Cirrds.Vatriphicui,flandbills, Checka,Billa of LinOrtg, itt., will be printed se the Verflopest, rates, and at theihartest notice., !Icing drieftnined to aeconyno— date the public at the wiry lowest raw", at he me :he re=pectfulty solicits tho patronage of the public. ,Triating. its difiretent potent executed at a short no 'ce. •• Id -• • • _card gees. . • Cant Prey has been added to the establis eot, ,whichivill anable as to execute-Cards, of olmoi erg ticscriptioa. at eery low rates • , Joaporiant. Let every citizen, bear in tnind,that ii it not onl his interest, but hisduly, to purchase every thing that ho '.hate at home. By pursuing such a course, he eneour ewes the mechanical-industry [Grids own neighbor ' bizod on which the . prosperityl of every ' town aruilci. mainly depends—and besides; every dollarpaid.Outat home forms - a circulating medium, of which erery citizen derives more or !ess benefit, in the course of :trade...F.veiy dollar paid for foreign ruanetactutes'pur chased abroadris entirely lost to the legion, goes to enrich thdae who do not croitribute_one cent throat rim:Westin institutions, and o ppresies mi r own Citizen To obviate this evil is One of the objects contempt by the est.filishment of the Home Loague. , PROTECTION . .. 4 At/019 F ATV , ,ET zens--read the call l and prepare for a trernen meeting. •Cotne to Pottsville,. ',All ,Ye half suffocated, haffeaseted, half at . rved s and half reined, citizens of - other placeii; if you desire health'iiittength, and eiijoyMent—plerity . to = eat--plenty to drink—and every thing to ailire; —come to Pcliavillet • -.- •iirt Men of businew and men of leisure ; TAW Physicians, litjtchants, Poets, and retired It ' - -beings-of ell kfods, alt - professions, culd'all .:-,if you hay!, rhino enough to pay your Te and your Hotel bill, do net delayto conic to , . . If you -orieh to behold o ne Of the most bca rly thiersified.regions in this country-;-Mou ,isvhich - atinesent form a comidets parterre le& with blo'oming laurel and other luiuriad ,-,,1 flowers ;—come to Pottsville ! If you wish to 5d6 it people, who, amid t eral despondency of the , times, can laugh happy,--who rite superior to tho trials en this troublous ;World, and who are in stiVeUi.ty as thrty are in prosperity—ish they - havelnoney, ply their debts ; and, have none ere very seldom sighed fur it Pottsville! • . If you Are eta yonng and ardent t • ifouji Jike to see gide, beautiful ail hoe' tellfgent as sages-.-fascinating, encha witching—,raven teeth--,rhey ttc., &o.—oiale to Puttsritte ! LAWYETS! Item the hrisiless young tn.the famous wealthy and distinguished sister—wheri— the growing' hear of the makes you sick at the eight of a client, poenee• end spina - lons' glow a bore in yti throw 'aside the musty tomes—in Lot your 80 - On, and surrendering youraelvc coatorry orinctination, arreat not your pro tit you have lodg,ed - your bodice with n'proces!: if prosecuted, would-produce attachment to us in your breasts, than, pub.!, wets you to eoniinue 'at home I Pottsville ! PIITSICZ &NS !. Ye who deatin.frartm cations, broken limbo end slow diseases--ii ish stomachs, fever and agate; and Cholert --we' arti•now prepared to puff forth 'sin scriptiOn to your patients, as wilt set 11 011 YOU' . nauseous doses. The pure beii mosphere of a mountain land—a simian • cithc4' on hill or in valley—en appetite, mountaineer only enjoys,—trod a cure fi evils, ' both of body and mind which bun is heir to., The strict obseivanci:of this • tion, leOving you nothing to do; ye our advertisetitent by advising you also it, refl./ilk! ; : I MartcnanTs! ay, there's the rub !- i Poorlel-• lowsLvho, through the long, warm : und sultry entrained nights,kick and struggle under the mani fold visitationeef mosquitoes and-bank notices— . empty money tills and insolven t debtori—,notary publics and pertinacious money lendes=whose daye bre idle and whose nights arb hideous; ye arc the su ff erers to whom we, the Samaritan s of. fer I &Sim. Absquatiilate I evaporate !..1 vanish Leciveabehind• You that skele'on lcdg,ef r —loch up that useless safe—shake Off that incubus' which broods over your spirir=fly the couting• house and with year wives and : families th ow your- - selves among us. 1 - 1 - Kc promise' you case, iliac% comfort,ictualifvariciy 7 a cod bracing bree c and a 1 serene conscience,--healthy etercise 'ond plenty of aMusement.; all this shall you have if "you will come to Pears t worshipers ofthe tuneful nine—made ufacturera of verse, from silly doggrel ILO high [epic, —=who live nail revel in the beautiful World ofim., aginstion—l-to you •Wo hold out .an ( invitation. There is inneb to engage Sour ideality, here,'Much ' strengthen, _swell, and'enlarge; the thought. Tills is the place far the man of genius'--the i lwitd and fiery spirit to Thera- in. Thers no tameness )•ofseener,i here, ell is rough, ivragi end beautiful-. , ly natural—seated on. a rock; upon the ] sumatii of one of obi tnakstic peaks, you can catch inspira tion; and not a cold; or, down in„thcivalleY,,be side,the rolling. tumbling, foaming, mOuntain lultaid into dreamy abstraction by its inusip, you can lie down and dream of all beautiful things. In st - country possessing such yoried l scener, as thi s , o w need never want an essociation to recall . peeediar feelings; they 'spring aroulid i l hift% on ell Are-yoU fond of the sublime and terrible ! yea find'much to ; excite Jhat. taste— . arit yob fond of thetersisr and'-symPatbutiell—the quiet nooksin -our peScetul valleyemre admirably adapted to soothe and_ foster such feelings. , „thing along your c*ow peas anti your iipoilesistab . fete, and if *you have any genius, this region ds the plaster Which' wiU tlrorr •it all ntit,--io breve' a head. Poerif this is the Poll for pan If .you 'wish a ' pure draught frbm Holicow—a galiOping • Pegasus - that never kicks, and a first rate paper to publish your effusiOns in—come friPeffseille.' Fern (asp I Ye who can justly dpiprecia t o and sensibly pereeive all the beantiasof inrtural acetic. ey.. whrate finely tuned minds stretkilleyontl the grosser things of life into the Macneill:lc regions of the wild and lovely. It you" wish td !earn la les . sort Your hearts-can never forget, bring youi friendit with you and come lo !i‘ - •' I.lnrroilsl;. We Would invite-all sifyou topsy us let Tisit , a i euce, were it not that the-Wants of, the - "Community Willrnot sanction is et present. etlektic.yo4r posts, brothers until 3ottboir,e for. ; ced 40n - COngress the necessity of a Twill; and When that Work_ is accomplished, if lyoct with to :witness et.hesrl, cheering,happy illustratien,lof its good resulne t r then come lora:tactile ..014itft4 enonens—Stoyialwity fr - Urti 1.11 7—keep youitgly countensncerr at knee—your ex istents% abra4 tuts been In injury ni4yetii pftsence here - would bas i stilence. tha; any:where 'Air, but never come to Pottaiilleit Thndd from Rho eity,to Pottsville, is 'nothing' more tbae.claleassnt Pion of riz or' seven honvs . . .1 - ~r , - Ntr.:l • EMS duration, and the sontnii,diventifietkaritkthii. beautiful sin& siiitied icritie4 to tor fount, anis' diem in this - cotint:ricriltivated; picturCwirie„ and. wild. The wilds ;on ',he l l:lndoors, when compared .p:wAhe successive chains" eif towering 'mountains treble • frown - down op traveller for-twenti miler of the journey. here; fall for shOrt;in interest of contain- Bitaidee all theok the inducimenes held ant in our consider Very regiOni we coner .enfricient to attract visitors froiwallrisito -oblong se. The nu rneros:eallierres; end the inode'of mining in them. ere tenter, of - cations speculation to many, end the °pint - unities, offereitib strangers by our eritCP prising operatora k ofvitaCsaing tho whole Opem den; is of itself a'sUfficient eanbo for a visit: . Our, Hotels are eqiial, in point of style end accornizioda lion, to any:in 'the State, Mad luiuries of all binds are farniblied for the vibLes with the same' pieta sioruts in the city. Upoin arriving at Pottsville, the foal Rotel in.ordin is - • Tfic Macs's ; Qinnow Hors.- 7 -Tbis hand simmbuilding is tatuoted'near the depot, itionoof the guest looking edifices in the country—it ad tni ;rig-kept, end the grounds connected with it are btauttful.l The; garden attached to the Hotel is roaufhticilly sittiatetionthe side of. the. mountain and commands a delightful view. The house is l'pry.large and capable'of accommodating a great number of visitors. Next comes - ; • " Tits Pr.:liVsrLysals HALL, situated near the centre of our borough, isalso One of the first class of Hotels and is very fittorably ,kuoetri to many travellers as na excellent'House. The building is sufficiently largito accommodate quite i number of boarders, and its,centeal situation makes it 4 ve ry desirable place tor sojourners. Further up the street is' • Tun _EXCIILIMS HowEL, -which, 'in Point Cif m!yld and arrangement, will rank 'Oh either of the others. It has been lately rented' lea (wished bY its. present obliging proprietor, who sow pia Semi to the public au establishment in every way worthy of their highest patronage. .ns.— )tated citi , ous Besides the above mentioned houses Which are the most_e-xtensive in our borough, theta. is dui !Pottsville Heuer, kept by•dir . Daniel : Hill, which hat been lately fitted up in a.suPerior sifts. Alio Genies' Hotel , Mortimer's Hotel, 'end Charles ' Kuntz's German Hotel, ,all occupying a central situation and all possessing excellent accoinmods thins. 'Those. who would.' prefer private boarding, can also: be suited at two or three very excellent boarding houses in our towtl.• Wu thentare se riously (j4ing aside). rerorrimind-to the;fienizens of nur cities, a visit to Pottsville as superior, in point of .facilities for enjoyment, to any of the nu merous watering places in the country. Our sum ' mer evenings, almost without an eiceptiOn, ate conl and pleasant, and the Addition of a_ blanket during the night, is seldom felt Xi inconvenient. Now is the season when citiiens c begin .to look a ' round them for the purpose of choosing a pleasant spot in which to while away•tbe - oppressiVe dog days---twe say to such, one and all, come to Potts- I rifle . rii3 E m =I • sego Potts- Mil =3 I cover. ;Lt wild e izen !and be alb of , , I beerful when a tiey , sae to isaa • nd iu• IE3 ' TII6, LAWN Boos. for July has been received: It is a rich number, containintr two beautifill em gravings; as welt as a superb plate of the fashions. Extra copies cart, be had at tine offize,, price 25 cents. ly lips, Ittorrtey, old Bar-' bummer_ Tax COLD -WA4EII . MAriAZINE = The first number of this excellent publication has been re ceived mulls ready for distribution to subscribers —price $1 a year. MAGAZLNE.—Subscribers to this work who wish to receive it free of postage will please_ cake/this office. Single copies, price 25 cents, for sale. " FATIIER O ' CONNELL, " lI.TODIRTIOD of Ireland, by the author of Tates of the O'Hara Family, will be received and for. sale this cvcnipg—price 123- cents. . Sr.rmisn. AND WINTER IN TIIE PERENSES— A ne‘V work, by Mrs. Ellis, which is said to be excellently written, will be received and for sale this evening—price 123 cents. Also a new supply of Morly - Ernstem and-Gas per,. or the Pirate of the Indian Seas, Trice 20 and 123 cents, and the New World and Broth er Jonathan, price each 61 cents. n d • ub- !ur epee, ke opon i It to the rcis tut . Such greeter ies ever . rut to dielo qtleilll- morbus it a pra t naught althy at tic walk, neh as a tr. all the an flesh preserip wind up tome to ACCIDEST.--As the passenger train 1 1 - 118 returning to P ottsville, from Philadelphia, on Thursday morning last; and when arrived at a short distance frotb.3chuylkill Haven ; a horse, at tached to a sled; wing heightened by, the locomo- tive, became perfectly frantic, and springing down a bank thirty feet high, lodged himself immediate 'ly,,betwecn the first and , second passenger cars. The cars which passed over him were throWn rofr the track, and dragged nearly a hundred yards 'before they were stopped, thus breaking one of the front vheels of the second car, and the two front whre,ts of the third r --a portion of the iron works of each car was also broken. Strange to relate, not a soul was injured 'although a number of parson gers'vec're in each car at the time of ,the accident. The Locomotive soil first car remained on the D A - a, and the conductor who._ was in front knew nothing of the occurrent° until the:-cars were dirown off the track; th 4 will account for 'the de lay in stripping the trairri. ' , GLOMOUS NEWS FROM WASIIIITCPTO4-Tho Bill postponing the ,eduction of duities from the first of July tithe first of A ugust,_has passed the. House of Representatives by a majority of 13. This augurs well for the passage of t `Tariff Bill. Evyry loco foco in Congress voted against the Bill, —or in other words they voted in favor of reduc• ing the duties on ferelgn cord front $ 1 "A• cents to 40 cents per ton. What say,YOu, citrzetis of S..htiylkill'county, to such conduct in the present condition of the country? 14 not lecofocoisro be coming odious to all sensible people! . The debate on tho Tariff Bill is progressing This is now the all•absorbing topic - , &rusty mint ss.—We have to expres s our ac• knowledgments fora bowl of fine _Strawberries, raised in the garden of Mrs. T. J.; Baird; one of hich tneathired 4} inches in circumference end Several others 4 inches. 'We understand that this garden wilt pre:lnce several bushels of this delicious fruit this year, We also are indebted to Mr. David D. Lewis, for several Largo strawberries raised, in his Garden it the Ftve Locka,:all of which measured 4 inches in circumference. This fruit can be brought to as great perfection in this region as in any other, as the plentiful crops already gathered, t test. - • 1 I 3 sarvalt'LlAlVlA. HALL cstaubstimenl endir the control mud aisn'sgeinent of its noir pro. •prietors lines nothing of its former style' end con venience. -kir. Weaver's table is crowded 4'14, not only with good things, but with well pleased and tratisfied tra6ellere.. This Hotellisone among the, best in northern Pennsylvania — the bider 'is itipplied, by means of the Railroad, with all . thit pity luxuries andthe large stock of ice proiitlent.' b , : iltdrecl away in the cellar, forms an addition not toini sneezed at. yarns PA/Ft rua Sc statist : tons - rt.— A few stalks of Rye, raised on The fdan of Mr. lirtzt,Strauchnear Pinegrove, wers sent -a short time "since for inspection. Thef Measure. 8 feet thrio inches ill length, and hive very good We understand that the' whale fieldlirill aseregaftent 7feet to 7 - feat 6 inches in tieight..l The :Poughkeepsie, :Eagle, is out for Henry clay for lhe neat Presidency. Our iiekniawleilgomeats . are 'duo the_lioth, Peter Newhard, for public- documenii,, - .' MS= SI 'Pcstatc a llgectaistiestilas n '' • tohimr *Nue 60 #4 l g ! st l ns *aed bioar intichant4in , ; neW otitution. To diellitioa;boess .Tu , candid mind"any Meaaina'.or inoject, -tuning for its aim the intellectual oi moral :betiFftt- of soci ety , gi!ae ' lOneere . and .heart felt pleasure . Wc`! . look upon alb , Sakti , iss - tha , ,foindlltioa of, great gdod to ; oar-tabloti.; " :It furnishes a strong inducemo to bendy—lto Social and iutellectual commutrication. and oplialo all who cliosil l t4 avail thetiselvcs of it, the avenues to pure and t ivise enjoyment. The MeChrinies s , Association, at present, num beta upwaids.of one hundred members; they have a pleasant,!commorlious reading room, and have commenced furnishing - the Libnity of the institu tien with a choice collectiOn of exce.llerit Mandan! ,works. .very mechanic in.this region ought -to be enrolled as .'a member, and the improyemerit , which unsaid result, not only Zo his habits but "his mind, I would he a; tenfold compensation fdr the slight ‘rist virhicli would - procure hini the ad vantages. feel convinced that many of our, young, mechanics will have Z'easonito look back upon heir connection with this Saciety as one of the happiest eras in their lives. It weans one away froM the vain and frivulints pursuits of this and turns the thoights and inclinatione into a purer Mid more Manly channel—points out to , man thei 'destiny he is.calculided to fill, and at, the same time gives hint the povier andtlairinearis of fulfilling that destiny. We sincerel, hope • that our .young menwill persevere in this good work, for steady perseverance in the course they haveconinienced is the only method by which they can receive any certain benefit. The following good ndvice to young men from the pen of Prehticc, editor of the Louisville Jour nal, contains 100 many good hints to be thrown away: H 'llan - the young men in any city or town `which Can be named, will but devote one fourth of the money which,they now expend% in luxuries 4 idle pleasures, and 'peroicious ufdal. paces, which do them no good and -much harm, to the support of a well regulated reading estab lishment, and spend their leisure hours there, f.he ,change ?mold enrich their minds,and' add:Zo their happiness, respectability, weath and abil ity to be useful in coming life. There is moret vir tue in oie Magazine than in a dozeribozes'of the best spapish cigars, and be gained during the longivening ofa single winter, by reading and , study, than can be found in theatrical , shows and scenes cifilissipatiiin in twenty years. The one course feeds young men up to a life of respecta bility, hnnor and usefulness, and enables him to anticipate the comtng of gray-,hairs upon . his ruffled brow with the (cone glor one who had not lived in vain; while the other soon leads to ,los& of virtue -kiss of eheracter—lose of the confi. dence ollriends,—loss of health—crime—infamy -an early and dishonored grave.' • APPORTIONNENT Btr.r.:e-The House of nep• resentaaves at Washington - have re-eoniiidered * the for Mer vote and adopted this Bill as it passed the Senate, fixing the ratio of representation at 70,680 J for each member of Congress. The-fol lowing jwill be the Kcsult in each State under this ratio Maine, f 7 7 New 14mpshire, 4. Massachusetts, 10 Connecticut, 4 4 Now Bork, 34 New Jersey, 5 Pennsylvania, 24 Delawire, . 1 MaryliMd, 6 Virginia, 15 North{ Carolina;,. 9 South;-Carolina, 7 The following oxhibi each State : I;4M Maine', 1 New Hampshire, 1 Vermont, 1 New jersby, 1 Maryland, 2 North Carolina, 4 Georgia ) - Kentucky, • 3 Massachusetts, 2 Conntibut, York, 6 'Pennsylvania, 4 Virginia, &lath Carolina, Ten:Mssse, 2 Rh i ode Island, Delon as th6r were. COAL TRADE OF PICTOU-:--The number of velisets entered at Pictou to itlayo,23, tire pre& ent year was 1 10 ; last year to the' same date, 77, in same date, 48.—North American, Tide don't look like the foreign Coal Trade de creasing even of the present low rates of the-do mestic article, but on the contrarY is increasing. The !act is that the foreign dealer receives better prices fair his coal than is received in thi i s region —and consequently cqn reduce the - price also, and cOmpeto successfully with the• trade in . this coun try at the present rate of duty. Nothing but pro tectitin will save the Coal Trade Cf this country fromi ruin. Cartrow.-- , Wir trout.' caution our fellow zentyassinst•subsciibing for. peeks to the many itinerant. Pedlars who so frequentll bore the'com munity. for that purpose --as in nine cases - out of ten We are able to furnish the same works at a mach lower rate. This systerirof i fleecing has becOnle very prevalent lately, and the many coat plaints.that have come to our ears', has induced us , to n l drisionr frienda'sgsinst it. Iris necessary to' be careful also in ;subscribiqg for magszines, as in! some instances tho persons acting as agents baiing na authority to'do sci---pocketthe Money, and nev=i er the work. . BLACK - 8 XADDY 0 CiLBT.—.olli BaiTiBbUrg coy.' respondent informs (Is, that the Bill reported fol 4, malcing the Black's Eddy Outlet has been post.:. potted until Monday neat. it is high time our; landholders and others, interested against , the sage of the bill; should use their e x ertions to op.; pose it, We pee nOiesson why we should open! channels of communication into other States 'tO the injury ofour own. We learn also thatintiO . Porter and several others are how in Harrisbmg , horinWfo'r . 2 - . tOYS. pcOrT AND A Tstlrv.l-The editors of the !Harrisburg Telegraph state that they have a lettin in thei; posieliion frotiOon. Scott, in which he uses the allowing language • "rI say to all with whom I converse, and my' sentences are almost stereotyped on my lips, that , I AM NOT ONLY IN. FAVOR OF A, TARIFF FOR REVENUE, BUT ALSO FOR PROTEM TION." . • _ . ; -- • ' .I,NO 1100 OCCASION' :SOU Dnuoorsrs.--Wei lean that Animal Magnetism ka,e entirely super; : ceded the neeesaity of Tartar Emetic Aind Mag., nesia, as one'of bur citizen sitibilieirers learnt thit: ritlier day to his cost. learn that be !mashie/. acknowledged *Millen) is seitiethinglii it. 4 / 1 1 4 beitißrandrettee pills all holltrar. ; - Dottruco.- t -Tho Sawn*, :mi n g afir e i ort;the authority of st letter whirli had-been ti 4 cei‘ed at St. Crois, that teiolutiOrt. but takett pli4irt Bt.:Domingo-4M that Presidaut Sayer, haal beau deviled kid Auto -4ttb t of would put to death. • * • " .111E7VINE s l l.lo l j lt. 14141; , - ' - , -• EMI aud-latelligent, lad, a; basitlh years of esiik \ -to'-eolfea 1111tRiCi6eli to r rioaieab in this 'mini,' and afterwards to learn Apply at this Ofneir.. Weirre indebted to ea filtranb for public doe tunents and legislative intelligence...Vrr . !hope he willanthwe his faTors. • Pciar#arrit.—Pdr. Lane. Portriit.Painter, Ws taken a roanai fora short period, st 010 , 80 . 1301 w_ fit - center of Market and Second - Striets,44 - tbis bor ougb.,- &errs Tazistrar.—According to the report r !7if the State Treasnner, there are but $104,072:,30 in the l'reasnry in, available funds. How -is the interest to be met in August - . The Legislature of this State has gone to vrork in earnest. A good spirit pevailsin that body at•present. apecie and Pkifade!phis Bank co)teiiioP B 3' tag , can be purchased at 5 per cent pritedumin this borough for If hiora' Bank notes.. ` A coilvel l tiO n of Domestic erfditore convened at dlarrisburg last week—and the House of Rep resentatives have passed a , ;bin appropriating all the' Relief Notes in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, tower& the payment, of domestic creditor. Gcoraia, 4 Alabama, 8 Louisiana, 7 Mississippi, 4 Tennessee, 11 Kentucky, 10 Ohio, 21 Indiana, . 10 Illinois, . 7 Missouri, 5 Arkansas, • 1 Michigan, Rhode Island, 2 the loss, and gain in Governor Porter is opposed to selling the Pub. lic Improvements. Why, we do not leam,..but it savors too strongly of a desire to use it for politi cal purposes. The Governor of Illinois has appointed Corn. missioners for the selection of the lands granted ,by Congress to that State, under the distribution law. There remains to be located, to mike up the quantity of five thousand acres, only 210;000 !acre's in tracts of 320 acres each. Gait). Alabama ; • 2 Louisiana, Indiana,; 3 Missouri, ' 3 Mississippi, Ohio, 2 Illinois, _ 4 Michigan, 2 [ 19 e and Aricaesis remain Three thousand and silty-one passengers, from foreign ports, arrived at New Yolk on Wednes day and Thursday last. • _ . , • Mr. Audubon, the ornithologist, has reesi,ved a gold snuffbox set in diamonds, from the emperor of Russia. The beisis of splendid workmanship, and is supposed to have 'cost not Zeds than 2,000 dollars. :' The Clay men of and county cir delphia, intend celebrating the 4tli, ofl July .ne*t by a public 'dinner. The •New york•Era Iris raised the Calhoun banner flit. the next :President. Tho Era is a regular out 'anti out 'Sub-Treasury, Anti-Tariff. paper. * .GEonots.-41lenry , Clay has been nominated for the Presidency. by . one of the largest and most enthusiastic Stairs Conventions ever assem= Idea in tins State.. . • ". *ilia health of the Hon, Samuel L. Southard is improving. • The Bill for extending the Charter of the Far,. more- 410 A of Reading was negatived •on third reading in the Senate, on the 20th inst, by a vac of 15 to 14. r ' ' An exchange paper says, that "forgeetting• to pay for your paper arul .robbing a henroost, are. the same thing in' puteh,enly differently express- . ed." The interest on the state debt o‘Maryland has not been Paid for - nine months. This is what we via pradieat repudAtieri. • , Nave - every day higher thoughts of God, lower thoughts ofself,,,kinder thcinghts of your brothren, and 'more hopeful thoughts of all arcsand'you. not to! bolm,ioi. • • Whatever you have, spend less. roveriy ialt great enemy` o human happiness; it, certainly destroys libeity, and it makes 801110- Vintla kinpractiaablei and others'ex• treinely diMoult..•• • , f eor ti ei REFOR3I.--The Editora L of Philadelphia Evening Journal are coming out strongly in:depre cation of the loose Morals Of - that city - as wall as .the venal character of several presses there. This work of reforM is a.thanklessoffice and very un palatable to many. -• • • • Some of the Loco pipers arc horrified at the; idea of Home Leagues and. Home Protection. It almost gives them a shake of the ague; If, how ever, they don't like Homo fProtection, we think the people are in duty bound to withdraw then Support and aid them in carrying,out their 'own. The leaders of the loco foces are laways the greatest atiCklers for Backs at home-4mt oppose all Banks abroad. So with the Tariff. Here some admit the aeceisity of a Tariff on foreign Coal, but they are opposed to putting a duty on any thing else. Such a narrow, contracted policy, only al thea pity in the breast of every patriot. A simple girl endeavors to recommend herself by the eibibition of frivoloiis accomplishments and a mawkish sentiment, which is as shallow as her mind. The New England Guards, Bosten, have ex petted all intoxicating drinks from their ranks at `parades and drills. Sixty workmen were discharged from the Navy Yard at Portsmouth, N. li. one day week before last. These are precious good times! • • Christianity is the, soul's life preserver—sordid self-interest the mill-stone that sinks thelmrnor tal spirit to the depths of darkness. Whether we go backward or forward, to the right band or to the left, every step we take is a step towards the grave. A prelate, walking with Dr. Johnson, in St. James' Park, remarked that,_ the trees grew very large 'and strong.. said the crabbed poet; 'they have nothing else to do. ' The New Yorkers remitted $2,092 50 by the Great. Western for the Hamburg sufferers, mak ing a total thus far from that city of $7,592 50. GAZA.T.—The Picayune says all the poetry to which the entice of Gov. Derr has given birth, is about to be published in one volume, and is to be celled Derr-gtel poetry. The merchants and dealers of Batavia have re solved to publish every man who gets into debt to them. and then leaves without settling the risme. The printers will make something out of it, if the sloping ones are not thereby brought to a sense of their sins, and to a due repentance for the same; STRPCK FOR MOUE PAT.—The hogs in Ohio, 'on bearing of the price of pork in Montreal, says the Times of that city, held a state convention, at which they voted unanimously,-to rear no morn pigs, and accumulate no more grease. They say the.present price of pork wont pay for the trouble of cracking scorns, The General Assembly of the -Presbyterian Churcn of the United ;States, have decided by a vote 67 to 11, that it is incest for a man to mar yy'his deceased wife's sister. A good wife exhibits her love for heilitishand 1 1 trying to promote his welfare, and by admin istering, to his comfort. There is a chap, sown east, so.cur scaly little, that he can't seeirtiself without -tk- magnifying glass. Oh! crackeC! . The'Detroit Advertiser states that:recent rains have removed the, appreheiMions felt for the crop in Michigan, and that the; surplus- this season will probably be' over 3,900;100 bushels. Amos - Kendalra penny newspaper ; at Wash ington, has been discontinued for want oi , sup port. , '-',:i-,72;',;:.;L:_=3* . . , *The. increase of- taeubers: . the Methodist Ziiscepal Churchly, the Ireir::(Sieitiviih the Nevi 3tork- mho* cooference, Juni:l;lE43 f is 114 New York Ainerican i heretofore rathei 'dined to 'support Pen. Scot& has announced .its deteintination to Ipipport Henry Clay for thermal A State Convention' for the PriteetioU °Morse Industry hi to be held at Columbus, Ohio, on the 4th of July next. - .A , great - Tarif f meeting is to be held at Pitts burg next week. OF market vas supplied with Beans, Cuenni: bers, dcs. on Wednesday last by the Railroad. The "one boar' rulp has again been adopted by Congress and works admirably. The !mei opitised itsintroduetion as usualf Four of the Philadelphia Banks - have applied to the \ LeOlature to have their capitals reduced. Tioriwag in Trenton, N. J., talk week. , . . . A'lady in Nashville, Tenn., raised this season 125 bushelti 'cocoons, !worth between four and five hundred dollars. She would make an excel lent wife. ~ The $200,000,000 stock project for the relcif of the country is growing in , favor daily. At some recent' sheriff sates in Ohio, horses were sold for $3, cows for $1,50, swine 0 1.1 cents, a barrel of sugar, 260 lbs. for $1,50, and -various other articles in prOportion. .• &CAN ANT 0000 COME OCTOF NAZAOETIII " -s President Houston recently ordered: mane proper ty, taken by Tezian soldiers from: a pared of Mexican traders to be returned. Who says Tex as is a rendezvous for rogues I Sheriff Morris, of Philadelph‘a, advertises that the splendid building of thelj. S. Bank, and the kit Upon which it stands, will be said at auction on the 2d of July. The city -of Hartford can muster a cold water army of about three thousand. They had a great temperance celebration there last week. ' Why has Dickens written bettet than Smollet or Fielding! Eceause, although they both *rote well, 800 has wrote Weller. Every - house should have a garden as a re mei:On:ince of Paradise. A sensible wife looks fur her enjoyment at home a silly one abroad. • A: wise girl would win a lover by practising those virtues which secure admiration when per sonal charms have faded. When God speaks of rewarding virtue, it is with everlasting life. Like happiness, it needs nought but perpetuity. A good girl always respects herself ; and there• forotways possesses tho respects of, others. Children should be taught to respect the aged, feel for the oppressed, and to sympathyso with the unfortunate. Ftom the Roston Transcript, ARRIVAL OF THE BRITANNIA. 16 DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE The Royal Mail steamship Britannia, Captain Hewitt, arrived at this port this morning at 1 o'clock having left Liverpool on the 4th lust, at 4 45 P. M, arrived at flafifaz on the 19th et 9 30 A. M, and left again at 5 P. M, thus having made the passage from Livepool to Boston in 14 days and 10 hours. She brought 49 passengers to Halls; left 12 there, and took in 4 additional, making 41 to this port. The Britannia experienced.fine weather most of the time—saw several icebergs in a more souther, ly latitude than usual. She was detained by fog 15 hours, off the harbor of Halifax. She wee al so detained five hours in Boston bay, from the same cause. By . this arrival we his° London and Liverpool papers to the 4th inst. There is no later news train China. The Liverpool Cotton Market was brisk and priceefully maintained. The most prominent item of news are an at tempt upon the lite of the Queen of England, and the fall of Ghnznee, one of, the strongest British fortresies in India. The Income Tax Bill and the Tariff have near ly passed the House of Commons, end will speed. ity be taken Through the House of Lords, and re ceive the royal assent. The alterations that have been made in the custom,' duties, as origi nally proposed, during their progress through the lower house are very trivial, and will be found duly reported 'moor Parliamentary abridgement. ATTWSITT UPON TUB Live UV TUE QI7ES7.— On Monday evening, May 30th; at`" 6 o'clock, as her Itisjesty and Prince Albert Wore returning to the Palace, she was fired at with a pistol, from Constitution Hill=the same spot from which Ox ford fired. The attempted assassin is named John Francis, son to a scene shifter at one of the thea tres, and is about 20 Years of age. He was imme 7 diatelY arrested—examined beftire the Privy Coln a and conveyed the same night to'Netvgace. Mr. Henry Ingram, one of the most extensive woollen manufacturers in Yorkshire, has failed to atr- immense amount ; several smaller concerns are said to be deeply involved with hint. The subscriptions, on behalf of the Hamburgh sufferers, \in London, Paris, and allover urope, notwithstanding the depr.ession of business, have , been unusually large and liberal. FRANCE.-A debate took placein the Charaber of Deputies on the 20th and - 21st ult, upon the right of search. M. M. leffebore, Larnartine, Manguin, Derryer, Toequeville, 'Dupla and Sal vsudy were'all in direct opposition to the ratifi pitied Of the treaty of 4841. - Ixiva.--The Indian mail at Marseilles brings an account of the fall of „ghuznee. The piaci surrendered upon condition of safe conduct to Ca but..7 .IChiber Pais has been forced by COI. Pcd *lid, it is supposed, will march immediate ly to•the relefficiflellabal Gcn. 'Sale, in a so-r -tiefromi-that place drove back the insurgents. - qt is now rumored in Washitlgton that the stay of Lorci Ashburion, the British Special Envoy in this country, will not , be prolonged, , the negntis tiannetweert the Secretary of State and himself being in a favarsbletrain, and every thing look just noiroirell disposed to an amicable adjust- Mont difficulties. The . I ,i'isrspite, the ves sel in Which -Lord Ashburton ewe over, is now at New Yoik, probably, waiting his commands.— Alexandria Otezelo.. • cO•A bigamist in North Carolina has been son teuced to three, yearn imprisonment, and thirty nine lashes on the bare' back, yearly. during his term of punish.ment. 1 Dation° aays such a um teasels enough to make a fellow jump out , of his skin.. That is just , this way we should• prefer ta king it. hung out of your skin before - th e i flog ging cpunenced, and !Ask again .after . it was fa- Ter. :Nothing like tact on such occasion.-N. Y. Aurora. . - • • /1011IIIBLX FACT. The tiumber - of mechanics and working people out "oreiriploy _la. oar inintl 7 . al II hchis the evil times *hi& bad Nedra' p et eas, jon heabnhighttipon oar nation. There'hre it least 2,ooo . mechaaieshut'of work id Philadelphie-3. 00016 No York-1,000 io Boston--anir 1,500 is Ilattinsore--sad 'hi the United States not far' from 20 - ,ooo.pereetit What is he the ehd of this ilistrels-Pliiks 'Zone& BEM Emma trouipriatee canyciolit. The delogites':appoktttal by, thillfferent tom. peranco Societies of Schuylkill connty, to make arrangementi far the Celebration of lief approach ins National Anniversaiy, assembled in Convert. tion at the room of the . Washington Temperance Societi, on Wednesday evening the Bth instant, when ROBERT M. PALMER was called to the Chair, and Joan B. Rcan appointed Secretary. The: object of the Convention having hden stated 'from the Cbair.—On Resolved, That,the Welsh Society have choice of on oratOr to *dame; them. Resolved.. Mat the Washington Society, bo al lowed the Chief Marshall and the right of the pro cession ; whereupon Mr. Robert M. Palmer was duly elected Chief Marshal, • Resaved; That the Chief Marshal appoint ono person out! of each Society for hi' Alas; where upon Ross Bull was appointed Aid -for the Port Carbon Society; Reese Thowai for the Welsh Society, and Charles Leib for .the Auxiliary Juve nile Washington Society. Resolved, 'That ail Societies not , represented in . this Convention, who wish to unite with us on the 4th of duly, be entitled to appoint Aids to the Chief Marshal—one Aid for each Society; .and that they be requested to hand in to the Chief Marshal the names of the persons so appointed. Resolved, That the procession be formed in Centre street, in the Borough of Pottsville, with the right resting opposite •the "Town Hall," at 10i o'clock precisely on the . morning of the 4th of July. Rewired, That the stands for the Orators be erected in the Grove on Prospeci Hill. Resolved, That Chutes Leib, E. P. Thomas and Joseph Reed, be a Committee to corrununi cate with other . Temperance Societies, not repre sented in this 'Convention. -Resokesf, That no person be invitedto address the Temperance men on the 4th of July, who is not a tce•totaller. Racked, That this Convention adjourn to meet in this room on Thursday evening, Juno 16, at 6i o'clock, P. M. ROB'T M:; PALMER; Chairman. Jona B. Rszo, Secretary; Convention met pursuant to adjournment, when in the absence of the President, it was or ganized by calling ROSS - BULL, of Port Car bon, to the Chair. The minutes of.the preceding meeting mere read 'and • adopted. Committee of Invitation reported that thd:tichuylkill Haven So ciety and Et. Clair were represented in Conven tion. Resolved, That a Committee of 8 persons ho appointed as a Committee of Arrangement, where upon Rob't M• Palmer, Chas. Leib, Joseph Reed, Roswell P. yai l duzen,,of Pottsville, Jno. C. Lew is, Charles R. Heebner, - of Port'Carbon, Benja min C. Jackson, of St. Clairand Capt. McKin ney were appointed said Committee. Resslad, That the Committee of Arrangement be requested to have a place fixed in front of the rostrum for the accommodation of the ladies of the county, and that they be invited through the me. diuin of the paper's VS join in the procession. Resolved, That the 'thanks of the Convention be presented to the offwers for the able manlier which they have discharged their duty. Resolved, That the proceedings of the Conven tion be published in the Miners' laiirriel, Potts ville Emporium and Dernociatio . free Pre . On motion, the Convention , adjourned. • , ROSS BULL, Chairman Attest : Of the Pewter,. -C. T. A. Society of Pottsville, , , fur_ the 41k of July, 1812. The line will he formed on Prosprct.lf ill, at 9 o'clock in the mining of that dayyin single file, facing to the SOuih. The Banner of the gociety,,wilt be pieced on the right, supported by fifty men, as a vanguard, under the command of Marshal Patrick Quinn. The Banner wiebe borne, by Messrs. Conroy, Boylan . and Sullivan. The Orators of Abe day, M. A. Dooley, Esq., Messrs. Dun] Patterson, A. Std O. Nichols, and Peter F. M udey. The members of the Pottsville Division, The Minersville Division,' The Port Carberi All other members of the Sueirity not classed in the above Divisions. • The Juvenile' members olihe Society, will be placed in the centre, and the several Flags and Bands of music,.iri Appropriate positions. The line of urarch will be taken up in sections of lotir, end under the direction of Marshes Don ly, Lykens, Creane, Mcßarron, Daily, Slattery, Duffy, Mohan, D. Foley, Keating, Quinn, Daugh erty;' Kinsley, Ryan, Burns,' Madden, M. Foley, rind Maley, will proceed down Norwegian to Cen tro street, up Cimtre to Laurel street, counter march doWn Centre to Mount Carbon, counter march up Centre to Mahantingo street, rind up Mahantango street to the 'Catholic Orphans' kiy turn, where the Declaration Af Independencemll be road, and seyetal addressee delivered, intersper sed with appropriate-music, and Teniperalice Songs ; sung by the Juveatlii,members. The Ladies of Pottsville and its vicinity. are re spectfully informed, that arrangements are-mado to acentnin idate them in the, interior of the build-, ing. • Persons connectetkvith any Total- Abstinence. Society and desirous of porticipatin; in this celc• bration, aro 'invited to jain the procession, and all persons friendly to the cause.are cordially invited to hear the Declaration of Independence read. and the several addresses delivered. , • After these proceedings are over, the line tvili be re-formed, nral proceed in t the same order, down Mehantango to Courtland street, do en Courtland, to Market street f down maikot . to Centro street, and in Centre' street • svheellinto line, facing the West, with the' 'right On Market street. The Minerlille and'Pert Carbon . Division will pass the ithe m Review, and the Procession will be dismissed. • The %inhale will be distininished by wearing a white &arrant] green Sash. JOHN J. SHOEMAKER, Chief Marshal. Psraut F. - 31trasr, Speretary. • • Pottsville, June 23, 142, ' . 4 • COLD WATER Seitits.-While a Washingto nian had left his homoio talk temperance to the inhabitants of a neighboring town, a runaselter re ported that he wagon a .aprei:, On hearing what hid been said about bins when ho returned, ho' said, oThat's a fact-I've been on all sorts of a spieett havekneeked over ono ball-alley, shut tip three grOg shops, induced two wholesale dealt ers to quit the business, and lots of dames to the pledge,' This was just such.' spree as the land lord tlidn't tike.—Washingtonian. • lifs.stisscfenses.—the whole entountof cap ital invested in:the - manufacture rot 'cotton in the United 'Slates, is $51,102,359, and in the mane facture' ot wool $15,765,124. The whole num her of cotton factories is 1210--t39nlote of persons employed in' iheiW 1.2319. namber of swollen factories,t4io--numbecof persons employ ed in them 21,34. 14" both. tire cotton and !Yel len msnutteture, , Massichtiselts stands first. • • POUILTU Or JULY ' Taint NICE ,okix.pjuvrioNs. Sall CII/ALEB LEIB, Secretary. Programme of the Procession 'From the Lexington Intelligenccr,l • The Greet Chisryestivial. 'Amid the noise and bustle occasioned hy the re turn‘of hundred* of Carriages , and thousands of, peel& from the Festival thiallay, heht in honorer Our fellow citizen, Henry Clay i , wo sit down to write some faint account of what *obeys this day seen and .heard:- - Such. a • s t eno pre i mp never before Witnessed, and such an,one 'never has • been presented to our city.. Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather, for sever a l d ay , previous, the crawil attendance from, all of this and adjoining States, was larger than even we hail anticipated, great as ,were our expects. lions, • „ Immense numbers of persons from a distance arrived on the,evening previous to the Festival, and on Thursday tolorning, froM an early hour, • the various thoroughfares leading to the city were crowded with persons on foot. in vehicles of every description, and on hotsebnck., By half put Ito o'clock, the Cellege lawn, where the portrait et Gera. Harrison: was presented to the ladies of Ken tucky, by the 'Whigs of Ohio, through a commit., tee sent on ,for that -purpose, was filled with gen. tlemen & [tidies. After the ceremonies of presenta tion; an account of which will be found in' anoth. er place, the procession was formed under the di. tertian of Col. A. • Stevens, 'Chief Marshal, and Messre. J. Dolph, E. A. Dudley, J. J. Dudley and C. C. Nelsen, Assistant Marshals, and re paired to the grounds . selected for the Festival, Maxwell's Spring, a-beautiful woodland pagers,* shorrilistance from the city, a spot consecrated by various patriotic celebration., now owned by H. M. Winslow, E.g., and which was prof .red by its generous proprietor,for this occasion. Horses were excludedfrom the procegtion by the order of the Masbate of the day, and it consisted of .to o l. men and carriages 9nly. In front were the ' ington Light Infantry, a gallant band of a •Idieri, who never withhold their services in war or peace. —the Lexington Grenadiers, a newly organized corps, presenting a very appearm,e, and an immense concourse of citizens on Inn. Then came a, p arouche, drawn by four noble per., in wbtch was seated Mr. Clay, Gov. R. P. Letch. er, Id. Gov. Thompson, and 'Judge Robertson President of the day. Epllowing this were the - Committee of gentle. mon from Ohio and invited guests. Then cam the portrait of Gen, Harrison, drawn upon a car, followed' by the Committee of Arrangements sod a long train of carriers, froth 3 to 5 . 00 in men. ber. A fine hand of•music also accampenied. the procession. The last of- the procession reached the ground at half past 12 o'clock—Dinner was served upon the tables at about ono o'clock, and a most beautiful iepast it was, consistin7, of every variety of meats and vegetables, in groat profo.ion. Kentucky's choicest beef was on the tables, a Sot. as which was a fine Durham cow, imported by Col. Powell, and presented - by J. S. Berryman. After dinner the President. and Vico Presidenti of the day, whici r so names have been heretoters announced accompanied ..Mr. Clay to a • stand prepared for the purpose, where the toasu were announced. JUNE 18, 1842 The Whig, House of Repreientalivra—Liberal' and enlightened in its policy, its measures de serves,and will receive the patriotic support of We : people. General Winfield Sentl—The accornplisho soldier, his serwiceti will be rewarded by a grateful country. .; The Tariff— While all acknowledge the neces sity of on increase of duties, to ineet the expendi tures of government, it is thepart of enlighten ed policy, to afford that degree of proteetion to home industry which shall ensure the pebnanent proapertty of the country. If army Cr.sir —Farmer of Ashland, Patriot and Philanthropist—the Asizaic ILN Statesman, and unrivalled Orator of the' age—illustrious a. broad. beloved at home. In a long 'career of emi nent public service, often, like Aristides, he breast ed the raging storm of passion and/ and by offering himself a sacrifice, saved the Reputing and now like Cincianatus and.AVashing,ton, hay. ing voluntarily retired to the tranquil walks of private life, the grateful hearts of his countrymen will do him justice; but come what may. Kentuck'j will stand by him, and still emitinue to cherish and defend, as her own, the fame of a eon who has emblozoned her Escutcheon with immortal renown. The last toast was prefaced by the President of the day mitt some happy sod elogient Mr. CLAY rose in response, and for more (him two 'hours., enchained that vast audience by the exercise ofthos%mighty powers of oratory with which he is so eminently gifted. With an ease peculiar to himself, he swayed the feeliegs of hie auditory at will—at one time Couvued laughter, again filled with IndignatiOn,ahil ■non the glisten , ing tear betrayed the deep emotions of the heart. But it needs not that we should.attempt's descrip tion of the eloquence of such a nte,—to siy that Henry Clay spoke, would be sufficient. We shall, at the earliest opportunity, ; present to our readers the two Speeches in full. - The number upon the ground was variously es timated at Irons 15 to 25,000. From 2to :3,000 of this number were ladies. Had the weather proved favorable, this num'aer, largo as it was, we, doubt not, would have been doubled. The rain fora day or two previous, end • which fell in occasionajahowers during the day, , . yesterday, prevented the attendance of many from a distend°, and deterred many leven in the neigh borhood from participating in the festivities. Notwithstanding the vavt assemblage, the day passed off without any accident, Which gratifying circumstance we attritiuto mainly to the absence of all intoxicating liquors from' the ground, the Committee of arrangements haVjtag thought pre per to exclude them. We have thus Very hastily and imperfectly sketched the history of yesterday% proceedings--. The day will long be remembered in Letio;on. All business of Cverylind was imperiled, sal the people turned out to greet 'Y their fellow citizen with assurances of their undimrnishe4 respect. admiration, esteem and confidence. s iWe have not now time or space to give way tit an expirer sion of the feelings which the tehirence ul the day- excited in our breast. We fdok upon it as a day devoted to isaiing-a just tribute to exal ted worth and unflinching patriotism; and We ball Over lie prouJ of our participation in it. Tux 6 . 0., %Liman on the Schuylkill tripe Te to present a forest of mosta.. , Tito vuly arrive one departuteo there euriraes,thoae on the Dell• ware. The qbrouicle bays that • the number or f-r -vessels which ponied Gray's Terry Bridge from the let to the 7th inst.,, :2.79! They were rts: as follows': brigs and schooners, 93—sioofo , 63 ~ 1 . canal heats. towed out by . toivboit, 6511ifrie err echo, 58—atearrtheate„15,--Eceniir4 Journal. In allgovernments there must; of necessity 1 4 both the lei soil the sword; IaWS without iris% would give us, not liberty, hut licentiousness Arms Without, !awl, would not produce, not sok jection, but slavery. , The law, thtrefore, shall be unto the good, what tho handle is to flea lts:cli• et . ; it should limit the - stroke, snd,tberefors force.--Lecori. , , • Cotronass.—The New Ytrk Tribune li la . the following tattle.. It is not. without inured the present time:-- Contresi. , Year; T-renty-tbirtl. 1834, Twenty-fourth; - 1830; Twenty-fifth, , 18381, Twenty-sixth , 810 Closed, June 3011 July 4th, July Stl4 July Mot'