLY; informs the inhabitants'
E of Pottsville and its ticitiity, that he has
moved in town; and offers his professional ser:
cea in alLthe medicirrbianehean he public,
. Practicing he Homeopathic •system. and if
requested, "_the Alloo pahic, ho hopes from long
experience' to give full aatisfaeilian ta,iirelr. as
will call on him. lie will be ready for pro fe ssion.
alseervicea at any timdat big reildeace.
• _. • . • 'A. b. LEPPE, M.D.
. Greenwood, December -49—tf
. • ‘1
In the' Gond of Common .Plods of Schtsylkii
- Vend. P.:peens to
vs „ March Tern), 1841,
Jebel Snyder. —56.
On motionitile to ithew' cease why the money rais
ed on the ahoVe execution,shOutd not . be - paid' to Jo
seph White & Son; or their Judgment against the de.
Pendent, to . March term. 1839. No. 11. Whereupon
theeed Ccieri ordered that notice tw,published three
Treekiiirrthe Miners' Journal, of Pottsville. for Cred
dots to 'appear.on Friday, the 31st day of Mirch, gt
tOdelnek A. M., being the Tuesday of the almond
week Court of March term, 18t3, to show cause, if
any they have, why the proceeds of said execution
should hot he:paid over to the-said Joseph White &
Son. Whetrand where all ennelrne&may attend.
February 25, 9
- -
gN purtsuaneof a resnlution of the Town Council
ophe . Bch:ugh nfPottaville, notice is herebV given,
thatbh Salurday. the 18th &iv of March, 181';1; an or
dinance of said fforough,wilPtta published. rcitui fin e
the curbing. poring and grading of Centre Street. and
Market street from Centre street to the upper,co I yen.
Second tlyeetforn Itlarket to' Nigh strict% and Thad
street from Mailtt to Caitriivhill streets.
Holders ofploSertt interested, would prAitify do
well to-provide the nceessarjr Matitials et as early a
day as -possible, in order that the requisitions, Or the
ordinance may be complied - with in the early part of
the present spring. •The ;difficulty:or aiing4 grade
for the abovo;netned streets. durttlV the winter sea- -
son, has caused the postponement of the publication
of the above muted Oniinance. until the.lime above
named. - 1 I
' T. %V. HUGHES.!
Town Clerk.
Pnthiville.March "•1 3-
TRF Block mine Red Ash Coal Vein, at West
wood, about 6 Miles from Schuylkill !raven,
and about 2i miles West of Pottsville. 'The track
includes the junction of the West and West West
Branches of Schuylkill, and is mist enliven ient-,
ly situated . for sendin,g'esialliy the'S j ebbylkill
ual or Reading *Raltrod t. % There is ' r it . 4 itty Milt
j ebotit 'SO f 1 meat on: . i!te tract.—,
Tiur; , West Brancit Ind;-West.West
get Branch Raiiroipts both. pars ,Through.
-- the tract, and also rt. &sterol - Railroad
toile incs.—makes avtry part °film tract con—
'venient frprecuring lamberfur props,:tie.
Vein is operierk below water level by n.perpendm
'this shaft, and a -breast obcoal is; not opened and
at work of about 250 leet,whiph , viith tbeltngine,
Fixture!, ;Ste. ere to bei4elivurptk in gobd wprking
order. by the present tenants. Wm. Mom& Co.,
on the first day of, 3: Marcit ne7t.
Proposals' wilCbe re‘ived,hv
JOSEPH'! THOMAS WOCii. Phil's. or -
JAMES GI ct,ixpii AM:Pottsville.
February 7--tf
TO RENT. ' •
Machine Shop together' with all the Vast.,
Michttiery, iitures beloniine thereto:l4hp.
0.00 - IWCIIEYPX% g!,4:1
Pori Ulintoo, or to •
. . .
• tawatera - Furnace.'
• Manihiki / 4 51—if
4' •
Ex Le trivnsf NOTICE.
I 11:
6 Jim) s 4rit , P4l4cruE.:tEliNs4VA l4l ;‘ ,
A - p - grretorkiitiakinefico'rbielpalik t uPl
taw. hisb a tiled the 214 %444: 411 ." 1 ,71
Jethri iDoetyreottman. .co. -
Which -Petitionloll be-heard . before the District:
Court of th&Uniteil, 'ettile4 for the - Eastern 'Dir.
'rid of .Pentisylvanis; ?Jiang. hi ;Canhro pteyolt
the #istriet Court - 110m' in. the City at
delphit. on Friday. lhelth day; of April neat * at.
11 o'clock. A• M. when •ankl where all persons•
interested may appear and 'eluiw Cabe; Jr any
they hive. !by_ the prayer of•ths„ said Petition_
should not be . - granted, and acid Petitioner ' de.:
elared_Rankrupt.' . - • -
• g.Clerk of the District
.31/creiri#B:. • ` • • • • •1 2 --
NO 4 TICE. ' •
A .- PETITION for the Benefit or the Bankrupppt
r Law,
bat bees•filed the 2d cloy of March,3Bo4
Albert 41.•-4.pnel.'§torekeeper. and Dry Goods-
?derchant, Settuylkill county.
Which Petition be beard before,the Dist, ict
Court ofthellniteld State& for the eeetern--Bia
tricfof Petinaylvania, kitting in 13ankrnotcyl at
the District Qoutt room int tbe:ity
phis. on Friday the 711%!lity, of Aprintext, at II
o'clock. A. 141... when end whore ell fensona in
terested nay appear and show nause. irony they
have, why the prayer or the said Petition .should
not be granted, and t4ersaid/Pctitionei declared,
9drk of the DistiittCoart..
March 11. - 11
APETITIOXibr the Benefit of •the 'Bankrupt
Law,has been Cad the .9.oth day ofFebruary,
1843, by •
Williatn4l. Mann, Individually, and as a mern--
bei.etthe late firm of Mann dr; Morris, and oho .
as'a member of the firm of T. &
/Co,Votilltlefehant, Schuylkill treunty., 2'
417 filch Petition wilt be heard 'before the-District
Court trial:Mita States fee the 'Eagan Dts
trice ntrennsylvania„ sitting in Bankruptcy 'at
the'Dietiict Court room in the City' of Phil:del.
'phis.enitoriday, , the 29th day of -March next, if
11 o'clock, A, 11. when and wherein! persons in.
terested ,may appear and show eetige if any
they haye, why the prayer of the •said'retition
should' not be granted, and the said Petitioner dc-
- Clerk 'Atha District Conrt. •
-February 25.1843
tutted States Court.
In Bankruptcy. -rt
. .
APETITION - far Discharge' and -certificate'
under the Bankrupt Law, has been filed byl
•Benjamin Hosier, Boat Builder, &haylkilitoun,
And Friday, the.9th day of June neat. at 1I .
o'clack, A. Mll., is appointed for the, hearing there.
of, before the said Court, sitting in Pankruptcy,.
i ti r the District Court Room, in the City of -Pink ;
adelphia, When and where the Creditors l nt the
said petitioner, Who have proved then. Debts, and
all other .persona .in interest, may appear end
shOw cause,-if any they have, why. sack
charge and Certificate should not he greeted.
Clerk of the Diiti!st" 'OOri. •
March tS, ' , ' ..I.• ' 'l2 '
NOTICE. ...., , ; - • •'
'pETITIONS fentisebargee &Certificate on.
.aer the.Bankrript LBW,. Ittip . een' filed by
Thema Moyer, Tobacconist, .'i, ehtiylkill co.
Adam Brown, late tanner, now. Man er of
Iron Workq,,, .. i .
... do
And Friday, the With 'day: nf .llait . next, 4141 lA,
clock, A. 11,, is _appointed ibuthe hearing. there.
of; before the said
.Ctiort t sittinziin Ifa:nkreptcyi,
at the Districybckirt Room, in)the Citrof i rhila,,
delphia, when 'and, where the Creditursof the,
aaid retitioners„.'wher hair!' proved thetr. Debts.
end all other persona in iriterest, may appeac.ana
show must, if Any they hive, why such .Dis t
ebaige e nd Certificate should-riot be grAnted. ...
TRAS. .110PKINtiON,,
. .
t . . Clerk ofthe District Pont.
MiirCh IL 'ic- ' . .Il .t„
. •,. .: ':, 'NOTICE. ', '. • ! ,
A , PETITICK for Discharge and -Certificate.
jindet the Bankrupt Law, •lias been.filed by
Se uel iLewloy late Coaloperator, now Engineer,
Sukeyor, and Cuireyancer, Setitrylkill co. .
and 'aturdaw, - tlier2Oth.'day of . April next, at 11
o'clo . A.-M., is appointed forAhe hearing there
ur..ll fore the said Courtoiittilig in; Bankruptcy,
pt 6 bistrict Court Huom, in the-Guy.of Phils.
.defohis, when and: Where..the.Crec!itore of. the.
lard Petitioner, whq have -proved their Debts, :
and-all other persons in interest,-may opposr and.
show:,caose, if any they 'have, why such Dis
charge and Certificam should not he s grarded. •
. .
'Clerk of the District Court.
Feb. 4, 1&43, . . • ;FIS 6 :
. NOTICE: .- _
' .
p ETIT 1 0?Til for 'Discharge and Certificate.
under the Bankrupt Law,-have been filed by.
John. Pinkerton, Individually, and as a member•
of -the late firma of West, Hodgson & Co.;
Hodgson, Pinkerton & Co., and John-Pinkerton ,
& Co., late Coal Merchant, now Agent. - •:
_ . Schuylkilico:
F.dward Y. Farquhar, Farmer, do
Benjamin N. Titus,•lnciividuallv, and as a _
memherof the late fire: of Daiwa &. Ti , - •
tui, Belvedere, ,N. 3.. . , . : ' - do •-,
Edward filiglies. late Merchant, now ' ~,
'Clerk. . :do
loseyhZoll, Tanne'r, , , . . i 'do
and Saturday, Alio 29111 day' of April nr.t. at li t .
o'clock, A. M., is `appointed for the hearing
thereof, hefore the said} Cotaiti sitting ki:Ltrink-'
ruptcy, at the Distriei/C•iinit Ronal, in the , -City,
of Philadelphia, when and whir& Ihe,;Creditors
of the said Petitioners, who. liirm proved their,
Debts, anTell other persons in interest, may an- .
pear. and 8111177 cause, if any they . ir t ive, w 111) SUM,
-Discharge end Certificate should not he.eranted.
•: • ' • :-.. Clerk . of District Court.
Fehrcary 4, 1t343: • - 6
- NOTICE. . ,
Ak . PETITIO'N for; pi , el*ge am'd • Certificae,
under the Ernkriipt Law,,haS been ted by
SCott Steel,liitu r. Schuylkill county.
And 'l..'rlday, tie . I .list day-of Mitch nrxt, at
It o'cl o ck, A. MV, ppoinied . -for tire hearing%
flibte sittipg ill Bankruptcy', fit' ; District
Court:Rome; in tbe'City of l'hiliidelphia, *ben
add where the Creduois of the .: 'said retiliont;r: .
wlio - have 'proved ¶heir Debts, arid all tithes per.'
enns : in iatereet;rrTaPpear and s:sn'weause, It
any - they have, wh birch Dischatge ; anil Certifi
cate tii.M.dnet bettianted. • -
- Clerk of Diltriet Court. '
•• • 4-10
lIDETIIICINS for D:scharge and•Cerrifieste
Jill undee the Bankrupt Law, have been filed V
John T. ririzzarr4Gentleman,•late Merchant, 1n...
dividnally, nd member of the late - firm o
Hatzard and Streuch, -13cheylkill
John C. Ernit,C.oal Merchant, titer -
David Conner, Farmer, - •do
Robinson Kay. Miner. • do,
Frederick fries?, Saddler. , • • -; do
Joseph S. It irekel; of the firm of Joseph S. •
Roekel•& Co., Coal Merchants. ; - de
And Friday, the El lat , day of Merck nes', at!
1 t o'clock, A. M. is appointed Ihr the hearing,-
thereat; before the iaid.Caurt, sitting in -Bank,
runlet , : et the :District Coort Room; in the City
of-Philadelphia, When and where the Creditors of
th e said Petitioners, wheihrive proved their Debt*,
and all othei persons in interest, may appear arid ,
show cause . ' if any they. have, wily souk. Dis
ci:mg° and Certifiesteshorild not be tearited.•
Dec. 01,01*-10t ..Citerit , of District Court.
nova TO 'LEL
Two good Honsee, ono on.Nlarkef
' J i ll ' • ';'. • street. and the other on Norwegian
'aireatoo be rented' from - Oin'Arat of
_ - ••• April spirting. •Aiiply
• ' ' `Ged. M. CUMMIN6
Poltaville Mari :4th 11813..'
pf.ANO FOR. SALE.-,4l;,,i,tlc9K,banded Pt
su*for sale very ktiv by -= •
LNoveih*r-S. •
*•' ; Fs
peCifOreadetubir profielakiml eenice,
• -a ibeeko*ol'of,Pomiv,ille,Mid
- • llis at dm caner! of Merketand •
•••• Adam, streets- Apti; 10,
, , . .
tar AS removed from:Merkcttltrect to the _trio •
4(orrairly occupied • tiy. hbr hwm `Mciss6
"Centro Street; opposite at!' Polt .' •
Pottaiilter UCtober 8. v,!O- -• " 41-
• . ;
ToviT . lrit.te t ,f• •• •- •
"cmn4iB. rvihtiiceh !a . Write ttrl6 oraie
C:,Neville, gt:q., - . 4putitothe•PasOffice.
' , November 116. f
1- ATTi3RNEY - AST :••
titFrit* :in"-gentre shier. oppesitei'the Exam;lg•
Pottaripe:SePt. 3. •'• •
i.:CASIPBELL," - -.
ArronxtvAT - 1.4 3 / 4 V.-
oTToWILL/3; .
A S removed his ollicalo 'the iteuill weal evictor
of Centre end VarketimeastsLone door south a
Samuel Thompson's!. Store.Practicinf . in thet,Ter.
al Courts of Schuylkill and Columhin '
z s4#6c,
A ,
Mike subscribir is now opening a lirialutaortirieui
...X of Fresh Garden Seeds from the above celebra
* establishment, *itch will be soldl vrhoresale (tm,
tho, pound or dozen paperayarid•retail at Philadellther
.prices, by, , fLi 8‘N1144111, .
N. li.-2Cit ()Mil:ma ''Seeds, syterictitiefraliiir
GAiden Impler.ients. obtained to onler atithe shorten
notice. -.•-
March' 4
FARM FOlf;g - ALE• 1 • • '
THE subscriber offarti for pale the !',Pioegrir.
-Farm," situate hillt7alriiie 'from the towolif
Pinegrxe, eunleinurg,tine
`Acres :The Wricit t 'canal perms through the
. property. The colt is isatiOy tivarbaticrat;trod
has beer. 'will limed. " ' .
••' . • .
The ienproreinents •conaist - of
Endd'A l Wo - Storr Vrritie'Dwellinz,'W
1 " 1 Bank' Bair and SaW Mill with a
getet powe r.' •
For further Urformation, apply In
, ' ~-- f iviatara Furnace.
. Vincgroavo Townalup, Schuylkill county..
Meenmbar 17,1542; " ' 61—tf
COINS lir MPT iiDN-. ' -
..1 ,
"•- ,' 'DM: , TAYLOR'S' .r.' l ,'-'. .-„' •• ~
r. . BALSAM-;..0F LIVENTOrEtT . : 1 , '
. , .
For Consumption,,caqghei . • co d s; thing rif.
' - Mood. Pais in the eigtkoribremtr ; Asthma ;
. Pleuries,, , e4betnese4tee4ll: ; frapiralidn tithe
he'art, Dctit4,..'Ner roue - ilea,' anti, diseases.
011ie Liz."g;'s irtfi liter'.' ' ' ~. °.
Vluti.ißrm at 375•:-Etavery; In die city of New
, .. ' Yort,, , ,w hero the .article first . originated; etid,.is
%Ply genuine.. . . .
~5.,„. , .. • • • .
.. 'This medicine has - been us ed in the city-of New .
York:with unexampled success foreightlears - an'd '
found equally . beneficial, thrinighnorthectuntry. , It
ispow, used, by many of the medical faculty, with in
',creased corlfidendeg,nd satisfaction.
_' If • -.
See when you pumihme thitCydrigif the true iastfl
cipe, from 31 ilosvegampr,„YOrk, eold
lions! ' " .... - :,-..,. -, ~
•,, : . ,
l, ' fleiriOcit/sPui:i o f' r..citisu rriptioit,,e,l' .. ,
-"4 hAve Seen N . hivadid -far three years, anitlete -
Mffermlerery torture' from confirms.4l' cunsordption..
Hut Dr. .Taylor has ; wholly . - cured trie....- i Thq, .. - . 1 .3 , 2 13
qutotifiestif magma he used to raise hasTab : sided, my
icoughltas hiaiiidetindj'am Utak ttan,pryEcialtb be- •
in; wtiolly restorembrusing-threetottlertif his 4,tt., 1-' .
cbrated.DalsaM. .•- .. ~,... 51. E. WINDLEY, ,
•7 ' , - • .Nci.'l'.3D',l%liiden Lane; Neit'r YOrk.
. -2- - .-. 1 "• t • I t girlies's of Breeills; ' '' -
. • .
'Forlbis disease Dr Tayloes Balaani of Lliterwott !
has no.cqual. Having the 'Asthma, a severe pain le
my left side. and some cough; I wax induced to try the.
a trove medicine; and'great was my joy to find it cured
mein about two weeks. -.. It elm cured myanother or
a severe attack , of the Liver emitplintit,weith Which
she had niffsired,two years. e _.... , -- J.:C. bil'ONI.:;•
. 23 FaliTlace. New York.
. „
. I ~,i .„ - .7•7". .. .. .
' ' PisrprisNs C`tr:reif ciientiinplion. ' •
.."itlr It tlad ir siip•Oi t 'rielhilTia ; York or a' natural
itonandspbovenebtktieti,lMe hele-ttitved from" so -
'untimely eadt thei:use of, rtr.Vgyltir's .13alsom of
r e
liverwort. A sere cohlßrought on 'in attack of ,
Pleurlsy. and tb a ended in general debiliiyind 'On
gumption. A coeatant cough.- bectic c flosh, restless
nights, quick pulse. add continued loss rfted!, augur.
ed a ripeedydeath; but as soon•as he Mnierienced the
use of this Balsam, be grew better,'end ' is now fully
restored to health: . ' , '• . . ,'AGE,IO`..
DUCT, TAY L OW'S::- 1, ,' : . .•
BALSAM; OF, xiy.pPli'ditT. ..-7.„ '
. The cures and benefitlt priseutedhrthe ase•ef this
mediente.biall cases or tilt:cud-3 of tbc , Lungs, is 'al
most increditable.'„-ntlias &Mt 'used by 'waversl per
sons ,in this neighkuilMed and there, is scarcely an in- •
stance hetits heneflii have, been faly realiied. :Per
eons afdictell with': •• . . A, '
•.. '• - , Cirrkb;"‘Coldx:'•Asfhnie, •
..• -
'clifticolty of breadMig, paionielliesideorbricaki,-ipilk
timg,efbledil.catargnir palpitation ofOre i lmart t opptertz
aeon ondanfeitem of the chest, Whooping citegh. pleu
riss:lieitiee)crt &gist' irweats, difficulty or profuse
expectoration, and. all other affections or the chest,'
lunge anJ liver, should nut fstlrtf , pbacerinz la bottle
• of this gedicine. 1,. VillGtlT. .„
y. D
Sandill, WasbiegtoireMir.ty, IVY. ' •
' The composition of Dr. Tayllifi•ra lstm of Liver..
wort is only knOwn hyttiOrefincior. therefore it is
dang,trous,using say lAtUlat from 375 Bowel,.
• • . TO Tri
. _
, We iiiesolly certify that our son 6 years refer:Jim
suddenly-Aken with a fever, and after .a severe sick,
ness a vinfrint cough ensued.
LiewhYMolted; his skin tiradfilleti, entrhis physic
clan said *here 'sips no favorite symptom about twn.
that ltd had a erriifrined colistimmtem.;,-At that time
we piiisiisriat a boulo of that.talitatilc, medicine; Tay.
lor's-tilwitn of LiVerwart.. L 'After ;taking mire- bottle
we began to harp. hapeane;bia.rocarrery. He costin
edptiul used 61`o battle:4, It is now altar
froth that lime, and his health isbetter than it has been
since 'an infaur. • ,
• Ginn7ille, Washington co.. IQ. V.'
Vor vimorof the ahPve statement I referto the sub:-
scriber above people of high respectability. -
I:I9LENT . 'CItiGir ./...ND COLD CV RCEIi-- e..seireri)
ebsnae,ef ivsather having given ma l i. t c r i ..-violertt
cold. uoo espectoration and &Realty thing;,
was Tech distressed took D. Taylor • Ba4ani
orLieetiYint. 1 fond this-medicingto suit tity-;caie '
and cured me at once which causeino.ut ISCoinnactid
it to others. J. J. FlSllKR.A7.l3orrn.vir It: N. Y.
ire lA/ TIM FIDIC Ada MILiAgl":.-npiptikaill el .
have caused me much trouble...and ! ellen prevailed
my, attending to business! 'Every medicine/bearded
I tried. but found no relief: i'As a last resource I con
cluded to try Or. Taylor'Etalsam of Live:Cron. A.
aeon as I d.d, I grev.better, and have been gaining
ever since :atnitte4/ in good health, adin truly rep
commend . thiti-Bahsain as /ming farsoperiar qo any
thing else. •,• A. L.GREEISLS.PiId42I,X . :
Serrruto Omer, .;...For feu r:montbs I
have had n disittlarize olihlng„difnite therlongeitilatoit . i
daily. A Isom dry hard cpitah,sontopit‘grent
nese..sifter trying the doctors in vain for 3 atthaths„
I con'el VA to use DitltiVitir'S,Ribrattfoilwerrart.
if which three botttrit4tbnve made air tis;ire cure.. t ,
L. V. 11:A VILAND.I7iI (Win. 41. Y.:
For Balite - 111y Nttsville. by .
C. r -r /
, .
.-•- i
• ' - • - "
• . TIIIS, t IV': •-sis
• . is
' .GOL'''fieti" . *WA,WHAY'rEib,
c: ytr i loAdD *opt . LAW DAIZ., 7 •
By tao month in lississtoli•ionos: • ;
.E 1 114C111.}3i4 NVElSlT;liroirietors
No. 69 'Aid Si
4 lirer_POolik.4.o',#: ll 4cs- , '
4 . - - PHILADEILTW. la" •
' '
11arcti '1 1, •
.- :
• _
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