The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 15, 1842, Image 3

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N. W ar d , 95 l44'
Potwilit°, T..
Vard, lot 96
196 240
153 71
Poit Carbon,
289 56
Schuylkill Haven,
uppe, Al abantopgo, 13 115
Loner Mahoetongo, 36
56 ?I
-11 41
23 • 29
136 16
10 65
39 36
tVeat Penn,
Union, _
4248 1132
Capt. Mills was a volunteer candidate
Prothonotary, 4-e. Register, Ire.
Pottsville: N. W. 216 166
5 8. W. 153 91
369 257
P:it Carbon, 134 92
49 73
52 31
OrWigsburg, -314 108
Schuylkol Haven, 87 138
Pun groce, 91 109
34clieansburg, 55 50
Friedepsbut, 64 88
Upper Mnliahtengo, 21 ' 108
Lower 51ahaotenge,.•46 45
65 12
9 54
10 " 43
133 19
`ll 67
30 44
1 31
Weil. Penn;
1541 1375
Poniviille ? ti. W. 90 98
38- W. 70 86
160 184
Port , Cann, 110 68
15 '66
Brunch, 22 28
Orwig.burg, 351 38
Schuylkill Haven, 58 144
. -
Pmegrove, 62 118
McKeanaburg, 52 34
Priedensburg, • 23 71
Upper kiahantano, 24 103
Lower Mahantaego, 20 22
Barry, 60 3
Tamaqua, ' 33 31
Bush,. 30 ' 1
West Penn, 146 2
Union, 12 64
Schuylkill, 43 25
Porte-, 1 34
1222 '1 . 046
176, 191,
Mr. George H. Stichter was volunteer centli-
William B. Lebo.
bfichoel 3iltur
Frederick . Beck
The deMocratic ticket i n opposition to the reg
ular locofoco delegate ticket, baP aucceded through
out, with the ozceplion of Mr. Krebs, who is de
retail] _by Major Downing, by a majority .of 63
• On the People's Ticket.
• l au „ Llv....
trWE -us
Freight has advanced to 90• cents to Philadelphia,
and $2,50 to New York.
Our attention has been called to an article which
recently appeared in the Ledger on the subject of the
'apply of coal ; which, like nearly all the articles on
the Subject of the coal, trade emanating front that
quarter, are for some cause or othef, written express
ly to deceive the public.
The writer states that the supply of?oal this year,
will exceed the quantity consumed last year.
about 315.000 tons—and consequently there will re
main a surplus in die market unsold :rat April of
about 200,000 tons. This statement F 7 erroneous.
and May, where theauthor is not known. induce pur
chases to hold back, under the impression that so
large a surplus might produce a further diminution
in the price. Such however, will not be the case,
nor will the quantity oiNcoal thrown into the market
thin year be any_greater than the wants of the market
will require,- Prom the best information we possess
on this subject, we give the following as the probable
quantity aerial that will be shipped from the, different
regions in 184'2, and we feel confident in miming our
readers, that it will not vary 10,000 tons froin the an
tual quantity eitherway
Add quantity remaining over let of April,
Making hank ' 1 .127,000
The consumption of coal fOr the year ending on the
first of April kg. was 931,000 totur,in round numbers,
Which deducted from the above, will leave only 196,-
MO tone in the market,lover and above theconsump.
non last year, and not 345,000 tons, as stated by the
'writer in question. The. gcnerai impression is, that
if we should have even anordinary. winter, together
with the cheapness of the_ article, the consumption
forthe'present year will be - increased at least 150,000
ton*, leaving a surplus of only 50,000 tone, which. if
equally distritinted - among the different markets, is
not too much to remain over, tbeteby insuring a regu
lar supply, and protectit g the consumer from the
great evil arising from the fluctuation of prices.
To convince our readers that there is notimuch pro
bability of a large stock of coal remaining over, we
heed only resent° the fact, that our colliers have not
the means to mine and ship coal to market, unless it
is actually sold—and it will be generally conceded
that both dealers and COOl/171hers abroad, are not bless
ed with such abundant means aml facilities, aa to Moe
ear's this year so large a quantity of coal, if it was not
actually wanted.
The surplus over last spring, was riot caused by a
gam of prudence on the part of the deillers, but it is 16
be attributed snlelyiU the extraordinary mild a eather
bait winter, which no human foresight on their part
could have fdretold or guarded against. All agree
that a winter of even ordinary severity would hate
swept the market clean, notwithatanding the high
prices at which the coal was sold, in alt the Atlantic
, • •
The Cars commenced running to Richmond on
Tuesday night last, and the coal trade on the
Road has been resumed again bcith to the' city atm
Richmond on the Delaware.
Lehigh coal trade to the 11th inst., amounts to a—
bcut 211,000 tons. .
Freights . from Philadelphia to the Eastward, re
main the same as quoted last week.
Schuylkill Coal Trade. " „.
Shipments of Coal for the week ending on Than
day evening last: -
From Pottsvilfe and Port Carbon, 11.910
Schuylkill Haven, 9,113 -
29 89
37 29
89 ' 64
74 110 _
- By Rail Road.
Schuylkill Haven, 2,409
99 56
200: •
p er last report Pottsville &P. Carbon; 2N5
t' ' from Schuylkill Haven, 132,228
The freight from 'Schuylkill Haven by Canal is from
5 to 10 cents per tun less than aura Pottsville and
Port Carbon. ,
Coal shipped trout Port Clinton, to week ending on
Thursday evening l st,'
Boats. "Tons
Oct, 7 Lady , Eider, 55
•• 8 Mary ,3 / 4 . nn. 56
•• 8 Wm. Wallace, 58
" 10. Olive, 4 60
'' 10 Sarah Ann. 56
•• 12 Martin Vau Buren, 54
'• 13 Ledy, 56
= 7 395
Per 1-ast. ... .., 173 9787
Sundry Sliiiiriera; , . 9 .526
' Per Last, 190 ' 10199
The total amount of coal transported on this road
up to Thursday evening last, is 3,212 tons
Per last report 74 874
DIIII Creek Rail Road.
Amount of coal transported on- this road for the
week ending Oct. 13th
Quantity of Coal transported on the Schuylkill Val
ley goad, week ending on Thursday, 6.454 tong
Last return 63,377
4 Total
Mine Hill and riehuylkill Haven Railroad
The following is the amount of Coal transported on
this Road, for the week ending on evening
last. Tons 8.447,145
1 ast Report, 159,624 11
of Me Poor
By Reading Railroad, '1109,04 Tom'.
XVIII. NEWELL. Collector,
r -A-- )
W" F:ft EAS by an Act of Assembly, entitled
„ tin. Act to provide for the enumeration of
the taxable inhahilar.ts end slaves wlthic this
Commoowealt." passed the 6ih day ofJunuary,
A. D. 1841, rt is made the duty of the Commis
sionersir of the se eral counties of this common
wealth, on or be ore the first day of November
next, to issue tht it precepts to the several town
ship. ward, or district Aisessors, requiring them
within thirty days after the detect such precept
to make out two complete liste, 'in alphabetical
order, containing a just and true. account of the
names, surnames and occupations of every taxa-.
File person, of the age. of twenty one years arid
upwards, whether male or female, resident within
their respective townships, wards or districts,
which said commissiffners and assessors are
also required previous to entering upon their du
ties:to take an oath or affirmation in the form
prescribed in the act aforesaid. Notice is therefore
hereby given, to the several assessors of Schuyl
kill county, to attend at the Commissioners' Of
fice, at Orw igsburg, on %I, cdnesday, the 26th day
oft/ember next, at 10 o'dlueit in the totenoon.Ar
the purpose of taking the path or affirmatioitlind
receiving the precepts. I'unctual attendance is
requested. _ :
128 133
85 101
213' 234
--1:10 78
21 73
• 59 26
317 93
109 98
69 114
22 82
. 75 65
70_ 59
69 - 20
69 7
5 53
13 37
131 13
8 5165
26 45
1 ~34
1387 1196
To the Stockholders in the Company for erecting
a Bridge over the A. E. Branch of the river
Susyuehanno„ near the Town of Cattawissa.
NOTICE is hereby given, That the managers
have declared a dividend of seventy five cents per
Share for the last six months (equal to 6 per
cent, per annum' which will be paid to said
Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on or
after the 17th inst., by
Cattawispv, Ocyl . sth 1842. 42
irr FIE salea:at Anction will be resumed nn
# Al- Monday evening next, when we Shall offer
a general assorment of Dry Goods, together with
several Gold Watches, which have been received
at New York recently in exchange for'coal; they
can be seen and examined at any time previous
to the sale.
Pamplet Laws of the last Session of the
14givlutive of Pennsylvania, have been re
ceived PruthonotarY's ntfice, OrwiEsburg,
an,l arc ready tar distrbution to such persons as
are entitled to receive them.
GEORGE RAHN, Froth'''.
Orwigsburg, Oct. 8, 184.2.
. .
HY - virtue of several writs of Venditioni
ponas and Levari Facias, issued out of the
court of Common Plear!of Schuylkill county, and
to me ' directed, I will expose tosale by public
Vendue or outcry, on •
- Monday, the 29th day of October,
A. D. 1842, at nine o'clock, A. 'l, 'at the Public
house of Michael Seltzer, in the borough of Or.
wigsburgteounty aforesaid,
1. All that certain' messuage, plantation and
two tracts of COAL LAND, situate in the town
ship of Pinegrove,
in the county of Schuylkill,
containing together about_ 202 acres and allow
ance, being the same tract of land which Jona
than &U be, by deed - dated the sth day of April,
1838; granted and confirmed to John Ripple,
Charles McClure and William Milnor Roberts,
together with the appurtenances, consisting of a
Log dwelling, and a small frame building, at
tached thereto, a large Log Ram and a good Saw
Mill, late the 'estate of John nipple, Charles
McClure and William Milner Roberts. The
Swatara and Good Spring Creek Rail Road passes
through this tract of land. .
2., ALSO, All that certair LOT or PIECE OF
GROUND, situate in Schuylkil. conuty, , and state
of Pennsylvania, marked on the Greenwood Fur.
nace additional plan ofthe llorouglr or Pottsville,
Numbers 12 and 13, lying on the North side of
Schuylkill street, East b.( Lot No 14. and West
by Lot No-11, conveyed to William J. •Diehl,
which Richard Willing, by
,Indenture bearing date
the 13th day of May, 1830, granted . to Joseph
Ridgway in fee, with the appurtenance's, late the
estate ofJoseph Ridgway.
' 3. ALSO All that certain LOT or piece of
ground, situate in La wton.s Addition to the town
of Port Carbon, in Norwegian township, In the
county of Schuylkill, IMuntled Northwirdly by
Lot No. 21, Southwardly • by Let No 23,-East.
Total. 381559
- Freights.
Pottsvilleto,Philadelpim, 65 to 90
!to New York.
$2.45 to 2 50
Little Schuylkill Coal Trade.
379 '20904
Mount Carbon Rail Road
Total, 78,116
NATHAN LE A VER, Colledtor
Per last report,
35.298 '
CEO. HADESTY, Collecnir
Schuylkill Valley Rail Road. -'
IL 11. POTS, Collector
By order of the Commissioners.
J. 11. DO% NINC,
Commissioners' Office Or.
sv Tilburg, Oct. 8, 18.42. 42
Ladies are partieuliily invited to attend
October 15,
wardly by the Southern half of Lot No 24, and
Westwardly byMarket streli t containitiginovidth
or, breadth in part on Market street, fifty feet in
rear 50 feet t and lerighth or depth 150 feet,and
being the lot which is marked in the general plan
of Lawton's Addition to the town of Port Carbon,
with the No 22;&c. with the con-.
sitting of a Two Story Frams•dwetling !louse,
and small out buildim , s, late the estate of Henry
Porter •
4. ALSO, All that certain`Mcssuagek , ,tenement
and Lot or piece of ground, situate on the North
wardly side of Pottsville street, in YOuirg's Addi
tion to Port Carbon, bounded Eastwaidly by. Lot
No 6, now or late belonging to:Joseph P. Carroll.
Northwardly by land now or late of William Law.
ton &• others, Southwardly by the said. Pottsville
street, and Westwaidly by Lot No. 9 ; containing
in front on Pottsville street, filly feet, and in
length or depth; one hundred feet, being Lot No
8, on Pottsville street, in Young's Addition to Port
Carbon and Pottsville, and being the 'same which
Thomas Haven granted to Aaron Steinbach, by
Deed bearing date the 16th day of March, 1839
with the appurtenances, 140 the eattite of Aaron
5. ALSO, A certain •tract of land, situate in
Wayne township. in .the count - 3? 'of. Schuylkill
hounded by land of John Snyder, Sitbon Shrope,
Zaboek Reber and • otheis, containing 20 Acres
more or less, with the appurtenidees consisting
ail Log Dwelling House and a Lng 'Stable; late
the estate of Andrew .Pos.
6. ALSO, The undivided moiety or:half part of
a certain tract of Coal land, ;heats iu Branch
township. Schuylkill county, bounded by land of
the New York and Schuylkill company, George
Rahn, Burd Patterson, and others, containing 61
Acres.,mom or less, with the appurtenances; con
sisting of four one and a 'half story stone houses,
one two story log house - , a frame Stable, thid
Blackstilith shop, late the Estate of Jacob Ser.
7. ALSO. A certain Lot or piece, of ground,
situate in Morris's Addition to the Borough of
Pottsville, bounded in front on Centre Street, 20
feet, ano in depth 120 feet, arid marked in the
elanoftilorris's Addition aforesaid, with the num
ber 13, It ith the appurtenances, consisting of a
two story stone dwelling house, late the estate of
a lfrxander Graham,
8. ALSO, A certain half lot of ground, situate
in the Borungh of Minersville, Schuylkill county,
bounded in front on Sunbury street; in the rear
by Lewis street, adjoining Lot of Thomas Rob.
invon and rharles Brown, being the Eistern
half of Lot No. 23 being 25 feet 'side and 200
feet deep, with the appurtenances, consisting
of a two story frame dwelling house and
frame store house, late the Estate of Peter .
/ Luton's.
9. ALSO, A certain Lot of ground, situate in .
the Borough of Minersville, tcbuylkill county,
bounded in front, on Sunbury feet. ea.
tending.that width back to South Wee?. adjoining
Lot of Augustus Wilmot], and part of !WS same
Lot, the property of Samuel Milner, nnobered
in the plan of said Borough No. 22, with the ap
purtenances, consisting' of , a two story frame
house, with a Basement story in front, a small
frame stable , and a well of water, late the Estate
of Yeager right.
10. ALSO, A certain lot of ground, satiate in
the Borough of flllinersville, Sebnylkal county,
adjoining Lots of Blair MeClenahan and Daniel
R. Bennet, containing 25 feet front, and marked
to the general plan No. ---, with the appurte
nances. consisting of a two story frame dwelling
house, late the Estate of Benjamin Rahina.
11. ALSO, A certain Log building,ione and a
half story high, and commonly called the colour
ed people'S Meeting house, situate on the North
side of Lanrel street, on Lot No. 26, in the Bor.
ough of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, Containing
in the whole '2BOO square feet of ground, late the
estate of Job Finney, Samuel Gsskill and Lewis
Powell,- reputed owners, and Timothy Driscoll
and Richard Kit khan, contractors.
O. ALSO, Al) that certain tract, or piece of
Land stivatp in `Maiiheim township, in Schuy lksll
county, beginning in the middle of the public
road leading from Friedensburg to Orivi'egbura,
ou the west endof the Bridge over the Schuylkill Schuylkill Haven, thence following; the Batik
of said River, thence by laud of Fitch &Compa
ny, and land of George Kershner, to the place of
beginning, containing ten Acres and seventy
perches, more or less, late the estate of Lebbeus
1,607 tows
168 071 16
13. ALSO, The c ,undivided ballot a certain
tract of Caul Land, situate in Schuylkill fiiwnship,
Schuylkill county, bounded by hinds of Peter La.
diE, Christian Shell, and others, containing
150 acres and 37 perches, which aeOording to
re survey is said to contain 200 acres inure or
14:4L50,.4t the same time and place, the
undivided half of all that certain piece. or parcel
of Coal Land, situate in Schuylkill township, in
Schuylkill county, bounded by lands of George
Reber 'deceased, Jamcs Blew, Francis B, Nichols,
Peter Ladig and other., containing 191 acres
and 101 perches, with the appurtenanco, consist
mg of a Log dwelling :louse.
15. ALSO, at the sante time and place, OM
divided half of a certain tract of Coal Land, situ
ate in Schuylkill township, Schuylkill county,
bounded by lands of now or Iste—Bailor, de.
ceased, and-the Catowissa Road, containing 104
acres, with the, appurtenances, consisting o f two
Dwelling Houses, two Barns and one Saw Mill.
16. ALSO, At the Fame time and place, the
undivided half oral' that certain . pieceior parcel
of Coal Land, situate in Schuylkill township,
Schuylkill county, bounded by lands d George
Reber, deceased,,ilate Aaron Bowon,! Andrew
Gilbert and others, containing 111 acres and 10
perches, with the appurtenances, consisting of a
t.vo story Frame Dwelling; House, one two story
Log Dwelling House, two one ,slurp Frame
Dwelling Houses, one two story Fa rime Dwelling
House, one two story Stone Dwelling House and
a Frame Stable.
17. ALSO, At . the same time and place, a ccr.
lain tract or piece of Cual Lund. situate in Rush
township, Schuylkill county, bounded by lands of
Michael Kellam, Andrew Love, Joseph :Kiettera,
and others, containing 91 acres, 7.4 perileir and
allowance, with the appurtenances.
W. ALSO, At the same time and place, a cer
tain tract of Coal Land: called " Pleasant - Grove,"
situate on a branch orthe Little rtchuylkill lliv.
er, itr Schuylkill and West Penn townships, in
the courkty of Sehaylkill, adjoining iambi of Hen
ry Haller, John Cook, Frederick' Holler, and
others, containing 900 acres moreor less, with the
appurtenances, consisting of a one - 6thry Lag
Dwelling Ilouse, and a Stabler
19. ALSO, At the same tune and plane, a cer
tain tract of Land, situate in West Penn and
Schuylkill townships, Schuylkill county bounded
by lands of Hilarius.Becker,Col. Jacob Wets, the
Little Schuylkill River, and others, containing 36
acres and GO perches and the allowances, 'with
the appurtenances, consisting ofa SiLw
20. ALSO, At the same time and plaCe, a ccr
lain tract of Land and two Saw Mille, situate in
Rush township, Schuylkill county, bounded by
lands of Joseph Clark, Mordecia ,Piersed,;Dewald
Drash, Daniel McGces Ca. - [contairiing 112
acres more or less, with the appiirtenanceS, late
the esta , e of William Lawton.
21. ALSO, At the same time . and place two
full equal tine undivided twelfth parts, (the
whole into twelve parts to be it-a-tied and divided,)
of and in all 'those. two certain tractetof land,
anuate . in Norwegian township, Schuylkill conn..,
ty, Beginning at a eheantit oak line of land sus.
veyed to John Straudberry, thence north 50
wept, 171/ to a stone, 'south 67 mat, 76 toe
post, south,23 east, 16 toe post,. south. 67 west
39/ to a pine.tree, thence by a small mountain.
south 23 east, 133 to a maple, north 67 ells?, 39/
to a stone, thence by land surveyed to John
Middleton, south 2a east; 220/ to a tvliite-oak,
north 67 cast, 42 tri a hickory, north 43' welt, 6
to a stone, north 89 west, 5 to a white oak,
I west, 151/ to pine, north 83 cast, 134 to a
stone, north" 1 west, 80 to the place of beginning,
containing ,522 acres more or less, excepting out
of the same 24 acres and 6/perches heretofore
sold lu George W. Richards & Volney
with the appurtenances, consisting of I LMiners
Houses, Tunnels' nd angwaya, opeue4 for the
,purpose of mining coal and Iron ,Ure. Late the
estate of Thomas C. IVilliama. 1:
• . JOHN 0. W00L15021, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office Orwigs.
• burg,00.13..1841 - • '-
THE sToidq,noom lu Centre St., Occupied
by, the subscriber us dry good !tihsre, will
e--lo let from the ht of Jacuary next. The
Counters and Shelving's will be disposed of cheap,
'f application be , made soon.
E. W. LAU.
1-3 t
October 8, ,
;. I ' LIST OF tErrEits 1
DEM AINING in the Pottsville Poiit °Tice
au" Oct. lat 11342. • • - ' .
• , 1
H. 'A . I ;
Avrielt Thomas , i
' •B,
Bradley John ' " - Barth !Francis, Esq.
Bracewell Bartholomew Bowler-Sainuel
Bomgarto Peter :. Ball John
Burgett - John `Bullock Thomas .
Badger, Edward, Esq. • ' Bacnbrick John
Betz James' . " Burns James
! C
Cahill Ann Consvay Thomas
Codrington John Craivford Wilisam
Clark John , Cook George
Coombe Benjamin, jr. -Courtright Ann Mrs
Clemson Davis - Cock John'
Connor Michael
Dormer! Geinge Dooley Hugh
Durly James Downey John
Dobbinii William Dusenbury Mahlon
Pocherty John
Eccles Henry - Eberle Peter
Edwards Richard
Flanigan Dennis . Farrell John
Front John Fannelly Owen
Faust John A. • -.Fttzpatrick Patrick
Gondar maul:law; Gabriel Thomas
Goff John ' Guinan Thomas
Gernand Catharine Granger William
Grinder Johc Gray James
Grant, Michael Gilroy John
Gardley John Gardner C.C. Esq.
Gallagher 'nines Grriliin William
Giles John
Hain Catharine tjeineman W. L. Dr.
Hicks Thomas - Heald John
Hadley Mark llopkin John
Hulsey Mr. . Miley Thomas
Honoley FranMs ' Hower Jereimith
- 3
hidings William " Jennison William ,
Jones Divid James Evan
Jones Peter ' Jenkins David 2
Kinsley Leonard Klioe Benjamin Capt.
Kind William ' Kent Jeremiah
Keenan Francis Kohler J.
Kelly James - - Keegan Martin
Kershaw Robert Keehn J.F.'
Kelly William >;
Lee Lpke Long Francis 1,
Lowther Edward Lindenmuth Joseph
Lynn William Lewis Philip
Loughlin John Loerard James ,
Lambert Caleb Lee,James
Lamb William 2 Laltd Samuel'
Maichin George W. Miller William
M'Kinn Martin m oo dy Edward
Moyer Enoch Illeoauvern John
Myers Peter McElwain William
.3cGauvern TerenciL Maley John
Mozire Mary 74 Mcllvoy Bernard
M'Cleare William • Murphy Patrick
Morti.mer Samuel Moore Jolin
Mc'Strayiek :dif.S. Miller Thomas
Nichols Mr
O'Donnell Michael
Price William Pura!!! Michael
Polk Jedidiah .Pur ell James
Pritchard Edward Phn.len John
Pimlen Lawrence Pctirojanies
Park Andrew Pritchard Watkin
Price David Pernioyer 0. P.
Rees Jcnkin Rosenthal H.
Reilly Pliny 2 Retie Rees
Riglc Amu, Richert Richard .
Roberts David
Scholz Dr. E Snyier Jacob, Esq
Schapley D. E. Stroag Frederick
Sherreos Michael .; Sullivan Francis 2
Sturm Christopher Smith Thomas
Seutile Mary ' Smith Edward
Sullivan John Strahier Simon
Simpkins Joshua Smith James
Stanton John, Esq. . Sheehan John
Super Henry
ThOMIS David
Thomas John Tolam Matthew
Tanney Michael Payer J. E. k Co
Trimbell Isaac R.
Vandasen Matthew
W -.
Walby James Wolf James
Walter Sarah Williams Richard
%Vhelen Michael Waterhouse Joh
Wood James ' W Miamian ftebe;a
Woolisun Joseph Williams Daniel :
Wagner Damp %Yakima William
Williams Alexander. ' :
The inland pnatage on all letters intended to
go by Star. must be paid. otherwise they remain
in this office. .1. T. WEIMER, P. M.
. October_ 15th, 42
11 ,,ir quire, President of as several courts of
Common Pleas, of the counties of Dduphin, Leb
anon .and Schuylkill, in Pemsylvania, and Jus
tice of the several coatis oflQuarter SeSsione of
the Peace, Over nod 1 ermine., and General Goal
Delivery, in said counties. aniStrangeN. l'almer
and Samuel D. Leib, Esqiiires, Judges of the
court of Quarter Sessions of ibe Peace, Over and
Terminer, and General Gael Delivers., for the
prial of all capitol and other (lE.:riders, in the said
county of Schuylkill—by !bit precepts to me
tirecled, have ordered a couri3fQuarter Sessions
of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and General
Gaol Delivery, to be holden' at Orwigeborg, on
the last Monday of October, (being the 31st of
said month,) to continue oneireek.
Notice is therefore hereby gi von. to the Coroner
and Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the
said county of .Schuylkill, tat they are by the
said precept" commanded to le then and there at
Illo'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions, eriminations, and all
other remembrances, to do torso !hinge which
‘ to
their several officers appertain to be done; and all
those that are bound by reminizances, to prose
cute against the prisoners, toil are or then shall
be in the gaol of said counts of Schuylkill, are
to be then and there to prosecute them as shall
be just. •
Sheriff's ladies Orwize
burg, Sept- 17.1842 . . s 91—
N. B.—The witnesses and jurors who, are sum
moned to attend said court, are required to attend
punctually. In case of non-attendance, the law,
in such cases made and provided, will
enforced. This notice is published by order of
court; those concerned ,will :therefore govern
themselves accordingly. be rigidly
rfflHE subscriber respectf announces to the
A. citizens of this Borough; and surrounding
country, that he will always Ideep.on hand at his
stand, South West corner of Centre and Mahan.
tongo streets, under Geisse's Hotel, the choicest
Vegetables and Fruits the Philadelphia market
aifordi4 which he will sell at Philadelphia prices.
Farnilies leavint their orders i , can always be
supplied, and particular kinds of vegetables or
Fruit obtained to order at the shortest notice.
He respectfully solicits the suOport of thc com
munity, which he will endeavor to linen' by
prompt attention to his business.
Pottsville, June 25 26—tf
The Antlers' Bank 4 polhifille, in the eounly of
A NI Election for Thirteen Directors' of the
bove institution, to servelthe ensuing year,
will be held at the Banking House, in the Bor
ough of POttiville, - on
_Monday, the 2 let of No - -
veinbei'neat, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.
M. awif 3 o'clock P. M. •
A general %leeting of the B.ockholdera will be
hold at the Binking liouse, on Tuesday, tho first
of Isloretaber next.
• • 11 LOCSER, Cashier.
'Oet ber 8,1842;, • 41—
TI;AS.w•T._& J. Beatty have just, received trout
New Yerk,a large supply °fames Green an° Bilk "
'ASS. ' trettracr'23 52--
Is hereby given, that Richard Borne, assignee
of Samuel Bartolet, in trust for the Benefit of
Creditors, has filed kits account in the Prothono
tary's ogee, for the county of Schuylkill, and.
that the said account will be allowed by the
Court of Common Pleas of said county, on the
3lst day of Octciber, 1844 uoless cause bestrewn
why said account should not be allowed.
rrothonotarv's Office, /
October ), . 49-4'
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans'
Court of Schuylkill county, the stibseriber
Administrator of the estate of Lawrence Lawler,
late of the borough of Pottsville, in the county
of Schuylkill, deceased, will_ expose to sale by
public vendue, on Saturday, the 22d of Octe
bet next, at .2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the bootie
of Michael Mortimer, in the Borough of Pats
silk, and county aforesaid; A certain two story
•eas stable and a lot of ground, situate in
sees t
the Borough of Pottsville. county of
Schuylkill, bounded in front on Cen
tre street, twenty feet, and in depth or leugth
120 feet on Mauch amok street, late the estate
of said deceased. Attendance will be given, and
the conditions of sale made known , at the time
and place of sale by
By order of the Court, Adionnatrator.
Orwigsburg,lAnguat 27 35
may be had cheap for cash or in exchange
for Cool. One lial.nwAi ENGINE, 10 horse pow..r,
in c.mplcte order and nearly new. GREER RS
GINE, entirely pew, both Engines horizontal,—
:The Tanks will hold 600 gallons each.
Apply at Shackainaxon iron Works, Kensing
ton, Philadelphia,
On Shackamaxon St., near Frankford Road.
Phila., October . 40-2nau*
lIE front room oldie auseriber's residence,
. 21 - in Maliantengo street, at present occupied
as it Store. Possession given immediately. .
Fur terms apply to
N. 171,—The subscriber hoe alwnys on.linnd an
assortment of Ready Made Clothing, which will
be, sold cl.eap
- October I,
Nice David 2
VOTICE is hereby given that a court of Com
-kit mon Pleas, for the trial of causes at iss UP, in
and for the County of Schuylkill, will.he held at
Orwigsburg, in the county aforesaid, on Monday,
preceding the last Monday in October neat, (be
lag the 24th or said month.)
Therefore those persons having suits pending,
and all persons whose duty it shall he to appear
at said court, will fake notice and govern them
selves accordingly.
Sheriff's Office Orwigs
burg, Sept. 17,1842. 40—
PETITPON for the Betted of the Bankropt
111 , Law, has been filed the T9th day of Septem.
her, 184:2, by
Moses Strat;s, bf the late firm ofStrans & Ben.
sacrum' ' Cnal Merchants, Scnuylkill County.
And %Vhich Petition toil: be heard before the
District Court of the United States for the East
ern District or Pennsylvania, sitting in Bank.
toptcy, at the District Court Room in the City of
Philadelphia, nn Friday, the 28th day of October
next, at I o'clock, A. M. When and where all
persons interested may appear and show cause. it
any they have, why the player of the said Peti.
lion should not begi anted, and the said Petitioner
be declared Bankrupt.
Sept. 24, 39-3' Clerk of District Court.
South chrisuan
Troj Philip
A PETITION (Dr the Benefit or the Rankrnpt
L aw , has been filed the 15th day of Septum.
ber, 1842, by
Benjamin fluster, Boat Builder Schuylkill co.
Which Petition will be heard before the District
Court of the United States for the Eastern Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, sitting in ...Bankruptcy, at
the District Court Room in the City of Philadel
phia, on Friday, the 28th day of October near, at
II o'clock, A. M. When and where all persoOs
interested may appear and show cause, if any
they have, why the prayer of the Said Petition
should ont be_granted, and the said Petitioner be
declared Bankrupt. . _ _
Sep. 24, 39-3 Clerk of District Court
APETITION for the Flenei: of the Bankrupt
Law has been filed the 9th day of October,
1842, by
John C. Earnst, late Cual Merchant, Schuylkill
Which Petition will be heard before the Die.
trict Coureite the United States for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, in Bankruptcy, at the
District Court Room in the City of Philadelphia,
on Friday the I lth day of November next, at 11
o'clock, A.J.I When and where all persons in.
terested may appear and show cause, if any they
have, why the payer of the said Petition should
not be granites!, and the said Petitioner - be ie.
Glared Banferuptl:
Oct. 8,41-3 Clerk of District Court.
. ricE.
PETITIONS for the Benefit of the Bankrupt
Law, have been led the 30th day of Septem
ber, 1841, by
EllO3 Jallee, late CU/ ?enter, now Laborer,
Schuylkill Co.
John T. Hazzard, Gentleman late Aler•
chant, Individually, and nit n inembLr
of the late firm of Hazzard & Strauch, do
Which Petitions will be heard heforo the Die:
trict Court of the United States for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, sitting. in Bankruptcy,
at the District Court room in the City of Phila.
delphia, nn Friday, the 4th day or November
neat, at 11 o'clock, A. M. When and where all
persous interested may appear and show cause, if
any they have, why the prayer of the said Peti.
lions should not be .granted, and the said Peti.
!loners declared Bankrupts.
Oct. 8, 41— Clerk of District Court.
TO fir. LET.
•DlttE subscriber offers for rent the place where
la. he now resideit, on the ltlineraville read; two
cailva from Pottsville. The house is large en,tl
co'nintodicins;the ground is well stocked with fruit
trees, add it has every convenience for a Coinfor.
table residence. . .
Also the place adjoining, kttown as the Bull's
Head Farm. It is well calculated far a market
or dairy farm. ,
October 1, 40-2ef. ;
F. 0 1 .1 RENT
United States Court.
In Bankruptcy.
William Stephenson 1 In the Court nf Com
es - Imon Pleas of Schuylkill
Joseph George, Contrac- i county. of October term,
tor, and Philadelphia rr 1812, No. 209.
and Reading Rail Road , rte. Sim Meehan-
Company.. J ic's Lien. tins 03' -
Notice is hereby given to all claimants, and others
interested, in - a certain One :tried Iluildine, situate
on and adjoining the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
Road, near to and below Mount Carbon, in Manheirn
township, Schuylkill county, bound on the West by
the Centre turnpike. and on the East. North and
South, by land of said Rail Road Company, extending.
in depth about one hundred and eleven feet, and be
ing in width 28 feet at me northwest cad, and 48feet
at the south Cast end, being the building used as the
engine house, and water station of the said rail road
company. That a &ire facias has been issued upon
the Mechanic's Lien, entered in the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Schuylkill county, in the above case,
and will be returned to" October term of said court.
Sheriff's Office, Oraiga- . .
burg. Sep. 21,1842 39—•
',,..41). E. NICE, ,
- , • - .A , TORNEY AT L VW. , :.`
CIFFVE. i entre street. opposite the t.sehenge
'''' lima, - : '::. Cott:mine, Sept.?, -36
In ginkruptcy.. •
Fa . TIONS.for Discharge and Cer fifteen nu
der the Bankrupt Law have been tiled by
Samuel Omelet, Iron Master, Schuylkill co
John C. Otferiaaan i , n l e a r tc , Merchant, t ,
James um:, M
Burd Patterson ' late Iron Manufacturer,
and Land Broker, individually, and as a
member_ of the late firm of Patterson and
Deßerg. atm of John C. Losaig Sr, CO., i
ron Manufacturers, •
And Friday the 21st day Of October nee, • I
o'elock r A. M., to appointed for the hearing there.
et; before the said Coed, sitting in Bankruptcy,
at the District Court Room, in the City of Phil-
adelphia, when and where the Creditors of tris
said Petitioners, who have proved their Lebir.,
and all other potions in interest, may appear ana
altos; cause, if any they have, why Birch Dis
charge and,Certificate should lint he arai.ied.
Aug. 13, 33-10 t Clerk ut District Court.
PETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate
under the Bankrupt Law, have been filed by
Michael Murphy, of the firm of Neligh A i .
phv, Coal Merchant, chuy lk ill co.
Michael Foley, ltner,
and Friday. the 4th day of Nuiember next, at 11.
o'clock A. M. is appointed tur the hearing then_
or; the - satd Court, silting in Illnkrnptev,
at the District Court Boom, to the city of Phila
delphia, when and where the Creditmei of the
said Petitioners, who have proved their Debts,
and all other persons in interest, may appear
and show cause, if any they have, why such Due
chargcand Certificate should not be granted.
Aug. 30, 34-101 Clerk of District Court
PETITIONS for I)4o:barge and Certifirate
under the Bankrupt Law, liave helm fled by
H. hiatediall, of the tirin of Marshall &
Kellogg, ' S,tuy lk ill county,
Daniel Hifi, Innkeeper, late Blaelseintth ‘.
and Monday. the let din of November next, at
II o'clock, A. Dl, is appointed for the hearing
thereof, before the said Court, sittine Hank_
ropier,• at the District Court Itoom in the Oil/
of Philadelphia, when nod where the Creditors M
the said Petitioner', who have produced their
Debts, and ull other persons in interest, may ap
pear and show cut's-, Warty they have, why such
Dischsrgeand Certificate shook, riot he grouted,
ruas. tioPKINSON.
Sept. 10, 37 —lot CI, rk of District Court.
DIF.TITIONS for D::cliarg:e and Certificate
21 - under the Bankrupt Lam, have been filed by
GorgaY, Bout Builder, Schuylkill co.
Joseph Bowen, School TLaclier. late do
And Friday, the 30hli day or December next, at
11 o'clock, A. M. IS appointed. for the hearing
thereof, bd,re the said Carat, silting in Bank
ruptcy, at the District Ginn Room; in the City
or Phandeinin3; when and where the Creditors of
the said Petitioners, oho have proved their Debts,
and all other peri•oas iu 'merest, may appear arid
show cause, if any they have, why such DIS-
CllnlgC and Certilicntc should not be entitled.
LI. Met.
Oct. 8,41-10 t
pETiTIONS for Discharge and Certificate un
der the Bankrupt Law, have been filed by
Alexander Graham, Individually, and of the
late firm of Moore & Gralikm, late Merchant,
Schuylkill county.
Dariel Stall, Clerk,
and Ft iday. the 30th day of December, at I I o'-
clock, A. M. is appointed for the hew-like:there
of, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy,
at the District Court Room in the City ofPhila.
delphia, when and where the Creditors of the
said Petitioners, who have proved their Dehts,
and all other persons in interest, may appear
and show cause, if any they have, why such Dib
charge and Certificate should not be eranted.
FRAS. IlOrk I isitiON, •
Clerk of District Court.
Oct. 15; 42-1 Ot
1 la the Court of Cum.
Benjamin F. Pommy mon Pleas of Schuylkill
car t county. October term,
The Delaware Coal' f f 1812, No. 1r.9.
Company. I Sci. fac. Sur. Meehan-
J ic's Lien, for 8280.
Notice is hereby givi..n to all. claimants, and
others interested, in a certain bulding, to viz:—
All that certain Stone Building, and Frame Buil
ding therein attached, situate in Norwegian
Township, Schuylkill county,. near the West
Branch of the Iliount Carton. Rail Road, at the
place called, or known as the Delaware Coal
Company's West Peach Mountain Mine., one
part of the said Stone Building being 38 feet
wide: and 53 feet long, and 16 feet ►ugh to the
square, and occupied as the Engine Douse, and
the other part of the said Stone- ; Building, being
23 feet wide, and 38 feet )(mg, and one story
high, and occupied as a huller house, and the
frame building attached to the said stone build.
ing, and forming part thereof, being about 24
feet wide, and about 60' tea long, and 'one story
high, and the Steam Engine, Machinery and
'butlers therein and pumps thereto attached, and
grourid covered by sueli building, and so much
other ground immediately adjacent thereto, and
belonging to the said Delaware Coal Company
as may be necessary for the ordinary and useful
purposes of said building, together with all and
singular, the appurtenances thereto, and the coal
mines to which the same are appurtenant. That
Seire lamas has been issued upon the Mechan
ic's Lien. entered in the Court of Common Pleas,
ofSelolkill county, in the shove• stated case.
and -will tie returned to October Icrua . of said
Slierirb Office, OrWigd.
burg, Sep. 24,1842. 39
ECII IC. 9 s 1.1
Renkimin F. Pomroy & 1 In the Court' of
Enoch 'N. McGinnis, tra- C min Pieas, of
ding under the firm ut October term, lal4,
Pommy and McGinnis, }No 130.
as 5.... far , . stir. M. •
The DL•lawere Coal Coin. I '-beau's Lien, Mr
pany• J
Notice is hereby given to all 'claimants, and
Whets interested, in a curtain building to viz c—
ml th a t curtain Stunt: Ituilding, and Frame
!Wiling thereto attached, situme in Norw'egiat.
tonnship, Schuylkill enmity', neer the W es t
Blanch of the Mount Carton Rail Road, at tile
s pinets called, or known as the Delaware Cual
'Company's Wear. Peach Mountain Mines, one
part of the said Siam Dwelling being 38 feet
wide, and 53 feel long. and IS feet high to the
prrare, and occupier' as the Engine House, sind
the other part of the said Siorie building_ being
feet wine, and 38 feet long, and, one story
high, and occupied as a bailer house, and the
frame building, attached to the . suid, Stone build
ing and forming part thereof, bang about 24
feet Wide, and alight 63 feet tong, l and one sto
ry high, and the Steam Engine, Machinery and
boilers therein, and pumps thereto attached, and
ground covered •I__by such building, and so much
other ground iinmodiaicly adjacent thereto, and
belonging to the gild Delaviare Coat Comp
. ny, as may be necessary for toe ordinary and
useful purposes of such building, together with
all and-singular the appintemincos thereto and
the coal mines to which the same are appurtenant..
That a Seim faciaa has been issued upon the
Mechanic's Lien, entered in the Court of
mon Pleas of Schuylkill cdunry, in the above
slated case, and . will Se retained to October term
of said court.
Sherfirs'Office, Orwigu.
• burg, Sup. 24, 181 t. ti . 3.9
NOTICE is hereby given, that tee 1)2481'0-
J- 1 i ed to the Judges of the Conrt of Common
Pleas of Schuylkill county, for the benefit of the
InrelveutiLaws of this Commonwealth, and that
the said Court have appointed Monday, the 24th
day of October, 1842, for the hearing of •us nod
our creditors at the Court Otiose, in the Borough
of Or wigsburg; when and witted they, may' attend
if they thmk proper.
PHILIP snow,
Oetgsapr 1, " •
United states Conk.
( 1 1.71: of the Dashrict Court
In the s Cotert of Common
Jeremiah teed Incas ei'Schikylkifl county of
os the Oclnt,or
Enos Jones. 'Scl. - fic: Sur.?: Mechanic's
J Lien, $5O 47. I s .
Notice is hereby - given to all' clainiants, and
others interested. tri a certain Dwellini,
in West Brunswig township. SchnYlkill countY.
on a lot of ground. purchased by the salt Jones,
front the late Henry Ransil, deceased, in hie lifts
time. That a Sofa Facia, has beer issued rimier
the- Mechanic's Lien, entered in the Court of
Common Plea', of Schuylkill county, in the a:
eve case, and will be' returned in.Ottobie term
of said Court.
Sherif:l 4 'K Offic e ,
burg, Sopt. 24, 1642. k
w sie , 4i . enson . 1 c ln the Court Com:
vs e" I mu% Pleett,
u! chuyl-
The Philadelphia and kill county, of the term !tail Road of October, IS4I-208.
Company. fac. Stir. %Intim.
nit's Len, for $330 17.
Notice is hereby given to al) claimants, and
others.intsrested, to a certain Twu . Sturiod (on
the east ) situated on and adjoin
ing the Philndelohte and Rcadin„s , Hail R 98. 1 1,
immediately below Mount Carhun, in Mmiliciut
township. Schuylkill county, being 80 frzt hi
depth, and 311 feet wide, being the building or
house known as the depot, and built for that MR
pose by the Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road
Company, botineed by emit() of Rail Road Coto.
pang• That a Seire Facies has been homed up-
on the Mectrar.ic'a Lien, entered in the Court of
Common Pleas of Schuylkill county, in this
bone eat.e,, and will be returned to October term
of saii court.
Sheriff 's Office, firrrigs
burg, A, 1812.
pURSUANT to an -.tiler of the Orphen's Court
Schoylloll county, the subscriber, Adnnniftra
tor of the estate of Robert C. 11111, Ltte of Maitheiur
township. in the county of Schuylkill. deceased, wilt .
esp,,se to Sole by VeWoo. on Wedneirdsq. the
UM tiny of October next, at itt o'ctock inythe rote
noon, at the house of George Kaufman, blithe Bor.
ouch of Schuviloil Haven, and county aforesaid ;
All t hat certain li,leimige and Tenements. and piece
of Land, containing about 20 aercs, situate on the
Mine Hill anti Schuylkill haven Rail Road, about
miles from :act tlkill Haven, latohe re.ieence °fluid
Robert Hill. pleasantly sitiineetl in the West
Branch Va ley oft he Schuylkill. To be sold in sep—
arate Lots, mutable fur buildings and gardens. accord.
mg to a draft in possession of the Administrator.
i Also a Frame 'louse, Stable and Lot
• i t of ground, altuateil in the Borough of
~,. Schuylkill Hawn ,boomed , boued rai front on'
es it vi .
1 ,,
.. E'rmit streef, on the north by ajot hue of
-,.--_ -1-- , - Jacob Divert, on the east. toy a• 20 feet,
ley, and on the south, by a Lot of Daniel Kline.--:
Uinta:ring in width 44 feet. and in depth 23u feet,
marked in Swift's Addition in Schuylkill H.tven, No.
4, °erupted at present by the Rev. Mr. Drake.
Also the lollowing Lots acvantageously situated'
for building in the healthy atid.thmitig Borough of'
Schuylkill Ifaven. marked4n the map of Lipuiheott's
Addition to St huylkill Haven. as lot No. 49. being tri
angle on the front of Dock and Haven tareeue
No a Lug noun. thereon, on Duck street,
4tl feet, by 2.Sa tem.
No. 53. St 'unfelt on Dock Rime , . 40 frothy 230 rect.
•• 64, On Turnpike, cones ol• Duck etreet,46 feet
by 230 feet, more ur less.
No. 15 and 16, situate on Dock street, 40 feet by
30, zunreor less.
no 66,0.1 Turnpike, nest to corner of Duck St., ,
46 , feet by 21;7 fent.
1..1b On !raven street. &maining 114 Perched.
A Iso.thc u,divided one third interest ei the follow
ow, Lots marked oft said omit :
Nos. '2, 3, 4,7,8,9;10,17, 19,19, 90, being each 10
feet by 231 feet, more Or less , .
No. '26, Being 40 feet by 220 feet.
50, Triangle shape.
65, 46 feet by 239, situate on Turnpike
Nag. 93,96, 97. Beautifully situated on the Torn
pike, opposite the German Church, edict/Mug 01.
County Farm. each 3 acres, and 157 perchfa. -
Nos. 104, 105, 106,107, 108F149, 110, being each'
80 teet by 230 feet.
No. 112, Bebig 80 feet by 147.
• •• 123, Containing one acre,- and 142 perches.
o 124. 125. 127. Each containing 144 perches.
21.6, Containicg one acre and 142 pefebef.
• 137 i. Being 18 feel by 18 Oerehol... . •
138,139, 140, Being 80 feet.
Also, 1. a 0113 half undivided interest in a Lot of
-ground situate in the Borough of Pottstown, Mont
gomery counts. Together with a Hay Press Stone
Barn, and Weigh Scales erected thetedo.
The terms of Sale—ten per cent of the purchase
money to be paid on day of Sare. and the balanie ow
delivery of the Deeds. Any infoimatbm io relaucia
to the property may be had by applying to
e Administrntnr.
West B•anch Valley, near Schuy)kill ihvem •
By order of Om Curt,
umber 3
el °maiming of a 63 6030 feet LOT. sttuate4'.
vv on the corner of Mahantimgo and fourth *lc
anti the first property below the Catholic chu ! ih ) .
on which is erected two sub;tiritial
•••. two Story Frame Dwelling Houses,
This property is so !situated, _that it
can be divided into two 30 feel - 101,,
having a noose on each, and will be stud ;either
entire.dr separately, td suit purchasers.,
Fur terms apply to
Sep'. 3, 36—tf
A D3ll
~STOTI hereby giver, that leiter& of Ad ,
111 ministration of the estot4f; William 6tol
- laze of the Borough at' Tainaipa, decease J,'
have been granted by the Register of Schuylkill
mum . ) , to the sub-eriba. AU persons baying
claims or demands against the estate of said de.:
ceased, are requested to make known the same,'
without defer, and those inkibted W the said
taw to make immediate payment to •
tr3RIME Western Hama, ( cured wits !Ind )
bout amolie,)
simulacra & Sides,
Bastin' Smoked Wel,
Smoked and Pickled Salmon,
and Masg•iclimietis Mackerel,
SLad, Smoked Ilerrinz, Cod Fish. SL3
for rile 31. E. Q . A. II EN DERSOv 4 z.
May 28. 22
rorrsuLLE RAIL 11.011.1).
..NGE OF 1 - 1011f1S,
On after Monday, July .251 h; 1842, - the Par'
...eager Train on the above Road, wilt
leare'at the following hours,
From Philadelphia, • at ft A. M.' f' Diu ' •
• Pottsville, at- 7:: A. M. !
Hourx,tf paming. Reading
For Philadelphia," el
Po - at
Between Philads. dp Puttsvtuu 43.50 & tticsri,
" Rending " do 100 •• I,oo'
Escenstors TiCRETS--604t Fut It DA
Bctucen Pita&lphts, PULINV $ 011'
Reading " do. - 2UV
Both tram' 114414 at l'ottstown: . •.-
All the trshs - - will stop fat wily pnetettgeitt at
the usual points. • ---
G. A. NICOLIA, Super't. •
TX AS remni,ed from Merkel Street to the etere,
all-formerly oce•spird by -Atdotiorn !Weiner, to
Gentile S:reetoppostte - the Mt Offtem •
Potbovilte; tretobei
eFIACKFIRS.-411ster, Soda, Si gar end. Suit°
Crackers. I reslajlar 'tale
Nay _ 28.'22 I.Q & RESIDER:S(IN
.• . Porr;tit.m.
Mee is the bisentuct of the Pointyfrank
August 29, = -
Ntithantnngo Sireet
- ,-92 A. 31.1 D.O „
114. A. 51: