The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 25, 1842, Image 3

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Those . iro(l4etdelatig. hie caterers
fJr the pti4c amusetneitt;'Nles4s., Welsh 4
Mann, of th 6 New,York Circuit, have Ocimeneneed
a short a:lagerne:it of foUrperformarices, with the
Whole of th'eir-• unrivalled,Equearriavriakiplert
. . did 'steed/. [ The-fir s t wasibr i ereert Thursday : 4 -
vexing notwithstandin g the e vr2tness tee
evening, the..spacimin amphitheatre we/swell filled
by a highlirespectable assemblage of the Ladies
and Gentleinen of 0 . 111: borough:' Tie Entertain,
meats wereivarivil and beautiful; and gave great
delight to those witnessing it. < We have-not space
_ to_ particularize, kzeipting to, mink Vie efforts of
the Itislry~s ,. 111,gers aitd - Cadawallader. The.
. - first took es by surprife• as the poetry of grace,
and sinong the most adicate exhibitions of inven
li o ns jra Eririise. The -boy wdl 'surpass even
Dracosv himself:in the precision 11 - 4 - confidence
of his perfdrmances. A glance at the bills shows
that a rich
.. rcat is in store for each evening.—
And, altitefigit i : the times are hard," we amid.-
pate a liearty welcome and patronage lir these in
nocent and ilefightful emusenients, c l onchining es
they. do, the daring iiirentipn of main, With the
' intolltgenee ,of the noble' h , rse.
, A
,prrt)ri , rinnce will lake fair o this a ft ernott,•
at 2 . - A Vclocli, to aecticomoilste: fatntlit:s, and the
last-exhibition will be given ;hia ere Ping•
Bitsivno.Fri x 's Prtr.s.—A Vegetable and Universal
Medicirre.pruved By the experierieeor theusands to
when pro Orly perserved with a certain curelin every
formulaic orgy one disease. all having the samearigta,
and invariably arisefrom the universal root of all dis
e.ase.uaniel), ;impurity or imperfect circulation of thb
blood. 1
In a period more than fire year; in the Uni• - =
ted States, the* havO restored to t erfect health and ed.
jo.iment. over i four hundred. thousand persons who
were•given--or as incurable - by - Physi eines 'of the
first rank an • stancing. and lin many leases when
every other remedy had been resorted to in vain.
The great Secret is to have the medicine by you
when you are first attacked with smknetia;'.one dose
then trill hard more good effitt4an tvverity, if Put
until disease lois enfeebled the bodily poivers;_there
. fore every individual Who considers health a blesxios , ...
- should alwayttkeep a box of Braddrethrs Vegetable
Pills where they can be sure to lay th eir hands on
tlittri when sprinted. A valuable life may be sated.
• `or a long fit ofsickneui preverited.
Purchase in Pottsville, of iVnxl, Mortimer, Jr. and
of the agents published 'in another part of this paper.
The Philadelph i a —otpmercial List; says:—The de
nand continues mod.trate, and prices are stationary;
.Schuylkill white ash at 0,75 cash, and 84, inns.: red
ash $.l 4, l 2.!cash, and:31,25 a 4,37,4 uas, : Lehigh
83,95.t0 4,25,,ca5h, and Sug,,ir Loaf $4. - per tnn for
letup Coal by the cargo ' The retail prie lfreunset
tied: t t •
COAL Fartt6trrs.—Tile ra'es are. $l. 7 1 3.1.5 a to
Boston, $1,37 in Sa!ein.:sl,l23 a 125 to Ileforider.ce,
and 75 a 873 cis: to Neii: Yorit, •At [lrmo! vessels
~are loading at,ftf.42 a 1,44 per ton for Bonbon.
Licsa.wAs S. COAL Titans:—The Quantity shipped
from this region up to the 4th inst , was 71/ 1 ,131/3 tons,
Fromtho - LChigh region to June 16th, 85,371 tons.
-:-Sehaylkl.ll Coal Trade. t"
', Shipments of Coat for thh week endin * mon Thar
.dar evrning tart: I,
, • From riotgville and Port Carbon,
- Schu)PrAtlttiasen,
Per last rnott from Pottsville & P. Card¢it,•'9,l:o
•• frolia huylkti: tiz.en. 55 . 510
- - Freights.
Potit4ille to Philatle!phil, , ' '75
Co New York.' 10
Tbe-freight Vont Schn)11:111_11:sren by Canal is from
to 10 rents per ton !em thartfr,om l'ottrille and
Port thrbon. _
u ylkill coal :f rad cb.
coat shirrea IrOm Port Clinton, t June 16th, 1.942.
Boa Tons
3 , :ne 14- P. T. 1137.z1;(1,-
11t: Vin 1116e9
•• Yll Wm 11.115trison, 66
21 L -, u,rel 62
.• IM;ry :Ann S 7 ,
•• 3 J Rohirl~oit 55
Per Last '
J. L. R. CAR.Tr.c..
Roam. ,
• 4.. 51 ith. L . 2 . 0N , I:l2nwN & Co-
10 - Per bast -5,...
• .- s:n
lie N rt.; u_t.
ye Rows
rer L'ut
TotA - - 1121Baars y 1- 6041
Crx-pii , ehed (trim Micw.h . Chunk.fot the ts
ng 6th month 16 1 , r
1.. C. 1.31 & Navi ro
Bracer Nlcadurs. '
I bileton, • ; .
t•F•;:a.,,--ar Loaf,
L CO3l 4- Ntr 1 ; Co. - 7CB
... Co.
- 11 , arer Meidaw C 'l6 _ 1:1.7,1
Ilazietnn•Co, 4 ' - 'ln ; ' 6s9a
:7 , ..4;p: Loalt;o4 L':'_ 6St
To t 4. Itrooreale Lie jivigror of fie. Cu;rt ef
Queoler Sr-,sio::s of L.e Pez&.,flr,ZA4 CCJIO
rf ScArkylkifi: -
The Petition of Joseph Wearer and Jacob- Pe
ters respectfully shotreth—That your Petitioners
occupy a cOmmodians htrase, situate in the Elor.
ouzh of Pottsville, well known as a Licensed Inn
or Tavern, which is c.alcalateti for a Public
llouse ofEutcrtaiinnerd, and from its ntiglibcr.
hood and situation; is suitable-as well as necc,--
sary for the accorurric.datiln of the puhire, and
the entertainment of strangers and travellers.
That they are well , prorided with stabling for
gorses, and all' conraliciaces necessary for the
entertainment of strangers-and travellers. Tney
therefore respectfully pray the Court to zrant
them a Lieense to keep an Inn or Public House
4f Eatertainm'crit there. Arid they ardi Dray, 4-r.
We the nniersizned eitiiens of the normael
. ; ePettsvills aforesaid, being personally acid - min.
E red with Jo•crph Weaver and l'ac..ib Peter-, the a.
;•1 torei-nnied Petitioners and also haring, a
14ge. Of the house for which the lirense,is pray
_ i ed . , 05.:Ierebr certify that such house is - rieoe. ssa
i er titiecorn cordate the pnblie and entertain stran
gersor, triyelerr ; that they are persons of good
on I repn.c for honesty and tetaptranco, and that they'
:leg} era well pr tided with house nom and extervoi
races for, thq-lad : ziriz and the accommodationLof
P I strangers arld trayeters. We therelare beg leave
. I. to veenmmend them for a License, agreeablY to
I the. Petition. '
sum - Samuti Stites, F. W. Wirities„.
4 i' . John' flanly, , , '-' John Roe.h, • '
----: -- l' j John Sites. Jahn Weaver,
..... , sas.. - . - En , v.s.sze.r.. I Porisett.e.r.... Jr- . ....-n 2 ' , :, I- :1..1 Dmiel HA - Tho.. A. 'Simpson.
Wheat Floar„pr EU tita. - 0 Ba:eon, ;. pe - r 111 6 1 S. ;3. T. Werner, -; 'Jacob Geisse.„ -
R" do cut: 1,1•4' Poi*, i . •• it i Geo_ W. Slater, J. Sillyznati, Jr. ,
tO.:t-..i. - hshl /1,t1) Ili-% '. .10 I • D. - 4 Nice.
, / ..3 Powoes., hash! . 37 1 I 1 j c ., e a...,-
r oM -' : 140/ 4321 Plaizer. 't ' ton •-.5;.4) ( 4 .
• ' - 111 v. 1, , t IStai'a) 4i ' TEGETARL.Dy',' tnurrs. sm. Sc.
9 ~s
E.'i •
-..... • - , , c• - •'-z .'a cr=i=N. Id. lashl.?-::) 1 'lntik sn' - criber respectfullyi announces to the
&incr. f:rol lt.l,Corerr -•.-: 53x) ft
... _______....______L__ ......„.„....,,_______ , 1
r 1 , A-mutt; that he will always kerp - einhand at , his
-f-411.2.11. IX -101 .F.Y1,, ' '
, -
A ORNEY • i kande, South West earner of Centre and 'Mahan
Al' .14..),AF -
T"F , ,
i ! T v. streets. inert Gelvt-e's note, the ezziemt
NV ILL att4lllloo :lbusinessierltri...- - oee-to his i Ft - zetables ard Frans I;ag Philadelphia market
:torte MI- the. ..n.naiiis oir.Sch n y !kin and t.:sehres, whirls be will sell at Philadelphia prices.
, f laMilies.lesring.their orders,. w.n. always. be
I stipplied„ , and particular kinds Of vegetallts or
1 •i, Finitchsained to order at the shartwt notter.
1 is; I iteli-a'-pectfully solicits the support of the cam-
Munity t ' which. he will end - earn: to . merit by
1 P:72.7g attest:no to.hislausinew.
Mount Carbon- Rail Road.
Thri . total arcutuut - coal trinsplorse‘i on this raid
se Thursday erraing Last,4, 3.1.9"; tees.
-Per Lea report - - - .
tlx u - vrt l'ot!ector
. r „ .
Mill Creek Bail Road.
Amount of c-21 tranmotred cair tft. s'retad from the
comtneaccataa: a? to Thursday eveniaz last. .
1.2.39 toss
Schuylkill Valley Rail. Road
4./370.attty of Cositransported 4)6 the Schccrci'l
Icy lintel week cr-dii:.4. June 13„—' 4 .1(.17 -
Last re:tint 6. •
— T044,1
,I 1 11, POTTS', Clo 13e21
litae IliU and Schur Mill Ilacen ha -
Tre foiirsvinz is the im , ,ont otroal tray spe—
th EZ,lui, for the %Tett ends.; oa Thornilsy ere'
• Tens 7.155
.Per last avort, 66.6"3
%V.V. :;CETVELL...
. .
••• Szlitri 4- writ.
bri:thaei Eaaas s7a.
Via% & grt-ccf., Philadepia,
Rree,Betier Thozat.t.J- •
(lere is tic Erit sto. ry qt ik.Paumiranj
Jate itti 25—tai
pia ! ii - y, COAL
1 f r i llE - Littleikhuyaili Navigation Rail Raul
_.... • i
_ t ai, , am: Cual Votapeov, wet offie for sate at Feat
TO Rpm
1 4 7 ,_,.tintan. Letts - CGalaaatertsi taco Boats, A 1 two
t iII)ReROOM.. to Ceotre strict. For fo:. 9114113. Ve'l . t ea ; Ca Shs freli from gate and dirt.
' *Ler particalst* ;erase ee't It - . 1 I Apply to - GEORGE WIGGEN, Agent..
I.:IPPINCTP St TAYLORS": g , . Pc:l-CZ:Iv-In- n , . at the CamPanY'atAnn;
,' Cann. r ofCcotre end Megaatan to &t rim, 1 I , _ No. So Minot atratt.Phitz:
Jots el, - ' --- 1 . • 2.5--. '1 - , ;kat 2:: --,- 26..42za.
4111,Ct:TAIN PAPER—Prithd tic; tuy.S, 1:4
4 - zu 4,cx.ivetizta Fa. lite ti.T agili N
S •
1 I. (95
Tms work is to he, as its title indicates, devoted
to the cause of Temperance: and it is fully hoped
aid confidently 3 n tmi pa tot!. that op r exertions, through
.ihe medium ontspages, will I:oo.:produc p ve of much
good, especially to the ereeng- and risme , generation,
for whom it isinore patimuiarly designed. It will be
our aim to inculcate, by statements of facts, by ilms
trations,int4irsi um narratives, sketches and tales, the
prineiple.s or TOTAL AsSTINEWE and sound morali
ty ;to pre-to the young- a just abhorcnce of the use
of intoxicating' drinks, and cause them to shun every
r,temotation which may lead to so baneful a practice
'to incite M tht.nv a just and !audible desire to benefit
their fellow men, by adding their mite of influence to
the moral power which is now at work; and which
promncsto wipe away this blot upon the fair fame country; to aid the teformer, and ericonragethe
reformed in the praiseworthy etforts'to eyinqucr the
enslaving passion for drink, which has debased so ma
ny of the noblest hearts and proudest iniellects ; to
speak the words of hope and encouragement to the
drunkard, and of sober truth and remonstrance to stall persist in the unholy. unchristian. and
unmanly practice ofdliling in that w hicti is blighting
the lamest flowers, pais fining the holiest dtiffections.
sevetiug the fendest ties, and tillieg, the land with
crimie, misers and WO.
To aid us id the undertaking , we have secured the.
services of Messrs. N Moons.: and A. Frrz, gentle
men warmly devoted to. and actively eugag.ed int the
cause, as editors: and a host of contributors °finest-
nig remit, whose pn,ductions cannot 'ail of being the
instrunient ocmuch goved. if widely dim - eminsted. ' I
A -number cif the work will be issued on the first
day o 1 each month, comaratr.g Sen . . pages,
irustratect by numerous.origiral Engiavings, Tem
perance Songs and 11u.s c. duce upin a neat and al:.
petipriate covar , at the low rate of .
6 33.9
61 I Z.: 6.1
Oar Chdfor a Year. i.t adrarce.
o'r seven copies fur 6 . ,f1e do!lais.
We solicit the aid ofthe• friezes of Temperance in
all parts of the conntry ill this useful underiakin,
Ali orders and conanauttica tons, past paid. to be ad
dressed to DREW SCA:IEIIEL..
67 South Third Street. Philadeiplua.
SuNsciiptions received by B.Rdr.nan.
ei cad
It -
w... 5..
On the 4th of
A Mass Meeting of all the citizens ofSehnylkill coun
ty in favor of dome Industry. and'the Protection of
American illanufactnres will beheld in Centre Street.
31 the interlectin l'orwnian Street. on the 9th of
July at 4 o'clock . for the purpose of promulga
ting a second D amtion of Independence firma the
Workshops of .urope. and instructing our Represea
tative In Congress. to vete ter a protectiVe Tariff.
Let party be laid aside for one day. and let there be
a general out pouring.of the people.
Let them speak in - Bach a tone that Cong Tess or the
President. wdl not dare disobey - their wishes. Let
the rallying cry be: " Protection for American Labor
and Industry, or down with those who aid in withhol
ding it front a suffering and pnistrated nation."
:Several addresses w‘ll be delivered.
• - Bettrren Third and Fourth, - Nita&lpheq.
:,.' ;.,,,-,,,,, THE Subscriber hiving taken the
•sst, V above House, lately in the occupancy
H i ; P . , et- of Capt. 31artin, respectfully informs
~i."-lz.-.' is friends, and the travelling public,
that he is now prepared to furnish corlitbets 4id
:acenmincidations unrivalled by anyestalilishriadnt
in the country. .
The Apartments of-the TREMONT arc large
and airy, furnishes with new be,lding, and wen.
- deli by the most careful servants. The proprietor
flatters himself that he will not lose any ofjhat
reputation so cheerfully accorded him, whilst in
poSSessioa of the 'lndian Queen." The Larder
shall be kept constantly supplied with all the
choice productions of the market, together with
vegetable:a grown upon his own farm, to the vi
cinity of the city.
The Wine., (many of which have been, above
32 veers in bottles,) are of the proprietor's own
selection, or were . imported by him from the
oldest and most celebrated houses in the various
parts of Europe. The Coots in the Tremont
House are among the most skilfol and celebrated
in their line; and the other servants careful, atten
tive' alit] obedient. The whole establishment,
being - tinder the immediate superintendence of
the proprietor himself, which, with his. long and
,resit kndwif experience-in Hotel keeping, will
ensure to • his guests all that their every want.
:tie location of the house being in the immed;-
ate vicinity of the Exchange and Past Office, and
the various Steamboat landings and Railroad be
pots, the Theatres, and other, places of -amuse
ment," offer to he man of bus,ness or of leisure,
singular) v grea facilities fur the protecution of •
their designs in vistticg the city.
For the beliej accommodation of ',sites, a pri
vate entrance is!attachril to the housr, opening on
Che.,not Sireet. 1- •
Regnliir roaanep.3 will bc taken en •the nn.*t
Inne 25,
AIL ROAD 15:tryi..ct erva razi l 0 foveae
at..itrz ,
t. For etra l a; fat
Fehr fru Worts.
- Alomaiwmut. - - -
STAYED , or ws atoleav from
IRMA C lll 0 00 , 00 W,ednesdaly last. a
Bright Gray /torte. about Bor 9
years old, about i t handabigh,an,d
• - moves slow. Whoever sill retu rn
said Horse toil= subscriber, or give Into infer.
Mallon whom he can get him agetn.sholl receive
the above reward, and the thanks of the owner.
Pot Carbondune 24th, 3 • 26.-30
• Tbithe . litartorahle the Judges of the Court of
Qithrrttr Sessions of tlth Peace,AT the CotialY
of s£hoytkiu.. _
The Petitiori of Conrad Bobb. respcethillv
aboWeth--Mhat your Petitioner occupies a com
modious house situate in the town of New - Phila.
del#hia Schuylkill township; well known as a
Licensed Inn or Tavern, which is ealealaied Tor
a P i lot:die lionstof Epts inment, and- hom.lts
neighborhood aitil situation. is suitable as .well as
neces.ary co the accommoda nof the public,
and the entertainment or strong and travellers.
Thit he is well provided with stabling for Hot.
sesil and all . convenience's access a ry for -the Mt !
terminment of Strangers and travellers. lie
therefore respectfully prays the Court to grant
bin a License to keep.,an ion or Public Defuse of
Erlertainiiient there. And he will. pray ikc:'
We the undersigned citizens of 'the town of
NO Philadelphia, tichtrylkill townshiti, afore
saik being personally acquainted with Cuarad
Bobh, the above named Petitioner and .also hay.
Mg: knowledge 011ie house cur which the Li.
-cm e is prayed, do hereby certify that such house.
is necessary to accommodate the public and en
tertain strangers or travellers : that he is a per
son Uf goad repute tor honesty. .-and temperance,
and that he is well provided with house rocm and
conenienees fur the lodging and accomntoila..
tion of strangers • aod travellers. We therefore
beg leave to - reemi
miend hint for a License,
l e
agr ably to the Tetition.. - . ,
Alga Ltallier, . Eli Miller,. --
N'teholas Battier, - int, Mertz; •
lien Fisher.. Joseph Balliet, *
1 -
C odes .Bobb, ' Charles Cleveland,
George Robertson, Edwd . Hultne,
Henry Shulleaberg, Mic hel Garber. --
. _ .
In Bankruptcy.
, .
PETITIONS for Discharg e and Certificate an.
- der the Bankrupt Law , been filed by
William Powers, Coal Merchant, Schu3lkill co.
John Ford Whitney; de.
Godfrey B.Zuileb, Farmer, do.
and 'Tuesday the 30th day of August neat, at II
o'cloclr, A. M. is appointed for the hearing there
'if, before the said Court. sitting in Bankruptcy,
t the District Court Room, in the City of Phila.
elph, ia,- when and where the Creditors of, the
aid !Petitioners, who have - proved their Debts,
a nd r ell other-persons in interested may appear and
s oW cause. if soy they have, why suck -Dis
c arie and Certific a te should not be scanted.
June IF, 2.3--10 t Clerk of District Court.
lEagloter, Sui-rtycr cod Conreyencei.,
Pottsville, Pa. •.
rS . IiDEIZS his his professional services to
Capitalists, landholders, and, the Public in
general. in addition to the more 'common duties
of his" profession, he will explore lands for coal
or other Minerals, and - furnish maps thereof with
sem inns of the strata, &c., locate Collieries, with
steam engines and other fixtures for working the
same, furnish plans, estimates, drawings; &c.—
Harlin,' bad many years experience in the above
branches of the busteess, and haying the- use of
the best constructed instruments of modern time?,
he confidently relies.on being atilt' to givo satis
faction to those who may employ him. r
He will•-also attend to - the purchase and soles
of rival c;tate, particularly of lots in Pottsville.
Having recently made a survey and map of the
Borough, by order of the Town Counts!, he pos.
sesser, peculiar faculties for ascertaining the pre
cise li.calines ophe lots, therein.
°Zee, peat ddar to the office of the Miners'
- Rummies:3.
Edward Owen Parry - , -
John Shipp:th Pottsville.
Jur,-.. Sanderson,
Caleb Pamir, Philadelpliia.
John Cres.on, -
June 11. 1841. 24—It
Auctioneers-and Commission .11prehants,
. •
25 'AVvith 5M Greet, abore 91:irl et,
A vILL pre particular attention to sales of
• Kea! Fl-tate, at the Exchange, or on the
premises. A record of real estate for tale, or to
rent, is kept at the store.
Regular : sales or floosehold and Kiishen fur
niture, lain Se held at the AuctiOn - Store, esery .
Tridae.ccin aird Saturday morning.
Valuations and sales made ort - ii3l deseriptams
of personal property; real estate, 4-e.
Families ramming , and wishing to dispose of
all or any part of their furnace, or hare it care
fully attenAed to at their house - f -- .„ ',Cremoved to
the store. 4
A larke assortment of elegant and useful
furniture always kept on band, which will be
sold very lore for cash, 'or
exchanged for Coal
at llarkil priors.
June 11,
rip HE veil - critics mopMil:illy 'in= 4 ..tes the will.
. 41 -..zees ofotterifieand the county et - School_
kill general] , to call before purchasing elie-
where, and mine his large -ammtment of
Chairs, both plain and ornamental, of every de,
stription, which are manufactured under his own
irornerliate.dirrWior, of the b.mittortiterrai. be su
perior workmen--and which higarroots of tle
best imeity, and at pries as low as can' be par
thaied in the United &.:des. • , ';.,
EP lile also manufactures an IsToun CELIt2 .
the superiority est.ahich condomin the astenioN
trig facility with which an invalid with the ilizb
toot effivt, may by the use of ono ,or bath hand:,
...e to and fro in the honor, or irt the open air
in a video or cloestrhere,nrid turn crtickly a
round wit cut requiring any more spana than it
occupies while standing.—
No- 113 South Sexnd &roe% Philada.
Jane 11, . 24-3 M 1
To Dyers, Bleael:ers, Paper !flakier*, Stearn
Engine Builder*, and others. -
. .
, .
I . .. . TO TilE PUBLIC.
We beelpy certh7y that ant son fi sears of ~-e. was me -dents takes with a feirer:and aTais t a sest-Ye w:rk
nen armee= cough ,=- Mid.. •
He was ItlTtled; Es sEa waso.o3, ael b 3 PhYs"
ciao said there eras no favorite aye pt ce n IN„t has.
i that he had a ccraErmed co: etemr-pi.s A: that time.
i we prommal a licmle of i..t satiable cedie..-e. Thy
tarps Balsam of Liverwort,. After takiag car bottle
we. bm-aa to hare Itopes af bi.ii meow:T. He coatim
ied aunt to Vs& ems fire hC.,des. It is ass 2 Tess
from that trae,ar.te his heaLhisbetter than A has noes
teem 212 ' . "'U.S.,ZZ. ,
• Graar'Ze„ tra.. - .' , T.135 ea- N. Y.
For ttroor or the abases: X=l=l miler to ihessh
_ i scr::: above pec;ls. of hiskorrAsmw.ty.
. t , . _ , GEOZIGE TAYLOrt
3.:P4sta' cape. d and Cv. Ede by 1 - Vtot-evr lms; aso CiIII c- - sza..—T some
310 Rans T A:SEMR At maws. ,e.•e et si•mthet baring' at:llM ere ' a Melo 17 • 04 t
IFuese S.:Sparser otTitird it Wenn 'anteps, 1 said, rasaexpmoracion end eiftimler of testa'. -n:, I
• PliELPilm. - \ t was mach d - Snemed wail I took Dr. Taylor's Saban
, , f', of Liverwort. I f l / 4 msA this setsr--;....1e to Mr ease
t 21— 'IF \ i andooredme at tame' ' trEchel= m - amto reconMffel
• isTRAY HORSES 1\ 121 ' 3 c 't" . " .-- -'- - 1 1 MIMI:17 Bumf sr,N. T.
: \ Pats et sate AND ears.v- Thaw
VrOTIC.,Eis hereby given, that a bron-a Item ;tin " „ m id
, ye eat ce tu ss le trestle lad of - m. are
! 4 • 11 Oast ten years pkl, with shoes all *mod i eli...gmed.,,ntolierti Ntsa . E,, e ,.„ . , e4 „&„, = . 'a:slot
muckedlind legP, and a middling Zoog tail. And )I' &led. tea fonal sordid: as a last rmom-ce I 09 2-
a Bay Mare aibmikten years - s, with shoes all a . t dodo/ to try Dr. Taylor's Batten of.frt. -As I
round, small tablet mark re teas fm;e.betad„ and a) sus aslext, I grew bazar. and ' tare bees gai#ets i
patter shoat tail * Wm-. foiled la a Pal lee lo the ir eller s't'e_, ~ ;wa r ._
_leollria good 'heath. 5e..3 coo tarty 1
.ocemponey or L. Whitney, near Hertat'a Date. -c ,,''•: w.le- lc, w • -' ''' . ;,.., b .eir-.TL,,,5e.,",,Ce1iar..., ?g. Y:
ea Norwegian Towns/am* their:eh day of bias, ' LlA'e-'''`- '-'''''''''''''''''''' ''''.-. ..- - ' y
.. im
that tare
were duty
entered in _ ...1...Ail .o*.: &coo Ca - Sea—ForToett ''"-''s,
__ ,
Mse tad a dischargeof Hamden:e t de loam, amteas s
the banks alto Town Clark of Nores•g'am !ono- dail
,Atii dry enottairgh, aegoa .p,.=„ - itiest mt' '
ei,zrat will be sold to law. tiakaa rms. - Ahern the donors halals for 3 toor..
the ammo wilt pay th e i d i a 4 „; was and eat- I eozsdneed to me Dr-Tarbes &ham at .Lttersrtem.'
r e ., :The hem m ti i , b,. e i lee a t wo e= me„, ser ;aka* dare bactea bine was avireeme. .
mess'. yeid, it: pcirt oubm. . ,
L. V. 11.4ATIAND, l'il Oak a. N.Y. ,
. .
- - . S. al. REMPTON, at .. $ r's 2 k" m 4 3" LI: ~ .I " t r, - , ps : t 3 j a griN. - A vna ,
- 4g„„„.
'' - '''' 1 . MTV., tom : ! ._G• - • 1.1 , -, 47.
From 4 itches tot in 4=o"...acs oaf to a net ton,
' stpahm of ionstai :cm press:cm from 47,0
FN K=„te itch, with !Stop Costs. asd
'other 6.xtttrei to =A, tocethor, orith a:Mr
soitahte Ars STES3I. MITER. GA,',;, =I for
LOC91101"/VE azdachts STE.I3I MILES rtzsz.
co 4 -
June It
Jane U.
pairAP ,OP, $•-•=rbet iitur.rwer
bY -thumucto : utthe Council uf the Borough
ar Neuss i ll e;rosil43 • OkirreY and !moor . th e & Thew .
hue "
awl or th e said Bothugb, hereby tires
parte/nom* toliolders - or =hitir' and ahem arta the
said 'MAP fs Row ready for exathinstiou at 5u mi.. Mstratoongo street od luthesall int ereste d
to.own i ne , ibe same, and *tiro any alterations they
may wish therein presiou_s to its Deine goi re . m a t.)
the Cotmeil. • , S.V3IITEL
April!/:-18 8 :
YVHEptiblic,Wie resiectfullkinforv e d that the
' Subscribers have take n this largo 4tucl corn
modions establishment, recently kePt'
.1; by William G. Johnson: To th fol.,
. 7-- met patrons ofthis establii.hme e
the public generally, the under signed
promise.promise. to extend all the accommodidana and
co - mtorts at this house that men so initisfactoriky
receive.ll, while under the charge of 3l r, Johnson.
Pottsville, June 11,
A LL persons having claims against the Estate
of Robert McDermot t late of th e c it y o f
New York,,deceased, are :.requested to make
known the same without delay, to Abigail Mc.
Dermot. Executrix, James R. Whiting. Esq. or
George Hart the city of New York;
Attorney for the Executory, Pottsvilla
April - • 16—tf
salmi ar. kialliiii - r,
1 . Coat, Countsinas Oniez., '
ro. Ili Itycl; Sired, PligadilpAi: g .
geterio .. .
Messne. Wm: Daridson St Son. 1 - •
Fullerton St Dunned. 1
D. Lammot 4 Son, - Philadelphia. -.
" :A. Traquhir. Esq.
" L. Coit &.W. A. Smith. New York.
' Alfred Du Pont. E.sq., Wilmington; Delaware
Philadelphia, .Nlaylr.
.. 20-31 n
ply of Elegant' Paper. liangings and Borders, for
rooms and entries, very cheap. Jest received and for
sale by Jane 11, 21— 8.43.1,?iNAN.
Will commence running Aelteeen Philadelphia
and PthiiilleOn thefollowing days and hours:
.1 - ON A ' N'D AFTER. lilmanar, May 9. 184:1
.• Leaving Pottsville, oa alondays, Wednesdsys
and Fridays, at 8.1 A. M,
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays,. at P. M.
- Hours of passing Reading.-
For Philadelphia, at 101 A. „
Pottsville, " .54 P. M. r"'"eek".9.
Between Pottsve.le 4-'Pixdada. $1.53 & $3,50
" Reading " do 2.25, 6 1.75
do " Pottsville. 1.43 " 1,00.
Between 'Pottsville Y Philadelpbia, • $5 00
" Reading " do 300
46 do Pottsville, 00
The other passenger trains will as before, at
the following hours:
Mita&!Ala and l'atscille.
Front Philadelphia, at hi A. M.
" Pottsville, at: 2P. M. S 'T'"" y.
likatia of paisirq Reading.
For Pottsville, at f 9A.M. #
" Philadelphia, at - 32 P. M. ( "'"• Y . '
Ali the traits- will stop for way passengers at
the liana! pointit.
.AlFpassengers are requested to protture
their tickets before the trains start.
May 7,
For Consamption, Catigis, Colds, Spitting of
Blood. Pain in the sides or breast, Asthma,
Pleurisy, shortness of breath ; Palpitation of the
heart, Debility,. Neiscasrtess, and all diseases
ofhie Lungs and Lire,.
p REP ARED at 37.5, Bowery. in the city of New
York; where the ar.thle first orivaated, and
only genuine
Tlus medicine has been used in the cuy of New
York. with unommple& meccas for,eien years and
found Nail's , beneficial throa t host the country. It
is now used by many of the medical factthy with in-,
mimed confflence and satisfaction.
See when you purchase this -you get the true razdi
cine, from 3i Bowery, New York,. wild by specifica-`
Retn=-kaliti Crai of Corizuraptial.
Phave been an invadid for three years, avid hare
seared every torture from confimmed consumption.
Bat Dr. Tay:or has wholly cored me. The - large
quantities of miners he used to taisehas shed. my
cough has ceased. and 1 am•aeihy again. my health be.
ing wholly restored by cyan - three - bottles of his cel
ebrated 11 .0, ..m - M. E. WINDLEY. -
- No. 139, 11./aiden.Lme, New Itork.
S.izalrirss of Breath.?
For this disease Dr. Taylor's- Balsam of Liverwort
has no equal Having the Asthma, a severe gain in
my left sale. and some cough; 1 was induced to cry the
aboreltnedicine, and great was my joy to find a mired
1 me m about two weeks. It also cared my mother - of
a severe attack of the Liver complaint. web which
she had snared two years. J. C. STONE.
ILI* 1 Mace, New York.
:- Surprising Cure of Ccnsump tlen.
Mr. R. Gladdin Of Delhi' New York, of a manual
enttsumptitons constitution, has been sired :rem an
untimely end by the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of
Liverwort.. A wrem cold brought on an attack of
Pleurisy, and thus e=led in general debility and con
sumptton. A cOustant con. h, benne dash, restless j
niz.hts, snick pulse, and continued bass of Beth, augur
-I cd a sr-edydeatb; hot as soon as be commtheed the
I use of this Benzin, be grew better; and is now folly
I recored to health. : AGENT.
The cures and. beiefim . praented by the me of this
merbetne, in all canes of diseases orate Lungs, is al
most inered:table. It has been ascii by several yer
j sons iinthisiar4bbortittod and th e Is innerly an ia
stance but its beuetts hare been fully rt..11 - .-e:l. Per
eons aaa.ted wan
ICorp C,,les, Argun.%
i ilinnilty cf brenthis-, pains in the side or hretst. spit
j tinn of blood =antis. ralpitition or tl:4 beam eq)p am-
I don and scenes of the chest, trboOpmznacrgh. plea
; MI. hectic km', nizial. sweats, dErelty or profl tripentorrien, and on other au - et-Emu' of the cheln.'
1 Enzrjr sod liver, should nut fill of pm - win: a honk'
t of this Medicine. ' J. Mit:l6lft
Sandy ilia. Wasßin4r.,, on county, N. Y. The co utptuntion of Dr. Taylor's Bits= of Liver
wort is Only known by the Pnaprsecor„ thetefore it is
,:dangetnes min; any but that fin= 315Rowvy„
24-3 m•
j 21= c.7.3
Valtied Skates Court: •
gismo; DisraicroF
-•- •a HankraPtcY•
• . , ,
I,PETErlONfitr,the Bene fi t.ottlie Bankript
. I.ifw, has been filed Hie 27th day of May. -
1842, by 1 •
•Thoinas, Moyer, Tohaccorad' Schuillall county.
Which petition' will be heard before the Diattict
Glint of the Malted States for the Eastern Dia.
trict of _Pennsylvania, Gitlin* in Bankruptesi. at
the District Court Room, in the City of Phila.
delribia.'on Monday the 11th day. of July next.
pill o'clock, When-and Where - 41 per.
sons interested easy'appear and show' cause. if
any thes base, why the prayer- of the. said Peti.
lion 'afield not be granted, and the said Petition.
er be #elared Bankrupt: „
nun 4, 1 8-3 t Clerk of District Court.
' •
. -
010 FAITIONS for the Benefit of the Bantzrupt
fo-• Law,-have been filled the 23th.-diy or May,
1812, by • •
Samuel Bartok?, late Iron Mister, Schtlyhall
- .
Ou 30th, • -
John C-06erman, late ,Merchant. Scjittylk ll co.
WhiCh Petitioni wilL,bo beard' trefore the Dis
trict Court of the United States foi the, Eastern
District of rennsylvanitt, sittinz in Bankruptcy,
attlm District Corot Room in the-City at.Phila.
delphii, s oh 3looday, the 11th, day of July next,
-tit 11 ii•cloctt. A. M. When and' where - all pet
sons interested may appear any they& cause; if
any they have, why the prayers of the said Peti.
Lions should not be granted, and the saidTetition.
ors be declared Bankrupts. . - '
24-- 1
fa X. 110PKINS
Juno 14-24-3 ' Clerk of Mstrict Court.
• • • NOTICE.
A PETITION for the Benefit of the Bankrupt
Law, has been. 6:ed the 3d day of June,
184/, by .
Witgenii'''. Marehall,. late of the firm of Mar
shall S, KeNM. Merchants of Philadelphia,
Schuylkill county. • . .
-Which Petition will be heard before the District
Court of the. United States for the. Eastern - Die
triet,of Pennsylvania, silting ,in Bankruptcy, at
.the District Court Room in the City of Philadel
phia, on Monday, the Ilth day of. July next, at
11 o'clock, A. M. When and where all persons
interested may
. appear and show cause, if any
they have, why the prayer of the said Petition
should not be granted, and the said Petitioner be
declared Daub rept:
• .iune 11, .11-4 Clerk of District Court.
NOTICE. oi ati
A PETITION for the Benefit of the Bankrupt
Law, ,bas been filed the fith day; of Jude,
.184:2, by
Burd Patterson. late *on Mantrfadurer, and
Land Broker, individually, and as a member
of the late firm of Patterson & Mem, Iron
ManufaCturers, and of the late firm oflihn C.
Lessig andpo., Iron Manufacturers, Schuyt
.-kill county.
Which Petiti'en will j be
,heard before the District
Court of the United S'nates for the Eastern Di.-
trict of Pennsylvania, sittjog in Bankruptcy, at
the District Court Boom_in the City of Philadel
phia, on Monday, the Ilth day of hill next, at
II &Cluck A. M. When and where all persons
haterestrd may appear and show cane. if any
they have, why the prayer of the said Petition
should not be granted, and the raid Petitioner be
declared Bankrupt.
June 11, 24-3 f
A PETITION for the Benest of the Bankrupt
rlik Law, has been filed the sth day of J1.13P,
WO, by
James Daniel Miner,Schuylkill comity,
Which Petition will be heard before the. Dis.
'del. Court of the Ziniten States for the Eastern
De-triet of Pennsylcaoia. sitting' in - Bankruptcy,
at the District Court Room in the City of Phila.
dclhhia. on Niendiy the 11th day of Jolt , next, at
II o'clock, A. ili.
.When and where ell person!
Interested may appear
,and show case, if any
they have, why the, prayer of the said Petition
sbould not be gfanted, and the said Petitioner be.
deelared Bankrupt. . , '
July IP., Clerk of Dastiiet Court
A PETITION kis the Benefit of the Bank rapt
Cla• Law, has been filed the 13th day of June,
1842, by
Joseph Rocket, Coal • 3l4rcharat, individually
• and as one of the .4 - rrnollusepla S. Ruc!el &
Co., Schuylkill coantyy•
Which Petition. wiii be. heard before the District
Cork of the United States for the Es'tern Dip.
trice of - Pennsylvania. sitting in Bankruptcy, at
the District Court Room in the city of Philadel
phia, on 3lcrnday the 20th day of July next, at II
o'clock, A. When and where all persons in.
terested may 'appear and show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the said Petitioner should
not be granted, and the Petitioner be decla.
red Bankrupt. Fn. HOPKINSON,
- June 25..26-3t- Clerk of District Court
A PETITION Ic.r the,Beneflt of the Bankrupt
Liss been filed the 43 dap of Junt;
IS4-, by
Michael 31urphy, Chill' Merchant, individually,
'and as one of the late firms of Neltiel & Mar.:
phy l and of Murphy and Mout", &.huylkdl
Which Pctiticnwill be heard before the.Dierict
Court of the United States for the Eastern, ths
trict of Pennsylvania, sitting in 6ankrup•ca, at
the District Court Room, in the City of Praia
delphia. on Monday. The 25th day of July next, at
11 o'clock A. M. iTnen and where all persons
interested may appear and straw caoie i if any
they hare, why the prayer at the said Petition
should not be granted * 344 the said Petitioner bs
declared Barakrapt:
lune 25, 26-3 t
rorr§rtLLe lI.IIL nom).
- 4/0010, -
To coatritoce on Maarfarsr...4prii I lA.
' &ors of Starting Possenarr 2raios.
From Pottsville. at i 2 F.M.
From Philadelphia; at.. 5 1. A. M.
M a rs of Paula); Readatig.
For Philadelphia. at 4: P. 31 - t-
For Pottnille.,lt 9
/kti ;Traiaapassiat at Pottataica. •
Jai aim 2il Clasw
Pets-fen Pottsville & Pi:Tibia: 3,511 2.„50
. ...,, Oro igiourg " 3,25 2,3 J
" Part Claim. " 3.G32.2.5
" Ilac:tbo . rg " 2,73 2;09
" Steadinz 9. 2,25 1,75
'•'" Dottessotille. " 1,15 L 25
4 Pat3lolll2 I .' n ' 1.50 1. 1 0
" Pitoeniutile 0 LOO 0,75
" Norristown ' " 0,50 0,42
" Beading & Pottsville.: - LIG • 1,82
Withsthe prisilep of retarninz next dn. is
• : 14t Class Cats.
Between P3siiada. & Pottsvine,
" ' Reztig, 3,04)
Pottstown, %CIO
Pktraircine. 1.50
Norristaa-o,• 0,75
rtsville 4- Read'g 2.A10
Depot in PhiL.-delpibia.:S. E. Carat at Woad
and Cherry itreets. -
Era Trains vtdi stop' for way Passenzers at
the besidei those meat"ited
abate :—Schuylkill natio, -
home's Bridge, Bacrrotvre,
Sr.ore, tote's" Fe-ti 13:Lige. Pa - rtials
; Bride Forge. Port -Eronedy, Pane g Stare,Conshehoetea. end Spring
The =wain trails Iran Pkifille!phis ar'M stop
Ea. breakfast at Norristran. - ,
- Pesseetiers are rese.tstea to procure their
math , . Eldere the Mite:arm
PiPsil 9
ATs 49 OF' WILD CIEtaiLEM-J=t re
veined a heibrionlys of the above arde' A.n
or sate by - MARTIN,
+We 7 cm . Schajtlo eocrati
rrillE ANIMAL MA NETTiant—Or
r. Tilauvaakesa. *ad easative came of Adalli
;rah=Mgr it . Pia CorT'coava *be ,
Mapietie Ity;Aerth.o* 3. by a Par free:
fast renvitela# fisr to e by, 0. BANS VV.
/ 1412 7
• .
Clerk of Diwtrict Court.
Clerk of Dls:riet Court:
BRAT , spataisiuk4.4 imbued and .Yer
min Maw -8.11411 4 1. NAN.
gliitAFT4 NOTES. —Cro *eat Awl bend
'Will Books, Also &Ma ;Ming. for sale by
2 , 147,19 T-: B. BANNATi.....
DER—last received ind for We @y ,-,
May 'a, MINNA N. ,
K ONG rooms.- A variety ofSong Baftki. at 64
- ""ettits =ch. for sale by • B. HANNAN.
147ay 29 .04
pIRATM & MURDERS. —Mealy of Pi..
mei mad Horrible Mclntire. Jost received - and
Or'sale by May 28. , B. HANNAN.
lirrETnl4 cuuacn nu&-IC—lnst rEeilT•
ed and for sale !yr - B. BANNAN..
hiay• • 22
AriFISCKT.P.S.!-41,;ater, Soda. Sugar and 'Batter
4 1- 1 Craelienr: Imla, for rile by
1 4 .1ay ar. '4., HENDERSON.
FIRE PLACE SCRF.ENS--Elegant 'Fire Place
Screens, just received seiner sale nv
'June 11, 2,1 - BANNAN.
J. 11. LANE,
' At the Mount Carbon Ilotel,
- • Where specimens may be seen.
Jane 11. 21--21 n•
.NALF...--Two valaabie . l i tats on
0 -aCentre istrret , for sa".e, cheap. Apply to
May 28, 22--tf Mahantorqo st.
10 PER-CENT. SAV BP.—The setteriber Bells
the best ime at tit centa per 6ustiel. at his
atljoining the aquedtiet and Mt. E.. Bland's
Smith nhne. Greenwood.
Matth , ..It:DiEsi PORTER.
• TEASomT. &3. Reatlyt,re inn received rrrpn
New• York, a large supply of choice Green ana Mace
Dpceutber 22 52
•F4nnEns , 3IUCIi
`Ntreatim on soil and manures. Alto, The FAR
MEWS LAND MEASURER. or pocket companion
Just received 314 for rate by B. 111-NIi.IN.
Apri. 16 • • • 16
(SPECIE .WAATETII.--The hi& hest, premium
IP - Ypaid for Gold or Silcer. in exchange I%r :Miners
Rank notes, by. LIPPINcarr ar. TA 'MOIL
Corner of Centre.& Mahanlaego streets
Pottsville, May 7 19A
plANo%—,The ratetcribers base been appoin
ed Agents by the New -Pork Manufactunng Co
for the sale oftheir celebrated Grand Action Pianos,
of either ,Rosewood or Mahogany. a specimen of
which can be seen by applying to
Deceihber 18. 51— , T. & J. FigATTV..-
FILILDIS 5ER.:1101,•.--Sermons
and sketches of Sermoria. by the Rev. John Sum
merfield. A. M.. late a preacher in connexion with
the Slethodiit Epianopal Enure': With as Intro
duction by the Rev. Thom* E. [lord: Just received
and for sale by May ZS. B. RAN NAN.,
Docpon r.:r. NAG LE—fle-
Wspeeffolly tenders his professional services
40 the citizens or Pottsville, and vicinity.
Ws office is et the corner of 31.irket and
Adams streets. • April 1 , 1, I6—if.
n.r4EMPFILA.NCE TALES, No. 2 Tlie Esperi
eme..--The fitclaimed—The Man with the Po
ker—The-Druhlowra Bads—After to day or Treating,
Itftoduliena—and Signitur the Pledje. Price I2i cents.
Just res.eived and for saie. by B. Et.iNs'i A N.
• -May ,
DR. J. -RHElN—ofrers prefes 7
-. ..:F , F;74' liana] services to the citizens of Pottsville'
and vicinity. Ile can at all times be LOMA
( when not professionally engaged) at his
of .e, South West corner of Centre and'
Street if_ "
eral hundred engravings. being a Biography of the
Lives and characters of the principal personages re
corded in the sacred writings. Practically adapred
to the instruction ofyonth and piisate families. Jest
.received and for sale by B. BANNAN.
ry_NINE &Anhui Cars, suitable for the
IV transportation ~,f:plerc4ar.diza or coal. Ap-
Ns 22Y, North 34 street, Philada.
July 18
rraucanetz AGILTCY GPFICE.
t 5.1,„ 3E:subscriber bpi opened a periadictil• A
11 - gency Office in connection with his estab_
lishment, and is now prepared to brni4h persons
residing in this place with all the 51snaztien9
published in Philadelphia, New York, Boston,.
and Washington . „ at the publisher's sonseriotion
prices, FREE op PosTang, by leasing their names
at the office of the Miners' JournaL Persons re
siding in the neighborhood, and up the country,
by subscribing at this Office for pub:if-saws,
will have them mailed at this place rrgalariv and
the postage will be otily for the intermediate dis.
The rollrstrinz are some of the
sued in Philadelphia, New York, tk..ton akd
..!ey's EAdj's Book,
Graham's Mag-,azie.",
Ladies' Musical Library, •
World. or Fishie'',
Ye tam Petrp!e's Book,
Littcll's Museum of Foreign Literature
arid S.':Lzei.,
;Lip_ Yoas..
Sleratiant's Mara*ie.
Tile Beam 31iseellany.
Rokrt Merry's llamum;
Dentheratic Review,
GILD Wall= 31mnarse.
This periodical will be issued monthly, in the
same stile .as Robert Merry's Morecom, with.
plates, price el per annum. - The' firet irourthrr
is now issued. Ant. number yopplierlfree of post. . ,
age by applying at this office. ' MAXSUALSA SAME.
Subscriptions slui (mewed Cocain.- IB r virtue of aw o
_writ of Vendttnt Espies', is.
D,oblin University Magazine, - $1 tit) I. sued out of the Circuit Court of the United
flentlefs Miscellany. ' 5 tat I States, in and Ear • the • I:seem District of Penn -
Macke-nos% • • 4 On sylvan; in toe third circuit, to me direved, label
Chrietian Family ihcazlre. Is on 1 etyma. to pnbliceale. v uo 3looday,lsth day of Jona
All delireied free of postaae. • - ; twit, at one o'clock, PM. of said day, *L., the
Sobociibers to any of the weekly poViceicros 1 Merchant's Etchange; in the city Of •Philstlet.
in Piniadelphis and New - Volk, can make or. I Oita,: ' •
ra age m.....t.s tr, their i'drantiae b' aryls Mg t o. i All th Wcet.nterol parcels or tracts ot hod sinare'
the , usicriber. • ' BENJAMIN B,#NN AN. • t
..1 in Seh o ylk in m in ty, p enn , y brain. , d ewr ib e d „, 4
ilialrs J.:areal aed Pe:iodize/ Agit:try O. *1 botinded as ro9o2fa, to wit. A certain tract of
June IS. . .' . •: 25---
Coal Liedsitua!it in . .. 4 .'ehurikill twarriebipoidjoie.
• ~
• - -•- • 'I mg Lands of Valley Furoace and (Met ... Lands,'
--- INSOLVENTS'':::NOTICE.' •*, * ,i. collaallVOZ , CDC hundred a n d thirty-cielit aexos
tyricEis trrereb7 haven, that -ve brave
ao _ '`ti. t mote or
T less, cocoa:only •.:11.3 the , 'titheiiiet
Barrrac "
7 d ed in the !adzes of the, Court of :Camara en i ,•• - -
Pisres of '.'s-hoylk.ill anitiy; far the benefit of the. f i .,• Ai r'` .° Z, urvlrTi . l '" 2 t'hf.rdttl:.,rt.,tfe tract efland
1 r....oictr.t Laws of this Comaronsrealib, and „that. , g_ s..tia.e ma ...wasp kn no,. - TownshiNed
u•acwe tee d, of John Creawei and others, con.
the _nal Court h a ve *pointed' Monday, the !Fel ! .. / 7 !' •"
day of July. IS; for th e hea riot of as and our 1 lan4c g ta° •hu°4l / 1 .4 a ' a4 t ! irsatY 2:24"..e2 the
endwise at th e Gault Home, in the Boroogb of •
° m i ce __ I._ and sore the . „.,..
_,..._,,,, ALei sit undlardnd one. parfors Tract of
J‘ , . gs when
if they think propci,„ . x '"'"Y 'T'" -; Land situate in Norwegian new haired • Branift
'TIMOTiI ylf ikCON'• • ~ i ToWeshipi•cCiataining three famdred 'and !bitty'
R tell AR D PLATT* : ` i knit acres, bell in common witb„ A- Ilioneli,
' .
• EDWARD my EMS", e; Cbarles Miller and others, commonly called the
s Michael E.c.r.ble Tract. S ill e and taken ha
... ,
lIENRY SflEtaY. ._\ . I xxeciatica as the propreiv of Jahn C. - ofiennan,
. _ .
JACCtE ELTZ„ - `,... 1 and Will based by
' - ISAAC OTlS;Mushal E. D. P.' '
•:\..1, Mayabsfa oXce,•May •Lbil 't ..
- ' LEVI. BECITTFL. -• -•-•-, !••••„„Tke sale of the aboze turler. tiitarils ir'„,**ern.. -
i • . sowmoN sil t y,. . - , ,_ '. e d " 1i0 .. ..„,, , ..M0tid . ay,..jc1y Il i :knell, It cue octuck,
• . THatt as ~..k g. t .. ...1 3; D , : . i ..." rh ta.tecrv; e...eetnev,„. .., .
June la - -' ' t Jury ISAAC OTlzt, hlarshal E. D. P.
' -`**- I 18 '''.. ...,.
- 7 - . _
. .
0.,,,t'-: of Ile Plii - L.-:Vp. ifa auf /Wig if.:....." FRANKLIN HOUSE.
RoK-.-d Ce.4421.2.ny.,
' - • No. 75Wahot trieet:PVl34-e, ‘; t ' -,
l'is !ILL-I=l. litlit =IILIIIICteIid - •
"Inn Pv&d.ett=l Masners h•-retly . e•sr• ea -
ee - jee n ..i . 'N....Ai.% — -__,,,-
th= rherlt,s-e for fft amd mires Col.fretet a . si ''' -i r e ° ' - ' s**3 "'Tel' 642 ' 13 Thrd 1 "'
m et .., l c ar t en Gr .. - :.. 3 .,„„it if er= tr a i i, c„,!... -,z.. i Hi; ::_.: the iamb:lite rim-
Siege er hick- ,r 1 ce - t-Ne ttehrsare, eat:: ezr. !. -- --.--- kr cede STetszheat LtersOgr,r-ank s ',. -' 5
shove (41,k0 cox W 3 for ..yeatir Litt.' sad t!--sr at Post t..);:e. Tkettrv, 21,....": ts, be 1044 co tte, •
mauve: tea berates - ea - for arse a:Beers 0 --to A.u.i.,:mit, lid asrep een plin -- eeei: z iraly, aria = ber,, ,
on tra.r.ll-1 he-C..4:14e :' • F._ BRALFOa.I. i e p, re rz et te the seleeisteszeetes 44 ti-Ne_ree,r-- 7 ; -,
Ft I:4 ' . . ' ' -s:eC'ethl t -1 4 - T-"'• T he-s en Ifc=4.s - the 13:3 .dm of irree. 'Me •
* ,..7003 • _ lunteet. ,,„ mrs* , .± Bowe is fitted ee-itt the tetott irolevliti sq)e. e'rr
----.... I • _
tiNtamte- - s Wolin .. v 3 6, . , a ery . Meg beier eetgreke eels. 4ed of the best
Soma's Cettabsr Lreze - ' '
s i im-tp c itt.. - The ChirtWir. ere' so e.wr=te.e4.4
Shermies PoerMeab Paver., -- - - - - a Whs . = i Peak= b, ' <az, -zod a a ttaoaT_llatt• '
-"lab aq7 . 17 - ' e l the abase termaNk Iferes . Two by eel. . .. The bw i ,,,f 0r.46 bete, bre , weac,
'tut reeerelasa kr eslest MARTINS V-. asdl 1 ozl44ad c ,,,, , ,E xt5 . v .i3 at. , e d e„ r i er - s , s --.
rs "'"`"H d- s t ,T>rOagrille.- - kig s s l /7?* 57'3 etrabritherent I,to thX best betb "sejeveneher •-. _ '
.. ,;,-, . :
fING - 3--1-4.7. sac (XILD WATER . A11.31Y,-- am,. TILEe 4 1* e".n3r abet 5 /eftenti , ftiel."..l. --- ,
-1 -et-t io M by , B Ittsw.4.N. , t. : , IX. SANDgtISCI4 :z
I! - -
.1-1 - zw 11 . • 2 1 Palls., - Jesz . . .. .
~ V/5 -5 5-.!4 •
- - • -
, •
. -
Sas the _Court Couunoss ffitfie 'of ifelley2
hUt casuity of Sal? Teem,. 3111111(troata5.
• Thotziu Tray
iaens.W. Schiingen Leo •••-•-• •
D. EkKeim, Jehn •
mitt, Wino& •.Wetherlll, • •• • „,
and Rejierear , qual:ma t and
W intent 'Scrdiltryizi. • - and ••`. • ,
'Charlotte -Wetherial I. • •
Granteei of sLattlia Weth ! I Writ
er,ilt,,deiiigre rif Samerl P.)-
Wetberill, and Charles May-!,
or Withorill,.Hrnry,ljayor
• Wattle:in, Alayor
Wethetill; Ildrgareita May.
or We/Meriil ,
nod lat'n* I • -
Wetherill.' •
, _
ofCi..uies WerhPritl, &tea-, I
ea, by their liaartiiatr Mar. I
germs Et . . 3
The tibove named, Thuro,,aS, Ridgway Praia.
tiff; and Jae()Lt. W. - 8 , 4:2',, g -e. 4,l gurge D.
K enn , j o h a P. Wetherilt. Iltdt;am Wetherill.
and Rebecca Guitmett and . Suddard‘
and Marlette W. Weti:ertlit grauteol of Ranh
Weibull?. devisee of Sam:lel f. Woltelill, ant
Charles Mayor Wctherilt,liintry Mayor Wether.
114.-rhomis 3l a b oe W e sh er ill , illargarcti a Mayor.
Wetherilt, an .layor Wetherilt; etionr childten
i of Charles Wetherill, deceased, by &bier guar-;
dain Illatgareitik S. Wctherill, defendants,
pleaae to take roilice f that pursuant to the above
Writ de Partitioni Pacienda„ -iyaned out of the
Conit of Common Plcie of Schuviktil county Is,
' me &remit,' •bearing date , at ltittlArebore.. the
26th day of April. A. D. 1812; wherein, am .
commanded to' make partition as partieolerij' e 6 f•
forth in fetid writ, of the fotlowlng dram ibedtract;
of land, called" Lce'a Landa,r - bounded by land
of Francis IL Nichol., Pott a:WI/Annan, Kettlo
and Waggoner, and'otherv:vituatedori Mill Creek;
Schuylkill eumiy, end owned by George D. B.
Kelm, on the 19di day O'f Drcetnber, A. D. Mit;
wish the apnurtenan,eo,-1 will,oli 'rucvlify:the
2lst day of June, 1842, at tea aled..ek in - the fore..
noon, upon the premises, hold an • kulnisition to
make paititionmaiong the laid pude: as therein
I as commanded.
Shlrifre Offic.iiOrwiga.
burg,'April '26,1642. S
In the Court ofCommon fleis. of Schur
kill County of July TetraflB4; No. 26
• Itichata . Price '1
~, • ,
-_. , • .
rt. ‘ - ~,-,
John-Sher. Elliot Cregeort. • 'zil- •••-•• .•
. ,_. .
8. Wyatt Wisner, Williaini -: ' . • 2
B. Chase; and Mary Ann.',_ Writ tic rartitioni
his wife: late 31ary Ann ii Fapienda.
Wien , '" Richard Felkimes..l ^' .':::',.
and Emma his 'wife, late . -'2•• ‘"
Emma "Wister., and Susan -:-.
'Wister, and Laura of later. "I •
• The parties atiore trained, are reby notified,
• that pursuant in a Writ de Partip. i Faciceda
issued out of the Court of Common eas of tho
county aforesaid, derd`lith at April, 12, and
tome directed, I still hold an Inquest a the
l'g \,,
premises situate in tha Borough of Pottiville,
county atincsaid: consisting of a To.en Lot, No.
37, with the appuilencnces. sitaata and hounded
by.,,Norwegian street, and by Lot No: 38, to set
out and divide to each of the elaimanti and par
ties in the above' stated suit, in severalty Ow .
parts or porparts to which they are respectively
entitled, on Monday the :25th day 'Of Jane • next,
at 10 o'clock A.-51.,. when and •nhcre lon may
attend if 3Cu think proper.. ..
InflN G. WOOLISON. Sherif!:
Sheriff's Office. OrwiPc
burg, April 2i. 1812.
JAMES 1319 W Eli"; •
RESPECTFULLY informs thepubiie that.
he bas brought wiih him from Near York
this spring, a Largo asiorimt.ot of ,
Which he uffirs for sale at the mast moderate
i•Ph ilidelphia vlhoieaale prices,-( freights added,)
at his store house, in the new 81 , 33111
• 1.!.. , vt doer to his tavern, Morris' Siddition to Potts. .
vile, eolvitming og o , . .
Black and Green Teas,
L a m p; 1.11.1", Santa Craz, Port ! , Rico, Jj• New
Orleans Sugars, '
Rio, Java, otd St 'Deyminco Coft.e,
Spetm & Conimen Oils, Molattlea,.,
White and Yellow Tablecia,
' Ke art . .l Box Raisins, •
I , Winer end Liquor., from commoti to the ,ear
A quantity of Dryad Mrat,
Slactsrret, frun No. I to N 3, in quarter half
and full barrels.
About 3:10 Slacks Ground S3O,
60 barrels suoesior fAlba ay tummer Ale, &e—
-play 14,_ 20-1,
MAPTERS of sdnimis!ratio n on the Estate of
Thomas J. Baird; late of Pottsville, Schmid
kill eotint r. deceased, basin , " twee granted to the
subscriber, Alt persons indeb;sd losthe &ta .
of the said deceased. :re moot:sled to make pojr.
ment to the eubsertbcr, and all persons having
Claims or demands against the estate of the said
Thomas J. Baird, are hereby reqmored to preskmt
them to' ELIZA C. DAII/D.
Alas 7S, fl -6t Actenutistrattis;:
3 00
3 00
3 00
2 00
T EM stibeeribers hare'esnstantli,on band;
EFner3.l assortment of Boltowarafe. • Cart
and Wizen Boxes, PlouS,,:h prisms; Mould Board.,
Rails and Turn ont Castings, 4c.ointl . are pre
pared-to tarnish eastiazeot all kinds to orderiat
as cheap a rate as can be furnisheeetrentrere.
• 5 00
5 00
13 CO
1 CO
Possessing. a desirable sitnatiors adjacent to
bath rail mad and canal;snd having every facil
ity for and experience in the ananulactore ofcast
log% we can cocfideatly proniise entire 'satisfac
tion to a.:l who city facer as with their order*.
Al ay 22,
• a 4-*
Nt%ll , STORE;