The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 08, 1842, Image 4

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, . . .
Some iitental 'earthquake bath moved a rustic
mountain bf thought and in doe 'time brought
forth Om -following duo-ct-nstroue nice thing;
Rienlatina Star.
Death of Petfr Gray and Lizianny
, , Quirt.
• •
My'initg is of a nice young man,
Whrwe name was Peter Gray.
The F atiltul*re Peter Gray was born
Was i'ernnsylvaui..ati
• 1
' This Peter Gray did fall in love"'
With each a nice young gill;
The name oilier I'm positive,
Was Lizimin'y - Quer!.
When they were be wed,' •
Her father
And brutally did send her off
I;teyondthe Ohio.
When Peter found his lova Was lost,
He knew not what to say; .
He'd hall a mind t 9 jump into -
The Suiquehanta: ; • ,
• A trading he went hi' the West,
For tunsand other skins:
And there he sap in crimson dreg.
Vheic Liziano heard the mice's,
• She strai g htway took to
:Ahd never, did g et off of it.
Until she di-i..d
Yciathera.aii a warning
.Each one jafl ha* a girl--
Arid. opon poor Peter Gray
.A.;intjavanny Quer!.
Here is a tone-en:-
- :Duo% AND It Ili Una ECTION
in trance of rove
I swooned away;
Within her arms
• ; buried lay.
She waked me gently
With a kiss;
flei eyes revealed '
A heaven of bliss.
PAPER4---The fopowing remarks of a,contempo
raiy,*the best', manner of supporting a news
paper, are tree to 'the letter. We commend them
to the consideration of the public:
Muclidepends upon the supporters of a news
. paper whether it is conducted with spirit and in-
Fterest—ill they arc negligent in their payment,
the pride and ambition of the editor are broken
„ .dowtr,he works at a thatikless and, unprofitable
task, he becomes discinir f aged and careless, his
paper looses its pith and
.interest and dies.. But
4 on the contrary, if his subsiiribers are of the right
• sort, if they
,are punctual, liberal hearted fellows,
always in advance on the subscription list, tak-
ing in interest in increasing the number of his
subscribery now and then speaking a giood word
for his paper; cheering him on his, course by
:smiles of approbation ; with such subscribers as
these, I would forswear comfort, ease, leisure,—
everything that could possibly step between me
and the gratification of every laudible desire on
their .pait; I would knew no other pleasure hut
their satisfaction. How much then can the sup-
porters of a newspaper d.), to make it interest•
ing and respectable—indeed vvithot concurring
efforts on their part, the publisher of a paper Will
not, cannot,besiow the attention which is neces
sary to male iiv6,-hat it should he."
Braman 11131 - itIGUT.—At the meeting of the
Washingtonians on IA edneati ty night last, among
other individuals thnt woke -requested to sign the
pledge, was a young nan. with a lady hanging on
each arm: - The ladies sail they .would sign it he
would; IV° declining 'to do so at that time,
was urgedino longer. it was not long, hoyeyer,
after the kentlemaci who was collecting (tignalurvs
to the pledge, was waited upon, and told that the
~,,:oungi f inan had finally agrettf.l" to .sign. The gen
tleman with' the pledge waited upon him
itoly--the lathes promptly. signed , but the youn
men will declined, Ailing,- among other excuses,
• that his « hand trembled too much!" The ladies
finding that nu' argument 'of tht ire would induce sign. end that ho - nn doubt,loyed a • wee
&up of the - crathor," determined at Once to cut
hte arquamtence ; end so, go of his arm.
bid him -good bye," and tripped off home by them
' selves.• „ Solitary ' and alone" he &awed for a
few minutes the taunts and jeers of the little ur-
chins who had witnessed the whole transaction;
hut at tengh mottitied and chagrined at the coo=
duct of - the . young ladies, and -the bud hnrras of
approbation which ever and anon assailed his
ears at their conduct, he alsri' thought it time for
hint to he at home., As of he started, the buys
whistled the tune of the o r?..igue's March," and
'Timothy Titterwell, in his •Sttime of the. Ancient'
Pedlar Menne" would say, ' , showed theM a ape
, cimenne of walkinge."—fiftsberrg
A ll'En LE •NTI ARIAN:I-A rilM t E: lady,
niece of Dr, Vanhavonburgh, of
romantic turn of mind, was the ether dip on a
visit toy thn Falls of Passaic, at Patterson—N. J.
She ittaiata despite the remonstrances of her
friends, oridescertibng what is caged tl.o Chimney,
a singular and picturesipaa volcanic for m aimp s .
Whilst tvarching *the nooks ant crannies" of this
subterrsthe.m place, a shrill cry
something remarkable had eicit'ell her attention.
The m courageola of the parry cautiously
h'urriA down and fund ber standing tip-toe
endeavoring tt . _._Apher the antographs sculpiur.
red on a large perpendicular ' rock. rubbing
old" the moss which' had giown over the names
engradd on it, they were &belted with seeing
the natnopf,*the Father of his country," and
aetteral o f his c7l4panioos in arms, neatly cut An
the old - English letter of that date, carved in the.
ASECDOTE or Ma. Cur.—Mr. Clay was in
London when the battle of Waterloo was fought,
and witnessed the dluarnations, bonfires) and re
joicings to which it Rase rise. For a day er two
after intelligence of the event reached LondCm,
'there wag that uncertainty as to what bird be
come 'of Nap!ile 4 on. During this interval, Mr.
Clay dined with Lord Castlere s agh. The British
•ministers sn;kilae American commissioners were
present. Among the topics of conversation, was
that of whither Napoleon had gone. Some sup.
posed he had sailed for America. Of ho goes
• there," arid Lordliitierpool, will he not give you,
Mr. Clay, much trouble?" "None, whatever,"
promptly replied Mr. Clay ; owe will be glad to
receive 'Such'* distinguished though unfortunate
exile, and we:shall soon make a gPad Democrat
ford Register has received a letter from Clayton
Co., lowa, one passage of which is as follows:
_ days since, some miners' in sinking a
shaft for lead ore, 'about sit mileS 'from Dubuque
- • city, found a skeleton of due iof those animals
whose race has long since beeline extinct. The
bones' areln a tolerable state Of preservation, and
from appearances belonged to a gmrniniverous
. animal, twice the size of an elephant. One of
the motor teeth which I saw weighed four pounds
seven ounces, aad was entire, and the enamel
• perfect. Tho skeleton was imbedded .in lime
stone, at a depth of , from fifteen to twenty-six
feet from the surface." z. •
Goon Searrroar.—The Secretary of the Navy
" barrio:tied °Mem to. reduce the alum' - rations one
helf,toeearnen, and .iapply the balance with tea
and coffee. An excelleat enangemCnt.
- Capital 8 400,000, Paid in. '
CONTINUEtomake Iniiorance., permarnent
aim limited on every description of property
in town and copniry on the usnal favorable terms.
Office 1113 Chesnut Street near fiftlt street.
• CHARLES N. BANCKER. President.
Charles N. Banker, 'Samuel Grcint. •
James Scott. - Frederick proton,
• 'Thomas Hari, Jacob R. SOM.
Thomas &-Wharton, Ceo. W.Riehards,
Tobias Wagner. Mo t :lasi D. Lewis.
_Subscriber has been appeinted agent for
the - above mentioned institutior, and, is now pre
pared to make insurance, on every description of
property, at the lowest rates.
Pottsville. June 19. 1841.. 25 —1 y '
Capital authorized by law, $250,000 .
in AKE: both limited and perpetual Insurances
•"•••• on Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores
Hotels, Mills. Barns, Stables, hierchandtze,
moire and Property ol.everydescriptioe, against
loss 'ortlamagell FIRE.
The Uelaware,"County Insurance company will
also insitreigainsi loliori al Hinds of marine risks
and against the damage or toss upon the transp
ortation of goods,wares.and . merch.thdise by water.
or hy rail way. upon terms_ as favourable as any
other institution.
For any furtherinformatiorron the su Jectofin
surance, either against Fire, marineorinland risks.
Apply to HENRY G. ROBINSON 4 Agent,
July 15 3 , 1-t I • •%t Schuylkill Haven.
ATHENIAN INSTITUTE.—A meeting of the
members of this Institute, will be held;'on Monday e
vening neat, the 26th inst., at 7 o'clock:- Punctual at
tendance of all the Members is reqnsted, as business
of iniporance will be laid before them
' Sept. 24. • • JOHN ' , warn. Pres't.
Indemnity against loss,or damage by Fire.
.Ca pit al 8100,006.
PANY, make Insurances.: either temporary or
perpetually, against Loss or Damage by FIRE, in
town. or country, nn Houses, Barns, and Buildings of
all kinds, on Household Furniture, 'Merchandise,
Herres, Cattle, Agricultural, Commercial and Manu
facturing Stock and Utensils of every' description ;
Vessets and their Cargoes in port, as Well as Mortga
ges and Ground Rents upon the most favorable terms.
Applications for Insurance, or any information on
the subject may be made either personally or by
- letter,_ at the Company's office, at the Northwest
corner of Sixth and Wood streets.
, MORTON McMICHAEL, President.
L KEIT3II3GAAII, Secretary.
Morton McMichael, Charles Stokes,
Joseph Wood. Archibald Wright.
P. L Lagocrenne, SamuetTownsend,
Elijah Hallett, Robert I mog,herid,
George M. Troutman. R. W. Pomeroy,
George W Sdhreiner.
The subscriber has been appointed AGENT for the
above mentioned Institution and is now prepared to
make INsuitANcEs upon every description of property
at the lowest rates. • BENJAMIN BANAAN
Pottsville, Feb, 27, ISt I -
• Quenc„ May 8.1837.
nEA ft SIR:-1n article called Dr. Ilewee "Nerve
and Bone Liniment," came to nny knowledge a
bout two months since, through our friend Mr. Camp
bell, and I procured a bottle and had used it for about
a week without any material changeontil one morn
ing I found myself under the exercise of very uncom
mon feelings, imagining that could I be helped up I
could stand and walk, I requested my family to aid
Me, but they were unwilling I should trust myself on
my feet, not having fOr the last j; ur,teen and a huff
years ever even made the attempt to stand: hut my
confidence was so great that they consented to assist
me from my bed. I foond I could uie my legs with
apparent ease, but could not bear me weight on my
feet. With supnort, however, I could : plate one foot
before the other with a facility that astonished me
and all around me. They led me twice across the
room ; I sat down with feelings of happiness that I
never before experienced; the idea Wi 13 that I was
once again to be restored to the world ran through
my Frain° like in electric shock. My family surroun
ded'me in tears of joy, and the excitement so com
pletely overcome me that I fainted.. The same day I
walked three tube across the floor, again bearing a
little weight at each time my feet : I then used
crutches fur a few days, when my strength bad
become so far re-established, that I . could cross the
thisr without the least aid. My adva:icement trom
floe time has been almost incredible. I can walk
Iwo hundred yards and back with ease, and my chil
dren, ( the bed-rid aye often blessed; like me. with
near a dozen,) have been so overjoyed that .hercon Id
scarcely eat ur sleep, and Mrs. Corning seems to feel
hallo score of years younger her.elf. You ill rec
ollect how much bent together I was when you were
last herea I have entirely overcome this. If I look
ed as ode as I felt when I began to walk, 1 would
have been gazed at in astonishment. I have seen ma
ny of my old acquaintances, some of whom did not
know me at alLand o hers would scarcely credit their
senses, and would hardly have been more astonished,
though one had ' risen from the dead." I have now
every-confidence that lam a well man. I think this
allele is the most extraordinary or tiny I ever heard
of. and if it to not extensively made ktiown to the pub
lic, I think tha proprietors are very culpable. If you
know the persons in New York selling it, you had bet
ter show them this letter, and let them rifer ti you,
ur publish th:s If you thaik it would aid the distressed.
Remember me to your family,
Yours, v' ry t-uly,
For sale by John S.C. Marttn, Win. T. Epung and
Clemens dr. Parvin, Pottsville.
May 21, I ti 42
At the o.'d tand No. 6i, .Vorth Front street In at e
Manufacturers of
White Lead dry and / Calomel,
youndtn Oil, 5 Red Precipt,
Weil Lead. • • White do
Litharge. Vitriol Alb.
Chronic Yellow, Sulp.Quinine
d,o Green Tart.Emetii
do Red Ether Sulph.
Sugar Paten Lead iYelw
lo . do Nitric
do Acetic
Copperas ' Lunar Caustic
01. Vitriol • Com. do •
An. Fortis Acet. Morphia -
Muriatic Acid Solii. do
Epsom Salts Lac.Sulphur
Tart Acid Narcot.
Sup Carb. Soda - Ker Mes Mineral
Corros.Sub. Meru.. Ethiope do.
ste Offer forriale the above mentionedorticles. to
getherwith a general assortment of Paints. Drugs
and Dye Stuffs. andevery otherarticleibthe Chem
ical and Medicine line.
Being mannfcturers of al I thearticlesenumerated
under the above head, they pledge theinselves to
supply their friends and the public on the most
reasonable terms. ' -
Window and Picture Glass.from 68, 438,
Oct 1 1837 -
eral hundred engravings. being a Biography of the
Lives and characters of the princfal personages re
corded in the sacred writings. tactically adapted
to the.instruction ofyouth and pr imie families. Just
received and fursale by B. BANNAN.
May 28
scriber has for sale Leaden Pipe of various thick
nesse% suitable for conducting Orates to housesi. an
other purposes. A Isla. HydrantsJ Stop Cocks, Cocks
and Ferrules, ofthe most aPprored kinds. Just re
ceived and fair sale cheap by i B. BANNAN
April lfi a 16—
treatise on tmil and manures: !Also; The FAR
MEWS LAND MEASURER, or pocket companion
Just received'acci for ,sale by • B. BANNAN.
POGICET BOOKS—Ladish'and Gentleman's
Pocket, Books, and Card 'Ciees; and Pocket
Wallets, just remand and for: sale by
Sept. 39 1_ 't. BANNAN.
pi-RATES 111UR1)EH81.-.-Itistory of Pi
rates and Horrible Muniari. Just received and
orate by play 28, 22- B. HANNAN.
PERRI AN INK—Which flows freely, faith° use
of ivied Peos,just received and for sale by
yu1y13,30, - • ' • .B. I3ANNAN
SCHOOL, BOOKS r -Wholesale and fetid at
Philadelphia prices, for sale by
March 19, 12— • 1 B. BANNAN•
Dr.'lledivers TetteryltintOn- tfeh
Ointments •
PRICE ,51i'VENTS A 89X -4s - one' of the
best and moist - eflicacions rentecties in tlMse
troublesome diseases. yet discoveiedi ai the 'fol :
lowii:g certificate Will show-
This is to certify, that I - 47171314 - afflicted 4ith
the Tetter in the face,4 had large running sores,
all over my throat, chin, neck and eheeks.Ont•
deed I was so bad that I was' ashamed to go lout
without a handkerchief tied over my.face. Af.
ter trying all the remedies I could think of,
without the slightest advantage,:i was sdvsed
to try Bedwelrs- Teller °fart/grid. which utter
using, a few hoses entirely cured me. and.l am
pleased to say, that although the cure" has been
effected for some time. there, is not any appear.
of its returning. - SAMUSL DEWEES,I
Applevreo, ahtive Poplar Lane. •
Philadelphia,, July 2, 1833,
For ho cure lof Felons. Peers old Cuts land
Sores. This iniatuable Ornmen has long been
in use, in he 0, yand !Merles of Philadelphia.
and is success I n curing old ULCERATED Stmis
and long sand ng WOUNDS, has been ruly , as.
tonishing. Prica 25 cents u box.
PRICE 25 CENTS, PER BOTTLE-A most pleMiarit,
safe and efficacious remedy, for Coughs, Colds
Hoarseness, Weakness of the Breats. 4-c., produ
cing rest and ere where all other remedies have
The above Highly esteemed
_medicines have
full directional attached to each article. The
public will doell to give them a trial, as many
thousand' have een cured by their use Prepa
red by James etts, corner of 3d and Tm
streets, Philad !phut. for Dr. Redwell, and for
sale at the Drug and Chemical store of '
Jan. 1, 1 ' , JOHN S.O MARTIN;
A' ent for Pottsville and vicinity
-111-4' DIZE. ween Pottsville and Philadelphia,
from April 10., 1842, per ton of 2000 "
Plaster. Slate, Tiles, Gypsum and Bricks, 82 I 0
Pig Iron, Blooms, Timber, Marble. Lime,
Tar and Pith, 1 ,2 50
Nails and Spikes, Bar and' Rolled Iron, '
Hollow-Ware, Gram, Salt, Bark, I,um. .
her, Staves,Sali.tiali, Tobacco and Lead, '2 90
Groceries, Hardware, Whiskey, Ale and
Beer, Oil, Leather, Cotton, Steam En. -
Ones and Machinery, Seeds, Buttes,
Lard, Tallow, Raga, Wool, Oysters,
Hides, Hemp, Earthen-Ware and Glue, ' 4 25
Dry Goods, %Vines and,Foreign Liquors,.
Drugs and Medicines, Glass, Paper, •
China and Qneens-Ware, Meat, Fish
and Confectionary, 5 25
No Storage will he eljarged for receiving nr de
livering Freight at any of the Company's Depots
on the line, unless allowed to remain over 10 dap,.
Days of starting of Freight Trains, pit TH URS
DAYS and SATURD - AYS, at 3 , P. M
'March 26
inns economical and nutritious article of food
hitherto but little known in this country, except
by occasional small importations with emigrants
front Scotland arid Ireland. is manufactured, and
for sale by the subscribdrs at their Factory in Phila
delphia, in any quantity equal to any imported. even
superior, being fresh. It is also for sale by most of
the Mer chants in Pottsville, amongst whom are Mes
srs Miller & Haggerty, William Milnes.& Co. Clem
ens & Parvin,lVilliam Philips &Co. Morris & Bro
thers. &c. c. as well as by some of the merchants
in Minersville an I ron Carbon.
fihnufricturers of Flour, Oat Meal. Az Pearl .Bar—
ley, on the Willow S 4 t. Rail Road. between 12th and
13th. Phila . November 6. 11341. 45-.114-
gIiiESIPEUThULLY intbrins the inhabitants
of Pottsville and its vicinity, that he has
moved in town, and offers his professional ser
ces in all the medical branches o he public.
Practicing he Homccepathic system, and if
requested, the Allcapahic, he hopes from long
expeEtence to give lull satisfaction to such as
will call on him. fie will he ready for profession.
al services at any time at his residence.
Greenwood, December 49—tf
I.L perbons having claims against the Estate
of Robert McDernimt, late of the city of
New York, deceased, are requested to make
known the,, same without delay, to Abigail Mc.
Ilerinut, Executrix, James R. Whiting. Esq. or
Gedrge Hart Executora, in the city of NeW York,
or to:, EDW. OWEN" PARRY,
Attorney tOr the Executoro, Pottsville.
April jli, i6---tf
DR. Wm. Ettitrn's 'celebrated Camomile Pills
tin Soothing. Syrup for children.
Barnn Von Herb Pills, '
Dont. Goodie's Female Pills,
Onct. William Evan's Fever & Ague
Dint. Hunt's Botanic Pills.
For Dyspeptic Persons Hunt's Botanic Pills
are said to be suprrior to any Medicine ever yet
offered to the Public.
A fresh supply of the above Medicines, jos'
received and for sale at the Drug Store of
Dee.ll 50— JOHN s.-4r..4-ItBgTn.
Philadelphla Raedify
SOME six or seven of the Philadelphia prug g iste
have descended to' the meanness to try to sell the
imitation or counterfeit Balm of Columbiai to stay,
cleanse or restore the hair, and Hay's Liniment, a
cure for Piles.'hnd all external sores and swellings.
All Druggists and Country Merchants are heieny
warned' not to buy either of these articles in Phila..
delphia, as they would be wholly unsalable. Alf ur
sets of these articles are warned never tu buy any by
these names, without the signattire of Comstock &
Co. on the wrappers.—take this notice with you to
test by it, or you will he cheated. Send to us by let.
ter, at New York, and we will deliver them at ?Ha
delphia, Baltimore, or any of the large cities. free 01
all freight charges. COMSTOCK & CO.
sole proprietors, & wholesale Druggists,
71 Maiden Jane. New York.
And by John S.C. Martin. William T. Epting. and
Clemens & Patvin, Druggist; Pottsville.
May 7,
a BLA N K 130011 S.—The subscriber manufactures
all kinds of Blank Books, from 61 cents to 912 each,
which he will warrant to he equal in quality to any
purchased elsewhere, at Philadelph , a prices.
April lei 16— b. BANNAN.
B - Writing Pape!' and Letter Paper, ruled, at $1.75
ream wholesale, or 12i cents per quire retail, to suit
the times. Also a large assortment of paper' of au.
petior quality, at reduced prices. Jest reesised,enu
for sole by June 4,23- B BANNAN.
OT FOll SALE.—For sale a Let, situate on
'the Easterly side of William street. in the Bor
ough of Pottsville. containing in front op st.
55 feet, and 110 feet in depth. Terms •',R 350 cash:
Apply at the of of the Miners' Journal. •
May 7'
AFRESH supply of the above Medicibe. a certain
cure for the feverand ague. Just received and
for sale at
September 1.
SILK, Scotch, Gingham &-I,luslin Umbrellas
Parasols and Sun Shadei.
A curflplete assortment, just received and for
sale by • E. Q. & A. lIENOERSON.
May 9,R,
IThe subscriber has received his swim Patterns
or elegant Hall and Parlor Paper, which he will sell
cheaper than ever. Among the assortment are sev
eral new and splendid patterns. • B. HANNAN.
April 16 , 16—
f riv LLEY MUSIC.-41icsey Fries Sobg
‘. Ilef to Music for the Piano Forte!. just reedy
ed, price 95 cents for Seven for Sale
by. B. ItAN NAN.
2July 9
. .
101THIPS CANS—Just reciired Ind fo
V v -sale an assortment ofGig, Sulkay, and riding
Whips. and Walking Canes. f .
- - March 19,12, JOHN S. C. MARTIN.
CHIU Bet( MUSIC-i-Just eiv
" rk eti Fn s
a 7r
2 41 d foriale 4ANNAN.:
I 22
TUE PREACHF.II---Or .akciebesiot Ungink,
Sermone.'=duNidreceived Nina tai, pitifi by •
Aug. 5, 32- - B. -BOMAN.
THE: - mi.NERs , ( JOURNAL.
. I From the Courier. and Enquirer. _ •••
'2Tt would be piepristeroiis in a writer for the read
ers!of such a Journal as-the Codrier, to addresis the.r
prejudices, passionsor superstitiOns. Good
sense should at least be possessed by the readers of
this paper. and those possessed of such; end those on•
ty, do we care to attract.` -We wall now assert, in the
moat unqualified terms; thattin innocent remedy has
been found; that stalk atoolutelyi core Rheumatism,
and stiffness el joints; if oftwenty leant' sanding.
The assertion is so broad, that it will hardly captain
credence, we are aware, unless sbpportcd by uncom
mon testimony: Now-the . testiinow given to -so
many worthless quackeries lotto aliundant. that to dis
criminate between such, and real, matter of fact tes
timony, is very difficult. To come at once at a point
that tarn at once be appreciated, the,pmptieinrs have
resolr.ert to give this remedy to th ' poor, and to cure
those able to pay for it, before theask pay. and then
leave it to the sufferer to pay What e cheeses. We
entreat, therefore,suffererato call a 11 Mdiden Lane,
for atone drops (Indian Elixir ) to taken, and a
y o \ple
Nerve and Bone Liniment to use no wardly; and if
they will not, by one week's use, be erne more sur
prised and delighted than they ever aected, we will
never again make such an assertion. Will invalids
now suffer for the want of, this mild, innocent, and
all , potent remedy? If they refuse it , we pity them in
deed.--[.N. Y. Cour. ft. Eng.. Feb. 19, 1842.
Ire sale by John - S. C. Martin, Wm. T. Epting,
and Clemens & Parini, Druggists. Pottsville.
May 14. al—]y.
rrIIIE hest medical writers of the present age, agree
in the opinion, that worms are the cause of many
Serious and many fatal diseases in children. - - - '
'Pnetr presence may. be suspected where the'pa
tient has a dry cough, a pale countenance, fetid breath,
1 tumid lip, livid circle around the eves, disturbed
sleep, variable appetite, alternate Diarhma, Costive
ness. enrOuged stomach, &e.
These symptoms unless relieved, frequently pro
duce epilepsy, apoplexy, maniac, dropsy of the brain,
inflammation of'the eyes, palsy, hiccup, dry cough.
consumption, emup, dysentary, convulsions, fevers,
kc., which term inate in death.
- From the above, parents and others having the'care
of children, will Pea the propriety of being in po.ssei.
stun of a Rumble remedy, against the deleterious effects
of these enimies to the health and happiness of chil
dren. Merrick's Vermifuge has proved a aertain.Safe
and pleasant cure, as will be shown by numerous cer
tificates shirrtly to be published, and us regarded by
those that have tried it, as superior to all others in use.
It is so pleasant that it may be given to the most deli
, sate child, without inconvenience.
Also, the Pocahantas or ltdtan Pills, for the cure
of all bilious diseases: this pill has proved to be deco
7dedly the hest purging pill ever offered to the public.
ill has permanently cured the most obstinate cases of
dyspepsia, sick headache. jaundice, costiveness, bil
ious cholic, A:c.. and will prove setvicahle in all cases
while the pulse is full and hard, the skin dry and hot,
and the longue coated. Full directions accompany
the Vermifuge and Indian Pill.
Agents for the ogle of the ttove.
-- -
W T. Epting. Pottsudle, George Reifsnyder, New
castle, G. it D. Ban, Schuylkill Haven. Hugh Row
ley. Port Carbon. Throughout the stare a supply can
always he had of Fred. Klett & Co., Druggists, cor
ner of 2d and Ca llowhill streets, Philadelphia.
June 18,Cmo.
ftESPEC !TULLY informs the public that
• 11 ' he hie brought with tom from New York
this ping, a large assortment of
Which he offers for sale at the. most moderate
Philadelphia wholesale prices, ( freights udded;)
at his store house, in the new Stone Bui!ding,
nest door in his tavern, Morris' addition to Potts
ville, consisting if
Mack and Green Tens, •
Falling Loa's, Santa Cruz, Porto Rico, t.S• New
Orleans Skr.,ars,
'Rio, Java, and St Domingo Coffee,
Stierni & Common Oils, Molasses,
White and Yellow Soaps, Tobacco,
• Keg and Box Raisins,
Wines and Liquors, from common to the jest
A quantity of Drved Ment,
Mackerel, from No. I to No. 3, in quarter hal
and foll.lintrels,
About 300 sacks Ground Salt,
60 barrels superior Albany Summer Ale. &c
May 14,
HE subscribers have constantly on hand, a
general assrirtment of Hollow-ware, Carl
arid flagon Boxes, Plosgh points, Mould Board■,
Rails and Turn out Castings, Itc., and are pre
pared to furnish castings of all kinds to order, at
as cheap a rate as can be ftirnished elsewhere.
Possessing a desirable situation adjacent to
both rail road and canal, and having every facil
ity for and experience in the manufacture of cast
ings. we can confidently promise entire satisfac
tion to all who may favor us with their orders.
' Ma • 28 22
rIMIE public are respectfully informed that the
m- subscribers have taken this larke and corn
, modious establishment, recently kept
;wt. cfi p , . by William G. Johnson. To (helot
, 111 11 1',..iv met patrons of this establishment and
the public generally, the undersigned
promise to extend all the accommodations and
Cninlnyte at this house that men so satisfiletorily
received, while under the charts of Mr. Johnson.
Pottsville, Jone 11,
E Subset iber returns his gratefolacknowl
edgemerits to the citizens of Pottsville and
others, who stepped forward to his assistance af
ter the lmis of his property by fire in December
last, and would also acquaint them and the pub
lic generally, that he has again commenced
the Drug Business in the house for merlyoccupied
by Charles W. Clemens, in Centre Street, in the
borough of Pottsville, where may always be had
general assortment of
And every other article in the above line, which
he is disposed to sell on very low and accommo
dating terms.
N. B. 117 Physicians prescriptions carefully
ilt.up at the shortest notice.
Nay 30. I'3B g. T. EPTING.
fIaiF.SPECTFULLY announce to the travelling
community, that they have taken that large
and splendid establishment, the Ex.
•iiss s • citsriGE linut., recently kept by
• ham G. Johnson; situate atthe corner
m Centre end Callownill streets, near.
hropposite theTcww HAI,E, in the Borongh of
Pottsville, which has been throughly repaired
and materially improved for the accommodation
of visitors. The Hotel'is forty feet front on Cen
tre street, and one hundred and thirty.jeight feet
on Callowhill, three stories high; it is admirably
provided with Parlors, Sitting Rooms, Reading
Room, and large airy chambers—the most spa.
,Mous, pleasant and convenient Dining Room in
the country—a new and superior Bathing Estab
lishment—and every convenience and comfort to
render it in allmspects a moot deSirable .flotel.
MARTIN'S 11/rug Store
_ .
No pains or expense be spared to' . furnish
the Table and Oar with the best that this and the
;Philadelphia Markets afford—andi with it ,deter
mination to devote their personal attention to the
comfort and accommodation of those who may
favor them with a call—aided by active, careful
and obliging, servants, they hope to give general
PRIVATE FAMILIES wishing ,b; visit this
highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, will
be provided with Patton) and Chambers, which
they feel confident will please 001 most fastidi
'Vim Stabling attached, is large and well con.
,and atientivo llostlers.'—florses and
Carriages may be had at any tim6 to convey per
sons to any part of the country. 'I
An Onimbus rwis from this Hotel daily, to and
from tife pepot i to meet the Care, for the BCCOITI•
modation of pereoni travelling on the Rail Road.
St .G 130 t th;S:— A. iraritty
cent/5 each, for sale by
May 128
o;rosiTE THE TowN HALL.
Auinst 27
A ItHAAGEJar" Fog 1842
z. ! ITIFIE subscribers beg learieto call
fr. ►
Y. the attent;on of their friends,
p and the pnblic in general, to the fol
lowing arrangement for the year
1842, 4- tor the.parpnee of bringing out Cabin,
Second Cabinand Steerage passengers
By the new line of Liverpool Packets.
Sailing the Ist, 13th nod 25th of every month
The ships comprising this line are
Geo. Washington, Indep ndence,
United States, Sheffield,
I:arricit„ Siddone,
Patrick Henry, Roscoe,
Virginian, Stephen W flatlet%
Roseate, Sheridan.
Llsi the .Loadon Packets,
To sail from Nei , York the Ist, 10th and 20th—
and front London on the 7th, 17th and 27th of
each month.
Mediator, Ontario,
. Wellington, Toronto, •
Quebec, , Westminster,
Philadelphia, ' St. James,
Switzerland, Moutreal,
Hendrick Hudson, Gladiator.
In connection - with the above, and for the pur
pose of affording still greater facilities to pabsen
gers, thel subscribers have established the
Star !lie of Liverpool Packet',
To sail from Liverpool on the 7th and 19th of
every month, comprising the follow'ng very su
perior test sailing ships. viz :
Russell Glover, Capt. Howes, 10,00 tonb
Echo,. Sill, 850
St. Mark, 'Ale:order, 750 n'
Windstir Castle, Glover, 1000
All of which are nearly new, first class, copper
ed and copper fastened. The last tour are own
ed exclusively by the subscribers, alba which.
independent or their long standing in their ho.
siness, it is presumed' is a sufficient guarantee to
the public which . no other houie in their line can
present. The above ships will be succeeded by
vessels of the some class, in regular succession.
thereby affording passengers an opportunity of
embarking at Liverpool eekly sit that there
will be no possible detention. Passengers who
wish v ill be found with an abundant supply of
suitable provision for the-voyage, at the low rate
of ten dollars. In all cases where the parties de
cline cnming out, the money paid for their pas
sage will be promptly returned.
For the accommodation, of persons wishing to
send money to their friends, drafts at sight will
be given on the following Bank and Branches.
viz :
On the Provincial Bank of Ireland, payable at
Cork Limerick Clonme 4
Londonderry Sligo Wexford
Belfast Waterford Galway
Armagh Athlone Coleraine
Kilkenny Ballina Tralee
Youghal Enniskillen Monaghan
Banbridge Ballymena. Barsimstown
Downpatrick Cavan Lurgan
Omagh Dungannon Baminn
Ennis Ballyshannon Strabane
Dungarven Mallow Money more
Cetehill Kilresh
Scotland—The City Bank of Gln9goty.
England—Messrs. Phillips 44 Tmladv, London ;
P. W. Byrnes, Esq., Liverpool. For lurtherl
particulars apply or address ( if by letter pos
paid) GLOVER & Mc-MURRAY, - I
100 Pine street, corner Simiti, or to 1
P. W. BYRNES, 36 Waterloo Road, Liverpool.t
%fel:irs. Andrew C. Craig, SCCo., Philadelphia
Thomas Gough, Esq. Chine.
Benjamin Bannari) , Esq. Pottsville.
Passages direct from Dublin: Belfast, Lnufeit
derry and Cork. The subscriber is now teudy
to engage Passengers to sail direct from either
of the above named Ports in vessels to sail in Ole
months of April, May, and June.
Er The Fuhscri her, will also engage Pasven.
gees going out from New York to London, or
Liverpool, and transmit money to any part. of
England, Ireland, %Vales and Scotland, on bp
plication at the :Miners' Journal offiee.
THE subscribers would announce to the public
that they have taken the .store lately occu
pied by J. W. Lawton & Co. and have just, re
ceived and opened an assortment of Dry Goods,
Groceries, Queenaware, or.c. among which aie
_ _ _ _ _
f Blue -Black and Fancy colored. Cloth and
Cassimers-Sattinetts-Mouslin de Lones—Chint
zes=-Flannels—Cottnn do.—Checks, Ticking's,
Mor;nos'Bleached and Unbleached Mush;ns—
Winter Vestings—Shawls- -Silk and Cbtton
Handkerchiefs—Wolsey—Worsted and Cetton
Hoiscry—Mans Hose and Halt Hose—tiluyes—
Rio—Java—Laguira and Browned Coffees—
Loaf and Brown Sugars—Young Hyson—;-Gun
•poweer—lmpertal and Black Teas—Pickles—
Spices—,Syrup—Sugar House and Trinidail Mo
lasses—Sperm and Common Oils—Fish—Soaps
—Crackers—Riceßatsins and Currants-4 Hops
—Barley, &c.
Liverpool, Granite, Common and Scotch Ware,
Glass Tumblers, Plates, Lamps &c. together
with an assortment of Brushes, Cedar 'Ware,
Shovels, &c. To all of which we would) invite
the attention of onr friends and of the !public
generally, feeling confident that we can give
satisfaction to all.
S SitLYMAN. November 20 117—
Old Goverment, Java, Rio, Laguira and Cuba Coffee.
Porto Rico, St. Croix. and New Orleans Sugars.
Imperial, Young I lyson, Pouchong -tlr SonchOng Tea
Double and Single Refined Loaf and crushed Lump
Pickles and Sauces, a general, assortment.
! Red, White, Yellow and Brown Soap.
Wines and Liquors, a lull asstatment.
Porto Rico, Cuba, Sugar House and Syrup Molasses
Chocolate, Coco, Starch, Fruit, Rice, 4'c.
Can be bouLlat on as reasonable terms as else
where of P. Q. & A. HENDERSON.
May 28 22
a 17, phenomena, and curative effects of Animal
Mlignetism, with instruct torts for conducting the
Magnetic operation, by a Physician. Price 2.5 cents.
Just received and for sale by B. &ANNAN.
May 28 -
& SON have en hand a large and general
assortment offresh and veasonablegoods, which
will be sold cheap for Cash, or in exchange for
country produce.
- 111t.Carbbn. 00.315 t. 4
speetffilly tenders his professional services
1 ., r to the citizens of Pottsville, and vicinity.
. , His office is at the corner of Market and
Adams streets. . April
1100TH D EAR CHE.--MILE's Tooth
"' and Ear Ache drops, a safe and speedy core for
the above diseases. Just received and for sale at
MARTIN'S Drugstore. April 16,16--
10 -
plete Farmer, and the complete Gardener. Jus
received and foreale by B. BANNAN.
March 26 •
PICTORIAL. BIBLE,—With 600 Mantra
Huns, 3 volumes, eleEantly bound—price S 6
Just received and for sale by
June 25. 4 26 B. BANNNAN.
IFE OF NAPOLEON.—The Life of Napo
loon, with 50U Illustrations, complete %in 2 vole
price 05. Just receives and for sale by
March 19,12 B. BANNAN.
RT—Just received and for sale by
May 21; 21— B. BANNAN
STEEL PliNS—Every variety, just received and
for sale very cheap by B.BANNAN.
June 11 24--
pin TERS' 12 and 25 lb s. Kegs, a
Philadelphia prices, for sale by -
March 19..12-- B. BANNA.I4.
ALBATROSS QUlLLS.—Albatross Quills, a new
ateticellent article ; just received and for sale by
Jute 11, In— ' B. BANNAN.
sot to Manic, for oak by B. BANNAN
Jona .•
r Song
• 22:
WHEREAS in and by anact of the General
Assembly ofthe Commonwealth 'ortenn-
Kylvania, - entitled Aye! regulating the General
Elections withinithis Commonwealth , passed the
*I day of )uly, A. D. 1b39, it is made; the auty
of the Sheriff of every county•to give public notice
oreuch election to be holden, and to make known
in such notice whht officers aro to be elected:
1,39t1N G. WOGEISON,
High Sheriff of the county ofSchuylkill, ha MAKE
KNOWN by this ediierusement to the denture of
said county of Schuylkill:that 'a
General Eleelitin
will he held in the said county, on TUESDAY,
the 11th day of OCTOBER next, at the several
districts thereof, as follows, to wit:
I. The of the borough of Brwigsbure
will hold their election at the Court House, in the
-borough of Orwigsburg.
2. The electins of East Brunawig township
will hold their election at the house of Henry
Lutz. now occupied by John Boyer, in the town
of McKeansburg. .
4. The electors of Pinegrove township will old
their erection at the house of the late John Bggg 11
now WillianAutz, of said township.
.5. The electors of Wayne township will hold
their election at the house of Leonard Shull, inn
keeper, in the town of Friedensburg.
6. The electors °flipper Nlahantongo township
will hold their election at the house Of Peter Yo
der. formerly Samuel Moyer in said township
7 The Electors of Barry township, including
the house occupied by' Mr. Rawn, will hold their
election at the house of Isaac Bungler, in satd
8. The'electors of Porter township* will hold
their election at the house of Jacob Heberline, Jr..
now late to the occupancy of Samuel
In said township
9. The electors of Lower Malnintocgo township
will hold their general election at the house of
Joseph. Osman; in said' township.
10. The electors of West Penn township will
hold their election at the house now occupied by
Moritz Forreider, in said township.
11. The electors of Union township will hold
sti@ir election at the house ofJotio Eisenhower, in
said township.
112. The electors of Rush township will hold
their election at the house of Jacob Faust, inn-.
keeper. in said township.
13. The electors of Branch awnahip will hold
their election at the house of Jacob Hem, in the
village of Llewellyn.
14. The electors of the borough of Minersville
brill hold their election at the house of John MOIIII,
in said borough.
i 16. The electoral:if Schuylkill township, resi
ing east of a point from the township fine of
NII unborn, in a straight line with the Old Forge,
including the same, from I ce to the. hp . use
inow occupied by Jacob Wm 'thee, including the
same. and continuing from hence in ti straight
I hue to Rush township hne, eh II hold their gen
eral election at the house of 1' dertek Bensinger,
Jr. in the township of Schuylkill, in the said
16. The qualified voters residing in the town
ships of Norwegian and SchUylktll, in the county
of Schuylkill, wjthin the following Idesentetd
bounds, shall hereafter be a separdte election dis.
trim, viz: Iy-sinning on the line h'etween the
townships s ' Norwegian and Manhenn: from
therm) a straight line to the house now occupied
by Jahn Penman, including the same—from
thence to the Norwegian church—from thence to
the of F. 13. Nichols, Esq. including
the same—from thence a straight line to the line
between the townships ofNorwegtan and Barry—
( ruin thence following the toittiship lines of Barry
and:Rush eastward to a p t—froin thence in a
straight line southward to the Old Forge, exclu
dmg the StIMU— I hence to the house now aceupied
by Jacob Wommet, excluding the same, aria
thence in a straight line to the place of begot;
tog, excluding the town of New Castle, and the
qualified electors residing within the before
described bounds shall hold their election at
the Port Carbon House, in the town of Port Car.
17. Ail the qualified electors, residing nn the
east side of Norwegian street, in the borough of
'Potisville, aforesaid, including that portion of the
electors of Norwegian township who have herein.
fore voted in said borough, shall thrm another and
seperate election district. and hold their election at
the public house off. J. Mills.
19. The electors of the bormigti ii TamnquA
will hold their election at toe school housccin said
29. That the electors of illanheim township
lyittg southeast of the following linet—continen
cing at the township line of Wayne and Mau.
helm townships on the Summer Hill, thence along
he Summer Hill and Orwigaburg road, to the
house of Widow Sweicker, and the house of John
Dews'', excluding the same, thence to the house
or Philip Drumhi lier, thence to the house of John
Delbert, at the Centre turnpike; thence In the
house of John Harz; thence to the hotise of Philip
Rock; thence to the house of John Shane, Jr. ju
t:lei:hug the same; thence to the townships, line
of quid Manheim and Schuylkill townships, shall
hold their general elections at the Court House,
in ilui 'norough of Orwigsburg.
21, The electors dike remaining part of Man
heim township, will hold their election at the
house of Philip Boyer, intikUper, in the town of
Schuylkill Haven.
At which time and places are to be elected by
the freemen of the county of Schuylkill:—
One Person
Poi Member of the House of Representatives of
the'COmmonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One Person
For Prnthonotary and Clerk of the martial Quer
ter Sessions and Crimmon Pleas.
One Person
For Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Or
phans' Court,
One Person
For County Commissioner.
• One Person
For Director of the Poor.
• One Person
For County Auditer
Two Persons
For Trustees of the Orwigsburg Academy in the
county or Schuylkill.
The general election and electiorrfor inspectors
and judges, to he opened between the hours of 8
and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall contin
ue withoUt interruption or adjournment until 7
o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be
In pursuance of an Act of the General Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti,
tied •' An Act relating to the election of this Coto'
:monwealth," pasSed the 2cl 'day of July, A. D
1839, Notice is hereby given,
" fhat every person, excepting justices of the
peace, who shall hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust under the government of the
United States, or of this State, or any city or in.
corporated district, and also that every member
of congress, and of the state legislature, and of
the select or comm.m council of any city, or
crimmissioners of soy incorporated distriet; is by.
law incapable of holding or exercising, at the
same time, the office or appointment of judge,
inspector or clerk of any election of this com
monwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or
other officer of election, shall be eligible to env
office to be then voted for."
And the said Act of Miserably, eititled" An
Act relating to the elections of this Common
wealth," passed July:2, 1839, further provides as
follows, to wit:
' That the inspectors and judges, chosen Fl 9
aforesaid, shall meet at the respective glares
pointed for holding the election in the districts to
which they respectively belong, before nine o'-
clock in the morning of the second Tuesday Oc
tober, in each and every year, and each of said
inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall
be a qualified voter of such district. - -
'' In case the person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes Mr- inspecter,
shall not attend on the day of election, then the
person who shall have received the . seeond high
est number of votes for judge at the next pre
ceding election shall act as - inspector in his place.
And in ease the person who shall have received
the highest number of votes for Inspector shall
not attend, the person elected judge shall • appoint
an inspector in his place; and in case the person
elected judge shall not attend, then the inspector
-who received the highest number of votes shall
enpoint a judge in his place; and if any vacancy
`shalt continue in the hoard for the -space of. one
. hour after the time fixed by law for the opening
of the election, the qualified, voters of the town-
- -
ship, ward or ai;urtel, rot which 1111C11 otficer
shall have been Fleeted. present at the
. place of
election, shall elect one admit number to fill tiMeh
"it shall be the duty 'of said assessors retire.
tively to attend at the place of holdingeverv,gcn.
oral special or . township election dosing the whole
time said election is kept open, for the purpose of
giving information to the inspectors and judges
when called on in relation to the right of any
person assessed by them to vote at such election,
or such other matters in relation to the assess.
moms of vptersqta the said inspectors or judge,
or either of them shall front time to time re
quire. •
"That no person shall he permitted to vote at
any elect:o6,as aforesaid, other than a white
freeman of the nee of years or more,
who shall have resided within the state at least
one year, and in the election district where he
offers to vide at least ten.,days immediately pre
ceding such election, an d - within two years , paid
a stele or county tax, Which shall have been as.
sessed at least ten days before the election. But
a citizen of the United States, who had previous.
ly been a qualified voter of this state, and re
moved therefrom and returned, and who shall
have resided , in the election disttiet, and paid
taxes as-aforesaid shall be entitled to vote after-re.
siding in this state six months: Provided that the
white freeman, citizen of the United States, who
had previously been a qualified voter of thisismt e ,
and 'removed therefrom t..nd retlrtied, and whe
shall have resided in the election astriet, and.
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote
after residing in this state six Months: Provided,
that the white freemen citizens' of the United
States, between the ages of twenty one and twin.
ty two years, and having resided this' state
one year and in the,electien, district ten days as
aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although the y
shall not have paid taxes'.
ONo person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list aftaxable mho.
Addles furnished by the aforesaid
unless, First: He produce a receipt fur the 0n.y.,.
meat within two years; of a state or county • tax
assessed agreeably to the constitntion, and giv e
satisfactory evidence either on his own oath er
affirmation of - another, that ho has pa,d such a tax
or oil failure toproducea receipt, shall make oriel
to the payment thereof, or Second: 11 he claims a
right to vote by being an elector between the ages
of twenty-one and twenty two years, he shall d e .
pose or oath or affiirmatton f that he has resided in
the state at least lino year next before his applica
tion, and make such proof of residence iu the
district as it in required by this act, and loot he
does verily believe from the accounts given him
that he is of the age athresaidond give such oth
er.,evidence as is required by this act, whereupon
the name of the person so admitted to vote shall -
be inserted in the alphabetical list by the insuve
tors and a note !node opposite thereto by writing
the word "tax;, if he shall be admitted to vote
by reason of having paid a tax, or the word " axe;'
if he shall be admitted to vote on account Of his
age:, and in either case the reason of such 'vote
shall be called out to the clerks; who shall mark
it in the list of voters kept by them.
" In all cases where the name of the 'person
claiming to vote is not found on the list furbished
by the commissioners and assessor, or his right
to vote whether found thereon or not is ONCeted
to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of
the inspectors to examine such persoaon oath as
to his qualifications, and if he claims u have te.
sided w uhin that state for one year or more. his
oath shall be spfficient uroof thereof, but he shall
make proof by at least one competent wetness, who
shall he n qualified elector, that ha has been is ith
in the district c ur more than ten days next tinine
dialery.preceding said election, and shall also
self swear that his bona fide residence, in pursu
ance of hie lawful calling, is Within the district,
and [frit he did not remove in the said district
for the purpose orvoting therein- . .
'• Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shrill make due proof, if required, of residence
and payment of taxer+, as aluiesuid, shall be ad.
milted to vote in flie township, ward or district
in which he shall reside. _
If any person shall prevent or attempt to Pre
vent any officers of 40 election under this act
from holding such election, or use or threaten a
ny violence to any such officer, or shall interrupt
tit improperly interfere with !tun in the execs_
Lionof his nett', of shall b:ock up nit interim. to
block up the whitlow or,avenue to any window
where the stone may he holden, or shall onion.
ly disturb the.peace at such election, or 821.111 use
or practice any intimidation, thrtaia, lord, or vi
olence, with - design to influ.:nee drtirJuly or ovet
awe any elector, or to prevent him from voting',
or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person
on conviction shall be fined in any sum not ex
ceeditig five hundred Aollars and be imprisoned
for any time not less than one nor more than
twelve mouths. And if it shall be shown- to the
court where the trial of such offence shall beehad
that the person so offending was not a. resident
of the city, ward, district, or township where the
said offence was committed, and not entitled to
vole therein, then, on conviction, he shall be sun-,
tenced to pay a fine of not less than one bandied
nor more than one thousand dollars, and be 1111-
prisoned not less than six moothii nor more than
two years.
[fairly person or persons shall make any bet or
wager npon the result of inv election within this
commonwealth. or sh ill offer to make any such
bet or wager, either by verbal proclamitiou
therebf, or by any written or printed advestise
nient, challenge or invite any person or persons
to make such bet or wager, upon conviction
thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three
times the amount so bet, or offered to be bet.
The Judges, are to make their returns for the
county of' Schoylkill, at the Goon House in Or
wigsburg, on Friday the 14th day of October, A.
D. 184 '.
Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's
Office at Orwigshorg, and dated August - 27th, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and forty two, and s;xiy-sixth year of the, lode.
pendence of the United States of America.
Sheriff's Office, Orwig , ..
burg, Aug. 27, 18.12.
"MARE pleasure in announcing to the citizens
Schuylkill county. that itry have just opened in
the basement story of the Town flail, on Centro
street, to the Borough of Pottsville, a splendid as
sortment of
'oat brought from Philadelphia, where they were se
lected with great care, and purchase,+ at unusually
low prices—comprising every variety of
Dry Goods, Grpeeril, Gluts Ware, China
Ware. Queens d Earthen Ware,
Among which maybe foid
Superfine Cloths, of van us ardor's and'qiialities,
Blue; Black and Fancy.cofored Cassimeres,
Sattinets, Flannels. and Woolen Blankets.
Prints, Lawns, Ging ha ms, Morinoes and Plaids,
S lk. S stn, Linen and-Laces,
Canton Flannel, [Wands and Nanking,
Marseilles and Valencia Vestings,
3-4, 4-4,5-1,6-4 Mnslins, Bleached & Unbleached,
Silk, Cambric, Gingham and Cotton Handles.
New and sit error style Summer Cloths,
Cottonades and Bevermens.
In line, a very general assortment of
Gentlemen's Summer Ware,
Sick,( anon, Mohair, Morino & Wors'd Stockings
Ladies' 4 4-nd.Gentlemen's Super Ei4_l - ;.Thiiilian, Vork
ton,bilk, Thread, Beaver - & - Mckskin Gloves;'
Ladies' Silk, Mohair and Picnic Mina &c.
New Orleans, St. Croix, Porto Rico, Loaf an
LuMp Sugars,
New Orleans, Sugar Hence. and Syrup Molasse ,
Tea sad Coffee, of various kinds,
,Cheese, Candles, Soap and Vinegar, 1
Salmon. Hernng, Mackerel, Shad and Codfish,
(lama, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, and
v enison,
Olive Gib-Fresh Fruit, and Ort: Meal,
Half Spanish and Common Sega rs,
Soda, Water Imo &gar Crackers,
Sperui Oil. Butter, Eggs, and. Lard, •
- Dried Apples and Peaches,
ands great variety ofother articles, all of which- will
be sold at low prices for aish, or in Exchange for
country produce. •
I.o=' Remember the Thum
Pottsville. May It,
paIiBIME •.Western. Ha
without smoke.)
Shoulders & Side%
Boston Smoked Beet,
- gilozna Sau•see,
SMoked - and Pickled' Salmon,
Hags: and Nla.aachuietts Mackerel,
SLad, Smoked Herrme,-Cod Ft.h, &c. -
for sale at . E. Q. & A. HENDERSON%
May 28,
20 -
1t31E9 I.AI NO
Hill Store.
is, ( cured wits and