0 POSTCRLPT. John T.slw his vetoed the . Provisional Tariff :Bill, and ttiefiliities are now reduced to the low. pt rite: - Ivis the eet of i Tyrant: and ought be treated as such by the People. . Our . • reclines are once; that it would be impneleet for into make any farther comments this week: war in Rhode Wand is over. IsfartrrY.—All diseases, even insanity and writ. ability of temper, proceed from depraved acid corrupt humor., winch.curculating with the blood, occasion pain arid discord in the human -frame. It is cline', that, by perseverance in the use of Brandretles..Vege, ictie Vattersa Pills. whieli is one of the verb best, and fluty properpargative medicine, insanity and ir _ ritabibty of teutper can be cured.as well asother dis eases-depending upon the plateaus of the circulat ing fluid. the blocst. ipascirdis VqtriiVe, Usicerital PiLls aix• - • - known, by the experience of .thowands, tojcierfece,y cleanse ."the blood float all foulness.sernoveLeiery morbid af- Sactios, - and renovate weak and enfeebled , cantata :Coast° health and vigor. - - Their acknowledged innocence Makes them safe through every -period of - existence, from infancy to, old age. - 7 • No extra emit in either dress or diet is required' when they 'are 'used: 'Wish this innluable medicine - in ocr possession, the may vkit the most sickly regions without fear. cnntagion car ,by sossibility erect( us, it we are :Careful is freelv.use these pills. Purchase in Pottsville, of W m.Widener. Jr4nd ..cif the agents published to another part of this paper. fflariieD: , . 'On the 4th. 'of June last, by Mr. Rev ...biseph Cool, Mr. ERVIN . GALLAHER, to bliss MAa MA -wormer. both of Noss:Lie. Clcatbs. At New Castle,on-the 14th ult., Arc Area Re sea, wife of Air. Levi Reber, in the 'rah year of her age. leaving a hustand and four children to lament berlosn-, - TUE COAL 4 TRADE. The shipnients have again increased this *Set Below the price on board - remains the PM in IS as last week. and alsi? the rates offseightsio EastensisOrte. Schuylkill Coal Trade. 4 Sh — ipmenta of ,Coal for the week enilingtOn Thurs. dair esening last: - J -nn . E orn Pottsville and Port Carbon, • 1 Schuylkill fiasco. $ . ' 10. M Per last r_eport from Pottsville & P Carbmi,9l,lls " " " from Schuyllill Havlen. -61;727 • Freights. • ,•_, • Pottsville to Philadeiptu;. ' I • 75 - • " to Near York, , , &:.! 10 L•Tbefietht from Schu)lkill Iliveri.by Canal is from :5 to 10 cents per ton less than from Pouarille and .Port,Carbon. , LMIe Schuyndll.Cloal Coal shipped IromToriClinton, to June 3uth. !Mt , Boob. Tonal June 24 Fox— 59 . 27 14. Van Buren 55 28 Wm. U. Harrison, 54 Laurel Hill; 60 Per Lst J. t IL CArrra 3 Korb - 33 ••• I 6 Per Last 1747 ANDoesare, Bcowre tt Co 12 " Per List ", ~ IVILTIore Novre.t.c. . 1 Bout Peitist BC . . Total IM,Boata 61S1 • : , ;. , GEORGE,WIGGEN, Agent.' Lehigh Coal Trade. Despatched from &hitch Chunk for the week end cg 6th month 16,18112 L Qat & Na,. - Co. Eames Meadows* Haz:etoo, Snie Loaf. ,- TOTAL 3111PXECTS.. L. Coal CF-11AT. CO. ' io.if 39935 Boa* Meadow Co_ '' ta, . 216 1'2174 Hazleton Co.. 135 EM3 Serar Loa( CO. ' 124 669 31oltat Carbon Ban Road. The total *mount or coal transported on this zjsad up to Tharsd4 evening last. is . 3,45. t as. • Perks: report • 21,063 OE 27,.(PA) N. CLEAVER. Collect Dine Hill and Schuylkill - Haven Railroad The falicreciaz i• the amount of Coal transported on this Road. fur the week ending tint Thursday erenirg hat.. Tons 7.217 10 Pet last report, 73,850 00 Total, SLOGS OD ,Wm. NEWELL Coilevor Schuylkill Valley Rail Road. - - • Quantity oreoal transported on the F..ehoylkill yo, lergoad„ week ending Jane 18, 6.107 tons: List ?entre - • 17:25-1 . Tca:id H. INTITS. Collector. 31W creek 11. all Road. Acionat of einal transported on this road from the comuseetnent op to Ttutraisy ereaitt4lass. - Per last report.) wry 12,,M - Tots! 15,337 ~ I CEO H.WESTy . Collector Our :alark-1, \t_COILUCTIM s iFzELY. POTTaTILL, July 2, 1.912 Wbou Floor,pr SbL 96,00 Bacon, per lb. 64 Rye• do . cwt. 1,75. M't... " '4l Wllea l . bell I.') llamas, ' " - 10 . Rye, ' • - " 75 ;Potatoes, bcshl 374 - Vora, • " 624 Rider, tiui 54 1 0 0 4 3, , -`• 50 .142 y. • " ISto 3l _ :Ea*. • • dos 9 crStaotby s'd, bahl 2.30' ‘'Xiatter, 'lb ' I`2l'eloTer •• " 1 IE7 WASHING rum TE3IPERANCE SO CIEIT•er Parrsviu.r..—A s?ccial meeting of the above stated Sudo( will be held at the Lec ture Room, corner o r Centre and 'Mahan:in:o streets, this (Sa",,turdav) evening. at S o'clock, kr tee special purpose or making thelinal arrange. atents.tor the eclebratton oil the anniversary of Aiaeriean_ i lndep deneeJ The members are re. siretfully rergateltutLo attend punctdally , Rv nailer of the societr.. - 1 loty - JOHN Ill'REED.See'v. la' FIRST TROOP SCLICYLKILL CAVALRY. —Will Parade on Monday the 4th of Jule s in summer unite-[*, at Montrone* Rotel, at S edect Etin- command July 2, Wit-31A.161:, Ontrly. NATIONAL LIGHT UN FANTRY.—Parade ea Mcodatr,Juiy 4th„ 1E43, at 7 iielock P. 11. at the arakiry. incrrided with 14 itsaatis of. blank cattridje. Bp It ociamaittt CHARLES fl RICHARDS, July, 2 'ISA, Fust'Serft. • romit s ior JULY FXCIIIISION 21'0' PHILitItIRMA, as tie and ASS:elite Thettatik,. ej.tXXI fat tai...,,,aad aa the 'a c ad. th. `"' of,Eatym' s artf ca - be hat' tSI early 12 et the pas:ewer triul mad. - * L. INICOLIS.NtPL itikirasurs Isapytre*dyonl s 313ftur. SOVEREIGW and aeier &le t an fie' -A and Fever. Parsons iirciare afflteced the Om Zneisei, cis obtains comedy - vi% cue Siz the same. 4 1119killt b de suU• kieler, stoma _time sionlast safe meat fie ofthe mete= ilk cam*: arekddiss Per ~ !Ode. ,IFVTabicid m ma at . !bleadeice, 34empiats m:' ; •- intiN HAZILARD: ~,,,. ?~' , : i 3 `..~'.~ liVAs LOST, • " N street. between Morris' Addition and e Presbytenan church on ..sanday last,. a gold nck enamelled mourning breast pm. containing a loci of hair with name on the back. .The finder will be shit ably rewardealby leaving it with ths lubscriber.--, - 4 • CEO: C. WINKOOP. Itiortie:Additiota: July 2.• . 274 - tROCLAMATION. . • .WOTICE• is hereby given that a Court of IP. ;* Mon Pleas, for the trial of causes at issue tin, and for the , county of Schuylkill; will be hel d cii: at Orwigaburg, toe county aforesaid, on ay preceding the last Mcinday in July next, (being the 18th day oif said month.) Therefore all persons Laving suits pending and all. persons whose duty it shall be to appear at said "Court, ails take notice and govern theni salvia accordingly. jOllli WOOLISON,SheriIL SheriTB Orwigs- t , burg; duly, t, 184:4 AUD I TOR'S NOTICE. THE subscriiier, an auditor appointed by the Or.- phan'a Court for Schuylkill county, to audit and settle the accotinVor Anthony Steinbern,. r, Guardian of Mary Milla,l4 minor child of Joseph Mills, late 'of iniSclinylkill county, deceased, will at tend to the dunes of his appointment on Saturday. the IClth day oil July. 184% et 11, o'clock A. M, at tug _eace,ip the Bdrough of Pottsville, when and where all potions intested are notified to attend. WILLIA II F. LEAN, Auditor. /alit 27-- 112,986 6,563 Total, 172.371 pROPOSAES for carrying the Mails of the U nited Siete; from the ; let of September, 1842, to the i3olti of June, 1844, inclusive, in Pennsyleanie l will be received at the Gunteact Mee of the Post Orrice Department, in the city of Washington, . until 3 o'clock. P. 31., of the 10th day of ,A.igust. 1842, (to be decided by the next day,) on ithe routes and in the manner and tune herein sPecified, to wit.: . 1.721. Pinot.' Port Clinton, by Tamaqua,' to Hazleton, 34 miles and back, daily. except Sun. day, , in railroad cars to Tamaqua, and thence iu two horse coaches to Hazleton, with/privilege of carrying the IMail in a sleigh or on horseback ddribg, the winter, . , , Leave Posit Vinton daily, except Seineay;• of. ter the arrival* . the Philadelphia. Mail, say at 2 P. Al. Arrira at liazieten same nays, by t3l P. • 1 • Leaie Haileton daily: except Sunday, at 2A. 11.'. Airier; at! Port Clinton same day*, by tdi A* .31. I • (Eleven hears to be allowed for the winter service.) `NOTES. No proposall will be considered unleSs'it be ac. coinpanied by a guarantee, signed by one or more responsiti/e persons, in the following man. ner, via The undersi.ned --1- guarantee that---. if his bid for ca rrying the meal from --- to — 7 „ be acdep.'erf by the Postmaster General, shall enter int i t an obligation prior to the Ist day Of September ell, with good and su.Teient sure ties, ter pet turiit the service ipruposed. • - Dated —4., 1842. I , This shouldl be accompanied by- the certificate int a Postmast e r; or other equivalent testimony, that the guarantors are men of property, and able to make good their guaranty. Toe pnaposals shi-old be sent to the Depart meat sealed, endorsed Proposals for route No —." and addressed to the First Assistant Post master General. . .Fur toe protithition of bids resulting from cam. and l i the terms and conditions on which the contract is to be made, see the last Batumi advertisement.' C A. WICKLIFEE, Fustniaster General. .Post Office Department, ( Jane 21, 10 A 42. July 2, 27 lIE • t 225 61 3490 1909 63$ Eikats. Ton& 5738 27 1.137 23 • — l - W-1 10 912 1163. _65)371 BOROUGH ORD "NANCE. AT a meetin of the Town Coated of the bor. I 4-0, . ough of P its Ville, on Today, the '?.lst of June, lea., the tohowing Ordinance was palm. ed:— An Ordinanet to prolobtt the sale of ono-hole= slme prosigionssithin the Borough of Pottsville. aud,toseedre cleanliness is the shops and :stands of persons who sell provision. - brevtos 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of P#tsville, and it is- hereby enacted by the anthoriti of the same, That if any huckster. trackman, victualler, shop. keeper ig other person shall sell or expose to sale oitthin the limo of said Roroagh, any noxious o:unwholesome vegetables, meat, fish or other urnyviton, or if any Cerper of a' shot, stall or truck-stand shall keep slid shop r stall Cr stand, so That the same is tincle.in and nnisOme smellt are emitted therefrom, he, she or they so (dread ing against the pros 6.10113 Ot ts ordinance, shall for each . offeeme forfeit and incur a penalty of not less thin three nor more than 6ve dollars. ' Stertmc e. This-Ordinance shall go into effect from and after the SPA day of July,, FRANCIS J. PA [WIN. President of Council. Avrtsr • F. W. IieGIM, pwanite . , lily Temp Ct . eric. • ' • IrIITHEREA 4 . the Hoe. CALVIZiI FiLMTSCC e V V quirt, President of the auroral coatis of Common Pleas, of the Com 'ties of Dauphin. Le banon, and Schuylkill, in Pennsylrania ' and Jas_ tix of the several Coons of Ovulate: Sessions of the:Peace, Oser and4Terrnirelt„ and General Gard Denser" ; in said counties ac i d &reset D. Leib,. and Strange .N.-Pelser, &quires, Judges of he Co at O.tratua Scums of the Peace; Oyer and Teritiner'and General Gaol Delivery, for the Etrial of capital and other offender,, in the said . county of Schttylkilly their precepts to the retited, base ordered a Corot of Quarter Sessions', of the • Peace, Over and Terminer, and General 6 i. 31 Delivery. to be holden at Onrigshorg. cua the last Monday of July, lust, (being-the gab oft, Enid tu . out!ta_tn continue cue week. Nonce is .thetefure htsltS7 gives, to the Cow.' I nee, thitelostices at the Ponce, and Canstables oil I the said county of Schuylkia. that they are by!, the tutid precepts ISUlntainded to be then =4l there at 10 Weloek is the remain of said day.! with their rot* meorda requisitions. esaudia-1 tic . mu, and 4 other zenonnbracoes. to do those; things elicit to their several cates appertain to , Ibe done: and all those that are bnond by teem- II nizazie, to proseetete against the plunders that are ce then shall be.id the gaol afraid smenty af ISehitylball, are to be then and there triyoaseerne ' dim at ea he just. . , Gas east tar. COMCWILILLTM— !!'"'/, JOHN G. woousos...licris. 1 4 - Mee. berf". Jai? 2. 1842. N.' B.—The sib. , ictrivils - sue ate tettemiatted toattind said Corot. are cer t ain:xi to ahead - pasteinally. La name of conennedanne. that' twin sees. cans made and presided. will be iigidijr enforced. This notice Et potiNatted by order of the Quilt; tbeat,execerned inl.l there. Bee govern tbentaelses teecrdestr. tßo3r, JUL ROAD Oultead ask. . hse 25 224.3 ' PROCLAnATION. A-4km ma ofrversair - For Ws Heap, for • 11. POIIRCIV ' fisksree Mu %%ix I= RE - • •••--, SII.I3ZIWAMIV STAYED, or .araw - stolofigtosin i'Port Carboy otr Wethmdaylui. • ' Bright, Gray floosie, -about - . or 9 MN . years old, oboist 14 haudifughrousd - -• mores slow. = Whoever will return said Horse toile subscriber, or give biui, hat! motion where be can get biro *gap, Shall reeeiie the above rew ard , and the thanks of the oVenel. - ' RICELSRP.CONNEL, IN?it Carboil Juuilith; ' 26.3te To 110.11onarOW theJudgeoof the Court, of QUOTE!? St:skins of the. Peace, for th e Co unt y &A411(41.- : ,• - The Petition of Conrad 'liable, li!specHillltr eboweth , :—That your Petitioner occupies a don. medicine house situate iii the town of New Phihi delphia, Schuylkill township, well 'known as a Licensed Inn or Wien), which' ii calculated for a Public House of Entertainment, add item Its neighborhood and situation, is suitable as well as becesitary.tir the accommodation of the fehlic, and the entertainment of strangers and travellers. That he dwell provided with stabling for Hor ses, and all conveniences necessary for the en tertainment, ,of strangers and travellers. He thercfure respectfully prays the Court to grant him a License to keep an Inn or Public House of Er.tertainnient there. Arid he will pray &c. , • , CONRAD,BOBB. We the undersigned 'citizens of the town of New Philadelphia, Schuylkill township, afore said, being personally acquainted with Conrad Bobb, the above named Petittoner and also hav ing a knowledge of the house for which the Li cense is preyed, du hereby certify. that such house is necessary to accommodate the public and en tertain strangers or travellers : that he is a per. son of good repute for honesty and temperance, - and that be is well provided aidi house rocm and veniences fur the lodging and accomruoda- Lion - strangers 'and travellers. We therefore beg lea to recommend him for a License, agreeably t. Petition. Asa Dallier, — Eli- Miller, Niebolal Bathe?, Jim Mertz. Caleb Fisher, . Joseph &Wet, Charles B.Jbh, Charles Cleveland, George Robertson, Edward Hulme, Henry Sholleaberg, Michael Garber. Coital States Court. EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA,. In Bankruptcy. NOTICE. PETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate un. der the, Bankrupt bats, have been filed by William Powers, Coal Merchant, Schuylkill co. John Ford Whitney. do. - Godfrey B. Zialch, Farmer, do. and Tuesday the 30th day or August next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. is 'appointed for the healing there of. before the;said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the. District Court Room, in the City of Phila. delpbia, when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioner*, who have proved their Debt•, and all other persons in interested may appear end show cause, if any they have, why such Dis. charge and Certificate should not be granted. FRGS. HOPKINSON, June IP, 25-10 t Clerk of District Coon. SAMUEL LEWIS, Engineer, Surveyor and Cenrearzecr, Pottsville, Pa. ..VENDERS his professional. services to 'a. Capitalists, landholders, and the public in general, in addition to the mare common duties of hie. profession, he will explore lands for coal or ot her minerals, and furnish maps thereof with sections of the strata, 6tc., locate collieries, with steam engines and other fixtures for working the same, fu:bish'plans, estimates, drawtrigos Having had many years experience in the above branches of the bu.iness, and having the use of the best constructed instruments of modern times, he confidently relies on being able to, give "atm. Tfaction to those who may employ him. . Ile will also attend to the purcbase and sales of real estate, particularly of lots in Pottsville. Having recently made a survey and map of the Borough, by.order of the Town Council, he pos. *ems peculiar faculties for ascertaining the pre. cise localities of the lots therein. Othce, neat door - to the office of the Miners' Journal. R Welt/SCES. Edward Owen Pithy, ( John Shippen, ' ' Pottsville. Samuel Sdlyman, ' Jos. M. Sander.am, Caleb ranter, Philadelphia. John i-i_creitson, Jane II:1842 GEO. It. HERRELL & CO. Auctioneers and Commission 31erchruits, 25 . IVurth 5M &rat, aft..•it 3Lirl:et, ; `W ILL glee particular attention to sites of Real Estate, at the Exchange, or on the premises. A record of real estate tot rale,'or to rent, is kept at the store. Regular sales of Household and Kitchen for, niture, he held at the Auction Store, eters, Wednre.day and Saturday morning. TO EXtCUTODS Sc Valuations and sales made of all descriptions of neisonal property„ real estate, 4-e. families removing and wishing to dispose of all or any part (11 . 0=4 fortune, or hare it care fully attended to attheir hall'- Inspired to th store. large assortment of , useful forpit re always kept on h, will be sol :Jr low for askew ezulaaged frc di Market price*. Jame 11, FANCY & WINDSOR i CRAM MANUFACTOYLY. • No. 113 orris Strom? Sy PrimAnctems riri ii Et subscriber respectfully invites the citi . 46 - zeus of Pottsville, and rbe county of Schaal; kill generally., to call before purchasing die. where, and era.rdoe his large assortment of Chairs, both 'plain and ornamental, of every de. kription, which are manufactured under his own immedi to direction, of the best l n material, be so- Perim. w kmen--and which he warrants Si the best salsify, and at prices as low as can be pur chased-hi the United States He aL.o manufactures an lii - vaLto Crum. the siipeiiority of which consists in the astonish ing facility with which Imincallid with The sligh test-effort, may by the cise- l of one or both hands, more to and fro in the lionise, or in the omen air in a garden or elsewhere, and tarn quickly a. round without rcipuring any more space than it occupies While standing. ABRAIIA3I MeDONOUGII, No. 113 South Second Street, Philsda. June 11, ; ToDyers, Meathers, Paper Makers, Steam Engine Etalidere, - and others. PASCALL'IRON WORKS WELDED WROUGHT, 1103 TUBES From 4 imam, tti k is place wed 2to n fret keg, eaptble cf sitstaitun presszent fnm 400 to ZOO en. per • leek with Stop Owitt wad ?t,tw =it. together * with crew mimitel.e. for STEAM. WATEL' GA.W. wed is OTIVE wad other MUM BOIL= Pawns Ut ik\ wed sad es sae by NORELS, TASKER, a. Wiusbane S. E.. Canes aritimilalcittaz Bensti4 Jana 11 SMITH & LAMM Gni Comm is Onser. 73 Dx &red PiV4pkia. Refers atssn. Was. Datieos & Son. • • Irma , tikaziell. • Ina t Laat4 Szs. •- ' A. Trice:* , Esq: A'S:it& New York. 1 ' Alfred Dm Pi o2 . Ei e : e ll - ftimmaitt 6 DeUrirari.: . 110a&I'phiik ..Mfart'. • 'OMER YARD. 71:1 1 0001cia' end Lap z , 7/16Esszet. - • 'Zlloloofees i pock aid Isaßoatds. • ,110,000ybeistras Ws. • I Alighaßtfigames.aittiy Bineir.Saugaig oftzlisabtstassautly fittarie. ' ! WI& , 7 7' SaatritkaASTl -; THE Mp AP of lyrravyUs;.,..-1111, tattweimet taw Di is& b y ittoootkokittibetatteaor the Borough of patottpo,•toadew Itroisaittst9 or the weak •••• atid. alter or tbe - ondi Son& pare none to tiddlers of Wanio - tt s i c - ,a m aZ said mein otoyited.r* at his !mi. dam. mawx, street attd mill inter to estratoe the same, and, atelf-/aY alteration tbey may wish, therein provimmto its- being d e r were d u the Comma - : • _IBINBE,r, tEw4 l. - April 41:4-18 , _ . PENNSEJATANLV HAI s L . nd 111:"11-L iio ng ; gbses : , 7bli b m r kr i de ,: illi illi t L eitiPecultu r til iti7G ef _ blab . th J: 12 4i:enti luison.. " 7 " 1 :7 1 141 , e : m o alt er. t h r a tet elmnik a l lPh ai i . '< public generally , thernedersigned preens°. to Amid ell the accommodations and comforts at dhis tense that men So catiAciatily received, while tinder the charge of Mr. j o h nim JOSEPU WEAVER, JACOB' PETERS. Pottsville, Jattejl,. 24_ A LE perearmhaving claims against th e E state of. Robert MeDermut, late al the city of New York, deceased, are- requested % to make known the same without deby, to Abigail Mc. Dermot. Executrix., James R. Whiting. E sq . or George Hart Executors. in the city of New York; ot. to • EDW. OWEN PARRY • THE immAnEtwaui, ILEADING, and Purrsvatx RAf ROAD. Will commence runnin' g Edto Philadelphia andi'ollsville on ihlillowipg dvya cFnditours: ON AND arm. litoanat, MAT 9. 1842, . Leaving Ponsville.on - _,Mondays, Wad i : tum b le and Fridays, . • at • - •81A. M. • Leaving Philadelphia. an Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, at •, it p. Hours of passing R eading. For Philadelphia, it 1O A. M. " Pottsville, "' '5l P. 31.1 4 . ft- weekly. Between Pottsville 4 Naiads. 83:50 &V,50 1 " Reading " do - 2.25 1.73 • w . . do " PottonUe. 1.40 " 1,00 &cranes Tiesars—noon son !nercasuto NEXT OLT. Between Pottsville § Philadelphia 85 00 " Reading do 300 do Pottsville. 2 00 The other passenger trains will as before, at the followin. , hours - . Philadelphia an d Pottsville. From Philadelphia, at Si A. M. " Pottsville, at 2P. M. Daily. Hours of passing Reatlin,t. , For POttsville, at 9 A. M. " Philadelphia, at 3.1 P . Daily. All theltrails will stop for way pasungera at the usual points. 9J All passengers are retinested to pro-are their tickets before the trains shut. May 7, 19— THIS work is to be, as hi title indicates. devoted to the cause of Temperance: and tinfoil, hoped and confidently anticipated, that oar exertions, through the medium of its pages, will be productive of much good. especially to the young and riving goteradon, for whom it is more particularly designed. It will be oar aim to inculcate, by statements °thus. by tins trations„ Interesting =mutes, sketches and tales, the principles of Tana. Annus= and sound marsh to give to the young a jaw ahhorence of the use of intoxicating drinks, and curse them to shun every temptation which may lead to so baneful a practice ; to incite in them a just and Waage desire to benefit their fellow men, by adding their mite of influence to the moral power which is row at work, and which promises to wipe away this blot upon the fair fame of our country; to aid the reformer, and encontage the reformed in the praiseworthy 'efforteto conquer the enslaving passion foe drink, which'has debased so ma ny of the noblestheans and solidest intellects ; to speak the words ]of hope and encouragement to the drankard. and Of sober truth and remonstrance to those Oho still persist in the unholy, unchristian and unmanly practice Ofdealin in that which is blighting the fairest flowers, pointing the holiest affections. severing the fondest tom and tilling the land with crime, nisery and no. To aid us in the undertaking, we have Secured the services of•Mesars. N. Moon,. and A. Ens, gentle men warmly devoted to. and actively engaged in the cane, as editors: and a host of contributors acced ing merit, whose productions cannot fail of being the instrument of much good. if widely disteminvted. A camber of the work will be issued no the first day of each month. contacting 32 large Bvo. pages. illustrated hv numerous original Engraving', Tem perance Songs and Music, dune up in a neat and ap propriate cover. at the low rue of EMI One - Dollar a Year, ire advance, or 'e'en copies for fire doltsra. We 'adieu the aid of the friend, of Temperance in all parts of the country in this useful undertaking. AU orders and communications, non cod, to be ad dressed to DREW & SCA:II3IEL • 67 South Third Strata. Philsdelpt;is- Subscriptions confirm' by IS. Barman. July THE Amu - bet haring taken the saa. - abeam flake, lately in the occupancy is s of Capt. -Martin, respectfully informs his friends, and the travelling public, that he is now prepared to runtish comforts and accommodations unrivalled by shy estalilishment! in the country. The Apartments of the TREMONT are large and airy, furnished with new balding, and atten ' died by the most careful setrants. The proprietor Batters himself that ha will not late soy of that repetatiam so cheerfully accorded hire, whilst in possmion of the •••,Indisz Queen." The Larder shall be kept constantlysupplied with all the choice productions of the. market. together with vegetables grown von his Own farm, to the vi cinity of the city. The Wine., (many tif which have beta above 22 Years is 1 . - att..,) are a ther pnaprieter's own selection, ' or were impoited by him from the oldest and most celebrated hotmes in the various parts tot Europe. The Cooks in the Tremont House are among the most skilful end celebrated tau t heir liner, and the other servants area. atten tive arid obedient. The whiiter'esiithristurierir, being under' dm immediate inliperintendec.ce of the proprietor himself, whieliorith his keg and well known experience in Hotel keeping , arid ensure to his gueits that their every want will require. • . - • The kmaucon of the house bring ; in the inicre& ate vicinity of the Exchange and pest °See, and the varions Steamboat landingsand Railroad be pots, the Theatres, andother pkirme of atSClSC recent, after to the •ettin of bizsiiiess at affiliate, singularly great facilities 'es the puteeontia* of their designs in visiting the eity;l For the better necoaturndation cat bete'. a Pn• rate entrance as =Ached to the flew, opining ob Chesnut Street. Regular Eciaantam bet taken co the most eummannaudating tame.' Jam 2S, 24-3aa. M. A. D'OOILIEY,, ATTORNEY AT Law, - • wILL, ahead to eli bwillen /stirred to t4' IF v cue m the entities Tx Schajßal! and Berks. Da Samna Hepburn, a Was. at. Baddi!„ req. - t cabal , ... , Ifietreel gran 4r, 0 ,j , _ I Bask & Brest', • Pt i ft w kishe- . . .L. & T..€ Shesett. : ' - - ' - Rend. Blvd= crttaikik ', Ogee- is the first nee at the Penniman MB. PettsnTe. , - ',see 18. ' 35 4 - if . EMI . _JAMES 11...1 C..OIPBEL ANTORNET AT. _ IRAS remand tea aSie fa these[ sew We (tem!! " .. acreet. a &or' daas abarellfahaaslsta 11- _ CASEl64git mein' I sod valeitsametanat efiGir o 64/ify • ad 'MOW • Aid Wailp:v Cues. • - lbw* 12a8= JOEIN at. MAIM& • i , , 1.3 s • - 11-F7 -7 AL— . SS EXECUTORS' NOTICE. .Attorney faiths Executory, Pottsville. ' •April IG—tf , - 4 ,REQ-EifT AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE, FARES. PROSPECTUS OF THE COLD. WATEE M&GAZIN E. TREIAIONT HOUSE. c'Hrsser STREET, Bettrezn Third auot Four& Plaufdpiim '''BEIRRAI DIKE SEE ~:,; -{.b 111 .„/, • Valuta fifties -VW EAsTERN DtsTRIcrOF-P YLVANIA.' PETITION for the,Umfit otitis Bankeord ' J IM Lair, has beat flied the- 27 th day of May. Thomas MoyekTobseconist.Ech i tylkill‘county. Which petition wdi be heartily:fore the DiStrici" Cunt of the United States Est' the Easharn Dis Uierof Poinsylvanis; sitting in Bankruptcy at the District Omit' lbssm,. in theiCity - of Nide{ Idelphis, On-Woodsy ,the lltb Asir dial! nevi At II o'clock. A. M... When and where all per. sons interested may Spies" and show , cum: if' any:thee have, why the want orate said Peti. two should not be glinted, and the said PetiOtimi er be 4eclared Bankropt. PRA. HOPKINSON, /Us 4 'perk of Districteourt. BE NOTICE. PETITIONS for the Benefit of the Bankrupts Law, hails been filed the 24th day of May, 1E42, by „ • Samuel Butelek, late; - Iron-Muter, Schuylkill county. , • On 30th, John C. Merman, late Merchant. Schuylkill Co. : Which Petitions wilt be -heard before the Dia.' trict Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting in , Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room in the Pity et Phila. delphis, on Monday, the llth day, of July neat, at 11 o'clock, A. 31: When_ and where all Pi% son. intereated. may appear any show cause, if any they have, why the prayer. of the said Peti tions should not be granted, and the said Petition ers be declared Bankrupts. FRA. HOPKINS3N, - Clerk of District Cour NOTICE. - . hue 11,244 APETITION for the Benefit of the Bankrupt Law, has been filed the 3d day of June, 1842, by William ff. Marrhall, late of the firm ot Mar shall & &Rog& Merchants of Philadelphia, Schuylkill county. Which Petition ail 'tier,heard before the District Court of the United States ler the Eastern . Dis trict of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room in the City of Pbiladel. phis, on Monday, the 11th day of July nest, at 11 o'clock, A. M. When and where all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said Petition should nut be granted, and the said Petitioner be declared Bankrupt. FHA. HOPKINSON. Clerk of District Court. NOTICE. June 11, 24-3 APETITION for - the Benefit of the Bankrupt Law, has bees filed the 6th day of Juae, 842, by Burd Patterson, late Iron Manufacturer, and Land Broker, individually, and as a. member of the late firm of Patterson & Deberg. Iron Manufacturers, and of the late firm of John C. Lessig and Co., Iron Manufacturers, Schuyl. kill county. Which Petition will be beard before the District Canto! the United States for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennavbrania. sittingin Bankruptcy. at the District Court Room in the City at Philadel- phia. on Monday, the 11th day of July nest, at 11 o'clock A. 31. When and where all persons interested may appear and show cause. if any they have, why the prayer of the said Petition, should not be granted, and the raid Petitineer declared Bankrupt. FRA. HOPKINSON, Clerk of District CcurL KOTICE., June 11, 24-3£ PETITION (Or the Benefit of the Baniropt 4- °- Law, has been filed the 9th day of June, 18/2. by James Daniell. Miner,Sehuylkill county, • Which Petition will be heard before the Dia. trim Court of the ;United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District . Court Room in the City of Phila. delbhia. on Monday the 11th day of July peat, at 111 o'clock,M. When and where all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of -the said Petition should not be granted, and the said Petitioner be declared Bankrupt. July IS, 2.1-3 t FRAS. fIOPKINSONT, Clerk of Duanct.Corr NOTICE. • APETITION for the Benefit of he Bank rapt Law, has beet) Wed the 13th day of June 1842, by Joseph S. Rocket, Coal Merchant, individually arid as one of the firm of Joseph S. anckel & Co., Schuylkill county. Which Petitilm . will be heard before the District Conti of the United States for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court awn in the city of Philadel phia, on Monday the 20th day Of July nest, at 11 o'clock, A. M. When and where all persons in, terested may appear and show cause, if any they Eave,'why the prayer of the said Petitioner should not be granted, and the said Petitioner be decla red Bankrupt, FRA. UOPKTNSON, ; Jane 25. :26-4t Clerk of District CoOrt- L , =iil d A PETITION for the Benefit of the Bankrupt ~La.ar, has been filed the 22d day of June, 1542, by Michael Murphy. Coal Merchant, individually, and as one of the late firms of Nelrigh & Mur. phy, and of Murphy and Morris, Schuylkill conotv. Minh Petition will be heard before the District Court of the United ,States for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsyhania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room, in the City of Palle delphia. on Monday, the 25th day of iirly neat, at o'clock 4. 51. When and where all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they hare, why the prayer of the said Petition shordd no: be granted, and the said Petitioner be declared Bankrupt._ June 25, 26-31. FRAS. HOPKINSON, Clerk of D . O.triet Court. THE PHJLADELPIHA, READLVG, and POTTSVILLE RAIL UOAD. SUMMER ARRANGESICia. Ts commence ea Monday. Apillllli, 1812. Harm of Slatting of Pweager. ?rains. FromPauatille„ at 2P. M. t Daily. From Philadelphia. at Si A. M. Hoare of Pasting Readzsg. . For Philadelphia. at 4P. P.M. flail,. For NOSiiiile. all A. .M. Both Traiasporariat at Paitstaa:a. - • FARES. Cat Class. 2d Mai. Between Pottertite do Philatia- 350 2,50 • Onrigsbrug • • 3,25 2,30 " Port Clinton, " 3.00 2.25 " Harnbarg - M 2,75 2.00 " Raiding 2,25 1,75 " Douglass/ilk " 1.73 1,•25 Pottstown I " 1.50 1.10 - Phavaimli 0 1,00 0.75 Nonistoink " . 0.50 2,40 Rpading & Potts le, 1.10 • -1,00 ' EXCURSION TIMM, With the przfilege of returning next day. in • -ha Class Cies. - ° 13etureeo Pathreiße, • *SAO - o Readis,g, 'l.OO Pretnows, /.50 Norrisrorth. 0.75 ' ' " lurrai3e4Rearg 2.00 • ; Depot in Phardelpbia. S. B. Corse.: ol Broad and Merry areas._ - - 'Both Traits til stop for. v' Passengers al the .firThririog points, &sane those uternmed abasei—Sehoylkill. Harm, Slairnrrille. Aft. bone% Banastairn. toran's.Geig es's Store.i it Ford Pawling's Brelge. Valley Forge. Port' Beesedy. Poles Sorre.girdiehothea. sod *ries Therissesise vain bean PirdidelpiriasißsmaP far brearsaliaNgnigovr& AB Paleagera are retraested to priOthritheir Meld; before the trainstans.-' MU OF WILD CHERRY ~.....att:eat 're hats mei, of de ewe stride. An t i o oadorw' - • S.C. MAIMI I I,,, Sale wet for SdarjtiA cowry = a st AG"Ti r a reea r Neewsweee. • Wg athredithe the Ameba* the Nagetheepiestioa.bgrallipsicithe Air:olsmm, lieleethed Bed foe elle !ty - •IL BANNALN. liggr , - MENI. _ lioAr aztamast. totted Ala- fin , atlet.bv 14”..21;21 . . 2.II.IIVNAIt. , 11 - 111APIII 1101121 . 11Iieets. 'tic!, 1613coolar k - Alr ll4ls orLailiatior idle Patty% IS-- ft UNKAIiir MitellEttaNGlXlGßArnitsj. DER—Jast re;t4ved ang- royale by, . • May 28.22- - - B RANNAN: SONG BOOKS.-- A:Satiety of Soug-Elooki.at 7eetua each. for sale by_ - BADMAN. piRATEs at is : 1 ; Ens. -.Maori of Pi rates and Horrible Maiden.' Jen tee fired • and or sale by b1a72841- HANNAN:, CRetCKERS.—Water; Soda; Sagar and Batter Craekeli. Inra, for ale by My 28.22-7 E Q. At A, lIENDERSON. WIRE PLACE SCREENS—Omani r ue Place Solieis t iart received aid Coi sale try June • —1). BANINAN. J. ,11. MINIATURE PAINtER. At the Mount - Cstrbou_notet, %%Imre specuaccos may be tees. June 11. "c - 24-21 n • t_errs FOR ii AL E . - -Tw o raloabte Lot . . on Cestue i Ida, for na:n, cheart. Apply to ANDREW RIASEL, May 28, n—tf - Mahantongust. • 10 PER CENT. SAVED.—The suhscriber sells the beat lime'at IV cents per ba ebel. at his tuhonnut, the aqueduct and Mt: E. BLand'a Smith chum Creamnod. . March .2.6 JOliN PORTER. VERY CHOICE GREEN AND BLACK • TE&So.4%& I. Beatty have, taa received from Near York, a large supply ofchoieii Green atm Glace Term Dectoubettl -p52 • - FARMERS' MUCK RUN trALr-Being • treatise ail soil and manures.. Also„The FA Ft !HR'S LAND 616.ASURER.fitr poCkec companion Jan received acd for male by B. BANSAN. AR& 16 16 PIANOS.—The subscriber hare been appoin trt Agents by the New York Maimactenng Co for the sale oftheir celebrated Grand Action Pianos. of either Rosewood or Mahogany, a specimen of which emit:mama by applying to- December 18.51 T. it 3- BE 4TTY. ' RUYLILE Fl ELIPS SERMONS.—Sermons and sketches of Sermons, by the Rev. John Sam merGekl. A. M.. late a preacher to connexion with the blethadist Episcopal Couch. With an Intro. duction by the Rev. Thomas E. Bard. Just received and for sale by May 28, '2."- IL BANYAN. DOCTOR P. F. NAGLE—Re epectfully tenders his professional services - - "A`' to the cituens of Pottsville, and vicinity. E •." Ws office is at the corner of Market and •••• , •'lst Adults streets Aoril 10, - • TENIPERANCE TAUS. No. 2.—The' Ezperi ence—The Reclaimed—The Man with the Po ker—The Drunkard's Bible—After to-day or Treating Resolution—and Signing the Pledge. Price 12i cents. Just received and for sale by B. DANA AN. May .. . - 21.' . . . .. DR. J. RHEIN--orrers his proles.. donal =vices to the citizens of Pnttsrille. Vve and vicinity.- Heeinatall.tjinesbefound (when not pioressionally engaged) at his 3hrkoffice. South W M est corner. of Centre and et streets. ay.2B 22.—tf. SEARS BIBLE r BIOGIIAPITY—With sev eral hundred engravings. being's Biography of the Lives and characters of the principal personages re. corded lathe sacred writings. Practically adapted to the instroction ofyinolt and private families. Just received awl for sale by B. BANNAN. May 23 FOR SALE. gORTY-NINE Burthen Cars, suitable for the transportation of merchsr.dize nr coal. Ap. ply to • THOMAS HART & CO. No. WS, North 3d street, Pinlada: July-18 • evt , il(')i)(.llPrxo , .Ll.l - 494;it•1D4 T HE enbiteriber has opened a Periedadl A grncy Office in connection with his estab. lishment, and is now prepares to furnish persons residing in this place with all the Medalists published in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Washington. at • the publisher's subscription prices,'Faite or Pi:4.race. by leaving.. their names at the office of the Miners' Journal. Persons re. siding in the neighborhood. and op the;eountri, by subscribing at this Office fdr publications, will have them mailed at this pleas regularly and the postage sill be only for the intermediate dis. lance.. The following are some of the publications 'tied in Phitadelphie, New York, Boston and Washington. • rIiIISTIZI2IIIA. Goier's Lady's Book. . £l3 03 Graham'S Magazine, - 300 Ladies' 31usical Library, 3 00 1 World of Fashion', 300 Younz Book. • Littelt's Museum of Foreign Literature .and SCreoce, - tires You.- Lady** Companion, Knickerbocker. Hunt's Merchant's Mszezioe, BATON. The Burton Miseelhey, Robert Merry's 31Usr.onr s A 4 IIMG"TOM. Democratic RevieZ This perioeical Will be issued monthly, in the same stile as Robert Merry's Museum, with plates, price $1 per annum. The &it number is cow issued. Any number. supplied toe of post. age by applying at this ofSce. , Subscriptions also recessed fert the Dublin University Magazine, Bentley's Miscellomy, Blackwood, Christian Family Magazine. All deliverdd free of postage. . Subscribers to anv ot the weekly pabUratiotte in Philadelphia and Neer York can nuke ar rangements to their advantage briappiviog the subscriber. • .RENJAN IN RAW/AV.. Misers loured/ esti Peri-W=ol Agency 411. Jane 18, 0 INSOLVENT& NOTICE. iiereby emu, that we hore-appfL ed to the Judos of she Court of Paton= Fleas of SehoiDtill county. en the licwfd of the t ruciveat 'Limy of thts.Coathausareah h. laid that the said - Court have appointed Monday. the 18th day offoly. 1942. far the hearing of -us and our ereifttors it the Cetus Rase. in the Horwegliief Orwigsburg, when and; where they may attend if they think mover.. TIMOTHY .MACON• RIC4ARD PLATV ' l* EI:MAR D MYERS* -MICHAEL MURPHY' - HENRY SHEIRY. JACOB.ELTZ, DANIEL LOBACK. - DANIEL FREDERICK. LEVI BECHTEL, - SOLOMON SMITH. . THOMAS GARLAND. June IS Off* of Pillnddpain and -kearnT, 'Rea • No. C° 76ll7'abtet.. V* intalada. THE fireedest i Vre hereby pre notice, that the chute for f =reel ea Coal kora Meant Carbon or • Hares to the Ceizzabia ftlidie;.er Rektmed the DeSawate , shall cat be shore sl.le, iter eira far the year 13g. aul that 21 cents per tea te alikkied Ler etetate of all cars placed on the tetAl L iaereals.S. BRADFORD, , EelZeitietay ead Treeserer. • . , nsuurras e ge • _ catcmawa ons Sbenamis POW $lO4l rataa: field cm- et fbe isbros ideal& Ne‘rov — er int siceind sad Air 'sae at MUMS' Drag ind Checaka; stone. hsagsro9. A••••-3- - IiVILOS GS mai Tat GOLDIVANEWARAIIe. - 04 .7!iestaNhasir . , 6dr oak Itt-' . IL 84.NNA„ 11 41.". ...,1114kk.11 NI eVerAIN za—a,thitid os - beak lie. jtitreatind index set . 07 B- 4 7 520-1 /use 4, SF:a of ice.: tepas saritirtows= 31. *kW-. - aiwzseit. , . by - ger:. • COLD WATIM STAGAZTNC. 1' et atle ItiNlffilt - , ISM =I •- : MVO' . 000 St* RESPECTSOLLtits ''-ttift'illiblits fait he. has tiftiairbt with beat from • S t ilt thitaprimr,.t lure asiorte*ret • 7 41 P agObERZEt .f ~IQORS Which` he_ aters-fai sale at the • I;l7l7:ll . obdeiskiit ercittqaddeid;), at his sus's!, house, nay.' Stotts Sillidlet s test door to his tabard, atoii : Oidaitioitlo Pelts milkeonsiattui of' ')- , •-•- • , Slack. Gteen Mts. , . • ' •:644 1 ; Santa Clo w Porta Rica. *Nes; •:.' ,): :Orleatts , Sagars, RiO, Jaya, end - St , Domuteotigras, Sperm & Coutirton.o6; White and Yellow SpWps. Tobacco, • - Keg and 'Doi gals* , . • . - Wines and Liquors; froat.coatnto to the Jest quality;* quantity of Dried Mcile • -• Mackerek from No. 1 to 'Nu. 3, in and full barrels. • - About 300 Sacks Ground Sail: , 60 barrels super lot Alba rty Summer Ale, itc.. May.l4, - ; 20-4, ADMINISTRATIO* MYrirg .E eTERS ofidmiinisuatino - mn the Estate of iLa Thomas J: Baird. late or Pattirville; Schlott; kiq county, deceased, having been granted loa; SuNscriber, All parsons indebted to the Estate. - orate said deceased, are requested in mutt, meet to thu subscnber, and all persons having claims or &Minds against the. estate of the paid . Thoinas Baird, are hereby requestedto present them to . ELIZA C. BAWD, May 28, 22.-6 t Adenine - trains.: POTTSVILLE ISLAND FOUNISEt /WEE subscribers hive commit* on hami„ ti general ,assortment of tiollowararsi. Cart and liagon Rises, Plough points, Aluold,Roirds; Rails and Turn out Castings. 4c, as,dare pre pared to furnish castings of all kindifto order, at ss cheap • rata_ as can be fornished.Alsearkcra. Posiessing• a desirable aitnatiosCitiliment to both rail rnadjuid canal, and hammt every tacit. ityfor antrexperience a the inantiliktore or cast. inglr, we can confident? :proniieer entire Satisfac tion to all who may favor us with 'their orderi. HEN DEILSON & ERELL 21/—=. Blay 28, , MARSILIUS SALM.. ''' y virtue of a writ of Venddiunt .F...tPoihuN is. sued out of the Circuit Court of the United Suites - On*id.for the Eastern.thstrict of Penn sylvan', ill the third CI rcuit, tryne directedil shall expose to public sale, on 31ouday, 15th day of Jiine ne e, a t one o'clock. P 31. uf said day, irthe iterchatit's Exchange, in the city cif --Pliilarlal pima : i AU th`‘ise several parcels or tricts attend situate id Schuylkill county, Penniylvania,described - and bounded as follows, to wit. A certain tract of Coal Land situate in Schuylkill toistiabip, adjida ing lands of Valley Furnace Ind (Aber Lands, containing one hundred and thirtyright acrid more Or leis, canimonly called the 'Catherine' [lumen Tract." t Also, one undivided third part of a tract of laird situate in Norwegian - now breech Township. ad. joining lands of John Cresson sod, others. con taining two hundred and twenty acres in the whole. Also so undivided one feurtkpart e r a T ree s o f Lati4 situate in Norwegian new called ~Branch Taienship, containing three hundred and tbiny font acres held in •coannon - with A. Russell, Charles Miller and other*. commonly called. the Michael /feeble Tract. Seized and taken lit. execution as the ptoprety of . Jehn.C. Ofierntatli' and will be sold by ISAAC OTIS, Marshal E. P. P. Marshsrao.:fice, May 12.111 The sale of the above property wanes atijourai. eel Zilunday, July filth tiexl, atone o'clock, ; . P.:llL'at the Philadelphia Ezehaage.' LSJLAC OTIS, Marshal E. D. P., June 18 ERialchl43l LIGIUSE. CIitVIVUTZTREEZ - PHILADELPHIA. • - Teta staorrint. sew nom:. situated _ in Chesnut arse. between Third and jr; Fourth ithests, tn the immediate skin ity of the Steamboat Landing', Banks rosttrithe. Theatres,' 46.- and to be kept on the: Arner4n and European plan eonjointly,,rill be open trader the, snperiotendenee al the ittbeert_ bens an ilovhav'J the L7th day 'of June-. The ffouse is fitted op in the most aplendidirtyle, ev ery thing beitig entirely new. and oldie best de-, sezip! ion. The Chambers are so constrittned.as to form a Parlour by day and a steeping apart merit by night. Toe beat oeCooks bare been ins, gaged, and no efforts will be spared to reAder lids establishment /goal to the best both ks regards ilie Table and every other , accommodation. 1. M. SANDERSON 4. SOY Phits.„ Jane 18 , - • :25—St TA FEB LICSASE• , To de Honorodle the Jud4.z of the" Court of (Nadir Seszions of t.te Peace, f.o. the musty' • tf &WNW( . 600 300 5 00 5 00 I Tire Petitiorkot kceph Weaver and. lac* Fe -1 ten resPeetfolly'showeth—That your Petitioners I occupy a commodious house. situate in the Bor. i oagh of Ponsvilie, well - known as a Lt=nsed fan !'or Tatere, which is -calculated -far a 'Public ' House of Entertainment, atid (torn its neighbor. thood and situation, is suitable as welt es nectar . eary for the accommodation of the . Frublitt, and, i the eatirtainmerit of strangers and travellers. IThat they are 'well provided- with stabling for •Illorses;. end all move niences necessary. for .the ; entertainment of wrangeri end orarillen. Mg' I therefore respectfully pray the Conn to grant them a License to keep an Inn or Public Haase of Entratairaneat there. And. they swill pray, e,- "JOSEPH WEAVER, ' I . . JACOB ruca - s. • ;.-; • r - We the toaderstrTest citrates of...the . Iltarai4li o!Pnttssitte ahrrsitd, heirsg personally. soganin- - mil with-.lcriephilfeaser and Iscoh Petstro t the is. Estee named Petitioners and also having a know ledge of the house for which the license is pray- .. , do by certify that sack bowels neeesio.v ti to amnia °date the public and entertain itrua. grrs or travel ; that th 2 persons of good - ~tepose Gtr honest). a • ?francs., and that they rt y-zre are well provided w sh home mitt sad 'coastal enims'far the lodging and the accommodation of stranger* and travellers. We therefore beg leave to resessiroend them far,..a License, agreeably to the Petition. 113 00 00 5 00 SI 00 5 GO 4 00 I CO Samuel Soles, ' F. W. natbsx, jann Haply, John fret, • John SOO% . John Wearer, Daniel HA Tho•. A.Soopont. J. T. Werner, Jacoh Gem_ Geo'. W. Slater, J. %Ilycato, Jr. D. E. Niee. ' - Jane 2.5 y, VLV PTABLES I FRB: /kn., &Cs , WIVE aubsenber resprenolly announce* to the eitriies, of this Boronti, sod surroondtng reeetry, that he :Ein . always ketihon hand at ins gaud. &nab West eltett of Centre and Mahan: tango street% under Gess-es • the vadat:ea Vezetatiks and Fruits the rai4de. - . ntariet affards, , whiels he will st Phitadelpia prizes- Finadies leasinz theires der., tan essys 'het soppßed, and partietdar • hinds - i.f ergrtaMesicr runt obtained to order at ibe . iibortest settee. restpuee-Satif lamas tbeintoportof thatnent. awasiti t whack be Ira c.:Gratiot:ltn emit ey mane atUirmon to tits bosibess. • , TX- BOYLE. Ws—if EN Jose 25. • , . 4Xiki THE Lixle Sebolfitill fir ifriVaidi thus ... - sad Mal Gramm, toMadrat roe sae at pot Mona. Large Gal ea: timed Walkout, at Ono, &Cara Per toek. 00 46 tae Eras: stole lust Amly re GEORGE ISIGGRI;Aget4„, Peel ciin. et es the Cattopiss 084. OrWAbiort street: totallii, VS-Tagice`l. Jane W, - 114311YrAr JCL, ' dik -- thitte. iciarapille azd its ivrra ikee bite eptamems of Math; et meldpee of him teisber, =elle - 0 10 4 "Or he an be twaseted es ell-thiles; . topeztaleLair-" , ", - to hi* pro'- easeee.. , Paterilk Joemery3 UMBRELLAS & PAMMOOI4,c. - :" Sll.K.Smwth. Cinemas & 31015 D Um 4418. A tesqleAei!miertmotsfiki fititiosii Mr* oda by . :E. 41.1 k. A. 1112111MMIL BEIV- 8T0R4., ME EMI Wirei 4 - hi