The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 03, 1842, Image 2

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.pite,apace_over the lacs - retneined open.. I felt the
aides of= the "crifftnlit and rUb against my alma.
end l'd4epaired that E 6hodld ever TCPVer 1:6
, , por
- - •
-;• . -The lifted end plaiedupon a table.
so4:ohiatilt ' ed when I was to be buried!
_4. TWO
efteraeon,"' Was the enswer—tihe has now been
dead*: that' then'been unconscious for
the length of a whole Jay.' hi l tw the time, instead
of dregginge.weary length, Scam" to fly
hghteningelikerepidity. - The past eeeteekend-.
thselYAOrig—thet-fature weal foreshortened to a.
Rennin?, The dock ticked
. faeier and
teeter; SW time seemed to pour itself away in es
cloudpia ncomints, TWilkthuoilof - e ri l i d 'u
, . „ ,
hs fierce heavy drOpOnore' ; :and more rapidly.
It aim; tifternoonthe.;:tompetty gathered—the
alititter ireakeirbesidiiitittei and the windOw was
opened. I.feltthe Watt breath:of
.the spring air
steal over my face lika a delicious odor. I heard
the hinia singing 'ameng the branches, and the
'gentle rustling °Vito swaying,trees, as the- wind
• atirred - iniu4the leaves, thought of all the
gladsome 'earth—fifths blue sky= of the 'rippling
bror:ks, half sunlight. hsifehadow—of the early
evening clouds, whose lines shift like the colors
on the doviAl neck—of the stars, of the moon, of
thtlSwelling and heaving ocean. and clung to-the
memory of therd with 6 mute despair, loving thin;
the more the nearer I came to losing them.
:At lost the dim hum ehont the rtorn ceased+
the!cliick ' tickled loudly, and the elergyirmajo
voice irtpeated those first sentences in the service
for.the dead—t. I em the 'resurrection and the
• • Isis voice ceased—l gave myself up to despair.
I nied to resign'myself - to the dreadful thought
• that I was to be ton
oiled alive. 'Ste one lilted the,
"lid to screw it down me ',should he removed ; I
' hettrd a faint exclamation from some one bending
over me—opood God: he must be alive yet ;
there are drops of perspiration now upon
head: Bring a mirror and place it 4o his lips; he
. may breathe yet. ". It seems that the , eXtremity.of
my aginiytiakwrong out a cold dew upon my
- `N A sooner had the . words been spoken.
than there was a wild hurry,
, and suppressed ex
clameninks of fear, and doubt, and surprise about
Abe initial. What a mommit of agony was the
next The fearful inticipation lest, after all,
there should be no sign's' of breath,tvas worse_
thin all before: The mirror was brought, and
then I- knavii„, by the sudden and fearful cry, that
my Teal slate, that of Catochus, was at last know n
I was bled instantly ; botween my lips a few
drops of brandy' were forced, and my limbs and
bead • vrore fomented with heated cloths, with :itch
effect, that in two hour" I regained my power of
• . motion and sat up, though weak from loss of blood
• and 'entirely exhausted by the-dreatinil suffering
through which I had passed as itirough a fiery or
deal. B,lie7e me, those pains I would not suffer
again, if the pace should be ft shower of all the
wealth and gl try that the world can bestow.--
Such .uttering does not leave a man where it node'
'him. I aroselcom my bed ao . alter'ed man: with
my moral and Mental c institutien completely
- The, main incident of Ibis story. hots ever im
_ prohible it may seem, is founded upon fact; and
hos occurred nithia the range of -the writer's ex
Patoehus is only a [Mealier form of Ca'alepvy,
in which the' patient retains the use of his various
senses while the power of motion is entirely Ewr
pended and presents appearance which may
easily be mi staken for death. In removing some
bodiegrom the vault of a church in 'a neighboring
city, on the occasion of erecting a new church, it
weir discovered that their bodies had assumed such
situation as could only he accounted for on the
supposition of their having been buriFd while in a
Mate of suapended animation Minor ; they hay
,ing turned over in 'twit coffins ti(Tn the recur
rence olconsciousness. The occurrence of such
• a fact,slano, together with the known existence of
diseases which ii,suine the semblance of death,
should induce the extremes , caution, and make it
a matter Ordaty to apply, before the burial, such
teals as to leaie no shadow of doubt, and no room
for mistake wiihregard to the actual fact of death.
HOEIIIIII3 AFTAi n.—A German,' who gave
his n one as Jos. litoaes. was brought td the Frank
„lin, Watch House at seven o'clock lak night, for
slabbing several individuals at a German Porter
House in Greenwich street; kept by Nicholas
_Wetty. He was bound and put in a cell, upon
its being opened a quarter of an hour eiterwird,
he was found hanged by the neck with the r ope
by which his bands were tied, end was qUite dee d .
A watchman was all the time within a few feet of
him, but heard no noise.
The persona etal•hed are George Hengist., Ni
zhnias Merl and George Trity," . (very dangerous.
ly ) and two others. He had been intoflus Par.
ter HOUSE' all day:, and ban been drinking bard, in
the "morning—Upon being refused more bluer.
be .beraine frantic, sod fell upon those about him
with *large knife.—N.. V. Courier. '
- LitOeric.-- 1 1Ve find the fillowina sketch of a
brief Confab which passed in, the streets of
ington the other day bow ten Col. Johns .0 end
Gen. neon, reported in Kendall's Expositor It is
the prettiest specimen of leconica we have met
this Many a day
Oro. Scott.--.. Well Colonel, I support, you ex
pect to get the Democratic /rumination!"
ent. Johnson --.• In one conttgency, General, I
'bitee not the feast doubt of it."
Goo. ticott —.What is that , Wain'
Col. JOhnson.--ttWhl, if the %Vitro nom:
•MI .904. the_ Democrats troll take me to brat
yam" t •
Mn. CALHOUN.- l'he douthern j•mtnala, one
after the other, are hoisting tho , name of Jahn
Calhoun fur the Presidency, The &nitwit! never
again Cheerfully vote for any man fur this Maze.
living north of « Maeun and Dixon's line." The
:Hamburg (8. C) Journal contains the following
..Tye Meekkiabterg ( N. C) Jlerionian.-=
We cordi l ally place this ep.rited journal on our
exchange list. We like it the better, beciruso it
hoists the banner of Jobu C. Calhoun, and if
we juilgefrum present apparel:lces, d.)a!houti will
be etrongly supported in North Carolina. The
Washington . Republican likewise has Calhoun
flytpcst the mast bead," ' •
large literary. iiarty in Edinburgh; • short time
go, in the course of cooveripotintr, - iiwas coentiont'
ad, that a certain well known literary chareciii - .
bad written two poemi. one called rrThe : Pebble,'l.
the other dente Ocean;" that he waa offering them'
to, the baokselleta,'whe, huuraver, would not IF._
Cede to his terms of publication , and that the'sver
thy author wag, therefore, puzzled' no* httle as
to what he '6014 de with his productien. .W by.'
'marked a sarcastic gentlemeh.who was present,
i think the doctor could nta Jo better then throw
the one into the other.'
Make up 'your:mind never to be a
outdnue by
boaster. lf-sueti a one says, with an Sir of lope.
rionty, that he keeps a yacht, directly ;tit4nit that
you, have a f•W
tnan-osi of your own private prop.
eny Jt is equally perviceable to drop .as much
below the mark SJ , to sot/ shove it; end when
you heaui fine",' mart it 'tit livening party' la;
- locating std that 4 . his-felloveY hag not brought
hta cals,"'beierffiedite. indi tell him You expea
fouitiviVetesruck 'every moment;` Whip put of,it
ttentirdisit toserrice. . •
, ,
4ATI7IX6AY MORNLNG,DEC-.3 3, 1842:
- • Job Printing Office. -
The subscriber bait- procured the iieceuarY type..
presses. &c. End' has attached a tempt* Job Print
ing Office to his ,Eitablisement. wheitirall kinds of
Ca tds, ,Pamphlets, I land bills, Checks, Bills ortatling.
dz.c., will be printed at the very lowest rates, and at
the shtirtest notice. Being determined to accommo
date-the public at the very loweit rates. at home, lie
re.pcctfultY solicits the patronage of the public.
Printing in different colors executed st a short notice
- • .- Card Presi. -
. A Card Press has been 'added to the establishment.
which will citable us to execute Ctirds;of almost ew
ery acscrifition, at very low rates:
Important. • • •
Let every citizen bear in mind.that it is not onlyhia
interest, but his duty, to purchase every thing that he
can at home. By pursuing such a course, hp encour
ages the Mechanical industry of his min. neighbrir
bond, onWhich the prosperity of every town and city
mainly depends-and besides. every dollar paid out at
home forms a circulating medium, of which every
citizen de Ives more or less benefit, in them:rune of
trade. F.v ry dollar paid for foreign manufactures pur
chased abroad. is entirely lost to the region, goes to
enrich those who do not costrihnie one cent to our
domestic institutions.and oppressesonr own citizens.
0:1r V. B. Palmer, Esq., No. 104. South Third
Street. Philadelphia. is authnrised to act as Airent
to receive subscriptions and advertisements for
this pa p :r.
OUR .111,7.1 r •IFFAI OUT—W.9IIIS at the pres
ent. time make it absolutely necessary that we call
agent upon our subscribers to pay up their liabil
ities. ylie are sell aware of the scarcity or mon
ey and the unusual depression of buiiness; but
our friends must bear in mind that we also are
affected by these causes, and that we are not able
to pass unscathed through the fire which singes
otoers. Our necessities are yiresaing—vve have
to purchase papes4nd pay our hands; this can
not be done unless our subscriptionti '? are prompt.
ly paid Those who are able will therefore cop
ier asi nal favor by calling - rind settling, and
should ;any want the ability to pay all, a part,from
such would he ecceptable. tome subscriptions
now due us, are forso long a time as five years,
anti these too front persons who'are well able to
pay. Unless those who owe ue attend to this ,
duty, Or givjecitonte satisfaction before the first of
the enduing year, we shag be forced to stop theii
papers; and piiisui the course already adopted by
other journal's, viz : of publishing their names
with the amounts due . , placed opposite, at the
head of our. columns, as delinquents.
Nxiv Boa'as.--Thitr's French Revolution--
The third cooker of this excellent publication,
been received, accompanied with a splendid
engrairing, of the returp of the Royal Family from
Verelines.• It wlil contain thirteen steel engrav
ings, and be complete in sixteen numbers—price
'25 eel is each, for safe at this office.
The Cunfissione of Hnrry Lot rquer —The
fourth number of this capital production is retoiv
ed. it is now complete,'.and contairis tw lye hu
morous engravings. A fine opportunity pow ex- .
iste for procuring the *mks cheap—the whole
cost Only amounting to one dollar. A few copies
for ssle at this office.
Wpverly N,mehi—No: 5 of the Sant. re.puhli : .
cation had been sent us, containing the 11Isck
Dwetf, and Old Mortality. This is the cheapest
work now published, both of the above Standard
works, only costing 25 cents, fur sale at the office
of the Journal.
Guanan's Maolzuss.—The December num•
her of itodi p iir.dical is received. Ii contains three
splendid engravings end the reeding matter is su This- work improves es it - progresses..—
Sine° copies twenty five crime for sale st this of
Tits -Missal's 111.17GIITER.—Tbip is the title of
a new work by W. Harrison Ainsworth. We
have not set perused it. but in the different criti
cisms of it ,already pubii.hed, it is described as
containing an excellent plot, woven into a tale of
thrilling interest. For sale atthis office, price 124
cent's. •
' I . IIS. WEATHER —9l.EtcHntooScc.—The weath
er until Wednesday morning last was unusually
cold and severe—cutting Waits.' from the north
whiCh drove our citizens around their stoves, and
froze everything that came bene4th its frigid
breath. On — Wednesday morning it clouded, the .
wind chopped round to the e ist, and at about 10
o'cicnk it commenced snowing heavily, notreas
ing unt.l near that hour in the evening. The
snow fell to the depth of about nine inches, and
there being an excellent foundation for it, the
sleighing is 'consequently superb. Our ears are
coniinually , saluted with the merry jingle of the•
bells as the vehicles fly rapidly past the office
window, and the cheerful laughing countenances
of the inmates almost tempt us to throw aside the
peri; and take a real spree on our own account.
We will rest contented, however, until our ; turn
comes, and enjoy ourself, as a good philanthro
pi,t, by Witnes,ing the happiness , of the rest.
1181111411 ICE Or PIIOPEIII T.'--ZvPry btlaillreo
TIM tind properly holder, at • period like thie
ought to have his possessions insured. The'cun
sequences of neglect at cub a time es the pr e ;,:
ant, would be more seriously felt than et any oth
er, end when indemnity train lose can be'procur
ed by at, small en outlay. heedlessness becomes al
most culpable. Those who ere insured . should be
careful to see that their p dicier; ere regularly re
newed, end those who ere not insured should at
tend to it promptly, for by so doing, they may
avoid much care and deprivation. Most of the
mal l s and troublis pf sdvereity might le shunned,
of Men attended to this dots more carefully.'
To'Cottasseosnewra. Di io a " communi
cation it bef.iirus, and we cables' ourtielves en
tirely too dull to see the point 'be aims at. As
en ent - rely abstruse productioh, we have no doubt
that it is admirable. bin n'importe. we cannot ad-
Susan," la also rectived—the paper is
fair, and delicate--the writing neat and lady-bite,
bat the grammar and apellingis aboodnable7un
deel such peculiar circumstances, Susan will of
Course excuse
4.THENI•Nx.—This Society is
still flourishingand will continue to flourish. On
Thbrsday evening last, the room was crowded to
,fisten to an interesting and exciting debate;upon
Oa' respective merits'af , connubial bliss and sin
gle blessedness. The bad:odors turned out strong
and struggled manfully for the 'fraterntty," -
• issinzires IttEssics.—We shsll make ar
rangements to have the President's Message' re.
cei ed and disbibrited to-all oar -subscribers as
olio. as it is Published.. Those 'residing in the
co nty will receive 'it by mail.' •
0 - It is stated that Boa's Rotes have attained
irculation of nearly one hundred thousand
ies. Fifty-threethousand eopies of the Nett ,
r id I edition has been sold
The Hon. Hubert Smith, one of Mr. Madison'e
Cabinet, died at Baltimore in the early part of tite
put.week, at the age of eightykiii.
• '
,Roonain.--The Eton
!Safi of the Tr . osouror of Mown Connty, Ohlo r
welt vicently. Indira open, Ind robbed of $1900.!
The CORI „Wm 1,45 -
Alive predicted last =week, ' the. ' l 44 , of tie
westilurr !tail broug4t, the Coal Tirde loft don f o r
the present)easou. The quantity
our fast. was
Rail JlO4.
• The.ofrwial quantity of Coal shipped from this
region this year by Canal is as follows : the van
. .
tity by. RaiLßoad ii.astimated;beLit will not va
500 tons either way.
• _ . .
By Oat a 4 inclgdrig L.&buylkill, 99L835
Rad Road , • 50,0U0
The Shipments . from this- region. in- . 1,841
mounted to 584 692: tons. showing - A defillieney,
this year of 40,857 tons.. _ •
The shipments from the Lehigh this year will
amount, in round numbers,to 275,000 tons—last
year. 142,821 tons—increase 132,179. tons.
The quantity shipped from the- Lar.kawana is.
gion varies very tittle from* .quantity mined
last year. - •
Increase in 1942,
Add overstock from last year;
nereised supply foi the consump
tion of the present year.
As soon is the official quantity of coal is re
ceived from the Lehigh and ',eel:astute regions,
we.will furnish our readers with our annual sta
tistics of the Coal trade.
Notwithstanding the general depression of the
times; it is generally conceded that the low 'rates
at which coal has been 'telling will increase the
consumption for the present year at least 150,-
000 tons. Bb.ce the business has attained any ex
tent. II a dealers in . Pniladelphia have never had
an small a n 'mount cn hand it the close of
the navigation as thy 'have this year. The put•
chasers in the East hive regulated that pur • .et
• so as not to la'st hinge, than the first of
which time they anticirite that Iran n • ri
commence upon the Rail Road. We ca el 1411:
jury that will result from a Burp! . 0
1100 tons; as it will have the eff ,
the Trade and wi,jl also result es •-1
Thus hes closed one of the most disastrous sea
eons we have ever experienced in this region. Ow
ing, to the unsettled state el the currency and trade,
the prices have been such es to render the bitsi
nese a very unprofitable one to all those engaged
in it here. We sincerely hope that we may ne
ver again witness the same trials and difficulties,
and that another season may bring us better prices
and a healthier trade.
Acctosturs.—lt hos been our painful duly to
relate the occurrence of several serious secidena.
which have already taken place upon the Potts'
ville,and Reading Roil Road. In nu one tristancel„
hsve`lhi Conductors or the Engineers been deL
serving of the slightest blame, but on the contra
ry, :the cause wee confined to unavoidable acci
dent. or the carelessness of the persons injured.
We are compelled this week to add others th
the list, and moat sincerely do we hope they may
be the last. On Sunday evening, two young girls
were crossing the covered bridge at Schuylkill H.
von, just as the return train of passenger cats
were entering it from the other side. They
mediately turned to run back, and, instead of crot•
sing the road ob to the empty track, which they
had time enough to do, they ran along the narrow
space-which interSenes between the main 4
and the side of the bridge. They'had gained the
outside of the bridge, and , were supposed to he
safe, wheit they were both observed rolling togeth
er down theenintilkment, near the entrance. The
cars were stopped, and they were picked- up, title
of them so terribly mangledrthar ehe died alrno6t
tostanity—the other did not arrive the slighteist
injury., The name of the deceased was O'Brien,
and, we learn. about 16 year. of age.
On Mand.y night. about 9 o'clock, another fe
tal accident occurred near the lime place, the par
ticulate of which, as Oar as we could ascettain,
ere these. As the Locomotive was engaged 11 . 1)
&awing the :nal ears from the turnout on to the
main track, which is done by means of - a rope ea
tending' from one track to the ether, a man flash
ed Robert Haines, very imprudently endeavored in
piss between the two, and in doing so, stumb!ed
and was thrown by the fall, immediately under the
care, four of which passed over him, beforei they
could be .0 'tilted. The deceased, we learn, resid
ed near Frtedensherg.
Chit nr LL's Foams Movraiz 11'1 maws's.
—This is, unquesticrnably, theost valuable pa.
rindical no errant ..
It contconta ns selections trona
all the mnxt ^ mable foreign Reviews, Magazine's,
and Qu aterlys, and is published for the lots
price of five dollars per annum, payable in. ads
vance. We have bmg wanted such a publication
in this country, arid judging from the contents
of the December number, as we have seen them
described, tlis work is all that was needed,dames
8. Campbell, 98 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, is
the proprietor.
Goner's Litre's fitiorc.--The DeceMber num
b."' of this periodical is received, which closes the
volume for the year. We wood advise all thnie
subscrinersivho wish to insure a punctuatrecelt
of the work, to attend to then; eubscri pitons prom l
ly. • Those who-do not wish to incur the expen se
of postage ; can avoid it by subscribing at this M.
five, where it twill be received and distributed tegu=
tarty. Subscribers to magazines, residing* in the
borough can have them delivered at their doori, if
they preterit, by paying 25 cents per number on
delivery. '* l .' _
. .
Dais.: The fall of snow on Wednesday linit,
•was so great
~ kt to impeJe the progress of, the
psisenger,traip i)f core, which did not arrive herp
until 2 o'clock the . following morningL-rthedirain
ward train, we have been informed ; did not re•Mli
the city until alter ilsplight the, negt.hiy--t e
train on Thun ni
elJe evene, reached here at ebc ut
9 o'clock. All the rail roads in this region "ere
completely blocked up with snow, and,the,,pr,Me..
balky is, that they will not be, open egsinfertrans.
portaticin 'online an Advance in the pricirof, , Cal
should, take place. ~.
Wo are. pleased to learn that the • United
States Gazette has scored-the services of Olirr
Oldsr.bool, -again ea "then correspondent.
shall endeavor also to fay before our readers, the dei%
liberations and nets of Congress as they ma °cobs.
. Tali Par a nauTatts.--The Ijiry, As
of Botlivin ; Megleester - and Kraliett, all Indic
sa aceisruirieir:to ilia rapider of Metoy, !weigh
• 'nailer oi_ siraidaughter io the"fo . aith degree •
the riereitif the court:*
orally tnidentotidisnaltelitmtil, t
itokttoq'tif tb4 l ,.4•Corporartt 13wittr-ftittll mitt
id%) to;•Congitios -;5 . !
5 , 13,835
• 1841.
584 692 543,835
142,82! 175,000
192,270 190,000
17.653 02,381.
21,4 .1 03 . 10,000
958,899 1,951,216
tons, 9L',317
nefit to the
Narroaati Wars Convirriles.;-.-Mttch'dis
cussiort tuts beeabid -in. the &Siva Whig. ps'o'i,
. .. 4. • .. _ , 0 ,
pars d r roiigli°u° l hl.i:Ouritr): : ai.te thS.pOliey of
holdin a National- Convention fir titer rfOiratii-.
. . ,„ „ . . .
lion of candidates for the4Prcsidenc/- and 'Vice
Presidency. A number i t papers opPosed to the,
mesimes, among which were tbelleltimore Arnett
iOan and a few others; have , sincCdreppeci their
_opposition; and we :observe' that'tha Lesiigton
Intelligen', which is looked upon as Mr . lay'e
I)%tri organ, hal come out and openly advocates
the holding of a Convention. Nye confess' that
we were among those, who at first opposed the
Measure; we did so because we did not deem it
necessary, but as we are always ready to lend our
aid in restoring narmony,when stem do so With
out:mtaificingvinciple, we cheerfully, ,Conaur in
urging onthe measure, and would advise. the e
lection of delevis;b3r all in furor of 'WhigPrip
cip!es, to repreaeal them in Nitiprial Convention,
and would willingly abide by thaevent. No evil
result can flow Von it:and, much good mal . ; , fol
low. 'lt may give energy and strengthtn th par
ty, and may have the effect of creating unity - of
feeling and Conceetrations; of force in favor, of the
chOsen candidate. . Mr. clefs tionsinatior we
consider certainJ but we iltithink that courtesy to
the other candidates, (particularlf since the ap
pearance' of Ceri. - 1 4 Cott'ai leiter, Which Wilt be
found in . anoihn., column) makesit bet right and,
just that such onvention , shonld be called, It
also needed fo the choice of a Vice President, so
that the united/selection of the whole party Atould
tall, upcin a goad 'and capable Candidate. 1-
Awat'w.fra MsLANCHOLT."—Aye! es the
old song says y what's the use of sighing, and,
we echo the (ligation. When the troubltis and
vexations of hmd times and dull trade, crowd up
on us, and mike efforts to weigh us down, we
could never sat the policy of bending to themorm
and of grievint at im rigour. The philotaiphic
mind at such - periods seek+ for amusement, and
gladly embracl any course that will torn thought
from those cortemplations which are gliionty and
sombre. Thiii•oramunity recognises the ;mani
ple we speak 4, more than any other that has
ever come witiin our notice, and are never so
cheerful as whin the greatest cause for despon
dency exists. Only the other day, we heard en
quiries as to 'hen the Cotillions would com
mence, and we , understand that our young men
are already making preparations for enjoying
their usual qtaltum of that delightful recrea•
tion. This meth d of shaking care from our
shoulders we ie , lily approve of, the more so,
because from tEe nown character of our people,
their elasticity of , isposition assists them in the
effort. Our lam, , reading, and debating socie
ties, together all+ , the cotillion 'parties, should
they be determne upon; will enable us to pass
the winter chearil enough.
Stascran Ac .11116:PT.-At an early hour, on
Monday morning last, a man decently and com
fortable clad, nes • iscorered lying on the ice, in
one of the clods, imnetliately under the roil road,
a short distance : ore the Depot. -When taken
up be was to ell ppearanees deed, bin limbs be
ing eeveiely hazer and his Lace showing marks
or severe brinsie. He was carried to Daniel
Kaeicher's Hoe!, the vicinits, where, after va•
." '
nous restoratives i td been applied, he su far re
cc seed as to tell name and! residence. The
account which be iss Billie given of himself, is
this—that he ra n up iu the , cars on Sunday
night, end Ott a ighting, he, being ignorant of
the locolities; h beqg dark of the time, walked off
of the rail road platform, and (ell• to the ground
upon his head,a distance of at least eighteen feet.
Upon the edge of the , duck, near where he was
found, was colectql a quantity of blood, showing
that he must hive tiled profusely during the night.-
It seems olinolin4editahle that any human crea
ture could exit% el'iuseil as he was to the freezing
weather,' for ,earl 12 hours. A person- who
was passing the epic, about 9 o'clock, confessed
that be heard agroda, but thinking it was a spook,
be rai n off.
Tag Barnet Istsnritl;;;.—The case of 'Poo.
Mullen, alias Lths4useovits tried last week - before
JudgeHurnsidr, eris his'aeriociates, at the court of
of Oyer and . lerniiner, of Montgomery County.
The prisoner ves urged with burning two brid
gee over Mill Cree on the 27th of September
last--one the pro ty of the Reading Rail Road
Company, the of belonging to the county of
MMontgomery. t
AI ough the evidence was cir
cumstantial, it seas complete, as to establish his
guilt, unless hi co
1 1 prove an alibi at the time
the bridges werl burt. I 'lt was proved 'hat on the
night of the 21th.ite purchased at Manayunk,
half a gallon oreamprine oil, in a black pig. He
was seen with - bat jag and bundle, going toweres
the bridges ar 8 o'click. The ire occurked be
tween 10 and I l---taithin an hour aPerwirds he
was seen on he same road, going from the fire,
.and without ether fig or bundle. The jug was
found the next morfing on a pier of the burnt
bridge, empty 'lke exile wet so clear Ant. the ,
jury had very little iii(fietilty in pronouncing tris
guilt. A recett litigate makes this mina, 'arson,
and its punistrnent is left to the discretioh of the
court,and is lieiredlirem one to ten years.
Tat Diarist I.J Foutax.—The character of
this sheet ii in ' tv w t ell sitoblished; :nd its, propri
entre have dons, anti are still doing, every thing
in their - power`to mlske it the best paper in the
city. We unierstah that, the editorial [ deport-
ment it about 6 be itkeio hv a gentleman of high
abilities, whosiltale is are well known to the chi-
Toms of this ditict. The proprietors of 'his pa
per hove is,urt6 Pipspectus to publish a E I weekly
Forum, at ihepricesf
,$2 per annum, sobscrip,
tions to whict will: bereceived at this office.—
We would. silt; advise ihova who wish tt reel lye
the daily F. 14 regularly, to leave thei
with us. :We that! publish the Prospect is nest
= 1 :1
, c - A numbe of strange little animals, denom
inated Elpitret&s, have been lately disco •cred in
the neighborhocd - of Poit Carbon. The most ap
proved methodof catching them seems tole the
fallowing: Twctersonsarc placed in a cold place
on the mountaint, lying on their faces with a bag
between: theof, 4te mouth of which; they hold
open. Then'lvo others start out with the dogs
and drive these curious little creatures rightdownt
into the bag. Ve understand that a party went
out a few nightaainee, and would have Certainly
taught citto if hehadrA run the.other way, as the
bag holders hut i at that they heard sthnething
squeal— 'Y
Cor..• Wen a.--Thisgentlernan - has been par
doned" Governor - Ilewsnl, who., in thedUeu
ment, giveri his 4asinur at lerigth for thus extend
ing the E:ecutke eltinency. The' Grand Jury
of Delaware haseioce presented the lion. Thorn
as P.Minshall goilighting a duel within the lim
its of the State; Col. - Webb ,escaped on account
of having atom] outsideef the' line during the
Coireassa.--The session will
,comMence on
Monday nest , an 4 will clone .the 4,4 of .Marcb.•;7.
ftfecb good ,migit be done . in that apace of time.
if . public rood, and nentarty Ascendency
could, by any,chact:e r ,tha motive for cc
tionie4tkibrAeicos. : For our zatt we despair.of
much relict.
. . , ,
•ItiriTz 1 31348.—The. Stook in OA* 'aild inii:
a Oirolionteinnneitiv , the S** sins offaid eni
all allerrisiinit on Mot dix itisit'inii few bids
ware hiitind no salmi effatni'.CTlniliiiir.: V
Porninittiti theniiiii in* ilikfitifei• 77 '';`q" . .l''!'' '
4.-..:,,..":-......-:-...A. - !..,-.'.;-;F:3t.•- . - - :.7t•
. , . ,
llionatik• kenoFt-rt.-3. < Y. -have t e - ceived . the
'iatticuhirs of;
-revolting: - ease gt buntait depraii
ry.-that has lately4iiip discriveredil2 Cincinnati;
jarhicho jut * speeintin of *d blaoded selfishness,
we have 'never seen parallelled.` Tha t names of
Ie parties are not given, 1. 1 4 'iare
fine. the pmticrilare,... ,Not basing space to give
the whole in detail we give the substance suc
cinctly is follows: The,partierOlve ri Cincin
nati, and the victim is an old lady abaut ninety
five 'years of age, who was., of sufficient
property to make her co unable 'as long as life
lasted. Aeon had become possessed of the property,
put of which he blast' pandered - when he left his
aged parentto the charity ilsirangers. ' A daugh
ter, who lived in the West, took her to live with
her, l but getting tired of her she brought her to
Cincinnatti and quartered her on another sister,
Wert tune; beingdetermrned not to be
at the expense of providing for her, took her in a
carriage to her brother's house, and, not finding
the family at home, left her on the door steps;in •
the rainier an hour or two. On the:return of the
son, lie-placedher in a rimall back room with a
miserable straw, , bed, and locked her up. Here
sharemained for some time, perishing from expo
sure and starvation; When it was accidentally dis
covered, and Serious threats being made to the
!gives if they did not provide for her—they ac
cordingly consented and employed a woman to
board and wait upon her.. The Cincinnati Times
thus closes the horrible story;
"They ga've her food, which she devoured like
a'famished wolf would have done; they cut off her
hair and combed her head, and washed and dree.
Bed her. - While ihe process of cleanin7. Was go
ing on. her daughter advanced, placed her
"ipectacles on her Jamie, and gave dirretions to
be careful and not to leav,e any of the creepers!"
The poor old creature was at last made clean
and comfortable, and removed to the roof a hire
ling,-where she afterwards died•"
Gamer. Bcorr.--In answer to a letter of in.
vitation in attend 65+ Frankfort Barbecue, Gen.
eta' PcottLwrote the'follosting. The letter is A
merican. and patriotic in its . sery tone, and is in
itself a high eclogy in favour of the writer
DETROIT, September 22d, fl 842
GENTLEMEN:—Your letter of the 7th instant,
addressed to me at Washington, has (Mowed me
to this distant region. .
With your invitation requesting my presence
at the - entertainment ehout to be given by the
Whigs (WOW.° to the Whige of Kentucky, who,
in 1840, so magnanimously postponed their first
choice tor the yrosidencv, I am highly honqred;
and if it were k compatible with my position as a
federal officer, I should certainly be in the midst
of you on the interesting occasion.
With one candidate for the Presicency,ancl the
best Interests of the country at heart, it aught not
to be doubted that the Whigs, appealin to the
*. g
virtue and intelligence of the, people, ill be as
successful in 1844, asthey . were in 18 o—wheth
er that one candidate be. as all indications seem
to determine, Kentucky's 'illustrious:son, or any
one of hundreds of his followers, my prat era for
a Whig triumph will- be ardent and unceasing.
I have the honour to 'retrial., gentlemen, with
high consideratiori, your friend and fellow citi
zen, ,
!Venire. .1. H. Crane, S. Forrer, H. G. Phillip 9
R. Green, D. A. Havne9 and Charles Anderson
Corresponding Committee.
1810 1842
Bfick, ( Lueofoco ) 216.808 208,070
Seward, (9/big) 222,011
Brash, ( abig ) 186,088
The Tribune very properly remarks:--'.By the
above table, it mill be seen that Loco-Focoism has
won its astonishing, overwhelming victory ( as is
is represented ) by 8,738 fess votes than it polled
two years ago, when we beat its utmost Mice con
clusively. What has been, can be again—WlLL
be when the Hotta and the litss are before us.—
Meanwhile we rest in calmness and hope, know
ing that even, day of Loco Foe° rule must add
to the strength of the Whigs. .
cinity to the city brings us within the cabalistic
circle of city fraud and roguery. method of
swindling was tried upon one of our milliners
a few nights since which fortunately did not suc
ceed. A girl professing to be the servant of one
of our most respectable citizens entered the store,
and requested a bonnet for her mistress to look at.
The prison in attendancp refused to let her haat
the article, but promised to send an assortment a
round-,the next morning. This was accordingly
done, when it was discovered that no such thing
had been ordered. and that they had no knowledge
whatever of the girl. Our merchants will have to
keep a bright look out for such creatures, In 'fu
ture; as every plan, which ingenuity can contrive,
will be practiced upon them.
Buinsar.—At a meeting of the New York
Common Council on Monday evening last, Sher
iff Hart sent a communication to the Board, en . -
closing a letter which be had received, containing
one thousand dollars. , This amount had been
sent to him anonymously, with it promise to re•
peat the sum, if he would decline and positively
refuse to hang Colt. The Sheriff, not wishing
to retain the money, has surrendered it to the
Board of Aldermen with a request that it shall be
placed among the city (ands.
MAssacnustrrs.—The returns from this State,
n thdse counties where no choice was made, give
he event as follows:
Whigs, 35
Locos, 13
Whig maj .rity,
The Huston, Atlas says, this result will in all
probability. give the Whigs a majority in the Lez
islature on joint ballot.
Tr Ls ass» Roar s.—The 'Co; lector of Customs
at Detroit has turned out one of his Inspectors
for voting the Whig ticket at'the late election,
contrary to • the wi.hes of Mr. Tyler. The fre
quent recurrence of such.. truckling behaviour
makes a man almost hate his species. The Col
lector's name is Edward „Brooks—consign •to
immortality! , ,
COLT AO/MlN—The N. Y. Tattler will have
it that Colt is yet alive. and the opinion became
so general, that on Monday an attempt was made
to remove the body from St. Mark's church, but
a crowd collected and forced them: to desist. It
is summed that the authorities will order'an im
mediate investigation for the purpose of allaying
the excitement. • •
The latest caseof absence of mind thit we
are cognizarttof, is that of it young lady" of'our
Borough, who, upon retiring for the Oita, placed
the lamp it the foot pith° bed. where she general
ly knelt, ;and was climbing upon the bureau when
her sister arrested her in the horrid intention—
this case has the merit of being true.
Mirror J. - At.sxminsa,--The• trial of this
young man for the murder of Mr. Longee, com
menced in Philadelphia on Tuesday mumingl'
and, the whole day, hotly:morning - arid afternorm:
session, was consumed; in the delay- of challeng=
ing juror.; • . • - •
, The follinvierCeffosion, brie meelPof the spirit of
1840 in it It is from the Louirville Itepub.iose.
The coon is not yet •• 'oder 'corr.!'
- Atthoogh'be's grieved fun gore; .
' " He's only "ply = ing possum" how—
'iroarr-tocr. • : •
new Cliy pspoi his heetistarted at Shi:pOns.
The.Philedelphia papers state, thal a comraen
and snowing there on Wednesday morning, at 10
O l Clorli. and continued until near night, when it
turned to rain. •
It is reported that Lilly. the murderer of McCoy
is safe in England. He was arrtsted upon his
arrival. but, as no demand was made for him
front the Sawretity of the Stab., he was released.
D:rJedge Winn n expected to sit -on cases of
Bankruptcy t on Monday next.—Rich. Star.
• We shoidd like very murk to be present at the
hateiting. It would, no doubt, prove an interest
ing brood, , ,
Senator Benton has been nominated for the
Presidency in Missouri. It is also stated that gold
has commenced Sawing up the Mississippi. That
perhaps will account fur its scarcity in ,pis quer-
A Whig, Mi. Thomas White, has lately
been elected to the Legislature in'.lMichigan, from
a district never• before represented by any other
than a Locofoco. In these times,- chit is some
thing, to brag of.
Nor DAD,—,The lla;gerstown,i Md., News
says : ‘. Printers charge in advance, and their pat
rons pay semi-occasionally.
The democracy of Maine will support Mr. Ty
ler if he supports their principles, and not with
out. The Eachequer plan finds no -favor with
the Maine democracy. ,
Only one Democratic paper in .Alabama-is in
favor of Van Buren; all the rest have come out
in favor of John C. Calhoun.
Wm. E. Jones, Esq., formerly editor of of tho
Augusta (Geo.) Chronicle and Sentinel, is among
the prisoners captured at San Antonio by the
,1L sorts of items.
(Original and selected.
A man by the name of Rockwell, was murdered
at Canaan, Conn. last week.
A brilliant meteor passed to the south of Glu
ed:lsl4li on the night of the •25th.
Fletcher Death, the gambler, convicted last
week at Richmond, Va.; of the murder of Della
Harris, his tai l tress, was on Saturday sentenced
to he executed on the 23d of December nett.
KISSING GOES DT F4TOR.-.-When Parson Mik
ler left Newark for New York, many of the la
dies kissed him: He charged them to meet him
in Heaven next year.
.The MadiAonian says . rr 4piares the insine
course of the Globe." The Globe equally des
pises the stupid and fanatical., conduct of John
Jones of the Marthonian.
The Editor of the New Bedford Bulletin says:
It is highly improper for a gentleman to snore
so loud in church as to disturb the rest of the
There are women enough in all conscience,
but not conscience enough 1 9 all women—as the
fellow said when the girl told bim he needn't call
again. H
A meeting bas been called in Cincinnati, of
those persons who are friendly to the election of
Colonel EL M. Johnson to the Presidency. The
call is numerously' signed.
Judge. Wane, of New Orleans, has. decided in
the case of a contested election, that witnesses
could not be required by law to declare for whom
they voted. Their avowal must be voluntary, if
made at all.
The New Constitution of Rhode bland has
been adopted by the peeple,nearly unanimously ;
only 33 votes are known to have been cast in the
The number of persona carried over the Troy
and Shenertady Railroad exceeds 300 per day.
The fare is only 25 cents. The distance is a
bout 35 miles.
In the Court of Common Pleas,sti!tting at Cham
bersburg, Pa., on Tuesday last, iiyoung lady ob
tained a verdict of $ 1500 damages, in a suit
brought against her lover for a brellelt of promise
of marriage, .
The Grand Jury of New Castle crmy. Dela
were, have lately found a number of true bills a
gainst illegal voters, and officers of elections who
- have received illegal votes. No Whigs, it is
said, were concernedin these disgraceful transac-
Mr. J. Orville Taylor delivered his first Lec
ture, et Cincinnati, on General Education, on
the 22 ult.
A Fl 11%—n Sir Robert Peel thinks a'great deal
of him.elf," says a London paper. A cotempo.
rary replies that he is just the man to trouble him
self about trVes.
The Hon. Mr. Wadsworth, orGeneva, N. Y.,
lately expended $ 10,000 in the purchase of elev
en thousand copied of a book entitled "The
Schoolmaster and the School," for the purpose
of presenting a copy to each School District in
ihe State of New York.
A F•Taste et • Fasrit.x.--Sir George Tut
hill relates a case of an Asiatic Russian, a.ho bad
by his first wife sixteen at four. and sixty-nitre in
fants at twenty-seven births—eighty-seven child
ren in all.
The Ohio Statesman (Loco Fero) 93)5-the Lo
co Foco party cannot support John Tyler for re
election; It adds with great feeling,.ll . ho is sin
cere, his conscience will reward him sufficient
ly !!"
BTna r.—That newspaper patrons are su
much more liberal with their advice than their mo•
ney !
VEILS SOT TO DE .4011.14-A celebrated writer
on sight says, that the wearing of veils permanent
ly weakens many naturally good eyes on account
of The endeavors of the eye Iry adjust itself to the
ceneless vibrattons of that too common article of
dress. -
Vsny• LIRA m.—The Baltimore Patriot says;
It is thought by some that the Locofoco party in
the Legislature of 'Virginia may be induct] to e
leCt Thomas Ritchie, Esq. editor of the Richmond
Enquirer, Governor of the State. •
Tuftonborough, N. H., a' man has left half of his
crop of potatoes in the grotniti, hping dug enough
to last his family until next Awl!.
NEW YORK ELeemos.-,—Bouik's niejerity in
the itete, will be over, 20,000.
Be has received fierer,votecby 8,000 than in
1810, and that Bradieh's vote will show a falling
off On the part of the Whigs of 35,000.
- - .
The paper published by the inmates of , the-In
sane Asylum at Brattleboro', Vt.," bas nominated
what they call The.erny'Man's Ticket, and says
c l.
if*ll,the ad politicians in the country , will sate
for Wit ill b e, sure to succeed.
Boons Ist.AND.—The Providence Journal of
Saturday ntaituu returns from 22 : towns, and
partial Mar a from Other!, leaving 5 towns to be
heard from.r--- he number of vote's in favor of the
6natitution is 6535;, Spinet ; it 92;.f0r admit.
ring blacks to vote 3793 ;',sgainat'it 1320.. - ' ' .
Two things.sre generallyiiceived tit% disgust,
though idtitinistered with gocid-hdetiti4ni- 7 ,truth
hid physic. F •
We have never.yet heard a rasa regret signing,
pledge. We never yet saws wifeery Weenie
her husband beesine ia,iireablog r itiitin—and we
have 'yet,,to see a saki. wan and the swine, taking
qj todglngl together in's *flair:
• •- • • .- • 7'z
Engiand. -
:The Birmingham papers state? that a general
strike far. new prices has taken place, among the
tin-plate workers of !Staffordshire. and a simila r
swards° to Birmingham.
•An institution has been opened at Sheffield,
called•the s! The People's yollege," in which for
the trifling sum of 303. a year, it is said, the hum
. may receive' a first rate education.
Tay rAlllFF.—Theßarninittain Journal sap,
ttiat in consequence of the Tariff. American hams
are Iplling at 50. per Ib., and pork at 4d.
Futirr.=—All kinds of fruit are very plentiful
throughout vie Kingdorn, fine baking apples, are
selling at 1 shilling, end 'potatoes at 10 pence per
bushel. •
A man named Jamis Millard , Humingford,
Cambridgeshire, endeavored to murder his wits;
by drowning her in a 'welt he however failed in
his horrid intertioo.
Fine, ♦r Buomeiroi.—On Sunday night, i t
fire was discovered at - the resident of a lady null
ed Kenitile ira.Brompton Square. During the
cuntligration, a child was burnt so - iieverely, that
it immediately expired. It was stated by the
Coroner, that the deceased, who was a girl, was
heiress to £BOOO per annum, and would, if a buy,
have been enoiled t r the Dukedom of Manchester,
Oct. 19.
lair Wm. Geary, at Olonhesth, whilst entering
his &stain room, fell 'Over a glass screen, which,
biesking, a sharp piece.entered his neck, dividing
one of the branches' of the carrotid artery. No
hopes are entertained of his recovery.
SINSULAR Aectnssr.—Asa gentleman. nam
ed Wagstaff, was returning home to his residence,
iu Parkßoad, late on. Monday evening, he stem.
bled and fell. Whilst falling, he threw out but
of his arms, to save himself, and the force with
which he fell,' dislocated the wrist and fractured
both ) foro ante—he is likely to recover.
Two men named Sherton Gird Peach, died
Stafford by hydrophobia, originating from the b i l e
of a small BlenheiM vpaniel.
Cheater isTho oldest city in England; Sir Thu.
mas Elliot says it was built by a great grand.iii
of Noah ! I There num lie older places in Wale.,
if the notes accompanying a Welsh pedigree, ore
cot reel, this time Adam was created." , '
The Vicar of Sunbury, has given an acre of
ground to the •inhabitants of that place in tru=i, kept as a play ground for the children of the
National schools.
t Preatergn, which
. f the combatants, i,f
Jour. I
Ireland. .
On some of the estates in . Ire r a i r
d. more par
ticularly Drogheda, the rents which were 15a. kr
acre, are now from 3G to 50s per acre.
At Belfast, upwards of two hundred of the 58. h
Regiateni, have signed the total abstinence piedin ~
Robert Allen, of Kilkenny county, committed
suicide a short time since, Whilst under a fit of
temporary intani:y.
A prize fight took place
resulted in the death of one,
er continuing for an hour
A letter from Durimanway, Sept. 27th, stated
that a shower , t f butter hai been, falling in that
vicinity, (or several nights past.
Mar:mace F.r.Tn.tonnisr.—On Thursdny,
Mr. J. WG men, newsman, was married in the
chapel to Mrs. O'Hara. aides. The happy bride.
groom is only in his 81st year, end the fair Wide
hostpassed through the storms of seventy•six win
ters, so that the united ages ealount‘d to 157
years.—Sligo Champion, Oct. 15.
One fartnerlt b:hanagolden lost 30 cows try
the distemper amongst cattle during the summer.
Henry Wright, near Castleconnell, committed
suicide by hanging himself (rum a tree.
The Dublin Warder states that an inquest was
held on the body el Catharine McGuire, who was
burnt to death at Skennes, a short time before.
The bazaar at Enniskillen, for completing the
spire of the new church, produced near 300 L. The
43d depot band attended, and the members of the
no ble families of Ely, Erne, end Eouisktllcn, had
fancy stalls in the bazaar. •
A SLVERC WIN-nat.—The Derus S. enrol
says that large flcola of wild geese have been ,een
'both in this arid the previous week in the neigh.
borhood of CastleJerg. flying in the direction of
Lough Erne. These birds have been foaled ue.
oa as rho-harbingers of stormy weather; and should
there be any mill in these prognostications we
may expect an early and severe winter.
. The Dublin Warder mentions a second growth
of mushrooms as' among the vegetable curiosities
of the summer.
•A women 57 years of age, and only two left
and a half high, passed on toot through tilergow,
on Thursday week, but was so I•esieged with tee--
tutors that %be wee compelled to seek the cam'n of
the police.--00. 12.-
FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday evening ac
Mr. Mown Parker, farmer, Kuklaug,hlen, was; re.
turning home from the Strenraer horsewnerk.t,
in a cart, with some friends, he fell from the v'eln
cle ou the road between stony kirk and Halireg
gan, when one of the wheels of-thd cart passed E
ver his body ontlcrushed in his nos. The 'un
fortunate mom expired within on hour after the
accident.=-Gallozv4 Reg., Oct.'ls. •
On Toe,dxy, Oct, 11th, the muslin of, the
Duchess of Alhole, were deposited in the family
sniAt un;iernesth the CLopier House of the anti
etlrsl.—Dtsnifics - Courier.
They bawl had a heavy flood of rain in Dun
dee which inimilved a number of Lowell, at d ve
sted some considerable damage.
Corr Or STRIKES.—There has been espeml
ed in strikes of late years, among the .Glas4. , te
cotton spinners, 47 0001. ;-theManchester emt,.tt
spinners, 370,0001; and the woolcombers, 40 0001;
Leeds mechanics. 187,0001. The last strikes in
and-about-Manchester has probably cost as much
as all of them put together.—lverness Herald,
Oct. 14.
The Carnaraon Herald had the folio. ing :
A gentlemen farmer, not two miles from Aberyst
with, purchased at Lledroil fair in October, 1841,
nine head of cattle, and kept them well with tur
nips, hay, &c., during the winter, and an excel
lent grass through the summer; and at the last
Lledrod fair, beldon the 7th inst., sold the nine,
and had only realised io his pocket for their excel
lent keep the sum of I ts.
A Henfurd paper, gives the particulars of l a ar
ty singular flood, which 'occurred at Abersiwilh.
At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, a rambling nose
was heard and l the wattle of the river Rhydal rase
several feer.srld came rushing down stripping the
Gelds of grain, anti - carrying everything before
them, and continued so for upwards of eight hours.
The wife of a:respectable larmer, named Miller,
xesiding at - Ferdon, near Urecham, whilst (Yaw
ing water from a well, accidentally fell in and
'was drowned before she could bo recovered.
'helium - 13e tax is forcing many of the MS*
teem" of the country into retrenchment and a
more economical mode of living Peers owls," as
it is called is becoming quite distasteful.
Yictoria Iron Works, the property of the
'Monmouthshire Iron and Coal Company, are a
gain offered for sale.
John Quincy' Adept; diliverei is Lecture on
Government at Providence, R. L on Friday levee
ing; The Chronicle says• it sustained fully the
,gißcuids take)] by the Charter party in that State.
Ono' intereitiee bit - tile:stated concerning the a. ,
Option of the State Constittiion of lifsuScho
eett**—that the • hole'•number of persons iPtiv&
'for it did orl:etceed-115,000. •