Thomas aioh-demagogue Ofllhode Island, has been “reptliater by his own father. The'ciretunstances as we learned - them, arelheie. The elder. Dort, who is a wealthy and respectalle gentleman of the city of-Providence, remarked .a few weeks since to his son, that unless he desist ed his attempts to overturn the Government of 'the State, they might be brought into collision' With each other.- • 4," aserved the old geriqe man', "shall of ,Faurai, range myself upli the side of the laws, and among the friends of order and good govern - Alt In case' a resort to arms shall become necessary to preserve the peace ancEdig. nity of the State from violation, you and I may be.arrayed against each other in a hostile attitude.' .that event," his wrolclted l i on replied; "I should not hesitate to march over .Our dead body provided I could carry my point in noother way." Perceiving front this remark, what alblack-hearted reptile he had been nourishing in his bosom, his father very properly ordered' bini to quit his pie sence, and forever. And his exarupld has been followed by the other members °ills family, who are among the most respechiblo, people of the State.—Troy Da:lg Whig. A Pt,iisvrr PtAci•To Resins I v.—The con &Won of Caro, fil.,.Which some tine since on the speculator's map was set.down as A very large flourishing, and pleaisntly situated town, is deii cribed as follows: . . *The water is about live feet all round houses, and the frogs are so busy in trying to find logs tossit upon, that they have.stopped'croaking entirely. The boat on board which the writer was, haileVone of the houses in the evening; thinking Rivas a steamboat ; the pilot took the windows fir "stern lights On finding that he was right in Piton, with .liis steamboat, And this house was a tavern, the captain pulled up, and every body ~l iquored." Cairo vvo.ld make agood .temperance town now, as there is plenty of 'ma ter." 1 , Who wants to emigrate ? H. J. taits.—The Philadelphia corroiPo6dent of tho Journal of Commerce says : I am informed that there .is an affidavit' in this•city train ,Hosea J. Levis, latexashief of the tichuylkklli :Dank. in' which he charges against the PresidenY and Direc- tors of the Scllluylkill Bank a full knowledlqi of his frauds upon the Kciatuc i ky, Bank; and that : the money thus fraudulently ntttained was appro- priated to the Schuylkill Bank. .QTIPATTON FOlt OEITATIkfT 11007.TTES.— If a good sized cart will hold thirty huiihgls of pota tees, how much will a prime, fat, Berkshire grun ter weigh ? AxoTurn.—lf a pound of butter costs six cents, how many wheel barraw loads of sunshine will it take to dry a load Of hay 1 PefiLlC opinion is perhaps the Only Unerring guide front whosil decision there is no appeal; and was there ever such a meolfestatioti of in approval as there is with Bitason.writs KEGEra [US. UNlArts/a. Stephy step has this. nietti rine wormed itself ibto favor, in spite cir e ray. 'reds ton and s ore. Triumphant his been its progress .to its present sphere of extensive usefulness. It has surmounted obstaclef before Which• quackery sinks and had gained fur itselca reputation neither Physicians ..or.dippant, sordid, counterfeiting Apothecariks can ever injure- They can no more in jure the reputation of Brandreth's Pills:than they can lay their hands upowthe sun. These Pills ! ire known. by the experience of thousands, to perfectly, cleanse the blood friim all foulness, remove.every inp i rb , d 31 !Winn.- and renovate week and enfeebled constitu- Dints 4o perfect health and vigor. Then acknowl edged innocence makes them safe through every pe riod of existence from it tansy to old 'lige. Purchase in Pottsville, of Wm. Mornay,. Jr., and of the agents published in another part of this paper. litarrizb 4t4leaver Meaamit. en Monday, 2d inst., by Rev. R. R. VlMame. Mr. D/VID P. DArirs. if ft.anville, Pa. to Mesa JULIA T. 1 , 101..t5, oftlie former ;dace. On the 11th inst., by William Barus,•Nir Wm, tin D. GEARHART, to Miss NI Mir L. C 91Ett . t , N•,.1 . ,0th of Mailiumberland county, near Danville. fIIL COIL . TRAM. We have nothing new to note in- the Inidd thie wet k, with the eta peon of 'an Increase. in !he sho- ' , MIN over fast week. !Vhe rates of height, on the., line of canal and eoasiWise eontiquo the saute. Schuylkill oal Trade. Sh°pmcnts tip' Coal tbrlbe week ending on Thus• day evening . last : fi'retti l'Ottsville and Port Carbon, ••-• Bthuylkill Haven, .112.6:8 Per last repnri from Pottsville& P.Carbon,232st " •' from Schuylkill IlUven. 22.538 Freights. Pottsville to Philadelphia, '• to New York. Thefreight from Schuylkill Haven by Canal Ls from sto 10 cents per ton I-sa than from Yollsville and Port Carbon. I.elogth Coal Trade. Despatched from Mauch Chunk for the week end in; sth month 5, 1812— 1. & Na_v. Co Beaver Isle/Wows, 114eton sugar Loaf, TOTAL 51117P31 ENDA. L. Coal sk Nay. Co. Beaver Meadow Co' Hazleton Co. Sugar Loaf Co. Delaware and lindson Coal Trade. Cleared at floneSdale for Rondout, during. the week etntng April 4 23, 46 boats coataining Tons 7 530 Total. 8,818 Nine Hill and Schnklkill II wren itailroad The following is the amount ofCoal transported on this Road, for the week• ending on Thursday evening last. Tone . • - 5.993 04 Per lasi report, 3,!36 07 . 35,119 11 "WNr. NEWELL. Collector Total, t.Dur illaritet, CORRECTED `TEEELV. PorriviLLE.,• 14„ 1842 4V heat Flour, pr Bbl. $6,00 Mech. per lb. 6 .1 Rye do • cwt.' 1,75 Pork, Wheat, bshl 1,30 Ilams,, 10 R)e, Corn, 75'Potatoes, bush, 50 " 62i Phi ;ter, ton 5,00 Orate, 45 - I tiny EggB, Butter, doz 12i,l'unotby ed, bah! 2,50 lb - 12 ;Clever ,' " 5,00 WEALTH." The seventh lecture before the Student's Liter. ary association, will be ..delivered on Wednesday. 18th inst., by Sarcutlitewis, subject, % cafth; at the AcadernY i at 7 o'clock precisely. May 14 ;.F.,DW.SIIIPPEN. Met Sec'y. TEMPERANCE CONVENTION.—The •egatea from the 'various Temperance Bocielica.of the cot w o.l' meet in Convention, at the house of Daniel B. Christ, in Mor:is' aedition to Pote. , on Wednesday, June Bth, it 2 o'chicii P. M. Punctual attendance of the delegates is requested. May 14, , NATIONAL LIGHT INFANTRYi--Paratle i on Wednesday, the 18th day. of May, 142, at the Amory, at 10 o'Cloek A. M. in winter , uniform, provided — with a blanket, tine• rounds 'of blank and cute ball cartridge, and - rompletely -equipped for camp duty. By command * RICHARDS, Mayl4 First SeigCant.' rr WASHINGTONIAN TEMPERAN E SOCIETY. t!v- Porrsvirrx.—A meeting ot-the Washingtonians will be held on Monday evening. play 16:14'dt 7 o'clock`; at the Lecture Room. cor ner of Centr., and Mahanuango streets. •,The meeting 'will be addressed by A. W. Leybarm, Erg. and Others. Alf perms are particularly invited to attend. May 14; . J. B. REED,SceIv. r • ,11EPEcI,LAS.40C • TlON.:—Alipecial client. in , of Pottsitlie . ltepial Association, will -be be Mundial - evenink, the 16th inst., at 1 o'ctick, in the Pottsville Haase. -An address. will be delivered, Communications . frithi the Philadelphia Repeal Aseneiation read, and °the; 'important business transacted: • 'Let all the members that can attend, and Ipar ticularly those offori Carbon and Minersvillo. JOH I V C. NEVILLE, Vice Prest . t.' P. FOGARTY. Rcc. FOCY, f: May 14. r THE subscriber being at present out of employ. ,ment, offers his services in; the capacity of e i lerk: or agent: as w ould in either, use his best exertions to pro Mote the interests of his employer. An active business life of more than 30 years, and a full acquain lance with accounts and hook-keeping, qualify him to give satisfaction. Letters addressed to hint; either at Pottsville or Port Carbon. will be promp 'JO tly attended ta. May 14, 29-4 t SEPH F. CARROL i• _ • __ SMITH & I...xitthor, tom. COMLIISnO:4 OFT/CE, No. 79 Docl Streit, Philadelphia. Reform Messni. Wm. Davidson & Snn. 1 ' • . Fullerton . Donned, . I P hiladelphia. - - .D. Lamina 4 Son. - " A. Traquair. Esq - • " L & W. A. Smith. New York: _..-- " Alfred Du Pont. Esq., Wthrungtoare. Philadelphia, May 7. 0-3 m. DANIEL B. MA< , tioAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens of a Schuylkill county, that they have just o'penui in the basement story of the Town hail, on Centre street, in the Borough of Pottsville, a splendid as., sorttnent of just brought from Philadelphia, where they were se lected with great care, and purchased at unusually low pricei—coruprisingr every vatic:} of Dry Goods, Groceries, Glass: Ware, Chinci Wore, Queens and Earthen Warr, Among which may be found Superfine Cloths, of various colors and quilias, Blue, Black and. Fancy colored Cassimeres, • Sainnets, Flannels, 'and Woolen Blankets. Prints Lawns, Gingham, Morinces and Plaids ,; S Ik. Sain, Linen and Laces, I Cantori Flannel, Hollands and Nanking, Marseilles and Valentia Vest:ngs, 3-4; 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 Muslim, Bleached & Unbleached, Silk, Cambric,'Gingliam and Cotton Handlis. . N ew and sti error style Summer Cloths, Coitonades and Beverteen4 In fine, a very general Assortment of Gentlemeris Storm& Ware, Silk. Cotton, Mohair, Morino & Wors'ilSiockings. Ladies' rid Gentlemen's Super Kid, Hoskin, York tan, Silk. Thread, Beaver & Buckskin Gloves, Ladies' Silk, Moltair and Picnic Mitts, &c. New Orleans, St. Croix, Porto Rico, I.oal.and Lump Sugars, • , • New Orleans. Sugar [louse, and Syrup Molasses, Teaord Coffee, of various kinds,7 Cheese, Candles, Soap and Vinegar, Salmon, Herring, Mackerel. Shad and Codfish, Hams, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, and Venison, Olive Oil, Fresh Fruit, and Oat Meal, Ilavanna, Half Spanish and Common Selp Soda, Water ann St gar Crackers. Sperm Oil. Butter, Eggs, and Lard, Dried Apples and Peaches, and a great variety ofother article% all of which will be sold at low pricei for ca , h. or in Exchange for country produce. . )13 - ' Remember the, ; Tuwa Store. . Pottsville. May 14, 1 5 he has brought will' him from New York this spring„ a I'3rge a.sori Mem of ' p GROCERIES 4 LIQUORS. Whidh .he offers for sale at the most moderate Philadelphia wholesale prices, ( freights added,) 1 a his store house,: in the new Stone Building, n ott door to Ins tavern, Alums' addition to Potts ,/ Ile, - consisling , of Black and Or, en Teas, I Fallin2 o*, Santa Cruz, Portu Rico, New Orleans Svars,. I Rto, j.,va, and St Drantngo Coffer; Sperm S. Common ale, Alolisses, White and Yellow Swipe, i'onacco, 'Kr: and Box Raiiine, , Wines-and Liguori', from common to the best , A quantity elf Dried at, Macke:re-', irum I\o.l . .tu'tiu. 3, in quarto. half and hill barrels. Abou' 300 Sacks Ground Salt, 60 barrelii suuetior Albany Summer Ale, &e.- May 14, 2O-Iy. 7.302 5,376 !mould be preposterous in a writer for the read. ere of such a Journal as the Courier, to address the.r prejudices, passions or superstitions. Good-common sense should at least be possessed by the readers of this-paper, and those possesSeJ of such, sod those on ly, do we care to attract. We will now assert, in the most untwalifisd terms, that an innocent remedy has .been found, that will absolutely 'cure Rheumatism, and stifilicss of joints, if of twenty years' standing. The assertion is sn broadethat it will tinnily ootain credeno, we are aware, unless aupported,by UT:COM mon testimony. Now the testimony men to so many worthless quackeries is so abundant, that to dis criminate between such, and veal matter of fact tes timony, is very difficult. To come at once at a point that um at once be appreeia,ted, the proprietors have resolved to give this remedy to the poor, find to cure thole able to pay for it, before they ask pay, Ind then leave it to the sufferer to pay what he chooses. 'We entreat, therefore, sufferers to call atil Maiden Lane, for:innae ' Indian Elixir.) to be taken, end a Nerve and Bone. Liniment to use outwardly; and if they will' not, by one week's use, become-more sur prised and delighted than they ever sheeted, we will noyar aciain make such an assertion. Will invalids. now Buffer for the want of this mild, innocent, and nilpotent reniedyl If they refuge it, we pity them in deed.—[ h. Y. Cour. 4. 'Eng., Feb. 19. 1814 for sale by John S. ('., Martin,. W i n. T. Epting, and Clemens & Parvin, Druniste, Pottsville. May 14, ' 2J-Iy. 58,470 Total, 75 to 80 $1 10 Boats. Tons. 62 - 3546 . 34 41695 • 4 ..tll 12 • 671, 233 12928 56 3091 36 2025. 30. 1576 360 " 19,920 SOME six or seven of the Philadelphia Druggists have descende&to the meanness to try to sell the imitation or countcrfeit Urn o f Columbia, to stay, Manse or restore the nair, and Hay's Liniment, a cure for Pates, midden external sores and swellings. All Druggists and Country Merchants are hereby warned not to buy either of these articles in Phila delphia, as they would be wholly unsalable. All u sers of these articles are warned never to buy any by these names, without the signature of Comstock & Co. on the wrappers.—take this notice with you to Jest by it. er lon will be cheated. 'Send to usbv let ter,at New York, and we will deliver them at Phila. delphia, Baltimore, ay an of the lame eities,fren of all freight charges. .COMiTOCK !d.: CO. sole proprietors, & .wholesale Druggists, 71 Maiden Lane. New York. And by John S. C. Martin. William T. Epting. and Clemens & Parvin, Druggists, Pottsville., • May 7,' • 1810'20 BM= NOTICE. 3AIIES LAI NG. TOWN HALL STORE. HAAS S LAING,- NE V GOODS, • • NEW sToRe. TAMES DOWNEY,,:, From the , Courier'And Enquirer . Philadclpliza CAUTION EXTRAORDINARY. A dye to sorrelops most interestini— One that tray-heade4 mortals should be testing— Kgreat "Phenomenon in Chemistry." • It is swinge but any eine may.see • Easj. India Dye that, brown or blatk as sin, Culora the hair, but will not stain the skin. . TO TIIE OLD AND YOUNG. HO! YE RED HEADS - AND GREY! PIIENO.II;NOW7:i""CkIE.IIISTSY. EAST INDIA HAIR. DYE.' I Colors the Hair, and will nal the skin!! rp‘HIS dye is in fotm of powder which in plain at matter of fact may be applied to the ,hair over night, the first night turning the lightest red or grey hair to a dark brown, and by repeating a Second or third night, to a bright jet black. Any person' may; theiefose, with the . least possible trouble, keep his hair any dark shade.or a perfect black ; with a posi tive assurance that' the powder, if applied to the skin. wilhnot color. There is no trouble, in removing 'itfibm the Mir, as in all powderi before made. fly an.occasional application, a person turning grey will never be known to have a grey 'hair. Directions complete with the article. There is no coloring . in this statement:as one can easily teat. This dye is sold only by COMSTOK & CO., 71 Maiden Lane, New York. For sale only in Pottsville. by • • JOON S. C. MARTIN, May 7, 20—ly . . GOODS.—WII be opened on Monday morning next, a splendid Issortmedt of SPRING GOODS—comprising every variety of foreige. Po mestie; Fancy and . Staple Dry Coeds, all of which will be offered very low. April E. W."EARLi 30.—1 S Sign of the Golden Ball. MARSHAL'S, SALE. virtnerof ,a writ Or Vcndition i, Espano l , iisnerfone Of the Cifita Cnnit of the United States, in and for the Eistires - District of Penn sylvania, to iti third circuit, Wine direelcd, I shall expose to 'public sale, on Monday;the',3oth 'day of Mayliuttvit, et OTIO o'clock, P. ; ofsaid day, at' the MerchantelExchange. in 1449' of Ph,tadellhia, • ; • - • MI these several parcels'or tracts of = land;Sit 'nate ire' Schuylkill county Pennsylvania.' de scribed and bounded as follows, to-wit: A certain tract'of Coal Land, -situate in Schuylkill town: ship, adjnin in g• la nds of Valley Furnace and tither Lands, containing one hundred and thirtV:eight acres more or less, commonly called the 'Catlin. rine, Burgett Tract." Also, one undivided tbiFd part of a tract of land situate in Norwegian, now Branch township, id_ joining lands of John 'Cresson and others, con. taming two hundred land twenty . ticres in the whrife tract. Also, an undivided One-fourth part of a Tract of Land, s lino tein Norwegian, now called Branch township, cnntining three hundred and thirty-- four acres, 'held in cdmmand with A. Rowell, Charles Miller and. others, commonly called the Michael Remhle Tract > Seized and taken, in execution as the property of John C. Offerman, and will be sold by • ISAAC OTIS, Marshall, E. D. P. Marshall's O ffi ce, May 12th. May 14-21 Vatted Oates Canal; EASTERN DISTRICt OF PENNSYLVANIA In BaOkruptiy. PETITIONS for the Benefit of the Bankrupt Law, have been filed the 18th day of April, 18.0., by ' • John B• Reed, late Cletqt, now Scrivener, &buy,- kill county. • ingeph E. kit', late flitter, now Boatman, do. Auzust Mendletion, Pedlar, do. Which Petitions wilt be heard before the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Dis trict o' Pennsylvania, setting , in Ilankrnptcy. at the Di.triet Court Room, in the City .of Philadel phia, nn Monday the 30th day of May next, at 11 o'clock. A. M. When, and where oil persons in icrestul may show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said Petitions should not he vilified, and' the said Petitioners be declared Ilinkrupta. April 23 17-3 PET! PION for the . Lenefit of the Bankrupt ru- Law, has been filed the 26th day of April, :942, by John Kantner, late of the'fiim of Heck &Rant. ner, Ramat hiiiloers„ IRratman, Schuylkill eqity, Whinh petition will ho heard before the District Court of the!United States fur the Eastern Dis. trio of Pqiiisylvanit, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court pow, in the City of Phila. delphia.un Mo,-day the' tiOth- day of May near, at II o'cle'elt, A. M. When and where all . per. eons interested may „appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the Bald red. lion should not be granted, and the said Petition. er be declared Bankrupt. FR A. (TOPIC IN SON, . Clerk of District Cou rt. NOTICE. April 30 18: f t , Petition for the ,'Benefit of the Bankrupt " 1 " Law, has been filed the 28th day of April, 1812, by Ilmittnin Bast, late Dry Golds Merchant, ih Schuylkill county. Which Peuttait will be heard before the Dia !rim Court of the United States likr the Eastern District of Petipsylvania, sittimr. in B.nitriiptey, at the District Court Room, in the City or Phila. delpttia, on Monday the 30th dny of May' neith at I I o'clock, A. M. When a i nd where all per. sons interested may applar and show cause if any they have, why the prayer of the said Peti tion should not be granted, and the said Petition er be declared Banlrupt. FRA. HOPKINSON, May 7, 19-3 Clerk of District Court. NOTICE. 20- fi t PETITION for the Benefit of the Bankrupt 1-1 L Law, has been filed the 4th day of May, 1842, by D.tvid Nice; late Agent, now Coal Dealer, Smhuylhill coon!y, ' . . Which Petttom , will be heard before the District Court of the Coiled States'. for the Eastern DIN. trtet of Peropiylthinin sitting In Bankruptcy, 'at the D:striet Coon Room, in the City of Philudel p!ii ~ on llondiy the 30th day of May ipst at 11 ti•elrek,' , t. Al. When and where all persons in. 'erected may appear and s h ow emote, ir any they have, why the prayer of thc said Petition should not be ginnte.l, and the said Petitioner be &chi. red Bmkroot. PRA. HOPKINSON, May 7, 19-3 Clerk of District Court. NOTICE. IrIfit:TITIONS for the ReneSt of the Binkrnpt Law, have been filed the 7th day 'of May, !NV, by Done' Stall, Clerk, Schuylkill County. John Spoils', Individually, and as a member of the firm of Reed cs. Spoho, Torero Keeper. do. which Petitions Will be heard 'before the District Court of the United States. foe the Eastere-Dif. trict of Penney Noma, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room, in the city of Philadel. phis, on Monday they, 20th day of June next, at o'clock, A. M. When' and where all persons interested may appear ant show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said Petitions should not be granted, and the said Petitioners be declared Bankrupts. FR A. HOPKINSON, May 14, 20— . 3t Clerk of District Court. NOTICE. ' . pETITIONS , for the Benefit of the Ranhrupt Law, have been filed the 10th day or May, IEII2, by Datrel Hill, Innkeeper,late Blacksmith, Seheyl kill collar. Frederick Fries!, Saddler, du. Themas-Ajbmpann, lateAlerehant, now Livery Stehle' Keeper, do. Joseph Zsil,TaYiner, r • do Which Petitions will 'be heard before•the District Court of the United Slati.s for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District• Court Room, in the. City of Phila. delphis, on. Monday the 20th day of June next, at I o'cloel , , , A. M. When and where all persona _interested mAy tfpr l ar and ehots cause, tf nny, `they have, why the prayer of, the said Petitions should not he granted, - and the said Pet►Uonera be declared Bankrupts. , .FRA. HOPKII.v.SON, - May 14,,20-3t. Clerk of DiatrietCourt. NOTICE. - • A PETITION for the Benefit of the Bankrupt Law, has been filed the 11th day of , 1842, by Michael Sande, Tavern Keeper, Eichnylki; cannty, %V hieli Petition will be heard before the District Court of the United States for the Eusterh triet of Perinaylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Rriom, in the City of Phitadel. phis, on Monday the' 20th day of June riest, at II o'clock, A: M. When arid where all persons interested, may appear and show cause, if any' they have, why the Prayer of the said Petition should pot be.granted and the said Petitioner, be declared Bankrupt. ' FRA. HOPKINSON, Clerk of District Court. May 14, 20-3 RELIEF N6TES—Of aft the Sol vent Rinks of Pennsylvania, received et par. for Drug's, Medicines; Chemicals, Paints,_ ; Gloss. Dye Stufs, &c. by, , • • • CHARLES P. COLLINS, 1. Wholisale Druggist, No.l Sonth FM street; (next 'docir to the Bleck Bear Tavern.) Philada. N. B. Country Merchants are - t.espectfulty..ra. quested tO call before purchasing elsewhere. ,• Philadelphia, Aril p ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. , OTICE - is hereby given that Letters Testa. •I• mentory have been granted by the Register .of Schuylkill comity, to the subscriber', .residing io Branch Township, Schuylkill county, of the estate of Charles Reibson, late "of Branch Town ship. All persons , indebted to Wad estate aivhere. by requestea to make - immediate payment, and all persona havieg claims. or „demands Against said estate-, are requested to make the same known without deay, to WILtIAM ROBSON, Adger. 31A1CY ROBSON,,:Adnerz • , April 30.. . _ . • ' 1.13=6* • . . FRA. HOPKINSON. • Clerk of °Writs Court NOTICE. • . Ti PHIGADELPHIAL, REAMNO t and i s M I.B VILLN , /W-t ' nCI3/4 • "' - - -•- - • *qr.), *PI i,KRPOGE MI 4P. , Tbortnience on Alondoi. April 1 ith, 184 i. tio u is of Starting of Pisseitger:27;ini. Frcqii Pottsville, -M at 2 P. „ Froutllbiladelphia;iiisl A. M. "au.Y. _ . _ Nostra of 14usiiik Readipg. For Philadelphia. at 4,1. t Dail For Poiteville, it 9 M '.; '- Both Trainspassing al , Pollatown. • FARES. Ist Clays. 2d Class Between Pottsville .& Mkt's. - 3,50 2,50 Orwigstourg ' 3,25 9.„30 " Port Clinton, " 3.00 2;25 " ' Hamburg " 2.75 2,00 - Reading • ," 2 . 25 1,75 4 - Douglassville ". - 1.75 1,25 Pottstown i " 1,50 I.lg " PhOeniavillo 1, 0 0 0,75 ' " Noiristown " , 0,50 0,40 Reading &Pottsville, 1.40 , Log EXCURSION TICKETS, With the privilege otretorning next day, in Ist Class Cars. Be tveen Philada. & Pottsville, •• ' $5 00 " Reading, 3,00 Pottstown, , 2,00 Phcenutvilte, 1,50 Norristown, 0.75 " " is- ead'g 2,00 Depot in - Philadelphia, S. E. Clone' of Broad and Cherry streets. • ' Both Trains adl Mop for way Passengers, at the following points ' besides those mentioned above , Haven. Mahreville. Alt: house's Bridge,, Clivistnian's Geig er's Store, Royei'm Ford Bridge. Puwling's Bridge, Valley Forgo, 'Port' Kennedy, p o w. Store, Conshehricken, and Spring Mill. The morning traiii from Philadelphia will stop for breakfast at Nagristown. • MEI All Passengers are reep.ested to procure their Tickets; before the train starter April 9 Ojice of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Company. No. 76 Wahm t street, Phi &di. ralllF. President and Managers hereby give notice, tliStv the charge for frei ght ' and toll on Coal frOm Mount Carbon or Schuylkill Haven to the Columbia Bridge, or Richmond on the Delaware, shall not be above $1.50 per tenter the year 1612, and that 30 centelier ton be allowed for the use of all cars placed on the road by individuals. .S. BRADFORD, Eel): 19, 8— Secretary and Treasurer. lirOME LEAGUE.—LIITINCCrrI' 4. TAV HH LOR, have just received from the Suffolk Man ufacturing company's Agent in New York, A few pieces of American Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestinge, all of wlfch they invite the attention of their custom ers, and the public k enerally. At the Corner of Centre a nd Jlahantongo streets. Pottsville. May 7 19— . AOIC FOR SALE.—Fer sale a LA, situate on 'the Easterly side of W:llia.n street. in the Bor ough of Pottsville, containing in front on W , lham et. 55 feet, and 110 feet in depth. 'Perms 835 u C. 19 IL Apply at the office of the Miners' Journal. May 7 19— LIST OF LETTERS - - - . Reiiiiiining in the Post Office et . Pottsville, May I, 184'2. Persons ingoiririg for letters in the fiillowing list, will pleaeo eay they are advertised. Angel Charles Argall Ann ' Adams Dennis 2 Deere L. L. BuHers John Budd Partnah Beadle Milian) „ • Bennitt Jan ,Beaver'Ueniy - Brener) James Bauman Richard Burk Patrick Butth Peter Brown William - Bindley John John Booth Sarah BArnbick .101111 Bracewell Bartho Brewer Samuel Bankhead Hugh Butcher Mr. Breiaa Thomae. Connelly Patrick Clossin 8: Crosby John Curry Mr. Can.ion John Courtrite Mrs Calely Sarah Daems Thaws! 2 D4lB James Driven! Owen Davis ItieUrd Dubin* William Dunne Thomas Ellis Sampson 2 E!!ward air. Edwards John &limalain° Mr. Edvvardi William Falen Joseph 2 Fitzpatrick James Fix Herman Fnchr Charles Fry Mary Ann Fox William Farrell Peter Gilbert Samuel Garbutt' George Greer Samuel Gately Minch 2 Graetf Frannie! Grant Mictinel GlAnn John Wolter Carroll Hannuit John Holt John Hunger A. & J. ficagerty Jame, Holleter Samuel Holt. Edmund Harris Daniel P. Hopkins William flawel:i Margaret Harlea William Jones John P. Junes. Ben:iamb Jackson C. jr 3 Ingram J. s. EFiri 2 Jenkins Jjhn Kelly Patrick Kennedy John B KoperLorentz Kelm John tinder Mollie' 2 Lewis David Lewitt Elizabeth MEM Gearing Patrick Long Francis.) INTDermott Francis • Altirsh Phebe Alsace. Patrick Martin Etisa ArKinve_Jamcs Henan Patrick Maccintock John ,Msrow Julio N PJ,.thloon Michael ii/'Cabe James 111;cary James M'Keever Beenird illerkle I;esseis ArGrawTimm Mort Mer Barth • lulleu Thorattis. Nordina a Mr Nubia Robert O'Donnell Edward Oldknatie William Peters William Penman Daniel Platt :p.dwat d Reynolds refer Rich Nat Rosengat ten, Henry Reelle4ohn, , i `Alta Jane dgOis Themes He 6y.-Juseph Roller nillinap, Rehr" Eklund Reisher•Samuel Rightwiaod John 'Ritter David S Shaw Ralph Seddon Edward Stark Edward Stager Elizabeth Sennett John Stiles Elias Straw Isaac Salon If irim Nicholaa2 Swill S. P. Mrs. Slack Griffin 2 Shaw Arch Steider . joseph Thomia John 2 Troutman Withal; Thjtio Patrick 2 . Tillman John Ration Prieslia Wagstaff Louisa 'Maser h Turner Worm Valentino. ' Wciand John K. Walsh It or VV. The inland postage on all letterer intended to goby Snw,must be paid. °thong's° they remain in t his office. W ERNER. May 7 . - - - • 9—*; NEW. DYING ESTABLISEIIIEFF• THE gmbsteriher respectfully begs leave to ;inform . the citizens of. Pottsville and its vicinity that he ,removed his DYING ESTABLISHMENT. in all its various 'nudes. from New. roam Pottsville. where he intends to continue the business if he should meet-the favor of the public, which be will do 61110 his *We, to obtain..- resides •in .CI?...NTRE STREET. ens dote .ta • the GOLDEN tIAGLE. where all, those thatnay Ivor him With a alit will mceZwith prompt.iittention. • - I.OIIIVIDDSSAIN!'• In the Conti Of Cons ~,-, n fleas of Scbcwi. , . kill Count! or Julyl Term ) 184:4 11f0 . 4.-23. Rictonli Pci r co r. 1 .., ..,.... John Biter. - Elliot iii 1 - - -',- ' 4 . 7 • ' B. Wyatt WiSter, William "f ' -'- • ; -; - 13, Chase, and Mary ; Ann. 1• Writ de Partitioni his wife: late Mary' Ann f ~` T Facienda. ' ..1 -- 1,, Whiter, Richard Fellowes, and Emma is Wife; ,ate ''•- - , - Ems :Nista ..and Susan • - • : . Wistcr, and uta Si' bum.. 1 - • ' The parties above warned, aro hereby notified, thattiorsuantto a Writ de Partition: Facienda issued out of the Court of commhii:Pleas of the county aforesaid, dated 14th of April, 1642, and to isle direeted,-1- will i hold .an Inquest on the presnises situate in the Borough of Pottsville : county aforestid: consisting of a Town Lot, No. 37, with then porteneinaes, situate and • bounded 1/ . by Norwegian street, a d by -Lot No. 38, to set out and divide to each o the claimants and par• ties in the tIi*JVC elate suit, in ireverattuthe parts or purp orts to w h ic h they are respectively entitled, on 111 nday the 20th day of June nest, at 10 o'clock . Al., when and where you may attend if you hinls proper. ' r E,NC. ' i yooLisoly, Sheriff: Sheriff's 0 ce, Orwie . i , burg, Ap it 26, lat i ( 18-4 p 'ransportation of:.lleres• - "EP , NEW Yo 1 - - - Trans nation of 3,lerchandize BETWEE, NEW YORK & POTTMPILLE. 'IIIIE subscribers arel'preparcd to transport 111erchandize of every description between New York acid Pottsvilie, at the usnal rates.— Apply to - I P. B. GUERNSEY &CO , ' 1 - 1 504 Washington et. IllifirrnreiO Pottsville', Milnes & Bar:re:A. New York, lApril 16 I 16—Imo. , . 11, LL verso ahaving claims against the &date "..-. of Rubor McGermat, latp of the city of New York, dcceasod, are requested to make known the same witholt delis, to Abigail Mc- Dermut, Executrix, James R. - Whittnz. Esq. or George Hart the city 'of New York, or to EDIANOWEN PARRY. Attorney for the Executors, Pottsville. April lft, , 1 - - /6---tf ILS DRUGS AND DMADICILICEIS. JOHN C. HA. RTIMS Drug and Chemical Store, Centre Street. first door above Mahantango SI DOTTSV I ILLE, • SCIIVTL6ILL CpC.NTT, PA. • Where be offera for sale a lehoice and well selecte assortment kg . fresh Drugs, Medicittes, Che. 1 Oils, Double Dye Stuffs, meals. Patent Medicins, Paint Brushes,Sash, Tools, Paints, Glass, ' Putty, Perfumery, a:c z Orders from Physicians, Celuntry Merchants, thank fully received and promiuly attended to, at a small-advance on City-wholesale prices. mrParticular attention given to Physician's prescrip tions . at at hears November 27 XECUTOR% NOTICE.-No ticee is hereby gtsten glut. Letters Testamen tary base been granted, by the Register of Schuylkill county, to the tobsertbers, residing in the borough of Pottsville, in said county, of the estate of heat Hiller, late of said Brrough. Dresser, deceased. All "person. indebted to (said estate, ore hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persod% having claims or demand against said es. tate, are requested to Make tho same known, withoin delay to GEORGE .iACOR HEIM, ~:. UASPER KURTZ, Executors of he last will and Testameni oi ' Jacob Hiller, deed 1 ' April 2 13-6 ADJOURNED, COURT. WHEREAS an AdjoOrned Court of Quarter Serodons of the Pead i e,Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, for the trial of cer. lain prisoners now in the Gool or said countv, will be holden by thu Ju49 Of said C ourts,tat QrwigsburE, in and for sand county, on the ast Monday-ot o May nest, being the 30th day afraid month, to continue one week, or longer, if nice& nary. Notice is therefore hereby given ,to all those who are bound in t4cognizancea to appear at paid Adjourned Court, I:3 he then and there et 10 o'clock in the forenoln , said day, to do such things us may be necesiao and proper. GOD PAVE TOP. GCODIONWEALTIFI. N. ft.—The witnessei and j•uors who are sum moned W atteml said Court, aro required Watteau! pnitetually, •In case or nen.attendancie, the law in such cases made and provided, will be rigidly enforced. This notice is! published by order of the Court: those concerned will govern them selves accordingly. ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the ' l E 5 ' travelling community in general, that be Ike' has idiot' the above well known estab ligament and •fittell it up with new 31 furuitute, andiin the best _style, for the accommodation of all those who may favor him with their patronage. The above establishment, is located sn the centre of busi ness. There is an omnibus leaves the house ev. ery day for the Rail Poadldepot in time for trav ellers to take the Cars for Philadelphia. P. S. Good stabling attached, with attentive oat. lent. • April 16 16-0 1111 HE subscriber has rMurned ,from Philadel: Ja• phis again with his second. stock of Goods for the reason, which embraces a largo and fash. ionable assart Merit nf ehniee Blue Black and Zemlya* Greea.Clothe, Saitineni and emir:term Summer Mahe, Orillinga, ate., • Saltine and onainge . of 'parinus kinds, Comprising a general assortn nt or DRY GOODS, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash pri ces or mane up in the most fashionable manner et the shortest notice. My prices I believe to be lower than the Goods can be purchased else. where. Call and see, andjudge. for yourselves. April 9, ' JAMES MeALARNEY. THE PHILADELPHIA, READING, and POTTSVILLE RAIL ROAD.. Tyler A. M. rev Trott Thomas Thomas Jost ph Tygh John Wo Watts Tnomse IVi Walla Robeit Willipne John -~~;~~ EX I..CUTOIIO NOTICE. PROCLAMI I % TION. JOHN G. WOOLISON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Orwigri burg. April 30. ISO. EXCONG E HOTEL, CENTRE: STEM' POTTSVILLE NEARLY oeroslTE TIE TOWN IiALL. DAVID CLARK: NEW GOODS. . • qVgiere, AIR AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE, Will commence running between Philadelphib and Pot:soak on thAllowing days and hours: . • ON AND AFTER MONRAY. MAY 9. 1811. -Leaving Pottsville; on I Atondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at Si A. M. ' Leaving PhiladelPhiaj on Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays, , at li P. M. flours of passing Reading. • Fnr Philadelphia, at 10} A.M. t Triweekly. • " Pottsville, • " 51 FARES Between Pottsville dp Philad4. $3.50 St, $2,50 " Reading " do , "- 225 " 1.75 •du " Pottsville, 1.40 " LOU EXCERFiON irpCIOLTS- 1 60 0 0 YOR ESTEE/NINO . NEST DAY: - Between Pottsville 4- Philadelphia, Beading " do !.do Pottiville. - The other passenger traips will as before, ai t -.the following hours: ~ Philadelphia god Pottsville. Frani ,a t .. Si A. M. Daily " Eoltsvißs, pt-." 2 M. i, 110111 pf Pai#ing Rea 44 For' l st ' " Philadelphia, at 31 P. M. ,P All the trans will stop for way passengers' t the usual points.' - I • • trAll paasengers ire requested:to_ procure their tickets bast the train s start. • .May do boOd 117 in Book*. lICco Billanftiadins. for sale by • ' May 7, ' f:• BANNkri : --• • - - PROTECTION. Ind!nalitty laid** diumigie by Fire. it al .40010 00 . aIARTErt: PERPETUAL. THE ...SPRING GARDEN INSURANCE-COM - PANY, make tnsuratteee. either 'temporary or perpetually; against Loss or - Dan:age t4t FIRE, in town or country, 6n Houses. Barns. and Lluildinge of all-kinds. on Household • Furniture; Merchandise. I forses, Cattle, Agricultural, Commercial and Mann faeturing Stock and Utensils or every description; VnseaLs and their Cargoes in port, as well as Moriga. gel and Ground Rents upon the meat favorable terms. Applications fur Insurance, or any inrorrnation on the subiect )313V ho made either personally. or-by letter, at the Company's office, at the Mirthweva corner of Sitar and Wood streets. • • , ••• • "AIORTON McMICIIAEL, President. L. Ramona/oc, Secretary. • • Maw-roes. - - . hlorton McMichael, Charles Strikes. Joseph • Wood. Archibald W rie ht. P. L. litencrenee, Samuel Townsend, lilijih Dalieu, . • Hobert Loughead, George M. Troutman. IF W. Pomeroy, George W. Schreiner. The subscriber has been appointed 'Awes? for the above mentioned filstittitioti.and.i* now prepared to make I,NsUMANCEs upon every description of oropertv at the lowest rates. BF.PIJAAIIN 11A N Pottsville. Feb. 27th 18;1 DELAWARE COUNTY nisunwscE Co. Capital authorized by law, $250,000. • CHARTER PERPETUAL, • iII,TAKE - Ittith limited and perpetnal Insurance, on Brick; Stone'br Frame Buildings, Stores Hotels, Mills, Barne,'S . lables. Wrehandize, Fur niture end Property of everpleseriptian,agaiiist loss ordamfige by FIRE. MARINE A.AD 'INL4ND. INSURANCE. - The Delaware County insurance company will also insure - against 108 E on all kinds of manna risks and against the damage or loss upon the tramp. ortation agoods.wares.and merchandise by water, nr by rail 'way, upon terms as farourableas any oth, r institution. For any further information on the subjectofin. mance, either:maim Fire. marineorinland A ['ply to HENRY G. ROBINSON,rAcent, July 15 34—tf At Schuylkill Haven. or, W1LL1,451 B. POTTS, NDESINVIY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE TIIE:FRANKLLN INSURANCE Co., OP PHILADELPHIA. Capital $400,000, Paid CHARTER PREPETUAI„ CONTINUE to make insurance, pirmatnent and limited on every desmiption of property. in town and country on the usual favorable terms. Office 16'11 Chesnut Street near fifth street. CHARLES N: nANCKER, President. DIRECTORS. Charles N. Banker, Samuel Grant. James Scott. • Frederick Brown, Thomas Hart. Jacob R. Smith, ' Thomas S. Wharton, Geo. W.Richards, . Tobias Wagner. Msderai D. Lewis. CHARLES G. HANOI:ER, Sec't. The Subscriber bus been appointed agent for 48- the above mentioned institution, end is now pre. pared to make insurance, on every,deseription of property, at the lowest rates. - ANDREW RUSSEL Pottsville, June 19' 1841. PHILADELPHIA, :READING, AND POTTSVILLE RAIL ROAD. nItATP.S OF FREIGHTS ON MERCHAN DIZE. between Pottsville - and PI-I:ndelphia, from April Ist, 1842, per tea of 1000 lbs. Planter, Slate, Tiles, Gypsum and Bricks, 10 Pig Iron, Blooms, Timber, .Marble. Lime, _ Tar and Pitch, Nails and Spikes, Bar and - Rolled Iron, Hollow-Ware, Grain, Salt, Bark, Lum ber, Staves, Salt-tish, Tobacco and Lead, 2 90 Groceries, Hardware, Whiskey, Me-. and Beer, Oil, Leather, Cotton, Steam En. gins and Machinery, Seeds, Butter, Lard, Tallow, Rags, SVonl, Oysters, Hides, Hemp,Earthen-Ware and Girls, 4 25 Dry Goods, Wines and Foreign Liquors, Drugs and Medicines, Glash , , Paper, China and Queens-Ware, Meat, Fish and Confectionary; 5 25 No Storage will be charged for receiving or de livering Freight at any of the Company's Depots on the !ins unless allowed to remain over 10 days. Days oestarting of Freight Trains,on THURa- DAYS and SATURDAYS, at 3, P. M March 26 SAMUEL P. EARL, ARTIST, INVITES the citizens = of Pottsville and its vi. micinity, - to see hie specimens oT Painting at the residence of his brother, in centre street, where he can be consulted on all things, appertaining to his profession. Pottsville January,' I MO PußLic PURSUANT to an owlet of_ihkprphans• Court of Schuylkill county, the Subscriber, Admin. istrator of the estate of Augustus Thatcher, late of the stattl , uf Clounecticut, deceased, will expme to Sale by Pobrie Vendue, on Monday the 6th day of June nail, at 3 o'clok in the afternoon, at the house of Micihael Mortimer, in the Borough or Pottsville and.county aforesaid ; Two certain Lots of Ground,,tnate in the Borough of Pottsville, county of Schuylkill, viz : ..p. dez ot. , All that certain Two story Frame •.; House, and Lot of Ground, situate on 6 " It4e: the west side or Centre Street, in the 111 11 1 "-- t i -_--. et-4J_ Borough of. Pottsville, in Schuylkill' county, dontainin .in front on Centre-st. thirty het, and in depth WO hundred and thirty feet. being the northern part of the lot number twen ty five, in the origin al plan of said borough. Also, a Certain tof ground sitliate , oa the Northwesterly side of Mahantongo sutra in said Borough of Pottsville;•centaining in . front on said Mahantongn street, forty feet, and in depth two hundred and fifty !bet, \G inches, being part of the lot marked in Pott andlPatterson's addition to Pottsville, number seven', Late the estate of said deceased. Attendance will be given and the Condition's of Sale made known at the time and place of selOy . .THOS. C. POLLOCK. • By order of the Court. Administrator. JACOB KREBS, Clerk. Orwigsburg. April 30 . 18— To all the heirs and legal representatives of Wil liam Otto, tale of Lower Mahantongo township, in county_of Schuylkill, deceased, Pto an order of the Orphans' Court. Court. of the county of Self uylk:ll,lan,in. Trek. will -be held on the premiues of the said 4r& ceased, in the township. of Lower Pflahantongu, in the county of Schuylkill. on Monday the twen ty third day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to make partition of the seal estate of the said deceased, to and among his children and legal representatives, if that can he done without prejudice to and spoiling of the whole, otherwise to value and appraise the same : when and where you may attend if you think proper. JGHN G. WOOI.ISON, Sheriff • of the county of Schuylkill. Orwierb , orm April 30, 1841' MAMMOTH currnlNC; STORE: NEW SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING: A T. the old stand corner of Centre and Mandn. / 21 tour streets. Pottsville. LIPPINCOTT I &-TAYLOR Will continue to receive throughout the season from their lA'holesale and Retail Sture, No. 24 Market Street, Philodclphiti,:a choice aud varied assortment of FAEMICiNABLE. READY MADE CLOTH which they invite. their Cuidorners and the Public to examine., The advantages which we possess of attending City Auction.; viers (Inv', buying as - our goods for cash, and having them made up l•yr the best city we; kmen under our immediate direction; eniibles . us to warrant, our goods better and cheaper tharreart be obtained elsetvhere. " ' In returning thank: to our Customers for the very- liberal patrunege we have received, we would inform thern•that we ;hall continne tore. ceive and keep constantly on hand, as heretofore, a fultassortinent of Superfine English, 'French and German Cloths, Cassimettes,Vestings, Sum mer Cloths. Lincin Dtillings,Ganibrounir. &c. 4.e. Lilted to the seatinii, Whic will be mada"up to Order, in-the latest style - of:Fashion. 'Call and See! andiudge foryoneaellres ! • • April 30 ,• •- • - • 18— • $5 00 3 09 2 00 - 'irAftll,- 70,000 Johltand,Lpp Shinn es. : • 20,000 Feet 1-I.ech end fech„Boarae... 50,000 Plastering Lath:- Ahle.Shingling Leth. Cherry Boards: Scantling and otherLomber constantly for sale. - -APril 23. 17-r- _ SXSIVEL, EEZ /ESE A t Orwirobure 250 DIE rff_Arcos by Bulairjurt revelled sod MAW sale by April 15 1 " .11ANZIA/N. SUGAR lielETSEEfor sale try — • Match 19. 19— ; B. DANNAN: ItiCTOll e. P.l Al Aiititeititeetthily tea li-Pders his proretaloital service; to the citrzetit of Pohlman', toad trietoity, taxa hitt the atraerof. Market mil; Adana sump,- • -- . Ap WU Ili PS Ai•• CA :stelae& and . the v iale arrallsOrment siGig. Sankey. and ndr4 Whips. and Wrsiking Canes., • • Mardi - JOHN S. C. WARM- F Ea( GARDEN RE ED.'. a c.—Joni i Mke ved and for tale'. a general asattrunent of trestf• - Garden and Cower seeds, by March 19. 12— MARTIN:' Wllll - .4.llR,Ri.rt—Tie sub.crtbers have been ippOint ed Agt nts by the New York Manofactunog Co for the sale of their celebrated Grand Acann Pianos. et either Rosewood or Mahogany, a specimen .of which can be seen by applying to . • Dtceenber 18. M-- T. : 11: J. BEATTY. li-DALSAIII OF WILD LllLRltlf.—Just . re' ceived a Irdah supply of the above anic!e. ALL& for wale by • • -' J. S.C. MARTIN. April 16. 16— Solo agent for Schuylkill county .eOAL;WItAItr. I'lll 7 . inbseritters.occupying the Largeandertmmn: dions Wharf at the lower aide' of South street. Schaylkill..are prepared to make arrangements for the reception of . coal on wharfage: or cons entreat. Charges for shipping or storing will-be moderate. ' Address dz J. FLANIGKAN. Philada..March 12 11--Smo inENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES. purchnet at 'bid Olnee. April ;31.1-,113 'VERY annoy I “ItEEN Al'orn MACK T1VA5......T. & J. Beau{ hate jest received froai New York, a large vappl) et choice Green sea Blase . re as December 28 S 2-7— _ FA RME RS! MitTR 111 AN U A Ift--Being treati , e on soil ond_manures. Alxo, The FAIR . mews LA ND MEASURER. or pocket - co'rapaniort lust received ar.d fur sale by 8.111,1 ,, 1N AN. Apri. 16 rINCKY(II IV EA R A CII Thotti •"' and Ear Ache drops, a !aro and apeedv cm' Pr the above diseases. Just received and for sate - ar MARTIN'S Drug store. April 16, Iri g"1 . 1 ARDF.'N SEEDS.—The smhseriber has just rot sLßceived a fresh supply of Marrowfat Peas. Blua imperial's:lo., Lima Beans, Sii Week Bush Beane - Horticultural Pole do., Annual Red Onion, &e. togrthcr with a choice assortment of Flower Seeds. April 30.—18 B. BANNAN. FOX'S EARLY ?EEDLING POTATOL —in? sale by ' B. BANNAI9 March 19 12«. & FLUTE PRECEPTORS.—For salq' V by April 16. 16- B. 8A1NA104... PRINTERS' 12 and 25 lbs.. Kegs,. it Philadelphia prices. for solo by March 19, It-- . B. BANNAN. N DIAN " VEG ETABLV PILLS,--Jun re ceived and formic) at MARTIN'S Drug store. Aprirl6l6 - 10 PER CENT.SAVP.IX—The sutoriiher sells the best lime at `lO cents per bushel. at bit kilns. adjoining the aqueduct and Alt. E. Bland', Smith ahoy. G reenwoo d, Match'23 BRIGADE, INSPLCTOIts . - FELL° So LD lERS AND FAIENDA:—Singe I served us suld:er of the MilttiJ, it has been in all &areas of the service from the common up to Nlajor of the second Bath/hop., first regiment. All those that kr.ow we, and my conduct hither. to. I hope will give me their hearty support. for , the office of Brigade Inspector, of the 2d Brigade 6th Division. ..- W It. 3111,1,Eft, Present Captain of the Hamburg Dragoons. Aril 23, • 17— 3/11APiOF I'CrpSVILLE.—The susnveriber hay. X ing, by direction of the Council of the Borough of Pottsv ille, made a survey and map of - the streets, lanes and alleys of the said Borough, hereby gives public notice to holders of lots and others, that the said MAP is now ready for examination at his resi— dence. irk Mahantongo street.and irrrites all interested to examine the same, and state any alterations they may wish therein previous to its being delivered t..) the Council. • SAMUEL LEWIS,. April ,Kl-18 SPRING FAsIIIONS.-;-Just received a plate of Spring and Summer Fashions; together with a splendid assortment ol Fashionable Goods by LIPPINCOTT & TAYLOR; corner aCentre and Mahantongo streets. April 'M - 1120 ATS FOR SALE.—WiII be sold cheap for CASII,or aPProTed credit, three or four second band CANAL BOATS—built by the Shelly's—:in good order. Apply to DARRAH & YOUNG, - ; Lee's Port. Saks county. April 30. Office, of the l'hilewelphitt,and Reading. Rail Road Company. No. 76 76 Walnut street, Philadelphia. • MBE President and Managers of. the Phila. Ji delphia and Reading IlailroatiVo.npany, de. airoos i to induce individual+ to place cart or trucks on their road, for the transportation of Coal, hereby give - notice. that they will allow ell persons to place 4 or 8 wheeled cars or trucks on their road, for Abe transportation of coal, and that they will make a, deduction of 30 cents. per ton. between Mount Carbon or Schuylkill Hiven to the Columbia Bridge or Richmond; to such per sons ati, may avail themselves of this privilege. All Cars plecedon the road to •be approved of by the inspector of the Company. and not to oar. ry more than 4 tons to a 4 wheeled, or 8 tons to an 8 wheeled car. - , As arrangements are now making to connect with the different Railroads in the coal regions. the CoMpany will soon be prepared to afford es. ery facility for the transportation ofany amount of coat i ; that may be offered.' i fly order of the Board. S. BRADFOR D. See•etary and "Treasurer. Philadelphia, !tiara 19 . --12. In thO Court of Comoro • kill iConnty of July 'r Thomas S. Ridgeway . - ; r-t , tacoblW. Seitzinger,_ Gro. D. B. John . Kcim, P. Weth. erall,4 William etherlll, and, °hems Comber, and William Suddereis, and Charlotte W. Wetherill, Granteen of Martha Weth. Brill, deviate of &mod P. Wetherill, and Charles May Wetherill. Henry Mayor Wetlierilf, .Tho Mas Mayor Wetberill, Nlargaretta May. or Wetherill, nod Mayor Wetacrill, minor children of Charles Wetherill, decea sed, by their Guardian Mar. garetta S. Wetherill.. _ The above 'named, Thomas, S.l.Riaigway Plain tiff, I and Jacob W. B.l.zinger:, George D. 11,' K el m. J o hn P. Wetheril!, William Wctherill. andl Retrecek Gumbo:reit - id Wdliam Smildardv, andlCharlotte W. Wetheril), granteei of Martha Wetherell. devisee of Samuel P. Wetherill. and Charles Mayor Wctherill, Henry Major Wethor. 111, Thomas Mayor Wetherill, Margarata %yet Witherill, anti Mayor Wetherill,ininer children of Charles Wetherill, deceased, 'by thier guar dein Marge/elm S. Wetherill, defendants, .vill ple'aso to take notice,Vitt pursuant to the above 'Writ de Partitioni 'Facienda, issped out of the Wart ofCummon Pleas of Schuylkill rionty to mil directed, bearing date at Orwigaburg. the 26th day of April. A. D. IS4' , wherein I am crimmanded to matte partition as particularly set, Girth in said writ, of the following described tract, o land ; called" LW. Lands," bounded by land o Francis B. Nichols i Pott And Batman.. Kettle, a d Waggoner, and uthors t att uated an M ill Creek ; Abhoylkill bounty, and, owned by George D. R. Iteim,on the 19th day of December, A. D. 1527; viiib_the appurtendneca,—l will, on Tuesday, the,of lone, 18.12, at tea o'clock its the fore: limn. npon-the'premises, hold an Inquisition to ' Make matinee among the said paiiica as therein taaccutkinded.- • - . • - • ; : 1 .. - " -40111(15. W9ol.loo:4sNeriff.' Shiiiff i ellifici, Omits. , ..( - Wm.. April 20, 1842d' li, PECIE NVA,VII3D..--TtievitiltMOZ - 40Temiton .1 paid !'o) Gobi sew ttrischangis Sank opal' r, by: , r Corotiihreeldttelitdaliiido4 Pottsville. 41; : • • • .1 JOHN PORTER. Pleas of Sehuyll. , rni, 1842, N 0.28. Writ do 'Partitiuni EMI